Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Friday-A Sale Boys' Clothes
In New Boys' Clothing Dcpl.2d Floor, Old Store
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MM U 1. JUjT U.1 XL UiM
7 , r
- IF
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rational Conere of Mathers to Meat ir.
Loi A b eel el
Ornrral Society Daoaliters of Re-rola-tlnn
and I.rn(nr nf Amfrlrn Pen
Womra Ainnmct Plans for
Anrnial Meetings.
The InHrte Inn at the Jamestown ejcpoel
tlon has been selected official headquarters
for the General federation of Women's
Clubs during the council meeting to be
held at Jamestown June 6 and 6. The
committee has been able to make most
satisfactory arrangement with the hotel
corporation and the following rates have
been announced for visiting club women:
American plan, wlthnut bath, two persons
lr. room. Including breakfast, privileges of
the Inn and Admission to exposition grounds
after the guest has registered at the hotel,
13 &0 per day for each person. If room la
occupied by only one person, $1 extra.
American plun, without buth, two personw
In room. Including breakfast, luncheon and
our $1 evening table d'hote dinner, privi
leges of the Inn and admission to exposi
tion grounds after the guest has registered
at the hotel, 13. SO per day for each person.
If room is ociaipletl by only one person,
$1 extra.
The above rates Include admission to the
grounds each day and the guest will be
allowed to use a pass permitting her to I
leave the exposition grounds and return
without charge.. Thla rate can only be
secured by reserving accommodations on or
before Hay 15. Send $5 for each reserva
tion, the amount to be credited on the
hotel bill.
The transportation committee has been
unable to obtain any concessions from the
railroads for the club women other than the
regular excursion rates which will be In
force for the exposition. Full Information
regarding these rates may be had at any
'.lcket office.
Connrll Prnaram.
Tuesday, Juno 4. 8 O'clock, Convention
Hail, Inside lnn-ln formal meeting. Bien
nial aftermath: lielatlona, experiences, Im
pressions, criticisms.
Wednesday, June 5, Morning Session, 10
O'clock Invocation Federation hymn,
tireetlng. Mrs. Sarah B. Piatt Decker, pres
ident General Federation. Address of wel
come, Miss Oatewood, president Norfolk
Woman's club. Response, Mrs. May Aldt-n
Ward, second vice president General Fed
eration. Topics for dlsottsHon: "Plane of
Standing Committees; "Kilucation; li
brary Kxteiislon' Mrs. Addison F. Broom
hail, chairman, Troy, O. ; "Art," Mrs. John
D. Sherwood, chairman, Chicago, III.; "Lit
erature," Miss Mary li. Poppenhelm, chalr
mn, Chrleeton. 8. C. ; "Forestry," lira. P.
8. Peterson, chairman, Chicago, 111.; "Per
Capita Tax." Mrs. Philip N. Moore, first
vice prealdent General Federation. After
noon aeanlon, 2 o'clocl I "Interfoderatlon
Committee," Mrs. Philip Carpenter, New
Tork; "Outlook Committee." Mrs. T. J.
Fletcher, chairman, Marshalltown, la.;
"Biennial Program," Mrs. Percy V. Penny-
, backer, chairman, Austin Tex. Conference
of state presidents and General Federation
Btnte Boort-taxies. Owning session, 8
o'clock: Muso, Norfolk Woman's club. Ad
ores, "JJauty In Common Tilings," Mr.
Jtfenry Turner Bailey,. North Scltuate, Mass.
.Thursday, June 6, Morning 81on, 10
O'clock Topioa for dlseuswlon. Plans of
tandlntr committees: "Civic," Mm Joseph
B. IMbrCll, chairman. Seguln, Tex.; "Civil
Service Reform," Mis Anna L. Clark,
chairman, HootivIHe, Mo.; "Industrial and
Child Labor,'' Mrs. Clarence Burns, chair
man, New York Clty "legislative" Mrs.
Mary Morton Kehew, chairman, Boston;
Mass.! "Hounehold Economics," Mrs. Mar
caret J. Blair, chairman, St. Paul, Mlnnt;
"Pure Foud." Mrs. Walter McNabb MU
llr chairman, Columbia. Mo.; "Reolproo
1tv'," Mrs Herbert M. Buahnell. chairman,
Lincoln, Neb.; "Bureau of Information,"
Mrs. Mary I. Wood, chairman, Portsmouth,
N. II. General topics. Afternoon session,
3 o'dof-lc, Auditorium, Jamestown exposi
tion, Mrs. llecker presiding: Greeting. Hon.
H. St. George Tucker, president of the
Jwmestown exposition. A word from the
board of directors of the General Federa
tion. Addreas, "True Patriotism," Mrs. A.
B. Buchanan, Memphis. Tenn. Addrean,
"Moral Education In Schools," Miss Jane
Brown!. Ran Itiego. Cal. Thursday even
ing, 8 o'clock: Rjeoeptlon to official board of
t4i General Federation and to visiting club
women by Norfolk Woman's club.
Plans for for Boston Biennial.
Tho local board of Boston, arranging for
the entertainment of the biennial conven
tion of the General Federation of Women's
Clubs, to be held In Boston In June, 1908,
has secured rooms suitable for state head
quarters at the Emerson School of Ora
tory In immediate proximity to Symphony
hall, where the sessions of the convention
will be held. No charge will be made to
state delegations for the use of these
rooms during the week.
Oanghters of the Revolution Meet.
The sixteenth annual meeting of the Gen
eral Society of Daughters of the Revo
lution will be held at Wheeling, W. V.,
Thutraday and Friday of next week.
Wednesday will be given over to the re
ception of delegates and Wednesday even
ing a gentral reception will be held. Re
ports from chapters. fae election of ten
members to the board of directors and other
business Is scheduled for Thursday, with a
banquet ' In the evening. Friday will be
devoted to the hearing of chapter reports
and plans for the coming year. The vis
iting women will be extensively entertained,
an excursion down the Ohio river to Blen
ncrhasset Uland being among the things
contemplated. In addition to private recep
Nebraska Ud Vho Waa With Punticr
ob td Comti Home.
Dors Not Make . m Stop Between
. nnapolls and the Oflnce of
Mayor Dahlman of
C. J. Stuart of Fremont traveled from the
V. d. a. Hartford. Annapolis, Md. to the
olfce of Mayor Dahlman without any more
slops than were actually necessary In mak
ing the trip.
The iy wore I'ncle Sam's naval suit of
blue and carried with him a suit case. He
wanted a job he wanted to work. No more
roving the ocan blue for h!rr.. The
spectacle of Admiral Ikib Kvan's fier had
lost It charm fur him. Fur months be
longed for Nebraska's rolling prairies and
,.,,i.aa .
tions, theater parties and a luncheon by the I
local Country club.
Pen Women to Hold Reunion.
The League of American Pen Women will
celebrate Tuesday, June 11, as Its day at
the Jamestown exposition, affording Its
members from various parts of the country
opportunity for reunion. The National Ed
itorial association will be In session the
week of June in and the council of the
General Federation will be held a few days
earlier. A short morning session of tho
league will be held for reports from mem
bers, with brief afternoon and evening pro
grams, the details of which will be an
nounced later. All members expecting to be
present are requested to notify Miss Elisa
beth A. Hyde, corresponding secretary.
Ii0 Summit Place, Washington, D. C,
that some estimate may be made of the
expected attendance.
Mothers la Conference.
May 10 to 15 have been announced as the
dates for the biennial convention of the
National Congress of Mothers, which will
be held at Los Angeles. The meetlng will
celebrate the tenth anniversary of ' the
organization of the congress. Special rates
have been made via the southern route
and several parties will leave Chicago this
week. The International congress will meet
at Washington, t). C, next year and a re
quest has been made of every government
that representatives be sent to speak on
the conditions of its children.
Atnnnlnsr Frocks Made from Inexpen
sive Materials This Senson.
A little dressmaker by which name
womankind signalises the dressmaker who
has not yet arrived at the distinction of a
smart shop and exorbitant pricee was
talking of the season's modes the other
day, and her point of view being that of
the average woman, commanded attention.
"It has been a long time," she said,
"since there was such opportunity for
smartness at comparatively little expense
as there Is this season.
With a vision of extravagant and per
ishable silken tissues and of lavish hand
embroideries before our eyes, we de
murred, but madame waved our objection
"Oh, I know what you are thinking
about the wonderful embroideries and
hand work. I did not say that the most
extravagant kind of French frock is any
cheuper or Is more easily duplicated than
UBual. A statement of that kind would
be sheer fully.
"But what I did mean was that line
plays a very Important part in the new
modes and that many of the new lines
niOBt favored are easily obtained. I'm
not claiming that I can make even the
simplest kind of bodice look as though It
came from Paquln or that I can hang a
simple skirt as Drecall can, but I've seen
a great many models from famous houses
whose general character I can duplicate
with considerable success, because their
smartness lies in their lines and some little
originality of trimming rather than in
"Take this fad for the aurpllce or V
Bhaped drapery, front and bark. Any
clever aeamstrees can obtain good effects
In that way If she has a good Sketch or
model to follow, and while the shoulder
drapery, kimono sleeve and all that sort
of thing are puxzllng at first, there are
numbers of good patterns for such bodices
and coats now, and when one once under
stands the general principles upon which
such cutting Is done It Is easy to modify
the patterns.
"Gulmpes and undersleeves are matters
of daintiness and hand work more than of
anything else, and there's no excuse for
such clumsy work as many dressmakers of
my class put Into such details. One need
only study the gulmpe and sleeves of good
models In the shops or In French fashion
journals to obtain plenty of Ideas for
such work, and one can pick up quantities
green field. His mouth watered for a
taste of Nebraska's corn. So when he re
ceived his honorable dlscnarge a few days
ago he hied himself westward and made
a bee line for the mayor's office upon reach
ing Omaha Thursday morning.
"I want work, Mr Mayor," was the greet
ing tho boy gave Mayor Jim.
"Would you care to go on the Are depart
ment?" asked the mayor.
"Yes, sir, I would," the boy replied.
"Well, wa will try and get you some
thing to do until there Is an opening on the
fire department," Mayor Dahlman an
swered, and then the mayor wrote a letter
for the boy to an Omaha business man.
Side Boy for Kan.
Stuart was with Bob Evans in many
porta He served the fighting admiral as
"side boy" on many occasions. The Fre
mont lad was In San Francisco harbor lp
the torpedo boat destroyer Perry when
'Frisco was shaken on April 18 last year.
Stuart felt the disturbance while on the
boat. Then ha served L'ncte 8am in San
Francisco for several months after the
earthquake. He has been around the world
in the United States navy. He served his
four years and land never looked better
to him than the sight of Omaha Thursday
morning. Ha said be has seen thn sea and
lae world and would rather fight fires In
Omaha than rove the "raging main" In
the finest battleship afloat. And yet there
are many boys who would rather ply the
teas In a catboat than be a landlubber.
Stuart says he Is home again.
Captain MarLlla Aennllted.
8AN ANTONIO. Tex , May f.-The court,
n.ardal found Captain M-ickllu nut gulty
of little smart wrinkles for girdles and
collars, etc., by going out In search of
such Information.
nlne of t nnsonl Details.
"It Is Just some unusual detail that gives
a shirt waist frock or Jumper frock style,
but the little dressmakers don't hunt for
suggestions of that kind on the swell
frocks. They look at the difficult features
of the extreme models and say, 'Oh, we
can't do that sort of tiling."
"When I go out and see a lovely mod.?l
In costly material, I look It over and de-
clde what I can get out of it. Sometimes
Its very best features can be copied In In
expensive materials, especially now that
there are so many beautiful designs and
colorings In the cheaper stuffs. I've never
had such success with Inexpensive frocks
as I've had this spring, and that's be
cause, as I said at first, so many of the
fashionable Ideas are possible."
All this sounded encouraging, and start
ing out, with the optimistic dressmaker's
view point, we found much to Justify her
optimism. Of course there are models
galore whose construction would send any
one save a French artist dressmaker to a
padded cell, but there are others a host
of others.
In the first place, as our little dress
maker said, look at the surplice bodices,
and a very large percentage of the Im
ported frocks that have such bodices.
There are Innumerable attractive varia
tions upon the trimming of these bodlcea.
Simplest of all Is the binding of liberty
satin or taffeta, or Instead of a binding a
fold laid under the edge of the surplice
material. Often this Is the only trimming
bordering the deep V-shaped opening, and
especially when the frock material is of
stripe or other fancy design the line of
plain satin lying against a dainty gulmpe
of net and lace Is more effective than any
more pretentious trimming would be.
Sometimes the line of satin borders the
outside edge of a band of lace, or perhaps
the material Itself has a border design
and this border Is used to outline the sur
plice, with a fold of satin or of plain tone
moussellne for finish. The bordure frock
pictured In one of the small cuts was an
Imported model from a famous French
house and the material was an exquisite
bordered, silk moussellne of extravagant
price; while the real lace used In gulmpe
and sleeves helped to Justify the J350 asked
for the model; but an extremely pretty, In
expensive frock might be made upon these
same lines by using one of the delightful
bordered cottons or silk and cotton stuffs
and effective French lace of moderate price.
Some of the Models Copied.
The original model had a deep band of
plain black moussellne outside the flowered
border and this black band made a good
finish for the skirt bottom, while narrow
hems of the black outlined the surplice and
were used on the cuff. Where the material
itself has not this black border, the dress
maker often adds It for effect or for prac
tical value, the black on the skirt bottom
staying fresh much longer than the light
flowered border would. When the black or
other dark colored moussellne Is added It
is usually Joined to the flowered border
by a line of Irregular lace set In.
Laferriere has a charming surplice model
In soft blue and white striped radium,
whose surplice folds are bordered simply
by a very narrow fine plaiting of the silk.
This plaiting also borders the folds, which
fall out over a full sleeve of plaited linon
frills, lace edged, and edges the long V
surplice opening of the back, as well as
the rounded sash ends, which are a con
tinuation of the surplice drapery.
A dark blue velvet glrdie passes over
these folds and holds them at the waist
line and the surplice folds in front cross
and fasten to the girdle with linen buttons,
each button having a blue velvet pastille
applied to it. At the top of the girdle and
showing under and slightly beyond the
narrow plaited frills which border the sur
plice are lines of heavy white linen set
with dork blue velvet pastilles.
Tract of (hoice Kontaoa Land Will be
Open in Month.
Xo Interest Will Be Charged and
Owner Will Pay One-Tenth
Each Tear for Ten
The government has definitely decided to
proceed with the Huntley project of open
ing 30,000 acres of Montana land for settle
ment by the lottery or drawing system,
and although the exact date of the open
ing la not decided upon. It will be In the
latter part of June or the first part of July.
This will be the first tract of Irrigated
land to be given out by the government ami
la the most select and valuable tract under
the general gjvernment's irrigating plan.
"This beautiful piece of land, comprising
30.010 acres. Is situated from twelve tj
twenty miles east of Billings," said L W.
Wakeley, general .passenger agent of the
Burlington. "The land will all be within
that distance of the million-dollar sugar
beet factory at Billings. Six town sites
mill be establ.shed and land within two
miles of the towns will be allotted In forty
acre tracts, and more than two miles will
be allotted In eighty-acre tracts. The
water Is now ready to turn on every forty
acres and luay Le had by thos? luky
enough to draw at cob i to tue government
Vrj. Fenry P. W tin an Entertains Smart
Lmcheon Party.
Guests In Town for bat Few Days
Occasion Informal Affairs
Card flnhs Close
A charming luncheon was given Wednes
day by Mrs. Henry F. Wyman. The table
was decorated In green and white, snap
dragons being the flower hsed. At each
guest's plate was a May basket, covers be
ing laid for Mrs. John L. Kennedy, Mrs.
E. M. Morsman, Jr.; Mrs. Sam Caldwell,
Mrs. Harry Wllklns, Mrs. Crofoot, Mrs.
George Palmer, Mrs. Ward Burgess, Mrs.
Charles W. Martin, Mrs. Fred Rustln and
Mrs. Wyman.
GIven-ln-Honor Affairs.
In honor of Miss Fox. who Is the guest
of Miss Alice Buchanan, Mrs. Paul
Wernher gave a kenslngton Wednesday
afternoon. In a guessing contest Mrs.
Glenn Burk was awarded the first prize
and Miss Fox a Bouvenlr guest's prlxe.
Those present were: Mrs. Glenn Buck,
Mrs. Arthur D. Smith, Mrs. Lee Kennard,
Mrs. John McDonald, Miss Fox, Miss Alice
Buchanan, Miss Laura Dale, Miss Ida
Smith. Miss Llda Edmlston, Miss Edith
Butler, Miss Ruth Dahlman and Mrs.
Mrs. T. L Rlngwalt gave a very delight
ful Informal tea Tuesday afternoon, about
thirty friends having been Invited Infor
mally to meet Miss Faltby and Miss Edith
Maltby of Northampton, Mass., who spent
a day with her enroute to Japan,
Card Clan Closes Season.
The P. H. Card club was entertained
Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. Roy H.
French. The prizes for the card game were
won by Mrs. W. L. Painter and Miss
Jankowskle. The guests of the club were
Miss Tlghe and Miss Jankowskle. The
members present were: Mrs. W. L.
Painter, Mrs. P. L. Heilson, Mrs. L,
Muser, Mrs. C. Corkhlll, Mrs. C. Goodwin,
Mrs. II. Schwagor, Mrs. C. Johnson, Mrs.
Remllllard, Mrs. C. Harding and Mrs.
French. This was the last meeting of the
club for this season, but It will reorganise
In the fall.
I.e Veta Clan Meeting-.
Mrs. Philip Wlndhelm was hostess
Wednesday afternoon at the meeting of the
Le Veta club. Four tables were placed
for the game and the prizes were won by
Mrs. L. J. Troynor and Mrs. J. E. Wig
man. Mrs. Henry Rlx was guest of the
club. The members present were: Mrs.
Frank Hoel, Mrs. L. J. Tray nor, Mrs.
Chris Lehman, Mrs. William Wlgman,
Mrs. Walter Mlsner, Mrs, J. E. Wlgman,
Mrs. Frank Powers, Mrs. I. S. Hunter, Mrs.
Herman Beselln, Mrs. Herman Matthes,
Mrs. Kuenne, Mrs. Berger, Mrs. Purcell
and Mrs. Henry RIs. The next meeting
will be In two weeks, at the home of Mrs.
May Party.
The Rosalba club gave a May party
Wednesday evening at Crelghton Institute
hall. The decorations were unusually elab
orate. Green and white were the colors
employed, carried out In white tissue paper
roses and streamers of green and white
paper The archway leading to the dance
hall was outlined with white rosea and
ropes of the same flower hung loosely over
head. The rostrum where the orchestra
was stationed was latticed with the green
and white streamers and studded with white
roses spelling In large letters the name of
the club. The streamers also extended from
the center chandelier to the sides of the
wall, making a canopy of these attractive
decorations. About eighty couples were
The engagement has been announced in
Lincoln of Miss Mable Bennett, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John R- Bennett, and Mr.
Ernest W. Julian. Mr. Julian waa formerly
of Omaha, but for several years he has
been located In Lincoln, where he Is con
nected with the Western Newspaper Union.
Miss Bennett has often visited In Omaha
as the guest of Miss Edith Butler and Miss
Marlon Connell. The wedding will take
place May 29 at the home of the bride. It
will be a large and pretentious affair, as
this home Is one of the most beautiful in
Lincoln and admirably adapted for such an
Personal Mention.
Miss Georgia Kennard will leave Saturday
for a few days' visit in St. Joseph, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Del Btrother will
leave the middle of this month for Madison,
Wis. where Mrs. Del Strother will spend
the summer with her mother.
Dr. T. L Rhoades of Fort Crook has
taken a month's leave In the east before
sailing June 5 for the Philippines.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Fort have gone to
California for A three weeks' visit.
Mr. George Peek returned Thursday morn
ing from Mollne, 111,
Mr. W. F. Allen, who underwent an op
eration Tuesday for appendicitis at the
Omaha General hospital, Is reported con
valescing satisfactorily.
It is far ahead of the Crow and Shoshone
tracts in point of development: The ex
pense to the man drawing will he about
VU an acre and it will be worth from
to $100 in a year, or at once.
"Should a man draw a forty or eighty
acre tract ho must pay one-tenth down, or
13 for his pro rata to the government for
expense of Irrigation, tl for the Indians
and SO cents for the expense of mainte
nance, which makes M.80 for the first year
for each acre.'
"In the government plan of allotment no
Interest Is charged, the owner paving one
tenth each year for ten years. The entire
tract is wonderfully well developed. It
possesses a telephone system and concrete
culverts and everything la Aral-class con
.ditlon, ready for a man to go to farming.
All Is on the south side of the Yellowstone
nvi r, from w hlch the water Is taken.
"When the Crow agency was oiiened for
settlement this portion was set aside by
the government for further development."
For Third Time Planting Mast Be
Made In One Loalalana
NEW ORLEANS, May I. A third plant
ing of cotton will be necessary in Lincoln
parish. La-, on account of tne unseason
able weather. Overflows caused by heavy
rains are the cause of the latest diaaattr
to the crop. The farmers' one ray of hope
Is that the wet weather has In some meas
ure drowned out the boll weevil.
Glaater, Miss., also reports that a new
planting of cotton will be nece'sary. Iu
both sections complaints are made that
seed Is very scarce and high priced.
As a Friday special in our popular boys' department we offer
big special: 1,000 children's and boys' new spring suits, well
strongly made of strictly all wool materials ages 3 to 1G
styles show the newest designs
double breasted suits with straight pants double breast
ed Norfolks will knickerbockers, etc. not a suit worth
less than $4.00 and up to $5.00 Friday, choice
Boys' Shirt Waists
and Shirt Waist Blouses
Well made of percales,
ginghams and cheviots.
in neat patterns,
actual 0o values,
at, each
A Very Special Sale
Ladies' Hand Turned Kid
high and low shoes
will go at, per
Infanta' 75c hand turned
Kid Shoes sizes from
2 to 6, go at,
per pair JJC
Children's one dollar IHin-
gola Kid Shoes sizes
6 to 8,
at, pair
Objaot it to Enabla Union Paoifio to Hold
Catiida InUratta,
Effort to Remove Prejadlee Excited
br Ten Per Cent Dividend and
Keep Southern Paelflo
. and Atchison.
Plans are being prepared for the forma
tion of a holding company for the stocks
of the Southern Pacific and other roads
whose stock is now in the Union Pacific
treasury. The reasons given for a holding
company are that to increase the dividends
of the stockholders would remove the
prejudice excited by a 10 per cent dividend,
and a holding company would enable tho
Union Pacific to evade the consequences
of any government action to compel it to
dispose of Its Southern Paelflo and Atchison
stock on the ground that such ownership
constituted a combination of competing
roads in violation of the law.
The plan la showing signs of renewed
activity. The assets at present market
prices would be nearly 40.000,000, or $122 a
share of common stock. Eighty dollars a
share has been bid for any amount up to
10,000 shares for certificates (when Issued)
of the talked-of holding company.
It is said on Wall street that the chances
are the holding company would now be a
reality but for the investigations by the
Interstate Commerce commission. The
holding company Idea was based more on
the thought that the Union Pacific was be
coming more of a financial institution than
a railroad.
False Impression Created.
With Union Paelflo common stock earn
ing from 16 per cent to 20 per cent and
paying 10 per cent dividends, a false Im
pression was made on the minds of the
public, and It was decided that it was too
much for a transcontinental line to exact
from its patrona. Efforts were made to
show the Union Paelflo aa a railroad waa
paying but t per cent and the other 4 per
cent was paid from the securities held.
Should a holding company be created out
of the segregated collateral assets of the
Union Pacific It would make one of the
greatest financial Institutions in the world.
The plan was understood to be to capitalise
the holding company -at an amount equal
to the Union Pacific common. Tills would
give each share of the Union Pacific com
mon a share In the holding company.
The outside holdings of the Union Pa
cific are:
Southern Pacific common $ T5.6"u,ui0
Southern Pacific preferred 21.060.0"0
Jtaltlmore & Ohio common 32,010,8.8
ItHltlmore & Ohio preferred 6.45,760
Illinois Central 27.M2 18
New York Central 16.K57J79
Atchison preferred 8.7i0,0'O
St. Paul common 4,l.fO0
Pt. J. & O. I. common i22.nO
St. J. & O. I. 1st preferred 6rS.!fO
St. J. A O. I. 2d preferred 375, i0
Northern Securities stubs W2.ll.'
C. A N. W. common 8,,M0
Northern Pacific S.fc'li.iat
Great Northern 12.1W.140
Great Northern Ore 8.0'2.68
Chicago & Alton .2.kHi)
Railroad Securities common 6.147, 7'J0
Railroad Securities preferred l.&A.tuO
Total (238.192,272
Absolute Decree Entered as Result of
Pntlle Effort to Restore
After f utile attempts had been made to
bring about a reconciliation a dearee of ab
solute divorce waa entered In the case of
Clara K. Robb against James W. Robb by
Judge Troup Thursday morning. Three or
four years ago Mrs. Robb secured a de
cree of separate maintenance from her hus
band, who was prominent In the younger
social circles in the Hanscom park district,
and since that time efforts hsve been under
way to come to an agreement on the terms
of a permanent decree. By the decree Just
Issued Mrs. Robb Is allowed 2.000 alimony,
which has already been paid, and 176 every
three months for the maintenance of the
twin daughters, who are given into her cus
tody. The care of the oldest son Is given
to the father. Mrs. Robb Is now living at
Lexington with her parents.
Nellie O Foster has applied to district
court for a divorce from Walter F. Foster.
The files were removed from the clerk's
office by her attorm y.
Anna Slater relates in a petition for di
vorce from Sam Slater that a few months
after their marriage at Grlswold, la., her
husband began to express his hatred of
ber and sought to drive her from home.
March 24 she says he called her names and
made threats. She asks for the custody of
their daughter.
Now is the time to make your wauta
1 known through The Be Want Ad pagu.
in Buster Browns, sailors,
Doya Knee Pants and Knickerbockers
In a special purchase e secured about 2.000
boys' knee pants and knickerbockers, made of
strong wool fabrics, ages 3 to 15 double
reinforced taped seams, patent waist ot
band, for the rough and tumble boy
actual $1.00 values, at, pair
92.50 quality Kid
I wiles' white,
pink Slippers,
soiled, at, per
Shoes Solid leath
with patent
at, pair
Ladies' $2.O0 hand sewed
Romeo and Juliet Com
fort Slippers, at, Q
per pair ! !
Iloys' $1.50 Vict Kid
Shoes sizes from 1 to
will go
6 will go at,
per pair
Northwest Trade Tonr Contemplates
Promotion of Interests In
Both Cities.
Some misapprehension has arisen rela
tive to the scope of the "Great Northwest"
trade excursion. The movement wus origi
nated In the Commercial club, but the
excursion is not to be made under the
auspices of the club as such, but in the
interests of "Omaha, the market town,"
and Is being sponsored by several of the
representative commercial organizations of
the city.
The excursion is given in the Interests
primarily of the Commercial club, the
Grain exchange, the Real Estate exchange
and the South Omaha Live Stock exchange.
The connection of each of tho3a organiza
tions with the excursion Is being promi
nently advertised and the official booklet
of the excursion, the Itinerary, shows theso
organizations as the mnln participants.
A number of members of the prominent
commission firms of South Omaha will go
on the excursion and It is believed a repre
sentative of each packing firm will par
ticipate. '
Applications for reservations on the train
are being received each day through the
efforts of the hustling committee, which Is
headed by Joe Kelly and Dan Fuller and
the required number of participants to
Insure the success of the trip will soon be
Tli American People are Noted for Their Love of Fair Play. So Trite ti'
This, That It Hay Be Said To Be a National Trait of Character.
Tne who strikes another a fool blow,, or maliciously tries to injure him
In his Jfjainess, or in his social standing is detested and abhorred. The AmerW
can c
le ni
t generally slow to manifest their disapproval of such unfair!
n opportunity is afforded.
of this deposition is the fact that although base, false and ma
upon Dr. 1'ierce, of Buffalo, and his widely celebrated Kamiiu!
e sometimes injured the side of these meritorious remedies for a!
ii such unjust assaults have been met and their fnluehnmU com.'
futed, a natural reaction has
IE: tf"? T, ffi If one Journal, of Philadelphia, which. In 1M.!
prtblif,tiiiw nmst iniTicTtiisTy lalse, slaiuleroiis mul ThiFIouh aTTcTgriaritiii
UK rrercpaiul lngr7 I'ltV'Snle l'reycrilun '' the welbjjLTWn cure"u)r. vTriTfaTTs
peenjisr uvnlTiTesfes and fliMrcsi'nK aili'nents Pr. Pier'-? Krotiglit suit iifTTTe"
bii I'rr-ulo T'..l'il""tT tho Kifllel'.f ...w"V,,.L tl.J. ...,tt,J,..V ...1 r.y
iLXLUlfn'yru lector. "ti,j. . ludcment i,7m7 for a Kni
tniOUntl'I.O'VTOOMe) nr.1 for enough t. ""H"rTy rtX'Mppcnse lr. l'ie n-eTTr
V I,1'-, I"1"" I'T1""" TU'r '
completely vindicated nn
' conn, p contain no nlcliul :uur
' '"lb V-tt"'". itll'i ')'"--!. i ".f (Humerus and in urn. us iinj;s
lK 'ltf.y r-"vP "fnl'""rf'"f'er had alleged it coilUmc J vt l'r. 1'ii nn- bus?
yc'V CM "HiTnftv moyrd lor g-i-.QVr trial i7ny 1 1 tig that thereby be uwy
finwiK, be tor(uriL n innir jin-i aiul adequate fopnTiTsMFor, t'vr the rreat lani-
at'e iiich
e ;n mnqg to sniirr uy
iilin anil Ins business.
1 Uhere are hundred of thousands of
people all over this blessed country of
ours who have been cured of obstinato,
chronic diseases through the use of Dr.
Pierce's Medicine arid it Is only natural
that such people should rlnn up and speak
their sentiments pretty freely when Dr.
Pierre and his medicines are so unjustly
These grateful patients of Dr. Pierce
are to be found In almost every hamlet
and country vlllag", and in the farm
houses and mechanics' cottages in every
nook and corner of this creat country.
Common gratluido prompts such people
to stand up and defend Dr. l'lerco and
his medicines against unjust and ma
licious attacks.
Dr. Pierce's Medlclnea have been on
ale In drug stores all over this country
and In many foreign lands for more than
forty years and yet their salo continues
to grow in a substantial and nio-t grati
fying way. This could not be the esse if
they were not remedies of more than
ordinary merit.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is not
advertised as a "Cure All " but admirably
fulfills a singleness of purpose, being a
superior and most positive remedy for one
class of diseases only those easily recog
nized weaknesses, derangements. Irregu
larities and painful disorders peculiar to
women. It is a powerful, vet gently act
ing. Invigorating, tonic and strengthening
nervine. For weak, worn-out, over-worked
women no matu-r what has canted
the break-down, whether it be from too
frequent bearing of children or from much
worry, care, or overexertion of any kind.
Favorite Prescription will be found
most efficient In building up the strength,
regulating all the womanly functions,
banishing taln and bringing about a reg
ular and healthy, vigorous condition of
the tsbole female system. Thus It cor
r.vts prolapsus, or falling of womb, retro
version, anteverslon and other displace
ments of the female pelvic orpans, due to
weakness or over enertion, lifting or fa
tiguing over-work. In short, it makrs
weak women strong and sick women well.
As to Dr. Pierce's (Jolden Medical Dis
covery ll has a very laro range of appli
cation, yet it Is by no means recommended
as a "Cure-All. " It posees marvelous
alterative, or blood cleansing, properties
and Is at the same time a most Invigorat
ing tonic, or strength giver. It exerts a
iieclHc, cleansing, soothing and healing
fleet upon all the lining mucous mem
branes of the system; hence. Its great
curative value in all catarrhal affections,
uo matter where kicaUxi.
0 Shoes
blue and
Little ItoyV one dollar and
twenty-five cent Ilox
Calf Shoes, at,
per pair
Agreements Made After Injnnctlon la
Sonth Omaha Sewer Case
Fall I'ndrr Dan.
Following the permanent Injunction Is
sued by Jude Kennedy to prevent work
on the South Omaha sewers under the origi
nal contracts let by the city council an
attack will be made In the court on the
contracts purported to have been let after
the temporary injunction was Issued and
which were not affected by the recent order.
After Judgo Kennedy hnd Issued his tem
porary order holding the original contruots
were void because they called for the ex
penditure of more money than the people
voted for the purpose a meeting of the
council was held at which an offer of t2
180 from the Union Stock Yards company
to pay the deficiency In the amount for the
building of the Mud crock sewer was ac
cepted. The council then proceeded to let
new contracts on the old bids.
Tho attack on the new contract Is mads
by Theodore H. TePoel, a South Omaha
property owner. It is contended there Is a
secret agreement to repay to the Stock
Yards company the $26,000 It has offered to
advance out of the $00,000 additional bonds
tho last legislature authorized the city to
Issue to complete the work. It Is also
claimed tho meeting of the council was In
valid, being called by only five members
Instead of six.
followed and their sale has been fully
". y ruie fie ami ins
(he lulU-r reiTTwfy was
vfive!i. iri
reason oi t. he tjiie IhIscIhxhIh published
In Chronic Nusul Catarrh, It Is well to
cleanse the passages two or three times a
day with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rmnedy
fluid, whllo persisting in the use of thn
"Golden Medical Discovery " for Its Mood
cleansing and smtII;c curative effects
upon tho diseased mucous membranes, ll
will cure a very large er cent, of all casesj '
even after they have reached the ulcera
tive, or chronic stage, and tio vmttrr uf
how liuiuu pttr' Htmullmi they wity lie.
It Is equally efficacious In afTectlonsof the
mucous lining of the larynx, bronchia and
respiratory organs In general, thus curina;
bronchitis, laryngitis and other affections
Jiving rise to obstinate, hang-on-cough.
t is not so good in acute coughs following
sudden col ls, as in the lingering, chronic
coughs. Nor must the "Golden Medical
Discovery " be expected to work miracles,
it will not cure consumption In Its
advanced stages no medicine will do
that, but for ull obstinate hana-on-rouuhs
due to larynglal or bronchial Irritation
and kindred alfcctions, of the throat
which, if neglected or badly treated, sre '
likely to lead up to consumption, the .
"Discovery "ran be relied upon to produce
the best curative results. '
The "Golden Medical Discovery" Is,
from Its tonic, and specific curative con
trol over mucous surfaces, especially
efficacious in curing Indigestion, dyspep
sia, weak stomach and "Liver Complaint."
or biliousness. Kven ulceration of tba
stomach and bowels has in thousands of
cases been cured by it; also obstinato i
chronic diarrhea.
In addition to all the foregoing, not the
least valuable of thn marvolously ellica
cious properties possessed by the " Discov
ery " Is the uncijualed regulating and
strengthening flct exerted by It over the
heart's action, lthas mmie some wonder
ful cures of very pronounced valvular and
other affections of that organ.
The rtuxim why "Golden Medical Dis
covery cures so wldn a range of diseases
Is made plain in a booklet sent free on
requestmailed to Dr. K. V. Pierce, buffalo,
N. V. If Interested, send for It.
The powerful alterative or blond purify.
Ing properties possessed by the "Discov
ery " will naturally snidest Its use b.r the
cure of blotches, pimples, eruptions; as
eczema, ralt-rheuin, ami other sklu aiTcc
tlons in all of w Inch It has made remark
ablecurns; alsoln scrofulous sores and old,
ojien ulcers, or eating sores. To beal the
latter, use Dr. Pierce's All Healing tealva
as a local application, while taking, the
"Golden Medical Discovery" to correct
the blood and cleanse the system. A bos
will be mailed u any address on receipt of
fifty-four cents in stamps. If yeur drug
gist don't have it la stock, tddrtsw Uu,
l'lurcv, m above.