10 Want - ads Advertisement for the waat-ad eolamaa will lie takra antll 12 aa. tor the evealag edition on aatll . m. for the noralaf sod waday edition. Cash mnat neeomnaay all order for want-ad and ao advertleemeat will l accepted for leea thaa lO rente for the flrat laarrtloa. Hate apply to rltbrr Tha Dally ftnndnr llrr. alwara poant els. word a to llao. f'ontoinatloaa of Initial or namberg count aa one word. CASH HTK OR WAIT-AD. RKia i,ARC i.AaiFirnoji-o FHIon, per lino, lO renin. Two or more roairrntU lnertloaa, per liar. n rent. Earn laeertloaa mado odil data, IO crats per llae. f 1JH per Una prr month. PFaI. CI.AIFICAT101l If r" niliertUenicat la Inserted aadrr aay oaf of tho rlaealAratlone alven below, II will be rkinra at the following: rnteat One laaertlon, 4 ceata per line three to aim eooaeeatlTe laaer tlon, II rent per line eaeb Ineertloa even or more consecutive taaertloaa. If renta per llae eaeb laaertlow. BO rent per line per tnontb. IIAHTKR AMD EXCIIAKGE. lll"IXES CHANCE. IIKI.P WAWTEH KKM ALE. HELP WASTKD MALE. Except Areata, Solicitors aad aleema. OFFERED FOR HALE I t'owa, Dlrda, Dot! and Pete. ' Horaea and Vehicle. Poultry and Kail. Fnrnltare. . Planoa, Orarana and Maaleal trnmenta. Trpewrltera aad Sewla rhlnea. Mtvpellnneona. OFFRRED FOR HETl - Fnrnlehed Ronni. t'nfarnlahed I) no in a. Honeekeepina; Rooma. Boarding; and Rooma. WAT5r TO BIY. WAmi) TO R FRT. SITIATIOJH WASTED. CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. Death and Funeral Notice. Tarda of Thank and Lodge Notice. T eeat per line for one edition, moraine or evenlnari n pent a a line for each addi tional edition. Sunday, lO peate a line. Ko ad taken, tor leaa thaa SO eenta. DRAKCR OFFICES. Want-ad for The Bee may ba left at any of the following- drog tore one la "roar corner lrnarult" t hey are allViraneli office of The Bee aad your ad will tie lnerted Jaat aa promptly and on the nana ratea aa nt he main office In The Bee building;. leventeenth and Farnam atreetai Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnam, Beraiick, 8. A., 1402 8. 16th Bt. Becht'e Phnrmacy, 720 8. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy. Benson. Neb. , Hernia Park Pharmacy, KM and Cuming. Blake's Phnriaacy. 2816 Sherman Ave. C(iuuhlin-C H.. 6th unit Prorce Bt. CliftoivHIll I'harmacy, 2213 Military Ave. .route, J. H. Slut Ave. and Farnam. Crlsey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Uermak. Emll. 12G4-S 8. 18th Bt. Eastman Pharmacy. 404e Hamilton. F.hler, F. II. 2802 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnoldl. 813 N. 2Mb Hi. Freytag. John J., 1814 N. 21th Bt Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmncv. 2(rth and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and racmc. . Oreenough, O. A., 105 8. lrtth BL . Greenough, O. A., 10th and Hickory. Hnyden. Wm. C. 2920 Farnam Bt. Hnnscom Park Phar., 1601 8. 29th Ave. . Hoist, John, 624 North 16th Bt. , Huff, A. L.. 2S:4 Iyeavenworth St. King, H. S., 2238 Farnam St. Knnntxe Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 14th. Patrick Drug Co., 16204 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Chas. R.. 1324 N. S4th St. Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. S.-iratora Ilrie Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Scluiefer's Cut Price Drug; Store, 19th and v iicitgo Schuefcr. August. 2831 N. 16th Bt. Fehmldt. J, H., 24th and Cuming ts. Ftorm Fharmaev. lath and Martha fit. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cumlna;. iion rnarmacv. artn and urace Hts. Wlrth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sta. DEATHS AST) FrERAl, NOTICES. CAMPBELL Zora A., May 6, aged 29 yeara, ji monins, wire or A. W. Camp bell. Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from Harry B. l)avls' undertaking rooma. . (f South Sixteenth street. Interment, r ui mi uiwii, r rienaa inviiea. FLE1SHEL J. I?rcy. Funeral will be held from the horn of . nis lamer-in-iaw, . . Weller. 2102 Wirt prreet. weanesnay afternoon at 'i n'Hock Ir. Frank Ixiveland offlclattnar. BVienrt, are Invited to attend the services. Burial will he private. Relatives of Mr. Flolshel living In the south have been notified ond will attend the services. The Elks' nunrtet will render the music Interment will be In Forest Lawn cemetery. The pallbearers are C. K. Weller. Fred W. Clarke. J. W. Fisher Ralph Crandall, B. Currle. John LaitUrklce. MARniAGE I.1CEE9. The following marriage licensee have been lasued: Name and Residence. Ago. Fred Wldmann. Denver, Colo. 6? Mary Frances Wilson, Denver, Colo..!. 42 Isaao Peed'e. Pouth Omaha . Nancy Oalvln, Rlppey, Ia Delbert C. Johnson, South Omaha Susan Nolan, South Omaha , Dennis ('Hues, South Omaha Rose Keenan, Spauldlng, Neb.... I. Arthur Mullen, Plattsburg, Mo.... Margaret Crawford. Omaha 1-ewls C. Hansen, Omaha Mary M. Nllsen, Omaha Clarence Stansbury, Oklahoma Myrtle Adams, Omaha... Charles Clark, Douglas county Janet Falconer, Douglas county,,.. Perry B. Stevens, Omaha Adelena J. Larsh, Denver, Colo...! Frank Kuska, South Omaha Lulu Vavra, Omaha .... 63 .... 47 ... 27 .... 23 .... H .... 22 29 .... XI .... 19 .... 21 .... 18 .... 66 .... 41 .... 23 21 18 ANNOUNCEMENTS THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and Leavenworth tin. Tel. Douglas 1387. (1) 103 BIG.V PA1NTINO-8. H. Cole. 1303 Douglae. U 104 FOR SALE Australian Wonder a grass seed perfectly hardy In every respect, grown where bluegrasa falls. Perfect velvet lawns guaranteed. Price 30 cents per pound. Dr. A. 11. Miller, P. O. bog Ml, Denver, Colo. (1) MfcM 10 AUTOMOBILES SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES. 1900 Tho. nas Flyer. 40-H.-P., full equipment; i-oi-t .UtiO, now $l.(i0. lKi rope Toledo, Type 7. top and full equipment; cost $3.7ipO, now $l,9u. l'i Hio, used wo miles; cost $1.2.16, now $1,000. 1U4 Ken, top ai d full equipment; cost $i.Sj0, now S'oO. lf4 White Steamer; cost $!,500, now $700. l.Oii FoiU. 16-1I.-P.; coat $1,150. now $7uu. lope-Wuverly Electric runabout, 4ud up, DEKIGJ1T AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. 1818 Farnam St. (2-10 AUTOMOBILE. 2-cyllnder, 18-horee-power iiniH doul. good aa new, will trade for rrsl estate. N. P. Dodge at Co., 1714' Farnam St. (2 M4o4 WRITE for list of bargain In second-hand autoinobi!. Fredrtckaon, 16o2 Cap, Ave. (2 MDiT MiS BARTER AND EXCHANGE WANTl'D TO TRADE 80 ACRES GOOD i -. -r.,l nmr Furvka SurinK. la fruit belt. Carroll county. Ark., .fur vacant .cu ..u.,s ui oit.tfh.4 property. oo. l.iu.doi', 17i0 Fourth Ave., Council Bluffs, U- U rRADF.S! TRADES! If you save any thing that you don't want and will trade It for something el, write isa. We eaa match anything, keriy Ioveatroent Co La MevUle Uiook, Oiuaha, Ht. lAh-HJUn BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) EXCHANOF.8 If you have city rmTorly. muck or goods, larm lana or pruynj 'i any kind to exchange, write for o ir com plete list. We have properties and lanrts In all parts of the country to exchanKe. Our list la free. Bend for It at onre. Globe Ind and Investment Co., 1C1 Far nam Bt.. Omaha, Neb. (3) H 120 ACRES, t miles from Bchell City. Ver non county, Mo.; 80 acres unner cuinvn tion; good bull'llng; price. ' per acre: Incumbrance, ROW); will exchange for gen eral merchandise. Globe Laud end I0TU ment Co.. 122 Farnam St., Omaha. l3l 10 WILL. EXCHANGE one year's music lee- ons on any Instrument tor joo piui'"ii or advertising In any .locality. A"",1?" A 100, Bee. (3) M162 C. J. CANAN. 701 N. Y, Life Bld., Omaha, IX 000 Highly Improved reakience prop erty In the most deBirable residence part of city, all clear, for a Nebraska ranch. (3) M366 M17 FOR EXCHANGE 100 acres near r Orchardn 117.50 rr Antel.iriA rnnnrtf K'.h irice. acre Jt"rt acre al miles from O'Neill, Holt county, Neb.. Improved; price, 120 per acre. Will exchange either or both of above farms for mcrchondlse or hardware. We also have sevoral Income properties In Omnha to exchange for merchandise or hardware. Globe Land and Investment Co., 1822 Farnam Bt., Omaha, Neb. (3) 107 EXCHANGE no-acre Improved farm, within 12 miles of Omaha; price, i! per acre, owner warns Income property or merchandise; will carry part on the land. $9,000 worth of Council Bluffs Income prop erty for good western lana at tne rigni price. flO.OnO hotel property In eastern Nebraska leased ror I years aj io per muniu want Omaha property or land. CI, 000 mill property, doing a good business; want merchandise or lana. If you wish to exchange your property or business, list It with me. I cnarge no commission unless I get you the deal. W. S. FRANK 121 Neville block. Omaha, Neb. (3 Ml 7 TTTlR EXrHANOE. Three 10-room brick (lata, modern, and two 10-room frame flats, modern, tf.tn ana Burt, to exchange for gcod Douglas countv farm. 132x132 feet trackage, 11R Nicholas, to ex change for good Chicago property. J. II. PARKOTTE, Paxtqn Blk (3) M209 1 FINE Improved 160-acre farm, 10 mile from middle river, Minnesota, vaiura m ,vw, will trade for good western land. Globe Land and Investment Co., 1822 Farnam. (3) M80S 8 nnnn mvitu tock of drus. located In a town of 1U.OW innacnanis; win mvipi.. about 115,000; good land will be considered. Olnlie I And and Investment Co., 1822 Farnam. (3)-Ms0B ETTT-TTrvM nf imnroved land near orn. Valley county, Nebraska : w acres auaua; fine alfalfa land; bargain price. Addrens J 241. care Bee. , t)-M REAL ESTATE alued 12,500 for steam laundry or what; give tun panicuiar or no attention. Address Y (0. care Bee. fS) MS46 10X SOME good Omaha property to trade for land or merchandise. 110 8. 17th St. 3) M307 Je M9 ACRES Barpy county land for trade; nan casn, Daiance bo. ittiumm. irnn-ivj, 140 per acre. W. A. Wooley. Bprlmrtleld, Sarpy County. Neb. (8)-MS64 8x BUSINESS CHANCES $8,000 GROCERY stock and flxturea at 78c on dollar, for quick cash. Address L 259, care Bee. (40M191 7x $760 BUYS the beTrr-jiaylng restaurant In the city. Canadian office, 16th and Dodge Bta. (4)-244 8x LICENSED EMBALMER with Borne knowledge of furniture and framing, to take lntereat In an established business. Address Y 26. Bee. (4) M23i LIVE MAN, with ability and money evough to get around with, can get In touch with a fine money-making opening by address ing K 276, Bee. (4)-a4 U IF YOU AKE LOOKING for a place to In vest your services and some caah, I have it for you. You can handie your own money, tie your own boss and make a for tune if vou possess the requisite ability. Square legitimate business proposition; entirely new; nothing. like It. For inter view address P 263. Bee, (4) 2S0 11 FOR BALE or trade for Iowa or Nebraska land, fine meat market in western Iowa county seat, doing $12,000 to $16,000 yearly. Slaughter house and S acres land goes with this. Phone Red 118. Noland & Graham, Omaha, 1614 Harney street. 14) M200 11 FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools; $4 to $8 received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set ting tires. Address Y 129, Bee. (4) 100 MR. TRAVELING MAN, Your attention, please. Are you looking lor something good? We have the beat tide line you ever handled; no selling or samples; all you do Is recommend. It'a a money maker for you. Address Lock Box TA Omaha. Do It now. (41-M923 MIS FOR BALE $4,000 jewelry stock; can re duce to suit buyer. Pender Realty Co., Pender, Neb. (4) M812 My8x FOR BALE My stock of general mer chandise, In good condition, located In good live town; will either sell or lease building; terms reasonable: wish to re tire from business on account of fall ing health. For particulars call or write J. R. Young. Lodge Pole, Neb. (4)-M466 Myl9x MUSIC teachers local locations bought, sold. Perfleld Piano Co.. lsil Farnam, Omaha. (4) Mm MODERN MONEY MAKING HOTELS GOOD NEBRASKA TOWNS; PRICES $l.O0, $210 AND $4,000. WESTERN HO TEL BROKERS, 1324 FARNAM STREET, ROOM I. (4) M8t My23x OTT WEST TRIBUNE, only paper In Grant county, pays $100 per month; en tire Dlant well eaulooed: a lr hunt ing, which also Includes dwelling and business; price la $1,760. Address Tribune, Hyannls, Neb., L. B. Unkefer. Publisher. (4) MS48 lOx HAVE 160 aeree fine farm land" near Bur lington, coio., to traae ror Omaha lota or residence; cash value land, $1,800. NOI-AND at GRAHAM, Phone Red 1186. 1614 Harney St (4-Mti68 7 WANTED Good financier with about $1,600 as partner in me oesi inmg in lire ror the state of Nebraska. Address R. C. Even Sheldon, Ia. (4) M290 13x FOR BALE Corf actlonerjr and Ice cream parlor In the best town in Kansas. N. H. Morell, Coffeyvllle. Kan. 4 M292 13x GENERAL MERCHANDISE FOR BALE A 1-room concrete building, built and stocked with new goods two years ago; on account of fire; Jewelry department In connection; the only Jeweler In town; In a lively western Montana town of WO on the main line of the Northern Pacific, railway: Industries are stock ralslnir. farming and lumbering; about $31,0u0 will handle this; doing good business, with food opening to Increase with more espi al; reasons for selling, falling health. Address Hammoni at Sons, Plains. Mont. (4) M2D8 lix O'NEILL BOTTLING WORKS for aale large territory, good water, complete out fit, good trade, extracta and repalra for season. Mupt sell. Price. $1,000. Addrese O'Neill Bottling Works, O'Neill, Neb. V (4) Mf92 9x FOR BALE or trade, restaurant, hotel, fix tures complete, with soda fountain; only hotel Ice cream parlor In town: a chance for some one to step Into hur-tness with bouse full of boarders; $225 buys all. Kent cheap. M. P. Larson, Trent. 8. D. (4-M8H2 7x $20 CAPITAL wilt start you in the real es tate and Insurance business. Many earn io.uuO yearly. We teach the business by mall. Write for free booklet. Central 111 Estate Co.. 661 K. C. Life bldg., kns City, Mo. (4) 61789 x BUYERS FURNISHED IN 48 HOURS Investment Dpi. Western Ref. Sc Bond A n. ln, suite 721-722 N. Y. Life bhtg 14) Bond FOR SALE Photo gallery In good town In western Iowa. Will sell cheap for cash, or on Mky payment. R. C. M . Jr.. 6u2 twreadway, uuaiiti omul w ixu ui TIIE OMAHA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY, MAY The test of tests is Answers that don't brinff results Thousands testify Results come from Bee BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) DRUG BTOR-E for sale; a snap If taken at once. Write the tiana oi coiuns, in line, la. (4-M7l x WANTED A party to buy out a first-class stock of furniture in me oeau vwn on the Elkhorn valley; best of reason for selling. Wlsner Furniture Co., Wlsner, Neb. (4-M!1jO FOR SALE. - Good hotel, furnished complete, county seat town, population i.wv, eieciric hhh.b, " nac? heat. leath reason for selling. Ad dress Mrs. M. A. Hooton. Valentine, Neb. 4 M776 9 FOR SALE Meat market ln a town of ,0fO population. Call on or address J. J. Johnson. Wahoo, Neb. (4) (42 13X Do You Wish to Make a Change 1 If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha. Neb. v M7 ONLY hotel In good live Nebraska town of 1,200. New modern brick building, forty rooms. Everything first-class. Price 12.7150. TI9 cleared more than thla yearly the last three years. Rent reasonable. Peterson Bros.. 623 Bee Bldg. (4) 897 TO BUY or aell any business or real es tate, call on or write K. O. Oangestad. 4U) Bee Bldg. (4-8t ROBERT C. DRUESDOW At CO., STOCK BROKERS. 809 New York Life Bldg. Omaha. Neb. (4)UJ DRUG etores for sale everywhere. F. V. KnlesL 707 N. Y. L, Omaha. (4) 111 FOR SALE A 4-year lease of brick store building, consisting of basement, first and second floors; the rooms are 44xS5 te. this building Is located in central busi ness part of a live town in central Iowa, with a population of 23.0UO; the building la now occupied as a dry goods store; would aell the atock to party who would lease If they ao desire. For particulars address Box 41, Florence, Wis. (4) M601 iX WANTED To trade for atock of K& have a good farm. Address Y 246, Bee. (4) 41 WANTED Young man with $200 cash to manage branch office of incorporated real estate company; exceptional opponuunj, Address E 87, care Omaha Be(el')M71., TO BUY or sell any business or real es tate quick. Write or see Hiiarein, ow Blug. ii splendid business investment chance! Party wants to leave city; wfll sell all his Omaha Interests at low figures, con .i.in f icn l imnroved business and residence properties; brings 12 per cent net on required cash investment of $16;0iO. This also Includes his well paying onie business. Bears close invesiigauuu. dress M 227, care Bee. (4)Mm :, BUSINESS CHANCE Invest $1 per week for 26 weeks or $25 cash and clear $260; absolute safety guaranteed by all banka. Btoreheat Mfg. Co.. Loa Angelea, Cal. (4 Mt42 .TlOx A DOCTOR wanted to buy my house and take my practice. Dr. W. 8. Johnston, Corning. Ia. (4)-MU nx WANT a second-hand automobile; have ome land to trade. Address Y 243. Bee, FOR SALE Wagon, buggy, harness and blacksmith business, with buildings. Lock Box 12, Wilcox. Neb. (4)-Msi lix BUSINESS DIRECTORY Advertising Soppllea. OT'Kf TfT! VT? we hare the largest line Xti'jiiJJiu.a-i-i of calendara, both DO MESTIC and IMPORTED, ever .submitted to the advertising trade. Before placing your order, we fnvite your Inspection of our exhibition room, 1218 Harney St.. where also can be found Advertising Supplies and Novelties of every descrip tion mat win niina rauiu. FONDA BROS. & CO. (6) M334 m5 Attorneys. T. E. BRADY, Probate Att'y, 609 Bee Bldg. Civil Englneere. M EATHRON & JAMIESON. SOS N. Y. L. W lLO L. G. HICKS, surveying. Trade. 423 Board of (6) Mil4 J6 Cblropedlst. DR. ROY, R. i, 1605 Farnam St Doug. 97, Clarara aad Tebaeeo. O. C. SIMMONS, 416 So. 16th. (6)278 MjrlS Creaaaerlee. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., succesor to Beatrice vreamery wo., omana. (0W17 Carpet Cleaning. BEND your carpete to N A. Chrlstenson it Bon, Bl M. Mia or. i-none weD. (6) 113 I a. Sanitary Cleaning Co., Ml Farnam. ' (6)-114 CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Works. Mak ing over ana relaying carpets. Also rug weaving. 16th and Leav. Tel. Doug. 665. (5 116 Contractor. P. J. CREEDON A SONS, general con tractors. Office and factory, 46th and Dodge. 'Phones, Har. 2160 and Red 10. (a)-Mtw Deatlsta. BAILEY & MACH. Sd fl. Paxton. D. 1085. (5)-18 Dreaamaklagr. IN FAMILIE3 Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney ISA (5) 88S IdaajravtaaT. KOTERA & CO., 1505 Jackaon. Doug. 2007. (5)-118 Florists. HE8S 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (6) 120 L HENDERSON. 1619 Farn. Tel. D. 1253. (5)-121 J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 8000. (6) 438 Fnrnaeea. W. 8. HEATON American furnacea; tin work. 1301 Farnam St Tel. Douirlxs 3.'k2. (5) M798 Ma! German Coaaalata. OTTO S1EM8SEN, correspondent notary public 921 N. Y. L Bldg. Tel. D. 5E3. (6)-14 Mil . Ilai JOHNSON cloana carpet washes windows, floors polished. Tel. Duugla 2399. (5j 486 M19 SAVE MONEY! Recipe for cleaning wall paper. Send $1. Schmidt Specialty Co., 324 South 13th Bt 16) MS 7s Hotels. THE Echlltl. European, 16th and Harney. (5) M370 IT. JAMES Ratea, $1 and $1 25 per d-,y. ill 8. Ulh, t5)-72 M-l BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Incorporator. MER. Incorporating Co., 4M N. T. T a) lia Jewelers and Watehmakera, N. I. STILLING Watch, clock, jewelry repairing, i & t Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4W. (5-124 Plumbing and lleatlngr. T. F. BAI-FE, plumbing, gas and electrlo fixtures. 1807 Howard. Tel. Doug. 7. (6) M705 JuIW LYNCH PROS. Repair work our specialty. us im. 16th Bt. Tel. Douglas lin. (5) 4)76 M28 Itarserlea. LARGEST and finest aasortment of nd ehruba In the city. Crescent Nur sery. Sales ground, 21st nnd Farnam. "Phone Webster 27. (5 MM0 M7 SHADE trees, shrub and fruit trees. F. R. juanin, ism ana Douglas. iei. v. t". (5) MHS2 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 41S N. Y. L. Tel. D. Dr. Bowser, over 1600 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. (6J Ml") mis DRS. RLNGLER, 306 Neville. Tel. Red 6467. (6) aioyo ivio Photographers. B. TRUSSELL,' 116 South 16th St. (61-687 FRENCH and artistic photographers. 210 a. lain Bt. to) (11 ia School Fnanltnre, OMAHA School Supply Co., 1621 Howard. Printing. JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglae 5S. (6) ia BEFORE" placing your 1906 calendar order. nun t tan toeee our elegant imporiea line. Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 & Cap. ave. (6) 127 THE ACORN PRES8-Prlnters of Quality. We make those Imitation typewritten let ters that look like the original. Price right. Tel. Doug. 991. 1218 Harney. (61686 Mayt SWANSON PRINTING CO., high grade printing at lowest prices, no . inn bi. Tel. Doug. 3969. ' (5)-MS39 Myl2 600 BUSINESS cards, $1; 10,000 printed en velopes, good stock, for iu; oinor wora at same rates. Get our estimates and see our samnles of work. Call at room 22, V. 8. Nat l Bank Bldg., or 'phone Douglaa 4&03. (bj a' xuyn Safes, Shatters, Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a SIe clalty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. Q. Andreen,- prop., 102 B. luin, hi. (6)-276 Stove Storage, KTfi VP'S STORED Hughes, Stove Rep. Dlt VliO Work. Tel. Doualaa 7155. (6)-M751 Wall Paper aad Cleaning;, WORK guaranteed. Call Douglass 6825. (5) 237 DON'T fall to call me at Douglas R76. (5) 238 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The Learilno- Palmist of Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. parlors 113 H. l&tn Bt., opp. .uosion otore, (161128 MME. CARlRIE BEAN AND MISS M. MAYO Readings 60c 60c 60c. Most reliable and conscientious life read ers. Res. 922 No. 16th St. ()-29 l?x EDUCATIONAL Spring Term Now Open. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAY. BOOKKEEPING, BOYLES COLLEGE SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING, TELEGRAPHY, ENGLISH, ELOCUTION, DAY AND NIGHT. Catalogue free. H. B. BOYLES. Pres., Omaha. Neb. M170 HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Trades. WANTED Glrla to work In candy factory. The Voegele & Dinning Co., 1316 Jones Bt. (71-MS2S GIRLS WANTED Burgesa Shirt Company, 2024 Farnam St. (7 129 WANTED Machine girls. Laundry, 211 S. 11th St. City Steam (7W30 DRESSMAKERS wanted at 1213 Chicago St.; steady work, good pay. (7 878 lOx WANTED Experienced ladles' clothes and ehlrt waist ironers. Union Hand laun dry, 2604 N St.. South Omaha. (7) 207 11 WANTED First-class hair dresser, one who understands hair work. Apply at nair areasing aep i j. i. Mranneis A Sons. . (7) M312 WANTED 100 GIRLS TO MAKE SHIRTS, JACKETS AND OVERALLS; STEADY EMPLOYMENT AT GOOD PAY. DAY WAGES TO BEGINNERS. APPLY TO BYRNE & HAMMER DHY GOODS CO.. FACTORY, 9TH AND HOWARD STS. (7 M317 7 Hoaaekeeplasr and Domestic. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wages. Tel. Douglas - 6042. 2608 Dewey Ave. (7) 273 COOK wanted; family of four; light work; evenings and Sunday afternoon off; no .....i.l.i ware. 111 1 fl I Ai.itlv , ,a T i James B. Kenneay, at on Omaha, Neb. (7) MH13 9 WANTED An experienced laundress and dining room girl, by the mo; references required, lnijulre at Edmundson Memo rial Hospital. Cor. Pierce and Oik St.-., (sound! Biuffa. (7) Mdlt) 16 GIRL for general housework ; family of two; good wages. 'Phone Hainey 1284. (7)-89u 30 WANTED Experienced girl as cook: good wages. N. E. corner S3d and Farnam. (7) 985 WANTED Girl for general housework. 1633 Park Ave. (71-436 GIRL for general housework. In family of 4; good wanes. Mrs. F. D. Wead. 5u2 8. 40th. Tel. Harney 2S07. (7) 67$ SWEDISH housekeeper, $240 year; house I iris $7 week. Canadian Office, 15th and odge. (7)-M7o3 WANTED A girl to assist in pastry work. Also porter. Boston Lunch. 1611 Farnam. (7) M321 9 GIRL wanted for general housework. No cooking. Wages. $6. b32 S. 37th St (7 M30S WANTED Nurse girl wanted. Small one preferred. 114 S. 13th St., up stairs. Kap- 7 M11 13x WANTED Competent girl for general houaewnrk; good wages. 1116 So. 31st St. Telephone Harney Vs.-O. (7) 77 tx WANTED Woman cook for lunch room; must be experienced and steady: furnish room. 818 8. loth. (7 M140 11 WANTED A cook for small family: even- less and Sunday afternoons off: $20 per month. Apply Dr. James n. Kennedy, Fort Ouialia. (7 USJi lix 7, 1907. "Results." are worthless. want-ads. J HELP WANTED FEMALE noasefceepera aud Domeatlea C'ont'a'd WANTED A good girl for second work and to assist with children. Mrs. J. A. Sunderland. 1029 S. 29th Bt. (7-MM4 11 ANTED A Swedish or German girl for nersl housework In small family, liox S37, Idnho Springs, Colo. (7) M 108 lix WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; family of three. 106 8. 8th St. (7)-276 GIRL for general housework. S315 Bur. St. (T) M89S lix WANTED Girl for general housework In family of two. C. E. Burrnewter, 1022 Park Ave. (7)-MI32 8 YOUNG GIRL wanted to take care of chil dren. 2406 Poppleton Ave. (7) M228 lix WANTED A good laundress; $:0 per month and room and board. The Creche, 19th and Harney. f')-3"4 $ WANTED Good dining room girl and good kitchen girl at Cudahy restaurant; every other Sunday off; good pay. Cudahy Restaurant, South Omaha. (7) 271 S GIRL for general housework. 2417 Pierce St. Tel. Douglae 6113. (7) 278 12 WANTED Young girl to help with chil dren. 632 8. 37th St. (7 M304 Miscellaneous. We have the following vacancies and many others for Immediate consideration: 2 stenographers, $u0. Stenographer, $00. Stenographer and bookkeeper. $06, Experienced cashier, $35. Cnll or writ. WESTERN RKF. & BOND ASS N., INC., 721-713 N. Y. Life Bldg. (71-M310 7 HATS trimmed or remodeled, 25c to 75c. x-'hone (evenings) Red 6uu6. (7)-M479 M19x M POWELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Far. (7)-224 MI4 HELP WANTED MALE Agent, Sollcltora aad Saleamea. SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who have had experience selling views, por traits or books; pleasant work and big money. Call at Room 603, Bee Bldg. 9) ass WANTED Men for real estate business In Nebraska; salary; expenses advanced, and splendid opportunity for right kind of men. Apply 316 Neville Blk., loth and Harney, Omaha. (9 M750 Jel 2 MEN for canvassing; steady work; pay weekly. C. F. Adams Co.'. 1619 Howard. (9) 771 Junel AGENTS WANTED To handle the best, selling line of specialties on the market, exclusively or as a "side line." Tho Crescent Oil Co., Dept. 8, Minneapolis, Minn. (9-tM1!) 7 WANTED Salesmen to travel In surround ing atates; knowledge of our bualneaa not necessary, but must be Hustler snd sober; position permanent, with good Income. Address J 208, Bee office. (9) M548 lix AGENTS ' wanted to drive through the country; best selling proposition ever of f erred; big value for your customer, big profit for you. Write today for particu lars and territory. E. R. McClellan. 603 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9) 834 AGENTS through Nebraska to show and sell ROYAL BUCKLES to farmers and . horse users; ready sellers; big profits. 1116 Farnam. Omaha. (9 366 M6 WANTED By Omaha firm, wldewako young men as traveling salesmen; posi tion permanent, with good prospects for advancement; give past experience nnd references. Address M 111, Bee office. (9)-M550 AGENTS WANTED Greatest money mak ing novelty out; sells at every house; send for sample and prices. The H. B. Reynolds Mfg. Co., Frederlcktown,, O., ' Dept. 24. (9) 346 8x MEN To manage and travel for Jobbing concern In Iowa, Minn., Wla. and Mich.; must come recommended; first class men only need apply. National Retailers' Ex change, Pioneer Press Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. (91-M722 8x A FIR8T-CLAS8, reliable, gentlemanly man to represent calendar and advertising specialty house of Minnesota; call after (9) M2C5 6x SALESMAN wanted to call on physicians, also one for Central Nebrnskit. Excep tional opportunity for Intelligent man. State age, experience. Lock Box 121, Philadelphia. (9) M1X8 7x WANTED Salesman fcr tea and coffee Route in the city. Address A 2 Bee. (9) iM2(8 9x flora WANTED Several good boys, flrat-class pay. A. u. X , :u a. um. (9) M931 M24 BOY 16 to 1$ for bowling alley work; good wages. Apply at once, ma Harney St. (9) M100 GOOD wagee and chance for advancement. Omaha Box Co.. E. Omaha. (0e-t873 My31 WANTED Four boys over 16 years old at factory. M. E. Smith A Co., 11th and Douglas, Omaha. (9) M749 WANTED 10 boys with wheela at MIS Far- 1 nam. (9) M189 11 x Clerical aad Office. WANTED Boya for railroad office; edu cation two years in high school. Address O 223, care Bee. (9-Jt!61 lix WANTED Manager for branch office we contemplate opening here In St. Paul. Address with references. The Morrle Wholesale House, Cincinnati, O. (9)-M24 12x Factory aad Trade. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. L. Omaha. (9) 112 WANTED First-class barber; no students; guarantee of $15 or 60 per cent. Address John Stack. Huron, S. D. (9)-M976 Mllx WANTED Psperhangers and painters; only experienced help need nnplv. H. Berwick. 211 a Main St., Co. Bluffs. ' (9) M331 WANTED Barber; gqod. steady; no Moler man. Ben Acaerman, aiamnantown, la. (9)-M789 x MEN WANTED at Johnston Bros.', at Clayworks, la.; steady work year round. Houses to rent to married men; waite $2 per day. (9)-M7X8 9x WANTED First-class all-round butcher. C. H. Huber, 112 E. Broadway, Co. Bluffs. (91-M274 BARBER wanted, must be good man. Ad. dress A. J. Slmmet New Ulm. Minn. (9)-MX 7y BOX nailers; (food wages. Co.. East Omaha. Omaha Box (9)-M72 7 BARBER wanted on salary, or will rent to resi-onalble party; no booier wanted; good base ball player, pitcher preferred; state experience had and wages wanted. C. wfnterton. Haxelton. N. D. (9) 766 8x GOOD tobacco etrlpper wanted for f men. nian or woman; will nay $16.(0 per week; steady work: will send transportation. M. Anson. Lander. Wyo. (9 M866 BOARD OF TRADE barber shop, 10f Far nam. beat service, ten chairs, no long waiting; shaving, 10c; halrcuttlng, 26c. (9J-282 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Short time required. Tools given, money earned while learning; positions waiting. More calla for barbers than nan be sup plied Special inducements. Call or writ Moler Barber Colieg a, tU Farnam St tfj-iiea) ft HELP WANTED MALE Faetery aad Tradea-Coatlaaed. WANTET-Intelgent young rran to learn blackmnithlng; must come with recom mendntiona and mean business. A. II. Whltten, Bwink, Colo. MlTt 16. POYH and young mer 'or factcrv workj steiay work; good pay. -'JM 7 BARBER wanted at once; ateady Job; $15 straight salary. Ill Thornburg Ht , Lara mie. Wyo. (9) MJ89 13 X BOOK BINDERS WANTED We want flrt class nonunion forwarders, flnlfhers and rulers; steady situation; good wages. Iowa Printing Co., Des Moines. In. (9)-M2S7 I WANTED A good Iron worker and horse- j shoer at once; rood wages. Ed Hlout, Graham, Mo. (9) M324 13x Mlaeellaneoaa. WANTED BOUND YOUNG MEN. ages IS to 35, for firemen and brakemen on lead ing railroads; experience unnecessary. Firemen earn $100.00 per month, become engineers, earn laio.l0: brakemen earn $76.00, become conductors, earn $15000. Call or write at once for particulars. Na tional Railway Training Ass'n, 6:0 X, Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. (9) M306 JeA Bookkeeper, stenographer, office clerks, salesmen, at once. Call or write. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N., INC., 721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg. () M311 7 WANTED School teachers and tudente to tarvel during vacation months; work pleasant and profitable. Addrese H fn, Bee ofnee. (9)-M4 TEAMSTER, $12 per week; laborers, 20 cents per hour. Sunderland Bros. Com pany. South yard, i'lthand Hickory, north yard 24th and Belt Line. (9) 8i WANTED An attorney that Is bandsman cornet player preferred to locate In small, but lively Nebraska town, encourage ment with business and collections from three banks will help getting established. This Is a splendid opening for the right party, married man preferred. Must be wrlctly sober. Address No. Y W, care Bee. (9) M959 8x WANTED A good, etrong. sober, single, middle-aged man, one who has had hos pital experience preferred, to attend to an Invalid and drive horse and do light porter work during spare hours; a good home always to right party. Inquire from 10:30 a m. to 2 p. m. at No. 818 South 20th St., Omaha, Neb. (!)) M970 7x ENERGETIC young man, over 25 years old, capable of earning high salary; bond required. Address In own handwriting, with stamp and references, H , enre Bee, (9)-689 WANTED AT ONCE Ten men to do por ter work around store. See Mr. T. Har vey, main floor, The Bennett Co. (91-M284 Beard of Trade- Barber shop, 1605 Farnam, beHt service, nine chairs, no long waiting; shaving. 10c; halrcuttlng, He. (9) LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehlclea. LARGE ond rmall horses for sale. Also wagons. Rosenblatt. 1223 Nicholas. (1D-134 RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness nt ? really reduced prices. Johnson A Dan orth Co., s. w. cor. 10th and Jones sts. (1D-13J 1 of heavy bay marea, weighing 2.7O0. $17; one sorrel horse, weighing l,oo, au N. 16th Ave. (11) M811 20 HEAD of fine, young driven and light wagon horses and several or meaium price; also two heavy work teams and three heavy odd horses, cheap for cash or time. Remember, that we give thor ough trial before you buy and a written guarantee- that la worth what It saya Omaha Horse and Supply Co., rear 414 N. 16th St. Tel. DOuglas 608L (U)-M09 AGENTS through Neb. to show and sell KUiAL buckles to farmers ana norse users. Ready sellers. Big profits. 1116 Farnam. Omaha. fll)-M364 M10 PAIR black mares, half Shetland; drive single or double and ride. 43d and Center. x (ID 130 WE are not selling out at cost but we are selling driving wagons, buggies, surrles and stanhopes cheaper than any other firm west of Chicago. Holmes-Adklna Co.. 714 B. 10th St., Omaha. Ol) 818 Mil FOR SALE High-power. l-cy1lnder, 1906 automobile at a bargain. Address E-172, Bee. (ID M9S3 M9x HORSES Roadsters, general purpose and work horses, bought, sold and exchanged on commission. Myers, 1114-16 Douglas. Tel. Douglas 1032. (11) M793 J2 CARRIAGE and wagon-painting. Harry Frost 714 8. 14th St. (11) M3"9 M16 TWO good, loppy driving horses: also sin gle and double harness, runabouts, top buggies and surrles, for one or two ho-ses, good as new. Harney Street Stablen. (1D-M6S7 HAY, $9 per ton. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. (1D-MC14 7-YEAR-OLD driving horse and runabout; 2 family phaetens; S runabouts and other livery paraphernalia. Myers' Douglas St stable. 1114-16 Douglas Tel. Doug. 1032. (1D-714 7x 1.200-POUND gentle horse. 1318 8. 15th St t (11) 890 6x FOR SALE Family horse, harness and buggy. Inquire 1131 No. 17th St. (ll)-SSO lOx HAND-MADE, . ball-bearing, pneumntio runabout, cost $260: used but a few times; cheap. 638 Bee Bldg. (1D-M134 Vx FOR SALF. Good driving horse, harnoss, runabout and surrey, either together or separate. Waller Display Co., 1311 Douglaa (11) U201 7 FINE, amall aaddle horse; single-footer; kind and gentle, paces In harness; also open bicycle-wheeled Simpson buggy and harness. 1808 Harney. (11) 37 7x GOOD HOKSE Cheap. $26; one set work harness, $10; 2410 Decatur. (16) M301 7 Poultry aad Eggs. RHODE ISLAND RED eggs. Martin. 2801 Indiana Ave. TeL Harney 1809, (1D-601 TEN THOUSAND Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for sale; Bradley Bros, and Judge Norval atock; $1 per 16; $4 per 100. Aye Bros., Blair, Neb. (11) M769 Mllx OUR handsome -tiluxtrated poultry book Is free to all who will write and ask for It telling where they saw this ad. A valu able book for every poultry man; Su.OuO printed. Addreaa Harris Poultry Co., Clay Center, Neb. (11) 863 Muy28x CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Feed is the only original dry chick feed. Use this only and save all young chickens. On e used always used. Stewart's Seed Store, 119 N 16tn Bt.. sole agents ror me city. (1D-M942 Myll Gov't squab book free. Model Co., D. 6601. (1D-M674 Myai ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds; best eaatern stock, a good color; eggs. $1.75 per 15 Mrs. James H. Halp ne, Ji Center Bt. Tel. Harney 368. (11) M736 Mylex BUY Barred Plymouth eggs of W. T. Clay, Council Bluffs. Ia., a breeder. $T5 cock erels. UD-M-68 M16 DUSTON'8 White Wysndottes, pure bred. evtm II 60 for 15. SWor 100. Forest Lawn Wyandotte Yards, Florence. Neb. Tele phone Florence 1083 (1D-M302 June6 10 HOMER pigeons, $7. Address N 21f, Bee. (1D-679 8. C WHITE Leghorns; good aa the best; eegs $1-60 tier 15. Lundstrom, N. W. Cor. 2i,ih and Caldwell. (1D-M115 lix Cows, Dlrda, Dog , aad Peta. OOOD cow for sale. 2321 Hickory. (1D-M887 lOx FOR BALE Pure bred' male collie pups, eligible to register, frcm trained atock; black, tan. white. Tboa McCune, Ver mlllon, B. TV (lP-M-WS 7x LOST AND FOUND SUNDAY Ladle' gold watch and chste- lain between Wth and Farnam and Vln- ton ball Jrk- R m arnam. - " LOST AND FOUND (Continued.) ATRIL 1. ladles' gold watch, Elgin move ment, dlnmond set In back. Liberal re ward for return to 917 P. Main St., Coun cil Bluffe. Ia. (12)-MS73 10 LOST Small Jeweled fraternity pin, back engraved "L E. Ranck. la. Beta;" liberal raward for return.- tee onice. (12-M74J F74S I Miss V. lY-voT-Onal stickpin. Return to Hughes, alteration room, Hrandcts'. Re ward. (H 251 STRAYED Black Mare, from J015 Cuming St.; lump on left .front leg. Reward for return to John Lewis, 2016 Cuming. (121278 7g GOLD CROSS. Return to Nellie A. Wick ham. 19 Scott St., Council Bluffs. In for reward. (12)-M328 IS MEDICAL BEST rfrve bracer for men. "Grny'i Nervt Food .VIM," $1 box, postpaid. Shsrman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha (13V-13S PRIVATE home during confinement, ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. (130222 DR. PRIES, specialist, disease of women. 30 years' practice In contlnemente. OfHce, 614 N. 16th; residence, 2421 Charles, Omaha. (lir J40 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or writ to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 1K24 N. 24tn St.. Omaha. Neb. (12) Mlot FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or nlsht. (13 129 MRS. OARDEI.S, private confinement home; babies cared for. sri N wth t Tel. Red riO. (131-M2 J6x 7 MONEY TO LOAN ALARY A.D CHATTELS. MONEY LOANED 8ALARIED PEOPLE and others, without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. ToV man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. (141-144 WE HELP OUT VITH CASH Some people help you by their Influence, some by their aivice, but very few with the loan of money. The "Omaha Mortgage" helps you out 1 with the ready cash on ahort notice In a ' PRIVATE, CONFIDENTIAL way. We advance any sum $10 to $200 at a low, reasonable cost something you can afford to pay. A-claim on your household good, pianos. horses, etc., will answer until the debt is paid. 15 YEARS ESTABLISHED. WE RE RELIABLE. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. (14)-141 E7 MONEY . TO BORROW - TO PAY BACK In payments to suit your convenience, at ratea that honest people can afford to pay. Salary, chattel -or any good security. EASY LOAN CO., TEL. DOUG. 1980, Room 20, Frenser Blk., 16th and Dodge Sts. (14) 672MI CHATTEL salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. (10-1 U FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 623 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 746. 04) 146 UNION LOAN COMPANY. ,lw PRIVATE BANKERS, B- Bid will make a special rate on collateral loans, mortgages on personal property and notes, without security. Terms to suit 'Phone Douglaa 2904. (14) M680 MS Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy 10 get; no red tape. You get money same aay asKta ror at small cjh Open evenings till 7. (14) 143 lriTnwiTlTD w ii. ...k -y i Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Bill i EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Rellabte. accoml mods ting:- all business confidential. 1301) Douglas. (14) 1W ;I DR. PRIBBENOW8 MONET loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc., in any amount; less than half rates; perfect privacy; immediate atten tion; any terms wanted; payment sus pended when sick or out of work. 214 Karbuch Blk, 209 8. 15th St. (14) 148 OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlna" and Rooma. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooma; cafe. (15) 162 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. 13th I (16) 164 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, with or without board. Ogden hotel, Council Bluffe, la. (16) M600 My29x FURNISHED outalde rooms; board; rea sonable. 'Lange hotel, 13th and Jackson. (16) 793 01 ONE aouth room, Harney 2420. with board. 'Phon . (16) M96S JuneJx FURNISHED ROOMS; modern, excellent table. 310 S. 26th. 'Phone Harney VJ. (15) 248 7x NICELY furnished rooma. with board ratea reasonable 710 S. 18th St. (161-240 lix NICELY furnished rooms, good board; rates reasonable. The Rose, 2020 Harney. (16)-219 My26x Faralshed Rooms. NICE, clean, well-furnished, well-heated outside room; house strictly modern. 240) Harney St. (16) Its NICE front room, with bath. 2033 Harnoy St. (16) M20u MODERN furnished rooma. 77?I Tarnam. (161-634 M27x MODERN furnished rooms for rent. 211 No. 26th St. (16)-M727 tz NICELY arranged! 4-room light basement, large pantry, two closets, city water In kitchen' no children. 9u9 S. 27th St. (16 M780 x NICELY furnished front room and alcove. 847 & 24tt St (16) 703 7 LARGE, beautiful, modern rooms, en suite If desired; ftrtt-clats family. 1919 Cask. (15)-MtKi7 7x I NICELY furnished room. new. modern houae on Park Ave., near Leavenworth. strictly private family, gentlemen pre ferred. 'Phone Harney 716. (16) Wl Sx NICE comfortable room In new modern house, walking distance, with small fam ily of adults; rent reasonable. 816 N. 2iith. 'Phone Red 6163. (15) 820 tx TWO nicely furnlahed rooms, modern: tele- phone. 646 S. 2lth Ave, (15-&17 J2 NICELY FURNISHED front parlor for permanent couije; light housekeeping pr v.lec. modtr.i I ou e In goo 1 nelrtao - iioua, wiimn warning aiaiancu. 2.1,8 Douc. ' las. (16) Mi; 13x NICELY furnished parlor. 410 8. 24th 6 Ith St (15) URGE front room, with adjoining bad I room, $6. 218 N. 18th St. . (1R)-MK14 lOx 7 ' FRONT rooma. very desirable. 3105 Iav enworth Bt. (16)-M168 lix FOR RENT Rooms, furnished or unfur nished, at 2721 Jackson. 'Phone Harney 2718. (15)-M146 11 PARTIES desiring cool, pleasant rooms In v Hanscom park district furnished or un furnished. 1525 8. With St (lu MUs) lix FRONT alcove room, cloaet: newly fur nished, modern; also single room; private family; rent reasonable. 60S 8. 2,Mh Ave. 'l'ho:ie Taylor tM. (16) Ma9t 7x FURNISH ED room, suitable for gentleman or lady, board next door. 'Phone Harney 96- (16)-Mmo 11 TWO elegant rooma. convenient ' to depot and wholesale district ibJ aV tlth St. 1J Mill g