Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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Want - ads
A rtiaemesta fo th wn-ad
tirinMiii will tah antll 13 . lor
, tfc rrolna- edition and antll p. m.
a th aioriiliK ! H4f edition.
Cteeh most accompany U order for
MiMi and advertisement '!
the Int Ineertlon.
apply ih Th Daily
Bandar Bee.
AlwlTI coant eta word to
ComhlnnMons of Initial or "
(! aa on word.
tfrtinn, per llae, lO cent. Two or
more coneecntlve Ineertlon. per llae,
ft eeata. Eaeh Insertions tnada on odd
dart, lO cent per llae. 1.64 per tin
per month.
advertlaement la Inserted nnder any
on of the classMcntlon It below.
It will he charged at tho following
rateai One Inaertlea. 4 cents per
llnet three to sis eonseentlv tnaer-
tlons, 8 rent, per Una eh Insertion!
seven or more eonseentlv "'""";
a nee llae eaeh Insertion. O"
eenta per lino per month.
Except Areata, Solicitors and
Cm, Birds, Don anal Pet a.
Horses and Vehicles.
Poaltry and Eggs.
riaaos. Organs and Moalcal In-
Typewriters and Sowtnaj Ha
' chines.
Fnrnlahed Rooms.
1'nfnralsbed Rooms.
' Honsekeeplngr Rooms.
I) nurd In and Rooms.
Death and Faneral Notlcea, Tarda of
fkaaki and Lodge Notices, T cents
per line for on edition, morning; or
evening! X cents a lino for each addi
tional edition. Sunday, lO centa
line. No ad taken (or laa thaa SO
Want-ads for The Be may he left
at any of th following drag stores
on I "yonr corner drngglat" they
ar all hraneh offices of Tho Beo aad
soar ad will be Inserted last
promptly and on the aama ratea aa at
the main office In Th Be halldlaa-,
Seventeenth and Farnam atreetsi
Albsch. W. C 40th and Farnam.
Reranck, 8. A., 1402 8. lth 8t.
Becht s Pharmacy, 730 a 16th St
Benson Pharmacy. Benson. Neb.
Bemls Park Pharmacy, 23d and Cuming.
Blake's Pharmacy. 2816 Sherman At.
Caus-hlin. (V n. cth and Pierce St.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 3218 Military At.
Cronte, J. B., Slat Ave. and Farnam.
. Crlsnev Pharmacy. 24th and Lak.
Cermak, Knill. U'64- S. 13th St.
Kastman Pharmacy. 4044 Hamilton.
Ehler, F. H. 2S03 Leavenworth.
Foster & Arnoldl. 813 N. 2Sth fit.
Krcytsg. John J.. 1914 N. 4th St.
Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb.
Onldtnan Pharmacy. 30th and Litka.
Qreen's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and
Oreenough, O. A., 115 8. 10th flt
Oreenough, O. A., loth and Hickory.
Hnyden, Wm. C. 2S20 Fnrnam St.
Hun scorn Park Phar., 1501 8. 29th Ave.
Hglst, John, 634 North 16th St.
Huff, A. L., 2914 I-eavnworth 8t.
King, H. 8.. 2238 Farnam St.
Kountze Place Pharmacy, SXA N. 24th.
Patrick Drug Co., 16T04 N. 24th St.
lAthrop, Chas. E.. 1324 N. J4th St
Peyton. L. E., 24th and Leavenworth.
Piratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave.
Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, lth and
Pcbnefer, August 2631 N. 1th Bt
Pchmldt. J. H., 24tH and Cuming ts.
Ptfrm Pharmacy. 16th and Martha. Sta.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cumin;.
wHiron t-nnrmacv. autn ana Orace Bta.
Wlrth, O. H., 40tli and Hamilton Sta.
BEN80N Paul II.. Wednesdav ft.mnn.
Son of F. E. Benson of Gralnfleld, Kan.,
and grandson of the late John Rowe
Funeral services at the Good Shepherd
church. Twentieth and Ohio streets, on
Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Burial
private. Friends are kindly requested to
vinib iiuwcrn.
The following mtrrlira lin . v.
been Issued:
Name and residence a
James Keatlna-. Omaha
l,v I 1 vr K' ....... 1.- M . V. . l .
... . cmtiuiu, nig XI
"will, AllltllllU, 19, 32
A.xiiiinv x.miv. .Aliunde, la S7
Don M. Martin. Omaha
Marmaduke Thorpe. Omaha
John Frank Gruber Omaha s
?.ii.:i . L' . ana
. uuwne, limana 22
r-iviMy m, Diiuicy. i wg. ift .
Catherine L. Fay, Omaha a
.T.i h n T C. 1 1 .,1 , II, u k l .
Agnes Wenxl, Stelnauor, Neb..." ' 20
Warren Rhod. n,.K. f
THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and
iitaimiui bis. lei. uouglas 1387.
SIGN PAINTINO-S. H. Cole. 1301 Douglas.
(i 104
FOR SALE Australian Wonder a grass
seed perfectly hardy In every resnect.
grows where bluegrass falls. Perfect
velvet lawns guaranteed. Price So cents
per pound. Dr. A. H. Miller, P. O. Bog
n. aviiwi, vuill. (11 MU99 10
AUTOMOBILE, 2-cyllnder, ls-horse-power
runabout, good as new, will trade for
real estate. N. P. Lodge A Co., 1714
riiii ou (A) M46I
WRITE for list of bargains In second-hand !
RuiuuiuuuiK, f iwuikHii, iw4 cap, Ave.
or.rL ior our list or second-hand automo-
timber laad near Kureka Springs, In fruit
belt. Carroll county. Ark., for vacant
Council Bluffs or Omaha property. Geo.
Landon, 17U Fourth Ave.. Council Bluffs,
13 kj x
TRADES! TRADES! If you have any
thing that you don't want and will trad
it for something else, writs us. Ws can
niaicn snyining. iveiiy investment Co..
fcv .,.M,,. uiw&, viuaiia, fyeo,
(3 M158 11
UP-TO-DATE stock of general merchan
dise, located in aood town of ILsuti: in.
vole about $5,0iO; will consider good land
In southern Nebraska or K swims.' Glub
uina aoa investment CO., 11C2 Farnam.
U MJ&I 14
1'Xl'H A Klll. il ... ...
lu.k of goods, farm land or property oi
any kind to exchange, write for our com
plete list. We haw properties aad lands
in an parts oi tne country to exchange.
Our Hot la free. Send for It at on,. Land and Investment Co., 1K3 Far
nam oi.. utuuui, neb. (Ij los
FOR EXCHANGB-160 acres near Orchard.
Antelope county. Neb.: price. $115 pe
acre. iM irrn all nillsa frnm vW..ll
Holt county. Neb., Improved; price, $2vper
act, wul exchange either or both of
above farms for mercbondla or hardware.
We also have several Incoms properties la
Omuha I exchange for merchandla or
hardware. Ulobe lnd and Investment
Co., l&a Faruam St.. umaha. Nob.
6XrlON of Improved land hear Ord,
Valley county, Nebraska: 40 acres alfalfa:
fine alfalfa, land; bargain prioe. Adiireas
4 ml. cax Hoe. u Mm) I
13 arret Unit rounty, Missouri, well Im
proved, close to town and shipping point;
bst of bottom land. Price 136.JO.
l.((Vacre ranch, rorn. alfalfa and wtiMl
land, Barber county, Kansas; Improved;
clear. l"rlce 127.000.
CO acres, Adam county, ' Iowa, well Im
proved, near townt this Is a vamanie
farm and a snlendld home. Price lS.Su.
1,6X0 acres, all deeded, c:herry county, Ne-
nraska, rood Improvements; 840 neaa oi
stock, farming machinery, etc , goes with
thin ranch at a orl" nf t-TTl frwV
J. R. ADK1NS, Room 4, First National
Bank Building, Council Bluffs, la.
(3 M298 10
110 ACRES. 6 miles from Schell City, Ver
non county. Mo.; so acre under cultiva
tion; good building; price, per acre;
Incumbrance, 12,000; will exchange for gen
eral merchandise. Globe Land and Invegu
ment Co.. laZi Farnam St. Omana.
(St 1UO
WILL EXCHANGE one year s music lea- f
sons on any Instrument for ao prm-ms
or advertising In any locality. Addres
A 1U0. Bee. ui-mioi
C. J.NAN 701 N. Y. 1.
erty In the most deslral
Life Bldg., Omaha,
ed residence prop-
slrable residence part
of city, all clear.
for a Nebraska rancn.
(3) M366 M17
FINE Improved WVacre farm. 10 miles from
middle river. Minnesota, vaiueu v .v,
will trade for good western land. Globe
Land and Investment Co.. 1822 Farnam.
M3S w
: :
GOOD paying stock or drugs, locaiea in
a town or io,uw innaomnin, win mi
about $15,000; good land will be considered.
Olobe Land ana investment o., i
Farnam. (3)-MS6
REAL ESTATTC valued $2,500 for steam
laundry or what; give iuii parutuiii
or no attention. Address Y . care Bee.
BOMB good Omaha property to trade for
land or merchandise. u . inn ou
$12,000 general merchandise, southeastern
NetraKa; no ouuums, wiwn.
$36,01)0 stock general merchandise and build
ing, in live Minresoia t-own;
VirBrL. Mnnh
$82,000 department store with $1S,000 build
ing, in nortnwesi Missouri; wm mini
or ranch land. ....
$22,000 stock of hardware; no better in
soutnwestnrn lowa, ana -tj,wv hi
prefer Texas land. . .
trKonn atncii nf hardware and Harness,
with brie store Duuainir, io-icu m
southwestern Iowa, for farm or ranch
land. ....
J. R. ADKIN8, Room 4, First National
Bank Building, council niuns '?.
(3) M299 19
FOR EXCHANGE 122 acres of land, all In
bluegrasa pasture, located six mnes wesi
of I'lnttsmonth: 70 acres of It bottom land.
the balance rolling upland, with fine young
timber; an elegant proposition ror a aairy
farm. Price $t0 per acre; will exchange
for arood Income property.
1 also have a 7 and 20-acre tract near
Plattemoutn for trade, write j. i'. rnwr,
Plattamouth, Neb. ts mj h
MUST RAISE) $1,800. Will sacrifice my 80-
acre firm, a miles from urenara, incd.,
within 0 days for $36 per acre, net no
agenta Land around It selling irom 10
$75. Some as good land on this as can be
found anywhere. Would raise alfalfa; 70
acres under cultivation. Grove of big cot-
tonwoods. making fine building site. Must
have $1,600 cash; will accept mortgage
for balance, or will lane gooa auio or
fine piano part pay. Write now; will soon
go at price. Address uwntr, nox u.
Clearwater. Neb. (3)-M3 15g
rrui mrva the best paying restaurant In
tne city. . vanauian uuivo, iuiu tinu wjuw
Sta. (4) 244 SX
knowledge oi lurniiure ana i ruining, iu
take interest in an established business.
Address X S6, liee.
live MAN. with ability and money enough
to get around wun, can gei in toucn wun
a fine money-mamng opening oy aaureaa
lag K r,i. Bee. (4)-24 U
tw voti ARE) LOOKING for a place to In
vest your services ana some cun, i my
It for you. You can handle your own
mnnav. b your own boss ana make a tor,
time if vou possess the requisite ability,
Sauaxe. legitimate business proposition;
entirely new; noimng uao ib rw inter
view aaareas r aws, uen. u
FOR SALE! or trade for Iowa or Nebraska.
lana, une meat market in western iow
county seat, doing $12,000 to $15,000
yearly. Slaughter house and S acres
land goes with this. Phone Red 1186.
Noland & Graham, Omaha, 1614 Harney
street (4) M200 11
FOR SALE Flrst-class blacksmith and
wagon work business, wun tools; 14 to u
received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set
ting tires. Address X U9. Bee. (4 109
Your attention, please. Are you looking
I for something: aood? We have the best
tide line you ever handled; no selling or
I samples; ail you oo is recommena. its a
money maker ror you. Address Lock
1 nuA lo. viiiauob. jurw . uvw.
1 . "
I Bnn atoclc or reneral mr.
I rhandlaa. In aood condition, located In
good live town; will either sell or lease
building; terms reaaonaDie; wish to re.
I tire from business on account of fall.
iV,- h.lth. For nartlcular. oil
j . k. louni. uoaKa I'oie. iven.
(4) M466 Myl9x
I .
MUfiC i'rjt'" r VS rP0"8"
Ld.V.Ierfleld PUn C- mK J.
umn. y) xaiw
uAiuuieiiitiAonA iuvnn; rKlth.8
$l.fmo, $J.00 AND $4,000. WESTERN HO
STREET. ROOM 8 (4 M8ti My23x
OUT WEST TRIBUNE, only paper In
Grant county, pays 1100 per month; en
tire plant well equipped; a large bond
ing, which also Includes dwelling and
business; price Is $1,760. AddresgTrlbune,
Hyannls, Neb., L. B. Unkefer, Publisher.
(4) M848 10X
WANTED To borrow $100 for CO dava! win
return 1126;
security. Adilress F
222, Bee.
(l)-M39 llx
FOR SALE Steam laundry In town of $,ano;
gooa, paying iraoe. uox BU3, FMIIerton,
Neb. (4 M393 14x
A GOOD country stor with a stock of
about J3.0U0; located near Miller. Mo.;
will sell or consider good lnoome prop
erty. Globe . Land and Investment Co.,
1522 Farnam. (4 iM4 14
I HAVE buyers for any business. See me
quick. Hlldreth, 610 Bee Bldg. (4) M339
FOR SALE A few shares stock In a good
nianuiuciunns uuaineaai in omana; full
particulars uiion application. Address H
Z.a. car oee, (4) M3J0 9
ONE of the cleanest, neatest country stores
in western miawiun, aaics per month
Invoice about 51.8U); will sell at a good
discount for cash. Globe Land & Invest
ment uo., isii rarnam. () M3SI 14
WANTED A German partner In renen.
merchandise Dtisiness in a good German
country town, or will trade my stock for
land or sell for cash; a fine chance for
some ciera. ueorge X . Thles. Wayne,
ie. (W-BSl Hi
FOR SALE Confectionery and Ice cream
parior ui inn oesi town in iansas. N. H.
Murcu, uuueyviue, ain. (4 M292 13x
I WANTED Good financier with about $1,500
u iiu,ri iu mo uw ininH in ure ror the
. .. a . X? KhuI. A .1 . , .. T. n.
w auuiii, n i. . ujvena,
biioiuuu, - VI) AlfctfO lix
a z-room concrete nuiininar hu i a
stocked with new goods two years ago-
on account of fire; jewelry department in
connection; the only Jeweler in town- In
a lively western Montana town of ftnO on
the main line of the Northern Pacltlo
railway; Industries are stock raising
farming and lumbering; about $21.0u will
handle this: doing aood bualn iik
good opening to Increase with more capi
tal, ivmuiis ivi awning, sailing nealth
Address Hammons Sons, plains. Mont
4 M2si Ux
fit god trade, extracts and repairs for
season. Must sell. Price, Jl.000. Addreaa
u nnu wvit.un v inwii, iNeo.
(D-MoSCi 9x
$) CAPITAL will start you In the real ea-
taie imuiinLi oDiinew. Many earn
$uX yearly. We teach the business by
malt. V rite for free booklet. Central
Real Estate Co., 41 JC. C. Life but, .
Advertise your business
Investment lept. Western Iter, ft Bona
Ass n. Inc., suite 721-723 N. Y. Life Bldg.
DRUQ STORE for sale; a snap If taken
at once. Write the Bank or couine. coi
11ns, la. (4)-M731 fx
FOR SALE rhoto gallery In good town In
western lowa. will sen cneap ior oasn,
or on easy payments. R- C. M., Jr., 603
Broadway, Council Bluffs. (41--M119 llx
WANTED A party to buy out a flrst-class
stock of furniture in tne oest town on
the Flkhorn valley; best of ressons for
selling. Winner Furniture Co., Wlaner,
Neb. (4-l!60
Good hotel, furnished complete, county seat
town, population l,2W, electna ngnts, iur
naca heat. Death reason for selling. Ad
dress Mrs. M. A. Hooton, Valentine. Neb.
(4) M778
809 New York Life Bldg.
Omaha, Neb.
FOR SALE Meat market In a town of
3. (an) population. Call on or address J. J.
Johnson. Wahoo, Neb. (4) 742 13x
ONLY hotel In good live Nebraska town o4
1.200. New modern brick bullu nK. lonr
rooms. Everything flrst-class. Price
$2,750. Has cleared more than this yearly
the last three years. Rent reasonable.
Peterson Bros., 62J Bee Bldg. (4) S07
TO BUY or sell any business or real es
tate, can on or write m. u. usnsmmu.
403 Bee Bldg. (4-t
DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V,
Knlest 707 N. Y. L., Omaha, H
WANTED-To trade for stock of goods;
have a good farm. Address Y 245. Be.
WANTED Young man with $200 cash to
manage branch office of Incorporated reai
estate company; exceptional opportunity,
Address K 87, car Omaha Bee.
TO BUY or sll any business or real es
tate quick. Writ or se HUdretn, mu nee
Bldg. w s
BUSINESS CHANCB-Invest $1 per week
for z weeks or $26 cash ana ciear jdu;
absolute safety guaranteed by all banks,
Storeheat Mfg. Co., Los Angeles, Cal.
(4) M642 J10X
A DOCTOR wanted to buy my house and
take my practice. Dr. W. 8. Johnston,
Corning, la. (4) M102 llx
WANT a second-hand automobile; have
some land to trade. Address Y 243, Bee.
FOR SALE Wagon, buggy, harness and
blacksmith business, with buildings. ixck
Box Vi, Wilcox, Neb. (4) M1MS1 ux
EXPERIIHNCE.D CAttle buyer to Invest
16.000 for half Interest established bus!
ness that will make $20,000, year. Write
or call W. A. Kerr, N. Y. Life Bldg.,
Omaha. (4) 307 71
WANTED Energetic young man with
little money to manage branch omoe in
eastern Nebraska, Excellent opening for
the right man wanting, permanent paying
business. Address MM ocservatory Bing.,
Pes Moines. la. (4) 311 14X
T. B. BRADY, Probat Att'y, 509 Bee Bldg.
W ii juyit
Civil Knglneers.
) 11S
L. G. HICKS, surveying.
423 Board of
(DJ M314 Jt
DR. ROT, R. t, 1506 Farnam St Doug. 6497,
Clear and Tobaeco.
O. C SIMMONS, 416 So. 15th.
(5)278 MylS
to Beatrice creamery wo., umana.
Carpet Cleaning.
BEND your carpets to N A. Chrlstenson &
Son, 21 r. Mia oi. room vven. ia,.
(6) 113
la. Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1019 Farnam.
(6) 114
CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Works. Mak
lng over and relaying carpets. Also rug
weaving, iota ana wv. let. uoug. sob
p. j. raEEWfl buinb, general con
tractors, umce ana isctory, 46th and
Dodge, -f nones, war. ziu and Red I860.
(5 M6o8
BAILEY aV MACH. Sd fl. Psxton.
D. 10R5.
IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney
KOTERA 4b CO., 1506 Jackson.
Doug. 9007.
HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam.
L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farn.
TeL D. 1263.
J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney.
TeL Doug. 8000.
W. S. HEATON American furnaces; tin-
work. 1301 Farnam Bt Tel. Douilxa S-'K2.
(5) M 718 M22
German Consnlat.
OTTO SIEMSSEN. correspondent notary
public, 921 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. D. 553.
(5)-14 Mil
Hons Cleaning.
JOHNSON cleans rarpete. washes windows.
noors poiisnea. lei. uougias jsjv.
(5-486 M19
BED BUGS, roaches and all insects In
stantly exterminated and your home
thoroughly disinfected. Charges reason
able. National Chemical Co.. 1824 Far
nam. (6) M3S0 fx
. Hotels.
THE Echltts. European, 16th and Harney.
(6) M370
416 8. 13th.
$1 and fl.26 per dny.
(5e-72 M21
MER. Incorporating Co.,' 426 N. Y. L.
Jeweler and Watchmaker.
N. P. STILLING Wstch. clock. Jewelry
repairing, Ul Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4367.
JOHN BON INS., 411 N. Y. I
Tel. D. 14.
Dr. Bowser, over 1600 Far.
Tel. Doug. 637a
t6 M.V.' M19
SHADE trees, shrub end fruit tree a F. R.
Martin, Ulh and Douglas. TeL D. 71.
Reaches everybody within everybody's reach
Plamblnn and Heating.
T. F. RALFK. plumbing, gas and electrlo
fixtures. 1607 Howard. Tel. Done:. 743.
(6) M706 JullO
LTNCH RfROP.. Repair work our specialty.
lis im. l&th St. Tel. Douglas 1477.
5-e76 M2S
a B. TRTJSSKLL. 116 South 16th St.
FRENCH and artistic photographers. 210
o. Jttn BL (6) ll Mil
JENNINGS Printing Co. Tet Douglas BWO.
. (or vo
BKFORB placing your 190J calendar order,
uon t rail to see our elegant Imported line.
Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 & Cap. ave.
5) 127
THE ACORN FREPS-Prlnters of Quality.
e make those Imitation typewritten let
ters that look like the original. Price
right Tel. Doug. 991. 1218 Harney.
(5) 68 May9
printing at lowest prices. 110 S. 17th St.
Tel. Doug. 8959. (6) MS39 Myl2
600 BUSINESS cards, fl; 10.000 printed en
velopes, good stock, ror i: otner w
at same rates. Get our estimates and see
our samples of work. Call at room 3i,
U. 8. Nafl Bank Bldg., or 'phone Douglas
4503. (5J-J94 My 17
School Fnrnltnre.
OMAHA School Supply Co., 1821 Howard.
(bp jo nil
Safes, Shatters, Etc.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe
cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and
safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th St
Stov Storage.
KTiYVT'QSTORED Hughes, Stove Rep.
DAVJV.CJO Work8. Tel. Douglas 7168.
(6) M752
Wall Paper and Cleaning,
WORK guaranteed.
Call Douglass EUS.
b 27
DON'T fall to call me at Douglas 876.
(5) 2SS
i i ne ieauing rmmiBi ul ohu iik.
Revelations of past and future described.
Parlors 113 S. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store.
MAYO Readings 60c 60c 50o.
Most reliable and conscientious life resd-
cre. Res. 922 No. 16th Bt (,.)-2i9 1x
Spring Term Now Open.
Catalogue tree. H. B. BOYLES, Pres.,
Omaha. Neb M170
Faetory aad Trade.
WANTED Girls to work In candy faotory.
Th voegeia a uinning t0., uie Jones St
ay torn
GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Company,
wy rarnam ci. (; ia
WANTED Machine girls.
Laundry, 211 S. 11th St
City Steam
DRESSMAKERS wanted at 1218 Chicago
Dl. ; Bieaujr wun, Buuu pay. i) BID 10X
WANTED Experienced ladles' clothes and
shirt waist ironers. union Hand Laun
dry, 2604 N St., South Omaha, (7 207 11
wain TEL irsi-ciass nair dresser, one
who understands nair work. Apply at
hair dressing dep't J. L. Brandela &
eons. (7) M312 9
WANTED At once, lady's
Farnam St. J. Herman.
tailor at 2902
(7) 334 8
FIVE laundresses and Ironers; good wages;
sieauy worn, aiui iieavenwortn nt.
(7-M358 14
A PRIVATE cook, dish washer and waiter
wanted. State wages expected per month
In first letter. Address Box to3. Sioux
City, la. (7-M334 11
Housekeeping and Domeatl.
WANTED An experienced laundress and
dining room girl, by the mo: references
required. Inquire at Edmundson Memo
rial Hospital, Cor. Pierce and Oak Sta,
council diuu. wj JUBif lo
GIRL for general housework; family of
two; sviw, " " b "vn. iMi iibjt i
O-90 3)X
WANTED Experienced girl as cook: good
wages, w. c. corner m ana f arnam.
WANTED uin ror general housework. 1BS3
Park Ave. (7 435
GIRL for general housework, in family of
4; gooa w. aura.- . u. weaa 002 s,
40th. Tel. Harney 2b07. (7) 678
SWEDISH housekeeper, $240 year; house
girls $7 week. Canadian Office. 15th and
Dodge. (7 M7W
WANTEDA gin to assist In pastry
work. Also porter. Boston Lunch, 1612
Farnam. (7) M331 f
GIRL wanted ror general housework. No
cooking, wages, b. o. nan Bt
WANTED Nurse girl wanted. Small one
prefeired. 114 8. 13th St., up stairs. Kap-
WANTED Woman cook for lunch room:
must be experienced and steady; furnish
room. K1S b. loin. (7) M140 11
WANTED A cook for small family; even
ings and Sunday afternoons off; $20 per
month. Apply ur. james m. Kennedy,
rort omana. ni-jua ux
WANTED A good girl for second work
and to assist witn cnnnren. Mrs. J. A,
Sunderland. W-M t). 2tn bl. (7 M994 11
WANTKU By neignoors. two sisters or
girl iriends for general housework, perma
nent place. 1318 S. Soln St. 'Phone. Har
ney 31bo. (71812 III
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; family of three. 106 8. 3th
St (7 276
GIRL for general housework. 8316 Bur
St. (7)-MS93 llx
YOUNG GIRL wsnted to take care of ehl!
dren. 240 Poppleton Ave. (7 UJI llx
WANTED A good laundress; $20 per month
and room and board. The Creche. 19th
and Harney. (i 274 $
WANTED Good dining room girl and
good kitchen girl at Cudnhy restaurant
every other Sunday oft; good pay.
cudany rteatsursnt, eoutn umana.
(7-271 I
GIRL for general housework.
St. Tel. Douglas 6118.
2417 Pierce
OT. 12
WANTED Young girl to help with chll
dren. 632 8. fith St. (7 MJo4
WANTED Woman or girl to make her
home as one In the family of man and
wife or at moderate wage. Tel. Web
ster 3oj&. (7) M3 10
WANTED A Swedish or German girl for
gmeral housework In small family. Box
337, Idaho oprluge. Colu, (Jj-Miyj llx
IRoneekeepera anal Domestic C-ont'a'
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
Mr. Hall, 2a 5 Sherman Ave.
(7 M331 13z
GIRL wanted for general housework. 221f
Blnney St. (7 SJ1 1$
WANTED Young girl to help with house
work. 257$ Popploton Ave. (7 M321 11
SMALL family want to rent t or 10-room
modern house In good location. Address
M 811 Bee. (7) M319 11
GIRL wanted for general house work; small
family; good wages, iuf 8. 40th St Phone
Harney ?. (7) M3J8
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housekeeping; three la family; good
wages. 104 S. S$th 6t (7) M346 11
WB HAVE place for a nnmber of high
grade stenographer, stenographers and
bookkeepers, sxpanenoed clerks and
others. '
Western re-f, - bond abs'N, inc.,
721-723 N. Y. Life Bldg.
HATS trimmed or remodeled, 260 to 75a
Phone (evenings) Red 5056.
(7) M47 M19x
M'DOWELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Far.
(7)-224 M14
Ageata, Solicitors aad Salesmen.
SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who
have nad experience soiling views, por
traits or books; pleasant work and big
money. Call at Room 6U3, Bee Bldg.
i ti as
WANTED Men for real estate business In
Nebraska; salary; expenses advanced, and
splendid otiDortunltv for rlaht kind of
men. Apply 31C Neville Blk,, lrith and
Harney, Omaha. (9) M750 Jei
t MEN for canvassing; steady work; par
weemy. c. F. Adams Co., ii rtowara.
(8) 771 junei
WANTED Salesmen to travel In surround
lng states; knowledge of our business not
necessary, but must be hustler and sober;
position permanent with good Income.
Address J 208, Bee office. (9) M648 llx
AGENTS wanted to drive through the
country: best selllns proposition ever of
fer-red; big value for your customer, big
profit for you. Write today for particu
lars and territory. E. R. McClellan. eetl.
Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9 834
WANTED By Omaha firm, wldewake
young men as traveling salesmenv posi
tion permanent with good prospects for
advancement; give past experience and
references. Address M 111, Bee office.
AGENTS WANTED Greatest money mak
ing novelty out; sens at every nouse;
send for sample and prices. The H. B,
Reynolds Mfg. Co., Fredericktown,, O.,
uept 28. (9) 848 IX
WANTED Salesman fcr tea and coffee
Route in the city. Address A 66 Bee.
(9)-.M28 9x
SALESMAN wanted to call on nhvslclana.
aiso one ror central ienrasKa; exceptional
opportunity ror intelligent man; state age,
experience, lock Box 121, Philadelphia.
(9) M3i 9x
AN EXCLU8IVE handkerchief house (N.
x. city) aesires tne services of one or two
salesmen familiar with dry goods and
clothing trades, for Nebraska, Kansas,
North and South Dakota. No objection
to carrying another line. Experienced
men only need apply. Cnll today, 12:90
to 1:80. Samuel Young, Room 127 Paxton
notei. () M336 9x
WANTED A competent aalesman for
western Nebraska. Must be experienced
in tne wnoiesaie grocery business. Wm,
lackaberry Co., Sioux City, la.
(9)-M347 IS
WANTED Several good boys, flrst-class
pay. A. L. x., 212 s. 13th.
(9) M931 M24
BOY 16 to 18 for bowling alley work; good
wages. Appiy at once, ijij Harney St.
(9) M100
GOOD wages and chance for advancement
Omaha Box Co.. E. Omaha.
(9r-W67J MySl
WANTED 10 boys with
rheels at li13 Far-(9)-M189
BOY to learn painter's trade. Rutherford
& Jensen. 1410-12 Harney Bt. () M302 lOx
Clerical and Office.
WANTED Boys for railroad office; edu
cation two year in nign school. Address
O 223. care Bee. (9s-JHl llx
WANTED Mansger for branch office we
contemplate opening nere In St. Paul.
Address with references. The Morris
Wholesale House, Cincinnati, O.
9) M264 12x
Factory and Trade.
POSITIONS for dru men everywhere, F.
V. Kniesi. iv 4 i. i. , umans. ty 132
WANTED Flrst-class barber; no students;
Juaraniee ui us w v' wii, Aaaress
ohn Stack. Huron, B. D.
(9-M976 MUx
WANTED Pa perhangers and painters;
only expenencea iwip neea apply. H.
Berwick. 211 8. Main 8t, Co. Bluffs.
WANTED Barber; gqod, steady; no Moler
man. Ben Acaei ma.ii. tt rtranniirown, ja,
(9) M789 x
MEN WANTED at Jot nston Bros.', at
ClayworKS, i.; meauy wora year round.
Houses to rent to married men; wages $2
per day. (9) M7h8 9x
WANTED Flrst-class all-round butoher.
C. H. Huber, 112 E. Broadway, Co. Bluffs.
BARBER wanted on salary, or will rent to
responsible party; no boozer wanted, good
base ball player, pitcher preferred: state
experience had and wages wanted. C.
Wlnterton. Haxelton, N. D. (8) 73 Sx
GOOD tobaoco stripper wanted for 6 men,
man or woman; will pay $15.00 per week;
steady work; will send transportation. M.
Anson, Lander. Wyo. (9) M865
BOARD OF TRADE barber shop, itfij Far
nam, best service, ten chairs, no long
waiting; shaving, 10c; haircuttlng. 25c.
WANTED Men to learn barber trade.
Short time required. Tools given, money
euxned while learning; positions waiting.
More calls for barbers than can be sup.
piled. Speclsl Inducements. Call or write
Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St.
(9) M849 9x
WANTED Intelligent young rran to learn
blacksmithing; must come with recom
mendations and mean business. A. H.
Whitten. Bwii.W, Colo. 9)-M175 16x
BOYS and young men for factor work;
steady worn; gooa pay. Apply Batumi
Omaha Bag Co.
aa g
BARBER WANTED Must b first class.
No boozer or cigarette- smoker. $13 and
percentage. W. M. Lowery, Sanborn, la.
(9) M3tiS 14x
first class nonunion forwarders, finishers
and rulers; steady situation; good wages.
Iowa Printing Co., Des Molne. la.
(9) MZ87 f
WANTED A good Iron worker and horse
shoer at once; good wages. Kd Stout
Graham, Mo. 4) M324 Ux
WANTED, at once, good all round printer;
Man who can do reportorial work and
soliciting on occasion. Address stating
exaperlence and wages wanted. The Grit
Advocate, Juleaburg. Colo. () M7 17x
WANTED Mechanical draftsman; stats x
perieno and SaUaxy xpiea- Addrea
U 26, Bee. . t-MJ la
Factory aad Trade Contlnned.
URN and boys wanted to learn plumbing
or bricklaying trade; psrs $.i to $8 day;
great aemand for grauduatea; poaiunn
guaranteed; t months completes prac
tical Instruction; no books used. Free
catalogue. Coyne llumblng at Bricklay
ing School, St. Louis, Mo. -13.
FOUR first clam plumbers. Four first class
sieamniters. rio other need apply. v na
$4 60 per day. eight houre. Steady em
ployment to good men. No strike. Apply
in writing, stating experience, to Fargo
Plumbing and Heating Co.. Fargo, N. D.
()-MS W
anted St once: steady lob: $16
straight salary. Ill Thornburg Bt , Lara-
mle, wyo.
(I-MJ 13X
WANTED Experienced carriage painters
vi uic. nrkiirr 1.H1 nno o.. 1 ,rm
Moines, la. (9) M3.TJ 10
WANTED At once, good Ice cream maker;
steady work and good pay; must nave
goid reference. Andrew wood Co., Rock
well City, la. (9) M335 11
1 BOOKKEEPERS, $70. $75. Stenographer.
$, Office clerk, real estate, wnoipisnie
and Insurance. Also many others, In
rliidlnv aevernl hla-h rrade salesmen.
721-722 N. Y. life Bldg.
(9)-M343 9
WE must fill th following positions at
Three collectors, one stenographer. $fl0.
Two experienced drugH clerks, three real
estate salesmen,
One specialty salesman, one stenographer,
i Inrnrnnrntnl.)
Phone Douglaa $36. Suite 404 Bee RMg.
() MJis
to 86, for firemen and brakemen on lean
ing railroads; experience unnecessary.
Firemen earn $100.00 per month. , become
engineers, earn $200.00; brakemen earn
$76.00, become conductors, earn $150.00.
Call or write at once for particulars. Na
tional Railway Training Ass'n, 6L-0 X,
Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb.
(9)-M306 Je6
WANTEDr-School teachers and tudenta to
tarvel during vacation months; worn
leasant and profitable. Address H 1"7,
e office. (9) M549
ENERGETIC young man, over 25 years
old, capable of earning high salary; bond
required. Address In own handwriting,
with stamp and references, H 290, care
Bee. (9)-689
WANTED AT ONCE-Ten men to do por
ter work around store. See Mr. T. Har
vey, main floor, The Bennett Co.
(9-M284 t
Beard of Trade Barber shop. 1606 Farnam.
best service, nine chairs, no long waning,
shaving, 10c; haircuttlng. 25c. (9) 282
Horse and Vehicle.
LARGE and small horses for sale. Also
wagons. Rosenblatt 1223 Nicholas.
RUNABOUT8, carriages and harness at
? really reduced prices. Johnson St Dan
orth Co., s. w. cor. 10th and Jones sts.
TEAM of mitres, weighing 2.400, fl80: team
of heavy bay mares, weighing 2.700, $17;
one sorrel horse, weighing 1.8u0, $80. 2815
N. 15th Ave. (11) M811
$0 HEAD of fine, young drivers and light
Wagon horses and several of medium
price; also two heavy work teams and
three heavy odd horses, cheap for cash
or time. Remember, that we give thor
ough trial before you buy and a written
?;uarantee that is worth what It says
)maha Horse and Supplv Co, rear 414
N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 6081. (ll)-MTO
AGENTS through Neb. to show and sell
ROYAL BUCKLES to farmers snd borse
users. Ready sellers. Big profits. 1116
Farnam, Omaha. (11) M3t4 M10
PAIR black mares, hslf Shetland; drive
single or double and ride. 43d and Center.
WE are not selling out at cost, but we are
selling driving wagons, buggies, surrles
and stanhopes cheaper than any other
firm west of Chicago. Holmee-Adklns
Co., 714 S. 10th St, Omaha.
(11) 816 Mil
FOR SALE High-power, l-cyl'.nder, 1906
automobile at a bargain. Address E-',72,
Bee. (11) MK3 M9x
HORSES -Roadsters, general purpose and
work horses, bought, sold and exchanged
on commission. Myers, 1114-16 Douglas.
Tel. Douglas 1032. (11) M793 J2
CARRIAGE and wagon painting. Harry
Frost 714 8. Hth Bt. (ID M30B M16
TWO good, toppy driving horses: also sin
gle and double harness, runabouts, top
buggies and surrles, for one or two horses,
good as new. Harney Street Stables.
HAY, $9 per ton.
Wagner. 801 N. 16th.
FOR SALE Family horse, hsrness and
buggy. Inquire 1131 No. 17th St.
(U)-80 lOx
$500 CA8H (no trade) buys team of well
mated black standard bred geldings,
young and fast; also Scotch Shepherd
dogs, $10 each. One standard bred stal
lion and two Jacks to sell.
(ID M333 Ux
Foaltry and Eggs.
RHODE ISLAND RED eggs. Martin, 2803
Indiana Av. TeL Harney 1803.
TEN THOUSAND Barred Plymouth Rock
eggs for sale; Bradley Bros, and Judge
Norval stock; $1 per 16; $4 per 100. Ay
Bros., Blair. Neb. ' (11) M7t Mllx
OUR handsome Illustrated poultry book la
free to all who will write and ask for It
telling where they saw this ad. A valu
able book for every poultry man; ,ooO
printed Address Harris Poultry Co., Clay
Center, Neb. (11) 668 May2fcx
CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Feed 1
th only or.ginal dry chick feed. Use this
only and eave all young chickens. One
used always used. Stewart's .Seed Store,
119 N Win St, sole agents for the city.
' (11) M942 Myl$
Gov't squab book free. Model Co., D. 6664.
(11) M674 My31
ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds; beat
eastern stock, a good color; eggs, $1.75 per
15. Mrs. James H. Halplne. 42 Center
St Tel. Harney 3&!s. (U MtJ Mylux
BUY Barred Plymouth eggs of W. T. Clay,
Council Bluffs, la., a breeder. $?5 cock
erels. UD-M-Sa Mia
DUSTON'S White Wyandottes, pure bred,
egg $150 for 15. $6 for HiO. Forest Lawn
Wyandotte Yards, Florence, Neb. Tele
phone Florence 1082 (11) M302 June6
10 HOMER pigeons. $7
Address N 212, lies.
8. C WHITE Leghorns: good aa the best;
eKirs $1.50 per 15. Lundstrom. N. W. Cor.
2uth and Caldwell. UD-M116 llx
Cow, Birds, Dogs aad Pete.
GOOD cow for s.e3 Hickory
APRIL 19, ladles' gold watch, Elgin move
ment, diamond set In back. Liberal re
ward for return to 917 8. Main St., Coun
cil Bluffs. Ia. (12)-M872 10
GOLD CROSS. Return to Nellie A. Wlck
ham, 19 Scott St, Council Bluffs. Ia., for
reward. (12) M36 11
LOST Ught roan pony, with halter;
weight about- 750 lbs. Notify George
Mob her, 316 North 25th, South Omaha,
Tel. 251. (13)-M3o0 9
LOST Gold star brooch set with pearls In
blue setting; liberal reward If returned to
6.4 New York Life Bldg. (12) 34X-9
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerr
Food Pill," $1 box, postpaid. Bhsrman
McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha
(11) lit
PRIVATE horn during confinement, ba
bl adopted The Good Bamarltan Sani
tarium. 72 First Ave, Council Bluffs. Is,
l ei. 774. 01-13
PR PRIES, specialist disease of wnmen.
f years' practice In confinements. Office,
614 N. 16th; residence, 8421 Charles, Omen.
ANY poor girl In need of a friend rail
or writs tn the matron of the Salvation ,
Army Horn for Women at 8V4 N. f4tt l
Bt, Omaha, Neb.
(12) Minn
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical collea-e. 14th and Iav.
enport Sta; specie! attention paid to con
finement cases: all treatment supervlaoj
by college professors. 'Phon Dong. lmr.
Calls answered day or night (13) 129
MRS. OARDELB. private confinement
home; babies cared for. 1774 N. Wth St.
Tel. Red 2210. (IS) M286 Jx
and others, without security; easy pay
ments. Office In 61 principal cities. Tol
man, room 714. New York Life Bldg.
Borne Deonle heln vou bv their Influence.
some by their advice, but very few with
the loan of money.
The "Omaha Mortgage" helps you out
with the ready cash on short notice In a
'e advance any sum $10 to $300 at a
low, reasonable cost something you can
afford to pay.
A claim on your household good, piano,
horses, etc., will answer until th debt la
119 Board of Trad Bldg.
CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt
loans. Foley Loan Co., 1D04 Farnam Bt.
(ID 113
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or
salary loans. 623 Paxton Block. 'Phon
Douglas 746. (14) 146
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advances private money on chattels or sal
ary; easy to gel; no red tape. You get
money same day asked for at small coat.
Open evenings till 7. . (14) 147
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Rellable. aocom
modatlng; all business confidential. 1X1
Douglas. (14) 150
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, '
etc., In any amount; less than half V
rates; perfect privacy; Immediate atten
tion; any terms wanted; payment sua- ,
penned when sick or out of work. 214
Karbach Blk. 209 8. 16th St. (14) 148
FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans.
DuS Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk.
. 414) 149
Boarding aad Room.
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe.
(16) 11
DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam.
(16) 154
ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, with or
without board. Ogden hotel. Council
Bluffs, la. (15 M600 My29x
FURNISHED outside rooms; board; ra
sonable. Lange hotel, 13th and Jackson.
(16)-793 Oil
ONE south room, with board. 'Phorav
Harney 2420. 05) MS68 JuneJxf
NICELY furnished rooms, with board:
rates reasonable. 710 8. 18th St.
(15J-240 llx
NICELY furnished rooms, good board;
rates reasonable. The Rose, 20?0 Harney.
(16)-219 My26x
ROOM and board. 614 No. 23d.
(15)-330 Je6
FURNISHED dining rooms and kitchen,
best location In the city for day boarders.
2118 Douglas. (15) 304 llx -
uuugiaB. yioj jot ux
Karalshed Room. T
NICE, clean, well-furnished, well-heatedt 1
outside room; house strictly modern. !46g 1
Harney St. (15) 163 A
NICE front room, with bath.
1033 Harney
uaj iu2uu
MODERN furnished rooms.
2222 Farnam.
(15) 634 M27X
NICELY arranged 4-room light baseragnt
large pantry, two closets, city water la
kitchen- no children. 9o9 S. 27th St.
(15)-M7hO 9x
NICE comfortable room In new modern
house, walking distance, with small fam
ily of adults; rent reasonable. 316 N.
26th. 'Phone Red 6163. (16) 820 9x
TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern; tele
pnone. mo e. im avw. Lur pi l ji
NICELY FURNISHED front parlor for
permanent couple; light housekeeping
privileges; modern house In good neighbor
hood, within walking distance. 2318 Doug
las. (U)-AL299 13x
LARGE front room, with adjoining bed
room. $6. 218 N. 19th St. (16)-MH44 10x
FRONT rooms, very desirable. 8108 Leav
en worth 8t (16) M168 Ux
FOR RENT Rooms, furnished or unfur
nished, at 2721 Jackson. 'Phone Harney
2711. (16) Ml 45 U
ONE block north of Hanecom Park, fn
man and wife or one or two ladies. ReC
erences required. Address G 272, Bee.
(15) M364 16
PARTIES desiring cool, pleasant rooms la
Hanscom psrk district, furnished or un
furnished. 1.U6 8. HCth St (15) Ml llx
FURNISHED room, suitable for gentleman
or lady. Board next door. 'Phone Harney
195. (16)-M90 11
LA RGB front room.
Inquire 111 N. 17th
(16) M135 12X
ONE LARGE room downstairs for thrs
boy or man ana wiie. isir jacssnn.
(16)-M23l Ux
FRONT ROOM, nicely furnished, all mod,
em convenience. 613 8. 17th Ave.
(151243 IIS
NICELY furnished roome. 4115-
TWO front rooms, nicely furnished. In mod
ern house, suitable for gentlemen. 1146
0 82.' Bt. (15)-.M341 16
$! y-.T month, modern, 1432 N. 20th.
(ID) JUdlf JOZ
WUT.L LIGHTED furnished modern room,
suitable for light housekeeping, $3 per
week. 411 N. loth St.. 8d ".
rtnfarnlshed Rooms.
CENTRAL, modern, t desirable rooms, bath
snd hall, to good tenant. N. 2d.
(13) M468
SUITE of beautiful housekeeping rooms,
south front, strictly mod-rii house; no
children. 2408 Cass. (16)-2!8
FOUR or six modern deslrsbls unfurnished
rooms In new flat. 2til8 Davenport
(15) M144 lis
THREE rooms In modern fiat, reasonable,
552 S. 2tith Ave. (15) 8u6 llx
THREE unfurnished rooms, modern. 1424 '
N. 20th St (16)-M37t 14x
UNFURNISHED room; no children. 41$ w
N. 26th. ' (16)-M227 mllx r.
f-ROOMS. modern, 2424 Burt street
(16) M221 llx
4 or 6 modern housekeeping rooms; good lo
cation; private family. 2Z4 Burt.
(16-M32$ IS
Fnrnlahed Hons and Flats.
FURNISHED house, seven rooms snd bath.
Call Harney 14s. (151-241 8
FOR RENT Furnished house for the sum
mer. Seven rooms, modern. Easy walk
ing distance. Telephone Harney 8671.
U5-M3o8 lint
HoaaekeeplBC Hoom.
HOUSEKEEPING room. H ltth.
(16)-M2t My16x
TWO OR THREE beautifully furnished
connecting rooms; housekeeping; strictly
Btoderni gag rang, tuf M. Mb St
CU-UMf 10s
1 I