TIIE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MAY 4. 1007. 1 1 U 1 An Easy Way to Buy Clothing is to Duy on the Easy Payment Plan of Don't confuse our methods with other credit stores, who charge you high prices for the accommodation, compelling yon to pay when you cap least afford it THE PALACI CREDIT PLAN is the easiest. "We sell our Clothing at Cash store prices. You can pay what you will and when you can best afford it, and you do not have to pay when sick or out of employment. "Palace Clothing" well tailored throughout, excellent wearing fabrics. The Newest Spring styles SUITS 10,1520,22! Sold on the Easy Payment Plan. Grand Display of Furnishings, Shoes and Hats. See our new 20th Century Show Windows. Spring Overcoats and Crav enettes at Special Low Prices. See Our Line Defore Buying Elsewhere. "THE LEADING CREDIT CLOTHIERS" jQ) ZJI CLOTHING COM PANY COR.i4m & DOUGLAS jLWAVS UP TO PAT Shoe, for men has reached a degree of excellence seldom attained in shoe making. A leader for 26 years, it holds first place in the t . t .i i i i .. it . .i nearts or inousanas, wno emphatically voice their preference. Buy and wear the Packard, it is the shoe of character and quality. SoU at $3.50 $4.00 S5.00 In 0. styU. If your dealer doea not carry the Packard Shoe write ub for catalogue and name of nearest dealer who doea. M. A, PACKARD CO. BROCKTON, MASS. EVERY PAIR MADE, TO WEAR 0T fOR -". -u i -'"X'-r .J ! Ho,?' U i. , i t : ; V . '"' ' i 'i ' ' . s " - - r- -1 1 t il",nm'JSit'ht'ati M' th -""U "ntury a doctor1. blUty khould ACTUAL CURES rnsti!?.!01 ln,tltut lg bean established for th. ourpo.e of restoring to health young men. middle-aged mu and old men who uS.r! lng frum th. evil results of early mistake.. negT.ct and misfortune? Jnd to. .are thrm the disappointment of failure, los. of tlm. and money "fwn 2pen? In experimenting with Incompetent treatment. unbu.7nei.l k. me hod . atnd deceptive propositions. Th. Slat. Medical ln.tltut. ha. wtabllehed . r'puTa tlon as a iJae where all sick and suffering men can go with full confldonc, curod Id th. ahortaat tlm. po.albla. and at th. low.at coat ' ' ' It I. .aid that a drowntn,- man wlU craap at a .traw. How many weak, narroua. drowning, elnklng men ar. rraenlnf at atraw. today Uy et cured-t)f tb.lr ailm.nt. (dlaeaaa), whlrh ar. dractlng them down to th. bottom of th. a of de.pair and mlaeryT Why not awaken to th. realisation of the fact to day that boasting promlao. of oulck cure., mlalaadmr atat.m.at. and tmbu.U nH(llk. propo.ltlon. to th. afflicted ar. but straw, that will .Ink you deeper and deeper Into the sea of despair? As for other., let them craap at straws but you. who ar. In need of substantial madlcal aid, com. to th. Ho neat. Skill ful. True fp.clall.ta, who will not decelv. you with any fals. proutltos, but will aav. you and restore you to health, atransth and vigor and plan, you safely within th. boundary Una of prosperity and th. enjoyment of Ufa. We treat men only, and cure promptly, s&fely and thor oughly BRONCHITIS, CATARRH, NERVOUS DEBDLITY, BLOOD POISON, SKIN DISEASES, KIDNEY and BLAD. PER DISEASES and all SPECIAL diseases and their com. plications. (in CoMBltitloo ml ExamlBalloa ?T 2u.'wuA STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1S08 famai St, Between lSth and lith Ets, Omaha, Nib, MILLION FOR COURT HOUSE Qasitioi of Iuaiic Btodi Llk.ly U Be 8nbmitted to F.fpl. JOHN LATENSER DESCRIBES HIS PLANS Fir Stories with Co.nty Jail Top and Retala Old Bnlldlas; t'ntll New On. ts I p. Shall Douglas county Issue $1,000,000 In bonds for th. purpose of erecting a oourt house In keeping with th. Important:, of the city and county? Thl. substantially Is the question which. If present plans are carried out, will be submitted to th. voter, of the county at the election this fall. The members of the ; county board ar. In favor of the proposl- l tlon and while final action has not been ; taken It has practically been agreed to ask for this amount. With It a five-story build- I lng, up-to-date in every particular, allow- j Ing four stories for county office, and the fifth story for the Jail, could be erected and equipped. Members of the county board bellev. th. bond Issue- could be made and retired without Increasing the present mill levy and possibly with even a decrease In the mill rate. It la believed the money could be secured for 34 or 8H per cent Interest. This would make the Interest for the first few years approximately $32,000 with a sub stantial decrease each year aa the principal 1. required. A one mill levy will raise the amount now and with the increase in the valuation of the property would raise con siderably more than that within few years, Another mill would provide a fund which It Is believed would enable th. bonds to be retired In twenty year. The present levy, the commissioners be lieve, can be reduced from I to 3Vi mills owing to the splendid financial condition of the county, hence an additional 2-mlll levy for the building could be made without Increasing the levy above the present one. Plan, by Ijiteneer. John Latenser, the architect, has drawn floor plans for the proposed building which will give plenty of room for many years to come and will be so placed on the court house square that a counterpart of the proposed building could be erected In the future without disturbing It. This plan contemplates the leveling of the court house square to street grade and the park ing of about half the square, which would form a foreground to the building. "The question first raised," said Mr. Latenser, discussing his plans, "was, shoald the present building form a nucleus for the new building, or should it be re moved T The present building is practically without light, and the auxiliaries, such as electrto light, modern plumbing, modern heating and elevators. These In a modem building constitute about 30 per cent of the cost of the building. In considering whether we should leave the present build ing or not, we should remember the mo ment we build on o It we lose all the. auxiliaries, or SO per oent of the cost of the building, and. In addition, we would have no light. Surrounding the present oourt house with wings would throw It Into darkness. Any large Improvement would require that the center be a court and not a building. What Abont the Records T "If In our Judgment the old building should not form the nucleus and should be removed, what ' Is to be done with the records and th. county offices while we build? "The new building should be so built that the present court house could remain In use until the new building Is finished and then torn ' down after the new structure Is occupied. This would give us the bene fit of the retaining walls, but the material In the old building would have to be sold afterward. Any Improvements, no matter what kind, would require the grading of the alte. No new buildings In any city are Set above street grade. uur pian snows tne court nouse as it is I now. When the new building Is finished we would have an open square and an open park In front of the building the full length of the building east, and west and about ninety feet north and south. This would give the building a foreground and show It to be a publlo building. The building can be so placed In doing this that later It can imply be turned on Its axis and the other half built on Farnam street. This would avoid tiie mistake made In the present building. Thus we get the temporary ben efit of a small park and later on as the city grows we can build In front." f Location of Departments. "The building Itself would have a base ment used for the control and Installation of the auxiliaries that Is, the electric ma chinery, sewer, pipes, electric wiring, dis tribution, secondary storage vaults, etc. "On the first floor would be the four larger offices, namelK register of deeds, county clerk, treasurer and auditor. On the second floor would be county court, county officers, county commissioners, county assessor, sheriff, etc. On th. third floor would be four court rooms, each court room to hav. a Judge's room, a Jury room, a witness room, etc. On the fourth floor would be four more court rooms, with the same auxiliary rooms as the third floor. Ori the fifth floor would be the Jail. "Minneapolis has th. Jail on the top story of th. court house and It Is satisfactory. It removes the feature of the prisoner, es caping by mean, of outside door, and pre vents th. periodical threat, of lynching. Prisoners would be taken Into th. basement from Seventeenth street and then to their own apartments from the basement In a private elevator. Harney street would hav. a main entrance th. same as Farnam. "The building with (ts cell work and aux- allarlea Is estimated to cost 31,000,000. xti. i new postofflce cost 31,600,000 without the I furnishings and w. would therefore have a building not much mora than half as large as th. new postofflce. The pru.nt building cost altogether about $280,00t, but It was really too small th. day they moved into It." f.T HAH1MAN TTfi ' KYOVRNI S1" $2 Down, 50c Per Week High Grade Drop Head Sewing Machine, made of quarter sawed oak, ball bearing stand and five drawer?, all wearing parts are highly tempered nickeled steel. Complete with all the latest im provements, such as automatio bobbin winder, self-threading shuttle, setting needle and tension re lease. A set Of self adjusting foot attach ments In velvet lined Sase. 10-year guarantee it v-w I ' lit V 18Z5 tN 3Kooms Furnished T ALL COMPLETE J) 97 CanIi, 95 Monthly. Any Three 1 looms You Desire. You Should See This Hplendid Hot of Rogers Silverware Which We Are rutting Into the Homes of Our Customers ABSOLUTELY FREE Bargains in Go-Carts ALWIN Folding and Heeling Go-Carts; best ma terials obtainable; wearing parts are of highly tempered nickeled steel. Cart like cut, may be carried In suit ciisehenT folded. The stat, back and dash are of chase leather, has cned springs and iiich rubber tire wheels, hlue, green or ma- mm roon all specially priced . , , 750 OO-CABTS. folding Mjl nil steel green ennnM'W'd running s.'ar, rub ber tired Uprlsht Sto wheels Toll B..4 Oo-Oarts, folding and recllnlnir. sop arate reclining hack and dash (trren auto mobile gear and rullicr tired wheels 1.95 3.85 These magnificent sets are on display in our show win dow. Btop and see them or, better yet, step Inside and let us explain about their superior quality and also ex plain our general propositions to you In detail. In giving this elegant twenty-slx-plece set we are cer tainly giving you the most generous premium and the biggest value that was ever offered by any concern In Omaha on a aimilar proposition there ts no question about It. Set consists of six knives, six forks, six tablespoons, six teaspoons, one sugar shell and one butter knife, all put In a handome satin lined leatheiette case. This silverware la the genuine Rogers silverware and every pier, bears the lull name of Rogers, the world'u famous silversmith. FBOPOITTIOir WO. 1 We will give you one of these complete twenty-slx-pleco sets absolutely freo If you pur chase goods of us to the amount of $100 or more, now or within the period of ono yenr from this dale. FBOPOirtlOR WO. a-'-Wo will give you this superior set of silverware outrlKht at the special iriee of !.& and permit yu to pay for It on the very easy terms of only SI cash and 76c per month. PROPOSITION WO. 3 Extra Special In order to en able you to get this set at onie, een though you are not ready to make any purchase now, we will aurce to deliver this set to you l.M M KPI ATKI ,Y, with the underHandlng that in case you do not purchase goods ilurlnx the year which In the aggregate do not nmount to 1 00, that U will pay us $6.5 for tho set on the easy terms of only H cash and 7 Bo monthly. EVERYTHING JUST AS REPRESENTED AT HARTMAN'S There is never an exaggeration or a misrepresentation in a Hartman advertisement or what is said to you by a llart man clerk or salesman. We do not believe in the practice of deceptions, and when you deal at Hartman 's you can put your confidence and your faith in what is said to you. We have built up our enormous business by keeping faith with the people by calling black black and white white. Any misrepresentation on the part of one of our employes means the instant dis charge of the offender. Hartman. Special Kitchen Cabinet..,.. 13 Handsome bent end designs, set with heavy double strength glass, ornamented with hand rarvlngs. Fancy French bevel mirror on top. Hartman Special Steel Ranges...... 26.75 See cut. Bolld oak, glass front, four section, top and bottom, cele brated make, now Im provements, excellent value. Mil sap 15 Special Combination Bookcase and Desk Exactly as shown. Convenient top, large side base, roomy pot cupboard, large tilting flour bin, extra well made, solid oak throughout, waxed UnUh. I ;i in " ft Complete with high warming closets, as shown above, of large size, full 8-ln. holes, large square oven, made of superior materials, elegantly nickeled trimmed and guaranteed fully. r- r Vsiii ii ll r ii i-m Refrigerator Special 6.75 1.95 12: Exactly like Illustration. Large oval French beveled mirror, nicely carved top, large size bookcase with ad- J us table .helves and oonven ent desk. 19.75 NewSpeolal Oak Bufiet.7. Exclusive design, made of rich quarter .awed oak, ruobed and pol Uneu, large French tevel.;d mirror, fancy brackets as shown, clilna closet t rout wllu wood grilled work, See cut. It Is strongly con structed, of great durability and moat economical. It Is lined with galvanized Iron, has metal shelves, patent drip cup and other improved features. Special Table. Exactly like cut, bIz. of top 24x24, carved top, shaped ends, sholf below, heavy legs, quartered oak or mahogany finish, highly polished. New Special Rocker at.-. 3.85 1 u -1 Exactly like cut. Wade of finest quartered oak or ma hogany finish, has new style handsomely three-color em bossed leather cobbler seat, covered back as shown, ex clusive Hartman design. Srap.rlM at a Big Discount Sal. Thla Elegant Dresser at.... 8.75 Country I Trad. A'JjtetA J. mil ii Matchless Bargains in New Rugs VELVET RUGS, 27x54 Inches, heavy close weave, f A fringed ends, oriental and floral designs, new shades A 111 Brusgeline Art Rugs, Cx9 reversible, fast colorings, at f 1.05. Made In beautiful golden oak or mahogany finish, has large French bevel mirror and carved mirror frame and standards. Top drawers are full swelled. All goods de livered in un litttnd wagons. Bramli ngs, 9x12 feet, a new lot or banrord s fine weave, worth $21, choice 14" Wilton T.lv.t A.xanlnst.r stags, 9x 12 ft., new oriental designs and color- r.Jm' lng., worth $30, at mm OZ.XO OAK IXTBITSIOM- TlBLl Like cut, made of solid oak, ha heavy pedestal base, as shown, and daw fet: extends to six feet, sire or top Is 42x42 Inches, nicely finished, extra well made. Special at 1475 22 GREAT STORKS THROUGHOUT TUB V. 8. "mm r n M A INTO Sal. ot x.ao 1414-16-18 Douglas Street 21 VEST HAITSBOKI1 ISO BVT of above design, something new and decidedly at tractive; made of extra heavy mannlve lu'iing; nu Biepi siae raus. baked-on enamel, can be had In any popular color desired. Price , nia.nivi 485 THUMMEL PLANS BIG HOME Bay. Lot for Six Thoasmnd B.ild for rioBbl. that Amoont. to Gorge IL Thumm.l, olerk of th. United State, circuit court, has bought th. large lot at th. southwest corner of Thlrty-.lghth avenue and Harney street. In th. most choic. part of th. Weat Farnam street dis trict, for $6,000, and contemplate, ervcting a fin. re.Id.nc. thl. spring to cost about $12,000. Th. lot ts 71166 feet and was sold by Mrs. Herman Kountae, presumably through th. D. V. Shole. company, which has charge of th. Kounts. real estate. Dead. hav. ba.a placed on record trans ferring th. title to th. lot and buildings at 715 and 717 South Nineteenth street and 716 South Eighteenth street to Bishop Richard Scannell. Th. property constats of a double lot running through from Eighteenth to Nineteenth street, en which ar. a one-story frame building and a two-story double brick building. Th. property was owned by Andrew F. Johnson and sold to Bishop Scannell for $.S00. Instruments hav. been filed transferring th. title of th. two-story fram. atoraa and fiats at $0 Farnam street from Peter Jee itn, Jr.. to Cbrnlla L. and CVni. T. Jones (or $12,000. The sal. was mad soma time VIEWS OF DLNNISON VERDICT Opinions as to the Beimlt of the Libel Emit Carefully Expressed. ronl(rimi to Tb. Be. Bring Carefully Worded Kxpre.slon. from Peopl. Wlo Ar. Rarely Heard From. ago through George & Co. and tho property was bought for Investment purpoeea Walter A. Hixenbavgh has sold his mod ern residence near tho northwest comer of Twentieth street and Ames avenue to Harry H. Knapp for $3,&. IMPORT HRflWINfi IN OMAHA " LITIGANTS SHOW UNUSUAL INTEREST Merchaat. Iaerra.e Direel Clearing One Pay. Twenty Tbonsand Dollar. In Ten Months. "There Is a growing tendency upon the; part of Omaha merchants to make their Imports directly through the Omaha cus toms offlc" said Major Barrows, collector of the Omaha customs office. "I haven't the figures directly at hand now, but the inr.r Is rrsduAl each year. Omaha merchants have discovered they can clear throuzh this port Just as readily aa at the seaport customs offlc and ar. beginning . fo Dubllcatlon. but Th. Ite. has succeeded to do so. Thl. 1. particularly true of teas. , fcy tapplng on. of th, telegraph . OId Blrd Pmthtum Vocml Pop.l.tlo. ouves, lmpunou iiui" - circuits in lassooing in. toiiowing macaru- W. are satisfied the lncreaa. will conUnue. ; mgrams HluminaUng th. sentiments of Some of the merchants are Indisposed to representative men and women: make publlo th. extent of th. duties they i Mr, Fannie Rice B-ss-t I am sorry, of pay her. on Imported goods and I would i course, but expected no different result. ' not wish to disregard their desires in this t Tne lawyer who lost I. c.rtalnly a hoodoo. ! matter. I can say, however, that lmporta-1 jjr, Kvelyn Nesbit Th-w I sympathies tlons and clearings through the Omaha most keenly with the defendant I, too. The verdict In favor of Tom Dennlson giving him $7,600 as damages for libel per petrated by th. Junior Yellow journal I. still the topic of conversation. The dim- i culty, of course, Is to get peopl. to talkjCTQDK ent, at least Another court and Jury has refused to believe me. Mrs. Lydla P-nkh-m I am unutterably shocked. In my long experience I have seen no greater wast, of money In unprofit able advertising. A Maiden Member of the Mothers' Con gressWe should Jake this lesson .to our homes ss a warning to our children' atnst Indulging In games of chance. R. B. H-w-H That's terrible. To think of Tom Denmson getting money as easy as I get my salary as water commissioner Is excruciating. Wife of a Minister (who asked that her name ba withheld, gasped as she heard the verdict and exclaimed) There ax. no angels in heaven. "Mogy" B-mst-n Gee, but that's a wad of money to pinch off the newsies. IS GOOD TO OMAHA to tb. Cov.t.d Goal. port have been very large the last season and w are confidently expecting a ma terial Increase this year." Bmil Brandels of the firm of J. U Bran- dels & Sons, one of (he largest Importing : firms in the west, said: "During th. last ten months, sine, open ing our new store, we have paid import dull, into th. Omaha customs offlc. of over $20,000. This Is for our own estab- ' llshmsnt dlr.otly and forco other con , cere It doe. not tnclud. th. Import du ' ties paid by Courtney Sk Co., who pay their owa Import duties,' - hav. learned th. error of attempting to elevate the moral standard by fore In stead of by example. Klnier K. Th-m-s-My only concern In the matter Is that I am left In the dark again aa to who threw that bomb. Hon. "Jim" D-hlm-n Of course I am pleased. It 1. the second tlm. that my sayso ha. been accepted over that of Ben son. T. J. M-h-ney Glv. loser, lun to speak and winners to laugh. Their differences ar. water on th. lawyer's wheel. Victor B. W-lk-r My record la oonslat- Presldent Roosevelt cannot Include Omaha In his Massachusetts category of anti stork communities. According to book. In th. health depart ment, Omaha's population 1. neaiing the 200,000 mark with rapid stride.. Last month 11 births wmi reported to th. health commissioner. During April, Mod, the total was 153, showing Quit, an In. crease this year. Two of the 181 reported last month were colored. There was on. pair of twins and on. set of triplets. On hundred and twelve of the 181 were ma lea. Bad Stomach Ifronbl. Cored. Having been sick for th. last two yeara with a bad stomach trouble, a friend gava m. a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach an4 Liver Tablets. Tbey did me so much good that I bought a bottle of them and hav. used tw.lv. bottles In all. Today I am well ot a bad stomach trouble. Mra Juaa. Low., Cooper, Maine. STOCK COMPANY, IS TO STAY Present P.opl. Heaialn Anothe. Week at b. Bnrwood Tkemter. When O. D. Woodward was no from Kansas City on Thursday he made ar rangements for the present stork com puny to remain at th. 11 ur wood for another weok. Th. bill has been changed from "Cousin Kate" to "Th. Adventure of Lady Ursula," and both Mr. Morrison and Mlsa Pettes will b. In th. cast. Miss Lang will not com. to Omaha until a week front Sunday, wh.n ah. will open in "The ha Lac. ot the King." Makes Hair Look Rich No need to ask if you want your bair look rich, healthy, and luxuriant now you do I Aver Hair Vieo new Improved formula, will eivo it lust that tppeirance. An Ideal hair drtaa Ing. Ak your doctor about U. WssvkUafeta.awn.ua lOtewca, ll prniMdlMi. Lo7l. MM 3D r 11 a!