Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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The Omaha Sunday Bee
Always Rd .
Best & West
This seasons best and most approved styles, ma le of fins Panama
and English suitings, in the popular shades russet, brown, pin
checks, champagne and stripes, and the serviceable black, 4 7?$
$25 stylish tailor-made suits for
Every new model of the season, every new cloth and
every new celor, including browns, champagnes, greys, ft95
blacks and fancy stripes an i checks, Mjnday
PONY COATS mode of fine tafetd silk, hand
tome y trimmed in braid and button k, tatn
lined or vnlined, regular $10 value for 0,05
COVERT and CHEVIOT COATS made loan or tight
fitting, lined or unltned, tit $4.93 ami 3.05
ETOH COATS made of fine taffeta tilk, tmte
braided, other ttrapped and utitched trith
tante cloth, regular $7.50falve for 4.05
M 10.00
5, 1907.
l r
We have exactly the right thing you're look
ing for, nf the making of dainty summer
drtetet. Linen and white giiodt tha' vcath mil,' that vill a'
way look neat, new and tvtctt. I'rio t art modest. Indeed,
the rtductiont for Monday art literal.
123 pieces new brown dress goods will be of
fered on npeciu.1 tale Monday. We received thi$ grand lot of
W anted Drat Fabrict last wwJb. Our JS'ew York buyer bought
these at a loic figure vx accordingly tell than at a taving.
35c 3C-ia. Walstlng
Linen, yard. . . -25
60c 36-ln. Heavy Linen
Suiting, yard . .35
75c 45-ln. Heavy Linen
for suits "or Bklrts
at 55
1.10 64-ln. Linen
Suiting, yard ..S5
f 1.25 72 or 90-ln.
Linen Suiting .05
Line of
for Waiat3
At a Big
50c Sheer Linens, a
ard 40
65c Sheer Linens, a
ard 50
75c Sheer Linens, a
yard G0
fl.00 Sheer Linens, a
yard 75
$1.25 Sheer Linens, a
yard 81.00
Great! Great!! Great!! 1 1 New Golden Browns Leather Shades, a Saving i 25
Plain and Fancy White ;oods fur Separate Waist or Entire Gowns,
Particularly for Graduating Dresses Complete line French Lawns,
46 inches wide prices ranging from76c a yard down to. . . -25
Swiss Mulls, from 65c yard down to 20
Persian Lawn, from 75c yard down to 15
Batiste, from 65c yard down to 25?
Full line Kmbroidered and Dotted Swisses, Batistes, Cambrics
and Organdies, In all the new chocks and figures. Main floor, rear.
Edgier. Bands and Insertions in eye
let or solid embroidery doling In Swiss
and Kalnsook, lor elaboration of under
wear and kindred raiments.
Two to fifteen Inches wide
iOo value, yard, for 10c
25c value, yard, for 15c
89c value, yard, for ISO
Allover Embroideries Snveral
hundred pUces In nerft. effect,
open work designs desirable fni
waists and yokes 23o
150 pieces 18-inch Corset Cover
Embroidery, all new patterns,
values up to 35c a yard, at,
per yard ; . . .190
7-Inch Swiss Embroidered Dress
Tlonnclnga in the new Japanese
embroidery designs, values to
88c, yard, at 39c
Big lot of trial strip Kmbrold
eries in edging and insertions,
worth up to l&o a yard, at,
. per yard So
Sills Presses
' and Bemi-
Fifty more dresses and
deml-costumes just
received-each a shade
more stylish and
dashier than those
of Friday and
Every garment worth triple the money.
Friday and Saturday we sold dozens of them.
Val. Laces 300 pieces of pretty Vals., in widths from to life-Inch,
In both Edgings and Insertions, worth up to 15o yard, at
M mm Ml
60o all wool brown fabrics,
at one-fourth off 7ip
now f a v
75c Panamas, riatlstes. etc.,
one-fourth off A3
now J0C
$1.01) Panamaa, Screes, Taf
fetse. Batiste", ut Ti
one-fourth off now.
$1.2!l weaves of every de
scription. Voiles, ttA
etc., t. c
50c Black Figured Mo
hair, at. per (
yard XOKj
Cream and White Mo
hair, Monday,
Elegant quality
Bedford Cord,
$1.50 Materials, your choice
at one-fourth
$1.00 black Panama SO
inches wide, f Q -
yard -'C
1 25 Mack French Voile
Monday, a C 4
88-lnch black Voile, el
gnnt quality. OO
yard JC
88 Pieces JTew Swell Bajah Silk Plain or
fancy weaves and plain colors every
shade you ask for, fancy styles are the
colored or white grounds with large and
small plaid or check effects; tiruutlfui
stripes of various widths; twenty-seven
to thirty Inches wide. Monday, QC
a yard.
Handsome rich browns are among this
largo collection.
30-inch Fancy Silk Kultlng-EspecIally
desirable for dresses or Jumper
suits, all colors, styles are
pretty, neat. dainty designs,
hair line stripes, etc. reseda, navy
blue, brown, red, blnck and white color
ings; Monday every yard of those US
inch silks, worth (1.25 yard, g
46-Inch Printed Chiffons Pure silk Organ
dies, exquisite In style and quality, French
color combinations are superb, magnificent
floral and border effects; some in plain
chiffon cloth with just the styllxh borders
for princess dresses, etc., every yard CO
worth up to $1.50; Monday, a yard. . . .JC
Several Thousand Tarda cf Vew Taney
Silks 27 or 19 Inches wide, suitable for
street wear, elegant heavy qualities, worth
$1.00; plain colored Taffeta worth 7Ro,
Peau do Cygnes, In all shades, worth KBo;
one tremendous lot Monday, VI
$3.00 WAISTS FOR $1.48 Hundreds of them,
some with embroidery fronts; others dainty
lace effects or of pretty Swiss Mon
day, second floor ..... 7
I.RO KIMONO FOR 79c Made of fine dotted
and figured Swiss, with plain colored borders
of dotted Swiss; regular $1.50
value, Monday
Monday we offer 27 pieces of elegant heavy Xlmona
Silk, In great varieties, very wide; Monday, &?in
a yard ,TJS
19-inch White Habutal (washable) silk; Mon- to
day, a yard tsK
23-inch Black Wash Silk, for dresses or waists,
a yard -JK
46-Inch Black 811k Grenadines, worth $1.50 yard, yal
at. a yard Ac
36-lnch Black Taffeta, worth $1.39 yard; at,
a yard...
20-inch Black Taffeta, worth 85c yard; Monday, CC
a yard JC
Glass, Etc.
A Discount and Special- Price
on Every Piece ot China.
None Reserved.
Best Une of American Glassware, in Tum
blers, Vases, Bowls, Table Sets, Ooblota,
Wines all at out prices.
Thousands of Jugs, Teapots, Salad Bowls, all
at a big reduction from regular price.
Mantles, Globes, Decorated Lamps com
plete. Plain Glass Lamps, Plain Whlto Por
celain Dlnnerware or Toilet ware all at a
discount for one week.
Many Special Items for Opening Day,
Monday May 6th
To evtry purchaser in this section Monday, a Strong Class
Measuring Cup one of the most useful kitchen utensils FREE.
Gas Ranges N
All styles and prices, up from S8.50.
The One-Minute Dangler Baves 30 on
your gas bill.
Nice set of cooking utensils free with
each order for range Monday.
Poll 1.1ns Leads, Tarnishes, Paints and Oils.
Good Ready Mixed Paint, per gallo.i 8o
Best quality Mixed Paint, per gallon 1.30
Shlnlte Floor Stain., regular 20c can for IOo
Regular 38o can for l&o
Doable Qresn Trading Stamps 04 All Paints.
Three hundred English Kitchen
Bowls, blue striped, three sizes,
worth to, o arid IOo. regular open
ing day of sale, each ..80
Limit of to a customer. No deal
ers supplied.
Good, strong Table Tumblers, plain
with fluted bottom, full flint
glues, no seoonds (limit one dozen
to customer), each 80
3,000 large blue Coffee Cups and
Saucers, mad. of Holland Porce
lain, regular $1.30 a dozen value.
Monday, for Mo
Thirty-two beautiful Cut Vases, 12
ln. high, flared at top, a $10.00
value, Monday 93.83
The Kent Dinner Set. 15 of these
100-plece sets, regular $12 value,
Monday 96.98
160 Fancy Jaidlneres. 7-lnch size,
assorted colors und tihapes, regular
50c value, Monday, each 80c
Twenty-five handsomely cut Water
Jugs, 2-qt. size, an JS.00 value,
Monday, for 93.98
Big Framed Mirror Special
'Ffcte French Plate Mirror, 6ize 18x36, framed in 3-inch sold
moulding, a big May special at S4 9S
Hand Colored Photogravures SI. 00
These beautiful pictures, ready for framing or to fit your old frames,
site 22x28 ouUide measure, plate size about 14x17, Monday. $1.00
See oar Big Bargain Table of Framed Pictures at 10
No'e handsome display of Framed Pictures for wedding gifts.
Third Floor Third Floor
Drapery Section--$275 Sale
Lace Curtains, Couch Covers, Screens, Shirtwaist Boxes,
etc., all worth double the price we ask T75
Monday only w
Weathered Oak Screen Frames, filled with plain red or
green burlap, 5 feet, 6 inches high, most durable x J75
screen on the market, sells for $4.50, Monday only . . .
Extra Heavy Tapestry Couch Covers, CO inches wide, 3 yards
long, with long lattice fringe..priental patterns 75
and colors, sell for $5, Monday only
Dainty Nottingham, Cable Net and Arabian Dentelle Lace'
Curtains, great' variety, sell up to $4.75 pair, J75
Monday only, pair w
This is one
of the sales
that rrf a k e
people talk
about us.
Every article
in the China
Section at a
d i s co u n t ,
This is the
week for the
the bride or
for the one
with a wed
ding invitation.
vtH, ?.ieKteiT.lKf- ..trr j.ri, j fr V
A grand opportunity 4"or replenishing your kitchen.
Four grades and four colors of Enamel "Ware Genyino
imported Stransky ware included
Monday at a Discount of 20
Here's a reminder
of prime import
ance in house furn
ishing The pre
mium parlor is re
plete with dozens
of useful and orna
mental articles for
the home. It's espe
cially strong with
three - book pre
miums. We recom
mend "Triple -Bookers"
to give
these premiums
their attention.
Monday in tiie Bio Furniture Section
Well selected stock of reliable furniture. Complete line and many varieties. We delight in giv
ing you more for your money than any other furniture house in Omaha. We invite comparisons.
Monday only, we offer our entire line of weathered oak furniture, including many beautiful pieces in N
naa, Den ana ummg Koom iumismngs at one-iouxm on.
Monday, while supply lasts, we m r----rm Boys roll top desk- all
oak, nicely finished,
regular $12 7C
value, for Os J
Carpet Beaters, extra quality, 25c
arid ISO
And twenty green trading stamps.
Extra good Scrub Brush for IOo
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Whisk Broom IOo
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Shovels and Spades, long or short
handled, full polished, solid back,
special 490
Garden Hose, BO-ft. lengths, com
plete with nozzle, special at $7. fin,
$.C0, $1.60, $5.00 and 84.60
And double green trading stamps.
Steel Screen Door Hinges, regular
ISc value, pair IOo
Screen Door, complete with hinges,
$1.50, $1.25 and 98.
Screen Window Frames, prices up
from 180
And twenty green trading stamps.
Screen Wire Cloth, best quality,
double selvage, per sq. ft So
And double groen trading stamps.
Poultry Wire, best quality, by the
roll, per 1U0 sq. ft SOo
And double green trading stamps.
offer this all oak Taborette in
golden oak or mahogany fin
ish, (exactly like OO
cut) for OUC
A Desk for Girls, in golden oak
or weathered oak, one of the
nicest pieces of furniture fcr
any room in the house, stands
3 feet, 6 inches high, 30 inches
wide, 2 shelves for books,
with brass rod for curtain and
top shelf for bric-a yl 7P
brae, Monday at. . . . tf t O
0re-Fourh Off
Weathered Oak
Bennett's Capitol Coffee lb-pkg.2 8c
And Thirty Green Trading Stamps.
TEAS B. F. Japan, Oolong, Gun
powder and English Breakfast,
pound .. 38c
And Thirty Green Trading Stamps.
Pure Black Pepper, -lb. can. 10c
And Five Green Trading Stamps
Bennett's Capitol
Flour, small sack
for COc
And 40 Green
Trading Stamps.
Bennett's Bargain
Laundry Soap, 9
bars 26c
Sunflower Seed for
Parrots, 3 lbs. 2 5c
And 10 Green
Trading Stamps.
Best We Have-
Vegetables Ten Green Trad
ing Stamps with each can
Baked Beans, can 12 He
Lima Beans, can ... .... 1 5c
Wax Beans, can 15c
Kidney Beans, can .... 12 c
Corn, can 124c
Hominy, can 10c
Pumpkin, can 12 He
Red Cross Cream, large can.. 10c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Diamond S Preserves, large jar. 28c
And Twenty Green Trading Stamps
Blood of the Grape, Juice, pint
bottle 28c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps
' Asm Umi B
The greatest Silk Selling of the season com
mences Monday morning, May 6th. High
class Silks you've been wanting to buy H
85o Mew Toll. Boltlcf-s in every con
ceivable shade pink, blue, reseda,
navy, black, old rose or 101a
white,; 27 inches wide, yard...,wI
95o Spring Saltings Have the rough
appearance, will launder beauti
fully, every shade, Mon- $
Bilk Mulls In beautiful new styles,
exquisite patterns, floral designs
for dresses or waists, worth
29c; Monday .'
r5rZS2Sr,r5SSESrae5r,Sr 15e5rrSHScSrZ5rL5c3SS2SrZ5ZSHS
Annual May . Sale in Crockery, Cut Glass, Hardware and Housefurnishing Sections
Annual May Sale of Finc T X f .s,-" - .-, - - .w-- ..-v Annual May Sale in Hard-
China Cut Glass, Lamps, . 'vf ' v . , ;L 1 ware, Housdurnlshiiifls,
unc-a-uiac, rrcsseu -v-j -.-- rNr-7ic . - vo v Ti y . ! Kitchen Utensils, Lawn, Garden,
2nd Out-house Essentials.
Discounts and Specially Cnt Prices
on Hundreds of Thousands of
Useful and Indispensable Articles.
"There's no higher art than the Improvement of food." JUhm her.
Coffees KoaMted livery and All Day ltlght la View of Customer.
Lincoln Butterlne, 2 lbs 25c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Jersey Butterlne, 2
pounds 34o
And Ten Green
Trading Stamps.
New York Full
Cream Cheese,
pound 20c
And Ten Green
Trading Stamps.
Virginia Swiss
Cheese, lb . . .25c
And Twenty Green
Trading Stamps.
Patna Rice, lb.. 10c
And Twenty Green Trading Stamps
Plllfbury's Vitos Breakfast Food,
pkg 12Vc
And Ten, Green Trading Stamps.
Marshall's Kippered Herring,
can 20c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Malt Breakfast Food, pkg.... 10c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Wiggle Stick Bluing, 3 large sticks
for 25c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Lemon Wafers, pkg lOe
And Tea Green Trading 8tamps.
Peanut Butter, medium Jar... 20c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Three Star Salmon, can 20o
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Palace Car Jam, can. 12c
Potted Meat, can.... 4c
Baked Beans, can 4c
1 -"sy