Kj l 1 I i aw AAA r 8 TIIE OMAHA DAILY nEEt TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1W7. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA MPS 'ess COUNCIL Offive, IB Seolt MINOR MENTION. Tav1s. drugs. Btockert sells carpets. F-d Rogers Tony Fault bear. Fine engravings at Leffert'a. Ken Schmidt's elegant naw photo. I,ewls Cutler, funral director, 'phone 7. Wondrlng Undertaking company, Tel. 6. PETERSEN & SCHOENlNtl BELL, RUOn I. Munrl, tlie lee cream man. Wholesale, All flavors. 'Mionee iW4. ' DIAMONDS AH AN INVESTMENT. TALK. TO LEFFERT ABOUT IT. New mahogany and rosewood photo frames. Alexander's. Mi Broadway. Wedding and engagement rings at the right price. O. Maulhe, 2U West Broad way. Star chapter, Royal Arch Masons, will meet tonight In regular convocation at Ma sonic temple. Warited-Man for the yard. Oood nalnry. Must give refeiences. J, W. Squire. In quire lul Pearl fit. F-dgsr K. Jones and John P. Johnson, both of thla city, have been recommended a substitute carriers for tha postofflce. Pl'DWEIBER nOTTL,ED BFER 19 SERVED ONLY Al FIRST-CLASS BARS AND CAFbfl. I KOBENFELD CO., Acta. The commissioners on Insanity yesterday order ' Norman MaxfleJd of Neola, la., comm. .ted to tha at ate asylum at Clarlnda. CARRIAGES ALWAYS READT. CALL, m. DOTH 'PHONES. GRAND LIVERY, J. W. AND ULMEH E. MLNNICK, I'KO IR11DTOR& , Harry Ogan and Mamie Druen, a young couple of thla city, who obtained marriage license April W. wers married yesterday by Ray. Henry DeLrmg. John Hltzmsn of Emerson, Neb., and Avolena Perrlne of McCook. Neb., were married In this city yesterday afternoon, , Justice Greene officiating The waste pajrer box at the comer of Broadway and North Main street was set on fire yeserday afternoon, but whether by design or accident Is not known. At the Second Presbyterian church on Thursday evening the pastor. Rev. Grant B. Wilder, will give his Illustrated lecture, "William McKlnley." Admission will be free. Rev. Henry Delng performed the mar riage ceremony yesterday for Glen J. Car son and (Catherine A. Wela, both of Geneva, Neb., and Miles C. Rock and Bens Webster, both of Omaha. James Nlchol, day sergeant at police head quarters. Is on the sick list. Patrolman George Gillespie Is also off duty on ac count of Illness and today will leave for riot Bprlnga, Ark. Ths hearing of Zacharlah Taylor, charged with beating his wife, wss continued In Justice Cooper's court yesterday to Wednes day. In the meantime .Taylor Is sojourning in the county Jull. Andrew Doty of Wright township brought Id ono adult wolf and five cubs to County Auditor Cheyne yesterday and received $15 as bounty. E. Hettick of Garner township received IS for four cubs. Dr. W. W. Magarrcll. optometrist, now open for business, 10 Pearl street, Council Bluffs, la. Business 'phone 623, resldenc 'phone Cedar 166l. The only exclusive optical store In southwestern Iowa. a R. M. Gibson, chief clerk In tha office of tha yardmaater for the Rock Island, will leave today in company with F. J. Ely for Seattle. Wash., where both go Into the rnploy of the Great Northern railroad. Before getting your upholstering, mattress making, repairing and retlnlshlng done, get the prices of the Morgan Upholstering Co., 131 Broadway, next to Alexander's art store. Telephone for quick orders. Bell SUA, lnd., 870 red. Mrs. Mary Schmidt of Treynor, la., filed an Information In Justice Greene's court yesterday charging her husband, August Schmidt, with assault and battery on her on May 4. Bchmldt gave bonds for his ap pearance May 11. Frances -M. Peterson wss quarantined at bar home, 211 Sixteenth avenue, yesterday for smallpox. Nelllt League, 16 Ninth ave nue; B. Darnell, 12(18 Ninth avenue, and A. Jensen, 1415 Smith Ninth street, were reported to tho Board of Health yesterday as suffering from diphtheria. The hearing of C. W. Tullls, the Great Western switchmen charged with the theft Of a barrel of tripe from a freight car In tha company's yards, was further postponed In Justice Cooper's court yesterday. As the grand Jury Is now In session, Uis case will probably go to that body. Delmar W. Bmlth of this city Is home from Bait Lake City, where he attended the meetings of the Joint grievance com mittee of the Union Paclflo system. Tho meetings were for the purpose of putting into effect tha new wage schedules recently agreed on by western roads and adjusting the various questions arising In connection with ths change. Leffert'a Glaaaea the Best. We court comparisons In our goods, our fitting and our methods. We only ask an opportunity to convince you as to the ease, comfort and pleasure afforded In the per fect vision our corrections always give. Come in and be convinced. Consultation given without charge by our experienced optician. LEFFERT. Popular Jeweler, 4U0 Broadway. ' When the weather gets warm the people want Ice, so call the Council Bluffs Goal and Ice Oo. Tel. 71 Greatest ice saver on the market the Alaska refrigerator. Petersen tt Schoenlng. New Mannfar-tnrtne; Concern. C. F. Pratt of Missouri Valley met a number of business men of ths city yester day afternoon at the Commercial club and submitted a proposition for the organiza tion of a local company to manufacture a patented Ice cream freezer. Mr. Pratt has secured the right to maiufactura nnd sell the machine in Iowa. He atated he was prepared to furnish one-half of the needed capital If the other half would be subscribed by local persons. Mr. Pratt's proposition was received with considerable favor by the business men present and it was stated that the company to manufac ture the machine would I formed. Dee Office Moved. The Council Bluff office of The Omha Bee has been moved from No. 10 Pearl street, where It has been for the last ten years, to No. IS Bcott street. The new office Is directly north of the Sapp block and opposite ths Nebraska Telephone com pany's building. Xarrlssr l icenses. Hcenaes to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Ni'tn. rnd Residence. Age. ... U ... U ... n ... ii ... n ... &t Olen J. Curson Genevs. Neb Catherine A. Wets, Geneva, Neb. riles C. nock. Omaha pis VYobHter, Omaha John HWtimnn, Emerson. Neb... Avolena Perrlne, McCook. Neb... No substituting when you buy from ua We carry flfiO.OOO stock of building ma terials. You will And our prices in line, our grades up to your expectation. Give ua a chance. C. Tlafer Lumber Co., Council Bluffs, la. N. T. numbing Co. Tl. So. Night, L- err: City Scavenger I haul dead animals, $1.00 per head. Garbage, as lies, manure and all rub bish; clvan vaults and cwapool. All work done is guaranteed. Calls promptly attended to. lnd. Phone 1J:' Y Bell Red 1IT1 J. II. hllEKLOCK $JSB With A btrenj Tonic r 1 1 1 BMlr .Builder -KJUL A. BI4 PariRer - A At f f DAtfef BLUFFS St. Tel. 4,1. MAYOR IS TIRED OF DELAY! f resents to ths Coinoil an Ordinance. Fix ing Wtter Rata. REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Makes Material Red act torn From the Rates la the Ordinance Compiled hy Engineer Ktereted for tha Committee. Mayor Macrae, evidently despairing of the special committee of which Councilman Wallace Is chairman, doing anything, sub mitted at the meeting of the city council last night an ordinance containing a sched ule of water rates. This ordinance was drawn at the mayor request by Harl ft Tinley, the legal firm specially employed by the city in the water works matter. The ordinance, while based to some ex tent upon the schedule prepared by Expert Klersted, provides for a greatly modified schedule and It is doubtful if !'. will be ac ceptable to the water works company. Mr. Klersted's schedule provided for a minimum rate of 17.2 for any service under meter rates, a minimum rate of I10.SR where closet or bath tub was used, 113.26 for closet and 1 tub, and 118.25 for closet, bath tub, hose and general use. Mayor Macrae's ordinance provides for the $7.26 minimum, for a $9 minimum. Including either bath or closet, and for a HO minimum Including bath and closest, hose and general use for barn and all other purposes. The reduction In the highest minimum In the mayor's schedule from that of Expert Klersted It will be seen la $3.26. while In the second highest the reduction Is $4 25. The ordlnsnce was referred to the committee of the whole, which will meet tonight to consider it. Revision of Ordinances. Two hours of the session were consumed In the rending of a number of revised or dinances submitted by G. W. Scott, who Is recompiling the ordinances. One of these ordinances governing the duties, etc , of the mnyor Is to conform with the law as amended by the recent legislature, which gives the mayor considerably In creased power. It places In the hands of the mayor Instead of the city council the appointment and supervision of street and sidewalk commissioner, poll tax collector, city physician or health officer, superin tendent of markets, which was formerly an elective office; poundmaster, custodian of city building, city electrician and chief of the police department. The only ap pointment left with the city council Is that of city clerk. The new resolution drafted by City So licitor Kimball providing for the exemption from taxation of sugar In transit stored in Council Bluffs was passed after more or leas discussion. County Attorney Hess spoke In support of the adoption of the resolution, which, he stated would mean the erection of several warehouses In the city. Mayor Macrae, while not opposing the resolution, said he could not under stand the need of such a resolution if such a oommodlty while In transit was exempt by law from taxation. T1 ,. . - . W - O ,. A A t I V. . xesiumiis vi wio cm unu ti.iiiuv wi j Blxtn ward, known as cuton. presentee a complaint that the Omaha Rod and Gun club had fenced up a street which pre- vented the complainants from gaining access to the lake. It was explained that the club had been granted permission by the council to fence up the street In question. Councllmen Maloney and Hen drlx were appointed a committee to In vestigate the complaint and report to the council. Graduation Time Will be here very soon. Have you thought i of the gift you are going to give to your , boy or girl to commemorate this eventful day of their HfeT If not a visit to our store will give you many valuable suggestions. We have recently re-enforced our stock of watches. Jewelry and silverware and can show you many acceptable articles suit able for graduation, and at prices that are sure to please. LEFFERT, Popular Jeweler, 4X4) Broadway. Buy the Jewel gns or gasoline stove. They are the safoet. Petersen A. Schoenlng. Matters In Dtstrlet Coart. Judge Wheeler In district court yester day overruled the motion of the defense for a continuance In the case of the state of Iowa against R. 8. Earhart of Denver. Two Indictments were returned azalnst Earhart on charges preferred against him by O. P. McKesson and Dr. E. Bellinger of this city. The defense asked a contin uance on the grounds of the Illness of the wife of Earhart who la said to be a material wltnesa The trial had been set for this week, but will probably not be taken up till next week as County At torney Hess has to be In Avoca for sev eral days. Mr. Hess yesterday reiterated his deter mination to try Pt Crow at this term of court and said he hoped to take the case up some time next meek. Crow has been In this vicinity for some time in an ticipation of his case being brought to trial. Crow was Indicted Jointly with Arthur Levi of this city In January of last year on the charge of holding up and robbing two motor crews at the east end of the bridge on the night of Sunday, July t, 1906. The forenoon yesterday was taken up in Impaneling a Jury in the suit of John A. Movers against the Council Bluffs Nursery company and D. J. Fogarty. Fogarty has died since the commencement of the suit A divorce was granted to Ethel May Lewis from Isaao Herman Lewis on charges of cruel and inhuman treatment. They were married In lfOt The gTand Jury, owing to the late ar rival ol two of the members, did not re convene until the afternoon. Gasoline Stores. . Two-burner, full cabinet frame, brass stand pipe stove, S3, warranted satisfactory. J. Zoller Mer. Co., 10M03-10-rO Broadway. Both 'phones S30, Bee office removed to 16 Soott street, op posite Nebraska, Telephone building. Ditch Contract to he Transferred. The Western Dredging company of Omaha, which encountered so many ob stacles to Its work on the Boyer cutoff ditches, forming part of the drainage sys tem sow being carried out by Harrison and Pottawattamie counties, and which came near having Its contract annulled recently U ituout Alcohol Vltbont Alcohol Tittoout Alcohol Vkboot Alcohol w'khoot Alcohol Yltbout Alcohol Urate-Alterative; . Medlda vbttefc Ce., . by the supervisors of the two counting Is making arrangements to transfer Its con tract to the firm of Ballard A Campbell, which It Is said will take up the work within ths near future. t'phr.lsterlng. mattresses made to order, old mattresses made over, feather beds ren ovated, feather mattresses made and all kinds of upholstering a specialty. Oeorge W. Kline. Bell 'phone 548. Ind. 'phone T10 black. 19 Bouth Main street Give us your order for thst spring car pet. We do the rest sew, lay end fit it right to your room. D. W. Keller, 103 S. Main. Bee office removed to IS Scott street, posits Nebraska Telephone building. op- NO FLACK BET FOR JOSES' HEARING Fire and Police Commission asneno's the thief. Although "official" announcement has been made that the Fire and Police com mission will hear the charges agnlnst Chief Jones of the fire department Wednesday morning. It Is not known where the hearing will be held. It has been suggested that the hearing be conducted In the city council chamber, so that the public, which Is In terested, could attend, but this. It was stated yesterday by a member of the com mission, waa not to the liking of that body. The commission hsa been holding Its meet ings at different places, one day In the private Insurance office of City Clerk Sapp, who Is also clerk of the commission, and sometimes at the State Savings bank, of which Chairman Tinley of the commission Is assistant cashier. Commissioner Zur muehlen, when asked yesterday, said It was possible the hearing might be held In the office of Mayor Macrae In the city hall, or, again. It might be held In Mr. Sapp's office. Pending the outcome of the charges against Chief Jonos tho commission has seen fit to suspend him and the department for the time being Is In charge of As sistant Chief Frank Hitchcock. Attention has been called to the fact that while In the charges preferred agalnat Jones by McKesson, he Is held responsible for the destruction of the TTnlon Transfer company building, history of fires In the Implement district shows that both the Deere-Wells and the Fuller-JoTinson-Shug-art buildings were totally destroyed by Are when the flre department was In charge, In the former case, of Chief Templcton and in the latter when Charles Nicholson, whom the commission now seeks to appoint chief, was at the head of the department State Senator Saunders, as counsel for Chief Jones, yesterday evening served writ ten notice on County Attorney Hess to bring In the name of the state of Iowa quo warranto proceedings In the district court testing the constitutionality of the law creating the fire and police commis sion and the right of the three members appointed by Mayor Macrae to serve and set under the law. Mr. Hess refused to bring such proceed ings. This refusal on the part of the county attorney now places Mr. Saunders, as counsel for Chief Jones, In a position to bring such quo warranto proceedings, the law providing that such proceedings only can be brought by private persons when the county attorney refuses to do so. Senator Saunders stated last night that he proposed to attack the Are and police, commission law from several standpoints. Similar laws, he declared, have been hold unconstitutional In othtr states.' Hnrd-tn-FIt looses your noM may be Romarii Grecian, pug. ,ong fu or Bm( Aoea not matter t0 U9 hut ,f yo wear glaBBeg you want the:n t(J be eaa. nttlng Bnd thBt )B jU8t what w promge. or your money refunded. If your glasses fall off, pinch, bind, wiggle or are In any way uncomfortable come In and let us show you what tt Is to be easy fitted. LEFFERT, Popular Jeweler, 4X4 Broadway. Need any lace curtains? ' Before you buy better come In and see us. We want to surprise you In price and quality." D. W. Keller, 102 S. Main. Petersen & Schoenlng sells matting. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to the Bee, May 6. by the Pottawattamie County Ab stract company of Council Bluffs: Mile H. Cook and wife to John W. , Rih. nH nwV of 1-74-3S. w d $1,860 Peter T. Ciiristensen and wife to John H. Chriatensen, wVi nw nw4 of th-77-43, w d Chas. T. Officer and wife to Mary Slln aon, lot 17. In block 6, In Backett's add. In Council Blurt's, la., w d Lt-Roy Crummer to Mary Stlnson, lot IS. In block A, In Backett's add. In Council Bluffs, la., w d Wlllard B. Chambers to Claud Cham bera, lot 14. block 1, Wilson Terrace., add. to Council Bluffs, In., q c d Annette Grafs to Allen Fleak, lot 21, In block &7. In railroad add. to Ooun- . ell Bluffs. Ia., w d Elmer U Fehr to Allen Fleak. lot 22, In brock 87. In railroad add. to Council Bluffs, la., w d 900 800 22 75 35 SO Seven transfers Total $3,916 "Bourlclus" ia the western headquarters for the Victor talklr.oi m achines, the Edison phonographs, the Coi irtbla graphophones and all kinds of record 336 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Ia, , Complete line of Victor base ball goods Petersen Schoenlng. Cash tor Y. M. C. A. With a donation of IKX from Frank B. Keys, who has recently returned from spending the winter In the south, the Toung Men's Christian association building committee expects to be able, to bring the fund up to the I30.0W) within a snort ume. As Boon as the fund reaches the KM, 000 mark, a committee will go to Chicago to confer with the heads of the several rail roads centering In Council Bluffs with a view to securing financial assistance and establishing a railroad department in tne local association building. Learn Tonr Baby to Walk. We have Just received a shipment of baby walkers. t to DH each. Get one and learn your baby to walk. D. W. Rol ler, 108 Bouth Main. Bee office removed to IB Scott street, op posite Nebraska Telephone building. Tonnar Woman Takes Polann. SHENANDOAH. Ia., May (Special Tel egram.) Lida Golden, a young woman about 1 years old living at Farrngut, seven miles south of here, committed suicide this morning by taking strychnine. She was making her home with Charles Hastings, and picking up the dry strychnine bottle as she and Mrs. Hastings were sitting at the table, asked what It was. When told, she poured out a quantity and swallowed It. Mrs. Hastings fslnted at the sight, and when she recovered and called the doctor. It was too late. The girl died In forty minutes after taking the dose. The cor oner's Jury held n Inquest this afternoon. The trouble waa probably temporary ln aanlty, as tier father died In an asylum. Here to Stay. We are dally receiving new lots of shoes and are selling them at our usual low price a Duncan Shoe Co. Lace curtains. Bluck.rt Carpet Co. PLENTY OF WORK FOR COURT Ytj Term of Supreme Tribunal Likely to of Fxctptioiial Ltnrth. BURRIER IS PElEASED FROM PRISON Governor Has Two Days More la Which to Man or Veto Bills In Ills Possession Which Were Passed by the Last I.rarlalatore. (From a BtafT Correspondent ) DRS MOINES, May ,-(Special.)-There will be but two sittings of the supreme court in the May term. One of these will begin tomorrow and the other will begin Juno 4. As a result the sittings of the court will be somewhat longer as half of the cvses from the entire state will be up for hearing at each sitting Instead of one quarter as heretofore. The hear ings of the court will run over Into next week considerably. At the sitting begin ning tomorrow morning cases from Lee. Louisa. , Henry, Ies Moines, Monroe. Wapello, Van Buren, Liicas, 'Jefferson, Davis, Appanoose, Decatur, Wayne, ITnlon. Woodbury, O'Brien, Plymouth. Sioux, Cherokee Osceola, Madison, Dallas, Mar lon, Guthrlo, Warren. Mahaska. Washing ton, Jasper, Poweshiek. Keokuk. Bcott Muscatine, Johnson Iowa, Blackhawk, Buchanan, Delaware, Grundy, Hardin, Boone, Webster, Hamilton. Story. Wright Franklin, Bremer, Wtlniiebago, MBtchell, Allamakee, Fayette. Howard. Palo Alto, Kossuth, Clay. Dickinson, Buena Vista, Emmet and Polk will be argued. Cases from all the rest of the counties of the state will be heard at the JHine sitting and the csmcs from Pottawattamie county will be the first called at the June sitting. The case of the state of Iowa agnlnst Lafe Young on a charge of over charging the state while state binder Is down for the May sitting of the court, but has not been assigned for oral argument and It Is expected that It may go over till the term of court In the fall. Following the June sitting the court adjourns for a two months' vacation. Labor Fla-hts Committee. Because, of a slight that the booster committee of the city ' gave to the labor circles a letter has been written by the labor leaders of the city to the order of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen In forming them of some of the conditions In Des Moines as between capital and labor. The booster committee Is trying to get the order to move Its headquarters to this city. The booster committee ne glected to have a union labor man on the committee and hence the letter. It Is In timated by the labor union men that the letter will not assist much In getting the order to move to Des Moines. When the booster committee first started In business a few months ago It decided to get out a button. Later In the day when the but ton whs put on sale It developed that the button was not union made and the union men would not buy them. Members of the booster committee say that there Is not a member on the committee who la there because he represents any Interest, the members being selected solely on their ability to boost the city. The labor union men say that is all the more reason for surprise at the absence of a union labor man. Barrier Released from Prison. George Burrier, convicted some years ago as one of the gang of diamond robbers that stole the Fay diamonds at Clinton, Ia., waa released from the penitentiary at Fort Madison today on a parole from Governor Cummins. Burrier was sen tenced some years ago and has served the equivalent of a sentence of eight years with the good time off. Unless he keeps the terms of the parole he can be returned to the penitentiary without further trial of court. Restaurant Keeper Stabbed. John Boudewyns, proprietor of a res taurant at 621 Mulberry street, was stabbed by O. G. Guffey at an early hour this morning. The restaurant is an all night place. Guffey, who waa Intoxicated at the time, was soon after arrested and Is now In custody. Boudewyns Is In a critical condition and is not expected to recover. He was stabbed In the back. Has Two Days More. Governor Cummins has two days more In which to sign or veto the three bills 1 that remain In his possession. Wednes day Is the last day on which he can act. If he does not sign or veto then they will become laws without his signature. One Is the law relating to the sale of land belonging to the state that has been cre ated by the Des Moines river changing Its course. The other two are the smoke nui sance law and the law amending the In ebriate law. The governor has Indicated j his intention as to the smoke nuisance j law. It applies to cities of the sise of , Des Moines only and so affects only this , city. He told business men he would sign ' It unless the city enacts an ordinance covering the matter. The city council has dallied along and the indications are the governor will sign the bill. There Is rea son to believe that at least one of the other two bills will be voted. Voelkcr Becomes Lectnrrr. Prof. P. F. Voelker, who was superin tendent of schools at Ackley, la., and later at Ida Grove and Is now professor of German In Drake university, will next fall take to the lecture platform. Prof. Voelker has been prominent In the annual i conventions of the State Teachers' asso , elation for the past severe! years and , gained some prominence while connected with the Ida Grove schools by his stand for pure athletics among high schools and for the eliminations of all persons as con testants who were not bonaflde attend ants and members of the high school. Shlpplngr Sand from Shenandoah. SHENANDOAH, Ia.. May 6. (Special Telegram.) B. 8. Hutchlna of Des Moines closed the preliminaries today for a sand pumping plant which will be established here this coming season. He expects to ship 1,000 cars a year from here. deal food for children. WHEAT FLAKE CELERY nam makes the children plump and strong and prevents sour stom ach and constipation. The best food for growing children, in valids and the aged. u to cents a package, for ! lur all Grwr . (Q)iraM TVT kin Mil mid. There are just two kinds of Corn Flakes. One is the genuine the other 14 are mere upshots worthless imitations, nlaced on the market in less than a year. The intention of the imitator is to confuso VOU. hv rnnvino' tfir nam onrl nackacf nf tViin original. It is their business to profit by the wonder ful demand for "Corn Flakes which was created by the delicious flavor of the GENUINE TOASTED CORN FLAK But just remember: It took ten years to perfect this flavor. It is the product of the world's greatest food experts. The process of preparing is known only to the makers. And it cannot be copied. That is whv we want to imnress iinon 1 11 : TOASTED HOW SHOULD GOLFERS DIET? Problem ttat Confronts PI ay era et the &e-a isti'i Opening. ANOTHER FEATURE OF THE G4ME SPRUNG Whether to Bant or to Eat Freelr Mooted Point Odds Seems to Favor Consumers of Hearty Viands. What food shall a golfer eat to play at his best? It Is a question that Is puzzling more than one player now that the tourn ament season has opened. More than one local tournament has been won by a player who has haunted the lobster . pal aces uuntll S a. m. each day of the contest nnd presumably trained on toasted cheese and champagne. To the contrary, more than one lost match has been blamed to a too heavy breakfast or luncheon. Who shall decide this vexing question? Location has something to do with It. On the northern links there are now as sembled a host of golfers who have win tered at resort courses, where "three squares" and Incidental snacks are part of the day's golfing. In Florida and south ern California they have been eating fresh strawberries and spring 'lamb for three months, and arriving In the north they And these succulent viands Just coming Into season to further tempt the appetite. The prizes, so far as may be learned, have only been won by the golfers who have been as faithful to the trenchers as to the links. There Is no record, of a golfer win ning who has forsaken the table, and with the abnegation of a hermit eaten only toaat and water as a preparation to his golf. Rx perls Show o Slsrna. ' The northerners, forced throughout the winter to lusty foods of the season and spiced at formal dinners by speeches that had to be listened to, have shown no ad vantage In point of training to the so journers at the southern resorts, who have been dallying with the tempting luxuries of the hotel tables. The travelers have returned not enervated, but refreshed hy their high living. But for the change from sanded to turf putting greens. In deed, the resort players would have most effectually wiped out the stay-at-homes, a downfall for which the eye and touch must be blamed and not the stomach. It seems true that In golf a generous diet Is the best system of training, hownver heretical this may be on the cinder path, the gridiron or In a racing shell. There la still a supposition quite general that a light diet Improves one's chances In an athletic contest. Do we not re member the Spartan diet of Tom Brown at the meal before his great fight at Rugby? But at golf the prize goes most often to the hearty eater, for the trudging and whacking over a four-mile stretch of country csnnot be kept up on i a con centrated food biscuit. It would be differ ent, of course. In a violent and brief burst of exertion, ss In a fight or a match at tennis or racquets. A delightful story of a brain storm realization of ths fallacy of the sparse diet In golf is told hy Sir Edgar Vincent, winner of the Kngllsh Par Ilamentary handicap of 1906, In the recbl lections of his early golfing. Sir Edssr Vincent's Kiperlenae. "A few years ago I was golfing In East Lothian and I picked up three other play ers for a four-ball foursome at Mulrfleld." sys Sir Vincent. "One of the oppoltion was a certain strong player, who shall be nameless. On the morning of tho first day the match was halved, and In the afternoon we again halved the same foursome. This was Interesting, so we arranged to play It again the next morning, and lo! an other half was the result. The struggle for supremacy thus became very Intense, and we went In to lunch on this second day feeling as keen aa golfers cn be. Now. when I saw the suun uuaut ea the other t s in uov "isgi it u r your mind the importance of the signature of tfufvy. It appears only on the package of the genuine. Look for it when you buy. It is your absolute guide in getting the right Corn Flakes Che only one with a real flavor. At all Grocers. A large package 10c Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Co., Battle Creek Mich. ide settling himself down to the most am )le repast, with a bottle of champagne In cluded, I vainly flattered myself that In the jonrse of the next two or three hours the honors of this great foursome would In evitably fall upon my own side. "But there was a aad disillusionment forthcoming. From the time when we teed tho first ball In the afternoon until the end of the match, which came all too quickly, he who had. done himself so well was quite Irresistible and played the game of his life! For the first few holes he made bogy look ridiculous, and Indeed at one time he seemed as If he might beat the record nf the course. By the time the turn was reached the game had resolved Itself Into a mere procession, and the end came almost Immediately afterward, our side ' being hopelessly beaten. The champion of the day was a Scot. Sydney Smith once anld that It needed a corkscrew to get a Joke Into the head of a Scot, and that day I came to the conclusion that the same Im plement was necessary to get the best game out of a Scottish golfer." In that early guide to the rigors of the game, Horace Hutchinson's "Badminton" book on golf, there Is an Illustration of "the man to back." It Is of a golfer sitting amid the serenity of self-conllaence, eating a beefsteak and draining a good half bottle of wine Just before entering upon a hard match. Whether or not he Is likely to play worse after lunch than before does not appear to affect him In the least. A per son who had never heard of "Badminton" or of the golfing principle to eat as an insurance of motor power, towit, tho stew ard of the Atluntic City Country club, gave an unexpected endorsement to Hutchin son's favorite on the day when Waller Travis and Findlay Douglas met In the seml-Hnal of the national championship there In 1801. It was a forogone conclu sion that whoever won this match would win the title. Travis stood 2 up for the morning and for luncheon ordered a spe cial sirloin steak and a pot of tea, whllo Douglas, who la of a more nervous tem perament, ate cold meat and took a high ball. "The big eater for me," said the steward. "I know nothing of golf, but I'll make a bet that Travis wlus out." tat Kormally. It was a elate call, for Travis only won on the thirty-eighth hole; yet the result was a confirmation of the steward's cholcn. To eat In one's normal vein would seom to be the proper guide in golf, for there Is as much danger to stinting ths menu as in an Indulgence that is unusual. To quote from a writer In the Field: "The true gospel of how to lay consis tently good golf Is not to attempt to make a radical change In the established system of dietary and training. Even the profes sionals themselves recognize this; and their word of warning, considering th'it their livelihood depends upon the evenness of their playing form spread over a long period, ought to carry more weight than any attempts to establish the same prin ciple by abstract theorizing. On one occa 1 f -..T-: i j j ui iu. kuiicrmg auu ganger in storo of all pleasant anticipation of the snaaow oi gioom wnicn cannot do anaken otf. Thousands of women1 have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy roba, confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother and child. This scientific liniment ia a god-aend to all women at th time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents morninwr sickness," and other dia- . comfort of this period. r fl ffST n tl WNfl containing valuable information free. Ike Brseid BegeUUw U- alUtrU, Ca. wwrUi) sion Andrew Kirkaldy heard with surprise that Taylor was unwell. 'What!' he ex claimed. 'Taylor 111? He neither smokes nor drinks.' Here Andrew had only two possible solutions of a brother professional suffering from more than a passing head ache unfitting him for temporarily placing the game. ,A ,t "But tn this system of general G fi.iTj , the professional, as a rule. Is wiser 'ihnn the general body ' of more enlUthtl V amateurs. He does not change his if- le of eating and drinking; he attains thett nd that is sought to be secured by doctornng, by laying his clubs aside and refraliMf from play for a time. When he next pip? In an important match the professional, bf means of a brief rest, comes back to the game with the zest of freshened eye and muscles and as a rule he plays brilliantly. "Those who urge, for example, thr.t smoking Is prejudicial to good golf should, note the case of Vardon. Some years aa, at any rate, the pipe was nearly constanffy ! In Vardon's mouth, except when he was engaged In a match; and If there be truth In the generally accepted theory that to bacco Is harmful to accuracy of play, those who make thla allegation cannot prove a more slgnil Instance of the disproof of their theory than the case of Vardon. Other professionals are doubtless tn the same category. They smoke less or more and eat and drink In moderation, but It Is probable that whatever . the system of dietary adopted by them. It has not been forced upon them by any,' fancied exigen cies of the game needing special training, but by what they find . experience tins shown to be essentially needful In the gen eral Interests of sound physical health." "One of the blessings of golf," remarked a champion on a hot day, "Is the grand thirst It gives us." But this Is begging t question of dieting. The . drinks come the "nineteenth hole" when the last puts have been made, but the food problem Is a more urgent one. The rule, as In six-day walking, "go as you please," Is the only safe advice to give the golfers. Work on Rural Mall Routes. WASHINGTON. May 6. The report of tho operations of the rural dnllvery serv. Ice up to May 1 last, made public today by the fourth assistant postmaster gen eral, shows that the total number of peti tions for the service received up to that date was &4.SS7, upon which WKH adverse reports have been made. There are In operation 37,597 rural routes, served by J7, H regular carriers. A balance of n,S40,478 remains of the appropriation for new serv ice during the current fiscal year. Halsey Broaght for Trial. SAN FRANCISCO. May 6. -Theodore V. Halsey, former business agent of the -Picnic States Telephone and Telegraph com pany, who Is under Indictment on charges of having bribed members uf the Board of Supervisors In order to secure a franchise for that corporation, arrived here today from Manila on the steamer China, In cus tody of Captain Trowbridge of the Philip pine secret service. la an ordeal which women approach wrtht indescribable fear, farjV nothing comparts witlrf the pain and horror or Child-birth. Th thnnaht i .. f. lor per, rooa the expectant motK?.'' V , coining event, and casta oyer her a,f