Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1907, Page 12, Image 12
TTTE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MAY 0, 1007. it Great Sale of Wash Suits OMAHA M'KUHER FORECAST Thnrwlny Fair. ii i Mm 1 11 All fiver lace at 4 Price These are exceptionally high quality allovcra in all silk if j black escurial, batiste lace Btripo and German Val lace it cream, inrro are miuiy bk-d uu 1 if T 'l laces are adapted for making waists ) lgvL ) ?" i and entire dresses values are up to i $1.50 a yard, at, yard.. j r er Net lingerie Dresses A new line is just m and every nour q scores of women are admiring the dainty T. effects in sheer lawns, Swisses and nets, h a'bn very prettily made. Wo mention four i1 yJ! t extra specials, at II 710-91M2L-14i5 Silk Jumper Suits.Special Here Is a special for Thursday, made with lace gamp and sheer embroider ed front, pleated Bklrt with the new folds all colors, a very f yf 85 smart summer suit and a I LLt splendid bargain, at , if Walking Skirt In new plaids and well as nlaln materials it specially well trimmed and ? DQ H worth regularly $7.60. at. . . JJW it 1 I ii J Hi 4? f,-i.,J.t,.- , .. h Foot i j Gnjbrt I tor Men I Pv Li Is Women' Spring Jackets In silk etons, the novelty box coata and Prince Chaps In light stripes and plaids, as well as the m swagger long Bpnns; coai- . m Tallor-Made Suits 1 Here are suits that Bhow the lat- If esi spring siyio wen tauuruu , and new cloths and col- t ors In one lot will ' gU U.I. ........... 31 3 3 S8c4- special selected lot. . , SALE OF SHIRT WAISTS The beautiful waists that are being offered in this lot should sell regularly up to $3 many are in lingerie effects, others are stunning lacy designs, short or long sleeves well made in the favorite styles for the spring, at 2 Extra Specials in Basement Waists of white Swisses and Lawns 1907 styles, every one of them they are slightly mussed and are on Eftn R(n sale in new basement, worth up to $1.50, at. . . .DuL"0JC Stylish Millinery m if m. m i 2 2$ 1 SI 1 1 3 At Very Moderate Cost Brandeis is the millinery department that satisfies every wish. We give our special attention to assembling thous ands of hats of the newest and pret tiest style features to sell at a small price nowhere else can little money buy such a stylish hat specials at Untrimmed Hats At 50o All colors and up-to-date shapes, In Milan and chip straw on' saie in economy mlllln- ery department, main m floor, at Oc French Flowers at 23c Thousands of new, clean and de sirable roses, forget-me-nots, corn flowers, popples. etc.. all color . lurra 9 , bunches, worth 7Kn at I 4 1 2 3 41 41 "i - i "Swastika Dny"lnOnrJeweIry Dent THE REIGNING FAD IS THE SWASTIKA GOOD LUCK EMBLEM All orer America thU lucky piece la the fad. The Swastika has been a symbol of good fortune for centuries. It is used In Bcorea of ornaments. 25C Swastika Plm at 10C Swastika Hat Pins t m JC These are all hard enameled """""-1 O at pins in buck pins, belt pins, j, . uruwiiua, ua waisi pins that come 8 on a card. The pins are In different colors, selling everywhere for 2 Be, 1 1 1 Swaiit.IltA W.fnli Vol.. cf a? ...50c.75c$l rsi Swastika Cuff special at iw.ilf i""tons at, palri)l'l OK, Stunning effects in Swastika nln nt m tU-ii- . . pearl, sterUng silver and uniniAl f . 8r.or terUng stiver and enamel nf man section oa Swastika day. Vtoit our Jewelry Is what we call our cushion soled shoes and those who have worn them say "There Is mors real comfort to the square Inch In these kinds of shoes than any shoe they have ever worn." It's the only real cushion soled shoe on the market, hand-sewed, which makes It flexible and easy made on a broad fooMorm last which allows the foot to rest squarely on the sole, as It should, and not on the upper as most so called cushion soled shoes are made. We have this guaranteed satis faction shoe for $5.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnain St. Every Day This Wcok in China Department WITH EVERY SALE We are giving away free a clear glass Measuring Cup a piece of crystal that is absolutely indispensable in every kitchen.. Special discounts on all purchases. Id) n T7 t n i: n REMIWfTMM 1 4) it it i 40C witTMEAT THC rOUNTAIN JA aocolalcs VJEETLAntf Chocolates at 20c lb. QJ)Ub brandeis 'at ik . -v HV MU I T j Thursday Is Chocolate Day iceguiar 40c a lb. Chocobtes at 20c lb. NEXT MONDAY, New Store Third Floor OMAHA MAY II .13th. !! I 4 Third Floor- New Store A Gituntic Sale of Medium and Mih-Gride and Straw Matting j m ii.iuiijiu ift mumx mm President Roosevelt Says: 'Straight whiskey will be labeled as such." "Imitation whiskey will be labeled as such." That is the President's ruling In regard to whiskey in the Pure Food Law. If a label says "straight whiskey" the bottle must contain straight whiskey and noth ing else. Our Pure Food Straight Whiskey conforms with the Pure Food Law and nils erery reqnlrement of the president's ruling. It is warranted to be a straight, pure article drawn directly from a double stamp bar rel. No Imitations, no blends, no compounds, a straight whiskey bottled by us and guaranteed by the U. 8. government as such. $1.09 Per FuU Quart lliller Liquor Co. 1800 Farnain. Goods delivered. i Hiller's Whiskies, 80c, 1.00 and $1.25. per full quart Hosiery Ladies' fast black Seam less Hose, 15c value, a pair Wc Children's Fast Black Seamless Hose, 15c value, pair 10c Gloves Ladies 16- button Lisle Gloves, all colors, $1.25 value, pair 98 c Ladies' 2 claep Lisle Gloves, all colors, 35c value, pair 25c Hd'k'fs Ladies' Hem stitched Cam- brio Hand kerchiefs, each 4c. Men's Hem stitched Cam brio Hand kerchiefs, special 4c Und'rw'r Ladies' low neck, sleeve less Vests, tape neck, 10c value, at 7c Ladies' low neck, sleeve less Vests, tape arm and neck, 17o value, at Oic YOUR Appreciation of Our WAL 3 AND VER $4 '2 srsoxAxs Will prove an Inspiration to your friends when you tell them to try pair from the Walk-Over Shoe Store ISM FAINIM STREET ED. B. THOMPSON. Tns walk-Over Man. II tt M II M 11 M Floor Oil Cloth, Linoleum!! 11 To accomodate the thousands who want te get a J . share of these bargains practically M I Our Entire Third FIsor Devoted to this Sale H A Floor Space Nearly as Large as the Floor Space of the Auditorium j Sixty Clerks to Wait On Youjj Monday at Drandeis if, naiPii paa TAr-Tl M S-SS EXTRACTING of teeth with VTTILIZED Am 1 abso lute In every case. We make it and is always fresh, therefore causing no after effects. Try It the next time you want a tooth extracted. TAFFS DENTAL ROOMS HIT Doualas Birest. Remnants of Wool Dress Goods Every remnant of Wool Dress Goods which accumulated during the past month's selling on sale Thursday. These remnants consist of all wool goods Panamas, Batistes, Serges, Novelties, Grey Suitings, Taffetas, Voiles, Tamise Cloths, Henriettas, etc., in all colors including black, 36 to 54-in. wide, worth from Tv OOoto $1.00, Thursday, a J) i SILKS Hundreds of Silk Remnants offered Thursday at a great bargain price. Silks consisting of nearly every kind of silk fancy in 19, 8T and 36-ln. widths, worth $1.00; plain Taffetas, Peau do Cygnes, worth 85c to 1; China Silks. Foulards, Plaids, Crepe de Chenes, bargain square, Thursday, a yard.. 25c Lining Remnants Of all kinds one tre mendous lot, compris ing Spun Glass, Sa teens, ' Moire Skirt ings, all colors, worth np to 35o, Thursday, per yard 5c 3C Fifth Avenue latest creations, $35 and $39.50 Suits for $29.50 Cloths are English Suiting and Panama; styles are Eton, Prince Chap, Pony and 3-but- ton Cut away; Thurs day only 2)50 WAIST SPECIALS $4.00 Lingerie Waists for ,..$1.08 $7.60 Taffeta Silk Petti coats for $4.05 $7.60 Taffeta Pony Jackets for ...T $4.05 $10.00 French Voile Skirts tor $6.05 $3.00 Lawn Waists, embroid ery fronts $1.48 Remnants White Goods and Linens . Below Real Cost. These are genuine reductions: Remnants of India Linons, Nainsooks, Long Cloths and Persians, worth up to 18c yard, at 6ic Remnants Crash Toweling, Table Damask and Nap kins, all in useful lengths, at a big saving in price. Thsxv'a no alg-hsr art than tfi lmprovuacat of food." chr. Bennett's Big Grocery pcial Offora. Bvsry Xtom a Mousy SiTsr. Ooffss XomU4 Daily. Bennett's Capitol Coffee, pound package 18o And Twenty Ureen Trading- 8 tamps. Presh Roasted Coffee, per pound ; 1 5o And Five Green Trading Stamps. Basket Fired Japan Tea. per pound Ho Ana J iiirty urcen j ruling Dmin(i. MAMAJIEB. f Pears In syrup, can. ,J Ana l! tiNew York Fu rl And Ten Green Trad Ins Stamps. .ISO tiNew York Full Cream, Cheese, per pound. ,.20o Vlrsinla SwUs Cheese, per pound Sic And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Flower and Vegetable Seeds, package lc Lifebuoy Poap, cukes oc And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Castile Toilet Soap. 11 hars And Ten Green Trading Stamps. (Red Bnapper Kellsh, Jar 1 Red Snapper Kauce, per bottle 26c And Ten ureen jraamg Biamps. "Best Vi Have" Haked Uraris, can ItHc And Ten Green iraoing nioiiipa. "Best AVe Have" Hauer Krsut, can And Five Green Trading Stamps. Bayles Cider Vinegar, quart bottle And Ten Green Trading Stamps. 4i Remnants in - Domestics Rarest ' bargain for Thursday Is this large lot remnants of Do mestics Sheetings, double width, Pillow Casing, Percales, Prints, - Silkollnes, Shirting, Denims, Cre tonnes, Ginghams, etc., lengths from 2 to 10 yards, Thursday, a yard, at Special Suit Sale Thursday $15.00 Values at $7.50 Thursday ir JL flVO TM RBLIABLK ST9RI $W.00 Values j at $5.00 ' Thursday The Entire Surplus Stock ot the Well-Known Hew York Manufacturers, Cohen, Levy & Klein on Sale Thursday, While They Last, at Just Hsilf Regular .10c .18c VanlU. Wafer per pa.k.g. . . .. Tnre. o... TWenty Oreen Trading Stampa BaUTta Curranu. per Jf"Ain Trading Stamps.-' Japan Rlc. I PU A A'orVeW f riding-Stampa ricaie-. - - AnJ Te aroen Trading Stamps. .10C .IOC .16c .He .t5c And Uouble Green Trading stamps. . .26c .11.00 P o rices Fine White Mull and Opera Batiste Suits, suitable for any occasion, trim med with fine laces, insertions and tuck's, in princess and dress styles, value! up" to $15.00, In Thursday's sale at, choice.. $7.50 Handsome Wash Dresses. In Persian lawns, mulls and Swisses, white, pinks or blues. In Jumper or fancy waist styles, worth to f 10.00, at, choice $5 Several other special bargains Thursday, Wash Waists, Silk," Covert andU I'laid Coata, etc. Watch tor great sale of Bilk and Wool Baits Saturday, May 11, Um greatest ever known.' 'u Thursday Millinery Special A great purchase of Trimmed Hats In all the newest shapes, secured at about half real value on sale i nursaay in ro great iota. $6.60, 97.00 and $8.00 Trimmed liar, 93.05. The most delightful bargains It has ever been o measure to offer at so low a price, over 800 select from, at, choice $3. Trimmed Hats Worth to $4.50 at f 1.08. Over 100 to select from, all In the season's most approved modes, truly remarkable values, In thla 'l sale at, choice. 81.08 $1.00 Straw Shapes, all colors and black, Thurs day, at u....;..254 Ostrich Plumes, worth to $1.00, black only, spe cial Thursday, at 304 Flowers and Foliage, actual 60c, 75c and $1.00 values In the lot, many Imported flowers Included, all good colors, foliage with buds, in large bunches, at 104 nd 254 One Price to All That the Lowest. Everything Marked In Plain Figures Extra Specials for Thursday 95A 8:80 till 0:80 a. m. 10c Bleached Muslin, one yard wide, not over 10 yards to a customer, at, yard 10 till 11 a, m 32-lnch German Blue Calico, extra heavy, regular 12 o goods, not over 10 yards to a cus tomer, at, yard 5 2 till 8 p. m 25c and 89c White Mercerized Walstlngs and Mercerized Dress Goods, also Lingerie Cloth, at, yard... 04 4 till 5 p. m. 25 dozen large Turkish Towels, 18x36, extra heavy, and only four pairs to a customer, each 74 Several other special sales during the day. HIGH GRADK WOOL DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Skirts made free from any cloth yon select worth up to $1.00 a yard, choice of 12 styles, made to measure ments. Perfect fit guaranteed or money refunded In every case. Speca Sale of Children's Suits Value l'p to 93.00 This Week at 92.50 and 92.05. No place In Omaha will you find a more comprehensive assortment ot Children's Clothing than here, and we firmly believe this special pur chase of Boys' Suits the best values offered at the prices. Your choice of Russian Blouse, Sailor Blouse, Single or Double-breasted Norfolks, Plain, Double Breasted or Norfolk with Knickerbockers and many other st)')es in all best patterns and materials, worth to $5:00. This week at, choice 82.50 and $3.05 Housefurnishing Department 9-ft Jointed Fishing Poles, each . . . Bo 98c Copper Bottom Wash Boilers. .69c 76c and 98c Doll Carriages, one day only 254 Dog Muzzles, all sizes. . ........ 104 5c Vegetable Brushes, 6c rolls Toilet Paper, 6c Tooth Picks, 5c pkgs. Car pet Tacks, 60 Tin Cups, 5c Egg Beaters, all . -2 10c Curtain Rods (extension) 10c Dust Pans, 10c WhiBk Brooms, 10c Muf fin Pans. Flour Sifters, etc., etc., only 54 Brooms, large four-tie parlor, only 16o 2-pt. sample cans, the new Wood Var nish Paint, Enamelet, free.-' 15c, 1 5c, 40c and 76c size cans Jap A-Lac on sale for 10c, 19c, 29o and y ....6 5a Grocery Department Big Grocery. Fresh Fruit, Vegetable, Meat and Butter Sale Thursday. 10 bars best Laundry Soap 25c 10 lbs. best Breakfast Oatmeal. . .25c 10-lb. sacks White or Yellow Corn meal 10c 1-lb. pkg. Baking Soda 4 Ho 1-lb. pkg. Macaroni 8 He Bromangelon, Jellycon, Jello or D'Serta, per pkg 7Hc 1-lb. Dig. best Corn Starch. . ..... .4c 4c 9c 9c 9c lc Large California Prunes, per lb... Fancy Cleaned Currants, lb,' Fancy 8 -crown Muscatel Raisins, lb. Fancy Crop Apples, per lb. Gladlola Bulbs, each. Tube Rose Bulbs, each Wc . . . 1 . . .W. . , iiuuer is iieaprr tvwuu inese tmces. Choice Country Butter, per lb....20o Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb 22o , Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, per pound 23o Extra Fancy Selected Creamery But. tcr, per lb .25o Fresh Vegetables and Fruits. Large Florida Pineapples, each. . .7 HO 96 size Highland Navel Oranges, per dozen 350 Fresh Spinach, per peck 10o 2 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce 60 2 bunches Fresh Radishes. ....... .Be Large Cucumbers, each 5o Asparagus, per buuch Bo Fancy Wax or String Beans, lb. . . 8 Ho 2 bunches Fresh Parslwy .SO U-Oi. package California Figs.,... Bo 6-os package California Figs...... 80 4 bunches Pie Plant 60 III. l ....r-