TILC OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY," MAY 9, 1907. 8 CURRENT NEWS OF IOWA CANNOT COLLECT FOR PASS lows Court Lars Dowo Sals in Parr-are Suit from Carroll. RAILROAD COMPANY LIABLE FOR BAGGAGE Employe of JRallroaa Company At tack ea by Tramps ana Beaten So Severely He May Die Tramps I'ader Arrest. COUNCIL BLUFFS by the officers of the club agreeing to give pesa permits to the parties complaining to use the road to the lake. The fence waa Offlrr, IS Scott t. Tel. 4a. erected by the club to keep undesirable persona off the club grounds. MIIOR MEJTIO. Dunn, drugs. Dtockert Delia carpets. Ed Roger' Tony Faust beer. Fine engrvlnee at LefTert. See Bchmldt'e elerant new photos. Lewis Cutler, fun -ral director, 'phona 17. Woodrlns; Undertaking company. Tel. 588. I'ETEKSEN A 8CHOENINO SELL. RVQi I. Murcl, the Ire cream man. Wholesale. .All flavors. Thnnes 364. DIAMi )NP9 AS KS INVESTMENT. Talk, to lefkert about it. New mahogany and roHewood photo frames. Alexander's. 333 Ftroadway. Wadding and engagement rlnga at tha right price. O. Mauthe, Z West Broad way. Tho district court grnnd Jury Is expected to report this mrrnlng and will then ad iim far the term. Lrftwn mowers sharpened and parasols repaired. Fetereo., the reliable mechanic, 101 West Broadway. J. F. Ollein out iRsued a building permit yesterday for a two-atory frame residence on Kraiiit street, to coat M.0O0. Mrs. DeVol, 332 Willow avenue, has re ported to the police the theft of a gold watch and Sh In money from her houm. UUDWE18ER BOTTLED BEEK 18 BERVED ONLY A 'I FlKSTCLASB BAKU AND CAFKS. I HOBENFELU CO., Agta. A supposed burglar attempted to enter tha house of Kay Hickman at 612 Curtis street Tuesday isght. but wm frightened away. CARRIAGES ALWAT9 READY. CALL 278, BOTH 'PHONES, GRAND LIVERY, J. W. AND ELMEK E. JdJNNICK. PRO PRIETORS. A. H. Wllklns, having resigned, has been succeeded by C. L. Whipple as tmlnmantcr for the Milwaukee road on the Chicago Council II luffs division. The Board of Education la asking bids for the wrecking of the old high school building, It having been found Impracti cable lu use the building for a ward school. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to Arthur Anderson of David City, Neb., aged 23, and I .aura James of this city, ageu iu. They were married by Rev. Henry Ue Long. The city council has ordered an extension of the water main on North hJghtn street from Avenue K to Avenue O, the pipe to be laid ahead of the paving ordtreu on that treet. Articles of association of the Tabernacle Baptist church were tiled for record yes terday. The trustees are R. M. i'atterson, Paul Giles and Nathan Turner. Lulu Hen tlrlck la the clerk. Dr. W. W. Mngarrell, optometrist, now open for business. 10 Pearl street. Council bluffs, la. Business 'phone 523, residence 'phone Cedar 15 A I. The only exclusive optical store In southwestern Iowa. KJlsabeth, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Ty,n, 63o South First street, died at a late hour Tuesday night. Ihe funeral waa held yesterday afternoon, burial being in Wulmit Hill cemetery. The tlrst moetlnir of the creditors of W. . B. Hewetson, adjudged a bankrupt Tues day, will be held lu the offlce of Referee Mayne, Saturday, May 18 at 10 a. m. At this meeting the creditors will select a trustee. George B. Thelps and Myron Van Brunt have composed a comic opera, entitled "Yucatan," which they plan staging before long. They wre assisted In the music by Mrs. Jane Beno of thia city and they ex pect to have Miss Lillian Pitch lake cnarge of the staging of the opera. Contracts for the curbing on the streets ordered paved this year have been awarded as follows. To the Council Bluffs Hydraulic Htone company, for the combination curb ing and guttering on Lower Broadway; to fci. A. Wickham, for all other combination curbing and guttering, and to Pete Nelson, for the straight curbing. Graduation Time Will be here very soon. Have you thought of the gift you are going to give to your boy or girl to commemorate this eventful day of their life? If not a visit to our store will give you many valuable suggestions. We have iscently re-enforced our stock of watches. Jewelry and silverware and can how you many acceptable articles suit able for graduation, and at prices that aie sure to please. LEFFERT, Popular Jeweler, 409 Broadway. Upholstering, mattresses made to order, old mattresses made over, feather beds ren ovated, feather mattresses made and all kinds of upholstertng a specialty. George W. Kline. Bell 'phone 618, Ind. 'phone 710 black. 19 South Main street Give us your order for that spring car pet. We do the rest sew, lay and fit It right to your room. D. W. Keller. 108 a Main. Meade Comes to lllnrh School. Prof. F. L. Meade of the Iowa City High echool probably will be elected a member of the Council Bluffs High school faculty to succeed Prof. Robert Bwaine. Prof. Meade has resigned his position at Iowa City and was In the city recently In consultation with Superintendent Clifford and members of the Board of Education. It Is under stood he will be elected at the meeting of the board on May 21. Learn Your Baby to Walk. We have just received a shipment of baby walkers, 1125 to $150 each. Get one and learn your baby to walk. D. W, Kol- ler, 103 South Main. Lace curtains. Btockert Carpet Co. Citv Scavenger I haul dead animals, $100 per head. Garbage, ashes, manure and all rub bish; clean vaulta and cesspool. All work done is guaranteed. Calls promptly attended to. Ind. Phone 1228 Y Bell led WJ J. II. SHEKLOCK Is TO feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror of child-birth can be entirely avoided by tho usn of Mother's) Friend, u scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and renders pli.'tMe all the parts, and uhhifcts nature in its sublime work. By its aid thousands of women have passed this great crisis in perfect safety and without pain. Sold at bottle by druggists. Our book of priceless value to all women sent free. Address BKADriTO POVLATOH CO.. AtlmmUn. Oa. S -" ' - They act like Exercised XN-for the Bowels ?r Ten All 1 Cents Cmc-lsts, JONES STILL HUE CHIEF Tmporar Order Tuned Beitralnln Com mission from Onstinc Kim, ORDER REINSTATES JONES IN OFFICE Law Creatine the Board of Fir sail Police Commissioners Is Attacked on Constitutional Uroands by HI Attorneys. The charges filed by O. P. McKesson against Chief Jones of the Are department were not heard by the newly created Fire and Police commission yesterday morning, and R. W. Jones Is still chief of the fire department of Council Bluffs, despite the determination of certain parties to oust him from that position la order that the former chief. Charles M. Nicholson, may be Installed in his place. The members of the Fire and Police commission received another setback yesterday morning when Deputy Sheriff McCaffrey served notice on them of the temporary restraining order granted by Judge Wheeler late Tuesday night The hearing on the application for a restraining order against the commission has been set by Judge Wheeler for Satur day morning, and In the meanlma Hubert Tlnley, B. M. Sargent and Louis Zur mtielilen are enjoined from assuming or attempting to net as a Board of Fire and Police commissioners, so as to In any way Interfere with Jones In the discharge of his duties as chief of the fire department, or from enforcing an order restraining Chief Jones, or from requiring him to de liver property of the city to the control of another, or to require him to cease to wear the uniform as chief of the deport ment. Judge Wheeler's order clearly reinstates Jones as chief of the fire department and annuls the order of the commission last Saturday night suspending him pending the hearing of the charges filed by McKesson. Life of Commission at Stake. This temporary restraining order waa issued by Judge Wheeler for the reason that State Senator Saunders, as counsel for Chief Jones, commenced quo warranto proceedings yesterday morning in the dis trict court attacking the constitutionality of the law creating the Fire and Police commission. In attacking the constitutionality of the law the following charges are made: That the provisions of the act are In contraven tion of section 8 of article 1 of the con stitution of the state of Iowa as follows: "All laws of a general nature shall have a uniform operation; the general assembly shall not grant to any cltlsen or class of citizen privileges or immunities which upon the same terms shall not equally be long to all cltlrens." That It Is contravention of the constlut tion of the state of Iowa in that it requires a political test aa a right to hold the office of member of the Board of Fire and Police commissioners, and denies to all persons excepting those holding certain political beliefs, and having certain . political af filiations, the right to hold and enjoy the office referred to. Another contravention of the state con stitution charged Is that the law limits the selection of members of the commission to citizens of the state who shall have been residents of the city In which they are appointed for more than five years next preceding their appointment and thereby denies to such citizens who have not been residents that long the right to hold such offlce. Further, It Is charged that the law Is In contravention of the state constitution in that It limits the selection of the mem bers of the commission from the two lead ing political parties and denies the right to all persons not members of such political parties. The final result of the proceedings here will be watched with interest by seven other cities in the state In which the fire and police departments are now under control of a commission. They are Sioux City, Des Moines, Davenport, Clinton, Cedar IRaplds, Burlington and Dubuque, tntll the law waa amended by the last legis lature Des Moines was the only city having a fire and police commission. Bee OIHee Moved. The Council Bluffs offles of The Omaha Bee has been moved from No, 10 Pearl street, where It has been for the last ten years, to No. IS Scott street. The new office Is directly north of the Sapp block and opposite the Nebraska Telephone com pany's building. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night, L-691 Bee office removed to 15 Scott street op posite Nebraska Telephone building. Gun CInb Settles Complaint. Councilmen Maloney, Hendrig and Smith went to Cut-Off yesterday to Investigate the complaint of certain residents of that sec tion of Council Bluffs that the Omaha Rod and Oun club had fenced off a part of Eighth street so as to shut off access to the lake front The difficulty was settled the joy of the household, for without no happiness can be complete. How sweet the picture of mother and babe, angels smile at and commend the thoughts and aspirations of the mother bending over the cradle. The ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, how ever, is so full of danger and suffering that she looks forward to the hour when she shall ii.oo per rarsnnnnrx I.effert's Glasses the Beat. We court comparisons In our goods, our fitting and our methods. We only aak an opportunity to convince you as to the ease, comfort and pleasure afforded In the per. feet vision our corrections always give. Come In and be convinced. Consultation given without charge by our experienced optician. ' LEFFERT, Popular Jeweler, 409 Broadway. I Buy the Jewel gas or gasoline stove. They are the safest. Petersen Schoenlng. MAYOR BUYS HIM Alt AUTOMOBILE Machine Balks and Furnishes gome Fnn for the Cnnuellmen. Mayor Macrae has joined the ranks of the auto enthusiasts and a few dnvs ago acquired ownership of a first-class ma chine. He rode to the meeting' of the city council Tuesday night In It and he rode home In It, but h? did not reach homo as early as he had planned or anticipated. While the meeting Tuesday night was not aa prolonged aa that of the previous night. It was past 11 o'clock when Mayor Macrae got aboard his auto and started to "crank" the machine up, while Manager Hart of the water works company, who was to be driven home by the chief executive, stood on the sidewalk. The mayor commenced to "crank" and the machine commenced to wheeze as If It had the Influenza, but nothing more. Nothing daunted the mayor kept on crank ing until the perspiration streamed down his face. Then he doffed his overcoat and went at the cranking once more. The machine persisted in doing nothing more than wheeze. By this time the eight mem bers of the city council and a few other sympathetic friends had gathered around and tendered their advice gratis to the chief executive of the municipality. Councilman Wallace suggested that the patrol wagon horses could be used to ad vantage, while Councilman Maloney gave It aa his opinion that the machine was suffering from appendicitis and should be sent to the mayor's private operating room In the Bdmundbon hospital. Another sug gested that the mayor let Manager Hart take a turn at the cranking. Now Mr. Hart Is a chauffeur of wide renown, and the way he went at the crank showed this to be the case. The machine, however, remained obstinate and did nothing but cough, and badly at that Relief appeared at hand, however, when former .Councilman Metcalf drove up In his big touring car. "Got a little gasoline?" asked the mayor. "Sure," replied the former councilman from the Fourth ward. While the ex-councilman was hunting for the gasoline, with the assistance of a patrolman's electric searchlight. Manager Hart was vigorously at work "cranking" and occasionally repeat ing something which Councilman Wallace declared did not sound like the Lord's prayer. Just as Mr. Metcalf unearthed the gaso line, the mayor's auto responded to the cranking of the manager of the water works comDany. and. boarding his machine with the agility of a circus performer the chief executive and the head of the water works system were soon lost to sight down Washington avenue, wholly regardless of the speed limit which Chief of Police Rich mond recently announced he Intended en forcing. No substituting when you buy from us. We carry $150,000 stock of building ma terials. You will find our prices In line, our grades up to your expectation. Give us a chance. C. Hafer Lumber Co., Council Bluffs, la. Be offlc removed to 15 Scott street op posite Nebraska Telephone building. FOUR HORSES BURN TO , DEATH Fire Destroys Stable of the Hoaaland Lnmber Company. Four draft horses were burned to death In a fire which destroyed the barn of the Hoagland Lumber company at Eighth avenue and Main street about 4 o'clock Wednesday morning. Prompt work on the part of the fire department alone prevented the fire from spreading to the lumber sheds and adjoining buildings. The origin of the Are I unknown and the department was unable to discover who turned In the alarm. It Is thought likely that the blaze waa accidentally started by tramps who .were using the bam as a sleeping place, as a couple of tramps were seen loafing about the place late In the evening. When the fire department reached the barn, which la wltht.t the enclosure of the lumber yard, the four horses were al ready down and the whole Interior waa afire and the flames pouring through the roof and Into the shed adjoining. By hard work the firemen succeeded In saving the greater part of the stock, consisting of cement and plaster, stored In the shed ad joining, and prevented the flames from spreading to tha nearby lumber sheds. F. A. Fox, local manager for the Hoag land company, estimated the damage at about 12.600, Including the value of the four horses, which he placed at $3,000. The loss Is fully covered by Insurance. "Bourlclus" Is the western headquarters for the Victor talking machines, the Edison phonographs, the Columbia graphophone and all kinds of records. 336 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. When th weather gets warm the people want Ice, so call the Council Bluffs Ccal and Ice Oo. Tel. Tl Bee office removed to IS Scott street op posite Nebraska Telephone building. tenter Gets His Damages. The Missouri state court of appeals has confirmed the verdict of the lower court In the suit of Thomas R. Senter against E. H. and F, C, Louses of this city. Several years ago Senter was arrested, charged with securing a large sum of money from Lou see & Lougee on a forged deed. He was indicted and on trial acquitted. He was taken to Blue Earth, Minn., to answer a similar charge, and there was convicted, and after serving four years in the peni tentiary was pardoned. Louses A Lougee had. In the meantime, attached a herd of sheep belonging to Senter In Missouri, and Senter retaliated by bringing suit for damages for unlawful attachment and false Imprisonment. He secured a verdict for 1700 on the unlawful attachment suit, and this has now been confirmed by the Missouri supreme court. The suit In which Senter claims large dam ages r false Imprisonment Is still pend ing. Gasoline Steves. Two-born ex, full cabinet frame, brass tandplp stove, S3, warranted satisfactory. J. Zoller Virr. Co., 100-103-104-lot Broadway. Both 'phones S20. Meed any lsce curtains? Before you buy better come In and see us. We want to surprise you In price and quality. D. W. Keller. 101 & Main. Bee office removed to IS Scott street op posite Nebraska TelepUoo buildUuj. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, May 8. Special. ) A man riding on a paan, who brings suit for dam ages, cannot collect for his passenger fare. according to a decision of the supreme oourt today. Ben Im SallJnger of Carroll county was In Milwaukee and telegraphed to a Carroll friend asking how soon he had to be back In Carroll to attend oourt. The friend wired him to be back by Wednesday noon, but the Western Union failed to deliver the mes sage. Falling to get a message Balllnger claims to have come home two days earlier than necessary, thus leaving business unr completed in Milwaukee and Chicago, and he brought suit against the Western Union to recover damages. Including his expenses of travel. In the district court trial he was asked If he dtd not. In fact, ride on a pass, and the lower oourt held that he dtd not have to answer the question. The su preme court says that he must answer the question, and a man Is entitled to col lect what expenses he Incurred and not what expense he might have Incurred. The court In its opinion says: "If plain tiff rode on a pass and paid nothing what ever for railroad transportation, he is not entitled to recover from this defendant what another person would have had to pay who was not so fortunate as to have a railroad pass. In short, plaintiff was not entitled to speculate on the defendant and charge up expenses which he did not In fact Incur. A fundamental rule as to the recovery of compensatory damages Is that such recovery Is limited to reimbursement for actual expenses." The court further holds that If a man chooses to ride In a day coach all night he cannot collect for sleeping car berth. Draft Money Preferred. In a case Involving the failure of the Bank of Olln the supreme court today hold that money paid to a bank for a draft and money paid on a note Is preferred and must be paid In full.' In the case decided Frank W. Whlteomb bought a $190 draft on a Chicago bank when the Bank of Olln had no fund on deposit there and the payment of the draft wa refused. He also paid S17B on a note to the bank that the bank had sold to a third party. The bank failed to turn the money over to the third party, however. A few day later the Bank of Olln failed and went Into the hand of an assignee. Whlteomb brought suit to hare hi claim declared preferred and paid In full. The lower court decided against him and the supreme court reverse this. Valuables In Baggsge, The supreme court In the case of W. Bergstrom against the Rock Island railway today held that when a' railroad receives through Its baggage agent a trunk conJ talnlng other than clothing and the agent Is so Informed It Is liable for the damages If the trunk 1 lost. ' Bergstrom bought a ticket from Cedar Rapids to St. Paul and checked his baggage, paying excess. One trunk containing an oriental seal 4.000 years old, some art embroidery of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and other valuables of a total value of r early It. 000. The dis trict court allowed damages for about one tenth. The railroad appealed on the ground that It was not legitimate clothing. The supreme court holds that there Is no law against a railroad receiving baggage other than clothing and that If it did receive it the road Is liable. Memorial VnlvemHy Objects. Memorial university at Mason City has objected to being merged Into the new Baptist college that It Is proposed to form out of the Des Moines college of this city. Central university of Pella and such others as can be induced to Join. The efforts of the Baptist denomination of the state Is to secure the formation of one strong Baptist college In the state. A committee of the state association Is now working on the problem of selecting a suitable location. Assurances from the east of support has decided Memorial university to have noth ing to do with the merger. Fort Dodge eta Vladnct. By an agreement between the city and the railroads a viaduct Is to be built In Fort Dodge over the Illinois Central and Minneapolis St. Louis track. Rate Hearlasr Postponed. The railroad commission today convened for the purpose of taking up the question of arranging a Joint rate schedule. Quite a number of railroad men and shipper were present The commission briefly out lined its plan for beginning the work and then adjourned till May 22, at which time It will begin the hearing of witnesses on the rates. Des Moines Wants Rates. Traffic men of the railroads crossing Iowa are today In conference with business men and members of the booster commit tee of Des Moines in an endeavor on the part of the booster committee to Induce the railroads to change some of their In terstate freight schedules. Railroad Mnn Is Attacked. Jerry Llbby, a car Inspector In the em ploy of the Rock Island railroad at Valley Junction, may die as the result of an as sault of tramps in the yards at Valley Junction. Llbby, In company with other railroad men, ordered a gang of tramps to leave the yards. Instead of leaving they attacked the railroad men and Llbby was quite severely injured, and there are fears that he may not recover. Railroad meu boarded a switch engine and gave chase to the tramps and captured them and brought them baok to Valley Junction, where they were lodged in Jail. Not to Hear McMillan. Lie ton McMillan of Oskaloosa will not be given a hearing before the Grant club. McMillan has started a boom for Forakor In Iowa and he requested an Invitation to appear before the Orant club at Its monthly meeting. The club officials state that It Is not In the business of hearing advocates of any candidate. It may Invite Constipation deranges more lives with nervousness than any other abnormal condition. WHEAT FLAKE CELEI.Y 1? !$ made from the whole grain of tfie wheat, celery infused, mak ing it nature's evacuant. M to cents a package. For aj y !5J Qrocyra The i.narur It means delicious flavor. It means th crispiest, tcadsrtst kraakfaft iooi you rgr ate. It means th original th genuine Toasted Cera Flak, Tea years were spent ia perfecting thia most delicious of all breakfast food. It wa placed oa th market a little more than a year ago. But it success is phenomenal, because tha flavor is just ths Vlni that plrase everyonethat bo on ever grow tired of. Wow the imitator claim to lav equalled in a few month what it Las taken us years to perfect. Common sense says, "Impossible." For the flavoring process i secret. It cannot b reproduced. So, wLea you buy "corn flakes." be cure and look for tit above signature oa the package. Else you may unknowingly accept one of th many worthies imitations. All grocer keep the GENUINE t 1 s nr. j-- -.ww,s L ' m. if. i - V" ST I Foraker himself to talk on something be sides politics. Hard-o-Flt Noses. Tour nose may be Roman, Grecian, pug, long, full or slim. It does not matter to us, but if you wear glasses you want them to be easy fitting, and that 1 Just what we promise or your money refunded. If your glasses fall off, pinch, bind, wiggle or are In any way uncomfortable come In and let us show you what It Is to be easy lltted. . LEFFERT, Popular Jeweler, 40 Broadway.- Sbrlnera' Temple for Slons City. SIOCX CITT, la.. May g.-(8peclal Tele gram.) Sioux City Shrtners this evening received word from Los Angeles that the National Shrlnera' convention had given Sioux City Shriners the right to establish the Abu Bekr temple here. Petersen & Schoenlng sell matting. Iowa News Notes. PELLA The eleventh annual reunion of the Thirty-third Iowa volunteer infantry will be held here September 10-12. ON AW A The first Installment of about $.150,000 drainage bonds on the big Monona- Harrison dltcn were sola toaay to me Trowbrldge-Nevens company of Chicago for Personal knowledge this competitive acre possessor in the front ranks of The Well Informed of the World. A vast fund of personal knowledse is reaDy essential to the achievement of the highest excellence in any field of human effort A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and Know, edge of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and health when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., is an ethical product which has met with the approval of the most eminent physicians and (rives universal satisfaction, because it is a remedy of v ...!:.. v- luiunu ucwijr, tuiunu uKcucnce euiu ruiown voroponeni Parts and has won the valuable patronage of millions of the Well Informed of the world, who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it is the first and best or tarruly laxatives, tor This valuable remedy under tne name of oyrup or wide acceptance as tne most excellent tarruly laxative. As its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well Informed of the world to be the best we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as :VA but doubtless it will name or oyrup 3i Mm LOUISVILLE, KY. What of Jf? Af.f&f try J-on a pecla' mas snort a premium of $8,725. The bonds run fifteen years and draw 6 per cent Interest. REINBECK -: Because Miss Lillian Smith, a plucky l-year-old teacher- in the Vodhls school, had the nerve to drive William M. Albright father of one of her pupils, out of the school with a stove poker. - The citizens of the town have raised here salary from S30 to $50 a month and givn her a $100 diamond ring. Al bright went to the school In response to the teacher's note concerning the conduct of his boy, and It is said became abusive, whereupon Miss Smith routed him with the poker. ONAWA The Joint board of supervisors of Moivona and Harrison counties. In ses sion here, appointed P. 8. Hoi brook of Centervllle, la., permanent engineer on the big Monona-Harrison drainage ditch, and wiTk Is expected to proceed aa fast aa pos sible. This ditch, or canal, la one of the largest drainage propoaitlnnn ever at tempted in the west, and with branrhes, laterals and cutoffs of the Little Sioux river already In slsht will cost over $l,ftiu, 0110, and Is expected to drain and reclaim about "ti.OOO acres of Missouri bottom land now subject to overflow and too wet for cultivation some years. Greatest ice saver on ' the market the Alaska refrigerator. Petersen k Schoenlng. Complete line of Vlotor base ball good Petersen & Schoenlng. "Elijah" tonight at chorus and orchestra. Boyd'. Soloists, OF mWm TOASTED 1 1 Battle CreekToaited Corn Flake Co. Personal Knowledg is the winning factor in the culminatm and when of ample character it dace its r ii i v - which no extravagant or unreasonable claims has been, long and favorably known rigs and has attained to world- more fully descriptive of the remedy. always be called for by the shorter or rigs ana 10 get lis Deneticiai e fleets, always note, when purchasing the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.- printed on the front of every package, whether you call for Syrup of Figs or by the full name Syrup of rigs and r.linr of Senna. SAN FRANCISCO. GAU londoTengland. This to you than you wsald imaflna. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Supply of Hoars Fairly Well Mala talned, bnt Not lp to the at Previous Week. I . " ; CINCINNATI, May S.-f8peclal Teley gram.) Price Current says: The supply rK hos-a has been well maintained. Total west' ern packing was 510,000, compared wltrr $36,000 the preceding week and 4fi0,000 Inst year. Since March 1 the total la 4,645,000,' against 4,310,000 a year ago. Prominent places compare. as follows: 1907. 190B. Chicago 1.046.1100 900.00 Kansas City ),I0 Bart.oW nomn vmiHiia v),xh' -,waj St. Louis 3'Z.im 82a. WO St. Joseph 3fi?,fiM 342,000 Indianapolis 249.0)0 177,000 Milwaukee lwt.ono fS.ono Cincinnati 112.0H0 104,0 Ottumwa lno.Oi 81,00 Cedar Rapids M.0"i0 K7.01O Bloux City Ufi.ow 17Z0 St. Paul 1H5.0K) imi.Ona Cleveland 115.0"0 llt.OVO Robbers Not Captured BUTTE, Mont, May 8 Inquiry at the Great Northern offices last night elicited denial of the report from Helena of ths capture of the train robber at Basin, north of here. contests of fortunate . f2 are mad rttA'- .' NEW YORK.N.Y1