Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 14, Image 14

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Want - ads
Advortlaeaaeale for tfce waat-a
MUati will takoa til 12 aa. for
Ik alaar edition aad natll .
lor the saoralag aad Saaaay odttloas.
Caeh nul aoeosapaay all orders fnr
want-ads u4 bo advertlaeaaoat will
bo averted for lesa tUa 1 oaata for
fho Srat laeortloa.
Ratoa apply to eltha Tho Dally or
Vi4ar Baa.
A I war a maul al worde o lino.
Com I nation a of laltlala or abra
ooaat aa oao word.
neccLA,RcxAimricATio one i-
erttoa, per llao, 10 ceate. Two or
saoro ooaaecatlvo Inaartloaa, par llnr,
ooauts. Bark laaortloaa cnado oa odd
days, lO rfiU per llao. fl.BO par Hue
par smooth.
adwrtlaeenat la Inserted ander aav
oao of tnc claealfleatlona srlyon below.
It will bo rbnrird at the foilowlna;
ratesi Oao laaertloa. 4 eeate per
llaoi three to alx cnaseentlve Inser
tloaa, B eenta per llao earn Insertion!
seven or am consoeatlTO laaertloaa.
S eeata per llao eaeb laaertlon. IK
eata per llao per month
Kareept Agsata, Solleltora and
Owwe, Bird a, Doaje Bad Pets.
Boreeo aad Ve-hlclea.
Poaltry aad Efi.
Pteaoa, Organ sad Maalcal Ia-
Typewriters aad lewlis Wa-
. offkhed ron reuti
Furnished Roam,
t'afnralahed Rmni.
Honsekeeptnaj Rooma.
Boarding aad Rooma.
.. XVATfin TO BIY.
Death and Funeral Notices, Tarda nf
Thank! and Lodge otlees, T cent
per line for oae edition, morn Inn or
ealaitl B cents a line for each addi
tional edition Knndny, lO eenta n
line. So nd taken for leaa than 30)
Want-ads for The Dee mar be left
at any of the followlns; drag atorea
one la "roar eoroer drnaglet" they
are all branch offlcea of The Bee and
yoar ad will be lnaerted Jaat aa
promptly and on the Mine ratea aa at
tho mala office la The Bee bnlldlna;.
seventeenth aad Farnam atreetai
Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam.
Beranck, 8. A., 14u2 B. 16th St.
Becht a Phaimacy. 720 8. 16th St.
Benson Pharmacy. Benson. Neb.
Remls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming.
F.Uike's Pharmacy, 2818 Sherman Ave.
. Caughltn, C. R.. 6th and Plerea St.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Avsj.
Crnnte, J. B., 31st Ave. and Farnam.
CrlHFcy Pliarmacy. 24th and Lake.
' Ortnak, Emit, 1264-6 8. t3th Bt.
Eastman Pharmacy. 4016 Hamilton.
Killer, F. H. 2802 Leavenworth.
Foster & Arnoldl. 813 N. 23th St.
Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 2Uh ft.
Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb.
Goldman Phnrmncy. 2uth and Lake.
Green's I'hurmncy, corner Park Ave. and
Oreenouirh. O. A., 105 S. lnth Bt.
Greenough, O. A., Wh and Hickory.
Hayden, Wm. C.. 2B20 Ftrnam St.
Hnnscom Park Phar., 1501 S. 29th Ave.
Hoist, John, 624 North j6th Bt.
Huff. A. L.. 2a :4 Leavenworth St.
King, 11. 8 , 2238 Farnam St.
Kountze Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th.
Patrick Drug Co.. 162C4 N. 24th Kt.
J.sthrop. Chan. R.. -.124 N. 24th St.
Peyton, L. K., 24tl. nd Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave.
Bchaefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and
Schaefer. August. 2,131 N. 16th flt.
Schmidt. J. H., 24thand Cuming t".
Storm Pharmacy, 1(th and Martha fits.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 'th and Cuming.
Walton Pharmacy, ?oth and Grace Sts.
Wlrth, O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sts.
The following births and deaths have
been reported to the Board of Health:
births Ole Hugness, 18(4) North Twen
tieth, boy; Charles E. Itooney, 13)9 North
Forty-sseond, boy; Joseph Vlncina,- 23-'S
eoum twentieth, boy; A. Aglnkee, 21 IS
jrmraeiie, gin: w. u. (.irtiloway, 3!17 North
'I wenty-third. Try; John W. Harry, 24(2
Buiiiii rmeeiun, Doy; Henry Martin, 314
joiiu 1 wemy-iourtn, Doy; T. Tavlinson,
Buneroft, boy; T. Dunlop. 3645 Charles,
pin; oiunpy oivins, 61U North Fifteenth,
Deaths Margaret Greenwalt, Thirty
fourth and Meredith avenue, 37; Belle Lnlrd
1718 Nicholas. 43; Charles Sumner, 1710 Will
iams, 63; William O. Hathawuv, 6011 Cali
fornia. 50: J. Percy Flelshel, 2102 Wirt, 34'
Paul H. Benson, 1912 Locust. IS; Jefferson
Bates, 941 North Twenty-eiKhth avenue, 40;
Jlerbert Cox, 1707 South Soventeenth, 1;
oaeph Spllchal, Eighteenth and Ohio, In
The following marriage licenses have
been, Issued:
Name and residence. Age.
Charles Pnrrls, Plalnvlow, Neb 3S
Christina Nelson, Omaha 37
THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and
Leavenworth Sis. Tel. Douglua 1387.
PIGN PA1NTINO-S. JL Cole. 1302 Douglas.
(D 104
AUTOMOBILE, 2-cyllnder, 16-horse-power
runabout, guod as new, will trade for
tl estate. N. P. Dodge 4s Co.. 1714
X'arnam St. C2j MtU
WRITE for list of bargains In second-hand
uiumobtia. Fredrlcksou, 16U2 Cup, Ave.
O M9U M13
BFND for our list of second-hand automo
biles. DERIGHT. 1818 FARNAM.
.MUST RAISE $1,800. Will sacrifice mv 80
acre farm, 6 miles from Orchard. Neb.,
. Within 80 days for tiS tier acre, net no
arents. Land around It selling from $30 to
la. Some as good land on this as can be
found anywhere. Would raise alfalfa; 70
acres under cultivation. Grove of big eat-
; tonwoode, making tine building site. Must
havo $1,600 cash; will accept mortgage
. for balance, or will take good auto or
fine piano part pay. Write now; will aoon
go at price. Addreaa Owner. Box 26,
Clearwater. Neb. (3)-M3a6 16x
) FOR EX CH A KG E 123 acres of land, all In
j , bhiocrasa pustu:e. located six miles west
) of Plktisiuouth; 70 acres of It bottom land,
t the balance rolling upland, with tine young
iiiui'ei, an urgani proposition lor a dairy
farm. Price $j per acre; will exchange
for good Income property.
X also have a 7 and 2o-aere tract near
' I'lattsmoutn for trade. Write J. P. Falter,
Flattainouih, Neb. t$ M3a 14
130 ACHES, I miles from Kchell City, Ver
non county, Mo.; $0 acres under cultiva
tion; good buiiillng ; price, $:,0 per acre;
Incumbrance, 2.i)0, whl rxchmiife for gen
oral merchandise. Globe Land ami InveaU
. Uictlt Co., Itli 1'n.uia bt., Omaha.
IbACHANGES- If you have city property,
t.icka of goods, farm land or DruDertv of
aa . kind to exchange, write for our com
ll;e list. We have propurtli-s and lands
in all l-rta of the country to exciianve.
(Hie lint la ftee. Bead for It at once.
Gti'he Land and Investment Co., DCS Far
nam St.. Omaha, Neb. ta u
SOUE good Omaha property to trade for
Und or merchandise. 110 8. 17th Ht.
(3 MJ07 Jel
FOfl BALKr Or trade for Omaha or Coun
cil I'lufTa real estate. II shares of stuck
(pur value i'w) In the Charles lOnglne Co.,
Lyima, Kanaaa.; this is good value and
will bar cloaeat Investigation. Fr par.
, tiavlax aMUraa & 4, W. (fcAJOi. 3j4 Lafca
t4t ' ip4am
200 acre improved farm, to trade for
merchandise or Jncome property.
2 40 acre improved farm, to trade for
merchandise or income property.
160 acre improved farm, to trade for
merchandise or income property.
1,760 acre improved ranch to trade
for merchandise or income property.
4 20 acre improved farm, to trade for
merchandise or income property.
All the above are located in B. E.
Kansas, are tine, and will trade on
cash price basis. Prices range from
$20 to $25 per acre. Actually bar
gains, if bought for spot cash, frice
what you have right and GET BUM,
complete descriptions on requesu
State what you have in first letter.
160, 320 and 640 acres of fine Texas
land, at cash price, to ixaae ior ui-
cbandise or income property.
160 acres of choice farm land, im
proved, near uancroit, Kan., at ov
per acre to trade for hardware.
anfi acres. Bovd County, Nebraska,
tn nnn incumbrances $800. Will trade
Y ' " '
eoultv for hardware.
3 20 acres of Merrick County, Ne
braska, land, equity of $10,400 to
trade for hardware.
1,120 acres of heavy, black soil, 10
fppt doeD. clav subsoil, price $13.50 per
DCie, Nebraska, wants general mer
chandise stock for it.
lbO acres under irrigation, waier
rights Included at $32 per acre, one
mile from station, wants to trade for
general merchandise.
$2,500 stock of drugs to trade lor
cheap land at right price.
Address all communications con-
cernlng the above to EXCHANGE Dept
21-36 U. S. National Bank Building,
Omaha, Neb.
Remember we have active offices in
several large cities, several men on the
road all the time looking for trades,
buyers and sellers, and have constant
connection with nearly 700 real, live
agents, and therefore we CAN BEST
l8)-M4M 13
ttjatifsi trades! If you have any
thing that you don't want and will trade
It for something elae, write us. We can
match anything. Kelly Investment Co.,
220 Neville Block, Omaha, i.eD.
(3) M152 11
UP-TO-DATE 'stock of general merchau
dlne, located in good town of 81,83; ln
vnif, oi.nnt tR 000: will consider good land
in southern Nebraska or Kansas. Globe
Land and Investment Co., 182i Farnnm.
C3J M3S3 14
C. J. CANAN, 701 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha,
$30,000 Highly Improved residence prop
erty in ti.e most desirable residence part
of city, all clear, for a Nebraska ranch.
(3) M364 M17
WILL EXCHANGE one year's music les
sons on any Inntrument for Job printing
or ndvertislng in any locality. Address
A 100. ,Bee. (3) M162
LIVE MAN. with ability and money enough
to get around with, cun get in touch with
a fine money-making opening by address
ing k. 2;5. Bee. (4-24 U
IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a place to In
vent your services und some cash, I have
It for you. You can handle your own
money, be your own boss and make a for
tune If you possess the requisite ability.
Square legitimate business proposition;
entirely new; nothing like It. For Inter
view address P 2ti3, Bea. 4j 260 11
FOR SALE or trade for Iowa or Nebraska
lund, fine meat market in western Iowa
county seat, doing $12,000 to $16,000
yearly. Slaughter house and S a ore a
land goes with this. Phone Red US.
Noland & Graham, Omaha, 1814 Harney
street. 14) M200 11
FOR SALE FlrFt-claea blacksmith and
wagon work business, with tools; $4 to $8
received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set
ting tires. Address Y128, Bee. 4 10H
NEWSPAPER man, competent.expertenced.
but without capital, desires to secure an
established country paper on time in good
town. Neb., Iowa or Wyo. Strictly tem
perate, industrious and full of business.
Address A. U, Gillette, 281$ Davenport St.,
Omaha, Neb. (4) 110 12x
Your attention, please. Are you looking
for something good? We have the beat
side line you ever handled; no selling or
samples; all you do Is recommend. Irs a
money maker for you. Address Look
Box 739. Omaha. Do It cow.
14J-M923 Mil
FOR BALE My stock of general mer
chandise. In good condition, located In
good live town; will either sell or lease
building; terms reasonable; wish to re
tire from business on account of fail
ing health. For particulars call or write
J. R. Young, Lodge Pole, Neb.
(4)-M46 Myl9x
MUSIC teachers' local locations bought,
sold. Pertleld Piano Co.. 1611 Farnam,
Omaha. (4) M163
$1 HO. $2.!'0 AND $4,000. WatJTEKN HO
STREET. KOOU $. (41 Ms69 My23x
WANTED To borrow $100 for 60 days; will
return $126; good security. Address F
221, Bee. (4) M3-J6 llx
FOR SALE-Steam laundry in town of 2.000;
good, paying trade. Box 80S, Fullerton,
Neb. (4)-M398 111
A GOOD country etora with a stock of
about $2,uuo; located near Miller, Mo.;
will sell or consider good Income prop
erty. Globe Land and Investment Co.,
lKjy Farnam. (4) M384 14
I HAVE buyers'for any business. See ma
quick. Hlldretb. 610 Bee Bldg. (4) MS39
FOR BALE Twenty shares Union Btouk
Yards stock. Addreaa L Z93 Bee.
(4)-18S7 12x
PHOTOGRAPH gallery for sale or trade
tor umana property or small business.
Address A. j. van uew, Tork, Nab.
(4 M391 Jefix
ONE of the cleanest, neatest country atorea
in western raiseouri; aaies rev per month
Invoice about .-; wlu e" Lt a go.!
aiacoum xor caan. iiioue uioa ft invest.
merit Co.. l&a Farnam. (4) M3&! 14
FOR SALE Confectionery and Ice cream
trior in ine neat town in Ktnui. N H.
Mora it, tony vine, ata, tr AtiM llx
WANTED A party to buy out a flret-olase
stock of furniture In the but town ou
tbe Rlkirfsra valley; beat of reason In
aellbjtv Yi Una Jlasuaur Co. Wln,
Do You Want Good Kelp?
WANTED A German rftner In general
merchannifte Dtiaineea in a good uerman
country town, or will trade my Block for
land or ell for cash; a fine chance for
aoiiio clerk. George F. Thlea. Wayne,
Nab. (4 M.TS2 14X
A 2-room concrete building, bunt and
stocked with new goods two yars ago;
on account of fire; jewelry department In
connection: the only Jeweler In town; In
a lively western Montana town of x on
the main line of the Northern Paelflo
railway; Industries are stock raising,
farming and lumbering; about $21.0u0 will
handle this: doing good business, with
good opening to Increase with more capi
tal; reasons for selling, falling health.
Address Mammons & bons, Plains. Mont.
(4)-M2M 13x
DRUG stores for sale every where. F. V.
Knlest. 707 N. Y. L., Omaha. (4) 111
WANTED Good financier with about 1,B00
as partner In the beat thing In life for the
state of Nebraska. Address K. C. Evens,
Sheldon. Ia. (4) MJ90 13 x
WANTED Energetic young man with
little money to fnannxe branch offlco In
eastern Nebraska. F.xcellent opening for
the right man wanting permanent paying
buslnewi. Address 604 Observatory Bldg.,
Des Moines, la. (4) 311 14x
FOR BALE Photo gallery In good town In
western Iowa. Will sell cheap for cash,
or on easy payments. R. C. M., Jr., 601
Broadway, Council Bluffs. (4) M119 11
FOR SALE Fixtures of a small hotel and
boarding house; gas light; good busl
ness;'cheap; must be sold before June 1.
Address E. L. Fischer, Shelby. Ia.
(4)-M432 17X
THE BEST PAYING Jewelry and phono
graph business In Nebraska for the
amount Invested; about $2,200. building and
all. Write Y 113, care Omaha Bee.
(4)-M444 1 2
FOR SALE Laundry, well equipped In
machinery; money-maker for right man;
will sell for cash at a bargain; will con
sider Omaha property for trade. Ad
dress A 300, Bee. (4) M467 13x
TO BUY or sell any business or real es
tate, call on or write U. G. Qangestad,
J3 Bee Bldg. (4) S03
WANTED To trade for stock of goods;
have a good farm. Address Y 246, Bee.
, (4)-499
WANTED Young man with 8209 cosh to
manage branch office of Incorporated real
estate company; exceptional opportunity.
Address K 87, care Omaha Bee.
TO BUY or sell any business or real es
tate quick, write or see Hlidretn, oiu nee
Bldg. (4)-639
A DOCTOR wanted to buy my house and
take my practice. Dr. W. S. Johnston,
Corning, Ia. (4) M103 llx
WANT a second-hand automobile; have
some land to trade. Address Y 243, Bee.
(4) 497
BUSINESS CHANCE Invest $1 per week
for 26 weeks or $26 cash and clear $2o0;
absolute safety guaranteed by all banks.
Storeheat Mfg. Co., Los Angeles, Cal.
(4) M642 .TlOx
FOR 8 ALE Wagon, buggy, harness and
blacksmith business, with buildings. Lock
Box 12, Wilcox, Neb. (4) M9S1 llx
Investment Dept. Western Ref. Bond
Ass n. Inc., suite 721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(4) 684
ONLY hotel In good live Nebraska town oa
1,200. New modern brick building, forty
rooms. Everything first-class. Price
12,, W. Has cleared more than this yearly
the last three years. Rent reasonable.
Peterson Bros., 523 Bee Bldg. (4) 8fg
809 Mew York Life Bldg.
Omaha, Neb.
I have a financially responsible party that
will rurnlsn desirame land, located on
railroad near South Omaha, and become
interested with a thoroughly experienced
party in making brick. Party must be
reliable and competent to manufacture on
quite a large scale. Address W, L. BelDy,
room 440 Board of Trade Bldg.
(4)-876 10
FOR SALE Meat market In a town of
3.000 population. Call on or address J. J.
Johneon, Wahoo, Neb. (41742 13x
T. E. BRADY, Probate Atfy, 609 Bee Bldg.
lo am mi
Civil Eaglaeera. ,
L. O. HICKS, surveying.
423 Board of
(5 M3I4 J6
DR. ROY, B- & UX Farnam St Doug. 8497.
(& 14
Clarara and Tobaeoo.
O. C. SIMMONS, 411 So. lEtb.
(5)278 Myll
to Beatrice creamery ui, umana.
(6 117
Carpet Cleaalas;.
SEND your carpets to N A, Christ enson A
Son, 2221 N. 2uth St. 'Phono Web. itiba.
(6) 118
la. Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1I19 Farnam.
(6) 114
CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Works. Mak.
lng over ana relaying carpets. Also rug
weaving. ltb and Lea v. Tel. Doug. 666.
p. J. CREEDON ft BONS, general con
tractor, umca ana taciory, 4otn and
Dodge. 'Phonea, liar. 2160 and Red 1(60.
BAILEY MACH, Id fl. Paxton. D. inns.
(5) 19
Dress aaaklBaT.
IN FAMILIES Mlas Sturdy. Tel. Harney
UU. (o) 881
KOTERA CO., 1606 Jackson. Doug. $nrrr.
(5 118
HESS SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam.
Tel. D. 125$.
J. H. BATH. MM Harney. TeL Doug. $000.
(& 4J
W. S. HEATOK American furnaces; tin
work, lata Farnam BU Tel. Duui.-Ims
(5 M7S8 M
Ooraaaa Coasalate.
OTTO 8IEMS8EN. correspondent notary
public 9U N. If. L. Bid. Tel. D. 553.
(5 S14 Mil
Homo Cleaalaar.
JDHNBON elaana carpet, waehe windows,
floors polished. Tel. Douglas Cutt,
6 4t Ml
MbTB. Inaatrptiratlng Co 4M K. XL U
TUB Schllta, European, 16th and Harney.
ST. JAMES-Ratee, $1 and Fl.iS pr day.
41 a 13th. (6r-72 Mil
Jewelers aad Watehmakere.
N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry
repairing, 2 & S Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 436..
JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. 1m
Tel. D. 161
Dr. Bowser, over 1600 Far.
Tel. Doug. 6370.
JENNINGS Printing Co.
Tel. Douglas 6.VW.
(6) 12
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order,
don't fall to see our elegant Imported line.
Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 & Cap. ave.
(5) 127
8WANSON PRINTING CO., high grade
printing at lowest prlcea. 110 B. 17th St.
Tel. Doug. 3969. (6) MS39 Myl2
600 BUSINESS cards, $1; 10.000 printed en
velopes, good stock, for 810; othir work
at same ratea. Get our estimates and sea
our samples of work. Call at room 32,
1. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg., or 'phone Douglas
W3. 16) 394 My 17
B. TRUSSELL, 116 6outh 16th Bt.
(6) 6S7
FRENCH and artistic photographers. 210
S. 14th St. (5) Yl JM21
Plnroblna; and Heatlngr.
T. F. BALFE, plumbing, gas and electric
fixtures. 1007 Howard. Tel. Doug. 743.
(5) M705 JullO
LYNCH BROS. -Repair work our specialty.
lis n. l&th S Tel. Douglas nn.
6)-67G M3
Safes, Shattera, Etc.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe
cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and
safes. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th St.
School Fnrnltnre.
OMAHA School Supply Co., 1621 Howard.
ID-sa mi
Stove Storage.
ffTflVTTQSTORED Hughes, Stove Rep.
OXVVtiO Work, Tel- Douglas 71 Sfi
(5) M752
Wall Paper Cleaning.
WORK guaranteed. ' Call Douglass R82S.
DON'T fall to call me at Douglas 878.
(6) M4I'8
The Leading Palmist of Omaha.
Revelations of past and future described.
Parlors. 113 S. lth St., Opp. Boston Btore.
MAYO Readings 60c 50e 60c.
Most reliable and conscientious life read
ers. Ret 922 No. 16th St. C)-23;'X
Spring Term Now Open.
Cataloguo free. II. B. BOYLES, Pres.,
Omnha Neb M170
Factory and Trades. '
WANTED Glrla to work In candy factory.
The Voegele & Dinning Co., 1316 Jones St,
(7) M823
GIRLS WANTED Burgesa Shirt Company,
2024 Farnam bt. (7) 129
WANTED Machine girla
Laundry, 211 S. 11th St.
City Steam
DRESSMAKERS wanted at 1213 Chicago
Bt,; steady work, gooa pay. (7) St lox
WANTED Experienced ladlea" clothes and
shirt waist Ironers. Union Hand Laun
dry, 2604 N St., South Omaha. (7) 207 11
FIVE laundresses and Ironers; good wages;
steaay worn, aui .eavenwortn t.
(7)-M353 14
A PRIVATE cook, dish washer and waiter
wanted, state wages expected per month
In first letter. Address Box o&3. Sioux
City, la. (7) M334 U
Hootekwptsg aad Domestic.
WANTED An experienced laundress and
dining room girl, by the mo; references
required, inquire at isamundson Memo
rial Hospital. Cor. Pierce and Oak Sta.,
council Biuns. to aaaiy ia
GIRL for general housework; family of
two; good wages. 'Phone Harney 1284.
C7 890 30x
WANTED A good chambermaid and also
dining room girl; good wages. Merrlam
hotel, 25th and Dodge Sta. (7) M3S2 16
WANTED Good elderly woman for gen
eral housework; email family. 611 South
Jlat Ave. (7 MJS2 11
WANTED Woman of 26 to 16 without
children to keep house. Small family in
Fremont, Neb. Address Y 108, core Bee.
(7) M3S6 16
WANTED Experienced girl as cook; good
wages. N. E. corner 83d and Farnam.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 153$
Park Ave. (7-435
GIRL for general housework, in family of
4; good wages. Mrs. F. D. Wead. 6u2 a.
40th. Tel. Harney 2807. (7) 673
SWEDISH housekeeper. $340 year; house
gins $7 week. . Canadian Office. 15th and
Dodge. (7) M7i3
WANTED Nurse girl wanted. Small one
preferred. 114 8. 13in St., up stairs. Kap-
(7)-M29 13x
WANTED Woman, cook for luneh room;
must be experienced and atead; Xurnish
room. 818 S. loth. (7) M140 11
WANTED A cook for small family; even
ings und Sunday afternoons off; $20 per
month. Apply Dr. James 8. Kennedy,
Fort Omaha. (7) MS2J Ux
WANTED A good girl for second work
and to assist with children. Mrs. J. A.
Sunderland, 1029 S. 2th SL (7 M994 11
WANTED By neighbors, two slot era or
girl friends for general houses, oik, perma
nent place. 1318 8. St. phone Har
ney $lu6. (7)-ll2 14x
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; family of three. J04 B lnth
St. (T)-7I
GIRL for general housework. 3316 Bur'
6L ' (7) Ml llx
YOl'NO GIRL wanted to take rare of chil
dren. . Puppletun Ave. (7-Mi lu
GIRL for general hoaaework. $417 Plerc
St. Tel. uougiaa sua, ii-i.i u
WANTED Young girl to help with chll
dren. 6U 6. 87th St. (1HMW
WANTED Young girl to help with house
work. 8578 Poppleton AVS, a l
QTRV wanted for general house orfc small
fuilly; soon we Wf , ei- rn"s
f 4.JN . iJSMiaaa
Uonaekeepera and Domestics loat'n'd
WANTED A Swedish or German girl for
general housework In small f.itnlly. Box
33T. Idaho Springs, Colo. (7) M108 llx
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
Mrs. Hall, 2115 Sherman Ave.
(7;-M332 13x
GIRL wanted for general housework. 2215
Blnney St. 17 331 13
housekeeping; three
wafies. 104 8. 8Gth St.
girl for general
in family; good
(7)-M346 11
WANTED Girl for general housework;
smull family. Apply 2509 Farnam.
(7)-iK3 12x
WANTED Good laundress, two days i
week. 'Phone Harney-Snj today.
7-3C6 U
WANTED An experienced cook; also an
upstairs maid. Apply to Mra. H. C. Ca
llsch, 313 Harney St. (7)-371 11
WANTED At once, experienced cook.
Must have references. Mrs. J. E. Baum,
3545 Harney St. (7)-M4M 13
WANTED At once, several good sales
ladles. See Timekeeper, 2d floor. The
Bennett Company. (") SCI 11
CASHIER and office assistant, good pen
man, $30 to $j0; stenographer, $50; b.;ok
keepera, salesladies and others.. Call or
STENOGRAPHERS, cashiers, bookkeepers
salesladies; see us at once. Iarge list of
hlKh grade positions for Immediate con
sideration. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, INC.,
721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(71403 10
721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(7)-M461 11
HATS trimmed or remorTeted, 25c to 75c.
i'hone (evenings) Red 50u6.
(7 M479 M19x
M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far.
(7)-224 M14
WANTED Experienced bundle wrappers.
Apply at basement Brandela new store.
(7 370 12
Afevents, Solleltora and Salesmen.
Wanted, Salesmen
A few experienced and suc
cessful salesmen, to enter the
exclusive selling force of the
National Cash Register Com
pany; must have had at least
three years' experience selling
to retailers. Salary $1,500.00
and commission in guaranteed
territory, or straight commis
sion basis earning of from $3,000
to $6,000 per year. Business ex
penses advanced. Apply at ller
Grand Hotel Monday and Tues
day, 9 :30 a. in. to 5 p. m.
Inquire for J. L. Morris.
(9)-M458 12
SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who
have nau experience selling views, por
traits or books; pleasant work and big
money, call at Koora 0U3, nee uidg.
43) 333
WANTED Men for real estate business In
Nebraska; salary; expenses advanced, and
splendid opportunity for right kind of
men. Apply 316 Neville Blk., 16th and
. Harney, Omaha. (9j M760 Jel
2 MEN for canvassing; steady work; pay
weekly. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard.
(9) 771 Junel
WANTED Salesmen to travel In surround
ing states; knowledge of our business not
necessary, but must be hustler and sober;
position permanent, with good Income.
Address J 2ut. Bee office. tS) M648 llx
AGENTS wanted to drive through the
country: best selling proposition ever of
f erred; big value for your customer, big
profit for you. Write today for particu
lars and territory. E. R. McCIellan, 603
Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (91834
WANTED By Omaha firm, wldewaka
young mon as traveling salesmen; posi
tion permanent, with good prospects for
advancement; give past experience and
references. Address M 111, Bee office.
(9) M550
WANTED A competent salesman for
western Nebraska. Must be experienced
In the wholesale grocery business. Wm.
Taekaberry Co., Sioux City, la.
(9)-M347 15
WANTED Salesmen to sell A-l mining
stock on commission; I pay 2 per cent
commission on all sales of stock. Ad
dress J. V. Binith, El Paso, Texas, P. O.
Box 837. (91-M441 12
NEW BOOK, "Capital and Labor;" 50 per
cent commission; price. $1; agents selling
40 a day; write quick; free outfit. J. L.
Nichols & Co., Napcrvllle, 111.
(&1-M442 13x
WA-NT ED Good , reliable men or women
to represent large business house; salary,
$6T to t'.O per month. Address M. J. Kiev
lord, Leland, la. (9)-M440 17x
WANTED Several good boys, first-class
pay. A. D. '1 , b. 13th.
(9) M931 M24
BOY 16 to 18 for bowling alley work; good
wages. Apply at once. iai iiarney til.
GOOD wagea and chance for advancement.
Omaha Box co.. t,. umana.
(9r-M673 My31
WANTED 10 boys with wheels at 1613 Far
nam. ( Mian ux
WANTED Boy to work In rlgn shop. Wal
ler Display CO., j-ua uvugms. t osi u
Clerical aad Office.
WANTED Boys for railroad office; edu
cation two years in high school. Address
Q 222. care Bee. (e-Jill llx
WANTED Manager for branch office we
contemplate opening here In St. Paul.
Address with references. 'Vlie Morris
Wholesale House, Cincinnati, O.
(9)-M264 12x
Factory aad Trade,
PRINTEIRS Become Linotype operators. A
school for the making t Linotype oper
ators; tuition, I'. with no time limit as
to length of scholarship; stuy until you
are competent; we leach you the care and
construction of the inarhli o w hile you are
learning to operate, but the fit t lis of the
student to hold a situation anywhere as
an operator Is the aim of the sihonl; for
nonunion printer orvly; entrance blanks
furnished on application. National Lino
type College, Lxs Moines, la.
9-M443 l$x
WANTED Men to learn barber trade.
Wonderful demand for barbers; few
weeks completes by our method of prac
tical experience, careful Instructions,
demonstrations and examlnatlona; diplo
nm granted, toola g'ven, positions wait
ing; top wagea paid. Call or write
Moler Barber College, 1118 Farnam St.
nrimoNil for drag meat everywhere. bV
1 Vfc .atW M tii It fr 0U. ft-M
:: :: ::
Factory aad Tradca totlaed.
WANTED First-class barber: no students;
Jtiarantee of 115 or So per cent. Address
ohn black. Huron, & D.
(91-M978 Hill
MEN and hoys wsnted to learn plumbing
or bricklaying trade; pays la to U day;
great demand for grauduates; position
Kuaranteed; 3 months completes prno
tloAl Instruction; no books used. Free
catalogue. Coyne Plumbing Bricklay
ing ichool, Bt. Louis, Mu. (9) .NU.(i
WANTED-Paperhangera and painters;
only experienced help need apply. H.
Berwick. 2U a Main St.. Co. Bluffs.
() M331
WANTED First-class all-round butcher
C H. Huber, 112 E. Broadway, Co. Bluffs.
tl- MZ74
GOOD tobacco stripper wanted for 6 men,
man or woman; will rsy II6.1O per Week;
teady work; win sena transportation. M.
Anson. 1-ander. Wyo.
BOARD OF TRADE barber shop. 1C05 Far
nam, best service, ten chairs, no long
waiting; shaving, 10c; haircuttiu, Zf.o.
WANTED In telUgent young to learn
hluctsmlthlng; must come with recom
mendations and mean business. A. II.
Whitten. Swlnk, Colo. i9) M175 16x
BARBER WANTED Must be first class.
No boozer or cigarette smoker. $13 and
percentage. W. M. Lowery, Sanborn, Ia.
t; aijoo its.
WANTEDA good Iron worker and horse-
shoer at once; rood, wages, kh eiout,
Graham, Mo. (9) M324 lSx
WANTED, at once, good all round printer;
Man who can do reportor'ai work ana
soliciting on occasion. Address stating
exeporlence and wages wanted. The Grit
Advocato, Julesburg, Colo. (9) M367 17x
WANTED Mechanical draftsman; state ex.
perlence and salary expected. Addreae
O 2.S9, Bee. ()-M3ltt II
ly 1
straight salary. Ill Thornburg St., Lara
mie, Wyo. t9i-M9 13x
WANTED At once, good Ice cream maker;
steady work and good pay; must have
go d rererencf-a. Andrew Wood Co., Rock
well City, la. 191-M326 11
BOOKKEEPER, some typewriting, real
estate, $,3 to xso; office clerk and collector,
$.'!; hat salesman; gentlemen's furnishing
salesmen; experienced implement sales
men, $125 and expenses. Communicate
with us at once.
m-iZi n. y. Lire mog.
t9)-M452 11
to 35, for firemen and brakemen on lead
ing railroads; experience unnecessary.
Firemen earn $100.00 per month, become
engineers, earn $200.00; brakemen earn
$76.00, become conductors, earn $150.00.
Call or write at once for particulars. Na
tional Railway Training Ass'n, 620 X
Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb.
(91-M308 Je8
WANTED 1,000 customers for Jarvls' 1877
brandy. Call at any saloon. (9) M469
ENERGETIC young man, over 28 years
old, capable of earning high salary; bond
required. Address In own handwriting,
with stamp and referencea, H 230, care
Bee. (9)-89
WANTED School teacners and tudenta to
tarvel during vacation months; work
pleasant and profitable. Address H 207,
Bee office. (9)-M54
Beard of Trade Barber shop, 1605 Farnam,
best service, nine chairs, no long waiting;
shaving, 10c; halrcutting, 26c. (9) 2S2
WANTED Man to sleep In store. Bedding
towels and everything furnished. Must
have best references. Address N 29, care
Bee. (9) 414 lOx
Horaea and Vehicles.
LARGE and small horses for sale. Also
wagons. Rosenblatt. 1223 Nicholas.
RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness at
rreatly reduced prices. Johnson Dan
orth Co., a. w. cor. 10th 'and Jones sta.
(11) 13S
TEAM of mares, weighing 2.400. $130; team
of heavy bay mares, weighing 2,700, $17$;
one sorrel horse, weighing 1,300. $80. 2810
N. 16th Ave. (il) M811
20 HEAD of fine, young drivers and light
wagon horses and several of medium
price; also two heavy work teama and
three heavy odd horses, cheap for cash
or time. Remember, that we give thor
ough trial before you buy and a written
guarantee that Is worth what It saya.
Omaha Horse and Supply Co., rear 414
N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 6061. (11) M809
PAIR black mares, half Shetland; drive
single or double and ride. 43d and Center.
(11) 130
WE are not selling out at cost, but we are
selling driving wagons, buggies, aurrles
and stanhopes cheaper than any other
firm west of Chicago. Holmes-Adkins
Co., 714 S. 10th St., Omaha.
(11) 816 Mil
IIORSES-Roadsters. general purpose nJ
work horses, bought, sold and exchanged
on commission. Myers, 1114-16 Douglas.
Tel. Douglas 1032. (11 M798 J2
CARRIAGE and wagon painting. Harry
Frost, 714 8. 14th St. (11) M309 M16
TWO good, toppy driving horses; also sin
gle and double harness, runabouts, top
buggies and surrles, for one or two horses,
good as new. Harney Street Stableo.
(11) M6J7
HAY, $9 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. 16th.
FOR SALE Family horse, harness and
buggy. Inquire 1181 No. 17th St.
UD-8S0 10s
$500 CASH (no trade) buys team of well
mated black standard bred geldings,
young and fast: also Scotch Shepherd
doga, $19 each. One standard bred stal
lion and two Jacks to sell.
(1D-M333 Ux
FOR SALE A princess phaeton, also a
one-horse extension top carriage, both
full leather tops, each as good as new at
half price. 'I'hone Harney 22C5. or call
at 4S26 Cass St,, Omaha. (11) 414 12x
Ponltry aad Earca.
RHODE ISLAND RED egga. Martin, 280S
Indiana Ave. TeL Harney 180$.
TEN THOUSAND Barred Plymouth Rock
eggs for sale; Bradley Bros, and Judge
Norval stock; $1 per IS; $4 per 100. Aye
Bros., Blair, Neb. (ID M768 MUX
OUR handsome Illustrated poultry book ia
free to all who will write and ask for It,
telling where they saw this ad. A valu
able book for every poultry man; 8o,000
printed Address Harris Poultry Co., Clay
Center.' Neb. UD-ita Mayifcx
CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Feed Is
the only original ory mica reea. i se cms
only and save all young chlckena. Once
used always used. Stewart's Seed Store,
119 N liitn St., sole agents for the city.
(1D-M942 Myll
Gov't SQuab book free. Model Co., D. 6684.
(1D-M674 Myil
BUY Barred Plymouth eggs of W. T. Clay,
Council Bluffs, la., a breeder. $6 cock
erels. (Hi-Mil Mb
Dl'oTON'B White Wyandottes, pure bred,
esss $1 60 for 15, $5 for luO. Forest Lawn
Wandotte Yards, Florenoe, Neb. Tele
ulione Florence luS3 (11) Mau2 Junel
10 HOMER pigeons, $7. Address N 212, Bee.
8. C WHITE Leghorns; good as the best;
ernes 11.60 per 15. Lundstrom, N. W. Cor.
iaTtn and Caldwell. (11-M116 llx
Cows, Birds, Doaja aad Pats.
FOR BALE FTesh cow, good stock; also
nearly new first-class corn planter, com
plete. 4O10 Ohio St. (11-M400 Ux
FRESH cows for aala. 49th and Hamilton.
(ID-tin Jjix
LOST Small child's gray bearskin coat
Tel. Harnay 6o4- Reward. (1! M412 12
LOST Thursday afternoon, sealskin storm
collarette wltit marten tails, on 16th St.
ttn Globe oyOoaJ Oo, aad praaelj
GOLD CROSS. Return to Nellie A. Wick,
ham, 19 Scott St., Council Bluffs, la for
reward. (12)rM.i:6 13
BFST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerva
Food Pills," fl box, poaipaid. Sberman at
McConncll Drug Co., Omaha
PR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women.
o years' practice In confinements. Office,
614 N. 16th; residence, 2431 Charles, Omaha.
(li J 40
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call
or write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women at 824 N. 24tlt
St., Omaha. Neb. (lDMldO
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav
enport Sta. ; special attention paid to con
finement cases; all treatment supervise!
by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 11S7.
Calls answered day or night. (13 129
MKB. OARDELS. private confinement
home; babies cared for. 3724 N. JSth 8L
Tel. Red 2210. (1$) M2s6 Jfix
83-DAY Rlood Remedy, the great blood
purifier; sold only at Gladlsh Pharmacy,
12th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, (13)
, and others, without security; easy pay
ments. O dices in 63 principal cities. Tol
man, room 714, New York Ufa Bldg.
Some people help you by their influence,
some by their advice, but very few with
the loan of money.
The "Omaha Mortgage" helps you out
with the ready cash on short notice In a
We advance any sum-no to $.00 at a
low, reasonable cost something you can
afford to pay.
A claim on your household good, pianos,
horses, etc., will answer until the debt la
119 Board of Trade Bldg.
(14) 141
CHATTEL, aalary and atornge receipt
loana. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St.
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or
salary loans. tU3 Paxton Block. 'Phone
Douglas 746. (14) 146
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advances private money on chattels or sal
ary; easy to get; no red tape, you gut
money same day asked for at small cost.
Open evenings till 7. (14) 147
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses,
etc.. In any amount; less than half
rates; perfect privacy; immediate atten
tion; any terms wanted; payment sus
pended when sick or out of work. 214
Karbach Blk, 209 8. 16th St. (14) 148
EAGLE LOAN OFFICERellable, accom
modating; all business confidential. 1301
Douglas. (14) 160
FURNITURE, live stock, aalary loans.
Dull Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk.
. (14)-149
Boarding; and Rooma.
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe.
05) 153
ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, with or
without board. Ogden hotel. Council
Bluffs. Li. (16) M600 My29x
FURNISHED outside rooma; board; rea
sonable. Lange hotel, 13th and Jackson.
(16) 793 021
FURNISHED dining roams and kitchen,
best location in the city for day boarders.
2118 Douglas. . (15) 804 llx
NICELY furnished rooms, with board;
ratea reasonable. - 710 S. 18th St.
UW-240 11X .
DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam.
(16) 164 -
ONE south room,
Harney 2420.
with board. 'Phone
a6)-M9C3 June3x
ROOM and board. 614 No. 23d.
(16) 330 Je8
NfCELY furnished rooms, good board;
rates reasonable. The Rose, 20. Harney,
OS) 219 My26
ONE room with board for two gentlemen.
Modern. 213 S. 26th St. (151416 12
Fnrniahed Rooms.
NICE front room, with bath. 23S Harney
Bt. (lor M20J
MODERN furnished rooms. 2222 Farnam.
(16) 634 M27X
TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern; tele
phone. 646 S. 24th Ave. U5f-el7 J2
NICELY FURNISHED front parlor for
permanent couple; light housekeeping
privileges; modern houno In good neighbor,
hood, within walking distance. 2318 Doug
las. (15) M2J9 13x
FRONT rooms, very desirable. 3105 Leav
enworth St. (15) M 158 llx
FOR RENT Rooms, furnished or unfur
nished, at 2721 Jackson. 'Phone Harnoy
1711. (16) M146 U
PARTIES desiring cool, pleasant rooms In
Hanscpm park district, furnished or uni
furnished. 1626 8. 16 th St. (16) M109 llx
PLEASANT room in strictly private fam
ily; newly furnished; reaaonable. Kt
Park Ave. (16) M409 16x
FURNI8HED room, suitable for gentleman
or lady. Board next door, 'rnone Harney
896. (16)-M990 11
LARGE front room.
Inquire 1131 N. 17 th
(15) M136 1ZX
ONE LARGE room downstairs for three
boys or man ana wne. urn jacasnn.
(16)-M235 llx
FRONT ROOM, nicely furnished, all mod
ern conveniences. 623 8. 17th Ave.
(161243 llx
TWO front rooms, nicely furnished, in mod
ern house, suitable tor gentlemen, utt
8. 2d 8t ilSr-MM it
16 per month, modern, 1432 N. 20th.
WELL LIGHTED furnished modern room.
suitable for llgnt noueeKeepinaj, es par
week. 412 N. 16th St.. 3d floor.
(16) MS37 U
ELEGANT suits of front housekeeping
rooms, modern, $15. tOul Burt.
(16)-M lax
NICE room, large closets, water In room.
fine location, rent reasonable, u. tt
St. (16)-8 16
TWO nicely furnished rooms for light
house keeping; complete, $16 per month,
toll Davenport. (18) 427 1$
THREE fine furnished rooms for house
keeping, block from car line; piano, gas
stove, bath; $-6 pur month. 3210 Cass HL
(16)-M431 lTx
rlafaralsaed Hoosas.
CENTRAL, modern, I desirable rooma, bath
and hall, to good tenant. 220 N. J3d.
SUITE of beautiful housekeeping rooms,
south front, strictly modern house; no
ohlldren. 2408 Cass. (151-2&3
FOUR or six modern desirable unfurnished
rooms in new flat. 2018 Davenport.
(16) M144 llx
THREE rooma In modern flat, reasonable.
661 S. teth Ave. li) 14
THREE unfurnished rooms, modern. 144
N. U Bt, (16-MI7& 14
N. 26th.
no children. 41$
tli)-Mi7 tnllx
i-ROOMS, modern. 1424 Burt streeL
(II) M21 llx
4 or 6 modern housekeeping rooms; good lo
cation; private family. 2ii Burt.
(U) M32J II
AFABTMBNT-fwrloir ja, I W,r mod.
Wl UaA .ImM Vi g,
I !