I i i ; i 'I i,- 16 LL.ua SATURDAY WILL BE GLOVE BARGAIN DAY Drandeis Offer Very Special Values in Elbow Length Silk Gloves These long gloves are in heavy Jersey and Milanese, colors are black, brown, tan, white, navy and gray. The gloves are all of the finest quality and include Kayser's double V h 4 finger height special at ' 1 New Arrivals irt Well known makes of elbow length kid gloves the favorite tans, browns, reds and black, extra good 1 9 8 T) 49 quality, 12 and 16-button lengths at, a 11 ssa m bbi pair i HOSIERY SALE riain Lisle All our New York Importers' samples, Allover Ln.ce and they come in fast blacks and col- Boot Patterns ors, all are full fashioned regular Fast Blacks & Colors make, an for Saturday, worth as high as pair Ladies', Men's and Children's All kinds of hosiery in plain worth up to 25c a pair on bargain Bquare at, pair GREAT BASEMENT BARGAINS DED SPREAD BARGAINS Large size Bod Spreads crochet worth up to $2 Hemmed ones $1.00 I Fringed ones $1.25 . Satin Marseilles Soreada. worth un to SB BO jy Hemmed ones $1.08 I CORSET New lot of Corset Girdles these are Saturday Corsets in the latest shapes, fine quality, double hose support ers Royal Worcester, American Lady, Warner's, with a number of other high grade makes special 10c Novelties Hat Pins, Tie Pins, Cuff Buttons, Fobs, Necklaces, Shirt Waist Sets, worth up to BOo, at 10c OUR BARGAIN When purchasing ribbons don't department. You will find a complete line of all kinds, colors and widths at special prices. UNDERWEAR. "Women's light weight vests, very specially priced for Saturday, at 8Jc-I2ic-25c Women's light weight pants, in umbrella style, at, a 1Cln pair IyC "Women's lisle thread union suits, umbrella style, lace trimmed, at . 49c MITT Mf AT THf 1 w 1 Saturday Special Glace Oranges Strictly pure and fresh, regular 60c value while they last, lb ,AterDiniu Cream SWEETLAXn Patties, a sorted CARAMELS, flavors, IQ a full assort- in lb UC ment WC IN THE CONCERT MUSIC DEPT. 8c . 25c A.dd le Moh f ot Twrtf. Can You Imp a Bert? W hen Violets Whisper, Mart. Cinderella (popular song). Paddy (Irish two-step . 6he Me Gal (walti song). Arabian Night Waltte. uen of Beauty Walt, rownle R. Time, Place and Girl Specials rxin't You Tell. I Don't Like Tour Fwmlly. Thursday 1 My Jonah Day. It low the Smoke Away. SATURDAY .". VC tip long silk gloves the of style prices are very FRENCH LISLE GLOVES IN ELBOW LENGTHS In blacks, whites or in colors, ( excel lent quality of French lisle, worth aT.!!.$1:.ap":?...39c.69c Lon Kid Gloves extra big bargain '25c 75c a pair at, Hose on Bargain Square and fancy effects regularly I0c-12y2c Fringed ones $2.50 SPECIALS a remarkable bargain lor 25c 49c 98c Handkerchief Specials Men's and ladles' Handkerchiefs, in plain white, also colored borders, go at i f only JoC-JC RIBBON DEPT. fail to visit our Basement Ribbon HANDKERCHIEFS Women's and men's fine all linen handker chiefs, also women's dainty embroidered handkerchiefs, worth up to 20c each two specials, at SclOc Women's spring wear, all linen neck hand embroidered collars, French knot collars, fancy lace ef fects, batiste, Jabeaux, col lar and cuff sets, " m worth up to 75c, Saturday at milUTHU ib i vvninin I lavonteuome Chocolate Covered . MOLASSES CHIPS T a pound 1 C ELI 22) Oar Collection of Standard Edition Classics In beautiful colored title pages, always on sale for sc. This muslo includes such great classics as Last Hope, by Gottschalk. Faust, by Leybach. Palms, by Leybach. Sprint; Song, by Mendelssohn. The Polish Dance and 100 others. Our stock of the famous Mo Kfblsy an Century edUlons of 10c rausle is always complete get the new catalogues. THE OifAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1907. OH .HJAKWaSKI2)- HASOKI U i f vfwn 1519 - I I Irl .7 5t A DIAMOND RING Would make a mot acceptable graduating irlft for a g-lrl. She would keep It all the years In memory of graduation day. A boy would appreciate one of our 12-ele thin model watches. We have hun dreds of other article to select from. Spend a few minute In our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1616 Douglas Street OXAXA'I PTOS TOOD OEVTXB Q !9 Bakery Dept. MARZIPAN DAINTIES Made from Almond Paste. A most delicious and dainty as sortment of cakes in one-pond boxes 60c Onr delicious Three-Layer Cakes, all flavors, each 80c H Glazed Squares, per dozen. . . .10c U S3 Eclalres. Der dozen 60c B H Peatout Cookies, per dozen... 10c U Napoleon Bars, per pound 40c 2 Anise Drops, per pound 40c A p Imperial Macaroons, pound... 40c , l- KlBses, per pound 40c j $ Cocoanut Sticks (very tine), lb.40c ft i Dutter Wafers, per pound.... 40c f i Lunch Cakes, per box 10c J Da-Ba Cakes, 16c; large 25c Nut Cakes, each 15c Jj C Jelly Rolls, each .JOc S$ Princess Fruit Cakes (black), per 0 pound 60c '1 " We also take orders for Brown t Stone Front Cakes, Pound Fruit 5 Cakes and special size Cakes of t' any kind. Our bakery goods are !1 ; not like the ordinary. They must jj . lute purity, with the highest grade T ti nf IncTAdlpTita tncpthpr with R skilled workmanship, make our P ' bakery goods above par. n 1 Liquors Wilson Whiskev (Thafa a Dmr Vueutic sisuu;, it year w Old 91.25 K old) 2.25H maryiauu yo uur uwu uuiiuukj, full quart OOc R Gordon Gin, $1 size HOr Federal Club Scotch $1.25 Duffy Malt, fl size 85c I. W. Harper's Rye, full quart, $1: gallon $3.50 Meat Dept. Roast Beef, shoulder cuts. lb.eHc Armour's Bacon (4 to 6 lbs. pieces), per pound J5cj From 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. we will i sell Pork Sausage, made while you wait, at, per pound 5c Come down and get a pound. (joartney & Go L Sosflu MT Private Excnana connect all Dpt Bridgework We make a specialty of crown and bridgework. This is with lfc a is out a doubt th most beautiful and lasting method of Inserting teeth, with out plates. Crowns, 22K 85.00 Bridgework, per tooth $5.00 TAFTS DENTAL ROOMS HU Doucla blrt. ACCOUNT OF THE WE PLACE M Which we intended and s 9 l.m Elegantly Tailored The Very Latest Styles, Weaves and CoUrs Ginglo or Double Deeastod A Bargain Without a Parallel (Q) CLOTH0C31 1521 Douglas I) Shoeing .Joy.. The "Good enough for the boy" idea in buying shoes ' is poor policy. The BEST In shoes is none too good for the boys. They give their shoes harder wear than a man does, and it is a waste of money to buy them poor shoes. If our kind of boys' shoes cost a trifle more than the ordinary kind, they are worth it, and we guaran tee every pair to be satisfactory. Boys' sizes 2 to 6 for 2.50 2.25 2.00 Youths' sizes 1 to 2 for Little gents' sizes 10 M to 18 V4 These are the kind. 'STEEL 8IIOD" Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. 'W"" -" J, mil lilliHMMini) Balduffs Old Fashioned Yankee Peanut Taffy.. Special price for Saturday only, per piund box 15c Tbl popular old-fashioned taffy li on that 1 alway appreciated by both young" and old. - It Un't nacesary to tell the Bal duff patron that only th genuine article, rich and appetizing, can come from thl ator. Thl dellclo-i peanut taffy I mada from pure cane ugar and No. 1 8p&nlh peanut. To lovers of taffy a taate only create a de Ire for mor. Special price Pat- 1C urday only, per pound bo Take a Box Home t ta Family. BALDUFFS 1518-20 Farnam St. Th Sunday Table d'Hote Dinner served at our popular Cafe la pro nounced by connoisseur to be th beat In Omaha. Hours, 1! m. to d. m. Price. 60s. M, , if BAILEY MACH DENTISTS Thirl FW. Paxfart Bl.ck Hif hot Graie Dentistry. lie I 3C ON pLE to sell for (o)(o) (0)(0) Your Choice Street 3C Fry's $2 Boys' Shoes Our $2.00 Boys' Shoe is a prize. So parents think who have been buying them for their boys. We selected good cased calf for these shoes, had them double soled and strongly made; looked after all the little details in mak Ing, and sell them for the reason able price of $2.00. 1 Somebody . somewhere, may be selling as good a Boys' Shoe for the same money, but we've yet to see it. FRY SHOE CO. TBI tlOEBI 16th and Douglas Streets. Wcldon- Springs A new brand of finest Kentucky Whiskey for our special trade. Bottled in bond. Per Quart bot- tle $1.25 California Ports, Sherries and Muscatels, 76c, 60c and... 35 Grape Wine, home-made, gal. .$1 The .Quality Storo Cacklcy Bros. 121' N. 10th St. Dour. 1148. OUR NEW FIX-URCG ia Our w Btor (t he Old Kuhn Cortier. at 16th and Douglas are nearly Installed and we want you to see the most mod ern and the cleanest drug store In thl part of the country. Don't look much like that old back num ber which ha been on that corn-jr tot 40 years. Our prescription department wa im mediately plai-ed In aypl pi order In a room by Itself (Just like our Chlrano street store) and put In rharfre. of men who have had year of experience In pre scription filJIng, and who do nothing elKe; do not have to be bothered by any thing just attend strictly to their work. In ume drug store the clerKs al) nil prescriptions and all wait on trade, etc! Do you think auch a place Is a safe place to have your prescription fllled?. Thick It orer. Afk your physician as to our re liability. W call for, fill and return your prescription, promptly. Try this plan. Schaefer's Cu Drug Stores Omaha Cor. lith and Douglas St.; l'lth and Chicago Ms. Sooth Omaha N. W. Cor. 34th and N St. OooncU Blufl ith Ave. and Main 8ts. The druggist who don't have to sub stitute. BIIIHBKBMMWBBMM BOcSmart Set Chocolates SATURDAY ONLY Myers-Dillon Drug Go. 16th and Farnam T rfln Lined Up for Spring n,v, nfff y 11,1 IT iiu Prepared to Supply Your Wants THB NSLIABLK TRH Ready-for-Service Clothes That are recognized the country over by those who know as th acme of perfection. The most casual inspection will convince you of their superiority. Absolutely Correct in Style, Tailoring of Highest Order. Fabrics of un doubted quality. MEN'S SUITS In every imaginable style and pattern. The best values shown in Omaha at the prices $7.50 $10.00 and $12.50 Hand Tailored Suits With plen ty of style individuality, vvork- .manship and materials; the equal of custom made garments at twice the prices $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 up to $32.50 Men's Odd Pants In almost un limited assortment, at $1.95 $2.50 $3.50 up to $G Youths' Long Pants Suits Lat est styles, complete assortments, all styles, at $5 $6.50 $7.50 and $10.00 Children's Knee Pants Suits Tn latest styles and best materials, at $2.50 up to $7.50 Children's Wash Suits A full and complete line in all newest shades; at 35c up to $2.50 Men's Summer Suits, $7.50 up to $20.00 Ask for Hart, Schaffner & Marx Hand Tailored Clothing. TBI HA YDENS' Avoid Accident ! 'When alighting from Street Car use LEFT HAND on Hand Hold, and Faoe di rection Car is Headed. 1m lUuttrotion) Do not attempt to Qet On or Off whta Car 11 in Motion, Assist u la preventing accidents. Omaha & Council TOURIST CARS POPULAR The ides, that an inferior class of people patron ize the tourist sleepers Is an error. On many trips only the best class of travelers are found. They are merely men and women of good sense who would rather travel TO CALIFORNIA In this manner and save a snug sum of money to be used elsewhere. It is be ginning to be understood that it Is by no oaar n annd a large sum of money In order to enjoy a trip to me i-atmv; vaw If you cross the continent in one of the tour ist sleepers of the UNION PACIFIC You will enjoy your trip and save consider able money. Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1324 FARNAM ST. 'Phone Douglas 834. CertalN Ct e lor Tlrsd, Hot, Aehlnj DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. ...... u. HAIR BALSAM . 1 Qui i mi Wita ,wsi jetar e i Toutjui ovo. t: K" sf -PATENTS thst PROTECT Hilt! tCt .thiron 0 C t.tii Ui. Clothing Business '05f Complete Lines Ever Shown In Omaha 1 3 LZXl Copyright 1907 bf Hart Schaftncr is Marx Bluffs St. Ry. Go. Fssi. Vi OdreM, Allea U. t'uusted. cm very bos. SCHOOLS AhD ( (IIXKI.KK OELLEVUE COLLEGE tl COU-BOS5 CUntc&l. sci.BtlSc thllMo(,hiuil ma C aCAljlMY A.m ccr4iu4 kisk Mbaol .nHtM'i b. n.vvi. r nr ctb.r eoli.s r .litltj. IIOHMAU X HOOl-BlM,.ulaff u4 iT'.snt c. urr. CrtiflclM uuui CONbttH vatoht ThMrr anala, asue vloi).. eloouttM SB .ft. OH AH A CONrtitOTloN Blactrle Ba fo4 la rUw. hu atoaws tMraitMMSk A4di.M rnatteat WUraensk aMUaraa s I