THE OMATTA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 5. 1007. V. 7 Mr l V V ( ( REAL ESTATE CITT PROPFRT FOH Hf.K (Continued) GEORGE & vn farnam st. HOMES FOH SALE $8,9i0 8-room, ull modern, steam heated house on Georgia Ave., near Mason bt.; lot o"l. It. $'..000 For l-roum, aal modern house on Douglas HI., iiour .Sill Ave., within walking ulslaiice from business um ttnt. arK lut, 6"xl43 it.; premises In good repair. $4,700 fur 7-rooin, all modern house, built in on Cuiby bt., near 19th HI.; has hut water healing plant, excep tionally well consti ucleo. exira isva (T,rjr un first floor; lame lot, foixUS It.. south Hunt, asphalt paved street, mriM shade trees, permanent side w ai k. to,Zt lu-tuotn, all modern house on Emmt bt., near Z4ih ft.; lot nml.4 ft.; n use newly painted, In excellent repair. $4.2X) r nr ne 7-ioom lioune in Dundee, .'Jil Davenport lit.; line corner lot, tux'? ft.; house has iHrge. reception hull and good attic; built by owner for a home and exceptionally well constructed; combination ans and electric fixtures In nil rooms, full cemented bHsi-ment, line lawn, per manent sidewalks. $4.000 8-room house, all modern, on Man dcison St., near 24th Ht located on hne corner lot, 60x130 ft.: fronts south, on paved street; good barn on premises, large shade- trees. Don't 1 all to see us about this. OWNER WANTS OFFER on 904 8. 33d St., 10-room house, all modern; two extra large rooms finished In attic; house Weil built; lot 44x16 ft., east front, on asphalt paved street; good neigh borhood; born on premises, owner Is anxious to sell. NEW DUNDEE HOME 4906 California St., room, all modern, oak finish, hot water heating plant, large attic; corner lot, near car line, having frontage of IFio ft. on California and 146 ft. on 4th Bt. Price. I7.o00t or owner will sell 75-ft. frontage with house for 15.500. 13,000 For 8-room. all modern house on Wool worth Ave., In Hanscom Park district, linndy to car line, good nelKhlnithonil. paved street. $3,300 For well built, 2-stnry, 8-room, all modern home n-nr Hlh Bt. car line and KotmtS" Place; house In first class condition throughout, porcelain bath, new American furnace, burns either wood, hard or soft coal; full basement, storm windows and screens for all windows, good barn, cement walks, paved street, full south-front lot, r0xl33 ft.; alley In rear. Invts tltrate. nt once, as this Is a special low price for quick sale, account owner leaving city. V. II. GATES Room 617 New York Life Bid. 'Phone Douglas 1294. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE AT 2122 WIRT STREET t One of the best located properties In the northern part of the city. This house is 24x46, large floored attic, nice cellar all bricked up with cemented floor; separate room for furnace and roal; a good heating plant; barn, with man's rodm and place for two car riages; house and bain in good order; south front lot 60x12 4, on paved ttreet, with cement steps and brick walks Inside. Price reduced to $4,600. POOM MODERN HOUSE AT OOOQ VnWTIT OJ.TTT ST 4J J 11 f All SW X AH KJ -aV This house was built for a home for two elderly people and Is put up In the best of order, besides being fully mod ern It has laundry In basement, with cellar under the whole house, outside hatchway. The lot fronts east and Is 44x110 ft., on paved street, with pav ing fully paid up; shade trees, baru for horse and cow; also place for chickens. Price $3,600. I Seven-room modern new bouse on Ohio, near Thirtieth; hot water heat, good, large cellar, south front lot 50x 127. Price $2,850. 1 Eight-room, two-story house at 1812 .North 2 6th St.. now vacant; water, ewer, bath and gas fixtures; large bar Very cheap for only $2,100. Five-room cottage on 19th St., near Kountze park, modern except furnace; has a barn; lot Is 50x140. A nice borne, well located, for only $2,300. Seven-room, story and a half house, nater, sewer and gas; on southwest corner 27th Ave. and Lake St.; east front lot 40x110; renting at $15. Price $1,600. Want offer on this this week. i 48x120, on Ersklne St., near 26th. for $450. 47x126. on Wirt St. and 25th, north front. $550. 50x127, on Cass, near 31st Ave., touth front, $1,100. 60x127, on Harney, near 42d, $650. C-room, story and a half house, on Locust, near 16th, modern except fur . nace, renting at $21. Price $2,100. (!) J. W. R0BBINS UllUlUlii LjUTo f 1,000 Bxl32. southwest corner 16th and Jones; can be bought on easy terms ' or leased for a term of years. i 1 7,800115 feet on Farnam. at corner of 29th Ave.; only 11.760 cash required, i t 1,600 Three nice lots, one a corner, at Ji'.th and Dodge; paving paid, t S.C00 60 feet on 84th. between Farnam and podge; the only vacant lot In ii is bloiK on ua?t side of this fine street. t 1.600 Fast front on S7th, near Farnam. $ 1,000 Three large lots, two of them cor ners. 83d and Wright Sts. ; only block from proposed extension of 82tl street oar line. SNAP. I Son 40x IX, on 4:'d St.. south of Dodge. I too li'xt'o. on 'lamlltnn. west of 36th; In Bemls Park district. INVESTMENTS $10,000 Three houses snd two east front lots on paved street near Hanscom Park. Rentals will mv over 11 nr cent flS.OCO Five stores snd three flats, close In. Rentals $?.7W. $20,C0o-Flve brick stores and five flats, comer on' Farnam Bt. Rental fi3i. Fee mv lift if houses and lots for sale In World-Hera Id. SEE ME FOH OTHER BARGAINS. FiRJS INSURANCE AND RENT.U-o . "CUT PRICES'" THIS WEEK. 0X140 VACANT CORNER. DOWN XWN, UM-jy CALLED LOCATION FOR k .A Tt. f. l A) to TR K 17r . fin modern cvitaoe, i bijOcks FROM Cir HALL. Vj CAJiW. BALANCE UN TIM K. If Iul' HAVE $130 CASH, WILX. SLUL. IOC UoOD ALL, MODERN CCT1 rAOi:. IiARN. PAVED STRtET. ALL. jfU'lAUJ PAID, AND Yi'C CAN PAV liAl-A.SVF. $17. iJ PER MONTH; 15 MiN UTfc.S' WALK FRoM PKjj'iDFFlCil A WHOLLSALE MERCHANT WANTS L"8 TO FIND A ciinjD PARTNER, WITH CASH. MIST bE WEI J. RKICOM MENDED. It'SlTioN ClOErf WITH IT, AND LU'SINEd ABOUT JJ&O.uuu PEt VlAF. 6r.RAa ROOM WITH ELEVATOR SEdtVlCU AND El 1 ST FU OR 13 RENT ON FAR-NAM, DE1WEEN 11 I'll AND UTH. WE HAVE 9W CAPH TO INVF8T IN CKVD RESIDENCE IN WEST FARNAM fcurRicr. THE PUTNAM CO. 604 ttW 1 ORE LIFE. (1) Into this Bemls Park bargain, lot ttxl7, fronting on two streets, (-room cottsge, modern except hest one-fourth block to car and only luO. Owner going wast benoe the price. BEMIB. Than Doug. tat. Paxtoo Block. ' U-710 -REAL ESTATE ciTT rnoi-KH i r for Mt c. (Continued.) COMPANY 'PHONB DOUGLAS 754. 13.0110 42.T Douglas Bt., new, alt modern cottage, large rooms, good tuinaca and bath, full cemented basement, lot iexls ft., one block from Dundee car, newly painted and in excellent condition, one of the neatest cot tages on West Hide. W.600 For 2313 N. tfih, St., good l-room house, modern except furnace; lot 4oxLil ft., close to street car line; house well constructed and could not be duplicated for $2.ui. $2,400 o-rooin, all modern cottage on Bris tol St., near 24th; south front, paved street, permanent walks, large lot, 6"xl. Lot alone worth ll.oou. $2.000 For 2411 Burt St., 8-room cottage, modern except furnace, clone In, now rented for $20 per month under lease only $1,000 cash, balance monthly. 11.800 For good 5-room cottage on Burt St, nenr 31st Bt; lot 3fxl7i ft $1,700 2C6 Elm St., 8-room cottage on lot 44x11 ft. Terms, $) to o.i0 cash, balance at 6 per cent Qood shade, south front. 11,800 31 U Gold 8t, 6-room cottage, large lot. 11,400 1045 S. 38th St., 4-room cottage on full lot, 40x150 ft. Lot alone easily worth $S0. Terms. $7C0 cash, bal ance to be arranged. 32,100 4-room, close-in cottnge, east front, on paved street; permanent walks all around house, good cellar, large porch. Rented for $18 per month. All special taxes paid In full. Terms, only $,6o cash, balance nly $15 pee month. Neat little home, within walking distance of business district. Don't fall to Inquire about this. INVESTMENTS rOUR BRICK HOUSES, exceptionally well constructed, on Farnam St., within walking distance of business district all modern; two houses have 10 rooms each, one 14 rooms and one 11 rooms; line brick stable In roar; lot 115x132 ft. Grosa rentals, $2,460 per year. - $8,300 Two frame houses ofl Parker St., near Mth; one 10-room, modern ex cept furnace; other 7 rooms, all mod ern. Gross rental, $7fc0 per year. $5,400 Will buy 1910 and 1913 Lake St. tore with flats above: total yearly rental, $90; south front, on paved street near car. All special Improve ments fully paid; flats are modern except furnace, have all been painted last spring and are In good repair. (19) BEAUTIFUL BEMIS PARK RESIDENCE- An opportunity Is offered to the party desiring a choice home In the property at 3509 Hawthorne Ave. owner leav ing the city and orTers to sell his beautiful home at cost; lot Is $2x17. lays fine. In the high est point of Bemla Park; ce ment driveways, walks, paved street House baa been built lees than two years, la modern and up-to-date In all Its ap pointments, has eight large rooms, halls and closets; splen did bath, equipped with ' shower; also toilet roo;n on first fleor; largw attlo; house newly ptinted. Downstairs Is finished in oak, wLlls decorated, natural finish upstairs, combination fixtures; the yard Is very pretty, having fruit and shade trees, shrubbery, etc.. Includ ing fifteen natural forest elm trees. .: . m.i'i , t i-v If you are looking- for a Choice home do not fall to see this property; owner lives on the premises and will gladly show property. Price $10,000. R. n. LANDER YOU ' . Board of Trade Building. Telephone Douglas 2161. (19)-1S4 t . NEAR DEPOTS : 8 rooms, modern. $3,400; -room and I rootn cottages, $4,000. Both good proposi tions for investment or home. C. O. CAiRLBERG, U N. Y, Life Bidg.. Phone Red 7497. (19) SOUTH SIDE BARGAINS Frederick St, near 18th, S rooms with brick basement, ' $800. 433 Center Bt, $ rooms, full lot, $1,000. 708 Pierce St, 6 large rooms, summer kitchen, very close to B. It M. and U. P. depots, tltoo. On 16th St., half block south et Center. One 6-room house, laundry -In basement, $2,100. On 6 rooms, modern except heat. $2,275. One 6 rooms and big barn, 12,600. 2411 8. 20th St., 8 rooms, modern and new, very well built by owner, $3,600. . BERKA & CO. PHONE DOUGLAS 7497. ' S N. Y. LIFE. (19)-196 t 2 BARGAINS 2 Facing Kountte Park -room modern house, large reception hall, mantel In the parlor; house could not be duplicated to day for fJ.000. Fine 60-foot lot. Plica Is $8.76t $800 cash, balunce monthly, Clifton Hill Modern 6-room cottage, reception hall and parlor has oak floor. nice mantel. Large lot with plenty of shade and fruit trees, permanent walk. Price Is right. WRIGHT A LASBURY, $04 South 'Sixteenth. Phone Douglas 162. (1) MI6S T $2,300 (-room, modem except heat, cemented cel lar under entire house, permanent walk, house built last year, at No. -7 N. $7Ul Ave. $1,900 10-room house, gas. electric light, sround ft 130, fruit trees, worth $2,5o0. No. 3S&1 Earimore Ave. $2,500 8-room, modern except furnace, at north east corner ZMD and rtugglea. $1,100 (-room cottage. lots. No. (78 8. Oat Bt $1,500 Vacant lot eaet aide of 80th St. north Farnam Bt, 2x4a, O. C. OLSEN f Main Floor, 8. B. Cor. 16th and Dodge Bta. llit.l 1K7 0 FOR SALE Very desirable home. T mnma bath and alcove: furnace and hot ui combination heated; butler attached to lurnnua ana gmm stove; nam; Irult; paved street; cement walka: cistern: lam men ted ceiiar; vory dai ruble neighbor hood. A snap at .V6.X $1,600 cash, balance on iur urrni. Auurua Lt sif, Bee a-E (X FRAME HOUSE TO BE MOVim. Slse. 234. two stories, modem, located at N. E. Corner toth and Leave worth Bta Must be moved at once. Aoolv Mikou Roger Subs Co., 14th and Faruani REAL ESTATE C1TT PnOPKttTY rOR 141.19 (Continued.) R. C. PETERS & CO. $1.100 A nine looking 4-room cottage, with city water and gas, about a block from a good car line. C30O We offer a 4-room cot tage, with hall, pantry, re frigerator room, good cellar, cistern and permanent walks; large bnrn; $000 cash and monthly psyments; tw blocks from car line. tl.Boo A well arranged S-room cottage, in good condition of repair, brick cellar under en tire house, city water, swer and gas; only half a block from the 24th St. car llne $S0O cash, balance monthly. $1,800 We offer a six-room house, all on one floor, pantry, two closets and re ception hall, city water, gas and sewer. $3.100 A modern T-room house on the northwest corner of 42d and Lafayette; new fur nace and plumbing; the house Is tn an attractive con dition of repair, and la well worth the money. $3,600 2G26. Sherman Ave., a large 8-room house, modern tn every respect on a good lsed lot; the house cost $7,000 to build, and Is In good condition of repairs; the price Is low; look at It nd make us an offer. Dundee Lots $50 Down i One block west of 4fth and Davenport we have two blocks of Dundee lots, from $600 te $750 each. ONLY $T0 DOWN AND BALANCE MONTHLY. This la your op portunity to get a good residence lot and pay for It on monthly payments. Lots Near the Field Club On SSth Ave. and 31th St., be tween Woolworth and Pop pleton, we offer lots from $S50 to $1,200. This new addi tion Is building up rapidly and Its closeness to the Field club Is adding more value to It every day. Go out aVid see the number of new houses that are now under construc tion. R. C. Peters & Co. 220 8. 17th St, Bee Bid. (19) BUY ACRES IN FLO RENCE HEIGHTS We are offering this desir able suburban property, which Is located about seven blocka northwest from the end of the street car line In Florence, ln tracts of from three to ten acres, at prices ranging from $240 to $300 per acre, according to location. Florence Heights Is an Ideal place for auburban homes, commanding a magnl flcte'nt view of the river, lakes, cities and surrounding country, and affords Its citizens the ad vantage of a 6-cent street car fare to and from Omaha, elec tric, light telephone service to Omaha without extra charge, excellent school of nine grades, and free delivery of goods from Florence stores. Call at our office and get plata showing prices and de tailed Information regarding this property and then look at It at once, as several of the best sites are still 'unsold. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. O9-e02 6 AN INVESTMENT THAT PAYS $8,000 btivs the two 8-etory brick flats at ltlf and ISIS Chicago. These houses rent for $1,020 per annum and are fully modern. This property Is only two ana a nait diocks from the postofTice. W. B. ME1KI-H, 206 RAMOB BLDQ-. (D)-lll S 87,600 buys the lot, 7Sxin feet, on the south east corner of 17th and California, competent to take care of a terrace of eight houses or quite suitable today for a business block. $10,000 buys fcfcxlX! feet on the southwest corner of lth and Cass, improved with three semi-modern cottages, bringing ln a total rental of $M per annum. Apply to W. B. MEIKLE. ; Sua Ramge llldg. (II) 11SI THE BEST EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE IN OMAHA If you intend to buy a home see this ptaca. Lovely view, large lot, house very complete. BUILT TO LIVE IN not to sell. Call and see It You wUl be DEB-LIGHTED. Wt Military Ave. A. S. PALMER Phone liar. $191 o in 6 BRICK churcn. corner 27th and Seward Bt.. SliSO, two stories; lot Sfxn6. Can be maae over into apartments. Prtoe, 81.800. A. C Busk, 'phoue Harney 80. U4-87 U REAL ESTATE CITY rnorEHTY FOR (Continued.) HOME BARGAINS A Knuntse Place harraln. For ri nn I can sil you a very cheap home In this nnuuiui aaaition. The house Is old and n'fds snmo repair ing, but a couple of hundred dollars will put It In nlc hnpe. House has 7 rooms, modern except furnace. About a block and a half from street car. Clifton Hili Bargain Cheapest 7-room. 2-story house In cltv; corner lot; everything In very best of shape: house hns furnace heat, room for bath but not connected with sewerj well cemented cellar. This place must be seen to be appreciated. Price ti40u. Near 27th and Howard A fully modern, 7-room house, two years $4 200 Coulln't D ln DPtt"' 'hape. Price INVESTMENTS Three 7-room modern houses on S. 2Sth St.; yearly rental $1.29). These houses are new and In best of condition. Price $11. Sim. Two elegant houses on 2Mh near Far nam; 7 rooms and very artlstlcHlly ar ranged; big lot, 86x140, room for two more houses.. These homes couldn't be In better ehaj.e. Price $12,000. 157 INVESTMENT Ten 8-room houses, modern except heat. These houfes are on two corner lots. Lo cation very desirable. Houses always rented, bringing in t2"0 per month. Price Of this Investment property only $1S,S09. H. A. STEAVENSON 830 Board of Trade. Douglas 498. 1st) 118 6 .1 VACANT LOT SNAPS WO 47 feet east front on 16th, Just south of Martha, below grade, but paving and sidewalk paid. $4C0 41st Ave and California, full lot one block from new car line. $60040x160 feet, enst front on 3Hh St, be tween Leavenworth and Jones. $300 East front lots on 29th. between Grant and Ersklne; right for grade. N. P. DODGE & CO., . 1714 FARNAM ST. . (19)- A Home Bargain In Hanscom park district; house has eight rooms and reception hall, hot water heat, and Is thoroughly mod ern In every particular. Will sell on easy terms. No agents. Address N 261, Bee. (19) 894 5x Dundee Lots For $760 I can sell you a most admirably located lot, one block otT car line, street and lot graded, cement walk, trees and water service pine all paid for. You will make $2n0 ln a year on one of these lots If you should not make It your nome ana Duua. $M0 FOR A LOT At S5th and California Sts.; another on 17th near Laird; both have city water and are one block from car line. - $16 LOTS. I have eleven lots 25x126 at 61st and Kansas Ave. for $16 each, lay nign ana are smooth, nice lots. 8125 40th and Browne. $fo0 for 160 acres smooth land ln Washing ton county, tjoioraao. $3,600 for an 8-room dwelling Dundee. W. L. SELBY 440 Board of Trade Building. 'Phone Douglas 1510. (19)-Z28 80 ACRES Near Keystone park, with 6-room house, barn, windmill, two wells, all fenced. 60 acres ln cultivation, lota of fruit See us for price. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Office open Monday evening. U CLOSE IN 7-room modern, close to high school, St John's church, boulevard and paved street A bargain, Ji.SiO. au Davenport. N. FENGER, 626 N. Y. Life. Tel. Red 3217. (19)-M47B $2,800 s 8840 Seweird Et, 8 rooms, haird oil finish, mantel and grate, gas, bath, good barn, , paved street, cement walks, fine shade, lot 6uxl30. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. Sixth Floor N. Y. Life, Office open Monday evening. (1)- FOR SALE 1813 Manderson, 3-room house, city water, nice shade, room for three cottages, lot 60x140. $1,300. Q'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, 1001 N. T. Life Building. Telephone Douglas 2152. (U)-M782 4 A SPECULATION FOR YOU Owner of threo lot one-half block from Ames Ave., new extension (twj blocks from present end of car line.) All choice lots on grade for $j00 cavh, or ViM on time. Lach lot will bring $40u by next spring. See us about these at once. HASTINGS it HEYDEN. 17l4 Farnam Bt. U9J-7U8 3 $28,000 INVESTMENT PAYING 12V2 PER CENT NET Substantial, well constructed business cor. ner; never vacant; $t,CuO cah. balance from rents. Room 32, Neville Block, Omaha. (110124 6 8-ROOM house and full lot for sale or trade for smaller house close In; near car Una. Inquire owner, 413 N. 0th Pi 19)-Sr202 llx AM leaving city; will sacrifice my home, 168 U. 87th St. rooms and bath, mod ern exueail furnace. Call ii bee Bldg. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPF-RTY FOR ALS (Continued.) BARGAINS WE ARE REQUESTED BY TIFE OWNERS TO SELL THESE PROPERTIES. i IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN CUT THIS "AD" OUT, LOOK AT THE PROPER TIES And Make AN OFFER. 60x130 ft. A north front on Charlos St., just eaat of 38th St. Want offer. 108x165 ft. Corner Harney. 87th Ave. and Dewey Ave., three fronts, in walking distance and very choice for bricks or apartments. Want offer. 100x416 ft. On Sherman e.. Just north of the "swell" Ma jestic apartments. 60x297 ft. Uipe for subdivision, fronts Ames Ave., 36th and 87th Sts., at end of Ames Ave. car line. Want offer. SOUTH OMAHA 60x180 ft. N. E. cor. 2 2d and N Sts., ,good lot on grade, only two blocks from bus iness center of South Omaha. Want offer. 40x160 ft. West front on 27th St., 60 ft. north of M St. Want offer. GARVIN BROS. 1604 Farnam. (19)- $3,600 This Is a beautiful cottage home, 8 rooms, strictly mod ern, with mantel and grate, located tn the Walnut Hill district, one-half block from car line; lot 60x160; property ln splendid repair. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Floor N, Y. Life Bldg. Open Monday evenings. 0- VACANT SNAPS tRth and Saratoga. 60x120. Snap 8276. 4fth and Seward, 60x150. Great bargain, $3TA 20th and Vinton. &-foot lot with double frontage, paved streets, permanent walks both sides; reduced to only $760; cheapest thinr we know of. 87th and Parker, 60x127, paved streets, per manent walks, all paid only $1,000. 8Sd and Lafayette. BEMIS PARK, 46x120 best lot ln locality reduced to $1,1(10. F. C. BEST, 821 N. Y. LIFE i)-i77 e ITr. . i nlA.I- Iam. " 1 . .. mm,-. four to eight rooms; half cash, or will trade you nrst-class farm; this is a snap, act quick, w, a. Hiiaretn, bio ace Ridg. (l)-2&4 6 2.600.00 , j - 8-room house, modern except furnace, lot wiMD, east rront, gooa view or tne city, a desirable home, north part of city. TURRELL & CO., Room 16, Patterson Bldg. (11U-M809 4 GOOD CHANCE FOR HOME OR INVEST MENT. 8-room house ln separate apartments of 4 rooms each, good neighborhood, near two car lines, walking distance of business district; renting $-4; rent of one part will more than pay Interest on half purchase price $2,200. If Interested, address B 218, Bee etllce. (19)-762 6x "Inside Residence Property" For sale, and 8-room houses, desirably located between high school and Crelgh- ton university, Ivos. &.l and 263 Chi cago St.; 83 feet front, very deep lots; price for hnth houses 89,500. W. H. GRIFFITH, 25a Chicago St (U-214 6x CLOSE IN For sale, large corner lot with house. southwest corner of 25th and Charles St.; slse of lot, 12LxK!; plenty of room for two or three more houses; fine location for brick fiats; price $6.0u0. W. H. GRIFFITH, 26J1 Chicago St. (19) OH 6x $7 A FOOT West Farnam lot, near 46th, fine south front, 80x132, $360. See us now, as this won't last long. J. KENDIS & SON ' 641 Paxton Block. (It) 198 6 NEW COTTAGE 2808 Buggies St., Just being finished, modern except fur nace; be sure you see It; easy terms $2,300. R. II. LANDERYOU Board of Trade Building. Telephone Douglas 2161. (19) 193 8 Close in Cottages Three 6-room cottages, modern except heat, lots S4xli, right on car line and onlv 2u blocks from P. O. Prices, $2,3W, $J,2 0 and $J,li0. Can make terms to rignt par ties. BEMIS 'Phone Douglas 6!& Paxton BIk. (18) EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE TO BE MOVED Located on Lake St., between 16th and 18th. 'itUs must be nioved at once. Call at our office and make offer. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam til. (19) DEPOSITS In the Neb. K A B. Ass'n is batter than mlg- 8 N. Y. Life. (1S M594 M8 NOTICE Snap, corner lot ln West Farnam district. l'-jxilS feet; asphalt pavement; price, $3.0UX Address 42 S. lolu Bt. (19-i37 DESIRABLE lot for building near high school, reasonable, at 218 North J: 4 til street. (19) 232 i N. 24th. nine-room modern house. In tine shape; cheap. Inquire itolo N 18th. (1D)-M178 llx WANTED TO SELI Barn, In rear of $511 Harney street. S. S. Caldwell, 2(6 8. loin St. 'Phone Douglas 979. U9 M729 4x FOR SALKFranie portion e building No. 724 So. 19th St., to be moved or torn down ai ruM, Apply Milton Roger ft Sons Co. (UJ-447 REAL ESTATE CITT PHUPKRTV FOR SAI.R. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE TITLR-TRl'ST C D I'llAB 1.1. Y 1TJ.I lllflON Pth (1 10 VK)n SALF) S-room all modern hus, suit- nMe for one or two families. 2115 r.mmet St. (19) M2 5x ALL MODERN house. 8 living rooms, laun- ary; also vacant lot. Mill.', desirable lo cation. Inquire 27i)l Woolworth Av. 09) M. &x Ceeacll Blaffs Real Estate. 80S ACRES Almost adJolnliiK Council Bluffs, much of It good gulden and fruit land; owner obliged to go south on account of health and orTers for JJlo per a re: money In this for some one. 11. (3. McUee. 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. iia-40 6x A MODEL 7-room ho:is and one acre of ground, all In benring fruit: one block from Florence enr line, 8t Curtis St. Ad dress H. A. Stevens, general delivery. Council Bluffs. Ia. (19) ObO 6x Sooth Omaha Real Estate, SOUTHOMAHA For sale, two good 8-room houses, Nos. 275 and Z7J South 21st St.; present rentals $U per month, should be advanced to $ on account of Improvements; price for both houses $1.noft. W. 11. GRIFFITH, 2521 Chlcsgo St. (19) 2X8 6X REAL ESTATE FARM AMD RANCH LAMM FOR SALE. THB FINEST CANADIAN WHEAT ANDS are ln the Last Mountain valley, the heart of the Saskatchewan wheat plains. We own thousands of acres in this famous district. Maps, descriptive matter, etc., on request. Wm. Pearson Co., Ltd., 328 Northern Hank Bldg., Win nipeg, Canada. (20) Colorado. HOMESTEADS Ooed farming land near railroad. Bernard Glllllland, 14 Clnyton BIk., Denver, Colo. (20)-M527 Mx FOR 8 LE A bargain. Ninety acres fruit or BUKar beet land, with forty-dtve Inches perpetual water rlRht; good system of ditches; land Joins city limits of Fruita, ln the Grand valley. Mesa county, Colo rado. Small houses, land fenced, cleared and partly under cultivation; small or chard; good schools and churches; sutrnr beet factory at Grand Junction, elven miles. Beets, $5 per ton, f. o. b. Fruit. Fifteenth acres In alfalfa. $fl per acre Address A. E. Case. FTulta, Colo. (20 M659 7 REAL ESTATE For sale, section of A No. 1 unimproved farm lnnd In Cheyenne county, Colorado; within four miles of railroad a.nd market. Address H. F. Btelnke, Kallspell, Mont. (20 MSR0 7x Indian Territory. WRITTJ TTIH PUTNAM CO., 604 N. Y. LIFE BI.DO, OMAHA, ABOUT NEXT FARM LAND EXCURSIONS, MAY 7TH AND 21ST., JUNE 4TH AND 18TH. WE CAN SHOW YOU THB RKAX. BAR GAINS IN FARMS IN INDIAN TERRI TORY. TEXjtS. SOUTH DAKOTA AND WESTERN NEBRASKA. FREJ3 ILLUS TRATED BOOKLETS. (20) Ka WANTED Agents to represent us In the sale of our Kansas lands. Write for par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha. Neb. (20) M420 Nebraska. A GOOD farm, well Improved, 20 miles west of Omaha, for sale on easy terms, 6 per cent Interest. If taken In next 30 days. Address Y 244. Bee. (20)-4'.5 IMPROVED farms ln eastern Nebraska; Sarpy and Douglas counties. B. J. Over ton, Gretna, Neb. (20) M878 CHOICE section In Kimball county at $5.50 per acre; 600 acres as, level as a floor, 140 acres rolling; all good soil and only ten miles from Kimball; terms $1,660 cash, balance on long time; write us for bar gains ln western land. American Land and Immigration Co., Sidney, Neh. (20) M761 7x FOR BENT Chicken farm. Herman Som mer. 604Vi S. 10th St (20) 826 6x FOR SALE. 80-ACRH farm In Johnson county. A. J. Plerson, 801 N. 20th 8t or T. H. McClana han, Elk Creek, Neh. (20) M853 lOx FOR SALE Tenacre fruit farm, adjoin ing Ashland. Neb. G. C. Reed. Fort Crook. Neb. (20) MS3S 15x We have for sale over 6.000 acres of first class farm land ln Douglaa, Washington and Sarpy counties. We can exchange some of our listed land for city property or western Iowa farm land. McMENEMY & RIKER 406 Bee Building. Tel. Douglaa 518. (20)-ua 6 NEBRASKA prairie lnnd; I own and offer for sale 100 acres, Kimball county, $MX), half cash, balance four equal annual payments; perfect title. Box 76A, Hous ton, Tex. (20) fta 6x FINE" STOCK FARM FOR SALE. 640 acres, situated In Dawson county, Ne braska, four miles from town, 140 acres In cultivation, balance ln pasture, fenced and cross fenced, two good wells and wind mills and supply cistern; nearly all farm land In 1'latte valley, pasture rolling and covered with buffalo grass, some alfalfa; new two-story house, xuxjt); new barn, 8ox 48; all painted and In good shape. This Is the beet slock farm tn this part of the state and can be bought at a bargain If sold quick. Address D. M. Douthett, Over ton, Neb. (20) 948 5 Soath Dakota. REAL ESTATE for sale, relinquishment to an eO-acre homestead; 4-room house, barn, well, fencing; also stage line; can live on homestead and run line; $100 per month for carrying mail; $1,600 cash will handle It. Address Box 19j. Ellendrtle, N. D. (20) MM6 6x WHEN you write to advertisers remember It takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. FOR 8A I B Greatest bargain ln South Da kota: 160 acres, almost level, heavv. rich , Muck land; 140 acres cultivation, l-ii. Also Z40 acres, almost level, heavy, rich black land, lhO acres cultivation, $: acre. Above located In Codinitton county, near railroad town of Florence; esy terms. Warren Harmun, Cedar Rapids. Ia. (30) 946 6 Texas. TEXAS AND NEW MEXICO LAND. Have some rare barxslns In Texas and New Mexico land, $5 to $7.10 an acre. Go and see for yourxelf; low railroad rates. For particulars addrc-ss ROBERT C. D RUES EDO W, 8o9 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (JO) 437 Miscellaneous. BIO SNAPS IN CHEAP LAND8. Eleven thousand acres of fine land ln Bil lings county North Dakota. This lund Is all In one body, and 60 iT cent Is good farm land; balance rough, but firat-cluss grazing land. Land adjoining this, and no better. Is retailing for $12 to $i5 per acre. We can sell this tract for $4 per acre: Vs cash, bal ance time. And this might tie shaded. We also have ten thousand acres of fine farm lund ln Eastern Wyoming and Eastern Colorado that we can sell at $6 per acre, on eaiy terms. Will sell any part o this on the above terms. We have snap In three sections of fine farm land, all in one body, six miles from North Platte. Neb., Pi per acre. Also nine thousand acres In Lincoln county. Neb., ail ln one body, for $4 per acre. We ar headquarter for cheap land. KFLLY INVKSTMKNT CO., 2JU Neville Block, Omaha. C) 15S 8 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm aad Raarh Leads. FARM FOR BENT. 40 acres on West Center street. 6-room house, good granary, barn, etc.; lease on reasonable terms. OLORUE A CO., 1801 Farnam fit. (2D-M658 $ 8 ACRES ground close to car Una. W. L. SELBY, 440 Board Of Trade Bldg. Phone Dong 1510. UlJ-Vl97 1 REAL ESTATE LOANS $l.ovi nix) TO I1AN on business and rest dene property In Omaha; lowest rte. no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room I N .I, Life. (22)-193 WANTED Cltv lonns and wnrrants. W. Farnam Smith Co., iro St. (J2)-19S MONEY TO IA"AN Tayne Investment Co (.2W194 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. TOO Doug. (23) 195 MORTGAGE LOANS $2,000,000 to lend on Omaha city property. Loans for building purposes. Borroweri permitted to make partial payments on any Interest paying data. W. H. THOMAS, 60$ First National Bank Bldg. ()-M'J I LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (i2) 19U twa TO $fi0.000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM. (Zi) 197 BUILDING loans on residence properU: 6 per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Block. (22)-lS MONEY TO LOAN GET OUR RATES AND TERMS BE FORE ARRANGING FOR A LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. (22)-M900 8 LOANS on Improved city property. W. II. Thomas, 606 First National Bank Bldg. (22) 199 LOANS on- Improved Omnha prnprrtv. O KEEFE R, 11 CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life HUlg. (22) M79i WANTED City lonns. R. C. Peters Co. (22)2O0 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture cook and heating stoves, carpets, linole ums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilt and all kinds of tools; ar will buy the fur niture of your house complete. Will buy antlqno or mahogany furniture. The high est prices paid. Call the right man. TcU Douglas y7l. () 893 Myl7 CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co zi4 o. hi n. mono uougias (26)-201 FEATHER BEDS WANTED 60 cents per pound paia ror old reatner beds; send postal; will be In the city for one week. Address Y 93, care Bee. . (26) M606 M16x WANTED To buy good Davis sewing ma. cuine. Address u zzi, care uee (26)-780 4 WANTED Dirt wanted at 2fth & Bancroft. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam Bt. (261-909 6 A GOOD mandolin. Address O 2TH, enra Bee. (3) 120 ex I WISH to purchase a small grocery stock; i , . i . . . . . 1 1 . i i ill hiiuu lucauuii, Kivo lull pniuciuis, confidential lowest price, first letter. Ad dress D 2bS. care Bee. (26) 9A4 6x FOX TERRIER pup wanted. Will pay casn. i. a. iancaaier, ciorgis, n. it. (26)-M234 17x WANTED TO BTTY Good pony, safe for children. Give full description and price Address K 258, care Bee. (26) lift 7 " WANTED TO RENT WANTED A store aultahle for bakery business. II. A- Welckganannt, 4020 Seward St. (26) 698 6x IN RESIDENCE district, rear Hanscom park preferred, modern furnished house or apartment, for two months, commenc ing May 10. Good --ferences. State rent. Address W 233. Le. (26) M748 4x WANTED One or two partially furnlsh4 moms for light housekeeping, close ln. Must be reasonable. Address F 239. Bee. (26) M7M 6x WANTED 6 or 6-room modern house in good location. Address P 280, care Bee. 2ti) 162 6x WANTED By man, first-class room, close In. Address E3 221. care of Bee. (26)-89 6x YOUNG lady wants room and board In private family. Reference considered. Ad dress N 246, Omaha Bea. (26) 622 Ex WANTED TO RENT A good room, mod ern conveniences; give terms. Address S 281. Bee. (26) WANTED Rooms for light housekeeping by couple without children; beet of ref erences. Address O 262. Bee. (26) M224 7x WANTED TO RENT A 4 or 6-room apirf ment, modern conveniences. Address W 22, Bee. (20) Ml iX WANTED By young man, neat, modern single room with good board In PRI VATE fumllv; close ln; state price. Ad O 379. care Bee. (26) M 184 WANTED Room with board by young man, in sinr'uy pnvuia lamny. svnuresa C 2&6, care Bee. (26) M1J6 7x WANTED Room and board In west or southwest part of city, by couple with out children; references given. Addreag D 2S6, Bee. (26J Mj267x WANTED SITUATION POSITION WANTED A young printer wants a position In a country office at onco. No had habits. About seven years of experience. Address Y 114, enre Bee. (27)-M3Sl Mllm JAPANESE boy who can talk English wants position ln town. Address D 220, Ra 1971 UHU ft- 8ITUATION wanted as clerk ln general store, wholesale house, or as traveling salesman by Christian, married Scandi navian of middle age; many years' expe rience In different lines. Box SS. R. D, route 1, Frederic, Wis. (27)-M84 lOx LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids or proposals wdll be received at the office of A. O. Bower, president of the board of trustees of the 1-1 r st M. K. church of Kearney, Nebraska, until 1$ o'clock noon, June 1. Uft7. for the erection and construc tion of the First M. fc). church, on the preiient church grounds at corner Ave nue A and 22d street. Separate bids will be received (or the following estimates: Carpenter work, mason work, stone work, plssteiing, heating, glass, plumbing, paint ing, ele-trlo wiring. All bids must be ac companied by a ceitlfled check for at least ii per cent of the amount of the bid as an evidence of good faith on part of bidder. Bids will also be received for erection and construction of church complete In one con tract. Plana and specifications are on file at :he otllce of A. O. Bower, Kearney, Ne braska. The board teserves the iteht to re ject any and all bids. By order of the board of trustees. W. W. BARNEY, Sec retary. NOTICE SEALED BIDS WILL BB RE celved on or before )0 o'clock a. m.. May 8, 19u7, st the office of the lend commis sioner or secretary of the state of Ne braska for the furnishing snd erertlng of one enKlne buUer of 125 if. P. capacity and one engine of 1x0 H. P.. both of the above at the state penitentiary at IJncoln, Ne braska. Hpeciili ations now on nle ln the office of the seiretarv GEO. C. J UN KIN, Secretary of the lff!5rd of Public Lands snd Buildings. A2S-dl4t NOTICE TO CONTRA("TORS-SEALED bids for the erection snd completion of an addition to schnol house in Waterloo, Nebraska, according to the plana Mil specifications adopted by the Board of r-dii-catlon. will be received by the under signed up to and Including May 15. 1W7. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the secretary In Waterloo, or at the office of J. J Drrtght Co., Qriha, Neb. IL U. WALDRAJN, Secretary. sua' 8 d2 I