Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 14, Image 14

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Tim U.MA11A JJiUL.1 UViUi NATUIiDAY, MAY 4. 3P07.
1 1
i ' '.
Want - ads
Advertisements for the want-ad
olumas will he takes aatll IS m. tot
the evening edition and aatll A . m.
(or the moraine and Sunday editions.
Caak mill accompany all orders for
want-ass and no advertisement will
accepted for less than 10 cents for
tan flrat Insertion.
Rates apply to either The Dally or
under Bee.
Always moat six worda to a lino.
Oomblaatlona of Inltlala or numeers
oant m one word.
cash ratk von wm-n.
ertlon, per line, lO eenta. Two or
raoro consecutive Insertions, per Hoc.
8 eeata. Each tnaertlona made on odd
days, lO eenta per line. 8)1. SO per Hue
por month.
advertisement la Lnaerted ander any
one of the classifications given lirlnw.
It will be charted at the following
rateai One Insertion, 4 eenta per
llnei three to sis consecutive Inacr
tlona, 3 eenta per line each Inaertloni
seven or more consecutive Inaertlona,
B oeata per line each Inaertlon. SO
eenta per line per month.
Except Agents, Solloltora
Oowi, Blrda, Don ana! Pets.
Horses and Vehlelea.
Poultry aad Eggs.
Pianos, Organs aad BTusleml In
Typewriters and Sewing Ma
Offkred ron bfjiti
Furnished Rooraa.
rnfarnlahed Booma.
Housekeeping; Riomi,
Bninltni and Booma.
watkd to bi t,
xva5tku to best,
situations wanted.
Teoth and Pnneral Notleea, Tarda of
Thanka and Lodge Notices, T eenla
per line for one edition, morning; or
evening & eenta a line for ench addi
tional edition. Sunday, lO cents a
line. Ho ad taken for leas than SO
Want-ads for The Bee may be left
at anr the following drag stores
one ta "yonr corner druggist" they
are all branch offices of The Bee aad
yonr ad will be Inserted Jast as
promptly and on the same rates as nt
the main office In The Bee building,
eyonteenth and Farnam streets!
Albaoh. W. 40th and Farnam.
Iters nek. B. A.. 1402 B. 16th Ht.
lieoht a Pharmacy, 7 S. lth 8L
Benaon Pharmucy. Benaon. Neb.
Bemla Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming.
Blake's Pharmacy, 281t Shermnn Ave.
Caughlln, C. R.. 6ih and Plerc. St.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave.
Cronte, J. B., 31st Ave., and Farnam.
Crlsey Pharmacy. 24th and Lake.
Cermak. Emll. l:'64-l 8. 13th St.
Boatman Pharmacy. 4046 Hamilton.
F-hler, F.' H. 2S02 L.avenwertti.
Foster & Arnoldl. 813 N. 2rth Bt.
Freytag, John J.. 1914 N. 24th Bt.
Florence Drug Co.. Florence. Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy. 20th and Lake.
Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and
Oreenough, O. A., 1 B. 10th Ht.
Oreenough. O. A., loth and Hickory.
Jlayden. Wm. C, 2820 Fimam Bt.
Hanacom Park Phar., loni S. 29th Ave.
Hoist, John, 634 North lfith St.
Huff. A. L.. 29:4 Leavenworth St.
King, H. 8.. 2238 Farnam 6t.
Kountxe Place Pliarmacv, 3.104 N. 24th.
f'atrlck Drug Co 16204 N. 24th Bt.
Mthrop. Chaa. K.. 1324 N. 24th St.
Peyton. L. K., 24th and Leavenworth.
Raratoira Drug Co.. I4th and A
Bchaefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and
Fohaefer. Auguat. 2631 N. lfith St
Schmidt. J. H., 24th and Ctimlng ta.
Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Mnrtha Sts.
Wa'nut Hill Pharmacy. 4"th and Cuming,
wnltnn Pharmacy. 20th and Orace 8ts.
Wlrth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sts.
death Axn rrxRn . i. notices
i ST u i laTEf't "f"1 N years, wife
!i v;.. IiKr7- t the real
denco. 2t.l2 North Nineteenth avenue.
Funeral notice later.
ij'.wib Loran, son of Mr. and Mrs. J E.
Lewis, aged 15 years 3 months.
Funeral Sunday at a m. from resldoncA
T p,, ntTT ."'T' Inte"nent Dca Moines,
la; Friends Invited.
PETERSEN Anna Lou. wife of Jen. reter-
7nv..l!UnV1av.y tv'nK. May 2. 1W, In her
i r' .at h9r home- 2,28 Parker street.
Fho la also siirvtu.rt k.. .
Peteraen of Anhland. Neb., and Dr.' Alfred
O. Petersen of this city.
Funeral from Danish Evangelical Luth-
-" . oii nnn irant, Sunday at
P. tn. Interment Sprlngwell cemetery.
The following births and deaths have
been reported to the Board of Health
ay "oo'n tw"'ty-four hours ending Frl-
Blrths Harry Chalm. Sherman avenue
flr,-:. VV,lecConne.r- 413 6o,"n Nineteenth,
boy; John Maneurlo, 1814 pierce, boy; An
ton Bnuda, 1410 William, girl; F. E Er
wln, 2101 Fowler avenue. lrl
Deoths-Marlnda L. ghafer. Lincoln 4
The following marriage licenses hava been
Name and Residence. Age.
Marlon Groves, Omaha...... a
Carrie Jones. Omaha !!.!!i!!l7
Jasper Jensen. Omaha 28
Antonio Jepsen, Omaha !."!!!!'.. 29
John H. Johnson, South Omaha.; 36
uiHa m. retersen, Omaha jo
James Btanek, South Omaha a
"" t ivunaa, oojm Omaha 20
ui viiie o. Birain, Omaha
Lulu M. Taylor, Arlington. Neb...!"!'.".'. 3
Chris Johnson, Omaha ' 3,
Marie M. Mortensen, South Omaha!!!!!! a
WALL, PAPER cleaned.
Douglas 826.
fllE CITY GARBAGE CO.. efflce 4th and
Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 13X7.
ION FAINTING 8. H. Cole. 1302
ill iut
WILSON hangs paper, quick, clean- purer
cleaning a specialty. Tel. Webster 2?iS
. (D-112 All
KR BALE Australian Wonder a grass
seed perfectly barely in evrv r i eot
grows where bluegrass falls." lvr.-!
velvet lawns guaranteed Price Si cent
r. t.nnni Tir A 11 mill.- V11- I
w . ..... . ,
(D-Msot i)
SURVEYING 'Phone Douglas 7C9?
OMAHA Safe and Iron AVorks make a sre
clalty of tire escapea, shutters, doors an I
safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 12 S. l'th Si
1) 1J
I30i Thomas Flyer. 4MI.-P., full eiuipmeat:
cost M.Tbo, now ll.KJO.
Iu6 Pope Toledo, Type T. top and full
equipment: cost 11.7:0. now ti.x.
! Reo. used 60 miles, cost ll.tC. uow II V
1 Reo, top ard full eQulpmeoi; ct t' Sou.
now ! X). '
White .Steamer; coat 12 500. now 700
Iv Ford. 16-11.-1'.; cost ll.lin, now ViO.
pope- averly Elsctric runabout. IIO up
1818 Farnam Et
f! 106
aM'TOMOblLB. -.ylinder. 16 horae-pooer
gunaixtut guod a new, will trade for
real Mlsta. DodgS A Co.. m
WRITE for Hat of barsatns In second-hand
automobiles. Fredrtckson, lfJ Op. Ave,
(2) Mill Mil
AUTO for sale; second-hand Rambler, 18
H. P., In (food condition; had best of rare.
Price. 1760. Mre. C. B. Horton, 13! N.
SPth Bt. (D-M4M MyB
EXCHANGEB-It you have city property
stocks of goods, farm lurid or property ol
any kind to exchange, write for our com
plete Hat. We have properties and lands
In all parta of the country to exchange.
Our list la free. Send for It at once.
Oiobe Land and Investment Co., 122 Far
narn St.. Omaha, Neb. (3) 108
1056 ACRfS, suitable for platting, between
Omaha and Council BlufTa; for aale for
!."' per acre.
32u aoies, Hubbard Co., Minn.; exchange
Omaha or Council BlufTa.
25-room hotel, steam-heated and furnlsnea,
exchange fur good furm In Iowa or Ne
braska, I6,5o0.
ALVA SMITH CO., Council Bluffs.
a 343 Mix
12u ACKK8. 5 miles from Schell City. Ver
non county, Mi.: 8u acres under cultiva
tion; good building: price, 160 per acre.
Incumbrance. fci.iOu; will exchange for pen
eral merchandise. Oiobe Land and Invest
ment Co.. Hs23 Faniani bi.. omaha.
(3 il "6
WILU EXCHANGE one year'a mualc : le
sona on any Instrument for Job I'r'n""
or advertising In any locality. AdurtM
A 100. Bee. (3) M168
FOR EXCH ANQB ISO acres near Orchard,
Antelope county, Neb.; price, H7.60 P"
acre. 820 acrea six miles from O NelH,
Holt county, Neb., Improved; price, KOfer
acre. Will exchange either or both or
above farms for merchondlae or hardware.
We also have several lncomo propertlta in
Omttha to exchange for merchandlae or
hardware. Globe Land and Investment
Co., 1(C2 Farnam SU, Omaha, Xeb.
FOR SALE and part trade, stock and grain
farm, comprimng acrea,
from Palmade; 3i0 acres under cultivation,
150 acres in alfalfa, 400 acres of rich twt
tom and sin acres of tillable land; frame
house, story and a half, lr.xS.', 8 rooms,
with good cellur; hot aid cold water In
house; frame barn, 28x40, for 12 horses
and 40 tone of hay: 3 granaries, two xl6
and one ltixi4; corn crib, 10x30; w rk
shop, lixlfi; i cattle shcd, one lftxiO, the
other liix32; 7 hen houues; hog houao, liix
4.S, with cement floor; hydrant In same;
one alfalfa hog pasture of 'JJ acres, one
hog pasture of J acres of alfalfa and
timber; elevated tank, holding iB bar re la
of water; als running water; 10 axr
timber; young orchard; '14 miles ot f . n
clng on place. This Is a finely Improved
ranch; In fact one of the twRt in this part
of the country, and only IJ0 per acre. I
would consider about 1.M In trade. F.
H. Kilver, Hastings, Neb. (SJ-iMSOS &
C. J. CANAN, 701 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omana,
10,000 Highly Improved realdence prop
erty In the most dealrable residence part
of city, all clear, for a Nebraska ranch.
(3)-M36 M17
A NEW blltrlte cash carrier of five sta-
tlona, for sale, or will exchange for can
register. Address Lovclk Bros., Pisek,
N. D. (3)-M3!0 My4x
SOME good Omaha property to trade for
land or merchandise. 110 S. 17th St.
(3 M321 M5
TRADES! TRADES! If you have any
thing that you don't want and will trade
It for something else, write us. We can
match anything. Kelly investment Co..
2i0 Neville Block, Omaha, Neb.
(3) M4S8 M4
FOR SALE or exchange, automobile 2
cylinder. 16-horsepower, cost 11.00; good
as new. N. P. Dodge Co., 1714 Farnam
Bt. (3)-M4t3
PRINTER8 I have a large Job press, al
most new, don't need It In my business,
but do need two small Gordon Jobbera,
and will trade and give or take boot;
let's trade. Address 8 216, care Bee.
(3) MOOS
A NICE south front lot on W. Farnam St..
valued at l'X, to trade for about 30x60
feet lot close In, or automobile; will pay
difference If necessary. 641 Paxton Block.
(3)-M602 6
or general merchandise; right here In
best part of Nebraska; write full descrip
tion first letter; professional traders need
not answer. Address owner. nox zvj.
Madison. Neb.
(3) M598 6x
FINR improved Ifirt-ncre farm, 10 miles from
middle river, Minnesota, valued at S2.000;
will trade for good western land Globe
Land and Investment Co., 1S22 Farnam.
(3) MSOS 9
GOOD paying stock of drugs, located In
a town of 10,000 inhabitants; will Invoice
about 115,000; good land will be considered.
Olohe Land and Investment Co, 1822
Farnam. 3 MS06
SECTION of Improved land near Ord,
Valley county, Nebraska; 40 acres alfalfa;
fin alfalfa land; bargain price. Andrews
J 241. care Bee. (8 M( 9
timber land near Eureka Springs, In fruit
belt, Carroll county, Ark., for vacant
Council BltilTs or Omaha property. Geo.
I.nndon, 1729 Fourth Ave., Council Bluffs,
la. (3)-829 9x
REAL ESTATE valued 12.500 for ateam
laundry of what; give full particulars
or no attention. Address Y 90. cre Bee.
f3) MS 10X
FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and
wagon work business, with tools; 14 to 16
received for shoeing and 4 to 8 for set
ting Urea. Addrevs Y 129. Bee. 4 109
Your attention, please. Are you looking
for something good? We have the best
tide line you ever handled; no selling or
samples; all you do Is recommend. It's a
money maker for you. Address Lock
Box 729. Omaha. Do It now.
(4-M923 MU
FOR SALE 14,000 Jewelry stock; can re
duce to suit buyer. Pender Realtv Co.,
Pender, Neb. (4 Mi2 My8x
FOR SALE! My stock of general mer
chandise, in good condition, located in
good ilvs town; will either sell or lease
building: terms reasonable; wish to re
tire from business on account of fall
ing health. For particulars call or write
J. R. Young, Lodge Polo, Neb.
(4)-M46 HyUx
MUSIC teachers' local locations bought
sold. Perfleld Piano Co, 1611 Farnam,
Omaha. (4j M163
1. M. B.RflO AND 14,000. WESTERN HO.
STREET. ROOM S. (4V-M809 My23x
WANTED To borrow 1100 for sixty dnys;
will return 1126; good security. Address
F 222, care Bee. (4) M869 6x
GOOD seloon In Council Bluffs, must be
old. fine business. No. 1 location, see me
ouli k, 11.000 cash will handle. W. A. Hll
dreth, 610 Bee Bldg. (4) MW1 6
OUT Wi:ST TRIBUNE, only raper In
Ornt county, pays llffl pr month; en
tire plant well equipped; a large build
ing, which also Includes dwelling and
business; price is 11.750. Address Tribune,
Hyannls, Neb., L. B. Unkefer. PuhihT.
(4) MS 18 lf x
HAVE 190 neres fine farm land nearBur
llnirton. Colo., to trade for Omaha lots or
residence; cash value land, I1k).
Phone Red ll!8. 1614 Harney St
4-M8 7
large territory, good water, complete out
fit, good trade, extrects and rep.Ors for
fiidi Must sell. Price. 11 00(. Address
O'Neill Bottjlng Works, O'Neill, N.b.
(ll-M5! 9x
FOR SALE or trade, restaurant, hotel, fix
tures complete, with soda fountain: only
hotel Ice cream parlor in town; a chance
for some one to step Into business with
bouse full of boarders; ;a buys all.
Rent cheap. M P. Larson, Trent. 8. D.
(4) M6i2 7x
130 CAPITAL will start you In the real es
tate and Insurance business. Mnny earn
6,u)0 yearly. We teach the business by
mall. Write fcr free booklet. Central
Real Estate Co., 561 K. C. Life Hidg..
Kansas City, Mo. (4;-M7 &x
DRUG STORE for aale; a anap If taken
at once. Writ the Bank of Collins. Col
lins, la. (4) M7M x
BUSI.'.f'oSa CHANCE Invest tl per week
for weeks or IX cash and clear tixi:
aboolut safety luwsaieed by ail banks.
Aorabsat MXs
L, 14 Angelna. Csl.
- llHaUUOlBl
"Sell your
Good hotel, furnialied complete, county Beat
town, population l,i, electric lighta, fur
nace heat. Death reason for aelllng. Ad
dresa Mrs. M. A. Ilooton, Valentine. Neb.
(4) M776 9
WANTED A party to buy out a flrt-claa
atock of furniture In the beat town on
the Elkhorn valley; best of reasons for
solMng. Wlstier furniture Co., Wiener,
Ncl). iO-tMJoO
FOR 8ALE Formula for manufacturing a
household necessity; Fmall capital re
aulred; big profits. Address N 2-JS', Bee.
H (t-M754 tx
FOR SALE Meat market In a town
J.0"0 population, (.all on or auuress j.
Johnson. Wahoo, Neb.
(4) ;42 13x
FOR SALE 100 shares Omaha & Nebraska.
Central railway stock, cheap. Address
P 199, care Bee. (4) M4J6 My4x
HOTEL business and furniture for sale;
best house, thrifty county seat town.
D. R. Hughesk Clay Center, Neb.
(4) M3is My4x
BTOCIC of merchandise. Invoices 16,000 or
17,000; sale 3.0W per month. Call Dr.
Ward, Rmuge Bldg. () MS M4
HALF INTEREST In hardware and Im
plement business for sale; good businesa;
will require 14,000 to handle same. W rite
Box 38, Nelson, Neb. (4) 110
Do You Wish to Make a Change!
If you have a farm, home, business or
property that you want to sell or ex
change, write us.
Omaha, Neb.
(4) 564 M7
i09 New York Life Bldg.
Omaha, Neb.
DRL'G stores for sale everywhere. F. V.
Knlest. 70 N. Y. L., Omaha. (41111
FOR BALE A 4-year lease of brick store
building, consisting of basement, first and
second Moors; the rooms are 44x)w feet;
this building is located in central busi
ness part of a live town In central Iowa,
with a population of 23,(00; the building
U now occupied as n dry goods store;
would sell the stock to party who would
lease if they so desire. For particulars
address Box 41, Florence, Wis.
(4) M601 7x
TO BUY or sell any business or real es
tate, call on or write E. G. Gangestnd,
403 Bee Bldg. (4J-S03
WANTED To trade for stock of goods;
have a good farm. Address Y 246, Bee.
(4) 49o
WAN" a second-hand automobile; have
Borne land to trade. Address Y 243, Bee.
WANTED Young man with 1200 cash to
manage branch office of incorporaieu rem
estate company; exceptional opportunity.
Address E 87, care Omaha Bee.
(4) M717
ONLY hotel in good live Nebraska town of
1.200. New modern brick building, forty
rooms. Everything first-class. Price
I2.7M). Has cleared more than thia yearly
the last three years. Rent reasonable.
Peterson Bros., 623 Bee Bldg. (4) 897
FOR BALE First-class blacksmith shop In
thriving western town; doing good busi
ness: reason, am no smith myself; will
stand Investigation; fine climate. Ad
dress Box 64, Shoshonl, Wyo.
(4) M230 My6x
Investment Dept. Western Ref. & Bond
Ass n. Inc., suite 721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(4) 6S4
TO BUY or sell any business or real es
tate Quick. Write or see Hiiaretn. oiv nee
Bldg (4-3
WANTED Reliable party with 15,000 cash
to purchase one-half In an established
paying business In wholesale district
Omaha. The Putman Co., 604-6 N. Y.
Life. 4-824 3
GOOD tailoring business for
sale. Paul
(4J837 6x
Thiel. 206 S. 13th Bt.
Advertising; Supplies.
T?T,'4'ir'f TlVT? we have the largest Una
KUjMriiMiSrjlt ot calendars, both DO
MESTIC and IMPORTED, ever submitted
to the advertising trade. Before placing
your order, we Invito your Inspection of
our exhibition room, 1218 Harney St..
where also can be found Advertising
Supplies and Novelties of every descrip
tion that will bring results.
() M324 m5
T. E. BRADY, Probata Att'y, 609 Bee Bldg.
(a; 22 Myl4
JAMIESON. 308 N. Y. L.
(5) -118
DR. ROY,"B- 2, 1506 Farnam Bt Doug. 8497.
(6 444
C liters and Tobacco.
C. SIMMONS. 416 So. 15th.
(5)278 MylS
to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha.
Carpet Cleaning.
BEND your carpets to N A. Chrlstenson di
Son, 2221 N. 20th St. 'Phone Web. ltt9.
la. Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam.
CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Works. Mak.
lng over and relaying carpets. Also rug
weaving. 16th and Lrav. Tel. Doug. 655.
P. J. CREEDON & SONS, general eon-
tractors. Offlce and factory, 45th and
Dodge. 'Phones, liar. 2160 and Red 1X50.
(6) Mtiai
BAILEY & MACH.. Sd 11. Paxton.
D. loss.
(5) 1
KOTERA &. CO., 1506 Jackson.
Doug. 2007.
HESS Sc. BWOBODA. 1415 Farnam.
U HENDERSON. 1519 Farn.
Tel. D. 12SJ.
J. H.
BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. SOW.
(5) 4J3
FURS cleaned, stored and repaired. O E.
Bhukert, 313-315 8. 16th. practical furrier.
(5j M449 M6
W. 8. HWATON American furnaces; tin
work. 1J01 Farnam St. Tel. Ixmulxs 3-S2
(51 M79J MJ2
German Consnlate.
OTTO 8IEMSSEN. correspondent notary
public, m N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel D. 5M
(5)-lt Mil
Honse Cleaning.
JOHVROV cleans rrpe'e. washes windows,
floors polished. Tel. Douglas 2396.
(5i-4(S8 Mil
SAVE MONEYI Recipe for cleaning wall
paper. Send 11. Soiualdt Bieclalty Co.,
ta ftottUl 1Mb SU g-HXAtl
farm or business"
both city
THE Schlltx. European, 16th and Harney.'
(5 M37U
ST. JAMES-Ratea, 1 and
411 S. 13th.
II. 2R
per day.
-782 Mil
MER. Incorporating Co.. 428 N.
Y. L.
Jewelers and Watchmakers.
N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, Jewelry
repulring, 2 & J Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 43.
A. GOODSON, masseur, treats stiff Joints,
rheumatism, nervousness. & Ware Blk.
Tel. Doug. 64. (5) M1RS M5
LARGEST and finest assortment of treea
and shrub in the city. Crescent Nur
sry. Sales ground, 21st and Karnam.
'Phone Wi bater 8367. (5) M560 M7
SHADE tree, ahrubs and fruit trees. F. R.
Martin, ism and Douglas. Tel. D. 73-i3.
30 MAPLE trees for aale,
49th and' Ham
(6) M730 6x
Tel. P. lfi
(6) 125
Dr. BowBer, oer 1600 Far.
Tel. Doug. 6370.
(6) MiSU M19
DRS. RINGLER, 306 Neville. Tel. Red 6467.
(6)-M596 M8x
C. B.
South 16th Bt.
FRENCH and artistic photographers. 210
B. 14th Bt (5) 791 M21
Plumbing and Heating.
T. F. BALFE, plumbing, gas and electrlo
fixtures. 1607 Howard. Tel. Doug. 743.
(6-M706 JullO
LYNCH BIROS. Repair work our specialty.
118 N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 1477.
(5J-678 M28
JENNINGS Printing Co.
Tel. Douglas 6380.
(5) 126
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order,
don't fall to see our elegant Imported line.
Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 i Cap. ave.
THE ACORN PRESS-Prlnters of Quality.
We make those imitation typewritten let
ters that look like the original. Price
right Tel. Doug. 991. 1218 Harney.
(5 685 May9
printing at lowest price. 110 S. 17th St.
Til. Doug. 396". (5) MS39 Myl2
600 BUSINESS cards. II: 10,000 printed en
velones. good stock, for 110: other work
nt same rates. Oet our estimates and see
our samples of work. Call at room 32,
U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg., or 'phone Douglas
4U03. (6J 8irt Myl7
School Furniture.
OMAHA School Supply Co., 1631 Howard.
(6)-2J6 Ml 4
Silver Plating.
Ontaha Plating Co., 1220 Harney. Doug. 253S,
(6) M242 M4
Stove Storage.
' RTrtVTT'QSTbRED Hughes. Stove Rep.
iDXWiJO work,. Tel. Douglas 71W
The Leading Palmist of Omaha
Revelations of past and future described
Parlors 113 S. 16th St, Op p. Boston Store.
obi lat
Spring Term Now Open.
Catalogue free, H. B. BOY LBS. Pres.
Omaha, Nab. M170'
Clerical and Offloe.
WANTED Experienced lady clerk for dry
goods siore. write, suiiing experience
and wages wantea; give reierences. Ad
dress Lock Box 26. Miller. 8. D.
WANTED At once, several girls; must be
at leaat it, not more man 17. See Mr.
James Williams, delivery dept., The Bn
nett Company. (7) 773 4
Factory and Trades.
WANTED Glrla to work In candv faetorv.
The Voegele A. Dinning Co., 1318 Jones St
(7) MS28
GIRLS WANTED Burgess Bhirt Company
aK4 f arnam Bt. (7) ia
WANTED Machine girls.
Laundry, 211 8. 11th St.
City Steam
G) 130
Housekeeping and Domestlo,
WANTED Girl for general housework;
small family: good wages. Tel Douglas
5042. 2008 Dewey Ave. (71273
COOK wanted; family of four; light work;
evenings and Sunday afternoon off; no
washing; wages, 120.00. Apply to Dr.
James 8. Kennedy, at Fort Omaha. Neb.
(7)-MS13 9
WANTED An experienced laundress and
dining room girl, by the mo; references
required. Inquire at Edmundson Memo
rinl Hospital. Cor. Pierce and O'k St A,
Council Bluffs. (7)-M818 15
GIRL for general
housework; family of
'Phone Harney 1284.
(7) -890 30x
two; good wages.
GIRL to do cooking and laundry work.
Mra. Charles Metx, tx tt. 2kih Bt.
(7J-M786 5x
WANTED Experienced girl ss cook; good
wages. N. coiner ana rrriam.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 1533
Park Ave. (7 435
GIRL for general houaework. In family of
4; good wagea. Mrs t . D. eaa. tc a.
40th. Tel. Harney 1007. (7)-67S
WANTED Woman for general work In
hotel in town of Address Y-&4. Bee.
(7)-M12 (x
WOMAN to do house cleaning and laun
dry work. 6v4 8. Jith St. G 714x
SWEDISH housekeeper, 2 year; houae
flrla 17 week. Canadian Oilce, 15th and
JOdge. (7) M753
WANTED First and second rook, colored
woman. Boston Lunch, 1612 Furnam St.
(7-21 I
M' DOW ELL Dressmaking School. 1823 Far.
(7-224 M14
HATS trimmed or remodeled, 2eo to 76a
'Phone (evenings) Red 6uu6
(7-M4r Mllx
WANTED An expert fitter.
Berger 6k Co., 1617 Farnam.
8. Fredrick
(7)-833 I
OOOD girl for general haueework. 'Phone
Doug. 76. M Nurth Twenty-fifth 8t
City people want to move to the
country, country pooplo to move
to the city. Dee want ads reach
and country people. : :
Housekeepers and Domestics Cont'n'd
WANTED An experienced cook; also an
upstairs maid. Apply to Mrs. H. C.
cailsch, M03 llarnty St. (7 Mvi4 8
Mlscel la neons.
Bookkeeper and stenographer, 112 per
Stenographer and clerk. Are Insurance, If.
Cnshler, experienced, 35.
Call or write for complete list of va
721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg.
t7 MS:9 4
WE must have stenographers to fill the
following positions at once; One stonog
rapher, I'S.OO; one stenographer, I60.U0, and
two stenographers, loO.Ou.
Phone Douglas 336. Suite 404. Bee Bldg.
Omaha, xseb.
fJMS 4
Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen.
SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who
have had experience selling views, por
traits or books; pleasunt work and big
money, call at Room U3, Bee Bldg.
WANTEDSalesmen to travel In surround
ing states; knowledge of our business not
necessary, but must be hustler and sober;
position permanent, with good Income.
Address J 308, Bee offloe. (&) M548 4x
AGENTS wanted to drive through the
country: best selling proposition ever of
f erred; big value for your customer, big
pront ror you. Write today for particu
lars and territory. E. R. McClellan. 603
Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9) 34
AGENTS through Nebraska to show and
sen ROYAL BUCKLES to farmers and
horse users; ready sellers; big profits. 1U5
r arnam. umana. (9) 365 M0
WANTED By Omaha firm, widewake
young men as traveling salesmen; posi
tion permanent, with good prospects for
uvanctnwnt; give past experience ana
rererences. Address M 111, Bee office.
I (B M660 4x
AGENTS WANTED-Oreatest money mak
nig noveuy out; sells at every house;
send for sample and prices. The H. B.
Reynolds Mfg. Co.. Frederlcktown.. O.,
urii. co. () S46 SX
WANTED Men for real estate bualnees In
Nebraska; salary; expenses advanced, and
splendid opportunity for right kind of
men. Apply 315 Neville Blk., lfith and
Harney. Omaha. (9) M760 Jel
MEN To manage and travel for Jobbing
DDiicem in lowa, Minn., wis. and Mich
must come recommended; first class men
oniy need apply. National Retailers' Ex
change. Pioneer Preas Bldg., Bt. Paul,
minn. () M7Z2 SX
S MEN for canvassing; steady work; pay
wceaiy. yj. r. Adams CO., ism Howard.
(9) 771 Junel
WANTED Two thoroughly experienced re
iu nam ware salesmen; also one who has
naa experience in window trimming. Ap
ply house furnishing dept, J. L. Bran
dels & Sons. (9) M863 6
CITY AGENT Health and accident insur
ance; gooa contract; commission or
salary, imian Li. Wilson, general d.
livery, Omaha. (9) M870 6
WANTED Several good boys, first-claas
pay. a. u. i., 212 . I3tn.
(9) M931 M24
WANTED Office boy.
Co., 1613 Harney St
A. F. Smith
(9)-M778 6
boy 16 to is for bowling alley work: good
woera. Appiy once, im jtarnev Kt.
GOOD wages and chanc for advancement
umana box io is. Omaha.
(9--M673 My31
WANTED At once, Intelligent, ambitious
ooy ior arug Business. Bee Mr. Schnel
uer, j-rug jjepi., me uennett Co.
(9) 699 3
WANTED Four boys over 16 years old at
factory. M. E. Smith & Co., 11th and
iuugiaa, umana. (9) M749
WANTED Experienced offlce bov
pent position. Apply 10th and Farnam St
ciouee at nunyon urniture Co. (8J 827 6
Clerical and Office.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper to take gen
eral charge of office and books. Must be
inorougniv competent and furnish bond,
Auurrsi d m, care wee. (9J M734 4
miiNU man to work in bank: must write
wen and be accurate at figures. Address
jv cee. (9) M814 5
WANTED A young man to work in a gro
cery store; must be able to work neat
and rapidly; references required. Ad-
nr ai n, care tiee. (9)ng f,x
WANTED Bright boy for office; go
prospects for advancement; calary, J3.00
per ibodih. Axiaress tl zsx ne.
(91-MR43 Ex
WANTED Young man for offlce; aalary,
ou.w per monin. AOdTess c V nee.
(91-M842 6x
WANTED Clerk; must be aulck and ac
curate at figures; state age and previous
experience; sa.ary, ,o.uu per month. Ad
dress U ZXl, Bee. (9) M841 6x
Factory and Trade.
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
v. Jiniesi. wi nt. i. j., umana. (s; 132
WANTED First-class barber; no students
guarantee of 815 or 60 per cent. Address
John Stack. Huron, b. D.
(91-M976 Mllx
wanted An aii-rouna uerman sausaue
maker; mutt unoersiano: running an en
glue and be sober, industrious man; good
wages to rignt party, n. M. Westnhalen
Atlantic, la. (9) M813 5
WANTED raperhangers and painters
only experienced help need npplv. H,
Berwick, ai b. Main St., lo. muffs.
WANTED Barber: gqod, steady; no Mole
man. Ben Ackerman, Marshalltown. Ia.
(9-M7S9 8x
MEN WANTED at Johnston Bros.', at
Clayworks, la.; steady work year round
Houses to rent to married men; wngen 2
per day. () M7SS 9x
WANTED First-class all-round butcher.
C. H. Huber. 112 E. Broadway, Co. Bluffs.
BARBER wanted, must be good man. Ad
dress A. J. S mi met. New Llm, Minn.
(9 M0 7r
BOX nailers: good wages.
Co., East Omaha.
Omaha Box
(-M72 7
BARBER wanted on salary, or will rent to
responsible party; no boozer wanted; good
bae ball player, pitcher preferred; state
experience naa ana wagea wantea. c
Wlnterton. Haselton, N. D. 9 765 8x
GOOD tobacco stripper wanted for 6 men
man or woman; win pay Jifc.uo per week
steady work; will send transportation. M
Anson, Lander, yo. (9 MM6
WANTED Men to learn barber trade
Short time required. Tools given, money
earned while learning; positions waiting,
More calls for barbers than can be sup
Plied. Special Inducements. Call or writ
Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St.
(91 M841 9s
to 16, for firemen and brakemen on lead
lng railroads; experience unnecessary
Flrement earn li per month, l ecorn
enrlneers. earn JJ'O.OO. brakemen earn
176.00. become conductors, earn 15ou0
( all or write at once for particulars. Na
ttonal Railway Training Assn. 6J0 X.
wxion uiouk. Om tia Imsd.
Mlerellaneoua -Continued.
Bookkeeper, bank, experienced, ISO.
Stenographer, $i4.
Asslstnnt Bookkeeper, 100.
Itookkeepcr, out, t'A
And many othera, cn.ll or write.
721-72 N. T. Life Bldg.
t9)-MS58 4
OOOD proposition for a live real estate
mnn, In each county, who Is a hustler.
American Land and Immigration Co , Hid
nev. Neb. (9) M:62 6x
WANTED Crew manngera and solicitors
to drive through country; best proposi
tion ever offered; will pay salary or com
mission. Address K 159, Bee.
(91-M547 4x
ENERGETIC young man. over 16 years
old, capable of earning ntgn salary; bond
required. Address In own handwriting,
with stamp and references, H 2:. cure
Bee. (9) 6S9
WANTED School teachers and tudents to
tarvel during vacation months; work
leasant and profitable. Address it );,
offlce. (s.i-.yimj ix
Horses and Vehicles.
LARGE and small horses for swla. Also
wagons. Rosenblatt. 1223 Nicholas.
RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness at
greatly reduced prices. Johnson Dan
forth Co., s. w. cor. 10th and Jones sts
BLACK driving
2415 N.
Snod, weighing
th Ave.
about l.ioo; VM.
TEAM of mares, weighing 1.400. 11.10; team
ot heavy bay mares weighing 2.7.
one sorrel horse, weighing l,3oft. ISO. 2X1S
N. 15th Ave. (11) MS11
20 HEAD of fine, young drivers and light
wagon norses and several or meanim
frlce; also two heavy work teams and
hree heavy old horses, cheap for c.ush
or time. Remember, that we give thor
ough trlnl before you buy and a written
guarantee that Is worth what It says.
Omaha Horse and Supply Co., rear 414
N. 18th St Tel. Douglas 6081. (ID MS09
AGENT8 through Neb. to show and sell
ROYAL HI IMjr.a to rarmers ana norse
users. Ready sellers. Big profits. 1116
Farnam, Omaha. (11) M364 M10
PAIR black mares, half Shetland; drive
single or double and ride. 43d and center.
(11) 116
WE are not selling out nt cost, but we are
selling driving wagons, buggies, surries
and stanhopes cheaper than any other
firm west of Chicago. Holmes-Adklns
Co., 714 a 10th St., Omaha.
OD-6 Mil
FOR SALE High-power,
2-eyllnder, 1906
automobile at a bargain.
Address E-172,
01) M983 M9X
HORSES Roadsters, general purpose and
work horses, bought sold ana exenangea
on commission. Myers, 1114-16 iKiugias,
Tel. Douglas 1032. (11) M793 J2
CARRIAGE and wagon painting. Harry
Frost, 714 S. 14th Bt (11) M30B Mlt
TWO good, toppy driving horses; also sin
srle and double harness, runabouts, top
buggies and surries, for one or two horses
good as new, narney street MiaDien.
1275 WTLL BUY an extra fine 7-year-old
driving Day mare, souno; any iaay can
drive; also a new undercut runabout and
good harness. Room 31, Barker Blk.
(11) M51B 4x
PHAETON for sale, In
good condition
cheap. O. w. Butts,
Council Blufs..
820 First Ave.,
(11) 641 M4X
HAY. 19 per ton.
Wagner, 801 N. 16th.
7-TRAR-OLD driving horse and runabont:
2 family phaetons: 3 runabouts and other
livery paraphernalia. Myers Douglas Bt
Stable. 1114-16 Douglas. Tel. Doug. 1032.
OD 714 7
Former v of 1715 Jackson, has purchased
the business or E-a uietncn,
1114-1116 Douglas.
and will be pleased to meet his old friends
and customers at me sdovs aanress.
(ID (IB sz
FOR 8ALB Gentle pony, 8 years old.
cheap. W. It. Mccora, uo. ana cass.
(11) M733 6
TWO farm horses cheap, weight 1,100
pounds; 1 three-inch wagon and coal box
1 set work harness. 2410 Decatur St.
OD-M726 4
Poultry and Eggi.
RHODE ISLAND RED eggs. Martin, 2801
Indiana Ave. Tel. Harney 1803.
TEN THOUSAND Barred Plymouth Rock
eggs for sale; Bradley tiros, and Judge
Norval stock; 11 per 15; 14 per 100. Aye
Bros., Blair, Neb. (11) M7E9 Mllx
OUR handsome lllutrtrated poultry book Is
free to all who will write ana ask ror It,
telling where they taw this ad. A valu
able book for every poultry man; 3,000
printed Address Harris Poultry Co., Clay
Center,' Neb. (11) 863 May28x
CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Feed Is
the only original ary cnicK reea. use mis
only and save all young chickens. Ones
used always used. Stewart's Seed Store,
119 N 10th St., sole agents for the olty,
(1D-M942 MylS
DUSTON'S White Wyandottes, pure bred,
eggs 11.60 for 15, 15 for 100. Forest Uwn
Wyandotte Yards. Florence, Neb. Tele
phone Florence 1082. GD-M466 M
Gov't squab book free. Model Co., D. 6664.
(1D-M674 My81
ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds; best
eastern stock, a good color; eggs. 11.75 per
15 Mrs. James H. Halpine, 4X2 Center
Bt Tel. Harney 3628. (ID M7S6 MylOx
BUY Barred Plymouth efgs of W. T. Clay,
Council Bluffs, la., a breeder. I'S cock
erels. Ul) M258 Mu
WHY send east for White Leghorna? Eggs
from thoroughbreds, 11.50 per 16. Lund
strom, N. W. Cor. loth and Caldwell.
(11) M45S My4x
WE have them. What? Eggs for hatch
ing, from prlze-wlnnlng White Plymouth
Rooks. For sale cheap. Come quick if
vou want any, R. G. White. 3322 Parker
Bt.. Omaha. (11) M450 M4x
HOMER pigeons: 6 pair, 18.
Addre-s N-na,
Cows, Blrda, Dogs and Pets.
FOR BALE Pomperanlan puppies. 'Phone
Doug. 64S5; (ll)-M40g M4x
FOR SALE Pure bred male collie pups,
eligible to register, from trained stock;
black, tan, white. Thos McCune. Ver
milion, S. D. (1D-Mt3 7x
GOOD cow for sale.
2321 Hickory.
(lD-MHCT lOx
LOST Pair spectacles with gold frames, In
lt-ather case. Return to Bee office. Re
ward. (12) 6C9 8x
LOST Lady's gold watch with gold fob.
Reward If returned to Mrs. I'atton, 121
N. 36th. 'Phone H 2224. (12)-679 3
LOST-In Omaha on Wednesday or Thurs
day a blue enamel bream pin with bril
liants. A liberal reward for return to
O 2-Ki. care Bee. (12i S5o 4X
APRIL 19, ladles' go'd watch, Elgin move
ment, diamond set In back. Liberal re
ward for return to 917 8. Main St., Coun
cil Bluffs, la. (12 M872 10
IOST Small Jeweled fraternity pin, back
engraved "L. li. Ranrk, la. Heta;" liberal
reward for return. Bee office.
LOST I-ady'B gold watch, engraved W.
If found, 'phone Webster 12U. Reward.
OXl-760 ix.
STRAYED Brown mare, from 27th and
Ersklne, Sundny evening. Any Informa
tion call Tel. Douglas 2068. (12) 7C7 4x
L08T Gold pin, setting of r earls and dia
mond, on car between 2tth and cnlcano
and Wise hospital. Return to 2531 Chi
cago Bt. snd receive reward.
(12) 62b 4x
LOST Wednesday evening, a pair of gold
eyeglasses, on Farnam or at 17th and
Dodge. Return ta IX J. Alien. W-37 H&r.
AC Oil-
(BTRATEP Bay pony, roacbed mane.
Harney 303. (U) MT36 bx
LOST One red oow, one horn broken. Tel.
louglfiS 3175. (12I-MS07 I
BEST nerve bracer fcr men. "Gray's Nervs
Food Pills," II box, postpaid. Sherman A
McConnell Drug Co., Omaha
MRS. Q ARDELS, private confinement
home; babl.w cared for. 3714 N. ath St
Tel. Red 2210. (13)-220 Mill
PRIVATE hotne during confinement ba
bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani
tarium. 72S First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. a
-I- 1 I . . 1 . o .o
DR. PRIES, specialist dlneases of women.
S' years' practice In confinements. Office,
514 N. 16th; residence, Charles, Omaha.
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call
or write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women at
SW4 N. 2 It l
(12) Ml ml
reatment at I
bt, Omaha. Neb.
PRP.K ni,1lf,l n t. .1 an rcrl,.,. I , r-r u tr
. reighton Medical col lege. 14th and Dav- (
enpi.rt Sis.; special attention paid to con- j
finenient cases; all treatment supervised
by college professors. Thone Doug. 1167. t
Calls answered duy or night. (131 12!i
63-DAY Blood Remedy, the great blood
i-...m-i , soki only at Olndlsh Pharmacy, I
1-th andprdgest , Omaha. (13)
ana omers, wunout security; easy pay
merits. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol
man, room 714, New York Life Bldg.
Some people help you bv their influenza.
some by their advice, but verv few with
the loan of money.
The ' Omaha Mortgage helps you out
?'ith the ready cash on sihort notice In a
We advance any sum 110 to 20O at a
low, reasonable cost something you can
afford to pay.
a claim on your nousenoia goon, pianos,
horses, etc., will answer until the debt la
119 Board of Trade Bldg.
In payments to suit your convenience, at
rates that honest oeonle can afford in n&v.
Balary, chattel or any good security.
noum i, t renter ijut., lbth and Dodge Bts.
(14) 67ZM7
CHATTEL, salary and 1 torage receipt
loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1504 Farnam Bt.
(14) 143
DtTOlTXTTV I'll I - I . I T, . .. . a , . . .
i.wcAiiv (.Ar.ui i ior cnaitet or
salary loans. 623 Paxton Block. 'Phone
Douglas 746. 04) 146
will make a special rate on collateral
loans. mortfiajrGB on narsonsl i.riiTiurt i.
notes, without security. Terms to suit
none uouglas 25(04. (14) M5s0 M8
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bids..
advances private money on chattels or sal-
B,p "j si; no rea iape. xou get
money same dy asked for at small cost
Open evenings till 7. (14) 147
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses,
etc., In any amount; less than half
rates; perfect privacy; Immediate atten
tion; any terms wanted: payment sus
pended when sick or out of work. 214
KarbachBlk. 209 8. 16th St (14) 148
FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. 4f 1
Dull Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. y '
(14) 149
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, aceomi
modatlng; all business confidential. l.M
. Douglas. (14) 150
Boarding and Rooms.
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe.
(16) 152
DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam.
FURNISHED rooms, with or without
board. 922 N. 19th. (15) M591 Mytx
ROOM with good board. 14.50 per week;
all modern; walking distance. 2406 Cass
Bt 'Phone Douglas 5406.
05) M626 4x
THE WILKINSON; pleasant rooms, with
board; table board; Haimcom park car
passes the door. 3016 Pacific Bt. Tel. Har
ney 1189. (16) M610 6
FIRST-CLASS rooms and board; location
good; close In. 618 South 19th.
(15S-JUZ3S 6x
FURNISHED rooms, modern, with or with,
out board. 8U 8. 20th St. (16) MS62 6x
FRONT parlor with or without board; alio
other rooms. 2580 Harney St.
05)-M857 ax
Furnished Rooms.
NICK, clean, well-furnished, well-heated
outside room; house strictly modern. 24tW
Harney Bt. (16) 155
NEWLY furnished rooms, modern. 640 8.
24th Bt 'Phone Douglas 6076.
(16) M311 Max
PLEASANT furnished room in private
family; houss is modern. 24fi Harney St
(15) M 15 M6x
TWO nicely furnished rooms for light
housekeeping; privute family. 415 N 23d.
(15) M64
FINE rooms, reasonable.
618 S. 24th Ave.
(15) ,Hj MOx
EXCELLENT furnished rooms, also light
housekeeping rooms, close In. Th" Bos
ton, 17 8. 17th St. (15) MS73 6X
connecting rooms;
modern; gas range.
beautifully furnished
housekeeping; strictly
319 N. Ht.
(li)-MS68 lOx
NICE front room, with bath.
2" 33 Harney
(15) M200
FURNISHED outside rooms: board; rea
sonable. Lange hotel, 13th and Jackson.
(15) 793 021
LARGE, nice sleeping rooms, in all modern
house; bouse cleaning 41 II done; small
room. 1701 Capitol Ave. (16) M37I M4x
NICELY furnished rooms for rent; private
family, fine location, one block from car.
1214 N. 2tth St. (161-565 MU
MODERN furnished rooms. 2222 Farnam.
(16) 634 M27x
MODERN furnished
No. 25th Bt.
rooms for rent. 214
(16)-M727 8x
ONE nicely furnished parlor; one nicely
furnished room on second floor, etrlclly
modern, new brick. 410 So. 24th St.
(16)-M728 4
NICELY arranged 4-room light basement,
large pantry, two closets, city water lu
kitchen: no children. 9u9 8. 27th St
(15 M7W Ix
NICE large front room, modern, close in.
Vacant May 1. (14 8. 20th St.
(15)-637 M4x
FOR light ' housekeeping.
'Phone Douglas 8233.
1303 Douglas.
(16)-65 6x
TWO cheerful front rooms, furnished or
unfurnished; modern house. 1144 8. 124
Bt (15)-M50U M5x
ROOM8. furnished or unf urnlshed. with or
without board. Ogdeu hotel. Council
Bluffs. Ia. (15) M60O My29x
NICELY furnished front room and alcove
847 8. 24th Bt (16) 7u 7
LARGE, beautiful, modern rooms, en suite
If desired; Om-cUas family. 1919 Cass.
06)-M,7 7x
LARGE front room, all modern; reasonable,
HI No. 23.1 Bt 05)-717 6x
NICELY furnished room, new, modern
house on Park Ave., near Laarenworth,
strictly Private family, gentlemen pre
trre4 l-tioo tUfudf ft, t-41U