OMAIIA RATUHDAY. Third Day of the New York Dressmaking and Furnishing Stock Sale J nn ir hip THE delightful bargains offered from the Dress mHkina and Furnishing Goods Stock of MADAMES PATTIE H DARRELL, Fifth Ave., New Y.rk. will undoubt edly draw thousands to our store Saturday and not one disappointment awaits you. Thousands of yards of elegant silks, fine laces, dress goods, wash goods, etc., etc., at One-Third to One-Half regular retail price. I T'S the splendid values we offer and deliver in our sales that has made the Mayden tore so popular, has divan and holds for us our great clientele. SbvJS You'll never find better bargain opportunities offered even here, than in our Special Saturday Sales they are the enthusiasm creating kind the kind we delight in onering. & THE RELIABLE STORE. MAY 4. 1907. T , I' r Specials for Saturday From the New York Purchase Ladiea' 50c Fancy Neckwear In Stocks, Tabs, Turnovers, etc., choice Saturday only.lOc 50c Veilings 10c Per Yard A fine line of All Silk Fancy and Plain Mesh Veilings, in brown, white, navy and black, worth 25c, 35c and 50c yard, in this sale at, yard 10c 20c to 83c Harhln 12 He Yard All the 20c to 35c Ruehings will go la Saturday's tale at one price, per yard 12 Mt Fancy Ribbons, Regular T.Tc Yard Val ues Suitable for Jumper and millin ery use, all new goods, shown In 16th St. window, sale jirlee, yard... 25 nn:u:, special sale imiiUlCiy TRIMMED HATS $6.50 to $8.50 Trimmed Hats $3.95 A special purchase of over 400 beautiful Trimmed Hats, direct from a high class maker of New York, all the newest colors and black, at $3.95 Elegant Pattern Hats in immense assortment of the most clever de signs for spring and summer, 1907. Specially attractive values at $50 down to"$10 and $7.50 Children's Hats, very pretty poke shapes, at $5 down to $1.50 Leghorn Hats, nicely trimmed; elegant values at $7.50 down to 08c Children's $1.50 Leghorn Hats, daintily trimmed with flowers and silk mull, Extra Special Saturday at..69c All Hats Marked in Plain Figures Here. 4 Shoes! Shoes! We want you to inspect our enormous stock of shoes, made up of the following noted makes: FOR MEN The Stetson $G and $7 shoes, patent colt, gun metal calf and vici kid, all styles, at. .$5.00 The Crossett Shoes, all leathers, "that makes life's walk easy,". at ..$4.00 The Packard Shoes, all leathers, la Oxfords, Society Ties or High Shoes, $3.50 and 53.00 FOR LADIES Twenty styles of Queen Quality Shoes and Oxfords, all leathers, at $4.00, J3.60, $8.00 and $2.50 Fifteen styles plain toes and patent tips of high grade Shoes, Oxfords or Slippers of Grover's Make. Soft shoes for tender feet. Children's Shoes, from $1.50 down '..-49 Boys and Girls' Shoes, that will give serTlce. at 51.50 Men's Negligee Shirts Made to Sell at $1.50 to $2.50 at 29c 50c and 98c The Griffon Brand of Shirts is one of the very few manufacturers' trade marks that is universally known to the retail trade. Buyers who look for the maker's name in a shirt have learned to associate with the Griffon Brand absolute assurance of satisfaction. We have secured from the makers of Grif fon Brand Shirts several hundred docrw, which have been thrown Into second class be cause of faulty laundering no defects in the Hlklrta themselves, they are perfect in every way. These shirts were made for several of the best stores In the land, their names ap pearing on the band. Tremendous variety of pal terns, light, dark, medium colon", plain or pleated bottoms, caffs attached or detached; most of thee properly laundered, would have sold at HI. 30, $2 and $2.50 TAKE YOUR PICK SATURDAY, c, BOo and 29 Hll i 0 4 Dainty Undermuslins One-Third to One Half Real Value. Thousands of Garments from the Pattie & Darrell Stock. Never did better opportunity for profitable buying offer. worth to $1.60, 98c 2.98 ..98c M9c ..39c t5c ..15c Ladles' Gowns 76c and Ladies' Gownn, worth to $2, at Ladies' Skirts, worth to $6. at Ladies' Skirts, worth to $2.50, $1.50 and , Corset Covers and Irawem, worth up to 21, at Corset Covers and Drawers, regular 69c values, at Corset Covers worth to BOc, 25c and Ladles' Cause Vesta, worth regularly to 3 5c, at Hosiery Bargains From the New York Purchase AJl new roods, the best values to be found anywhere. X.adlas Tine Llals Kose In embroid ered or ailover lace, regular $1 "0 values at BOo Indies' T6o Lisle Hose in allover lace or lace toot effect; alno fancy em broidered, in this sale ISo a pair, or three pairs for 91.00 BOo XUals Hose, embroidered or lace .effects, in all colore, pair 5o Oroat knock of rine Bilk Xoss All colors and black. 14.00. $3. 50. 12.00 and . .91.00 Elegant Embroidered Bilk Hose In this sale at 2.M. Ji.oO and ...92-00 Worth Bsg-ularly rully Double the Frio. In Book Dept. FREE Pearl Handled Pen Holder with every box of sta tionery sold Saturday at 25c and up. Ask for it. Horatio Alger Books A new and complete line Just received Sat urday at, choice 25t 26c Books One great lot wtU be placed on sale Saturday, limit, 10 to a customer, at, choice. . . lO High-Five Playing Cards A new line of EOc values, special 25 Bicycle Playing Cards at. . . -13 Grocery Department Interesting Grooery, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Xresh Trait aad Vegetable Frtoesi It lbs. best pure cane Granulated Sugar 11.00 12 bars best Laundry Soap 25c 10 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn meal lOo Corn Flakes, per pkg 6o Ettg-O-Bee, per pkg 6o Purina Pancake flour, per pkg, ...5-; The beet Corn Starch, n 4o The beet Cold Water Starch, 1-lb Pkg 30 The beet Soda Crackers, per lb. ...ic The beet crisp Olnger Snap, lb.,..6o 1-lb. can fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 4Ho S-lb. can solid packed Tomatoes. .10a. J-lb. can Golden Pumpkin, Hominy, Squash, Baked Beans or Apple Ttto Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello, per pkg Tike Fancy Bio Coffee, per lb lio Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb lac Fancy Maracatbo Blend Coffee 1' Ho Fancy Porto Hlco Blend Coffee. . . ,2uc Fancy Ankola Blend Coffee, In. . ..2ic t'ancy B. F. or Sun Dried Japan Tea, per lb Zje Fancy Oolong, Gunpowder, English Breakfast or Ceylon Tea, lb tic Batter, Xggs and Cheese Prices: Fancy Country Butter, per lb 2lc Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb 23o Fancy Separator Creamery Butter. per lb I So Fancy Full Cream, whits or Yellow Cheese, per lb 17 He Neufchatsl Cheese, each Ic Sap Sago Cheese, each 7 He Omaha's Oreatee- Tegrtable aad Trait Market. Fresh home irown Spinach, per peck 15c 2 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce ic ( bunches fresh Onions Be Fancy Wax or String Beans, lb.. 10a I bunches Fresh Kadlshes 5a Fresh Cucumbers, each 6c Head Lettuce, each T He New Cabbage, per lb I He Fancy Imported 5-crown Figs, lb., 10o rancy rare; uates, per lb 7 He pedal Orange Bala 6 else Fancy Sweet Highland Navel Oranges that retail for 5c eaclf; or 60c a dozen; our price for this sale, per dosen 36o Most Remarkable Suit Bargains Ever Offered Manufacturers stock of silk suits at less than cost of materials. Pretty silk suits in iumper and a . mm m m - . sum waist swes in an sizes, lace mmmea. it bought regularly would sell at $15.00 to $20.00, choice Saturday $6.95 Stylish Wool Suits A special par chase of 200 garments, $11.60 to $18.60 values, on sale Saturday t $8.00 Ladies' Waists A special pur chase of 700 high grade Wash Waists greatly underprlced, Sat urday at $2, 11.95 and.. 91.00 High Class Sample Suits $30, $35 and $37.50 values, 75 In the lot to select from, no two alike cnc $25.00 Manufacturer's Stock of children's and misses' Coats, reds, tana, navys and fancy mixtures, all sizes, from 6 to 20 years, $5 to $7.50 values, In Saturday's sale t. choice $2.95 From 8:80 Till 0:80 A. M. $1 Sateen Underskirt. 49 From 9 Till 10 A. M. Women's $1.25 Long Kimonos Try Manufacturer's Stock of Women's Skirts, in voiles, panamaa and fancy mixed fabrics, delightful bargains Saturday at $7.50, $4.95, $3.95 and $2.05 $10.00 to $15.00 Coats at $7.05 Women's Coats, in coverts, broad cloths and fancy mixed fabrics, loose, semi-flttlng or tight-fitting styles, over 200 garments to select from. Saturday at $7.95 down to $4.05 Silk Underskirt Special A new lot of Silk Underskirts, worth np to $6, on sale Saturday at, choice, only $3.05 Heatherbloom Underskirts One of the best known skirts on the market, $2 values 08 From 8 Till 0 A. M. Children's Gingham Dresses. .19 From 8:80 Till 10:80 A. M. Women's $1.25 Percale Wrappers 70 Ggiyd!Bi98 Great Opportunity tor Sheet Music Buyers 59c Sheet Musk at Add lc per copy postage in ordering by mail.. The following list contains all the latest hits and best selling numbers in the country today. Only one to a customer: "My Irish Rosie" (biggest song hit ever written). "San Antonio" (vocal, immense hit, by Van Alstyne). "He's a Cousin of Mine" (greatest coon song in years). "Won't You Come Over to My House?" (great child song). "Evening Shadows" (beautiful new reverie).' "Somebody Walts for Me" (walti song; biggest hit In years). "If Anybody Wants to Meet a Jonah" (new coon song). "Song My Sweetheart Sang" (vocal). "Arrah Wannah" (vocal). "Moonbeams and Dreams of You" (vocal). "Cnttln' Up" (new rag, splendid two step). "Cherry" (most popular two-step). "Breath of the Rose" (waltz). "Hearsease" (beautiful new reverie). Over 6,000 copies 50c popular music, songs, two-steps, etc., which are a little out of date, on sale Saturday only at lc per copy. Only a limited number of copies to each customer. Extra spechi Saturday 20c Tooth Brushes Q for -7C 15c Tooth Brushes 7-L, for 2W 60c Hair Brushes 25C $1.00 Hand Bags $1.00 Leather Belts f9C Rope Hand Bags C. each Corset Bargains From the great New York dressmaking and furnishing goods stock purchase. All good makes in choice models, worth up to $2.50, in this sale at, choice. .08c $1 Corsets, in drab or white batiste, best models, hose supporters attached . ,69c A splendid line of La Grecque Corsets, regular $5 qualities, at $3.00 Regular $3.00 qualities go at $1.50 . . TEACHING MERE MAN TO EA1 Iffsrt b Dirsctiom of Pnp Fesdin New Esing 8yitemat'cally Mads. KASTICATIOM AS A MEANS TO HAPPlCSS Dn. Provides lndnl la Baas Shad Roe, Soeae Aspsrasas, Shortcake and Scot Beets for Saodaty Dlsatr. At last the era of learning how to take tare of our bodies, our engines to do our work In this world. Is dawning. It seems very strange wben the rase is stated that human beings should study everything, and sbould try to have the children taught everything except bow to tsie care of themselveo and keep well, but such Is the fact. No thorough course of study for tha lalty has ever been a part of any school curriculum, that taught how to run this human engine, the most wonderful ever Constructed. Physicians and nurses ar- taught only to patch It up when the Ignor ant engineer has run it to a finish; mothers know nothing ahout It, onljr as they leant by bitter zperlence'; fathers less, until they begin to pay doctors' bills. But the Department of Agriculture an-l the various experiment stations connected with the universities and agricultural schools, after studying up the proper food and car for ao-called lower animals, be cause by them man makes money, have begun to see that proper foods and prop-r car for tha human animal Is equally de sirable, although, to be sure, children are cheap and do not bring to much on the market as a fin steer or hog; still. It may par the nation and even the family to bavo well bred children, so they are studying the effects of foods and the methods of using them, snd after a while the thought la thetr work will permeate the general mind and we shall begin to note that some- ( thing must be done to teach us how to live I Inst fad of how to. earn the money to live, j ana men use me greater pan oi ii paicmng up the engine which we have lgnorantly run In the ditch of excess and hurry and worry. , Wwat Maatleatloa Achieves. Cornell university (Lsn't It") has been ex perimenting on the effects of thorouch (mastication of foods; perhaps It la the De Krtment of Agriculture, jut It does not so much matter, for. this column Is only calling attention to the general trend, and lhy report that the half a doien students who carried out the plan, end absolutely did what wo all know we should do. chewed tbedr food unttl It was half dlgrsted before they swallowed It. doubled their powers f endure noe about four-fold, and their gcrvngnh half as much. By endurance was saoaat Uve power to continue doing a thing tor a length of time, by strength to 4o It 1 r l-ltT fl, 1 1 iiirlfl If s s. - ii -U' r w tui mi ai. II Ftf KT EK 1 Sommer Bros. Saturday Specials Strictly Fresh Eggs, dos Creamery Batter, lb 28e unite ciover Uoney, comb lg? Shredded Wheat Biscuits, package JOt Jell-Ok per package 7 Ha woi BiiraoB, 2 i-id. cans. . .23g Fresh Tomatoes, per basket 38 Live Spring Chickens, average weight from 1 to 2 lbs. I SOMMER BROS. Exponents of Good Living 28TII AND FARNAM STREETS. .1 ViMIJWlH elUUm j1 ftp mgfjffji leVXr. Winslow'i Soothing Syrup KM Wa M4 lor err SIXTT-riVB TSARS e? - SiiLlJ' M Hurts - tor IS.'r t'HU.I.RKN whil tssthi.xii. mi resrai-r iiui.Ba. n SOIH4 IH.CHIUX SOrrXN tM Sl'MS. 4LXAYS ,1 rlk. till WIND COUC. u is m. tta, noi aw OUaaHuSA. 4 kr DrxastMa ia trmr, sen at M Be nn .mi m tut stra, ' SaMAlag KrW." Uu e nk.r k.a. f .alH a bti:. i. tataaa aaaar tee tal e4 Braea V fax a. itm. Sarui -ir ,i aa tews avio wsu. Tk.aa xmuir. ance. They also ceased to desire such quantities of food. ' and leavened of their own desire their rations of meat They were not limited In any way. as to kind or quantity of food, only required to masti cate what they ate thoroughly. They led a sedentary life, but the change In their health and power to study and endure was quite marked and that for a considerable length of time. Such a simple experiment. Probably nine out of ten would consider It as ridiculous as the people did Bnos Mills, when he was finding out Important facta about the trees that is helping the country to millions of dollars and incidentally putting him in a p if It Ion for making his way Into fame and the means to llee well. They warned him out of the country because they thought him craay, but a nnlveralty or a national departmant of agriculture find such In vestigations of great value and after a time tha world will come round to thetr opinion and we shall study aever to be alck instead of haw to get well. Mrs. Proeideam'e Baehst. Mrs. Provtdem went to market aad bought some shad roe. just as she promised In her last Saturday's round. She also put In tha basket some asparagua. although It was still rather expensive, and so she only bought a small quantity and a bunch or two of new beets, fehe, likewise Invested la a coci4e of boxes Of tre wberrVa, even if they had to be shlpf d quite a distance, for a little overstock sent thtm down a bit. and she proposed to delight her family with a strawberry ahirtcake. which la a little fruit aad a good deal of starch and The Lange Grocery Co THE GROCERS, BUTCHERS AND B A K E RS The low price maker. "We invite public inspection as well as government. In regard to 4uai.i.j auu yum. OROrERV DKPT The Flour market Is on the ad vance, but we give you a last op portunity to stock up on our fa mous "Purity" Flour at, per OOt Shredded Wheat, per pkg... 10 Grape Nuts, per package. . . . 10c Premium Chocolate, per lb. -25 Standard Tomatoes, 2 cans.5 Corn, per can 5 Peas, per can 5, 3-lb. ran Baked Beans 54 Laundry Soap, 12 bars for.. 25 Cornmeal, per sack 10 Fancy Oil Sardines, per can.2tt Fancy Mustard Sardines, can. . 5 Fancy Creamery Butter, lb..25 Freeh Errs, per doien 15 t.tihl.tlll.KM Fancy Tomatoes, per basket. 25 Fancy Large Pineapples, ea.J5 MEAT MARKET BOO pails of Lard at reduced pfTces A 3-lb. pall of Lard at. -28 Hamberger, our own make, per Pound ge Skinned Hams, per lb. ...134g Picnic Hams, per lb 10 Bacon, per pound 13 BAKERY DEPARTMENT - In this department we prove our motto of low prices and quality. Fresh Bread, per loaf 3, Pies, all kinds, each ggi Cookies, all kinds, per dozen. .g- Fancy 2-Iajer Cakes, any flavor. SSI 10 buj o-iatr Lite, any flavor. 2 r I . 1 ' " a " a. srw ii m 1 ...i ..11 n. iii.iiiiiiaeaaaapaBaaaaaBaaaaa. CHERRIES COME IN SNOW Winter 8torm and Simmer Fruit Vest 01 Omaha Harktk STRAWBERRIES G0ID, BUT HIGH IN PRICE Other Fralts aad Vegetables la Sot flcioat Bapply to Make the Saaday Dlsner Ose of Mick Variety. r- - - - . V urcou unions, per ouncn JeJ earn 0 le Tho Lango Grocery Co. Phone Douglas 1530. 24th and Cuming Sts. cream, both good fuel providers, so the I right kind of food for this chilly spring, with the slight acid of the fruit added for a spring tonio and builder. Bhad Roe, Maryland Stylo Whatever way shad roa may be preps red. they should first bo cooked about fifteen mlnjtes In bolllne: water. In which has been put a tablespoon or so of vinegar. Break the roe In small pieces, put In a well buttered baking dish, sprinkle with salt and pepper and halt cover with broth, add a rounding table spoonful of butter eat In pleoes. Cover the pan and cook in the oven fifteen minutes; reduce the stock to half a cup by letting stand where It Is hot but not boiling rabidly, then beat the yolks of three eggs, add a cup of rich milk and stir Into the hot sauce very slowly. Cook over hot water until It thickens slightly, adding a roan ding tableapuonful of butler and m re salt and pepper if required. Pour ever the roe aad garnish with slices of broiled bacon. Asparagaa Patties Wash, peel and trim the tough skin oil tha ends of the as puagus; cut in Inch pieces, keeping the tops separate; cook tha remainder r boil ing salted waier, uncovered, until pearly tender, thea add the tops and finish cook- lag; cat a stele loaf of bread la t so-inch slices, cut from them squares abojt four Inches long and three wide, and cut out the centers, making a box with v.r th! sldea; dip these In melted butter, and brown ",""' ln ovn; drain the water from the asparagus, make cream sauce with a rounding tablespoon of butter and one of flour, half a cup of milk and hlf of tte water from the asparagus; put the aspara gua ln the sauce, reheat and fill the bread boxes or eroustades, as they are called, letting the sauce run very slightly over the sides to soften the hrtad. Shortcake that le Shorteske. Strawberry Shortcake Sift and measure two cups of flour, add two gently rounding teaspoons of baking powder, a teaspoon of salt and a rounding tablespoonful of butter or shortening: chop or mix the short en! r.g In thoroughly, heat an egg. add to It half a cup of milk and mix Into the flour, thea add as much more milk as is required to make a dough as soft as can be patted and rolled Into two rounds about nine Inches In diameter and a erant Inch thick. Butter the lower one with melted butter, Uy the other oa top and bake in a very quick oven, not letting them brown too much. Walls they are baking, pick evsr Now is I the Time To change your grocery account where you can always feel assured yon will get not only the latest the market affords, bnt the best in quality at the most reasonable prices. Start right for the summer. Call and see ns or 'phone as Douglas 818. RICE BROS. 23th and Davenport Streets the strawberries, washing them quickly by putting a few ln a sieve and shaking them ently ln a pan of cold water, then drain ing on another s'eve. Reserve a few of ir.e ntceat, mash the rest and sweeten them very sweet; lift oft the top layer of crust, put on the bottom one a layer of straw berries, then lay on the top crust, butter It and put on a thin layer of berries, whip a cup of double cream, sweeten It as whipped and spread it over the top layer of strawberries; cut the reserved berries In two, dip in sugar and lay en the top of the whipped cream In any preferred de. sign. Serve immediately. New Beets Stuffed with Asparagus Tips Cook asparag-ja as In previous recipe, drain acd chllL Cook small new beets, scoop out the Inside and pour over them a French dressing made of three tablespoons of oil to one of vinegar or lemon Juice, pepper and salt. When ready to serve, dress the asparagus with French dreaaing, mads as above, fill the beet cupa and set on a leaf of lettuce. If oil Is cot desired, marinate tha beers In vinegar In which a few cloves and a bit of cinnamon have beea steeped, and dress the asparagua with a cooked geuad dj-taeiLg The first cherries of the season reached the Omaha market Thursday and sold for 60 cents a pound. They came from Cali fornia and the shipment was small. An other shipment scheduled to arrive FYlday afternoon la being disposed of at 60 cents a pound. This will provide for the Sunday demand. The fruit is very good for the first. Pineapples sold from IS to C5 cents Friday morning, a little cheaper than they have been, and the choice was quickly ex hausted ln consequence. y j A few boxes of kumquats were In mar- j ket Friday morning, although they have been out of season for several weeks. They I sold for 15 cents a box of uncertain capa city and only partly filled. will buy asked. Frogs' legs of the small variety are sell ing at 15 cents and 30 cents a dosen, tho larger ones at GO cents a dosen. The email neck clams are SO cents a dosen. Lob sters are coming ln In such quantities that every day haa shown a decrease in price; at present they sell from 40 cents to 45 cents a pound. Fresh fish Is getting more plentiful and the Friday market offered a good variety. White fish Is unusually nice and sells at 20 cents a pound. Fresh large trout Is being shipped In from Bay City, Wis., and Is IS cents a pound, shad is ffi cnts apiece. small lake trout Is 11 cents, crapples U cents, pike 1 cents and California crabs S cents a pound. Some of the best looking strawberries of tha spring are selling for 20 cents a scant quart box. Tbey ars large and red and sweet. Smaller berries of just as good quality sell for It cents a quart box. The cold weather In the south has made berries scarce, but there will be enough for the Sunday demand. Potatoes are rneap Just now, old and I new. An unusual quantity on hand among local dealers has kept the price of old potatoes down below what might be ordi narily expected at this time of year and they sold Friday morning from 75 to cents a bushel. New potatoea are to be had for t and I cents a pound, few grocers asking mors than 7 cents for the very best. New peas are scarce, but those In market are of good site and the pods well filled. The continued cold weather haa made home-grown asparagus and other early things high, asparagus selling for - cents a bunch. Home-grown head lettuce Is coming In and sells from 10 to 20 cents a head. Celery Is to bs had In the local market, but tha average housewife would think I twice neiore paying is cents a ataik for such as it Is. It Is either rusty and wilted or a bright green that hardly looks fit to eat. The entire supply has been shipped hers from Chicago. e Esrs which got up to SO cents a dosen the early part of the week are back at H cents again and some dealers are making them a "leader" for 16 and 17 cents a dosen. Creamery butter haa dropped to 3S cents a pound and dealers predict that It will not go much higher again before next Au gust. "The New York market has broken," they say, and after this break butter Is down, for the summer. Dairy and country butters ars down acoordingly and bS sants For a Good Complexion, Health and Beauty. FOR Gear Eyg Pure Complexion Sweet Breath Clean Tonrua Calm Nerves Coed Temper Eat a Cascaret whenever you suspe you need It. Carry a Utile lOo Emergency box constantly with you, in your Purse eg Pocket. Whan do you need one? When your Teofue is coated When you have Heartburn, Belchlfifc Acid Rlair.p in Threat When Pimples fcejln to peep out , When your stomach Gnaws acd Burns. That's the time to check coming Constip ation, Indigestion and Dyspepsia. That's the time to take a Cascaret s One tablet tsVen whenever you suspect yeu need It will insure you against 90 per cent o( all ether IQs likely to attack you. Caacarets don't purge, don't weaken, don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach. They stimulate the Bowel M -soles to contract and propel this Food naturally past the little valves that mix Digestive Juices) with Food. This stronger action produces greater nutrition irom food and perfect elimination o( useless materials. It makes the blood purer, healthier and more reconstructive. Insuring a Una, cleat color and complexion. Then carry the httle ten-cant box con stinrty with you In your purse, and takog Caicaret whenever you sutpoct you novd it. All Druggists sell them over ton mCLon Doles a year, for sis years. Be very careful to get the femitee, made only by the Sterdng Retnexiy Com pany .A never sold tn bulk. Ewary tablet tamped CCC.- m