: - HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. MAY 3. 1907. liRIEF CITY NEWS: I shall he giad to meet my friends at ih People's store. Brantley F-ost. W. Blackburn, lawyer. movM veeter- lay Into hla iif office. Faston block! ' aw I tor New soods Clothing for en and women, hati. shoea. furniture, carpets, draperies, itovn. Caah or credit, J t'nl.in Outfitting Co.. 1 11 B-17-I Farnam. ! Bqultabl Tag League Victor Ron- j water addressed the mem beta of the ' Equitable Tax league last evening at their 1 roome, 1417 Farnam afreet Xotsl Olerka Meat fctoaday The regu- lr monthly met ting of the Omaha Hotel ' Clerka' annotation will be held In the Medlar blyck Monday evening. Orlnlthologlcsl Union The Nebraska . t,r ntr.ologlcal union will hold annual Held , day and election at Weeping Water Satur day. Train leave Webster afreet station twice daJly. , Delegate to Presbyterian Aaiambly Mr. Fred Kocher of Omaha of the Oerman i Treabyterlan church haa been chosen as one of the four delegate to the general ' l'reahyterlan assembly to be held In Co- ' lumbus, O., May 15. Adam Crelghton Appraiser James H. Adam haa been appointed by Judge Leslie to appraise the estate of the late .lohn A. Crelghton for the purposes of Inheritance taxation. He will begin the work of In voicing the property at once. Messenger Firm Bell Out H. H. Ver Mehren, proprietor of the Omaha Meswen ger and Express company at 1818 Farnam street, ha aold hi Interest In the business for i,000 to C. H. Arundel of South Omaha, who will eonduct It In the future. Com On, Old Boy Mayor mhlman Thursday morning recelvtd In his mall a letter from a Philadelphia widow who seek a western bachelor or widower be tween the agec of SO and . The writer state she la without Incumbrance. Mayor Dahlman' office hour are from 19 .to 12 and 2 to &. Oerman Presbyterlaae Will Build At a recent meeting of the congregation of the Oerman 1'resbyterlsn church, 816 Nortl Eighteenth street. It waa decided to raise the necessary funds to erect a new church dlfloo. Committee were appointed to take charge of the matter and the work of rais Ire funds will begin at once. Mayor Will lgn Dog B1U Mayor Dahl man will sign the new dog ordinance Thursday afternoon. Before Issuing the proclamation to comply with this orrtl i...ine he will confer with the city legal de partment, that the proclamation may be complete and court-proof. The proclama tion probably will be issued Friday. Belial Out for Treasurer I. U Belsel, cifiputy for the city tax department In the office of County and City Treasurer Fink, Thursday morning announced he would be a candidate for the ofllce of county treas urer thla fall. Mr. Belsel waa deputy under the late A. H. Honnlngs and ha been In 'the city treasury department four year's. Want Kim Declared Bankrupt Certain petitioning creditors of Jamea A. McAleese, a dealer In general merchandise at Ben kleman, have aaked that McAleese be de clared a bankrupt. The petitioner are F. Rothschild St Co. of Chicago, Bymns dro it-ry company of Atchison and Herman' ii'o. of Lincoln. Their aggregate claims n-c, J61. Old Tax Bow at Interest County and City Treasurer Fink' office la now being rushed with citizen who wish to rid them selves of money, In return for which the treasurer I Issuirg receipt for 1907 city taxes which became due Wednesday and i will begin drawing . Interest July 1. The 19oi5 county taxes began drawing Interest y Wednesday. Tlrst XfatlT Ambulance A new ambu- . lance, ald to be the first ever built In 'VgCOmaha, has been Installed at the county ,J hospital. It waa constructed by Andrew ' Murphy A Son at a cost of 170(1. It ha the '..latest Improved appliance and la believed , tp be fully aa good a vehicles bought out side the city. It was constructed under a contract let by the county board last fall. February Term About Over The Feb ruary term of district court will close Sat . urday and the May term will begin Hon I day morning. The last Jury panel was ex '' cuaed last week with the exception Of those Jurors In actual service, and this week I being devoted to the hearing of motions and the routine proceeding at tending the wlndup of the term. A new Jury will report Monday, rowers Is Improving A letter was r 1 celved from Mall Carrier George J. Powers, , r.ow In Pasteur Institute at Chicago, ' Wednerday, by Fuoerlntendcnt ef Carrier V. A. Kaliey. In which Mr. Power says i ho Is Improving. He will have to remain I at the Institute twenty-one days for treat ment. Mr. Powera Is the letter carrier who was so badly bitten by a rabid dog . while on-duty several days ago. I Suit to Tore Contract Suit to enforce an alleged contract for the rale of two I lots near ' Nineteenth and Pierce streets was begun in district court Thursday by ( Gertrude D. . McDowell against Samuel I I. Mancuso. The plaintiff asserts under her I agreement she was to buy the property for I S0.2C0 and la ready to fulfil her part of the . agreement, but tfce defendant refuses to rell. The lots In controversy are No. 18 and 19 of block 12, Kountse A Ruth's ad dition. Trom West Joint la aa Auto Mayor Fied Hunker, democratic flcor leader of the hcuae cf representatives In the legla- Ixtur of 1305; Dr. II. Thompscn of West I'o'jit and A. R. OUson of Wiener came from West Point to Otniha Wednesday In on automobile In about seven hours, With no thought of breaking tlm records. And when they got her Mr. Olesrn. owner of th auto In which they came, bought a tiw machine. In which they returned Thursday rfternoon. Two Damage Suits pet ar Bfort has filed suit In district court against the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company for $5,000 for Injuries he says he received by falling from a car at Sixteenth and Howard streets while alighting. He rays the car started suddenly nnl threw him to the pavement. M it hew Run asks Judgment for 13.000 agaln't Paxton A Vler- Maybe Somebody Has Fooled. You! People don't get wealthy by paying the highest price, but by getting the most for their money. That is why more rich people drink ArbuckW Ari osa than any other coffee. ARIOSA is the cheapest good coffee in the world. AJtJUCKLB BKOaV, Mow Tork Cttjfc ling Iron Works for an Injured leg caused ' by a heavy beam falling from a truck and striking Mm. Stats Medical Society The thirty-ninth snnunl meeting of the Nebraska State Medical association will be held In Omaha May 7-9. It la expected 500 reprecentatlves of the association will be present Visitors also will be here from other tales, In cluding some of the most distinguished medical practitioners In the country. The local committee is making arrangements for the entertainment of the tsltnrs. ono feature of which will be a theater party. The association will have Its official head quarter at the Paxton hotel. Meetings Olos Friday The evangelis tic meeting being conducted by A. C. Oaebeleln of New Tork In St. Mark's Lutheran church. Twentieth and Burdette streets, will close with the service Friday afternoon at : o'clock Instead of with the Friday evening service. Mr. Gaebeleln Is compelled to leave on an early train Friday evening in order to reach a point In western Canada on the Pacific coast, where he will conduct meetings next week. The service last night was the last even ing service of the series in Omaha. Checks Ttov Boomerang Ed , Flts Immon was before- Judge Crawford In police court Thursday morning, charged with vagran-y and incidentally several saloon keepers showed checks which he had attempted to pas on them for various sums, which were found to have no value whatever. He succeeded In securing some money. It la asserted, but hi efforts were not productive of much wealth. An array of checks wa produced which he had failed In his efforts to cash. Ill was given a sentence of thirty days In Jail. Prefers BTls Hlck-nam Hugh H. 8. Rowan, a barber on Sixteenth street, has applied to the district court for a change In hla name from Rowan to Scranton, by which name he has been known for the last twenty years. He came to Omaha at that time with a theatrical troupe and became stranded here. As he came from Scranton, Pa., he became known by that name and has lived under It since. Now he wants to take out some Insurance, and in order to secure the legal right to use the rime Scranton In the policy he wants the court to change his name. Installation Bsrrloes Rev. Julius F. Schwars will be formally Installed aa pas tor of the German Presbyterian church, 813 North Eighteenth street, Sunday evening. Those participating In the Installation services will be Rev. R. M. L. Borden, D. P., Bellevue, who will propound the constitutional questions; Rev. Lucas Abels of Hickman will preach the sermon and give the charge to the people, and Rev. Jacob Conzett of Cincinnati, O., will de liver the charge to the pastor. At tho morning service Rev. Mr. Conxett will preach, following ' which the Installation and ordination of two elders, Chris Kocher and Godfrey Ulrlch, will take place. Several Deals la Realty -Lyele I. Ab bott has sold his row of brick flats on the Boulevard, near Burdette street, lo TJark F. Mennen for J13.000 as an Investment. C. F. Taylor has sold his residence at the northwest corner of Twenty-sixth avenue and Douglas street to Braddock H. Dun ham for 16.000. Deeds have been recorded transferring the title to the large lot at the northwest corner of Thirty-eighth and Cass streets to J. F. Carpenter from Mrs. Ella J. Rogers for 16.000. Architect J. B. Mason is drawing plans for a modern frame cottage for Mrs. Dora Nessler to be erected this spring on her lot at 3123 Cali fornia street at a cost of nearly 12,000. To Organise Oerman Presbyteries Rev. Julius F. Schwars has Just returned from Dubuque, la., where he participated In the dedication of the new German Presby terian seminary, which cost $105,000. Dr. C. M. Stefflns, financial secretary of the church extension board, was Instrumental In raising the fund, and the seminary was dedicated wholly free from debt. At this theological seminary German and Bohem ian Presbyterian minister will be educa ted. At the same time was held the Ger man Ministers' and Elders' convention for the northwest and it was decided to form separate German preabyterles. Rev. Mr. Schwars was appointed chairman of the committee to form the new presbyteries. Two Alarms and Small Tires Two fire alarms following each other closely Just before noon Thursday brought Into use a good share of the city's apparatus. The first was from Seventh and Jackson streets, where a trifling blase was found and easily extinguished and the other was from the home of John Lataon, 634 South Seventeenth avenue, where the roof caught fire, probably from a defective chimney, causing nominal damage.' A false alarm was answered at Ninth and Leavenworth streets early In the forenoon and another false alarm was turned I from the box at Twenty-ninth and Pacific streets Wednes day noon. In the latter Instance a school girl pulled tho box, being "dared" by other children. Jean Clus Incorporates The Jean club, formed by prominent Omaha women for the purpose of maintaining a home for aelf-rupportlng young . women, has file J articles of Incorporation . with the county clerk. The authorised capital stock is $6,000, but th club is permitted to begin business when $500 Is subscribed. Those who signed the articles are Jean M. Cudahy, Mary E. Peck, Nannie Page. 8tella M. Hamilton and Idclla Hamlin Oeorge. Articles of Incorporation have been filed by the Comb Ward Transfer and Storage company of South Omaha. The Incorpo rators are John M. Ward. Claude R. Comb nnd Burton E. Wilcox. Th author ized capital Is $50,000, but authority Is given to start business when $15,000 Is subscribed. Mangum ft Co., LETTER SPECIALISTS, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Sherman CanfleM of Sheridan. Wyo., arrived in Omaha Thursday to arrange for the opening of a new coal office In Omaha. Dave Rice, an Indian Justice of the peace from the Winnebago reservation, is In Omaha on business connected with th fed erul courts. Dsn Crorisey of Falrbury, a prominent banker and former rt presentatlve III the legislature of 16, waa in Omaha Thuraday ou business. NOT ENOUGH GIRLS FOR WORK Remind of Eie Employers for Eilp Camst r. misd. YOUNG WOMEN MOST ALL PROSPEROUS Do Not Feel the Xeeesalty of Accen ts Whatever Wages Arc Offered to Tbesa Just Sow. "Olrls Wanted Good Wages." At factories, stores, restaurants, emplcy ment bureaus all over Omaha, the signs printed In big letter hang In the most prominent place. The newspapers carry advertisements to the same effect and on the bill boards are posters proclaiming In letters a yard high that g.rla are wanted. But the girls coyly refuse employment. They don't even go to see what are the wages and the hours. They don't need the work. Times are so "flush" that father and brother and husband have good Jobs at good wages and the glris can afford to stay at home and take their ease. Such Is the only explanation at which the worried employers are able to arrive. The stringency Is felt most heavily at the local factories. The M. B. Smith company could put 260 operators to work today If It had them. "We simply cannot get them," said Mrs. Dobeck, forelady at that establishment. "A green girl here can start In and make $3 the first week and In three months sh ought to be earning st least $10 and some make as high as $15 a week. They work nine hours. Even the girls we have now are of a fluctuating class. Many are from small country towns. They have relative In Omaha and havo com in to work a few weeks and aee the sight. Some come to me every day and say. 'I have enough money to pay for my summer clothes now, so I guess I'll quit and go home. And home they go. I don't know what we will do." ante All Along tho Mae. Similar stories were told at the factories of Bryne A Hammer. Kelley ft Heyden and Albert Cahn. A. C. Scott, acting manager of the Omaha Tent and Awning company, declared he had not had enough girls to run his machines for months. The in evitable "girls wanted" sign hangs in his window in three different wordings, but the girls come not. Employe In thl factory make from $S to $12 and a few earn a high as George N. Robert, manager of the Bemls Omaha Bag company, gloomily reviewed the situation as he finds It. "For the last eighteen months we have been without the girl help we need and j are today about seventy-five girl short. , We have had advertisements In the daily papers and lately I decided to put posters on the bill boards, thinking that perhaps there were some girls who do not read the want columns of the papers. Would you believe It. not one single application did the poster bring. It's not a question of , wages, but the girls simply do not want the j work. I can't explnin It. Three years ago j we would put an nd In the papers cn Sun- day and on Monday there was a string of j annllcnnts a block long." Practically all the factories In the city ! tell the same story. The telephone com- j pany Is experiencing a shortage of glriv which threatens a serious handicap In open. Ing the new station In the north part of the city. Never so Bbort. "Wo have never been so short of girls before." said President C. E. Yost of the Bell Telephono company. "We may be compelled to bring In some operators from the country towns. We are In need of forty right now and none are In sight." Telephone girls work eight hours and earn from $1S to $36 a month. They have to be of a particular physical slse. Fat girls won't do, for they will not fit Into the little chairs prCvlded for them, and girls with short arms will not do, for they can't reach around over the switchboard. In the department stores there Is also need of girls. Nearly 3,000 of them are employed In the department stores of Omaha. "We are always able to provide places for good girls at the present time," said David Baum of the Bennett company. Restaurants and hotels are calling ur gently at .the employment agencies for waitresses who can earn from $10 to 115. "The demand for girl stenographers Is stronger than ever before In Omaha," said Miss Rhoda Breakey, manager of the local Smith Premier employment bureau. "We ar able to fill only about three fourths of the positions which are open at present. We need particularly girls who are neat, conscientious and fairly educa ted." The demand for girls for general house work Is so great that many people In the city have despaired of getting any help and have settled down to try to get along without girls. The wages run as high as $7 a week. Harry Morrill, clerk at the marriage license bureau, Is the only man who does not report a shortage in this line. "I find that every applicant for a mar riage license has a girl," says Mr. Morrill cheerfully. "No, sir, no stringency here." Tho Price of Peace. Tho terrible Itching and smarting. Inci dent to certain skin diseases. Is almost In stantly allayed by applying Chamberlain Salve. Price, 28 cents. BERNARD QUINTS ELK TOOTH Paro staff, bat It Buraa, and Bo Do Tea Dollars of (talna'a Hoaey. "Naw, git out with you; what's glttln' In you. Tbat'a another of Dill Canady's yam a. He a ths biggest old Joke peddler lo the state. There ain't a word of truth In it." This Is ths way Bernard Qulnn, manager of the bacon department of Cudahy'a pack ing house, took th statement of Colonel Canada that moat of tho elk-tooth watch charms, whoso wearing th president of the United States denounoet, were celluloid. Mr. Canada had given utterance to such sentiment through th column of th people organ, Th Bee and a such mutual friend wa telling Mr. Qulnn about It. Mr. Qulna la an ardent Elk and wear a beauti ful or did wear It Elk tooth for a watch charm or fob. Now, Mr. Qulnn I also a mighty fine, genial man and a son of Erin. When he get excited, a on thl occasion, hla nationality asserts Itself. "What- eating Canady, anyway? Why, here' thla charm my slater In Boston sent nis. It's one of th blggeat ever made and do you think aha'd send me a bogus charm. Why, that fellow makes tn sick. He' always saying something foolish In th papers. What doe h know about Itf Someone chanoad to auggeat that Colonel Canada had made a study of th matter and found a very large number of theaa elk-too(h token pur celluloid; that he had personally tested many by simply applying a lighted match to then. "He did, did h?" retorted Qulnn. "Well, now did you hear him say that h had put a match to my charm? Why, you could put that tooth In a Aery furnace and It would come out aa good a ever. It cam from Boston, It did." "They don't hav any elk In Boston, do they?" asked on man. Naw, they don't, but they hav th beat of everything ls, and beside my slater sent me this tooth. Just to show It's the stuff I II put a match to It." He did. Now Mr. Qulnn Is wearing a gold band which used to surround his elk tooth. It cost him $10 to square himself with that crowd. NEW 'PHONE COMPANY HOWE Balldlnar at la Bell Twentieth and Haraey Designed by the Architects. Plans and speclflcstlons are nearly com pleted and bids will be requested In about three weeks by Fisher I-nwrle, architects, for the new central exchange building for th Independent Telephone company, which will be built on the lot recently bought near Twentieth end Harney streets, oc cupying half of the lot of the public play ground. The architect were given carte blanche by Manager Stow, relative to the style and material. The building alone will cost over $90,000. Two stories and a high basement are provided by the architects' plans, the building to be 50x110 feet with an alley sixteen feet wide on the east and eleven feet of air and light space on the west. The building plans are drawn on the Doric order with modern French lines. The front of the new exchange will be elaborate. There will be two full stories of dark Roman pressed brick nbove a deep base of Bedford cut stone and surmounted by a cornice and balustrade'. The main entrance will be on the Harney street side of the building, eighteen feet in width and approached by a wide flight of stone stairs. The entrance will be sur mounted by a pediment beneath artistic windows and the entire front entrance will be of cream colored terra cotta. Two Im mense pilasters, four feet wide and about twenty-eight feet high, will be placed on each side of the entrance, which will lead Into a large vestibule or Inbhy finished In tiling and marble wainscoting. The first floor of the building will he given over to the offices, long distance and local toll rooms, while the second floor will contain the local exchange machinery and operators. Retiring rooms are provided and the whole building will be ventilated by a most complete and modern system of fan ventilation. HARRIMAN RAISES MORE PAY t alon and Oth or Pacific Railroad F m ployea Are Let In on the Profits. Clerks and stenographers and some of ficials In the I'nlon Pacific and other Har rlman headquarters In Omaha and other cities have been uniformly benefited by advances In salaries. Some three months ago a general movement began and It has culminated In the Increase of pay of thou sands of employes. Wednesday, being the first of a new month and therefore a pay day, many hearts were made glad In the Union Pacific headquarters, when drafts Indicating substantial raises were parsed around. The Increases are from 10 to 20 per cent. "The head of the Harrlman management recognized the very patent fact that the cost of living had gone up so much within the last few years as to be entirely be yond the scale of salaries," said an of ficial of the Union Pacific. "The company found that faithful employes had become unable to cope with conditions because expense were so dlsproportlonally out f plumb with their purchasing power. At th same time with the enormous Increase the cont of living, the stagnation of wage and salaries, the company recognized the fact, also, that Its earnings, like those of every other business concern, had Increased enormously. In a word It became apparent that this great wave of prosperity sweeping over the land was benefiting only the em ployer and so It was decided to let the em ploye, who helped make the prosperity. In on the profits." ST. JOSEPH'S JTEARLY REPORT Hospital Annual Statement Contain Tributes to Count Crelghton and Dr. B. F. ('rammer, The annual report of Cralghton Memorial (St. Joseph's) hospital has Just been re- celved from the hands of the printer and, although a little late, it Is none the less In- terestinif. The report la for the vear emllr December SI. It contains half tones and is printed on glazed paper, which makes It a desirable souvenir. The neuroh gleal report shows 373 patients' were handled In that de partment, the gynaecological repcrt that 1,004 were handled in that department and the surgical report that 1.537 were cared for In that department; the orthopedic, luG; the hophthalmological, 310; the otologlcal, tt3; the rhlnologlcal, ii; the laryngoliglcal, 72; the rectal, 131; surgical operations, tu4, and the X-ray department 27. Of the 2,400 patients cared for there were: Baptists, 41; Catholics, 1.15G; Christian, 66; Congregational, 19; Episcopal, 43; Evangel ical, g; Greeks, 32; Jewish, 37; Lutherans, 280; Methodists, 140; nonprofessed, 391; Pres byterians, 69; Protestants, 105, and the bal ance scattered. During the year 1,524 paid and 676 were treated free. The report gives a beautiful tribute to the late Count J. A. Crelghton. who did so much for the institution, and also to Dr. B. F. Crummer, one of the staff physicians and Instructor In Crelghton Medical college. FUNERAL 0FYLi. ROBINSON Servlres la St. Paul's Church, Llaeola Saturday, Burial at Wyuka Cemetery, Arrangements are complete for the funo ral of W. J. Rablnaon, trainmaster of tho Burlington, who also served as superin tendent of the Burlington station In Omaha. Mr. Robinson died at Lincoln Tuesday after suffering for some time with a cancer of the stomach, although he waa able to be around and had gone from Omaha to Lincoln the day before. Mrs. Robinson has come from California to attend the funeral, which will be held at St. Paul's church, Lincoln. Sunday afternoon at I o'clock with interment at Wyuka cemetery. The pallbearers will be choaen from the men tn Mr. Robinson's Omaha office. Women say there Is nothing to equal Kirk's Jsp Rose transparent snap for wsshlng the hair. All druggists and grocers sU It BRaSDEls BIO WAIST S4.I.F. More Thaa 0.000 Hlrh Class Ytw Waists at Far I e Than Vnlae. SALE BFGIN'9 SATITRDAT. Tou should see these elegant new waists fn the Sixteenth street windows to get an Idea of their beauty and the big bargains at which we well sell them Saturday. All ar new and up-to-date, beautiful trim mingsnew lingerie effects, short and long sleeve. It will be the grandest waist sele that was ever attempted by sny house In Omaha. Watch for further particulars. J. L. BRANDEIS SONS. JAMKSTOW EXPOSITION. Norfolk. T, April rVWIoTeaaber .1f. Low round trip ralss via Chicago, Mil waukee A St Psul Railway. - Season. sixty day snd fifteen day tickets on sale j dally at greatly reduced rates. Full Infor mation regarding rates, routes, etc.. free An nrHf-tifin IS A Wuak I I tern agent, ISZi Farnam street. Omaha, Keo, J MISS IIAGAR LANDS VICTIM Secretary of Aitociatd Charities Eosi rise Pisco of Pprintinc. CHASES WOMAN OVER MANY BLOCKS Ran ner nay la Hotel and Find ho Is aa Impoater Instead of Worthy Beggar. Two wemen shook hands in front of the city hnll Wednesday afternoon about 4 o'clock. Thev had met for the flrt tlmv One Intended the hand clasping to mark the rani" of their ways, while the other found that the greeting was but the stsrtr for a llvelv chnse which lasted over two hours and whlrh was fraught with ennuxli melodramatic action to make a Lincoln J. Carter thriller. The heroine In the case was Miss Emily Haaar. as'l.-tant secretary of the Asso ciated Charities, while the maverick was Mrs. Schuyler, who waa sentenced thirty days by Police Judge Crawford Thursday morning. Miss Hagar played detec'tlve with considerable skill and ultimate success. She hung onto her quarry In a chase which Included a circuitous rout of the business part of town. Dr. Jamea S. Goets. In The Bee build ing. Wednesday afternoon telephoned the office of the Associated Charities that on old woman waa soliciting money tor the avowed purpose of buying transportation to friends In Missouri. The doctor sug gested that the charity organization fur nish the ticket. Miss Hagar responded In rerson and was on the way with Mrs. Schuyler to the Associated Charities' office, when Mrs. Schuyler hesitated on the pro text she had left a package In a restaurant and feared the place would close before train time. As a token of good fulth that i '" would return to the charltios' office within the hour Mrs. Schuyler shook thu hand of Miss Hagar. Then the chase. Mlsa linear Sees It All. Miss Hugar, read between the lines and resolved to stay with Mrs. Schuyler, auj the assistant secretary's staying qualities proved to be of a strenuous' character. Mrs. -1 Schuyler started down Fiirnam street with Miss Hugar in pursuit. Mlfes Hagur Is a small woman, but can go some on oc casion. Mrs. Schuyler coverd Farjiam, Douglas and DoUga streets, entered several stores where she made small purchases, with Miss Hagar In the running all the time. Seized with a fit of exasperation at the persistance of Miss Hagar. Mrs. Schuyler started to run south on Tenth Btreet- Miss Hagar knows how to run. The last lap brought the twain up to a Japanese rooming house at Ninth and Leavenworth street, where Mrs. Schuyler entered and was for the time being lost to view. Miss Hagar hurried to Union station, secured the services of a policeman, with whom she returned to the Japanese rooming house. The proprietor at first denied the presence of a woman described as Mrs. Schuyler, but the officer got the keys and began trying doors. When Mrs. Schuyler's door was reached the woman answered and her daughter came out and fell on the necks of the policeman and Mlsa Hagar, begging both not to molest her mother. The woman was arrested on a charge of vagrancy and sentenced thirty days by the hJ! police Judge Thursday morning. It de ln veloped that the probation officer hid a war rant for the Schuyler girl, who Is 14 years of age. The daughter Is now In the De tention home. Diamonds Mawhtnney & Ryan Co. NOT FOR MORE HACK FARE Cabmen Organise, bnf They Say Not to Increase Their. Fees. Members-of the Omaha YTaekmnn's asso ciation, which has Just been Incorporated, deny that the purpose of the assoclatlrn Is to lnereap or regulate the price of hack siajvlce. They say prices will remain the same as they aro at present and the organ- ,s lormeo lor me purpose oi Keep- ln ,he ,tTft hnckmpn "together." '"Th "hJect is to keep the harkmen from fighting each other more than aniythltiB else," said Roy Hlshrp, secretary of the association. "We will not attempt to reg ulate prices In any way, but will try to regulnte the street stands to prevent trou ble among th men." He said there had been no trouble of any kind so far, but the organization merely seeks to secure eo-operatlon amrng the drivers. Mr. Bishop says all but one or two of the street hackmen are members of the assoc'atlnn. Al Smith of the Paxton stand ts presi dent. The other Incorporators are: John Everett, J hn Jl. Carver, Charles R. Boaty. Fred Field and Joe Sutley. The capital stock Is 3&00, divided Into shares of (5 each. Avoid Accident ! When alighting from Street Car use LEFT HAND on Hand Hold, and Face di rection Car is Headed. (Set Jllvttrat'on) Do not attempt to Get On or Off when Cap it In Motion. Atatat us in preventing accidents. Omaha & Council II I 3 D lar aizes fit extra slim men, you a better bargaii ORDHR BY NUMBER Giny l.otP.40(J , . OmV Blue. Lot P-I4U9 1 his 13 Samples of rol rnl on Tourirt. OMAHA. SAMSON DEFIES TRADITION "fndi Ont f ticVp'ni W.th Thirteen n rm b'em fcr Ak-'r-Ben. FIRST INITIATION FOR WHOLE OF MAY Ancient Order of I'nlted Workmen Guests at th Thla First NIgbt. Will lie Deo Samson, who writes letters and counts money for the Board of Governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-lien, Thuisday morning began to distribute little, stick pins bearing the humeral 13 in yellow figures on a red square and surrounded by a green Held, these colors being the official Ak-Sar-Ben colors. The "thirteen" Is to remind him who runs that this is the thirteenth year of Ak-Snr-lien and that the mills of the gods are about to grind at the den on North Twentieth street. The first show and initiation of the sea son at the den hove been set for Wednes day evening, May 15, on which occasion delegates to the Ancient Order of United Workmen grand lodge meeting In Omaha will be guests of honor. The regular Mon day evening Initiations in the den will be gin on June 3. Ous Renze nnd his staff of cruclflers have been busy In the den slnco February 1 on this season's Initiatory paraphernalia, which is said to surpass all previous efforts In .this line. It Is known that Mr. Renzo de livers the commodities. Outlook Is Roseate. Secretary H. J. Penfold Thursday morn ing declared the outlook was good for a successful Ak-Sar-' cn season. The Board of Governo.'s has planned tor two night and one day parades this fall, which will be realized If the business men will do their part on the parade fund, so 'the governors say. Mr. Penfold Is chairman of a special committee which will present "Street of Paris'' In the Auditorium rrom May 20 to June 1. With Mr. Penfold on' this commit tee aro Fred H. Davis, W. S. Jardlne, Fred Mcts and Will L. Yetter. The show Is now In Omaha, This attraction will be a series of booths representing In an artistic man ner the famous show places of Paris, so It is announced, Omaha merchants are to use these booths for display of wares. On the Auditorium stage a midway show will bs given. A nominal admission charge Is to be mads to the Auditorium on this occasion. Mayor Dahlman was ono of the first to wear one of the Ak-Sar-Ben "13" pins. Building Permits. The following building permits have been Issued : Hans P. I.yck. 3kM Hamilton. $i,6i0 dwelling: E. J. McAilums, Thirty-fifth and Woolworth avenue, f,Mj dwelling. Bluffs St. Ry, Go. WVK4 - " gyjMMtsaagWl A Bargain For ut-of-Iown Patrons CUrERB is the only word tfiat describes this suit. The fabric is equal to that used in the most expensive garments. It is cut in three button half-round style, is splendidly tailored and very stylish. It would be hard to duplicate this suit under $20. You may have it in modest gray over plaids; or dark blue worsteds with dainty pin-point effect in white not too fancy, just rifjht for most men. We make this price because we want to sell a large number of these suits. We would rather have a small profit on five hundred suits than a large one on one hundred. Ii's better for us and saves you about $5.00 on this suit. Regu 3 to inch chest measure. W e can stout out or extra KIT fi fl u cannot find K I I " .in for . . . P 1 " " : - . only one of our many bargains i aPMsy mmw WutaHsuWtuV . .tiiftv.ai !. jjt OVER ALL A Stately, Stride A Stylish Appearance nnd a walk that shows that your footwear ts comfortable and that they make walking easy are all those who Incase their feet In ONIMDD SHOES Hand Built Orumods are fashions leaders, the very best $5.00 and $6.00 DencK Made Onimods the Business Man's Choice $4.00 The $2.50 a $3.50 Onimods are still the best shoe In the world at anywhere near the price. egent 203- rsiwEGs.issT. SHORT TALKki BY L. T. COOPER. - CHRCN1C CRANKS. We all hav met pecpl who r contra, ually kicking. LLf seems a terrible thing to them. Tbey sel dom smile. Soma thing dreadful 1 going to happen, nothing 1 vr Just right, and they worry and fret and complain from morning till night. Their trouble seems to b Jus a bad dtjposillots but this is soldora so. In most casos tiiere Is on tf two thing th matter MR. J. U. SMOCK. ' with them; either their nerves or their digestion Is respon sible. Both come from the same thing stomach trouble. A poor man or woman whose nerves are tied In knots Is bound to be mighty poor company. The same thing Is true If what they eat don't digest pro perly. No wonder they gruinbla, I don't blame them. I have seen Cooper's New Discovery change tho whole disposition of p.jplu la a month's time simply by t; ttliig their stomach In slio, again. Kven the -is-presslon on their faces was altogether different. The worried, tired, fretful loa changed to a peaceful, hap;iy expression, and the lines of cur disappeared altogeth er. Many pouple i. il mo about this In let- . ters. They ae m to think it is a miracle. It Isn't. It's Just the siom.ch working ! again. I Here's a case of this kind: . "I suffered with my stomach for thrten ! years. Nothing I ate scenu-d to digcxt. I j also hud chronic constii ation. a:id wa tired, dull, lrrlthblo an puridcnt ' all the time. I fuund It difficult to attend to my duties as traction uf-nt at this pU.e. I "His different Victois treated me and all give different opluif.ns. "I began talcing Cooper's New Discov ery, and to my surprise It helped me I run the first. 1 have gained ten pounds In three week ard am ft-ellug fine. My work new Is a pleasure, v.1 're before 1 was ri.dgry." J. It. Hmoe;.. Cicero. Indiana. We sell the Cooler medicines. BEATON DRUG CO. Cor. lalli ami 1'arutuu tSl., Omaha, t , i I