Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1907, Page 2, Image 2
THE. OMAHA DAILf BEE: MONDAY, MAY C, 1907. Umw-', ssdaw j VI J nun - v lig. is.1-' .fwwJ All the Way Miroteijc), Hi-ginriiMi sT" limi All th Wy IK VI i All th Wsy Americans la exceedingly low and that life on the lathmua I becoming more and more like that In the Unite i State, and thla Improvement la certain, to continue. The opportunity to visit the United States each year, If Improved, la a treat aid In main taining health. It has been urged that service on the Isthmus no undermines the health of the steam shovelman that he M Utterly unfitted for work In tha United States when he returna. I cannot agree With thia view. The health statistics and the general condition of the Americans on th isthmus refute the claim. Advantage Onterelab DUadvantnuc. "It Is also said with truth that service under the commission Is attended with a possible risk of personal Injury, due to the negligence of superior officers, damages for which are not recoverable under the law from the commlslon, while such In juries as are due to the negligence, of con tractors In the United States entitle em ployes of the contractors to compensation, "I am strongly of the opinion that the rate of wages on the Isthmus, taken with the advantages that are enjoyed by the hovelmen on the Isthmus under their terms of employment, are sufficiently In excess of the usual rates of wages In the United States fully to make up for the greater strain and rink on the employee on the Isthmus. There la a difference In favor of the Isthmian flat rate of wages of from 26 to 35 per cent. While the certainty of twelve months' employment out of the year, the six weeks' leave with pa, to gether with free quarters, free fuel and free light and -free medical attendance, carry the advantage of the Isthmian rates of wares rxnressed In nercentase easilv to 75 per cent. "There are not more than seventy steam shovel engineers and not more than sev enty eranesmen on the Isthmus and the additional expenditure to which the gov ernment would be put In Increasing their wages might be comparatively small, but the truth Is that the rate of wages paid to steam shovelers is regarded on the Isth mus and property regarded, as the basla for fixing rates of all the other American construction employes who are paid a class rate." Increase for Lent Service. Secretary Taft take issue with the steam shovelmen In their contentions that they were told they might count on a gradual Increase In their Wages and that the one Increase they had received was equiva lent to a bonus and therefore was no In crease at all. He says the increase granted was greater than any possible bonus and that moreover ther was nothing In the con tract or printed announcement which as sured these employes a gradual Increase. emment may woll afford In Ha own In terest, as well as In the interest of the em ployes, to pay a premium for length of service, such as obtalna In the army. His recommendation on this subject has been Aririrrtveri krnl rrte pnmmlitlnn will V di rected by the president to put the plan Into effect at once. It provides an Increase cf S per cent of the clars or basic rate paid to all skilled men, engineers, conductors and mechanics who are from the United States. THa will add 3 per cent to the salaries of soma of the steam shovelmen and other employes now and will Inure to the benefit of the other employes if and When (heir length of service In the class reaches the required period. , The ' "petition of the construction loco motive engineers Is next taken up and al luding to the fact that these men started at lt$, the secretary says that Inasmuch us It seems to be conceded that they as well as steam shovel engineers In the United States receive about the same rate of pay th salaries should be fixed at S710 a month, 'the amount asked. DEATHREC0RD. , . Mr a. Josephine Erhteratrnt. BENNINGTON, Neb May S. (Special.) I Mrs. , Josephine Echterntent, widow of an pld soldier and eld settler who died here thfe years ago, died Saturday night at : her home and will bo burled Monday. The : funeral -services will be held at her home at noon. She was 80 years of age and leaves four mart led daughters and one son. Th family has been prominent her for many years. STOP WOMAN AMD CONSIDER First, that almost every operation In our hospitals, performed upon women, becomes necessary beeausa of neglect Of such symptoms aa Backache, Irregularities. Displace- -raente, Pain tn the Side, Dragging; Sensations, Diulncs and SleepTati neaa. tiecond, that Ljrdla K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, has cured more cases of female ills than any otner one meaicine Known, it rtg- ttlatcs. strengthens and restores women's health and is lnvalnabl In preparing women for child-birth and during- tha period of Chang of Lit. Third, tha great volume of on solicited and grateful testimonials on file at the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass.. many of which are from time to time being published by special permission, give absolute evi dence of the value of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Mr. Pinkham's advice. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound For more than tf years haa been curing Female Complainta, such as Dragging SensatUma. Weak Hack, Falling and Displacements, In flammation and Ulceration, and Organic Diseases, and it dissolves and expels Tumors' at an early stae. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women Buffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs. Pinkham. Lynn. Mass. for advice. BheisthsMrs. Pinkham who haa been advising sick women free of charge for mora than twenty rears, and before that she aaststed her mother-in-law, Lydia E. Pink bam tu advising. Thus she is especially well qualified to gold sick women back to health. Write today, don't wait until too late. and back lor one fare First-class, April 25 to May 18. Return limit, July 31. You may ride on The California Limited and enjoy Fred HarVey meali. Side trips to Grand Canyon of Arizona and Yosemite Valley cost a few dollars more. v Personally-conducted Shrineri excursions. Drop me postal to-day lor souvenir book let, " Cali fornia Sun ner Outing," and axcuriion foldera. Sra1 Larimer, P"a Apnt, A. T. k S. F. Ry., 406 6th Avenue, Equitable Building, Dei Moines, Iowa. COST OF CARRYING MAIL (Continued from First Page. Uon to 6,000 pounds, and also Joins In Mr, Fleming's recommendation of $2,000 per an. num as ample pay for railway post-office cars.' "The government now pays S5,7 per an num for the average railway postal car." Forestry Inspection Districts. Important changes have Just been made by forest service In organisation of Ita Inspection of Its own work. All Inspectors of the service, of whom there are about thirty, have been distributed anong six Inspection districts with the district In spector In charge of each. The Inspectors In each district will be responsible for the Inspection ot national forests within their districts. This change is another Important step toward localising the work on national for ests Instead of conducting It at long range. It will bring about the prompt transaction of business upon national forests and will mean an even higher standard of work upon them by local and therefore more thorough Inspection, The existence of permanent headquar ters for district Inspection at which a dis trict Inspector will always be found will also greatly facilitate matters for users of national forests by enabling them to deal with the local man rather than referring matters to Washington which the super visor himself can handle. The work will come directly under the' supervision of Chief Forester Plnchot and Associate For ester Price. All the new Inspection districts are not organized, but all will be in co-operation on or before May 15. The assignments of the Inspectors of the group of states In which they will work are as follows: Inspection District No. I Montana, Northern Idaho and Northern Wyoming. 12. A. Sherman, district Inspector, Mis soula, Mont. P. Q. Redington, forest Inspector, Waah Ington, D. C. F. A. Sllcox, forest Inspector, Thompson Falls, Mont Oeorge H. Cecil, forest Inspector, Mis soula. C. H. Adams, graslng Inspector, Missoula. Inspection District No. 2 Colorado, south ern Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas. . Smith Riley, district Inspector, Denver. L, F. Knelpp, forest Inspector, Washing ton, D. C. R. P. Imea. forest Inspector, Deadwood, B. D. T. D. Woodbury,, forest Inspector, Den ver. Inspection District No. 4 Utah, southern Idaho, eastern Wyoming and eastern Ne vada. R. E. Benedict, district Inspector, Salt Lake City. F. W. Reed forest Inspector, Bait Lake City. J. M. Fetherolf, planting Inspector, Salt 1-ake City. W. C. Clps. graslng Inspector, Salt Lake City. Special Agent to Allot Lands. John S. Dee is, Northport, Mich., baa been appointed special agent, to allot lands In Iwer Brule, Cheyenne river and Crow Creok reservations. South Dakota. Salary Is iS per day and special agent Deets will enter upon allotment work within a few weeks. Tke Price of Pane. Th turrlbt Itching and smarting, Inct. dent to certain skin diseases, U almost In stantly sllaysd by applying Chamberlain s Salve. Price, a cents. 1 FIRE RECORD. Depot at Wymore. BEATRICE, Neb.. May S. (Special Tele gramsThe Burlington depot St Wymore was damaged to the extent of U.000 by fir this morning. The fir originated from a defective flue In the west part of the building, where some of th offices are located. The firemen by hard work pre vented the flames from spreading. The offices have been removed to th cast part of th depot and workmen began repairing the building soon after tha lire occurred. i"V..y .', - CROWDS COME TO THE TRIAL Baywosd Cms Attraotinc Lares limber from Ontsids Uitj tf Bsiis NO FURTHER DELAY 13 ANTICIPATED Attorney for State til res Ills Views rVr Why the Ui Had At Bees HreaaM to Trial Refer Present Terse, BOISE. Idaho, May S.-Practlcally every available room In Boise has been reserved for lawyers, witnesses or newspaper men In attendance on the coiirt which will try William D. Haywood on the charge of murder of former Governor Steunenberg. While there Is little or no public discussion of the cane, the Undercurrent of Interest runa strong, and every Incoming train brings additions to tli very large number of people connected with the case who are already on the ground. That there might be some delay lias been Intimated from time to time, but the fear of this has now been dissipated by state ments emanating from both sides. Clar ence Darrow of Chicago and E. P. Rich ardson of Denver, Jointly leading Counsel for the defense of " Haywood, have both stated that they are Hady for trial. Coun sel for the prosecution, James H. Hawley and Sehator W. E. Borah, who have been I engagea especially, are 01 m opinion inn i " ... . ' , ,,, ... to i there will be no further delay. An ftp- plication for a bill of particulars, filed by the defense, will be argued tomorrow morning before Judge Fremont Wood, who will try the Haywood case, but as his de cision Is not appealable It Is ndt thought that this will cause any postponement. Hawley on Question of Delay. James H. Hawley, the leading counsel for the prosecution, was naked today to explain the reasons for the delay In the . . . ,. i trlal of Haywood, Moyer and Prttlbone. Much comment has been caused through out the country by this delay. It has been charged that the atate has willfully caused I the delay and that the prisoners have been kept In confinement without trial for an , unwarranted period. Mr. Hawley said: "The revised statutes of the United i at.... . .i. ,- tvi, States treating of appeals to the Inlted States supreme court from United States circuit courts In . habeas corpus where a prisoner is held by state courts makes null , . , . j, and void any action of the state pending an appeal. The great majority of courts of last resort hold any action on the part .!, ,ii x,,, K..,i..i i,i m .!, v. ...c v.... aunts. ...c.j .v,. decision of the supreme court of the United States has been actually rendered. " I , will k. .oar. , V. H f if In Mav ,on .. . , . ,'. . . , . 1906, we had proceeded with the trial be- fore the decision of the supreme court had been rendered, the defendants would have been discharged, aa they could not a second time be put In Jeopardy of their lives. . , . , "Senator Borah and myaelf, acting for the state, shortly before the convening of the district court of Canyon county. In May, 1904, called the attention of the de fendant's attorneys to this provision of the United States statutes and stated In a letter lo them that we were ready and anxious for an Immediate trial, and If they also were ready they should arrange mat ters so that we could proceed to trial with out harm being worked to the defendant. We pointed but that all of their rights would be saved ,lf the appeal from th cir cuit court was dismissed. "The attorneys for the defendants an swered our letter, declining to dismiss the appeal and expressing themselves as fear ful that a question, t Jurisdiction might arise upon the proceedings ot the supreme court of this stat, which would be Injuri ous to them If the appeal from the United States circuit court was dismissed. "On the opening day of th state district court in May, 190, we called the attention of that court to the section of the United States statutea and the court, after due reconsideration, held that no proceedings could be had in that court as long as the appeal from the United States circuit court was pending In the United States supreme court. This ruling necessarily conttnued the cases until the appeal was disposed of. "Delays In the trials of Criminal casts almost Invariably work hardship upon the prosecution and operate In favor of the defense. I am not complaining because the defendants did not go on with the trial In May of last year by the dismissal of the appeal mentioned. They acted within their legal rights In refusing, but the refusal should have precluded themselves or their friends complaining of the delay." NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY ttnaint and Carinas Featares of Life lna Rapidly Growing Strife That "friendly suit" to test the validity t the anti-pass law need not he t6o of the anti-pass law need not be too friendly as Cass county Is now redeeming Its reputation. In advising patrons on the subject of planting watermelons, the Schuyler Bun forgets to tell them to wait until the frost l out of the ground. The Nebraska town that cannot Support a base ball team this year should make an effort to "clean the streets" and prove thfct It Is not entirely outclassed. "Spooning" at Osmond The young couple who were spooning on the M. E. church steps late Friday night, had better seek quieter place the next tlms they wish to commune with each other. Osmund Re publican. Warm Invitation That crowd of young ladies that were up from Pender lsst Sat urday, that was really ashamed that they cam up, have ought to thought cf that before coming, but say, come again. Thurston Gasette. April April fooled us the first day snd each consrcutlve day.- How glad we are that She has gone. Ws were looking for green grass end lilac btrevoms, but In stead we got snow and Ice, this Is carrying things a little too far. Butte Gazette. Amenities at Norfolk The ether day there was a big banquet In Norfolk, ' A number of women loaned silverware for th occa sion. After the affair was over one wo man found that she had recovered a su:n which had been missing for twelve years. And the person who lost It this spiing has put In no claim for the -loss. Norfolk. News. Bread Returna After Many Daya-Work-men In front ot the O'Neill oourt rrusa the other day unearthed a queer "find." It was a clean. wholeuonuA loaf of white bread, burled about fta feet below the surface, and was In aa good condition aa If It had been canred and shut off from the air by sealing wax, No ona knows how Ion it had been In Ita present state of preserva tion. The roll formed a cement protection, which kept the loaf fresh aa a new bak ing. Atklnsorl Ledger. Windy Days of Old The wlnda of the past week remind us of the way It used to blow awy back In th days that have passed away. It used to blow with a steady gust for weeks at a time. E. A. Wiltse said It blew all the wheat out if his uncle's field, ast of Lions, on to th wild prairie and then blow dirt over It so his uncle har vested It there and got a grtod crop. The wheat In a field over near John Onnlln's place on the West Side was brown out Into the road and made one of the best pieces of wheat ever harvested In that section. Once th hte Robert Robertson laid down lo rest in Ihe Mines' field, east of town, where he was sowing wheat by hand. He went to aleep and a great wind storm came tip and covered him up so deep that the neighbors were called In to help him to ret lip. It used tfi drift the dust two and three feet deep, so the rising generations can form some idea of what the pioneer had to contend with. Lyons Mirror. Jtevts ot Rehi-nska. BKATRIOK Nesrly 200 boys have entered the corn growing contest to be held here next fall. RRATRiCK A light rain visited this section Sunday morning. Th moisture Is badly needed for crops. BLUE HILL Arthur F. Kort and Mary Plauts of Iilue Hill were married tjy Rev. BcnuiiHrgei on rTinay. TEOUMSlTH Woolsey Bros., the West Point grocers, have sold their goods to T. V. Brewer and the latter Is now In charge. PLATTSMOUTH The funeral services of Grandpa Joseph Sevhert were largely at tended and were conducted by Rev. J. K. Hnuigata. BRATR1CB Richard Dibble, living north west of (his -city, examined a field of corn planted on April 25 and found the seed In good condition. REPUBUCAN CITY O. A. Brooks Is now owner of the Eagle house In this city, having purchased the property of reter Meirrecn. PLATTSMOUTH Mls Mildred Cummins " ............... Temperance union contest lr. the I'resby- t,r,an churcn Saturday evening. PLATTSMOUTH-W. Josslvn arrived from Omaha Saturday and commenced his duties as storekeeper here for the Burling ton, His appointment Was from May L BEATRICE The Gage County Rural Carriers' association held a rrieetlng here Saturday.' The members present exchanged Ideas and discussed plana for the year's work. A number were present from Blue Springs, Wymore and Ellis. BLUE HIL.I At a meeting of the school SIT, f, " ' r" ' Til. .nJL.,Vo resignation, having , accepted the spperln- tendency of the Red Cloud schools. Prof. Board Morlts' has been superintendent of the nine Hill schools for six years. TECUMSEH Tbe University of Nebraska Mandolin' and Glee club was given a warm reception at the Smith theater In this rlty last evening. The entertainment through out was meritorious and the gentlemen were accorded rounds of applause. i r.r.unAnA ji i i councilman rami Mler w, ha(, been of ,he k,. ng gang at the packing house for the last thirty years, has resigned and will J'Yf onca?y 8tret the remainder of his time. He has accumulated a competence, PCATTSMOUTH-Wll,lam Oilllsple, the rrain merchant In Mvnard, has brought , suit in Justice Archer's court to collect fr("n the Missouri Pacific Railroad com- pany the amount of S139.fi2 damages, al- iei Red to have been caused bv delay In the shipment of grain. TECUMSEH The Tecumseh Board of Kducotlon has employed Miss Myrtle Neff of Peru hgh'gchooi teacher, and Miss Helen Swan of Tecumseh as a teachor In the primary department. The teaching force of the schools for the com ing year Is now full. TECUMSEH District court for John son county will convene In this city to I morrow. The docket Is small, being com i posed of but thirty-seven law and equity cases ana rour criminal cases, it is not known which Judge will preside. The Jury will not be employed. BEATRICE The Rock Island company, by Ita attorneys, Haslett ft Jack, has filed condemnation proceedings In the county court for the purpose or acquiring title to nine acres of ground ten miles east of Bea trice on the farm of Mrs. Indiana Knapp, where it Intends to build a stone crustier plant. REPUBLICAN CITT-A base ball game was played by the Alma and Republican I " 1 1 V? fttamm tflarnnnn k. V. i - hlnna the gums being won by Alma by a score or 4 to l. Last nignt a ban was given at the onera house under the management of the Republican City team, the proceeds to I go into tne Dase -Dan runa. FREMONT The Presbyterian church has extended a call to Rev. Frank Reed of El mita, 111. .A reply has not been received from him, -but it 'is thought he will ac cept. The. .new rector of SU,.Jaraee Epis copal chtch. Rev Frost, forfrmrly of Trinity, at Lincoln, conducted services for the first time thla morning and preached a very strong sermon. ' BEATRICE The opening exercises of dedication week for the Young Men's Chris tian association were held this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Presbyterian church. The meeting was addressed by B. E. Ben nett, president of the Young Men's Chris tian association of Lincoln. Each night this week a special pros rani will be given. The dedicatory services will occur next Sunday. FREMONT There was a light rain here last night -which will do much good. Farmers report the prospects for crops food In spite of the cold, dry weather. Vlth rain and warm weather later grain will be in fine shape and the ground all right for corn. Hay la the highest it has Jver reached here, selling for from IS to 10 per ton and being scarce and none too irtlne a. .ha. (Ion rn HUMBOLDT John M. Brockman, the well known retired farmer' politician, who j i suffered a stroke of pulmonary arxDlexy on Friday, died twenty-four hours later at his home In the north part of this city, i ne aeatn or. nr. xtrocaman removes from the scene of activity one of the beat known characters of southeastern Ne braska, he having served two terms In the Nebraska legislature in the early nineties, . . . TABLE 'ROCKt-A Convention of the Home Missionary society of the Methodist Episcopal church of the Nebraska City oisirict, met at sterling May z. Twenty nitv Syracuse. . f.ii. ntv. H.,mhnidt ' Tecumseh and Table Rock The sueaker of the evening was Mrs. IJbby Allen of Des Moines, la., national organiser. The meeting was one of the best ever held j j tfte district. Bee Want Ads produce results. Irretrievable. "George," sharply demanded Mrs. Fergu son, as they sat at breakfast a few morn ings ago, "what did you do with that letter to Aunt Rachel I gave you to mall for me last Wednesday?" Mr. Ferguson clapped his hand On tha breast pocket jit his coaa. Was It to Aunt Rachel?" he asked. hastily extracting from his pocket a bun dle of letters and miscellaneous documents and looking them over. "Of course It was. I wrote to ssk her to come and spend th next six weeks with us." "Laura," gasped Mr. Ferguson, "I I mailed It." Chicago Tribune. ARITHMETIC AM) FOOD cnool Children Most Be WI4 rd. A youSig girl In Newport says no one has a better, right to speak of Grape-Nuts food than she. "I was In school, but In poor health, until mamma began to give mo Grape Nuts food. I began to Improve at once, both mentally and physically, and I Im proved so In my work at school that I got 100 In arithmetic, and during that lime I gaed 3 or 4 pounds In weight, and am still gaining. "There Is no one who has a right to rec ommend the food more highly than I. Mamma neglected to supply It for about three weeks, and I began to fall In health, so I commenced the use of the food again, and now 1 don't Intend to- do without Orape-Nuts." It Is well for parents to know that Grape-Nuts food contains, selected ele ments from the grains, prepared and cooked In such a way as to present these food elements so that they can be quickly digested and assimilated; thep hospliate of potash obtained from the field grains and contained In Orape-Nuts unites with the albumen of food to quickly rebuild the gray matter In the nerv Centers and brain. It Is of the greatest Importance that growing children and students be given food that sustains both brain and nerves. "There's a reason." Read the little book, Th Rued to Wellvllle." In kga - RAGAN INVINCIBLE TO SOOS Heidi Indians t 0ns Hit sol V Ems, Gifinc Omaha tbs Gins. R0URKC9 HAVE ON THEIR BATTING ftUDS Taptala Pranrk and Joe Dolaa art lb rare with Three lilts Rack Llaeela end La ales Dar. rat Ragan was In the bog for Omaha Sunday afternoon and that tella the tale of why Sloux City was shut out. The Omfthd team had on Its batting clothes and that tells why th Rourk family made eleven runs before the banner crowd of i -Khe year, Just 4.500 fans went to the grounds In spite of the rain ot the night before and saw Ragan administer a spten- j did shut out, giving but one hit. H had j splendid support. The three errors msde by th White Sox did not count much, for Ragan never weakened. Dolan's error was made because he stood In the line and let Spies upset him In the eight Inning and the next man up hit to Austin, who threw a little high for Joe. Franck booted a grounder In the last Inning, but the man did not get beyond first base. Sioux City got but one man as far as second, but Ragan took 'care that he got no farther. Omaha started out in the first . , . . lr fh ginning Just as tr th ! run away with the e locals were going to y with the game, but no run was made In that Inning, although Belden walked and Franck hit safe. Fan Starts In Second. The real fun started In the second In ning after Austin had struck out. Weed booted Graham's grounder and Williams missed the throw of Qondlng's grouider. Weed again went wrong on Ragan's grounder snd Graham scored. Belden flew out to Weed and Gondlng came home on Franck's single, the second for the cap tain. Welch led off the third Inning with a double and Dolan followed with a single. Austin went out on a grounder to short and Graham hit to the pitcher, who threw horn In time to catch Welch, but Mr. Spies missed the throw and both Welch and Dolan scored. Graham was caught oft second on Gondlng's grounder and tnen Pat Ragan mado the long hit of the game, hitting the Stors sign for a case and perch ing on third before the ball was recovered. He also scored on Belden's single. The total was swelled by three more runs in the fourth by singles by Franck. Dolan and Ofaham, a base on balls to Austin and Campbell's error In letting Graham's single scoot by him. The Rourke children rested In the fifth Inning, but In the sixth added two more just to fatten up their batting averages. After Welch was out from Bennett to I. Sheehan, Dolan hit safe. Austin followed with another single as did also Graham, bringing Dolan home. A double steal was attempted by Graham and Austin, but AuBtln was caught at the plate, while Gra ham went from first to third on the play and came home on Townsend's single. That was all the hits or runs Omaha made in the game. One-sided, bat Interesting. While the game was one-sided It was Interesting nevertheless, for the fans were all pulling for Ragan to pitch a no-hlt, no-run game, but Spies slipped In a little ! "lnBIe In the eighth, which spoiled the record. ' Favorable comment was heard on all sides for the speed which some of Pa's new men showed while on the bases, five bases being stolen, Lincoln- will be here this afternoon and the day has been nominated aa ladles' day. The score: ' OMAHA. . AB. R H. 1 0 1 I 0 1 1 PO. ! 14 1 2 8 2 0 Belden, rf 4 Franck, ss 6 Autrey, If 4 t 0 i i ! 0 1 Welch, cf 4 Dolan, lb S Austin, Sb 4 Graham, 2b 5 Gondlng, c 3 Townsend, 1 4 Ragan, p Totals V.S9 11 14 27 13 SIOUX CITT AB. R. H. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e l o PO. I 0 E. 1 0 0 2 0 1 Campbell, rf .... D. Sheehan. 3b Nobllt, cf Weed, 2b ....... Bauer, If Williams, lb .... J. Sheehan. lb . Granville, sa .... 4 1 Bennett, p Spies, c loiair ...31 0 1 24 16 Runs Omaha ..0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 i 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0-0 0 -14 1 0 I Sloux City ,..0 0 nits Omaha 1 1 Sloux City...., 0 0 4 '3 0 0 Two-base hits Welch. Three-base hit: Ragan. Rases on balls: Off Rasan. 2; off Bennett. 4. Struck out: By Rngan, (; by Bennatt. 1. Left on bases: Omaha. 8; Sloux Cltv, 8. Double plays: Bauer to Spies; D. Sheehan to J. Shehan to D. Shee han to Spies. Stolen bases: Belden, Gra ham (2), Autrey, Austin. Time: 1:40. At tendance: 4.600. Umpire: Conahaa. Long; Hits Tell for Des Molnee. DES MOINES, May 5. DesMolnes won today's game frorri Lincoln by better stick work, long hits coming Just when they were needed. Both Gihring and McKay pitched good, ball and the game waa not -..... ...4 I .. .ML- V.llail'. w t. T';!' ..""r ; until me last Lincoln man wan out u Moines scored In the second on a three- bagger by Corkhllt and a two-base hit by McLaughlin. In the fourth it Scored On Fox's error and Gochnaur's two-base hit. Lincoln's score In the eighth resulted from a base on balls, two outs and a wild pitch, which, however, was immediately followed by a single. Score: DES MOINES. AB. R. H. PO. Hogrlever, rf 4 Andreax, 2b 4 Schlpke, 3b 3 Dexter, lb 4 14 1 3 0 2 1 Corkhlll, If 3 Yeager, c. 3 McLaughlin, cf 8 Gochnuur, ss 3 Uehrlng, p. Totals.... 1 1 H. 1 2 0 e o i o 0 0 30 2 !7 18 LINCOLN. AB. R Ketcbem, cf 4 0 Fox, 2b 4 0 Fen Ion, rf 3 0 Davidson. It 3 0 Holmes, 3b 3 0 Thomas, lb 3 0 Sleen, ss 2 1 Sullivan, c 8 0 McKay, p 8 0 PO. 8 A. E. f i 0 0 Tot Is 28 1 4 84 Des Moines 0 10 10 0 0 Lincoln 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 1 0 I Earned runs: Des Moines, 1; Lincoln, 1. Two-base hits: Schlpke, McLaughlin, Goch naur. Three-base hit: Corkhlll. First base on balls: Off Gehrlng. 1; off McKay, 1. Wild pitches: By Gehrlng, 2. Biruck outl By Gehrlng, 2: by McKay, 2. Double plays: Gehrlng to Andreas McKay to Steen to Thomas. Sacrlnce hits: Feulon. Davldnnh. Time: 1:16. Umpires: Ulflord and Hrcnnan. Attendance: l.aOO. . Gam Postponed. At Denver Denver-Pueblo gam post poned; rain. Standing of . tbe Teams. Played. Won. Lost Pet. Des Moines ....14 10 4 .714 Omaha IS 8 6 .64 Denver 13 7 6 .64 Sloux City 15 7 8 .47 Lincoln 16 6 f .4'0 Pueblo 14 4 10 .Mi Gamea today: Uncoln at Omaha, Des Moines at Sldux City, Pueblo at Denver. Three-! I.eaarae. At Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids, 8; Rock Island, 1 At Iubuque Clinton-Dubuque game post poned; rain. At Decatur Bloomlngton game post poned; rain. , ... Eleven Iaalasrs at lllea. UTICA. Neb.. May I 8ncral Telegram.) Utlca and Waco played a good eleven Inning game of ball this afternoa. . The attendance was riot good. Score by In nings: I'lW M M I I M t M Waco 0 0010000IB 0-1 Batteries: Utlca, Neff Brothers; Waco, Lee and Ryan. Umpire: Ray Virgin. OAMEI 11 TUB X.TIOAL LR AN IK Cabs Win from Pirates, All irorlna; Kelnsr Done In First. CHICAGO, May After Pittsburg hsd Started .oft with a lead of one run, on tw hits, three steals and an f'rnr ChlrSg genred three on a pass, two htts and a very wild throw by Leach, ins had throw set counting for two of tbe scores. Kllng's bat ting snd catching were features. Re. ire: CHICAfio. PITTtrl'Rd. ABHOAB. AB.H.Q.A.R. Stud, rf.... i 1 1 i AnVrMn, fl I I I I I (h. .rtt If. j I Hlmn, rt,, 1 t lehuNs. rf... 4 i 1 1 lrk. II.... I 1 6 1 rhnr, lb... 4 1 1 1 Wsnr, M . 4 (ItelnrelSt, lb 4 I I Ati'ttohln. h, 1 1 0 Hefrn.n. till NmI. lb... 4 MM Ever, rb.... I Oil 0 U.'-h, lb.... I till Kilns. flit Sr-li'lM. c lotto Overall, p.... I Phillip., p.. I I I EhUn .... 1 III! Totals t trill TnUtt I t M It I Batted for Phllllpe 111 ninth. Chicago S OflvOSO- Pittsburg 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Three-base hits: Kilns. Sacrifice hits; Overall, Abhatlchlo. Stolen bases; Mail man, Clarke, Abhatlchlo. Double play: Hofrnan, Chance and Kilng. Ift on bases: Chicago, tl Pittsburg, 8, Bases on balls: Off Overall, 6; Phllllpve, F1 rrora: Chicago, 1; Pittsburg. 1. Hit with ball: Phelps. Struck out: By Overall. 8; by rtillllppe, I Time; 1:. Umpire: O'Day. Cincinnati Wins Rassit Game. CINCINNATI, May -Cincinnati piled up eleven runs oh six htls In the game with St. LotHn this afternoon. The pitching on both sides was extremely ragged, CoftVley doing the best work of the quartet of pitch ers who took part In the game. A one handed catch by Mitchell was the featur of the game. Score: aNCIKNAtl. ST. LOl'IS. AB H O.A..15. A.S. ftnssltit. fb I 0 (IKally. of... Kane, Sb.... IvU, rl ... I-nbert, aa... Oanaell, lb.. Mitchell, r(. Kniaer, If... Schl.t. o taarr, p oil wall Coaklaf, p., ToUli I 1 I i i I 0 1 I t 0 1 1 6 t Brrna, aa I 0 Hollr. lb. ... I OArnflt, 3b i t Murrsr, rf... I o Heckler, r(... 4 VO'Hara, It... 4 tNftonart. a.... I v brown, p (i Hoatattar, p.. I I 0 - Totals 14 10 H tl I 21 I 27 14 0 Batted for Leary in second Inning Cincinnati J 4 2 0 0 0 0 4 St. Louis ....(i...O 1 0 I I 0 i O-i Two-base hit: Kruger. Three-baae hit: Noonan. Sacrifice hits: Odwell, Davis, Byrne. Stolen bases: Iibert. 2; Kane, 2; Scfllel. Left on bases. Cincinnati, 6; 8t. Louis. . Hits: Off Leary, S In two Innings; off Hostetter, I In six and two-third In nings. Bases on balls: Off Leary,. 1: off Conkley, ; off Brown, 4; off Hostetter, 5. Btfuck out: By Hostetter, . Hit by pitched ball: By Brown, 1; by Hostetter. 1. Double plays: Coakley, Htgglns, Ganzei; Lobert, Hlgglns, Uanzcl. Time: 1:U. Umpires: Carpenter and Johnstone. Staadlnar of tbe Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Chicago 18 15 3 New York IS 16 3 Pittsburg ,14 6 Philadelphia 16 t ( Boston 18 7 Cincinnati 17 ' 7 lrt St. I.ouis II 3 18 Brook. yn 15 I 14 ii 'ail .SH3 .i b-MJ Games today: Phlladetnhla at Dnnion, Brooklyn at New York, Chicago aj Pltts- uurg, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES St. Panl Beats rolomhai on F.rrors of the Losers. COLUMBUS. O., May 6.-Errors by Columbus enabled St Paul to win today 4 to 1. Score: COLl'MIirS ST. PAtTL. ,. AB H O A K AB H O A K. RellleT, If... SII0 v Drinlsary, rf. C I 0 4 0 rnal, !...:. Ill 1 Koehlar, cf..l I 4 Jud, rf t I 4 vFrlak. If 4 1 4 Oeaalar, ct... 6 4 I t 1 Nordjke. lb.. 4 1 I Klbm, lb I 10 tOeler. aa 4 1 I Huiawttt. aa.. 4 I I I 1 Paddan, lb... I 4 1 0 0 1 t Wrlslar, 2b.. 4 4 I I 1 Tlem.rar. lb I 1 I 1 I Bin, e 4 111 Susrtan, .... 41400 Wicker, p.... I 1 I Laror. p 4 111 Touts IT 11 IT II 4 Totals II It 17 10 0 ColUmbus 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 St. Paul 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 04 Stolen bases: Jude, Koehler, Geler. Sacrifice hit: Frisk. Bases on balls: Oft Wicker, 2; off Laroy. 2.. Two-base hits: FHel, Ttefneyer.' DouMe plays : Wrlgley, Hulswltt and Klhm; Geler and Stidgen. Hit by pitched ball: Wicker. Struck out: By Wicker, 2; by Laroy. 2. Time: 2:08. Umpire: Kertri. Hooalers Sbnt Oat. MILWAUKEE, May B.-Curtls was In rare form, shutting out Indianapolis today 4 to 0. Score : MILWAUKEE. . INDIANAPOLIS. AB.H O. A C AB H.O.A.B. Robinson, as. I 4 I 4 SWIIMaraa. sa. 4 0 4 1 4 Crtwn. rt I lit iroulter. If... 4 1441 Mcl-hasnay, If I I I I 4 Hlmea, rt.... I tilt Bateman, lb. I I it I tKrus, lb 4 4 1 4 4 ( lark, lb I 1 1 4 4 CUT, lb 4 1 I 4 0 Roth, e I 4 4 2 Oglagal, cf 4 4 I t 4 Hemphill. K.I 14 14 LiTlniatoa, e 4 I i 4 McOor'lek. lb 4 I I I t Hopke. lb.... 4 14 4 4 Curtla. p 4 14 1 rhenault, p.. I I I I I ' Howlrjr 1 1 4 4 I Totals U 11 IT II I Totila 14 I 14 It I Milwaukee 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 8 Indianapolis .........0 0 0 0 0 00 Batted for Chenault In ninth. Two-base hit: Green. Three-base hit: McChesney. Sacrifice hits: Roth. 2; Mc Chesney. Htolen bases: Hemphill, Slegel. Double plays: Hlmea, Carr and Living ston; McChesney and McCormlck; Curtis, McCormlck and Bateman. Left on base: Milwaukee, t, Indianapolis. 10. liases on balls: Off Chenault, 2; off, Curtis, 1 Struck out: By Curtis, 4; by Chenault, 4. Pasaed ball: Roth. Wild pitch: Chenault. Tim: 3:00 hours. Umpire: Kane. Minneapolis Wins One. MINNEAPOLIS, May 8. Minneapolis de feated Toledo 7 to 6 today. Chech pitched a good game for Toledo, but Minneapolis bunched hits In the fourth, fifth and seventh. Score: MINNEAPOLIS. TOLEDO. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H. OAS. O-Nall, If ... I 1 4 t Armbraatw.rf 1 t 4 4 Dundon, lb.. I I I I U OUrfc, It.. 14 14 4 Martaa, cf... 4 111 4 DamoM, 11114 J Praamao. rf i I 4 4 1 Porkornay. lb I 1 I II Orarali Iraralnser. lb 4 1114 Bmoot, cl I 0 I I i, r,;. il i i a o ,i i i i an ?mr'u 1 i i 2f,1 ,i ' ! t i I 2 : orl.r, aa I 4 I I 9 Barbaau, aa . 4 1 I I . Man.ka, p.... I 4 4 t 4 W. ( lark. ID. I 4 14 4 1 Kilrar, p. ... 1 a I 0 Land c, . 4 1114 Cbach, p. 4 tfi I t Totals.. foUla II 4 24 U 1 Minneapolis 0 0 0 t I 0 I 0 7 Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 06 Bas on balls: Off Manska, 3; Kllroy, I; Chech, 1 Two-base hits: Demont, Dun don. Mertes, Greminger. Three-baae hits: Ha r beau. B. Freeman. Double plays: Orernlnger, Dundon, Freeman; Perrlng, W. Clark, Dumont, Land. Hit by pitched ball: Kllroy, 1: Chech, 1. Struck out: By Manske, t: by Kllroy, 1. Time: 1:46. Umpires: Warden and Bgan. .' Postponed Game. At Kansas City: Kansas -Clty-Loulsvllle game postponed; rain. Standing ' of tbe Teams. Plavsd. Won. Lost. Pet. Columbus it 12 4 .710 Louisville, 13 8 4 .4 Indianapolis 14 8 8 .60 Toledo 16 - 7 I 467 3 t-f- The Paxtoti Cafe Lergeat and Most Elaborate) In Omaha Now Serving a Spec'.al 50c Noon D&y Luncheon Quick and Efficient Srvlcv Always tin j Same - t Powdor f -i a Tba ml blah srada aAansw )a. Waia4 Powder jr.14 iiw si a EuMani prtoe, a-J ... 11 ... It S 10 .44 ....17 T 10 .413 ,...14 4 lrt .- Games today: Columbus at St. Paul, wr- . . . - . . , r. 1 1 . . 1 1 1 f U a u t U' . I MM . "iruv 1.1 i" ' 1 ' ,t-i'" ...... - - City, Indianapolis nt Milwaukee. GApCI 131 THR AMKHICAJI I.F.4GIB nrela Banehee Ita Wit with fhleaajo'a Krrors. CHICAGO. May . -Cleveland bunched tw bits with three" battery arret and a fielding error In th sixth Inning of th game today and defeated Chicago 4 to L Score: CHICASJO. CLHVKI'SNB. AB H Q A AB.H O A K. Halm, rt t I 1 t MISfllsian, II 4 I J Jon, cf 1110 Sto.all, lb... I I H I l.b.11 II 1 9 rile, rr .... a v i v w (, lb. I f 11 I 0 lAjola. lb.... 4 j I 1 J ft i I I Clar.a,, c. .. I I I. 1 l... I., aa I 1 I I I llracltar. lb.. I I 1 I I Sulllran. lb ran. lb.. 10 11 B.rm'htm. CM 1 I rlsnd. I 4 I 4 Tarner. aa 4 I I I .k. p.... Hill Jess, i. ...... t Mr Fa Allreak Totala Chicago Cleveland .11 Iflll I Tout" I tl II I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 1 04 Sserince hltsi Jom, Flick-. Stolen bases: Itahfl, Ubell. Turner. Iounie filnys: Htovall and Turner. Left on bases: Chi cago. 4; Cleveland, 10. Bases on balls: OH Aim, I. Hit with ball: fly Altrock, 1. Struck out: Altrock, 8; Joss. 1. Wild pitch: Altrock. Tim: I'm pi re si OIxughlla and Stafford. Postponed Game. At St. Iuis: Detrolt-St. Louis' gain postponed, wet grounds. Standing of tbe Teams. Played. Won. Ia-sI. Prt. Chicago ... New lork.. Philadelphia Detroit Cleveland Boston Washington St. Louis.... ::: 1? Kansas City Milwaukee St. Paul Minneapolis U .667 11 .b7 IS 7 . .58 8 .!. 8 M 8 111 .414 6 11 .!tl t 13 . WV Louis. Cleve- i? ::: 8 it in II Fhlladoi- puia, tfoaton at Washington. High School Meld Meet. HUMBOLDT, Neb., May 5.-i Special, i The annual field meet of the hlKU schools of Rlcnai-dson county wet held In this city Saturday afternoon, but tin- inclement weather preceedlng the meet cut down the attendance, but three Schools bring repre sented In the vatlous contests, Fans t'iiy, Humboldt and Dawson. The track was us very good condition considering the pro longed wet weather of the past lew weens. The events were eleven In number and all excepting two were captured by Falls City, these two running races betiiR won ly Drelbelbles of Humboldt. The totals showed points as follows: Falls City, t; Humboldt, 83.6; Dawson, 4.6. The winners ait this contest will particlpatu in t lie uN trlct meet which occurs at Auburn next week. Hamboldt Sportsmen Organise, HUMBOLDT, Neb., May 6. (Special.) A number of the local spoilsmen who are Interested In the enforcement of the gams laws ot the state and the protection of the game and llsh. have affected the organ- I Ization of the Humboldt Fishing dug, witti tno fallowing officers: President, Roseoe ' Anderson; Vice president, L. F. Marburger; I treasurer, Irvin Shirley; secretary, J. C. i Williamson. It Is also the intention of the . f.f,,,,..-n v , I.,... .Uhr Sir.r1,,v lair, ne . B..ic uiiiri . 1 n ' n ii,.,,,., preserve. The executive committee Is com. i posed of E. A. Litchfield, L.J. Scgriat, K. , jrariei j3Pn stramer, L. F. Marburger. Teeomseh to Hare Ball Team. TECUMSEH, Neb., May 6. (Special.) The Tecumseh Base Ball club has beert formed and shares are now being sold. John R. Plersnn Is president. Henry Thomas manager, and A. W. Martin sec retary of the new organization. A team will be put In the field at once, the club playing the home men and about three outside players. Games ate solicited wlto, other teams hereabouts. Kirk's Jsp Rose soap is twice the sis and less than half th cost of any brand of really good transparent soap. Druggists and grocers. Diamonds Mawblnney ft Ryan Co. Body of James H. Smith Arrives NEW YORK, Msy 6. -The body of James It ttmitn, wno died in Japan March 27. ar rived nere tonight. Tne funeral will he held In St. Bartholomew's Protestant Epl cotial church . Tuesdav. Th horiv wmjt mi companled by the widow arid her son and daughter, Miss Anita Btewarb and WHUeirw Rhlnelander Stewart, jr., the Duchess of Manchester and the father of the duchess, FAigene Zimmerman. The party was met by relatives. Including eGorge Mason of Aberdeen, S. D. La Grippe Is a nerve-wrecking disease. It at feet s the whole nervous system. When the heart, lungs or stomach la weak. It ia sure to leave It In a bad condi tion. Those after-effects are really more serious than the disease. Dr. Miles' Nervine should always be taken to strengthen and build up the nerv ous system. "I had a long spell of the grip which weakened my stomach and brought on extreme nervousness. I waa miserable for months. I bought a bottle of Dr. Miles' Nervine and a bos of the Nerv Snd Liver Pills and I hadn't taken on ottle before I began to feel better. My stomach grew stronger and my bowels finally got back to their normal condi tion.'1 MR8. O. O. THORN BURG, North Baltimore, Ohio. If first bottle falls to benefit, money back, 1CXLXS MIPIOAX CO, glkhart, lad. To Cure the Grip Ton must have a medicine that not only ' kills the germ that produces the grip, but one that drives the poison out of the system. Howell's Anti-Grip and Celd Capsules Renovate the whole system, mke yoa feel like a new person. Don't suffer an other minute when relief is so easy t get. 26c box. HOWELL DRUG CO. ISth An CAPITOL ATX. Fnfifl tnt vl al nervous rUUU HIT h ana their Dow sir power te pVai io a Went and youthful tngog ava www atone a result of erar- Work or men Lad exertion should take) OKAY'S NERVE FOOD PILLS. They wuj Stake you eat and sleep and o a man agaia tl atexi esraae (aLSO hi 811, Sherman QL McCortnell Druf C , lit anal Coda Wta. Osnaaa. Nee- AMI SKMKSJTS. MODERN VAUDEVILLE Th riruieys, C1UT Crordoa, XLngaley and X.wls, Eayss aa4 7oluison, th Olivetti, Dorothy Kenton, Twe raaalsoos and the,A Klaodresaa. Prices 10c-86e-60c. VINTON ST. PARK OMAHA vs. LINCOLN May 6, 7, 8, 9 MONDAY, MAT 6TH, LADIES' DAT BASE BALL GAMES CALLED 3:45 P. U. A.