Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Brandeia imported on a lavish scale to bring a wealth of exclusive spring apparel from
Paris for our opening a few weeks ago. Our own Paris buyer selected these exquisite garments
and each one was an artistio gem and a perfect model of French style. Monday at the very
height of the season, we reduce the prices on these wonderfully beautiful Paris garments and
offer them to the women of Omaha for less than their value.
Imported Costumes
Great Price Reductions
on Our
Demi-Costumes, Imported Dresses, Fancy French Jacket Suits, Etc.
Thirty Fancy Silk
and Net
French Dresses
These are the daintiest and most sum
mery effects every style is individ
ual and charming. All the new shades
are shown, the trimmings are very
dainty and each dress has that smart
Parisian effect that is so much sought
after by fashion's devotees. The
dresses are easily worth as high as
$65, at
...AW Ji I
Women'! smart Sample Walking I C A
Skirts, new models at. 3,0J
Women's handsome Sample Skirts,
new checks and plaids, etc, at.
vtf km 32
a . - -Vssa. - .
Each one of thfBe garments which we offer at such aston
ishlng reductkins was selected for Its artistio beauty an
correct style character.
We mention just a few of the many high class garments voe
offer at this redue.d prioi sale:
One $75 imported green silk mull, loci trimmed Princess at
One $75 pink Shantung Jumper Dress at. ...
One $85 champagne colored voile Princess over silk, at.
One $100 champagne veiling Princess wit), tucked taffeta trimming
One $115 imported Lace Ooren, t immed with blue ribbons, at .
One $139 light blue broadcloth ( Worth model) lace trimmed, at..
All our other exquisite French gowns and cos
tumes will be offered at corresponding reductions
throughout this special sale.
m n.jut t d.-s- n if.- t.i ci t! . cu: wxyaBaX3BkZXkK
, . IV.OUUJ, uranacis uwn man uutcr, u ui dcni vi oiiiuiiiciii us u
. rrc a t cAir iMDnDTirn
The Newest Creations in Pa,ris He,tsl T T" " 1
Expressly Designed for Fashionable Late Spring and Summer Wear aillylC LiRtiiS at LESS llldll 2 ITlCe $
One Hundred High
Class French
Tailored Suits
This is a wonderfully attractive as
semblage of the chic spring suits that
have boon so extravagantly admired.
The widest possible rango of style
all the colors that are in highest
favor. These suits represent , the
height' of perfection in tailored ap
parel. They are worth readily from
$35 to $50, at
Women's Tailored Suits In new
materials, new styles and new trim
mings an extra special
Monday, at.
a v ff
Each one of these hats was selected personally by M. ffl
i iiviu tiiv. uinui L. v. o i xiv t viv.oiii.) ii ici ill v- livy It 1 11 1 1 ' 1
rm, ... c i i i
on the Paris boulevards
and their beauty is so unusual that we cannot begin to gi ve p.
you an idea of this assemblage that is here at "P.randeis.
Many extreme; novelties are shown that cannot be found in
another millinery store west of New York.
Tf 111 1 I 1 1 r 1 a.rSV
iou wouia aeciare tnem to oe Jf-iu or $ou rtt
hats, but we save so materially through iP
direct importation that we offer them
at '
The trimmings and garniture thttt are used on the smart Brandeh Hats
are all imported expressly for this house. 'Every flower, every plume or tip,
every ribbtn or ornament, every bit of maline is bouiht in Paris throuah our
own foreign office and sent direct to Brandeis. This is how Brandeis1 Hats '4
even at moderate prices) far surpass others in style character and mrtistio beauty.
These hats are all made from carefully selected imported
materials and copied from expensive French models.
There are hats here suitable for every JI- pay C
Our Parle office bought for cash five great lines of sample linens a
In the newest nnd most up-to-date novelties, besides hundreds of fine b
Pattern Tablecloths and Napkins, Linen Sheets and Pillow Cases, etc.
Bought at a fraction of their value
go oil sale Monday at less than half price
fashionable occasion all the new
shades and correct color schemes
Among these lines are Princess, Renaissance and Cluny Laces, ,.)
pieces made In the convents of Franc beautiful hand made Irish and $
Japanese Embroidered and Hand Drawnwork Pieces, Eyelet Scarfs, jjjj
Squares and Doilies, Conton Linen Embroidered Center Pieces, Italian n
Filet and all the leading linen novelties of the old world. UK
These linens have been on display In our
thousands. Impossible to mention all the prices, but below are a few:
$5 Sample Pattern Tablecloths, 60c Sample Eyelet Embrodd-
each .1.98 ered Tumbler Doilies. ... 19c
$7 Sample Pattern Tablecloths, 7 Be Sample Eyelet Embroidered
each ......$2,981 Plate Doilies, each 2 5c
f 10 Sample Pattern Tablecloths, $3 Sample Eyelet Embroidered
each $4,981 Scarfs and Squares, each. $1.49
$4 Sample Napkins, doz. .$1.98 $10 Sampl Cluny and Princess
$6 Sample Napkins, doi. .$2.98 Lace Pieces, each. . . .$3.98
$10 Sample Linen Sheets, perl 200 dozen regular 10c Jap
pair $4,75 1 Doilies, each 6c
$2 Sample Linen Pillow Cases, 500 dozen 6-wheel Teneriffe
pair 98c Doilies, each 2c
One new lot of very fine nainsook and cambric embroideries, medium and wide
edges, up to y inches, also the linest and daintiest oi FZ3
insertions and headings all the designs are new
and worth regularly up to 20c yard on bargain
squares, at 4 .,
EMBROIDERIES IN 18 TO 27 INCH WIDTHS Made of extra fine quality of
nainsook and Swiss. These are flouncings. skirtings and corset cover embroid
eries all are new designs in English eyelet, open work
and beading edge effects 3 prices at, yd
windows and admired by U You'll declare these new effects in fine batiste, Swiss and nainsook
Ut belOW are a few: ! oia r-tti f Irtof va Nta rXTfv n Wnnle T-i rl i ' vrrril-k4-
tjj and neat open patterns as well as combination baby Irish designs, Vi
I at, a yard ....V13
LACES lc, 3c, 5c
fe These are all new patterns in French and German Vals., torchons, etc., etc all de
sirable widths and splendid quality. We show these pretty wash and
trimming laces on bargain squares.
ttS Tn hlnrlr Trnifo flnn nrlrT,o Tnnln1Jrir
Remember that the low cash price Brandeis paid for these samples ffl j vi . ; '
enables us to offer them at less than half value Monday In Linen De- k Kayser S double finger tip Silk gloves
partment. Basement. at, per
XEisaeasiiBs pair. .
Elbow Length Silk Gloves j New Styles Women's Neckw'r
Embroidered stocks and tailor made ef
fects, lace collars, linen embroidered col
lars, also collar
and cuff sets. . .
In Oar
Carpet Department
Second Floor,
Old Store
Special Sale of Rugs
,' Our new department is not only the largest, the lightest and airiest carpet
iroom in Omaha, but It Is also filled with the most complete stock of High
Grade Carpets and Rugs In the west. Beautiful new patterns for 1907. Every
rug is priced at less than you can buy the same quality elsewhere.
New designs In ' handsome Tapestry . Axmlnster Rugs, Sanford's best quality,
Brussels Rugs, in the
9zt2 size, at ,
Very fine Body Brussels Rugs, best 6
frame, 9x12 size, vi . ' f
. Special Monday at.. i.,jU
they usually sell at $30, C1C
Monday at pD
The richest and most elegant of Room
Sice Rugs, the Royal Wiltons, 9x12
: size, always sells at $50, A PA
special , HtiD3
Axmlnster Carpet, regular $1.35 quality, special Monday at ftff rt
yard . ,. $I1U
Lace Curtain Specials
You will find a great assortment of the highest
Curtains, Portieres and yard goods here, very specially
; SB styles of tine Cable
Net, Novelty and Not
tingham Cutalns, worth
up to $3.50. at $1.98 a
Irish Point, Arabian
and ' Cluny Curtains,
Worth up to $5, at $3.98
Summer Portieres,
worth $3.50, at $1.98
Swiss Curtains, 3 yards
long and 40 inches wide,
Battenberg edge, $1.60
values, at 98c pair.
Single Curtains, worth
up to $2 pair, at J 9c
grade new spring Lace
priced. . .
Irish Point Door Pan
els, worth 60c each,, at,
29c each.
Full size Swiss Cur
tains, worth $1.00, at,
39c a pair.
Madras cloth worth
25c yard, at, yard, 15c.
Window Shades made
to order, any size.
Special Sales of Dress Goods and Silks
4 Extra Specials Monday
At one-half the regular price. We sell the new Brown
Dress Goods so much In vogue, special styles in gray
French Suitings, Pekln stripes, neat invisible check
and barred suitings, 42 to 66 Inches, L.Cn ff f
worth $1 to $1;50 yard, at, yard OC-
36-inch new check and stripe Wool Suitings, worth 50c
yard, in our new Bargain Dress Goods De- (
partment, main aisle, rear L3G
Elegant dress materials, 44-inch Serges, Panamas,
Sicilians, 44-inch Wool Taffetas and "tft
Poplins, etc., worth up to $1 yard .'. . .J JG'TtZJ C
Finest imported 44-lnch Worsted Dress Goods, broken
checks, 4 8 and 64-inch Black and Colored Panamas,
48-inch Melanges and Vlgoureux, worth CI
$1.25 yard, at, yard. .
Black , Dress Goods,
strictly all wool, 60 to
56-inch Black Dress
. Goods, Herringbone,
Serges and summer
weight suiting, worth
$1.75 and $2
yard, at, yard
In bargain Dress Goods Dept.
44-inch Silk Finished Mo
hair, cream only, worth
75c per yard 1f
at 2VC
69c embroidered cream
grounds with colored dots
and figures, at, j"
yard ZDC
We bought at a great reduction 1,000 pieces of the
newest Spring Silks from a Paterson, N. J., manufac
turer. Silks are advancing In price all over, yet Bran
dels offers these highest quality Spring Silks at about
one-half price.
Satin and Twill Foulards, 24 Inches wide, dots, spots,
floral effects, rings and geometrical ef- IO
fects, worth 69c and 75c yard, at, yard. ..... JLJC
Burmah Silks (like Rajah), new browns, onion
browns, leather colors, new navys and black, f
$1 values, yard OC
Peau de Crepe, In dots and small figures, new browns,
navys, reds, black and white, $1 values, Mt
yard UC
New Loulsene and Taffeta checks, in 15 different size
checks and every known combination, $1 "t
values, at, yard DDC
Pure yarn dyed 20-Inch Peau de Gant, all the newest
spring and summer shades, a $1 value, yf Q
yard rOC
In Black Silk Section, genuine Buckskin Brand
Unbreakable Black Taffeta, every yard guaranteed
20-inch, yard 3$)
27-lnch, yard 50
86-inch, yard 85
Worth One-Third More.
Extraordinary Sale of
Women's High
Every woman In Omaha owes It to herself to attend this sale. The dainti
est and newest of 1907 Shirt Waists can be bought at about one-half regulai
prices. It is beyond all question the biggest waist bargain event Omaha has
ever known.
Women's $2 and $2.50 Shirt
Waists, very stylish, at...'.
Women's $3 and $3.50 Waists, in
lingerie effects, at
Women's $i Lingerie and Silk
Waists of highest quality, at. . . .
Women's $1 Shirt Waists, slightly
' mussed, basement, at
Wpll Paper
The bargains we offer can't be
equalled elsewhere. We sell Wall
Paper and nana; it under a guarantee.
Wall Paper Cleaner, the 20c size, 2
cans for 25c.
Paste in packages that make from 20
to SO pounds, pkg., 15c and 25c.
. Our Specialty 40c grade Wall
Paper at 20o roll.
Imported Wall Paper, worth 50c and
? 6c, at 85o.
Floral and Striped Wall Paper, at
18c down to 6a.
Papers for kitchens, dining rooms and
bed rooms, worth 6c to 10c, at 6c and
New snd Richly Appointed
Main Floor, Old Store
We invite you to visit this most com
plete and beautiful Shoe Department in
the west. Separate entrance on 16th
St., north of Douglas. Shoes of high
grade for women, men, children and
Infants. Moderate prices always.
Brooks' Machine Cot
ton, special. 16c dozen.
Sewing Silk, white and
black, special, 19c dozen.
Black Darning Cotton,
pedal. S spools for to.
Dressmakers' Pins, 4
papers for 6c.
Dressmakers' Hooks
ad Eyes, special, lo
to Cotton Tape, spe
teL far 6 c
10c Finishing Braids,
white and colors, 6o
6c Dutch Linen Tape,
special. So each.
10c remnant of Elaa
tlo, So piece.
Safety Pins, alt sizes,
special, 2c card.
10c Shoe Laces, 1 and
1 -yard. 6 dozen.
10c Baek Combs, spe
cial, 6o each.
Good quaUty Scissors,
all sizes, special, 10c
8 9c front pad Hose
Supporters, special, 26c
15c Dressing Combs,
special, 7 He.
16c Side Combs, spe
cial. 7 He pair.
Good quality Horn
Hairpins, 7 He dozen.
Iii Our
Housefurnishing Department Su'SlI
Two Burner Gaso
line Store, steel
one war
New color varnish for
floors and woodwork,
at, pint
Garden Hoc
Brandeis' House and Floor
Paint no better
made 30 colors-
pared ready for use, 16
130 oik
98c !J
mesh '
. 5c
Wall Varnishes nd Kalso- M r
mine Brushes, each, at 3c to. tT(,mJ
China Salt Boxes Melsned and dec
oration, hardwood, hinged
cover at
. Z
Tack Hammers Up- Q
holsterers' pattern ZJG
HouM-hold Hand Saws Cast
steel blade. r
16-ln. size Z,DC
S-qt. Handled Sauce
Pan White enameled
Inside, blue f (
outside 1U6
Poultry Net
ting: 2-inch
galvanized after woven.
per 100 square feet,
by the roll. ...........
Garden Roke 10-tooth,
long handle
Camphor Bulls Best
quality, per pound
Camphorated Flake A sure M
moth destroyer, package lU
Clothes Pins nardwood, good
quality, per dozen 1C
I'niversal Food Chopper Cuts all
kinds of meats, vegetables, JCn
etc.. at OJC
Itlce Root Scrub Brushes
solid back
Galvanized Water Sprink
lers 8-qtiart
Carpet Stretchers long han
dle, steel head
Carpet Broom best quality,
broom corn, steel bead
39c h
Women's $1.50 Shirt Waists, fine Q
quality, slightly mussed, basement 0C
MMUMtiksi' rfuuLtuuuuutiuwbuuk f art 1 1 kJi h-lim' 1
I 250 quality M I J 40 Inches wide 1
I J silk kpot ba
i -a tlsta, - In ' hand
14 signs,
11 at'
I 1 yard .
Id d-
r I m r wm w "-j
J Mercerised (-.
t 1 P o p 1 1 n. an
plain shades.
1 1 blues, browns.
t etc., 19c qual-
s ny,
1 yard.
I u a t r a n
- m i n g n a m s .
J brown, green.
Uplnk, etc., large
and small
g checks, mm
t 1 yard, 0 C
4 lurrwp, s mm
Oenulne Amos- k I
white lawns.
various quali
ties, worth up
4 to zoo per ya,
- at,
I J yard
J only. .. J
3ic j
E i Mtrcirlitd
1 hliirk aateen
M light, mwdlum 11
I J and heavy
r e weight, worth I 4
3 up to 40o per t i
f J yrd, mrnm
11 at"per lajR f
4 yard. . . " w J J
' 'fBIB J
f Fancy printed
lawns and dim- J
usual t 1 ,
k W
19 Hies
J price
I'ie per
2c !
M 19o iuallty, 32 tl 5o .juallty SO Navy blue and '"'l- II
4 . ... M -. I 1 tir-it u, k . - . Ind pparllne 1
Ei '6iC !.i ?Sr Gic M ;u tic SI iH7ri u
If "1
( t