Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Greatly Reduced Prices on High
Class Suits, Separate Coats and
Wool Jumper Suits Thursday
To make rpom for tho summer goods which are now crowding us for space, we Khali
close out the balance of our Wool Jumper Suits at one half the regular price,
$18.50 Suits, Thursday's price $9.25
$15.00 Suits, Thursday's price $7.50
$12.50 Suits, Thursday's price....... $G.25
The Newest in Hand Bags.
Bednoed for Thursday's Belling.
' Then bags ars copied from a French model and
called The Carleton, are made of real leather with pretty
trimmings, and are one of the prettiest novelty bags
we have shown this season. Ther have been In our
windows all week, and judging from the many Inquiries
we have had. there will be a lively selling. Corns early
Thursday Morning, on sale at I a. m.
Genuine Alligator Bags, chain handle, worth 11. SO.
Thursday at, sack 1.4t
Mottled Calf leather Dags, with chain handle, worth
12.00, Thursday, soch $l.fl
Seal Leather Bags In black, brown, tan, worth $1.10,
Tharsdsy at, saea it (...Ms
Main Floor.
Great May Clearing Sale of Beautiful Dress
Silks Thursday. .
Red need! That's only one charm, but their chief
claim Is their freshness and newness. . No trashy lots
to show you. Every piece new and a beauty. They are
the same pretty silks you have admired.
Hew TSs sTerslty Brochs Milks, OSo Yard Every
fiber all silk, five pretty colors, new gray, old roao,
Copenhagen blue, navy, reseda green.
ITrw TSo Pompadour Bovelty Silks, lte Yard Pretty
cream ground with dainty colored figures, as pink,
hello, new blue, etc., purely all silk, for afternoon and
evening wear, also for waists. See them.
' All of Our Highest Grade
Suits and Coats at Re
duced Prices.
There aro always bargains In
dainty waists to be picked up from
the slightly mussed garments.
Every garment, whatever be Its
price. It good, stylish and new, and
fit to be worn by the best dressed
wpman In the land.
Buy the best they cost the least
at our store.
J. B. Corsets.
The new style J. B. Corsets for
Spring hare attained a finer perfec
tion in fit and graoe than any other
corsets shown this season. The high
bust models are In great variety.
They will be found to afford a per
fect foundation for the latest conceits
of the modistes. Shapes as the fig
ure Is molded. Made In a full va
riety of styles, Frtoes start at 1.00.
See them at our Corset Department,
second floor.
Extraordinary Value Thurs
day. SOo Xxtra rice 4.11 Wool Crepe Al
batross, ISo Yard.
Extraordinary means you never
had such value shown you before In
Omaha. Beautiful fine fabric, three
shades of navy, two brown, tan,
Mots See Remnant Counter Thurs
day. Many pretty things now being
gotten ready.
Light Weight Colored Wash Goods.
rtrst rioor.
The difference between our Wafch Materials and
those of other stores Is plainly noticeable. Most of the
styles are exclusive. We are now showing them on the
first floor In the best of daylight. See these.
Lawns and Batistes at IQo yard.
Small Checked Materials, very dainty, at lte yard.
Dotted Swisses In the newest Ideas, 1 5c yard.
Fins Batistes. Crepes, at ISo yard..
Dimities that closely rival the finest Imported, In
fact, some stores sell them em foreign goods, but they
are not. Only ISo yard. '
Bargain Square in Basement.
Remnants of best American Prints lvnew Ging
ham styles, at, per yard, 2c.
, Olnghama, Madras, both printed and woven, from
the cheapest to the finest. In a grand assortment of
styles. Basement, east side. .
-Bhrusk Whits Boltings at 10c and ISc yard.
Real Indian Head Whits Muslins at loo and 20c
per yard. Basement.
$1.75 Fine Imported, 46-inch Silk and Wool
. Black Poplin, 49o Yard. .
One of this season's favorite fabrics. Feel the qual
ity,' wha( a soft, prettr touch, beautiful rich glossy black
at this special prloe. Tou must be here when they go
on sals or, our word for It, you will be disappointed.
Our May White Goods Sale.
These beautiful White Qoods here offered at less
than prevailing prices are special purchases and large
lots from our regular stocks sharply reduced.
Special Sals Whits Sotted Swisses.
25 pieces 1 So Dotted Swiss, Thursday's price So yard.
16 pieces 2$c Dotted Swiss, Thursday's price flVke yard.
75 pieces 25o Dotted Swiss, Thursday's price lc yard.
Special Sal Whits India Zdaong.
75 pieoes 10c White India Linon, Thursday's price 5o yd.
50 pieces 15o White India i,1nons, Thursday's price t 1-So.
60 pieces 20c White India Lilnons, Thursday's price 12 Ho.
60 pieces 26c White India Linon. Thursday's price 15c.
Special Sals Whits 40-ineh Lawns.
10 pieces 12 HO White 40-Inch Lawns. Thursday's price,
5c yard.
10 pieces 16e White 40-inch Lawns, Thursday's pries
8 l-3c yard.
10 pieoes 10c White 40-Inch Lawns, Thursday's price
12Ho yard.
Special Sals Whits Sheer Plaid Xdasns.
10 pieces 75c White Sheer Plaid Linens, Thursday's
price 60c yard.
Special Sals Handkerchief Linens Thursday.
Special Sals French 48-inch , Lawns for Graduation
Dresses Thursday.
Special Sale Linen Suitings Thursday.
Special Sals White Embroidered Swisses Thursday.
Special Sal White Persian Lawns Thursday.
Special Sals White Plaid Dimities Thursday.
Special Sale Plaid Walstlng Thursday.
. Bee (-8-07
.-- i'ri-i-i-.-w-yy- iuuL.u-ii-inni-i.nj-w-)i-uin.n..,ij
Frealdeat Casasseaaa Editorial
Labor World aa Moyer aad
Haywood Case.
PITT8BURO. Pa.. May 8.-John
express my absolute agreement with your
tlnal paragraph, running aa follows.
"The Lnbor World has not a word to ut-
la I ter regarding the guilt or Innocense of
Moyer, Haywood and Pettlbone In their
present terrible position. We hope they
are Innocent and will be proved to be ao.
I but what we want to point out Is that their
. Innocense of the preferred charge against
1 lhm Will w. H ...In..,,,... w n.. t
D. them from the charge of preaching au In-
is da
Prlngle, . editor of the Labor World of Idustrlal and social policy that
Pittsburg, tonight received the following
letter from President Roosevelt In ac
knowledgment of ajn editorial recently
published In his paper In connection with
the Moyer-Haywood controversy:
May 1. 1807. My Dear Prlngle: Noth'ng
(hat has been spoken or written that I
save seen of the Moyer-Haywood conuov.
trey hes pleased me so much as your letter
nd editorial. In my letter I wished to
drive a wedge li between the honest, law
abiding man with whom J feel such hearty
lympathy, and. thone worst foes of the
movement who preach anarchy and lawless
violence, Just aa 1 wish to see a weuge
driven between the capitalist who Is an
vppreftaor or swindler snd thi capitalist who
to the best Interests of the wage workers
of the country."
With atl good wishes, believe me sin
cerely yours. (Signed)
modernized In every way. The firs will
former Cincinnati taJr f ars Ohio Should
rapport fwrrsUry for Frssidtiit
Tills Cow.sroie.tee, Ho Thinks, Will
Refleet Heaer sad Glory
Itenahlleaaa of tho Baok
eye State.
CINCINNATI. May 8-Parfy harmony
W. H. Taft for president. J. B. Foraker
for United States senate and A. L. Hnrrle
for governor Is the program advised by
Oeorgo B. Cox, former republican leader
In Hamilton county. In a atatement given
the Associated Press today. Reports from
Columbus and Washington had named Mr.
Cox as engaged In the conduit Of negotia
tions looking toward a compromise between
the Taft and Foraker forces, but Mr. Cox
denied such suggestions.
"As far as I am concerned," he said,
"there Is absolutely nothing to this talk.
I have retired from active participation In
politics. Of course I cannot absolutely re
fuse to advise with friends."
Aa to the Ohio situation he said:
"In my judgment the time has come for
the good of the republican party that some
thing should bs done. We are on the eve
of next fall's election Nothing should be
done to endanger party success. If you will
recall, two years ago we had factional
differences In the party and our ticket
went down to defeat. This, I hope, will
not occur again.
"We must not forget that we must carry
the legislature next yenr to elect a United
States senator and get much-needed legis
lation, and must elect a governor and
other state officers. The way to do all
this, I believe. Is for an republicans to
put their shoulders to the wheel In their
several neighborhoods snd see to It that
none but true republicans represent them.
Our watchword should be: "Success of the
republican party," and to achieve this we
should support W. H. Taft for president,
J. B. Frn-aker for United States senator
and A. It. Harris for governor,"
Foraker la Willis.
When the attention of Senator Foraker
was called to Mr. Cox's statement he said:
"I have Just read what Mr. Cox says.
If I understand him correctly, he makes
a specific recommendation addressed to the
republicans of Ohio as to what their action
shall be in- the convention of next year.
I am not sure it calls for any response
from me, but Inasmuch aa you seem to
think It does, I will repeat that I don't
want any political honors at the hands of
the republicans of Ohio, except with their
hearty endorsement. Therefore, If what
Mr. Cox suggests and recommends should
meet with their approval, no one will sup
port Secretary Taft more cordially than
I shall." ' j.
Charles P. Taft, editor of the Cincinnati
Times-Star and brother of Secretary Taft,
when shown the Cox interview said:
"Mr. Cox takes a broad view of the
matter. Hs sees ths opportunity , to elect
another Ohio president and very wisely
urges that we get together,"
Brovra Is for Taft.
TOLEDO, O., May a. Walter F. Brown,
chairman of the republican stats central
committee, said he would Issue tomorrow
a call for a meeting of the committee at
Columbus, May 15. A large number of
other prominent republicans will be In
vited. An effort will be made to secure
an expression in regard to the party's
choice 'for thai presidential nomination and
to restore party harmony.
"Now that a primary election has been
definitely abandoned,", said Mr. Brown, "I
am very glad to put an end to any apparent
mystery about my position. Sines ths state
convention In 1905, over which Secretary
! Taft presided as chairman, I have believed
IflflV. Ih. nltw 1 . . .
this company ha. not only lighted the i h,m t0 the hlos of the repub-
streetVbut furnished electric flgM. '
itrtves to do right by all his fellows the
sian who Is an American citizen flrst and
t capitalist second. Above all I want to
Llgrht ssd Power Plsat.
ASHLAND, Neb., May 8. (Special.) The
power plant of the Ashland Light, Mill
and Power -company, one-half mile north
of the city, waa completely destroyed by
fire about t o'clock this morning, the loss
amounting to &,000. with 18.500 Insurance.
The company is at a loss to account for
ths origin of ths (Ire. The power plant
baa recently been completely rebuilt and
Stars Stripes
A Superior Family Deer
It It made from incredtents of tho beat quality
pure imported Bohemian bops, pure malt and1 water
from the celebrated Willow Spring. The beat of
all beera.
Order Case Delivered to Your Home.
Invigorating, Strengthening and Healthful, -
Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps with every
case (2 dozen quart bottles) price 52.25
Thirty (11.00) Green Trading Stamps with every
case (I dozen pint bottles) price 31.23
VniilowSprings Brewing Co.
- m'
practically all of the residents of the city.
r. is. White, manager of the company,
announces that the plant will be rebuilt
Immediately. In the meantime the com
pany Is considering several ways of con
tinuing the electric light services during
the rebuilding of their plant on Wahoo
creek. The most feasible plan that haa
presented Itself Is the utilisation of power
otTered by engines of Railsback Brothers'
Elevator company.
Ham ra- Factory. ,
HAMBURG, May s.-Plre broke out to
day In the suburb of Bteinwaerder. In the
territory of ths free harbor, on the left
bank of the Northern Elbe. The Schlle
monn mineral wax factory will probably
be a total loss. The flames threaten to
leap over the middle channel and Ignite tho
lumber yards.
O. C. Tread way.
8IOUX CITT, la.. May g.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) O. C. Treadway, ths oldest member
of the Sioux City bar, died today. He was
7t yeara old and had lived in Sioux City
fifty years.
Of floe 1407 Haroey 8t rhone I). 1800.
Ilrfwery, 8rd an'l Hickory St. Phone D. 1685.
Partly dowdy la Nebraska Today,
Cooler la Afteraooa Night
Fair Tasaorraw.
WASHINOTON. May a.-Foreeaat of ths
weather fer Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraska and South Dakota Partly
cloudy Thursday, cooler la the afternoon
or night; Friday, fair.
For Iowa Fair Thursday; Friday, fair
and cooler.
For Kansas Fair and warmer Thursday;
Friday, fair.
For Missouri-Fair Thursday, warmer In
northeast portion; Friday, fair.
For Colorado rartly cloudy Thursday,
showers In the afternoon or night in east
portion; Friday, fair.
Local ReeoreV
H. V. HA Y WARD, ' Tree. ff-'S?WS t office of Tim wfather bttrbau.
OMAHA. May l.-Omcial record of i?!
the corresuoni
preclpiuttlon, compared with I on,1u manner,
ding day of the Vast three alght and in the
and I heartily favor the movement to so
cure for him an unequivocal endorsement at
this time.
"In my Judgment the meeting of the party
leaders and Joint committees at Columbus
next week will result In unanimous ex
pression In favor of Secretary TafC"
Ctualat and Curious Feat ares af Life
la a Rapidly Grewlsg
Kearney Sees the Limit Fishing Is mighty
poor when a boy would rather bs In school.
Kearney Democrat
It la to be hoped that the temperature
will not make up the present deAclency
before the first of November.
The smile under the hat is an Indication
as to whether the spading Is for a future
garden or for fish worms.
The school base ball scores are of
greater Interest, If of less Importance, than
examination papers at this time.
Lateness of ths season renders Improb
able an emergency rate on Nebraska fruit
during the first yesr of the railway com
mission. Kansas Is disseminating a parasite for
the green bug. If It will keep tioth bugs
to Itself Nebraska will be content to let
well enough alone.
Sines ths Gage county "bridge graft"
has Inspired a Beatrice poet, ths guilty
parties msy throw themselves on U
mercy of the court.
Heredity Heredity la a great thing. Carl
' Relchs can hunt rabbits hi more ways than
one, and do It successfully; bis son can
play a half doaen musical Instruments at
one time, and do It well. Norfolk Newa
Fish Story From Blair A catfish, wekrh
tna over twenty-nine pounds, was caught
by Captain Dodd last week In a rather
He set four lines over
Oh! The Pleasures
of moving day- f ripping up carpets
and stalr-roda, of breaking in a new
boase and fitting stovepipe, of eating
your meals on tbe kitchen stairs and
waiting for tbe plumbers and gas men.
There Is a Joy that Is naconflned in all
this and you can have It easily once a
year, but do you want UT Wouldn't It
be better to escape It by owning a
home of your pwa? If you have some
cash or a clear lot, we can no doubt
help you get the home. If you are
thlaklng of thla better way, see
Tha Conserrative Savings and
. Loan Association,
1614 Harney Street.
Geo. T. Gllmore, Pres.
faul W. Kuhnt, 8ec'y and Traa. ,
i ih,.. alrM and in the morning be discovered that
vears; lrr ions ivt i . ... - , . - .i v.,.
Maximum temperature.... 7 T W i ' " "7 Vk . J .i.
Minimum teniDerature.... m ii ?! in ths tail and one hock In ths fish s mouth.
-s . - w -w i am
temperature U 47 60 ft
; freclpltatluo ft) .OS T .jj
1 Temperature and nreclnltailnn d.niH,..
front the normal at Otncha aloce March L
snd coinrai-Uons with ths last two years
Normal temperature as
Deficiency for the day
Total denclency since March i. VM.... ".' To
Non-si prerlplistlon u Inches
Deficiency for the dy it Inch
Precipitation since March 1 Inch
Itoflelency since March 1. 1S07.. ,. 4. k Inches
Kxceaa for cor. period, I'jOS &2 Inch
Deficiency foe cor. period, l0t 71 Inch
Heports from Statloas at T P. M.
Station and "tats Tamp. Max. Rain-
of Weather. lam. Temn. .fail.
Fiamarck, clear 64
Cheyenne, partly cloudy... t
Chicago, clear 42
Davenport, partly cloudy., 4
Dwnver, eioudy 64
Havre, pajtly cloudy... 40
Hflana, clear
Huroa, clear
Nor to Platte, clear
Omaha, clear
Rapid City clear
,(4. loula, cloudy
. fit. Paul, claar
, Halt Lake City, clear..
Valentine, clear
V 11 list on. eioudy
T Indicates trace of preclpltattoa.
U A. WELttll, Lucal r ureca.ter.
. 4
. 44
. J
. M
. m
In trying to get away front the first hook,
ths fish. In bis struggles thrashing about,
ran afoul of ths other three llnea Blair
Jealous Man 1 always feel Ilka throw
ing a man into ths street when I hear htm
ordering his wife to not carry ths baby
around the house for tear of "spoiling"
.World Wags Well
rooD corrcc
"Ther.. a Reason."
,, M.M.U,,,,
rilOAK OltOKIl
In All Omaha Thoro Is No Such Bargains as
iho Daylight Store Offers Thursday
25c Sales for Thursday
Undermuslln Drawers, Lace In
sertion and Edgings, plain, tucked
and hemstitched, special Thursday
at 25c.
Corset Covers Ijics Beading with
ribbon and embroidery trimming.
Children's Munltn Drawers and
Skirts All this -undermuslln Is
on the basis of last year's pur
chase and worth 35c and 45c,
Thursday's sale, garment 25t
Ladles Percale Wrappers, all col
ors, sites 33 and 34 only, and
worth 1.?5, Thursday only 49
Ladies' Hubbard Aprons, fine
Gingham full sleeves, Thursday
only 59
Ladles' Sateen Petticoats ruffled,
Striped or flounces, one dollar
skirt, Thursday only, each 50
2 big tables filled full of the very
choicest Dress Goods, In all the
new plaids, checks and pretty
novelties, also a fine assortment
of black goods. The regular
price of this Immense collection
Is 11.00 and $1.25 yard. They
all go on sale Thursday for, per
yard 69i
Take your choice of this superior
assortment of fine linen, Lawn
and Nainsook Turnover Collars,
fancy embroidered in over 50 as
sorted patterns, worth regularly
10c and 20c each for 10c, 7c
and 5
German Val Lace Rale One great
bargain table heaped with new
German and French Val Laces,
instrtlons to match, 4 to S In.
wide, great assortment of desir
able patterns, values up to 20c
yard, special, the bolt 45c; the
yard 4
$1 Shower Proof Fou
lards, Thursday, 75c
A choice selection of Navy , Blue
Foulards with all the slsea In
white polka and coin dots. This
beautiful silk Is absolutely spot
proof and sold every place at
$1.00 a yard. For Thursday
only, per yard . . . 75
A tremendous stock of Ladles' and
Gentlemen's Handkerchiefs to.
be sold at a very low price-'
ladles' convent made, Irish Linen
sun bleached, pufe linen, and
men's all linen full.slied hand
kerchiefs, all hand embroidered
initial, and ladles' satin barred
all linen handkerchiefs. This'
Kreat lot Is worth 25c each. Sale
price Thursday . ,154 and 10S
plenflld Yeloeo la Hovse-oleantng aad Household Utilities Oat Basement
Store is a Treasure Mease of Chances to Bavs Money,
Our successful Uace Curtain sal has rnui.e.1 many sMIfiflcrt Customers,
and for more ntlfai'tlnn we name some extra vnltu-a for Thursdity.
IH yard Nottingham Curtains, fins Brussel.1 Net Kfreets, with rich borders
worth 14. SO pair, Thursday, per pslr ... , . tt 9a
1-yard Nottingham Curtains, Cable Net effects, with handsome borders.'
worth .50 pair, Thursday only, per pair 85
100 pairs sssorted lot Nottingham Curtains, that are worth $2.25 a pair, on
sale Thursday for, per pair o0
wssmng agaonlm
The Manic Motor ran he at-.
mcnea o your raucei ana me power or the city
water does the work, prle ...I-IOS
O. K. WeMiIng Machines (like cut), only $5 91
8Rc sine Wash Boards for Jle
Clothes Pins, per dosen lo
Wire Fly Bcreenlng, per square foot j0
Poultry Netting tin full rolls), hundred sq. ft. 60o .
In small quantities, per foot to
Screen Doors. Window Screens, all widths and sixes.
Rubber Oarden Hose, 4-ln. In diameter, with good
rubber tube, fully warranted, at. a ft. )2c and 10o
4 pkgn. Uneeda Fllsculta, per pound.., ISo
Fresh Milky Cocoanuts, ench...t 4o
hRt on the market. In snlendld svrups and sanltnry
cans. 25c can, per dosen., 12.35
New, reliable Flour and Vegetable 8eeds, 3 packages for 10c
Assorted Pnhlla Bulbs, each..... , v 5"
The colossal Blue Blbbon Cheese la still on exhibition coma and see It
before it's cut. Still some unsold pieces; price 25o per pound snd 15.00 In
gold free. If you are unable to come, phone your order and we will prs-
ki.rv. It for vnll
Good, strong, brass bound. 24-1n. fiber Bult est
that are worm ll.ZB, 'i nursnay oniy
Leather Suit 'Cases, nicely finished with
Did You Miss
Last Night?
rbons Douglas 8948 and let ma gst
yotur anmber rigat.
Third Floor, Ptxtoi Block
Highest Grade Dentistry.
him. A child will be a baby onfy a little
while at best, and If a mother derives any
pleasure carrying the baby around, ihs
should certainly be permitted to do so.
Thero are not nearly so many "spoiled''
babies as there are spoiled husbands. The
trouble Is, such a man wants his wife to
devote her time to him Instead of baby.
Annie Vlo dates In Auburn Granger.
Economical Ministers Yesterday a Fre
mont divine, who travels as a missionary,
had occasion to go to Falls City, Neb. He
could hsve bought a ticket straight through
to the town at the t-cent rate, but the
price would have been greater than half of
a t-cent fare. The minister might also buy
a ticket In Iowa for Falls City, and his
permit would be good there. Bo he went
from Fremont to Council Bluffs, la.,' get
ting half the S-cent rate to that place be
cause It Is not In Nebraska. Then at Coun
cil Bluffs he bought a ticket for Falls
City, and again secured advantage of the i
ministerial permit because It was Inter- '
state business agnln. In this manner sev- '
era! Fremont ministers have been making
use of their half-rate permits when they
found It necessary to go to Nebraska towns
that were some distance away. They went
to Council Bluffs at half fare and then
bought their ticket to their destination at
half fare again. "I make frequent trips to
Omaha and I buy all my tickets to Coun
cil Bluffs," said a well-known Fremont
preacher this morning. "I ean buy a round
trip ticket to the Iowa town at 1H cents a
mils, and sines it is only Ave miles beyond
Omaha, I make a saving. Of course It is
not necessary for ma to take advantage
ef ths railroad by compelling It to carry
ms any further than Omaha. Bo I get off
there and ths railroad company and myself
both have profited." Fremont Tribune.
Who is to bo Qucon of Pay ?
May Festival in the Streets of Paris
Auditorium. May 20th to Juns 1st, Incluslva
This la ths same elaborate soealo twprodnetioa of ths most famous
streets and shops of beautiful Varia, as originated by Mrs. rotter Palmer
ana prvauoea wiin suon pnsBomena saoosss la uuoago.
A "Queen of the May1 will be ohossa by popular vote,
lady reoelTlns; the most votes will bo crowned with slaborat
ana presented with a handsome diamond ring.
The young lady standing second and third In ths eonteet will be
raised to tho rank of prlnoesses aad respectively presented with a solid
gold bracelet and nsoklaos.
Tho young
elaborate ceremonies
Till oat this coupon, and with one sent for each vote, deposit either at
. Beaton's, Myers a SiUoa or Sherman at MoOonasU Drug Stores,
4 kf
BOYD'S wajs Msr8 I
Lew Dockstader's
The Adventures of Lady Ursula
Mats. Thurs.-Sat.
Three Men Arrested aa Baaaleloa la
Ylelalty af Batte aad Poaao Is
till at Work.
BUTTE, Mont., May 1 With throe sus
pects and a witness In ths custody of the
sheriff, the poeae Is still searching for the
trail of the masked men who held up ths
North Coast limited at Welsh's Spur yes
terday and murdered P7ng1ner Clow and
wotinded Fireman Bulllvan. More than fifty
men are patrolling the ridge of tho divide
east of Butte, where the dogs lost ths trail
Robert McDonald was arrested at Wood
vtlle last night. He denies any connection
with tbs Clow murder. Hs is a marina
engineer and worked recently In Beattle.
William Powers, arrested In Wcodvtlls
yesterday, and William Crawford, who aays
ha met the robbers on Up of the express
car Just before they opened firs, still ars
In custody. ,
A dispatch from Oreat Falls says two
men. heavily armed, were arrested there
today upon the arrival of a Oreat Northern
train from Butts. Their names have not,
been learned, but they ars being held uprg
Winter things are shelved.
New Spring Brown Worsteds
that we secured from the Hudders
field District, England, because of
the alertness of our special Resi
dent English Buyer, are making
a great hit with men who Invari
ably make a hit with their attire.
We have 8 different shades of
brown snd no one knows how
many different patterns, ranging
from quite noticeably contrasting
plaids of blue to the quiet, unob
trusive dark green thread patterns.'
We are making them to measure
for $40.
Other suits 115 to 50.
'Phone Doug. IMS. 894-MS B. Uth fit.
Near B. W. Cor. 11 h and Farnara fit.
Open Evenings. -.
Sp ecialists
WE COMPREHEND every branch
of the Tailoring business from
wearer to wearer.
We ax gpex-iallftte In the
.Tailor's Craft.
We have rdeas that are helpful to
those who come to us. We supply a
knowledge which the public cannot
Trastrjt5tu512 Silts $20 ti .50
Saowateria at Hires,
HURON, 8. D May . (Special. )Tha
third snow storm during ths present month
prevailed hers Tuesday morning. Tbs tem
perature here moderated and tow snow
melted rapidly. Tho ground is thoroughly
saturated, . and although farm work has
been greatly delayed, and the season un
usually backward, there Is an fears but
that ths crops will "boom" when warm
weather sets In. Ths greatest delay Is In
plowing for corn, ths grouad bvlng to wet
In most places for that work and ths acre
ags planted to that crou may bs smaller
than Ust year. -
4 f 11 V"-iisasa V
The Paxton Cafe
Cuisine is Flea the Most raatUlsma.
MAJtKBT arroaas,
srzoiAi. boost kVicnoi,
Frtcea tc suit ail. ....
Omaha May Festival
Katlass Today Artists' Bedtal Toniffht,
Claud Cunningham. Baritone: John U.
Miller, Tenor; Lillian Trench Bead, So
prano; Rosalie Wlrlhlln. Contralto) Carlo
Fischer, 'Cellist.
Festival Chorus, Ira 11. Pennlman, Director
Beats now on sale.
TODAY "fH.u..
Toalght and Balanes This Wssk
Ths Powerful Comedy-Drama,
nn Ths Convict's Dan rh ter.
May 6, 7, 8, 9
First Annual Dall
Given by
LADner avxtliabt, bbastob bo. .
BATioarAX. Asa. or isttis oab-
auaSi at Bteraad'a Daaoiag Aoaaeaiy,
mnasath aad Baraey Its.
FRIDAY KVKN1.NO. L.Y 10. 1007
Admission, 10c per coupl.. Estra lady. tSo
Opens regulsr escurston season May ISth,
at I p. in. aud I p. m. Kxuurslon dutea ar
ranged for parties and !dif-s. No other
boat ean land you ut eltlivr Dark up or
down the river, or give a Ix-neft wj owa
both. For lurmi and Information address
Chee. Jordan. Phous Red 7544. or XouS
V. Uuys, Red 3 167.