Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1907, HALF -TONE SECTION, Page 2, Image 18

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Sew York Trying Iinnloc to Cure JaTeo
ile Delinquent.
Dor DlvUeel I P Ito mIl Indepead-
Coloates 4 the PrUon
Idea Is Entirely
ROCHESTER, May 4.-On t.4Wcre
tract of land twelve miles outside of Roch-
eater the etate of New Tork In trying a
new plan for dealing with bad boys. ThU
la the alto of the new State Agricultural
and Industrial school, to which Juvenile de
linquent between the ages of and 16 are
The school In this city, which waa for
merly called the State Industrial school,
haa not yet been abandoned, as all the
cottages at the new site have not been
oompleted. About J00 boys are now liv
ing at the new site and It is expected that
the remaining 2no will be sent there In the
oourae of a month.
The new school and the general plan of
operation represent In the highest degree
the advanced views of those who have
made a study of the Ills of Juvenile delin
quency. There Is not another Institution
Jaat like It anywhere.
Tt Is such sn Institution as. Is now pro
posed to take the place of Randall's Island
for the offending boys of the eastern end
of the state. Realizing that In perhaps a
majority of cases the boys themselves are
not really to blame for their condition, the
object has been to eliminate entirely the
prison Idea from the school. The boys are
to have a chance to make a fair, fresh
start In life.
Flfty-Flaht Yeara Old.
The State Industrial school In Rochester
waa opened to receive boys In 1849. It was
known for - many yeara as the Western
House of Refuge, but as the nature of Its
reformative system was altered, a change
in title was also made, the new one more
clearly representing the character of the
work done.
The old school In Rochester occupies a
tract of twelve acres, enclosed by a stone
wall twenty feet high. That barrier was
the limit of vision for any youngster com
mitted to the school. Within that en
closure from 600 to 800 boys at a time have
been confined for periods varying from a
few months to several years. It waa a
prison for them, no matter how the state
might look at It. They were subjected to
close surveillance twenty-four hours a day.
A military system was in force to de
velop them physically and teach them
obedience, order and proper care of them
selves and their belongings. A system
of manual training and trade Instruction
was provided. Their rejlglous as well as
tneir secular education was looked after
Tet many of the boys went forth from
these surroundings with no Incentive to
lead honest lives or to become good cltl
aent. Condition at New Hrhoola.
The conditions at the new school are very
different. The site Is on the eastern bank
Of the river, In the town of Rush, In the
fertile valley of the Genesee.
The school Is on the cottage plin. the
and has the effect of arousing and holding
the Interest of the boys In their homes. In
effect, esch colony constitutes almost an
entirely separate Institution under one
general management. The loyalty of the
boys to their matrons and supervisors Is
marked. 1
Lessons In Home Life.
' Everything Is done to cultivate the home
atmosphere. The cottage are light and
airy, cheerful and homelike. The boya have
a large sitting room for their own use,
where In the winter evenlnga they may
enjoy the open fire, play their games and
read when the day's work is done.
The dining room adjoins the sitting room.
The boys and their supervisor and matron
have their meals at the same time, the
officers having a separate table. All the
cooking la done by the boys, with the ex
ception of the bread making.
One of the great advantages of the In
dividual kitchen Is that it brings home
to the boys the necessity for economy in
the use of supplies. Once a month all
the supplies a colony is to have for the
month are sent to It. If thewe supplies
are wasted then the boys have fewer things
to eat and no one Is to blame but them
selves. The Individual kitchen gives an oppor
tunity for the matron and boys to exer
cise ingenuity in cooking the same mate
rials In a variety of ways, thus adding to
the attractiveness of the dietary. The ques
tion of food is an Important one, aa good,
wholesome, properly cooked food not only
brings the boya more willingly under the
Influence of the matron and supervisor,
but also makes them healthier and glvea
them a better view of life.
Tho boys' dormitory la located on the
second floor. It consists of one room, in
which all twenty-five boys sleep In single
beds. It is large and airy and well venti
lated. Advnntnae of Farm Work,
One advantage of letting all the boys
devote their time to agriculture la that
they see the object of each act required
of them. It Is argued that manual train
ing, as done by the Institution boys. Is not
dono with greater Interest because the
boys realize that the object made will find
Its end In the kindling wood or scrap
heap. With the farm work it Is different.
The boy knows why he mllke the cow,
and he knows that the more carefully he
mika her the more milk he will have for
himself and hie fellows. There Is a friendly
rivalry between colonies to see which can
produce the beet crope. The hatching of
a brood of chickens or the advent of a calf
or a colt Is an Important and Interesting
event. Each day brings a new phase of the
The education of the boys Is also looked
after. The Instruction in the common
school branches Is given by teachers who
go to the cottages. One teacher has two
cottages, going to one In the morning
and the other In the afternoon. The work,
done Is very largely Individual.
The school haa not been established with
out meeting with some criticism. Some
have characterized it aa folly to attempt
to care for the delinquent boys, whom the
critics refer to as convicts, on a farm In
the open country. Another cTltlcism made
waa that the state waa going Into the bus)
ness of farming, having the work done by
boys Instead of hired men.
Boys Prefer to Stay.
In discussing the matter recently Prof.
Franklin H. Brlggs, superintendent of the
school, said that seventy boys had escaped
The Hartman Stores Are Known for
It has been bur steadfast purpose to create and maintain a chain of stores that should be
known throughout the length and breadth of Omahu as establishments of absolute and un
questioned reliability.
Honest methods, Mrlrt IntejrritT and geit-rous. front merit
v . I . I . . . . . . m . a i , . .
nr arc ine nuiKimn mncK run
of which we have reared this Rrent houicf urTilshlnir orKiinlration the lnr(ref in ilie
world. We have tw'n huilillnK substantially for we hnve been liiiililinif for the future
RIKjS car pits.
You may trade at a Hartman store with the utmost confi
dence, relying upon our reputation of nearly half a cen
tury for Just and honorable dealing, and upon our broad
and binding guarantee which goes with every purchase
you make. We guarantee absolute satisfaction. WE
FRFTi IT Cheerfully given on oar new Individual credit
VlVLl1 1 ri,,n the most Rcnteel, refined and helpful
credit service offered by any housefurnlshlng institution.
Piece Bet Bogsrs
Qlveii free with a $100 purchase or
sold for $0.96. Terms, f.1.00 cash, 75c
monthly. bon4rnt a t ,, time
daring a year purchaser buys tioo
worth of goods from ns ws will
credit cost of same to their account.
i Parlor, bed room, dining room and kitchen or any other four rooms you wish,
Max lejfurnlshed completely, redy for housekeeping. We give you a wide ranee of
I i designs from which to choose. Insuring absolute satisfaction In, the selection
! LfiinJil rp r..k Of your goods. Special prices on S, 5, 8, 7 and
""I rPflll I PriTiS !! : . 8-room outflta. rWt select your home out
Vl vul v ailiJs g Month nt until you've seen Hartman's special values
In JBijrdvjIlo
J ft
Mn wai is the Cabbie of Birdvillc;
He drives an ostrich large-.
Every bird, m the dell
Thinks his service juskswJl,
And theynever comply . it his charge.
CopyrtfAt 07.fy fortnan
- w - Tnl- . . - - -m ..41. . V. -n rt -a. 4 4 llm. will VAAfltVA & tlAfLntlftlt 1"
bound volume of thsas Blrdvllle vtrsts FBSB, printed from fine plates and beautifully 11- feL t
lustra tad in colors. We would like to have event child la Omaha get one of these books.
j Let"ffartmanfeatheiybvrst"
homes of the boys being dotted over the. ,n the flr,t vear' but that a11 Bav nve had
beautiful rolling uplands, and there they either been re-captured or returned volun
are living In all the freedom and enjoy-1 tarlly. As a matter of fact, most of the
ment of country life. There Is no forbid-! boy" "llli probably have gone If they
ding gray stone wall here to cast a gloom na5 BO J,lrel, for there Is nothing but the
Into the souls of the boys; In all directions, surveillance of the superior and matron
as far aa they can see, there is nothing t0 "toP thpm: Rn(J there Is a railroad onlv
but smiling valleys and beautiful hills. I a fow hundred yards away, which might be
At the city Institution all buildings, ag- considered a temptation for boys to slip
f-rcgatlng about thirteen acres of floor . awy- The boys realise, however, that
space, were situated within Ve walled en-' tnov are Pr8t,y off at the school,
closure. At the new institution the build-' Tne moBt '"ver punishment that can be
ings for the accommodation of the boys ,"'cted is deprivation of the privilege of
are scattered over the property, the cot- vlBlt aia correspondence with friends, or
tages at the two extremes being two and a Psrticlpatlon in games, which Include baao
half miles distant from each other. i bal1 ln summer, foot ball In autumn and
At the city school as many as Z35 boys coasting In winter,
have lived In a building 1E0 feet long and ' American born boys form the great ma-forty-two
feet wide, and their work and Jr'ty f those committed to the instltu
recreatlon have been confined within the t,on- Thl8 ,ne CU,e ,n m("' inland
limits of a space 200 feet by too foet. At cltls- nlv about S per cent of the boys
Rush farm only twenty-five boys live are forf'gn bom. '
In a cottage, and each cottage is at , The schol takes boys between the ages
a minimum distance of 400 feet from every . ' 12 and 18 who ar convicted of any
other cottage. In many Instancea the dls- ! ofrone an bovs from to IS who commit
tance.thnt separates cottages Is not less 'elonlea-
than l.ono feet. j The average term of detention at the
At the olty school the boys have llvcl Bcho01 n year, but a few boys succeed
in four great groups, arranged according ,n w,nn,n8 their parole In six months.
to age and character. At the new school Bovs fter their discharge are required to
they live In at lnist twenty-two groups. j "I""1 t0 parole officer for two yeara
Division of Labor. I Some Statistics.
The wholo tract Is divided Into farms f tht 167 who were committed In 1903
each group having its own cottage, which W wer en,noe(1 'or stealing, thirty
is entirely separate and distinct from four for burlary- sisven for disorderly
very other cottage. A matron and a conduct' thirty-two for being ungovernable
supervisor are In charge of each cottage and thirty-three for vagrancy. The other
Each farm has Its own horses, cattle ofren"e" Included everything from arson
sheep, swine and poultry, and already it to treaBon- Tne boyB ranged In age as
haa been noticed that the care of tho ,ollowB: Under 10 yeara, five; under 11,
Stock exercises a beneficial Influence upon : Under 12, flve: under 1,1 'orty-four:
the character of the boya under 14. forty-one; under 16, seventy; un-
The new school differs In many respects ' der 16, nlnety-lht
from other cottage plan Institutions. In Forty-nB of the boys were fatherless,
other Institutions the cottages are closer ' thirty-three were motherless and twenty
together. The food Is usually cooked ln one wor Dotrt fatherless and motherless,
a central kitchen, then distributed by car . Tne Prents of thirty-four others were
or wagon. separated.
The boys living ln one cottage are as- J Fifty-four of the boya had brothers who
signed to shops or squads with the boys ha(1 b'n arrested, fifteen had brothers al
f other groups. The same rule Is followed ready in the school. The fathers of seventy
In the school work. All the farm stock others were Intemperate, and the father
U housed In a central barn and aaejclated of another was ln the almshouse. The
buildings and only a small proportion oft ! mother of one had been arrested, the
the boys have the privilege of caring for ! mother of two are In the almshouse and
. ... !?'.
' utttw:;rr
High Grade Brussels 4 4 rjr
Rugs, 10-6x9 feet, for lie It)
A special lot of 160 high grade k"3
Brussels Rugs representing the
biggest rug values ln Omaha to
day. These rugs are of superior
charainr, made of finest mater
ials, aniline dyed and will never
fade. They have no tnltor stains,
are full woven ruga, strictly hlph
grade. Don't Invest In a Brusst-ls
rug until you have seen this spe
cial lot.
Terms i tl.00 Cash, 60o Weekly.
narlman's Sewing Machine Demonstration
In Our Window All Week
Beginning Monday morning
a lady expert Sewing Ma-
50c a Week chine Operator will demon
strate the wonderful possi-
Hartman s in "J 1Z
Guarantee lOo
We want to emphasize $2.00 Dewn
1 'm2yy
F 1 This Elegant Q 7 5
nil Dresser, only J
the fact that our ma
chines are constructed
to last a life-time. We
know that they will
give satisfaction. WE
No other machine sur
passes them in simplic
ity and durability of construction.
They are exceedingly easy to operate, and
run with little or no effort. They are
adapted to every grade of work. They
will feed the lightest or heaviest goods and
seams or hard places will be crossed with
out dropping a stitch or materially in
creasing the tension. They work equally
well with the lightest muslin or silk or with
several thicknesses of the heaviest cloth.
bilities of this and other ma
chines in our show window.
She will demonstrate and
teach many fancy stitches,
many clever ideas in
fancy work. She will
show some magnificent
pieces of work done by
her which will be worth your while
to come and see; beautiful pieces
that will give many ideas to those
interested in such work. You
should see this beautiful display of
fancy work you should see what
this lady can do what you can do
if you follow her instructions.
i. ,... ,. ..,.,....,..,,. i "Hi
L 1 tr
Hartman's Wilton Vel
vet Rugs. Size 12x9 feet
This new type of Sewing Machine, fully guaranteed; five drawers;
solid oak case; complete, with full set of attachments and acces
sories; new drop head style; easy running; sold on easy terms
th e stock.
Experience haa ahowr. that it is uniu
to allow the groups to Intermingle. At the
scnooi the general plan embraces two
the mothers of four are Intemperate.
The board of managers of the school haa
asked the legislature for an appropriation
or 1160.000 for the maintenance of the
o coiomea. farm and Indus- i school for the ensuing year, beside, which
i annthaa tlA ft'A I. ..I a- . . .
hilt nXTin Llyt , Z thrv and t,ie .to. The total coet of
r-i...TlT taK. N" th Cnt" u ,h maintenance last year was UU.HL or CM
uuuuins. wnere provision is
ur launaenng, DlacHamlthlng, paint
Ing. carpentry, masonry, printing, tallor
ln shoemnlclng. etc. Near this there are
a grist mill, creamery, fruit evaporator,
cold storage plant, bakery and storeroom,
and remote from all the other buildings Is
a slaughter house.
All of these buildings have not been
finished, but they will be when the present
legislature makes another appropriation for
the work. About the Industrial building
are the cottages In which live the boys
who work there. The tougher, less hope
ful boya are assigned to thla building,
freedom for Boys.
The farm colonies are located on either
aide of the Industrial colonies. To each la
assigned the cultivation of a farm of at
least fifty acre. The boys have the great
est freedom. They may not leave their
own farm without permission, but within
the limits of that farm they go and come
aa do boya at home.
Each farm cottage haa a barn having
accommodations for eight head of cattle,
three horsea and a doien sheep and also a
hennery and a piggery. Orchards have
been set out. together with the necessary
small fruits for the supply of a family of
Each colony has Its own garden, where
all kinds of vegetables are produced.
Whtn each colony produces Its own milk,
butter, cheese, beef, pork and mutton. Its
fruit and garden products, the boys may
five on the fat of the land.
Thla organisation tends to develop the
idea of colony respoaslblllty ana possession
for each lad.
The emperor of Austria, who makes a
hobby of aaLharlua tuenu cards, has a won
denul couvclion. Ills flnsst speculum is
one used at tiis dinner given by the cmar of
KusnU to Resident Faure. This "card''
Is a I. lack of tne rarest rrnu-hU h4,iti(,,..u
painted by a fanioua French artist, tne
, nj. various ouuei Delng HUald
tu white ivory.
Aniu Martin of Newcastle T n,
ees the distinction of hiving ihed In thxei
iujm ouuiunes ana sa. ,tfu iu
ovo in Bcoiikiia in liM, be went to
Canada sUteea years later, and at 17 lo
caiteU in rtilladeipnia. ha aeived aaalnat
I. . .. . "u tne war between the
fS"r .Mai?oU.1i hu, celebrate hla Utn
UmUUay. lie takes long uaily walks anl
is a voracious reaoer. lie la a pensioner.
A baiioon tiip trom Washington to the
army poet at Fort Leavenworth, Kan ,
nearly I.uju nulua aa the crow ilies, U being
planued by the signal corps (.4 the army
under the direction of Captain Charlta It
F. ChandlUr of the army und Io tilsvena.
Uie well known New York aeronaut. The
aa.naion will be made about Way 1 and
provisions will be taken along for a five
day trip. Leo Stevena la nuw making the
balloon, whlcb. has been sol.l under ocntraut
to the government. It will be the largest
ever owned by the army.
Convinced that he is the last S'jrv!vr in
Indiana of the storming of the CssUe Of
Oiapuitepoc, Henry Gallaway, sole su.vivc.
of the Mexican war In Caas county, Indi
ana, invite other heroes of the war to con
test his claim. Galloway was born In New
cast.e, Ind. He was captured by the In
dians and brought to the chief camp of the
Miami in the vicini'.y of Lttfaiieport. A
putate from his home recovered the lad, but
a few years later he returned. In June
1M&, wlun war with Mexico was declared,
he eiUlaied with the Case county cointNtny
the hrt company in the slate to reapood
although he waa only hi years old.
51 - Piece semi
porcelain din
ner set. im
ported English ware,
several patterns
$15 value
e. vm VTTe
ja mm
Made In beautiful golden oak or
mahogany finish; has large French
bevel mirror and carved mirror
frame and standards. Top drawers
are full swelled, rich, exclusive
aagJi;i; ;;-,y 'siJ '
1 fji sr""rr 'Sw 'lr4 ' i -
fonier. fory
ii m
-m" (Jiosea
New special Center
Table, made of the
finest quarter sawed
oak on rubbed ma
hogany finish, has
shapely top, size 34x34
In., nicely
carved and
fluted leg's,
I shelf below. ,
lZe 31X34
Upright sia RecUnlng
Practical Folding Go-Cart. New.
Novel and Practical Design
This Is unquestionably one of the strongest, lightest and most practical
Close-Folding Go-Carts on the market. It Is made by the Alwln Mfg.
Co., the merit of which cart is well known throughout America. This
Cart is made with a tubular steel frame and haa metal gearings of
great strength and durability. The Cart folds up very compactly, aa
you will notice In illustration above and may be easily taken on the
street car and other places where the ordinary Oo-Cart would be too
cumbersome. We are offering the above Oo-Cart at an extra special
price this week and know you cannot oqual the bargain elsewhere no
matter where you look.
Tour Money
Worta or You
Money Baok at
Hartman Special'
Kitchen Cabinet.
Exactly as shown. Convenient top.
large slxe base, roomy pot cup
board, large tilting flour bin,
extra well made, solid ouk
throughout, waxed finish.
Very elegant Chiffonier, made
of large flaky grain quarter
sawed oak, five large drawers.
A tremendous value at the
price. Large French bevel
.. i i -1iTririr-r
7 m
i X f f J 11
my: n
Oak Combina- ft7S
tlon Bookcase... X u
New Special
Our own exclusive design, apec
tally made for the great Jlart
man chain of ti stores. Made
of best selected solid oak,
height 72 Inches, has large
mirror, 12xlg inches.
Thla Wilton Velvet Rug Is made
by one of the best rug weavers
In the world. Is of most u--pond-able
quality, being made of finest
and most durable matsri.ils. it
haa an extra high pile soft and
luxurious. The patterns nra mag
nificent, the uolorlnrfs rrs most
beautiful and most durable color
ings that aliow good tie to and
Senas i 93.00 Cash, 60c Weekly.
Exactly like cut. New speolal
exclusive design, made entirely of
quarter-sawed oak, mammoth
French beveled oval plate mirror,
full swelled front, handsomely
Hartman Iron Bed Special 6.75
This Iron Fed Is of handsome detn. ' -'
note from illustration. It Is massive, strong and
durable. It has larKa 01 nauieni..i M ..i
ornaments. It Is heavily enameled, the .naii.el
being baked on, and Is, therefore, of sreat dura
bility. It is 63 Inches high at head. Made In the
following widths: 4 feet ( Inches, and 3 faet I
Inches. This bed Is specially made for the great
Hartman chain of stores. No other concern ln
the country can posslblv match this value.
Special Colonial
library Table
In fine guaranteed oak or
mahogany finish, large else
top, extra heavy colonial oc
tigon legs, elegant rich snd
exclusive design. Special
Xa 0 J ,lrtInB',
Ml TT13
lens, set ijy
Solid Oak
China Cabinet
Handsome bent end des
witn neavy aouDle strength glass
and adjustable shelves. Extra
well made throughout snd neatly
ornamented with carvings. Fancy
French bevel mirror on top.
Solid OaV Pf deslal
Extension Table
a aT : OUOX As shown. All know
or tli exui'llent nn1 cimvenlent qualities of these
ninny article. inis one is nae cut.
full supported beneath and steel heli
cals on ends, automatic lifts, large
sl ...
This table has round top brilliant
ly polished, extra massive base
and carved claw feet. Of auperloi
make and finish. Top 46 Inches in
Refriger a 'or Spe
cial Sale Price...
This Refrigerator Is on sale all week. It is strongly
constructed, of greut durability and most econ
omical. It la lined with glvanl-d iron, lias m-tul .
shelves, patent drip cui and otlier improved foa
tur.'B. A value you cannot possibly duplicate elsc-
ihere ln Omaha.
r?fji To
1 iMlVl
22 Great Stores Throughout the TJ. S.
! Nil f l HCNi
II I 1 1 I
1414-1416-1418 Douglas Street
We Will
r Ornish
OeUar to
O arret
Z- ' i' -II Bell. B
s''7J; JV I Wag-oaa
Hartman'a Special
Steel Kanges ""
Complete with h gh warming closets, ss shown
above, of large sue. full nzZ -lnch holes, large
luare oven, made of superior materials, elegantly
k.tiL1!LT'!d ""1 "ranteed In eveVpartlcu
lar. Hpelal easy terms of credit given.