Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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    ( .... " """ 11 1
Office, IB cntt . Tel. 43.
MISOR mkxtio.
Davis, drucs.
Ptockert nelln carpets. ,
Kd Flowers' Tony Faust beer.
Fine engravlnfs at Lrffferts.
See Schmidt ' elegant new photos.
I,ewl Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 97.
Wondrlng L'nde: taking company. Tel. wt-
Dinner cards. Alexander ". 3J3 Broadway.
Council Bluff lodo of HIW will me't
Friday night for Initiation of candidates.
Wedding and cnsnKcnK-nt rlns nt the
right price. U. Mauthe, Wist Broad
way. Hldh grade watches, wrddin and cn
ngement rlnys. His Went Bioadv. ay, O.
Bluff City Masonic lodtiP will meet to
night 111 special communication for work
In the first degree.
Margaret Hlekey. 1-'" North Ninth street,
was reported to the Hoard of Health yes
terday aa Buffering from measles.
Contractor Wlckham has completed the
paving on Harmony street and yesterduy
began work on South Tenth street.
You need our lumber. We need your
money. A chance to talk with you will
please ua both. C. Hafer Lumber company.
FR1ETORH. R. C. Campbell, formerly a deputy sheriff
Of Henry county, has been appointed a
mall clerk on the Burlington between this
city and Burlington. He will make hla
home here.
At a meeting of the high school alumni
last night committees were appointed to
tuite charge of arrangements for the annual
entertainment to be given lor the graduat
ing class.
Rev. W. J. Calfee. former pastor of the
Broadway Methodist church, and wife,
were In the city yesterday on route from
Kansas City, where tl ev now reside, to
Yankton, S. !., where Rev. Mr. Calfee will
Conduct revival meetings.
Rev. James O'Miy, pastor of the Broad
Way Methodist church, haa been selected
as orator of the. duy for the Grand Army
Memorial day exorcLsts. Rev. u. O Smith,
D. D., paBtor of the First Congregational
church, will deliver the address to the un
known dead.
The funeral of the late John Stagemnn,
pioneer painter of this city, was held yes
terday afternoon from the family residence
on Oak street and burial was In Walnut
Hill cemetery. leceased wait 77 years old
and came to Council Bluffs In 14I He Is
Survived by three sons and two daughters.
At Its meeting lust night Harmony chap
ter. Order of the Eastern Star, entertained
Mrs. Ward, grand mutron. and Mrs. J. B.
Small, grand worthy matron, bot.i of Dvs
Moines, and Mrs. C. J. Oran of Harlan,
past matron of the Des Moines chapter.
The grand officers Inspected the chapter
and witnessed the Initiation of several
Na Chasers n Tet in the Fieurei at
fietnrred tt loard of EqoVn'nticn.
Other Bnslness Firms May lie Raised
nml Intimation Hoard Will Stand
I'nt on the Question This
Yea r.
The tity council last night, In session as
a Iiourd ( f Equalization, succeeded In re
v.pHlng alajut one-half of the names on
the books of Assessor Hardin. While no
clinnges have as yet been decided upon a
number of assessments were llBted to be
passed upon later.
It Is understood that the city council
intends this year to raise the assessment
of several firms, and lr this line, It Is
stated, that the severaj lumber dealers cf
the city are slated for an Increase In their
assessment. Each year in the past the city
council, in session as a Board of EqiJl'ri
tlon, has raised a number of the assess
ments, but has Invariably "gigged back"
when the parties Interested protested, and
finally permitted the assessor's figures to
stand. This year. It Is stated, there will be
no "glggtr.x laick" and all assessments
deemed too low will be raised.
master Burke will start out with his corps
of catchers to round up the unlicensed
Ing It up to the city council to pay such
rent. The commission Is not satisfied to
accept temporary quarters In tha mayor's
office in the city hall.
West End LutsT
Yes. we have MO nice, high, level lots,
very desirably located, for all classes of
people doing business or employed In either
Omaha or Council Bluffs. J
Contemplated Improvements In the vlcln- i
Ity will double the values within fifteen
months. Buy now and the profit Is you-s.
Ws can give you a single lot or a block
of lots together If desired.
Get your friends to Join you and form a
new neighborhood of your own choice.
A few houses also for sale on the easy
payment plan.
Prices are right and the terms of pay
ment will be made to suit your purposes.
Call and let us show you. C. C. Clifton
Company, 5oS Broadway, Co. Bluffs. Both
'phones 751.
Here to Stay.
We are dally receiving new lots of shoes
and are selling them at our usual low
prices. Duncan Shoe Co.
Buy the Jewel gas or gasoline stove.
They are the safest. Tetersen & Schoenlng.
Petersen & Schoenlng sells matting.
You will soon begin to think of Ice again.
When you do call the Council Bluffs Coal
and Ice company. Telephone 72.
Greatest Ice saver on the market the
Alaska refrigerator. Petersen & Schoenlng.
N. Y, Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night, L-694.
Dee office removed to 15 Scott street, op
posite Nebraska Telephone building.
Need any lace curtains? Before you
buy better come In and see us. We want
to surprise you In price and quality. D.
W. Keller, 102 S. Main.
Lace curtains. Btockert Carpet Co.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. Age.
Jlenry Bangert. Russell., Kan 29
Mm e Huttenjar, Russell, Kan 22
William A. Zenti. Council Bluffs. 37
Eva R. Dunn, Council Bluffs 31
J. A. Hublard, Orlswold. la 26
alary Anthony, Modalc, la 23
Death Rate Increasing?.
The records of City Physician Rice,
which are prepared by him for the State
Board of Health, show that the death rate
In Council Bluffs during the first fur
months of this year is greater than during
the same period in 1906. The unusually
cold and variable weather experienced dur
ing the last few weeks is held accountable
for the lncreaso In the number of deaths.
During January, February and March
there was an Increase of forty-eight deaths
ov.r tho corresponding period in 1906, while
thirty-five deaths were reported during
April, as against twenty-nine In the same
month last year.
City Physician Rice says there was less
throat trouble this spring than usual, the
cases of diphtheria being sporadic and not
of a malignant character. The average
deith rate In Kane township during 1901
was one a day for the year, but with 197
deaths In tho first four months it looks as
If this will be materially Increased this
Bee office removed to 15 8cott street, op
posite Nebraska Telephone building.
High School Field Meet.
The annual athletic field meet of the high
school will be held this afternoon at I'nkn
Driving park. The feature of the after
noon promises to be the class relay race, aa
class spirit runs high. The team to rep
resent the school at the state meet at Iowa
City will be selected from the wlhnera of
today's events.
The program of events and entries are as
Fifty-yard dash: Swansor. Mills, Volght,
Dandon, Hardin, Petersen, Redfern, Gret
zer, Hcriningor, Crow.
One hundred-yHrd dash: Oretxcr, Red
fern Hanlin, Petersen, Martin, 1-a.ndon,
Volght, Mills. Swanson.
Two hundred and twenty-yard dash:
Swanson, Volght. Landon, Martin, Hardin,
Petersen. Gretzer.
Four hundred and fortv-vard dash: Peter
sen, Hardin, Martin. Landon, Volght.
Half-mile run: Anders, n, O. Mayne, Ed
son, Hedfern, Bloss, Landon, Martin,
Petersen. Leavltt. lie: d'leks.
One-mile run: Edson. Martin, Bloss Red
fern. Petersen, Mayne, Anderson, Leavltt,
One hundred and twenty yard hurdle:
Gretzer, Mills. Bloss, Grow.
Two hundred and twenty yards hurdle:
Ijirdon. Volght. Mills, Bloss, Petersen,
Gretzer, Grow.
High Jump: Mills, A. Mayne, Petersen,
Brond Jump: Mills, Martin, Hennlnger,
Petersen, Gretzer.
Pole vault: A. Hutchinson, Anderson,
Mills. Petersen, Gretzer.
Shot-put: Henn'nger, Mills, Martin, Gret
Eer. Hammer-threw: Hennlnger, Mills, Martin,
Gretzer. l.ndon.
Discus: Hennlnger, Mills, Martin, Qret
xer. Class relay: Swanson Gretser, I Har
din. Redfern, Petersen, Mills. Hennlnger,
Volght, Rice. landon. Anderson.
Matting and window shades at Stockorts.
o Commercial C'lvb Secretary.
Owing to the absence of some of the mem
bers, the executive committee of the Com
mercial club at Us meeting last night failed
to take any action In the matter of select
ing, a secretary to succeed W. B. Reed.
Out of the numerous applications for the
position, the committee has eliminated all
but about half a dozen. The committee Is
in correspondence with those deemed likely
among the few remaining applicants, but
owing to the fact that the salary of tho
position Is but 11,200 a year Is meeting with
more or less difficulty In securing a man
qualllled for the exacting duties of the
At the meeting last night it was stated
the committee had several projects In view,
but there was nothing sufficiently definite
at this time to make public.
Complete line of Victor base ball goods
Petersen & Schoenlng.
Our wagons are on the street every day.
When you want Ice stop one of them. The
Council Bluffs Coal and Ice Co.
Learn Yonr Ilnby to Walk.
We have Just received a shipment of
baby walkers, I2.2B to $2.50 each. Get one
and learn ycur baby to walk. D. W. Kel
ler, 103 South Main.
Rash for Das: Tata.
City Clerk Sapp Is beginning to realize
what a bargain rush must mean In a dry
goods store. Since the announcement that
dog tags were on tap at his office and that
the poundmaster would be getting busy In
a few days after untagged canines, there
has been a continuous rush at the city
clerk's office In the municipal building on
Bryant street. In two days Mr. Sapp and
hla assistant, Mr. Waddlngton, have Issued
277 tags, 257 for male dogs and twenty for
females. Beginning next Monday Pound-
Mnttrra In District Conrt.
In district court yesterday Judge Wheeler
heard argument on the demurrer to the an
swer of the defendant In the 5.Poo slander
suit of Nellie Buckley, formerly a school
teacher near Bently, against F. T. C.
Johnson, a member of the Board of Town
ship School directors. The alleged slander
was contained In an article which Johnson
' had published In a Bentley paper, and
Johnson In his answer contended that the
communication of which Miss Buckley com
plained was "priviledged." The suit Is be
ing watched with much Interest In the
country districts.
Judge Wheeler dissolved a temporary In
junction Issued by him a few days ago
restraining W. E. Wickersham of Glen
wood from maintaining a horse pen In that
town, complaint having been made by A. I
E. Dean that the yard was a nuisance and j
a menace to health. The order of dlssolu- j
tlon was made on the showing that proper
notice had not been served on Wickersham.
I There will be no Jury trials until next
week. It Is likely that Judge Wheeler will
take up the J. Brown contempt case tomorrow.
Bee office removed to 15 Scott street, op
posite Nebraska Telephone building.
Member of Conn Board ConTleted of
Misappropriating Fnnds.
ATLANTIC, la.. May I (Special Tele
gram.) The Jury In the case of the state
of lowa against Henry Hollen, member
of the Board of Supervisors of Cass county,
charged with misappropriation of funds,
relumed a verdict tonight of guilty. The
Jurors who were seen tonight refuse to
say what recommendations were made or
on how many of the thirteen counts In
tho Indictment he was found guilty. The
full report of the Jury will be given In open
court tomorrow.
The penalty may be a fine, removal from
office or Imprisonment for one year.
The case has attracted wide attention
throughout the county and may be the
commencement of similar suits against
other members of the board. The Jury
was out about nine hours.
r 1 1 i
VI -v
Tine Mew
Different from other oil stoves. Superior because
of its economy, cleanliness, and easy operation. The
Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove
aves fuel expense and lessens the work. Produces
a strong working flame instantly. Flame always
under immediate control. Gives quick results
without overheating the kitchen. Made in three
sizes. Every stove warranted. If not at your
dealer's, write our nearest agency for descriptive
JRsgb Lamp
is the best lamp for til-round household use.
Made of brass throuhout and beautifully nickeled.
Perfectly constructed; absolutely safe; unexcelled
in light-giving power; an ornament to any rootn.
Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's,
write to our nearest agency.
Bee Office Moved.
The Council Bluffs office of The Omnha
Bee has been moved from. No. 10 Pearl
street, where It has been for the last
ten years, to No. 15 Scott street. The nw i
office Is directly north of the Sapp block !
and opposite the Nebraska Telephone com
pany's building.
Two Small Fires.
The flre department was called about 7
o'clock yesterday morning to the Revere
house, on Broadway, where a blaze had
started In the floor of the kitchen. Break
fast was In progress In the dining room
adjoining the kitchen and for a while there
was considerable commotion among the
guests. The building, an old frame struc
ture without any basement, was Infested
with rats, which made their home In the
space beneath the floor. The smoke and
water made the rodents stampede and
many of them invaded the dining room and
other parts of the building, much to the
excitement of the women employes and
guests of the house. The damage to the
building was small.
Fire of an unknown origin In a closet at
the residence of I. Chernlss, 700 Fourth
street, gave the Are department a run
about I o'clock Thursday morning. The
blaze was extinguished without serious
Bee office removed to 15 Scott street, op
posite Nebraska Telephone building.
Oivs us your order for that spring car
pet. We do the rest sew, lay and fit It
right to your room. D. w; Keller, 108 8.
Hotel Marlborough
Droadway, 36th and 37th Sts., Herald Square, New York
1 : P i'tiVm l J Uerman Restaurant
Mac n -i : a.'.-'
JiT2LrlX"YU;.: M1.(W Broadway'! chief attraction f
- - -1 " Csnseaa FUs. 4M Bombs.
Most Centrally Located Hotel on
Broadway. Only ten minutes walk
to 25 leading theatres. Completely
renovated and tnuuformcd in every
department. Up-to-date in all re
spects. Telephone in each room.
I-our Beautiful Dining Rooms
with Capacity ot 1Z0O.
or S pe
ls! u tic
2M Safes.
Rata k Rooms I.S0 sad upwiri. $2.00 an' upwud whh tadu Ptrlor. HwVtxxn ink Em til
ftl.Od sol upwud. 11.00 utta wh tw Daaoaseccusy moU mm.
Renl Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
May 1 by the Pottawattamie County Ab
stract company of Council Bluffs:
Florence Donahue to William Fllnn.
eH sw'4 and w se'i. 11-74-44, wd.... $18,328
John L.. Breneman and wife and Mary
Ann Breneman to George W. Gross.
(, seVt, S3-75-41, wd J.000
wary Ann Breneman to John I
Breneman, nw4 se",i. 33-75-4o, qcd... 2,800
R. I. OalUher to Julius Jensen, lots
11 and 12, block 23, Burn's add., Coun
cil II luffs, wd 825
N. P. lode and wife to J. F. Wilcox,
lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 1, prospect
Place, an addition to Council Bluffs,
wd 160
Albert W. Huber and wife to Fxra M.
Saar. part lot 211 of original plat.
Council Bluffs, wd 27
Jessica J. Bledentopf and husband
and Ellen M. A. S. Hans and hus
bund, Frank B. , to William Allls.
lot 1, block 1, Curtis & Kamscy's
add.. Council Bluffs, qcd 1
Iowa News Notes.
GARNER In Hancock county district
court the applications of L. F. Oreiner and
11. F. Brown of Kanawha for liquor permits
were both refused by the court. A re
monstrance from a majority of the business
men had been tiled In each case and during
the trial testimony was produced showing
violations of laws. i
CKDAR FA LI J3 The Cedar Falls High!
school will graduate the 29th of this month
a class of twenty-six. Miss Jacobs, as
sistant In the elocutionary department of
the State university at Iowa City. Is here
for a month d: tiling for the class play
which will be "Miss Hobbs " Prof. Harry
K. Gordon, head of the oratorical depart
ment of the State university, will give the
address to the class.
BfciUFORD-Owing to the serious Illness
of H. O. Hughes, former president of the
defunct Farmers State bank of Clearfield,
the trlul ag.ilnst him on nine criminal
charges has been postponed. Hughes is an
old man and has always home a splendid
reputation in this community and the shock
to his pride was great when his trusted
stepson. Ferrln absconded. It Is doubtful
if he will live to face trial.
KENSETT Four of the leading blocks
In this city were burned last night, with
almost a total loss estimated at from
JTB.OeO to $100,000. Twenty flremen from
Northwood. a neighboring town, were
rushed across the country In automobiles
to assist In fighting the flames. Some of the
territory burned over was but recently re.
built from a previous flre. The principle
J" ," wer-' A. K. Jerlco, hardware and
building, HO, 000; J. A. Savle & Co.. general
store.' $16,000; Geonre Merrlner, building of
general store, $16,000; Burgeson Bros., fur
niture and building. $2o,0u0; B. E. Polles
slude, harness. $12.(00.
IDA OROVE Elmer Ward, Ida Grove's
star quarter mller, who holds the North
western association record for that distance
of 0:61V, which Is even faster than the state
record, will not be able to compete In the
field games at Sloux City next week, and
unless he makes up his conditions will not
take part In the state meet on the ISth.
Ward and Forbes, the latter a pole vaulter.
who does better than ten feet and who Is
on tho relay team, were both plucked In
their examinations Wednesday, and both
notified that they cannot take part In ths
Northwestern field meet.
TABOR The Fremont County Medical so
ciety met here yesterday In the college
auditorium. Besides the medical fraternity
many townspeople were present as auditors.
Prof. W. B. Johnson of the college gave
an address on "Protozoa and Disease."
nicely adapting and toning down scientific
terms, to make himself understood by a
popular audience. The pernicious, ultra-
mlcroscoplo, disease germ bearing protozoa j
" rAnmea ana neia up to punilc view
so that all might hereafter be warranted
In shooting on sight any outlaw of a mos
quito that comes along with a grip full of
yellow fever malaria germs under his arm.
The next meet will be at Sidney, with
Dr. Piper of Randolph, president, and Dr.
Harris of Tabor, secretary.
Chamber of Commerce Desires Treaty
with Prance Satisfactory to
Both Coantrles.
NEW YORK. May I. A resolution urging
President Roosevelt and the State depart
ment to negotiate a treaty with France
which will adjust the commercial relations
between both countries on a mutually ad
vantageous basis was adopted at the annual
meeting of the New York Chamber of Com
merce today. The chamber also adopted
a resolution urging upon the cretary of
state and the secretary of norce and
labor the necessity of prov.aing an ade
quate force of experts for the examination
of foreign tariffs and foreign tariff legisla
tion. I'p to the present lime this work
has been In the hands of one expert and
one assistant, at a total cost. Including
salaries, of $3,500 per year. For the next
fiscal year congress has Increased the ap
propriation to $5,500 a year.
1 1 I 1 1 I
V J 1
m w M i (9 IS
" L"" Lr"4 i.""
r r r fl r r
Sold at all flrst-elass cafes nnfl by Jobber
WM. LANAHAN SUN, Baltimore, Md.
Book Island Erines Me a. ana Noted Strike
Ireaksr frcm Chiaaeo.
ular army has made the recommendution
that the Villlsca company be mustered
out. There will be an effort to straighten
the company out and save It. It seems that
the greatest difficulty with the Villlsca
company l-dlsHenslon among the members.
Unless tho two factions can get together
or one of them rcts out and allows the
MEN ON OTHER ROADS MAY JOIN WALKOUT I other to run it, the company will be mus-
tered out.
Seven transfers, total.
Roles for Flre and Police.
The Board of Flre and Police commis
sioners held a short session yesterday
morning at which rules for tha government
of the fire and police departments were
adopted. The board also conferred with
Congressman Smith, who Is acting as Its
council, In the matter of the controversy
over the board's appointment of Charles
M. Nicholson as chief ot the fire depart
ment The question of quarters for the commis
sion has not yet been settled and the com
mission is seriously considering renting a
room outlsde of tha city hall and then pass-
City Scavenger
I haul dead animals, $1.00 per head.
I Garbage, ashes, manure and all rub
bish; cleaA vaults and cesspools. All
work done Is guaranteed.
Calls paompuy auenaea 10.
I lad. fboAe 12X9 Y UU Ucd UTS
- l IMH11 . MHI. II
Fifth Injured Man In West Virginia
Mine Was Taken Oat
CHARLESTON, W. Va., May l.-The
bodies of fourteen dead have been recovered
from the Whipple mine, where an explosion
of gas occurrd late yesterday, and this Is
thought to be the full extent of the
The number of Injured Is five, the last
injured man having been taken out today.
The mine was only slightly damaged. The
cause of the explosion ts still unknown.
The mine has been thorougrly explored
and all who were working on ths day of
the accident have been accounted for.
Eisnlnlng Wyoming Fenees.
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. May I'-Cnder the
direction of the Department of the Interior,
a corps of special agents began work to
day examining fences and titles to public
land In Wyoming. Inspectors will start at
the Colorado line and work northward
through the state.
Demsrrtr Delays Salt.
ST. PAIT, May $. Judge Kelly, in the
county court, today set alde the summons
of Charles H. Venner anlnst J. J. Hill
and Edward T. Nichols in the suit brought
by Veuner against the officers of the Great
Northern company to declare Invalid the
ore lands deal made between the Iake
Superior company and the United Stales
Bteul corporation. The two defendants re
ferred to demurred that they were not
properly served with the summons auid
Uielr efijecUiMNi wa sua lain eU.
Reports Are to the Effect Senator
Allison is Falling; and that He
May Never Be Able to Re
sume His Duties.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. May 2. (Special.) "Pug"
Gallagher, a strike breaker of Chicago, is
In Des Moines to breuk the Btrlku of the
railroad freight handlers which was started
yesterday. Today It Is asserted that De
Moines is threatened with a freight ticup
and that fifty-three men who walked out
on tho Roc'.i Island yesterduy are to be
followed tomorrow by a walkout of the
truck men on the Northwestern, and that
the Great Western men are expected to
follow a few days later. Gallagher's coin
ing to Des Moines with a party of strike
breakers is recognized here as one of the
evidences that the strike Is of threatening
proportions. Gallagher was conspicuous In
the teamsters' strike In Chicago.
The walkout on the Rock island was due
to the fact that the men asserted they had
to work six or eight hours overtime each
day with no extra compensation what
ever. Wednesday the local agent conceded
a ten-hour wage scale, but the men claim
would not concede extra pay fur overtime.
They claim they have to work till 11 or 12
at night almost as a steady thing, without
an opportunity for even getting something
to eat at supper time.
Fear for Senator Allison.
Iowa people are gradually becoming more
apprehensive that Senator Allison not only
will not be able to fill out his term, which
expires March 4, 1909, when he will be SO
years and 2 days old, but that he will not
be able to return to Washington next
December. Public men of Washington who
have been familiar with Allison's condition
have lately been In Des Moines and their
report Is very discouraging. Senator Alli
son, or the expiration of his term, will
have been thirty-four years In the senate.
Tear before last he crossed the line of
greatest length of service and has now
served longer than any other man who has
been In the senate. Senator Allison Is suf
fering from nothing but old age. Having
kept In vigorous health till his present ad
vanced age after the break down hus
started It la feared there is no hopes of
recovery, and the reports are that he Is
failing much faster than was at first ap
prehended. Plans for Cntiane Mailed.
State Architect Leibbe today mailed to
various contractors who have aked for
the same plans and Bonifications for tho
new woman's cottage, to be erected at Clar
lnda and for which the state has appro
priated $'15,000. The bids Will be opened at
the office of the Hoard of Control on May
20. On May $ the board will open bids for
the construction of the ItS-foot chimney at
Claiinda, and on May 12 the bids will be
opened for the erection of the wing to the
custodial cottage at Glenwood.
Fisher Elected Seeond I.lentenant.
As a result of the election In Company I
of the Fifty-fifth Iowa regiment at Cres-
ton, O. K. Fisher has been elected second
lieutenant of the company.
Board on Toor.
Members of the Hoard of Control spent
today at Marshalltown visiting the Sol
diers' Home on the regular semi-annual
tour. The trip will be concluded some time
next week, when the retaining institutions
In the northern part of the state will be
VIII laea Company Shaky.
Adjutant General Thrift and Colonel J.
Rush Lincoln will go to VUllaca tomorrow
i and make an effort to put tha Vllllaca com
pany of the lowa National Guard on Its
fet. Thn InspucU&C ofOoar trvtu lit rear-
Massachusetts Legislative Committee
Will Not Cancel lease of
Boston A Albany.
BOSTON. May 2. The Massachusetts
legislature will not cancel the lease of the
Hoston & Albany railroad to the New York
Central system If It follows the recom
mendations to be made by the legislative
commit lee on railroads. At a mcetins of
this committee today it was agreed to
recommend thnt the lease be not cancelled
and that there be no state ownership of the
railroad. It was also voted to recommend
a rebuke to the New York Central com
pany for the manner in which it has man
aged the Boston & Albany road. The move
ment to cancel the lease is based upon
alleged inadequate Service.
Settlers Coming Into Dakota.
PIERRE, S. l.. May 2. (Special.) The
immigration movement to this city for the
month of April was 200 cars of household
goods and farm Implements. Nearly all
of this went Into the country weist of tha
Inland Waterways Ilonrd Is Told nf
General Condition of the
WASHINGTON, May 2.-The Inland
Waterways commisMon toiluy listened to
statements by Representative Burton and
Corporation Counsel. Smith, the former
relative to the general condition of tha
streams of the country and the latter do
voted especially to canals and trufilc along
the coasts.
Mr. Burton gave a great many figures
relative to Inland transportation by water,
accompanied by comparisons wilh other
countries, hut neither he nor Mr. Smith
made any recommendations. Indeed, all tha
statements which have been made so far
before the commission have been Intended
to lay the foundation for future work nnd
to convey information rather than to niaka
Nrhrsakon to Spn?i at Fairfax.
SIOTX FAILS, S. D., May 2. (Special.)
Hon. I. K. Alder of Ainsworth, Neb., has
consented to make the principal adrtreps at
Fairfax, county seat of Gregory county, in
Decoration day. The arrangements for the
suitable observance . of the day ure In,
charge of the members of McFhcrson post.
Grand Army of the Republic, of Falrfux,
and an elaborate program is being prepared
for the occaaKn.
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For breakfast heat the Biscuit in oven to re
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