Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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Fhe Omaha Sunday
' A pr for tho) Nm
Best .IT. West
-vers t to a.
TwoHandrod kUllioa DollariLaid 0t by
Irish Land Cmalnit
EeiniM Will tquire it lareo Bom to
Carry Cnt Plans.
Tichnioal Instrnct'on of Feat lind !
Heoossarv in Inland.
Irish Protective Society Protests
Aaralust Hosier Raised from
License Bel; Seat Oat
of the Country.
DUBLIN. Way 4.-(Spedal.) The returns
of the proceedings of the Irish Land com
mlaaton for the month of January contains
the lateat available statistics of the opera
tions of the Land Purchase Act- Accord
ing to the returns the total amount of
money applied for under agreements ef
fected directly between the landlords and
tenants under the tones was on January
II, nearly Imooo.ouu. In addition the
eptates commissioners had caused to be In
spected estates of the estimated value of
118,000,000. for which "reuueat" to purchase
had been lodged. Further estates In the
land Judge's court of the estimated value
Of $7,000,000 has also been brought under
the notice of the commission with the view
to purchase; while "requests'' had been
transmitted by the congested districts
board for the purchase of estates of the
estimated value of &.600,000. Thus In all
proposals for the purchase of estates to
the estimated value or t22S.0O0.0OO has been
submitted to the estates commissioners, and
applications for $6,600,000 had been received
by the land commissioners otherwise than
through the estates commissioners, that Is
for direct sales under the old acts. The
total amount of money required to finance
these transactions exclusive of the bonus
Is therefore nearly $315,000,000, while the
bonus payable on th,ese agreements where
It Is due would amount to about $26,000,000.
In other -word some $310,000,000 will be re
quired to finance the transactions In view
on January 81.
Cardlnul on Edurutlon.
Hla eminence. Cardinal Logue opened the
new technical school at Dundslk a few
days ago, and he took the opportunity to
deliver a very practical address on the
work for which the school has "been estab
lished. A good deal of the so-called "tech
nlcal education" which Is being given to
Ireland Is declared to be of very little bene
fit to industry. "The nations of Europe
that are going ahead, going to the front
In commerce and manufactures, do so be
oause they have paid attention to this very
Important subject,'' ' declared Cardinal
The report of the Irish Game Protective
society complains of the greediness of the
. treasury In-the following language: "Ow
ing in a great meauaure to the efforts of
the association the Inland revenues are de
riving nearly $116,000 yearly from game and
gun lloenaes In t-eland and your committee
protests In the strongest manner against
this money going out of the country while
such a very small proportion of It la ap
plied to the prevention of the extermina
tion of game in. this country."
Otruas Explorer Bees Hal la Uai
and Writes of Rites of
Thibetans. -
PEKING. May 4. (Special.) According to
letters just received from Herr Tafel, the
German explorer, examination for the
priesthood of Thibet ia a severe ordeal in
which the candidates are liable to be forci
bly prevented from speaking by the exam
iner. Herr Tafel writes that he saw oris
grotesque ceremony In which the Dalai
Lama examined three candidates, who lay
flat on their faces before him. A large
number of priests were present and they
. also prostrated themselves on their faces In
token of veneration to the Dalai Lama.
Each candidate raised hla head and re
plied when a question was asked and then
buried his face In the mat again. If a
lame reply to a question was given the
Dalai Lama stooped and placed a hand
tightly over the candidate's mouth so that
he might not appear ridiculous ta his fel
low students. -
If the answer were especially bad the
. Lama described a circle In the air Just
above the offenders head as an expression
of his contempt for the candidate.
Herr Tafel. obtained the audience of the
Dalai at the Tibetan monastery of Oum
bum, not far frgm the Chinese frontier.
He is said to have been the first European,
who has ever been brought face to face
wit ft the fugitive Lama.
The Dalai it will be remembered fled from
Lhasa on the approach of the young hus
band mission and at first found a refuge
at Urgn In northern Monolla. He was
reputed to have left that place Isst Sep
tember, and In the following month he
passed through Lanchau-fu on his way, it
Is aald, to Ilashgar. He was traveling In
great state In a large sedan chair carried
am horses and with an escorts of 100 lamas.
Interests In Bonth Africa Xot Identical
Capo Government
Has Complaint.
' CAPE TOWN, May 4 -SpeeIal )-A curi
ous situation has arisen between Great
Britain, the cape and Germany over the
native war In German Southwest Africa.
Dicing the operations a great number of
the Insurgents crossed the border and sur
rendered to the cape police. They were
housed and fed by the authorities and
when the trouble was drawing to a close
the cape government forwarded to Ger
many ita account for holding the refugees
under observation. The amount demanded
was about $36,000.
Germany, however, repudiated all liabil
ity. The cape government thereupon
communicated with the British foretgi
office. It Is understood that the demand
'originally made by the ope government
will be rigidly adhered to.
The British government has also Keen
appealrd to by the cane to settle the dis
pute between Germany snd the cape gov
ertiment upon the question of closing cer
tain drtfte over the Orange river to Ger
roan merchandise. Punts ply across to the
German side and rate have been flxed
which Germany regards as unfair. The
cape government, however, remains ob
. duraac
Sunday, May A, Itwyf.
V 25
THE wr 5
FORECAST FOR N .. .rV .IK A Cloudy
Sunday, probably shownrt, . armer In south
put t Ion. Monday talr.
warmer Sunday. Monday partly cloudy;
ehowtra In east snd south portions.
Temperatures at Omaha yesterday
t a, m
(a. m
7 a. m
la. m
I a. m
10 a. m
1 p. m....
1 p. m ...
I p. m....
4 p. m....
f p. m ...
6 p. m....
7 p. m....
11 a. m.
12 m 47
Review of the facts leading up to the
arrest of Uoyer, Haywood and Pettlbonc
I aa i
Suit is started at Chicago to cause a
reorganization of the Corn Products com
pany, allegation of fraud being made.
X, Page
Mrs. Roosevelt has narrow escape Irom
serious Injury when accident on the Sylph
causes breaking of flagpole. It falls' to
deck and almost strikes wife of president.
X. Page 1
Republicans are confident of making a
clean sweep In the Lincoln election Tues
day. Printing board lets the contract for
state work. I, Page 3
The wife of Herman Broche of Madi
son county, who killed Frank Jarman,
thinks he has drowned himself.
X, Page 3
United Commercial Travelers elect K. A.
Bailey of Lincoln president and adjourn
to meet next year at Norfolk. I, Page 3
Two hundred million dollars has already
been expended In Ireland on the operation
of the land law and thirty millions more
Is In prospect. X, Page I
Scotland and Cape Colony are ooth con
front n with problems of what 'to do
with their idle men. X, Page I
Transatlantic liners are In the Ice in
the Gulf of St. Lawrence and traflio to
Montreal is delayed. X, Page X
Roy Snider Is Identified as the youth
who robbed the drug store of G. H.
Meyers April 27. and fired at Conductor
Saly of Albright car Wednesday night.
X. l ags 4
Pardon is given to a woman convicted
of common charge by Mayor Dahlman
at Instance of her alleged husband, who
flaunts the pardon In the face of Police
Judge Crawford., TL Page 8
F. C. Holema, army teamster and
former Omaha policeman. Is - held In
$2,000 bonds on the charge of assault of
Sergeant Homage of Fort Omaha.
XXX, Page
Speculators In scavenger tax titles ap
parently are unable to aell acquired land
for five years under provision recently
discovered In the law. XX, Page
Loeutlm of. the. bank of Ireland is to
be determined In federal court in peculiar
case where . testator left money to wife
in Irish depository. XX, Page
Mayor Dahlman. spurns the offer of mil
lions by Tonopah friends and .-lings to
his dream of secretary of interior in
Bryan's - cabinet. X, Page 4
' Real estate men are having a busy time
of It. XX, Fags a
Opening at the Field club brings society
out In force In spite of Inclement weather.
XX, Page 8
Results of ball games:
8 Omsha vs. Sioux City S.
I Des Moines vs. Lincoln 1.
0 -iwnver vs. Pueblo 0.
6 Cincinnati vs. St. Louis 1.
1 (.hiiagu vs. ritishnrg 0.
10 New York vs. Brooklyn 0.
Boston vs. Washington 0.
t Chicago vs. Detroit 1.
tt New ork vs. Philadelphia 0.
4 Columbus vs. St. Paul S.
14 Louisville vs. Kansas City 9.
t Indianapolis vs. Milwaukee 1.
Nebraska university athletes are out
classed at Ames, Iowa State track team
winning dual field meet, St to 47. Pags 1
Field club opens bright and wide despite
the gloomy, wintry weather. Page 8
Condition of Omaha trade. YZ, Page
Live Stock markets. YX, lag g
Grain Markets. ' YX Page T
Stocks and bonds. YX, Page t
Buater Brown and the Cuckoo clock.
Good things for the children. French ex
cavating an old Roman city. Latest fads
in baby clothes. Photographers have diffi
culties with babies. Fluffy Ruffles.
Thomas Swift, who has helped to make
Omaha. Giving bad boys a fresh start.
Great Homcstake mine In which lire
played havoc. Snow and blossoms on fruit
trees. Gossip of the play houses. Devel
opments In the electrical field.
Body Fonnd la Marsh Aboot Half n
Mile from Homo of
DOVER, Del., Msy 4.-The body of little
Horace Marvin, who disappeared from the
farm of kla father at Kitta' Hammock,
near here, March 4. was found this after
noon in a marau la a fair state of precerva
tion. The spot where the body was found Is
about a hslf mile east of the farm house
toward the Delaware rlvtr. Kltta' Ham
mock. Is between seven and eight miles
from here and la without communication
with any place.
From Information brought by a horseman
It la learned that the clothes on the chl.d
are the same he wore the day he disap
peared. The body was face downward.
Dr. Marvin at the moment the bod) was
found was not ready to say whether the
body of his child was placed where It waa
found or whether be believed the child
wandered into the marsh and loat his life.
The marsh was froxen over the day the
boy disappeared.
There Is a theory that the child was
murdered and his body placed In the marsh,
aa the long grass where the body was
found was burned and cleared four weeks
sgo. It is said the body lay under a pile
of grass and that the clothing showed no
evidence of having been touched by Are
The body .was found by Ollle Pleasanton.
a neighbor, who waa gunning for ducka on
the marsh today. Pleasanton la the man
who reported having aeen two strange men
who were Inquiring about the topography
of the country three days before the dlo-aypearanca
1907 MAY
tun sioa rut wis ma
X 11 12
5 6 7 8 9
12 13 14 15 10
19 20 21 22 2T
20 27 28 29 ,
r)t!aod tod Cap Colony to f attic Qaei
tisi of Carioc for Unemployed.
Graded 8itam of Eslisf Work. Dtairtd Ij
tko Lootl Board.
NatiTM of Eritirk Ialei Will Ea Boat Horn
bj Fnblio.
Aaaoelatlon Formed to Provide Rtsw
for Very Poor, oat Does Not
Meet Iseem Kapeoted
by Promoters.
GLASGOW, May 4. (Special.) There
seems to be a feeling that the Glasgow dis
tress committee has acted wisely In decid
ing, with the approval of the local gov
ernment board, to establish a farm colony
at Cumbernauld for dealing with the unem
Ployed. It is only during the last few year.
that serious efforts have been made to dl-
agnose the problem of unemployment In
Scotland, and it Is still at a stage when
every fresh administrative departure la
necessarily tentative and experimental. It hi
argued that what Is required is a graded
system of relief works, and that It Is Just
this graded system which a farm colony
Ilka that proposed offers an admirable op
portunity of Introducing.
Cape to Deport Idle Me.
CAPE COLON r, May 4. Spclal-n
order the more effectually to cope with
the unemployed problem at the Cape, the
colonial government Is making arrange
ments to send such of the men as have
been on the relief works and were born
In k U-1.1-K T I n . k. J U I- -a-
i. i ikion 'r. w ""in - -
where they have relations or friends to
whom they can go, or where they would
be more likely to obtain employment In
the old country. Ttie greater portion of
the men now employed at the relief camp
at Oude Molen appear to be from Oreat
Britain, and many readily agree to accept
the government's offer of a peasage home.
Their number Is likely to be augmented
by the fact that they have received an in
timation that the camp has been broken up.
It has now been In existence for something
like nine months and, according to all re
ports, the Cape government has been sup
porting relief works practically ever since
the war.
Honslnnr Problem nt Dublin.
DUBLIN, Msy 4. (Spedal.)-The Associ
ation for Housing the Very Poor, which
was established In Dublin some years ago,
haa not, unfortunately, been aa great a
success as some of Its promoters hoped. At
the annual meeting . of the organisation,
Just held, the .chairman of the company.
Sir Lambert Ormoby, called attention to
the fact tbat the society had already built
one very fine block, of bu.lldlr.xn In All Ing
ham street, wruere the "very poor can get
comfortable homes ai a rent within their
means, and It has done this In strict ac
cordanee with the original principles on
which It waa established that is to say, the
association was to be carried on on busi
ness principles and to pay a moderate div
idend." Another mstter'of Interest to students of
sociology Is the evidence that Is being
given at the health inquiry at Belfast. It
Is regarded as very valuable, not merely
from the point of view of the Ulster capital,
but also from that of Ireland generally.
Among other things, aa a result of the In
quiry Pri f. Lindsay has advised that par
liamentary powers should bo obtained for
the control of the milk trade.
Adventurers Expect to Find Gold
In Plnec Discovered by
Old Man.
SYDNEY, May 4. (Special.) Amid cir
cumstance of the greatest secrecy four
prospectors lately left Fremantle In a
thirty-ton fishing ketch for an island In the
Australian bight somewhere near Eucla.
They are reported to have taken with them
a complete mining outfit.
It ts understood that the expedition Is the
result of a report received lately from
Eucla to the effect that for some time an
old man and his son had been in the habit
of calling there for stores for which they
paid coarse gold. They always reached
Eucla In a small sailing boat and it was
thought that they were mining on an Island
In the vicinity, but no Information could be
obtained from them regarding the situation
of the Island on which they were supposed
to be working.
A couple of month ago the boat of these
mysterious miners waa found capstxed and
tncs then the men have not been seen.
Bad Bond Add to Dtfllenlty of Got
rrnsaent In Distributing Do
nated Supplies.
ST. PETERS B URO, May 4. (Special.)
At a recent sitting of the Samara govern-
' . - -- .... , .
lO (million I-""""' irwm
people who are .tarring and .uhalstlng on
, " , " ,
bread, of which Important constituent ele -
. . . .
ments s re acorns and powdered wood.
Th difficulties encountered tn relieving
t V. MtnU tra 4 n HmM trnna ftfiw nwln
.v- . i v.1- .
the road, of th. country. Any quantities
.of meat Juice or tinned m.ats. m.nuf.c-
. ,,,
I Uired by firm of Englsnd or America will.
,T. . . .. .
i " w,i.,u .no
received with boundless gratitude:
enough to
. mean, of .avln. thousand, and
will be th
i thousands of lives.
Ministry of Agriculture Decides to
j Mnko Turn of Pitchblende
! from State Mines.
! VIEXNA. May 1 -(Special.) The A us-
i trlan ministry of agriculture has built a
j special laboratory at Joachlmstahl In Bo
, mnnla, where the production of radium will
be carried on by the state. The pitchblende
found In the state mine will be treated
and it Is expected that a large profit will be
A local doctor haa reeclved permission
from th ministry to use the water pumped
from one of the mines for curative pur- ; the printers have been locked up on various
poeea. a It Is found to be very rich in ra- ' chargvs and the office boy expelled trt Zein
dlum, and often very efficacious In case 1 11 n. In spite of these minor annoyanoe the
of gout and raeaiunatlara. J pper continue to appear dally.
New Fields
JOHANNESBURG. May 4. (Sneclil
The discovery of mineral deposits In vari
ous parts of South Africa continues un
abated. Diamonds are bring found In quite
a number of directions, while gold. Iron,
coal, tin and even platinum are on the
list of recent "finds." Naturally but a
small percentage of the discoveries may
be expected to turn out valuable; but the
extent of these and the evidence they af
ford of great mineral wealth of very wide
distribution is remarkable. The value of
the mineral output of South Africa within
the next decade bids fair to put the present
record In the shade. A distinct step for
ward has Just been made In proving the
existence of payable gold In Natal. The
Natal Phoenix Gold company has received
the results of the first trial crushing in
an Ingot of gold welching eleven ounces,
the results of eighty days' milling with a
five-stamp battery. The mine Is the suc
cessor to that known as the Sinclair, which
some years ago secured a government
bonus for paabie gold discovery. It con
sists of thirteen claims, situated at In adl,
on the Natal bank of the Tugela river,
about thirty-seven miles from Greytown.
It Is stated that the continuity of the raef
has been proved; thousands of tons are
a ..' ai a ... h..l'" th Montieal and St. Lawrence service
! ben favorable. Hitherto the mill ha. Dean !
crushing the ore stocked on the veldt for
j twenty years, but it Is now crushing the
stone fresh from the reef, which Is run
ning heavy per ton of milling essay.
An Important Industry to the Transvaal
commercial world, likely to prove a great
factor in future mining operations, bids I
fair to spring up In the Transvaal through j
the discovery of flint or chert The deposit
now being quarried lies In the neighbor
hood of Potshefstroom and is extensive
enough to supply the Rand mines with all
the flint they require for the lining of
tube mills, which is now Imported from
France and Italy. All the experts who
have Inspected the mineral have expressed
themselves as satisfied that It will entirely
I , . , , . . . .
i rviiiace ine lmponea article.
Locusts have this summer been a terrible
trouble to the farmers of South Africa,
but in spite of the enormous damage they
do a correspondent of the Diamond Fields
Advertiser finds It necessary to complain
of the insctlon of a majority of the farm
ers In dealing with the pest. It Is claimed
that there Is little use In a single individ
ual destroying them so long as the neigh
bors regard them as a "Judgment."
Plenlo Pnrty Held All "Unlit, bat Rao
reed In netnrnlngs to
CAIRO, May 4 -.(Specla1. According to
advices from Basutoland a remarkable In
cident has Just occurred near Durban. A
picnic party decided to make a trip into
the Baauto country, which they entered by
a pass known as the Lahl Ingubo, on the
Natal frontier, and encamped for the night
In a aave In the Drakenberg.
Proceeding on their Journey the following
day, they asked a native to direct them
to a cave In which they could take their
! midday meal. The Baauto appears to
have given Information of their presence,
for toward evening the party was Inter
rupted by a number of native, the old
man who appeared to be in charge carrying
a gun. The Europeans were then arrested,
accused of being "white men's spies" and
taken to a place which had the appearance
of a mountain stronghold beneath an over
hanalng cliff.
Here the visitors' horses were turned
astray and the head man. telling them that
they would not be allowed to re-enter
Natal, signified that they would have to
continue without their horses and would
havs to csrry their saddles. After a night
spent under surveillance in a cave, the
Baoutors maintaining a close watch upon
their captives, the party finally made their
escape by means of a stratagem. In which
they were assisted by their Basuto guide,
who helped them to capture the horses and
led them back to the pass by which they
had entered.
After a furious ride In the darkness, the
precipitous nature of the country leading
to several exciting adventures, the picnic
party reached the Natal side early on the
morning after their eoonm), thoroughly
spent and unnerved.
Deportntlon of Kanakas Onuses, Sugar
Planter to Fenr for
New Crop.
SYDNEY, May 4. (Special.) By the do-
portatlon of the Kanakaa from Australia
the Queensland sugar planters have been park. Ballsbrldge, today. The function
placed In a serious difficulty. Before the was marked with much ceremony. The
next sugar season, pver 3.000 of the laborers Knights of St. Patrick, wearing their in
on whom the planters have depended, will slgnla; the castle officials and a number of
have been sent back to their homes, and ! naval and military officers, as well a rep
there are not enough white men to take resentatlve of many bodies and large
their place. Only by immigration can the j crowds of spectators, were present.
Industry be saved, and steps have already The address of welcome was read by the
been taken with the support of Mr. Deaken i marquis of Ormond. In replying the earl
to bring over laborers from Europe, who ' Aberdeen, who waa accompanied by the
are willing to work on the plantation, countess of Aberdeen, read a message
Immigrants will be obtained from the which King Edward sent from Paris, as
United Kingdom If possible, but falling follows:
them, the population of Germany, Italy and j "l tru,t tnat th "h'0'"0" which you are
the Scandinavian countries are to be drawn I to open l00 wl" P"v a success and
upon. The necessary permits have been
I Issued and have evoked a crv nt nm.
- - .
1 rrom a .certain .ection or tn labor party.
i Whcs oblect accord Ins to the nnnnrfn
1 wncw odjoci. nccoraing to me oppooing
nartlen haa been to keen Australia ,
parties, has been to keep Australia not
only white, but empty.
Australia Is now producing a good deal
rnore sugar than it can use Itself, ths ex
i ,"t " b,n "'" " ? t"1'
I Zll'Zn T
t consumption was 189.&40 tona This Is th
... '
"r"t time that the commonwealth refiners
hav. turned out more ,Ujfar tnn
. jr.'conuVpUon Z. Z '"llZZ !
nJrn1M ,r COn'Un,P,,on
a T, jL r ' ' "T
duced end lft.nrt tons consumed. Last year
1'iiiu in uiawuacaa on sugar used I
In the production of Jam. slight increase '
over 1906.
Editors and Printer Go to Jail, Office
Boy Banished, Pnper
BKIGRADEv Msy 4 8petal.) Since Its
reappearance a few days ago the Journal
"Otatsbtna" has been confiscated four
times. Its editor, Captain Novokavltch, ha
been sentenced to a month's Imprisonment.
Largo Tramatlaatio Ships Caught in Tou
C if Cape Breton.
Ships lonod for that iort Forctd to Land
at Montreal.
loo Fitldi Btrstch icnu Csb.t Strait for
lift? kiles.
Government Ire Break Ins; Steamers
Have Been Helpless for Weeks nt
a Time-Seal Catch Greatly
HALIFAX. May 1 Three large trans
atlantic liners are believed to be Im
prisoned in the vast icefields that corn-
?,elc' block Cabot tralt- b"w"n 'w-
fotindlsnd and Cape Breton, and other lines
J1. beTn f?!"Ced to "" P"""-. "d
iieigni in mis porr auer meneciuai at
tempts to pierce the Impenetrable barrier.
Tho Allan line steamer Sardinian, from
London and Havre, for Montreal, which
waa forced into this port yesterday to
land Its WO passengers, reports that im
bedded in the Icefields are two large
,iMn(tra the Ann Uner ontarlan and
Dominion liner Vancouver. The Allan liner
ionan )s ai,0 believed to be In the Ice.
The fields stretch across Cabot strait for
a distance of a little over fifty miles and
to add to the dangers of navigation a thick
fug hangs over the coast
Opening; Is Late.
Not for years haa the opening of the
summer service to Montreal been so de
layed as this year, and as a result Im
mense quantitlea of freight designated for
that port, which In the summer Is one of
the greatest shipping terminals on the con
tinent, have been severely delayed. During
the winter the transatlantic business of
Montreal Is suspended on account of ths
Ice In the St Lawrence river and gulf,
and Halifax, St. John, Portland, Me., and
Boston are made the terminal points for
the liners.
These steamers were withdrawn from the
winter routes In April and many of them
have sailed from, across the ocean with
unusually heavy cargos billed for Montreal,
as the season usually opens, under ordinary
conditions, by April 16.
The Ice conditions this winter all up and
down the coast of the maritime provinces
have been worse than for many seasons
and ha caused great damage to shipping
and marine Interests. The government Ice
breaking steamers have been helpless for
weeks at a time, having been caught in
their efforts to relieve other vessels. The
sealing fleet ha been one of the heaviest
losers. Its catch has run thousands behind
that of last year, owing to the sealing
grounds being walled In by vast Icefields.
Imperial Irnde Is Followed by Official
statement SntlsiActory to
American Schools.
CONSTANTINOPLE. Msy 4. The power
of withholding its consent to an Increase
of t per cent In the Turkish customs dues
has given the American government the
leverage necessary to secure the Porte's
assent to a settlement of the long-pending
questions between the United State, and
Turkey In accordance with the wishes of
the Washington government. '
The Imperial Irsde Issued yesterday, au
thorising the ministers to take action In
the matter, was quickly followed by a
communication from the Porte to Am
bassador Lelshman, in which the Porte
declared that the American schools and
other Institutions for which official recog
nition was demanded . will hereafter be
treated on the same footing as those of
itht nntlnna. All nther Am.riian
, mun1. -r. PonPiMle, .nn ,h. k...p...
to a compIete ,0iutlon of tne difficulties
which have existed between the American
representatives here and the Porte for
three years -em to have been removed.
Lord Lieutenant Formally Open
Gntes of Big Show nt
Herbert Park.
DUBLIN. May 4.-Th earl of Aberdeen.
lord lieutenant of Ireland, opened the
1 Irish International exhibition at Herbert
I demonatrate tne international progresa
i made by Ireland.
. . --),,,,,, .
,,"' " , tK
turesque procession returned to the castle,
. .,,on . . t
The exhibition Is far from completed.
Question Mny Bo Considered nt The
Hague In Spite of Some
ROME!. May 4. Negotiations Initiated by
i tlon before th. peace conference if the
power do not reach an agreement before
i Iw- ,,
It is expected that the visit to Russia of
Mr. Nelldoff, the Russian ambassador to
j France, will haye an Important Influence
Ion the attitude of the powers, aa M.
! Nelldoff la to preside ov.r the pe.c. eon-
I fere nee.
lottery for Kxravatloa Funds.
ROME, May 4. A bill has been presented
In the Chamber of Deputies providing for
a tdiO.OOS lottery, with th proceeds of which
It is proposed to carry out excavations at
the site of the Roman amphitheater at
Benevento, the town founded according to
tradition by Dlomedes and possessing Tra
Jans' triumphal arch, which is the finest
and best pres-rved of all th Roman struc
ture. The amphitheater at Benevento 1
lying almost Intact under a number Of old
house occupied by poor peopl
Proposed Hotel Will Be Model in
Point of trenrth nnd
The report which gained publicity yes
terday to the effect that a building permit
had been denied for the Cohn hotel struc
ture to be erected on Sixteen street proves
to be Incorrect, for the simple reason that
no application has been made for a permit,
John Latenser.
This report conveyed the Impression that
according to the statement of Architect
the National Klrcprooflng company, which
hss the contrst of supplying the fireproof
material for this building, had not fully
satisfied the building Inspector and that be
cause of this fact the permit was tempor
arily withheld, pending certain Inquiries.
This wss the exact Information given to
The Bee.
The National Flreprqofing company, Mr.
Iatenser says, Is a leader of Its class, un
questioned in Its methods, material and
everything concerning Its business trans
actions. It Is doing business all over the
country with the immense capital of 12,rti0,
000 guarantee sufficient for such undertak
ings. As a matter of fact the specifications and
plana for the Cohn building give (he posi
tive sssurance that It will be one of the
soundest and safest ever erected in Omaha,
It will have S46.0U0 worth of Iron and steel
sod 137,000 worth of flreprooflng In It. Tills
$37,000 gor flreprooflng Is the part of the
contract awarded to the National company.
The total contract for the naked struc
ture, devoid of Interior finishings, will
amount to $171, GO plus, which, according to
the wovd of an authority as reliable and
prominent as John Latenser, absolutely In
sures the stability of the structure.
"A building costing I171.OU0 for naked con
struction with !,C00 of that sum devoted
to steel and Iron and fleprooflng certainly
Is a most remarkable building and one
which Omaha and any city Is moat for
tunate to secure," said Mr. Latenser. "If
all the buildings of this city were of that
character Omaha would be a Gibraltar In
point of buildings."
No Prospect of nn Immediate Settle
ment of Tronble at' San
SAN FRANCISCO, May 4 The outlook
In the labor situation here Is not particu
larly bright and no chance for an linme.
dlate settlement of any of the questions
now Involved Is at present apparent The
telephone strike has crippled the service
and last night the whole system had prac
tically come to a standstill. The oper
ators are now securing support from all
directions and It Is feared that the line
men will go out In sympathy, which will
till further complicate the situation.
In the case of the emergency hospitals
(t haa been found necessary to dlapatca
mounted police to set aa messengers, and
general business has been seriously af
fected. In the stock markets a decline
followed the suspension of the service. So
tar no disturbance to amount to anything
haa accompanied the strike.
The Iron workers are still firm In their
demands and the proposition for a settle
ment by arbitration has now been aban
doned owing to the negative position taken
by the trades counsel.
The car men will meet tomorrow to vote
en the question of the threatened strike.
The men are standing by their demand for
$3 and an eight-hour day, while the com
pany Is still firm In Its position that the
j rate established by the Viard of arbltra-
tlon i the limit, beyond which It will not
! go. The outlook Is generally considered
unfavorable for any speclflo settlement of
the difficulties and the worse Is feared.
Mrs. Roosevelt and Others on Board
When Flnac Pole Full
to Deck.
WASHINGTON, May 4. Mrs. Roosevelt
and a number of women accompanying her
waa aboard the yacht Sylph, which nar
rowly escaped a serious accident a th boat
reached Washington yesterday on its re
turn from a trip down the Potomac river.
Through some misunderstanding the boat
went past Its dock and crashed Into a tug
boat The shock waa ao aevere that the
flag pole of the Sylph fell to the deck with
a crash, narrowly missing Mrs. Roosevelt
and those with her, among whom were Mrs.
Clifford Richardson of New York and Mr.
Bacon, the wife of the assistant secretary
of state. None was hurt.
Mr. Roosevelt was entertaining friends
on' the yacht, having left the city at noon
and returning to the navy at t o'clock.
For a time following the accident there
was considerable excitement aboard, but
the ladles were assured there was no
j danger and the vessel wss backed to Its
dock, where the party disembarked without
i further adventure. Both yacht and iug
' boat were more or less damaged. The im
I presslon is that the engineer misunderstood
an order to reverse his engines as one to
go forward, resulting in the collision. The
The racing launch of the Sylph was badly
damaged. The captain of the Sylph was
at th White House today, but for what
purpose could not be ascertained.
Missouri Governor I to Personally
Superintend Police Investiga
tion at Knnsns City.
KANSAS CITY, May 4-aovernor Joseph
W. Folk, who before he became chief
executive of the tate prosecuted the
boodlers In St. Louis. Intends to come to
Kansas City and personally Investigate re
cent charges of police corruption. He an
nounced thla decision last ntght.
The local police commissioners have de
cided to begin an Investigation on Monday
next and It Is Intimated there will be a
reorganlxatton of the force that may In-
j elude some of ths higher officials. Gov
; ernor Folk Is not expected to come here
I until after adjournment of the legislature,
j probably In ten days or two weeks.
Franc will Take No Hnnd In Cong
Affair Against Britain'
PARIS. Msy 4. Absolut confirmation haa
heen secured by the Assoclsted Press nt
the complete failure of the mission of King
i Leopold of Belgium to Paris, which was In
directly designed to secure the support of
France against Great Britain In the matter
of the Congo Independent atate by Inducing
a French financial Institution to convert
the Congo debt, hypothecating for that pur.
pose the railroads and other franchises of
the Congo to the French government, which
already enjoys preference In th matter of
taking over the Congo ahould Belgium de
cline to refuse to consider the proposal
mad on th subject to that country.
EotIow of Ereitt Leaning Up to Trial
Vhieh Ferns Thursday.
JUIn of Terror Filsted ia Mountain Etatoi
for Yaari
Orchard's Confofsion Allered to Irrp'icato
All Pr-fendaDt.
Attorneys Allene thut Their F.strndU
tlon Was Irreular. hut Supreme
Court Derided Against
nOISE. Idsho, May 4.-WIUIam D. Hay
wood, secretary ami treasurer of th West
tern Federation of Miners, will on Thurs
day next be placed on trial, rhnrged with
the murder of ex-Governor Frank Steuncn
bcrg of this state. In all four men ar
In custody charged with the same offense.
They are WlllUm D. Haywood; Charle
H. Moyer, presld.-nt of tho Western Feder
ation of Miners: George A. Pettlbone. a
former member of the executive board of
the same urgantsntlon, and Harry Orchard,
a member of the federation. Of these men
Orchard, it Is alleged, haa made a oonfes
slon In which he admits that he killed the
former governor and in the same confes
sion, It Is alleged. Implicates the other
men under arrest, together with others, ss
being accessories before the fact, fnder
the law of the state of Idaho, while it la
admitted that Haywood, Moyer and rettl
bone were not In the state of Idaho at the
time of the murder, they are charged with
the actual murder, the contention, under
the atatuta. being that they were on the
spot In aplrit; that they planned and there
fore compassed the death of Governor
In Its main and lateral branches the com
plete history of the case extends back to
the early period of conflict between the
union and nun-unlun miners In the Couer
D'Alene district or whut Is known as tho
Panhandle country of Idaho, that narrow
strip of mountainous country, rich In lead
and silver ore, under the shadow of the
great divide between Idaho and Montana.
Background of tho tnae.
The background to the Steunenberg case
I the momentous struggle In the Couer
D'Alcnea, extending as It did over a. period
of seven years and Involving the calling
out of the state mllltla and Anally the
dispatch of United States troops by Presi
dent McKlnley to Hi cene of conflict cen
tering around the mining towns of Wallace,
Gems and Warden,
To the part that the dead governor
played In these stirring days, furnishing,
a he did. an example followed later by
the governor of Colorado, th prosecution
goes for motive and theory charged
against the accused. It la alleged that for
purposes of revenge, aa evidence of unre
lenting determination to carry on a cam
pulgn of terrorism, to Impress with their
power, daring and loyalty on. and retain
the moral and financial support and fealty
of some I2,0n0 followers, the members of
an "Inner circle" of the Western Federa
tion of Miners planned and executed a
long series of murdors and acta of violence,
medieval In conception and, nihilistic In ex
ecution. It Is charged that Harry Orchard
and Steve Adama, now under arrest and
charged with the commission of other mur
ders, were the hired agents and actual ex
ecutors of many of these malevolent plot.
These crimes. It Is alleged, can be traced
down through the lust fifteen years, through
the days of the "bull pen," a stockade in
which several hundred union miners were
Imprisoned In 1WJ under guard of United
States troops; again to the great Crlppl
Creek strike and the more recent prolonged
truggle In Colorudo. Geographically the
action is confined chiefly to Colorado and
Idaho, but Montana, Nevada and California
are also stages on which were enacted por
tions of the tragedy.
Orchard has made a 'confession, It I
stated, and lies in the Idaho penitentiary
ready to take the stand against Haywood.
It Is alleged that Orchard will repeat his
confession upon the stand and, as the chief
witness for the state, will relate a story
filled with plot and counterplot startling la
development and execution.
Steve Adams also made a confession and
it is expected he will be one of the wit
nesses for the prosecution, although Adama
later, under pressure of relatives, it Is said,
repudiated portions of his statement
Frank Mteunenberar Career.
Frank Steunenberg. who came from hum
ble but masterful stock, began life as a
printer. Joined the Typographical union
and throughout the greater part cf hi lire
was In strong sympathy with th causa
and struggle of union labor. .This circum
stance gives ground for an Important con
tention of the case. Cpon the on hand It
waa argued that because Steunenberg re
fused to countenance or, as governor, per
mit violence in behalf of union labor h
was stricken down a a traitor to hla fel
low by a mind that never forget and an
arm that can reach through year to strike
when least expected. Upon the. other hand
It ia contended that hla well known ad
vocacy of union principles made It at one
Improbable that hi death wa procured by
union men.
The murder of Steunenberg la a pivotal
point In the history of this, the most re
markable case in American Jurisprudence,
for the events develop backward and for
j ward from his assassination.
I Steunenberg waa blown to death on tn)
'evening Of December 30, 1906. In the guthgp-
lng gloom of the stormy evening he en
tered the side gat of tils residence at
Caldwell, where, retired from politics, he
lived the simple life of a sheep farmer. A
bomb of peculiar manufacture, with a
string attached was sunk In the Know be
side the gate, the string a piecti of flsh
line being fastened to the gate. As Steun
enberg entered the opening of the gat
sprang the trigger of the bomb. He wag
terribly mangled, being blown nearly fif
teen feet from the gate. He lived nearly
an hour, waa conscious and spoke, but hi
j ruptured ear drums were dead to snurtd
; and he died without knowing what had
! killed ill m. He askbd his wife who had
shut him and the niystllkation of his eye
allowed that b could not bear her reply.
Whole Stale Aroused
Th expliulon of the bomb aroused not
only th little town of Caldwell, but the
1 whole state of Idaho. Before the day was
1 over it was suspected that Orchard had
murdered Steunenberg. lie had gone to
Caldwell from Denver as Thomas Hogan
and variously claimed tu be an Insurance
man, m buyer of sheep and a eiui-vruu-
I f