Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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.TIIE OltAllA SUNDAY BEE: ilAY 5. 190?.
i 1
'l. .
1 v ?
W m. '
) (
CM-A 1 ett
t - ' V 1 '
ITi, drug,
ttaockeft. arils earp.
tA Rogers' .Tony Faust bear.
Fin engravlnf at LetTerta.
ftchmldt a elegant new photo.
Lewie Oilier, funral director, 'pbon ft
Woodring-tdrtsklng company, TaU -M.
Ualk to tErrtirr about it.
New mehogan y and rosewood photo
frame. Alexander's, 23 Broadway.
Wedding and engagement ring at tha
Tight price. O. Maulbe. 2J8 Weeti&roaaV
Thomu Laoev and lianrv Atkins r
tinme from a trip to tha Jamestown expol
Voti. ,
High grade watrhes, wedding awd
Ol'imnl -ring IA Weat Broadway, O.
Commencing; yeeterdsr the offices In the
rcoan court bou
1 0 Hi Jurlng th
"the Mkfrthf .
Tutesday afternoon
PflWl V Hflfirt U f It. mm nn StmtttrAm mm -
toe eu aimer months.
Social club -wll meet
If UrtiriOTi In UUn-l lu. K n. -7 - 1
guard. II 1v,Vn exhTutton drllL"-' :
H!T,-V.kb Kr,TTt rn r.-c-,. , '
X HUBt.M'tLlJ Co., Agt. 1
r75ATSJK?XH.l -
I'RIJETOfta. .
Ir Lftd Mra A. T. rtlAmrrf are Jimne
from Aurora, Ja.. where they wVre oallAd
r the Jeaih of Mra. rilckincer a father
Hon A-T. tiaacler. . , ,
. .n,.rT,'. Uceriae-wae lesued yeeterdav
to M. V. Chubbwrtc Ad VlaJa Carer. oa
aired M yeare and both from Omaha. They
wre marrv d by Juntlre Oreene.
C. M.
aluKinlev. luil ri I ..-! tn tha
meetlna nf th hr.,n.phnn r
Hallway Trainmen, left Friday for Atlaha.
Oa.. where the convention will be held.
i. tm MtFarland filed lull for divorce
yeaterday In the dlatrlct court from Ina
Uarrett McFarl and to whom be waa
r4rried at Ulenwood In January of laat
year. He raakea atatutory charea arainat
lha defendant.
A bulidinr permit waa lanued yesterday
to 9. a Keeler for a ft.tifiu reeidenoe to le
erected on the alts of tha old Stephanaon
homestead on Washington avenue. ( me
waa ajso tabued to H. Hansen for a 11,660
f'arae cottage In Crawford s addition.
.Tha lire department waa given a run to
Paul street and Willow avenue yesterday
forenoon, where a kettle of tar used In re
pairing tha roof of the Merrtazn block had
-Ued over. There was a considerable
and much amoke, but tha damage
was confined to the tar In the kettle.
Tha preliminary hearing; of C. W. Tu'nts,
the Uieal Western switchman charged
with the theft of a barrel of tripe from a
fre4ght car In the company's arda. waa
Only partially had yesterday afternoon btn
fore Justice Cooper. The defense will have
lta Inning Monday. Tullls baa aecured his
release on ball. ' , "...
Kacharlaii TayUr. whose family troubles
of late rear have frequently brought hlrn
lot court, waa lodged In the county jail
last evening charged with assaulting: his
jwife and blacking both her eyes. The In
formantlon waa hied In the oourt of Juatlce
Coopef and In default af ball Taylor had
i gu io ine county uaatne. .....
Judge J. M. Dickinson of Chicago, head
rf U legsj department of tha Illinois Cen
tral railroad, waa In Council bluffs yes
terday. JuOge Dickinson waa accompanied
by Judge W. B. Ken yon of Fort Lodge,
attorney for Iowa. John H. Webster of
Crush and. ttiarlrs M. Harl of this city
Joined the party and were guests at dinner
In Judge Dickinson s private car.
Attorneys George B. Wright and Bnmet
Tlnley arrived home yesterday from Mid
41eiown, O.. and other' nouns where they
rtwk depusltluns In the jnatter of the con
tested botes given by tfte lTnlon Transfer
company f thla city to the New Decatur
Buggy company. The lnveatlgatlona of the
attorneys Showed that In moat Instances
tha notes had been secured by Innocent
parties and that the New Ievatur Buggy
oompany had evidently, secured. the .money
OB' them. These notes hare been con
tested, by the other creditors of tiie bs.Dk
Jut L'luoo Transfer cwuvauy.
Greerry Dtssrtaint Isrelala.
atotiday only: One lb. can Dr. Price's
Fring powder. c.' Qrape nuts,
V aiaer a chbcolat ,pkg,' Mc;;:
I: uk.. TUc:' Zest, bke TVj - 1 rk-
pkg.. TV: it, pkg , 7V; cana oil Bar-
f f vines, 16c; Ur pkg. 1
). mll -t. n N. O.
; Mer. .Co 1-101-10
tea bust, lto; prunes, lb..
molassea. 16c. J. Zoller
i-lot-llK-due .Broadway. 'Phone
LOBT-April U. ladies- gold watcb. Elgin
BBorement. diamond aet Jn back. Uberal
iMMgal tar return to UT Bouth Main street.
Oreateat ice sever on tha market the
Alaakat refrigerator. Petersen ft Scboenlng.
Real Estate Traasfers.
These transfexa were reported to Tbe Boe
May 4 by the Pottawattamie County Ab
stract company of Council Bluffs:
Wllllsm Foray the and wife to John
A. Hanson, lots 1. J. It and 20, In
block 1M. In o. . of Creacent City.
la., w.
Charles R. gtout and wife to Altert
Brown. se w of -77-44 snd ne4
DW and aw ne of M-77-4. w. d.
C. H. Iane and wife to Christian An
derson, south so acrea of n4 iw
and iiorth lu acrea of sW swV of IX-7J-e.
w. d
Thomas E. Huff and wife to Oeorge
Larsnn, - north ftt feet of lot X.
block 7, Unimea add. to Council
Blurfs. la., w. d
Ge.trge M. Boot on and wife to James
Hooton. lot 6. m block 14. In Potter
at Colb s add. to Couik-11 BluBa. la.,
w. d
M. V. fl'ead to George M. Booton. lot
IB. block 14, Potter aV Cobb's ald. to
. Council Bluffs, Ir., w. d.
John A. Williams to Metta M Wll
llama. lot &. in Damon's first add.
to CoudcU Jilufla, la, w. d
Seven transfers, total
Bee Onlee Me veal.
' The Council Bluffs office of The Omiht
Be ha been moved from No. 19 Pearl
treet, where It haa been for the laat
ten yesrel to No. IS Scott street. The new
office 1 directly north of the Bapp block
And opposite the Nebraska Telephone com
peaiy's building.
Cpholsteiing.. gnaitresses made to order,
old mattresaas made over, feather beds ren
ovated, feather mattresses made . and all
klad of upholstering a speclaJty. George
"W. Kiln, - Bell 'phono 548. Ind. 'phone 710
black. U South Main street.
, Co PreiweiBoeed Rabies.
An examination made yesterday by Vet
erinary Surgeoa Miller of the dog, which
waa auppoaed to "have been suffering from
raMes Friday, and "which bit a number of
other dog a. confirmed the suspicion. Dr.
tiller is satisfied that the dor was suf
feriag from rabies. The stomach of the
oeova canine contained almoit everything
but food, and thla is said to tie a sure
' lgn.or raMea In a dog. The aloriach con-
alga, of raMes In a dog. The atortach con-
twnN r.t or wood, email rooks. - hair,
; hy, bits of leather and even ecrep iron,
r . . i t . ..." .
-i V which lad been bitten by the
f bJJ ""I". a,a4 others have been locked
Pf their owner to see If they elevelen
aar igu ut rabies.
- . f J " -
" '' "5rit ... mm.,m7lZ Z It
We 6m. th. "1. . ",n" cr"
pet. vt os th rest sew, lay and fit It
right to "your room. D. W. Keller, log a.
When th weather rets warm the people
want K. so call th Council Bluffs CreJ
aud la Qb. TM. Tl
Da office retweved ta U Boott streat, op
poait Nebraska Tel.phen bulldlag.
City Scftvencer
t haul dead aalanala. ti e pr head.
Q.rta. aabea, maaure aitd ail rub
blah; clwa vaults aad caaapuoi. All
werk doe. ta guaxanieed.
CaiiS praiaptly at nded to.
L. Pboa. lit T Bell Red 1IT1
H. Tel. 4.
CommiuiaB Eattrmiatd frea fittiiff ia
Isro Qrdar af Egnoal
Weedy Haa Bee get for Bra Has,
bat It May Be Delay e4 y Js
Gal aar lata (.'start ta Teet
- .
l.lllr af rsssatasla.
iRobert W. Jone U allll chief ,f tb,ftr
department. Judge Wheeler of tha dla
trlrt court ao held yesterday afternoon and
when It came to a showdown tha PI re and
vummiBsiun aumiiieu n use exrra
land had bean somewhat premature -Jn ' ar-
i . . .. . . . . , . - .
"' ",rno" '
department. The Fire and Police Comml-
V another tack yesterday hi Ita de-
termination to ouat Chief Joaee and. Bad
cha,,ea preferred and file with Clerk
Bapp against Chief Jones. With the pres
nt makeup of the comnMealon and Its
avowed determination to get rid of Chief
Jones at any coat, there Is little queetlon
but ttjat It will finally be sueceesful.
At the hearing before Judge Wheeler
yesterBay. afternoon the controversy
sulrmlttod on sn s greed statatnont of Tacts
and In ah answer file fy ths rommlsslon
and Nicholson both denied any Intention
of Interfering with Chief Jones "oi account
of any action heretofore taken by the
Board of fir and Police commissioners, or
for and on account, or by. reason of any
appointment of him (Nicholson) as chief
of tha Ore department previous to this
In the answer It la aet forth that the
commissioners on May i adopted ru lea and
regulations governing charges and trials of
officers and members of ths fire depart
ment and that on May 4 written and veri
fied charges were made and filed against
Chief Jones
In holding against the FVe end Polloe
Commission In Ita appointment of Nichol
son the order does not restrain the com-
tirl sal otters from proceeding -e-gainst -Chief-
Jones on the chargea filed yesterday.
C ha rates A eel ant t kief.
The .chnrges against Chief Jonea were
filed try O. P. McKeanon. -a former resident
of thla city, who,' after the transfer of hie
Interest In the Union Transfer' company
to W, A. . Southard, removed with his
family to California. For several weeks
Mr. McKeaaon haa been making his home
at the Grand hotel In this city. The
charges kfe" eleven' irf tiOmBer ind' afe' as
Guilty of misconduct, unbecoming n
omiir of said department.
Has laHed aiwl neglected to pcrrorm his
duty aa such ofnerr.
Has failed to properly care Tor and pro
tect the property of the city In his charge
Haa failed to Keep the proper and neces
sary discipline In the department.
Haa failed and neglected to pay proper
and due respect to the dignity of his
superior ufficerm. '
Is Incompetent to set as fire chief.
In the management of his force at the
1'nion Transfer company fire he handled
the firemen In such a manner that the
buildings were a total loae. when ' thev
could have been saved with proper manage
ment of the forces at his command.
Fails to keep the station buildings and
jSrojerty clean and In proper condition.
Does not work In harmony with his su
periors or with the men 'inder his control.
hermits tne station buildings to be used
for Improper purpurea
Has used disrespectful, vile and obscene
tanguaga tow ard his auperlor ofneera.
, Hearlag Bet" for Wednesday.
In- conformity with the rules and regula
tions adopted by the Firs and Police com
mission, iCty Maransl Richmond yesterday
served upon Fire Chief Jones notice of the
charges filed against him by O. P. McKea
aon and that the hearing would be held
before the commission Wednesday momlag.
Pending being furnished with suitable
qaarteri by the city council, the Fire and
Police, commi salon la hcldlng Ita meeting
In the private office of Clerk W. F. Bapp.
It la possible that the bearing before the
commission may be delayed, as It was
stated last night that counsel for Chief
Jones 'would take into- court the question
of' the legality" of Mayor Macrae's apprlnt
mentg, seeing that the commission Is com
posed of two democrats and one republican,
while the law provides that It should con
aist. If practicable, of one democrat and
two republican. It Is contended that "It
waa entirely "practicable" for Mayor Mac
rae to have found two responsible cltisens.
republican in polltk-r., who would hare been
willing to serve on the commission.
Before getting your upholstering, matt mas
making, repairing and reflnlshlna; done get
the prioes of ths Morgan Upholstering Co..
EH Broadway, next to Alexander's art
store. Telephone for quick orders. Ball
SO, Ind. X0 red. -
Need - any tace curtains? Before you
buy better come In and see tie. Ws want
to aurprlae you in price and quality. t.
W. Keller, 102 8. Main.
Lace curtains. Btockert Carpet Co.
Here t Stay.
.Ws are daily receiving new lota of shoes
and are selling them at our usual low
prices. Duncan Shoe Co.
Bridge materlala. We have any timber or
plank you may wiah. When in need call or
writ ua. C. Hafer Lumber Co.
Saaday Services.
Flrrt Christian Church, Rev. J. A. Mo
Kensle. Pastor Bible school, t:4fi a m.;
preaching services. 11 a. m.. subject, "Vain
Religion;" Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.;
preaching. I p. m.. subject. "Pointing to
Jesus." chart sermon; baptiamal service at
tha close of the evening service. Music
specially arranged by tbe choir.
First Church of Christ, Scientist will
held services at 11, a. m. ta the auditorium
of the public library building a has the
4 subject of the lesaon will be "Adam and
rwnen Stan. euuatty ecnool will be at p. m., and the regular mid-week testi-
caony meeting Wednesday evening at
j o'clock. ' .
I First ITeebyterlu Church. Rev. Marcua
I P. McClure. Minister 10. ID a. m.. preach-
lag.' "The Wondrrtul Confession;" U m..
r -.w .
Allen Blma, leader; . p. m., youi.g peo
' pie a aervlce. "The Power of a Contented
t Life." Mlaa Edna Wiley, leader; I p. m
.. . ' ,'
.peclal, sermon for young people. "What
Becomes of a Toung Man s FrlendsT" In
Jthe morning Mr. Barton wlU alng "Like
1-M.sth rnnhuin. " v.. m m jk .w.
"". mM 111 UW:
evening, "O. Eye That axe Weary."
First Congregational Ckurch, Dr. Otter
beln O. South, Pastor Morning rrtce at
M:J. everung servlc. I o'clock vepr;
midweek aerrloe Wednesday evenin at
Bundejr schot.1, noon. At the morning er
. ... -
vice there will be communion and reeep-
UuB ot BuiUMTt Subject at Miner
"Duty and Oraca." Special tnualc both
Broadway Methodist Church. Rev. James
O May. Pastui-Prt.bang servloe at Is lu
a- m. and p. m. ; morning trmioa tcpic.
"Sflrttual Power," evening anrmoa topic,
The Old True Rellgioa ". Ciaae meeUng
at 1 a. m. Sunday avhuoj at noon, and
Epworth leaga tmUni at T p. m.
MmuosuI Jtatr a Church, Rev. Oram
B. Wilder. Mlnhner-eWvioea at 10 JO a an..
e-eiiiiiiirikn-and reception of new members;
wahbath school at U.-flJ p. jv.; Toung Feo-
pleTs aoctety at f n. FeerHvg oerrlpw
at i o'clock, .sermon to new members. ,
The Hobart M. Cable .pianos at the Bnurl-
dua Ttang House. Sevurnl klfleo tn fancy
woods. None better, none finer. CT Froad
way. Council Muffs, la.
Complete line of Victor base ban goods
Petersen at Schoenlng. '
lwra Tf -ftawy Walk.'
"We have Just feceleed a shipment of
baby walk era. US to nu each. Get one
and learn your baby to walk. D. W. Kel
ler. S Bouth Main. '
Pr ra m for Memorial flay. x
At the meeting of Abe Lincoln post
Orand Army of the Republic, last evening
the Cfofram for the MemorlM flay exer
cises wag completed In the morning com
mittees from the p and Womnn's Relief
corps will vlsft the cemeteries and decorate
the graves. The main, exercisca of .the day
will be held In Fsjrmouht park, bearlanlng
at 2 p." rion. E. L- Bhugart will act
w. president of the day and '.the orators
will ha Rev. Jarhes O'Jrtar of the'Broadway
Methodist charcb and Rev. Otterbeln'' O.
Smith. D. t., of the First Congregation!
church Tbe soloist Will be Mrs. Marine
and Miss Winter, with Mis Belle Haon a
accompanist. Bhould the weather be un
favorable the exdrelees will be held In the
Dodge Light Guards' armory.
The Woman's t Relief corps' will haYe
charge .of the flowers snd decoration, ss
In past years, and the use of the knribrV
has been secared for their acootnmodation.
On Sunday. May K, the rrfembir of Abe
IjMcotn ! and the Woman' Relief
corps will attend - the vesper services at
6 p. m. at the First Congregational church
Iby Invitation pt tbe pastor, Pf. Smith,-whd
will deliver a special address to them.
At tke meeting last, night, ths post un
animously endorsed Colonel V. 3. ' Palmer
of Washington. Is., for department com
mander. Colonel Palmer la a member of
the Btata Railroad commission.
Oavsolloe Rtoves.
Two-burner, full cabinet frame, brass
stand pipe stove, S3, warranted satisfactory.
J. Zoller Mer. Co., 100-lije-l-10 Broadway.
Both 'phones 120.
Bee office removed to 15 Scott street, op
posite Nebraska Telephone building.
Buy the Jewel gas or gasoline stove.
Tby are the safest. Petersen A Schoenlng.
- , ,
It Taxes Stored ligar. s
As the result of a meeting of the Com
jnercialtcJub cammittee having the matter
In charge yesterday afternoon City Solicitor
Kimball-will At the meeting of the city
council tomorrow night submit a new reso
lution providing for the exxemptlon from
taxation of sugar In transit while stored
In Council Bluffs. -
' The' original resolution brought before the
city council at Its last meeting made the
exemption effective for a period of ten
years. This Mr. Kimball did not consider
the city council had the right to do.
The meat In the cocoanut of the reaolu
tion prepared yesterday by Mr. Kimball 1
a follower " -
That all sugar which may be placed In or stored within the city of Council
bluffs and which, under the law. shall be
deemed to be sugar In transit as construed
by the conrts of the t'nlted States, shall
not be valued or assessed for tbe purposes
of taxation, and that the same shall be
treated ae exempt while In sucn storage
In the city of Council Bluffs, and that the
cltv berebv declares Its policy to treat and
hold, such sugar aa stored aforeaaid, at
free from Interference by Its officers In tbe
way of valuation, aaaesament Or levy of
taxes therefor insofar ae the said city may
legally control the valuation and assess
ment thereon. '
Petersen V Schoenlng sells matting.
Bee offtr removed to li Seott street, op
posite Nebraska Telephone building.
Steel Tower I Bad Shape
While dismantling the 150-foot rlectrto
light tower at the corner of Broadway nd
Eighth street an alarming condition waa
discovered. Parts of the tower were In
such a rusted and weakened condition that
Its collapse, as had been the case about
nine years ago. waa Imminent. Some of
l the steel tubing, of which the tower is
constructed, waa found to be so rusted thet
It was barely a sixteenth of an Inch In
thickness. When the tower at Broadway
and First street collapsed about two year
ago a - similar condition waa found. - In
view of the extreme danger, the city coun
cil at that time ordered the tower at
Broadway and Fourth street taken down
and this was' done, but the others were
permitted to stand.
City Electrician Bradley will now make
a report to the city council recommending
the dismantling of the remaining six
towers on East Pierce at rent, Oakland ave
nue, Third street. Fifth avenue and Sixth
street And Twelfth avenue.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. B0. Night, L-4M
Bee office removed to 16 Scott street op
posite Nebraska. Telephone building. '
t'lab Eatertalaaaeats Coaapteaows
Asaoaar tke Hasseslsga.
Mra. Horace Everett Is borne from Dsa
Angeles, Cel.. where a be spent the winter.
M. F. Kohrer returned home Thurs
day from an extended tr p to Texas point.
Miss Ruth Anderson of Falrniount avenue
is visiting friends tn Crest on and Cru
lng. Ia.
Miss Vlota Burgess, 21J Harrison street. Is
home from a visit with relatives In Hot
Springs, Ark.
Dr E. K. WedelMaedt of Bt. Paul, Minn.,
was the gueM last week of Dr. C. E. Wood
bury and family.
Mra. E. C. 11 no. ck of Cerro Gordo.
Tenn.. la visiting her son. Dr. J. C. Han
cock on Glen avenue.
Mra Clifford Cissna of Grand Island.
Neh.,' is visiting her mother, Mrs. H. C.
Edgerton of FrsnkUn avenue.
Mr and Mr. Wilson Duncan of Frank
lin avenue celebrated the fiftieth annivers
ary of their weddinsr Monday.
The Jolly Twelve card club will be en
tertained Friday afternoon at the home of
Mra. 8. 8. Keller, t North Second street.
Mra James Hey wood and daughter of
East fierce street left Tueedey for High
River Alberta. Canada, to Join Mr. Hey
wood." Miaa Cherry Wells and Mr. Roy Wilcox
will ootertalo Friday evening st the Wil
cox home. In honor of Miss FJurence Opal
Mr. Eugtne Peterson and Dr. Haw ley of
New Windsor. 111., wsie the gueeu last
week, of Mr. E. W. Peterson and family of
Park avenue.
The Women' club of the Railway Mall
aanin wiu nieei nfontsuay aiternoon
i at the home of Mra. O. E. McCoaneU. lo7
i Chrt" tret. v
K Mr,c- Ur --- Haselton
I '1t' Issued Invltatiuns for a musical to
be given Saturday at the home of the
' latter, us Oakland avenue.
Mrs. i. D Hering of Dnver. Colo., forro-
eny itias utaoi Bryant of this city. Is
, K. ,,..1 r.1 t .r II t, .
. , . " ' .
Mr. and Mra. Morna McHn-y. who hire
W.D Jltl 'w.J? ,ihv'UTlir,1Jihtr'
?.rJLi 1 "lm?,0,.hK "J "fr
win, ia.
Th. Catholie Wn rv,.wHi
... ---------
' ntertain at a card party and social
I Monday evening at tbe Knight of Coluin- j
bus t.all. at wnu-h a u.r
The to Knight of Pythias loda alii
giv an entertainment Tueadar ewaing for
inouiU-rs arid their f amillea. There will be
a musical program and card, foi lowed by
Miae Adele Dohany, whs a . been ao
Joumibg on th l acinc cuast for the last te
snd a half years, has arrived here for a
suanr viHit wtih her s.xtrr. lar. v. A.
Maurer and Mra..W. F. KeeUn.
Mra N We tun and daoghter, ' Mrs. Fan
nie Kichul.. Wit FnOay - (ur -iirma.
Wntli, where thy will aprnd the summer
Measunf ed . Iby ;
. " .i.i i. :mmmmM,m ,m,mm III I M I 1 J
Measured by quality the "Knabe"
can. buy. We are the sole agents for
That the "Knabe" is without a peer does not mean that there are not other very pood pianos.
Among the good ones the Sohmer, Chickering, Franklin, Wegman, Esty, Smith & Barnes, Schaeffer,
Price & Teeple and Baily appear in the front ranks. Thee namea comprise oar list, and we feel sure
that no other Nebraska house can duplicate this splendid array of meritorious pianos. No other firm
will make the price so low, even on the inferior instruments that some of them carry. .
Thone Douglas 2600.
with Mra. Weston's daughtere, Mr. W. O.
Denney and Mra Charles Sweet.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. O. Ooodraan, ltt Glen
avenue, announcee the engagement of their
daughter. M'.as Florence Opal Coalman, to
Mr. John Robert Moyer of Atchison. Kan.,
tha wedding to take place In June.
The young men OT the Omega Eta Tau
fraternity will give a dance next Friday
evening In Eagle hall, complimentary to
th young women of the Theta B'.gma Phi
STorlty . About seventy-five' invitations
have bien issued.
The Florldora Card club was entertained
Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A.
F. Hoilla, 100 Third avenue. The afternoon
was spent at cards, Mrs. John C. Small be
ing awarded the first prise ajid Mrs. Mulli
gan the second prise- Light refreshment
were eerved at the cloee of he game.
Mlsa Edna Keellne waa hostess of the
Klstter club Friday afternoon at her home,
130 Park avenue. The afternoon was spent
at cards. Mra. Robert Theinhardt being
awarded the first prize and Mrs. Rigdon
the 'twenty" prise Dainty refreshments
were served at the cloee of the game.
The lj5tes' Aid society of the Trinity
Methodist church entertained at an In
formal reception Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. D. R. Kilter. 33u Eleventh
svenue. The afternoon was spent at
games. Dainty souvenirs. In the form of
May rkets, were received by each gunet.
Light refreshments vera served during the
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Stewart enter
tained at a oourse supper Sunday evening
Th guests were Captain and Mrs. L. I).
Wildman of Fort Omaha, Mr. and Mrs.
Lemlst, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Qulou. Miss
Dewey and Captain Donne, all of Omaha,
and. Mr. and Mra. E. W. Hart of .this city.
Tbe University club was entertained
Wedneaday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Sanson. U4 Harrison street, at an "Indoor
picnic.'' The afternoon waa spent socially,
a picnic three-couree luncheon being served.
The guests were seated at a spread Is id
picnic fashion on the floor. During the
afternoon officer for fhe ensuing term
were elected.
Cards have been received her announc
ing the marriage cn May 1 of Mr. J. Tracy
Garrett and Miss Kathleen Pert Tibfcirs.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Tibhits at
th home of the brides parents In Des
Moines. Mr. Garrett was formerly on the
editorial force of a Council Bluffs per
and. la now sporting editor of the Des
Moines Register and Leader.
The regular monthly kenalngton and
business meeting of 'the Flower missies)
was held Tuesday afternoon at trie home of
MIhs Helen Wallace. 17 Bluff street. After
the bunlnese meeting Miss Cherry Wells,
Mr. Henry Cutler and Miss Helen Wal
lace acted aa hostesses for the remainder
of the afternoon, during which time a
dainty luncheon was served.
The Knights of Columbus entertained st
a most enjoyable dancing and card party
Wedneaday evening at their hall In the
Brown building Fifty tables were used
st elx-handed hia-h five, at which Mist
Foley wss awarded Ihe first women's Wrtse
and Mr. P. McHrlde the first men s prise.
Supper was served after the game, dancing
being enjoyed until a late hour,
i General Grenvllle M. Dodge was the guest
of honor at a dinner at the Grand hotel
Thursday night, his hoe's being Messrs. C
W. McDonald. K II. Merrlam. Henrv IT
Van Lirur.t. John Melhop. Jr., Fl W Hart
H. W Binder. F. R- Davis. Victor H.
Bender. Ernest E. Hart, H. A yultin M
F. Rohrer and Congressman Walter I
Smith. Philip Dodge cf Omaha and Major
H. Richmond were also guests
Mlas Cora Mxtrnson and Mr. Orlnnd K.
Purdy of this city were married Wednes
day evening at the Presbyuuian chjrch in
Neoia. la.. Rev. Juaephua Uale of Oniaha
officiating. After the wedding ceremony a
reception waa tendered the rrld and gr'Xm
at the home of the former parent, fol
lowed by a wedding supper at which civrrs
aer. laid for thirty-five. Mr: snd Mrs.
Purdy will make their turn In this rlty.
Mr. Hubert Tlnley, - 111 South Eighth
str-et, enterialrmd th memhers of the V.
M I elub Wednesday afternoon. The
atternoon was spent t six-nanded euchre,
Mrs. Thomas Maloney lu.s awarded the
ciuo prise i
and M f a. John Mulqoeen the
-cut fur all. IJitt.t refresnnietita
m. .i.- .. ..
i M""ln Hughe, wll hcles. of th
May 1 at her home. JU Ninth avenu.
of I tie game. Mr
I Th Evening "oiu" club was enlertali.ed
1 IB"r"Q' 4"In rl'.Mr Mr. Henry
i uiifcr ana Air. ana tra H.ihfrt k
' ,
t th. Imint of (h iauer.
tr. Imt Turiey
: : 1 '.? '":'"" " . ' varus,
wi.ici, aors rrea uni'ki- recti vta . ti.e
fl!l ,u I brixa. Daintv ref rrln7itii
were served at the ofcuie of Uia game. This
ill be the last hieeting of the club this
"f ' "rd f,lu,bv, " "tr:
Mrs. Warrtn Abdlll. Ijli bixth avenue. At front- The baaement contains engine room
a gams of higb rive, which mcur'ed Uur j two large store rooms, cement floor; fl.-sl
afteiran Mrs George WMi,y wa.ftiy. office, i leak room, varnish room
'-"V woodwork shop aud Uack-
gains dainty ref reahnients were - served.
AU. Jr. XL llai.aia Imi Kaal aaLnaLu
of merit the
avenue, will be the . hostess of the olub
Friday afternoon.
club Wednesday afternoon at her home.
Tbe afternoon was spent at cards. Mrs.
Gibson receiving tbe firet prise, Mrs. Harry
Schmidt the second prise and Mrs. Roberts
the -14" prise. A dainty course dinner
was served from t to C o'clock. The dining
room was attractively decorated with pink
piece on the long dining-room tame. jra.
Butler will lie the hostess of the club
Wednesday afternoon. , . .
Mrs. Crura entertained the members of
the Florldora Card club Thursday afternoon
at her home on Fourth avenue, compli
mentary to the departure rtif Mr. A. F.
Hollls on her trip west, where she will
spend the -summer. The afternoon was
spent at csrds, Mrs. W. J. McOune being
awarded the first prise and Mrs. Harry
Schmidt the second prue. Dainty refresh
ments were served at the close of the game.
The club will be entertained Thursday
sftemoon at the home of ,Mrs. John C.
Small. V: East Washington avenue.
The Women's Catholic Order of Foresters
entertained at a Msy party' Wednesday
evening In the- Woodmen of the Wuiid
hall in the Merrlam block. The fore part
of the evening Was spent at progressive
high five, Mrs Grant Shoup being awarded
the first women's prise -and Miss t'st ho
lme Keppner the second prlsp. Mr. P. J.
Slnan was awarded the' first men'' prise
and Mr. J. Fltsgerald the second prise.
Refreshments were served at the close of
the game, after which the large crowd of
attendance present, enjoyed a program of
dances until midnight.
The pupils of Miss Stella Harding en
tertained their parents at a musioal Fri
day evening at her studio. Sua Merrlam
block. Those taking part In the pros-ram
were: Mr Arthur Peterson. Miss Hasel
Spencer. Miss Gladys Booth, Mr. Allen
Westerdahl, Miss Adah Hall, Miss Ora
Ware, Miss Ruby. Lldgard, Miss Anna
Turner. Miss Efhe Culver, Mr. Bert Hermls,
Miss Etta Cook. Miss Etta Smith. Miss
Pearl Skipton, Miss Psnsy Fauble. Mr
Karl McKeyman. Miss Hasel HammeiKter,
Miss Stella Turner. Miss Jessie Lowrey,
Miss Hilda Vogeler end Miss Ella Turner.
Muccl, the
'Phone Shi.
wholesale Ice cream man.
Merrlsoa Cowsity a4ay School
Workers Hold roaveatlaa.
ONAWA, Ia.. May 4. (Special.) The
eighteenth Monona County Sunday School
convention held at Ottawa Wednesday and
Thursday of this week was largely at
tended. F.' Om Oliver, pteslde.nt. called the
convention to order on Wednesday". Thurs
day morning a sunrise prayer meeting was
held in the Christian church.
Every township In Monona county Is now
thoroughly organlted. and there-'are forty
als. schools in successful operation.
lllencoe gets the next convention.
F. G. Oliver was re-elected president. W.
H. Wonder. firt vice president; Dan 3ray.
Blencoe. -seoond vice president; Mrs. Knud
oo . Turin. secretary and trexsurer.
Monona county has held first place In
the state of Iowa for three yeara on Sun-
I dT achool work.
Pwkftkooli DUa pears While Tresis,
ferrlaa at Omaha.
BOONE. Ia., May 4 (Special. )-Mrs
Mary A. Hall of Marshalltown. who has
Just concluded ' a' vlst w'th re a'lves In
Nebrasita. lust her pocketbook or had It
rtolen while passing between Omaha and
Council Bluffs. She purchased a ticket for
Omaha -at the t-oent rate and tra&tferred
at Omaha, taking the treet car for Coun
ell E'uffs. Sne d'd nirt noti. hr !.
until she wanted to par for her rids
Every cent of montry had been taken. The
authorities sent her on from county t
county until she reached this city, where
she tiaa hrmher-rn-la w, James Hull, who
furnished her with money to make the rest
.or tne
Journev. '
I ew ""awa Maanal Tralalac Kebeol
t OXAWA. Ia.. May 4 i Special.) The
Opawa Manual Training school Is to be
completed, by August, Th. building is 0x
B fet. two storic. high, with prea-d brick
iti shop; ationd story, domtlc scleucs
i department kitchen, dlnli.g roon draft
J VairfY
Any Standard
. is preeminent in the
Pislho World
Exquisitely perfect in tone incompar
ably responsive in action it charms both
performer and listener. The artist or the
novice alike find pleasure in its perfections.
: The artistic elegance of the "Knabe"1
case designs, is in complete agreement
with the superlative qualities of the instru
ment. making this piano a most suitable
ornament in eery home of refinement.
is the most economical Piano you
Douglas Street
room and sewing room, all large and airy.
Judge Addison Oliver furnishes everything
. Independent hoo.
, trtct and ia taking much Interest in the
. n..
" , " " " f " ' " ? """V,
MARSH ALLTOWN, la.. May 4. -Mrs.
Honera McKnlght. HO years old, a rerluae.
was found this afternoon burned to death
at her home. It Is believed that she raked
live coa'.a from- the tov to the floor.
I Iowa Ursa Kotat,
CLINTON D. D. Clark, a young man
who ha been employed by the Robb Con
struction company of this city, has dlap
peared mysteriously snd his friends fetr
that misfortune has overtaken him. Clark
left the Rever. hotel .on the mnrnln. of
April 21 and since then nothlns: has been
heard or him. His employers are at a '
hiss to account for hl absence. Clsrk is i
Sf years nf sge t feet 8 Inches In height,
weigns lu pounds and is of dfrH cn
piesion J he ponce sre endeavoring to
ascertain his whereabouts. No motive for
flight can be found.
Atlso4B Farsaers May Be Corn
yell eg to I m pert Wasp
( Kill Files.
MELBOl-RNE, May 4 Steclal.)-A new
lerror for fruit fsrmers has arisen In New
rsouth Wales and Victoria. This Is the
fhilt fly. whose advent, unless strong
measures are taken, gives promise of be
coming as disastrous to the orchard ss
the Introduction' bf 'the rabbit was to the
pastures.' How to get rid of the Insert
when' once ft has established itself Is a
problem for which a solution Is being am
louMy sought by cultivator not only In
the states that have been attacked, but In
other parts of the mainland and in Tas
manla," "here Inspecting officirs sre fever
ishly examining sll imported fruit with
the knowledge that sooner or later try
enemy will certainly defeat them.
The only sure remedy thst can jet b-
suggested 1 the drastic tep of th destruc
. Sterling Silver
Our line is unsurpassed by any, both in quality, beauty
and workmanship. Every piece furnished in neat, blue
your selection. Fifty 'per cent redaction sale of fine lot of
Art Pottery, .Art Glass, Decorated Vupk and Saucers and
Plates, ?tf.
This Week Only
V ill i i ii mi mi s I l i .... i i
f - rmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmm ir..- a
"""y " "' " 1 """ I'WSilinaiiin .nu i li - J
A. A. CLARa & CO. fi
I HAfi HnrnrY
buiui uiuill.1 Ull HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE
And ny (liattel feVwuritf at ofse-baU tbe asoaj rate.
' Twenty years of aucvwaaful bueiuewa.
Corner Mala and Broadway, Oir Aiuerkaa Kipresa.
oUi T nail 1T.
jw ceuuacrton
i -kl
tlon of Infected orchards, for It seem
that' no amount of spraying will, avail
agsinM the frurt fly, which multiplies with
alarming rapidity. Experiments are, how
ever, being made by Oeorge Compere, gov
ernment entomologist for western Austra
lia, who ha brought from the lorn, of
China specimens of the 'parasitic wasn,
which In that country and In India seem
effectually to keep within limits the rav
ages of the fly. Whether they will per
form the same work In the climate of Aus
tralia remains to be seen.
Americas) Prelate Id to Have Marls
. . , Ia"ueare la Kelectloa .
of Pope.
ROME. Msy 4. t'necial.) Tne version of
; Cardinal Gibbons f Baltimore, reproduced
. . . . , . . .. .
here concerning the part played by that
ecclesiastic In the selection of the pope. 1
declared by those In a position to know to
be strictly accurate. In a manner almost
sacred, and so dignified shd high class that
all criticism waa eliminated. It Is said, that
no cardinal had ss much Influence In pro-""
duclng result as Cardinal Gibbon.
A considerable portion cf the Vatican
boundary wall In the Vlaie delle Z. telle fell
the other mornlne; and did great damage to
the Slemml garden. The roadway leading
to the Vatican garden 1 obstructed by tha
debris. When the pope was Informed of
the accident he paid a personal visit of ln
apectlon to the spot.
Prlsoaajr Confesses. .
BOWLING GREEN, a. May 4.-Oito
Frits S' hnildt. alias Kopler. und"r arrxt
here, made a confession today to the rhlef
of police to the effect that while he was
in the Cleveland jail w man who said he
was a plumber and is twins held undr-r sus
picion, made a confession to him. aayltig
ihat he th plunder, was the man wh
killed the Hoenig boy, whose body was
discovered in a barrel yesterday. Knpler
ass released from the Cleveland Jail yes
terday and turned over to the authoritleg
to await trial for alleged swindling. , ,
nn hcrses. catre a
witu Ciark Mortgagx Co
ra. v. rmiT, Kgr.
l Jm. I