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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1907)
The Omaha Daily VOL. XXXVI NO. 279. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 9, 1907 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COrY THREE CENTS. Bee TRIAL BEGINS TODAY W. D. Haywood Will Arrait-ned for Conrpirine to Harder SUnoenber?. MOTION FOR BILL OF PARTlCUURS DENILD Request Ehould Hae Bcei Hade Before Case Wu f et for Trial. IT CANNOT BE ENTERTAINED NOW E)l . erita of the Motion Are Not Passed Upon. CASE WILL CONSUME SEVERAL WEEKS Brent Difficulty Kxpected In Securlnif Jury Hrraii of Wide Acquulnt not of Accurd und Murdered M.u. BOISE, I laho. May 8 By overruling to day the motion of the defense for a bill of particulars setting- forth what overt acts, If any, there were to connect the accused with the murder of former Gov ernor Frank Bteunenberg, Judge Fremont Wood of the district court of Ada county cleared the way for the trial of William D. Haywood, secretary of the Western Federation of Miners, which will begin tomorrow morning. Judge Wood held that the request of Haywood's counsel for a more explicit statement of the charges against the prisoners came too late, regardless of whether or not It might have been entertained at an earlier stage of 'lie proceedings. In cases where bills of particulars are allowable, the man who is to preside over the trials of the accused miners declared the motions must be made before the Indictments are pleaded to and bef oro ' the cases are set for trlaL Haywood is the first of the four men ac cused of complicity In the Steunenberg murder to be selected for trial. The others, Moyer, Fettlbone and Orchard, the last of whom is said to have made a confes sion, will be tried as circumstances dic tate, following the conclusion of the pro ceedings against Haywood. All Heady for Trial. Tonight the prisoner, his counsel and the attorneys specially retained to present the case and plead the cause of the accusing sta are ready tor the . long ordeal In court The Oral, and one of the great tasks Of the court la to secure a Jury, and that will be commenced tomorrow morning' as soon aa Sheriff Hodglns has Intoned the formal cry opening the court. Estimates of the time neceaeary to select twelve men, good and true. Vary, but practically none of them place the time under three weeks. The victim of the Caldwell assassination, loner a conspicuous figure In the political life of the state, was possibly known to lvJtwlrcda of citizens of Ada county, and labor question, In which the prisoner and """elation measures for protec hl. co-defendants were for a long time ac- Un of P "tlonert against malpractice tlve leaders, is quite general, so that it Is at cnoe a difficult and delicate task to And men, free from the disqualifications that unfit them for the hlh duty of a Juror. Many men who know the community Well and who add to their calculation the further handicap of apprehension of fu ture violence for revenge, take the ex treme view It will bo Impossible to secure a Jury, but the weight of opinion Is against this :'.mtn conclusion. There is aa yet no indication of the scope of the nose which the state will seek to prove against Haywood. It is naturally assumed, however, that Messrs. Jlawley and Borah will eek to make the showing in ih n, nnn.ninv n. k,.j a - -posslble without endansv.lng it upon ap peal, assuming that there Is a conviction. Discussing this phase of the case one of the counsel for the prisoners said: "The broader the scope of the case of fered by the state, the better we will be satisfied." Defease Springs Surprise. ' The defense sprung a decided surprise to night by announcing tho retention of Ed gar L. Wilson of Boise aa assistant counsel. Mr. Wilson It a former law partner of Judge Fremont Wood, who is to preside at the trials. He served two terms In congress and is well known throughout the west as an able lavvyer. He is thoroughly con versant wit the details of practice In the local courts and Is regarded by both tides as adding strongly to the array of legal talent on the eldo of the accused miners. A number of socialist leaders. Including editors and speakers, have arrived In the city and planned tonight to hold an In formal meeting. One of the speakers who arrived today from Seattle was requested this afternoon to appear before Mayoi Haines, why-e he was told that public agi tation would dot allowed In Boise during the oontlnuanoe the trials. This same speaker was net ome eight months ago and waa active in a street corner discussion on socialism. Opinion by Conrt. In deciding the motion Judge Wood said n part: An examination ol the Indictment in this llVr,T!r:UlV ,.hse, VjkFlIZ great care and particularly the lime and piaoe are aoecincaiiy set roitn, as well us the person upon whom the assault was made and lbs specinc means hy which the blow which produced death was struck. A bill of particulars could not convey any miormauon 10 me aeienaant on these questions which he d iea not already pos- sens. ins only question Is this: Assurn-- lug that the stale must urova consoiiai-v and that, the defendant was connected therewitn. which conspiracy resulted In the death of Frank Steunenberg. Is the de- feudant entitled to the paritcularlsatiun of wl,Vrouan order to connect the defendant with such conspiracy? 1 do not think It neceaKary to Slate st this time what the court would o If this application had been utesented before the rose was set for trial. Aa the court now views the matter the defendant baa waived his rlht to sueh bill of name. ulars not only by pleading to the mdh-t-ment, but further by permitting the t-ase to be set tor trial without making such, application. FLOCKMASTERS ARE ALARMED Wool Growers' Aasoelalloa Declares that Rastera Buyers Combine Lower Prices. CHEYENNE. Wyo., May lThe Wyom ing Wool Growei s' association has issued a circular advising sheep men throughout the elate that a conspiracy u being planned by eastern wool buyers to force down the price of wool lo spite of manufacturers' demands. IToduoera are advised not to sell their wool under any circumstances at less than the 14 market and the association utters to buy the wool at lust year's prices If eastern buyers will not pay as much. Should the growers tske advantage of the offer the association will be incorporated and oapltalUed. beoomlng practically an In dependent ruubanjp ountre:Uiig Ute Wy ln wtrtpu, - - - --3 SUMMARY OF THE BEE T1 radar. Muy 9, IBOT. 1007 3 4 10 II K 18 22 2?yA 25 19 20 21 20 27 28 29. nV's 31 1KB FORECAST FVV KHRA8KA Partly cloudy Thursday -T In the afternoon or night. Friday FORECAST . . IOWA Fair Thursday. Friday fair and -ooler. Temperature ai Omaha yesterday: Hour. Deg. Hour. Deg. ... 87 1 p. m 68 ... 36 2 p. m 69 5 a. m. V a. m 7 a, m 8 a. m a. m 10 a. m 11 a. m 12 m .34 3 p. m 63 38 4 p. m W 41 6 p. m e; 47 p. m 66 61 7 p. m 66 65 8 p. m KJ 9 p. m 61 DOMESTIC. George Cox suggests that all Ohio re publicans support Taft ''for president. Foraker for senator and Harris for gov ernor. He says that unless the factions get together the state ticket will be de feated again. rage a Mayor Schmltz confers with traction officials and striking employes and sug gests citizens' committee of arbitration. Neither aide Is ready to accept sugges tion. Two cars make trip across city without serious trouble. Police arrest several men who attempt to attack crews. Page 1 Judge Wood denies motion for bill of particulars in Haywood case and trial will start today. Fag's 1 John W. January will be released from prison In July. Fags 1 Wyoming flockmasters say wool buyers have organized to reduce price of wool. Fare 1 VEBBAIXa. Northwestern. Missouri Pacific and Omaha railroad representatives try to convince the State Board of Assessment it should reduce the valuation on . their respective lines. State Railway commis sion may be blocked from changing freight rates until after July 4, owing to fact maximum freight rate law does not curry the emergency clause. Fags 3 'State completes Its testimony et Hast ings In case of Barney Pearson, on trial charged with the murder of Walter Mc Culla. Fags 3 Herman Boche, who shot Frank Jarmer at Norfolk, gives himself up to constable. Was wounded In two places by sheriff a week ago. Says Jarmer robbed him of $860, which was the cause of the shoot ing. FagO 3 FOBXXOXT. French steamer Polntou is wrecked oft coast of Uruguay and many passengers are said to have lost lives. Fage 1 Physicians In session of State Medical charges and send pure food resolution to special committee. Fage t II. F. Cady Lumber company purchases three blocks on Belt line and Boyd streets and may establish large lumber yard on north side. Fags T One end of Paxton Gallagher ware house collapses suddenly at 6:S0 Wednes day morning, but no one is Injured, owing to early hour. Fage' 1 BPOKTS. Rustle Is the only favorite to wU;. at Jamaica. Fage 4 The Misses Curtis, the only American women entered In the golf tournament et Newcastle, Ireland, meet defeat Tago 4 Roseben Is the favorite in the Metropoll- tan handicap, which will be run at Bel mont Park today. Fage 4 Results of the ball games: 10 Lincoln vs. Omaha 2. Des Moines vs. Sioux City 2. 4 Denver vs. Pueblo 0. 7 Cleveland vs. Chicago 6. 6 Boston vs. Cincinnati 0. 12 Chicago vs. Brooklyn 4. 6 St. Louis vs. Philadelphia 4. 4 New York vs. Pittsburg 0. 8 Milwaukee vs. Louisville 0. 6 Toledo vs. St. laul 1. 6 Minneapolis vs. Columbus 5. 10 Kansas City vs. Indianapolis 2. COBTMZIIICXAX. AJTD XJTDUSTZXAX. Live stock markets. Fage Grain markets. Fage Stocks and bonds. Fage Pocking statistics for the last week. Fage HENRY CLAY PIERCE GIVES UP St. Louis Oil Magnate Surrenders Him self to Police to Answer to Indictment. ST. LOUIS, May 8. Through his attorney, J. D. Johnson, H. C. Pierce, chairman of i the board of the Watera-Pleroe Oil eom- pany, surrendered himself today on the Indictment returned against him In Texas charging perjury in an affidavit be made to the attorney general of the state of Texas, tho purpose of the affidavit being to j reinstate the Waters-Pierce OH company in th state of Texas, from which It had been ! lTndn,nef VT th? F"" j ,nat " w" part of th8 Standard Oil com- pany. The surrender was made shortly after noon. Mr. Pierce and his counsel were closeted In conference with the authorities I ,Vhn. i.-o " on me way io int ' Four Courts In lils carriura. former j Henry 8 Priest another of hi. Bttren. ' " , . att0,",' I aPPeareu In the I. nlted States circuit court I before Judge Adams to ask for a writ of rr dir'td th. polio, department commanding it to produce Mr. I Pierce. ' The writ wua l..n. h t,m .., 1 . 1".Wrlt wa" '"ue1 by ,ude Adams, re- lurnw forthwith and It was said by the ! clerk of the court that as soon as It could 6e served on Chief of Police Creecy. Mr. Pierce would be taken Into oourt BURNS ,S GIVEN DECISION Flht at Is Aaselea for Heavy-wels-ht Championship Goes to Limit. LOS ANGELES, May 8. Tommy Burns was given the decision here tonight over Jack O'Brien at the end of the twentieth round. The light was for the heavyweight championship and a purse of 130,000. Kefereo Eyton declared all bets off. O'Brien Is supposed to be Injured In some way. Qaerlde Wine Theater Cap. IX1NTKJN. May a The Chester cup, a hanlcap of tloO sovereigns for l-yar-u.tia and upwards, about two miles and a quarter, was run at Cheater today and won by Querldo. Hlblen! waa second and Tor point was third. Twelve horses started. Luartno, hl-h U a Freiuh horse was ridden by "Ji-inny" Relff. the American Ilmm, stud reu by a lenatU tuid a heii. 1907 MAY tun mom nil wto mil X 1 I 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 10 B1C HUE IN KANSAS CITY Hye-Story University Office Building; U Totally Destroyed, MAN . DEAD AND WOMAN MISSING Several Women Badly Injured by Jumping from Window Upper Floors rilled with Mo to and Art Stndloa. KANSA8 C1TT, Mo., May 8. Fire here etent end surrounded by reefs. It Is slt thls afternoon .destroyed the five-story Unl- i ated twenty-one miles west of Cape Santa verslty building at the northwest comer Maria, on the southeastern coast of Urguay of Locust and Ninth streets, causing- a property loss estimated at 82EO.OOO. One life was lost, six persons are missing and may be burled In the ruins and fifteen persons wore more or less seriously Injured. The debris Is still burning tonight and cannot be searched until tomorrow. The building was occupied by Montgom ery Ward A Co. aa offices, and by numer ous artists and musicians,' who lost every thing. The known dead: GEORGE DENMARK, aged 82, an art In structor. Among the missing is Miss MAUde Witt boll, piano teacher, last seen at the window of her studio on the fifth floor. Injured: Miss Alexandria Blumbenr. a Russian countess; skull fractured; may die. X4 a iiii Ur.aurr fal 1 ftvim la Hilar ' sen rmild I Mrs. Erva S. Boyle, Sheridan, Mo., fell from ladder: severe. J. M. Knanchtield, fireman; leg broken, William Van Dusen, fireman; serlou" I Petr Karanaard, vlolm teacher, f e 1 from , fire escape; serious. The University building was built by the Pepper estate of Philadelphia for the Young Men's Christian association, and the corner-stone was laid by President Cleve land during his first administration. The building was of brick, Ave stories high and extended 100 feet north on Locust street and half a block west on Ninth street. Because of the unsafe condition of the build! n it was abandoned by the 'Young Men's Chris tian association ten years ago. Atheneum Society In Session. Since then the first and second floors have been occupied by Montgomery Ward & Co., who used it as offices and employed 300 clerks, mostly girls. It contains two small auditoriums, one of which, that on the third floor, is used by the Kansas City Atheneum, which waa holding a session when the fire started, half a hundred prominent women being In attendance. The third, fourth and fifth floors were occuuled by artists and musicians, and some of the upper rooms j were used as living apartments. Many of the studios were furnished elaborately and contained valuable musical Instruments and works of art. There Is but one elevator In the building, adjoining the stairway, the only means of exit The fire started a few minutes before 8 o'clock In the basement In a quantity of twine In the Montgomery Ward storeroom, close to the elevator. Ten minutes after the fire broke out the flames began shoot ing up the elevator shaft and all escape save by the Ore escapes was shut off. The halls quickly filled with a dense, suf focating smoke and ten minutes later, when the first fire apparatus arrived on the scene, people crowded almost every window, ap pealing for help, while scores of others. ! mostly women and girls, filled the fire es capes and were climbing wildly to the ground. In many of the studios pupils were taking lessons. The firemen were slow In getting to work and the first lad ders placed by them against the building failed to reaoh above the third floor. Wild Panic Prevails. Inside the wildest panio prevailed. When the alarm of fire was first sounded the women of the Atheneum rooms considered that a Joke was being perpetrated, and no effort waa made to leave. A moment later, as tho room filled with smoke, there waa a wild scramble for tne exit. After the first rush for the hallway, which had now be- mMr1 the windows facing Locust and Ninth streets. There was but one fire escape on this end of the building, that on the Locust street side. This was quickly filled with wildly excited women. , George Demare, ag-ed 32 years, art In structor In the Central High school and a portrait painter who came to this country four years ago from Paris, Jumped from , port had been wrecked off San Jose Igaaclo, his Btudlo window ion the fifth floor and on the coast of Uruguay. It Is under was picked up dead. Demare recently mar- stood to have had 800 passengers on board, ried a prominent society woman. She was and according to late reports nearly 200 of waiting in a nearby drug store when her ; these have been rescued and are on their husband's dead body was brought in, and j way to this city. The vessel and its fainted. i cargo will probably prove a total loss. Woman Knocked from Ladder. ! The casualty list has been reported at 1C0, Mlee Alexandria Blumberg, a Russian ' but this has not been corroborated. The countess, who came to America two years government Is doing everything possible ago and who had a studio on the fourth to succor the shipwrecked people, floor, waa overcome by smoke and carried ; Panic broke out on board of 'he vessel from her room by a fireman, who started when It grounded and a number of terror down a ladder with her. When the two stricken people Jumped overboard. Ao were within thirty feet of the ground the cording to the report a number of women firemen below In their excitement turned j were forced to remain below the hatches, a stream of water on them, knocking them ! Borne of those who Jumped managed to from the ladder. Miss Blumberg was picked Hp unconscious, suffering from a fractured skull. She Is seriously and per haps fatally hurt. The fireman was pain fully Injured. Miss Blumberg was bora In Russia, arid Is a miniature painter of note, who came to Kansas City two years ago from Parla Her studio contained many rare works of art, some paintings that had been exhibited In the salons of Europe. She saved noth- Ing. Carl Busch, a noted composer and violin ist, and his wife, who is a pianist well known in Burope, escaped after exciting experiences. Both lost all thetr musical In struments, which included two priceless Stradlvarius violins and several manu scripts of operas written by Busch. Mr. Busch helped to rescue several young girls from the building. At the time the fire broke out he was in the studio of Crofb y Hopps, a vocal teacher, who waa giving a lesson to Miss Edith Low of To peka, daughter of M. A. Low, general coun sel of the Rock Island railway. After warn ing the other occupants of their floor, Busch and Hopps aided Miss Low and some other pupils to escape and then, being forced to leave, crept on their hands and knees down the hallway, which wt filled with smoke, to a fire escape. Many Thrllliuit Kara pea. There were many thrilling- escapes. Miss Helen Barnes. .who had a studio on the fifth floor, stood at a window calling for help while flames played within a few feet of her. A ladder put up toward the window failed to reach, and a fireman stretched out an iron rod and urged her to climb down It. . The woman slid down the rod to the ladder and was finally landed safely on the ground. The ttal lose la estimated at $260,000, with insurance of perhaps tL&O.Ouo, The building, which waa sold some time ago by the Pep per eatate to William A. Rule of Kansas City, was valued at 8176.000, and Is a com plete loas. The loas sustained by Mont- ojusry Ward sV Co. will not exceed tXuua JJ FRENCH STEAMER WRECKED PfHffM on Vessel from Algiers Become Poule-Strlrkea ta Puirr. MONTEVIDEO, May 8-The French steamer Foltou from Alglera is ashore off San Jose Ignarlo. It is feared that there hns been serious lose of life. It is under stood there are 800 passengers on board the vessel and that its cargo will prove a total loss. No further particulars are obtainable at present. San Jose Irnarlo, or Fledras Point, la a rocky promontory two-thirds of a mile In and about 160 miles from Montevideo. The Poltu struck thirty yards from the shore at a snot called Rlncon de Herro. Panic broke out on board the vessel when It grounded and a great number of terror stricken people Jumped overboard. Some of them swam ashore, but many were drowned. Customs officers at Rlncon de Herro saved fifty out of the 800 passen gers who are said to have been on board. How many others have been saved la not known. Several steamers left here for the scene of the wreck and the government la doing everything possible to succor the shipwrecked people. An official dispatch from Rlncon de Herro says that up to 10 o'clock this morning nearly 300 of the passengers of the stranded French steamer Poltou had been rescued and were belng ,ent tQ th,9 r CHINA TO BE PROTECTED rvur,"u " ""i7 Feeling: for the I'nlted States. PARIS, May 8. M. Kurlno, the Japanese minister, In an Interview today, Is quoted as making the Important statement that the series of treaty between Great Britain, France, Russia and Japan, guaranteeing the territorial statue quo In the far east. Implied an agreement to prevent other countries from acquiring territory there. Minister Kurlno denied that the Franco Japanese entente was In any way aimed at the United States, adding: "Japs.n, In spite of the San Francisco In cident, has always been most sympathetlo to the United States because it was the first to treat the Japanese people on a footing of equality. If Japan could ob tain advantages from an understanding with the United States it is entirely prob able that the government at Toklo would not hesitate to negotiate with Washing ton." M. Kurlno said that as Germany had no possessions in the far east, Klao Chou be ing simply leased Chinese ground, a treaty with It similar to the one between Japan and France would be useless. BALTIC TO J3E KEPT OPEN Dunlsh Minister Says So Adverse Trenty Has Been Made with Germany. LONDON, May 8. Count Raben-Levetzau, the foreign minister of Denmark, who is now in London has had several Interviews with S'ir Charles Harding! permanent under secretary of the foreign office. He will also confer with Foreign Secretary Grey and later will have an audience with King Edward. In an interview today, the count said i he was taking advantage of a pleasure trip to see some of the British officials and assure them that there was no found ation for the recent report that Denmark had entered Into an agreement with Germany to close the Baltic in case of war. He even went further and said Den mark would not make any agreement in j any way unfriendly to Great Britain. The ; count la making arangements for the king j Q"een of Denmark to visit England, Their majesties will arrive In London, I ,une , i FRENCH' TRANSPORT WRECKED Steamer Poltou Aarround Off I'rua-uay and Hundred Are Reported Drowned. MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, May 8. The French Transport Maritime steamer Poltou form Marseilles April 6 for this , swim nsnore, out many were urownea. Knowlea at Bucharest. BUCHAREST, Roumanla, May 8. Hor ace G. Knowles, the new American min ister to Roumanla, today presented his cre dentials to King Charles. Strike In Itnh. SALT LAKE CITT, May 8.-Th plant of the American Smelting and Retinitis- pany at Murray, a suburb, employing 1.000 men, ciosea aown loaay uecause or a strike of its 2U ore haulers and furnace chargers. SUNDAY. MAY 12TH The Annual Real Estate and Farm Number OF THE OMAHA BEE This Issue will 'contain a larger list of homes, unimproved properly, acreage and farm lands than ever before published by any Omaha newspaper. This edition will be in valuable to anyone interested In real estate, whether buyer or seller. If yon, have money to Invest la real state, ' yon cannot afford to miss tols edition. Watch for it. Special features and articles on the real estate situation In Omaha, Sou 111 Omaha and Council Bluffs, and on faun land as well, will appear in this edition written by prominent au thorities on these subjects. The large amount of real estate ad vertising in this edition will com prise piacllcally a complete Hat of property for sale In this community and It will be eagerly watched for by every prospective purehaaer. Don't fall to let It contain your list of properties. People when reading this edition, will have real eatate uppermost in their minds. It Is to the interest of every one havta4f real estate for sale to be creditably represented with' the very strongest ad of the year. Can Doaglas 33 and on advertis ing man will call. BIG WAREHOUSE COLLAPSES On End of faxtei it Qallarhtr'a Grocery Dnildinr in Eebris. NO ONE HURT OR IN PLACE AT THE 1IME Caaao Is Not Determined, tint Struc ture Wns Old and Infirm New One Will Be Built. With a roar that could be heard for blocks around, the east end of Paxton A Gallagher company's building on Jones street from Ninth to Tenth streets, crashed its six stories of brick and ma sonry into one heap on the ground, min gled with canned goods and kitchen hard ware kept on each floor, about 6:30 o'clock Wednesday morning. Without a creak or other sound of warning, so far as anyone In the vicinity could distinguish, a little more than half of the six-story sec tion on the Ninth street end of the building collapsed suddenly and in the brief Interval of a second lay like a pile of worthless rubbish, leaving exposed to view each floor of the portion still stsndlng as though the structure had been severed from top to bottom with a knife. No estimate of the loss sustained could be given Wednesday morning by C. H. Pickens, general manager for the Paxton A Gallagher company, but the building and ground, which was bought about one year ago. were valued at. approximately, $75,000. As the accident was providentially timed when no one waa in the building except the night watchman, and he being in the office at the Tenth street end of the building Just in the act of putting on his overcoat preparatory to going home when the crash resounded in his ears, not a person was killed or injured. It was too early for street traffic and only an occasional early riser on the way to work or a trainman passed that way. Cause of the Accident. The cause of the disaster has not been determined. But the first thought which came to the minds of those acquainted with the structure was that the big steel water tank placed on the. roof i In February was the main cause ! fnr (ha nnllnniuv TM tank, which had a capacity for sixteen tons of water, was erected to provide water for the sprinkling system In the building and stood high above the roof on a steel trestle. Its sides giving resistance to every wind that blew, and affected by the Jar of every passing train. It was known to the owners of the build ing and to the city building department that the structure was old and Infirm, and mis givings were entertained about placing the tank on the roof, but extra braces were placed directly under the trestle from the roof to the main floor, and as the Paxton & Gallagher company had in view the erec tion of a new wholesale building this sum mer the temporary arrangement was al lowed to stand. Ths portion of the building which fell was about forty-five feet of the old Purlin, OrendorfT . St Martin company building, which was (Malta fet in dimensions, and which stood In the form of an addition to the main building of the Paxton A Galla gher company's five-story structure, run ning to Tenth street. All of the forty-five feet fell, oxcect the south wall, which re mained standing. One portion of the cor ner was cracked and appeared to be hang ing very Insecurely, and this will be pulled down as soon as possible. Firemen Soon on Scene. Tne collapse took place at 8:28 a. m. and a Are alarm was turned In, Chief Salter with several companies responding. Police man Hudson was eating his breakfast In a restaurant at Tenth and Jackson streets, when ha heard the roar, like the sound of colliding cars, and rushed to the scene, fearing lives had been lost, Officer Leach from the public market was also attracted by the noise and hurried to give aid. Other policemen were later sent from the station to hold In check the crowd which early began to fill the neighboring streets. One effect of the accident was to break all water and gas' connections. The gaa mains were soon cut oft, but had a single Jet In the building been lighted It would have been sufficient to have started a fire In the debris. But with the water mains it was not so well. The piles of brick lay directly over some of the connections and It was a long time before enough of the debris had been thrown aside to allow the water to be shut off, and meanwhile big streams of water poured Into the base ment and out from all the pipes which retained their connections. The basement was quickly filled with water, both from the tank, which had fallen straight through from roof to esrth. and from the water pipes, and a fire engine was utilized to keep It 'drained. Light Stock on Hand. The stock In the building was much lighter than that carried when It was oc cupied by the Parlln, Orendorff A Martin company," said Mr. Pickens. "It has been suggested that the reaction from the strain of the heavy Implement stock to the lighter grocery stock might have been the cause of the collapse. We are rapidly cleaning up the debris and can probably estimate our lose by Thursday." The accident will cause the erection of a new warehouse by the Paxton A Galla gher company sooner than had been con templated and Manager Pickens will take steps to this end as soon as temporary arrangements are made for carrying the stock in the damaged warehouse. In the afternoon City Building Inspector Wlthnell had all work of clearing away the debris stopped for fear of undermining the standing walls and injuring or killing some of the workmen. The walls will be torn down later. No trace of any human victims have been found In the debris. Latenser Advance a Theory. Architect John Latenser says: "The tank was within ten feet of ths south wall. I do not want to pose as prophesying anything, but I predict that It will be found the sewer recently built on the south side of the street Immediately south of the building to a great depth has drawn the running springs which were under the building and it will be found that the water has receded to a greater depth than it previously was. "I do not care whether the tank was empty or full as the support was ample strong for it to be full. The tank was filled about the fore part of February and haa been filled ever since except for a few hours at a time when necessary repairs were made to the sprinkler system." Mr. Pickens, It Is said, has been extremely careful In regard to this building-. Ha em ployed John Latenser, architect, to figure out the strerapih of each floor and the columr.e and he got the report on the build ing over his signature. In the erection of the tank he employed the same architect and the Paxton A Verllag Iron Works to de the work. JANUARY GOES OUT IN JULY ach Recommendation Mnde hy Vnlted States Attorney General in Mlssonrlan's Cnse. WASHINGTON, May 8. Attorney Gen eral Bonaparte today recommended that the sentence of John William January, alias Charles W. Anderson, be commuted. He recommends that the sentence be fixed at three months from the date of his re arrest and that he be pardoned at the end of that time, namely, July 19, 1907. The president has approved the attorney gen eral's recommendation. The attorney general. In a memorandum submitted to the president, makea the fol lowing comment on the case: I consider It very Important, aa a matter of public policy, to discourage attempts to escape among- prisoner; ouch at temps Impair the discipline of pe nal Institutions, expose those officers to dangers, and when successful, seriously weaken the salutary deterrent effects of punishment for crime. As against this must be weighed the eminently benefit-la! effect, as a matter of public policy, of en oouragina: tho real refWmatlon of convicts. The orderly and law-abiding life of the pe titioner cunrurtt, indeed, be regarded as equivalent to meritorious public service In me army or navy, nut It is very nwiniuio that men In a situation like his should have an Inducement to lead such a Ufa 1 think the petitioner ouirht to serve some appreciable, time in prison to show clearly that, as a matter c-f strict right, he still belonsrs there, but I also think this period may be appropriately made a short one. I recommend that it be fixed at three months from the date of his re-arrest and ; advise that he be pardoned at the end of j that time, to-wll: July 19, 17. LEAVENWORTH, Kan., May 8. Warden j McClaughry read the Associated Preso dls- i patch to January, telllms of decision of the president, first warning him that It was not official. January showed but little emo tion at first, but when the Import of the message was realized tears came to his eyes. He had built up his hopes and ex pected an Immediate pardon. "I am not worried about myself," said he as the tears began to flow freely down his cheeks. "But it will be a great hardship to my wife and child." , January said he supposed the officials at Washington feured that If hs were granted an absolute pardon now a bad precedent might be established, but he still was clearly disappointed. January was led beck to his cell crying. KANSAS CITY. May 8. When the As sociated Press dispatch from Washington was read to Mrs. Charles AndercA here today the woman broke down and Varpt. "This Is a terrible blow," sobbed Mrs. Anderson. . "Three months. It will be so long for him. It will be a long time for me too, but Luclle and myself can get along, I suppose. I was confident that he would be pardoned immediately, but of course I am grateful that he Is to be fred and with us within three months." COAL LAND FRAUD HEARING St. Louis Men Are Called to ' Testify In Case at Denver Accused of Mnklnsr Fnlae Entries. ST. LOUIS, May 8. It became known today that twenty-nine St. Loulsans have been subpoenaed to appear before the fed eral errand Jury at Denver to tell what they know of a supposed scheme to com bine a large number of coal land claims under the control of some syndicate, whose Identity has hot been established. The names of those subpoenaed have not been revealed.. The Denver Jury will meet May 23 and will take up the matter aa the result of a recent secret Investigation con ducted In St. Louis by special officers of the Interior department. It Is stated that the subpoenas were Is sued on the government's belief that cer tain St. Loulsans had signed blanks for conl land claims In Colorado with no In tention of actually taking up and working the claims themselves, but with the In tention of turning the claims over to some combination of persona The law prohibits the granting of more than 160 acres to one person, or more than 640 acres to any com bination of persons. The land claim blanks have not only been circulated In St. Louis, but In other parts of the country. Western matters at capital Lieutenant Gnujot of Eleventh Cav alry Comes to Omaha on Staff Detail. WASHINGTON, May 8. (Special Tele gram.) First Lieutenant Jullen E. Qaujot, Eleventh cavalry, will proceed to Omaha and report to Brigadier General Earl D. Thomas for appointment and duty as aide de camp on his staff. Rural free delivery carriers appointed: Nebraska, Cambridge, route 2, James Mayo, carrier; Maud Mayo, substitute; route 4, James S. Munts, carrier; Ira Mc Brlde, substitute. Cozad, route 6, Clarence E. Totten, carrier; Marcus O. Blayter, sub stitute. Edison, route 1, Clarence F. Zlko, carrier; William F. Osborn, substitute. Iowa, Fort Dodge, route 1, George F. Hit ton, carrier; Carl J. Hilton, substitute. Leraars, route 6, Edward J. Roe a, carrier; Sarah A. Rees, substitute. South Dakota, Pruce, route 1. Herbert Q. Qoodfellow, car rier; Frank Qoodfellow, substitute; route 8, Joe P. Daum, carrier; William II. Daum, substitute. C. B. Gowe, Omaha; W. B. Bailey, South Omaha; Samuel McCash and Archie Camp bell, Cedar Rapids, la., have been appointed meat Inspectors In the Bureau of Animal Industry of the Agricultural department. BRITISH SAILORS ESCAPE Two Men from Maori KJas; Say Cap tnln and Officers Arc Brutal. BAN DIEGO, Cel., May 1 It waa re ported late last night that two sailors who have escaped from the British steamer Maori King, which arrived here yesterday from Shanghai, make sensational charges of brutality against the captain and officers of the ship. Rumors are In circulation to ! the effect that fifteen Chlneee were killed during the riot on board and their bodies j cast Into the sea. International complications are likely to ! result and It Is believed that the- most ' serious part of the charges remain yet to i be told. NEILL AND KNAPP ARE BUSY I'nlted Stntea Commissioners Are At tempting? to Settle Labor Trouble In Colorado. DENVER, May 8. Labor Commissioner Charles P. Neill, who was suffering yes terday with a severe cold, had entirely re- ; covered from his sickness this morning ' and, with Martin A. Knapp, chairman of ' the Interstate Commerce cotmmlsslon, re sumed negotiations with representatives of the Denver A Rio Grande railroad and of j the conductors and trainmen's organisa tions with a view to adjusting the differ, leaoes between U,u oa the watte schedules. SCIIMITZ FOR PEACE 'Frisco lyor Confers with Traotloi Officials and Striking; Employe, PROPOSES TO NAME CITIZENS' COMMITTEE Neither Eide it Beady to Aocept tht Enfffffstion, TWO CARS MAKE ONE TRIP EACH Folios Promptly Arrest All Ken Wkt Attempt to Interfere. MAN IN BUGGY DRAWS REVOLVER Dosea Patrolmen After Him Before Ho Could Shoot Another Wounded Mna Is Dend and Three More Will Probably Die. BAN FRANCISCO, May Separate corf fexenecs were held In the mayor's office to day between Mayor Schmlti. Patrick Cal houn, president of the United railroads, and Richard Cornelius, president of the Carmen's union. The mayor proposed that the case be submitted to a committee of fifty citizens to be appointed by hlin. President Calhoun did not accept the sug gestion, but stated that he would see his colleagues in reference to the matter and give an answer Inter. Prealdent Cor nelius said that while he had no objection to the appointment of such a committee he could not agree to it, acting as a board of arbitration. The mayor In closing the discussion declared his Intention of ap pointing the committee regardless of the opinion of either Calhoun or Cornelius. The Joint conciliation committee, com posed of peace committees from lab- coun cils. Improvement clubs, churches and finan cial and commercial Interests, met this afternoon at the Labor temple on Four teenth street to bring about Industrial peace In this city. Six subcommittees were appointed wait upon the striking car men, telephone girls, ironworkers and laundry workers, and President Calhoun of the United Railroads, President Scott of the telephone company and the officials of the Metal Trades as sociation and the Laundry Owners' associa tion, and, if possible, obtain from each. an authoritative proposal for a settlement of the existing differences. These subcommittees will report tomor row afternoon. Police Arrest Rioters. At 2:30 p. m. two cars manned by strike breakers left the car barns at Oak and Broderick streets going west toward the ocean beach. The two cars finished their trips at 4:60 p. m. and were then run Into) the car barn at Oak and Broderick streets. The trip was made without much difficulty. At one point a man In a buggy pulled a pistol, but a dozen policemen were after him before he had time to shoot. The man dropped the gun and ran, tut was soon captured. At another place a carpenter working on a building threw a hatchet at one of the cars. He was a prisoner in less than a minute, A telephone lineman driv ing a wagon blocked the cars and tried to hit a mounted policeman with a pair of heavy pliers. He was clubbed into submis sion and arrested. The temper of the po lice was radically different from that of yesterday. Today they showed a disposi tion to watch the cars and prevent union men from throwing missiles. Each car was manned by a half dozen men, none of whom were armed. With Other Trades. The situation remains unchanged In the other Industries In which a strike has been declared. The telephone ' company Is still handicapped by a lack of operators, but It Is believed that the action of the linemen In voting against a strike will lead to a speedy settlement of the question at Issue between the company and Its employes. The linemen do not seem Inclined to go beyond extending their aid In helping the girls to settle with the company. Little is heard Just now from the other striking trades, their differences seeming to await the settlement of the issue now brought to a focus by the car men. Quiet prevails In and around the several shops Involved In troublo with the Iron workers, and the striking employes are now merged with their colaborers similarly situated. The laundry workers are still out and the Industry has been already so badly crippled that one or two of the largest concerns employing this class of labor are talking about retiring from bust ness entirely. The latest strike reported is that of the Sandstone Cutters' union, which went Into force yesterday. The men struck for $6 per day. an Increase from 26, the scale of wages now existing. There Is no question of hours or condi tions Involved In this case. This strike will delay work on many of the new class A buildings now In eouse of erection. The union declines all offers to arbitrate the question at Issue. The electrical workers, with whom the linemen of the telephone company are con nected, are for the time being held la check from striking by the request of the labor council made to all the unions, that no action be taken until some general ar rangement Is concluded. Thornwell Mullaly, assistant to President Calhoun of the United Railroads, stated today that the company had a number of affidavits showing that the shooting yester day was begun by persons In the crowd trying to obstruct the movement of street cars and not by the men who were oper j atlng them. I Business Is Crippled. I The strike already has severely Injured business Interests In this city. Many of j the big retail stores have decided to open ; late and close early ar J most of them : have laid off a number of their employes, j The absence of adequate transportation j facilities through the burned district makes that section of the city almost deserted by ! pedestrians and almost Impassable at I night. The retail establishments, there fore, see only added expense In maintain ing their usual business hours. The same Is true of the principal res taurants, several of which have closed their d'iors. announcing that they will not reopen until the strike is settled. Tho theaters also have seen the advlsublllty of temporary suspension and few places of amusement remain open. The crippled telephone service adda to the gravity of the situation, which shows no Immediate prospect of Improvement, Injured Mna Dies. The second death as a result of yester day's street car riot occurred this after noon, when John Buchanan, a rarshop em ploye. 21 years of age, died at the Emerg ency hospital. He was shot through the abdomen. Two others, Albert C. Palm, a chauffeur, and Nathan Lelser, a le-year-olil buy, are not expected to live. t a b t 1 4 I- t 4 4 f r- ti a I 1 f )