Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Dr. Millard Lamfeld's Work Will Inttrwt
Bath Phyiioin aid LajrasD.
VelaaaejlntrnrfS'Sl fn Ktrira and Mnl
IpI Siadrnta May' Protr Pnpnlar .
'with Ottfra llaullnar t
Destroy Disease.
1 A oluma primarily Intnidel for itu:se.
but which will be of general Interest to
physicians and aturlenta of medli'lne ha
Just coma from the pross fmm the pen
qf an Omaha author. Dr. Millard Lan-
y te6, profeaor of bacteriology and clinical
medicine, John A. Crnlghton Medical col
lege;, and foarterioloaist of the Oman
Board of llenlth. While the book (Intro
duction to Infectious and Pa rani tie Dis
eases, Includ'ng Their Caime and Manner
of Transmission) Is primarily for "people
dealing In a professional capacity with
auch disease, the language and Myle are
easily understood by the general public.
An Introductory note by I.wellys F. Baker,
professor of chemistry at Johns Hopkins'
university, strongly recommends the work
to the class of readers for which It Is In
tended and expresses the hope that It may
lead others "to undertake sufficient prac
tical work In the subject of bacteriology
to permit them to apply In their various
occupations the principles of this science
o Important In connection with medicine
and with the nursing of the sick."
The scope of the book Is Indicated by the
chapter headings, ten In number, namely,
Cause of Disease, Bacteriology, Phenomena
of Infection. Animal Parasites, Avenues of
Eiit . of Infectious Agents and Parasite
front the Body, Port a 1 9 of Entry of In-
. fectloua Agents and Parasites Into the
Body, Portals of Entry and Avenues of
Exit of Mlcro-oiganisms In the Various
Disease. Disinfectants and Disinfection,
Collection and Examination of Secretions
and Excretions.
Definition) of Health.
Defining health as "thnt condition of the
body In which all of Its -functions are
normally performed, to the end that a
, feeling of mental and bodily comfort Is
experienced;" the author regards dlaeas
sis a result of a rupture in the relation
ship of bodies to their surroundings which
leads to disturbed functions, and to ur
usual subjective sensations and objectlM
pneumonia. The causes of disease ar
declared to be mechanical, physical, chen
teal and animate. In differentiating li
fectloua 'diseases four stages are commonly
noted: An Incubation period, a period of
Invasion, a stationary period, and a period
of decline. The author says: "An In
fectious disease must be regarded as a
battle to the death between the body, 011
the one hand, and an Infectious agent on
Ihe other." The statement Is made that
Infectious disesaes are self-limiting, thnt
Is, 'end to spontaneous recovery, due to
the presence In the body of antibodies,"
which consist of antitoxins, and bacteri
cidal substances of which the latest dis
covered Is "opsonin." This "opsonin" Is
mm vra Hlll IVfUIIU) II I 1117 J . iruva a I iu tan IT
' Increased at will. It srnsatlzea the In
fectious agents for easier destruction by
the "phagrcytes" or certain white blood
cells which destroy these agenta.
Modern Treatment.
"The modern conception of disease takes
the position that recovery from an In
fection Is always brought about either
through the production of an Immunizing
a substance by the body or through the In
troduction of the same from without,',' and
Dr. Langfeld continued,. "The use of antl
f toaln In disease marks the highest re.
flnement of specific medication, In that an
f Immunising substance is Injected Into a
patient which can be depended upon to
counteract or neutralise a definite pois
onous (toxic) substance; the body of tha
patient thus being relieved of the burden
of producing antibodies, the Immunity
forced upon the body of the animal from
which the antibody Is taken being trane
ferred to the patient."
As to contagious or communicable !'
aeases, the declaration Is made that they
occur "when the microbe Is readily com
miinlrable from person to person by medi
ate or Immediate contact." Of all known
forms of bacteria, of which there are
hundreds according to Dr. Langfeld. only
ibout forty are known to produce disise
In human beings, the others are accounted
beneficial, as they )ve on dead orgunic
matter. The author then defines and Il
lustrates different forms of bacteria and
tells of factors necessary to their growth.
Facet of Iloeterla.
Taking up the effect of bacteria on the
system under the head, "Phenomena of In
fection," five Infectious agents In disease
au,numern;ed: Microbes must be present
In Sufficient numbers; they must reach their
portal. of entry; they must to virulent; cer
tain agents must be UTomrani.d hv nm or
mora other mlcroorganlxms or foreign body;
aom diseases must bo result of Insect bite.
'1 r A tltmtnr rieclnreil thai ,. v..m i. L. ..
person Is by nature endowed with the
means of oombattlns tllseise." but naturul
defeno may be strengthened or weakened
by surroundings. Environment, heredity
and age are factors In determining predis
position to disease. Climate has great In
This Glaze is Wliolesome
There is a glaze of fresh egg$
and pure granulated sugar on
aArbuckles' Ariosa Coffee that
does not improve its appearance,
but keeps its aroma and flavor
intact, and protects it from con
taminating odors and the dust
of the store.
ArbuckW Ario.a Coffee complies with
all the requirement, of the Nattonal Pure
Food Uwi-Official Guarantee No. 2041
filed at Washington and is pure Coffee
blended for economy, flavor and health.
No similar coffee is sold loose by the pound,
or under any other name, or by any other
persons or firms.
You have our word for it, that
no one can duplicate it or sell
any coffee as good for anything
near the same price.
" aVXzWOKrjB KZbQa. Tark Otf.' ""
fluence on disease and mleroecnplo agents
(f dlesse of ready adaptation to new en
vironment are lees sennatlve to change of
rllniete than things of larger growth. In
Ihls Iks the danger of Inirrwlm tlon of trop
ical flleeice Into temperste latitudes.
Trie chapter on animal parasite make.
dlc!njre startlleg to those not entirely
familiar with such phenomena. Parasites
which cause many diseases require two
hosts, that Is. prepehce In mere thun one
body before fully developed; thus the para
site causing malaria and yellow fever
come to man from a mosquito; that of the
African sleeping sickness from a stinging
fly; thst of the tapeworm from a Tea.
"The aoitrce of every Infectious disease
Is always another Infectious d'sease," say
tie author; "that 1. the inf"ctlou sgert
has come directly or Indirectly from some
other person, and In this connection. In
the matter of the exit of micro-organism
from the body In disease we have the key
to the happiness of families, the prrsrerwy
of nations and to victory In wars;" and
Inter contlnurs: "In the dlr. ml of s-a-e
we are still barbarians. If not criminals,
and the Indifference with which the public
views the pollution of the watr supply by
alvlne discharges Is ft shame to ourmuch
vaunted civilization." ,
Ttilnsra to lie ATolded.
Dr. Langfeld disclaims against the use
of human excrement a fertilizer of soil,
saying that the practice Is common to
Chinese truck farmers and should be mad
Illegal. No diseased person should handle
vegetables or fruit which nr.- to be eaten
raw. The places In which the pickers live
should be made sanitary. The possibility
l carrying disease from distant points by
neans of rapid transit of perishable food
is touched upon and a suggestion made for
further Investigation.
One chapter gives an epitome of all In
fectious diseases, giving cause, location of
germ in body, Its manner of entry and
exit; how contracted and the disinfection.
.Another chapter Is perhaps the most Im
portant one In the book sine It deals with
disinfection and disinfectants, and another
tells physician, nurse and laymen the best
method of collecting and examining secre
tions and execretlons for submission to ex
perts for examination.
The peculiar value of Dr. Langfelds
book lie not alone In the fact that It
treats a subject and elsewhere satisfactorily
covered, but that It treats It In a manner
free from the confusing scientific mystery
thst too often bars medical writing from
the comprehension of ordinary people.
Paper Asserts Dennlaon Verdict Was
GlTea I'nder Pas-ton and
Asserting the verdict awarding Tom
Dennlson J7.0OO dnmagrs wns excessive and
that It shows 'upon its face It was given
tinder the Influence of passion and preju
dice, the Omaha Dally News Saturday
filed a motion for a new trial In the Dennl
son libel case.
In addition to the foregoing allegation,
the motion charges three of the Jurors with
misconduct In drinking Intoxicating liquors
to excess during the progress of the trial,
declarlnc that after Ihe close of the day's
resslon they would go Immediately to a
saloon and begin drlrklng. It also mnkes
a general charge of misconduct against the
Jury and charges that certain of the Jurors,
not named, did not answer truthfully at
their preliminary examination their real
relations with the plaintiff. Tho court Is
alleged to have erred In excusing for cause
Jurors Harry Lnwrle, Grant Leslie, E. G.
Jones and William McMurray. The 'usual
technical charges of error In law and In
the Instruction are also made.
The motion was filed Just before the close
of the February term yesterday afternoon
and will be argued before Judge Estelle
s soon as possible. In cas the new trial
Is not granted the case will be taken to the
supreme court and an attempt mado ' to
have the verdict set aside.
Results In Office of County
Register of Deeds Have
Business In the office of tha register of
deeds has more than doubled during the
last four years according to a report Just
Issued by Register Frank Dandle. In
April, 190S, T82 Instruients were file J In
the office while last month the number
was 1,476. In April, 1903, 4)0 deeds were
offered for record while the number last
month was 907. The steady Increase In
the number of deeds Is taken to be a
good measure of the Increased business
In real estate. The table made by Mr.
Bandle showing the number of the various
kinds of Instruments filed . In his office
during April of 19ni. to 1907, inclusive; Is
April... "i.'- 1903. 1904. ,1905. 1906. 1907.
Deeds ..' 410 4R3 4S5 16 m
Mortgages 17S 224 240 - 292 3S
Mtg. Assign 24 38 TJ ig a
Mtg. Rel 128 ia 181 23 US
Men. Hen 4 S 11 17
Miscellaneous 28 83 24 - 64 PI
Certificate -7 4 26 S 3
No. of suit I .... .. 2
Totals 782 S96 944 1,208 1,670
A. B. Huberwtinn, K years at 8. K. Cor.
13th and Douglas; 30 years direct diamond
Importer; sold at Import prices
ktrt. Wood Pronenncei Geteral FtdtTatioi
Enrcav. of Inftrxatica a nocet.
Educational Featnre of Clnn Work
in Ureal Demand Memorlnl to
Chairman of Edocatlonnl
That the General Federation bureau of
Information la no .onger an cxperitt.nt Is
demonstrsted by the lm.rcai.eU dimand
made aaily upon It und th uumours 01
letters of appreciation received from those
who have found the bureau a help In time
of need, says Mrs. Mary 1. Wood, in charge
of the bureau. In the' May bulletin.
Kach day's mall preseuts new problem!
for the bureau and new features o 1U
usefulness. Today a club l:i the Indian
Territory desires an outline and reference
bboka on the Victorian era of English
literature; a Virginia club woman hteJs
facts concerning cnlld labor In the fnlted
Stiites and the work of the Fed
eration Industrial and chi d labor commit
tee; a commute In r..e southweft Is :ir
ranglng the next year's work and asks
for an outline on municipal art; the hus
band of a club woman In a western town
desires proof of the usefulness of the
Woman's club; a New England rural club
must have help on home economics. Re
quests touching the Panama canul, antique
furniture, relation of tha home to the
school, and the Japanese In California are
In demand by as many applicants, while
reference books are requested on colonial
home life, moral education, the Immigrant,
home decoration, etc.
Tomorrow will bring an equal number
of requests of a widely different nature,
but of equal Importance. The applications
for study outlines probably outnumber any
other, although the need of magazine refer?
ences and bibliography form a very close
Loan Library.
At St. Paul a much-discussed question
by those who were Interested was the ad
visability of establishing a loan library
for the bureau. Many of the best library
workers felt that there was a doubt as to
the feasibility of such a course, while
others considered that no equipment of
the bureau would be In greater demand.
The decision was In favor of the loan
collection; and very soon after the biennial
a library of more than 100 hooks were con
tributed by sanguine persons, club and
The experiment la sccceiaful. The ex
pense of sending a book Is not great. The
recipient bears part, and often the whole
of the expense of postage; and the club
In a remote town, where a public library Is
wanting and public llbrarlea are few, gets
Just the help needed, and grows accord
ingly. More books are needed, and more
will be received. It would seem that
there would be no question of the support
of the bureau and the supply of Its needs.
Once demonstrate that a thing is needed
and useful and the public rallies to Its
support. The General Federation intends
that the bureau shall be of so much value
to the club women of the country that
that they can never afford to dispense
with It.
Memorial to Miss Abbott.
The following memorial to Miss Mary
Merrlam Abbott, chairman of the educa
tional committee of the General Federation
who died March 23, appears In the May
The executive committee of the board
of directors can express only In silent sor
row the loss every member of the General
Federation must feel In the death of the
warm friend and co-worker, the chairman
of the educational committee. Through
those who knew her dally personal life,
surrounded with kindred reoulrlng loving
.care, we shall learn of the In opy, buoyant
spirit, tho broad view of life, and tho
broader tolerance of pettiness that could
not touch her upward search.
The last Intercourse of the executive
committee with Miss Abbott was held In
Chicago recently, where she gathered, at
her bidding, the officers of the National
Education association In conference, with
representatives of six organizations of
women, concerning educational Interests
of the nation. Every word she said In'
explanation of her far-reaching plans was
listened to with absorbing interest.
In her memory, nothing would, have
seemed to her so happy as the successful
result of this first meeting. Let us work
with her thought, her enthusiasm, before
us, until we make It a part of ourselves
and carry her love of this beautiful world
Into action.
Hevort on Art Collections.
The art committee of the 'General Federa
tion of Women's Clubs makes a gratifying
report of the traveling ah collections sent
out over the country under Its ausploea.
One of these collections of American paint- j
lngs has visited two town In Utah, ten In
Montana, fourteen In Minnesota; '-twenty-one
In' Wisconsin and seven In Bouth
Dakota. Another' gallery has visited many
towna In Nebraska, Kentucky, Iowa, Ohio,
Pennsylvania, West Virginia, North and
Bouth Carolina, Georgia and Florida, while
still another has traveled through New !
England. These collections Include work
loaned by the foremost American artists
and the cost to the club or town exhibiting
Is merely the transportation from the j
previous stopping place. Another gallery
la to be sent out soon to comply with
twenty-one requests from Texas towns and
omers rrom Oklahoma and Missouri. One
gallery Is now In Illinois going next to
Kansas, every day until June having been,
The committee requests that clubs de
siring the collection next year send In their
requests before the close of the club vear
as the route can be more advantageously
arranged If the list Is complete. IThe ex
hibits have been of great educational value
in the smaller towns especially.
Woman's ( lab Notes.
Tha May business meeting of the local
Women's Christian Temperance Union will
be held Wednesday at S:30 o'clock at the
Young Women's Christian association
Mrs. Adelald Rood. Mrs. George Covell I
and Mrs. Fred Petterxnn ..m I
a ' ill
nm rteDraska Women's Christian
anee Union at the temperance conference
to ba held at Lincoln Thursday and Frldav
of this week.
Well Known Omaha Democrat Gets
lata Kcw York Paper. While
Visiting; Metropolis.
Omaha's pioneer citizen. Dr. Gor. t.
Miller, who constantly proclaims his
democracy to be different from that of
Bryan, has been making hlmtelf heard
through the metropolitan newspapers while
visiting In New York and vicinity. Dr.
Miner had nearly a column In tha New
Tork Times to exploit his own political
views and pay his compliments to Bryan.
incidentally putting In a few words In
championship of the railroads and throw
ing a small bouquet at Harrlman. Among
other things, he said:
Bryan Is lecturing on everything on the
face of tha earth. H tpends three weeks
In China and writes a book telling exactly
how to abolish the .vll. which fifty cen
turies of learninr and, . ... ..
c are. He s a thrifty fel ow. All this talk
ing over the country brings him in money
and keeps up his political machine at tha
same time. But until Roosevelt and he
era, iroiu running a rue. la rad'rallsin
ther.'s no chanc. for th. old party
Brian's not a democrat. What ha v. his
wild theorlea to oo with the basic principles
ef toe parly? 1 rem.mlter th. Iiii.m. ,,f
TUdaa ami Cleveland, iita a iua hada t
to pinch hlms.lf to be sur. If he waa a
democrat or not. The old party will en
dure thro11tt, It nil, and If we get baten
again next time, bv 1C12. perhaps, all this
wild talk ngalnst railroads and corpora
tions will have iliel down and we may get
back to sound principles.
One of the treats of his trip, according
to a letter from Pr. Miller, bns Ken a
pilgrimage to Princeton to confer with
Orover Cleveland, whom he so much ad
mires. The ex-preldent talked freely
about o:d friends of mutual acquaintance
In which Omaha and Nebraska people fig
ured conspicuously.
Rev. John William Online. Ills
lews on tlosj-Mnssllna;
Contributions on timely topics are in
vited from rrsders of The Hce. Com
munications should be written bgibly
n one side of the paper unly and ac
companied by the name and addles of
the writer. The name will njt be usd
If the writer asks that it be withheld.
Unused communications will not be 're
turned. Correspondents sr. advised to
limit their letters to i0 words or they
will be being cut down to
that limit at the discretion of the edl
lor. publication of views of correspond
ents must not be taken to commit Tn
Be. to their endorsement.
ctt Das; Ordinance.
OMAHA, May '.-Editor of The Hee:
It Is doubtless of small Importance, yet
1 always like to keep a straight record.
Yeur reporter makes me to approve the
muzzling feature of the new ordinance on
dogs. I did not. I do not. The new or-
j Is Just the same In principle as
j the old one. It is simply curative to rnt-et
I Ihe decision of Judge Kedick, who held
me oia orainance void, because It con
ferred legislative powers on the mayor. I
waa opposed to the old ordinance. I am
opposed to the new. But only because of
tha muzzling feature Implied or expressed
In each. That dogs and other animals
should not be allowed to run at large, In a
, large city, to annoy or Imperil the public
la clear as the day. That the owners of
dogs should be held to the strictest ac
countability for their animals Is equally
clear. But I do not see either the neces
sity or trre humanity of ordering the In
fliction of the cruelty of muzzling dogs as
an alternative to their being securely kept
' on owner's premises. The council might
Just as well order the hobbling of horses,
or the dehorning of cattle, as an alter
native to their being kept on the streets.
The muzzle Is a cruel restraint upon the
dog, especially In the hot months of sum
mer. It does not, it cannot prevent the
annoyance of which more people complain
than complain of danger from rabies; the
annoyance of dogs running at large at
tho cost of gardens and plants and email
shrubbery. t
But now, sir, .the law Is passed, and so
It Is no use to waste time In complaints.
As It does not compel 'people to muzzle
their dogs, may I not ask the humane peo
ple of the city who own dogs to eschew
the muzzle and keep their dogs securely
confined at borne, at all events for the
next four months, where they can be
regularly fed and watered, and have full
power to defend themselves from their
tormenting Insect enemies.
It will be no use at all to ask Irre
sponsible persons to refrain from muzzling
their dogs. It Is the easiest way to buy a
2S-cent or a 60-cent muzle for their dogs,
and let them run at large to annoy their
neighbors and exposed to attacks of stray
unlicensed, unmuzzled dogs, rabid or not
which will have Tree Oiurse through the
city, where neither policeman nor dog
catcher are to be found.' I may add here,
that If the dcg-catchlng' force Is to be In
creased, as some of the councllmen sug
gested on Monday, the capacity of the dog
pound will have to be- Iwereased two. three
or four fold, or else thfilme during which
dogs are to ba held Wfore they are killed
will have to be correspondingly shortened.
The dog-catchers are tiow taking up 260
or 300 dogs a month. That Is very near the
limit of the pound's capacity, under our
present rules. JOHN WILLIAMS.
Take In New Members and Lay Wires
for Tvent y-Flfth Anniversary
The club rooms of the local lodge of
Elks were taxed Friday night, the occa
sion being the Initiation of new members.
Ten were given the trip across the burn
ing sands on tVie back of the goat, the new
ritual being used In Omaha for the first
time, and wus pronounced by the members
as being beautiful. After the business
meeting and the Initiation ceremonies a
delightful banquet was served and the
flow of wit was Interesting.
The celebration of the twenty-first an
niversary of Omaha lodge No. 19. Bene
volent Protective Order Elka, which
was to have been celebrated Febru
arys 7, was necessarily postponed on
account of the death of two members of
tha lodge. The season of lent followed,
and It waa decided not to take the matter
up during that period. At the meeting on
Friday evening last the matter was fully
taken up and discussed.'
With the Intention of making It one of
the most pretentious social affairs ever
given b ythe local lodge It has been de
termlned to hold a stag social May 14 at
the Auditorium, to which, as Is customary,
each Elk will have the privilege of bring
ing an Invited guest, and In addition it Is
expected that one thousand business men
of Omaha and South Omaha will be In
The use ef the Auditorium for the func
tlon Is made necessary because of the Urn-
j Hed quarters available In tha Elks' bulld-
Ing, and the lodge baa made a liberal ap-
yivtiiBuvii iiiuiic- u ! n ill. Weill HL
success. Competent committees have been
placed in charge of the social features and
a representative body of Elks will act as
a reception committee at the Auditorium.
The Auditorium committee. In apprecia
tion of this Social, will furnish the full
and magnificent setting of the "Streets of
Paris" as a stage background for the occa
sion. The entertainment oommlttee have a
number of surprises under consideration
for the amusement program, and the acts
and "stunts" presented will eclipse former
efforts along similar lines.
Not Sowsrht by Conntry Towna and
- Will Go Bark to Kla'a
Because of the failure of any of the
country towns to make a suitable bid
for the location of the county fair It
will. In all probability, be held In con
nection with the Ak-Rar-Ben carnival again
this fall. The board of directors of the
County Board of Agriculture held a meet
ing at the court house yesterday afternoon
for the purpose of considering the propo
sition of changing the location of the
fair, but In the absence of any definite
propositions no action waa taken.
The request that the fair be separated
from the fall carnival came from soma
of the outside members of the board and
soma time ago It was agreed to receive
bids for its location for five years. Both
Florence and Benson showed some Interest
In tha matter and Benaon sent a com
mittee to several of the board meetings
but the delegation was not prepared to
make a definite offer so the board de
cided to do nothjng looking toward a
change In the present arrangement with
tha Ak eVr-Biu authorities.
PrrMDti "Ih Btraieht Eoai," a Tear-Jr.
Play hj Clyd. Titch.
Falthfal and Artl.tle Interpretation
of a Play Which Mas Rome Strong;
Features Alone with Soma
Weak Points.
Blanche Walsh In "The Straight Read."
a play In four acts by Clyde Fitch. The
?Iary 'Hara ...Blanche Walsh
M 'ss Thorr pson Lida McMillen
Miss l.anner Beulah Thompson
Mrs. Hnnerty Cornelia M. Flood
VUV. 1I Jessie Ralph
A Woman tr.thivn
I BUI Mubell Charles Dalton
Aines William Trsvers
b,(",,t 1-oafer Harry LaOrangc
A Policeman Clement Hopkins
bervant at Miss Thompson's
...William Wadsw.irth
Realistic almost to coarseness, rich In
the portrayal of alum character, descend
ing at times to the level of common farce
comedy nnd rising at other times to heights
almost sublime and tinged from beginning
to end with the atmosphere of the bowery,
this new rlav of civil vitrh'a win .i
with a variety of opinion from the theater I
going public. That there are weak spots t
m tne play will hardly be denied and even ,
the superb Interprets U n of Moll O Hara
by Blanche Walsh can hardly cover up
some of the shortcomings of the play It
self. It must also be conceded that there
Is strength and virility In some of the
cnaracters drawn by Mr. Fitch and the
local color and atmosphere are true to life.
The picture of bowery life Is drawn so
true that It Is almost startling especially
In the first act. '
Story of the Plar.
The story told by the play concerns the
redemption of Moll O'Hara. a woman of
the slums, worse than many of her neigh
bors because she has character and her
badness Is not the result of weakness, but
of perverted strength. She haa gone al
moBt the limit through her cynicism when
her heart Is touched by Miss Thompson, a
w-ealthy slum worker, who appeals to the
mother Instinct that, asserts Itself even In
this drunken and abandoned creature. The
result Is Moll leaves her old life and revels
In the glory of her redemption and the
love of Bill Hubell, a barkeeper. The crisis
In her life comes when she finds the man
Miss Thompson Is about to marry Is a
faithless roue and unworthy In every way.
She resolves to save her friend from what
must be an unhappy marriage. Her de
nouncement of th wretch Is not believed
by Mlsa Thompson, and finding It the only
way to open her eyes she makes an ap
pointment with him In her room and ar
ranges to have Miss Thompson break In
upon them unexpectedly. The plan works,
but she is 'first discovered by her own
lover, who renounces her as faithless. Mies
Thompson also refuses to believe her guilt
less, and abandoned by nil her newly made
friends she Is on the verge of returning to
debauchery when she Is recalled to her
good resolves by the picture of the virgin
hanging on the Wall. The play ends hap
pily, however. In the good old-fashioned
It Is In the third act that the power
of the play la developed. This la the act
In which the revelation Is made to Miss
Thompson at so great cost to the reformed
girl. It Is also Just here that th weakness
In the development of the plot Is seen.
The element of suspense Is almost lacking
In th. scene because of the rapidity with
which the situation Is developed. Moll
O'Hara, after being renounced bv hVr
lover. ' plunges headlong Into ber resolve
to go back to her old life, and then no less
precipitately changes her mind when her
eyes tail on the picture of the madonna.
The audience Is hardly given time to get
Itself Into full sympathy with either situa
tion before the change comes. Besides
soul crises are hardly passed even by per
sons of strong character In such a precipi
tate manner.
Character of Coatrasta.
Aside from this defect the play has much
i ' merit and In the hands of Blanche
; '.'nih the character of Moll O'Hara s
given an interpretation nine snore 01
marvelous. The versatility of Mlra Walsh's
talents Is proven. If proof were required,
by the contrast between the first and tin
third acts. She approaches her situations
conservatively and with a naturalness thnt
marks her work as wonderful. In the first
act her fidelity to truth makes hr por
trayal of the character of Moll O'Hara.
the unredeemed. little short of disgusting
but sha la no less effective In the tender
ness of her love for the crippled child.
Mike Flnnerty. or for her brawny bar
tender lover.
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