Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1907, Page 9, Image 9
TTTE OMAHA DAILY BEEi FRIDAY, MAY :i, VMI. 1 CRMS ASD PRODUCE JIAKtET k'.tit EtroDc Opeiinc fricei Advice. Ibirply tad Cloc Eirber. FROST AND COLO WlAIHIR ARE FACTORS freat Tskla Kale Onlr MI14 Ctieel4 la rlalllah Markrl oa Preale tioas of I faorable Wratatr. OMAHA. May I. 1W7. C'ontlirje.1 mid nnUirr ail over trie coua ' try and fruets In nearly every state, to srether with great strengtn In cables, es.used a rapid and voluminous advance In price a. Tba wheat market waa broad and of unuaually large volume after price opened much higher and advanced nearly lWc. Other gains were strong In sympetuy with wheat The advance met with a alight check about noon on account of realising and profit taking sales, but gnud buying orders generally sustained prices. May wheat opened at 74 c bid. an ad vance of c over yesterday a clnse, and aJ vanred to lbc bid. Juiy options roae ISO to TP'tc bid and September options ad vanced c The market was affected principally by prevailing cold weather and predictions of front tor Tuesday night. vVlntr wheat Is backward and situation Is Irregular, with warmth and moisture needed. Reports of further damage by green bugs were received, but It Is believed that ths damago In this respect, haa been overestimated. The foreign demand la very atrong, as crop conditions are gener ally unfavorable on the continent, and M2. Oui) buahels of wheat were sold yesterday at seaboard for export, mostly 'Manitoba and durum. The close was weaker, with some uneasiness, due to realising Kales and short commitments. Corn was strong and at higher prices. In sympathy with wheat. Cables were higher and the market promises to hold steady aa long as receipts continue light. Fronts were taken on the slight hulire In prices and checked ths advance, although the trade waa small. Kxport sales at seaboard were Uu.00 bushels and the general situa tion Is strong. July corn showed the most strength and advanced c to 4Me bid. Closing prices were barely steady and original gains were Inst. Oats were strong under unfavorable weather conditions, and prices for all op tions made slight gains. May cash ad vanced Se and July and September options were up Ho. The market closed steady to slightly weaker In May options, but firm for the July and September options. Primary wheat receipts were M4,'0j bush els and shipments 5" bushels, against receipts last year of bushels and shipments of 164.000 buahels. Corn re ceipts were Sffl.nou bushels snd shipments 461. CM." bushels, against receipts of 417.i0 bushels and shipments of 293,004 bushels last year. Clearances were ITS.nno bushels of corn, none of oats, and wheat and flour equal to 173,000 bushels. Liverpool closed SSTd higher on wheat and "ed higher on corn. Local range of options: Artlclaa. Open. Hlgh. Low. aose. Tes y. WheatH 1 I T5SB! T414P.! 77Bl 7B 7 Bj 7.Bj 45A.B; .t 4.'A,B 45 B 4B 4isb' 41SBI 41SH' XiH! iS Bi May. July. 6ept. Corn May. July. Sept. Oats May.' 74V.B 45b' 46B "SB 7T!H 7 B 74 B TV TSVtB 45HB 46 B 44VB 41SB 4111 35 B 44B 45 BI 41VB 41SB! 41V4B July... 41B 8& ili Sept. B bid. Omaha Ca.h Prices WHEAT No. I hard, 7:'a-;4c; No. S hard. CTflTSc; No. 4 hard, 6tiic; No. 3 spring, 76740. CORN-No. J, Uiyfi 45c ; No. 4. 42'(;43Hc; no grade, 36ii4c; No. S yellow. 4im,io; No. ' I white. 4d47c. OATS No. i mixed, 4vtl-4io; No. S white, 414i41W!; Na. 4 white. 4S4,c. I RYE No. J, 62Hc; No. 1 Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago Kansas City 21 130 37 m 19 35 l.oiiiar.a 14 uluth .... CHICAGO GRAJW , ASD PROVIilOXl Featarea ef the Trad I. a ..4 Cicala Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. May J.-Wheat rrlcea had an other al.arp advance here today because of the continued cold weather in the west and southwest. At the close July wheat was up S0-c. Corn was off Oats were down sJc PTovlalons were up Zv 45 6c to c. Trading In wheat today was on a very !road scale, commission houses, shorts and bull traders competing fiercely for the grain. The selling was chiefly by holders. The principal cause of the demand waa the growing conviction that the wheat crop for in) will be greatly lessened becauae of un favorable weather conditions. Reports were received today from Nebraska and other sections of the winter wheat Delt that frosts last night heavily damaged the glowing crop. The prediction of the weather bureau that similar conditions will prevsll tonight intensified the bullish feeling. Sharp advances In prices at the chief grain centers of Burope wars addi tional aourcee of strength. Late In the day the edge was taken off the market by the weakness of coarse grain, but the senti ment continued bullish until the close, which was strong. July opened Si3,;c higher at Mqs4V. 'U at S4c and .hen advanced to ai,c. The close was at MHc Clearances of wheat and tluur were eiul to liW.Ox buahels. Primary receipts wore t4e,0l bushels, against SJI.OX) bushels f ir the same time last year. Minneapolis, Du lulh and Chicago reported receipts of 443 cars, against sis cars last week and 318 a year ago. The strength of wheat lent some firm ness to corn early in the day, but the market soon weakened on selling by ele vator Interests and continued rather weak for the remainder of the day. Claatr weather In the corn belt, which will facili tate planting, helped to create bearish sen. timenc. The market closed weak. July corn opened Stjc higher at, soli at loSc and then declined to uc. The close was at 49Vjt)c. Local receipts were 1 cars, with 1 of contract grade. Reports of damage to the oats crop by frost caust-d a good demand at the opening. Prices made substantial gains, but later the advance was lust on prurlt-taking sales. The market closed weak. July osls opened V,c lower at higher at 43Virt4c, sold off to 4.',ac and closed at 12t4JC Local receipts were 1ST cars. . . Provisions were firm on a good demand for lard, local stocks of which were much smaller than generally estimated. At the oioae July pork was up 6c at fii.K. Lard was up THo at $ si-. Ribs were 2Wj6o higher at l 75t 77. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 94 cars; corn, A-4 cars; oats, 3Ji can; begs, ZZ.we bead. SI. Lea Is Ceaeral Market. ST. 1X3118. May l-WHEAT-Hlgher; track. No. 3 red, cash, 82yMc; No. 3 hard, '.SSi-ele; Way, 7c; July, nt,c. CvKN Weak; track. No. 3 cash, 60? 51c; May. 47Hc; July. 4Sc; No. 3 white, ai Ij-iiHc. OATS Week; track. No. 2 cash. 4Jv;; July, vf September, SSc: No. 3 white. 44iy. FLOt'R Firm; red winter patents, 33 3isj; extra fancy and sireJftit, cU-ar. Ii.6f.rr3.a6. bt-EO Meady; timothy. 33 ii.78. C HNMKAL Steady. 32 4U bRAN Firm; sacked, east track, fro, HAY Steady; timothy, iA.tsait.M; pralno, liutKiriioa IRON COTTON TIES 31.09. BAOOlNiJ liTc HUMP TWINt-lOc. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing. $'.4.i;. ni Lard, higher; prime ateam. lata. I.ry salt ineata steady; boxed extra shorts, isv, clear ribs, toeUns; sLort clears. 39 7. I.aoon, steady, boxed extra shorts, 10.I7; tWar ribs. (iu.&u, sUort cleara, 3iu.i. puL'H'K Y Firm; HWi apring, yVc; turkeys. ll.(12c; ducks. Uic; geese. CO UlTTER-Steady; creamery, U&Sc. KOvjt r irm, 14c. Flour, bbls Wheat. 3 Corn, bu Oala, bu Receipts. Shipments. .... I.KV Tud .... .( K.tst) ....livxj b vasj .... KOi-O Jti.oi) tCawaaa City Grata sad Prsvlaloaa KANSAS CITT, May 3 WHEAT May, riJ.o; July. TSc; Septercher, TVc 4 ash: No. 2 hard. Itauc, No 3. 7iTc; No. 2 red, 4iuosoi No, 3, 7jUa tX)HN-May. 4jc; July. 4fc: September. sfc. Casn: No. I mlied. e-HipiTc, No. 3, 4iWo; No. 3 wblta 4Si,J4W; Nj. 3. 4Mc. ATt No. 3 white, 4S:; No. 3 mixed. tWc. HAT Steady : choice timothy, H4.Stftf.Q0; clu't.-e ir.ine. 3 ' 10 C... i'.t F. l-teady, 1'GijS-Hnii; extra f ncy. 16c; current re cts ciiacs Included, iiew caava 14H1 s-ortd sai.d cs-s, 14o cases returned. 1 Uc. soutntrn. cases lnrluded, 1jC lil'TTtK Creamery. !.-: r-ackma. 16c. Re. e eia Shipments sVaeat. bu a,m &.iaa) f" bu. bu.. U.ISJO 1VM Closing quotations at Kansas City as fur nished by lectin A Bryan. No. a Board of Trade: Articles. I Open. High. Low. Close, Wheat I I I May 74J T4' T?V T3 Corn 1 , T V 44', 4JV Jn'r 4iV 464 4i 4 m -d SEW YORK OEXEHAL MARKET Oaotattoas of the Day , VaHewa tesatmeslltle. NEW YORK. May t FLOCR Be ceipis, ia.6,6 bbia: exports. s. dois ; mar- ket firm and lighter, but qutet. Minnesota tents. 44 afeAoo; Mtnneeots risers, iaiy J-75; winter patents, U.w8H uu; winter straights. t4Ot4t; winter extras, fi.0 vlf; winter, low grades, JJJTrl0. Kye flour, firm; fair to good, t ten; choice to fancy, ttifcj4.1t. ! tUHiiutJklr-wteaay; nne wane ana yel low; fi.20, coarse, $1.101 U; kiln dried, t2 5fc 2 75. WHEAT Receipts. 10,030 bu.: SDOt mar- : ket firm; No. 1 red, iAo, elevator; No, 2) red, St-sc f. o. b. an oat; no. 1 northern, I L'uluth. IT'ec, f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard winter, 8-2NC f- o. b. afloat. Further heavy frosts In winter wheat states and delayed northwest se-dlng started another scare of shorts In wheat today. Prices advanced i lc before checking by heavy realising In 1 the last hour and established new high records for the season. Crop damage re- ' ports were numerous from all parts of the western belt. Klnal prices snowed tjlSc net advance. May. HSu;c, closn-1 at K.'Sr. July, si -i33Vsc. closed at to; tieptember, tl -lVgwSc, closed at 2 ll-lc. CORN Receipts. 104,126 bu.; exports, M. ?4 bu.; spot market firm; No. J, Vc, ele vator, and 67c f. o. b. afloat; No. I white, 6Vc; No. 1 yellow, b7c f. o. b. afloat. Op tion market waa without tranaactlona, closing nominally He nst higher. Msy closed at 00c, July at l&4c, September closed at tfc. OA'l Receipts, 1U.000 bu.; exports, 11. 4) bu.; spot market Arm: mixed oats, N to I 32 pounda. 4-v,94Sc; natural white, to , pounds, 41T,'o-4ii'c, clipped white, M to 40 pounds, ruMitc HAY Firmer; shipping, S0$6o; good to choice. U S-tiLa. HoPS-juiet; state, common to choice. 19U, Hy16c; 1. 4ac; Pacific coast, 19U&, VjAIc; 1K06, 41060. HlOtd Dun, Central America. J4e; Bogota, !4c. LEATHER Steady; acid, t1&ic. PROVISIONS Beef. steady; family, 114 000 14. 0; na cl rri' Pickled hams. Ill.7V.nt2S. Lard w estern prime, $8 fcb; refined, firm; co tlnent, 5 30; South American. tlO.ov; cor """"1,? '" South American. llO.ov com- pound, Io.S&S.bO. Pork, steady- family Z'iS-JS- h0rt Clemr"' P710; ro"- 3.7 . 171 IS. 00. TALLOW Firm; city (32 per package), 6c; country (packages free), eSi4V,c. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, I 'j e "n, ; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Firmer; street price, extra creamery. 274i?71tIc; official prices, creamery, common to extra. 2'e27c; held, common to firsts, 2ot)3c; state dairy, common to fancy, 'a ti itc ; western factory, common to firsts, lsti c; western imitation creamery, extra, &c, firsts, zwac. CHEi-i&-Flrm; state full cream, col ored and white, small, September fancy. 15c; small. October best, 1414c; good to prime. 12Q14Hc; large, September fancy, I&c; good to prime, Uc(al3c; Inferior. lmuvsc. ErG9 Firm; state, . Pennsylvania and neurhy fancy selected white, 21c; choice, brown and mixed extra. lfraSOc; firsts to extra firsts, lSfrlKSc; western storage packed Arsis, 17V31Sc (official price, lTVfcC); le-ii'1' VH7T7c. POtLTRT Alive, firm; spring chickens. 2bfeic; fowls. 13Vrc; turkeys, 11c Dressed, steady; turkeys. lOQlsc; fowls, lialc. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Articles. I Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. ITesy. r- Wheat May July Sept. Dec. Corn May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. Pork Msy July Lard May Julv Sept. Ribs May July Sept. 04j! SIS 36 I o&t o7s.8THeS 'HHW ST Niail-V 85S 87SfeeJ KOa. 504 VI 4W4, 49V5TW (oh 501, to 46Tt47 60S, 47HfTi 4S 44 4Hl 4H I4jnij44i 4.1-n, 1V 15 CH U 30 I ZH I 75 3 30 3 KH 3 rH 3 gz 37W li 6E It K 1 B 14 36 170 ' U KM 1 WPf, 15 KW 77H 3 7H t 70 8 82H R S3H V 3 90 3 75 3 (ft I su 3 y s W 82"ny TTtjl 1 75 371 3 S24! 3 37H No. t. Cash quotations were ai follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patents. tt.lOQ 3.4u; winter straights. 3i.903 a5; spring pat ents. t3.4ab": spring straights, tJ.OuQatO; bakers, 32 0Oift.8O. WHEAT No. I spring. 88SotC ; No. S spring. 7tvac; No. 3 red, TmaJHe. CORN-No. X 6036oc; No. i yellow, 5ofr61c. OA Td No. 2. 48Hc; No. 3 white, 435464e, RTF No. t, c, P A RLE T Fair to choice malting. T1bt74c. SEKL'S No. 1 flax, 3114: No. 1 northwest ern. 31.21. Timothy, prime, 34.30. Clover, contrsct grade. 31& J6. PROVISIONS Short ribs sides noose). 3s rvt &-. Mess pork, per bbl.. $15.72 1 f. Lard, per 1-0 lbs.. 3S.C7H- Short clear side (boxedl. 33.750 00. The receipts and shipments of flour and grain were: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu Rye. bu SS. 47.300 ft.uOO lfiCOOO 3.4.30U itTMOo 3u ." 1.5-0 Barley, bu.. .. 21.9 11.100 i On the Produce exchange today the But- 1 ter market was steady; creameries, lAQXc; dairies. UTAc Frrs. firm; at mark, cases Included. I&&I6V10: firsts, 13c; prime firsts. 16c Cheess, steady; 14913c Liverpool Crala aid Irvlatoas LIVERPOOL, May J. WHEAT-Bpot steady; No. 2 red western winter, (A 2d; No. 1 California, Ss 4d; futures, quiet; Mar, 6 7d; July, s 4d; September, 6 CORN Spot Arm: American mixed new, 4s 3d; American mixed old, (s d; futures, quiet; July, 4a 7d, September, ta 74d. MtaaeaaolU Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May t WHEAT M ay, SMbc: July. ac; No. 1 hard, 3sc; No. 1 nonrsern, ffc; No. 1 northern, tVitc; No. I orthern. S!S2a F LOIR First patent. 34.4(jK; seoond patents. 34.3it4 40: first cleara tJulfio second clears. tieTfelM. BiUN-ln bulk. i4 6oiTlA7i Hllwsakts Grata Market. aOLWAnCKKV May 1 WHTJIT No. I northern. StisiWc; No. I northern. 3MlF: July, 34e. rteJ-no. l nvtvc . BARL2T No. I 7e: sample, flEeyifc. CORN No. 3 cash, 4vbHc; July, 4c, bid. PkllaAelakta PrwAaee Market. PITILADFLPHTA, May l-EOOS-rirni and la good demand; w cetera firsts, free cases, ltc. at mark. CHE &-!) aad weak; Nsw Tork full creams, fancy, 14c; New York full creams, choice. Ur314c Peerla Grain Market. PEORIA. May l-CORN-Higher; No. I yellow and No. 3. 4c, No. 1 4c. ne grade, OAT9 Higher; No. t white, ete; No. I white. 43c; No. i white, tic. HI e Firm; No. 2. :H-31ic- 3sJatk Grata Market. DL'Lt'TH, May I WHEAT No, 1 north ern, 3So; May, 3C)C; July, 8c; Pemm ber, eJ-Sc OATS To arrrva, 42c TeleAe AeeA Market. TOLEPO, May t 8 EEXB Clover, cash, 3; October, TsSt,: Tecember, 37 65; March, 37 .70- Timothy. 33. 3u. Alaike. 37 46. CosTee Market. NEW TORK. May 3. OOFFEB-Market for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 3 points. In sym- fiaihy with steady Preach cable. Trad Dg was rather quiet and the market held around the Initial figures until pear the close, when June em offered Qtt and last pncea were 10 pot La net lower on June and unchanged to 3 points higher on other positions. feies for tt.e day were reported of 31 Boo bags, including May at 3 44c, Juiy, (.Sf-riukV:; September 3&'tb3ur- LecefYitr. l i-v6IK, March, e ll'Si lie. The world s visible supply siatement Indicated an In crease of (11,707 bs"a for the month of April, against a decrease of 3Sl.ij bags for the same month kist year, making the world s visible supply ss of May 1 13 ar,74l begs, against iv.ky4VU7 begs last year. Ppot qulsl, Kko Nu. 7. 3c ; Bta,nLu4 So. 4 7to tuiid duel; Cordova, m Ja. ma, i!4.ooirz.ou; pacnei, iiu.hoii.uip; ! atr.nath A. t tv,. .,,.,. .... .., ty..ext lnd'Jm. i2?,,00 . 1 Th8 unfavorable effect of the proposed eata steady pVkled bellies. I10.50u12.o0; i, t-v. nr, ...n i,i I.. NEW YORR STOCKS AND BONDS Mark t A tain Beaposdt to an Advtnct in TJaion Pacifio Ehtrtt. STRENGTH OF THIS ISSUE UNEXPLAINED Raaaer rirealatea that Treaaary Assets Are te Be Distributed la ta Be Forced. NEW YORK. Mav l.-Tne stock market again todsy showed Itself responsive to the course of union Pacific and not mucn to any other development. the lone was heavy during the early part of the day In continuation or the depression unoer which the dealings ended yesterday. Union Kaclflc shared to some eitent in the de cline. The better tone which ensued when the Hiirrlmsn stocks turned upward was not widespread and was not decided out- pacific shared to some eitent in the d- aide of that Immediate traun. The strength of Union 1 aciflc was as much without explanation In any f-peclal i development aa It has been from the first I and continued In consequence the subject ' of a great variety of rumors, for which nj authoritative confirmation could be held, i he apurt in the preferred st ick preceded ths recovery In the common end served to revive the tumors of a distribution of shares In a company which would hold Union Pacific stocks In other compares. The preferred stock has not hitherto move I In company with the common, although the report of an Intended holding company has been current ever since Union Pae fl became active and strong. It was enly recently pointed out that preferred stock holders would share with holders of com mon stock rights to any distribution of Union Pacific treasury assets. The Jump In the preferred stock today might be es cribed either to a belated recognition of the value of expected rights or a percep tion of market operators of a rlae In the common not shared in by the preferred. ; The lack of authentic Information to count for the Union Pacific movement makes It somewhat unconvincing as a re flection of general market conditions It Is expected that the statement of net earnings of the two Harrlman companies, which w ill be published probably tomorrow, will make a favorable showing. The sympathetic in fluence of the action of the Harrlman stocks was most distinct In other trans continental stocks and others that have been Joined In previous movements The bonds bearing ( per cent Interest seem-d 10 do mooinea to some extent todsy. The 0m convertible 4s of th. romeunv rw 1 ered a part of yesterday's decline and the general bonds market was net affect as much ss had been feared by bond dealers aa a consequence of the terms offered by the company to secure new capital. Some benefit accrued to the late stock market from the failure of the wheat markt to hold Its extreme rise. There was an In creased disposition also to ascribe a part of the keen demand for wheat to the poor prospects or foreign harvests as well as cur own. The money markets underwent no marked chsnge In conditions. Weekly reports of the great foreign banks all came to hand today. All showed some spe cial strain on resources attributed to the May let setliementa The fact that monev conditions have remained tranquil ail through In spite of the extra requirements helped to confirm the growing confidence in the real and substantial nature of the relaxation In the world's money markets Lnlon Pacific was pushed to above 150, but tne even figure was evidently the b Jectlve point of the day's movement and the stock closed there, holding the general market firm. Bonds were Irregular; total sales par value. 31.4&0.CM). United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of, sales and closing quotations on stocks wefe: Bales. Riga. Lew. Closs ' Adams Kiprssa Amalgamstsd CVwpsr Am. c. A r Am. C. A r. pfd Am. Cotton oil Am. Oxton Oil pfd. Aiasrtraa Biprsss Am. H. A I pfd Amerlcaa law Am. Linssed Oil An. Liases Oil pfd Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotlra pfd Asa. I A It Am. S A R. pfd Am. lagar Rsflnlsg As Tohaeee pfd ttfs Aaseeada M In lag Co Atrklsoa Atrhlsoa pfd Atlantis Coast Una Bsltlmors A Ohio Bsl. Ohio pfd Brook Ira Rapid Tr Cansdiaa PscISs fW . Centra! of K. J Cbssapswk A Ohla Oileaso Ot. W Chicago A N. W C H. A Bt. Cklcage T. A T Chleafo T. A T. pfd C. C. C. A Bt. L. Colarado T. A I Colorado A- so Colo. A Be. 1st pfd tola. A so. Id pfd Consolidated Oss Cora Products Corn Prodtaets pfd tNiiawmr A Hadsea tml.. L. A W rwiesr A . O D A n. O. pfd Distillers secarltlsa Erls Erts 1st pfd Erie Id pfd..' General Klsetrlc Illlaola Costrsl tnurnstloasl Paper Int. Pspsr pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd loww Central Iowa Central pfd Kansas City Bo "K copper industrials showed some Increased W r.T rv, fg,s r. TO J 7V, ri t"0 t 4 JO'S J0 3, n t 1 1"0 r4 rn t 100 744 714, 734 :::::: ::::: : ::: 400 44 44 4J Iwo u tie i-e 30. SO 1X5 44 )vlt 0 lu4 10s V 1I&T, SI 14 .K 44V, (11 MS .' tHS Ki 10O KB, sb's lOG IM MS " 1-0 ti rt l.sntl MV, (4 II , l. 177 175 in I IM Line it 414, n 4'B USA 11 11 1M 151 1S4 .0 lit U5i 13- iin "is ' "it" 15 I 71 7t 71 i 2.0IO Si4 3' 3 1 l.ltoo 254 ! 1 O 4rt 4- .'e I,e0 l 44 4 IO 113 133 IU14 , 14 1" T7 T7 T7 j too m 18 l'-5 474 L"9 34 2 74 00 T( 7fl T i r 4 m M Mi .w iv n t la0 144 147 14a ; 144 14 74 ia ii 400 ") ls 1.4 14 4 If, 1 K a. c bo. pfd 40 6's LobjIsviiis A N lri 21 1i.u XcbIosb Central 0 ta Tl Z 7 DO (014 444 4 1 IO 134V4 1U IS) r -s 7114 74 ta rit as tlOO 43 4B 43w II te i't4 i:sh ru ICS) STte 7t II ::::: ::::: 73 k M., Bt. P. A B. B. ST. . M . Bt. f A A B. If. pfd. Mlssotiri Pacific M . K. A T U.K. AT. pfd Natisaal Lssd N R. R. of si pfd.... New Tork Central K. T . O A W Norfolk A W Norfolk A W. pfd. North Amerlcaa Paelac Mall -aensylvanta s-sepls's Oas P.. C. C. A Bt. L lei. 47 4" 1?H ir 40 BJ t! Btasl Car B. C. Bfd S 1C4 i:r, X H ti 1 ' 4." tl 47 141 r inn W ts sf Palimaa Pslaos Car... tes-liBS ksadlnf lat p'd Asadlr.f id pfd Republic Steel Rspubils Btesl pfd Rock Island Co Rack Iaiasd Co. pfd .. St. L. A B F td pfd.. It. bus I a S W 3t. U 8 W pfd Bovtnera Paeltc Bo. Facile pfd. So. Rsllvsy So Rs.ll war t Tsansaasa C. A I Tea a A Pacific , T.i 8. U A W T . Bt. L. A W. pfd... rataa PscISs Tslea PsclSs pti C. B Rieresa O. t. Rssltr - C. B Kuboer C. 1 Auhosr ft r a. stesi.. C B Btael pfd Va. -Care. CasaUcal . . . Va-Csro. OasaL pfd... Wabask tikS pfd Wslls-ysrso Vrprssa . ....Ut.ino l'.i4 1U lot M-, M4 " too 'jsii 't4(4 l.e" i '"jn r-i 344 Kb MSi 114 US 44' 47 l 7a l.rt 114 1 J") T?H tot 41 n tos 3 41 8M4 he U4( 53s 1.34 .354 - V- 14fS !' i.rv s es ta "H e 41 471, I2 loo M l'-B 1W . Tt. ' J" s ' iet- l"!1 M l lea) za js itisj 14 V sue 34 tsr 144 It j Waallngkousa Elsetrls Wasters raloa Whosllnc A L. ..... WIsoobsis Central u Central fd Nonksra r-adfls C steal Lsa'hsr Central Laatbsr pfd... B (e ekefH.,4 Btosl ... Oewsl Won k sea pfd Int. Mstroeolltaa 400 tS44 '"309 iie !."lar..-i '.jail 4 -s .4i . i-s) n li'i ... 3.C-B) IM HX too 4i 'ii-i -.4 t n s, 1K4 l-, k'H - 4 luL Msiroaelnss pfd . troaelnsasl salsa tor" tk Total Us say, TBI. sob saana For eln Financial. LONDON. May 1 Money was in good demand In the market today. Calls for 87.5uO.iaO offset the day's distribution Con sols were steady. Trading n toe Stock exchange displayed no new foaturee Dull ness predominated in the absence of In vestor. Consuls snd other first-class se curities declined. The decreased bunk re serve, causaad by the outflow of rash to Scotland, did nut affect ths market. The steadiness of prices in Paris was reflected by aa lrrirovment In foreigners. Japa nese lm;erlal 6a of 1 -M4 closed st 1 V Americans opened at about parity and re ceived steady support durinsT ths forenoon, but the Atchison bond issus checked the advance. Later the receipt of the New Tora opening pricee caused uncertainty, but buying order received during the last half hour resulted in prices closing s'.radv. Kaffirs were depressed. Copper shares started well, but easel genera, ly with the decline In the irks of the metal. B-s;.n consolidated and Amalgamated closed firm. PARIii. Msy 3 Tradin on the Bourse today opened with an undecided tone, but laiar prices suulheud on ruiuors of r"1i'-g rKii'p It tr-- i.iV-.-t Ku!iri 4s i loanl at ? an.l HusUn bon is of at PKKI.1N. Mar 2. Prices on the Rmirse tlnr were weaker on New York advices. Kutsiana were higher. evr York Money Market NEW TORK, Mav I.-M )NEY-On call, steady. IV' i J jr cent; ruling rate, per cent; closing bid. I per cent; offered at I' rer cent. Time loans, steady; sixty days. Iijfr per c-nt; ninety days, 4 per cent; six months. 4 per cent I RIME MERCANTILE PAPER -per cent STKRI.INd EXCHANGE-Firm, w'th -r. tuil business n bankers' hills at K SeZh'i 4 Xvi for demand and at $4 aT-io! 4 fcUo for sixty-day bills; posted rites, $4 M-u-4 87; commercial bills, 14 S. SILVER Har. 6uec; Mexican dollars BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotations oa bonds today were as follows: r. 1 m. ta, 4 o coesos C l. rs 4e con pea V. I old 4a. 4o eon dob . ..14 Jtra St. M series.. H ..l4 1 4a ctr to 4S rtra ..lOM io 14 win 1 ..lam LAN unl. 4s 1"! ..K-IV, 'Mtn. e. , 4a sii T S new 4a, rf ...14 Mi' Central 4 so do etipon .l!-4 Mlnn. A Si. U 4s.. . r . 7J M . K A T 4s MH .li 00 Is t Am. Tobacco A"niao gfn- 4s. do sdj. 4s Atlantic C. L. 4s. "N. R K. of M c. a S tit X T. C. s IS N. J c s 1J4" Pal. A Ohio 4a... dO J its .. .MK No Pirlflc 4s. "f ... W do Is Tiw ... MS N". A W. c 4s ...! O S. i.. rldj U t4 ... So Fenn ronT IHs 9i ...74 Fesding gen 4 TH Brk R. T. 4s le-tral of Oa 1o lat inc. to Id Inc do Sd Inc rhs A Ohio 4Ha . .fct.sso A A. Ia C . B y a i .. C. R I. A P. ta .. - 1 a 1. m. e as. ne i s l. r 'mr 9S u. e. w c. 4s. S eho,ni a b. 4s . 7 -a So P( IBr 4s ,.. M do 1st 4a rtfa 74 TIW, " ' lmt, 1".S 7 lnt4 714. ISj IS do col. 4s.... frr. as Lis ih fo rh., olo Ind Is sar. A. 41 Texas A P la Colo. Mid s T . 8t L. A W 4s. 'H fnlotl Pai-lfc 4 1'V, r 8 Stsel id ta ... 4 Wahsah la M- ,1o deb B U 'WMttn lit 4s 1"H W A L. K 4a H Wis Caolral ta 'olo. A So. 4s Cubs 5m D A R. O. 4 T'latlllsrs' Sec. 5s . Ens p I. is H. wains Val 4V,s... Japan 4a Bid. -Offered. I floston Stocks and Bonds. I BOSTON, May 2. Call loans, lit per I cent: time louns. 4,CH per cent. Official , closing quotations were: Atchtaon Id. 4s do 4s Wei Central 4s AUhlsotl do pfd "Boston A Alhsnr.. Boston A Mains fltrhbarg pfd Mtilcan Csr.tral N T.. N H AH. t'nlon Paelfle Am. Pnen Tuba Amer. 9usar do pfd Am. T A T 1H fsl. A Heels. fsO 7,n Centenrlal 31 79 Copper Kanrs "4 K H. Pale West 14w SfSl F-ankltn 1 I'S flranr-r IX) 11 Ile Royals XI .131 Mata. M.nlnJ 7 '4 .. Sl4 Michigan li ..1 Mohawk . U Mont C A C lit .. Ioii" Pom'nlos . .II.'." Oseeola 14T ..12.'. Pan-ot !H ..114 gumi-T 13SV, .. 4 Shannon 'I4 .. W4 Tamarack 1?T . Trinity T: .. 14 Tinted Copper Il4 .. 54 V. S Mining 6f . . 7 1'. 8. Oil 10 ..11 P'ah 44'4 . . Vlrtnrla SS .. Ta Winona I"- . . 4"S Wolrerlne 14 ..l"ft North BottB 7 .. r Putts Ooslltloa 37 1 .. II Nrrada 14 . . STB, CsL A Arlsnns 174 .. 14 Arlaoua Com. 24 H Am. Woolen do pfd Edison Elee Illo... Mass. Electric do pfd Mass. Gas t nlted Fruit tnlted g. M do pfd t' 8 Stael do pfd Adventure AMouea A mains mated Atlantic Bingham tia. Asked. London Closlna Stocks, IXJNDON. May 2. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: n oi money .. i IS-ll S T. Central do account 44 J-I4 Norfolk A W Anaconda It do pfd Atchlron 47 Ontario A W do pfd PennsrlTanla Paltliore A Ohio lot Rani Mines Canaiflsn Pacific 14: Rea-Jtna; Cheaareake A Ohio... 43 Bouthern Railway Chlcsio Ot. W 11 do pfd C . M. A Bt. P In Souihsrn Pacific m . 1 . fst . . 45 . . 57 . TO 7 PS Beers fnloa Pacific ! D. A R C do pfd Brts da 1st pfd ... do id pfd Illinois Central I.ulirtll A K. II. K A T do pfd 41 77 r. 8. Btsel M UK do pfd 104 S" Wahsah 1 40 do pfd rr IM Ppanlih 4a W 111 Grand Trnnk 1 tl SIL-FR Bar, quiet, 30 3-16d per ounce. MONEY 2"5r 2t per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 3 per cent; for three months' bills, 34 per cent. -- Yor' Mlnlnsr forks. NEW TORK. May a Closing; quotations on mining; stocks were A a ma Cos 71 "Mat ... Alice lireee 4.V! Ontario ... ..411 .. .. S .. 71 .. 44 .. 15 .290 n Opslr , 44 t.,.( Prunawlcs Con. ComstoeX Tunnel .... II SiTars f'.f - Veeada . Bmall Hodss .. Con. Csl A Va 44 Horn. Bllvsr . Iron Bilrsr ... Leadrllls Con. ...1?5 . Jli Standard .. 4 Baa It of England Statement. LONDON. May t The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the f.. How-Ins- changes: Total reserve, decreased A'iOOo; circulation. Increased 42B,0uO; bul lion, decreased A433 S30; other swcurltlea, decreised ,000: other deposits, decreased .M46.0ii0: public deposits, increased 416.0i0; notes reserve, decreased 9Ht0; govern ment securities, unchaneed. The pre por tion of the banks Debility this week Is 45 21 per cent, compared with 46 32 per cent list week. Bank of FVanee Statement. PARIS. May t The weekly statement rf the Hank of France shows the following' chances: Notes In circulation. Increased R0, 17Tj.rX'f: treasury deposits, decreased 40.475,-0"-f; reneral depoelts lncren.ed TS C jnf ; srold In hand. Increased'f : sliver In hM. decreased Z'l.V.vt: bills discounted, increased lSo.3P0.0lof ; advances, increased l.doC'.OC'jf. Rank of Germany Statement. BERLIN, Mav S The weekly statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows the following changes: Cash In hand, de creased 43 Vj.Ori-m; treasury notes. In creased 8on,0tm; other securltlesB. Increased ta wJV'i-om; notes In circulation. Increased I Treasary Statement. WASHINGTON. May 2 Today's state ment f the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 3KV.O0O.0t gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, Jli,2,ir.SX3: gold coin snd bullion, 31U1.3S7, W. gold Ceruflcates. 44.0X.O. Bank Clear! a a. OMAHA. Msy 2. Clearings for today were 32,26.004.03 and for the corresponding date last year tl, 770.311. 50. Wool Market. BOSTON, May 2. WOOL The woo! mar ket la dull and steady to firm. It is be lieved that much of the immediate future in Boston depends on the developments la London. Of importance in tnls country Is the first movement in new Arlxona terri tory wools at satisfactory price. In pulled wools the feature is ths Increased interest In the low grades. Foregn wools are firm. Leading domestic quotations range aa fol lows: California tscoured basal: Northern, choice, ti7u-c; i.oithern, good. o-jti7c; mid dle county, u&uuoc, southern. 6?H:l3, fall free, 57yc. Ores', n iscoured besisi: Lastern, No. 2 staple, TS-jTSc; eastern. No. 1 clothing, 67-.c; valley. No. 1, 6iriJtic. Territory sta ple (scoured basisi: Fir.e. 72⪼ nne me dium, 6r.i7yc; medium, 'x.4jik Territory or dinary tscoured banlsi: Fine 6SyToc; tine medijm, tsVoioc; medium, 6ea"4c. Colorado and New Mexico sprng tscoured): X, tj oc; No 1, 63?i. Pulled wools (soetueu basis;: Extra, 7iu75c; fine, 63fct&c; A ssjpers, 4r 5- v IXIN'DON, May 2. WOOL A good se lection waa offered at the wool auction sales here today. Fine grades were In brisk demand and prices were well main tained. Scoureds were In good demand for the continent. Greasy, first combine, so d at full rates and lambs sold well. Americans bought greasy, broken hoggets snd poor comblnim The smounted to 11S.115 bale. ST. LoCleJ. May 2 WOOL-Steady ; me dium grades r -tiiblrig and clothing- r.yjoc; light fine !-j-ilc. heavy fine, lial7c, tub washed, rsg37c Metal Market NEW YORK. May 2 METALS Tin was lower in London, with spot closing at 14 and fjtures at lal. Locally tie market was steady, with spot at 812 32Vjrt42 76 Copper lost Just about half of yesterday a gain in the IM.don market, wnn spot closing 1 lus lower at llai 5s and futures 1 lomtr st i' 15s lxnal.y tf e market was t-teady. with luke at 8--'0"i 5u. elec trolytic at fc'4 37V(iJ4 T5 and castu.g at M 00 tiJ3 5u Lead was t 36. 'i lu ti.e local market, but declined 11 ,9 ITs 6-1 In I.nd-n. telter i unchanged at W In the London market and at H S"iio in trie local market Iron was d h:her In Ixind-m. with standard foundry ouoted at ts snd Cleveland warrants at 5sa 3d. The l-.ral n.arset was unchanged, with No. I northern f -undry at li A ji( 15, N I northern founJry at 8it.7 r.i.75. No. 1 aouth ern foundry at 8-''-a i bu and No. 2 south ern foundry at 3- l uJ i 00. 8T UT1S. May 3 -M ETALBs-vLead steady, 3. fclilt Kb. Speller. Cria, K4-0 47r UilAHA LIVE STUCli MAREET Eathfr 'W.ak Toollnc ii Ctttlo Varaot kid frets Art Lowor, HOCS LOWER EXCEPT BACON CRADES rrlees ef Mattea Grades Arc Lowes All Areaa4, bat Prime Sheep Still Have raraaaeaa. lac Pealtlea. 95LTH OMAHA. May 1 Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sneep. ... 4.41 4.i2 aX-4 ,.. 1.ZD 14.1-4 6.W ,.. I.'TIT 12. iM .0s ... 4,w iiju 4. am Oftlcial Monday .... Olhclal Taesday Olllclal Wednesday Oltlcial Thursuay .. Four days this week...21.6ug 23Q 8ameJs las', week Z.toS W, iv.tsA Fame uays weess aTo..U5i-3 j;.'k 4..V San.s days 3 weexs aK0..1"4 SJ.l.V" .iM Same dais 4 weeks U.tsU .'! Same das last Week li.7-4 .41 21. J 1 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last ear: 1 17. 1W. Inc. Dec. I Cattle SA.U-4 !2i.7vS 72.444 'Hugs r9,.5. sSl.141 : Sheep fc.--t.7u2 4o,7J) CATTLE QI OTATIONS. Good to choice torn-tea steers T-.J'-eO Fair to good corn-fed steers 4 li Cummcn to fair steers 4.ivi4 75 , (rood to choice fed cows 4ivo 10 Fair to good cows and heifers 3ci4 & Common to fair cows 2.2ojS W , Fair to choice stockers A feeders.. 45.o.O) Fair to good stockerr A feeders.... 4.'-;-4 50 ; Common to fair stockers 3tu4 'v) Bulls, stags, etc 2 7514.6. Veal calves 4.aja) The following table show the average i price of t.igs at South Omaha for the lasl several daya. with oumpansotis: Date. 1S07. l30.lM6.ilM.il9CiS.l902..l3Ol. April 22 April 3 April 24. ( 35Vai 5 33 31 5 3t' 37 S 33' 4 31 1 .'I 4.8,i 7 or, 7 02: 7 . 7 05! ( ftr'i f S3; 77 m; 6 o3 7&i Ho 5 SI 6 W 5 M 3 7 ( W, 5 7S 7 Oo: 5 7 5 72 7 07, 7 03 5 r e 94, 6 6 90 6 64 7 00i 6 71 34 -A 2v, 3 34, C 36: a tt April April April April April lis. . 5 io' 5 23 5 IS 5 10, 6 11 4 75 4 7S 4 7S 4 72 4 Oi 4 62 I 4 67 2 I 29. A pill 30.. 11. S May 1 May 2. 6 2'b: 27 Sunday. Catt." nogs. Omaha 33 0ou6 75 35.10'u.v Chicago l vy.40 & rVjt.66 Kansas City l"&i.S iMv 424 St. LouW l.-a-i 6-J 6 5i Sioux City 8.1V'6.76 .2ua.j0 The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Oaltle. Hoxa. Sheep. H'r's. C . M. ft Bt. P Wabash 2 Missouri Pacific 4 I nion Pacific system 37 C. & N. V.. eait & C. A N. W . west 31 C, Bt, P., M. ft O.... i C, B. ft Q . east 4 C, B. ft W .west 1(A C, R. I. ft P, east., i C. R. I. ft P., weat.. 1 Illinois Central 5 Chicatro Great West n S Total receipts 225 3 2 3 36 11 6 56 3 7 2.. 27 2 2 4 2 1.. 1 1 12 19 2 The disposition of the day s receipts was as follows, each buyer purcliaslrui the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hoks. Sheep. Omaha Packing- Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour ft Co Swift, from 6t. Joseph... Vansant ft Co Carev A Benton McCfeary A Carey W. I. Stephen Hill A Son F. P. Lewis Huston A Co Hamilton A Rothschild.. Klngan A Co J. H. Bulla J. B. Root A Co T. B. Inghram Sullivan Bros '. Lehmer Brrs Hoffman Pkar. Co I nion I dressed Beef Co.. Other buyers L'Jf-S l.KHS 7t 90 3.'X 91 9.'6 8,037 13 te& 2.747 K'5 4M 36 3 17 7, M 28 1 33 261 15 225 !3 13 14 214 7 .... 4X Totals 4.K9 11,257 2.343 CATTLE Receipts were of very fair pro portions, but there has been a decrease 40 lar this week compared with last of nearly 2.U00 head. Compared with a year ago, however, there has been an Increase of approximately l.o-') head. The quality shows very little change from day to day. Lower markets east and the continued liberal supplies, together with the approach of warmer weather, created a rather wenk feeling In the trade this morning and open ing bids ;tnd salea were anywhere from weak to S$j'H lower than yesterday. Pack ers were not so anxious for the light stuff as tlsi-v have been lately, nor -nd they show any particular desire for the extreme heavy cattle. Medium welg-ht grades were In the heat request and sold to the best advantage, while plain, heavy and common light stuff was slow sale from start to finish. There was also an easier tone to the market for cows and heifera. Neither locsl buyers nor outside butchers appeared to be as anxious for the stuff as they have been lately. Aside from the choice light and heifery stuff prices ruled a shads lower then yesterday and the trade was slower than It has leen for several days. Veal calves were quotably weak at the recent decline, but the market ' hetd Jut about steady for bulls, stags, etc. Fresh receipts of Blockers and feeders were very light and largely for this reason the msrket held fully stesdy for all de sirsble offerings. As usual, there was little call from ar.y source for the common. Ilarht and medium weight stuff and the market was very weak on anything of this kind, also values were hardly quotably lower than they have been recently. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ks. 7.., ... 17... 14... 14... 14... It . 11... 14.. It... 10... St.., so.. 42... U.. 3 . 1.. 1.. 4 . U . 14. . tl . t.. I . t.. 3.. As. .,..-7'.t .... 47 ....IKS .... tt .... Ml ... .isil .... kii .... 1 .... ta .... 4J ...1174 ...ll' ....1K ... 11W ....lust ....11' .... tSO 11 .... 1(U4 .... J7 !4 ...113S ...1111 ....1041 Pr No. A TV I 0 i 14 4 It ( 13 4 14 I 30 i te i 81 4 ) I 34 5 46 4 14 4 J4 4 10 3 40 4 15 4 45 4 V 4 X 4 M 4 SO 4 40 4 40 4 74 4 74 4 70 4 14 4 45 4 U 4 70 4 74 4 TS 4 74 4 75 4 M 4 4 4 o 4 t 4 t t 00 3 04 17 r 4 i 17 It 32 .... 14 17 Tl 44 .... It a 24 II ...11SB5 ...1174 .. sa ...n.-t ...1X14 ...i:ts ...IllH ...1171 ...1X16 ....1X77 ...14:4 ... 14 . .114 ...llai ...1444 .. .141 .. .lOSI ...lZeO ...llai ...low ...1W0 ...1-eo ... 7oi ... 74X ... tk ...1424 COWS. ee 3 23 14 14 4 11 Ill 4 I 4 4 11 1 : I - 4 10 4 14 4 li 4 a 4 75 4 to 4 3 14 HEIFERS. ... 40 I 74 14 ... t:4 4 19 3 ... 4S4 4 It T ...1-4 4 16 4 ... 414 4 XS It BVLIA ...lite I 4 8 ...lto I 75 1 ...14JS I 75 1 ...1KO 4 00 CALVKS. ... tnt 4 40 1. ... l' 4 f 1 ... I et t ... ui ( fyi 1 FF.EDKR8. .. 4-H ,.l's5 .. 4 .. 4 ..1112 ..1741 . 1S1 ..1214 4 K 4 ii 4 M 4 44 4 10 4 1 4 tn 4 is IT... 14... li... . til . Its) . 175 . 140 . . --4 . II .Hit I 44 I 71 I 75 I 73 4 4 W 4 79 4 fs t n 4 is 4 at Til 111 I 14 7)1 III 4 II M IS" IT 4 1U 45) HOGS Another heavy run of hoys en abled packers to fores another moderate decline In values and the demand from all classes of buyers was sufficient to hold trio market steady fur the good light and bacon grades. In fact, some of the sates looked a shade stronger than yes'erday. On the other hsnd. packers hsld off a shade lower on prices for the heavy and packing grades frtm the start. The movement was very alusgiah all morning and wher. once under Way the heavy and packing hogs cenerally sold a shsde to 5c lower than yesterday. Tops brought V 35, ss sgainst 86 40 yes terday anJ the bulk of all the hogs sold at 36 206 5, as aatnst t6 kti.27s yester day P.epreaentstivs ssles: Ks. at th Pr Na. it IX. rr. 44 14 31) I 11 If t"T . . I 34 54 II ... 17 41 .51 st 4 Xi 11 K4 ... 4 M 44 Ill ... 4 41 M I!) It Ill ... t It 47 t"! ... 4 r 47 kl Si IK 41 Ul ... t M II It K II r tM ... 4 1 ft m n l.-i it 14 BO 4 IM 71 let In Ik 44. S7 ... 4 SU 44 1st 1 4 14 41 3l ... t M 14 AM . . 4 34 41 IM 44) 4 to Tl 1,1 II IX 15 ti ... I fc-B 4 Ml Ml 4 44 4 Xx4 81 4 I.-b Tl H ... 4 u 41 Tl 14 4 B 40 3 4 41 IH 44 XI ... I t-i II XW ... 114 4! ...... rv 1 ti-s n....... ut ... t i'vt tt M 144 III 4 let "... tr tl atj ... I t7H .,.... T ... 4 r4 7! J: ... 4 :; 74 tii ... I r, t 4i ... ic, 7 j o 4 r-a '. tl i 4 B1 K :-2 ... ( I 1 7 ri j 4 f si is . . 4 i: 44. J..7 ... 4 M t 4 r t, Tl J'5 4 JX. 4S 1a& 4.1 4 T" 4 l 4 ? SM n ... 4 " 4 ti M IV 14 .M . . I ' 7' tr i . 4 t; r: is is' 4 f H IP 74 I I I l, m sJ m 111 : i4 a 4 73 . .. 1:4 ii in SHEKl'-lls market was In niu-h th same condition aa It has been t ie lnt week. Trains were la'o In gMung In and this serlonsiv hampered the m vei ieni, buyers did not get out until a reason M . portion of the receipts were In sight That prices are lower on mutton gru.les Is cer tain, and while some of the irv l-st of fering do not show gnat derlin". the average run of mutton grades are 1-frir.c lower for the week. For prime flnlsnel stuff the market is yet In fair st i e. but on other kin. is the trade Is slug.sli at a sharp decline. Quotations on wooled killers Oool to choice lamb. 3.fSiS ; fair to go.-d lsmhs. IHojlofi; good fo choice yearling. In1) weights. 37 'Ki 7.7?; fslr to good vemllnirs. lamb weights, ICVi.x); good ii c'l I. yearlings, heavy weights, '9 7 (vi; fil to good yearlings, heaw weig t f:s,f 6.50: good to choke ell wethers siftry'O": good to choice ewes. 35 '. 75; fair to good ewes. 35 35$i6n: clirped sheep end sell sbout 11 off from above quctatio:ia. Kerreftentaf ive sales No. iy western ewes, shorn 4?" western ewes, shorn..,. 37 western wethers 15 spring lambs Av. . lo2 . K4 . . 4h TV 6 M 5 6 3 25 CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK M RKF.T tattle. Sheep and l.ambs Are Weak Hoars steady CHICAGO. May 2 CATTLE Receipts. ("! head: market wenk; common to prime steers.; heifers. 33.("'4i6 o- cows. 3.1 3f.5f5.Cs-: bulls, ft 4"ii4); calves. 3.7wtf 3 .75; -ckcrs and feeders. 3o.i6.S. Ho. ..9 Receipts. 21.t0 head: m-ket steady; choice to rrlme heavy. $ J 'iS f.,4; medium to g.vd heavy. 3" 46ut 47; butcher welehts. 3 47Wiij .55 ; iro.i to prime mixed. 3 4MJ4 47H; packlnar. 313ii 45. plga, 3i.5-il 6.5"; bulk of sales. 8 4VtS 50. BHKEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12.0ft) head, market weak: sheep. 31 lTli'i.15; year lings, 8S.J5iti7.un; lambs. tVi.&(n . 70. Kansas City Live Stoek Msrket. KANSAH CITY. May 2.-CATTLE-R-ceipts. 6.4O0 head. Including Mi southerns; market steady to Mc lower; choice export and dressed heef steers, t-i .;i; fair to Kood. 84 76ii60; western fed steers. tt.X-if. 5.50, stockers and feeders. U.2Z(if.; south ern stee s, $4.''uJ4o; southern cows. 3.1 V 4 50; native cows. t-2. i'.M 4 ; native heifers, t3.73J6.M: bulla. 815"V 4 fs): calves. .'..i':rt.( Hons-Re-oeipts. 13,."" head; niarkt i'vr lie lower; top, Pi37in,; bulk of sales. 3-ii:."uJ 6 35: heavy. 3-'. 2-Vu1: packers, pi itVii'j.Si; llsrhts. 8oSiii87H: rstw. 3S.:'n6.t. BHEKP AND LAM HS Receipts, 9. head: market steady; lambs. 37.t".i .-!'; ewes and yearlings, 36.fesiti.75: western fed yenrllnrs, 3nioh7.t0; western fed sheep, tt jo 60; stockers and feeders, I4.0o-(io 0u. St. I.onls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIB. May 1 CATTI.K Receipts, 2.00 head. Including 5"i Tex m. native market slow. Texans steady; native ship ping and export steers. to.2o'rif,.Siy. dressed beef anJ butcher steers, ti.b'at.'n; steers under l.Onn lbs.. 34 OjVjW.oo; stockers and feeders. 33.50ij5.25; cows and hellers. 315'j 6.75; canners, 3.02 .75; hulls. I3.TCU4 So; calves. tt.uVflf.oo; Texas snd Indian steers, tita6l0; cows and heifers, tl.9ou4.40. HOGS Receipts. U.ixO head; murket le lower; pigs and lights, 35 9"V45.5o: packers, 35.!wii.45; butchers and best heavy, td.46 6.56 r SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. l.ol head; market slow; native muttons. 33 iVi t o,: lambs, tt Or rsi (4): culls and bucks. 34.00 b 00; stockers. 33 50i4.25. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. BT. JOSEPH. May 2. CATTLE Receipts. S.S'l head; market 10c lower; natives. l 3-"f 6.15; cows and heifers, 82.254.1)0; stockers and feede'S. 33.50$i4 40. 1 HOUS Receipts. 9.107 head; market 2V, 5c lower; top, 3o.4u; bulk of salea S. 2Cr t (.35 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 573 head: market steady; lambs, 3 t-4it.C6; yearlings, r.0067.50. Slnox City Lire Stoek Market. SlOfX CITY. May t-(8ped8l Teleirram .) CATTLE Receipts. X head: market steady; beeves. 34.5-i5.75; cows,' bulls and mixed. 83 Ort-ijO.OD; stockers and feeders, 84.0-1 tj-4 Rfi; calves and yearlings, t' Xs4.3. HOGS Receipts, 3.700 head; msrket steadv; selling at 86.2o6.30; bulk of sales, t-aa.a. Stock In Sight. (Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 4-0 11&0 4.600 Sioux City r t.i'iO Kansas City .) 13.;-( 9"0 St. Joseph 3 3-e 9.KT 578 St. Louis 2."W 11. l.OtO Chicago t.C'.O 21,tJ0 12.CA0 Totals 23.202 71.807 19,0:8 Snstar anal Molasees. NEW TORK, May 2 SI'GAR Raw. quiet; fair renrlriir. S2Kc; centrifugal. 90 test, 3.76c; molasses sugir. 3.rf2c. Re fined, quiet; No. 6. 4 4c; No. 7, 4.25c; No. 8 A30c. No. 9. 4.25c; No. 10. 4 15c; No. 11 4.10c; No. li 4.05c; No. 13. 4 0ve; No. 14. 3 96c; confectioners' A. 4 6fc: mould A. E15c; cut loaf 5 50c: crushed, t.SOc; powdered. 4.90c; granulated. 4.S-K-; cubes. 5 (6c. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice. S7u43c. NEW ORLEANS. May 2. SCGAU Steadv: open kettle, centrifugal. V. j3 r: centrifugal yellow, SVolMic: aeconds, 2, 3Vc. MOLASSES Quiet; new syrup, 3Ca34c. Cotton Market. NEW TORK, May 2 COTTON elpot closed Bteadv; middling uplanda. ll.nic; middling gulf. 11 Jc; sales. 13 Hi' btls. ST. LOlIS, Mav 2 . COTTON-Stetdv; middling, llSc; sales. Sf-6 bales; receipts, nore; shipments, none; slock 38.413 ba es. LIVERPOOL, May t COTTON In spot Bonds tor Investment We own and offer more than 175 issues of various high grade municipal, railroad and public service .corpo ration bonds, of which the Mautachusetts State SH's Iloston, Massachusetts. SVi'i (Iiicaico, West Park, 4Vb Milwaukee, Wlwonsln, 4'n St. Paul, Miunesot. 4' Allegheny County, Pennnylt anJa, 4'. . . New York City 4' Atlantic City, Xetv Jersey, 4H' Pueblo, C-olorado, 4H'" Independence, MlHsouri, 4H' Taconut, Washington, 6' Independence, Kansas, 4H'l Naxhvllle, Tennesaee, 4H'b Trinidad, Colorado, 4U't Aberdeen, South Dakota, 4H' Vuebec, CanadA Catholic Sciiool, 4H (Mtvanoah, MJsaourt, fi'e..;.. I'nlon Pacific Ry. Co. First 4'B Chicago Junction Railroad Co. First 4'e Louisville Nashville (Kentucky Central) 4'a Denver e Rio Graude Conaolldated 4Hl Iialtlmore & Ohio (P. J. M.) H ChtCACO, Rork Island & Paclfle Ry. 1st and Refunding 4't Rio Grande Western Consolidated 4' Milwaukee FJectric Ry. & Light Co., 4H 4. HO Commonwealth Electric Co. (Chirago) 4.00 N Detroit Kdison Co. 5'b ' 4.03 Omaha Electric Light A Power Co. 5's 8.00 lnlon Elex-tric Light Jt Power (V. (St. Ixui) 5's fi.OO Lsvrlede Gas Light Co. (St. Louis) 3 s BOO Hpokane Jt Inland Empire R. R. Co. &' ft.OH Michigan Htate Telephone Co. 0"i S.10 Seattle Lighting Co. B's 5.17 Houaton Gas Co. 3's 5.88 Iulcrurhau Railway Co. ( I Hs Moines) 3's 5.42 In view of the unusually low prices now prevailing for conserv ative bonds we strongly recommend their purchaae at this time. MAT BOsTD Z.I8T OH SXQTJXBT. Harris Trust & Savings Bank Organised aa . W. HARRIS & CO., 1HH2. Incrporatel 10O7. MARQUETTE BUILDING CHICAGO K. W. HARRIS CO, X. . HARRJ3 (XX HoetOB New York done; prices I r,lns higher. American niliM'Ins fa'r. ';.!. a- I ml.' ! leg. 7 1 . 1 ; mi-'dl'ng. 3t; 1 low n.i.M.lng. J-I, g od or. Unary, 3 5W ; I oril'nary, 5id The of tne day were I n 1 s , ,.f which bales were f T si-cilation and export and Includ-d I. I'D ! baa American; rec. Ipts, W bales, all ' A t'o rienn. Ni:V KI.F..N3. Mnv 2 COTTON S;.t rl ise.l sk.i.Iv. sal. s. 1075 be; low cr.itT.iry. c; rr.linri 7Sr: g "1 r c: nrv, l-!t" ; low m '.idling l ,c; mid riling.' 11 V: "' nil.Id Ir.g. i:s"; -idling, 1..V.-. no'nlnii. fir. 14'-,; ic-elpts, 2 514 bales; St.-k. !M.T.i b.ties. UMAlIt tlllLi:tl.K MARKET. j Condition of Trade nasi (inotatlons on staple and Fancy Prod are. F-K.S-Per dox., ljc. I Bl TTKR lacking stock. J5lc; choice to fiini'V .1 .1: v. l.j.o-. cn ii-ncry. 2oji&c. Ll K IMI 1. 1 li V Hens, l.-ollc; old roost ers. f'ic; turkeys. 1-c. ducKS, 11c; oung roosiers. nerse, ec. F1U1TS. , riNEAITLES Florida. 3S.5tfciOO per . t pile. I p I RA WBF.RRIES Arkansas. 24-quart tae, 34 -"-V4 .5. ' tWOAM'TS-Per sack of 1, 34.0CX TUlU'I.'II. k-UI'lT LE!-INS I.' mc nlei a. Do lie, 86.50; 160 sue. 11 .y; otlier praniis, &-tc ,s. OK.tNUKS Mediierranean Sweets, ISO, 176. 2 ). 216 and 250 t.i.'O: 96. LS, S3 s.t-s 3.I.2o, l aiifomla Navels, extra fancy. 17-1, 216. 2.0 sizes. 14 5o. lancy, 126 a sa, 33', li.) sue. M. iv, choice, large sues, per box. 3-' 7,".1i3 oO. BANANAS Ter medium-sixed bunch, 8? -u2 -6; Jumboes, 32 5041-3 5-1. OHAPE FBI IT Slxrs -4 to 85 756(10. FIOS California, bulk. tWc; t-crowa Turkish. 14c; 4-crown Turkish, 11c; 3 crown Turkish. 9c. DATES Kadflway, 6Vc; sayers. 5c; hal- I lowls. 5c; new stuff. d walnut dates, 8-lu, ! box. 31 00. I NEW 1OTATOES-Per lb.. Sc. OLD VEGETABLES, i POTATOES Tib ie slock, per bu., 704yMo: see 1 st-ck. Ism '11 31 00. NAVY BEANS-Per bu.. 8165; No. , 31-5ft. HEEF Li Ts. No. 1 ribs. isic; No. 3 ribs, tr; No. t ribs, 9i ; No. 1 loin, 17c; No. 2 loin, 13e; No. t loin,; No. 1 chuck, 6Vc; No. I chuck. 5c; No. t chuck, 54c; No. 1 round. S,c; No. 2 round, fcc; No. 2 round, c; No. 1 plate, 4c; No. 2 plate. SHc; No. I plate, Sc. NEW VEGETAPLE9. PEANS New wax and string, per hara- P'bEKTS. TURNIPS AND CARROTS Par dox bumhes. KifiOc. CABBAGE New Texas, per lb., 3H. TOM ATOES Florida. 30-lb. crate. U 50. ONIONS Red or yell-iw Colorado, pM bu., tl.(; Texas silver skin, per crala, about 45 lbs., 82.00, eliow Texas, per crale, about 4b ll-s.. 31. 5. LEAF LETTVCE Hot house, per doa. heaas. 45c. Cl'CC.MBERS Per dos . 81. 2S. PARSLEY Hot house, per dox. bunches, 40c. PIE PLANT-60-lb. boxes. 32 256175. A SPA RAUL'S 81.75 per dos. bunches. RADISHES Per dox. bunches, 4uc; extra large bunches, 75c per dox. MISCELLANEOUS. SUGAR Granulated cane. In sacks, 83.21; granulated beet. In aacas, 36 21. COFFEE Roasted. No. 35. 36c per In., No. SO, 21-1 per lb.; No. 25. lc per lb.; No. HO, 15c per lb.; No. a. 13c per lb. CHEESE Block Swiss, 19c; llmbergr, 14c; Young Americas, 17c. NUTS California walnuts. No. 2. soft shell. 12c; No. 1. soft shell. 16c; Bras. la, lCmclSc; pecana, 19'oltic: Alberts, 12HC; pea nuts, raw. 74c; roasted, s1-'; California al monds. 17tc; cocoanuta, 85.00 per loO, CANNED GOCtDS Corn, standard, west cm. AMt'-C-c; Mains. 81 16. Tomatoes, fancy, 3-lb. cans. 31i; standard, t-lb. cans, 81 30. Pineapples, grated, 2-1 h., Ltandaxd. 3t2oJ 2 3-.-: sliced. 81.7bti2 35; fancy Hawaiian, 1W lb.. t2.75; m-lb., 31. 76. Gallon apples. 82. t t.(). California apricots. I2.o0, Pears. tl.7 iilfvo. Peaches, tl 75tj2 40; I. C. peaches, il.of'ai 50. Alaska salmon, red. tl 16; fancy I Chinook, flat. 82 10; fanck s-x-keye, flat 31.95. 1 uaraines. quarter oil, ...; inree-qusrtera I mustard. 82.75. Sweet potatoes, 31.104jT.25. Sauer kraut, 90c. Pumpkins. 8ocii81.00. Wax I beans, 2-lb., Sncfitl.OO. Lima beans, t-lb. 75ctjtl.S5. Soaked peas, r-lb., 00c; early June, 9f.cSl.16; fancy, 81.254jl.SS. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Pnine are aomewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous of moving; supplies of Immediate grades : quo tatlons range from 3c to 9c for California fruit and from 3Hc to 6c for Oregon. Ap ricots are practically out of the market and it is reported thst offerings for prompt shipments are being withdrawn; choice ar ; quoted at lKc. Peaches are unchanged, i with fancy yellows quoted at 134c: fancy Mulr, 144c. Raisins are firm; loose Muse. tela are quoted at S-'uVc; seeded raislna, 9V4J11C BRAN-Per ton, 213 Of). HAY Choice upland, per ton, 810.5ft medium, 8950: No. 1 bottom, 8"00; jff grades. 35 00411; (0. Rye straw, 17.00; No. 1 alfaifa. Ill 00. FISH Pickerel. dressed. foi pike, dressed. 12c; white fish, dressed, winter caught. milSc: trout 1215c; halibut. 13o; snltnon, 15c; catfish, 15c; herring, dresssed. pan froxen. 6c; perch scaled and dresaed, 3c; crapples, round, 6iff9c; crapplea, large, fancy. lJc; black baas. J5c: smelts, sweet and fine. 13c; eel, lac; blue fish, 15": red snapper. 12c: roe shsd. per pair, eo-fj fc; frog lears. 8tsJ4-Jc; lobsters, green, per lb.. S5c; lobster, boiled, per lb., 40it5o; mackerel. Spanish, per lb.. 16c: mackerel, native ll-y.6o per lb.; fresh green turtl meat. 25c lb. HIDES AND TALLOW Green salted. No. 1. 9c; No. I k,c: bull hides, 6c; sTreeq hide No. 1. &c: No 2. 7c: horse. 81.50-3C 75; sleep pelts, fe'srfAl Tallow, No. 1, 4c; No ? Jtc. Wool. IStTTc. Cl'RITD n?H Family white flsh. pee quarter bbl.. 100 lbs . 84 00: Norway mack erel. No. 1, 835.00; No 2, 82O0; herrlns;. hi bbls., 200 lbs. each. Norway. 4k. 8U.0O. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fnlts. NEW YORK. May 2 EVAPORATEIJ APPLE-Murket U quiet, but firm la tone, with fancy quoted at S'iVrc; choice, 7$r7lc; roor to fair. mWiiUc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRL'ITS Prune are firm on bullish crop reports from the coast. Quotations range from 8V1214' fop Csllfornla and from SV'lOc fr Oregoa grades. Apricots are du.l and unchangeaV following list is a part To net 4vboa . . .8.80 . - 8.75 ...8.80 8.RO 8 .80 8.03 . . .4.03 ...420 . . .420 . . .4. SO . ..4.20 ...420 ...423 . . .423 . . .4.80 . . .4.40 8.03 4.07 4.10 4.18 4.83 4.70 4.70 a n-o!'-rate business wns