Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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-ii- m i un. 1 1 wi . j .. '.
oiuu s rvmB too crim
50c Cjo and Ssvucer Free F
With rarh carton of fancy Japan
ese tea. containing 1 lb., we will
nresent a dainty Japauene cup and h
saucer. While this lot laeta, we fj
1 will Bell at per carton
g AnkoU' Java. &nd Mocha. ,
U t. the best 3 pounds for a dollar
sold In Omaha, or 1 lo. g
crief an NEWS.
I trtiall te to meet my frlonae
Hie Pencil' i store. Brantley East.
ew Store New goods. Clothing 'or
men and women, hat, shoes, furniture,
carpets, drar"rtea. stoves. Cash or credit.
Union Outflttlnr Co.. lll-17-lt Fai-nam.
DlTcrrca for Desertion Jnmes V. Nods
koy has begun suit In district court for a
dlvorre from Chriatina Nodekov, charging;
her with desertion In September, lsao.
Hosiery Sjsle at atllpatrlck'e Always a
notable event thin time distinguished by
the particularly high character of the
j offering. The finest Itsles
patterns, regularly 7tc, Km, 11.00 and l 2i
Friday morning at V o'clock, 4c per pair.
Lilsplayed In their east window.
Changing- Offices The office of Assistant
Attorney General Rush has been removed
M. Pond, custodian of the gosllns; Lee M.
Ilanilln. wlelder of the gnae quill; H. J.
Lund, keeer of the golden goose egg, and
C. M. Richards, guardian of the flock.
Bnjdat Held oa Mrw Charge I lay Pny
der, mho was bound over Tuesday to the
district court on a charge of shouting with
Intent to kill, was held again Wednesday
morning at the conclusion of his examina
tion on the charge of holding up the drug
store of O. H. Myers, Twenty-fourth and
liinney streets, and robbing It of U0. The
evidence In the latter case waa not great,
Myers being alnne In his testimony .And
Identification, while 8nyder went on the
stand In Ms own behalf and hnd two vlt-
ine namii.miir.1 , nw, to aM h1m ln establishing an alibi.
Bonds were fixed at yK In the roblx ry
case and at 11.000 In the shooting case.
Pool Room Of tan Balded The attempt
to hold some one responsible for the al
leged gambling In a rear room of the
Lumber Firm fa-nrei Location on
Liue fcr LnTber I 'ait.
Present Qaartera on Lower nonslss
Street Are Considered Innae
qoate for Itaplil (irowth
of Roalneae.
to the third floor of the federal building Roya, hall ,39 jjongiaa street, failed
W coffee
1 1 for . .
$ At our
dairy lunch counter, per
5c v
y Specials for This
k Pretzels, per lb 6c
ft tti a IV.
, 25c
C, Sji
Fig Newtons, per lb
j Health Bread (rye crisps)
t" 15c and .
& Anti-Lye Prunes, per lb. Cc,
U Snyder'a Catsup, pt. bottle.. 13c ;";
P5 4 8-lb. sack Courtney's Dollar $
U ITlmie
55 48-lb. sack Excellent Flour $1.15??
jj Potatoes, per bu 75c ,
P. Toilet Soap (C cakes to a box) 25c f.
U Toilet Soap (8 cakes to a box) 35c g t
1 1 Laundry Soap, 10 bars for
W Eggs, per ioz
25c t;
U Butter, Country Rolls up fcom 20c
Pleat ucpt.
.' We carry ln mock every variety
of German and Italian Sausages.
Just received from Fred Uslnger,
German Frankfurters
Uooc Liver SanNayes
Truffle Liver Sausages
Braunsrhw. Mcttwurst
Halsteln Mettwurst
Lachslium '
Carvel at Wurst
Torincr Sulainl (Italian)
From Singer & Co., Kansas City:
Kosher Boloinia
y Kosher Frankfurters
K Kosher Toiiu-ue.
ir I i m
y (poney Ct Go.
ft I'rlvati
Cured Me
Tal. Song-laa 647 M
ta Exciianx collude is IV nt '
"'I suffered with pain under my left
t4reast, and shortness of breath and
iierrouBxiess. My heart would beat
yTory fast, and then. It would hardly
teat at all. One doctor told me I had
neuralgia of tho heart, another said I
i had dyspepala and another only a weak
heart, but none of them gave me any
relief. I was not able to bo out for
four months. I wrote the Miles Med
ical Co. for advice, and they told mo
to take Dr. Miles' Nervine with the
Heart Cure. I took both, as directed,
and entirely recovered.
James P.lver, 1 O., Va.
MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
uwi cxaiiiramT
Into the room formerly occupied by Special
Pension Examiner It W. Morrow. Mr.
Morrow will occupy the rooms on the third
floor vacated by Attorney General Rush.
Bart bjr rail OS Car Charles Kmlenk.
Twenty-ninth and .Walnut streets, fell
from a northbound Twenty-fourth atreet
car at Sixteenth and Cuming streets at
7 o'clock Wednfsdiiy morning, but waa only
slightly Injured. The police were notified,
but Kmlenk declined aid, saying he waa
able to go home unattended.
Hew Churoh at Xaarney Plana for a
new Episcopal cathedral for" the Church of
St. Lucas at Kearney are being prepared
by Architect J. P. Quth and construction
work wl.l be started this fall. The new
church will coat about 135.00) and will be
"xi:!2 fi'ft, with a stately spire eighty feet
In height. The cathedral ' will be the offi
cial church of Plshop Qravea of tha Epis
copal diocese of western Nebraska.
Woodman Circle Officers ! Mrs.
Emma II. Manchester, supreme guardian
of the Woodmen Circle, accompanied by
htr daughter, Mrs. Guy M. Jackron of Lin
coln and her private secretary. Miss Caro
line Gemmell, left Wednesday for James
town to attend the national convention of
the ordir, which will convene v May 14.
Others In Mrs. Manchester's party are:
Mrs. Ellon D. Patterson, Houston, Tex.;
Mrs. I,ula A. Markwell, Little Rock, Ark.;
Mis. Anna Mcl.lonagh, Detroit, Mich., and
Mrs. Mary A. Gardner, Miami, Fla.
Focketbcok Touxd ln Kail Box A
pocketbook belonging to A. E. Ryman of
Richland, Wis., was found la a mail box
by one of the letter carriers In the central
portion of Omaha Wednesday morning. In
the pocketbook were a couple of checks for
small amounts and several notes and let
ters. All other valuab.e contents had been
abstracted. It Is thought that Ryman haa
had his focket picked and the thief finding
the cheeks useless to him, simply hid It
ln a mail box as the bert means of getting
It returned to the owner.
Cut for Veterinarians The criminal
cau against A. L. Van Gorden, charged
with violating the .aw relating to the
practice of veterinary surgery. Is scheduled
to come up before Judge Troup Thursday.
TUe cate Is one of considerable Interest to
veterinarians over the state, aa It will in
volve the validity of the law, which haa
been held both good and bad ln the lower
courts. Several prominent veterinarians
from over the state huve been summoned
to appear and testify, among them' being
Dr. A. T. Peters of Jthe State Agricultural
school at Unco n.
Kotos In Cralghton Will Caaa The exe
cutors of the John A. Cretghton will, were
in Judg Redick'a court Wednesday morn
ing In a suit to require William H. Thomas
to ns.lgn to them'a number of mortgages
and endorse'aeveral promissory notes which
ho had sold to John A.. Crelghton be for
his death, but which through overalght had
not been properly endorsed and assigned.
In order to protect himself Mr. Thomas
asked that an order of court bo secured
and by consent a decree was entered by
Judge Redlck directing him to make the
detired assignment and endorsements.
Bine Qottt Cackle Insurance men from
neighboring towns gathered around the
banquet board at J. P. O'Brien's cafe
Tuesday night for the annual gobble of
the honorable order of the Blue Ooose and
to perform the sacred Initiation rites.
Nearly fifty Nebraakans from all parts of
the state were put through the hard cere
monies and flxty Iowa geese were let in
on the feed. Organized for purely social
ends, the Order of the Blue Goose Is com
posed of traveling insurance men and once
a yenr they hold a grand gobble. These
charter members now hold offices in the
order: H. F. Benedict, grand gander; WII
lurd Harding, supervisor of the flock; F.
In police court Wednesday morning, after
the hearing given Max Blotsky, arrested
ln a raid of the poolroom and charged
with running a gamb.lng place. The Royal
pool hall has been raided a number of
times by the police during the last several
months, cards, poker chips, tables and
other gambling paraphernalia being se
cured each time with a number of Inmates.
Another raid was made Tuesday night by
Sergeants Bamuelson and Vanous. with a
number of detectives, and a Inrsre haul of
Inmates and gambling requisites taken to
the station, the men being charged 'with
gambling or being Inmates of a gambling
p'nee. They will be tried Thursday morning.
Time Comes When Man vrlth Rod
Can Exploit His Wonder
ful Work.
Behold the day of the fish story Is at
A representative of the perennial tribo
stood on the rear end of a Bherman avenue
car last night. He had a black bass snm
ten Inches long hanging from the end of a
string. He wna voluble.
"I caught twenty-cne ouf to the lake
Saturday," he sold. "Everyone of them
weighed more than three pounds. Just
kept me busy hauling them out. 1 had one
pretty near landed. He was the biggest i
baas I ever seen, I was trying to get him 1 fa.n(ri
safe on the shore, when he got loose ana
got away. I was plumb exhausted and I
ain't no weak man either. I flgirered that
flsh weighed In the neighborhood of four
teen pounds."
His auditors covered their smiles as best
they could and winked at one another.
Keeps me busy thinking- who to give
my fish to. pursued the apostle or Isaac
Walton. "Them that I caught Saturday I
distributed around among my friends till
the friends was all used up and still I had
seme left. 1 can't think of no one to give
this one to." Several In the fisherman'!
Immediate vicinity seemed about to offer
to relieve him of the fish and he hastily
added: "That Is, no real good friend."
There was silence for a while and II
seemed that the fisherman had subsided.
But he had not.
" 'Member Inst summer once," he mused,
"I was fishing there by the the Ice houses
and I was Just more thnn hauling them
out. Four, five and seven pounders, I had
'em piled up on the shore there like a small
hay stack. Finally I decided to quit, my
arms being tired with hauling In the fish.
So 1 went over to Courtland beach. I told
the man over there that I'd caught elghty
oeven. 'I know It,' he says. How do you
know It?' I says and then I looked around
and there was a big crowd of people look
ing at me, admiring. And the man told
me they'd been lined up there all afternoon
with field glasses. There was about twenty
with field glasses watchlnc me haul them
flsh out. And about 400 waa straining their
eyes to see me haul them out without
"Yeh see a man's got to know how to
flsh to ketch them back bass. I remem
bej M
At this point the auditors all got off the car
and the conductor refused to listen to the
tales of he fisherman.
Sixteen lots having a frontage ef three
entire blocks on the Belt Line and Boyd
streets, from Twenty-fourth to Twenty
sixth streets, have lieen bought for about
110.000 by G. W. Planner nf the H. F. Cady
Lumber company, and It Is probable the
land will be used for the establishment of
a large north-sldo lumber yard for the
Cndy company.
The lots have been quietly bought up hy
Mr. Planner from time to time during the
last year and are directly south of the
large lumber yard of the Sunderland com
pany. Ample trackage facilities for a large
I lumber yard are provided as the frontage on
the Belt Line Is extensive and the tract is
three lots deep. Mr. Planner haa secured
the passage of an ordinance by the city
council, clnslna; the streets and alleys run
ning through the tract.
The lumber yards of the Cady company
on lower Douarlas street are considered
Inadequate and it Is probable the new yards
will be established this fall or next srrlng.
The new modern six-room house at 3312
Dewey avenue, which is -one M three
recently erected In that neighborhood by
he Byron Keed company, has been sold
for W,510 cah to William Winner, a con
ductor on the1 Los Angeles IJmlted of the
I'nlon Pacific, who has resided at Grand
Nlnml, but will now make his home In
One of the remaining two new houses In
the block has been leased by O. L. Dicker
sen, superintendent of transportation for
the Burlington company.
Mnnr Minor Denis.
Ground hss been broken by the Byron
Reed company on a lot at
street for the erection of a new modern
Beven-roorn residence for John Mullln, an
engineer for the Union Pacific, whose I
John J. Mullln. has ben the hnm-
mersmlth at the I'nlon Pacific shops for
thirty years. The lot has been lMiught by
Mr. Mullln and. with the new home, will
represent an Investment of about $250.
Patrick M. Andrews has sold his two
story cottage t the southeast corner of
Twrniy-elghth n venue and Chicago street,
through the Byron Reed company, to
Thomas A. Crawford for $2,600 cash. Mr.
Crawford !s the manager of the hardware
department at Hayden's store and will oc
cupy the residence, which fronts on the
Dr. B. B. Davla has bought the farm of
James H MoShane, north of the West
Dodge street road about one mile north
west of McArd'-e's mill and near the farm
of the Alamlto Sanitary Dnlry company.
The tract consists of 226 acres and Is inter
sected by the Big Papplo creek.
E. W. Cahow, a member of the National
Live Stck Commission company at South
Omaha, has sold hia house at Thirty-first
and Vinton streets to M. C. Cullerton and
haa -bought the two-story frame residence
of N. N. Way on Thirty-second atreet, be
tween Poppleton and Woolworth avenues,
for tti.000, where he will reside in the
Edward Gisln has sold his hew residence
on Burt atreet, between Thirty-first and
Thlrty-seccfid streets, for 13.000 to Fi K.
O'Brien, who will occupy the residence for a
Tom l ee Sella HI Flats.
Tom F. Lee, the former city prosecutor.
has aold his two-story brick flat on Chicago
the northwest corner of Twenty-fifth and
Mnrey streets of J. O. Johnsin has been
so'.d for II.0C0 to Ellen Pearson for a home.
The seven-room house and large lot at
:o Iodg street has been bought for li.XrO
by Ida C. Bennett from George Forsan
and wife. Tho sale was made by the For
gnn Investment company and the resi
dence will be occupied by Mrs. Bennett
for a home.
C. A. Plnmberg has sold his small cot
tage, fronting east on Thirty-first street.
Just south of Davenport street, to J. J.
Fltruerald for IS.00.
Mrs. Nellie P. Monroe has sold her targe
lot and residence near Twenty-second and
Spencer streets to Louise Salmon for
Diamonds Mawhlnney Ryan C
vircKom rusca coilta-xt,
OT Kortn ma at.. Omaha.
ErF;ftJl?'7TE that PROTECT
B.g is.g lCg'.W.thiiron 0 G. Furtb. W9.
American and turopoon Pion
Finest Hotel on Iha Great Lakes
On the edffe of town, this Ide.U Hotel.
Spacious, elegant, modem, overlooks
. Luke Michicran Refich
on two sides, while
snaueu perns complete
the beautiful surrounUinrs. The
cityisbut 10 minutes rido from tha
nearby station. Many families
moke this their permanent home,
Thero is always a cool breeze in
warmest weather. 450 large outsiJo
rooms, 250 privutd bath. 1000 feet
o( broad veranda. The ta'IoU aiwa a
the best. TotirlMt and lrsuleotzuei.ia
find it adellelitf ui puce to stop en ront
snd ret. Address frr hi.miiorr.t
Illustrated Booklet, gi ii-g full particu
lar. Manager, t 'li!cai;o lii v h Hotel,
Ji blvd. aud, Luke booto, Chicot; o.
I tSaiEc I
R Best Natural i
A Laxative f f
fiJ Mineral Water fi
If - (f.$h I
K j A prompt JLxa.-niikt ff
rj remedy for rt"
i, ggl
I and stomach t'f l
In troubles. wjTCJSi h
M HaM.glas. W0S pJ
j? cia 0.1-lclnj jLTY-.jj
Are Yea Goton la SI. Ica'u?
Tae Hotel li 'int'Mn is a
plaee In the Meat i'.e ;ldent Heetlcin
and away from the jr and smoke;
yet within easy acefs. Transient
Kale: 11.00 to per day. Kuro
pean Plan. fcpeetul It ilea by the
week. Wiite fur Hook"' t. Addresa V.
Brovnsil h
A Home School for Toung Women and
Girls. lndttnt bobling verunYaies '0.r
ln in full the enlrarioa requirement of
Ilia I nlverlt) of NbraVa or . f l. w.i.
ate admitted without exai.ilnai ion to Jun
ior rr ' adance coui&r. 4.rtlli a. a in
ce.lle 1 . iiitiatory o.i.irse admits to V .-I'.esley, Smith. Ml. Holyokx.
l'ntv.rtt of J.eiras'ia. I nlveralty of
Wlft-onsln fcud L"nlverlty of Cbleago
Ki. advantages In Music, Art unJ
lH.iiitl' r'fience Well ei;ui.prd kymna
alum and eutiiuor sports, tf.ueat moth
ered ymi.AilirH.'j.Uy by women of largo
piaeilial . nee with girU In that
(uglily Important foruiativc nd between
ftinrtres and lnty-on years of age.
knl tor Illustrated Icr ikMik.
Tha relectlon of a dantist Is al
most as important as toe selec
tion of a phyMcltm.
A. dentist ahoold tse selected fot
Ills known ability and iaterxlty,
for ln dentistry there la an un
limited nld for malpractice and
Wtcn yon choose a dentist for
yourslf or yoTix family X wlsl to
to coasldoisd. At least girt me
citdit'fer being sincere. Investi
gate my office and methods.
"Phone Doug. U7.
131 Bee Bldg.
President and Secretary of Real Es
tate Esrhanae Will Attend
Northwest Esearstoa.
President Bostwlck and Becretary Harry
Tukey of the Real Estate exchange have
been selected to represent the exchange on
the "Great Northwest" trade extension ex
cursion In June.
The question of sending representatives
was brought up Wednesday at the weekly
meeting of the Real Estate exchange and
hy unanimous vote money waa appropriated
to defray the expenses of the two repre
sentatives on the excursion. Joseph Kelly.
Dan Fuller and D. J. O'Brien made short
addresses to the members of the exchange
lust Wednesday, urging the participation
of the exchange In the excursion move
ment, and It was formally endorsed
A vote of thanks was tendered G. H.
Payne and D. V. Sholes for the outing
given to the members of the exchange last
Wednesday by automobile trip of Inspec
tion to Keystotte park.
W. H. Russell of Russell & McKltrick
brought up the question of the enforced
removal to Council Bluffs of a number of
rullrond men on account of orders pro-
iy me tron . mulgatej tnRt train crews must meet their
2211 Burdette , tTILlns at Council Bluffs Instead of at
Omaha, as haa been the practice. W. H.
i Gates, Ed Stoltenberg and George B. KiKer
! were appointed a committee to Investigate
the action of the railroad company and
report to the exchange what result. If any,
the order will have of Interest to the mem
bers of the exchange. I
The question of the validity of titles se
cured to property under the provisions of
the scavenger tax law was presented to
the exchange by G. M. Nattlnger of the
Omaha Loan and Baildlng association, who
advised that the exchange take action
toward bringing a test case for final ad
judication of disputed points of the new
D. C. Patterson was of the opinion such
action on the part of the exchange was
not necessary, as Interested persons were
pteparlng to bring test cases, and no ac
tion was. therefore, taken officially by the
.The Price of Teace.
The terrible Itching and smarting, lnr.
dent to certain skin diseases. Is almost In
stantly allayed by applying Chamberlains
Balve. Price, 2t cents.
The Northwestern Line.
Additional Chicago Service.
Effective May 8th. the Electric Light id
"Los Angeles-Chicago Limited" will leavs
Omaha dally 9:G0 p. m., arriving Chicago
11:55 a. m.
City Offices 1401-3 Farnam Bt.
Bnlldlaa- Permits.
The following building permits have been
issued: John W. lilll. Thirtieth and Doug
las, dwelling, $2,000; M. M. Loomls, Twen
tieth and Manderson, two dwellings, $1,500
street, oeiween eignieenm ana iNineieentn in(r. H.oiJO; George .A. Joslyn. Thlrty-nmih
streets, to C. C. Kendall as on investment
at the reported price of $8,000.
The large two-story frame residence at
and Davenport, atone addition to dwelling.
$10,000; Parson and Keene. 2707 Camden
avenue, dwelling, $1,200; Louisa CIrh, Tliir
tleth and Frederick, dwelling, $1,000.
Philippines Tooted as Proniilnar
Conntry for Men with Some
Cash to Invest.
John Aim of Clnrks. who, for the last
nine years has been in Manila, was at
the Merchants hotel Wednesday, having
come to America for a two months' visit.
He has been connected with the Atlantic- j
Gulf and Pacific company, which has been
doing Immense harbor work In Manila. j
"The Philippines la a place where a man i
with a little money can make more money,'
said Mr. Aim. "The natives now believe
In Americans more than ever before, mffd
It la smooth sledding for the people of the
United States who go to that country. The
idea that Manila la not a healthful coun
try Is all wrong. I have experienced no
more sickness than I did on the plains of
Nebraska. A man gets along all right If
he does not consume too much whisky.
"The American are going largely Into
the growing; of hemp, for there la lota of I
money to be made In that crop. That and
growing cocoanuta Is the most profitable
industry. Those crops are far more profit-;
able than augar or tobacco.
"I am f reeling to death in this weather
you are having here, for during the en-1
tire time I have been ln the islands I have
never eeen It colder than 57 and the warm
eat we have ln the harbor is 98, although
It might be a little warmer inland where
the wind cannot get full sway.
"Union soldiers who were there during
the war with Spain would -not know
Manila at present. It has a new sewer
system and new water works and an Im
mense amount of work has been done ln
the harbor."
Colds on
the Chest
Atk your doctor tbe medical name (or a cold
on the chest. He will say, "Bronchitis." Ask
him if it is ever serious. Lastly, ask faim if
he prescribes Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for this
disease. Keep in close touch with your family
physician, and follow his advice carefully.
wi neve no seorrtsl we pvbiua .C. ArerCe..
'11, Kill.
tbeformuleeof nil ourprereratlone.
TO 8an Pranolaco, Los San Pranolaoa, Los
Angaloa Angalas
FROlslv. (Direct houta.) (Via Portland, Seattle-)
$50.00 $62.50
Golden Gate-
Orange Wine
Pure orange wine, vlntara of Ran
Gabriel. California. While they
lant 11.00. Quart bottles, only. 60c
S c-ar
at . .
catcia , .
Bourbon or Rye, per gal.
Ports, 8herrlea and Mtts-
Too, eoo, a&e
Ill Vexttt AStk OS. raoaa Xoa. Ilia
Steam Fitters Walk Oat In Sympathy
with Some Mho Arm
The strike fever has communicated Itself to
the workroom at Bwlft & Company's plant.
All the steam Otters walked out Wednes
day morning out of sympathy with a num
ber who were discharged. It la not thought
mure than twenty men went out. Of thesu
a number later returned to work. The
management explained that with the open
ing of the summer season It had need of
fewer men In this business and It haH ! r
termlncd to discharge a number of the ex- '
cess. When this was done the discharged !
men persuaded a number of others to walk
out. The company placed the number at :
twelve to fifteen, hut sources nearer the j
men made It somewhat larger.
After the ateam fitters and their helpers ;
had quit work at the Swift A Co. plant,
they went to Armour's and the Omaha
Packing company plants snd induced the
ateam ' fitters and their helpera at these
places lo ) In In the movement for higher
wages. The men at the Omaha Packing
company plant went out at noon and those
at the Armour plant at 1:30 Wednesday
afternoon, making about sixty men, who
are now out of this claas of workmen.
Having been sick lor the last twe y.
with a bad stomach trouble, a friend gave
ma a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. They did me so much good
that I bought a bottle of them end hare
used twelve bottles in alt. Today 1 am
well of a bad stomach trouble. Mr
Lowe, Cooper. aUine.
DATES OF SALE AND LIMIT: Daily until May 18th;
final limit, July 31st.
Via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake City.
Via Kansas City and connections, or
Via Denver and Grand Canon Koute.
Burlington-Northern Pacific through line via Bil
lings, Spokane, Seattle, Portland and Shasta Route.
See It All No tour of the coast is complete unless it
includes Portland and the Puget Sound country. Consult
Burlington maps and note what a conspicuous and desir
able portion of a coast tour the Burlington's main lines
to Denver and Billings form.
Yellowstone Park The diverse route returning
through the northwest and the final limits will accommo
date park tourists during June and July.
An Ideal Trip Burlington to Denvcr4 through scenic
Colorado, by Pike's Peak, Royal Gorge, Eagle and Grand
River Canons, Glenwood Springs, Salt Lake City, Los
Angeles, San Francisco, Shasta Route, Portland, ruget
Sound cities, Spokane, Butte, Ilelena, Yellowstone Park.
Service Through standard sleepers to San Fran
cisco; through tourist sleepers, personally conducted, to
San Francisco or Los Angeles. Through trains, with all
classes of equipment, to the Northwest.
Free Publications "California Excursions, Person
ally Conducted," "Pacific Coast Tours," "Special Rato
Let us help you plan your tour to
embrace, at the least cost, the most
attractive scenery, cities, side trips
and localities of the great west. '
City Tlcaat Agant
1602 Farnam 9tft OMAHA
i u iiiiii u. - iij'J'J in i -ii ( J 11
lite i
I i i ii in i i 4
A Bargain
For Gut-of-Town
SUTERB is the only word that describee
this suit. The fabric is equal to that used
in the most expensive garments. It is cut in
three button half-round style, is splendidly
tailored and very stylish. It would be hard to
duplicate this suit under $20. You may have
it in modest gray over plaids; of dark blue
worsteds with dainty pin-point effect in white
not too fancy, just right for most men. We
make this price because we want to sell a Urge
number of these suits. We would rather have
a email profit on five hundred suits than a
large one on one hundred. It's better for us
id eaves you about $5.00 on this suit. Regu
lar sizes 34 fo 44 inch chest measure.
fit extra stout or
slim men, you cannot
a better bargain for
We can
-13 $1 5oo
Cray ..Lot P-l" - . . , . . .
DmA Blue Lot P-1 409 1 his is only one of our many bargain
Sample of eoeds sent en reowest. '
Is the time
to make your
One way through Portland S1X.60 extra. Tickets
on sale svery day to May 18, and June 8th to
15, 1907. Tickets good In either Pullman Palace
or Tourist Sleeping Cars.
By taking a tourist sleeper, passengers can ma
terlally reduce the cost of a California tour with
out sacrificing tbe slightest degree of comfort.
Tourist Sleeping Cars run dally to California
For reservations and all information
inquire at
Phone Douglas 334.
Avoid Accident !
When alighting from Street Car use
LEFT HAND on Hand Hold, and Faoe di
rection Car is Headed.
Bt lUuHratton)
Do not attempt to Get On or Off when Catr is la Motion.
Asstet us In preventing coidenta.
Omaha & Council Bluffs Sf. Ry. Go,
DR. DRADDURY, Dcntict, am ltlsi
1St PAR MAM ST.. OMAHA. Parana Doaglas 176C
Eitrettcttng Me We make specialty
PoroelaJa Pms..$l nf f ' ' ? of metal and roofless)
Crown tXoO 0TY N plte. Painless work la
Bridge Wssrk.ta.60 Bp jVV'Y'"J ail pecaXioa.s. Work
I'Utes ZSM B2 "--, I f Y inaranMd 10 rears.