Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1907, Image 1

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    The .Omaha Daily Bee
United Railways Oompany Fakes flo At
tempt to Give Bervioe,
Iffrrt to Enn Can Will Probably be Made
Electrical Workers May 8triks to Aid
Nearly All tha Bis Laundries aia
Idle Mar or and Governor Bar
They Will Preserve
BAN FRANCISCO. May 6. The labor slt
uatlqn In San Francisco today showed no
chenaa from veaterdav. The street care
were not running, the telephone service
was badly crippled, thousands of Iron
workers were still holding out for an eight
hour day and nearly all of the big; laun
dries were Idle. No attempt to run cars
was made today. Conditions were made
more serloun by the virtual suspension of
telephone service.
The United Railroads comrany has
row a number of men quartered In
Its barns In different sections of the
city; and at some of them have ar
ranged for the protection of the men
as well as for their accommodation. Provi
sions of all kinds have been stored In
these strongholds and appliances for cook
ing meals for the men have been provided.
From the preparations already made It Is
evident that the company Intends to run
cars at first on the main streets covered
by the system, and that no attempt will
be made to operate minor lines.
In an effort to bring about a peaceful
settlement of the strike a committee of
the Civic league called upon President
Calhourt last night and urged him to sub
mit the "fferences between, the company
and the onion to arbitration. The reply
received waa that the cars would soon be
running again and the committee was
urged to see that no opposition waa offered
to their peaceful operation.
Notices have been posted In all the car
bams of the city that all employes will be
expected ti report for duty on Tuesday
morning or consider themselves discharged.
The situation so far has been very peace
ful and there are no. Indications of Im
pending trouble. At the same time every
preparation Is being taken by the state
and civic authorities to "prevent any breach
of the peace. '
Electricians Walt.
After an exciting meeting lasting four
hours the Electrical Workers' union, line
men, No. 161, yesterday railed to reach on
agreement on a proposition to strike In
sympathy with the telephone girls. '
A compromise was effected w.iereby
definite action was postponed Kutll the ex
ecutive committee shl haw - conferred
with the officials of the telephone com
pany, when the company will ba Informed
that unless theunlon of the-girts 1s recog
nised, linemen and electricians will walk
out. The company Is succeeding In giving
a little better service than It waa able to
do during the first days of the strike, au4
the claim Is made that It will be able to
hold its position until the striking opera
tors return to their posts.
Bo far the tatter show no signs of giv
ing in and their demands are firmly main
tained. With the assistance of the line-
men, should they finally dc!d4 to do I
so. tney nope to mass tne sirix . more er-
foctlv. The Iron workers' strike shows
no Changs. The men still hold out for
t'jelr demand. No violence is reported.
Msny of the leading saloon men are In
favor of .closing alt saloons during the
continuance . of the strike and may ask
the mayor to do so.
Union Ha Longer Recognised.
That President Calhoun of the United
Railroads no longer recognises the local car
men's union and that hls,?ttltuds Is final
was the statement made today by bis as
sistant, Thornell Mullaly. Asked whether
the oompany would receive and confer with
a committee of the 'strikers, if it came as
representative of tha men, as Ind:idual8,
Mr. Mullaly said:
"Tea, but no committee representing the
local union will bs recognised. The com
pany has no quarrel with unionism as a
principle, nor Is it opposed to organised
labor as a body, but it has dona with the
local oarmen's union. That union has twice
broken faith with ths oompany, and has
sslaed many opportunities to annoy and
harrasa ths company prior to presenting
ths unreasonable Impossible demand form
ulated within two months after ths
railroads had granted an increaas of SO per
cent In wages."
Mayor Schmlts said that he had issued
orders to Chtof of Police Dlnan that peace
and order must be maintained at any cost,
and that persons carrying arms are to be
arrested, without respect to which side in
ths controversy they represent. He said
ha would not permit policemen to act, as
motormen or conductors or to ride on ths
cars as guards, his observation being that
police on cars at such a time as this tend
to excite violence.
Nothing approaching violence has marked
the strike thus far. The publlo either
walks or Is hauled about In all manner of
vehicles. 25 centa being ths usual fare
charged. Chauffeurs are reaping a rich
harveat at 15 per hour.
nff, ANaELE8' 0,1 MaT -ovor;conaumer ,jons other lines whers a slm-
Gillette, who has been In Los Angeles since
last Baturday, was saked today what of
ficial action he Vuld take In reference
to the San Francisco strike situation in
the event of disturbances taking placs
there. The governor's reply was guarded
but at the same time he left no doubt that
If necessary he would take measures to
preserve law and order In Ban Francisco.
Ics Falls aa Large as Hens' Ea
Cover the Graaad at
Cms v Ills, Mo.
CASSVILLE. Mo.. May t.-uile Beeson.
16 years old. daughter of a farmer living
t near Caasviua, was rendered unconscious
.today by falling hail and may die. At a
late hour tonight ehe was still unconscious.
The liaiistorm was the most destructive
ever known In Harry county. Ice balls aa
l- r-e as hen's rgv fell to a depth of two
Inches. In C Seville windows with west
exposure all are broken, trees are stripped
t-iliio Ul ecss aca froaUj rmufsit.
Tuesday, Mar T, lOT.
1907 MAY 1907
sua mom nit wio rati mi T
X $ I 2 3-4
5 6 7 8 9 10 II
12 13 14 15 10 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
20 27 28 29 30 31 1
cloudy Tuesduy; showers in east portion;
warmer In southeast portion. Wednesday
what cooler. Wednesday fair and warmer.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Hour. Deg. Hour.
t a. m 46 1 p. m
i a. m 46 ! p. m
7 a. m 47 3 p. m
8 a. m 48 4 p. m ,
9 a. m 53 5 D. m
::::::: K
to a. m W p. m..
11 m 66 7 p. m..
12 m 67 g p. m..
9 p. m..
Judge Wood hears argument on motion
of defense for bill of particulars in the
Haywood case at Boise. fags 1
San Francisco street cars -are Idle be
cause of strike, but company expects to
operate them Tuesday. Fags 1
Dr. John Watson, Ian Maclaren. dies
at Mount Pleasant, la. Fags 1
East Indian government declares that
political agitators must not be permitted
to operate in schools supported by the
government; outbreak at Rawalpindi Is
anti-Christian as well as anti-European.
Fags 3
Mrs. Herman Boche, wife of slnyer of
Frank Jarman, is seriously HI at Norfolk.
Fags 3
Burglars rob Alda postofflce, but leave
all stamps and money orders. Fags 3
Grading contract let and work to com
mence at once on the Omaha & Nebraska
Central lnterurban road. Fage 3
State Board of Assessment holds Its
first meeting and re-elects George D. Ben
nett secretary. Railroad hearings com
mence today. Lincoln Commercial club
flies complaint with Interstate Commerce
commission of discrimination in freight
rates against that city and in favor of
Omaha. Fags 3
International tuberculosis congress Is in
session. Fags 8
Postal department complains that con
tractors are too slow in delivering sup
plies and articles may be purchased In
open market. Fage I
Secretary Wilson says damage to wheat
crop by green bugs and weather condi
tions have been greatly exaggerated. He
predicts normal crop of both wheat and
corn. Fags 1
Small strike in Armour's packing plant
results in about 300 men walking out,
but trouble is settled later in the day and
the men are to return to their work In
the morning. Fage 1
City Engineer Rosewater says business
men should get together and take the
Initiative to have the streets in the busi
ness district resurfaced with asphalt.'
Fags 1
V. A. Nash, president Of tha Omaha
Electric Light and Power company, says
Omaha furnishes power to manufacturers
as cheap as any other city in the :oumry
and statements to the contrary are mis
representation. Fags T
Mayor Dahlman's order that unmussled
dogs found on the streets be shot is
obeyed and several canines running at
large are shot by policemen. Fags IS
Home notes and social gossip. Painful
processes and operations to which some
women submit in the quest for beauty of
face form
Fags 6
ptnk BUr ,a rftnk outsider, wins the
! thirty-third renewal of the Kentucky
derby. Fags
Results of the ball games
t Omaha vs. Lincoln 0.
9 Des Moines vs. Sioux City 4.
R Chicago vs. Cleveland S.
6 Milwaukee vs. Indianapolis 1.
8 Toledo vs. Minneapolis 2.
oomtxmciAXj aztd nrsuiTxiAXh
Grain markets. Fags
Live stock markets. Page
Stocks and bonds. Fags
GENOA .......
..V.a.rl.nd ..
. . Mlnnnapolta
Numtdlan ...
. Kroonland.
.R. D-Italia.
! Sicilian.
Frlncaaa Alice.
. Amaiika ..
. Zaaland
.Philadelphia Batnland.
. K. Itor OrMM.
.Neapolitan Prloca
KcrrTKHDAM ...uvonla Koroan.
NAPLES Sicilian Prloca...
NAPLES Calabria
1'aloa, Paclfle Officials Warn Small
Dealers to Lay la Stock
Daring- Summer.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., May 1 "I look for
a greater coal famine next year than ever
before and the Union ' Pacific, which has
always taken care of the people along its
lines, will no longer be able to do so on
aocount of tha Hepburn bill," Is a statement
attributed today to W. L. Park, general
superintendent of the Union Pacific rail
road. "The small dealers," Mr. Park is .further
reported to have said, "have. In a way,
depended upon the railway supply of coal
to help them out. and unless they store
their own coal during the coming summer
. V. ... fl famlna In th 4 . r-i .
liar arrangement has been maintained by
coal carriers will meet the same emergency.
The Union Pacific will store coal as usual
this summer, but will have none to sell."
Oovoiamont Alleges Tkat Rocko-
feUer'a Reply to Onster Salt
la Insufficient.
8T. LOUI8. May t Ths government to
day filed in the United States circuit
court a replication, formally replying to
ths answer of the Standard Oil company,
John D. Rockefeller and other defendants
to the government's suit to outlaw the
Standard Oil "ompany. The replication
merely alleges ths answer of the defend
ants Is uncertain, evasive and Insufficient.
Jewell P. Llghtfoot, assistant attorney
general of Texas, la In 8t. Louis and will
attend ths taking of depositions by the de
fendants In the Texas suit to oust the
Standard Oil company from that state.
Mr. Llghtfoot came hers from New York
whers he took, the depositions ot several
BeoreUrr Bays Tamaee to Wheat by Green
bues ii Qreatly Exaggerated.
Delay Will Sot Prevent Nominal
Crop la These States Lit
tle Caase for Com
plaint. CHICAGO, May 6. -The reports of dam
age to the ' crops which have been so
numerous of late, owing to the unseason
able weather and the ravages of bugs, havo
been greatly exaggerated, according to
James Wilson, secretary of agriculture, who
la In Chicago tonight.
"Spring seeding is a little backward,"
said Mr. Wilson, "on account of the cold
weather, but there Is plenty of time be
tween now and the last of September to
grow a crop of all kinds of grain. In Min
nesota and the Dakotas, where we get most
of our spring wheat, seeding has been
delayed about two weeks, but with a few
days of warm sunshine planting will be
in full swing. While the weather has been j
unseasonably cold In some districts. It has ; The system absorbed pus and In twenty
not been severe enough to retard plowing, j four hours developed serious symptoms,
and my advices are that the ground In j The physicians regarded the case as crlt
these states has been nearly all made ready j ral, but hoped to stem the tide of the dls
to receive the seed. We will have warm j case. Blood poisoning set In and on Sat
weather In a few days now and I don't urday other abscesses started to form In
see what Is to prevent a normal crop of j the left ear and throat. The patient's con
spring wheat In these states. j dltion was aggravated by a bad attack
"As regards the Canadian northwest, the i of rheumatism. This morning the phy
clalms being made that this year's harvest ! slolans sent for a Chicago specialist, who
will be seriously diminished may have some j arrived this afternoon. Dr. Watson's end
foundation. According to what I consider i was sudden and unexpected and was haa
nuthentlc advices from that section the j tened by a weak heart. His wife, who was
weather has been so cold that plowing has his constant companion In his last Illness,
been almost Impossible. In past years the j ift the room at U o'clock this morning.
Canadian farmer has generally loft his j phe was gone about fifteen minutes and on
plowing for the spring, and this year he . returning found her husband lifeless,
finds himself in a bad predicament. In a Mount Pleasant Is the sent of Iowa Wee
normal year seeding would be about half i teyan university, where Dr. Watson was to
finished In Manitoba and adjoining prov- ( deliver a lecture. His demise took place
lnces. but I am told that today the farmers j at the Braselton hotel, to which place he
there have not got tne grouna reaay lor i
receiving the seed, even if the weather
was favorable for this work. However,
such a condition In the Canadian northwest
wilt not make a great deal of difference
when this year's crop is harvested. The
Canadian former grows but a small pro
poitlon of the total crop of wheat and
I am of the opinion that the deficiency
there, if there! be any, will hardly be
noticed when harvesting throughout the j
world has been completed.
Dnmasre hr Unas Esasrsrerated.
"In the southwest there have been num.
erous calls for the past three weeks of
damage being wrought by green bugs.
These reports of damage to the winter I
wheat have been grossly exaggerated. I
-n. In n .wt-IMrtM whan T rat aa trnnA In.
, .. , , . ,K i
formatlon as anybody regarding the grow-
lng crops. While I have had many reports j
about the green bug. the damage wrought !
by these Insects has been local In every
Instance and there has not been any gen- .
eral attack by-this pest a3 some people ;
are endeavoring to make It appear. From , snail consist or delegates from and elected
. , . .... . ., v, i by the divisional oounclls.
my knowledge of the southwest, where so I FurthERch provincial council shall be
muoh of our winter wheat is grown, the entitled to two representatives to the dl
advlces at hand lead me to believe that : visional council, a Chinese and a foreigner,
that district will have Ua usual crop this j 1uthlc"anntndimlonal two for l'm com
year. This applies to oats and corn us Fifth The representative counit shall
well as wheat. The croo as a whole may ' have power to act as tha representatives
be delayed somewhat, in ripening... but not ! ?f- th, en,tlre missionary body in recelv-
u - ; lng and forwarding any communications
enough to cause any apprehension. ; to or from tne chnese government.
,Corn will suffer most, as plowing for this After Dr Ament.B propt)8t,on had been
crop has been delayed considerably but 1 1 dlscul!lled a committee W1U, appointed to
I see no cause for apprehension. There . draft . gcheme fw federatlon of .
'?a.! J" ST"" .na under provincial
ooservauon can nuw mm im m
my life saw better prospects than those of
the present In that part of the country.
Taken as a whole I see no cause for com
plaint and I think ' it ' will be found by
threshing time that all this cry of crop
damage has been made for a purpose.
Views of Kansas City Experts.
KANSAS CITY. May 8.-T. J. Broadnax
of the Kansas City Board of Trade said
"There seems to be a difference of opin
ion among the dealers as to damage to
crops In this part of the southwest as a
result of the recent cold rains and freezing
weather. The opinion predominates that
the grain has not suffered as much as re
ported. It will be a week before anything
definite Is known."
Roger Woodman of the Price Current
said today:
"There Is not much in the stories of re
ported crop damage In the southwest."
G. V. Black of the Midland Elevator com
pany, who returned today from a trip
through the Kansas fields, said: "I do
not believe there has been any great dam
age to the wheat crop in Kansas. Reports
from our agents in northern Kansas show I
that while wheat has not made progress
In the last week it has not depreciated
any, and I think that with a few days of
warm weather now the crop will show
great Improvement. We have received no
reports of damage by bugs In the northern
half of the state.
"In southern Kansas rains In the last
week have very materially Improved the
condition of the crops, and the prediction Is
general that Kansas will produce aa large
a crop as last year. Only one report, that
In the northern part of the state. Indicates
any damage by frosts."
Spring; Wheat Backward.
ST. PAUL. May t While crop conditions
In the northwest are backward, so far as
seeding is concerned, on account of the late
cold weather, the condition Is by no means
hopeless, according to reports received In
the cron reporting department of the
Northern Pacific railroad. These latest ad- I
vices Indicate that seeding Is two or three
weeks later than a year ago and it is esti
mated that 10 to 10 per cent of the seeding
hss been completed. Comparing the prog
ress made by the farmers this year with
that of last year is no indication that this
Is an unusually backward season, as the
seeding a year ago waa finished at the un
ususlly early period of May 1. 60 far
this year the ground has frosen nearly
every night, making plowing very difficult,
but there is still plenty of- time to ' get
the wheat seeding done If no more ex
treme cold weather interferes. Wheat seed
ing may continue to May IS with the as
surance of the usual crop. Whatever land
la left after that will have to be devoted
to flax and other grains. The abundance
of snow on the ground and the late mois
ture is looked upon aa a benefit rather
than a hindrance.
A special to the Associated Press from
Mlnot. N. t.. says: Owing to the pre
vailing cold weather little seeding has tecn
done la northwestern Dakota, but no
alarm has been felt by farmers. Con
siderable snow ia reported on the ground
near Kenmare Bowels and the territory
north. Farmers say May 20 Is early enough
for the crop to be In.
A special from another correspondent In
Grand Forks. N. D., says: Seeding con.
OpaUau4 aa ffeooud. fa--!
"Ian MrLnren" Pni Away ia Iowa
as Resnlt of nioo
BURLINGTON. Ia.. May . Dr. John
Watson (Ian McLaren) died at 11:18 a. m.
today at Mount Fleasnnt, Ia. The cause
was blood poisoning from tonsilltis. He
was taken ill at Mount Pleasant April 25.
Dr. Watson was born In 1850 at Manning
tree, Essex, studied at Edinburgh univer
sity. New college and Tubingen. He waa
licensed by the Free Church of Scotland
In 1874. ordained In 1875 and In 1KSO went to
i Liverpool as pastor of a church. T Is
most widely known as a writer o ya
descriptive of 8cotch life and j, .
although he has written much "'.iis
themes. In 1906 he gave the J VV j. .cher
lectures before the Yale .-vschool.
He was on a lecturing . stricken
with fatal illness.
Dr. Watson came f unt Pleasant
April 23 from Mir y.Jo deliver a lec
ture to the studt x .ne Iowa Wesleyan
university. Bnroui ..e became 111 and
was compelled to cancel the date. The Ill
ness, which was declared to be tonsilltis,
progressed rapidly. Last Monday and
Tuesday the patient waa able to be about
and transacted some business. Wednes-
day an abscess formed on the right ear.
had been taken from the train,
Conference In Chlaa Discusses Scheme
for Federation of Protestant
SHANGHAI, May 6. The missionary con-
ference at today's session discussed the In-
fluence of missionary work In promoting
the reunion of the Church of Christ and
recommended that all the Chinese churches
use a brief form of prayer for China.
The Rev. Dr. W. 8. Ament. chairman
of the national committee on federating
the churches, propsed the following lines
I of procedure:
First The formation of provincial coun-
c8 , eyery provlnce of empire, in
which every mission bo represented.
Second The formation of four divisional TVSyST
ThirH n. fnmminn f i-on.
resentatlve council, the members of which I
an(1 national councils.
Boston Court Will Issue Temporary
Order Against Striking; Drivers
BOSTON, May 6.-Judge Lorlng in the
supreme judicial court .'announced today
that he would issue a temporary injunction
tomorrow against the officers and members
of the local teamsters' union restraining
them from certain acts in connection with
the strike now In progress against teaming
flrma. Judge Lorlng said he would enjoin
! the officers and members against commit-
ting assaults, cutting ropes and harness,
from taunting persons In the streets and
the expenditure of union money for the
payment of the fares of passengers out
of town, or for any purpose whatever in
connection with the strike. The Judge
said he was actuated in reaching his de
cision becauss he found that the union waa
not seeking to discourage assaults.
Governor Hughes Approves Law
Limiting; Honrs of Work la
New York.
ALBANY. N. Y., May ".-Governor
Hughes has approved the Page child labor
bill, desired by the child labor committees
and the Consumers' league.
It provides that no minor under It years
of age shall be employed or permitted to
work In any factory In this state before
8 a. m. or after 6 p. m., or more than eight
hours In any one day. The permitted hours ; tons. The only car available for Its trans
are now a. m. to 7 p. m. and a nine-hour j portatlon la thirty-six feet long, and It
day Is permitted. The act will not take
effect until January L 1908.
The Annual
Real Estate and Farm Number
This issue will' contain a larger
list of homes, unimproved property,
acreage and farm lands than ever
before published by any Omaha
newspaper. This edition will be In
valuable to anyone Interested In rul
estate, whether buyer or seller.
Xf 70a have money to Invest in real
estate, yoa cannot afford to miss
tnis edition. Watch for It.
Special features and articles on the
real estate situation in Omaha, rioutli
Omaha and Council Bluffs, and on
farm land as well, will appt-ar In this
edition written by prominent au
thorities on these subjects.
Tlie large amount of real estate ad
vertising In tills addition will com
prise practically a complete Hat of
property for sale In this community
and It will be eagerly watched for by
every prospective purchaser.
Don't fail to let It contain your list
of properties.
People when reading this edition,
will have real estate iipi-ermoKt in
their minds. It is to the ln'er'st of
every cue hiving' ral estate for sale
to te crt-illt;-hly r"prs.'iit-d wall 111)
very strongest ad of ths year.
Call Dooglaa 334 and our advertis
ing snaa wtU cadi.
About Three Hundred Men Quit at Ar
mour's on temand for In ore I ay.
Men Retara to Work In the Mornlna;
Bat There are' Rumors of Demands
From the Men la Other
Just 880 men walked out from the Armour
I packing house Monday noon and refused to
i return to work unless their demands for
! better wages were met. Ths same number
is threatening to quit at Cudahy's. The
complaints of the strikers vary in the dif
ferent departments, but all complain on
the matter of wages. It Is said the car
repairers were cutt X cents a day some
time ago. but that was restored.
Those striking were members of the car
repairing department, Uie track repairers,
the lard refiners and the workers In the
malt house.
It Is reported the strikers working In the
packing houses did not receive a raise when
other employes were given an advance a
week ago and they are now insisting that
they be treated In a like manner with the
other employes.
At 2 o'clock Monday afternoon the car
repairers were In conference with Manager
Howe of the Armour plant In his office
making their demands for increase In pay
and It was later stated an agreement had
been reached.
No disturbances attended the walking
out of the men from the Armour plant,
although quite a crowd gathered near the
Cudahy plant at noon, but whVn ordered
to move on by the policeman on the beat
they moved their headqunrters to a vacant
lot south of the Cudahy offices, where
they held a conference.
Situation Materially Improves.
With the assurance that the car repair
ers are to return to work this morning at
Armour's plant, the threatened strike as
sumes a milder aspect. The men and boys
In the lard refinery. It is thought, will re
turn to work under promise of an examina
tion Into their case. It Is rumored that the
dry salt cellars will be heard from today,
but so far this is only rumor. If these
men decide on a strike the difficulty will
be considerably complicated.
Aside from the number of men who vol
untarily walked out the packers are said
to be doing a little discharging, on their
own account. It is stated that a watch has
been kept on the working gangs to see
who was doing a fair amount of work for
the wages paid and many loafers have
been found. It Is said that about thirty
out of 100 wore found to be doing as
little as the vigilance of the foremen would
permit. The worst cases of Idling were
summarily dealt with, and the result Is
sold to have caused the releasing of about
100 men in the plant. They allied them
selves with the strikers yesterday. Mr.
Howe said that the street rumors were
exaggerated concerning the number of men
out. But a glance at the large crowd wfia
were waiting yesterday for their tlmS
checks shows that several hundred men
were out.
Kewton's BUI Inteadla to Make It
More Responsive ' to Public
Will Arouses Debate.
LONDON. May 8. The discussion In the
House of Lords this evening was devotid
to Lord Newton's bill proposing the re
construction of the house on a partly
elective basis. He seeks to remove the
excessive preponderance of hereditary
peers by stipulating . qualification through
service to the state or previous election
and he provides for a certain number
of peers and for the nomination by the
crown of Ufa peers, these not to exceed
100 in number.
The house as well aa the galleries of
the Peeresses was thronged, showing the
interest aroused by the conservative pro
posal to anticipate government action and
the possibility of the debate provoking a
statement of the intentions of the govern-
I ment. This, however, did not come to pass,
I the earl of Crewe, lord president of the
council, speaking on behalf of the govern
ment, declining to have anything to do
with Lord Newton's proposal. He gave no
hint of the government's plans, although
his crypUc utterances conveyed the Idea
that the government contemplated a some
what drastic measure.
Quarrymea Prepare a Shaft to
Erected at Sault Ste.
BRANFORD, Conn., May 6. The obelisk
which will be set up to commemorate the
opening of the Sault Ste. Marie canal has
' been completed at one of the local quarries
and is now ready for shipment,
The shaft is of hammered Stoney Creek
red granite, is forty-five feet long, five feet
five Inches square at the foot, tapering to
a dimension of one foot square and then
i finished to a point, and weighs about sixty
will be necessary to mount a bed on swlv
I CIS to carry ma snau miu iv bi'uw lur
I the sway of ths shaft as the train rounds
I curves. When tha question of routing the
shaft waa figured out several traffic men
had to give up the task, aa they were not
certain that all the bridges on their
1 respective lines were capable of sustaining
the enormous weight of the car and Its
I load.
Last of Special Trains Carrylns;
Delesjattons From East
Reaches Los Angeles.
LOS ANGELES. Cal., May -Under
auspicious circumstances the thirty-third
I annual session of the imperial council,
i Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, will begin
I tomorrow morning. Thousands of shrlners
from all parts of the country are In at
tendance. The last of the special trains
carrying delegations from eastern cities
arrived tonight.
According to the registration bureau at
general headquarters Los Angeles now
shelters over 80,000 strangers.
The only office for which a contest is
possible is that of imperial outer guard.
Among the delegates mentioned for the
place are Henry F. Neldrlnghaus, Jr., of
St. I.ouls and Elias J. Jacoby of Intlanap
oils. Frank C. Roundy of Chicago will
succeed Alvan P. Clayton in the office of
Imperial potentate, and ths other officers
Qvl tha council will be advaoo4 00 Assts
Secretary Wilson Meets Chief
Chlrasro to Disease Kew
Meat Laws.
CHICAGO, May o.-8ccretary of Agricul
ture Wilson today met in this city the
chief meat Inspector of every large city in
the country for the purpose ot conferring
on the practical application of the nea
meat laws to the slaughtering and packing
The Inspectors, numbering about 150, met
the secretary at tha Auditorium hotel and
proceeded to the Union Stock yards, where
the conference, which is to continue for
three days. Is being held.
The yards and the packing houses were
first Inspected and nn executive meeting
was then held, at which the phases of the
law were discussed. Dr. A D. Melvln,
chief of the bureau of animal Industry,
delivered an address later In the day. He
stated that on July 1, 1906, there wore en
gaged In meat inspection at 163 establish
ments 764 employes. There are now 2.02?
employes at 6K9 establishment. Thre have
been granted to retail dealers or butchers,
as provided for by the law, J.5M certifi
cates of exemption. Inspection has been
withdrawn. Dr. Melvln declares, from
forty-six official establishments, principally
because of failure to maintain a proper
standard of sanitation and In some cases
because of the use of prohibited preserva
tives. "The approximate cost," said Dr. Melvln.
"of the Inspection, as conducted at this
time, is: For cattle and calves, I cents
per head; for swlno, sheep and goats, 3
cents per head, and for the inspec-Jon of
meats received at official establishments
from other official establishments, one-half
of 1 mill per pound."
In conclusion. Dr. Melvln declared that
the bureau had received In a general way
the co-operation of the packers. The
greatest difficulty thus far had been the
attainment of cleanliness. Conditions were,
however. In his opinion, working steadily
for the better.
Developments Indicate He Wandered
Away and Died from
DOVER, Del., May Sv-The body of
Horace Marvin. Jr., which wns found on
Saturday lying In a pool of water less than
half a mile from where he was last seen
playing on March 4, was Interred today.
Prior to the funeral a coroner's Jury offi
cially Identified the body and authorised
an autopsy.
There Is much to make It appear that the
boy wandered away and fell exhausted
into tha pool on the marshes where his
body waa found. Physicians have decided
he did not drown. No mark of violence
were found on the body. The stomach was
empty and the child may either have been
frozen or starved to death.
The detectives are perplexed at the find
ing of the body so near to the Marvin
home and at a point which they had
walked over again and again.
It Is probable an Inquest into the death
of the Marvin boy will begin on Thursday.
Nearly 100 witnesses will be called to testify.
Including the members of Dr. Marvin's fam
ily, and tha deteotives who have been at
work on ths case. The coroner said tonight
an Inquiry into ths death of ths child would
bo most searching. "Ths Jury can be re
lied on," he said "to moke a thorough ex
amination of everybody who has been la
any way connected with the case. We wilt
have no loophole. We want to ascertain
bow the boy met death. The state Is more
than willing that we should cover every
detail, and will heartily co-operate with
As soon as he can arrange his affairs.
Dr. H. N. Marvin will sell his farm and
return to his former home at Sioux City,
I a,, taking the body of his child with him.
Men Charged With Conspiring to
Furnish Defective Materials for
Battleships on Trial.
PITTSBURG, Pa., May 6. The case of
James J. Dunn, Charles L. Close and Frank
L. Emmett, former employes of the Shelby
Steel Tube company of Greenville, charged
with conspiracy to defraud the United
States government In connection with In
stalling alleged defective tubes on the war
vessels Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Maryland,
Charleston, Nebraska, Minnesota, Vermont,
Washington and Tennessee, was called to
day In the United States district court.
One of the defendnnts, Frank L. Em
mett, pleaded guilty today and waived a
hearing. United States District Attorney
Dunkle explained that Emmett had turned
states evidence and some sensational testi
mony is expected to develop during the
The defendants are charged with furnish
ing defective boiler tubes to United States
naval vesrels from tha Greenville. Pa.,
milts of tha Shelby Steel Tube company by
! which the defendants were employed.
J Mr. Dunkle told the Jury of the clrcum
. stances of the case. Including the statement
that Emmett had arranged with the gov
I emment to plead guilty and turn states
S evidence and appear as a witness for the
prosecution. He stated that the Shelby
' Steel Tube company had been manufact
I urlng tubes for the navy since 1KSH, but
; that the conspiracy charged was entered
into In 1902, the defendants being superin-
tendent and assistant superintendents of
the Greenville mill of ths company.
Three Men Want Honor of Prealdlna;
Ovcr Presbyterian .General
COLUMBUS, O., May . So far there are
only three candidates mentioned for mod
erator of the General Assembly of the
Presbyterian church that meets here May
16. to continue ten days. Rev. E. H. Rob
erts of Ph'ladelphta, stated clerk of the
assembly, and Rev. Francis E. Marsten,
pastor of the New Bethany church of
New 'York, are avowed candidates. Ths
friends of Rev. F. F. Scovel, professor In
Wooster university, are quietly working in
his cause.
Kansas City Commissioners In Secret
Session Consider What
Bhoald Be Doae.
KANSAS CITY, May The police board
met in executive session at the mayor's
office today to talk over conditions in the
police department and arrange plans for
the offlolnl Investigation of the dfpnrtment
which Is to be made.
"I think we can do little at the meeting;,
except consider what should be done and
j agree upon a plan of procedure," said
Major Beaxdatejj
Attorneys for Defense File Motion for Bill
of Particulars,
State Does Not Want to DisoloM Eridetioa
in Advance of Trial.
Defense Pleads for Information as Matter
of Rieht.
Matter Is Taken I niter Advisement la
Afternoon Judge Wood Says He
Will Announce Decision 10
a. m. Wednesday.
BOISE, Ida.. May . Judge Fremont
Wood will on Wednesday next decide If on,
the eve of his trial for the murder of
former Governor Frank 8teunenberg Wil
liam Haywood Is entitled to receive at the
hands of the state a bill of particulars
specifying the overt acts charged against
him. The motion of the defense for this
disclosure of the case of the state was
argued at length today, and at the con
clusion of the discussion the court an
nounced that It would moke a decision at
the time stated.
The prisoner, under guard of Sheriff
Hodgln and two deputies, was brought Into
court for the argument, and Frank Rich
ardson of Denvor and Clarence Darrow of
Chicago pleaded In his behalf. Senator
Bornh alone spoke in behalf of the state.
lthough James H. Hnwley, his associate.
was in the court room when the proceed
ings began. The discussion, always ear
nest, was characterised at times by deep
feeling and dramatic Intensity.
Mr. Richardson, who opened the argu
ment, contended that the Indictment was
lacking particularity, that it left the de
fendants in the dark as to the nature of
the case to be presented against them, and
the defendants were entitled to a more
specific showing of the case. He submitted
an extended brief citing a great number of
authorities and precedenta In favor ot his
Mr. Borah In reply declared that the de
fense was seeking a disclosure of the proof
In the hands of the state rather than mors
perfect pleadings, and asserted that the
reports contained no single authority that
would support such a contention.
narrow Closes for Defense.
Mr. Dor row, who closed, the argument,
begin by saying that it waa the purpose
of the defense , to secure a disclosure of
the evidence in the hands of the pros
ecution, and asked why the defense was
not entitled to such a showing. He made
a spirited attack upon the attitude of the
prosecution toward its witnesses and evi
dence, describing It as mysterious, unfair
and unjust. He asserted that the only
question Involved was one of fairness and
justice to the accused; laid stress on ths
difficulty of securing testimony from dis
tant points and the danger to the defense
of "surprise" testimony, and passionately
asserted that ths rights of the prisoners
were as much in the hands of the pros
ecution as in the keeping of the defense-
In answer to Judge Wood Mr. Darrow
said that the defense was not ready to
go to trial, but Mr. Richardson interrupted
him to make the qualification that the de
fense was aa ready as It ever could ba
In the circumstances where the case of
the stats was withheld from It. He said
that In all other respects the defense was
Mr. Richardson, ' responding In brief to
the argument of Mr. Borah, said that the
counsel for the state mado no distinction
In bis arguments between the overt acta
which the state would seek to show
against the prisoners and the evidence by
which It would seek to show the commis
sion of the alleged overt acts. The de
fense wished to know what the overt acts
Mr. Borah closed the discussion with a
spirited speech in which he defended sec
recy In obtaining witnesses. Instancing ths
loss of two In Chicago yesterday, dls.
avowed a desire for any man's blood un
justly, and avowed the purpose of tha
state to do Its duty.
No Law for BUI.
The motion for ths bill of particulars re
cites the absence of the defendants from
Idaho at the time the crime was com
mitted and that the Indictments contains
no Information that would show ths overt
acts by which the state hopes to prove
the guilt of the accused.
When Mr. Richardson, counsel for ths
defense, had finished reading the motion.
Judge Wood interrupted to say:
"You know, Mr. Richardson, that our
stats has no statute providing for' a bill
of particulars In such cases."
"1 know that such is the case," replied
Mr. Richardson, "and I also know that
the supreme court of Idaho has bad its
attention directed to the subject but once.
Such a motion, however, as your honor
well knows, alwaya directs Itself to ths
sound discretion of the court."
Mr. Richardson again drew attention to
ths absence of Haywood from the state at
the time of the murder and argued that
bs waa entitled to the Information sought
by ths motion. He quoted and explained
a number of authorities in support of his
contention that under the general rules
of law the defendants are entitled to havn
particulars where Indictments do not
clearly set them, forth. The defendants
being out of the state at the time of the
crime, the prosecution must have evldouoe
to connect them by conspiracy or other
wise with the actual killing. This evldunca
the defendants were entitled to have in
order that they might prepare to meet It.
Indictment hot Plain.
Mr. Richardson declared that the Indict
ment did not charge either a specific con
spiracy or a general conspiracy and did
not show whether It was alleged that ths
! defendants bad conspired to murder only
Governor Steunenbetg or to murder a num
ber of persons. Tbe accused, ha said, was
therefore left in the dark.
The list of precedents and authorltlts
quoted scores of cuses, including the fam
ous cases of Tllton against Buecher, ths
people of New York against Tweed and the
Chicago anarcblat cases.
Mr. lilchatduon reviewed the only Idaho
precedent available and contended as to
the time of making the motion that it was
proper at any day before the trial. Ths
court asked if the case had not been ready
for trial about a year.
Mr. Richardson replied that nearly a year
ago the defense had demanded trial. Mr.
Richardson after a pause continued, saying
that Haywocd had Just drawn Ms attention
to the fact that last yeir the defense bad
been peremptorily refused permission to Ills
any pleading because of the appeal to ths
auvrama court ei tha UoJlod. Slates pea die.