Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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ai 0E C La Y
Don't Wait for Ready Cash
Just tell our salesman you wish
to open an account and pay
Don't deny your self the com
fort of that weU-dressed feeling
by waiting to save up for cloth
ing yon need for yourself We
established the business for sup
plying lotthing
on redift
See our display of Men's Suits at
These. Suits are made by the
best tailors, thoroughly hand
made throughout, and the fab
rics are of the hardest wearing
and would cost you from $5 to
$7.50 more in any store in
Buy Them on the Easy
Payment Plan.
. Don't Forget Our Complete
Elat, Shirt and Furnishing Goods Section
The Leading Credit Clothiers
rr.T J Jnt ?. tttvt A e
Ban Francisco and Log Angclea, Dally until May 18th,
and June 8th to 16th
One way rla Portland
San Francisco and Los Angeles, June 22 to July 5
One way via Portland, June 20 to July 12
Baa Francisco, Loa Angeles, Portland and Seattle, Juno 1 to Sept 15 . .
One way via Shasta Route
Portland and Seattle, June 20 to July 12
Spokane, Vh, June 20 to July 12 ....
Spokane, Mash., June 1 to September 16
Dutte and Helena, June 1 to September 15
Yellowstone Park Tonr, June 7 to September 12
Salt Lake City and Ogden, June 1 to September 30.
Glenwood Springs, Colo., June 1 to September 30
Dearer, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, June 1 to September 30 .
Cody, Wyo June 1 to September 30
AVorland, Wyo., June 1 to September 30.
Thermopolls, Wyo., June 1 to September SO
Sheridan Wyo., June 1 to September 30
Doadwpod and Lead, 8. 1)., June 1 to September 80
Hot Springs, S. !., June 1 to September 30
Chicago, 111., June 1 to September 30
St. Louis Mo., June 1 to September 80
Mexico City, Mex., dally until May 18; June 8 to IB; June 20 to July 12,
Jamestown Exposition, dally until November 80 (limit December IB). .
Jamestown Exposition, dally until November 80 (limit sixty dayg)
Jamestown Exposition, daily until November 20 (limit fifteen days)
NOTE: Jamestown Exposition rates with side trips include New
York, Boston and Eastern cities with diverse routes.
Atlantic City, N. J., May 80 to June I
Saratoga, N. Y., July 8 to 8
Philadelphia, Pa., July 11 to 18
Better call or write and let ma help you plan your trip.
f 50.00
f 02.50
1302 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Telephone Douglas 3 5 SO.
Independent Taakert Hot Yet Swallowed
TJp by ef Combine.
cloio Says l to Date Hla Ctimrs
lias Mot Secure Coatrel of
the Firm of SchwarchUd
t Salsberaer.
The Beef trust has not swallowed up
Schwartxchlld St Sulzberger. The rumor
wafted In from the east a story to the
effect that Swift tt Company had se
cured possession of more than a majority
of the 60,000 shares of the independent
conoern. The Independent company con
trols the meat business east of Chicago.
It Is the third largest of the meat packing
concerns of the country.
The report originating- in the east quoted
J. N. Sulzberger as saying the success of
the trust in getting possession of mors
than 20,000 shares of the company's stock
was due chiefly to the fact that the vice
president had sold out 7.000 shares which
he held. This vice president Is Frederick
Josephs, who' worked up from the very
bottom of the ladder to the vice presidency
and then did what such men are supposed
to do only in story books. married the
daughter of Mr. Schwartzchlld.
According to Mr. Sulzberger the' trusts
holdings of the stock of the independent
concern totalled In excess of 20.000 of the
60,000 shares on January 1. of this year.
This was discovered when the SuUbergers
found that the trust had an extraordinary
knowledge of the business of the Bchwara
chlld & Sulzberger firm. ' An investigation
showed that the trust interests controled
nearly half of the stock.
Swifts Are Skeptical.
Officers of the Bwlft company in South
pmaha expressed skepticisms regarding
the efforts of their company to get con
trol of the independent concern. All of
them admit, however, that the Bchwara
chlld St Sulzberger la the greatest com
petitor of the trust, not only in the east,
but in the western field, which they invade
as well.
"I consider this rumor has little founda
tion in fact," said Mr. Johns of the Swift
and company plant. "Some of the leading
officials of the firm may have Information
to that effect, but none of the under men
know of it. I know that up to date at
any rate Swift St Company have not
seoured control of the Independent Com
pany because Schwanchlld & Sulzberger
are our keenest competitors and It Is a real
competition that costs thousands of dollars
Mr. Howe of Armour St Co. and others in
South Omaha believe the story Is without
IHEN alighting from a street car never
pass behind it without making sure
that a car is not approaching from the
opposite direction. Failure in this precau
tion may result in fatal injuries. : :. :
Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co.
Csttals Cur Cr Tlrad, Hot, fUhlna, Feet VJXsOCwJJx
ltii rack,
Ail.lrw, A.ie4
M. OUujitd.
Afternoon Recital and Oratorio of
Elijah In Evening- Greatly
The artists' recital given Thursday after
noon at Boyd's theater as the second
program of the May muslo festi
val was a delight In every way. The bouse
was crowded and the audience was en
thusiastic and responsive.
Mr. Carlo Fischer, a cellist of rare
ability and charm, opened the program
with Max- Bruck's Jewish prayer, "Kol
Nldrel," a composition Impressive In Its
dignity and full of an Intense sadness.
Mr. Fischer has a full, satisfying tone; his
technique is sure and he plays with great
intelligence and insight. His Interpretation
of the prayer waa very effective. As an
encore he played "Serenade," by Popper.
The aria "Love Sounds the Alarm"
(Acts and Qalaten), Handel, was sung
with fine control, classical feeling and
finish by Mr. Miller. His voles Is a true
tenor of very pleasant timbre and has
been well trained. His group of songs
was "Lens" (Hlldack). "Li Mes Vers"
(Hahn) and "Awakening" (Mrs. A. O.
Mason) and were received with genuine
pleasure and enthusiasm. He Is very sin
cere in his work and gives of his best.
He was obliged to respond with two en
cores. One, the ever lovely "Drink to Me
Only With Thine Eyes," and then "111
Sing Thee Songs of Araby." Mr. Miller
has a good sense of tone color. His work
holds one's interest. For one thing I
criticize him he left the stage after every
appearance before Madame Borghlum. I
may not be up on the ethical code. I
noticed Mr. Fischer's quiet courteousness
upon this point.
Miss Wlrthlln's work of the afternoon
created a wonderful amount of enthus
iasm. She has a voice that Is rich and
harmonizing In quality and she uses It
after the manner of the great artists,
sounding Us depths of quality and color.
She baa a big personality and a warm
musical temperament. There Is a spark
of the true fire In her singing. Her first
number was the "Arlosa" (Handel), which
she gave with dignity and breadth;
Brahm's "Der Schmied" was charmingly
sung. In the "Nussbauns" of Schumann
Miss Wlrthltn did some exquisite mezxo
volce work; calm and quiet and of a
lovely quality. The group of songs by H.
Clough-Lelghter was most interesting. In
the last. "My Lover, He Comes on the
Bkee," there Is delicate work, and In the
end a stunning climax. Miss Worthlln
was obliged to give this song twice; her
voice and her art seemed mads tor It.
Mr. Fischer's group of numbers waa eag
erly listened to. "Wldmung," of Popper,
was full of feeling. "The Swan," of Baint
Saens was ths gem. How tenderly and
exquisitely he played It I The muted strings
gave it a dreamy, etherlal atmosphere. The
audience demanded Its repetition would
have been glad to hear It a third time.
The scherzo of Via Goens was a triumph
of technical skill and of great attractive
ness besides. It waa crisp and formed a
good contrast to "Le Cygne."
Madame Borglum did the most splendid
work all through ths program. The
artiats seemed to inspire each other.
Madame Borglura's playing waa evn be
yond what her admirers have come to
take from her as a matter of course. Some
of the accompaniments were Intricate al
most to unreasonableness. She surmounted
all ths difficulties with ease and grace and
accomplished some stunning climaxes.
In the evening the Boyd was filled very
promptly at 8 o'clock. The chorus, or
chestra and soloists were in their places
Most Beauti
ful Woman
in Next
True economy consists in buying, not merely a
low priced article, but rather an article of depend
able quality, at a saving. It is the quality that di
vides the true economy from the false. Hartman's
goods are of known excellence of high character.
Most of our hcmefurnlshlngs are made specially for
the great Hai'man chain of 22 stores, made spe
cially made Mttrr. The quality is there most
reliable and dependable and every purchase means
not only absolute satisfaction but an absolute sav
ing as well.
20-pJpce genuine "Wm. Rogers"
set, elegant silverware, given free
with a $10O purchase, or sold for 90.9b, on terms
of only 91.0O cash and 75c monthly.
This Complfte OntHf.
Bf d. Springs. Mattress
This outfit consists of bed,' springs and
mattress. lied Is of above handsome de
sign, made of large, strong tubing and
heavily enameled; springs are made of
best pliable steel and the mattress Is of
splendid quality with soft top, heavy tick
ing and taped edges. The bed alnne is
actually worth ss much as we now ask
for the entire combination.
Credit Terms 1 $1.00 cash J SOo weekly.
k- - ',;. . )--:vo.:-. .
"' 1 II ii - lH I II I I I I
3 Tarnished
at only
Any Three
Booms Ton
Credit Terms
$7 oash snd
3 monthly.
0 I ifij
r W. . f 1 '4 'fit
Hartman's Special
Blenheim Lion brand
9x10-6 Brussels Kurt
Flr.e 9xl0-. This rug has no mltor seams,
It Is thoroiiKhly hlRh grade, msde of flna
pnpecinlly ("'looted ninterlals and exclu
sively for us by one of the foremost rug
weavers In the world. The colorings are
beautifully Mendrd. Choice of above
hanilnonie oriental design or 4 selected
elegant floral patterns, choice colors.
Every nig Is thoroughly guaranteed.
Terms I 91.89 oash; SOo weekly.
Hartman's New Style GreM Special
Bed Davenport. Like Cut, Only...
The frame is masnlve In construction and made of solid osk. hontit1fullv
polished, has handsomely carved front, ss Illustration ahowi, opns to full
Bize ueu, auuHnHiic. non i nave to pun out rrom wall, large tiox heneAth.
The upholstering Is of the most dependable quality, covered with Importt-dl
veiour 01 nannnome coloring ann nffniy turted. Terms, SJ casn; 760 weekly.
Kitchen Cabi
n , 11.75
It has large table, tilting flour bin,
drawer for kitchen cutlery, kneading
boards. Top is most conveniently ar
ranged. Has roomy cupboard with
lass drawers and full row of spire
rawers. Made throughout of solid
oak. Positively the biggest value to be
found in Omaha.
22 Great
Throughout the)
United State
j l 77h rJI All goods
.1., (-,' -... Uke eats
Terms to
Suit Your
venience. Liberal Treat
ment Always
r. v
Harlman's Special
Steel Ranges...
Complete with high warming closets,
as shown above, of large isa, full size
8-inrh holes, large square oven, made
of superior materials, elegantly nickel
trimmed, and guaranteed In every
particular. Bee this range tomorrow.
Like cut. made of solid oak. has
heavy pedestal base, as shown, and
claw feet; extends to 6 feet, size of
top Is 42x42 Inches, nicely finished,
extra w-u , ,inrtmannew
easy r"inlng slid", special at
Sewing fl Q75
Machine Id .
Fully guaranteed, five
drawers, solid Hk case,
complete with full set of
attachments and accesso
ries, new dropheut style,
easy running. Bold on
easy payments.
This Elegant
Special 1 QC
Table... J
Exactly like cut, slse of
top 24x24. exclusive
Hartman design, carved
top, shaped ends, shelf
below, heavy legs, quar
tered oak or mahogany
finish, highly polished.
Made in beautiful golden oak or
mahogany finish; has large
French bevol mirror and carved
mirror frame and standards. Top
drawers are full swelled, rich, ex
clusive design.
Agents for Sellable
Gas Banges, Perfec
tion Oil Stoves, Ho
Sougal Kitchen Cab
inets, Kanney Re
frigerators, Peninsu
lar stoves, etc -
Celebrated Waverly make. All
new Improvements, easy run
ning, won't tear even the dain
tiest garments, new rotary mo
tion, quickest and beit on the
Agents for Ostennoor
Mattresses, Imperial
Smyrna Bngs, Kash
mir Jtugs, Kelly Mor
ris Chairs, Karpen
Guaranteed Furniture.
New Special fl Z 7 (?
Sideboard..... & J
Exactly like cut. New special,
exclusive design, made entirely of
quarter-sawed oak, mammoth
French beveled oval plate mirror,
full swelled front, handsomely
Tree with aU
Oo-Oarts of 94
or over, a toy
Complete with ruffled parasol. Body is
made of selected rattan, closely woven.
Has new sleeper adjustment ond steel
wheels with large rubber tires. Heavily
enameled gears and Improved foot brake,
exclusive Hartman design.
Special Sale Price
This refrigerator Is one of
It Is strongly constructed.
bllltv and most economlci
with galvanized Iron, has metal shelves.
patent drip cup and other improved features.
'5 IJj'J"rS7
of our specials. i 1 L$x&$$'$vtj
of great dura- f ''''ipri '
al. It is lined 1 - . Li&iiUrf T-irsa
f m 3 1 L a si.: i 1 c 1 a a
s. a sWtssi aksLk '- U Jtf
Douglas Street
-" " -' " ' ui,"",t
. . a. , . -
ah roods
in nn
Mttered w aeons.
for the commencement of Mendelssohn's
great oratorio, "Elijah." It was very evi
dent that most of the hard study had been
put upon this work. The orchestra and
chorus did infinitely better sing-in and
playing than In 'The Fair Ellen." There
was sympathy between the conductor an4
his people, and the feeling of control
through much of the Interpretation. There
were plaoes where things went roughly, but
there were also many where the effects
were good. The muslo of "Elijah" is most
beautiful. It was a pleasure to renew ac
quaintance with it.
The soloists were wonderfully satisfac
tory and carried their roles with earnest
ness and enthusiasm.
Mrs. (Read appeared to splendid advantage
In the soprano work. Her solos "Help
Me, Man of Qod." and "Hear Te, Israel,"
were given with good style and a liquid
true tone. Her recitatives as the Angel
were full of an exquisite beauty; also her
part In the quartet, "O Come, Everyone
That Thlrsteth."
Miss Wlrthlln did fine work, but not as
artistic and finished as thst of the after
noon. There was a certain quality and
ethertalness of tone used constantly In her
songs which she did not employ In her
oratorio work, a tenderness that left one
very deeply stirred. There was a sug
gejtlon of It at the very end of "O. Rest In
the Lord." She fulfilled her part very ad
mirably. Her solo "Woe Unto Them" waa
very effective.-
Mr. Miller was at hla nest In the won
derful tenor solo, "If With All Tour
Hearts." He gave it with repose and finish.
What a pity Mr. Cunningham had a cold!
He has a personality to be reckoned with.
His "Elijah," even handicapped as he was,
was vastly impressive In Its dignity and
dramatic force. His singing "over his cold"
was a lesson to students, but It seemed too
bad to put such a voice through the strain.
Toward the end of the evening It was
necessary to omit certain solos and
choruses. His voice absolutely would not
stand the tax upon it. Already he bad es
tablished his artistic identity. Kls singing
o Is ItoouaM was his moat finished
and finely balanced solo showed more real
art. M. I
Edta Myers Takes Exeeptlona to
Beport Sent Oat from
lew York.
Contributions on timely topics are In
vited from readers of The Bee. Com
munications should be written legibly
on one side of the paper only snd ac
companied by the name and address of
the writer. The name will not be used
If the writer asks that It be withheld.
Unused communications' will not be re-
turned. Correspondents sre sdvlsed to
limit their letters to 3u0 words or they
will be subject to being cut down to
that limit at the discretion of the edi
tor. rubllcaUon of views of correspond
ents must not be taken to commit The
Uee to their endorsement
Ready to Help the Boy.
OMAHA, May 7-To the Editor of The
Bee; The attached I clipped from The Bee
Best Natural
Kllneral Water 1
Tak half
glassful la
th moralng
for headache,
torpid llvar
and especially
of the 26th ultimo., and confess that in an
occasional contribution to the boy who
shlned my shoes I never dreamed that the
money would fall into the pocket of his
"boss herder."
When it Is shown that the parties who
thought they were giving an occasional
nickel to a hard-working boy were con
tributing In this single Instance 196.70 to
his employer. It strikes me. If the decision
stands, that the practice of tipping to boot
blacks will be summarily discontinued.
However, I cannot believe that Judge Les
lie's decision Is good law, and feel that
In Justice to this boy, and others who find
themselves In like circumstances, the mat
ter should be taken to a higher court.
Therefore, If The Bee or some one of Its
patrons who feel Interested In struggling
boys will start a subscription looking to
employing an attorney to appeal the case
to court of last resort. I shall be pleased
to contribute a part at least. I should
very much Uke to learn of this decision be
ing reversed, since, as at present, it strikes
me that Its restricts the field of opportuni
ties for the boy and discourages an at
tempt on his part to be energetic and skill
ful, and Is caluclated to dwarf his ambi
tion. FOR THE BOY.
Judge Ieslle yesterday afternoon decided
the employer if bootblacks mlKht demand
and ketp "tips" received fruii customers
by his bootblacks. The question was raised
In a suit brought by fhrist trol, a Orerk
bootblack. atfaliiHt Alex and Agelu t.'aJo
sumis and Bteven and tltorge Abarroteii,
who ruu several slUnlng parlors In the
business part of the city. Cor.: was re
quired by his employers to turn over to
them dally all the money he received "on
the side." At the end of his term of serv
ice he demanded It back, asserting he had
given It to them only for safe-keeping. Tiie
amount was tluC.iu, according to the reourd
he kept in lu account Ik- k. The tips
amounted to from til to $18 a month. His
employers asserted thy paid the buy !6
a month ami gave him his board snd A
clothes, in aaultion iylns' his doctor s bills
and eipennes when he was sick.
and there were other signs of violence. The
pockets were turned Inside out. A nuie
was found, which bore the address, "Joe
Mangol. Kansas City, Mo." A raor was
found near the body and It was evident the
robbers had shaved their victim to prevent
idenUllcatlon. ,
The Price cf Feaee.
The terrible Itching and smarting, lnrV
dent to certain skin diseases. Is almost In
stantly allayed by applying Chamberlains
Balve. iTloe, 36 cents.
Ameiicsn and luropeen slsn
Finest Hotel on the Great Lakes
On the edge of town, this ideal Hotel,
spacious, elegant, modern, overlooks
isxe Aiicnigrsn Beach
miisi on two sides, while
St shaded parks complete
me ucBocuui aurruunainffS. ins
city is but 10 minutes ride from the
nearby station. Many families
make this their permanent home.
There is always t, cool breete in
warmest weather. 4501argeoutside
rooms, 250 private baths, 1000 feet
o( broad veranda. The table It slwsys
the beat. Touriots Snd tranttentguMis
find it s delightful place to stop so routs
snd rest. Address for handsomely
Illustrated Booklet, giving full particu
lars. Manager, Chicago Beach Hotel,
Mat Dlvd. iuid Lake bhora, Cuk-ago.
Ktranser'a Body Koiad.
ST. 1.01'Ifl, May 10. A spec! il to the i
I'oat Lilspatch from I'uquoin, 111., says: j
The aeaii txMiy or a man oeiieveu
1 lie aau ixmy or . uiuii uiibvsu u ua
Joseph Mangol, reputed to be a wealthy )
land owner at fit. Louis, was found here i
yesterday evening, lying In the Illinois I
Cuntral track. Probably he had been j
juiu dared and. robbed. Tli tkrosA waa out j
Arc You Going to St. Louis?
Ths Hotel Hamilton Is a delightful
place in the Hen! Kenldeilt .Section
and away from I lie noiao and smoke;
yet within easv access. Trarulent
Hale: 11 00 to 13 00 par day. Euro
pean I'lun. Hperlul :ates by the
week. Write for Booklet. Address W,
F. W!I. MAMMON. Manager.