TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1007. prr j j r; o o rzr o THE STORE THAT'S SQUARE ALL OVER Store Open Until 10:00 P.M. Saturday All Goofc Marked In D tun G Ij Plain Figures n n Tf,nBT?"ciPn nsn at Low Prices M M rpj r" U L I3I5H7-I9 FARNAM ST, aft Q) J LOCsT. rOB TKl HO AID OOLD sUOJrB. Mo We Sell Clothing on Credit Cheaper Thaav You Can Buy It Elsewhere for Cash u y WE WILL OFFFER STOCK REDUCING SALE OF Ladies9 1 I w 1 All n n J i J v Meas and Boys' Clothing Wonderful Bargains ii Men's Suits High grade band tailored merchandise at excep cepttonal prices. Men's regular $12.50 Suits during this sale, for 0.45 Men's regular $16 and $18 Suits Special during this ' sale, at 11.45 o Handsome Suits... $20.00 Values Stvle for SI 1.00 8ults made eton styl Illustration, In fancy tures, checks and stripes. Has full pleated skirt to match and would re tall elsewhere for at least $20 our price Saturday mm j" f" as long as II 11 II they last. 'I,WU Silk Skirts Made of the best Quality taffeta silk, cut very full a regular $12.60 value on sale for only 7.98 . mm , Ilk. WC.W7fa SBMBj ON THE EXCEEDINGLY EASY TERMS OF and Per Weeli rrs f AST ' DOUBLE SAVES CAME fuoblo's EiKb.t Raider Turns ths Trick in the Ninth Innin?. ALL SCORING DONE IN EARLY INNINGS P'r Starts Off wit. Two in tbe Mrit, bnt I'nable to Get Another .' Mas Across the Horn. Pl.te. PUEBLO. Colo., May 10. A fast doubl. In ths ninth. In which Melcholr was Ibe prim, factor, gave-an Interesting gam. to Pueblo. Boor: DENVER. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. mcriaje, cr s left flelr: Nagle Lang and Adams, and Burdlck. pitchers. catchers; Murphy, rf 4 Wheeler. Sb l Casaady, If I O'l lagan, lb 1 McIJonough. e 1 , jietuuck, jib,.., stoore, ss Paige,. O...J.,, Olinetead, p... Totals ..... H. PO. 1 1 a i 2 1 1 0 0 10 0 4 I 0 0 J. OtfAHA WIX EXHIBITION COKTEST (Sets Away In the Lead and Holda It to the End. . ORAfD ISLAND. Neb., May lfc-(8peclal Tel gram.) Omaha and Dea Molnca stopped off here today while en route to the Colo rado towns and playst a listless game of ball, Omaha winning by the score of 7 to 8. Omaha secured a nice lead In the first three innings which Ijes Moines was un able to overcome. Graham and Townsend. both from Grand Island and with ihe Omaha team, were given a rousing recep tion and each performed well at the bat, although both had errors chalked up agulnst them. Boors: DE3 MOINES. AB. R. H. PO. Hogrlever, rf. ...... V 2 .......n "i PL'EBLO. AB. R 3 tr.D I i Andrews, 2b. Schlpka, 3b Dexter, lb Corkhlll, p Yeager. c McLaughlin, cf. Gochnour, as.... bashwood, If... Totals A. 0 1 1 7 I 1 2 0 86 t 10 24 19 OMAHA . AB. R. 1 U Cook. If... Hynn, 2b ; 4 McGllvray, lb I Melcholr, rf..... 4 Miller. 3b S Harms, rf I Cnrhan, ss 2 btnllh, c 3 Gilbert, p.; i Totals 17 Pueblo 2 0 Denver ...4 0 Stolen base: McHale, N heeler. H. PO. 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 11 4 1 4 $ 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 27 0 0 0 0 A. 17 0 1 0 2 Omaha II. PO. 2 1 A. in two Innings: off Burger. 10 In six Inning. 8acrlflce hit: Flick. Stolen base: Flick. Double plays: Lajole, Turner and Btovall; Elberflofd. Williams and Chase (2). Left on bases: Cleveland, 7; New York, 6. Bases on balla: Off Clarkson, 1; off Barger, 1. Hit by pitcher: By Clarka-m, 2; by Barger, 1. Struck out: By Llebhardt, . Wild pitch: Barger. Time: 1:60. Umpires: Hurat and Evana. names Postponed. At Chicago: Chicago-Philadelphia game postponed; cold weather. At Detroit: Detroit-Boston gam post poned; snow. At St. Louis: Washlngton-St. Louts game postponed; rain. Standing; of the Teems. Played. Won. Chicago 22 1 New York 1 U Pi.iiaoe'.phia 1 10 Cleveland 22 1' Detroit 1 W Boston ; 1 f Washington 17 4 St. ixnua 20 S Games today: Washington at St. Loula, Philadelphia at Chicago, New York at Cleveland, Boston at Detroit. GAMES IN THE NATIONAL I.BAGVK These lots are located in our new HOME PLACE ADDITION, north of Broadway, on Avenues D, E, F and O, be tween 34th and 35th streets, West Council Bluffs, la. It is just 8 MINUTES BIDE from 12th and Douglas streets, Omaha, to these lots 5c street car fare. The prices range from $100 to $200, which is most reasonable, as other property owners ad joining this addition hold their lots at much higher figures. This property will greatly increase in value in the next year. The streets are all graded and young trees set in the parking. Water mains and electric lights are in the addition. We will ad vance the price of all our holdings in this addition after this sale. Arrange to be on the ground Saturday afternoon, May 11th, and secure a good building lot. L J , r. ... - - ; ON SALE DAY, SATURDAY, MAY 11, at 2 P. H., WE OFFER A FEW TKB WHIII CITY" KOMS FX.ACB ADCITION Lost. Pet. 7 .e2 8 .&T 8 .fc-ti 10 .H5 .6a; 10 U .353 14 .300 Plttlnaer Down to 7 U 0 0 2 4 0 0 2; Des 2 4 11 n o o 0 1 14 1 0 4 0 0-d Belden, rf '. . o 1 Jnrrteeiey, ss... o Autrey, ir . weicn, ci. ........ Dolan, lb. J Austin. 2b ,Oraham, Jb , Townsend, xs... O.Hall, p..... ?i Totals , J 'Des Moines .... S Omaha 0' Urnwl runs: 0 , Two-bnse lilts 0 base: Autr-v. Bases on balls: Off Corkhlil. 3: off Hall. 1. Struck out: By Hall, 1; by Corkhlll, 2. 12 8 0 0-3 0 0-7 Moines, 1. Holda St. I,onls ' Fonr . Hits. PHILADELPHIA. May lO.-Phlladelphia defeated St. Louis today through the pitching of Plttlnger, who allowed the visitors but four hits. Score: PHILADELPHIA. ST. LOl'IS. B H.O.A.I. B.W.O.A.r. Ill 4K.11.T. ... I Oliurnft. 8b... 0 Holly. Ib... 0 Becklr. lb 0 Murray, rt. 1 lOriar.. II. 1 I Crawford, 8 OUtrahill. ThumM. r.f. GIo.bos, Ib. .. 0 Titus, rt 4 3 Ugr. If 4 I Er.ni.ntld. lb t 0 Court ney, lb. 8 I Doolln, h. ... 4 1 JarklltKh. c. I 1 Plttluger. p.. 4 t I iMb, p.. .410 I t .414 . I 1 10 .402 .10 0 M. 2 0 1 .414 Brand new 5 and 6-room cottages; each house has two lots. Prices $1,500. Terms, $100.00 down, $17.00 the firBt month, $16.95 the second month, $16.40 at the end of the first year and $14.00 at the end of five years. It takes just 140 months to pay out on the house, and the average payment is $13.50. It is just as easy to buy of us on these liberal terms as it is to pay rent, and it is certainly a lot more profitable. You have a home in the end instead of a bundle of rent receipts. Location very convenient to the wholesale district in Omaha and the street car service is the best possible. Our salesmen will be on the ground Saturday afternoon, May 11th. To reach the place take Council Bluffs car, ride 8 minutes, get off at 34th street, walk 3 blocks north and you are at "The White City." iili u u u H) m) 551 Broadway, Council Bluffo, Iowa L place with 86H points; Crete second, with i'-j points; Beatrice third, with l&Vi points. There was a large attendance. GAMES IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Kansas City Wins from IndlaaapolW ElKht to Two. KANSAS CITY, May 10 Today s game. In which Kansas City defeated Indianapolis, waa rk table for three homo runs, by Hlmes, Coulter and Kerwln. Score: KANSAS C1TT. INDIANAPOLIS. B.H.U.A.K. n.n.u.ii.B. balls: Off Veil. 4; off Manske, 4. 6truck out: By Veil, 2; by Manske, 2; by Geyer, 2. Time: 1:50. Umpires: Werden and Egan.. Game Postponed. ' ' At Milwaukee Mllwaukee-Loulsvllle game postponed; wet grounds. Standing; of the Teama. Played. Won. Lost. Pet Kerwln. rt. .. I I 1 Llndisr. lb.. I 14 1 Hill, cf 1 u 0 I Hudinun, If. 4 1 I 0 4 0 1 Three-base hit: Dexter, Belden. Stolen I GAMES IN THE AMERICAN I.EAGIE Double plays: McHale to Hcii- i u..i..j n- At- Melcholr to Corhdn. First base given for hitting batter: Of Paige, 2. Sacrifice hlta: McDonough, Corhan. Passed ball: Smith. Struck out: By Gilbert. 1; by Paige, 2; by Olmatead. 2. First baso on balls: Off Ullbert, 3; off Paige. 2. Time: 1:60. tendance. 1.600. Umpire: Haskell. ' HtauallnfcY ol lite Trains. Played Pea Molnee 18 Omaha 19 Deaver 17 fcioux City l Lincoln It Pueblo IK Games today i Omaha at Pneblo. Won. 13 11 8 8 8 7 Lost. 6 8 8 U 11 11 Pet. .72 .67 .471 .421 .4U .38 Tl.ai Moines at Denver. Lincoln st Slous City. HisTh School and Iowa Mates. Omahd High school and Iowa Deaf and Dumb school tnamt will play ball at fitors park Saturday -afternoonl tl game being culled at 2M. The Jooala' - batting order will be: Prentiss, first base; Mawhlnney, second base; J. McNamava, third base; Mo Klnney, shortstop; Bernstein, center Hold; Kogere Howrrd, right field: M. Howard, - . Sanerlor Stick Work. CLEVELAND, May W.-Cleveland de feated j&ew York again today. Llebhardt was almost Invincible, while Cleveland hit Clarkaon und Barger at will. Reckless base running kept. Cleveland's score down, Klelnow throwing out five men at second. Score: CLEVELAND. NEW YOHK. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O A E. Pll'k. f I 1 I 0 0 Hoffman, rt.. V 0 0 Brsdl?. lb.. I 111 tKMler. rf...,4 4 4 1 4 8lov.ll. lb... 4 I 11 OKIurrf.ld. M. 4 t I L):, .... 4 114 ICbus. lb 4 1 Clark, e till OLaporw, Jb.. 44414 Conn. Item. rf. 4 I OConror. If.... 4 114 4 Hini hrosa.. If I t I 4 Willi. raa. Ib. 4 I 4 8 Turner, aa.... 8 4 11 OKIalnow, e... 1114 4 Ubhardt, p.. 4 2 OCIarkaoa. t 4 1 B.rgar. I 4 4 1 1 Touu loitrr u iortii l 4444 Total M 4 24 14 1 Cleveland 2 101000- New .ik ...0 0000010 0-1 Batted for Clarkson in third. Two-base hits: Stovall, I-nJole. Three base tilts: Llebhardt, LaKle. Conroy. Home run: Flick. Hlta: Off Clarkson, 4 mm FJFIT 13 U IT WILL COST YGU nnpwinj me most complete line of b B1CICXK.S, TIHFM auof SI NIRrlLS st iS! M txM tk W M n K. i mosi complete line of blvh-r t JSinct.fc."i,TlKP and Bl NDKll-S at fiUCU , uy wuici Biaomiaunr or oeaier in tue world. DO KOTCUYA DIOYDLE Ir?. on any kind 4 SfriM. until too have received oar complete Freo loguee illustrating and describing every kind of high-grade and Ion Ctav bH-eclrs old patterns and latent models, and learn of our ranurkahle to 1ST 1- UiCit.3 and wonderful new on era mad pokuble by scliiac from factory cirect to trier with bo middleuea's peotila. Mff SHIP Oil A PPftp A L Wi. cl pont. Pay the Freight and allow 1 ! tiw lrial and tnnke other literal term which no other o tli 'ii.iii --i r a a s s house in the world will do. Voa will Lar. .. . . ... 1.. abie infonuatioa by simply wnuag aa a 0011. . i A U'r,nc'J Apont in every town and can offer an opportunity lj V4 to make money to suitaoieyuungiuea who apply at once. tS.HO per pair. -OL To tnlrotftico All i , 1 Vi'tN f It Total. II I IT 11 4 Total. tt 4 14 14 4 St. Louis 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 ' Two-buse hits: Titus, Courtney. Sacri fice hit: Buckley. Stolen bases: Titus, Mugee (2). Double plays: Doolin, Oleaaou and lirauslleld. Left on bases: ft. Louis, ; Philadelphia, 8. Bases on ba.llr: Off Hobbe, 4; off Plttlnger, 4. Struck out: By lieebe, 3; by Pittltiger. 2. Wild pitches: Hoebe. 2. Time: 1:60. Umpires: Johnstone and Carpenter. Reds Win In Eleventh. BOSTON. May 10. Both Mndaman and Coakley aeotneu unable to locate the plate in today's game, which was net decided until the eleventh Innine. when Cincinnati bunched hits and won, I to ft. Scire: CINCINNATI. BOSTON. B.H.O.A.E. U.H.O.A.R. Hntsina. tb..4 1 i i 4 Batas. rf 4 I I 4 4 01an.jr. lb... 4 41 v baausiont, 1 cf 4 I 1 Howard, It... I I 6Brtiw.,l. aa.. 4 1 VH.U Vr. 2b... I 4 lbr.ia, lb..... 6 4 tlBrowo) 4 I 4Lln6ainaii, p. Fl.n.rly. s. . 4 41 11 II tBurk 1 K.u.. 8b.... 2 14 lavtm st 4 1 2 Lobart, s 4 1 I MtLsaa, lb.. I I 14 Mluu.il. rf.. 4 4 2 Oclw.ll. li. ... 4 1 Schick, a 4 14 Cuaklay, p... 14 4 Total.... 4 1 4 1 4 4 I 10 1 1 4 4 K nig.r. Bnrka. lb U.Urlda. Huillraa. En. p. Total. Ib. 10 14 4 12 1 4 12 4 4 12 4 111 K.llum. U 14 47 17 I Lord 4Wllliatna. a. 4 4Contter, If... 4 0 HI ran. rf.... 4 Carr, lb 4 4Krun. Is..... I 1 Slrgle, cf. ... 4 ULIrlnf.ton. el Hopka, lb 1 Br.aaa. P 1 p.... 1 1 Columbus ... Louisville ... Kansas City. Milwaukee .. Toledo Indlananolls St. Paul 1 IS lit :::: 15 .21 21 18 12 10 8 . 11 10 7 7 7 11 10 12 12 11 .tub .6H3 .6t .5-0 AM .4.8 .01 1 offered will bring In some horses that will get down close to the mark. There are already a number of promising nulls and older horses beginning training for the racing season here and with good weather during the meet prospects for good racing were never better. Mir.near oils Ultllfg Lodav: c?nliinihiis st Knnft&s Cltv Toledo at Milwaukee, Indianapolis at Bt Fuul, Louisville at -Minneapolis Total. 34 I Si 12 I Lord batted for Kellum in ninth. Kansas City 1 4210000 8 Indians polls 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 02 Two-base hits: Coulter, Carr, Krug. Three-baee hit; Kerwln. Home runs: Hlmes, Coulter, Kerwln. Bases on errors: Kansas City, 8; Indianapolis, 2. Double plnys: Kruoger, McHrlda and Lindsay; McBrlde. Krueger and Lindsay (2). ipfj on bases: Kansas City. 6; Indianapolis, Passed ball: Llvlnjrston. Hits: Off Brlsgs, ( in two and one-third Innings; off Kellum TOWNSEND STILL HOLDS TROPHY I J t Defeats George Roarers In Good Match by HT to KH. Oeorgs Rogers was beaten by Just one b'rd In his match for the Thorpe trophy with W. D. Townsend at the Omaha Gun Hastings Wins Field Meet. KEARNEY, Neb., May 10. (Special Tele- fram. ) The day opened bright and fair or the track meet and the visiting teams all arrived on schedule time together with a number of visiting rooters. The meet was a success and a great many people Kent out from the city to witness the game. This evening there was an enter tainment given complimentary to the vis itors at the high school building given by to Longfellow club. In the score by points Hastings won ftrcn place, Kearney Military academy second, Lexington third, and the Kearney Hie.li school and Grand Island tied for tbe con solation place. Iowa Defeats Grlnnell. IOWA CITY, la.. May 10. (Special Tele- v. v. iownsenil at the omana uun , . r,. . -.,in . o , ,,,. club grounds Prlday afternoon, Townsend ! Kent of Iowa struck out fifteen men. The winning 8 to 88. A large crowd went over, score: R.H.E. from Omaha to watch the matches and were treated to some good shooting. Frank Carmlchael refereed the race for . the trophy. It being his tlrst appearance ; at the trap In Ave years, but he will shoot ; for hlmKolf next week. I The Omaha Uun club will start Its regu lar summer tournaments next Friday 4 In five and two-thirds lnniuxs. Hit by niieruuun. wiien iwo apeciui prism win m n:tch.r: Ilv Koran. 1. Bases on balls: Off onrred. lv Fran ERn! 2;"by BilKgs. 1; by Kellum. 3. Time: j sfternoon for althouijh he had not been iI: i-.m.ir.- Sullivan 'at the traps for many months, he missed Grlnnell 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 02 s Iowa 2 Q 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-4 7 1 Batteries:' Grlnnell, Barber and MoCor mlck; Iowa University, Kent and Kirk. Games In Three-I League At Springfield Decatur, ; Springfield ed. Matches will be shot each wdk. ' . ' apios - wunion. k Crabill was the kingpin yesterday I nVi' ,,',,:,, T a r. . .,., i . i i. k . v... . At Oubuque Rock Island, 2: Dubuque. . At Bloumington Peoria, 4; Bloomlngton, 4 8 Cedar Total. 14 1111) Batted for Llndaman In ninth. Cincinnati 0 011020000 16 boalon 1 020100010 06 Three-base hit: Lobert. Home run. Mitch ell. Hits: Off Linuaman, In nine Innings; bft Flaherty, 2 in two Innings, bacrince hits: Kane, Lobert, Lindaman. Howard, Biuwn. Htolen' buses: Beaumont (2), Lo bert 12), Oowell, Hutiglns, Kane u). Double play: Brown to Brun. Left on bases; Cin cinnati, 12; Bottuii, 6. Cawi on Lalls: Off Llnduman, & Hit with pitched ball: By Linuaman, 1 Struck out: By Coakley, is; by Lindaman, t: by Flaherty, 2. Paneed Boll; Brown. Time: 2:48. Umpire: Emslle. Games Postponed. At Brooklyn: Chicago-Brooklyn game postponed; rain. At New lora; New York-Plttsburs gams postponed; rain. staadtaa; of the Teama. Played. Won. LoaL rtii PAia ACHS s Vt Will Saii Vti ja A.-rirf roif ton vmy m out ikb Aid (cash with onorn 4.ss) K0 MORE TROUBLE FRO.'fl PUNCTURES. Retult cf 15 Tears experience in tire making. No danger from TIIOIINS. CAC. TVS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or CLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional Auufe cuts, caa be vulcabLxd like snv other tire. Tsrs Ksidrsd Tbatnsrid ptirt sew h MtusJ IS. Ovsr teysr ty-tttrs Tboutand talrs told lut year. CttORIPTIOHi IVsde la all rizes. It Is Beer sod easy riding, very durable and lined inside vim a special qvuuuy oi rubbsr, wlui h Oever becomes porous and which closes ap small punctures .mc ' ptiBuiw, u mwn lion, ssit.nca customers stating thai tlieirurc have only keen pumped npooceor IsMutwkgliMaioa. They weigh no more than an oniinarv tire, Ihe puncture msating qualitiee bring given by several layers of thia, specially j,rlied (ubrkea tbe Irrad. Ths"Holdiii Ksi k" seaiwtuia commonly felt when riding on asphalt or fl roads is overcome by the paleut "basket Weave" tread which prevents all air fium being sqtM-fsrd out between tbe tiie aud the road thus overcoming s 11 suction. The regular price of these ti.T" I i per psir, but for advertUinr buroosrs e are an skins s suerial frtor nnr m h of only 4 w J pair. All orders shipped ssuie day letter is reveived. We sin CO. IX oa approvsj. niea. pair) If yon send send one nickel Wotlee the thick rubber tread "A" and pnnotere stripe li" Sad V also risn striy -ll-to prevent run euttlng. This tare will oailaat acr othsr BnakottOt r. aVLAsriO aa4 avavas SCLUXAU. ti do nut w twill rt Li, ca 4 pay a cent until you have examined sad tuuud then strictly ss repress allow ereaatlMMin4of S percent (thereby making Ihe piKt S4.ft& par lilt V i I It OlllftK and enclcae thu) advrrtusniemt. aVa ,ll .Li plsfcd bies hand pump and two hampsun metal puncture closers oa full paid orders (these metal puortorecloaei to by used in caee( mutational kaiie rat of hmvv gsaJicsl. lire lobe tctiirncd ai 1 It caoenMl if fur anf resaon ttsv are n.4 sstiiijM.-turv on t.HmiiU W? sic oerfecily reltsble a;.d money ssct to us is a o.' a j in a beuk. Ask your Pest m sat er aV.ck.rr. at' pmaor hreisht Af rat or the Editor of tins paper abuel ua. U you order a pair of tticse tiie- ;! will and that they will rule easier, run fatter, wear better, last lunger and look tiler lhar tn ; Cire you hare ever used or seen s4 asy pi ve. W know that yoo will be so well pleased fiat wh . o want a bare le von will give tut roar utdcr. want yoe to scad a s anuui trial order at ca heoce this remarkable Hie odcr. frml rrr r?,7 '""C biJt-up-hrU "nl'Ues. padln, pari and rrpalra, scd t UAi.J I iv-i a OtJ evctylbiug w tut bu tele line sre sold ty us at bail the usual trtceacba jed by dealer sod rcpiir men. VVtuc lut our big M 3 UK It eatsUvue. jntra in NT HftfYi" Tm Postal today. 1h NOT lltlAU. Or BCTntO a sUL' It J I I - bwydcor a pair of Urea Irm anyone until you know the new sad wunuertsr tillers e arc eauiag. wur s paui is auus mirinits. wmc u auw, 20 1 18 New York Chicago Philadelphia niuoui in Boston 20 Cincinnati 2o bt. Louis 21 Brooklyn 1 t lames touVy: Pittsburg Cincinnati at Boston, Chicago st Brooklyn, st. uouis at t'nnaaaipnia 17 16 11 2 8 4 1 at I 7 11 ii 17 1 Ne St. Panl Shnta Out Toledo. ST. PAl'L, May 10. Toledo could not hit Ferlss today and the locals made an even break on the eerie. Hooie: if. PAL'L. TOLEDO. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E. i Rogers rt. 4 1 1 OArab'stsr. rt 4 2 0 4 Hdp., yards t l a t ij ciaraa, u. i v v v 2 4 4 0 4 Porkorner, Ib I 18 1 1 4 1 14 4 Smoot. cf I 4 1 1 1 4 1111 Dtmonl, Ib... 8 4 110 111 0Barn.au. as.. 41281 4 0 4 0W riaiae. lb. I 0 11 4 0 till 0 Abbott, e I 1 I I 0 ,1 1 0 2 0 1 .eu i mora, p. 1 0 0 I 0 Suthotf, ..,. i 0 0 1 0 J! I IT II 1 'Chech 1 0 0 0 0 Ksasaa 1 4 0 0 0 Dunlsstr, Korhlar, cf Frl.k, If... Norilyks, lb HariEtl. aa. Padden, tb... 1 Tlemlar. Ib. f 8u.1ttt, C. Fsrrisa, s. Totala... Pet. .8&d .b4l .611 to! .too i York. Totala I 4 24 14 2 Batted for I.attlmore In fifth. Batted for Bmoot in ninth. St. Paul 0 8 2 0 0 1 0 0 Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 00 Home run: Nordyke. Two-base hits: Hartsel, liaibeau. Hits: Off Lattlmore, 7 In four lnnlnss; eff Suthoff, 1 In four In nings. Bases on balls: off Suthoff, 1: off Ferlss. 2. Hit by piicher: By Lattlmore, 2: by Suthoff. 1. Stturk out: By Ferlss. 6: by Suthoff, 1. Wild pitch: lattlmore. Sac rice hits: Frisk. Tlcmler, Sugden, Fenss. Demont. ft on bases: St. Paul, 4; Toledo, 1 Time: 2:00. Umpire: Kane. Millers Win with Stick. MINNEAPOLIS. May 10 Good batting won an easy victory for Minneapolis today. Score: MINNEAPOLIS. CObl'MRl'S. his first bird and then broke out the next forty-nine straight. The score for the trophy was: Hdp., yards. ...16 16 16 .. 17 18 Rogers 1110 loll 1111 0U1 1111 1111122 Hdp.. yards ...19 19 19 19 19 ..1111 1111 0111 1111 1110 1111022 ...19 19 20 20 21 21 ..1011 1111 1111 loll 1111 1111123 ...21 21 21 21 21 21 ..1011 1110 1111 1111 1011 OliU-21 Onkland Defeats Cralx. OAKLAND, Neb.. May 10. (Special Tele gram.) The Oakland High school base ball team defeated the Craig High school team here this afternoon by a score of 4 to t Batteries: Wagner and Clausen; Batch elder and Stewart. Umpire: Rosen. ; Flatfatera to Tonapatt. Mike Schreok of Cincinnati and his manager,' Billy Hogan; Marvin Hurl and his manager, John 13. McKee of Hot Springs, with several trainers, and Jack Curley, manager of ths Catlno Athletlo club of'Tonopah, Nev.. passed through Omaha Friday enroute for Tonorh. The principals are to meet In that mining town May 30. Terry Muataln, an old Omaha lad who developed Into quits a fighter, will meet Dave Barry In one of the preliminaries, It Was the Loaders. OMAHA, May . Sporting Editor, The Bee: To settle a dispute and straighten out a bit of ancient history, please state In The Beo from whom and when did the Brooklyn National base ball team win a gam la 19U7. SIDNEY SMITH. Thursday, April 18, 11KI7, Brooklyn de feated New York by the soore of 3 to 0. Collesre Dane Ball Games. At Iowa City, la. Grlnnell, 2; Iowa, 4- At MedWon, Wis. P-irdue, 2; Wis onaln, ft. At Ames, la. Iowa State Agricultural college, 6; Cornell, 3. At Lawrence, Kan.-tKansas university", 18: Arkansas, t. -, Ames Wins from Cornell. AMES, la.. May 10. (Special Telegram.) Ames won from Cornell today In a base ball game. Ames, 6; Cornell, 8. Batteries: Ames, Harris and Belter; Cornell, Fryne and Roseberry. " Spaaldtna-s Want Game. The Spauldlngs would Ilka to schedule games with teams In the city averaging 18 or 20 years. For games call red 4021 after. S p. ru. . : Rogers Hdp.. Rogers yards Total Hdp. Townsend yards 8S .18 17 17 18 19 1 ..1111 1101 1111 1111 1111 11101-23 Hdp.. yards ...19 19 19 20 21 Iowa League Hesalts. MARSHALLTOWN. la.. May 10.-Spe-cial Telegram.i Following are the results In the Iowa league: At Qulncy R. If. E. Quincy 0 0 t 0 0 04 9 3 Burilugton ...1 2003 000 04 t 9l Batteries: bis and Bruggemen tuason and Jamison. ' At Oskaluose Onkalooaa 00060061 klarsliailtown. 2 6 0 0 4 0 0 0 Baitoiles: Myers snd Moody, and Fcrnsy. At Ottumwa Ottumwa 2 0 1 V 0 4 0 Waterloo 0 6 6 0 0 0 1 0 Batteries: bloud. Bedwlch and CrittanHan. Burnett, tear Us and Clurk At Keokuk- r, h. E. ! Keokua- 2 1 0 0 6 3 1 0 - 14 3 I J jcRsoiivlU ..0 0000016 01 C 1 ' Batteries: Burch end Ryan, Fanning and i B.H.O.A.E. 4 14 4 ORsllly. If.... 110 Prl.l, Sb.... 14 4 Jul., rf 1 0 OtiiMltr. rf.. 6 10 Kltittl. Ib 4 10 llulrwltl, n. 111 Wrifltr. ib. 1)0 Blut. e I 0 Vr'.l. p B.H.O.A.E. 4 1114 1 I 4 I 1 8 1 0 1 1 1 I 0 1 4 0 1 O'Ndll, If... Imnirjn, b. ..4 1 kt.rlas, cf. . . , I 1 J Kr.' man, rt 4 I Or ml'str, lb 4 i B Kn 'm'n. lb 4 I Tuwns, e 4 1 Oy:r. aa I 4 kiaii.k. a ... I I Gtr, ToUl 81 117 110 . To'..l.....SS 111 I I Minneapolis 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 6 Columbus -. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82 Two-base hits: O'Xeil. Hulswltt. Hits: Justice, I f!7 Veil. 8 In four Innings; off Geyer, 1 In lo'.ir innings, raiermce nit: oyier. iouoie piny: Manske and Frteman. Left on basca: Minneapolis. 7; Columbus, 6. Bases on R. H . E. 1-2 8 0 0 8 2 fiiapnlcka R. H. E. 0-6 11 4 7 8 12 6 Townsend Hdp., yards Townsend H1).. yards Townaend .... Total 21 .1111 1101 lull 1111 1111 01011-21 ..20 21 21 23 21 21 .mi mi n:n mo nio 1111123 ..21 20 21 20 21 21 .0101 1111 1011 nu 1111 inn 22 ..S9 The scores In the practice shoot were: Crahlll Cra bill Hardin Hardin Morrill Morrill B. 27.... B 27 .. Drew ., Drew .. Parker Parker Weeks nu 1111 nu nil 1111 11111 is ...mil 1111 nu 1111 1111 11111 M-49 ...inn 1101 nu nu 1101 linn 21 ...1111 0111) 111') 1101 1111 11V1 30 41 ...1111 0011 luo 1111 Km 1111120 ...1111 0111 0111 1110 1110 01111 2h40; ...Kid nio 1101 nu nu 1111120 ...nu 1111 mm iiu mi 11111 zj w ...1100 1110 oni 1111 1101 inn 19 ...1111 Uol UOO 1101 011 0111118-37 ...nw 1111 oui 1101 nu noil 21 ...nu 1011 lmi 11m 1111 nun 21 42 ...nu 1101 1100 0111 Ml 1101118 Weeks 1111 K W 1111 Ooll llol 11111 18S7 Dopita nu nu nu mo o)i oun a) Dopita mi nu nu nu nu 111112545 Nordstrom, nil1 1110 (it'll 1111 Ml 1111120 Nordstrom. Ol'il mi nil 1111 1111 0I1U 22 42 Townsend . .Oi-.l 1011 1111 1111 1111 0111130 Townsend ..Ull 1111 1110 llol loll 011112,141 DOeTOK for 'Pu-EW I Field flub vs. Superiors. T-iie game at the Omaha Field lub this afternoon v. ill be between the Field club team and the Superiors, the old ','onparell temn. The Field club iias a winning team this year and the Superiors lave never been beaten, so the cuntesl should be Interesting The lineup: Position. Field Club. WL OVCLE CCIY, -lU C2S8 CUICiCa.ILL Ida Grove aa Easy Winner. 8IOUX CITY. la.. May l).-(8peclal Tele gram.) Ida Grove easily won the annual iii.-el r.f the Northwest lown High bihool Athletic association at Mornlngalde college tonuy. Tn totals In point were aa fol lows. Ida Grove. Ti; Biaut Oty, 28; Onawa. 6; Movilu-, 4; Cnerokee, 2; AurelU ju Currou and Marcus failed to play. Freen. y of Ida Uiove himself won ii poluta. rnlrhnry aa l:-ay Winner. liKAH.iCK. Neh . May lO.-cSicl!! Tele- i.' in tb n Vd meet cf l.riu- Ni. ba d Lii toJ.:j iuuLuij cusii auu (list Omaha's Most Beauti ful Woman in Next Sunday's Chicago Tribune. . .. .... ..... .t SuDerlors. W. iialcher. I'enny A. Zlebell... Tracy Manila , Clark K. Hatcher. Williams C. Zlebell . . . , . Call' her . Pitcher ..First base.., ..Second base . .Hhortalop . . . Third base. . Left field. . . .Center field . .Right field. Klglit Held.. . . Kociiford Smith Abbott Malone , ..Ch.unbera . . Crelghton Kelly . , .iloajland Houck . . . .Soiiaffer Teenmseh firsts Iluiuholdt. HUM HOI DT, Neh.. May lrt.-(Speclal ) The first base ball came of the season was on the home grourds between the Tecutnseh piiiI Iluir.boidt first teums and reaulted In a victory for Tecumseh by a score of 6 to 2. Neither aide had Indulged ln uch practice, but Ixilh have promising teams for the son. Score: ' Tecumeh 0 0 1 t 1 0 1 0 06 J Hiimholdi 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 02 , Batteries: Tecjmseh. Calhert, Zlnamaster i tnd Martin: Humboldt. Hill and Gibson. I niplre: Lick Turner of HumboldL . . . v.. 1 . -I ; i v ,i . : 4 .. " - I i .; . 1 ' I - . ! ; I ' . - i ; ' 1 ' l, ! li .T - .a nacre fur Fremont. FREMONT. Ntb.. May 10 (Special.) The i inncint I'rlvlng Park aHsoclatlon will hold Its annual races July ;o at II and August 1 and I. The premiums in me I roil ins" and pacing classes will be "inn and In the running classes fTV The 2. OH pace l the fastest rare on ths pro fciaiu Mild 11 is CApeuled thai lU Uluuey The Reliaolq Specialists nnMMs Many of you are suffering from physical weaknoss, your I? j f) Lvl nervous system lk being depleted and your mind weak fieiS liilsl B i n(1 and impaired. Life Is not what it should be. De spondency and gloomy forebodtnga have taken the plate rf bright prospects and happy ambition. You no longer enjoy your daily la bors or duties; your nights are restless and unref resiling and each morning you awake again to the cheerless realisation ft your physical Impediments acd weakneest s, and you have neither the ambition nor the power to maintain your position among your fellow men. In many cases neglect, Ignoranae, worry, overwork, etc., are the cause of your condition, while Is ot),ers It Is some special disease, or frequently the results of neglected or Improperly treated dlseasos, which cause Kidney snd Bladder diseases. These disease (or symptoms of diseases) cannot be cured until first their cause la removed and cured. Men don't give up If others have failed you. Come today to the MEN'S TRUE SPECIALISTS) and learn your true condition. Uet the right treatment first and be cured promptly, safely and thuioughly. For a safe and prompt cure of the diseases that so Insidiously destroy the intellect and strength, secure the services of the eminent specialists of the State Medical Institute. They will restore to health the pitiable victim of Nervous Debility and Brain Fatigue. We do not onote misleading prlees la onr aanon&oemeats. We tasks SO misleading statements or deceptive, unbusinesslike propositions. We sure tnea at the lowest charges oosslbls for skillful and successful services. Ws be lieve la fair dealings sad aonesS snetaods. We treat men only, and cure promptly, safely and thor oughly BRONCHITIS, CATARRH, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD POISON, SKIN DISEASES, KIDNEY and BLAD. DER DISEASES and all SPECIAL diseases and their com. plication. (ill Consultitloa ui ExinlDitlos - ?tmt "on": 'i? ? V-n'A u "im.'' STATE A1EDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St.. Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.