Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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Want - ads
4rorllmrnlf for the wnat-ad
folimi mill be tulira tintll 13 m. for
tho evening rdlllon anal III A n. m.
far the morning aad oilr edltloas.
Caah maat accompany all orders for
Ovant-ade and no ad vertlaement will
irrrttH for leea thna lO eeats for
the Href tnaertlon.
Rates apply to either The Dally or
djandav Bee.
Alntti col aim worda to a Ilae.
Comelnatlona of InMlala or nambera
I Clean t as one noril,
ajrrtlon, per line, 1 eenla. Two or
more consecutive Inaerttona, per liar.
0 erali. Each laarrlloaa made on odd
daya, lO cents per liar, ft. (Ml per line
I per noilh,
tstdverttaement la Uiaerled ander aT
one of the rlnealflcnllons given below.
It will be charged at the following
rateai One Ineertlon, 4 eeata per
llaei three to els eonaecatlre Inaer
(lone, 8 eenta per line earh laaertloni
seven or more eonaeentle Inaertlona,
B eeata per line each laaertloa. BO
' eeata per line per month.
. Except Amenta, Sollcltara and
Cons, Blrda, Don and Peta.
Iforaea and Vehlrlee.
Ponltry aad Eggs.
Pianos, Organ and Maaleal In-
' Typewriters and Irwlaf Ma
Offered for renti
Fnrniahed Rooma.
I'nfarnlahrd Rooms.
Housekeeping Rooms.
Hoarding aad Rooma.
Wanted to bit.
"wanted to rent. ,
situations wanted.
cash rates for notices.
Death end Faneral Notices, Tarda of
Thanks and Lodge Notices, T eenta
r line for one edition, morn ln or
enlngi 3 cents a line for each addi
tional edition. Sunday, IO cents a
line. No ad taken for less than SO
Want-ads for The Bee mar he left
ait any of the following; Ami stores
one Is "yonr corner druggist" they
re all branch offices of The Be and
yonr ad win be Inserted Jnat as
promptly and on the same rates as at
the main office In The Bee building,
Seventeenth, aad Farnam atreetat
Albach. W. C. 4th and Farnam.
Reranck, 8. A., 14u2 8. 16th St.
Bechts Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th St.
Hanson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb.
Hemls Pnrk Pharmacy. 831 and Cumins;.
Blake's Pharmacy. 2816 Sherman Ave.
Caughlln. C. K.. 6th and Pierce St.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2l3 Military Ave.
. rente, j. ., iiisi Ave. ana farnam.
Cris.ey Pharmacy. 24th and Lake.
Cermak. Emll, 1264-6 8. 13th St.
Jlailraan Pharmacy. 4046 Hamilton.
Khler. F. H. fc)2 Leavenworth.
Foster & Arnoldl. K13 N. 26th St.
Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St
Florence Drue Co., Florence. Neb,
Goldman Pharmacy. 2oth and Ijika.
v Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and
Oreenough. Q. A., 106 8. 10th St.
Oreenough, Q. A., loth and Hickory.
Jlayden, VVm. C. 2320 Farnam St.
Hunncom Park Phar., 1501 8. 29th Ave.
Hoist, John, 624 North 16th St.
Huff, A. L.. 2924 Ieaven worth St.
Klngr, H. 8.. 2238 Farnam 8t.
Kountxe Place Pharmacy. 8.104 N. 24th.
Patrick Dm- Co., 16204 N. 24h Bt.
Iathrop. Chna. E.. 1324 N. I4th 8t
T-eyton. I E., 24th and Leavenworth.
Baratnga Drue Co.. 24th and A m.. a
Schacfer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and
Brhaefer. August. 8631 N. 16th 8t.
Pchmldt. J. H., 24th and Cumin ts.
Morm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cumin.
Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Oraca Sts.
M irth, O. H 40th and Hamilton St.
ITNAMARA H.l.n vru,i i.. jt ...
- - - . - - vinjr unugnier
? 1 J-n(1 Ella McNamara, aged 7 years
Ilinrnl liMilav a Q.n ,
jkr:" y c J ' iron, resi-
l,'.,"'1 M Downey.
Sited uriy-iiura sireet. friends I
The following births and deaths have
mi .ciM.ra iu ine Hoard or Health dur
ing the twenty-four hours ending Thurs-
Rirths Flmnnnpl P,-i,i),1,1ki hju n .
eventh, boy; Luther Harper, 1019 North
Twenty-flrat girU dorian Polrela. 27
x,Ui.K ?h- ?lrlU Joa-Ph i S-22
Jlartha. girl: M. Peterson. 2513 South
Thirty-nrat. boy; Edward Delaney, Omaha
General hospital, girl.
I)eatha-CVcll C. Weeks, 1730 South
Twenty-sixth, 17. ooum
The following marriage licenses have
Name and Residence.
Paul C. Chadd, South Omaha
Grace B. Daly, South Omaha
Orover O. Home, Omaha ...'.. '
Edith M. Glognne, Omaha
Otto Hakenhola, South Omaha.... !"
Inga Isaaosen, South Omaha '.
Frank Johnson. Plattsmouth
A!iyl1i,l?.Plattamouth. .."!!!!
f - " ' -
... 26
... 22
... 40
... S3
... 24
... 20
... 34
... 41
IWALL PAPER cleaned. Douglas KXt.
' U M183
rHE CITT GARBAGE CO., office 4th and
Leavenworth Bis. Tel. Douglas 1387
. 1M0I
BIQN PAINTINQ-8. H. Cole, 1308 Douglas
(1)-104 '
WILSON hangs paper, quick, clean: iwner
eJeilng a specialty. Tel. Webster ZntT
U)-in Ml
FOR SALE Australian Wonder a grass
seed perfectly hardy In every respect
grows where bluegrass falls. Perfect
velvet lawns guaranteed. Price SO eenta
Jer pound. Dr. A. H. Miller, P. O bux
11. Denver, Colo. (1) M999 lo
SURVEYING 'Phone Douglas 7399.
1)-M403 M4x
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a si
ctalty of Are escapes, shutters, doors and
, v. augmii, i nip., wm B. loth 8t
!) 102 '
P0t Thomas Flyer. 40-H.-P.. full equipment;
cost W.760, now $1,(M). " '
B9u5 Pope Toledo, 'lpe 7. top and full
equipment: coat $3,760. now $l.oa
JSX Keo, used 60 mllea; coat $1.2t6, now $1,000.
1MJ Keo, top ai d full euuipmeiii; coat $LSa0,
now $f,io. , .
J4 White Steamer; coat $2,500. now $700.
ITnrA 1 Li U . a, .... .
Ppe-Waverly Electric runabout, $k0 ud.
T . 1. ' U ( V I -1. . ,',', ill l, I I 1 . ... .... . ....
Farnam Bt.
' (I)-106
LUTOMOBILE, 2-cyllnder, 16-borae-powar
runatiouu good aa new, will trade for
re estate. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714
tvnam Bl. CiJ M4o4
A'RITE for list of bargains In second-hand
automobiles. Fredrlckaon, 1VJ Cap, Ave.
(AI'TD for sale; second-hand Rambler, 1S-
ii. r., in goou c-onuuion; una ex it of care
Price. $7ii0. Mrs. C. B. Horton, 1J2 N.
frth Bt. (2I-M4U My6
GXCHANOES-If you have .-ltv nmn-tir.
atocks of goods, farm land or property of
SJiy kind to exchange, write for our com-
filete list. We have properties and lands
n all parts of the country to exchange.
Our lUt la free. rnd for It st once.
Globe Land and Investment Co., 13 Ftr
, Mm aiC. lAoaha, Mea U)iM
10.M AC'Rf4. suttnb!e for platting, between
umn and council Ulurrw; for sale lor
isiW tier sore.
330 arrea, Hubbard Co, Minn.; excha-nge
Omaha or Council Bluff.
25-room hotel, steam-heated and furnished;
exchange for good farm In Iowa or Ne
braska. ;.5io.
ALVA SMITH CO., Council Pluffa.
(D 643 M4X
120 ACRES, ft miles from HChell City. Ver
non couniy, mo.; s icrfe unner tuiu
tlon; good building; price, $( per acre;
Ini umtirance, J2.H00; will rxchange for gen
eral inerchanllse. Globe Land and InveaU
ment Co.. Ib2i Farnam St.. Omaha.
(3 (106
WILL. EXCHANGE one years music les
sons on any Instrument for jod primma
or advertising In any locality. Address
A 100. Bee. (3) M162
FOR EXCHANGE 160 acres near Orchatd,
Antelope county, Neb.; price, lli.o" per
acre. 8J0 acres six miles from O'Neill,
Holt county, Neb., Improved; price, f-'O per
aire. Will exchange either or both of
above farms for merchondlse or hardware.
We also have several Income properties In
Omuha to exchange for merchandise or
hardware. Globe Lund and Inveatment
Co., 1822 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
C. J. CANAN, 701 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha,
si.ouo Highly improved resiuence piui
erty In the most desirable residence part
of city, all clear, for a Nebraska ranch.
(3) M366 M17
A NEW blltrlte cash carrier of five sta
tions, 'for sale, or will exchange lor casn
register. Address Lovclk Bros., Pisek,
N. V. (8) M3i0 My4I
SOME good Omaha property to trade for
land or merchandise. 110 8. 17th St- ,
TRADES! TRADES! If you have any-
nuns; inai you uuh i wtim n
It for something else, write us. We can
match anything. Kelly Investment Co.,
23) Neville Block, Omaha, Neb.
(3) M4S8 M4
FOR SALE or exchange, automobile 2
cyllnder. 16-horsepower, cost $1.00; good
as new. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam
St. (3) M463
PRINTERS I have a large Job pre s. al
most new, don't need It In my business,
but do need two small Gordon Jobbers,
and will trade and Klve or take boot;
let's trade. Address 8 215, care Bee.
(3) MH06 6
A NICE south front lot on W. Farnam St..
valued at tHO), to trade for about 30xfi0
feet lot close In, or automobile; will pay
difference If necessary. 641 Paxton Block.
(3) M602 6
or general merchandise; right here In
best part of Nebraska; write full descrip
tion first letter; professional traders need
not answer. Address Owner. Box 243,
Madison. Neb. ' (S)-MB96 6x
FINE Improved 160-acre farm, 10 miles from
middle river, Minnesota, valued at $2,000;
will trade for good western land. Globe
Land and Investment Co., 1822 Farnam.
13J MN06
GOOD paying stock of drugs, located In
a town of lO.OnO inhabitants: will Invoice
about $15,000; good land will be considered.
Globe lAnd and Investment Co., 1R22
Farnam. (3) M805 9
SECTION of Improved land near Ord,
Vallev county. Nebraska: 40 acres alfalfa:
fine alfalfa land; bargain price. Address
J 241 care Bee. ui-w'"
TT v T DAT fa CNH4n1aaa Vil a tr m m 1 h a nrl
wagon work bun! news, with tools; $4 to
rfrPIVCU lUr .llimiug aim ft vj iui n,-
Ung tires. Address Y 129, Bee. (4)-109
Yotir attention, please. Are you looking
for something good? We have the best
side line you ever handled; no selling or
samples; all you do is recommend. It's a
money maker for you. Address Lock
Box 739. Omaha. Do It how.
(4)-M923 MIS
FOR SALE $4,000 Jewelry stock; can re
duce to suit Duyer. i-enaer Keauy co.,
Pender, Neb. (4) M812 My8x
FOR HALE My stock of general mer
chandise. In good condition, located In
good live town; will either sell or lease
building; terms reasonable; wish to re
tire from business on account of fall
ing health. For particulars call or writs
J. K. I oung, AJUUSC ruin, lrn.
(4) M466 MylSx
MUSIC teachers" local locations bought,
sold. Perfleid Piano Co.. 1611 Farnam,
Omaha. (4) M16S
wnnCDH wnvf.T XfAWTVri VrrVTTTT a
si, wjo, ts,i"i Anu t,uuv. WWIKRN HO
STREET, ROOM 3. (4) M869 My23x
HAVE 160 acres fine farm land near Bur
lington, Colo., to trade for Omaha lots or
residence; cash value land, ll.suO.
Phone Red 11K8. 1614 Harney Bt.
(4) M666 7
large territory, good water, complete out
fit, good trade, extracts and repairs for
season. mus sen. iTice, Address
O'Neill Bottling Works, O Nelll, Neb.
(4)-MS8 9x
FOR SALE or trade, restaurant, hotel, fix
tures complete, with soda fountain: only
hotel Ice cream parlor In town; a chance
for some one to step Into business with
house full of boarders; $225 buys all.
Rent cheap. M. P. Larson, Trent. 8. D.
(4) M662 7x
WHEN MR. ANTHONY discovered Bt. An
thony Falls and interested people In their
development, about 47 years ago, Minne
apolis had scarcely 500 inhabitants now
It has 300,000 and Minneapolis bullded
herself up on her lumber and her water
power. In 1866 Seattle was populated only
by an Adam and an Eve, and now has to
show, In 42 yars, a population of 200.000.
What built up Seattle? Location and for
est wealth. Kansas City In 18f6, Just 52
years ago, was populated by an old man
and his dog. Look at her today the
proudest city In the land, with 230,000 peo
ple. Lots that sold for $26 and a necktie
now sell for $250,OiX apiece and are cheap
at that. People who grew up with the
towns are today their state's proudest
cltlsens and the backbone of its wealth
and brains. Are you not bright enough
to want to be somebody In a few years, to
stay In this country and to leave a name
for honesty, thrift and foresight? The
MINNESOTA, with Its miles of lakes, its
Su,0u0 horse-power now being harnessed,
Its 8.000,UOO cords of pulp wood, possesses
wealth in greater abundance than either
Minneapolis Seattle or Kansas City and
will be a larger city. Ita location on the
International boundary gives It an abso
lute cinch on every other town In the
state. It Is healthy, away up above the
liver, has perfect drainage and In July
will be approached over two railroads,
the Northern Paclrtc and the Duluth,
Rainy Lake Winnipeg. We now have
8uo people. Good lota within two blocks
of business center. Price, $Di0; $10 down.
$46 August 1. balance one and two years.
Ibices will be raised August 1. Write for
booklet and Information at once to Ed
mund G. Walton, Townslte Manager, 114
8. 4th St., Minneapolis, Minn.
(4)-Ml S
$20 CAPITAL will start you In the real es
tate and insurance business. Many earn
io.uu) yearly. We ttmch the business by
mall. Write for free booklet, (
Ral Estate Co., 561 K. C. Life Bldg.,
Kansas City, Mo. (4) M783 x
DRUG STORE for sale; a snap If taken
at once. Write the Bank of (Villlns, Col
lins, 1 (4 M791 fx
Good hotel, furnlahed comnlete, county seat
town, population 1.2o0. elevtrlc lights, fur
nace he:it. Death reason fr selling. Ad
dress Mrs. M. A. Hooton, Valentine. Neb.
(4) M776
WANTEl-A party to buy out & flrst-clas
stock of furniture In the best town on
the Elkhorn valley: best of reasons for
Belling. Wlanifr Furniture Co., Wiener,
Neb. (4-Mb40
FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop, with
bath room and cigar stand, with new two
story building; only shop iu town of auO
Ben Calllson. HltUlid. S. D.
(4J-M251 MySx
FOR BALE Formula for manufacturing a
household necrasuy; small capital re
quired, big protlts. Address N Jflff. Bee.
(t M754 4x
FOR BALE Maat market la a town of
S.uuO population. Calk on or addreaa J J.
JWIUIUU, , , - -
(4) 742 13x
BUSINESS CHANCE Invtet $1 per we-k
for 2 weeka or 1-6 cash, and clear 2m
absolute safety guarantees; by alt banks!
bunliwl Mls Co-, Los Ajigelea. Cal.
to-MtU JlBx
"Sell your
FOR SALE 100 shares Omaha A Nebraska
Cenlral railway stovk. cheap. Address
P 199. care Bee. 4 1 M4S6 My4x
HOTEL business and furniture for sale;
best house, thrilty county seat town.
D. R. Hughes, Clay Center, Nb.
(4) M3K8 My4x
STOCK, of merchandise, invoices $:i.00t or
sales, H.i" per montn. i aii it.
Ward, Kmage Bldg. (K 646 Ml
FOR SALE Stock of Jewelry, fancy china-
ware, silverware, etc., and store nxtures.
Good chance for a wideawake Jeweler.
J. K. Jensen. Trustee, Elk Point. S. D.
(4-i!i2 MySx
FOR SALE A good bakery, and confec
tionery business: DaKery nas a goon
brick oven; doing a fine business In a
live, townr and poor health la reason for
selling; will bear close personal investi
gation. Addres George Bird, Sterling,
Colo. (4)-M248 My3x
HALF INTEREST In hardware and Im
plement business for sale; good business;
will require $4,000 to handle same. Write
Box 88, Nelson, Neb. (4)-110
Do You Wish to Make a Change!
If you tiave a farm, home, business or
property that you ,want to sell or ex-
rhnnrp wrttA lis
Omaha, Neb.
(4)-66l M7
809 New York Life Bldg.
mah- N8b- (4)-112
DRCG stores for sale everywhere. F. V.
Kniest, 707 N. Y. L., Omaha. W-ui
FOR SALE A 4-year lease of brick store
Dunning, consisting or uasemem, imi
second Moors; the rooms are 44xn6 feet;
this building Is located In central busi
ness part of a live town In central Iowa,
with a population of 23,000; the building
Is now occupied as a dry goods store,
would sell the stock to puity who would
lease If they so desire. For particulars
address Box 4L Florence, Wis.
(4) M601 7x
TO BUY or sell any business or real es
tate, call on or write E. U. uangesiau,
403 Bee Bldg. . (4)-fcH
WANTED To trade for stock of goods;
nave a good farm. AaartBS i o,
(4) 496
WANT a second-hand automobile; have
some land to trade. Address Y 243, Bee.
(.4) 497
WANTED Young man with $200 cash to
manage Branch omce or incorporate icm
estate company; exceptional opportunity.
Address E 87, care Omaha Bee.
(4) M717
ONLY hotel In good live Nebraska town of
1,200. New modern brick Duitaing, ioriy
rooms. Everything first-class. Price
$2,750. Has cleared more than this yearly
the last three years. Kent reasonaoie,
Peterson Bros., 623 Bee Bldg. 4)--897
FOR SALE First-class blacksmith shop In
thriving western town; doing good busi
ness: reason, am no smith myself: will
stand Investigation: fine climate. Ad
dress Box 64, SUonhonl, Wyo.
(4) M230 My6x
Investment Dept. Western Ref. & Bond
Assn. Inc.. suite 721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg.
FOR BALE Restaurant and lunch coun
ter; best location In city; bargain If sold
at once. 'Phone Red 2843.
(4) 628 2x
TO BUY or sell any business or real es
tate quick. Write or see Hildreth, 510 Bee
Bldg. (4 39
Advertising Sappllea.
REMEMBER calindrsboth1 DO
MESTIC and IMPORT ED,-ever submitted
to the advertising trade. Before placing
your order, we invite your inspection of
our exhibition room, 1218 Harney St..
where also can be found Advertising
Supplies and Novelties of every descrip
tion that will bring results.
(5)-M324 n5
T, E. BRADY, Probate Att'y, 609 Bee Bldg.
(G)-226 Myl4
DR. ROY, R. 2, 1505 Farnam St Doug. 6497.
(5 44
Cigars and Tobacco
O. C. SIMMONS, 416 Bo. 15th
(5)278 Myl5
to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha.
(5) 117
Carpet Cleaning.
SEND your carpets to N A. Christenson S
Son, 221 N. 20th St. 'Phone Web. 1069.
la. Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam.
CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Works. Mak
ing over and relaying carpets. Also rug
weaving. 16lh and Leav. Tel. Doug. 6oG.
AUGUST KROFFT. building contractor,
1116 8. 24th St., South Omaha.
(5)-M770 M3
P. J. CREEDON & SONS, general con
tractors. Office and factory, 45th and
Dodge, 'Phones, Har. 2160 and Red l.0.
(6) M638
BAILEY MACH. Sd fl. Paxton. D. 15,
KOTERA & CO., 1506 Jackson. Doug. 2o07.
HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam.
U HENDERSON. 1519 Farn. Tel. D. 1253.
J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000.
(5) 433
FURS cleaned, stored and repaired. G E.
Shukert. 313-115 8. 16th. practical furrier.
(Al M449 M
Far a sees.
W. 8. H BATON American furnaces; tin
work. 1301 Farnam St. Tel. lVula 3..
(5) M7W1 M22
German Consnlata.
OTTO 8IEMSSEN, correspondent notary
public, Hi N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. V. 663.
tu)-nt Mil
THE Schllts. European, 16th and Harney.
(5) M170
BT. JAM TS Rates, $1
411 & U(li.
$1.26 per day.
(5-792 Mil
Honaa Cleaning.
JOHNSON cleans carpets, washes windows.
scrubs i floors. Tel. Douglas Z'W.
(&) 486 Ml
HER. Int.
.rating C 42t K. Y.
farm or business"
Jewelers and Watchmakers.
N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry
repairing, S & Paxton fllk. Tel. D. 43.iT.
A. GOODSON, masseur, treats stiff Joints,
rheumatism, nervousness, fr Ware Plk.
Tel. Doug. 64. (5) M168 M5
LARGEST and finest assortment of trees
and shrubs in the city. Crescent Nur
sery. Sales ground, 21st and Farnam.
'Phone Webster S357. (5 M5H0 M7
SHADE trees, shrubs and fruit trees. F. R.
Martin, 18th and Douglas. Tel. D. 732,
(6) Mti82
0 MAPLE trees for sale, 49th and Ham
ilton. (5) M780 6x
JOHNSON INS., 41S N. Y. I Tel. D. 1064.
(5) 125
Dr. Bowser, over 1500 Far. Tel. Doug 6370.
(5) M410 M19
DR8. RINGLER, 305 Neville. Tel. Red 5467.
(5) Mm M8x
C. B. TRUSSELL, 115 South 16th St.
FRENCH and artistic photographers. 210
8. 14th St. (5)-791 M21
Plumbing and Heating.
T. F. BALFE, plumbing, gas and electric
fixtures. 1C07 Howard. Tel. Doug. 743.
(5)-M705 JullO
LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty.
118 N. 15th St. Tel. Douglas 1477.
(5)-676 M28
JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 5380.
5 126
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order,
don't fall to see our elegant Imported line.
Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 & Cap. ave.
(5) 127
THE ACORN PRESS-Prlnters of Quality.
We make those Imitation typewritten let
ters that look like the original. Price
right. Tel. Doug. 991. 1218 Harney.
(5) 685 May9
8WANSON PRINTING CO., high grade
printing at lowest prices. 110 B. 17th St.
Tel. Doug. 3959. (5) M839 Myl2
600 BUSINESS cards, $1; 10,000 printed en
velopes, good stock, for $10; other work
at same rates. Get our estimates and see
our samples of work. Call at room 32,
I . s. Nat 1 Bank Bldg., or phone Douglas
4503. (5J 394 Myl7
School Fornltnre.
OMAHA School Supply Co., 1621 Howard.
(6e-22o Ml 4
SIlTer Plating.
Omaha Plating Co., 1220 Harney. Doug. 2535.
(5) M242 M4
Store Storage.
OTrtWCiSTORED Hughes, Btove Rep.
OIUYLO Works. Tel. Douglas 7166.
6) MfBI
The Leading Palmist of Omaha.
Revelations of past and future described.
Parlors 113 8. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store.
Spring Term Now Open.
DAY. AND mutll.
Catalogue free. II. B. BOYLES, Pres.,
Omaha. Neb. M170
Agents and Salesladies.
ACTTVE Catholic lady; also assistant, to
represent manufacturer, leaving sam
ples; $3 per day; eay. urate nationality,
religion. Engwall, 40 Lakeside Bldjr., Chi
cago. (7) M267 8x
Clerical and Office.
WANTED Experienced lady clerk for dry
goods store. Write, stating experience
and wages waniea: give reierenees. Ad
dress Lock Box 25. Miller. S. D.
, (7)-M613
WANTED At once, several girls; must be
at least 16, not more than 17. See Mr,
James Williams, delivery dept. The Ben
nett Company. (7) 778 4
Factory and Trades.
WANTED Girls to work In candv factory,
The Voegele & Dinning Co., 1316 Jones St.
GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Company,
aoi'4 ramam est. ( 12
WANTED - Machine girls. City Steam
Laundry, ni S. llth Bt. a) 130
Housekeeping and Domestic.
WANTED Girl for general housework
small family; good wages. Tel. Douglas
6042. awd Dewey Ave. a) 278
COOK wanted; family of four; light work;
evenings and Bunday afternoon off; no
washing; wages. $20.00. Apply to Dr.
James 8. Kennedy, at Fort Omaha, Neb.
(7) M813 9
WANTED An experienced lnundress and
dining room girl, by the mo; references
required. Inquire at Edmundaon Memo
rial Hospital. Cor. Pierce and 0k St..,
Council Bluffs. (7)-M816 16
OIRL for general housework; family of
two; good wuges. 'Phone Harney l-'M.
O) 890 30x
GIRL to do cooking and lnundry work.
Mrs. Charles Men. 568 8. 2sth St.
(7J M785 Sx
WANTED Experienced girl as cook; good
wages. N. E. corner 33d and Farnam.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 1533
Park Ave. (7)436
WANTED Girl for general housework.
2ao9 Farnaut. (7 666 2x
GIRL for general housework. In family of
4; good wages. Mrs. F. D. Wead. oil S.
40th. Tel. Harney lt07. (7) 67S
WANTED Woman for general work In
hotel la town of l,0u0. Address Y-64. Bee.
(7 Mtili 6x
WOMAN to do house cleaning and laun
dry work. 6o4 8. 36lb St. (7 719 4x
SWEDISH housekeeper, $240 year; house
girls $7 week. Canadian Office, 15th and
Dodge. (7)-M763
Mlscel la aeons.
M DOW ELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Far.
(7)-224 Ml4
HAT9 trimmed or remodeled, 25c to 76c.
'Phone (evenings) Red 6ou6
iTy M47 M19x
Hundreds of young ladles now holding
good positions secured through us is the
beat evidence of our facilities for placing
high grade applicants. Numerous vaoa.ncls
(all lin.a) for Immediate consideration. Call
or write.
waartRN kef. a bond ass-n, inc.,
VH-Ta N. Y. Ufa Bldg.
CUi t
City people want to move to the
country, country people to move
to the city. Dee want ads reach
hnth citv and countrv nnnnle. i
, , ( U
Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen.
SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who
have had experience selling views, por-
imiis or dooks; pleasant work and big
money. Call at Room 6u3, Bee Bldg.
(9 338
A GOOD side line for a salesman In Iowa
territory; give description. L 178. care
Dee. (9) MJ66SX
WANTED Salesmen to travel In surround
ing states; knowledge of our business not
necessary, but must be hustler and sober;
position permanent, with good income.
Address J 208, Bee office. (9) M648 4x
AGENTS wanted to drive through the
uuumry; oesi selling proposition ever of
f erred; big value for your customer, big
profit for you. Write today for particu
lars and territory. E. R. MoClellan. 603
Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Neb, ) 834
AGENTS through Nebraska to show and
j-n nv inu mu(jbi-l1wj io larmers and
horse users; ready sellers; big profits. 1U5
Farnam. Omaha. (S 866 M8
WANTED By Omaha firm, wldewake
mmi an urnrenng salesmen; posi
tion permanent, with good prospects for
advancement; give past experience and
references. Address M 111, Bee office.
(9) M550 4x
AGENTS WANTED-Oreatest money mak-
us iiwvmjr oui; sens at every house;
send for sample and prices. The H. B.
Reynolds Mfg. Co., Fredericktown,, O.,
Dept. 26. (9)-84 8x
WANTEIV-Men for real estate business In
i-ti'omsKa; salary; expenses advanced, and
splendid opportunity for right kind of
men. Apply 316 Neville Blk., lBth and
Harney, Omaha. (9) M750 Jel
MEN To manage and travel for Jobbing
null-.- m iowa, n inn., wis. and Mich.;
must come recommended' flrt rn
. only need apply. National Retailers' Ex-
cnange, noneer Press Bldg., St. Paul,
MI"n- (9) M722 8x
2 MEN for canvassing; steady work; pay
" v.. r. jiuams jo., 1M Howard.
t ill Junei
WANTED Several good boyg, flrst-claa
pay. a. u. i., zn b. lain.
(9)-M931 M24
WANTED Office boy. The A. F. Smith
v,o., joi. Iiurncj el. (J) M778 5
WANTED Oood strong boy about 17. to
won in carpet aepartment. Steady posi
tion and good chance for advancement.
Inquire of Mr. Thompson, Peoples' Store.
(9) M7S3 6
BOY 16 to 18 for bowling alley work; good
wages. .ppiy ai once, isii liarney Ht.
(9 M100
GOOD wages and chance for advancement.
Omahn Un t'n . ., 1.
. . i ... ... .v. a v.m ... vinaiiu.
(9r-M673 My31
WANTED At 6nce. Intelligent, ambitious
noy tor drug business. See Mr. Schnel
der, Drug Dept., The Bennett Co.
9)-699 3
WANTED Four boys over 16 veara old at
fsctory. M. E. Smith Co., 11th and
i-njugias, irmana. (9) M749
Clerical and Office.
. i" mno gen
eral charge of office and books. Must be
thoroughly competent and furnish hond.
'I v. u i too fc, .4, L.l . ucc, tf AlIM .
YOUNG man to work In bank; must write
well and be accurate at figures. Address
. m, nee. (9) M814 6
Factory and Trade.
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
v . jviiicnk, ivi . x , ia, jmana. (9 ibj
WANTED First-class barber: no students-
guarantee of $15 or 60 per cent. Address
jonn Biaca. nuron, a. u.
(9)-M976 MUx
WANTED An alIround German sausage
tiiu Irnr ' m nut
, auiiiiiiia an en
gine and be sober. Industrious man: good
. WV. .. T , . , , - . , .
l,n-tl- T.. ...... . 1
WANTED Paperhangers and nalntera
only experienced help need apply. H.
Berwick. 211 B. Main Bt., Co. muffs.
(9) M331
WANTED Band people for Barlow Rrn.
W&gon Shows, Benkelman, Neb. Open
ai oenaiiiian, neu,, may a.
(9) M238 M3x
WANTED Barber; good, steady; no Moler
man. Ben Ackerman, Marshalltown, Ia.
(9) M789 9x
MJiN WANTED at Johnston Bros.', at
Clayworks, la.; steady work year round.
Houses to rent to married men; wages $2
per day. (9) M7S8 9x
WANTED Blacksmith; must be first-class
floor man; $4 per day to the right man;
wire us at our expense. George &
Levey, Sheridan, Wyo. (9) M243 M3x
WANTED First-class all-round butcher.
C. H. Huber, 112 E. Broadway, Co. Bluffs.
() M274
UPPER CUTTERS, sole cutters, lasters
and other shoemakers. Washington Shoe
Mfg. Co., Seattle. Wash. (9) M606 3
BARBER wanted, must be good man. Ad
dress A. J. Slmmet, New Ulm, Minn.
(9)-M6U0 7r
BOX nailers; good wages. Omaha Box
Co., East Omaha. (9) M672 7
BARBER wanted on salary, or will rent to
responsible party; no boozer wanted; good
base ball player, pitcher preferred; state
experience had and wages wanted. C.
Winterton, Hazelton, N. D. (9 765 8x
A GOOD proposition for a live real estate
man. In each county, who Is a hustler.
American Land and Immigration Co., Sid
ney. Neb. (9) M562 Sx
WANTED Crew . managers and solicitors
to drive through country; best proposi
tion ever offered; will pay salary or com
mission. Address K 159, Bee.
(9)-M547 4x
ENERGETIC young man, over 26 yeers
old, capable of earning hkgh salary; bond
required. Addreaa ln own handwriting,
with stamp and references, II 20. rare
Bee. (9 &
WANTED School teachers and tudents to
tarvel during vacation months; work
Bleasant and profitable. Address H 207,
ee office. () M549 4x
to 35. for firemen and brakemen on lead
ing railroads; experience unnecessary.
Flrement earn $luu.00 per month, become
engineers, earn $aKi.0O; brakemen earn
$75.00, become conductors, earn $15000.
( all or write at once for particulars. Na
tional Railway Training Aas'n, 6-0 X,
Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb.
(9) MS48 M6
Our Hat of vacancies Is too large to give
In detail. Bee us at once or write If
capable of filling some high grade clerical
position. Bookkeepers, stenographers and
salesmen are mostly In demand at present.
70-722 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(9Jr-M79 8
WANTED Musicians with trades, tuba
fluyer, trombone and clarinet players,
hat are plumbers, tinners. clKarmakers,
carpenters and printers. C. D. rlodley,
776 2d St., Huron, 8. D; (9 M268 Sx
WANTED Several completent city drivers;
must furnish bond and referencea; salary
$f,0 to ro per month. Alamito Sanitary
Dairy Co. (9; 632 1
YOUNG man to writs window cards and
do stock work In atore; parmanunt posi
tion to right party; atate experience. Ad
dreaa K 194. Bee. (9 ta 2x
WANTED Good middle-aged man to work
as yardman at family hotel: good wages
and permanent position. Addreas A 234,
care Bea. (9 764 8X
'WHEN you write to advertisers remember
It takes but an extra stroka or two of the
pea to mention the fact that you saw tae
ad la The bee.
Horses and Vehicles.
HORSES Roadsters, general purpose and
wora norsea, oougni, sold and exrnangen
on commission. Myeri, 1715 Jackson. Tel.
Red 801. (1D-161 M$
LARGE and small horses for sale. Also
wagons, nosenoiatt. lizi Nicholas.
RUNABOUTS, carriages snd harness at
s-reauy reaucea prices. Johnson Dsn
forth Co., s. w. cor. loth and Jones sts
BLACK driving mare, good, weighing
bdoui i,ici; znu n. ittn Ave.
(U) MS10
TEAM of mares, weighing t.4 $130; team
of heavy bay mares, weighing 1. 7. $1:;
one sorrel horse, weighing l.StO. $io. 2niS
N. 15th Ave. (1D-M8U
20 HEAD of fine, young drivers and light
wagon norsea ana sav.rsi or medium
frlie; also two heavy work teams and
hree heavy old horses, cheap for cnah
or time. Remember, that we give thor
ough trial before you buy and a written
guarantee that Is worth what It says.
Omaha Horse and Supply Co., rear 414
N. lth t. Tel. Douglas 40RL (11) M909
AGENTS through Neb. to show and sell
ROYAL HI I hlj(.8 to isrmers ana nnree
users. Ready sellers. Big profits. 1116
Farnam, Omaha. (ID M364 M10
PAIR black mares, half Shetland; drive
single or double and tide. 43d and Center.
WE are not selling out at cost, but we are
selling driving wagons, buggies, surnes
and stanhopes cheaper than any other
firm west of Chicago. Holmea-Adklns
Co., 714 8. 10th St., Omaha.
(11-1 Mil
FOR SALE High-power, t-cyllnder, 1906
automobile at a bargain. Address E-178,
Bee. OD M983 MSx
HORPEf--Rodsters, general purpose and
work horses, bought, sold and exchanged
on commission. Myers, 1114-16 IVniglas.
Tel. Douglaa 1032. (ID M793 J2
CARRIAGE and wagon painting. Harry
Frost, 714 8. 14th St. (ID M309 M16
TWO good, toppy driving horses; also sin
gle and double harness, runabouts, top
bugglps and surrles, for one or two horses,
good as new. Harney Street Stables.
(11) M637
FOR BALE A handsome surrey and horse;
perfectly gentle for lady to drive; will
sell separately If desired. F. B. Van
Brunt, 12 Fourth St., Council Bluffs. Ia.
$275 WILL BUY an extra fine 7-year-old
driving bay mare, sound: any lady ran
drive; also a new undercut runabout and
good harness. Room 81, Barker Blk.
11 M51 4x
PHAETON for sale, In good condition;
cheap. O. W. Butts, 820 First Ave.,
Council Bluffs. (TU-641 M4x
HAY, $9 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. 16th.
7-YEAR-OLD driving horse and runabout;
2 family phaetons; 3 runabouts and other
livery paraphernalia. Myers' Douglas St,
stable. 1114-16 Douglas. Tel. Doug. 1032.
(11W14 7x
Formerly of 1716 Jackson, has purchased
the business of Ed Dietrich,
1114-1116 Douglas.
and will be pleased to meet his old friends
and customers at the above address.
(ID 716 8x
FOR SALE Gentle pony, 8 years old,
cheap, w. 11. Mccora, zm and cass.
(11) M73S S
TWO farm horses cheap, weight 1,100
pounds; 1 three-Inch wagon and coal box;
1 set worx narness. ztiu uecatur Bt.
dl M728 4
Poultry and Eggs.
RHODE ISLAND RED eggs. Martin, 2802
Indiana Ave. Tel. Harney 1803.
TEN THOUSAND Barred Plymouth Rock
ergs for sale: Bradley Bros, and Judsre
Norval stock; $1 per 16; $4 per 100. Aye
Bros., Blair, nen. (U) mtw mux
OUR handsome Illustrated poultry book la
free to all who will write and ask for It,
telllna- where they saw this ad. A valu
able book for every poultryman; 80,000
printed. Address Harris Poultry Co., Clay
Center, iseo. iiij ero jviayznx
CHAMBERLAIN S Perfect Chick Feed Is
the only original dry chick feed. Use this
only and save all young chickens. Once
used always usea. Biewari s eeea store,
119 N 16th Bt., sole agents for the city.
(1D-M942 Myl3
DUSTON'S White Wyandottes, pure bred,
eggs $1.50 for 15, $5 for 100. Forest Lawn
Wyandotte Ynrds, Florence, Neb. Tele
phone Florence 1062. (11) M496 M
Gov't squab book free. Model Co., D. 6H84.
tuj moii aiysi
ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds: best
easteVn stock, a good color; eggs, $1.75 per
15. Mrs. James H. Halplne, 402 Center
Bt. Tel. Harney 3628. (11) M MylOx
BUY Barred Plymouth eggs of W. T. Clay,
Council Bluffs, la., a breeder. $V6 cock
erels. (U) M15
WHY send east for White Leghorns? Eggs
from thoroughbreds. $1.60 per 15. Lund
strom, N. W. Cor. 20th and Caldwell.
(11) M468 My4x
WE have them. What? Egs for hatch
ing, from prise-winning White Plymouth
Rocks. For sale cheap. Come quick If
you want any. R. G. White, S332 Parker
fet.. Omaha. (11) M 460 M4x
HOMER pigeons; S pair, $8. Address N-21B,
Bee. (ID 679
Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pets.
FOR SALE Pomperanlan puppies. 'Phone
Doug. 6486. (li)-M402 M4x
FOR SALE Pure bred male collie pups,
eligible to register, from trained stock;
black, tan, white. Thos McCune, Ver
mlllon, B. D. (1D-M663 7x
LOST Pair spectacles with gold frames, In
leather case. Return to Bee office. Re
ward. (12) 669 3x
T-ORT Ladv's gold watch with gold fob.
Reward If returned to Mrs. Patton. 121
N. 26th. 'Phone H Z224. (12)-4579 8
LOST One red cow, one horn broken. Tel.
Douglas 3175. (12) MH07 8
STRAYED Bay pony, reached mane.
Harney 8U6S. (12) M786 5x
LOST Small Jeweled fraternity pin, back
engraved "L. E. Ranck, la. Beta;" liberal
reward for return. Bee office.
LfsST lAdy'a gold watch, engraved W.
If found, 'phone Webster 1253. Reward.
(U)-756 3x
STRAYED Brown mare, from 27th and
Bieklne, Bunday evening. Any Informa
tion call Tel. Douglaa 2!.S. (!-') m
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve
Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman 4k
McConnell Drug Co., Omaha
(13 138
MRS. GARDEL8, private confinement
home; baUlea cared tor. 3724 N. 28th Bt.
Tel. Red Ofc (18)-23D M3x
PRIVATE home during confinement, ba
blea adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani
tarium, ; First Ave., Council Bluffs, la.
Tel. 774. (M-822
DR. PRIES, apeclaliat, diseases of women.
J') years' practice in confinements. Omce,
(14 N. 16th; residence, 2421 Charles, Omaha.
(18 r-440
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call
or writs to the matron of the Halvation
Army Home for 'Women at 8124 N. 84th
Bt.. Omaha. Neb. (12) M100
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Dav
enport Bta. ; special attention paid to con
finement cases: all treatment supervised
by college profeaaors. 'Phone Doug. 1147,
Calls answered day or night (13; 129
and others, without security; easy pay
ments. Offices In U principal cities. Tol
uau, room 714, New Turk Lira Bldg.
Salary and Chattels Cantlnned.
Some people help you by their Influence,
some by their advice, but very few with
the loan of money.
The "Omaha Mortgage" helps you out
with the resdy cash on nhort notice in a
I'HIVATN. lAIWl1 ILJIl. 1 10
We advsnce any eum-$10 to $W-at a
low. reasonable cost something you can
afford to pay. ,
A claim on your household good, pianos,
horses, etc, will answer until the debt is
119 Board of Trade Uldg.
(14) 141
- - Til VAV rtACV
In payments to suit your convenience, at
rates that honest people can afford to pay.
8alary, chattel or any good security.
Room 20, Frenser Blk., 16th and Dodge Sta.
(14 ft.JMI
CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt
loana. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam 81.
(14) 143
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or
salary loans. 628 Paxton Block. 'Phona
Douglas 746. (14) 146
will make a special rate on collateral
loans, mortgages on personal property snd
notes, without security. Terms to suit.
'Phone Douglas 2904. (14) M68O M8
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advances private money on chattels or sal
ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get
money same day asked for at small cost.
Open evenings till 7. (14) 147
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses,
etc.. In any amount; less than half
rates; perfect privacy; Immediate atten
tion; any terms wanted;' payment sus
pended when sick or out of work. $14
Karbach Blk, 209 8. 16th St. (14) 148
FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans.
Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk.
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom
modating; all business confidential. 1301
Douglas. (14) 150
Boarding aad Rooms.
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe.
(16) IU
DEWEY European Hotel, 18th and Farnam.
18) 154
FURNISHED rooms, with or without
board. 922 N. 19th. (16) MB91 My4x
ROOM with good board. $4.60 per week;
all modern; walking distance. 2408 Caaa
8L 'Phone Douglas 6406.
' OS) M528 4x
FURNISHED ROOMS, with or without
board, home cooking; block and a half
from Omaha car. 120 South 7th Bt.,
Council Bluffs, la. (16) M253 MSx
THE WILKINSON: pleasant rooms, with
board; table board; Hanscom park car.
passes the door. 3016 Pacific St. Tel. Har
ney 1138. (15)-M610
FIRST-CLASS rooms and board; location
good; close In. 618 South 19th.
(15s-vM59 6x
Paralstaevl Room a.
NICE, clean, well-furnished, well-heated
outside room; house strictly modern. 1460
Harney Bt. (16) 155
NEWLY furnished rooms, modern. 540 8.
24th BL 'Phone Douglas fctfC
(15)-M311 M5x
PLEASANT furnished room in private
family; house is modern. 3469 Harney 8t.
(15)-M425 M6x
FOR RENT lArge front room with alcove;
modern. 1038 8. 2 2d Bt- Tel. Red 424.
.: (16)-M226 MySx
TWO nicely furnished rooms for light .
housekeeping; private family. 46 Ijdi
FINE rooms, reasonable. 608 8. 34th Ave.
(16)-M45 M6x
NICE front room, with bath. 2033 Hnrney
St. (160 M2U0
A SIX-ROOM furnished flat for summer;
give refernce. Address K 177. care Dee.
" (16)-M2e6 Sx
FURNISHED outside rooms; board; rea
sonable. Lange hotel, 13th and Jskson.
NICELY furnished room for one or two
gentlemen. 817 B. 26th St.
(15) 211 May Ix
FURNISHED room, private family. 221
California. (15) 207 May2x
LARGE, nice sleeping rooms, In all modem
house; house cleaning all done; small
room. 1701 Capitol Ave. (15) M372 M4x
NICELY furnished "rooms for rent: private
family, fine location, one block from car.
1214 N. 26th Bt. (16-6S M4x
MODERN furnished rooms. ?22 Farnam.
(16)-634 MX
MODERN furnished room for rent 814
No. . 26th Bt. (16) M7X7 8
ONE nicely furnished parlor; one nicely
furnished room on second floor, strictly
modern, new brick. 410 Bo. I4th Bt.
NICELY arranged 4-room light basement,
large pantry, two closets, city water In
kitchen: no children. 909 8. 27th Bt
(16) M780 9X
NICE large front room, modern, close In.
Vacant May 1. 614 8. 20th BU
FOR light housekeeping. 1302 Douglas.
Thons Douglas 8288. (18)-66 6s
TWO cheerful front rooma, furnished of
unfurnished; modern house. 1144 8. S2d
(16) M102 Max
ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, with or
without board. Ogden boteU Council
Bluffs. Ia. (16)-MW0 My'
NICELY furnished front room and alcove.
847 8. 84th Bt. (18) 708 T
LARGE, beautiful, modem rooms, en suite
If desired; first-class family. MM Caaa.
(IB) Modi 7X
LARGE front room, all modem; reasonable.
616 No. 83d BL (16) 717 8x
NICELY furnished room, new, modern
house on Park Ave., near Leavenworth,
strictly private family, gentlemen pre
ferred. 'Phone Harney 714. (1S-41 tx
NICELY fumlahed rooms, day, week or
month: price reasonable. 1&16 Dodge Bt.
(15) 768 5x
TWO front rooms, furnished, with use of
piano; southeast exposure; modern; $L6
par month. Phone Harney 721.
v (15) 758
ftafaralahed Rooms.
CENTRAL, modem, 8 deelrabla rooma, bath
and hall, to good tenant, so) N. 23d.
08) M46S
TWO rooms, 1120 N. 17th BL
Housekeeping Rooms.
TWO nicely furnished front rooma, com
plete tor light housekeeping. 'Jul 8 Daven
port. (15) M-&8 M3X
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 821 B. lth.
(UrM2Ml My lax
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 83. 1913 Dodge
St. Inquire Id floor. (16)-itt443 ix
TWO nicely furnished rooms for light
housekeeping. 416 N. 23d Bt. (15)-64 6
4 OR 5 MODERN housekeeping rooms.
223 Burt 8U (16) Mu67 Ix
Ana.rtaacats aad Flats.
FOR RENT Three-room modern flat. 2918
IKiuglaa. ground floor; rent reasonable.
Globe Land and Investment Co.. 1828 Far
nam Bt. (li)-MXi
FOR RENT 818 per month, T-room mod
ern flat opposite Mturs's brewery. 1844 M.
Ulh. lciuira 410 8. loth BL