THE OMAHA DATLY BEE: TUESDAY, MAY 7. 1907. A 9 1 V It 1 1 I n- t i "' fc 1 1 ' I ilinl of 'I J n p t ' 1 I c jvt. sis V 1 GRAIN AND PRODUCE JIMET CoTtrinc of EhorU Cauaea famatioDal AdTanea in Wbat Optioca. OTHfR GRAINS STRONG IN SYMPATHY Larsre TVorM'i Shipments. I)rM I" Visible ftwpply InfaToraale . WMlkrr Forrrnl Caasa I award JlotmH. 1 OMAHA. May 1W. The market opened strong, although cables m lower ami the receipts were large. Weather conditions were very un favorable. There waa a sensational ad vance In wheat caused by attempted cov ennir by shorts. Corn and oats were strong In sympathy with strength shown In whmt. The advance waa caumd by large decrease. In world a vialhln supply of wheat corn and the receipt of mote damage porta from the southwest wheat ball Wheat opened lower on account of heavy ralna and large world a shipments, aim demand was llaht and cables weak. There Were reporta of heavy In Canada. Seeding of winter Kl ba in y July Kept t K 8 7 It t 7 t I 44 an I 76 K I I 00 I 7S I W 0i4j! s rv. SOS 45 and re- For came enow- wheat la three iki late, with heavy damage re porta from Kanaai. Mora bug reporta and little or no rain In Kansas caused a sharp advance In prices. There were rains re ported near Wichita, but not heary enough to cause any material benefit to the crop. Tha weather forecast had the effect of cr itlnued strength In prices, as ralna were predicted for few localities and the predic tions were for frost and freetlng weather for Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. May wheat opened firm at 7fHrC bid and ad vanced lWc to 77c bid. July options were strong arjd advanced from ia bid to 78'Ae bid. September options advaticed lc to 7n bid. The cloae waa firm with a net advance of mo In Msy option, while July nd September options showed a net gain of ISo. Trade was lighter In corn and caoles Were some lower. Receipts were moderate and tho cssh market was strong to higher. Mar corn advanced Wo and similar ad vances w.-re made In July and September opUona. The close was steady, with alight arWanrea In all options. There was good buying of July and Sop-tcrt-.her options by commission houses, al though the market turned weaker when lUtle ailnrxirt vj. offered. Receipts wore heavy, with a lower cash market. Tha closing prices were slightly higher and a few gains were made. . . Primary wheat receipts were 1,101,000 bushels and shipments were 1,100,000 bush els, against receipts last yet of 8SM.O00 btishels and shipments of 2?7.0V) bushels. Corn receipts were 704,000 bushels and shlp .raenU Wl.M bushels, against receipts of bushels last year and shipments of a.0O0 bushels. Clearances were 403.000 bushels of corn, hone of oats, and wheat and flour equal to 169.00 bushels. . M IJverpool closed 4d lower on wheat and Vd lower on corn. World's what shipments were 12,800,000 bufihels. against 11, bushels last week and ' 10,72,(i0 bushels last year. World's corn shipments were J.S'fl.OuQ bushels, against 4.770.(ino bushels last week and IITD.O'O bushels last year. The vtaible wheat supply decreased 777.000 bushels to 62.SM.OnO bushels, against 3S.431. 000 bushels last yenr. The vislhlo supply of corn decreased 972.000 busht . to S.SyB.m bushels. against 8,iM,Ci0 bushels last year. The visible supply of oats Increased 332 oon bushels to ia,F74,0H0 bushels, against 14,fe7, 000 bushel last year. Local range of options: Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, $123 $33: winter straight $3 i3.4f; spring pat en's. $A6f.'.n ; spring straights. $3.15.ue.46; bnkera, .i.l.Vii3 96. v H fclA T No. I aprlna-. afi42c; No. a. 77r -r; No. I red.- sffciiMHo. rnRN-No. 2, pt'ufVac No. I yellow . OA TP No. J, 44e: No. I white. 45V,e: No. I white, 4J&46C RTF. No. t 71V4C BARLEY-Fair to eholce malting. TVS 7fc. BRKY'S No. 1 flsn. $1.17: No. 1 north weetem, f 1.24. Timothy, prime, 4 80. Clover, contract grade, $16.25. VH (VISIONS Short ribs sides flooe, r-faTi Miens pork, per bbl., WVU'H. Lard, per loo lbs. $8.87V. Short clesr sides (tioxed;, $8 7tHff9.0t. The receipts and shipments of flour and grain were: . Receipts, rimym"-- Flour, bbls 22.O0 Wheat, bu if.000 Jt?010 Com. bu... 3010 rn.OK) Oata, bu I!7.5 6t.4 Rye, bu 4.0C J- Barley, bu 67.200 . On the Produce echange today the but ter market was eaay: creameries, lMi'SSc; dairies, WXc. EgKS. strong; at mark, cases Included. Ific: firsts. 16c; prime firsts, 17c. Cheese, l315e NEW AORK STOCKS AND BONDS IodeoinTs Ton of fpocnl&tiTt Eettiment Ins to fieporta of Crop Damaes. MARKET ' IS GENERALLY IRREGULAR Kamor of farther Proseeatloa Harrlsaasi Railways anal ttaad . ard oil Company m Faeter. of R-d'.ns 1st r' k1in M ptd N-rt'bi e stl H'luhllr yfl. arwh Island To Nx) 1.4 Co. pM Rubber unoia rl P' I. P r M fit.. Ft. Lou t W St. U W. ptd Southern PsrlSc So PeAe ptQ ,.i So. ftallwrnr ............ ftn Kllwr pfd Tnn C. a: L Tvaa sr Pctflr T. St. I-. A W T . St. U W. f4... t'nton rrinc I nln Parlftr pfd 1.V sue n M M M SEW YORK OKJIERAL MARKET Qaotatleas os Vstrfows Articles. I Open.l H!gli. Low Close. Tes'y. 1 Wheat- I l May... 7SV4RI 77 B I 1 July... 76'H 7VUB ' T Sept... 7&HH 7!& -i If Corn- May... 4S4R 4SB "I July... 4f.B 46n Sept... 44B 45 B i ""t Oats- V-n-n, May... ilA 41I,B 4 ' July... 41V.A 41A " "r. Bept... UK S47fcB j.1T. . i - . mi. A n KM 7'4 78-B 4SHB 4fiVB 4B 41SA 41 A 77 Bl TS'BI 4fiH' 4f.4H 46 B 41ViB 34T.B) TMiA 7"B 78 SA 4SHA 45HA 44A 41A 41HA S44A Oaaaliai Cash Prices. WHitAT No. I hard. Tfrm: No. I hard. 7&74Hc; NO. 4 hard, e5i70c; No. S spring. LA J K.N ISO. S, OWtfVc; f. . wirvw, o gr3e, 36l-41c: No. I yellow, 46'4i46Oi a. 1 white, itHfUio. . . t. 0,T8 No. S white, 4WIHo: No. 4 white. f!ker No. a mixed. xsrio. RYU-No. a. 6iV4o: No., a, Oo. Cairlot Receipt a. Wheat. Corn. Oata VPhtcasro ...... iu A Kcnsas City Minneapolis Omaha Puluth BU Louis ... 33 2 . .44 .. 19 ..159 .. 79 242 46 80 242 241 21 110 i CHICAGO GRAIN AKD PROVISION a or rttU restares sf the Trad la ar and CloalasT Prices on Board of Trade. CHICACK), May . Wheat prices la the market today advanced more than Vc be low the cloaing quotations of Saturday to almost 2c above that mark. At the close the July delivery showed a net (fain or i to lVc. Corn and cats .were each up 4,0. Provisions were 12yl6c to 0c higher. The sharp upturn In wheat waa caused by a revival of the fear of damage by the green bug and the weather. The belief that the acreage sown to spring wheat will be much smaller than usual because of the continued cold weather also strength ened the market. The wheat pit was flooded with damage reporta from all sec tions of the country. The report causing the greatest disquietude came from Winni peg and claimed that the winter weather in the northwest had caused a shortage of from 26 to aO per cent In the wheat acreage of the Canadian northwest and declaring that the same conditions prevail in Minnesota and the Dakotaa. A sharp sdvanoe in prices at Winnipeg partly con firmed this report. Although weather con ditions In the west and southwest were more favorable for the growing crop, dam age reports from tnose secions wore as numerous today aa neretoiore. the claim being made that the warmer weathor Is bringing out more clearly the blighting ef fect of the previous drouth. Iradlug was very active all day. The market opened weak because of the reports of wet weather In Kansas, Nebraska and other winter wheat states. Lower prices at Liverpool and bearish weekly statistics also enoouraaed tu.6 beaia IlefOis the eti I of the first hour, however, sentiment changed and during the remainder of the day tne prevailing sentiment was extremely riullisri. Commission houses led in tne buy ns The market closed strong. July opened ,t'Hc to Vtjo lower at a3c to 83Hc advanced to tia and closed at ftSc Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to lui.'o) bu The amount of passage increamd !.75;.Xi bu. and the visible supply decreased 777,- 000 bu. Primary receipts were LlOiOOj tu against si4.0u0 bu, for the uma dav Ut i year. Minneapolis, 1J ninth and Cht'Wjo re eelpta of 6.t0 eara, against t.7 cars test week and 244 cars one year ag. The corn market was ek arlv In the day on active selling by elevator Interests. but later railed In sympaihv with wntat . Pit traders took ths larger part of the of J ferlngs. The market closed firm. July opened to ktJ'Sc and closd lower at 4'a'So to 4jc, advanced u So,o and t" chieed at 4f(c. Local receipts were 242 car, with 41 of contract graiie ' i Oats were sold freeiy at the opening be - cause of wet weather In the west and ao-nnwesi. ini market ror a time was quite "tenk lamage reports from Kan- sas ana Indiana, together with the strength f of wheat, brought about a subatanral V rally later In the day. The mark-4 tk-sed r.rai. July opened Ho to c lower at Fc j to 42Sc. advanced to t'S-iHe and closed St 4-. Locsl receipts were 230 csra Provisions opened weak because of lower market for live hogs, but later the v markM became strong on active hurliif . iy, pufda ina contmiseion nouaes. The d mana lor lard and ribs was especially l'rt At the close July pork was up r 4i w- Lara was lie higher at $i.05'4 " """i"' iot tomorrow are wneet. os cars; corn. 444 curs; oats. 471 cars; noga. iv.viv r.eao. Closing on ths Board of Trads were as lwiuw. f the Day Commedltlea. NEW YORK, May . FLOUTV Receipts, 15.KJ0 bbls.; exports. 24.961 bbls. Market firm but dull. Minnesota patents, $4.26d4.60; Minnesota bakers. 14.4094.76; winter patenU. H 664c4.u0; winter straights. $i.ex3tSi; winter extras, $2.80u 100; winter low grades, $2,703 2wu. Rye flour, firm; fair to good. 3.W; choice to fancy, $3.&&4.1& Corn meal, steady; fine white yellow, 12c; coarse, $Uv 1.12: kiln dried, $1.. WHEAT Receipts, 200,000 bu.; exports, 88,8i bu.; spot, market firm. No. 2 red, vie elevator, VAc t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, tVAo f. O. a. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, f3e I o. b. afloat. Lxoept for a weaker opening, due to easy cables and big worlds shipments, wheat was Strang and active today, reaching the high est point of the season. The Jump was ex plained by heavy covering Impelled by some of the worst crop news that has yet appeared reflecting the backward season. Pinal prloos were lHo net higher and a little under top prices for the day. May, 14iWH,c. closed, Wc; July. 81Ww'-lo, closed iMV,c; September, 91 U-16a94c; cloeed, 834c; December, J&H'ftJMtc; oloeed. 6c CORN Receipts. lmi,426 bu., exports, 2T4. 243 bu.; spot market easy; No. 2, 6Sc ele vator. bey.o t. o. b. afloat: No. 2 white, 6frc; No. 2 yellow, 64o t. o. b. afloat. Option market was without transactions, closing fee to to net higher. May closed ttoc; July, &HV4o; September, &8c. OATS Receipts, 213.000 bu.; spot, market steady. Mixed, 264iS2 pounds, 4734Kc: nat ural white, 3o&33 pounds, 4834c; clipped white. .li40 Dounds. &J4i64ViC. HA i Steady, shipping. tot2Sbc: good to choice, tl.2wq I X. HOPS Quiet; state common to choice 19 crop, I4ijl6c; 19u6 crop, 4"; Pacific Coast l!'i crop, 8gnic: 1906 crop, teo. HIDES Quiet; Bogota. iAc. LKA'lllkK-Steady; acid, .ff29o. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family, $14.00 14.50: mess. 19.Soll0.00: packet. $10 60611.00; city extra India meaa. $22.00&22.&0. Cut meata firm: pickled bellies. 10tt12c: pickled hams, lard, firm; west ern prime. $b.964iV06; mined. Arm; eontl. nent. $9.60; 8. A.. $10.00; compound, 8H&tto. Pork steady: family. $18.601900; abort clear, $17.0o01S.50; meas, $17.2&a'18.00. -TALLOW-Steady; city ($2 per pkg.),.6c; country tokaa. freel. 6V.tfilWc. RICE Steady ; domestic, fair to extra, a fi'jtc: Jaran. nomlnaL BUTTER Firm; street prices, prime creamery, 2&V4c. Official prices: Cream- err, common to extras, tihzlc; held, com mon to firsts. JofiO&c: wetsern factory, com mon to firsts, li0C2c; western Imitation creameries. 2&c; firsts, 2223c CHEF.SKV-Steady ; state. full cream, small colored and white. September fancy. 16c; atate, October, best, 1414; good to prime, 13013HC; state, large September fancy, 16Vc state, October, best, I4i4sc state, rood to urlme. 12al4c. EQOS Firm; state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 21c; brown and mixed extras, liHvff-; firsts, lS&lSHc; wntsern regular packing, firsts. Lie; official POULTHY Dressed, steady; lurkoys, and rowig, lowna Kansas City Orala sad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, May I VHEAT May T 1 . . T .. 1 r'TsV. a . fin.- .Mkuaa ?tl n f L. . No. 2 hard, 77H4l0c; No. a, 7iWuc; No. 2 red, kiu6c; iso. . ityio. CORN May, 44 He; July, 46Hc; Septem bar. 467ic. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 47VitHAc; No. S. 4H47o; No. 2 white, 49'4c; No. 2. 4airtK.c. OATS No. I white, 44c ; No. t mixed, 43&-t8Sc. RYE RteadT. Qc, HAY Firm: choice timothy, $15.00; choice prairie, iu.o. HI' I' f fc:H Creamery, 25c; packing, 16c. EOOS Firm; extra fancy, Wtc; current receipts, case Included, new oases, 15c .second-hand eaeea, 14Ho; cases returned, 14c; southern, cases inciuaea, 14c. The receipts and shipments of grain were: iteceipta enipments. Wheat, bu 74.000 - 123.000 Corn, bu fl.OOO 68.000 Oats, bu 24,000 U.0U0 NEW TORK. May 4,-The Indecisive tone or speculative sentiment In the stock mar ket was deflected today In the irregular fluctuations of prices. An attempt of some energy was made to advance prices, but V i wlln such poor response that it anuunea and the reaction showed some additional force from the fact of the pre ceding advance. Evidently the reports of poor crop conditions were much on the market and left small Inducement to enter upon large commitments until the actual conditions of the a heat cron are clear! v nderstood. Efforts wer. tnU,l lr .,tl.u pprehenslon of cron Aumaaa in f-r.nnm.tmn ',tr, l-be early effort today to lift prices of j. iic uaennooa or exaggeration In tatements mnde for NTwMilutiv.. ffri .,n the grain markets was pointed out and con fidence professed that the monthly govern ment report next Friday would prove a much lese discouraging document than cur rent market reports Indicate. The effect of the statement was helped by the de cline In the price of wheat when trnrl Inn- began In- that commodity, but the later violent upturn In wheat proved too much for the equanimity of stock traders and they reversed their earlier poMtlon. LnlOn Pacific WBN An Imnnrtanl fatrtf An ths course of the whole market as for some time past That stock was affected by re ports of new steps In the government activity against the Harrlman combination of railroads. News and rumors from Washington were given a good deal of re newed attention in the dav's market. Further metuiurea In the overnri it' prosecution of the Standard Oil company were reported tu be at hand anrl it rumored that In his address at the un veiling Of the Statute of (lenernJ 1 M wlnn at Indianapolis on Decoration day Presi dent Roosevelt will deal with the question of government control of railroads. The Saturday bank statement came In for some uniavoraoie aiccusalon owing to the rapid rate of loan exuanslon which ham ium going on for several weeks past. Lenders or money, while offering declining rates for short term loans, show their feeling of doubt over the fall money markets by their disinclination to make loans for periods carrying over that season. The keenness of the Paris competition for mid in .th. London market and a harar ton r.f ti.o discount market In Paris today was a fea ture in me international exchange situa tion. ,The fact that sterling exchange con tinued to advance here brouaht prices very. near the level at which gold ship ments would be profitable from here to Paris In conjunction with London bankers. Paris secured but a small proportion of fold In the London bidding today, but the lank of England was obliged to raise Its bid sharply to secure the bulk of the sup ply. Copper reacted In London today. Reports of excited buying of iron helped to noia tne unitea elates Stuc: stocks com paratively firm. Last prices were near the owest of the day. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales n.r value. $1,474,000. United States la declined per cent on call. and closing Rtprn RfilMr RM-r RMthr ptd.. rK-l Steel pM Closing quotations at Kansas City as far Ished by Logan A Bryan, No. I Board of Trads: Articles. Wheat Msy 7614 75H 7S1, 76H July 7&V 77. 7677HHB Corn May 434 44H 4S 44H July ...I 46 4Mn, 46 46S.B sin' e. Artlcits.l Opea I High. I Low. I Sat y. lta Wheat-. J ' July IsSHiiW f:! 1 Ion; 4Upt. 1e4,.. ITV H I Iec ilsiWOX f 1 , Corn- I I JirV -May eiit7H, wJ X 4SI if,. '.Juiy J4ws fc! "'. Ill - i mmrm n- TO r 4 May 44Vvsl 4T 44 444 lex tr -July '4---,tJS49f 4r 41 1 J? x fi-pu "l k-vJ a&kjseaa, I May lv7HjHtrT 14 0 11 00 1 m f July H Mli 15 ft 14 S 14 fc rVtK. M U T 14 40 1 16 14 S Lard- ; I May in in, $7" in, inj I eW I 1 isi t-ts. IKisi ...I I ' 86i'Bl6jH4 "VfX.'l TA4 "4 I Open. I High. I Low. Close. B Bid. A Asked. It. Leals Ooneral Market. ST. Iiei'Ifc, Msy . WHEAT Higher: rack. No. 2 red, cash, ItfiiCTkc: No. 2 hard ko1c; July, 82H&2o; September, M'tt 4 M i-i tun., tr... ma AAal July. 4bTo; September, 40c; No. 2 white. hl OATS Higher : track. No, 2 cash. 43c July, oo; September, Ko; No, 2 white. r laj u R Firm ; red winter patents. $3.80: extra fancy and straight, $2.2o'(i'3.a; clear. i.oo' SEr-O Timothy, steady at $3.0f6C7u. CORN MEAL Steady at $2.40. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, MHWjo. iiAi-nrm; timothy. aie.aUCis.O0: ruairla. fie m ('1 &.w. IRON COTTON TIES-fLC. BAOGINO lya. HEMP TWINaV-10c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher: lohblnr. $14 66. Lard, higher; prims steamed, $.1 , pry salt meata, higher; boxed extra shorts. $lv.O0; clear ribs. l.r.; short clears. a.S7W Bacon. iiis"vi . uuxh extra snort. Siu.aP Clear riuv, iv.vitb, aiiurx clears. Ill.uu. POCLTR x Quiet; chickens, lie: nriit S'',c: luraoj. tju. aucas. iic; geese, 6c Bl'TTEIt 4Julet; creamery, t4iHc txiua r inn, ic Vs. 'Carolina rhrmlcal ... Va 'aro. t'hem. ymd Wahanh WlhtHh pflt Walla-Fara-fi r.iprma Wrallnchouae Electric ... I VMrra I'nlon waa Whaling U E Wla. Central ptd Noriharn FaHflc Central Laathr Central leather pfd 8lnaa.9hf nlald 8tel Uraat Northern ptd Int. Metropolitan .. Int. Met. ptd Total aalaa for ths day. I") MO " i'in .17i.r) he l.iw 1. mi S 147, ri!' 44 lv 41 1.! r M 14TI4 'tu 44 "14 l'w r v 100 14 14 KKI M "'til 144" iii" aw at u io.n ms iiis 100 n t!i '"ini if.i t. 1174, 1 400 40 4H z M n M 1. 144 ft "4 W4 J 4 40 l'l ruj im rt im 14 H 144 U4 11 IT 40 tt 1H 40 abaraa Hew York Money Market. NEW YORK. May $. MONEY On steady at :vp3 per cent cent; closing bid, 24 per cent; call. ruling rate. per offereo at a ner cent: time loans, easy; sixty oays, per cent; ninety days, 2S34 pe' months 44 per cent; prime mercantile pa per. B'v'Tn per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with net-mi business In bankers' bills st $4 SAlt 4 leM for demand and at $4 H.W&4 tare for sixty-day bills; prsted rates, $4.MiiH.87; com mercial hills. $4S3Sii4.834 BILVEJl Bar, S&,c; Mexican dollars, riONDS Government, easy; railroad, Ir regular. Closing quotations on bonds today wsrs mm fnllnwi' IT. a. rf. 4a. l 104 Japan 4a, 14 sorlas.. H Number on stocks of sales were: Adams Bxpraas Amalgamated Cop par . c. a r Am. C. A r. pit Am. Cottoa Oil Am. Cettoa Oil ptd Brloan Sxreeaa An. H A U pld..... ...... Americas Ice Ana. UnaMd Oil Am. Unaead Oil pfi Am. locomotive , Am. LoeomottT pfd Am. 8. A K Am. a. A ft. ptd Am. Susar Raflntng Am. Tobaceo pro ctra Anaconda Mining Co Atchlaoa Aublaon ptd Atlantic coast una Baltimore Ohio Bal. A Ohio pfd Breoklra Rapid Tt. Canadian Paclflc C antral ef Naw Jersey..,. Cheaapaaka Ohio Chlcaco Ot. W Chlcaco A N. W C. M. A Bt. I ChlMXO T. A T Chicaga T. A T. pfd C. C, C. A eu L Oolorado F. A I Colorado A So Colo. A Bo. lat pfd Colo. A So. 3d pfd Consolldatad Oas Com Products Corn Producla pfd Delaware A Hudaoa Dal., L. A W Dan rar A R. O D. A R. O. pfd Olatlllera BecurtUee Erla En la pfd Erla fcl pfd General Electrle llllnola Can Ira I International Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd lows Oantral Iowa Central pfd Kansas Cltr 80 K. C. Bo. pfd.. Louisville A N Mnlcan Canlral Minn. A 8t L. m.. et. p. a a. a. m m . at. p. a a. a. m. pfd. Miaaourl Pad Bo , M.. K. A T M.. K. A T. pfd National Load N. R. R. of M. pfd.. Saw York Central... N. T.. 0. A W Norfolk A W Norfolk A W. pfd.. North American ..... ractSa Mall Pannarlvanta People's Gas P., C. C. A St. L. . Praaacd Btcel Car.... Praaaad B. C. pfd ... Pullman Pmlaoo Car. Reading . quotations Bales. mh. Low. Cloaa. M ... tt ... t-4 ...10114 .... 7 4a. rr ... is., in .... N .... M4 4s H .. M ...1am ..101 .. 71 ... ft. .. 91 .. Ml .. n Chaa. A Ohio 4" U a I. . e. Chlcaro A A. ins... U..8'JT' ",. JI C. H. A Q n. 4a.... $. I B. W. C 4s.. 7JH C, R. I. A P. 4a.... to 'Seaboard A. U 4a.. 7J do col. 5a. tk 80. Pacific 4a S ccc. 8t. U f. 4a..l0iH do lat 4a ctfa 1J4 Colo. lnd. IVa. set. A 4SH 80. Railway n llt'H . . aa mas at r. .. mT. 8t. I A W. 4s. 80 ..1"2U I'nlon Paclflc 4a 101 .. to V 8. Steal M 6s.... 7 .. Wahaih is '' .. r4 do deb. B 44 .. fllVW.atern Md. 4a T414 ..lft4HW. A U E. 4a tlV, 994W1S. Vnirai aa do coupon U. 8. la. rag. v.... do coupon C. 8. old 4a, reg. do coupon C. B. nrw 4a, rag do coupon Am. T 1 banco 4s.. do 4s Atrhlaon gen 4a.. do adj. 4a Atlantic C. U Ilal. A Ohio 4a. do I H Brs. R. T. . 4a.. Central ot On. 6s do 1st lno do fd Ins do Id Inc. 104 do 4a etfa . .. 1"1H do 4s cWa. ... KilH do Id series ....101 L. A N. unl. 4a... ....lnut Mae. e. 4 4a . ...inS4 "Mcilcan Central ,...lf!"4 'do lat lno .... 7S4Mlnn. A St. L. 4l inaat M . K A T. 4s.... , fcu do H . 2t,N. R. R. of si. . HN. Y. C. a IHs...... loon" J c- a- No. Pacific 4s .. 844 do la ,.l(tt N. A W. a 4a.... .. K Q. 8. L. rfd. 4a. ..1T0 Pann. con. IV4a.. 4CHPaainx tan OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Boipta Licbttr tad Priota Eicbar Than 01 Trlday. DECLINE IS NOTED IN PRICE OF HOGS Rheeg Reeelpta Are Fair aad Prices Prartleally Tea Ceats Hlgker Tksa at CI ess ef Last Week. SOUTH OMAHA. May C. 1907. Receipts wers: Cattla. Hoga. Blieep. OSlclal Monday 4. AM $,100 7S.O Same da ul week 4 441 4.042 .St Same day I weeks ago.. e.f?7 4C-1 11 4.1 Same day $ weeks ago.. l l t.3-'l 141 Same day 4 weeks ago.. $.181 $,241 6.774 Same day last year 4,i2 4,60 11.714 The following table snows the receipti of cattle, bogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1901. IS Inc. Deo. Cattle 400.&4) ?.04 71,425 Hogs Sr4.790 S77.334 71.44 Sheep 6V4.t S44.864 $0,038 ; CATTLK QUOTATIONS, Oood to choice corn-fee steers $6.'6 " Pslr to good corn-fed steers 4 "( K Common to fair steers ., A2fKu4 7S Oood to choice fed cows AOtKuo 10 Pair to good cows and hslfers lst4 $6 Common to fair cows IK-v W Pair to choice stock ere 4 feeders.. 4.$'5.00 Pair to good stockers A (seders.... 4 08 4-50 Common to fair stock era Otia 4 00 Bulla stags, sto $ 7&ir4 M Veal calves 4.00io.U Ths following table shows the sverags price of hogs at South Omaha for ths last several days, with semparlaon: Data. I U07. April a.. April 23.. April 14.. April 2S.. April .. April n.. April 28.. April 29.. April SO.. May 1... May May I... May 4... !May S... May frV $4 as 29 a 11 v im a iTV a rrvi a )tv a zs ( 2f4 2 a 2 84 as 2a 6 27 6 27! 21 6 15 $ Jtt 4 81 4 8X1 I M t 4 78 t 23 $ 16l t 10 a u: 4 7l 4 76 4 72J 4 Ciil 4 2 I 11 t 12 6 251 4 69' 6 ) 4 63 6 2 4 ao, 4 B7' 4 Bo! 7 07 7 0Z 7 04 7 06 roi a in 4 77! 84 43, B6! a w a 99 I 9J! 7 Ov a 7 07! 7 OS! 94 6 9U, t n t 84 I 7$ I 74 6 74 t 72 a ( r t 64 I 44 761 7 tl i 71 7 01 6 75 a 75 7 os 661 Mi 672 I 64 a e s Sunday. RANGE OF PRICE8. Cattle. ..$3.3i 60 .. i.ffa.40 .. $.0O..20 .. 1.9"i.25 S.2ui6.70 4a. 4s. -olo. Mid. Colo A So. Cuba (a "D. R. O. 4s..;.. Dlitlllera' Bm. as.... Erla p. 1. 4s..... do gen. 4a Hock Id VaL 44S. ... Japan 4a Bid. "Offered. 4s. 41, lno 9'jn - tu 100 1) l.suo x 0 10 t.400 ,7"0 100 4"! t.U0 100 1100 l.fcO "166 il0 1.100 11,000 te. u ri4 am 3 ice MS Wm, in u S4t4 M lu.l'a 995, SI Sa 1784, 1HH in 14 M ITS a 83 los Ub i lis Kl 41 t4 94 10H4 W sH f l7Ti .. .m. 41 n 151 are 600 "'aw 100 04 "i.whi too "ioo 4"0 1,I"0 an ! to i4 113 Va Wm, m 470 'to" TO 4'4 64 4 44 lS3li 1SH IS! 470 "ti" 4t4 6644 0 14IV1 14744 104 744 74V4 too too ino 600 to 1,300 14 WO 4 M0 14.IT0 1W !4 IS 4.114 l-4 Tt IT l 6544 iiTti Ml Tt i:4 M . I4H " lllVa it ii itfi, tt 14 18 71 12.14, 93 S 14 9444 ..$17,400 116 11144 ss I7S 9f4 H'4, M 110 1 T 1244 17 U 104 U4 lit 1 43 94 5 1014 w 14 SO 1T7 in 414 11V. 1S1 litS V4 19 70 aiH 24 (9 44 nt4 1 Tt I IKS 470 19 71 64 J4 6.-, 1 147 146 14 74 17 77 1H 17 . 14 m 49 lot ISO 7S a jr. 4i4a SI 114-4 31 rt 91 7! 7 113 70 ! 9 US 11244 Doitos Stocks and Boads. rtOSTON. May Call loans. t cent: tlms loans, 4Hff6H pel" C9ni- cosing quotations were: ii.Ki.nn ,1 l 91 Btnsham .. y.iii. ai nwi... .. 79 Cantennlal .. ti Copper Rang ,. 94 Dal, Want ..130 yranklln ,.1S Oraabr ..119 lale Hoy, la ... ..110 Maaa. Mining .. .. 21 MChlsan ..174 Mohawk ..144 Mont. C. A C. .. 1014 Dominion . ..124 (laceola 113 Parrot lMQulncy 19 Btiannoa 94 Tamarack Ill....aolTrtnlty . is United copper , .47 C. B. Mining... . 42 V. B. Oil .110 rtak . to Victoria , 17 Winona .... . 17 WolTerlne - .. ,101a, North Butte .. . J Butt Coalition . 41 Nevada . 94Cal. A Arlaooa . 11 Arlaooa Com. . do 4a Mai Central Atrhlaon do pld Ronton A Alt', nr.. Boat on A Maine... Hoaton Sleratod . Fltchuurg pfd .... Mai. Central N. T.. N. H. A H. Vnlos Paclflc Am. Pnas. Tab.... Amer. Bussr ....... do pfd Am. T. A T Am. Woolen ....... do pfd .... Bdlaon Elee. Maaa. Elaetrto do ptd Maaa. Oaa I'nlted rruit .. Cnlted R. M... do pfd V. 8. fUsel.... do pfd Adrtntur Douri Amalgamated . Atlantle Asked. per Official . 90 .976 . II . as . 14 . 17 .110 . 19 . t . 14 . 99 . I4 . 66 Hogs. $o.i2mu.s:H 6.70 416 62 6.75 fe,s.4::'4 6u0 v4.62 aa n.z.'e stock Omaha Chicago Kansas City .. St. Louis Sioux City .... The official number of cars of brought in today by each road waa: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'f'i. u., M. at Bt. F 4 U. P. system 82 C. & N. W. (east).. 6 C. & N. W. (west).. 49 C. St, P.. M. 4 O... 9 C, U. A Q. (east) .. t C. B. & Q, (west).. 68 C. R. L A P. (east).. S Illinois Central t Total receipts 175 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the n uni on r 01 ueua inaicaieu S 10 24 1 34 t I 1 1 23 I 74 M prlcee were forced up right around lc higher than the close of last week. The trade was healthy and active and the effer. Ings changed hands quickly at prices strong to We higher on the better pedes, with per. haps not more than a steady market n the poorer stuff. The quality of the offerings on the whole today was very good and sales ranged up on a. fairly conuarallve basts with the gmnl time of last week as far ae the better class of stuff was concerned. V"iied lmle brought $ It). 8hrn ewes commanded fi le, equal to the top price paid for this clase of stuff last week. Quotations on wnnled killers: flood to choice lamba. $8,004.18 60: fair to good lambs, $7 Rfi 7 90; good to choice yearlings, lamo weights, $ fair to good earl":s. lamb weights. $ fHi 90; good to choice yearlings, heavy weights. $6 joufl.; fair to good yearlings, heavy weights. $; S0ir 60; good to choice old wethers. $i..VU$iri 90. good to choice ewes, $t Kit SO; fair to good ewes, $5 .V'diC.W; clipped sheep and lambs sell about $1 off fern above quotatlona Keuresentatlve Bales: shorn. 14. $$$: A. $6.16; powdered. 11. 14 (S: No. 1$. U N: No. ronfe-tlonere' A, $4 40; mould rut loaf. IS 60: rrtialie L 16 60; $4 40, granulated, $4 60; cubes. 1106. MOLA.SKii Klrm, New Orleans open kettle, good to choice. $74J(r NKW OKI. RAN. May 6. SCOAR Stescly; oien kettle cen'rlfugal, Vu-c: centrifugal yellow. IVaV; setnds. $,c MOLASSES Quiet; new syrup, HCfl4c 157 western lamba. M7 western ewes .. 112 Mexican lambs.. fa4 Mexican lambs.. 12! Mexican lambs.. 1J6 Mexican lamba.. 411 western lambs.. 161 western lambs. Av. . 6 . 97 . K2 . 8J . 82 . 8-' . K0 . w Tr. w 6 76 8 40 8 4U 8 40 8 8 60 8 60 Omaha Packing Co. . Swift and Company . Cudahy backing Co. . Armour 4k Co 6wlft 4 Co., country. Vansant A Co Lobman A Co VV. I. Stephen Hill & Son P. P. Lewis Huston 4k Co. Ill 17 I 121 I II 2 I "4 14 14 ....... a a If 91 .. 1744 .. Ia44 ..171 .. ! 1 Hamilton A Rothschild. Londoa Cloaing; Stocks. LONTX)N. May 6. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: Conaola. monay do account Anaconda Atrhlaon do pfd Balttmora A Ohio... Canadian Pad no ... Chaaapaake A Ohio. Chicago TI. W C. M. A Bt. P ra 8eera B A K. O do pfd Erie do lat pfd do Id pfd llllnola Central ...190 ... a4 ... 94 ... 9 96I-1IN. T. Central.... It 7-14 Norfolk A W .. II do pfd .. 9 Ontario A W .. M14 Pannarlvanla .... Rand Mi nan ..lMv, Readlns . 43 Southern Railway . It do pfd .140 goutharn Psolna . 14, t nlon racino . 10 do pfd .... . 74 TT. B. Steal.. . 9M, do pfd .... . 6k Wahaah . 41 do pfd .... .161 Bpantlh 4a .. Ixulavllla A N Ill Orand Trunk M . K. A T I , SILVER Par. steady. SOHd per ounce. MONEY Hi 81 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 8 1-16 per cent; for three months "bills, JH per cent. New Tsrk MlalaaT Btoeks. NEW TORK. May 6. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Ado P. Huss Kingan A Co L. Wolf J. H. Bulla Sam Wsrthelmer . Mlko Haggerty .... J. B. Root & Co. T. B. Inghram .... Sullivan Bros. ... Lehmer Bros. .... Other buyers Cattle. .. 639 .. 994 .. .. l,0oa .. 131 94 10 .. 27 tm .. 63 6 81 11 "267 23 64 3 81 9 68 7 $64 Hogs. Sheep. 60S 1.143 1.661 1.6;$ l,tk 1,919 1.68 243 667 1436 6,119 7,794 10 .400 . 10 . 41 . iO . 90 .ISO .109 . I Vaf ... Ontario Ophlr Poloal Saras glarra Nevada Standard Bmall Hoses .. . 96 .re . u Con. Alloa nriMTo Ilrunawlck Con. . Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Vs. Horn Silver .... Iron Bllvar LeadvlUe Cos. . Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, May 6. Today's State ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,OoO,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance. $;;.-, 2Hfc,07; gold coin and bullion, $,565,988; gold certificates, $13,J2S,00. Totals CA'i'l'LK Receipts were verv moderate today and the quality of the offerings waa very fair as a rule. Indications are favor able for a let-up In supplies this week, as farmers are getting out into the fields and this always means a let-up In receipts. With favorable advices from eastern markets and active demand both for local and shipping account, the trade opened out briskly with prices bid and paid rang ing from strong to Mi 10c higher than Fri- ,H I day. All classes of fat cattle were in ac ta i tlve request and about the only kind to and unfinished grades. An early olearance was made. There were only about thirty loads of cows and heifers on sale and with a vigor ous lnoulrv from hoth local htitc.hers and 104 nuuM, hnvera htiafnena wna llvelv from the li start with prices mostly 6fM0c higher than the close of last week. The tone to the trade waa decidedly strong and the limited offerings changed bands In good season. Veal calves were about steady with the cose of last week, but the market was a shade stronger for bulls, stigt , nd rough stock generally. There was a better Inquiry from all sources for stockers snd feeders this morn ing and prices were generally a shade higher than the cloae of last week all around. As usual the Inquiry was best for the good weight and quality steers, but the light stuff met with more favor than recently and everything on sals changed hands qulckiy. Representative sales: Av. Pr. No. . 22 . ! . 47 .1: 4 97 I 17 M4, II , . .471 ..tie . 1 CHICAGO LIVC STOOrt MARKF. T Cattle ftroagr to Higher Hogs Lower Sheep Steady. CHICAGO, May A CATTLE Receipt a, 23.000 head. Market strong to Ujl.c higher; common to prime steers, atOiyutiei; cows. $3.26.00; heifers, U U'uo.&o; bulla $0 W 4.40; calves, $i.76uJo.76; stockers and feeders. ta.00tid.26. HOOS Receipts, 42,000 head. Market 60 lower; choice to prime heavy, $U4yN.47V: medium to good heavy. $4 H4.42W; butcher welghta, $ii.V4u4j.4;; good to prime mixed. $;. 4.6.42; packing, $6. aii. 42U ; pigs. $6.60 1 40; bulk of sales, $4 .42Vl3l v4 SHEEP AND LA M Ud Receipt s, 30.000 head. Market steady; sheep, 14 26Q4.26; yearlings, lo.0tnu.; lamba i.5CKj.76. Kaneaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, May a CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.(4)0 head, Including 6110 southerns; market steady to 10c higher: choice export and dressed beef steers. $5 60ii.20: fair to good, $4.7Mi6 60; western fed steers. $4 Sy 6.60; stockers and feeders. t3.7Vu6.16; south ern steers, t3.an4j6.40; southern cows, $3.0Ka 4 20; native bows, $.nit4.80; native heifers, $3.7uj6.30; bulls, $3.Kj4.36; calves, Xbip 6.50. HOOS Receipts. 7.000 head; market 2H 60 lower; top, $440; bulk of sales. 6.Xtf 4 37H; heavy, $6.fc41.32V9; packers, $.30iji 6.37V: light, tg.364i.4U; pigs. ..2V(ji6.78. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. fl.OM head; market firm- lambs, $7.00a .; ewes and yearllnRs, $5.5(4i4.75; western fed year lings, $6.2Vu7.00; western fed sheep, $6.26 6.60; stockers and feeders, t4.0U4j4i.0O. St. Loals Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. May 6 CATTLE Receipts, 4AO head, including 1,4.W heiJ Texars; :r.nrktt stiong; native shipping an. I export steers, $MOp6.60; dressel i.eef ml lutchtr sleerr $4.9(6.40: steers under 1 Mr) II., $4.(9l.76; stockers and Wdvrj, t3 5"C?6t6; cowa and heifers. t!.S4X&.!k: canners, ?0('(2 2.- bulls. $1664i4.75; oalvrss. II Oitfill OO; Texna and Indian steers. $i.iifi5.'(i: rows and hrl'ers, $1.90(14.40. HCXIi. Receipts. 6,800 head; market a shade lower; pigs and lights, $e.O(&.60: packers. .004i 46; butchers and best heavy, d 46tf.52H. SHEEP AND lAMRS-Recelpts. 1,600 head; market steady; native muttons, $3 VKt 8.S0; lambs, $3.7b&.26: culls and bucks, $4.00 ClS.00; stockers and feeders, $3.754.26. Hew York Live Stork Market. NEW TORK, May 6. BEEVES Receipts. .t2 head; market steady: bulls, barely steady; steers, $6.2066.16; bulls. IIdOHM.); cows, $126(&4.15: exports estimated tomor row, 920 cattle and $.100 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 6.878 head; market active and 26a higher: veals, $6.007.60; culls, M.0O'g4.5O; dressed calves, firm; city dressed veals, SiffllHc per lb.; country dressed, 6 H OO 8-Recelr.ts, 12,$90 head; market lower; state hogs, $7.&0S.16. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 9.27S head: market for sheep firm, for lambs steady; clipped, . t6.OOfoS.6u; woolod ewes, $6.0006.50, nominal; clipped lambs, t7.00&S.10; few unshorn lambs, $8.60; ex ports estimated for tomorrow, 610 sheep, St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, May B.-CATTLE-Receipts. 2.8S4 head; market strong, shade higher; natives. $4.40ti.26: cows and heifers. ti.2a& 6.00; stockers and feeders. $3.6O4.60. huus Keceipts, 4,303 head: market 20 higher- top, $4.86; bulk, $6.30ff.S2. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 7.310 head: market steady; lamba, $8.00iS8.6o; yearlings, $7.0007.60. Sinox Cltr Live Stock Market. , BIOUX CITY. May 6.-(8pecIal Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts, t.000 head; market steady; stockers, 10c higher; beeves, $4.60 ti6.70; cows, bulls and mixed, $3 40ig4.70: stockers and feeders, $3.604.76; calves ana yearlings, $3.254.40. HOOS Receipts. 2.600 head: market 24o lower, selling at t6.2oiu-4.27); bulk of sales. $.20.2H Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Duns Report on Bank Clearings Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Corn. bu.... Oats. bu.... Receipts. Shipment ... I8.OU 7 ono ... 69.f) ... 42, On) 13.0U) ...110.0 Tfc.ouO Liverpool Grata as! rrovlsleas. LIVERPOOL. May WHEAT - Soot. firm; No. 3 red western winter, 4s td; No. 1 California, 4e 6V1: futures, steady; May, aa 4d: July, 4s frd; September. s jd. CUKN SKt, steady; American mixed, new, 4S 7H1; American mixsa. o d. 6s d; futures, quiet; July, 4s 6d; Septembur, 44,d. Hol'S In London (Pact fie ouast). quiet. At lwmAI 6a. Tlslble SaF of Grala. NEW YORK, May 4. -Ths visible supply of grain Saturday. May A as compiled by the New York Produce exchange, waa as follows: W beat 61,489,030 bu.; decrease, 787.000 bu. Corn ,lo2,ou0 t'i.; decresse, $73,u00 bu. (late 10.197.0UO bu.; lncreaae, tl.Uk bu, Hye Ln-v (X bu. ; decrease, bu. barley 1344, 000 bu,; (secrease, 17S.00U bu. Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. Wla. May $ WHEAT No. 1 aortbern, 34o: No. t northern, at aj-so-c: July. acj)C Dia. KTE No. I, 7;4W HARL.EY Na i. 77y7So. CORN No, t cash. 4je0-4Hc; July, 43e asfceo. Dsilatk Grala Market. DC1.CTH. May a-WHEAT-No. 1 north ern. aajo; No. $ northern, aoc; Msy, keo; July. avc; aeinauuw, vw. OATtt On tra a, tie. TeleAo SaveA Market. TOLEIXJ. stay . alaJt ua Clover, easy; 19 IO: tirtorier. 17 63. lecember, $7 . W: Maggb. i.Iia tauMKJgr, ta. Aaauke, ti p Bk eieaiiags for April, as reported by & O. Dug Co., show ooallnaed heavy serUements throogh the baaka la all seetions et the United States, lo saoat of them larger than aver be fore reported In April, sad this notwithstanding exceptional activity In April ot both pre ceding vear. Red need payments through the New York City berk, doe to ths mneh sou tier volume ef stoek market ope rat loot this year, again cause loss la New York City baa k clearings eompered with both preceding years, but despite the latter, total bank sx ehaoges at el) sides in the United 8Utea ouulds New York are tOMU.&Oi, an lusreaae of 11 1 per sent, over last year, and 211 per cent over April, llktt. This la a rery satiafaetory showing, especially as to results achieved at ths Importeut manufacturing oeoters la ths Nsw Sag nd States, in the Middle Atlantle States and In the Central West. Further lmprors BMict is noted st ths South, and Baltimore reports a small gain, with mneh better resalts at Richmond and Atlanta. Decreases are still shown at two or three southern cities, bnt these are not Important St Louis, New Orleans and Louisville report gains. There Is a good In crease at Chicago and other important central Western cities, and few losses, whils at tha far West further heavy gains at many placet point to continued rapid expansion there. At Paclflc Coast cities a large inereaas testlflas to the activity of trade in that section, though at Baa Francises the report for April last year embraoes only part of the month. Port ad and some other northern Pacific elttrs continue to show an exceptionally heary volume ef besi ness. Comparison la made below of bank exchanges by sections 00 raring three years, ais ths average dally figures for ths year to date : 9a arsiu Maw England Miftilla - bMili auaiitto .... SuuUxsra .......... Ouual Wert.... Weavers Pauac Total Haw Kurt C.iy ... Cattsg Stales Avenge daily AstU . ...... atarok yaUruary im 1907. WJtOWt.587 lJl.J7rt Jt -4 i4.lJlJ79 64l).l.8.tHt 1.4M.4i7.J:l4 410 .ttt.lHia 40i.uiuti9 4 J5'l,V8HjJ.M) U.t)17U,4o4 S4R.4,aon.nia l'.KW. 771.4-4117 HD4.7il.iilO'.40 61 U.'l.ixj l.i!7o.7.'7.4,7 HJ'.oW.J.Pl I .H44.743J44 19,tM)77ri.71a 5I6JIWOOO 481.1.0 H 6u J.4.H. JJ ai;,7oo.jou r.a. 71 7i -4- 5. I .7 4 14. 1 V-1 -44.1.3 U 103 9.1 - 5.8 17. - it - 81 100 s. g7417,3.('0 S71.0IJ ot I lM,7is.71i 474.MI.I01 l.lBl.oMi.t.lS otj.m,o-.o 'ioo.JOt.JIO gl.lWi 'jli.HKO 8,o0.790.4tlO 13.734.o63.UO 4o.Kli.lHil) t.ll.O'l.i.iHIv) 47J,90'J,(KH) - aa - 4 7 -fll.e 410 4 -r.Ut Nearly all of the dries in ths far West report larger sxhanrea than la either of the two pre coding years, snd there are large gains at such Important points aa Kansas City, St Paul, alia nespous, St Joseph sad Omaha, showing a larger volume of payments through tha banks than ever before reported la April There are also notable gains at oloux City, Topaka and Denver. Th figures in detail are printed below : 1907. gSrt r 14.951 DM l.otO 14 6 l.JU JH '.lol tSS HJ a.u-i .7 13.t 7tt.4vl 9171ft 111 o lll-ij 10 ujiil arsiL. Mlsusa nulls fti. Vm.J, ijvm aft.rua..M Sioux t if . Lataw-wrl ... tvOaf k.ld,.. k mt'mmm 1 1 LJ . .. Ok J. ana..... OrMli, ....... 9 oaauQt.... L4a.-o Wiiia..M.... 19Jd. 6.llo.744 tfl.U'414 7-ell.J7 (va. eialags ... 9iMiMe......H ranra aioua Palis. Kl 141.174 44i MV1 l.lMlM 6.7 M.i4 8.4irfKrj 4 4:.9i4 a..i 7i i. el.4t4 $.4 ai i I I 4,.t.'o4 1.9u4.'.ll I90S. f wii).i:,.iy) 9A. U Mil 11.-11:4.134 7.1 ' 1.14 J 4.4 7H..S '4 i-117 (ill a 1 in 1 ij K. - 171 i.t-itn 4 477 r. c. ai a 419 14 4 .17 S M 9 .1J u 44 4 0 4- :.4 aVMHJ(t4 LtM V mm. m. A it 9o.J-.i l li . 9 -77.7 .'1 l.-Vwuil 1 . M -4 1.411 4 )J 4 , o? 4.9rO,7 ." '14 lit i.i '.t,il 1.7 7.1414 t.J -S.J-M 1.441 9 a 4 974 414 '.", 44 4 we Ke. 7 it 4 19 19 II U II 30 40 10 10 1I1 II 14 94 ... 431 ... 4 ...llrrt ...1041 ...1114 ...V0 ...1171 ...1"9 ...lofct ...1104 ...1114 ...IMS ...isie ...1244 ...)U4 ...1941 4 44 4 40 4 44 4 40 4 90 4 ti 4 90 I M I 00 I 00 B 06 I 04 I U 6 II I II I 14 19 U IX 104 10 K 1U74 V0 1151 llkl 9fi4 .....1014 list lilt 1109 1490 7W 174 I.... II.... 97.... 14.... II.... 94.... 34.... 4 ... Id.... as. ... T.... 71.... 18.... II... 6.... cows. Av ..1219 ..list ..1144 . ,14 .MIX ..1147 ..1094 ..ISM ,.U4 ..1 I ..Hit ..1111 ..1371 ..1U ..till fr. 6 39 I to I 90 I 90 I 90 I 90 I 90 94 6 91 I 90 I M I M I 45 6 90 I 16 I II II 940 I IB I IS 1 11U 4 SO I 69 1$ 114 4 90 I 10 4 lxtl 4 44 I 46 4 1190 4 41 $ 90 I lilt 4 41 4 49 $1 941 4 14 4 00 . 4 11 S6 4 14 4 04 9 1-el 4 44 4 It 6 Ill 4 IS I 16 17 1141 4 40 4 94 1 111 4 64 BULLS. 4 40 1 9074 4 95 4 09 4 404 4 44 4 II CALVES. in 1 in a tc STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. MIS. 31 Hi 4 94 477 4 Ul lot 4 94 HEIFERS. $ 744 4 00 90 4 85 14 444 4 00 94 94 IIS I Hi tog a m t I 44 4 4 I HaO 4 44 HOGS The week opened out with a very fair run of hogs and a further decline In prices. Tbe situation seems to be mure or less bearish and win probably continue so us long as receipts both here and st other p- Ints are liberal as tiiey nsve been or lute. The provision situation Is very unsatisfac tory and (Ackers are all more or less bear. Ish In their viewa Eastern markets were reported lower this mornJng and liberuliy supplied and first bids here were llSiio lower than Saturday. Desirable light and bacon grades hardly showed that much de cline, but a good share of the heavy and packing bogs were tuny 00 on, tne markets closing weak at a decline. TVps brought 16 36 today, the same as Saturday, but the bulk or tne traauig was st to.a.'gv.iu, aa against $6 2!-t6.27H Saturday. South Omaha Sioux City .. Kansas City . St. Joseph ... Bt. Louis .... Chicago Totals .... 7.S00 8.O0 7,310 l.fjUO 30.0(4) .41.686 67. KuC 44,610 . 4.SJ0 6.100 . 2.l0 2.M . 6.000 7.0(0 , 2.36 4,i'2 . 4,0(0 6,S0 .23. UK) 42.0U0 OMAHA WHOLK9ILE MARKET. Condition of Trade aa4 Qeotatloas oa Staple aaa Fancy Prodaee. EcitiS l er dos., loo. HI "ITER 1'ackliig stock. lOyllo; choloe to fancy aalry, Uyi:, vrenirry. ilni3c. LIVE lvi 4.TU V Hens, It.-; old roost ers, 6Vac; turkeya Lv: ducks, llo; young rooeleis, Ttjvc. geese, r. FRUITS. FINEAITLK8 Florida, $6.6OC0O psr irate. cURAWHERRlKS Arkansas. 14-tjuart case, ft 71 p 8 00. C4JCUAM T8-Ir sack of 100, $4.00. THUl'lLAL FRUITS. LEMONS l.inionurs, 30m sue, $6.50; 100 Site, KJTo, othel brands. 6tc loss. ORANGES Mediterranean bweets, IM, 17(1. m; 216 and 7-u slses. $ t. f "u 3. 7f ; W, lJfi, IM sixes, U.; caiitornla Navels, extra fancy, )4, Ml, il(i, 360 siioB. 44. do; fancy, 1.4 sse, $3.c; 150 slxe, $4.uu; choice, large slses, per box, KM'. BANANAS Per medium-sited hunch, jb;, I2 wny4.60. tiRAl'K KR l IT Sites i4 to SO, $8 7684500. FIGS California, bulk. 6Vc; 4-crowa Turkish, 14c; vcrewn Turkish, lie; 3-orown Turkish, 9c. DATES Ksda way, 6'e; sayers, 6c; hal lowls, 6c; new stuffed walnut dates, s-tu, box, $l.t. NEW FOTATOFS Per lb, 6e. OLD AEaETABLES. POT ATX5E4 Table slock, per bu., "OcJJ 1.0f: swil slock. 9f&$l.J0. NAVY BEANS l'er bu.. $1.66; No. 1 $L6tL BEEF CI'Tb. No. 1 ribs, 13c; No. I ribs, H-; No. t rlba 6V; No. 1 loin, i;vc; No. 1 Kiln. 134c: No. $ loin, 13o; No. ! chuck, g'tjc; No. 3 chuck, 6c; No. 3 chuck, 6Vic: No. 1 round, 9Sc; No. t round. c, No. $ round. 7c, No. 1 plate, 4c; No. t plate. 3c, No. $ plate. 3c. NEW VEQETAFLES. ASPARAGUS $1 75 per dot. bunches. BEANS New wsx and string, per ham per. 14.14). BEETS. TURNIPS AND CARROTS Per dos. bunches. 4Tj60c. CAHBAGEt New Texas, per lb., 34o; Call forma, 8"c. CELERY Florida, $1 2f doa TOMATOES Florida, 30-lb. crate, $3.60. ONIONS Red or yellow Colorado, pat bu., $1.00; Texas silver skin, per crata, about 46 lbs., :.0"; yellow Texas, per crate, about 45 lbs., $1.86. Green onions, per dos., box, 35c. LEAF LETTUCE Hot house, per dos. heads, 45c. CrctMBERS Per dot., $1.00. PARSLEY Hot house, per dos. bunches, 40c. FIB PLANT-60-lb. boxes. $4.353175. RADISHES Per dos. bunches, 4uc; extra large bunches, 75c per dus. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 SUGAR Granulated cane. In sacks. $6.81; granulated beet. In savas. $6.11. COFFEE Roaated, No. Si. 26o per lo,; No. 80, 21o per lb.; No. $6, 19c per lb.; No 20, 16c per lb.: No. 21, 13c per lb. CHEESE Block Swiss, 19c; llrr.borger, 14c: Young Americas, 17a NUTS-Californla walnuts. No. t. soft shell. 12c; No. 1, soft shell, 16c: Bratlla, 1644j1Sc: pecans, 1a22c; filberts, 12Hc; pea nuts, raw, 7Hc; rousted, 84c; California ai. oionds, 17Vo; coeoanuia $6.00 per 100. CANNED GOODS Com, standard, west ern, fxuGt)c; Maine, $1.15. Tomatoes, fancy, 3-lb. cans, 11. 4b; standard, 8-lb. cans, $1 30. Pineapples, grated, 2-lb utandard. tia.J 2.10; sliced, ll.7itf2 Sf.; fancy Hawaiian, 1"4 Ue , $1.76. Gallon apples, $Z6"-i) titi. California apricots. $2.00. Pears, $1.76 2.60. Peaches, $1.7562.40; L. C. peaohee, $1002.50. Alaska salmon, red, $1.15; fancy Chinook, flat, $2.10; fanck sockeye, flat, 11.95. Batdines, quarter oil, $3.26; three-quarters mustard, $2.75. Sweet potatoes, $1.104p 26. Bauer kraut, 9oc. Pumpkins, 80c(rt $1.00. Wax beans. 2-lb.. 8Ocf$1.00. Lima beans. 3-lb. 75c!o$lS5. Soaked peas, 3-lh.. 80c; early June. Sfccl ie; fancy. $1.281.96. CALIFORNIA DHIKU FKUITS Prunes are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of immediate grades: quo tatlona range from $4jc to 9o for California fruit and from SVfcc to 60 for Oregon. Peaches are unchanged, with fancy yellows quoted at 13V9C; fancy Muir, 14c. Raisins are firm: loose Muscatels are quoted at g&Oc; seeded raisins, 94jllo. BRAN Per ton, $19.00. HAY Choice upland, per ton, $12.00: medium, $11.00; No. 1 bottom, $9.60; off grades, $6.6ii(8.00. Rye straw, $7.00; No, 1 alfalfa. $11.00. FISH Pickerel, dressed, 0! pike, dressed, 12c- white fish, dressed, winter caught, 134 15c; trout. n&16c; halibut. ISo; salmon, 16c; ' catfish, 16c; herring, dressed, pan frozen. 6c; perch, scaled nnd dressed, 8c; crapples, round. fcQVc; erapplea, large, fancy, lftc; black baas. 25c: smelts, sweet and fine, 13c; eel, 18c; blue fish, 16c; red snapper, 12c; roe shad, per pair, 403) 60o; frog legs. 30040c: lobsters, green, per lb... 87c; lobster, boiled, per lb., 30c; mackerel. Spanish, per )b 14c; mackerel, native, 13i25a per lb.; fresh green turtle meat, 26o lb. HIDES AND TALLOW Green salted. No. 1, 8c; No. 2. 8c; bull hides, 6c; green hides. No. 1, 8c; No. Z, 7c; horse. $1.60r3.60; sheen pelts, 6'"e4j'$1.25. Tallow, No. i, 4Vtc; No. 2. SHc. Wool. 15Q22c. CURED FI3H Family white fish, per quarter bbl.. 100 lbs.. $4.00: Norwsy mack erel. No. L $35.00; No. 2. 1.00; herring, m bbls., $00 Iba each. Norway, 4k, $11.00. Forelara Financial. LONDON, May . Money was In liberal supply and poor demand In the market to day. Discounts were easv. Paris com peted for the $1,750,000 In gold availuble and secured IjOu.OOO. The Bank of England ob tained the remainder at half a cent ad vance. The Indian secretary secured an option of $11B,0u0 In gold which will be available in the market shortly. Business on the Stock exchange did not materially Increase, but the tone was dlstlnotly firmer. British securities hardened under the lead of consols. The cheapness of money la making Its effect felt now that the prin cipal loans have been launched. Paris lib erally supported specialties In the foreign Section and caused moderate advances. : Japanese Imperial 6s of 1904 closed at Ml. ! Americana, dexplts tha poor New York statement, opened only fractionally lower and received their Initial lors In the fore noon. I'nlon Pacific and Canailan Pacific eased, but New York supported Its favor ites and caused a firm close. The Stock exchange will be closed May 18 and 20, Whitsunday holiday. I BERLIN. May . Prices on the Bourse today ware firm. Americans opened weak, but Improved latsr. PARIS. May A Trading on the Bourse today was Inactive and prices were heavy. Russian Imperial 4 closed at 74.70, Russian bonds ot 1J0 at l.XXa4.o. Wool stark et. LONDON, Msy . WOOL-Ths offerings at the wool auction sals today amounted to 13.6X3 bales. Prices were slightly better, particularly for cross-bred. All sections operated freely. Bllpes were in active de mand for home and continental spinners snd a few Taamanian greasles were taken for America at Is Id. Cape of Good Hope and Natal grades were In good demand. Following were the sales In detail: New South Wales, 900 bales: scoured. Is IHirgs; greasy, 6d1s lVd. Queensland, 1.100 bales; scoured, la 4d'iis 9Sd; greasy, hi clalJ Victoria, 1.100 bales; scoured, Is 1V1 41 Is J ; greasy. 8Vlii Is JHI. South Australia, frO bales; scoured, 10duls6d; greasy, ad'als 9Hd West Australia, 6u0 bales; greasy, 7d Is 14d. Tasmania. 60 bsles; greasy, lodai Is 3d. New Zealand. 8.200 bab-a; scoured. Isaacs id; greasy, onlj'is 3d. tape tt Good Hope snd Natal. 1"0 bales; scoured, loda lslld; greasy, ii$l(d. ST. LOUIS. May 4. WOOL-Bteady ; me dium grades comblrg and clothing. KUite: j light fine, 4iSlc; heavy fine, lttfllc; tub WUSJieu, .Tuaii:. No. 4t... II... 64... 41... !... M... II... It... 44... 44... 47... 44 .. 41... 41.. CI.. II . it . M... Xt.. t4.. 44.. 41.. 41.. 44.. M . 77.. . .134 ,.t4 .rat .174 ..IM ,.9 ..IM ..iiu . 14 . .9 ,.IK7 . tM ..1.1 .171 ..til . IM ..l4 ..tS4 ..l4 .ft .1 ksi 11 .144 Ml .tt .441 Sn. Pr. Ke, At. Bh. rr. ... I Hw 71 321 90 t V 190 t 14 74 tLl 4o I tilt ... I 11 44 11 190 I t:st ... Ill 7' t' 90 4 73 90 I 1744 71 .194, ... I Jt ... 4 17 71 Ill ... 4 14 144 4 17 77 til 40 4 !i ... 4 10 41 ft W ItS 90 4 99 II 1J ... I 94 ... I 90 7 4 Ill ... t 94 ... 4 90 71 974 ... 4 95 40 4 10 40 fc.4 90 I 14 ... 4 tu Ill ... I II 44 4 90 44 r.1 ... 4 It W ID TI B ... I M lit I M It W0 ... I ti ... I k) M 137 . . I 14 lev 4 94 70. Kl 9ft 1 fa. 4J4 9j 1 11 to t n ... I 99 14 Ill SO I IS 199 I 9 II 14 1 I !S ... I IS 14 U .19 4 4 I14 41 1.4 Ae I 14 is) 1 rt 47 azs 90 4 14 90 I tli 79 til ... 4 14 lis 194 a .Ml ... 4 90 4 t'l-A T7 IM 90 I rvi ... 4 r- is tt ... I rL ... t If -9 til ... 4 lo ... I tie 71 IX ... 4 90 ll't 41 144 ... 4 t . I re- . . 4 . . I ne oneep wiiu oniy isir rw-uu n,i, mg,r oouj .. - - --. ---- - " - . - 1 H u . ni and a good dewand la iiccai of suf .pLee, j $4 .4. No. li M ; Ist. II. 14.10, No. afondlng date last yea $14, Metal Market LONDON. May -METALS Spot tin was unchanged at 19! In Ixndon but fu tures were 1 10s luwer at 4?17 l"s. Lo cally the market was easy with apot quoted at 41.85443. 86. Copper was lowr in the London market, with spot closing at 104 7s 6d, or a decline of 17s6d; futures, 13 10s. Locally the market was unchanged with Ike quoted at $J6 03 25.60. eleotrolvt'o St M8T-(4.76, and ousting at $ J OOy'AM. L?ad was du 1 and unchanged st Hit a-i't In the local market, but declined 5s to l9i:s6d In Lond"n. Shelter was un changed at 36 In the London market an1 st V wiiiS 60 In the lx-al market. Iron nas higher In the English mnr-', with Sfn AmrA foundry ouoted at 5 l'ii. and C.eve- 1 land warrants at Co & Lox-slly the lnar I ket was unchanged with No. 1 foundry Southern quoted st $. 2fi?l 25. No. X ! foundry northern a' $:4 7 i75, No. 1 .foundry routhern st $r5 6 V). and No. I 1 .,,4rv af.uthern at U4 .OotfiM . ST LOUIS, May 6 -M ETALS Lead, quiet, MW Spelter, quiet. IllgSj. . gaarar o " Holsaaea. NEW TORK, May t SI'OAR Raw, firm; fair refining, $3 26. Centrlf. 94 test, la. 71. molaases sugar. $1.01. Refined steady; Cotton Market. NEW YORK, May 6.-COTTON Spot closed steady; middling uplnnds, H.iOc; middling gulf, 11.90c. Sales, 3,613 bales. ST. 1L'I8, May 6. COTTON Steady ; middling. 11 Sales, $7 bales. Receipts, 145 bales. Shipments, tug bales. Stock, 37,854 bales. NEW ORLEANS. May 1 COTTON Spots closed firm; sales, 750 bales. Low ordinary, 6vsc; ordinary, 7'c; good ordi nary, $-16c; low middling, lti4,c; middling, lljc; good middling, Ittc; fair, 18SC nominal: fair. 14VkO nominal. Re ceipts, 1,274 bales: stock, 147,846 bales. LIVERPOOL, May A COTTON Spot In fair demand; prices 8 points higher; Ameri can middling fair, 7.79d; good middling, 7.35d; middling, 6. Tit'; low middling, (37d; good ordinary, 6.71d; ordinary, 6.86d. The sales of the day were lo.OO bales, of which 600 bales were for speculation and export, and Included 9.WXI Arnerloan. Receipts, 41,000 bales, Including 40.AW American. CotTeo Market. NEW YORK, May . COFFEE Market futures opened Irregular, with May un charged, October 20 -points lower and the general list 6'lfi points lower as a result of disHT pointing cables and a little -Curopean sellliig in the absence of a prompt demand. TI11 ct ntlnued heavy receipts seeme-l a deviating factor and there was little buy ing by trade Interests, prices ruling bare'jr steady, with the close steady at a net de cline of loftlA points. Sales were reported of 30,600 bags. Including Msy, 6.6U.(o; July a. 46c; September. 6 Jt.&6.40c; DioantiMr, 4i0.4f.c; March, 6 464 6. 60c. Spot loaritut, quiet; No. 7 Rio, 4Hc; No. 4 Santos, e4jC Mild ccffse, dull; Cordova. rflHWo- OIU i Rosin. NEW YORK. May l-OILS Cottonseed oil firm: prime crude f. o. b. mills 3Vo4"c; prime crude yellow, 40o. Petroleum Steady: refined New York, $8.20; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $; Philadelphia and Balti more In bulk, $4.70. Turpentine stea4, Savannah., oa.. Mar . -turpentine Steady. 6410. ItOSlN Firm; siles, 1.018 puckHges; cash: A, B, C, $4 34 35: D. $4 60; K $4.-J 4 66 F. $4 70; O. $4 70; it. ,4.(91; I, $4.u; toil; W. O., $5.40; W. W.. $5.6566 MlssrapolU Grala Market. MTNNRAPOLIS. May 1 WHEAT May. aSwasoSc; July. 8V; No- 1 hard, 9o'o4ilc; r4 o. 1 iiuiui,'"! ,- 87,-iiWo: No. I northern, FLoUR First patenta patsnts, $4.K4i-4 40; first iecond clears. $? 4uTr?60. BRAIS in OUia, Whisky 9av.rkot. PF.ORIA. Ill . May 6 WHISKY-Market st'-ady at $129 for spirits. ST. IXU18. May 4 WHISKY MarVot steady at $1.33. CHICAGO, May 4. WHISKY Market steady on basis of $13 for high wines. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. May g.-BOOS Firm, good demar.d; western tlrBts, free cases, I80, at mark. CHEESE Steady, but oulet; New Yorlt full creams, fancy. 14ao; choice, 14c. No 2 northern. 84 ft C. $4 4V4.60; second clears. $3.3u36o; Peoria PEORIA. Msy yellow and No. grade, SKn43c. OATS Steady; Whits. 43tj43c-. Orala Market. A CORN Strong; No. I a. 4hVac; No. 4. tyc; no No. No. 4 w white, 44c; lilte. C4C, No. t FJata Batter Market. EJ.GIN. May 6 BUTTER Firm today at 26c, a d-ltne 2o from last week. Outjiut for the week, 667,0u0 iba No. 7. $4 $6, No. 4. $4 $0; No. . OMAHA. day were $1.9v2.6v.l4 Bank (leartnsaTa, May g Bank cJearanm . fur r.e and or Cm iJattU. soe 4jm