Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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, ' v v I7i7-'s7'- ? "O .i, V; x ,y ? 7 Vt',"V .7tt . v . . 7 ' .y'i
Tax A genu Kaik Tiera Down for Benefit
of f ta'.e Bogrd of Ajoetracnt.
State Railway ressaslsslea May Be
Able to Do Aaythlac with Freight
Rates latll After Jaly
o o o
i i
Oolden Oak.
well made.
riioM TUB
Had Otm Eictt Endrei Dolltrt Wb-n He
Estorcd Retort with Jarmar.
'"l Twle fcy Bkerl Vara Hr
Made nia Eaeap a Week it aaa
la Ba4 Pkraleal Caaflltlaa
('a Eifeiire.
NORFOLK. Neb.. May l-(8peclat Tele-ram.K-jSlljhtly
wounded In two place and
clalmlnc to hava been doped and robbed,
Herman Boche. after aleeplng out In the
wooda around lila farm for a week, during
which time frultleaa aearch had been made
for him. today Bent for an officer and rave
hlmaelf up to fare the charge of murder
. tng Frank Jarmer, a aa loon keeper, a week
I ago today. Boche shows the effects of his
r week of mental and physical suffering
tftrough bitterly cold night. He received
a slight but painful wound In the right
hip and a glaze on the left knee when
Sheriff Clements fired four bullets at him
a week ago' tonight.,
Boche say he had when Jarmer
coaxed him, against his will, to visit the
resort where he shot Jarmer. He says
Jarmer urged him against protests to drink
two glasses of whisky before starting and
that his head beran to wlin Immediately.
K While ra the hack he say Jarmrr felt of 1
KU .pocket until he bad tq rebuke , the
saloonkeeper. Ltr' in the night he ssya
Jarmer sat down beside him and grabbed
at the pocket In which was his purse. He
aavs that when he left the house with
Jarmer. ha. felt , for bis purse and It w-s
gone. Then he started to go home. With
an oath Jarmer declared he could not So
home, Boche says, and then he remembers
reaching for his gun and shooting. He
did not know he had killed Jarmer until
Monday of this week, when he found his
son at a neighbor's farm. He says he
knew nothing after the shooting until that
nlaht when he awoke In a hog pen near
the scene of the tragedy. He hurried home,
where h heard a man call "Halt!" Not
knowing what this meant nor that It was
the sheriff, he ran and wa wounded.
Last night he went home and asked that
an officer come and get him. Constable
Conley was summoned.
Bocha looks like an Insane man. He has
retained former United Elates Senator
1 Allan, who cleared him of the murder of
George Ires eighteen years ago. Ha says
' Jarmer had been trying to borrow money
from him with which to pay saloon license
fee. H eaya he told Jarmer he had too
much money to venture into the reaort
Wlater Wkeal Letki Well.
TORK. Neb.. May I. (Special.) Winter
wheal on an average In this county Is at
least six Inches In height and hss that
dark green, healthy color that means a
yield of forty bushel to the acre with
seasonable weather from now on until
tllgkt ef Way fee- Mew Read.
SWARD, .'eb.. May I. (Special. ) A. A.
Kearney of Stanton. Neb., one of the at
torneys for the Yankton Gulf Railway
company, ha been in Seward county sev
eral day closing right-of-way matter for
Like Pie
Tastes Much Like Pumpkin Pie.
Pour boiling water over one-half cup of Grape-Nuts, let 6tand
ten minutes, add two eggs, four tables poonfuls sugar, two cups
sweet milk, one-third teaspoonful ginger one tablespoonful mixed
spioee, stir over slow fire until thoroughly boiled. Bake pie dough
in deep pan; when done put in prepared Grape-Nuts and return to
oven to brown. Out thia out.
This pie is digestible and wonderfully nourishing, for it is
mostly Grape-Nuts, the most scientifically made food in existence.
TieAd, "The Road to Wellville," in packages.
There's a Rwtvson."
Where is the economy in paying drug storo prices
for installment house quality, when wo ofFcr you
first-class merchandise for considerable LEGS
money and a square deal?
Mnl Oas Ranf, 4 RQ
the best
Connect. Quick Meal
F co.
the company. The road la now regarded
as a certainty and will mean much to the
territory through which It passes. It is to
be built from Yankton to Wichita and
from there to the gulf. Galveston being Its
southern terminal.
Staaeata Make Troable Warn Ma a Rot
I. Iked Is Elected Saperlatendent.
NEBRASKA CITY. May I (Special.)
From a scholastic standpoint Nebraska
City Is excited as It never was before. In
May, 1902. Prof. Sinclair was elected prin
cipal of the high school and the year fol
lowing was elected superintendent. Since
then there hss been a fight, but Mr. Sin
clair has always succeeded In alighting on
his feet and havtmr a majority of the
board In his favor. In the elections It has
been a contest between the Sinclair and
anti-Sinclair factiona. Monday night the
Board of Education met and the result
was that Dr. Watson, wbo hss been pres
ident for the past eleven years, was de
feated and W. W. Mets elected In his
stesd. D. W. Schmlnke was chosen vice
president and Duncan Maccualg secretary.
Superintendent Sinclair was re-elected and
this so exasperated the students of the
high school that they were not slow In
showing their anger. The vote stood. 4
for Princlpat George E. Martin and f for
Mr. Sinclair.
The announcement of the vote .was
greeted wtth'a school yell of derision: To
show how the students felt eighty-seven
petitioned for the retention of Mr. Martin.
As soon as the board adjourned mock
sessipn of the boaraVwaa held Jn the reg
ular meeting place- of "the board-and then
a large black flag was placed at half mart
over the high school, -the keyholes of the
doors plugged, crapo put on Prof. Martin's
desk, while on Superintendent Sinclair's
desk white crape was used, "On the doors
and on the outside of the building black
crape was used and many of the students
when they entered school this morning
wore crspe on their arms. Nothing haa
stirred the city so much as this affair and
the result is that the schools are "all shot
to pieces." One of the local paper ad
vocate that the auperintendent, the prin
cipal and the entire board resign, call a
special election and attempt to settle the
Mere Treeble at Arapahoe.
ARAPAHOE. Neb.. Mey . (Special Tel.
egrara.) The factional fight over munici
pal control Is getting faster and more
furious, and yesterday morning the newly
appointed city marshal of the city faction
tempted to make sn arrcat for disturbance
of the peace, but waa quickly given to un
derstand that he had no authority. The
county attorney and sheriff were hastily
summoned and the many threats of whole
sale arrests did not materialise. The county
attorney does not seem to be In harmony
with the so-called law and order faction,
as he has not authorised the arrest they
desire, although It la asserted that they will
be made In the morning. It Is rumored
that the supreme court of the state has
Issued an order to abate further crim
inal proceeding until the election can be
determined In a Judicial manner tn court.
Bis; Class Coaliacd.
LEXINGTON. Neb., May . (Special Tel
egram.) A class of 130 members waa pre
sented for confirmation at St. Ann's Cath
olic church of this city this morning. This
ono of
1 J-is 1
aak and Malioftany
Bed Davenport.
Gas Stoves Free
v 1
Is the largest class ever presented here.
The sacrament of confirmation was admin
istered by Rt. Rev. Richard Scannell,
bishop of Omaha. Father Delbo, the local
priest, was assisted by Father Sullivan of
Kearney and Father McCarty of Sidney.
State Completes Its Testtmoay aad
Defease Renins.
HASTINGS, Neb., May . (Special Tele
gramsThe state completed Its presentation
of evidence today In the case against Bar
ney Pearson, who is accused of the mur ler
of Walter McCulla In the former's home on
July 29 last. W. A. Baker testified that
Pearson, carrying a shot gun, called at his
home about an hour before the tragedy oc
curred. Rev. A. Lemkau testified that
Pearson called him to go with htm to his
home and see what was going on. Pearson
was then carrying a shot gun. The min
ister walked to the house and after talking
a few minutes Pearson left him. He soon
heard a gun fired and a moment later
McCulla came from the house, complaining
of a wound. McCulla died the next day.
The state charge that Pearson planned
and deliberately committed the murder.
Testimony was presented by the defense
this afternoon showing that McCulla had
been Intimate wit It Mrs. Pearson, not
withstanding frequent warnlnga from her
husband. Three times Pearson and Mc
Culla had personal altercations because of
the letter's persistent attentions to Mrs.
Pearson. Once, according to the testimony
of two witnesses, Pearson leveled a rifle at
McCulla and threatened to blow his brains
out If he did not cease his attentions to
Mrs. Pearson. The case will likely be given
to the jury tomorrow Bight. ,
Table Reek Maa Disappears.
TABLE ROCK. Neb.. May 8. Special.)
Samuel D. Hulbert, proprietor of the Mar
ble house of this place, disappeared from
town Monday afternoon nnd his present
whereabouts are unknown. He was seen
In Lincoln Monday evening at 9 p. tn., but
beyond this fact no track or trace of him
has been discovered. As hla domestic re
lations were of the most pleasant kind and
he had no financial trouble to worry over,
there Is no cause known for his abrupt de
parture. He la about 50 yesrs of age, has
a wife and two sons at this place and a
third son at Ohlowa, Neb.
Boy Accidentally Shot.
CVLB ERTSON, Neb.. May 8. Speclal
Telegram.) Alvln Atchison, 1 years old
son of Mr. J. C. Atchison, who resides
seven miles southeast of here, while out
with his father repairing fence spied a
coyote which started for a bluff. While
crossing a fence the boy's gun waa acci
dentally discharged, the bullet entering the
left side. He waa taken home and a phy
sician called, but the boy died before he ar
rived. York Gets So Xew Depot.
YORK, Neb.. May . (Special.) In spite
of a definite promise made last fall, the
Burlington road has notified the people of
York It will not build a new depot this
year. York business men are up in arm
and retaliating measures are talked of.
Hews of Nebraska.
CHADRON Edwin Raum and Birdie Gol
den were married by Judge Bay era They
will live at Crawford, Neb.
CLAY CENTER The harness store of
J. W, Nixon of this -ity was broken into
last - nlghc Several articles were taken.
No clue to the party.
OAKLAND The city council has granted
saloon licenses to Mathildo Benson and
Axel Loftman and they opened up for
business Tuesday mornhig.
CHADRON D. Burr Jones, for four years
secretary of the Young Mens Christian
association In the Philippine Islands, will
address the bovs of Chadron next Sunday.
BEATRICE Frank Kline was badly In
jured in a runaway accident here last even
ing. His wife and 1-year-old child, who
were tn the buggy at the time, escaped In
jury. OAKLAND 'Ethel Hopkins haa been ap
pointed postmaster here to succeed her
father, the late W. W. Hopkins. She has
been the assistant postmaster for the pa(
ten years.
OAKLAND Farmer In (hi vicinity
have begun planting corn this week. The
cold weather hss delayed them a couple of
weeks. A good ratn mould help vegetation
a great deal in this locality.
BEATRICE Funeral services for. the late
F. C. Marko were held yesterday afternoon
from the Dunkard church near Ptckrell,
conducted by Kev. M. Smith. Interment
waa In the Dunkard cemetery.
CLAY CENTER The County Board of
Supervisors today appointed lYof H. V.
Clark of Harvard as county superintend
ent of schools to fill the vacancy caused by
the lesignation of C. L. Coons.
OAK DALE An epidemic of mumps is
prevalent here at present. Younger per
sons were affected tire and the cases were
mild, but nuw older people are having the
ailment also and the cases are more severe.
PLATT8MOITH C. B. GUI. a reg latere i
druggist eaal of Plattsmouth. has been ar
rested for Illegally selling tiquor. He
waived preliminary examination and gave a
bund tn the sum of m for his appearance
In court.
CHADRON Jeaa Mann and Edna. Crist
were married at the restdence of the s
parents. The rsiemony was performed by
Rev. E. F. Eberly of the First baptist
church tn the presence of relatives and
UiiiiHKltale fnenda.
PLATTSMOiTH Will M. Thomaa, aged
SI years, a prominent and well known
farmer residing a few miles west of this
city, passed away this morning after i
short Illness) iNsoaaaed was a aon of ex
senator 8. 1 Tboauaa.
OAKLAND Hope ell Coad have closed
ineir law omce In this city and F. J
Coad, who has had cnarge of tne omce
'Continued en FUU t'
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, May 8. (Special.) Another
strenuous day waa spent by the State Board
of Assessment listening to arguments from
railroad tax agent who were here to ex
plain their reports, answer questions and
put la a good word for a reduction or
against an Increase this year. T. A. Pol
lev of the Omsha road delivered the prin
cipal address; 8. I Hlghleyman repre
sented the Missouri Pacific, and Frank P.
Crandon and Carl C. Wright Spoke for
the Northwestern.
While spesking particularly In the Inter
est of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis
A Omaha road, Mr. Polleya dug deep Into
the assessment of railroad rroperty In gen
eral, considering as he went along the
value of other property In Nebraska. He
quoted extensively from Prof. Davlsson, the
"eminent statistician" of the stste uni
versity and head of the Nebraska Agri
cultural college, who. though his figures
hsd been criticised by The Omaha Bee.
Mr. Pollers said had been sustained by
the census report. In conclusion Mr. Pol
leys said he believed be had established the
1. General property, other than railroads,
In the state of Nebraska Is not being ss
sesstd in the year lfo7 at more than T& per
pent rf Ita true value.
I. Even by use of the unreasonably high
values announced by census bulletin 21
In 104 for all railroac's operating property
In Nebraska and allowing adequately for
the Increase In value since li"4. It is Im
possible to work out the full commercial
value of all railroads operating property
In Nebraska In 19.77 at more than IsV.OiM.oiM.
of whlrh 75 per cent would be only JC2fi.
000.000, and yet the aggregate value nt which
such railroad property wss assessed by
this board In 1906 was nearly r40.noo,ow.
1 Whether or not railroad Drorertv as a
whole shall be placed by the board thla
vear Into proper relation with general
nronertv. other than railroads, bv a sun
stantlal reduction in the aggregate rail
road assessment of the state. It will Mill
be possible for the board to so spportlon
the aggregate railroad assessment amon
the several railroads of the Itate that eac
shall bear Its proper portion and no more
than Its proper portion of such aggregate
. If the es-sTcaate railroad assessment
In Nebraska for 1!07 shall be properly
equalised and apportioned among tne sev
eral railroads of the state, the assessed
value per mile of the Nebraska lines of the
Omaha company win not sunsrantinuy ex
reed DO ier cent of the averare assessed
value per mile fixed for ail railroads of
the stste considered as a unit.
Mr. Polley worked out the value of the
Omaha road on the stock and bond theory;
combined gross and net earnings and the
capitalisation of the net earning with
the following result:
Stock and bond value. 882.690.851 or 848.JRB
per mile.
Combined gross and net earnings value,
8X0 530.3.W or U7.0T per mile.
Capitalised actual net earning value,
t76.(KT7.caa or 841,833 per mile.
Hlghleysaen Dodares Questions.
8. L. Highleymen took a ' seat and dis
cussed the Missouri Pacific in that St. Louis
fatherly way of his and sidestepped grace
fully a number of questions asked him by
Governor Sheldon and other members of
the board. Especially was thl true when
the governor asked him what constituted
operating expenses and he said an expert
should .be called In to discuss that ques
tion and again when he waa asked If It
were -wot true that hi -freight rate were
higher In Nebraska than in the other states
through which his road ran.
"Really, now," he exclaimed, throwing
up both hands, "don't ask me about freight
rates. That Is really out of my line and I
have all the trouble I can look after."
Mr. Hlghleyman. however, assured the
board - he had no grievance against Ne
braska or the board, for hi road had been
fairly treated, "except, of course. It as
sessment wa really too high." But he
said his road had the confidence of the peo
ple, for with all the talk against railroads
not a word had been said against his road.
"I trust the people every time," he said,
"and you politicians will find that the best
plan, too," he advised with a smile.
The speaker assured the board steel was no
higher now than five years ago, though he
was not sure what the Missouri Pacific
could be reconstructed for, when it was
suggested such a thing would be appreci
ated In some parts of the state. The tax
agent told the board his road waa merely
a neighborhood affair, especially from Su
perior to Prosser, and was run only to ac
commodate the neighbor out there and It
had never paid. ,
C. C. Wright, although on the Omaha
city payroll a a city official, wa here as
a railroad attorney to get the aasesament
of the Northwestern road reduced. He
devoted a great deal of hie time to dis
cussing proper distributive value. By any
method employed to find the value of a
railroad system he said Nebraska should
bentltled to not more than 827,000 to
(MO and at the outside at 830.ono a mile.
The Northwestern Is now valued at 832,500
a mile. For the system Mr. Wright said
It was over 8t0,fl00 a mile. Mr. Crandon
will talk to the board tomorrow, at which
time the Vnion Pacific will be on hand for
a hearing.
Passle for Railway CesBsalaslow.
The State Railway commission will
shortly ssk Attorney General Thompson
for an opinion as to whether a rate put In
now by the commission will operate In
any way to prevent the reduction pro
vided for by the maximum freight rate
law enacted by the legislature and the 25
per cent reduction in express charges pro
vided for by the legislative body. The
commission haa an Idea that the rate it
puts Into effect will prevent the operation
of the two laws. This matter was brought
to the attention of the rate making body
yesterday afternoon, when representatives
of the express companies demanded that a
rate be fixed at that session of the com
mission. One of the men said he had
corns all the way from New York to attend
the meeting because the notification he
had received specified that rates were
made on that day. The eommlaalon, how
ever was not ready to act and postponed
making the schedule of rates, with the
result that probably a second hearing will
have to be given the express men as well
as railroad men. In the meantime the
oommlaslon wanta to know Just where It
stands when It comes to making a rate
before the maximum freight rate law goes
Into effect The trouble all arises over the
fact the maximum freight rate law did not
carry the emergency clause arid i not
operative until July A
Jadae Slaclalr Is Aaarry.
It developed thla afternoon while testi
mony was being taken In the cafe brought
to test ths validity of the veto of the
Kearney Normal school appropriation that
It Is still a tender aubjeat with some of the
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
K" for IMTT-riVB YEARS bw
MILLIONS o MirrUEB tor ruiLbUli
H1UX TKCTHINO. vlfk rsHPEOT flHXKna it
.11 PAiN: Ct'EE WIND OOUC. u Is lu M
rrwtT P1ASSMOXA ol kr DrusslM. la
..T pan T the ea-14. a. an m4 ut (- Mn.
Witamw. swAiif srra." a.4 uu mr kiu.
T tan a bstlta OwruM au.r IM
Poo Afd ma Act. Jam fcak. l Srrt.l uw
It, AM OU JiO Ua mB fcJtiiI.
i k J', f II
1 I
i l jy
after careful examination, the instrument is not entirely satisfactory.
We rent new pianos $3.00 per month and upward. Write for bargain list and special
terms. Tianos moved and repaired by expert mechanics. Telephone Douglas 1G25.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
1311 and 1313 Farnam St.
Kearney people. Attorney General Thomp- i
aon wanted Governor Sheldon to testify,
and when the latter was notified by Deputy
Cierk Seymour, the governor said he was
busy on the assessment board and would
not testify unless served with a summons
from the court. When this was announced
In the court room, It riled up Judge Sin
clair of Kearney.
"Well, he can go to hell then." said the
Judge, but seeing the young woman steno
grapher sitting at the table, he put the
soft pedal on the last word. Just at that
time Attorney General Thompson came
back Into the room.
"The governor sent word that he would
not come unless a bailiff was sent for
him," said Judge Sinclair, "and I said he
could go to hell, but I do not want to use
uch a word before a young woman, so
he doesn't have to go unless he wants to.
The suggestion Is by no means mandatory."
And so every one laughed. Thoma Hamer
said the remark would be endorsed by ,dX
people In Kearney, but he amlled when he
said It
A number of wltnesse were examined
before Clerk Lindsay, appointed by the
court. Secretary Goulding testified the
legislature adjourned officially at noon.
April t, but In fact on ths afternoon of
April 1 Clyde Barnard said the records
showed the session adjourned at noon.
April i, and Secretary of State Junkln said
he had received the bill with the gover
nor' veto April 11, though the governor
had telephoned him the night previous
that he had vetoed it A B. Allen,
secretary to the governor said the
bill had been received in nis
office at 2:45 o'clock on the afternoon of
April 4. When asked If he had not signed
a receipt showing the bill had . been re
ceived at 11:45 on April 4, Mr. Allen ald
he did not know. He aald he and the gov
ernor had discussed the time of receipt
ing bills and acting on the theory that
the legislature wa to adjourn on the aft
ernoon of April 4. some of the bills were
receipted as though they reached the ex
ecutive pi lor to th hour of recorded ad
inurnment, thoush their own records
showed the actual time of the receipt of
measures. After the assessment board ad- :
Journed Governor Sheldon went to the j
court room and testified that the leglsla- j
ture actually adjourned on Saturday after- j
noon, April 6, and that he had received
Mils and communications from that body
after April 4, the official adjournment day.
T. F. Hamer, Judge Oldham and Judge
Sinclair, acting for some one In Kearney. ;
are trying to show that the governor had
the bill for more than five days prior to
taking action on It and therefore his veto j
is of no effect. The case will be submitted ;
to the supreme court at the next session j
on the evidence taken today.
Omaha Provea Alibi.
i . i . i i , v. Qt.l Jnnmal
tsy me puuiuawuu m - j
this morning of an article aaylng a news-
psper correspondent In Omaha had sent
out stories to the effect that the Lincoln
municipal lighting plant was a failure, a
nice Juicy sensation may result It hap
pens that Mayor Brown looked up the
author of the articles, one of which wa
published in an eastern paper and to the
Lincoln Commercial club the mayor read a
letter from a newspaper telling who had
written the story. The writer I said to
be a Lincoln newspaper man and several
have expressed surprise that any Lincoln
newspaper would charge Omaha with It
East era StJtr Eleetlosw
Mrs. Ellen Dobson of Lincoln wa to
night elected grsnd matron of the Eastern
Star, which Is holding a state meeting here.
Other officers will be elected tomorrow.
tiapf ta nana a-iafTTI SIZE
ct.r.,.c-r;o.--..c..T. v
eusm. eusosT t to, asusi r ojrn im.ii
It the watchword for health and vigor, com
fort and beauty. Mankind it learning not
only the necessity but the luxury of clean
liness. JS A POLIO, which bat wrought
uch changes in the home, announce Eer
aitlcr triumph
A special soap which energizes the whole
bocly, start the circulation and leave an
exhilarating glow. Alifrtcers i drmgjisli,
Potiiittly Curtt
of continuous success. Printed matter
sent In plain envelop upon retinas t. All
correspondence strictly confidential.
Car. Twenty-fifth and Caas ftta,
We know that when you find out what wonderful piano
values we are going to offer for the next few weeks that you
will loose no time in calling on us or writing for catalogue.
Never before were such prices quoted on pianos as we are mak
ing at the present time. We sell you a new pinno for $138, $148,
$158, $1G8. Slightly used pianos from $55 to $150. $2.00 cash
and $1.00 per week thereafter will bring a beautiful piano to
"Wl, I. L A . 1 S A 1 1.
uuuiu. n nut iiat; otic rit'iii ftp iuujiv i uur mw.'k rn
ssts following celebrated makes: Steinway, Steger, A,
B. Chase, Emerson, Haxdman, McPhaiL Kurtzman and thirteen
others. AVe ship on approval and pay freight both ways if.
Orchard & Wilhelm
4iql6 IS South 16th Street
In a great stork like our your field
construction; 31 inches wide, feet, 5 Inches long. Special. . .$18.75
REFRIGKKATOKS Special demonstration of the Herrlck Refrigerator
this week mr'n floor. Come and see for yourself that it is all we claim
for it the best refrigerator that money can buy. It costs you no more
than many of inferior quality. Practical and sanitary in every way. It's
absolutely dry air circulation means perfect preservation of all kinds of
foods; fruits, vegetables, meats, milk, butter, etc $14.00 lI'
GO-CARTS A large assortment, including the new Ideas in folding and
reclining Go-Carts. See them $2 21 IP.
colors; pretty figured patterns, for full size or size bed. Special $3.75
French Taffeta Bed Covers with sham or bolster covers; made with border,
on valance. All colors and many designs. Per set, complete. .. .$Q. 75
CURTAINS and CURTAIN MATERIALS 36-Inch Curtain Swiss; dotg,
stripes and figures; dainty and sheer, per yard 15
36-Inch French Muslin with all-over pattern and borders. Full range of
colors. For curtains or over curtains, per yard 15
36-lnch French Taffeta; new dainty designs, pretty borders, etc. All col
ors, per yard .". 29
Novelty Lace Curtains, clun effects, lace edga and battenberg cornered
curtains, new summer curtains, per pair $2.05
Imported Madras Curtains In colors; 42-lnches wide, 3 yards long. All
new patterns. , If we did not import
$5.00 a pair, Our price, per pair
Others at, per pair, $7.60 and
WINDOW SHADES We have the best of all grades,
house. Our workmanship will please you.
There are five trains a day to Chicago
from Omaha and Council Bluffs via
f.ORTl!-lVESTER. Lifl
Train No. 6 leaving the Union Station at
5:50 P. M. daily, and arriving Chicago
7:30 A.. 1MM is one of the best.
The electric-lighted Overland Limited
for Chicago leaves at 8:38 P. M.t and
other fast trains leave at 8:00 A. M.
and 11:30 A. M.
The only double track railway
between the Missouri Riverand Chicago.
Splendid train equipment.
The best of dining car service.
Lace ' CiFtaii Sale
Don't miss the i Price
Lace Curtain Sale now
on. An immense stck to select from.
Wer,Stewart & Beaton
413-15.17 South l&th Street.
Established 1859.
for choosing is almost without limit.
COUCH (Like cut.)
Full gondola ghope.
covered In very hlgbl
grade Imitation lea
ther that look ex
actly like the genu
ine leather and will
give excellent wear.
Small diamond tuft
ed with ruffled puff
on the ildea. Carved
feet. Sanitary gteel
TABLE (Like Cut)
The popular Arts
and Crafts design.
Made of quarter
sawed oak weather-i
ed finish. Round
top, 24-in. in' diam
eter. The best con
struction and finish.
Very specially pric
ed at ..... .$0.75
EKD 8 KT French Muslin Bed Cot- .
ers with sham or bolster covers; all
them ourselves they would sell for
Let us measure your
Full Information regarding trala
schedules aad rates oa applkati
UOI-U0S Fsrnaf Street
4 r