OMAHA DAILY DEE: THURSDAY, MAY 9. 1907. ft ... ... ... 3 TOE Wm i, - -- -' I,- By - ' -r-r- C2J0? : .3 M)kS ON OMAHA SOCIETY Held Oinb Eetumet Wednesday iTeninc Table d'Hot Dinner Prtcedin Danoe, PRIVILEGE NOT LARGELY OBSERVED Marriage ( Mr. George Redlrk ami Miss Marlon Hushes Quietly Solemnised at Home of Bride's Mother. The Wednesday evening; hop and table d'hote dinner at the Field club so popular last year waa resumed una In this week, The announcement was not made In time, however, for general circulation and In con sequence but comparatively few reserva tions were made for the dinner. This mid week: fathering was almost as well at tended last year as the Saturday night hop and It Is safe to predict that It will be more generally popular this season than it was last. The dinner last evening In cluded:. Judge' and Mrs. George W. Shields, who entertained In honor of Mrs. O. Y. Krlng of Tankton, S. I). Covers were laid for Mrs. Krlng, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gross and Judge and Mrs. Shields. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dale had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Lyle of Holdrege, Neb., and Mr, and Mrs. John Howard. Small dinner parties were also given by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Breckenridge and Mr. John Hill. There waa no entertaining at the Country club, as the popular Wednesday luncheon, or ladles' day, of last year has not been resumed this season, but will be In an other week or two. Haghes-Redlck. A quiet home wedding was solemnised at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. H. S. Hughes that made her daughter. Miss Marlon Hughes, the wife of Mr. George Redlrk, Rev. Robert B. H, Bell officiating. The bride was unattended, but Mr. Elmer Redlck, brother of the groom, acted as best man. Owing to the 111 health of Mrs. Hughes the wedding waa very quiet, the guests being limited to the immediate families. A wedding breakfast followed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. lledick left Wednesday afternoon for a (month's trip through California. Early In June they will go to Faribault, Minn., for tlie graduation of Mr. Elmer Redlck and then go abroad for the summer, Mr. Elmer Redlck to accompany them, Buffet Luncheon. Mrs. Harry V. Burkley gave a second buflet luncheon Wednesday afternoon, when her decorations remained the same as on the preceding day. The following women aslnted: . Mesdamea C. W. Hamilton, John A. Mc- Eliane. E. A. Cudahy, C. W. Martin. T. J lingers, F. A. Nash, Richard Carrier, H. 1'. Whitmore, Martha Heth, C. C, Allison, lnnald Macrae of Council Bluffs, O. P. Wli-kham of Council Bluffs, Oscar Keellne 1 1 f Council Muffs, W. A. Maurer of Council l.lufls; Misses Mary Alice Rogers, Phoebe Smith. Nellie Burkley, Julia Hlgglnson, Mury Lee McShane, Edna Keellne of Coun i ll Bluffs, .Wlckham of Council Bluffs, ' Affnes Wickham of Council Bluffs, Birthday Celebration. A very delightful party was given Mon day by Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Hall In cele bration of the eighth birthday of their son, - Master Charles Hall. A feature of tba afternoon was a large birthday cake, on which were placed eight candles. Assist' Ing In entertaining were Mrs. Cassldy and Mrs. Spencer. Those present were: Mffcses Anna, Meyer, Martha Meyer, Lu clle . Meyer, Irene Schnellbacher, Fern Bchnellbacher, Margaret Johnson, Mar guerite Butt May Johnson, Marlon Han sen. Starle Doll. Elisabeth Carey, Esther Rudd. Margaret Mayer, Mary Spencer, May Anderson, Hat tie Farrts. Eva Bor cherdlng, Irene Carr, Lillian Newell, Alice Hall. Janls Kennedy, Hattie F arris; Messrs. BOCAE SAYS BE WAS ROBBED (Continued from Third Page.) here for the past two years, will leave in a few days for Ballard, Wash, where he expects to locate, NORTH PLATTE Twenty-seven oars of rails have recently been unloaded at sta tion 1 on the North River line of the Union Pacific, which Indicates that construction of this road from O'Fallona to Nurthport will be resumed soon. NORTH PLATTE The computation of the receipts of the North Platte local freight and passenger offices of the Union Pacirlo shows an Increase of 26 per cent for the month of April, lt7, as compared with the same month of OAKDALiC Oross Brothers, who have conducted a targe general merchandise business here for several years, have Just dtuposttd of their Interests to the Charles O'Neill company, which will continue the business at the same location. WAYNE The court room was crowded with people today who deelred to hear the evidence In the remonstrance esses against grantins- saloon licenses. The hearing was hld before the mayor and city council. Many women were present Many wit Every-day. The importance of soda crackers as an article of daily consumption can hardly be overestimated. No other wheat food contains such nutritive values in correct pro portions. This is only true of Uneeda Biscuit the ideal soda cracker. As fresh cn your table as from the oven. Crisp, clean and appetizing. In moisturt proof packages. (fJ NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Frank Cossidy, Walter Carr, Ieon Newell, rerry Borrherdlng, Harry Johnson. Willie Helling. Oeorge Dow, Albert Dow, Harry Dow, Otto Johnson, Ned Spencer, Herbert "Story, Arthur Story. Clyde Hurd, Oeorge Gilford. John Farrls. Hadler-Jtrnla. The wedding of Miss Lulu May Taylor, daughter of Mr! and Mrs. W. & Hadley, and Mr. Orville Strain was solemnised Tuesday at 1.30 o'clock at the newly fur nished home of the young people at 1608 Bpencnr stroet. The marriage lines were read by Rev. T. J. Mackay. The rooms were pretty wlih a variety of spring flowe:s There were no attendants. The bride was gowned In white radium silk made en train and carried bride roses. The ceremony was followed by a buffet luncheon, the dining room being very attractive with decora tions of green and white. Assisting In the dinning room were Miss Ella Strain and Miss Elisabeth Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Strain left for a wedding trip through Colorado and on their return will be at home at ISO Spencer street. Among the out-of-town guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. Hadley of Arlington, parents of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Strain, parents of the groom: Mr. and Mrs. J. Lewis Packard at Onawa, Mr. and Mrs J. C. Foster of Leshara, Thurl, Vernon and Elvln Strain, brothers of the groom; Mr. snd Mrs. Guy M. Peyton of Council Bluffs Mrs. Krtnu Honored. Mrs. Arthur Oross has as her guest Mrs. O. T. Krlng of Yankton, 8. D. Mrs. Krlng has been honor guest at a number of af- fairs since her arrival. This evening Judge j and Mrs. George Shields will give a dinner at the Field club, when she will be honor I guest. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Etta Halght will give a matinee party at the j Burwood. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Oross will give a card party and Saturday evening they will entertain again at an Orpheum party In her honor. I Miss Minnie F. Crittenden gave a pretty dinner of eight covers Tuesday evening at; her homo on Georgia avenue. The round' table had a center piece of Japanese em- broidery, upon which rested a mound of daisies, and the plate cards were designed in the same flower. Covers were laid for Mrs. Emma F. Byers, Miss Lillian Bur gess, Miss Jones, Dr. Leah Mills, Miss Frances Standlsh, Dr. Abble Holmes, Miss Bchweltser and the hostess. Personal Gossip. Mr. Leonard of Cleveland, O., spent few days of this week with Omaha friends. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Stewart and small son expect to live at the Country club until after the first of June, when their own home will be completed. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hlgglns have as their guests Mrs. Ernest Bessey of Miami, Fla. Mr. Jack Goodwin of New Castle, Ind, the fiance of Miss Georgia Kennard, Is spending a few days In Omaha, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Kennard,. Dr. P. H. Mets of Humphrey, Neb., Is the guest of his sister, Mrs. E. O. Hamil ton, at 4108 .Davenport street, while at tending the. Nebraska State Medical asso ciation meeting, 1 , Mrs. W. 8. Heaton will be hostess. Thurs day at 'the meetpag of the CemK club. Mrs. Raynolds Barnum left Monday for Holdrege, Neb., -where she will visit relatives for a few weeks. She will be Joined later by Mr. Barnum. Hats for Little Folks. When it comes to the summer millinery of the wee girl, description falls. Never were there so- many bewitching little bon nets of straw, of lingerie, of linen. The little hats with full crowns and shirred or corded frill brims are out in force and with Innumerable novelties of detail, but It is upon the picturesque little bonnets that the designers have outdono all previous records, and straws have never before been made to appear so appropriate for babyhood as they have this year. The very line and flexible neapolltans, the sup pla lace straws, crln, and even white chip are bent and folded Into adorable little shapes and trimmed In ribbons and tiny babyish blossoms. nesses were examined, but the hearing- was not completed. OAKLAND The Oakland High school boys have organised a base ball nine and have been hard at work putting the old diamond In shape for their somes. Thev have secured neat uniforms snd will play their first game Friday with the Craig High school on the home grounds. HASTINGS C. D. Conover of Omaha, who has been riven a contract for a part of the grading for the Omaha & Nebraska Central railroad, arrived today and will tomorrow establish a camp at Blaine Siding. Actual operations In the building of the road will be started tomorrow. CHADRON The business men of Chad ron, headed by W. F. Hayward, are actively engaged in tne Improvement of the roads leading into town. Each and every road Is receiving careful scrutiny, such inspection to be followed by work. Ample subscrip tions have been made to have the work done substantially. ... fc'REMONT Work on the new Young Men's Christian Association building is progressing rapidly and the walls are up to the second story. The gymnasium, which occupies the rt-ar of the second story, is to be lined with pressed brick, which are now mostly laid. A large swimming pool, tile lined. Is being placed In the basement. The building will be one of the best of . ,j 1 " L A DRESSES FOR LITTLE FOLKS This Tear's Yodili Equally Attractive ard Intrioate. SIMPLICITY IN EFFLCT AN ESSENTIAL When to Bay Frocks for Children Ready-Made and When to Blake Them at Home. The problem of dressing small children attractively Is a simpler thing for the mother of today than It was for the mother of yesteryear. It Is possible to buy charm ing ready made clothes for children, and the woman who does not have to count the pennies saves herself an immense amount of bother by Improving the oppor tuntties offered by the children's depart merits of the better shops and by the shops devoted exclusively to children's ouflts. Unluckily the woman who does have to count the pennies often yields to the temp tatlon of the ready made clothes and fits her children out with manufactured gar trmnta of the rheanest tvne. This nf course I saves her a great amount of work, and Ir ' she has not the time to give to planning ' and sewing even the less desirable type of ; child clothes It may perhaps be a Justifiable Investment, but' the common saying that It Is cheaper to buy children's clothes than to make them holds true only when the time tpont In sewing would be of definite value for lomi other purpose. The ready made clothes of the best grades undoubtedly have a certain style and often an originality and charm due to the clever brains and fingers of highly skilled designers and workers, and It. is folly for the woman who can afford to buy clothes of this grade to waste her time ana energy over nome sewing ror ner small girls and boys. So, after all, the problem resolves Itself Into a question of - FRENCH PIQUE, what one can afford.' If you can afford to buy good ready made clothes for your children buy them. It you cannot, make the things at home unless limitations of time and strength forbid. A casual survey of the stock in any of the high class shops making a specialty of children a outfits will convince any one that It would be Impossible to concoct at home garments prettier than those which are provided ready for wear. The models from the simplest play frock to the dainti est party frock are eminently childlike and picturesque. Simplicity the Keynote. Fortunately the day of the fussy, pre tentious child frock Is over. Even at Its costliest the dress of the little woman has a deceptive air of simplicity, and In the matter of children's play clothes and clothes for all ordinary occasions simplicity Is a cult with wealthy and fastidious moth era The smartly dressed child must be Its sise In the state and will be ready for use In September. PLATTSMOUTH-A crew of Burlington surveyors from Omaha Is now running a line from this city to the new stone quarry on the bank of the Missouri river south of this city and the big Burlington bridge, which spans the Missouri river. A track probably will be laid soon and then the stone will begin to fly. COLUMBUS There were eighteen trans fers of real estate In Platte county In the past week, amounting to 3U,U1. Mortgage record for the week. Five farm mortgages tiled amounting to $11.9fiS ; four farm mort gages released amounting to 1-,S20; seven city mortgages filed, amounting to $ii,B75; six city mortgages released, amounting to OSCEOLA Richard Peterson with a lot of fellows went out the other night with a charivari party at the Anderson-Johnson marriage. The boys took everything along that would make a noise. Peterson "s gun was loaded with wads and It went oft ac cidentally, he getting 'he charge In the right side of the backbone, making an ugly wound. The boy Is doing well. NORTH PLATTE The extension of the Union Pacific trucks into the western por tion of this city requires the moving of the North Platte roller mills belonging to C. F. Addlngs. The agreement madt by the Union Pacific Railroad company whs that they would, move the same for Mr. Iddlngs to a new site, and the same will be moved soon to lots purchased for that purpose located near Mr. Iddlngs' lumber yard. AINS WORTH This morning Ainsworth had a saloon opened up in full blast, with J. D. Blrdsall as Its proprietor, who paid $J.uu for the privilege of selling Intoxi- j eating liquors, and the town Is still on I the boom. The lust change Is that of Bur- I well t Beaty of Long Pine, who last week I bought out the Atkinson hardware store I and the furniture and undertaking business I of F. W. Slnson, and have taken possession, j me new village oi roia, nas a postmaster. It has a postofnee too, but gets mall from Slromstjurg on the east and Central City on the west, by rural free delivery routes, and so the people are not happy. The train goes through there every day, but leaves no mall, aiu they want the rooionue aepuriniem at vvasii Inicton to change the SYkluin and have petitioned accordingly. NORTH PL. ATT rj The Lincoln County Journal, which has been for sometime past the only democratic, populist or in dependent paper In this county, has been suspended, its subscription list has been turned over to The Te.egraph of this city, a weekly newspaper, which, beginnijig next week will be a Semi-weekly paper. This leaves but two papers published in this city. The Tribune and The Telegraph, both republican papers. NORTH PLATTE The Board of Educa tion held a meeting last night and the new board was organised, F. L Kul.ard being chosen president and E. T. Tramp, secre tary. The following teachers were elected or re-elected: Emma Smith, Maude Mel lyneaux. Orace Luncan, Anna Lesky, Sylvia Erlckson, The Hansen, Laura Irish, Iura Murray, Gertrude Baker, Kale Oilman, Florence Antcmdea, Ella Blake and Mabel Donaheur. The women teai'hers of the high loiiuul were e.ecled at a meeting some time ago. The prlucipal of the high school will be elected at suiue future time. FREMONT The city council at Its last meeting had another warm session and voted down, 7 to 1. the proposed ordinance cloning Platte avenue between Ninth and Tenth for the benefit of the Fremont Nor mal school. A proposed compromise which provided for a fourteen-foot curvi.-ig drive way setose the. block did not mret with favor, ilugU Murphy of Omaha gut Vxt Immaculate and to that end must have an enormous supply of clothes. Everything must be made with great rare and daintiness, but as for pretentious ness or elaboration no indeed'. The woman who could well afford to turn her small daughter out to play In lace trimmed and hand embroidered clothes Is the one who puts that same stnnll daughter Into denim overalls or Jumpers of linen or gingham. There are mothers who have a fancy for dressing their very small girls always In white white linen or pique made In the simplest fashion for morning and general hard wear, thin little frocks of lingerie materials for more elaborate dress; but the average little girl after she leaves her long baby frocks and "ier very first short frocks behind has a supply of play frocks In ging ham, colored dimities, linens, etc., and some of these little frocks are extremely cun ning. lively, narrow embroidery edgings and Insertions, fine and sheer enough to look babyish, are used for small children's frocks, but chiefly upon the heavier ma terials, such as piques and linens and ginghams. Colored embroideries trim some of the one-toned linens and certain Bolton embroideries in reds and blues are effective upon ecru, string color and similar soft colorings. The simpler forms of hand emhrldery, such as embroidered wafer dots upon plain bands, are much liked for the trimming of plain tone linens and In concession to the liking for browns attractive little play frocks of Russian or blouse and skirt da sign have been made up In plain twine color, ecru, khaki and natural toned linens. embroidered in darker browns. A white dickey or gulmpe Is desirable with a frock of this type, as the brownish colorings are likely to be unbecoming next the face and to look hot. unless lightened by a relieving note of white. Kmbroldery Trlmmlnxi. The twine colors and kindred neutral. brownish tones are often embroidered In white and made up with white shields or gulmpes, and play frocks on this order are both practical and cool looking. Open work embroidery of the English eyelet sort combined with blind embroidery trims many of the smartest little frocks In linen or pique, a very little of such embroidery combined with button-holed scallop edging furnishing the most effective of tiimmlnps for such firm and heavy materials. Ma chine buttonhole scallop embroidery can be done at very slight expense at any of the various sewing machine shops, and Is a good device for the finishing of linen or pique collars, cuffs, etc. The French pique, fine and soft and laundering with little or no starch, Is ex cellent material for child frocks and coats and though more expensive than the ordi nary pique and not always readily found, la preferable to the cheaper and more ordi nary qualities. Fine Scotch ginghams are among the . . - nr,,l.nV,la nf the ml ored stu h .uVub , for mtte pUy frock. ! orea stuns , and the little pink and whit n Hbjue and whlta checks in these ginghams are peren- nlal favorites with the makers or. cnu dren's clothes. Some dear little Jumpers and play frocks are shown In brown and white check this spring, the check being small and ' the fcrown of a bright, clear ' shade. Pretty Scotch gingham Jumpers In three tone checks, a brown and dull blue and white combinations or a dark blue, light blue and white, are popular. Figured dimities with white grounds and very tinted designs In pink are childish materials which make up Into dainty little frocks with trimmings of narrow Valen ciennes and very narrow line embroidery beading. The dotted dimities, too, are good, especially those in which pin point dots of white are very thickly sprinkled upon a ground of light pink or blue. Of course no colored material will stand constant laundering as well as white, and for that reason many women contend that all white is in the long run the cheapest thing the small vchlld can wear. A touch of vivid red Is always bright and at tractive In combination with twine color, ecru or white, and this touch Is frequently achieved through embroidered dots or French knots In bright red. contract for paving district 13 and conse quently will do the paving In all the three districts to be paved this summer. His price was $1.96 per yard, J7 cents per foot for curbing and 10 cents per foot for moving old curb. CAMBRIDGE Frank Jugenhelmer, who recently came here from Washington, la . died suddenly Sunday evening at 6:30 o'clock at the home of Mr. Crawford, a farmer residing eleven miles northeast of Cambridge. Less than three weeks ago he was married to Miss Nora Brennan. who also came here from Iowa. Mr. Jugen helmer had purchased a farm here und had let a. contract for the erection of a dwelling house, but for some unknown reason he changed his plans and decided not to build, renting his farm and wai making arrangements to return to Iowa. "Elijah" tonight at Boyd's. Soloists, chorus and orchestra. The Modesty of Women Naturally makes tbem shrink from the fndolicate questions, tho obnoxious ex aminations, and unpleasant local treat ments, which some physicians consider essontUl In thf treatment of diseases of women. Yot, If help can ba had, It Is better to submit to this ordeal than let the disease grow and spread. Tho trouble Is that so often the woman umlorgoes all the annoyance and shame for nothing. TboosandaNqf women who have been cured Uv l)r. rlerce's Favorite Prescrip tion write. In VRreclatlon of tho euro which disiVibjcYNiJvh the examinations and local treatmenlOThpre is nn other tncdlclnn "re snrl safe for nVllrats, women ns "Favorite Prescription. it cures debiilLating drains, irregularity and female weakness. It always helps. It almost always cures. It Is strictly non alcoholic, non secret, all Its ingredients being printed on Its bottle-wrapper; con tains . no deleterious or habit-forming drugs, and every native medicinal root entering into Its composition has the full endorsement of those most eminent In tho several schools of medical practice. Some of these numerous and strongest of pro fessional endorsements of Its Ingredients, will be found In a pamphlet wrapped around the bottle, also In a booklet mailed free on request, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, o( Buffalo, N. Y. These professional en dorsements should have far more weight than any amount of tho ordinary lay, or non-professional testimonials. The most Intelligent women now-a-daya tnvtut on knowing what they take as med icine lnktead of opening their mouths like a lot of young birds and gulping down whatever U offered them. " Favorite Pre scription " u of kxowm coMPosmoa. It makes weak women strong, and sick women w ell. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser Is sent res on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing onlu. bend to Dr. B, V. Pierca, Buffalo, N. Y., 21 one-cent stamps for paper-covered, or 31 stamps for cloth-bouud. If sick consult the Doctor, free of charge by letter. All such communications are held sacredly confidential. Dr. Pierce's Pleasunt pellets Invigorate regulate bUjiuach, liver aitd Uiwaia. PROTECIION FOR DOCTORS Kmm tf Goardinc ertlnit Chincei of Malpractice Discniwd. GOVERNOR IS COMMENDED FOR HIS ACTION His Appointments at state Institu tions Gratify State Association Pare Food and Drnat Endorsed. Protection against charges of malprac tice and "other chimeras of patients who think they have some grievance against their family physician." Is one of the ob jects sought by the Nebraska State Medi cal association In convention at Crelghton Institute. At the session Wednesday morning, pre sided over by Dr. A. 8. Von Mansfelde of Plattsmouth, Dr. C. W. M. Poynter of Lincoln read the report of the committee on physician. Insurance and defense, the purpose of which Is to devise the best legal methods for protection of the profes slon sgalnst these charges. The commit tee thought It would have a plan formu lated so as to be enabled to report at the next annual meeting of the association. Dr. Poynter was continued as chairman of the committee, and Drs. Orr and tic Dowell were added to the committee. Dr. Alkin of Omaha submitted a resolu tion warmly commending the action of Governor Sheldon In making his appoint ments to the heads of the state lnstltu tlons of men of exceptional ability In their professions rather than from their political cull and Influence. The resolution was unanimously adopted snd a copy was or dered sent to Governor 8heldon. It also was ordered published In the organ of the state association. Pure Food and Drag Laws A prolonged discussion was precipitated by a resolution Introduced by Dr. J. Lue Sutherland whereby the association heart ily endorsed the pure food and pure drug laws recently enacted by congress and by the state legislature and recommended the medical Journals of the state and country generally be asked to discontinue the ad vertlsements of Impure drugs and foods. The sentiment of the association was prac tically unanimous In favor of the resolu tion, but the question arose as to the ex pediency of the association undertaking to act as a censor of these publications. The matter was finally referred to a special committee to report at a later stage of the meeting. The auditing committee reported that the books of the secretary and treasurer were found to be correct An amendment was proposed and carried to the bylaws that the sum of 1 per member of the association be set aside as a medical defense fund and that the sum of 125 be appropriated for that committee for the current year. Nominations Thursday, The nominating committee held a special meeting during the forenoon, but will not submit its report until Thursday Other technical papers were read during the afternoon at the regular session. An other reception was given to the women visitors at Crelghton Institute assembly hall Wednesday evening from 8 to 11. At the same time the Omaha-Douglas county society gave an Informal smoker to association in ...... . ro,mhll. hal, on th. thlrd floor of the Institute. The business sessions will be resumed at 10 a. m. Thursday. Thursday afternoon the women will be entertained at a theater party at the Orpheum by the local recep tlon committee. Thursday evening a formal entertain ment and smoker will be given the asso ciation at Crelghton institute and will be Interspersed with a vaudeville entertain ment and refreshmentc RABIES REAL, DECLARE DOCTOR Med leal Men Say Disease Is Xot of the Imagination. Rabies Is a real disease, not a phantom of the Imagination, declare a number of prominent physicians from over tho state who are In the city attending the meeting of the State Medical association. The same physicians are of the opinion It Is no more prevalent now than usual, but they uphold the Constant Reader, who in a communica tion to The Bee some time ago suggested the musrling of the family hen by declar ing the disease may be communicated by chickens, cows, horses or any other animal. These are the opinions expressed yesterday by several of the physicians: Dr. G. H. Brash, secretary of the State Board of Health: "Whatever may be said regarding the prevalence of rabies by the friends of the much-abused dog, the Infec tion exists nevertheless, snd every precau tion should be used against it. It Is easily communicable through any abrasion of the skin. The only remedy against it Is In oculation by the Pasteur method, and if the Infection Is taken at Its earliest stages it rmr ha handled readily. Rabies Is not confined to any season of tho year and can be communicated at any tune trom me animal which Is affected with It. The ani mal that has It will die from Its effects sooner or later, and about the only result that can ensue from muiillng dogs Is the preventative." Mar Prevail Any Time. Dr. a. H. Hepperlln of Hepperlln's sani tarium, Beatrice: "I do not know that rabies Is more prevalent now than at any previous time. The Infection Is liable to break out at any time among animals that are Inoculated by the rabies germ. It is not confined to any particular season. Not more so In the summer than st any other time. I know that the popular view Is thot rabies exist only during the dog days ef August or the late summer months. This Is, however, a mistake. The Infection may break out at any time, providing It Is com municated by an animal already Infected. The only cure thus far proving successful Is Pasteurising. The mere fact that In the warm months a dog may be running about frothing st the mouth Is no Indication that the animal has tne raoies. a one from such an animal Is not dangerous unless he should be Infected with rabies. Frothing at the mouth or aversion to water Is no evidence of rabies." Dr. D. J. Reld, Crab Orchard: "Rabies, like typhoid fever, is produced from the rabies germ. It Is, of course, more readily communicated by the carniverous animals, whose sharp teeth puncture the skin of whatever animals they may attack. The infection la given almost precljely aa if injected by a hypordermlo needle. Any Animal May spread It. "It can be communicated by the bite of any animal whose teeth can cause an abrasion of the skin. Even s horse or cow can communicate it. Bo could a chicken. If Infected. If Its bits or peck punctures the skin. The disease or infection is not sny more prevalent today than It has al ways been. It la. of course, rare, and the only antidote Is the Pasteur treatment. I know it is held by the old-tlms practition ers that rabies Is an Imaginary disease or infection, but so the old-timers thought of typhoid fever and the typhoid germ. Nevertheless the Infection exists and every precaution should be taken against it. Dumb rabies is but a latent stage of the Infection and It Is liable at any time to resolve Itself into sn acute stage. I am disposed to think that the Infection Is mors prevalent among wild animals than among domesticated aulniala trom the fact SAVED CHILD'S LIFE Mrs.1 J. Timmennan, of Ridge Springs, S. 0., in Gratitude Writes That the Life of Her Baby, Helen, Who is Two Years Old and the Brightest Jewel of Their Happy Family, Was Saved by WARMER'S A TRIAL BOTTLE OK TUTS GREAT Lt'TELY FREE TO EVERY REAKKR OF THE OMAHA DAILY lU'K WHO Sl'FKKRS FROM KIDNEY. LIVER OR HLOOD DISEASE. i - J " "I Iluby Helen Tlmmerman, Who Was Given lp by the Doctors as Having Incurable Inflammation of the UladiU-r and Gall Stones. In a recent letter Mrs. Tlmmerman said: "I wish you to know that our entire family aeree that we owe the life of my bright two-year-old daughter Helen to War ner's Safe cure. After three months' treatment, with no Improvement, our own doctor and a skilled surgeon from a distant city, anld they had done all they could for her. One said she had inflammation of the bladder and the other said gall stones. Wo gavn tip all hope of her becoming well, when we were advised to try War ner's Safe Cure and began to give It to her. and within five days there was a great change for the better. She took three bottles and was cured. We Inclose her photo graph, which shows her to be plump and the picture of health. Warner's Snfo Curs saved her young life. She is the brightest Jewel In our happy home today." CURES KIDNEY DISEASE When the kidneys are diseased the uric acid Is not carried off and this causes Gout, Lumbago, Rheumatism of the Joints, Rheumatism of the Muscles, Hlieumatlsm of the Heart, Rheumatism everywhere. In kidney dlxenxe the bowels are often constipated and the liver torpid. War ner's Safe Rills quickly relieve this condition, and no ill after effect Is experienced. WARNER'S SAFE CURE Is put ii in two sizes and Is sold by all druuiiHts. or direct, at 60 CENTS AND 1.00 A iiOTTLIS. Hvfuse substitutes containing harmful drugs which Injure the system. TRIAf RflTTIF FRFF To convince every sufferer from diseases of the k1d- ninai UUIILL IILfc neys, liver, bladder and blood that WARNER'S SAFM CURE will absolutely cure, a trlnl bottle will be sent FREE OF CHARGE, postpaid, to any one who will write WARNER'S SAFE CURE CO. Rochester, N. Y.. and men tion having seen this liberal offer In The Omaha Dally flee. The genuineness of this offer Is fully guaranteed by the publisher. If you will write us a full statement of your case, our doctor will send you free advice and a valuable medical booklet describ ing causes, symptoms and treatment of all diseases of tho Kidneys, Liver, liludder and Blood, and many convincing testimonials. All communications strictly confidential. that with the domestic anlmul so afflicted It can be destroyed, but with the wild ani mal It becomes widely disseminated. No animal that I know of Is Immune from rabies. Even the hog Is Just as suscepti ble to It as any other anlmul." Requisite to a proper toilet In these days of light gowns and low shoes Is HAND SOME HOSIERY. On Friday morning at 10 o'clock Thomas Kllpatrick & Co. will offer a choice collection of various colors In fine lisle hosiery, priced usually at 76c, goc, $1.00 and .1.26, at 4x pair. See east window. WOMEN OF DIOCESE TO MEET Prominent Sneakers to Address Ses sion of Episcopal Woman's Anxlllnrv. The women's auxiliary of the Episcopal churches of the diocese of Nebraska will hold Its twenty-first annual meeting at Trinity cathedral May 14, with speakers of prominence from various parts of the country In attendance. The meeting will begin with the celebration of holy com munion at 9 o'clock In the morning, with Bishop Williams as celebrant. The busi ness meeting will be held at 10 o'clock, at which time diocesan officers will be elected. At noon luncheon will he served at Trinity parish house to visiting dele gates and other auxiliary women. The missionary meeting will be held at 2 o'clock In the chapel of Trinity cafhedral and among the speakers who will oe pres ent are: H. S. Robinson, D. D., Racine FORMEnLY n.k:sconLiD 1510 DOTJGIAS ST. onfinuation Cut Price jQon't miss this r3 High Grade are over 1,000 to select from, All smart new Spring styles, $50.00 and $55.00 Trench Voile Suits in a wide range of Deautiiui styles to choose in all colors reduced to $40.00 and $45.00 fine chiffon panama serge and imported !. 11 A. iancy materials ail smart new styles reduced to $30.00 and $35.00 Suits of colors, also of fine fancy materials, reduced to $25.00 and $27.50 Suits; several hundred to choose from, made of finest all wool materials, in all colors and styles reduced to. . SAFE CURE KIDNEY CVRK Wtt.L, SENT ArtPO- Grammar school, Racine, Wis.; Rev. Wil liam C. Brown, D. D., dean of the Episco pal Theological school, Rio Grande do SuU Brasll; Miss Catherine Uleppy, St. Paul, Minn. An Informal reception will be given by Mrs. Arthur L. Williams at her residence, 2219 Dodge street. In the evening from g to 11 o'clock, to which all church people are lnvltetl. ARRESTS BY INSTALLMENTS Two Fractional Men Ont of Gansi and Police Looking; for Rest. In due course of time Detectives Donohoe and McDonald of the police department ex pect to have a complete man under arrest out of a gang which has congregated In the neighborhood of Second and Hickory streets to the annoyance of people In the vicinity. The two officers went to the place Tues day afternoon on Instructions front the station and secured Frank Oeines. But he was only a part of a man, having one leg mlrslng. They returned Wednesday morn ing and captured E. J. Mullen, but he was minus an arm. "After a while," said the desk sergeant when they appeared at the station with, their prisoner, "maybe you'll have a whole man. JAP ROSE bath soap lathers freely In all kinds of water. For use In HARD WATER Its strongest point. KIRK'S druggists. grocers. Formerly KconnD :L&XISS!T& of Our Great Suit Sale extraordinary sale of Tailored Suits There from, 30JB r pa n LmV) fine panama and serge, in all as s .IB Km c i i t. 4 1 4 t- V I f Ik