Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Tele lirne Douglas) 018 IUarhr All IVpartroeiiU.
Friday the Great Special Sale
of Long Kid Gloves
RetfuUrlj Worth up to $4.00, it Per Pair, $2.48
A sale of great Interest will commenc Friday at 9 a. in. All
the; broken linen of elbow length Glace and Suede Cloven In black,
brown, tan, mode, tray, red, green and white, In sliea 6H to 7. Not
a lArge quantity, but every pair a bargain, for these are all depend
nfile makes and worth up to 14.00. All go on sal Friday at $1.48 per
Main floor.
Spring Hosiery.
- We Invite n early Inspeetton of
our new spring line of womn'i plain
Hack and fonry hosiery. We have a
large variety to selert from and we
know the qualities will please you.
Oauw lisle hose, very sheer and
fine, garter top, spliced heels and
toes, Jfic pair.
Medium weight Mack Hale hose,
white heel and toe, 60c per pair.
Fancy hosiery In all the :iew styles
and shades, at 60c, 85c, 11.25 and
11.60 pair.
Iyire Male hoae In blark, white, gray,
brown, red. tan and pink, 00c pair.
Main floor.
Women'a Ann quality black cotton
hooa, daintily embroidered Instep,
regular 60c quality; FKlDAt at, per
pair, 3SO.
Main floor. ' '
For cur Great Seml-Annual Sale of Hlgh-Clas Tailor Made Suit.
8ec Friday Evening's Papers for particulars.
Howard, Cor. 16th St.
Bee, 6
.'duty at home within our own borders un-
leea we strive measureably to realise cer
tain Ideals. By thla I do not mean merely
' to talk about them at Fourth of July cele
brations; to speak of them and applaud
:the speech and '.hen go home and have
neither speaker nor hearer practice what
thus virtually haa been preached. We
should say and applaud only what we be
' lleve In. And having aald It and having
iapplauded It, when aald, we should try to
put It Into practice."
' RqaalMy Before the I .aw.
'When we speak of liberty, when we
praise It, let us try to see that In actual
practice we achieve It. When we speak of
fraternity, of brotherhood let us exercise
each for himself the qualities thai make
, tor brotherhood, for fraternity. When we
' apeak of equality let us try to realise In
the spirit of Abraham Lincoln, who pointed
out that there was, of course, a certain
' eiense In which men are not and cannot be
equal, but realised by his life and his
deeds, the profound truth and that In the
Jarger sense. In the real, the all-Important
sense there can and muBt be 'an equality
among all men. This equality we of the
American republic must seek to secure
among our fellow clttsens. It Is an equality
of rights before the law, a measureahle
equality of opportunity, so far as we can
secure It, for each man to do the best
.there Is In htm without harming his fel
lows, and without hindrance from his feU
lows and Anally and most Important It Is
that equality which we should prise above
all else, the equality of self respect and of
mutual respect among each and all of our
Tribute to McCleltna.
. President Roosevelt began his address by
giving generous praise to General George
P.. McClellan, of whom the heroic eques
trian ststue today was unveiled under di
rection of the Army of the Potomac. Mc
Clellan, he said, had commanded In aome
of tha most Important engagements of the
civil war, forever Unking his name with
the mighty memories of that conflict. The
president extended the greeting of the na
tion to Mrs. McClellan, the widow of the
general, and her family. He also praised
the statue as a beautiful addition to
Washington and thanked the committee for
having chosen a noted sculptor to do the
Appropriate ceremonies, civic and mili
tary, marked the unveiling. Dr. George
XffClellan of New Jersey, the general's
nephew, pulled the string releasing the
j flags enveloping the statue. As the statue
, came Into view the soldiers fired a salute
i and the bands played "The Star Spangled
j. Banner.
? ; After President Roosevelt's address Gen
eral O. O. Howard spoke.
' President Roosevelt, General Fred D.
brant, Mrs. McClellan, Mayor McClellan of
f(fw York, the general's son: the diplomatic
corps and army and navy officers witnessed
; fin Imposing military parade of regulars
! and militia which followed the unveiling.
' i Major General J. Franklin Bell was In
command of the military parade, which
. consisted of three dlvlsons made up of
Infantry, artillery and cavalry of the reg
alar army, the National Guard of the
District of Columbia and the Third regi
ment of Infantry of the New Jersey Na
tional Guard, Battery A of Field artillery
and two troops of cavalry from that state.
,' Description of statue.
. The statue, which Is by Frederick Mr
Monnlea. the American sculptor of Paris,
ooanmandB an Imposing position at the In
tersection of Connecticut avenue and
Columbia road In the northwestern section
of the city: The equestrian group Is cast
In standard bronse and is fourteen feet
In fcelght. The rider 1s In field costume.
In repose. The horse is slightly In action.
There are clouda In every man'i
Thla summer there Is going to be
Cloud-Grey Suit In many a young
man's wardrobe.
Cloud-Grey Is the newest tone In
Summer Suitings. We are showing
tome of these Cloud-Grey Suiting
that have been specially Imported
for us.
Made to measure $40.
Other suits to order f3 to r0.
"Phone Doug. 1. kM-M 8. lath Bt.
Near ft. W. Cor. 18th and Farnara 8t
Open Evenings.
Toilet Articles.
Oa Hal at Votloa Department.
We are headquarter for the best
aorta at moderate coat.
Hudnut's Violet Extreme and Violet
Sec Toilet Water.
Colgate's Violet, Caprice and Carna
tion Toilet Water.
Talcum Powder These are the best
Violet. Cashmere, Bouquet, 8ana Der
mal, Woodland Violet, Mennen's and
Eimtman s Crushed Koaea.
Faoe Po-wders The non-Injurious
klnda I,a Blache, Poudre i)e RIs. De
Java, Poisonl's, I'oudre De Kll Buper
fine, Bntln Skin and Poudre De His a
la Vlolette.
Tooth rmdn ganltol, DenMcura.
Ir. Lyon's, Hoxodont, Sheffield's, Dr.
Bell's and Colgate'a Dental Powder.
Toilet Soap A large line to chooae
from, your favorite among them.
Caahmere Bouquet, Pine Tar, Cutl
cura. Pear's scented and unscented.
Packer's Tar and Castile Soap.
Open Saturday Evenings
- 2 - '07.
In and around the spot where the monu
ment stands was encamped In 1861 a large
part of the army which McClellan com
manded In the peninsula and subsequently
In the Antletam campaigns.
Both sides of the pedestal are decorated
with bronse trophies In relief, representing
cannon, flags, arms, etc. At each of the
four corners of the base of the pedestal
there Is a bronse eagle. These eagles bear
In their beaks heavy garlands of laurel. In
bronse, which extend around the four sides
of the pedestal.
President Made Honorary Member.
President Roosevelt was made an honorary
member of the Society of the Army of the
Potomac at its thirty-seventh annual re
union at the Belaaco theater today. General
N. M. Curtis of Ogdenaburg, N. Y., for
merly a member of congress, was elected
president of the society to succeed General
Henry C. Dwight. The other officers were
re-elected as follows: Recording secretary,
General Horatio C. King; treasurer. Lieu
tenant Frank 8. Holllday; corresponding
secretary, Colonel William F. Fox.
Several resolutions were adopted, the
principal one being In favor of "every ef
fort to supersede war by peaceful arbitra
tion." The resolution "notes with deep In
terest the approaching session of The
Hague conference and earnestly hopes that
a great step forward In the promotion of
universal peace and good will among na
tions may be secured through Its delibera
tions." '
A resolution urging upon congress the
prompt passage of the Fredericksburg Na
tional psrk bill was adopted.
The selection Of tbe place for the next
annual meeting was referred to the execu
tive committee. Washington, D. C; Seat
tle, Wash., and Wllllamsport, Pa., were
among the places mentioned.
Mlasourl Women Talk of Pretest Cos.
dltlous In Cities of that
JOPLIN. Mo., May 2. Mrs. Henry N.
j Et., secretary of the Missouri Federation
of Women's Clubs, meeting here In annual
session, said yesterday in un address that
statistics showed the amount of child
labor employed In Missouri was Increas
ing annually. Bringing children Into the
' world In poverty and distress was, rhs
' said, "seeds of anarchy planted In fertile
1 soli."
Mrs. W. B. Norrls of St. Joseph declared
i that In Kansas City hundreds of children
j under the age of 14 were employed In fac
tories, pecking houses and sweat shops tn
violation, of the child labor la.
Answer to New York Federated I'nlon
Will Be Mode Nest
WASHINGTON. May 1 William A.
Coakley. John 8. Henry and Maurice
Brown, representatives of the Central Fed
erated union of New York, had a talk to
day with the president toncernlng his let
ter to Representatlvs Sherman describing
Messrs. Moyer and Haywood as "unde
sirable citizens." y
While they declined to say anything
about their Interview further than that It
was "pleasant and satisfactory," It was
learned that the president will write a let
ter to the union to be read at Its meeting
next Sunday, at which time the committee
will report.
Railway Notes and Pergonals.
Local freight depots will begin Saturday
to observe the summer season hours of
closing their doors St 1 p. m. Saturdays.
While no official announcement Is mad,
it la thought Bd Flynn will succeed W. I.
Robinson as trainmaster of the Burlington
st Omaha. Mr. Flynn has been performing
tha work foe the last six months elnoe
Mr. Robinson was taken 111 and Mr. Rob
inson had been devoting hla attention to
the work of superintending the Burlington
General Manager Holdrege Is In Chicago
and nothing could be learned as to the
Rurl'ngton's Intention In the matter of
building the new station for Nebraska City.
O. V. Loo mis. assistant to the general
manager, said be wished he was able to
announce when the depot would be started,
but that aH work had been called alt on it
In pursuance of the general policy of re
trenchment. C. K. Snena. general freight agent of the
Burlington, haa gone to Chicago to attend
the hearing before Special Commissioner
J. H. Marble of the Interstate Commerce
commission to determine whether or not it
Is lepel to permit the storage of sugar at
the Missouri river and then to forward It
to points east of the Missouri river at the
through rutta.
Santa Fe to Chance Lino.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 1-Announee-msnt
is made that the Santa Fe Is to
abandon Its bridge over the Colorado river
at the Needles and build one further down
stream as part of a new route Into Cali
fornia for fast passenger and freight serv
ice. The abandonment also mesne that the
portion of the freQt. snaln Una between
Amboy, on tbe Mojave desert, this state,
and Ash Fork. Alia, will also be abandoned
for fast service Into and out of California
because of the heavy grades along It. The
new bridge la to cross the Colorado at
President Invited te California
BALEM. Ore.. May 1-tfovarnor O. U
Chamtwrlaln. president of tbe National Ir
rtsatlon congress, yesterday extended an
Invitation to . President Rnoeevelt to be
present at the annual meeting of the aa
aocutUoB next September la Saoratueato.
B W, Breckenridf s Payt Iniuianea Law
yen Will Urea Other Beforms.
Omana Man on Return Iron F.ast
Advocates Appointment of Re
bruaka Commission by
the Governor.
Ralph W. Breckenrldge, chairman of the
Insurance committee of the American Bar
association, has returned from a two days'
meeting of 'the committee 'held In Phila
delphia last week, at which Insurance re
forms were discussed and many1 of them
embodied In a report which w)dl be made
at the meeting of the Bar association In
Portland, Me., In August. At the last
meeting other business prevented the con
sideration of the report of the Insurance
committee, but this year It has been made
a special order and will be thoroughly dis
cussed. Such of the , reforms ss are en
dorsed by the national association will be
placed before the various state legislatures
for the purpose of securing uniformity In
Insurance legislation.
Heretofore the' committee had laid great
stress upon federal supervision of Insur
ance companies, but this year It has de
cided not to urge this particular reform,
but will devote Its energies to others, of
which an annual apportionment of deferred
dividend and changes In state laws tend
ing to raise the standard of Insurance com
missioners are the most Important.
Enouarh Now to Defeat It.
"While a majority of the committee does
not concede that It was mistaken In advo
cating federal supervision," said Mr. Breck
enrldge, "we realize that It has a suf
ficient number of oi ponents to defeat it
now. We are snxlous to secure favorable
action on these other things and will defer
our recommendations for federal super
vision." One of the most Important of the changes
advocated by the committee la the com
pulsory listing of the surplus of life In
surance companies as liabilities Instead of
assets, as they are now listed. The recom
mendation also provides for a contingent
distribution of dividend surplus on all poli
cies now In force, or a statement of the
value of Immature policies at a given time.
The committee will also seek to secure
favorable action on Its recommendation
that Insurance commissioners where ap
pointive shall be taken out of politics and
tha offices filled on a merit Instead, of a
political basis. 'This the committee believes
will secure a higher grade of commis
sioners and better work by the Insurance
Graft Is Immense.
"In many of the states where the In
surance commissioner is appointed the of
fice Is looked upon as one of the most Im
portant political plums," said Mr. Breck
enrldge, "and the result Is the graft In
the offices has been continuous and Im
mense. The office haa been used for black
mall and thieving until It Is no wonder we
have the big scandals of the New York
Investigation, besides smaller scandals In
many of the states Pennsylvania, for In
stance. "Our committee has recommended that
men of higher efficiency be appointed or,
where possible, the ofncebe made elective.
It Is because unscrupulous men or men of
little ability have been placed In tluase offi
ces that Insurance companies have been e4
to resort to trickery and corruption.
' "I do not want to be understood as re
flecting on our owh Insurance department.
In Nebraska It would be Impossible to make
the office of Insurance commissioner elec
tive without an amendment to the consti
tution. For this reason, personally, I think
the commissioner should be appointed by
the governor and 'accountable to some one
besides the auditor. I do net believe, the
office should be a mere bureau In the aud
itor's office."
Shut Out the Wild Cats.
The committee also favors the shutting
out of wildcat Insurance companies by the
enactment of federal laws prohibiting the
use of the molls by them. This, it is be
lieved, would be effective because the
greater part of their business Is transacted
by correspondence.
The other recommendations of the com
mittee are as follows:
A requirement that all foreign Insurance
companies deposit with at least one state a
sufficient fund to prevent a recurrence of the
San Francisco Incident, when several Ger
man companies doing business without hav
Ing made a deposit repudiated their con
tracts. The repeal of retaliatory tax laws, since
they Increase the cost of Insurance to the
The repeal of the valued policy laws, as
they result In fraud, perjury, arson and
other crimes.
The appointment of a fire marshal In
each county, with a Sufficient number of
deputies to make the work of his office ef
ficient. The following members of the committee
were present: Ralph W. Breckenrldge,
Omaha; Rodney A. Mercur, Towanda, Pa.;
Burton Smith, Atlanta, Ga.; W. R. Vance,
dean of the Law school of the George
Washington university. Washington. D. C.
Robert Dunlap of Chicago was the only ab
sent member. )
Expressions of President on Moyer
nd Haywood Are De
nounced by Council.
MILWAUKEE, May ".-Resolutions, tn
which the words "unfair, prejudicial and
oowardly" were used In a denouncement
of the attitude of President Roosevelt In
regard to the character of Moyer and
Haywood, officers of the Western Federa
tion of Miners, who are facing trial In
Idaho on the charge of having murdered
former Governor Stuenenberg of that
state, were adopted by the Milwaukee
Federated trades council at the bi-weekly
meeting of that body last night
Copies were directed sent to the presi
dent and to each branch of congress.
Bad Stomeet, t en1il Cured.
Havlne- been sick for the lsst two years
with a bad stomach trouble, a friend gave
me a dose of Chamberlain's 8tomach and
Liver Tablets. They did me so much good
that I bought a bottle of them and have
used twelve bottles In all. Toils y I are
well of a bad stomach trouble. Mrs. Joha
I .owe, Cooper, Main.
lussalarratlon Beeord Broken.
NEW TORK. May . All records for the
number of tmmlarsnta arriving; at the nnrt
of New Tork In a slnele day has bfn
broken In the twenty-four hours "l'nr
st 1 o'clock tonta-ht. Ilv that hour for
teen steamships will hve hrourht Into h
harbor since t o'clock last night JOT.1
Inmlrranli from ne-' every itliw -t
the civilised world. This exreeds by Tilly
6.CC the largest mimbr ever Innrir,! he-e
In a singe dsy. From Naples five steamers
brought ?7 steerage pnengers. The
steamer Bulgaria alone had 1,734 passengers
In Its steerage.
Ruef 1ft ants t hanse of Venue.
BAN FRANCI8CO. May I. Abraham
Ruef. at the resumption of his trial toduy.
applied to Judge Dunne for a changx of
venue to aome other county, alleging that
for various reasons he could not be fairly
tried la San Francisco county.
Pongee Silk Sale
Natural Pongee Silk
Full 27-in. wide, and regular
selling price C5o, washes
and wears perfectly, on Rale
Friday, for 33c
White Lining Taffeta
38-inch White Lining Taf
feta, sold everywhere for
83c yard, Friday on sale at,
Great Embroid
ery Bargains
One huge table of fine heavy
Nainsook Embroidery
Edges, one to ten inches
wide and worth up to 26c
yard, divided Into 3 great
lots for Friday:
10c values, yard 4
15c values, yard.... 7 H 4
25c values, yard. . .12W
Hosiery Uargains.
Ladles' Fast Mack Real Maco
Cotton Hose, double sole, elastic
top, pair 10?
Big Reductions on
Fine Wdsn Goods
500 Remnants White Goods, this
season's accumulation, all new
fabric, lawns and madras, while
they last Friday, yard 5
1,000 yards high grade seasonable
White Goods checked and striped
Madras and Dotted Swisses, new
choice novelties, 29c values,
for 15
Great AdTance Kale of high grade
Imported St. Gall Swisses and
figured mulls still continued. All
these fine goods ranging from
. 7So tn 11.R0 a vard. Bargain Fri
day 73c and 48
HALT to aid emigrants
Qovernment Offers Bill in Parlir mint 'tt
X strict Travel from Country.
' sssjasansj ....
laider Measure Proposed Govero.
ment Can Stop Departure of Peo
ple and Fix Destination
for Thetr Advantasre.
ROME. May l.-The g-overnment today
presented a bill to Parliament providing
for stricter Immigration reflations.
Mexsina la added to Genoa, Naples and
Talermo as ports from which Immigrants
may leave Italy. The repatriation of omi
frants returning from America will only
be allowed on steamers authorized by the
Italian government. Steamers violating
this rule will on arrival In Italian waters
be fined $20 for each returning emigrant
over the first twenty.
The passage rates which emigrants will
be required to pay are to bo established
by the foreign minister January 1 and July
1 of each year. Agents of emigration com
panies must deposit $1,000 as a guaranty
against Infractions of the regulations. The
government can stop the departure of any
emigrants It It Is considered detrimental
to their Interests for the.m to leave Italy
for the port they, may have selected. No
company will be allowed to carry emigrants
unless It owns at least two steamers.
Italians who have become naturalised
Americans again become Italian citizens
by merely re-entering the kingdom and de
claring they have established a domicile
here, or without such declaration after
three years have eUosed since they re
entered the kingdom.
British Make Inquiries.
LONDON. May J. The Foreign office haa
not received any official advices regarding
the action of Colonel laaulla of the Hon
duran revolutionary forces, in cutting down
a British flag at Salado, Honduras, which
had been hoisted by a man named William
Collins, for his protection and which caused
Commander Fullan of the United States
gunboat Marietta to Inform Isaulla that the
American marines would not allow Insults
to the British flag. Foreign Secretary Grey,
however, has Instituted Inquiries.
I Austrian Minister at Berlin.
BERLIN, May 2. Emperor William con
1 ferred until late lust night with Baron voti
I Aehrenthal. the Austro-Hungarlan foreign
; minister, regarding the political situation.
, The government officials maintain secrecy
1 regarding the matters discussed. ' Baron
I von Aehrenthal also had a conference with
Chancellor von Buelow at the letter's
palace for an hour and a half today.
Cardinal Mar Visit America.
ROME. May I. Bishop Llllls or the dio
cese of Leavenworth, when visiting Cardi
nal Merry del Val yesterday. wa told hv
the cardinal that he hoped Ip the future
to visit the western and middle towns of
the Inlttd States. Body tu Coma Home.
HAMILTON, Bermuda. May t. The body
of Arthur McEwen, chief editorial writer
of a New York newspaper who died sud
denly yesterday of heart failure at the
Washington hotel, will be sent to the
United States May .
Baaalaa . Prisoners Bevolt.
ST. PETERSBURG. May r -Troops had
to be called in, to suppress a revolt of po
litical prisoners in the Jail of the Vlborg
quarter this morning. The soldiers fired a
volley, killing one man and wounding sev
(iermaa Commander at Hamburg
HAMBURG, May 1. General von Delm
llng, commanding the German troops in
German Southwest Africa, arrived here
today, Ills return signifies the end of the
outbreak and tbe pacification of the colony.
"The Daylight Store"
Presents an exrwdlngly attractive collection of genuine) values for
Our stock of New
Spring Suits la too
large, we must pet It
down at once. Friday
morning we will com
mence to use the knife
on about one hundred
suits, Etons, Cutaways,
Fitted Suits, all new
suits purchased In the
last 60 days, marked
125.00. $28.50, $30.00.
$32.60, and $36.00.
Your choice of these
For no
28-ln. Cotton
Dress Goods,
grey, brown
and blue, and
worth 10c yd.,
Trices that will
ouyers all
36-inoh Fine White Oambrlc and Muslin,
lengths 2 to 7 yards and worth 10c and
16c yard, Friday, per yard g,
36-lnch Fine White Coin Dot Curtain Swiss
and Fish Nets, worth to 25c yard, for Fri
day, per yard 10
Mill Ends of Calicos, Percales, etc., yard 2H
8-4 and
good 26c
values Friday,
EXTRA SPECIAL Bargain Tahle of Fancy Embroid
ered Turnover Collars, big line, for 5c
House Cleaning Articles Marked for
One Day's Sale Only
Rice Root Scrub Brushes, 9 Inches long, each 3c
16e Adjustable Mop Sticks, each . 7c
25c Heavy Wire Carpet Beaters, wooden handle, each.", i 15c
Lamb's Wool Celling Brushes, with two adjustable handles, short
and long, each , , , ,75c
Rubber Garden Hose, 50 feet long, complete with nozsle, war
ranted. -in. in diameter $4.95
Poultry Netting, full rolls, 100 square feet.. C0c
Garden Hoes, each 3.'c, 25c and......... 16c
Garden Rakes, each 46c, 36c, 25c and 16c
Bi nding Forks, 95c and t 59C
Spades, 4 8c and ; , ...39c
Charles Wooater Writes on the Ques
tion of I'eaelng Railroad
Contributions on timely topics are In
vited from readers of The Bee. Com- '
munlcatlons should be written legibly
on one side of the paper only and ac
companied by the name and address of
the writer. The name will not be used
If the writer asks that it be withheld,
unused communications will not be re
turned. Correspondents are advised to
limit their letters to 3u0 words or they
will be subject to belnar cut down to
that limit at the dlncretlon of the edl
tor. Publication of views of correspond
ents must not be taken to commit The
Bee to their endorsement
Fenelnar In the It iht-of-Way.
SILVER CREEK, Neb., April SO. To the
Editor of The Bee: For teveral years prist
the Union Pacific liallrond company has
been trying to lease Its right-of-way lands
to the adjoining farmers and the farmers
have generally refused to sign these leasos
chiefly on the ground that, as they claimed,
these lands they had been cultivating for
the statutory period or more were theirs
by the right of adverse possession. Some
two or three years arro the supreme court
of the United States held against this con
tention and thst the right-of-way lands
of the land grant roads were theirs for all
time, but they could not In any wny '
alienate them, sell them or give them away '
so long as these roads were operated and j
that they might make use of them at any
time no matter who might be In actual !
poneaalon of them. I have not seen the
opinion, but this, in brief, Is as I under- 1
stand It-
The Urilon Pacific railroad crosses my
home Quarter that I took as a soldier's
homestead thirty-five years ago. I have
cultivated about ten acres of this right-of-way
ever, since and have uniformly refused
to sign these leases. Home time last winter
while the ground was froien the company
moved Its fence out 200 feet from the center
of the track, as It had a right to do under
the dectsilon above referred to. and the
laws of Nebraska.
But why should the company do this and
deprive me of the use of the land which
they did not want and cannot use. In face
of tha fact that It could take It at any
time. If It should ever happen to want to
use It, no matter was fenced or
The railroads have been sowing the wind.
Last winter they reaped a crop of whirl
winds, and they are very likely to reap
other crops of whirlwinds hereafter.
Whether or not they ever took that view
of It, they are at the mercy of the farmers
along their roads; there Is a limit to human
endurance and It might be well not to push
them too far.
This morning two young men represent
ing the railroad company came along and
wanted to lease to me the land the company
last winter took from me. I again refused
to sign and shall always refuse. The fence
and enclosure may remain as a monument
to the arrogance, the cupidity and general
cussedness of the Union Pacific railroad.
Other farmers may algn or not as they
Bottling Works nt Brewery..
HURON, S. D., May 2 (Special.) Soon
after midnight Wednesday the bottling
works of the Illume brewery were totally
destroyed by fire, the origin of which is not
known. The less is t3.0o0, partly covered by
Insurance. The bottling house, being a sep
arate building, none of the other buildings
of the plant was Injured. It Is the Inten
tion of Mr. Blume to rebuild at once.
HURON. 8. I)., May 1 (Special.) Joseph
R. Sterling, a ch'll engineer for the Chicago
Northwestern railway, with headquarters
at Pierre, and Mlas Henrietta C. Hartman
of Marahalltown, la., were married In this
city Wednesday evening by Kev. J. P. An-
In chiffon, panama, fine
worsteds and voiles,
colors, brown, navy,
leather brown, cham
pagne, royal blue, grey
end black, fancy checks
stripes and mixtures.
This sale means busi
ness. Your choice of
these suit
Day nl
Fine Challles
for House
Dresses, worth
8c yard, Fri
day, yard
Lace Curtains,
2 Vs yards long
and worth 75c
each, Friday,
fill our uasement Sales-
day Friday.
derson at the home of W. D. Sterling and
wife, uncle and aunt of the groom.
David McN,alr,. Jr., and Miss Ada M. Gur
ger, daughter of . Albert . Gurgcr, all of
Ames, la., were married Wednesday even
ing at 8 o'clock ' ar the home of Rev.
Charles Savldgfe, Mr. Savldge officiating.
James K. Cana.
WASHINGTON, May 2.-The Navy de
partment has been advised of the death of
Naval Pay Director James E. Cann. which
occurred at Portsmouth, N. H.. today.
Ohio Physician Shot.
IRONTON, O., May 2-Dr. Wayne Mc
Coy, a prominent physician at South Point,
was shot and killed at midnight lust night
by Captain John Davis of the Portsmouth
ferry. -Onptain Iavls asserted thst he
was defending the sanctity of his home, as
he had returned unexpectedly nt midnight
and found Dr. McCoy in hla wife's room.
Davis fled to Kentucky.
1 -1 u
Every Saturday
Especially Tomorrow
We shall sell nice, fresh Saturday Candy
(Llggett'a) for 09o
Remember, this Is a 60c assortment of
Chocolates. Nuts and Fruit, sold Satur
day only and In One Store Only In every
cltv In the United States. Look out for
Imitations, for the market Is full of them
but there's only one Llggett's Ssturday
Candy which Is the genuine and delicious
kind, the kind that's sold tn every city.
Saturday only, fresh, 29c.
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go.
Corner Sixtientb and Dodge Sts Onihi
The Best
Number 66 The Iowa
Limited train de luxe:
Leave Oataha, (.31 pa
Arrives Chicago. 8. IS aa
, Electric -lighted sleeper and
coach cafe car for supper,
diner for breakfast.
Three other fast daily trains. to
Chicago. New motive power
and new equipment on practi
cally all of our trains.
Omaha Union Depot or
1323 Famam St.
Fnntl tni eaa an nervous men
rUUU IU1 wbo find their power le
Nam work and youthful vtgol
Ul lUO gone as a result of er
Work or mental exertion should tat
Hake you est and sleep end be a man again.
1 Beat S awuae MJO ns'l
Sherman Zi McConnell Druf Co
Mtn and Dodge SU Osaana, Nefev
Mill tCM siihifftos 0 C. ffia Ifetl
of Dress Goods "
Kcmnants of 5-yard lengths
Dress Goods that sold from
r0c to 75c yard, will be
placed on separate tablo
Friday and sold for, per
Hibbon Sprvinl.
300 pieces plain Silk Taffeta
Ribbon, one to four inches
wide, and worth to 14c a
yard, Friday, yard .... 7
Linen Handkerchiefs.
50 dozen Ladles' Plain Hem
stitched pure Irish Linen
Handkerchiefs, worth 10c.
Friday, each ; . 54
100 dqzen Ladles Hand Em
broidered Initial Handker
chiefs, laundered and un
laundered, 15c and 19c
value, sale price Friday.
each 10
Daylight Sanitary Grocery
Have you seen It? The enor
mous Blue Ribbon Cheese, the
largest cheese ever brought to
Omaha, now on exhibition In our
Grocery Department. The finest
made in all America, at 25c a lb.
Buy a pound of this cheese and
you are liable to get $5.00 In
Gold Free.
48 lbs. Daylight Challenge
Flour, sack $1.00
10 bars Diamond C Soap 25c
Pure Lemon or Vanlla Extract, a
bottle 10c
Carnation Cream, can 10c
6-lb. pkg. Rolled Oats, with piece
of china 25c
Haarman's Assorted Pickles, 3 bot
tles for , 25o
10c Head Rice for. 6o
4 pkgk. Uneeda Biscuit, t 16c
The Paxton Cafe
Largest And Most Elaborate
in Omaha
Now Serving a Special i
50c Noon Day Luncheon
Quick and Efficient Service.
BOYD'S-:; Mrs.
In Clyde Fitch's Tremendous Realis
tic Play.
I ;
The Straight Road
Why Smith Left Home
May 3, 4 and 5
Tonight and Saturday. Mat and Eve,
The Dancing Daisies, The I'essems,
Howard and bland, Cameron and FlanajfHii,
Dave Nowlln, Original bootblack guartetts,
Willie Weston and the Klnodrome.
Prices 10c, Sc, 60c.
KRUG T"eater
me massive ttcenio Production
On the Bridge at Midninht
Lyrlo Theater Kns!!'
tWeea-i1" RUTH GREY
Hals., l ues., Thure . Bat. Prices.
Rights. , ,