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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1907)
Fhe Omaha Daily Bee Sabortb Fr THE OMAHA DEE Dest & West EDITORIAL SECTIOIL P;:cs 9 to IB. VOL. XXXVI NO. 281. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 11, 1907. SINGLE CORY THREE CENTS. n May White Goods Sale Starts Monday Ml INFQV DISPLAY AND III iULIltUIX f "CHILDREN'S HATS AN SALE OF CHILDREN'S SAILORS, nobby and etylish, worth Ladies Home Journal Summer Quarterly Illustrating every down-to-the-minuto summer style for women's and children's wear the greatest authority on ladies' attire knmcn in any county. Thi book contains a coupon ;o d tor 10c in ca.h, applying on a pattern from -io until September 1st. Quarterly Style Book, 15c. NO CAPS" $lfor 50 O We respectfully suggest that you give extra special attention to our advertisement Sunday, of Whiti Good. We have taken extra pain to atmemlM for Viit ambitiou tffor the most ,taple and dependable linee of white good ttat our merchandinnq ramification could secure. CHILDREN'S RIBBON TRIMMED. ROLLtD BRIM SAILORS, orth $1.50 for 1.00 A manufacturer $ lin of TRIMMED HATS FOR CHILDREN, values ranging from $1 to $S, Saturday at hlt price. A factory line of CLOSE FITTING TURBANS AND WOMEN'S HATS, $3.60 and $k lialu, Saturday at 1.98 Special pricei Saturday on all Caps and Colored Linen Hatt. Second Floor TATS FOR MEN It's worth your while to see and to know The Msn Wbo Wean "BEN XETT HAT" will be recognized by connoisseurs of fashion as a man of careful and correct tastes In bis personal appearance. Our Kind of Clothing Jill in 1 " v. i 1)1 V If $ THE IiCROS9B THE LAMOKT TI1E KINGSTON THE 11EXXKTT SrECIAIi 81.50 $2.00 92.50 83.00 Men's Furnishings ftatarday we place on sale SO doren Shirts (broken lines left from our early Spring 'Belling) They are made up of plain and woven madras, cheviots, plain white or blue, polka dots, stripes and figures plaited or soft bosoms, and mostly coat styles. Some , of those goods hare sold as hlch as $2.00 SATURDAY'S SPECIAL TRICE $1.09 We carry these brands in every block or style in stiff and soft hats. FINE CLOTHING R MEN M5 BOYS SPECIAL SELLING OF BOYS' WOOLEN SUITS, at $2.98 Four Styles Arc Shown "We're headquarters for JOHN B. STETSON'S HATS Stiff $3.50 and $4.50 Soft $3.50 to $7.50 a You Save a Dollar on These The Sailor Collar Rus cj sian Blouse styles for boys 3 to 9 years plain coat with knee trous 1 ers and the belted coats for , boys 7 to 16 years yh" Vf: We work constantly to see how much value we can put into a $1.5, $20 or $25 suit. Its worth your while to look over our clothes. 'T Sale ol Engraved Cards Saturday CO cards and plate engraved with your name, for I8 60 cards, printed from your plate.. 28 We use best quality Bristol card board, and guarantee first-class engraving. Eleven styles of script to select from. Stationery Section Main floor. . PICTURE SECTION. Remarque Proof Etchings. 60 Richly Framed Remarque Proof Etch ings 3-ln., brown oak moulding, white mat; size framed complete about 24x 44; one of the season's extraordinary bar gains, Saturday only May sale price only $3.95 - Ilfmsefurnisher See our immense line of framed pictures and mirrors. riCTUKK MIAMI XQ Have our wag ons call for your old pictures to be re fitted. ., sncbiro n,oon Post Card Albums. Great Stela Saturday a reduced prtoaa. Thousan d s of Souvenir Post Card Albums bound in black and colored cloth and leather, stamped in gold and colors, hold ing 52, 104, 200 300, 400 500 or 1008 postal cards prices Satur day 19c, 25c, 35o, 49c, 75c, 95c up to $2.95. Baa window display. Boys' Blouses White and fancy, pleated or plain fronts laundry or soft finish; these blouses have a distinc tive elegance about them an elegance that em bodies a smart get up $1.00, 75c and. . 50c ... in cassimere and chev iot materials light and dark shades excel lently made good as $4.00 suits, CJ)Q Saturday for Another big purchase of Wash Suits arrived yester day. Make your selection now all styles and patterns tor boys irom tiiree to nine years prices from $4.75 down to 50c !SareS2SH5ES2S2S2S2S2S2SSSESHSSSZSZS2SHSES2SHS2SHSH52SZ! ?S252SSS2SSSHS2SSSH5SSZSHSZSZSa5HSaS2S25E5S5ESHS2SZSHSESi Suits ft.t $15 To our regular lines of $15.00 suits, which in itself i n c ludes some remark able values we have added a number of $18 grades. This makes a com plete showing of fancy worsteds and c h e viots, blue serges, black thibets and unfinished wor steds at the most popular of prices S15 Suits at $20, $25 At these prices we show you the Rushmore brand, which for ma terial, workman ship and style cannot be found elsewhere for the prices. They come in worsteds velours, c a ssi meres, s e r ges etc., in the new est and most ap proved patterns. Special values at $25 and $20 Great Second Waist Sale Saturday HOSIERY Ladlea" Imported Laoa Boot and Allover Laca Hoae, 60c valuo, for 36o Lac'lea' Pomentlc Laoo Boot and Allover Lace Hour, L5o .lue. for 1A fee KNIT UNDERWEAR Large line ladies' summer underwear in Ital;n silk, lisle and cotton. Ladies' low neck sleeveless vests, 35o val. for .... 15c Ladies' low neck sleeveless vests, 25c vaL for .... 15c Gloves Our glove depart ment is now perma nently located on north side of main aisle. Most complete and np-to-date glove section in the west. Anything in ladies', men's and children's gloves. Ladies' 12-Button Kid Gloves, $3.26 value, Pair $2.39 Ladles' 16-Rutton Kid Gloves, $3.75 value. Pair . 92.89 Men's Pique Cape Gloves, $2 value, pair.. jgl.39 Women's Coats... made of fine chev iot in checks Plaids or stripes full fitting and semi- k fitting ru o regular $10 and $1250 values Saturday 7.48 HANDKERCHIEFS Ladies', pure linen cross bar handkerchiefs, each 12C Ladies' pure linen initial handkerchiefs, each 8V3C I Saturday J Womrn'a hand aawed, light and exteimton sole, velvet Kid Oxforda, hand turned Patent Colt Glbaon Tla, and Mo Kay aewed Cll.icnlxte Ktd Varap Ox for da, ft.bti valua In Shoes Women's tan hand sewed, extension sole, blucher cut , Oxfords, specially priced Saturday f rjA pair MiJu Men's Oxfords Best show ing of men's low shoes in Omaha at the price patent colt, vici kid, gun metal calf and tan rtussia calf skin, all union stamp T PA PMnola Paate Poliah. lOo for Bo , J, nAir a-TaaJlJ Jot Oil Ujuid Polish, 100 sue for To i gOOOS, pair aar V r2SaszsaSSS2S2S2n525ES2S2SZSZSBSZ5ZSaS2Sas;SESHS2S?S2S2S2SE53ZSHS2 Hardware and House Furnishings BIG SALE ENAMEL-WARE 10 and 14 qt. Dish Pans, blue white and gray. . 10 qt. Water Pails. ' 6 and 8 qt. Preserving Kettles. 6 qt. Berlin Kettle with Cover Any of these items, worth 45c to 65c, choice Saturday each 19c :f3 X.awa Kowara Prksaa from 115 down to ffS.TS We re aK.nta for the Oenaine rail. adelpMa. - Utaea Catcher Till With Eaca alowr Saturday Oaxdaa Hate, 60 ft ItiiK'ui. complete, with noxle, at J7.ii). )i, s 60, Ij 00 and M.SO And In.uble llretin Trailing fmmpi, prtaklutv Caua, aU pneea and iU, up from ITo And to Green Trading biamp. Ouailna Ovena, $1 8. tl It and $lAO And 40 Ureen Trading Btampa. Oaaollaa tov.e, Saturday $1.83 Kor.ea Dooxa, all aisee, 1.60, il 25 and . uo And SO Green Trading Ktampa. Screen Wire, beat quality, double , aclvege, per aq. ft So lvuble Oreen Trading Ptampe. ronltry Wire, beet quality ia full rolU), per 100 sq. ft too And Double Green Trading Stamp. Beet QaaUty X.aad. ratal. Oil am4 arnleh Soubi. Oreeu Tradlag? gtampe Saturday. tF ill H $10 Women's DRESS SKIRTS FOR $4.95. Every style this season's winner . Panamas, Chiffon Panamas and Cheviots, in" black, brown, champagne grey, navy and stripes, Saturday, each 200 Fine Lawn and Lingerie Waists for $1.19. See 16th Street Window. Eight different styles of Allover many lingerie effects of dainty lace and and In serting Saturday each $1.19 j III! T 'AIL. Floor Sales CMd'en's Day- Saturday 111 illr ill III Suits at $10 We have strained a point to get the best suit obtainable at this price. Not content with the regular $10 values, we had a special line made up of worseds and cassimeres, in a splendid assortment oi patterns, lined wnn line Venetian, also all wool blue serge C cni a coriro UnorJ fliaf nro rponilnr fe19.fft ' and $13.50 values, for 1 Jackets for little tots 1 to 4 years made of fancy cheviot in checks and stripes and tne popular red; r. Jv. m many; styles, regular $3 and $4 values, Saturday, each $2.48 and 1.98 Jackets for school girls, 6 to 14 years, made of broadcloth and fancy English suitings, trimmed in contrasting shades, regular $4 value, Satur'y special$2.48 Children's school dresses of gingham, in stripes and Scotch plaids, regular 11.00 value, for 48 COO samples of children's caps and bonnets, worth $1 and $1.60, 48 I Misses' Dress skim Tailored Suits for Saturday ZTttlcyiZl CV Sample Suits regular $25 and $29.50 six styles and ev- values, made of-chiffon Panama In plain ery color, regular colors and stripes and checks, Saturday --$5 skirts, $3.05 only .$18.75 RIBBONS Ribbons for the elaboration of new gowns and millinery styles suitable for trimmings in great variety, many of theiu exclusive and all of them at right prices. Taffeta IUbbou, 6 inches wide, i Fancy Warp Prints, large assort- High lustre, good quality pinK. n ment of iorai designs, beautiful BKy, wnue, black, lavendar, old rose4 red, green, tan, Drown, gray, navy, worth 30c yard, at 12H for girdles and sashes, 4 and 5 Inches wide, worth 35c a yard, at 15 Point Venice Baby Irish Lace Collars WOMEN'S NECKWEAR Zsinea rmbroidawd Coat 8ta In the new haps. uaiierns. (oc vtuuea tor 3c onu CORSETS $1.00 BATISTE Straight Front Corset hose sup porters side and front, lacej trimmed Saturday, 2nd Floor 69c If ' ten assorted value for Swiss Embroidered Collar and Caff Bets, 26 styles, worth 26c a set, at lOo Tenloe I. ace and Em broidered Stocks, In DO ttBBorted etylee, worth 25c ach, lOo Dainty Mallne Bows, In pink, eUy. reU, yel low, white, worth 26c each at lOo Dennett's Candies Chocolate Bon Bone, ejworted. lb.....-o And 10 Oreen Trading Slampa- Runkels Creme de MUk Chocolate, likst Runkel-e Vanilla Choc olate Wafer, box. 4o I.emon Drop. ? iPf BJEH rmUTTS UO VEOETABI.EB Lettuce, R a d 1 h s. Onions. Etc. Strawberries, box MV4 190 1,000 yards white and dainty colored nich ing, worth 26o yard, at lOo 100 pieces sample Veil ings, latest meshes and spot and bead efforts, popular hades, worth 26o yard at 7o Chemisettes with collar attached, collar and cuff sets, Berthas in white and cream, worth 75c and $1 any woman can tell at a glance the extraordinary values, Saturday, T. 25c 4.95 Lost Day o tlie ilg Discount Sale in f tie China Section MEATS A discount on every item in stock Cut Glass, China Bric-a-Brac Dinnerware, Lamps Tumblers--none reserved. Special Price on Every Item in Stock SATURDAY 5,000 pound Tresh Dressed Springs or Hens, lb 13Vfce Guaranteed fresh dressed same day they're offered for sale. Pork Shoulder Roast, lb 8C EXTRA SPECIAL: 8000 4-inch FRUIT SAUCERS, tinted in pink, blue and and green, neat decorations, 10c values, each 2c Dozen , ; 24c Limit, 1 doz. to customer No dealers supplied. Specials in Sporting Goods 3-Jointed Reed Fishing Rod 3-Jointed Split IiamboolGenuine League Base Ball, with brass furl, regular 35c value, Saturday spe cial .18c Rod, brass furl and reel Beat, regular $1 value, pe cial ...69c sold the world over for $1.25, special $1.00 BASEMENT Sirloin Steak, lb 12M;C Shoulder Steak, 3 lbs for 25c Your choice Armour's Shield or Cudahy's Rex Hams, every ham guaranteed sweet, 6ugar cured, nicely trimmed, average 8 to 10 lbs. at, lb.! 15Vc And thirty Green Trading Stamps with each bam. Morrell's high grade lard, in 3 lb. pail, for. 40c And Twenty Green Trading Stamps jH52SZSZSHZ5H5ZSZSH5Z5t;5252SHSE525H5E5Z5i Bennett's Big Grocery. Saturday's list of money savers. Only the best goods handled. See our famous electric gas cot fee roaster. Bennett's Best Coffee, pound.. $1.00 And 75 Ureen Trading Stamps. Bennett's Breakfast Coffees, 2-lb. can ...48o And 40 (ireen Trading Stamps. Teas B. F. Japan. Gunpowder, Oolong-, Eng lish Breakfast, Ceylon, pound .....8o And 40 Oreen Trading Stamps. Teas B. F. Japan, Gunpowder, Oolona, Eng lish Breakfast, Ceylon, pound ...,68o And 60 Ureen Trading Stamps. Fresh roasted Santos Coffee, pound. 16o And 6 Ureen Trading Stamps. , Pears In Syrup, can ......15c And 30 Oreen Trading Stamps. Tea Sittings, pound package ...15o And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. New York Full Cream Cheese, pound.... 20c And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Virginia Swiss Cheese, pound .....26c And 20 Oreen Trading Stamps. Royal Luncheon Cheese. Jar ....24o And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. If and Cheese, each ' tWc Neufrhatel Cheese, each 4o Uneeda Biscuit. 4 packages .....16c And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Vanlla Wafers, psrkage i.,10c And 10 Ureen Trading Stamps. Three Star Salmon, ran ..SOc And 20 Oreen Trading Stamps. Worcester Table Suit, sack 10c And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Flower and Vegetable Seeds, package, lo ' Corn, can 6c Peas, can Kn Baked Beans, can 4o Potted Meat, ran 4o Bennett's Bargain Laundry Soap, 10 bars 25c St. Charles Cream, ran 10c And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Fancy Cluster TaMe Raisins, pound 25c And tn Oreen Trading Stamps. Batavla Corn Htnrrh, pound Bo And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Batavla Olnss Starch, pound And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Lincoln Butterlne, t pounds 25c And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Jersey Butterlne. t pounds 4o And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Premium Butterlne, 2 pounds ...41c And 20 Oreen Tradlnr Stamps. Blood of Grape Juice, pint liottle .....ISo And 10 Oreen Trsdlnsr Stamps. Blood of Grape .Tutce. miaM bottle ...,50o And 20 Green Trading Stamps. 12 VLc California Prune, pound c Pirkles, BMr-te.1, 1 hot tins 15c ArA 'A Hren ftne RIltlDM BtWWHTS "APITOT. CWHAVrttUT Special offer on 1,000 pounds, lb. brick, full welirht f.5e Not More Thun 10 TVmnd to a Customer. Batavla Macaroni, pound parkarn llHe And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Batavla Snaehettt. pound package Tltie And 10 Green Trading Stamps, Granulated Purer. J1 pounds fl.00 And Double Green Trading Stamps. 1 t ! I ; ; i IS It 3: MA ft 1U nj Sfl