THE OMAHA DAILY REE: SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1007. tr-i Mentcr Roscnbloom Co. -Cash Store Prices PHONE 981 DOUGLAS tlAMMOCKS, CROQUET SETS, TENNIS RACKETS. BASE BALLS, CLOVES, BATS. HOLLER SKATES STATIONERY, DOOKS. TOST CARDS, TEDDY BEARS, ETC DUY OF THE llA!;iTAtTURIR wosoenirxi mMm Clothing FOR MEN AND WOMEN We sell clothing. Sell It on easy payments H.00 a week sell it at cash store price. We are manufacturers. We op erate 72 stores we are twice over the largest Credit Clothiers In the world. ' We will trnst yoo without security -without red tape of any kind come in and det new clotnlnd empty purses and fat pocket-books are equally welcome. Men's Suits V?.V patterns well made as Rood Tallies !T.:::$7 to 22 Tnnrnafc Smart tan and gray I ULUJdU eoaU cut in new style lined and trimmed ( 4 n OA handsomely Credit 3y lO L3 Diinrnlc Stylish and rain re dIlllUdl3 gating coats in the $10 to 20 proper shades-swell ones Gcncscc Shoes The Best Men's on Earth nt Shoe $3.50 Women'sCoats?," styles and materials very nobby and at- !'!!.?"V:::::::$7 to 25 lVTilUnnrV We buy trimmed JIata lTJLUllilH J for 72 stores from the Artistic Milliners of New York we get the Newest Styles we get the lowest prices that's why we can OSy A Q aell wo low pU IU J Women's Suits J?':r2. season's styles dependable quality ex pert tailoring on Credit fA7 1 $10 to 32 Willr Wniafa New ones for kJAAIV If UliStO mer proper Spring and Sum- rPsetyyes.P8".rr: $4 tO 10 Oxford Shoes $2 to $4 Walking Skirts S3 to $20 3F V 1HP? - I1 u sr o Pit 4 ml Boys' Suits (age 14 to 20) $3 to $15 Boys Knee Pant Suits S3 to $8 Boys Two-Piece Suits $2 to $5 ALL THE CREDIT YOU WANT ANY TIME YOU WANT IT . 1503 DODGE ST. STOKE OPEN WEDNESDAY EVENINGS. lOth AJ4D HOWARD LADIES' SUIT SALE SATURDAY We have "fifty" strictly new, this season's style of Ladies' Etons, Box Suits and Cutaway Jacket Suits, including our nobby Checks, stripes, mixtures and plain colors; they are marked $14.50, $16.50, $18.50, $22.50 and $25.00. We have buried the cost for Saturday only, and we will sell any of them at . . $11.75 Sale of Ladles' Ram Ceata Saturday we put on sale fifty ladles' Fine Cravenette Cloth Rain Coats; loose and fitted backs; colors light and dark; grey, tan. brown and olive; regular prices range from $16.50 to $25.00; all Saturday 312.50 Children's Great Coat Rale Plain cloths, In blue, tan, brown and red, checks and plaids. In Peter Thompson and loose backs. Prices Saturday: Coats that sold at $5.00 and $6.00. Saturday S3.05 Coats that sold at $4. $4.50 and $4.75 $3.05 Ladies Waist Sale Saturday A very attractive offer on our new high class Waists, includ ing white, china silk, messaline and Loulsene Silk, lace and embroidered net waists china, silk lined and medallion trimming and fine French lingerie Waists, the styles and values are worth nearly double Saturday price for these are $4.05 I Saturday's Splendid Glove Specials New lot Silk Finished Lisle and best Berlin Lisle, elbow lengths, IS to 16-button clasp wrists, black and white $1.00 values for 75 $1.25 values for...'. 98 $1.50 values, special for SI. 25 $1.75 values, special $1.48 MOSQUKTAIRK KID GI4VK8. "Lett's" celebrated spring weight Kid Gloves, 16-button length, browns, tans, white and black, $4.60 values, special for Satur day $3.98 Sole Agents. The "Fidela." best French Kid Glove, highly glaced, In black only, $3.75 and $4.00 values, 12-button lengths, Saturday, at $3.25 16-button lengths, Saturday, at 83.48 Sole Agents. Special Long White Silk Gloves, $1.50 value, Saturday. . -81.19 Short Black and white Silk Gloves, .two wrist clasps, extra heavy, warranted gloves, special, at $1.25 and Qg Colored Short Silk Gloves, two wrist clasps, double finger tips, 75c and $1.00 values, special Saturday 431 Great Sale of Ladies' Neckwear A wonderful lot of sample Neck wear, Lace, Silk, Chiffon and fancy embroidered wash stocks, lace and embroidery trimmed, chlmesette, collar and coat sets, silk ties and fancy turnover sets, not one In this lot sells for less thai. 50c, and from that to 12, on bargain square Saturday 'or...... 25 Turnover Collars at Half Price. 10c values K 10 ; 15c lvalues 20c values 35c(valueB i 12H Ready Made Veils and Veilings Pretty light and dark colored chif fon veilt, Vt yards long, plain and chenile dots, excellent 75c values, bargain price 48 Fine Imported Chantllly Lace Veils Hat Drapes, pretty scroll patterns In black, white, brown and navy, regular $1.00 and $1.25 values $1.00 values ... 75 $1.25 values 08 25c Face Veiling, special Satur day for, yard 5 Ladies' Underwear Saturday we place on sale Ladies' Fancy Lisle Vests, low neck, no sleeves, regular 50c values, 3 tor 81.00 Ladles' Low Neck Sleeveless Cot ton Vests, silk taped yoke, 19c value for 12 W Ladies' Hone Black Lace Lisle Hose, allover lace and lace boot, pretty embroidered hose, plain ' lisle, gauze lisle, and fine weight cotton maco . hose, unequalled values, at 50c 35c and.... 25 Jewelry A new lot of Novelty Beauty Pins, Swastika Pins, Brooches, Hair Clasps, Belt Buckles and Pins, Hat Tins, Pearl Necklaces, Colored String Beads and Fancy Back Combs, worth to 75c, .your choice, 25 Ladies' Combs New lot high class novelty Back Combs In Jet, shell and amber, fancy brilliant set tings and gold trimmings, up from Q5 Hand Rag Great assortment of fancy embroidered white canvas Hand Bags, warranted washable, worth 50c and C9c each, Satur day, each 25 25c bottle Bay Rum 10 Complete Manicure Set 9 Mennen's Talcum . . 11 Shoe Specials for SsJurdaj Ladles Fine. Tailor Made Oxfords , and Shoes In patent colt and Tlcl kid, heavy and light soles, at $2.50. -$S.00,vand $3.50 Boy'B Calf. Shoes, 2tf to 5Vi, at .,-i......... 81.10 Youths' Calf, Shoes,. 11 to 2, 9 Boys' Fine Patent Colt Oxford . for ...... $2.50 .Misses' and Children's . Strap San dals and Oxfords, 76c to $2.50 Ladies' Fine 'Tan and Patent CoR, gun metal and yicl Oxfords, all sizes, worth $3. for only $1.98 Men's Harlow Shoes and Oxfords, . all leathers, $3.60 and $4.00 Men's 7 5c Shirts 59 Another big line Sample Hat, all shapes and colors, values up to $3.00. Saturday, each. . .$1.25 THE MAN WHO KNOWS WEARS PRINCETON CLOTHES IB Princeton Clothes for the Mart who Knows Do you know it's not a hard mat ter today to be well dressed, neither is it expensive, if you buy a Princeton Suit Princeton Cloth ing Is made "upon honor," for particular people; it appeals to those who want comfort combined with the best fabrics and style. We want you to examine these Faultless Models of the tailors' art and look carefully at every line of drape, then it will be easy for you to see why we say: "The Man .who 1 knows wears Princeton Clothes." We do not seek to blind your . Judgment with foolish figures.- bankrupt stocks, closing out sales, etc., but we do offer you honest merchandise at a 'fair price. See our suits for Satur day at $11.75 and $15.00 which are extremely good values. ' Better Suits if you like. Saturday Record Breakers In the New White Daylight Grocery 22 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 12 bars Laundry Soap 25 48 lbs. Daylight Peerless Flour $1.30 2-lb. can Wedgewood Coffee for 50 1 pkg. Daylight Spice 10 And 1 40c special B. F. Japan Tea Free. Carnation Cream, can. . 10 40c can Pure Canada Sap for 30 Fresh Milky Cocoanuts, each 4 Standard Tomatoes 10 Sweet Corn 5 Armour's Pork and Boans.'..5 Best Creamery Butter, lb. ..25 Country Butter, lb... 22 Fresh Country Eggs, dozen, up from T.-15 40c Chocolate for 20 15c Mixed Candy for 9 25c American Beauty Creams 10 Out Blue Ribbon Colossal Cheese, the best, the greatest ever seen In Omaha, Is yet on exhibition and to every lady coming to see it Saturday we give a nice gtft. The cheese is only, lb 25 $5.00 In Gold Free. Lettuce, Onions, String and Wax Beans, . Radishes, Spinach, Cu cumbers, Asparagus, Mint, etc. Pie Plant, per bunch ......... 1 New Potatoes, per lb 5 Chickens, Hens and Pigeons at Lowest Prices. Saturday in the -' Big Bsisement tE" - - .3. I Roller Skates, $1.25 and. . . .48 Boys' Velocipedes, automobiles and iron wagons, new lot Just . arrived. Dog Muzzles 25 Children's Go-Carts, extra values. from $22.60 down to. .. .$2.48 Special for Saturday, Go-Carts with rubber tires and reclining backs, worth $3.50, for $2.48 Base Ball Goods. Special Saturday , Choice of any 25c Ball Bat for, fn .15 Balls from 95c down to 5 via Garden Rakes, 48c, 25c and 15 Hoes, 35c, 2 5c and. .15 Spades worth 65c for. . . f . . .49 Poultry Netting in full rolls, per hundred square feet GO Smaller quantities, foot...4 Rubber! Garden Hose, every piece warranted, per foot 10c and 12H Nozzle free with 50 foot lengths. Wash Dress Goods 23c W.t-h Goods 'or 7Hc yard 6,000 yards of fine, pilnted dim ity, beautiful orkat,ales, Bwlsses with small colored dots, and mer- cerlzed walstlngs, all worth 25q per yard, Saturday your pick, a yard 7H All Full Pieces Not Remnants. 7 M c Zephyr Ginghams, yard 4 o , 600 pieces Zephyr Ginghams, at 474 In order that all of our customers can get some of these, we limit the quantity to 20 yards each. 3 Big Lace Curtain Bargains Saturday Out entire stock of Lace, Cur tains that sold from $2.00 to $5.00 . 1b 3 big lots Lot One, all Nottingham Curtains, worth to $2.00, a pair 98 Lot Two, all Curtains worth up to $3.60, at. a pair $1.05 Lot Three, all Curtains up to $5.00 pair, at, pair .$2.05 if FOOD LSES OF SWEET THINGS Candy as an Art ids of Cist Has Mads Its Way in Amy. SWEET FRUITS EVEN BETTER IN A WAY Mrs. Provident Goes After m Vesja tariaa Menu and Displays Dai. ket of Tempting Dalatles tor Sanriay Dinner. The government In Its study of proper fotxls for the army 1 beginning- to recog nize the value of candy and sweets. They state that candy users do not crave liquors. "Our observation la' that a man who eats candy does not drink; that la, no sweet tooth craves liquor. Troops going to the Philippines crave candy. One transport handled its supplies so badly that when It disembarked Its last contingent It had 100 pounds of potatoes and 8,000 pounds of A Masterpiece of Precision , In all of our varied experience we . have never seen a watch which was at once so efficient so attractive and so Inexpensive as the OMEGA. Its per formance la unusual, and we assure it. Wide range of styles and -. sites. A 17-Jewel move -ruent in 20-year gold-filled-case for $20. T. L. Combs H Co. The Busy Jewelers. 1520 Douglas Strcat candy. Before the end of the month the candy had been exhausted and there was call for more." Many mothers are troubled with the candy problem, the al most universal love of children for sweet things often conflicting with the general Idea of the proper diet. If we will re member that sugar and candy are a very condensed food, a heat and energy pro ducer, and use It accordingly, the results will be good. George, who plays ball and all kinds of outdoor games, thereby ex panding his lungs and oxygenlslng his blood and using up heat force rapidly, Is benefited and rlphtly fed with a consid erable quantity of sweet things, while Tom or Mary, who spend much time In the house over books, perhaps sitting In a stooged position and breathing house air, always more or less depleted except In the very hottest days of summer, can not digest any large amount of sweets, and they are the very ones who munch It In quantity, often. Teach a child to eat It slowly, a little at a time, and remember that It should be mixed with much fresh air, and it will not hurt them. Be sure, however, that It Is pure; do not buy those cheap candles, but rather let them make it themselves, and you will have no cause to be afraid of it; rather can feel that it Is one of the best of foods. Valne of Sweet Fro Its. But better than candles and sugar are the sweet fruits, dates, figs, raisins and prunes. Better, because the sweet is in them as nature put It, and therefore not so highly condensed,' being combined as nature always knows how to do with Just the right things to go together for a proper food. When a part is taken out, dissociated from the combination nature puts together. It Is never so perfect a food or so well digested. A little Item goes the rounds saying that Prof. Junkers of Dessau. Germany, Is the Inventor of a new kind of gas stove which can be placed on the wall at any desired height Instead of standing on the floor, as if It were new. Indeed, when' such a stove was exhibited at the Transmlsslsslppl ex position in Omaha ten years ago, the In vention of a Chicago man. and the oven has been In use In Omaha ever since. Women do not take the title "chef when they enter into the art of cooking; Instead known as the "cordon bleu." 80 now way It came, all because one woman cham pioned the rauxe of another. Louis XV contended that only a man could cook perfectly and Mme. Iu Barry, to show him her counter contention that a woman could cook as woll. Invited him to s de lirious dinner prepared by her woman cook. When the king learned It was prepared by a woman he at once sent for her and, congratulating her warmly, placed around her neck the blue ribbon of St. Esprit, known as - the "cordon blue." So now women can rejoice In a. more euphonious name than the. men when they prove thst they can do equally well In the science and art of food preparing. - Mr. ProvlSeiu'a Basket. Mrs. Provldem looked upon the pine apple and filled her basket, knowing their valuable properties uncooked and the de licious d tehee that could be made when the winter atom was opened. Bhe hed mastered the method of preparing them easily and always loulred out for a store of tberu wnen'SBeap. Bba had also decided to have a vegetarian dinner, and so bought some lentils, a green pepper or two, some lettuce and almonds, some raisins end crackers, dinner rusks and a bit of pine apple cheese. Bhe soaked a cup of lentils over night, drained, added fresh water and cooked very slowly about six hours, adding fresh water as It cooked away. She rubbed them through a sieve and added bread crumbs to make It thick enough to hold together, seasoning with a tablespoon of chopped onion, salt, pepper and a table spoon of celery seed". She pressed It Into a well oiled brick-shaped pan and baked In a moderate oven for an hour, or until It was firm when pressed with the finger. It was served with a mint sauce made by chopping the mint leaves fine, mixing them with an equal bulk of sugar and pouring over the mixture two tablespoons of vinegar to one of the mint. Cold boiled potatoes were cut In thin slices and then Into toothpick and fried In deep fat; the loaf was sliced and the potatoes were served around it. For a salad the lettuce was served with blanched and shredded almonds and the green pep pers cut In tiny strips snd mixed with the almond; over It was poured at the table a French dressing. The raisins were the fine table variety and with the nuts snd cheese nnd a cup of coffee made a last course. The first course was a fruit cup made of the pineapple mixed with orange Juice and pulp, very slightly sugared and served in the halves of the orange rind, all being well chilled before serving. TLA O d1ST" n kt m jfi 44 0, WHAT THE LOCAL MARKET HAS Frails mm Vegetables aad Price that Omaha Dealers Ara Maklas. j The promised abundance of strawberries failed to mateiiullxe this week owing to ; continued 'old, wet weather In the south 1 and really good berries have been almost scarce. The beet have sold at IS and 20 cents a quart box. while others of Just as good flavor, but smaller, sold for 10 and IS Vic. Commission men are anticipating a "mix up" the latter part of May when the home grown berries commence to come In, as the Missouri berries are due at the same time and unless the home crop is further delayed by cold weather, there will be cheap berries and lots of them. Enough berries were in Friday morning to provide for the over Sunday demand. A quantity of amall pineapples are being offered Just now at 10 and II cents each, a tempting price at any time of year, but the offering Is not cheap even at 10 cents 1 for the fruit la shipped very green and can I not be ripened aatisfactory. Two carloads ; of pineapples have come Into the local market this week from Cuba, but It will . be worth while for the housewife to defer canning until the Florida pineapples come ' In sbout the last of this month. Oranges and bananas are both cheaper than they have been. Apples can not be gotten In the local market now for lees than 89 cents a perk. A few boxes of Colorado Jonathans sold Friday morning for II K a peck; they were very fine. A generous shipment of cocoa nuts lately baa ecoasloned a "load' prloe I PROMPT DELIVERY We have perfected our de livery service so that we are now enabled to reach cus tomers at any point in the city and with prompt, regu lar deliveries. Spring Vegetables: A full line, some especially nice. Home grown Head Lettuce, at 5 and 10 Home grown Asparagus, three tor 25 Florida Tomato, 2 lbs. for . .25 Strawberries, large ripe, two boxes for 25 Also cucumbers, spinach, fresh onions, new potatoes. Crennitry Ilutter, per lb 25 RICE ORGS. Phone Douglas 518. 24th and Davenport Streets. of 3 cents each by some of the grocers. FreKh cherries are 35 cents a box or 60 cents a pound. , New potatoes have taken another drop and will soot be selling by measure In stead of weight. They were B cents a pound Friday morning. Old potatoes sell from 7i cents to $1.10 a bushel, according to quality. The appearance of the home grown -small vegetables has reduced prices materially In that ltne. Home grown spinach, is 10 and IS cents a peck and it is nice. Home grown rhubarb sells two bunches for i cents, onions three bunches for 6 cents, head lettuce 10 cents a head, and leaf t cents a head. The first green home grown aaperagua is In and sells for 10 cents a bunch, or three bunches for S rents. For ths first time since early last fall creamery butter la selling at 26 eents s pound. This has been the price all week, but the dealers promise a raise of a cent or two It the weather rernalr a cool. All ths lufter Scotch wafers 25c SPECIAL FOR SATUR DAY ONLY, per pound ' We know that you will like these wafers, for there is nothing more delicious than the good, old fashioned Butter Scotch. They are made from pure granulated sugar and the best creamery butter, rich and delicious. One taste will make you long for more. We sell them regularly for 40 cents per pound, but we are mak a special price for Saturday only, at, per pound .25 BALDUFF 1518-20 Farnam St. Sunday -Table d'Hote Dinner served from 12 M. to 8:80 P.M. lrice BO cents. beat grades of package creamery are X cents, and the other butters, dairy and country, are down, too, selling from 20 to S3 and 25 ceiits. i3ggs are still 18 cents a dosen'. Shipped things are about the same In price, but of better quality. Wax end green beans snd new peas are 16 cents a quart, tomatoes 20 cents a pound and green peppers 6 snd 10 cents each. Fresh turkeys are scarce, but storage turkeys of a grade superior to the fresh stork coming In now can be hal for 26 cents a pound. Chickens are 16 o-nts a pound, ducks H cents, broilers 60 cents each and squabs f.ora 30 to 60 cents each. Be Want Ads for Business Boosters. The Lans'e Grocery Coihpany Our wagons reach everywhe you. Our prices will induce CROCKRY DEPARTMENT. Granulated Sugar, 21 lbs. for $1 Premium Chocolate, lb 25c Standard Tomatoes, 3 cans for 2 6c 3-lb. cans Baked Beans, can.. 6c A special on Sardines that ought to make you buy. 10c Mustard Sardines, at ....4c 5c Oil Sardines, at 2c Creamery Butter, per lb ....20c Fancy Pineapples, each ....7 He Large Cucumbres, each '. 6c Fresh Tomatoes, basket ....25c MEAT DEPARTMENT. Fresh Leaf Lard, per lb 3c 3 lb. pall Lard, each 28c re our goods will plsase you now it is up t you. Pork Loins, per lb 10 Wc Hamberger, our own make, lb.. 6c BAKERY DEPARTMENT. This department, has been a money-saver and now becomes a health-saver. Why fret and fume over a hot stove when we sell you bakery goods so cheap. Fresh Bread, per loaf 2 Fresh Pies, each 8c Cookies, Including cup cakes, doughnuts, yanila cakes and man gothes, varieties, dosen .... 80 Fancy 2-layer cakes, each . .lCc Fancy 3-layer cakes, each ...24c The Lane Grocery Company Tel. Douglas 1330. 24th and Cuming Sts. Bulfer,perlb.24c Fancy Separator, guaranteed equal to the best you ever put on your table. The sweet, dullrate, delicious flavor will remain with you long after the price is forgotten. BUTTXsV Fancy Separator, per Ih 80 COKsT FLAIES Toasted Kgg-O- See, browned Iresn ana crisp. 1 pktrs. for l&o LAKO Kimon Pure, 1-lb. palls. earn 30 K-lli. palls, ench 60 CHICIESS Young hens, our dres inx, per lb ISO CAKES Three-layer white, dainty, flrlu-ate, delicious, ea h 80c BBEiD If you wunt the tt money ian buy, we make it. Six loaves f..r 85c PIS ACS Home grown, perk....lOe Johnson & Gocdlett Co. Telepboas 1S7B . BOta aad Zk Bta. r: SOMMER BROS. SATURDAY SPECIALS Creamery Flutter, per lb. . . . .34 Strictly Tresh Eggs, dosen.. 17 Knox's Gelatine, per pkg.... 10 Lip ton's Tea, Vilb. tin 29 H o k wood's Cocoa, 14-lb. tin.21,f Toasted Corn (lakes, 8 pkgs.25 PettlJohjj's Breakfast Food, per P"K 12 Ejrg-O See, 3 pkgs 25 SOMMER BROS. Exponent of Good Living. 28TH AND FARNAM STREETS.