Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Want - ads
AlTrlif nifnti for the wmIhi!
eolanaas will be taken nntll 13 tmw
the evmlaeT edition aed natll 9 . nt.
far the Moralag aad r edltlone.
Cask maat aorompaay a'1 ordere for
waat-ada aal no advertleemeat will
Va aMepted for leea lhaa lO eeata for
la flrat Ineertloa.
Ratea apply to cither Tfco Dally or
laadar Bee.
Alwaya coaat els worfi line.
Comalaalloai of Initiate or nnmbera
eennt oa oao word.
HEGl1,AIUT,SI!IFlCATI01i One -aertlen,
per Hoc, lf eents. Two or
mora oomeeratlve Insertloaa, per liar,
eeata. Eak Insertions mad oa odd
days, JO eeata par llae. 1.6 per llae
per aaoata.
advertisement i Diaerted aader anr
oao of tba classifications kItco below,
ft will be charted at the followln
ratest Oae Insertion, 4 eeata per
llae three to alx eonseeatlve Inser
tloaa, 8 eeate per line each laarrtlont
S eeata per llae each Inaertlon. K
eeata per line per month.
Kirept Agents, Solicitors ami
S aleamea.
Oowi, Blrda, Doas aad Peta.
Horace aad Vehlclea.
Paaltrr aad Egga.
Fare II are.
Planoa, Organa aad Maaleal In
trantmla. Typewriter aad Sowing Ma
chine. Miscall anaoas.
Faralahed Rooaia.
Unfnrnlahed Riwmt.
Hoaaekceplna; Room.
Roar dins' and Room.
Death and Faneral Notices, Tarda of
Thaaka and Lodge Notices, 7 eeata
per lino for one edition, morn Inn" or
even I nail 8 centa a line for each addl
tloaal edition. Sanday, ' lO eeata a
line. No ad takes for leaa thaa 30
Waat-ada for The Bee may he left I
at aay of the followlnar drag atorea
one la "roar coraer dmaalat" they
are all branch offlcea of The Bee and
yoar ad will be Inserted last aa
promptly and oa the aamo ratea as nt
the mala office la The Bee building;,
(eveateenth aad Farnam atreetai
Albech. W. C. 40th and Farnam.
Beranck, 8. A.. 1401 8. 16th St.
Becht'a Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th 6L
Benson Pharmacy. Benson. Neb.
Bemls Park Pharmacy, 38d and Cuming.
Blake's Pharmacy. 2816 Sherman Ave.
Cnughlin. C. R.. 6th and Pieroa St.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ave.
Crontn, J. B . 31st Ave. and Farnam.
Crlsiey Pharmacy. 24th and Lake.
Cermak, Emll. 164-6 8. 13th St.
Eastman Pharmacy. 4046 Hamilton,
tliler, F. 11. 2W3 Leavenworth.
Foster & Arnold!. 81.1 N. 25th SI.
Freytag. John J.. 1814 N. 24th St
Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy. 20th and Lake.
Green'a Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and
. Oreenough. O. A., 105 8. 10th St.
Greenough, O. A.. 10th and Hickory.
Hnyden. Wm. C. 2830 Fnrnam St.
Hanxcom Park Phar., 1501 8. 29th Are,
HnlKt, John, 624 North 16th St.
Hun!, A. L., 2W4 Leavenworth St.
King, H. S., Farnam 8t.
Kountte Place Pharmacy, 8304 N. 24th.
pHtrlck Drug Co.. 16204 N. 24th Bt,
Iithrnp. Chns. E.. 1324 N. 4th Bt
Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth.
Snratoga Drusr Co.. !4th mil tmu A vm
Srhnefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and
Pchaefer, August 2631 N. lth 8t
Schmidt. J. H., 24th and Cuming ta.
Storm Pharmacy. 18th and Martha 8ta.
Wa'nut Hill Pharmacy, 4nth and Cumin.
Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Grace Sts.
Wlrth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Bta.
WALL PAPER cleaned. Douglas 628S.
W M1B3
I'll IS CITT GARBAGE CO., office 4th and
ieavenworin Bta. hi. iouguta 1387.
SIGN PAINTING 8. U. Cola. 1302 Doua-laa
FOR iBALB Australian Wonder a grass
eea perreciiy naray in every respect
grows where bluegrass falls. Perfeot
velvet lawns guaranteed. Price. 30 cents
per pouna. ur. a. 11. Miller, p. o. Box
SU, Denver, Colo. (1) M99 10
OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka make a ana.
clulty of nre escapes, shutters, doors and
sales, u. Anareen, Prop., 102 s. luth St.
(D 102
1908 Thomaa Flyer, 40-H.-P., full equipment;
cost $1,760. now $1,800.
19U6 Pope Toledo, Type 7, top and full
equipment; cost H..oO. now $1,900.
! Reo. used 60 miles; cost $1.2M6. now $1,000.
IA4 Reo, top ard full equipment; coat IL.&0,
now ssuu.
1904 White eteamer; cost $2,500, now $700.
lina Ford. 16-H.-P.: cost $1,150. now $700.
Pope-Waverly Electrlo runabout. $M0 up.
1818 Farnam St
aUTOMOBILE, 2-cyllnder, 16-horse-power
runabout good as new, will trade for
rami estate
te. N. P. Dodge at Co.. 1714 m CAPITAL will etart you In the real es-Bt-
W MK4 im.a and Insurance business. Miiny earn
WRITE for list of bargains In second-hand
automobiles. redrickaon, laoz Cap, Ave.
(2) aiau Mix
.Sf'-i'i ''JX.
N. Y. lite. ui-miw ex
a'V" Oil a avti tJa T m W .. U.. nKMaua
mucks of voods, farm land or property of
any kind to exchange, write for our com
lets list We have properties and land.
n all Darts of the couitiy to exchange.
Our Uat la free. ' Bend for It st once.
Globe Land and Investment Co., 1822 Far
nam Bt. Oiiuoia, Neb. u iu
130 ACRES. miles from Bchell City, Ver
non county. Mo.; 80 acres under cultiva
tion: aood buildlna: price. $n0 per acre;
Incumbrance. L0od: will rxchanae for gen-
. oral luerchandlae. Globe Land and Invest.
meat Co liU Faruain St., Omatia.
(3) it
WILL EXCHANGE one year's muslo les
aona on tnv Inatrumeut for lob UrlntlUg
or advertlstna In any locality. Adriraa
A luO. Bee. (S)-M1
FOR RXrHANDD-llH acres near Orchard,
Antelope county. Neb.: price, $17.60 per
acre. 120 acres alx miles from O'Neill,
above fnna for mrehondlM Or hardware.
We also have several Income properties in
Omaha to exchange for merchandise or
hardware. Globe Land and Investment
Co., ilea Farnam Bt, Omaha, Meo.
0) 107
v n a kt A M M VI V T 1 f. HM nmiha
. . M 1 , im, . . 1 ,
TTT " ' .1 w , '".": T.
arty In the most desirable residence part
of oily, all clear, ior a jMeoraasa njnui.
W aioa aui
a irRKa Barnv county land for trade:
half easli. balanoe So Omaha property, at
$-e) per acre. W. A- Wuoley, Bpri:'xneid,
Sarpy County, Neb. ( MS4 ex
timber land near Eureka Springs. In fruit
belt. Carroll county. Ark., for vacant
Council Bluffs or Omaha property. Geo.
Landou. 1729 Fourth Ave., Council Bluffs,
la. U)-J x
A NICE south front lot on W. Farnam Bt.,
valued at to trade for about
feet lot close In. ar automooile; a 111 pay
diaereuca If neoeoeary. U Pai ton Block.
(S) MJl
m ArjFSl TRADES! If yon have any
thing that you don t want and wtll trade
at lur something else, write ua We can
pialrh anything. Kaiiy isveaunatu cm
t- ttvUA. bit.K fcuta, "eo. I the last three years. Raul reasonable.
. .Z.rr KllJ .UPJ4Llifoaa iea JSida. J
xt, improved farm, within 22 mll of; price, acre. Owner wants
Income property or mercnanaise; win
carry part on the land. j
$9,ma worth of Council Bluffs Income prop.
erty for good western land at me ngnt;
price. I
$10.Vir hotel property In eastern Nebraska,
leaaefl for I years ej .o r'r nromn-
want Omaha property or mna.
111. (ion mill property, doing a good business;
want merchandise or lana.
If you wish to exchange your property or
business, Hal it wnn me. i cnarso uu
commission unlesa I get you the deal.
121 Neville block. O-a - 'fl.
(3) Mi i
Three 10-room brick flats, modern, and two
10-room frame tlata, modern, 4in ana
Burt, to exchange for gooa
rnnntv furm
132x132 feet trackage. 11 Nlcholoa, to ex
change for good Chicago property.
J. II. PARROTTE, 1-axton
(8) Man9 7
PRINTERS I have a large Job press, al
most new. don t need It In my ouint.
lint An need Ion small Gordon jobbers,
and will trade and Rive or take boot;
let'a trade. Address 8 215. care nee.
(3) MVS a
or general merchandise; rigm rem in
best part of Nebraska; write full descrip
tion first letter; professional traders need
not answer. Address Owner. Pox 243,
Madison, Neb.
(3) M586 6x
FINE) Improved ISO-acre farm. 10 miles from
middle liver, Minnesota, vaiueci at
will trade for good western land. Globe
Land and Investment Co.. 1822 Farnam.
GOOD paying atock of drugs, located In
a town of 10.WU innanitanis; win imunr
about $15,000; good land will be considered
Globe Land ana investment ., "-
Farnam. (31-M806 i
SECTION of Improved land near Ord.
Valley county. Nebraska; acres annus i
fine alfalfa land; bargain price. Address
J 24L care Bee. (3)-Misi
REAL E8TATE valued $2,500 for steam
laundry or what; give run particulars
or no attention. Address Y W. care Bee.
$6,000 GROCERY stock and fixtures at 75c
on dollar, lor quick casn. Auomj u
care Bee. yvcaai n
$750 BUYS the best paying restaurant In
me city. w-
knowledge of rurnuure ana iraming. io
take Interest in an established business.
Address Y 26. Bee. 14) M233
LIVE MAN. with ability and money enough
to get around wltn, can get in loucn wun
a line money-making opening! by address
ing K 2.6, Bee. n "
IF YOU A-RE IXiOKING for a place to in
vest your services ana some casn, i nave
It for you. You can handle your own
money, be your own boss and make a for
tune if you possess the requisite ability.
Square, legitimate business proposition;
entirely new; nothing like it. For Inter
view addreea P 263, Bee. 4) 2E0 U
FOR SALE or trade for Iowa or Nebraska
land, line meat maraei in western w
county seat, doing $12,000 to $16,000
yearly. Slaughter house and 8 acres
land goes with this. Phone Red 1186.
Noland & Graham. Omaha, 1614 Harney
street (4) M200 11
FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and
-wagon work Dusineas, witn toois; M tu
received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set
ting Urea Address Y 129, Bee. (4j lo
Tour attention, please. Are you looking
for something gooar vve nave tne Desi
aide line you ever handled; no selling or
samples; all you do is recommend. It'a a
money maker for you. Address Lock
Box ThJL umana- ua it now.
W Mva Mia
FOR SALE $4,000 Jewelry stock;, can re
duce to sun ouyer. rcnaer xteaity io.,
Pender, Neb. (4) M812 My8
FOR SALE My stock of general mer
chandise, in gooa condition, located in
good live town; will either sell or lease
building; terms reasonable; wish to re
tire from buHlnees on account of fall
ing health. or particulars call or write
J. R. Young, Lodge Pole, Neb.
li uiw Myisx
MUSIC teachers' local locations bought.
sold. I'erneia nano Co.. iui farnam,
Omaha. 4) M163
$1,800, $2,800 AND $4,000. WESTERN HO
STREET, ROOM 1 . (4) M869 My23x
OUT WEST TRIBUNE, only paper in
Grant county, pays xiuo per month; en
tire plant well equipped; a large build
ing, which also Includes dwelling and
Dusineaa; priuo in i. iou. Auureva iriouno,
Hyannla, Neb., L. B. Unkefer. Publisher.
() 10X
HAVE 160 ecrea fine farm land near Bur
lington, Colo., to trade for Omaha lota or
realdcnce; rash value land, $1,800.
"Phone Red 1186. 1614 Harney St.
(4)-Md 7
large territory, gooa water, complete out
fit, gooa iraae, exirncta ana repairs for
season. Must sell. Price, $1,000. Address
O'Neill Bottling Worka O'Neill, Neb.
(4)-M592 9x
FOR BALE or trod", restaurant, hotel, fix
tures complete, witn soaa fountain; only
hotel ice cream parior in town; a chance
for some one to step Into business with
house full of boarders; $1"26 buys all.
Rent cheap. M. P. Larson, Trent, 8. D.
(4)-MG62 7x
Jo.CuXI yearly. We teach the business by
mall. write ior iree Dooxiei. (.encral
Raal Eatate -o., j. k u. ur Bldg..
Kansaa City, Mo. (4)-M78 9x
DRUG STORE for .ale; a .nap If taken
at once. Write the Bank of Collins, Col
lins, la. . - (4 M,l 9x
BUSINESS CHANCE Invest $1 per week
for 26 weeks or o casn ana clear i3x;
absolute safety guaranteed by all banks.
Bloreheat Mlg. Co., Los Angeles, Cal.
(4)-M642 JlOx
I WANTED A party to buy out a nrst-class
stock o( furniture in the best town on
the Elkhorn valley; best of reasons for
selling. Wiener Furniture Co., Wlsner,
Good hotel, furnlahed complete, county seat
town, population l.aiu. electric nistiis, fur
nace boat Death reason for selling. Ad-
areae Uia. M. A. Hoolon, valentine, iSeo,
FOR BALE Meat market In a town of
l.WW population. Call on or addreaa J. J
Johnson. Waluio. Neb. (4) 743 13x
Do You Wish to Make a Change!
If you have a farm, home, business or
property that you want to sell or ex-
cnange, write us.
Omaha, Neb.
(4)-64 M7
$09 Mew York Lite Bldg.
Omaha. Neb.
( ie
DRUG store, for sale everywhere.
F. V,
Knlest 707 N. Y. L.. Omaha
FOR BALE A 4-year lease of brick etore
building, consisting of baaement first and
reonu noors; tne rooms are xoo
tide buildlna ia located in central busl
nets tiart vf a live loan in centrsl Iowa
wltb a population of iJ,uW; the building
la now n.'1'.n.i. as - it ,v mtuulm atore.
Would sail Ihn mint U tn tjirtv who would
lease If they so desire. For particulars
aaureae Box ti. Floreooe, Wis.
(4-M01 7B
TO BUT sr sail anv huaSneaa or real es
tate, call on or write . O. Gangestad.
M uca tildg. (t M
WANTK.n Tr, traA tnr stork of COOdS
have a good farm. Addraaa T 245. Bee.
ONLY hotel In good live Nebraska town of
LaAk. New modern hrlck buildlna. forty
rooma. Evervthlna Arst-elaea. Price
O.IW. Has cleared more than tola yearly
A Big Help to Big Men
WANTED Toung man with $: cash to
manage branch office of Incorporated real
estate company; exceptional opportunity.
Address K 87, care Omaha Bee.
FOR SALE First-class blscksmltb shop In
thriving western town; doing good busi
ness; reason, am no smith myself; will
stand Investigation; fine climate. Ad
dress Box 64, Shoshonl, Wyo.
(4) M230 Myfix
investment Dept. Western Ref. Bond
Ass n. Inc., suite 721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(4) 684
TO BUY or sell any business or real es
tate quick. Write or see Hlldreth, 610 Bee
nidg. (4J-639
Party wanta to leave city; will sell all
his Omaha Interests at low figures, con
sisting of No. 1 Improved business and
residence properties; br1ns-s 12 per cent
net on required rash Investment of $15.0(0.
This also Includes his well paying office
business. Bears close investigation. Ad
dress M 227, care Bee.
(4)-M134 7x
FOR SALE Doctor's residence, office and
drugs in Nebraska town of fi60. in one of
best counties of etate; collections 96 per
cent, all for $1,X; part on time If wanted.
Address Y 100. care Bee. (4) M166 6
FOR 8A1.E Photo gallery in good town In
western Iowa. Will sll cheap fcr cash,
or on eaey payments. R. C. M., 1r., 502
Broadway. Council Bluffs. (4) M119 llx
A DOCTOR wanted to buy my house and
take my practice. Dr. W. 8. Johnston,
Corning. Ia. 4 M102 llx
BARBER SHOP for sale; a great oppor
tunity for a good man looking for a good
place. Write J. A. Lfgan, Fort Morgan,
Colo. (4) MS3 6x
FOR SALE Wagon, bmrgy, harness and
blacksmith business, with bulldlnps. Ixick
Box 12, Wilcox, Neb. (4)-M9Sl llx
WANT a second-hand automobile; have
some land to trade. Address Y 243. Bee.
Advertising Supplies.
MESTIC and IMPORTED, ever submitted
to the advertising trade. Before placing
your order, we invite your inspection of
our exhibition room, 1218 Harney St..
where also can be found Advertising
Supplies and Novelties of every descrip
tion that will bring results.
(6)-M324 m5
T. E. BRADY, Probate Att'y, 609 Bee Bldg.
iam MyH
Civil Enalneers.
' Chiropodist.
DR. ROY, R. 2, 1506 Farnam St Doug. 6197.
(5) 44
Clajara and Tobacco.
O. C. SIMMONS, 416 So. loth.
(5)278 MylS
to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha.
(5) 117
Carpet Cleaning.
SEND your carpets to N A. Chrlstenson ft
Son, 2221 N. 20th St. 'Phone Web. 1069.
la. Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1019 Farnam.
CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Works. Mak
ing over ana relaying carpets. Also rug
weaving. 16th and Leav. Tel. Doug. 653.
'. J. CREEDON A SONS, general con
tractora. Office and factory, 45th and
Dodge. 'Phones, liar. 2160 and Red 10.
BAILEY MACH, 2d 11. Paxton. D. 1"K5.
(5 1
IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney
Uba. (5) 888
KOTERA & CO.. 1506 Jackson.
Doug. 207.
HESS 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam.
(6) 120
U HENDERSON. 1619 Farn. Tel. D. 1253.
J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. tnoo.
(S) 433
Fur a.
FUR8 cleaned, stored and repaired. O E
ohukert B. 16tn. practical rurner.
(E) M449 M6
W. 8. HEATON American furnaces; tin-
work. 1301 Farnam St. Tel. IXiukIrs S:2
(5)-M7a8 M22
OTTO 8IEM88EN, correspondent notary
public, 921 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. D. 553.
(5)-814 Mil
Honse Cleaning;.
JOHNSON cleans carpets, washes windows,
lloors poiisnea. Tel. uougias lanv.
(5) 486 M19
SAVE MONEY! Recipe for cleaning wall
paper. Send $1. Schmidt Specialty Co.,
324 South 13th Bt. t6) M6 7x
MER. Incorporating Co.. 424 N. Y. L.
yaj i -a
THE Schlttx. European, 16th and Harney.
BT. JAMES Ha tee, $1 and $1.25 per day.
til B. 13th. tor-fJ mil
Jewelers and Watchmakere.
N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry
repairing, 1 & $ Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 437.
A. GOODSON, masseur, treats stiff Joints,
rheumatism, nervousneaa 6" Ware Blk.
Tel. Doug. 64. (6 M168 Mi
LARGEST and finest -assortment of trees
and shrubs in the cliy. Cresoent Nur
sary. Bnlea ground, 21st and Farnam.
'Phone Webster Jjf7. (Si Mj M7
SHADE tree., shrubs and fruit tress. F. R.
Uartin. lath and Douglaa. Tel. D. 71
(6 M'j
$0 MAPLE trees for aala. 49th and Ham
Oton. (6 M730 6x
Pl.aiblag aad Beatlagr.
T F BALFK. plumbing, frea and electrlo
natures. louJ Howard. Tel. Doug. 743.
C6 Ml JullO
t rum rmna Revalr work our specialty.
(5) 125
Dr. Bowser, over 1500 Far. Tel. Doug. M70.
(5) M4S0 M19
DRS. RINGLER, 306 Neville. Tel Red 5467.
(8 M596 M8x
C. B. TRUBSELL, 116 South 16th Bt.
(5) 687
FRENCH and artistic photographers. 210
8. 14th Bt (5)-791 M21
School Fnraltore.
OMAHA School Supply Co., 1621 Howard.
(5r-236 M14
JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas KW.
(5 126
BEFORH placing your 1908 calendar order,
don't fall to see our elegant Imported line.
Lyngetad dt Jorve. printers, 16 St Cap. ave.
THE ACORN PRESSPrlnters of Quality.
We make those Imitation typewritten let
ters thst look like the original. Price
tight Tel. Doug. 991. 1218 Harney.
(5) 686 May
8WANSON PRINTING CO.. high grade
printing at lowest prices. 110 8. 17th St
Tel. Doug. 3959. (6) M.S39 Myl2
600 BUSINESS cards, 11; 10.OK) printed en
velopes, good stock, for $10; otbr work
st same rates. Get our estimates and see
our samples of work. Call at room 32,
V. B. Nat l Bank Bldg., or 'phone Douglaa
4503. (6 394 My 17
Sliver Plating.
Omaha Plating Co., 1220 Harney. Doug. 2535.
(5) M242 M4
Stove Storage.
MTfiVF'C! STORED Hughes, Stove Rep.
olunjo Works. Tel. Douglas 7155.
Wall Paper and Cleaning;.
WORK guaranteed..
Call Douglass RRIS.
(6) 237
DON'T fail to call me at Douglas 876.
The Leadlna Palmist of Omaha.
Revelations of past and future described.
Parlors 118 8.. 16th Bt., Opp. Boston Btore.
Has been giving satisfactory readings in
Omaha for the past ta'o years, mm turn
ing St. Phone Douglas 4122. (6I-M212 6x
Spring Term Now Open.
Catalogue free. H. B. BOYLES, Pres.,
Omaha. Neb. -M170
id Office.
WANTED Experienced lady clerk for dry
guuua hub. wine, aiming experience
and wagea wanted; give references. Ad
dress Lock Box 25. Millar. S. D.
Factory and Trades.
WANTED Glrle to work In candy factory.
int vorgeie iuiiiiug vo., uio J ones Bt.
GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Company,
tfu-i r arnam di. (,) jy
WANTED Machine girls.
City Steam
Laundry. 211 B. 11th St.
DRESSMAKERS wanted at 1213 Chicago
bi. ; sieaay wore, gooa pay. , (7) SJ6 10X
WANTED Experienced ladles' clothes and
shirt waist lroners. Union Hand Laun
dry, 2604 N Bt, South Omaha. (7; 207 11
Itoaaekeeplnsr and Domestic.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
small family; good wages. Tel. Douglaa
5042. 2608 Dewey Ave. a) 27$
COOK wanted; family of four; light work;
evenings and Bunday afternoon off; no
washing; wagea, $20.00. Apply to Dr.
James 8. Kennedy, at Fort Omaha, Neb.
(7 Mill 9
WANTED An experienced laundress and
dining room girl, by the mo; references
required. Inquire at Edmundson Memo
rial Hospital. Cor. Pierce and Osk Btj.,
Council Bluffs. (7) M816 16
GIRL for general housework: family of
two; good wages. 'Phone Harney 1284.
O) 890 SOx
WANTED Experienced girl as cook: good
wagea. N. E. corner 13d and Farnam.
WANTED Girl for general houaework. 158$
Park Ave.
(7) 436
GIRL for general houaework. In family of
4; good wages. Mrs. F. D. Wead. 602 8.
40th. Tel. Harney 2807. (7) 673
SWEDISH housekeeper, $240 year; house
girls $7 week. Canadian Office, 15th and
Lodge. (71-M7&S
WANTED An experienced cook; also an
upstairs maid. Apply to Mrs. H. C.
Callsch, 8403 Harney St. (7 M864 6
GOOD girl for general housework. 'Phone
Doug. 3176. 933 Norm i wenty-nun tst.
(151 MSJ1 6X
WANTED Competent girl Yor general
housework; good wages, ule Bo. 31st St.
Telephone Harney 19J0. (7) 677 x
wiNTKn-Wnmui cook for lunch room
must be experienced and stesdy; furnish
room. 81S . mn. u-i "
WANTED Girl for general housework in
fajnilv of tv. C. E. Burmeeter, 1023
Park Ave. (7)-M4J2 8
GIRL for general housework. W5 Burt
Bt. (7)-M883 llx
WANTED A good girl for aecond work
and to assist with children. Mrs. J. A.
Sunderland. 1029 S. 29th Bt (7 M994 11
WANTED A Swedish or Oermsn girl for
general houseworx in ainuii ninny. ru
337. Idaho Bprlnga toio. (o anus nx
YOUNG GIRL wsnted to take care of chtl-
dren. 24 ut r-oppieion, ay in
HATS trimmed or remodeled. 26c to 750.
'Phone (evemnga, (7)M7, M19x
I STENOGRAPHERS, experienced. $46 to
B'mkkeeper and atenographer, $56.
721-722 N. Y. Uf. B.dgMaB (
M' DOW ELL Dressmaking School. irajTer.
Agents, got loiters aad Salesmen.
SOLICITORS wasted; prefer 'those who
have had experience soiling vlewa por
trii or hnnii nteaaant work and big
fwuaCaU a Jiwia M, b.
Areata and Salesmen Coat Inned.
SALESMAN A New York house desires a
salesman for wholesale and retail gro
cery and kindred trade, for city and sur
rounding territory, to sell an article of
exceptional merit; missionary work
necessary; good opportunity for right
man, not afraid of work. When reply.
Ing, give full particulars, experience and
references to save time. Address Sales
man, P. O. Box 718, New York City,
(9) M128 6X Men for real estate business In
Nebraska; salary; expenses advanced, and
splendid opportunity for right kind of
men. Apply 816 Neville Blk., luth and
Harney, Omaha. (9) M750 Jel
S MEN for canvassing: steady work; pay
weekly. C. F. Adams Co.. I'il9 Howard.
(9)-771 Junel
A FIR8T CLASS, reliable gentlemanly man
to represent a calendar and advertising
specialty house of Minnesota; call after
6:80 a. m. at the Paxton. Oliver Baker.
(9)-M266 6x
AGENTS WANTED To handle the best
selling line of specialties on the market,
exclusively or as a "side line." The
Crescent Oil Co., Dept. S, Minneapolis,
Minn. (9S-.M190 7
WANTED Salesmen to travel In surround
ing states; knowledge of our business not
necessary, but must be hustler and sober;
position permanent, with good Income.
Address J , Bee office. () M548 llx
AGENTS wanted to drive through the
country; best selling proposition ever in
ferred; big value for your customer, big
profit for you. Write today for particu
lars and territory. E. R. McClellan, 603
Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9) 834
AGENTS through Nebraska to show and
sell ROYAL BUCKLES to farmers and
horse users; ready sellers; big profits. 1115
Farnam. Omaha. () 365 M6
WANTED By Omaha firm, wldewake
young men na traveling salesmen; posi
tion permanent, with good prospects for
advancement; give past experience and
references. Address M 111, Bee office.
AGENTS WANTED-Orealest money mak
ing novelty out; sells at every house;
send for sample and prices. The H. B.
Reynolds Mfg. Co., Fredericktown,. O..
Dept. 26. (9)-846 8x
WANTED Two thoroughly experienced re
tail hardware salesmen ; also one who has
had experience- In window trimming. Ap
ply house furnishing dept., J. L. Bran
dels & Sons. (9) M863 6
MEN To manage and travel for Jobbing
concern In Iowa, Minn., Wis. and Mich.;
must come recommended; first class men
only need apply. National Retailers' Ex
change, Pioneer Press Bldg., St. Paul,
Minn. (9)-M722 8x
WANTED Several good boys, first-class
pay. A. D. T., 212 8. 13th.
(9) M9S1 M24
BOY 16 to 18 for bowling alley work; good
wagea. Apply at once. 1313 Harney St.
GOOD wages and chance for advancement.
Omaha Box Co.. E. Omaha.
(9-W673 My31
WANTED Four boys over 16 years o.d at
factory. M. E. Smith & Co., 11th and
Douglas, Omaha. (9) M749
WANTED 10 boya with wheels at 113 Far
nam. (9) M189 llx
Clerical and Office.
WANTED Boys for railroad office; edu
cation two yeara in high school. Address
O 223, care Bee. (9i-tM961 llx
ASSISTANT manager department etore.
We want a man who will be on time-
capable of taking charge of our busi
ness, wbjch is one of the largest depart
ment stores In the west, not located In
Omaha. All replies will be held strictly
confidential; salary $2,000. Address 2ft4
Bee office. () M266 6
WANTED Manager for branch office we
contemplate opening here In St. Paul.
Address with references. The Morris
Wholesale House, Cincinnati, O.
(9) M264 12x
Factory and Trade.
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
V. Kniest. mi in. l. umana. (9 132
WANTED First-class barber; no students;
Juarantee ol lib or 60 per cent Address
ohn Stack. Huron, S. D.
(9) M976 MUX
WANTED Paperhangers and painters;
only experienced help need npplv. 11.
Berwick. 211 8. Main St., Co. Bluffs.
, (9) M331
WANTED Barber: gqod, steady; no Moler
man. Ben Ackerman, Marshalltown, Ia.
(91-M789 9x
MEN WANTED at Johnston Bros.', at
Clayworks, la.; steady work year rourvd.
Houses to rent to married men; wages $2
per day. (9)-M7s8 9x
WANTED First-class all-round butcher.
C. H. Huber, 112 E. Broadway. Co. BlulTs.
(9) M274
BARBER wanted, must be good man. Ad
dress A. J. Blmmet. New Ulm, Minn.
(9i-M960 7r
BOX nailers- good wages.
Co., East Omaha.
Omaha Box
(9) M72 7
BARBER wanted on salary, or will rent to
responsible party; no booser wanted; good
base ball player, pitcher preferred; state
experience had and wages wanted. C.
Wlnterton, Harelton, N. D. (9 76S 8x
GOOD tobacco stripper wanted for 6 men,
man or woman; will pay $16.00 per week;
steady work: will send transportation. M.
Anson. Lander, Wyo. (9 M865
WANTED Men to learn barber trade.
Short time required. Tools given, money
earned while learning; positions waiting.
More calls for barbrrs than can be sup
plied. Special Inducements. Call or write
Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St.
(8) M849 9
WANTED Intelligent young man to learn
blacksmlthlng; must come with recom
mendations and mean business. A. II.
Whllten. Swlnk. Colo. H) M176 16x
to 86, for firemen and brakemen on lend
ing railroads; experience unnecessary.
Firement earn $lu0.00 per month, become
engineers, earn $200.00; brakemen earn
$76.00, become conductors, earn $150 00
Call or write at once for particulars. Na
tional Railway Training Ass'n, 620 X.
Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb.
(9) M348 M6
IF YOU have ability and are desirous of
locating with some first class concern,
see us. We want several first class
bookkeepers, salesmen, stenographer, and
collectors, at once.
721-723 N. Y. Life Bldg.
WANTED School teachers and tudents to
tarvel during vacation months; work
pleasant and profitable. Address H 2"7.
Bee office. ) AI548
TEAMSTER, $11 per week; laborers, 20
cents per hour. Sunderland Bros. Com
pany. South yard. 2oth and Hickory,
north yard 24lh and Belt Line. (9 884 6
WANTED An attorney that la bandsman
cornet player preferred to locate In small,
but lively Nehraeka town, encourage
ment with bualness and collections from
three banks will help getting established.
This Is a splendid opening for the right
party, married man preferred. Must be
eirtctly sober. Address No. Y fx. csre
Bee. (91 M95I 6x
WANTED A good, strong, sober, single.
mtddke-ed men, one who has had hos
pital experience preferred, to attend to
an Invalid anl drive-horse and do light
porter work during spare hours: a good
hums always to right party. Inquire from
IO N a. m. to 1 p rn, at No. 18 South
Via Bt. Omaiia. Nob, i-ti7Q 7a
roatlaaed. young man, over 9 years
old, capable of earning huh salary: bond
required. Addrens In own handwriting,
with stamp and references. H oare
Bee. )-L.
Horses ana Vehlclea.
LARGE and tmall horses for sale. Also
wagons. Rosenblatt 1228 Nicholas.
RUNABOUTS, carriages snd harness st
f ready reduced prices. Johnson Dnn
orth Co., a. w. cor. 10th and Jones sis.
(11) 13S
BLACK driving mare, good, weighing
about 1,150; 100. 2M5 N. 16th Ave.
(U) M810
TEAM of mares, weighing 2.400, $130; tenm
of heavy bay mare, weighing 2.7H0. $17$;
one sorrel horse, weighing 1,3U, $sn. 2si$
N. 15th Ave. (111-811
20 HEAD of fine, young drivers and light
wagon horses and several of medium
frier; also two heavy work teams and
hree heavy old horses, cheap for cash
or time. Remember, that we give thor
ough trial before you buy and a written
guarantee inni is worm wnai n
glna 4m:
N. 16th St. Tel. Dou
1. (U-M80S
AGENTS through Neb. to show and sell
ROYAL BUCKLES to farmers and horse
users. Ready sellers. Big profits, lilt
Farnam, Omaha. (11) M3i4 M10
PAIR black mares, half Shetland: drive
single or double and ride. 43d and Center.
WE are not selling out at cost, but we are
selling driving wagons, buggies, surrles
and stanhopes chesper than any other
firm west of Chicago. Holmea-Adklna
Co., 714 8. 10th St., Omaha.
(11)-16 Mil
FOR BALE High-power, 2-cyllnder, 1908
automobile at a bargain. Address E-172,
Bee. (ll)-MSKI M9x
HORSES Roadsters, general purpose and
work horses, bought, sold and exchanged
on commission. Myers, 1114-16 Douglas.
Tel. Douglaa 1032. (1D-M798 J2
CARRIAGE and wagon painting. Harry
Frost 714 B. 14th St. (UI-M30J M18
TWO good, toppy driving horses; also sin
gle and double harness, runabouts, too
buggies and surrles, for. one or two horses,
good as new. Harney Street Stables.
HAY, $9 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. th
7-YEAR-OLD driving horse and runabout;
2 family phaetons; $ runabouts and other
livery paraphernalia. Myers' Douglas St
stable. 1114-16 Douglaa. Tel. Doug. 10J1
(1D-714 7x
1.200-POUND gentle horse. 1318 8. 12th St
(11) 890 6x
FOR SALE Family horse, harness and
buggy. Inquire 1131 No. 17th St.
(11) 880 lOx
HAND-MADE, ball-bearing, pneumatic
runabout, cost $250; used but a few
times; cheap. 638 Bee Bldg.
(1D-M134 7x
FOR SALE Good driving horse, harness
runabout and surrey, either together, o
separate. Waller Display Co., 131
. . . , . n .
(11) M201 7
FINE, smalt saddle horse; single-footer
kind and gentle, paces In harness; also
open bicycle-wheeled Simpson buggy and
harness, isw Harney. (11) 217 7x
Poultry and Engl,
RHODE ISLAND RED eggs. Martin, 2802
Indiana Ave. ici. Harney iwjo.
TEN THOU8AND Barred Plymouth Rock
eggs for sale; Bradley Bros, and Judge
Nerval stock; $1 per 15; $4 per 100. Aye
Bros., mair, jeD. uu mios mux
OUR handsome illustrated poultry book la
free to all wno win write and ask for it
telling where they saw this ad. A valu
able book for every poultry man; 80,000
printed Address Harris Poultry Co., Clay
Center, Neb. (1D-863 May26x
CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Feed la
the only original dry chick feed. Uae this
only and save all young chickens. Once
used always used. Stewart's Seed Store,
119 N 16th St., sole agents for the city.
(1D-M942 Myl3
Dl'STON'S White Wyandottes, pure bred,
eggs $1.50 for 15, $5 for 100. Forest Lawn
Wyandotte Yards, Florence, Neb. Tele
phone Florence 1082. (11) M466 M6
Gov't squab book free. Model Co., D. 6664.
(ID M674 MySl
ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds: best
eastern stock, a good color; eggs, $1.76 per
15. Mrs. James n. Haipine. mrt onter
Bt Tel. Harney 3528. (11) M736 MylOx
BUY Barred Plymouth eggs of W. T. Clay,
Council BlufTs, Ia., a breeder. tS cock
erels. (ID M268 M16
10 HOMER pigeons, $7. Address N 212, Bee.
S. C WHITE Leghorns; good a. the best;
eggs $1.50 per 16. Lundstrom, N. W. Cor.
2bth and Caldwell. (ID ML15 llx
Cows, Birds, Doara and Peta.
GOOD cow for sale. 2321 Hickory.
(1D-M867 lOx
FOR SALE Pure bred male collie pups,
eligible to register, from trained atock;
black, tan. white. Thoa MeCune, Ver
mlllon. 8. P. I1D-MW3 7x
APRIL 19, ladles' gold watch. Elgin move
ment, diamond set in back. Liberal re
ward for return to 917 8. Main St., Coun
cil Bluffs, la. (12)-M872 10
LOST Small Jeweled fraternity pin. back
engraved "L. E. Ranck. Ia, Beta;" liberal
reward for return. Bee office.
LOST Opal stickpin. Return to Miss
Hughes, alteration room, Hrandls'. He
ward. (12)-251 6
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve
Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman
McConnell Drug Co., Omaha
PRIVATE home during confinement, ba
bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani
tarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs. In
Tel. 774. (lli-822
DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women.
30 years' practice In confinements. Office,
614 N. 16th; residence. 2421 Charles, Omaha.
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call
or write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women at 8834 N. 24th
St.. Omaha, Neb. (12) MluO
FREE medical and eurgleal treatment at
Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav
enport Sts.; special attention paid to con
finement cases; all treatment supervised
by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167.
Calls answered day or night. (13 129
and othera, without security; ea.y pay
ment.. Office, in 63 principal cltlee. Tol
man, room 714. New York Life Bldg.
Borne people help you by their Influence,
some by tlielr advice, but very tea- with
the loan of money.
The "Omaha Mortgage" helps you out
with the ready csah on short notice In a
We advance any sum $1 to $'300 at a
low, reasonable cost something you can
afford to pay.
A claim on your household good, planoa.
horses, etc.. will answer until the debt is
119 Board of Trade Bldg.
In payments to suit your convenience, at
ratea that honest people can afford to pay.
Salary, chattel or any good security.
Roout m, i'reuaar KUL, HxM and Dod.e Bti.
. U4 eilUI
money to Loan
Balary sal Chattels Contlnned.
CHATTFT salary and storsge receipt
loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St.
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or
salary loans. 623 Faxton Block. 'Phone
Douglaa 746. (14) 146
nelll ntsVa a mnrtml f at atn 1 1 t mT A.
loftnn, mnrtimf- on personal property and
nMfH, WlUlfUl Pf'CUI 11 J. irniiP fviiaja
Phone Douglas 29"4. (14) MbM MS
Powen. 703 N. Y. Life Bid.,
advances private money on chattels or sal
ary; easy to gel; no red tape. You get
money asms day aaked for at amall cost
Open evenings till 7. (14) 147
loaned on furniture, aalary, pianos, horses
etc, In any amount; less than halt
ratra; perfect privacy; Immediate atten
tion; any terms wanted; rayment sus
pended when sick or out of work. 214
Karbach Blk. 109 8. 16th St. (14) 148
FURNITURE, live atock, salary loans.
Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk.
EAGLE IOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom
modating; all business confidential. 1901
Jouglas. G4)-l&0
Hoarding; and Rooma.
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe,
06) 153
DBWET European Hotel, 13th and Farnam,
(16) 164
THE WILKINSON: pleasant rooma, with,
hoard; table board; Hanncom park car
passes the door. 8016 Pacific St. Tel Har.
hey 1139. (151-M610 6
FIRST-CLASS rooma snd board; location
good; cloae In. 618 South 19th.
Gor-vM5D x
FURNISHED rooms, modern, with or with,
out board. 811 8. 20th 8t. (15) MS52 6x
FRONT parlor with or without board; also
other rooma. 25S0 Harney Bt.
(15)-M857 6x
ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, with or
without board. Ogden hotel. Council
Bluffs, la. (16) M600 My29x
FURNISHED outside rooms; board; rea
aonable. Lange hotel, 13th and Jackson.
(15)-793 021
ONE south room, with board. 'Phona
Harney 2430. (15) M968 June3x
ONE single room and parlor, east front,
suitable for two, modern, with breakfast
privileges. 116 N. 25th St (16) M174 6
FURNISHED ROOMS; modem, excellent
table. 310 8. 26th. 'Phone Harney 1368.
(16) 24 7x
NICELY furnished rooms, with board;
rates reasonable. 710 B. 18th Bt.
(lfi 240 llx
NICELY furnished rooms, good board;
rates reasonable. The Rose. 2130 Harney.
(16)-219 My25x
Furnished Rooma.
NICE, clean, well-furnished, well-heated
outside room; house strictly modern. S4i9
Harney Bt. (16) 155
PLEASANT furnished room In private
family; house la modern. 246!) Harney St
(1S)-M426 M6x
FINE rooma, reasonable.
60$ 6. 24th Ave
(15)-M45 M6x
EXCELLENT furnished rooms, also light
housekeeping rooms, close In. The Bos
ton, 107 8. 17th St. (16) M873 6x
NICE front room, with bath. 2033 Harney
Bt (16) M200
MODERN furnished rooma. 2222 Farnam.
(161-634 M27x
MODERN furnished rooms for rent. 21$
No. 26th Bt (16) M727 Sx
NICELY arranged 4-room llgfit basement,
large pantry, two closets, city water la
kitchen: no children. 909 8. 27th St.
(16)-M760 9x
NICELY furnished front room and alcove,
$47 S. 24th Bt (15)-703 7
LARGE, beautiful, modern rooms, en suit
If desired; first-class family. 1919 Cass.
(16)-M607 7x
NICELY furnished room, new, modern
house on Park Ave., near Leavenworth,
strictly private family, gentlemen pre
ferred. 'Phone Harney 716. (16) 641 6X
NICE comfortable room in new modarn
house, walking distance, with small fam
ily of adults; rent reasonable. 816 N.
2th. 'Phone Red 6163. (16) 820 9x
TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern; tele
phone. 646 B. 24th Ave. (15)Ma7 J2
LARGE front room, with adjoining bed
room, $5. 218 N. 19th Bt (15) MS44 lOx
FRONT rooma, very desirable. SH6 Leav
enworth St. (15) M168 llx
FOR RENT Rooms, furnished or unfur
nished, at 2721 Jackson. 'Phone Harney
2718. (15) Ml 46 11
LARGE front room. Inquire 1131 N. 17ta
Bt (16) M136 12X
FRONT alcove room, closet; newly fur
nished, modern; also single room; private
family; rent reasonable. 609 8. 25th Ave.
'Phone Taylor Owl. (16) M696 7x
FURNISHED room, suitable for gentleman
or lady. Board next door. 'Phone Harney
$96. (16) MifSO U
TWO elegant rooms, convenient to depot
and wholesale district. 1218 B. 11th St.
(16) MHO $
PARTIES desiring cool, pleasant room, la
Hanscnm park district furnished or uo
furnished. 1526 8. 26th Bt (16)-M109 llx
ONE LARGE room downstairs for three
boya or man and wife. 1817 Jackson.
(li)-M236 llx
FRONT ROOM, nicely furnished, all mod
ern conveniences. 623 B. 17th Ave.
(161-243 Us
nafaralshed Rooms.
CENTRAL, modern, I desirable rooms, bath
and hall, to good tenant. 220 N. 23d.
(16) M4S8
TWO rooms, 1120 N. 17th Bt.
(16) 896
UNFURNISHED room; no children. 4U
N. 26th. (16)-M227 mllx
TWO unfurnished rooms, walking distance,
2210 Burt Bt. (1 M100 1
FOUR or alx modern desirable unfurnished
rooms In new flat. 2018 Davenport.
(1)-M144 llx
t-ROOMS, modern, 2424 Burt street.
(16) M221 llx
Hoatekeeplsg Rooma.
HOUSEKEEPING rooma. 821 8. 19th.
(16M2!) atylSx
THREE elegantly '. furnished rooms for
light housekeeping;, modern. 216 No. 224
8t (15)-876 llx
MODERN aulte of housekeeping rooma,
ateam heat; also other room.. 2238 Far
nam. in. uougia. jkuj. (15 889 10
TWO OR THREE beautifully furnished
connecting rooms; nouaekeeplng ; strlctl
mooern; gas range, , 26th Bt.
(15)-M6tt 10X
TWO nicely furnished rooms for light
housekeeping; private family. 41 N. 23d.
(16) Mtw-4
FOR RENT $ unfurnished rooms, modern,
suitable for light housekeeping, easy
walking distance. 1424 N. Hh St
U5)-M9S9 T
Apartments and Flats.
FOR RENT Three-room modern flat, 2911
Douglaa, ground door; rent reasonable.
Globe Land and Investment Co., In 22 Far.
nam Bt. (16) M2U
FOR RENT $18 per month, T-room mod
ern Oat opposite Btors's brewery, 1M4 N.
lath. Inquire 410 8. loth Bl.
(16K-M7M I
FIVE-room. desirable, modern apartment:
l?r"n?i. Uwn' -W- eVfl'lf U4
.MiaaUftW- .iSnfV.