(j HIE OMATIA DAILY DEE: THURSDAY. MAY P. 1007. The Omaha Daily Bee. FOUNDED BT EDWARD ROSE WATER VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. ' Entered at Omaha postofflca aa second Hm matter. TER.M3 OF SUBSCRIPTION. tally lice (without Sunday), on rar..M0 I -ally Hoe and Bumloy un year " Sunday He, one year 14 ttaturday lie, one year IM DELIVERED IJT CARRIER. rRlIy He (Including Sunday), per wek..lSe Dully Hoe (without Bundnyi, pet week...lOo Evening Hoe (without Hundayi, per week. so Evening; Dee (with Bundnyi. per week. ...loo Addreaa complaints of trreularltle tn 111 very to City Circulation Department. offices. Omaha The Roe Hulldlng-. Biuth Omaha City 1 1 .1 1 1 Hulldlng. Council Hluffa 10 Pearl Street. Ohlrnev- lii M fnlty ltulldlnf. New York l.V Home I.lfe Insurance Bldg. Washington 601 Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to newt and ed itorial mutter ahotild he addreaaed. Omaha liee. Editorial Deportment. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, exprene or poet a 1 order, payable to The Ree Publtahlng Company. Only 2-cent stamps received In payment of mall accounts. Peraonnl checks, except on Omaha or eastern exohnna-e, not accepted. THB BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCTTt.ATION. Btste of Nebraska. Douglas County. Charles C. Roaewater, general manager f The Bee Puhltahtr.g Company, being duly awnrn, aava that the actual number ff full and complete coplee of The Dally, Homing, Evening and Sunday DH printed during the month of April, 107, waa aa follow a: 1 S3.670 17 38.00 J 34.090 18 B.O50 1 84.110 19 3440 j .34.390 JO 88,010 34,330 21 33,390 34,330 22 35,090 31,400 St 85,800 34.BP0 S4 38,430 34,490 It 38,470 10 84,800 M 3,340 11 34.410 27 38,830 12 39,790 21 34. 9O0 13 88,680 29 39,810 It 33.400 SO 80,650 1 34.890 1 84,680 Total 1038,410 Leaa untold and returned coplee. 8,884 Net total iae.BM Dally average , 34,384 CHARLES C. ROSEWATER. General Manager. Subscribed In my pretence and sworn to before me this loth day of April. 107. BeaX) i. B. HUNOATK. Notary i'uhllo. WHE1 Ol'T Or TOWH. nbserlbers leaving the city tern porarlly. abonld bar The Bee Bailed to them. Addreaa will be chanced aa oftea aa reqaested. Unofficial reports Indicate that the plclnc plant haa been damaged by frost. Iceland insists upon a flag of its own. Iceland Is welcome to the cold wave flag. ' Maybelle Oilman ia making it plain that Bhe is aa true as steel dividends to W. E. Corey. And now the Department of Justice Is trying to smash the main spring of the Watch trust. With the city election returns In down at Lincoln, they will now begin to tell the story how it fiappened. A Boston judge defines financial in sanity as a mania for spending money. The other extreme is tfghtwadisni. Nebraska medics by holding a state meeting serve a double purpose to get little recreation and give their pa tients time to get well. ' ' ' By deciding to annex husband No. '3, Lillian Russell's daughter hows some disposition to try to equal her moth er's matrimonial batting average. It is announced that the "finishing touches are being put on the James town exposition.". The "finishing touches" are usually put on the vis itors. "Theodore HooBevelt is no child," says Senator Beverldge, who suftors from a headache every day that he falls to announce some startling dis covery. Omaha takes In over 3,000 a year by the sale of dog tags. If the num ber of dogs should be reduced no one would begrudge the loss of municipal revenue. , Just as an indication of the prevail ing prosperity, a Kansas tailor offers pot only to make a suit of clothes for Secretary Tuft free of charge, but also to furnish the cloth. It la hoped by all. friends of Ellen Terry that "her latest matrimonial ven ture will torn out happily, in spite of the fact that the ceremony was per formed at Pittsburg." Wall street has a cause for com plaint in the president's refusal to, ap point any high financier as a member of the commission to study the water tupply of the nation. uenver oner3 ijuu.uuo to secure tho location of the republican national convention, next year. Denver still has a notion that everything of a po litical nature goes toMhe highest bid der. Nebraska railroads object to their local agents making reports dlroct to the State Railway commission. Surh 8 procedure might take some of the censors at: railway headquarters out of a job. One Georgia man owns seven distil lerles and two sugar full's, rU running at full capacity. The addition of a mint farm would equip him with all the essentials tor suppljlng one con stant and insistent Georgia demand. If there is any way of complicating and protracting the litigation between the city of Omaha and the Omaha Water company count on the lawyers who aro milking the row not to over look It. Ia the meantime the pecple foot the btt'.n. , nniyr.inn tub hattkr io.w?. That Kansas wheat and corn la worth about 6 cents more per bushel than the wheat and corn of Nebraska Is the striking assert Ion made by the New Orleans Picayune and proved by figures. The difference In value Is not due to any superior quality of the Kansas products, btit Is caused en tirely by the fact that Kansas Is 220 miles nearer New Orleans and has the advantage of water transportation to the gulf port. The Picayune declares that this advantage means a loss of 15,000,000 to Nebraska on Its wheat crop and a total of $12,000,000 on Its wheat, corn, oats and other cereals. "In addition," says the Picayune, "to the proposed channel for commerce be tween the northern lakes and the Mississippi river, there, ought to be first-class through-water- transporta tion from St. Paul to New Orleans, Omaha to New Orleans, from Little Rock to New Orleans, and from all Intermediate river points to each of the several terminal stations. This will be done when the necessity of se curing the cheapest transportation charges shall be realUed and when the up-to-date steam vessels shall be operated on the internal waterways." The Plcayune'B figures are slightly Inaccurate, as the rate on wheat from Omaha to the gulf is but 1 cent a bushel more than from Kansas City, but the argument Is Bound as showing the great Ions suffered annually by western farmers by reason of the heavy cost of railroad transportation as compared with water transporta tion In getting their crops to market. Conditions emphasize the Importance of securing navigable channels on the streams In the Interior of the country as It Is to spend millions annually In the Improvement of rivers nearer the seaboard. The railroads frankly con fess their inability to handle all the traffic offered to them, thus furnishing an additional reason in support of the plan now contemplated by the Inland Waterways commission, authorized by the last .congress, for a systematic Im provement of all of the rivers of the country that can possibly be made practically navigable. Tiro WISDMILL FIGHTERS. James M. Beck, former assistant at torney general of the . United States and now a corporation attorney, and Prof. Charles R. Henderson of the University of Chicago are the latest additions to the long list of able men making startling discoveries to alarm the country. In an address at a bank ers' convention In Philadelphia, Mr. Beck, admitting that 'he is losing his faith In the American people, said: I believe that never before has class hatred so dominated the public mind as at this hour. In McKlnley's time there was an era of good feeling, but I think today a man must be blind who cannot aee the feeling, never before so exagger ated, of hatred and envy of prosperity. Mr. Beck Is apparently convinced that every man who has a dollar above his immediate needs is the object of envy and hatred and malice on the part of all who are lesa abundantly supplied with the world's goods.. He seems to be laboring under the im rresslon that the common, : every-day hard-wjrklug Amorlcan hates wealth for Its own sake and Is ready to Join In any action that would destroy the rich and strangle prosperity. The pic ture is a dismal one, but Is filled with tunshlne aad sweetness compared with that limned by Prof. Henderson, de picting the condition of the working man. In supporting a bill before the Illinois legislature for the establish ment of a worklngman's Insurance scheme by employers, Prof. Henderson said: Working-men are becoming criminals on account of the desperate outlook they are often forced to face. This bill must be passed In order to quell this spirit of re volt and win the worklngman bock to the church, the law, and the government. Class hatred does not dominate the American people and It 1b difficult to decide whether Mr. Beck is the more foolish when he talks about the work lngman's hatred of wealth, or Prof. Henderson, when he chatters about the worklngman becoming a criminal when he hesitates long enough to consider his awful position. The wage workers of the nation are not criminals and have no Intentlan of becoming so. They are enjoying steady employment, with their services at a premium, and at better wages than are paid to tollers in any other country In the world. Every development In the commercial and In dustrial world In the last year Bhows noticeable decline of the old,- ill founded suspicion and distrust be tween capital and labor, and that their relations, while not perfect, are more harmonious Iran ever before. .DIVHL'.4. l)ISii.WiJIE,TrN One naturally would look for the name of some Texas town as the scene of a raid by police authorities and the capturo of several thousand re volvers, hundreds of knives, ranging from the Arkansas bowle to the keen bladed stiletto, and a general collection of rlung-shots, billies, brass knuckles and other Instruments of slaughter. The raid did not take place In Texas, but in New York, whore the police authorities have begun a campaign for universal Individual disarmament. The crusade Is not aimed at any particu lar clars of citUeas, but against the custom of carrying deadly weapons that has grown in New Vork in r.bout tho proportion that It haa decreased In the wild and woolly west. Feveral hundred walking arsenals haro al leady been fined heavily ai a result of tho crusade, and one roan, whose collection of knives and deadly weap ons would have furnished a starting stock for warship, hns been sen tenced to the penitentiary for a terra of three yers. The New York campaign against gun-totlng la traceable to the com mission of ten murdera In one week, with the revolver or knife, and the serious wounding of more than a score of persons In affrays In which the dirk, tho slung-shot and the brass knucks figured as weapons of offense. It Is a rather snd commentary on American respect for law that such methods have to be used to enforce the laws against carrying deadly weapons. No good excuse can be offered by any citizen of any part of the country, In this day, for the weapon-carrying habit. In the frontier days In the west, when con ditions compelled nearly every man to be his own law, there waa both excuse and necessity for platol carry ing, but the trusty '''gun" was strapped to the waist and was as much a part of the dress as the shirt and more so than the hat. The concealed weapon habit is of eastern origin and prima facie evidence of either cowardice or criminal Intent. In dealing with the deadly weapon vice. New York might take a lesson from Texas and many southern states, where the gun-toter once attained Mb highest development. The Texas law makes pistol carrying a felony, except in specific authorized cases, and requires the revolver seller to report his sales accurately to the police au thorities. The Texas authorities go on the theory that the sale of pistols should be surrounded by as many pre cautions and safeguards as the sale of poison. The adoption of such laws In other states might relieve them of the homicide mania which seems to be growing Instead of lessening. AfoRBZ.Ef.Mi, horse flay The peremptory order Issued by the Water board requiring the water com pany to build forthwith a 75,000,000 gallon reservoir at a specified location Is nothing but another Installment of legal horse-play In the series of simi lar performances with which the pub lic has been regaled during the four years that we have been perfecting "Immediate" municipal ownership of the water plant by compulsory pur chase under the Howell water bill. The city through its Water board first elected to buy the works and appointed appraisers to fix the value, but when the appraisement was rendered It elected not to buy the works at that valuation and appointed another engi neer to represent the city for a re appraisement. The water company took the position that the valuation made is binding, on the city and has appealed to the federal court for a de cree of specific performance In theoon traxt of sale. . While this suit la pend ing the owners of the water company will hardly be disposed to put any more money Into the plant beyond what la necessary to keep It in repair without some assurance on the part of the city that the cost of the Im provements would be added to the val uation fixed by the appraisers as the price to be paid In the event that pur chase la effected under the pending procedure. That the four years' stagnation pro duced by the compulsory purchase scheme has prevented enlargements and Improvements to meet the steadily increasing demands of a growing city, which would otherwise naturally have been made by the water company, is obvious to all. That Is the most dan gerous and objectionable feature of the water works situation, so far as It con cerns the people of Omaha as a whole, because It ia constantly exposing the city to unnecessary fire risks and ham pering our Industrial expansion. But no piecemeal solution of the problem through the construction of a new reservoir for temporary relief will an swer the purpose. Aa The Bee pointed out months ago, we must In the long run accept one of two alternatives either come to an agreement with the owners of. the water works for pur chase by the city at a mutually satis factory price, or waive the purchase right and enter Into a new contract with substantial concessions in tho way of lower hydrant rentals and re duced meter rates. No amoin.t of legal horse-play Is likely to change the final outcome as thus forecasted. Railroad tax agents are making a brave stand before the State Board of Assessment to secure reduced taxes In Nebraska for their companies. Every one of them insists that no increase be made in the valuation of railroad prop erty, although it is morally certain that a considerable increase will be shown by the grand assessment roll. In other words. If the assessment of railway property remains stationary while the assessment of other property goes up the result In dollars and cents will be an actual reduction of taxes paid by the railroads, assuming that there Is no material change In the rate. The tax agents know what they are do ing when they undertake to hold the railroad assessment level. Cheap power and cheap transporta tion are two very essential elements In the development of manufacturing industries and anything that would give Omaha an advantage tn these re spects Is to be encouraged. We have been talking power canal, however, off and on for ten or twelve years and built enough power plants on paper to turn all the wheels in the United States. Whenever a tangible aad feasible proposition Is presented t procure cheaper power Omaha will be ready o entertain It and consider 1'. but mere alr-castle building Is a waste of valuable time. The Lincoln Star appeals to Dean Roscoe Pound of the State university law school not to let his patriotism Bnd loyalty to the university be over come "by anything aave an exceedingly large and compelling 6alary." The Dean will, doubtless, move for a spe cific definition of what constitutes an exceedingly large and compelling salary. Members of a religious sect up in Montana have disposed of their prop erty for nominal Bums, believing that the world will come to an end In ten days. Of course the kindly Montan ana will return the property to them at the sale price when they realize their mistake. The divorce of the Union Pacific from the coal business may foreshadow a serious situation next winter, as the railroad officials insist, but the people affected have all Joined a "Don't Worry" club and will not become alarmed until they begin to shiver next fall. Before the election at Lincoln the democrats were appealing for votes to re-elect the Incumbent mayor as an en dorsement of his nonpartisan business administration. After election they will be heralding their success far and wide as a great democratic victory. Attorney Wright of the Water board evidently wants to make a show of earning his salary out of the city treas ury by doing something besides going to Lincoln as a railroad lobbyist to fight terminal taxation. Sir William Ramsey hastens to deny the report that he has discovered a method of making artificial copper. The get-rich-qulck copper operatorB will havo to confine their work to Mon tana and New Mexico. No question of labor, capital or politics should be allowed In the Hay-wood-Moyer trial at Boise. The men are charged with murder and the case should be tried on that Issue alone. Court-Martial Wisdom. Minneapolis Journal. An army court martial has decided that to borrow money and fall to keep a promise to pay It back Is "conduct unbe coming an officer and a gentleman." Ap parently It applies to both. A Platform Well Braced. New York Tribune. Mr. Bryan has at last found a platform which will not break down even under his weight. Having ceased discussing the price of sliver and wheat, he returns to the price of a Soul, on which he lectured In Chicago. He believes lawyers can be prevented from selling their services to corrupt clients. If the world-encircling Nebraskan will make a national lsnue of this reform, he will surely be able to rise up phoenixlike out of the ashes of sclf-invlted oblivion. Reminders front History. Kansas City Star. Standard Oil "stands pat" for rebates. It has fallen back on the "constitution." In this it can point to many Illustrious pre cedentsthe Bourbon aristocracy of France, Georgo HI of England, the southern slave holders, the Russian grand dukes, etc. If this kind of company pleases the Standard Oil company It is Its privilege to choose and to keep It, even In the light of the re sults which history records aa attending that kind of behavior: Slams of Jr" Cities. Kansas City Star. t A list of all the "Jay"' features of Amer ican cities would first name the bill boards. The bill boards flaunt themselves In the public eye. That Is what they are for. Let a man put up a fine house for residence or business purposes, and he Is taxed as though he ought to be discouraged for doing a good thing. But let him devote a vacant lot to an eyesore or a menace to passersby and there is an eloquent plea about a citizen's right to do with his prop erty what he pleases. APRIL FIRES LOSSES. A Comparative Showing; Far From Favorable. New York Journal of Commerce. The fire loss of the United States and Canada for the month of April, as com piled from the carefully kept records of The Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin, shows a total of in.S2S.900. The great Pan Francisco conflagration occurred In April, 1806, so that comparison will naturally be made with the same month In 1906, from which It will be seen that April thin year waa unusually expensive to the fire underwriters. The following table gives a. comparison by months of the losses this year with 1905 and 1906: 1906. . 19W. 1907. January 1fi.'f7H,l"0 f 17.7-'3.X 2-t.lH.9n February 25,6l.mo 18.249.350 1! RTI.ftiO March 14.751. fl"0 18.77.7SO 3K9.7) April ll.dCl.35C 29:,501,1 a.9-J6.00 Total 4 ?noa $ta.621.8fiO 347.?n?fi50 $88,427,100 May 12,73',.2fiO ls.M2.H50 June ll.TW.S'O lS.960.iSM 12.494.000 t.4 1.600 10.RfiJ.560 13.872.450 is.i"4..ro 19.001,460 July August ... September October .. November December 11.173.260 11.436 ) 13 715.2AO 12.-Jfi7.ftiO ltl.17s.iM'' 16,i70il Tot. ISmos. tl75.1.3.FjO Vi9.nO.000 There were dur.ng Apr,! 375 fires when; the loss reached ot e-xceecVd $10,000 In eac'i instance. A detailed' lit o'.' these Ares i'p pars on the lnauraivt page, this Issue, but for comparison they may be classified as follows: $10000 to $20,nno IM 0.000 to HO.0H0 78 .() to 50.0H) 40 W OO to 76.0"O . 40 75.fo to IOO.OiiO u 100.000 to JraOuO 26 2UO.OU0 and over 19 Total J75 The Area of special Importance during the month under review were these: San Franlcaco, Cal., electric power house $ 270.0T0 Montreal. Que., untveratty bulldlnge. OOO.Ouo New York City street railway car barns 1.49O.0TO Columbus, O , business blwk 3f0.oi Chlrkasha, I. T., cotton compress.. luu.Oo Montreal, Que., university medical building 3&0.0''0 Allegheny. 1'a.. packing plant j.wj Minneapolis, Minn., railroad freight depot 400.000 I'nlon City, Pa., chair factory 0.ooo lrtln, O.. atove worka 2J0,k The Are Insurance companies have In general fared unfortunately In 1907. Flrta have been abnormally frequent and ex pensive, and nearly all of the large Area have been In well Insured property. In ad dition the fall In market values of securi ties has been another factor la discourajf- t Ins 6r underwriters. niT of WAniGTfn i.ifk. Minor Scenes and Incidents Sketched nn the Spot. If dreaming Is the result of bad dila tion, the preal.lent of the t'nlted Ptates mimt be blessed with a perfect system of Interior saalmllation, for In reply to a nutation a few days ngo he told a visitor that not alnce he waa a child could he renicmb.r having had a dream "while aaleep." The last two wt rds are quoted because, ns the Washington Herald avers, the president uaed them. Mr. Roosevelt told his visitor, the Herald says, that he frequently had wondered why his rest at nla-ht was not disturbed by dreams, ple.-is-nnt or otherwise, as was the experience of to mnny other persons of normal habits, but thnt he could not recall a single In stance since he emerged from adolescence when his slumber wss haunted by thnie strange operations of the mind called dreams. He reckoned hla Immunity wns due to a hnblt he hnd acquired after de termined effort of throwing nil dull care away as soon as he went to bed. It mat ters not how crowded have been his wak ing hours, when he has finished with the day's work and drowsiness creeps upon his senses, he gives himself up absolutely to sleep. He has acquired the faculty Na poleon hnd of completely shutting off the currents of thought, and In a Jiffy after hs "hits the bed" he Is sound asleep, and for an unbroken stretch of eight hours, In normal circumstances, his mind Is aa In active aa If he were dead. Frequently, of course, he does not sleep eight hours, but this occurs only when the pr ss of public business or other engagements keep him up beyond hla usual hour of retirement or necessitate his rising at an earlier hour than usual. Even then he does not have to be called, but wakes promptly at the time set. He says that he has never had to use an alarm clock, and seldom has he had ta be called. The visitor says thnt the president la unable to understand why everybody normally constituted cannot reg ulate sleep in this way. Among the rarest of postage stamps are the homely confederate Issues used on let ters transported through the south In thfe early days of the civil war. Nearly every one of them Is unpleasing to the eye, yet they are treasured specimens In the col lections of those fortunate enough to pos sess them. At the beginning of the war, relates the Washington Post, no regular confederate stamps were on hand and the postmasters were authorised to receive money In pay ment for the postage on letters to be for warded. Small change was scarce and In order to facilitate matters postmnrters Is sued local stamps of their own design and sold them to patrons a number at a time. These stamps could thereafter be pre sented to the postnwujter In payment of postage. Confederate provisional stamps and en velopes Include 144 different varieties and the majority are held at a very high pre mium. Of many varieties not more than one specimen Is known, although it Is not at all improbable that other specimens of some of these rarities are now resting on old war-time letter stowed away and for gotten. So scarce are stamp and so rarely do they come up for sale that the standard cataloguea do not mention the prices at which they are held. When a specimen does come to light It usually changes hands at a private sale and thus not even expert collectors are always aware of the ap proximate value of rare isaues. A day or two after George B. Cortelyou assumed the duties of secretary of the treasury he was visited by an elderly man .who wanted an appointment as connaenum ! clerk to one of the assistant secretaries. Notwithstanding the fact that he was very busy at the time. Mr. Cortelyou gave the elderly person a hearing. On account of his age, Mr. Cortelyou said, he felt that he could not comply with the request. So, gently but firmly, he intimated to the old ! man that It waa about time ror nun io go. I This, however, did not dampen the latter's spirit in the least. "Now, air," said he, ' "as I feel mynelf peculiarly competent to I All. one of these confidential clerkships, I i hoi-, that vou will further consider my ap plication." Then, wagging his head moat Impressively, he added: "Oh, Mr. Cortel you, I could be so confidential!" The models of the large bronze doors which the Washington sculptor, Louis Amatels, was authorised to design for the main entrance to the capitol, need but a few finishing touches before they will be ready to be cast In bronse, reports the Washington Post. The bronse doors at the east entrance of the capitol represent tho discovery of America, and those at the senate and house entrances the American revolution and ,he forming of the nation. The new doors will tell the story In bronse of the intellectual and physical progress of the country, the apotheosis of America. The transom panel shows the Agure of America seated in a chariot drawn by lions, typical of strength, and led by a child', signifying the superiority of Intel lectual over brute force. On this panel, to the sides of the chariot, are Agures repre senting learning, architecture, literature, painting, music, sculpture, agriculture, mining, commerce and Industry. The four panels on one side of the door stand for Jurisprudence, science, the fine arts and mining, and those on the other side for agriculture. Iron and electricity, engineering and naval architecture and commerce. The Jurisprudence panel por trays a meeting of the first supreme court, presided over by Chief Justice John Mar shall. In the science panel is a group of the world's greatest scientific workers, .from Hlpparchus. the first astronomer, down to Darwin. Fine arts are represented by Homer, Shakespeare, Goethe, Hugo, Bee thoven and several others. The mining panel shows a scene In a mine, and the agricultural panel a harvest scene. Men building a railroad occupy tho panel on engineering, while the Iron and elec tricity panel shows workers In Iron and electric factories. Naval architecture and commerce are depleted by a sailor holding t On j- with a liberty cap on top, by boy studying a globe, and by several- other symbolic flfp'M. Htatuott'' xud medallions of the Amer icans w.'io have been foremost In the va rious professions and arts surround the respective panels. Among them are Frank lin, Jefferson, Webster, Madison, Henry, Poe, Latrobe, Marshall, Holley, Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, Howe, Whitney, Peter Cooper, Rowland, Eads, General Casey, Fulton, Ericsson, Edison, Charlea Graham Bell, Simon Newcomb and others who have won fame aa scientists, Inventors. Jurists or In some other way. Light of tho Fntnre. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. On the fuel question Secretary of Agri culture Wilson says that "Alcohol meets the requirement and starchy plants yield alcohol. The farm Is ready to supply hsat, light and power when other sources fall." It Is no longer In order to speak slightingly of small potatoea, sawdust or ash-heaps. Why Giro It Away. UaJtimore American. There is likely to be hot discussion over the assertion made tn Chicago that three fourths of ths graduates of American medical colleges are Incompetent, but It would perhaps be the normal and wiser course for those accused simply to bury the matter In silence. r stomach disorders Its con- tinued use means permanent injury to health. Following the advice of medical scientists, England and France have i passed laws prohibiting its use in bread 'making. J American housewives should protect their house holds against Alum's wrongs by always buying pure Grape Cream of Tartar Baking Powder. J Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder is to be for the asking Buy by name oyal. PKHSOAL NOTES. Charles P. Taft, a former Ohio congress man, owner of the Cincinnati Times-Star, and brother of the war secretary, la cred ited with a fortune of $20,000,000. Even In times of peace General Fun ston can't keep off the firing line. He has Just declared himself anew in favor of restoration of the army canteen. Certain people In Montana have sold all their property In view of the Impending end of the world, but haven't explained what they Intend to do with the money. A great-great-grandson of George Wash ington's brother Samuel, Captain Mervyn C. Buckey, Is now on duty as an army en gineer In Puget Sound. He Is believed to be the only representative of the Washing ton family now In the army or navy. T. A. Jagger, Jr., professor of geology In the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Is at the head of a party that left Seattle lost week for points In Alaska, where a study will be made of seismic and vol canic conditions in the Aleutian islands. . Through the agency of the United States Consul General Mr. Watts, a train of twenty-nine Siberian sledge dogs has been obtained In St. Petersburg for the Well man arctic execution. The dogs will be shipped via Archangel to Mr. Welltnan'a base In Norway. There will be an element of surprise In the advice of Dr. Henry Gannett of the United States geological survey: "If you are old go to Alaska by all means, but if you are young wait." Mr. Oannet gives this reason for his advice: "The scenery of Alaska la much grander than anything else of the kind In the world and It Is not well to dull one's capacity for enjoyment by seeing the finest stghts first." MGHRY JIXGI.ES. "So your son has taken up the study of Instrumental music?' . "Yes. sir." "I Vies he play con amore?" "No, sir; he plays the fiddle." Baltimore American. "I knew that man when he didn't have a shirt to his back." said the old doctor. "Why. I thought cjune of an old and wealthy family." "He doe. I officiated at his birth.' Chicago Hecord-Hernld. "Don't you think It wonderful that an actrs should shd real tears?" "If some actresses," answered Mr. Storm Ington Hariits, "could see their own per formances I do not see how they could help it." Washington Star. "You women," complHlned Mr. Knox, "are forever discussing the faults of your neighbor!!. If you'd only gosalp aboit their goo.1 points It would b more edlfvlnjr." "Perhaps," replied his wife, "but who'd care to listen to us?" Catholic Standard and Times. "Ton ought to be handcuff ed !" the woman exi lalmed to her son. whom she had cuu tlit in mlarhlef. Acting on the theory, she boxed the lad's ears. Philadelphia Ix-dgor. "What's this first coupon on my ticket?" asked the traveler, beginning to fold a yard of pasteboard. "That's our latent wrinkle," replied the genial agent, "and entitles you to a first- To choicest cattle in th world arc railed oa the Llcbif Company' great farms ( Larger than Mlua chiuetU)oo thcKlvcrt'Utc expressly for makta; Licblfl Company's Extract of ttccl the kiiiur punt food product of the world sod for forty years the first. I louulna ! h TV r""N ""J ? WBE33 I -, -vN!''' ':!i :mm Alum Alum in food causes aj, ; had mi. ,.' n'rW., class burial If you huppm to Heed It sud denly. We progress with the times, and it is our aim to pleaae." Philadelphia Ledger. t'pgardson Ptill occupying the sumc flatT How does It happen that you didn't niova this year? Atom I found oy consulting tho van owners that it Is no limner cheaper to move than to pay rent. Chicago Tribune. Doctor This patient lias water on ths brain. Nurse Very likely: he a riiilrnad capi talist. Washington Herald. CIIEEIt Kill TIIK. I.O-4F.1I. Milwaukee Sentinel. A song fir the man who loses. The fellow wlio ploils the roml And tries to win in tin- luiitle s din. And smiles beneath bin load. A win?, I fc,-iy. for the man who tolls And laughs In the endlens flKlit Who keeps his eyes to the bended skies And tries to win with right. A song for the ninn who lalois With never a grouch cr frown Who Feeks no fame or loTty nuine, ThroiiKh ages runihl.n; down. The man who bend nolo his tusk. Though fate litis bevn unkind, And does Ills beat to reni'll the crest With throngs that dutfo and bind. A song for the man who loses, No tnatler where he mihv be Who knows the cost of efforts lost, And groped through myetery. It iHn't niuih, the rong I give. Its life is short, no doubt; But a word of cheer for the fellow here Who lort who's down and out! Ea.sy Terms al the Cash Price j E3TRR7SI With Five 10-Inch Records ".. J. I'" .-V. ui.i.iiS. . A LIMITED SPECIAL OFFER New typo Victor Talking Machine with tapering arm, complete outfit, $25.00. Including your choice of five 10-lnch Victor records. This hand some new style Victor machine has a large quarterea oak caDinet, a noise less motor that ran ha wound whlla running, and a beautifully decorated flower h6rn. It la equipped with the new tapering arm and exhibition sound box. 15.000 ItKCOUD.S TO SKLFCT KIU)M If you own a disc talking ma chine, rut tliia coupon out uikI wnd It to us with your 11:11110 u-id jullres anil wv will send you package of uevile free. Come In and Iet I'm Show Vou. L Hospe Co. Omaha, .1513 Douglas St. Acla, mm kill: kmmmm