TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. MAY 0, 1907. If if ( i rr OFFERED FOR RENT atlnkliic Hawass Continued. , MODFR!? suite of housekeeping rivmi, steam bt: ) other roomt. ?Zs Fur nam. TeL. Douglas 220s. . (15 1 TWO nicely furnished rooms for light i housekeeping; private fauuiy. 41 N. ;V!d. i (15)-Mrm t . Apartments. Fl(. FOR HENT TlirM-finm modern flt. tl; Douglas- ground floor; rent ressonahle. Globe Land and Investment Co., 123 Far '! nam 8L (ln)-MX3 FDR RENT 111 per month, 7-rr,om mod rn nal apposite Utort brewery, 1144 N. ttth. Inquire 410 8. 10th St. .... (16) &IT91 NICE e-room apartment at 816 H. 26'h St. (16) 3i 9x Houses lit Cottages. . OMAHA Vani A Storage Co. park, move, at ore H. H. goods, storehouse 11-20-2-4 N. 18th. Office 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. H- . (1S)-H.7 TTnTTOTLl In all carta of the cltv. R. c. Peters A Co.. Bee Bids-. (LI) li f WB DO expert piano moving at lowest tj prices. .Tel. Douglas lit'ift. Snhmoller & r Mueller Flu no Co., 1311-1311 Farnam, . (lk)-160 .MOUSES) Insurance, Rlngwalt. Barker Rlk. . (Id) 13 BEE UB when shipping household goods to large olMes west; we fn save you nionrv. EXPRESSMEN DELIVERY CO.. 214 N. 16th St. lei. Douglas 1196. (lu) 162 WB MOVE PIANOS Magvard Vn and Storage Co. Tel. Douglas 1490. Ofllca 1713 - Webatef Bt. (15) 16J TO RENT A modern i R-room house, prac . tlcally new, corner 40th and ljfayette Ave.: 140 per month; Apply to Vr. II. M. ( MoClanahan, 1S12 N. 401 h Ht. (16) 436 .. . s (i6j lai 1704 FARNAM. 11-room modern brick house. VAi to private, family only. Warren M. ' Rogers, 2708 t'a-nim, (16) fJ FOR RENT Fully modern flat, 6 large rooma and receDtlon hall. In DSviiiae - BUJg 400 4 larga rooma, 108 8. 4th Bt 11.00 -room cottage, 264(1 Davenport St 125 00 lUlirX . W." 11U131.NO, IBM FAKPtAM HI. - ' (16) MIM , , aewly.naperad. . Tal. 1). 673. B. I'l. Hobl- aon. 1 1' (16) 21 FOR i RKNT Nloa l-room house, bpposlta - - Huticom park, 34 'Phone Douglas 623. -I." (16) MS t WEW brick houses, park Art, and Jack- -aonj strictly modern. Tel. Niamey 10 10. . (1)M280 11 A MODEL 7-room house- and one acre of ground, all In fruit, bearing, one block from Florence cat line. 1039 Curtis Ave. .1,, Address M. A. Stephana, General Deliv ery. Council Bluffs. Ia. (16) M324 13 "V ., FOR RENT. -TTflS Bo. 2th St.. 10-r.. all modern. 140. 141 Ciltol Ave.. 6-r- port modem. 117.60. " I rooms, alt modern. In Hanacom Park dls 'trlot near Field club, 40 per month. Will -' .make reduction on a year s lease. TRT3 BTRON REED COMPANY. . Phone Doug. 297. Ill Bo. 14th Bt. (16) 128 8 I HAVE an 8-room modern house, Hon , ,epm Park dtHtrtct; best furnace, open .-plumbing, screens, etc. To right party, (26 snd water reU. J. C. Seldon, 409 8. . loth St. k . 05) 11391 10X I rooms . WTf Wirt. 111. I rooms, 2434 Franklin, modern ezoept heat. -t. .j. -v t moms, 4n Burt St., close In, gas, water, . IUrRKLL'sV CO.. II Patteraon Bullying. (16) MI.s ... FOR RENT -A modern 10-room house In . West Farnam district; price, 160. Oood V 'barn and large lot; occupant will sell part rf the tarnlture If desired. Address J Z74, hlee. 06 Mara- x (ft RENT 4 rooms, otty water. 8134 (Mason St., IS... U. M. Bachmann, '486 I raxton Blkt v - x 16 sua SPLENDID BRICK HOUSES. yi. 21 st St.. Mir walkinc- dMta.noe. " r rooms with everything n the way of up TVdate, strictly modern Improvements. rhett are ' new and boautirolly decorated throughout, the best rental houses In Omaha, for 160 per month: quick possession, PAVNE. BOBTW1CK A CO., A K. Y. Life. (16 0 I f-ROOM new brick house, hot water heat. hardwood finish and floors, strictly up-to- date In every detail; easy walking ais tance; corner ' mtt and Dewey Ave. nearlv ready to move Into. Harrison Morton, 913 N. X. Life Bldg. Tt-lophone LJouglaa 314. (lo) MMl r-ROOU modern cottage. 717 N. 2Sd. . . - - (15) MS3 16 Dalldlaca. FOR RENT flermania Hall or Bijou - Theater ulldlng, 113 to 1814 Harney; stores, offices and theater; on long lease. ' Ni r LHKige (.e., lii4 farnam. -f (16) 164 Uni IJARKBT ST. I floors and basement. WkIO feet; suitable for wholesale. Mo Cagus investment Co., U04 Dodge Bt. .' (1 494 TH10 entire building now occupied by th - Dally News. 44 x 30 feet, I stories and base- " ment. McCagua Investment Co.. 16u4 - Dodge Bt. (IS) 49J Offlaes. 0 I..- - FOR RENT' STORES AND . OFFICES . . , 7'Aamo'b BUitxmo. VIH7 FAKKAM ST. TEL. DOUGLAS ML 06) M634 VBOOH 4, Continental block, and large re- cepuon room, very tuiuiwa lor aeitiisi i or doctor s office; tower windows, Rubt H. benualt. Agent. Room IX, Coatlnental FOR RKNT-Desk room In Bee office, city hail building, til in. xatn tL, Pout , Omaha. .-Afpljr to tnanager, (16) 134 ii DESK room for rent, per month. HO Ilea Bldf. 'Phone -Douglas 2904. , , . . .. (i-MS40 1 THREB north Ugh, offices. Conservative Trust Bldg., 114 barney. Inquire in . basement. (la ata tx ,, Stovaa. FOR RENT Tbe best located corner store In Omaha. Farnam and IHth 8ts, Boar of Trade Bldg. See P. H. Phllbln, Sohlit Hotel. , . . (15) 167 FOR RENT Two floors above the Jew' ........ , . ..... ' " ' - . ' ..v w , ,w month. Berk a 4V CO., 28 N. Y. Lire "Phone Douglas 7497. 06)-7b I BTORB ROOJJ, Pax ton Blk. 110k N. 18th. t!0. Bemi (U) 935 7 DESIRABLE- store, south front. 104x80 feet, wHh dry basement and steam heat, I Farnam fit I !! Howard St.. three stejries and cemented basement with electric elevator: skylight ' In . top floor. ...- 1 F. D. WEAD. J) y lr'24 Douglas St. (lB)-772 I .TOR RENT-One-balf store. First floor. ' harnam m.. zixlJu, alro all second floor, ' 4-.X1JU, between llth and 12th 8L Freight " and passenger elevator. The Put pis n Co., 6U4 N. '.' Life. (16 8 ""EXCELLENT store room; fine location for relall business; very reasonable. Apply 607 Bo, J91U tft. (16)-M381 lox - $20 Store room and two living rooms in rear,- with- city water. Jam Famam St. rO trge store room and baaement ifill . Harney St. -N. P. DODGE CO., 1714 Farnam St. tlSr-St - WHEN yea write to advertisers, remember It take but a few scratches of ths pen to Stale that you saw the ad. In The Bee. OFFERED FOR SALE reeelta. 4ron fenolng; wire fencing v ANCHOR a ar Beat. M . -Uth BU Tel. Red 814. , (1)-170 OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued.) Farnltare, 2D-1IAND furniture bought anil aoM: busi ness or the square. Rosenberg Co , fnr mtrlr mil ti Chicago Furn. Co., 1"! S. 141 h. D. fc6. (H)-MMJ Myll FURNITURE of two rooms complete for light housekeeping; would rather sell sltogether. 2221 Leavenworth str. (14) M30s lSx Pianos, Ortan, Maalral Instruments. PIANOPRICES GOING DOWN. Notice the followlnc haraalna In allahtlv sed upright or square pianos and organs: in upright, Wnlnut ense ......I 65 ne New Kngland upright 90 no Jimraii, ebony rase n ne Chlckrrina. rosewood rase... 1.16 One llallet A Davis, walnut rase 1'W ne J. K. Fischer, walnut case 16 One Steger & Hons, oak esse fco Una Hnahe baby grnnd, good as new sw 14 Htelnway. Kmerson. ose rions ana Mathusheck pianos. 3. .'& and up. 16 Mnsnn A Hamlin, Kimball, Estey and other rgans. 110. 115. $J0 and up. Every Instru ment fully guaranteed Money bark If not satisfactory. Terms. 13 to 110 rash and fioe to 11 weekly. Call or write at once. We move, store, tuna ana repair instruments or all makes. Tel. Douglas HiS. SCIIMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO COMPANY, 1311 and 1313 Farnam BL (16) 718 :oo DlrorXT on Knabe Upright style F, In pertect condition, usea oniy tnree months and taken In trade. MATTHEWS PIANO CO.. 1513-16 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. (16) 823 FOR SALE Good Emerson upright piano. at a sacrifice. Apply 2413 Hamilton. (16) 171 PIANO Square. 110; 60 cents weekly. Per- rteia nano Co., ibll Farnam bt. (16)-M16i Poal and Rill lard Tables. FOR BALE New and secondhand billiard snd pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Uruns-wlck-Balke-Cullendar, 407 S. 10th St. (16) AI6U Typewriters and "evrlnsT Machines. 0NH Hemlnpton typewriter, No. S, In good condition, for sale cheap. Call at Hee Office. (16)-C9x FOX TYPEWRITER, used I months, and $21.00 desk, for I'jO.00. Inquire at 1139 N. 19th street. (!) M8D0 lOx TYPEWRITERS Best bar (rains In Omaha, 13.60 to fcV); chII and see our line. Kendes Typewriter Exchange, 641 Paxtort Blk. (16) MfcS Jee Mlseellaneons. FOR SALE One lady's rawhide bound trunk, size 47x23x34 Inches, seven trays; top compartment divided for hats, etc.; secret drawer, tour-bottle rack; suitable for chiffonier; cost $125; price, $36. Ad dress N-278. care ee. (16) M185 BILLARD table. 4 balls and cues; every- cheap. 'Phone Harney (16) 617 SOx thing complete 2077. OAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL We furnish estimates. If you are going . to build, write for catalogue. , BURGESS -GRANDEN CO., til 8. 16th. 'Phone Doug. 6.8L . , (16J-178 LADIES' SAILORS Black and white fine straw, price fl, at 1202 8, 13th Bt., corner Pierce St. (19) MS16 9 AWNINGS; they're not expensive. Call Doug, hit and our representative will call. Omaha Tent and Awning Co. - (18i 173 FEW bargains In 2d-hand soda fountains; mommy payments, uerigoi, isis i-ainm. (16) 173 BEND us your mall orders for drugs; lots. Myers-Dillon (16)-175 freight paid on $10 Drug Co., Omaha. A FEW Ice boxee for sale st your own price. 107 N. Wh SU 06) M&S M13 A BARGAIN 8 Counters, 4 glass show cases, 1 3-lb. coffee mills, spice cans, meas ures, scales aud other store fixtures. $37. Cash or on time. E. Ii. SMITH. 9 and A. So. Omaha. (161-M300 12x FOR SALE Australian Wonder a grass seed perfectly hardy .in every respect, crows whero blues rass falls. Perfect velvet lawns guaranteed. Price, 30 cents er pound. Dr. A. H. Miller. P. O. box 1, Denver, Colo. 04) M997 10 FOR SALE Men's and women's ready-to- wear clotning; new biock just received. One dollar will be' credited to your ac count on a purchase of $10 or more If this advertisement In presented. Home Credit Clothing CO., 1620 Dodge. (16) M421 Mil WHEN you write to advertisers remember it takes but an extra, stroxe or two or the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad la The Bee. HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnntn. (i) 174 FOR SALE A Hospe Co. word contest ser tlhcate to apply on purchase of piano. Ad dress P 23U (1) M733 10 FOR BALE Australian Wonder a grass . seed perfectly hardy In every reaped. grows where blue grass falls; perfect ' velvet lawns guaranteed. Price, 30 cents per pound. Dr. A. H. Miller, P. O. Box 41, Denver, Colo. (IS) M998 10 Bosley Letter Cabinet ' Made of walnut and having two- indexed ttllr.g esses: an ornamental and useful of fice fixture, at a bargain. 6ee Wright, at The Bee business office. (lti) 333 Aquarium Made of Iron, about 1 feet high and I feet long, naving a width of S to 13 Inches has a piste-glass front with reflector in rear; would inaks a handsome ornament for window display or In the home. Call at business olllco of The Bee and ask to . see It. (!) 836 Mlacellaaeeae Coattaaed. MAPLE TREES AT WHOLESALH. Two to three inches dormant and In prime conamon iur i;, hi i win iiy iNumerv, 14th Ave and ith Bt.. Council Bluffs. 'Phone 1211. U6J M816 BHERWIN WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman 4k Mcconneil Irug Co, (16) 174 MILLET SEED A. W. Wsgner. 801 N. ICth. (16) 1.8 fin f T?rP Tires 23c and up. E. E. Lau- w vxo. r.nctti X7,M Leaven wc r worth St. (16) 290 114 TO BUY or sell sny business or property call on Uanntad. 40J Bee Bldg. (16) Mist HOME-MADE ORAPE WINE. 10 YEARS OLD, $1 FF.K UALI-ON. CACKLE V BROS., OPPUoITL P. O. (Un-441 Julyll GROCER'S Ice box; cheap. W7 N. 12th. (IS) 770 June! FOR SALE Picture machine slides. Films Mt outtit for $75. 2uu4 Blnney. Ui)-M139 11 X HARNESS, saddles, trunks, traveling bags; some good baric&lns. Alfred Cornish A Co., K,0 Farnam St. (16) M9X! 11 X FOR SALEFlrst-class store fixtures, showcases, etc. Globe Lsnd and invest ment C lm.Furnuin bt-, Omaha. Neb, (Ui Mtl9 ELECTPJC run ah. ut In flue condition. Ad dress L 310. care bee. (16) So4 14x PATENTS D. O. BAKN'LLI, patent attorney and ma chine designer. I'axton Ilk. TeL Red , 7117. (17) 7SK MyjO LARSON & -CO. Book free. Bee Hldg. 07-la) Bee Want WILL IN A PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed, not Ironed. tU 8. 11th St. Tal. Doug. t-A. (U) 181 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut prices. Bend for free catalogua. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18 11 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-olt clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at lit N. llth St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 413 aud wagon will call. (18) 611 OMAHA Bldg. Stammerers' Institute. Ramge (18) 11 PLEATING ALL KINDS. Button, Rushing, Embroidery. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink, lng only 6c per yard. Send for price Hat and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. M Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 19M. (16) 1H SEWING machines rented, any make, 75o per week or 13 per month. Second-hand machines for sale. 86 and up. Nebraska Cycle Co.. 16tb and alarney. (18)-184 AlAUiNJillV8m,thi m N. 16lh id fl.wr. (18) 186 FOR anything in the sewing machine line go to P. K. Flodmsn & Co.. 1614 Capitol Ave. (18) M840 M12 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no deten tion from business. QUICK CURB RUP TURE CO.. over B. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. OU-M568 Mil WANTED The use of piano for storing; no children. Address W 26, care Bee. (18) 273 9x A MIDDLE-AGED widow of good common sense desires acquaintance of gentleman matrimonially inclined. Address F 271, Bee. (18) 847 9x LAST year I had made a dress suit and Tuxedo coat and vest, all silk lined. They cost me $106.60 and I'm too fat to wear them now. They are practically new and you can have them for $.10. Sice, between 84 and 88. Height 6 feet. By paying a fow dollars for alterations you ran probably get a nice outfit. Address O 313. care of Bee. (18) 314 12x THE ELITE, newly established massage and nam parlors. Kxpert may operator solicits select patronage. 1304 Farnam 8t.,seoond floor. OS) M336 10X REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. RUSSELL & M'KITttICK CO.. 43$ Ramge. (19) e0 W. H TURRELL, 14 Patterson Blk. Doug. 03)-681 1129. BEARS. 621 N. Y. Life. Tel. Red 987. (1)-S PAYNE INV. CO., 1st flr. N. ,Y. L. Doug. 1781. '.!) ALFRED C. KENNEDY, X First Nafl bank bid. 'Phone Doug. 728. (19)440 GEORGB 1601 Farnam. COMPANY. Tel. Douglas 768. (18) 7U R. C. PETERS. Bee Bldg. (19)-7U CITY PROPERTY FOR tALBU EASY ENOUGH TERMS $50 Cash, $10 pio.,. 6 - Per Ct. Int Oood 4-room cottage,' city water, full oorner lot. on Burdette St. west of Mili tary Ave., only $1,250. Very desirable l-room mod ern dwelling. In best condi tion, large corner lot fronting east, on paved street, perma nent walks, shade, etc. A choice home bargain In West Farnam district, only $3,700. Eight-room house, good ' re- Fiair, 3 lots, shade, etc., close , n and well located, near 21et and Center, price $3,000. Two good 6 and 7-room cot tages, best repair, city water, corner lot, permanent walks, I barns. Snap at $3,600. Your own terms of payment. Nine-room house. Partly new, city water, lot 63x166, good location, near I7th and Chicago, $1jO. Two fine 12-room modem apartments, ground 60x180, east and west frontage, paved street, permanent walks, etc, $7,000. Terms to . suit. Neat 6-room cottage, good aa new, corner lot, 26th and Eprague, $1,460, Good 6-room cottage,, full lot, barn and outbuildings, tine lo cation, near 43d and Corby, .. $1,200. (-room house, full lot, east' front, close in and well sit uated, only $1,300. Two fine east front lots on Saved street, best location, on Hillary Ave., near Fatrlok Ave., paving, sewer, perma nent sidewalk, gaa and water, all paid. Choice 6-room all modern ' cottage. In best condition, hot water heat, electric light, paved street, cement wslks, etc., finest Inside location, near 20th and Davenport, a bargain at $3,000. Good 7-room house, city water, near lih aud Grant Sis., only $1,060. Very desirable 8-room mod ern dwelling, full lot, south -front, well located, near 29th and Franklin Sts., a rare bar gain at $2,2&0. Good It-room modern dwel ling or rooming and board ing apartment, best repair, close in, near 18th and Leaven worth Sis., price $6,600. Bee us today and submit otters. Russell & McKitrick Co., 483--4 RAinge Bldg. 15th and Harney 8ti CID-Til I SAFETY GROWTH The two elements needed In a good investment are In the POLLACK BLOCK. Harrison & AWtorw (1 806 3316 LAFAYETTE AVE., IN BEAUTIFUL BEMIS PARK Must be sold In 80 days. Own er's wife is sick and they must go west. T rooms, strictly modern. Hot water heat. Fine view. Nice neigh borhood. See us. Don't bother tenanta $4,000 O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. Bole Agents. 101 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Tel. Douglas 2161 . .. aM-'18 Ads MAKE IT EASY FOR SMALL WAY AND BUILD UP REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR IALB (Continued.) KEYSTONE PARK Opening Saturday 4 May 11, 1907. Keystone Park Is not cut up Into small lots, but from XVa to 10-acre tracts. It Is one mile west of the postofllce In Ben son. Contains 660 acres of the most beau tiful land In Douglas county. It la laid out like a park, with beautiful winding drives, lined with two rows of trees on each side of the road Beginning Saturday morning at 9 o'clock we will run automobiles every half hour from Military avenue. In Benson, through the grounds. If you are Interested be there and let us show you that what we claim Is true. - j If you csnnot go Saturday and want to go ny time between now and then, telephone us and we will arrange to meet you with an automobile, Prices are right and terms easy. PajTie Investment Company, Main Floor N. Y. L4fe Bldg. Tel. Douglas 17S1. D. V. Sholes Company, 110 Board of Trade Bldg. TeL Douglas 49. (19) M345 BUY ACRES IN FLO RENCE HEIGHTS We are offering this deslr able suburban property, which Is' located about seven blocks northwest from the end of the street car line In Florence, In tracts of from three to ten acres, at prlcea ranging from 8240 to $300 per acre, according to location. Florence Heights Is an ideal place for suburban homes, commanding a mag nificent view of the river, lakes, cities and surrounding country, and affords Its cltl-. gens the advantage of ft 6-cent street car fare to and from Omaha, electric light, telephone service to Omaha without ex tra charge, excellent school of nine grades, and tree delivery of goods from Florence stores. Call at our office and get plats showing prices and de tailed information regarding this property and then look at It at once, as several of the best sites are still unsold. GEORGE- COMPANY, 1001 Famam Bt. 09)-M341 1 VACANT BARGAINS 77th and Bristol, 43x131, near two car lines, $650. 1st and Evans, 144x128, three lots, divide. $1,100. 4Sth and Parker, fine suburban lots east front, 60x120, $175. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg, Tel. D 2153. 09-MS71 10 $250 AND UP DON'T BUY A LOT UNTIL YOU BEB one ef those finest of all sub urban building sites; over 40 ' choice lote from which to select; only 1 blocks south of Benson business center and Military Ave. cHr line. We can make terms to suit. Call or 'phone Douglas 857 and we will meet you on the ground. 432-4 Ramge Bldg.. Fifteenth and Harney Sts. RUSSELL & M'KTTRICK CO., Bols Agents, 0)-4l MODERN COTTAGE One block from car line and within walking distance, lo cated near 26th and Davenport streets, six rooms and bath, hot water heat. Installed last winter, electric lights; cosy home and good investment Address E 270. care Bee. P.9 SU lOx LOWE AVENUE HOME rooms, strictly modern, hot water heat, laundry in base ment, good barn, east front, all specials paid. Price $6,500. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Tel. Douglas 216$. (18)-M36 10 8PBC1AL. 7-room, new modern house near corner, full lot. south front. NICE VIEW on easy terms. Let me snow you a nice houee for $2. 1 A biuAKS, Room 621 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 967. (19)-o8 $28,000 INVESTMENT PAYING 12V2 PER CENT NET. Substantial, Well constructed business cor ner, never vacant: $4,000 rash, balance from rente. Room 832, Neville Blk., Omaha (19) MS 40 I FRAME HOUBE TO BE MOVED. Bis. 2k34. two stories, modern, located at N. K. Corner Xnh and Leavenworth Bia Must be moved at once. Apply Milton Rogers 4k Sons Co.. 14th and Farnam Sis. (1)-M74 4-room, absolutely modern home, choicest neighborhood, near All Saints' church, $3,eijo. $160 cash, balance same as rei.t. P. W. Blerbower, K4 Bee Bldg. , . ' (19-M371 10x YOU TO DEGIN t i t i 3a C REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR PA I.E. (Continued. 112 SO. 28TII AVE. 8-room cottage, east front, Int 89x79. 11.800. Terms can be arranged. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life Building. Tel. Douglas 2162. (1D-MS71 10 ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL I will sell my two houses at a sacrifice. One 10-room modern, except heat, araiured for two famHIee; the other 8-room, all mod ern. First class material In both and well built, having built them myself. The 10 room hmise, and barn, rent for $37 per month and I live In the other, but am of fered $30 per month for same. They are practically new and to duplicate Improve ments would cost today at least 8i.5o0. Paved street and permanent walk. Ground worth $l,2uu. 1 must sell and 86.6U) will buy property. Lnoatlcn one and one-fourth ml U- norlhwent of postottlce. Adilres N 812, care Bee. (19) M34 10 TWO story brick business building and cash for Nebraska land. ' Wright Building. Sioux City, Ia. (19) M309 13 THE KERR ABSTRACT CO.'S AB STRACTS OF TITLES are the safest. You are protected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit when you buy a "Keir" abstract. 1614 Harney. Tel. Douglas 6487. (V.0 AKctronlo of Utie; quick service. 'Phons ADhiraClS for prces. Guarantee Ab stract Co., Patterson Blk. 'Phone Red 2947. (W M670 M31 Into this Berals Park bargain, lot 60x167, fronting on two streets. 6-room cottage, modern except heat, one-fourth block to car and only $2,300. Owner going west, hence the price. BEMI8, 'Phone Doug. 68S. Paxton Block. (19) 710 H, 900 DANDY 6-room cottage near Man- derson and aa; part modern; lot bixm; fruit; One block from oar. See us quick. 'Phone Doug. 6639. O. M. Underbill & Co., 8XW N. 24th. (19) MiJ0 81 $007 N. 24th. nine-room modern house, In fine shape; cheap. Inquire 2616 N. mn. (19) M178 llx NOTICE Snap, corner lot In West Farnam district, KJxl26 feet; asphalt pavement; price, $3,000. Address 423 B. 15th St. 0)-837 FOR BALE Houe, rooms, modern ex cept furnace, 2807 Cuming St. Piioe, $2,300. Easy terms. JOHN F. FLACK. City Savings Bank, 16th and Douglas. 01) 1S9 9-ROOM house and full lot for sale or trade for smaller house cloai In; near car line. Inquire owner, 418 N. 25th St. (19)-M202 llx REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST fO CHAS. B. WILLIAMSON, Pres. V-W. (1D-180 FOR SALE Two modern housese and large barn, one block north of Hanacom park; paved street, east front, lot 76x160. East ern owner will sell at a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 N, Y, L. Bldg. (191-641 $1,300.00. 4314 Maple, 6 rooms, well snd cistern, two lots, fruit trees, small fruit, also fence. Terms. TURRELL & CO., II Patterson Bldg. Tel Douglas 1129. (19)-M37 10 rooms, modern, on one-half acre, close In, paved street, $4,200. V rooms, modern, 36th and Farnam, $5,000. scant lot. 82d and Chicago. FENGER, 524 N. Y. Life. (19)-M377 REAL ESTATE FARM AMD RANCH LANDS FOR SALE. Canadian Lands For Sale. Eight sections first class winter wheat land, eight miles from town with three large coal mines, output about 2,000 tons per day, and 400 or EM) Inhabitants, just be ginning to settle up. land is black loam with yellow clay subsoil, nice smooth, level land, no rocks. Oood terms to par ties who can handle chunk. Address. J, H. Evers, Chinook, Mont. (io) 296 Jl Colorado. HOMESTEADS Ooed farming lend near railroad. Bernard GUlllland, 14 Clayton Blk., Denver, Colo. (20) M527 U27x Kansas. WANTED A rents to represent us In the sale of our Kansas lands. Write for par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha. Neb. (20 M420 Nebraska. A OOOD farm, well Improved, 20 miles west of Omaha, for sale on easy terms, 5 per cent interest. If taken In next 80 days. Address Y 241 Bse. (20) 5 IMPROVED farms in eastern Nebraska; Sarpy and Douglas counties. B. J. Ovr ton. Gretna, Neb. (20) M878 . FOR SALE. ' lOiACRB farm In Johnson county. A. 3. Plerson, Sol N. 20th St., or T. H. McClana han. Elk Creek. Neb. (2o MSrJ lOx FOR BALE Ten acre fruit farm, adjoin ing Ashland, Neb. O. C. Reed, Fort Crook. Neb. (20)-M&3 lax FOR SALE Sheridan county, Nebraska. l'A acres grating land. $2.60 per acre. J. 1. Case T. hi. Co., Railue, Wis. (20) MS68 It Texas. TEXASLANDS. The Land of Sunshine. Have some good bargains In beautiful Pruzos Valley it cannot be surpassed. The finest part of Texas. The land ia good for raising corn, cotton, rice, sugar cane fine fruit country plenty of water. $16.00 to $30.00 per acre cheap railroad rates next excursion May 21st. For par ticular address ROBT. C. DHUE8EDOW. su N. Y. Life Bldg. (20) MJ0S REAL ESTATE LOANS $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence properly in uminu; lowrn raven, no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1 N . Y. lit. tfiWM WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., lia) Farnam St. U2)-193 MONEY TO LOAN Fayns Investment Co. (0-19t PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1620 Doug. U2) 19j LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'KEEFE R. E. CO., 1001 N. Y. Lite Bldg (22)-MI9J $500 TO $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS.. IM FARNAM. C!2-187 BUILDINO loans on residence propertr: I per cent W. B. Melkle. Ramge Block. (22) 194 LOWEST RATES Berals, Paxton Block. (22J-19 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters A Co. (22)-00 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, 6u First National Bank Bldg. (22 198 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, linole ums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, plsnos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts snd all kinds of tools; or will buy the fur nliure of your house complete. Will buy antigue or mahogany furniture. The high est prices paid. Call the right man. Tel Douglas 8971. (2fc) 8K3 Myl7 CASH paid for old bocks. Crane-Foye Co. 113 B. 14th. 'Phone Douglas 1321 (2B)-!01 FEATHER BEP8 WANTED 60 cents pr pound paid for old festher beds; send postal: will be In the cily for one ween. Address Y 93, care Bee. (2S Mo6 Ml.lx FOX TERRIER pup wanted Will cash. T. B. Lancaster. Stursls. 8 D. pay (25)-Mi14 17X WANTED Good horse, gentle, welulit not less than 1.200 pounds; height, 14 hands. W. J. Burgess, Rurwood Thealer. (ir.)-3i9 10 TWO-SEATED buggy, cheap for rash. C. H. Eckery, 2229 Locust St. (251-335 9x WANTED TO RENT WANTED Board and room for couple. In private family; working people; no biard Ing houses need apply. Ao'lrcsa K .'OS, Bee. (Ml M7 10x WANTED Room and board In private fam. lly. near Hanacom park, by young man. Addreas F 2H8. Bee. (2fl M394 10X WANTED By young man. nent, modern single room wiin uuuu nuanu in ini VATE fnmllv; close In; state price. Ad O 179. care Bee. (26) M 1S4 WANTED Room and board In prlvste family for a few weeks, from about Miy 18. for man and wife snd two children; one child 1 years and 9 months old. other 14 months: yard for children; walking dis tance from Boyd theater: expense must be reasonable. Address Y 103. rare l'ee. (26) M374 lOx WANTED SITUATION POSITION WANTED A young printer wants a position in a country orilce at once. No bad habits. About seven years of experience. Address Y 111, care Bee. (27)-M;tl Mllx WANTED Position by an experienced stenographer. Can furnish tlrst-cluss references. Address D 2t)9, Bee. (i7) MU2 x SITUATION wanted as clerk In general store, wholesale house, or as truvellng salesman by Christian, marned Scandi navian of middle age; many years' expe rience in different lines. Box 3. R. D. route 1, Frederic. Wis. (27-MS48 lOx A YOUNO educated colored man, a veteri nary giadunte, would like position with stockman to be of business and medical assistance; best of references. John E. Shaw, 6747 Lafayette Ave., Chicago 111. (27)-M320 16x WANTED Position In general store; 10 years' experience in general merchnndlse; bel of references. Addresa Y 1H4, enre Bee, (27)-M3Sl x EXPERIENCED stenographer; good refer ences. Address F, Bee Otflce, 10 Fearl 8L, Council Bluffs. C7)-M348 15 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE undersigned, who represent at least 26 ter cent of the outstanding bonds issued under a certain deed ol trust, aaieu August 1, insi, irom AinericHn jxacuu anu wtiiiuiaw" turlng company to The Jennings Trust com pany, now the Equitable Trust company of Chicago, Illinois, that the suld Equitable Trust company, trustee under the deed aforesaid, has tendered Its resignation as trustee to take effect as soon as its suc cessor has been regularly chosen and has qualified. Therefore, the undersigned, by virtue of the right, power and authority conferred by Article VII of the said deed of trust, hereby give public notice that a meeting will be held at No. 2n6 La Salle street, Chicago, Illinois, on Thursday, May 23, 1P07, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purposu of filling the vacancy In the office of said trustee, and to transact such other business sa may be proper under the exigencies created by such resignation and in pur suance of Article VII of the truat deed aforesaid. Dated April 6, 1907. F. W. WALLER, L. D. DOZ.IER. E. F. HERR MANN, Counsel, 409 W. 16th St., New York. A18 KM2-9 RAILWAY TIME CARD ritlON STATION TENTH AND MAHCY. I'alon Paelflo, Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:66 am a 8:18 pm The China and Japan Fast Mail a 4:18 pm a 8:10 pm Colo. A traltf. Ex a 4:15 pm a 9:80 pm California & Ore. Ex. .a 4:26 pm a 6:10 pm Los Angeles Limited.... al2:06 pm a10:46 pm Fast Mall a : am a 6:00 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am a 7:44 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am a 4:50 pm Beatrice Local b 1:00 pm bl2:45 pm Chicago, Rock Island Jt Pacific. EAST. Chicago Limited a 8:16 am a 7:10 am Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm Chicago Mail a 8:46 pm Iowa Local bl2:06 pm b 9:65 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.).. a 6:06 pm a 1:35 pm Chicago (Iowa Lmtd.)..a 6:86 pm al2:26 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Lmtd..a 7:20 am a 8:06 am Colo. 4V Cal. Express... a 1:60 pm a 4:60 pm Okl. sc Texas Expresses 4:40 pm al3:0G pm Lincoln. Falrbury and Bellevjie a 1:50 pm a 10:10 am Mlasoarl Paelfle. K. C. A Bt. L. Exp a 9:00 am a 6:30 am K. C. & St. L. Exp....all:15 pm a 5:26 put Nebraska Local a 2:00 pm all :40 am Dea Moines Local a 4:16 pm Wabash. St. Louis Express a 1:30 pm Bt. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs a 9:66 am Stanberry Iocal (from Council Bluffs) b 1:00 pm Chicago A Northwestern. a 8:80 am alO SO pm bll:30 am Cedar Rapids Pass. Twin City Express. Chicago Daylight .. Chicsgo Local Stoux City Local ... Carr.ll Locul Sioux City I-ooal.... Chicago Express ... Fast Mall Fast Mai) Twin City IJmlted. Overland Limited . Norfolk-Bonesteel . Lincoln-Chadron ... Deadwond-Lincoln . Casprr-Shoshonl ... HasiinKS-K'tperlor . 7:06 am a 5:u5 pm .a 7 fro am al0:) pm ...a 8:u0 am all:15 pm ...all:30 am ...a 3:V) pm ...a 4:33 pm ...a 6:60 pm ...a 8:23 pni ...a 8:28 pm ...a 8:38 pm ...a 7-40 nm ...b 7:40 am ...a 8:00 pm ...a 3:" pin a J 4j pm a 9:35 am a &:.' ain a 8:45 pm a 7:30 am a t.-OO pm a h :v am a 7:06 am a 9:31 am a!0:36 am a 10 35 am a 6:06 pm a 6:'"i pm b 5:06 pm bllo pm al2:36 pm .b 8:00 ptn Fremont-Albion b ni pm Los Angeles Limited ..a 1:60 pm Chicago, Milwaukee at Si. Pool. Chi. 4k Colo. Special.... a 7:5i am a 7:30 am California A Ore. Exp.. a 5:45 pm a 8:10 pm a 9.30 am b11:00 pm tivtrianu i.nr.itea .... Des Moines A Cedar Rapids Local Illinois Central. Chicago Express Minn. ft. Paul Exp Chicago Limited .a 8:36 pm .b 6:45 am .a 8 00 am ,b 8:u0 am a 3:46 pm a 8:15 pm a 7:30 am a 7.30 am 7:10 am 11 jo pill 9:00 am 11 :50 pin $.30 pm 6 00 pm Minn. A bt. Paul unta..a t.yj pm Chicago Great Western, St. Paul A Minneapolis.. 8:30 pm St. Paul at Minneapolis.. 7.4J um Chicago Limited 6:40 pin Chicago Express 7 4T, am Chicago Express 3:30 pin BIRL1NUTON aTATION-lOTII at MASON Barliagtoa. Leave. Arrive Denver & California. Black Hills Northwest Special ... Northwest Express .. Nehrsska Express ... Nebraska Local Lincoln Ixx al Lincoln Fast Mall.... Lincoln Local a 4:lu pm a 3 ' pin .a 4.10 pm a ij pm 4 :10 pm a 8:30 pm I ..all :10 pin ..a 9.10 am ..a 9:10 am ..b 2:00 pm a 7:10 am a 7:46 pm a 7:46 pin a 9: am I al2:ul pm 1 a 7:i pm bin : 26 am a 8:lo art-. I a 710 am m 1 .fat I Ft. Crook at Plaltsm'th.b I 60 pm Platlsmouth a 7:60 pm Denver Limited Rellevue A Puo. Juno. .a 8:80 am Chicago Special a 7:3 am Chicago Express a 3:45 pm Chicago Flyer a 8 05 pm lost Locnl a 9:15 am St. Louis Express a 4:45 pm Kansas Citv-St. Joe alO.46 pin Kansas City-Ht. Jos a Li am Kalians Clty-St. Joe a 4:46 pm a i n pm a 85 pm a 7 .'Jo pin alO:63 pm all :30 am a 6: 45 am a 6:10 pm WEBSTER STATION-Igth a WEBSTER Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis A Ouaaha. Iave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ..h 6:) am b 10 pm Sioux City Puaenger...a 2:(i0 pm ill 3) tin Emerson Local b 6 46 pm b 9:10 am Emerson Local 0 8:45 am e 1:60 pm RAILWAY TIME CARD-rMTm,:0 Mlssnarl repine. Icsl via Weeping Wat r Falls City local .a 8 06 am a 8 so pi .a 3 M pin all :M pis a Dsllr. h Dslty except Pundsr. d Pntly except Saturday, c Sunday only, e Dally except Monday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS JAPAN, CHINA, PHILIPPINES, HONOLULU AND AUSTRALIA hj th Hornl MM! Utr-mfri of th CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Thv ftu!et ttMitBfr to tht Orient. Kcri ai I17 !! " Kmrrtejsj vf ( Mn4," 10 Httj. S rtour Jtw 'firtur. inn" nrtrl 'Mnnt4NuHV' itrovHf fin ftirtrtf-ttonAlK rh trip, cmrn in on oiats of Oftbln fmntr cnlr M thm liiM-rmomHi mio. ftfi'tliifti from VdTUfnnTfr to Ynkohfmit Koh, ncn(kU, KhMtichnt. 1 1 one Kc.ic ftvotl MeVUllaV. EmpnMrft of China M It MnntHiM tn It Aihftttun slum. I Kmpmi of Jkpatt July Kmprcaa nf Indim Jon i 1 rtr July tt From VsnoonTr to Konolaiu and Mj&U9j, aitraUtv lllpwffft May JfiMoant J-'y It A or ii; i Jun I.MIowr Auf. it Kor (fttrii. Information nd tit4ratur to O. SHAW, Cren'l Aft-i 38 Caftrk BU CiiloM o. ALLAN LINE OCEAN STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW. LONDON, KaVRg .Sw teamen VK'TOHIAN suit VIKUINL!. trlpl-scnw turbme nlnei, an4 TUNISIAN, CUK tu AN tni IONIAN, twin-screws. Hem.mkr. f llllnca r Vt'Mklr Irem MONTHKAU pMln( owa lh plc(ureU St. Lswrane Kl..r bf 44jHsat. Accommodalloiis unaureaaaad. Bataa: Salens act upwarda; seeona oaMn HO. 00 anj ypwaraa. oss claaa Cabin Slni-ra. HO 00 an4 apwanla. ALLAN A COMPANY. 174 Jackaoa BoaC. Ckleasa. MRS. BROWN GETS VERDICT Proprietress of Murray Hotel Wlae Salt llronaht Against Her by "Mrs. Kelly." Mrs. Agnes G. Kelly lost her suit against Columbia Brown, proprietor of the Murray hotel, ftr $1,000 damsacs, which she claimed for the sale of Intoxicating liquor to her husband, Charles W. Kelly. County Judge Leslie Wednesday morning decided the case In favor of the defendant. Mrs. Kelly in her petition said she, her hunltand and their children were guests at the Murray, when her husband got to drinking and lost or squandered $300 belonging to her. She also says while he was under the Influence of liquor he borrowed $-0 from the hotel clerk and was afterward arrested on a charge of obtain ing money under falso pretenses. His acts while In his cups, she says, caused his incarceration In the Fremont Jail for a month. The expenses Incidental to his arrest made the damages $1,000, she al leged. Tho defense attacked the good faith of Mrs. Kelly In bringing the suit. Because a crowd of men, under the In fluence of drink, assaulted him February 28 and heiit him up badly,-Michael Fleming Wednesday morning secured Judgment f )r $275 agalnM WlnhVId S. Hare, a salom keeper at 1120 Farnam street, who sold the men their liquor. The Judgment was awarded by County Judge Leslie. Flem ing asserted In his petition that Charles A. Lavi, a man named Down and sev- crai other men became Intoxicated while drinking at Hare's place. and In a drunken controversy gave him a severe beating. His jaw was broken In the row, and he sued for $1,000 damages. BELT LINE OPPOSES TAX Fights Its Share of Pnyment for the Construction of Central Boulevard. In a suit which la being heard by Judge Button the Omaha Belt line Is fighting the payment- of $210 In special taxes levied against It for the construction of the Cen tral boulevard. Tho tax was levied In 1899 and Is against a portion of the right-of-way of the Belt line where It adjoins the boule vard. While the amount of taxes Is small the road Is fighting It on the broad principle that railroad right-of-ways cannot be taxed for special Improvements. If a decision in favor of the road Is secured in this case it will serve as a rule to be followed In many other cases Involving the same gen eral principle. The Belt line attorneys contend the tag against Ihe road is unlawful because the property being used exclusively for rail road purposes is not specially benefited and hence cannt be taxed for the special Im provements. They also contend under tha law the taxes ennnot he made a Hen against the right-of-way, but must be levied against the rolling stock. If the spe cial tax coi)V1 be levied against the right-of-way In the Improvement district a levy against that section of the right-of-way might tie up the entire road. The case will be argued before Judge Button Thursday. GIVE THE BOYS AMPLE ROOM Answer of Jadure Hlabaasrh to lues tlon How to Suppress Noisy Youngsters. "When people come to me and ask ma what they can do to suppress a gang of troublesome youngsters, I tell them to bug a half a block of play ground and turn It over to ths boys and girls." said former County Attorney Slabaugh, discussing th proposals to establish recreation grounds for children. "People used to tell their troubles to me aa president of the City Improvement club and that Is the answer I would give them. I believe this Is tha best solution of the problem of how to sup press a crowd of boys that insist on mak ing themselves a bother to a neighbor hood. The trouble with them Is they hava no place they tan call their own In which to take the recreation and exercise every healthy boy craves. Very naturally they go out on the streets to play and of courso they transgress on other people's rights. "My solution Is for the people of th neighborhood to take up a subscription, buy a vacant space, fence It In and then or ganize the boys and girls Into a club an.l put them In charge of It. Make them shoulder the responsibility and you will see a great change come over them In a short time." ST. LOUIS WANTS MRS. BYERS Y. W. C. A. There Makes Flattering Offer to General Secretary of Omaha Body. Mrs. Emma F. Byers, general secretary of the local Young Women's Christian as sociation, has received, a call to the general , secretaryship of the St. Louis Young Wo men's Christian association. The call came several days ago, but Mrs. Byers has not yet announced her decision. The St. Louis association Is about to begin the erection of a I'.).') building, the money having I been arranged for, not by subscription, but ! upon conditions of certain accomplish ments snd expansion of the local work. The board of directors solicits Mrs. Byers ser vices as general secretary to the end of accomplishing the desired standard. This Is but one of several flattering calls that have come to Mrs. Byers during her connection with the Omaha association, but, realizing the posslbllitlus of the local or ganisation and how much depended upon the new building In the plana for which she has had so large a part, she has declined several offers from larger and financially snore profitable fields. Bee Want Ads for Business Boosters). .... t li