Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1907, Page 9, Image 9
TTTFi omati.y daily hef,: tittrspav, may inn:. ClUl, Friot jODUCK SAKRET ''a.C aurpi an lUpcU of T'ou WHEAT' tPTIONS ADVANCE ONE CENT Rapid tpwnrd oTfmil Rear Close ad All Oralaa Higher on Infn Torahle Weatker, with Frees! Tesnpemtnrein. Kv, bu li.V . , bu 72,Wi 17.9C10 L Use Proilnr exchange today ths but t. t i hxket waa lit ''It; creameries, 4V : !. ISCi'Oc. Eggs, Arm: at mark, !"-luded, lfVuliVc; firsts. 16c; prim ti:ij. It Cheese, steady; Hpbc. BW YORK ORMCRAIi MARKRT Quotations of the) Day ea Varlona CommodltlM. NEW TORK. May 1. FLOUR Re ceipts. H.Sifl bbls.; exports, 14.113 bbl.; market Arm but quiet; Minnesota rat xiii. I4.2vi4.60; Minnesota bakers, 63.4Otr3.70; winter patents, 33.60$ 3.90; winter straights, 11.406 2 KB; winter extros, $ 6 3.00; winter, low grades, 82 701? 1 80. Rys flour, firm; fair to gsod 8643.10; choice to fancy, ia.86ei.15. . CORNMEAL Firm; fin white and yel low; $1.20; coarae, (1.101.12; kiln dried. 12 2.T6. WHEAT Receipts, 38,000 bu ; exports. B7.M9 bu. ; spot market strong; No. 2 red, OMAHA, May 1, 1WJ. The market opened higher on reports of froeiy weather In the southwest and pi Ices were uniformly harder. May wneat ad- r '"'.1 ;;r,"r,,V.,rt TJ . s4io. elevstor: No. 1 red. 80c, f. o. b. afloat; was In goo.i demand. The buying was ol No. 1 northern. Duluth, 7o, opening navl good character, although transactions and ration, f. o. b. afloat; No. I hard, winter, receipts were both of light volume. Jo. opening navigation, f. o. b. afloat. 't.auiea were steadier in wheat, although I There was a strong recovery In wheat the clone was weaker. Northeast receipt I today, dua to killing frosts In tha north were moderate and the May delivery was I west and a very bullish snow report. After of small volume. Killing frosia In soma i a small noon reaction tha market turned sections of KiUinas caueu early strength In ! strong again on export- sales and closed the Wheat pit and a later e'.rengllientng . factor M the estlmat of b. F. Snow , that the wheat crop would be 10.!,0uo,uou j bushels smaller than that Of laat year. There was good demand by commission ! hnusea and better ln.iuiry for cash wheal. May wheat advanced o from a strong opening at 7-Vtc, bid, and other options advanced c on good buying, with the opening In rleptember wheat at He higher. The close was strong and prices advanced sharply, a gain of 1VC being made In May and Juiy option lVo-Vc net higher. May, W'S'Slc, closed lc; July, KVacilHo, closed 1V; Septem ber, 'H'iiOc, closed 9ac ; December, 93H9 Wc, closed B4C CORN Recelpte, 183,426 bu.; export. 69,846 bu.; spot market steady; Nq. 2, 60Ho ' elevator and 67V4o t. o. b. afloat; No. it white, 68o and No. t yellow, 67Vc, f. o. b. afloat. Option market was without trans actions, closing net unchanged. May closed 60c; Juiy, olosed Mo; September, closed 68c. OATS Receipts, 141,000 bu.j spot market Trade waa light In corn, with a bearish nrm; mned oats, X to II pounds, 47Vo; tendency In evldenoe, although prices war firmer. May corn advanced Ho a ail the cloas was vary strong. Oats opened higher With good demand for the July options by commission houses. There was soma short buying in May oats, but the demand for Heptember options was not strong. Freezing temperatures caused a bullish tendency and tile close was steady. Primary wheat receipts were 601.000 bushels and shipments 736.000 bushels, against receipts last year of 2W.000 bushels and shipments of 194.000 bushela. Corn re ceipts were 890,000 bushels and shipments 174.000 bushels, against receipts of 654.CX0 bushels and shipments of 675.000 bushels last year. Clearances were S9S.000 bushels corn, none of oata, and wheat and flour equal to 1M.0O0 bushels. ft Liverpool closed Hd higher on wheat and enchanged to 4d lower on corn. Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. ITes'y. Wheat I May... 72HB 74B 7ZHR 74R TZK July... 7fiV4B 7HH 7Ma,H 7HB 761A Sept... T7HB 7SV.B 77HB 78VB 77A Corn I May... 4f4B 4S4B 4S,H 4T,B 4FVtA ; July.. 44HB 4MB 44B 46,B 44A ftept... 44B 44 B 44B 44B 44A Oats I I 1 1 May... I ,BI HB 41(,B B tA July...! 410 B 41HR S 41HA Bept..( UB 361) 3474B 86 li lt'A be; No. s hard, No. S spring, A asked. B bid. Omaha Cask Prices WHEAT No. i hard, TltTc ; K Wil"c; no. 4 hard, tKKtjiHc CORN No. , 44JJ-44HC;- No. 4, 4243c: no srale. '.'o40p; No. S yellow, 4Iyi!'461c; lio. t white. 4t4J'4ti4c.- OATS No. i mixed, JiiVw-fc; No. I white, "VHlo. 1 JUt-Nix t &c; No. 8. 60c. Carlot Receipts. Chicago , Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha Duluth Wheat. Corn. Oats. a st .29 10 217 104 35 30 24 21 A. 1 CHICAGO GRAIN AU IMtOVISIOMS Fcatnrea of the Tradlns; and Closlnic Prices on Board of Trad. CHICAGO, May 1. Reports of freesing weather In the wnt and southwest caused an advance today of more than 2c In the , prtoe of July wheat, which closed 2.jjf24c, higher. Corn Is up a7c. and oats i.M 1V P.TMs.ons wre i",,10o hlphor. The m rkt opened nt ra and i'iund ' In strength a trading prKresd. There n ur. t demnnd all day, comml"iin tiouaes 1. 'id Hhorts loaillng In the nuylng In adilt.lon to the nld weather ' reports which came from all -?tlona of the .vmtnr wheat beK It was claimed that ti green ' bug had survived the cold weather In bet ter shape titan had the wheat crop and la still active. Another source of strength was the statement made by a local expert In which he estimated the total winter wheat crop as about loO.OOO.OOO bushels less than thut of last year. The beat part of the Belling came from longs, who had profits In sight. The market closed strong and at the highest point, deliveries on May contracts were nearly 4,0(0,000 bushels, which was more than had been generally eapectod. The grain, however, was taken largely by influential houses, which fact operated to prevent the enormous deliv eries from exerting a weakening effect on the mnrket. July opened V' higher at MftKlV to H-Jc, advanced to 833C and closed af 83Sc Clearances of wheat snd flour were equal to 1M.000 bu. Pri mary receipts were fioj.ono bu., against 140.000 bu. for the same day last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipt of 6.16 cars, against 6j6 cars last week and 213 cars a year ago. Trading In corn was active and the mar ket was strong all day. The advance In wheat was the chief bullish Influence, al though small receipts gave additional Im petus to the buying movement. The mar ket closed strong and near the highest point of the day. deliveries on May con tracts were email, being IO.OiO bu. July bpened unchanged to V(J',c hlsher at 4!Mi 4!Vc to 4!ifcc, sold up to IsotiifjOOSo and closed at 60o. Local receipts were 104 cara. with 30 cars of contract grade. Sentiment In oats was very bullish, be cause f the large line of May oats held by a prominent hull. Deliveries on May contracts wore about 1.000,0) bu., and nearly all of this grain waa taken by thla same doaler. An advance of la to So In the price of the caah grain strength ened options. The close' was strong. July opened VuVie to c higher at 421fl'4?ic, advanced to 43 and closed at 43Vr- Local receipts were 1JS cara. . Although deliveries of provisions on May contracts were much smaller than had been generally expected, aggregating 4.0H0 bhla . of pork, 750 tleroea of lard and ao,) pounds of ribs, the product fell Into weak hands and was placed on sale early In the day. These offerings met with little den and snd prices became eesler. I,ter the market rallied. In sympathy with grain. At the cloae July pork waa up 10c at SIR 90. Ird was up 6c at S.78. Rlba were 6c higher at $8 734. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat I cars; corn, 11 cars; oats, 174 cara; hogs. ?.CO0 head. . 1 he leading futures ranged as follows: natural white, SO to S3 pounds, 4lV3'4Wc cupped while, N to w pounds, 6"4Vtc- nAi Steady; shipping, i(tfiuc; good to choice 1. 1601. 20. HOPS Easy; state, common to choice, 19titJ, IWtc; 190R, 4Hrac; Pacific coast, 1906, fHillc; itA, 4V6c. HIDhJd luu. Central Amcrioa, 24c; Bogota, 24 c. LEATHER Steady; acid, 27H01BC PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. M4.0014.60; mess, I9.60&10.00: beef hams, V2t.00ift2e.00; packet, ilO.60 11.00; city extra India mess, tao.OOy 21.00. Cut meats steady; pickled bellies, Sl0.6O3fl2.00; pickled hams, Sll.75rtTI2.26. Lard, Arm; western prime, is 8(fc 90; refined, steady; continent, 19 16; Houth Amer ican, SIO.iXi; compound. S8.2otoO.50. Pork, steady; family, Sl8.EOti09.00; short clear, S17.00 IS. 60; mess, S 17.2 6 18 00. TALIjOW Firm ; city (Si per package), Sc; country (packages free), fciiUc. KICK 6leady; domestic, fair to extra, 2 tr fi ifc : Japan, nominal. POULTRY Alive, steady; western spring chickens, JhffCAc; fowls, 13Hrc; tur keys. 11c Lresaed, qulat; turkeys, 104314c; fowls, KW1I40. BUTTER Firmer; street price, extra creamery, 274)tffec; official prices, creamery, common to extra, Zl&c; held, common to firsts. Hi'Jbc; state dairy, common to fancy, ZoftrKVc; western factory, common to firsts, 19tf22c; westerri Imitation creamery, extra, 20c; firsts, 22tj23c. CHiCldBB Firm; stata full cream, col ored and white, small, September fancy, 16c; small, October best, 14'ul4Vio; good to prime, lUc; large, September fancy, 16c; good to prime, 12oul3ic; Inferior, 11T.(HJM!C. ...... EVHJS Firm; stats, PennBilronla and nearby fancy selected white, 21c; choice, brown and mixed extra, 19a20c; firsts to extra flrsta. lN'18Hc; western storags packed firsts, 17H&1SC (official price, 17Hc); seconds, lbtn'alTc. 8t. Loals General Market. ST. LOUIS, May 1. WHEAT Higher; track. No. 2 red, caah, 80Wi81c; No. S hard, 7Kii'7Sc: Mav. 78 Wc: July. kllkO. CORN Higher; track, No. 2 cash, 60 60He; May, 47c; July, 4?T4c; No. 1 white, 61oT.lHc. OATS Higher; track. No. S caah, 42c; Mhv. 4:tVc: Jul v. 40Vc: No. 1 white. 44c. FLOUR-Steady; red Winter patents, S3.66 4i3.K5; extra fancy ana straight, 4.2ixaJ.K; clear, S2. 652. 86. SEED Timothy, steady, S3.0O3.76. CORNMEAL Steady, S240. BAOOINO lOTfcC BRAN Firm, sacked, east track, MUri? 96c. HAY-Pteady; timothy, $16.001S.W; prai rie, S10.004flS.00. IRON COTTON TIE8-41.09.' PROVISIONS Pork, higher; jobbing, Slt.Vi. Lard, higher; prime steamed, S8.6O. Dry salt meats, lower; boxed, extra shorts, S9 60: clear libs. S9.62UI short clears. $9.76. Hacon. lower; boxed, extra, shorts, I10.S7H; cleex rlba. S10.60; short clears, Slo.tBH It il.'LTRY (Julet; chickens, 11c; springs, : turkeys. 11c; ducks, llc; geese, 6c. l-V TT E R Quiet ; creamery, 23tj'-i8c. FOGS Firm. 14c. case count. Tlie lecelpts and shipments of flour and grain Were: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 4,ftu0 11,000 Wheat, bu 80,000 27.0) Corn, bu 104.000 116,K) Oats, bu 70,000 -'107,0u0 mixed, Kansas City Orals aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, May 1. WHEAT May No. 2 hard. 7VW78c; No. S, 71Va?7o; No. 4 red, olo: No. a. 737w. COR5 May. 44o: July. 4540: September, 45o; caah. No. 2 mixed, 4604Sc: No. t, tBiHCVic; mo. z wnite, 4tc; iso. 1, 4(c, OATS NO, 2 White, 4tt-i34c; NO. 1 r 42iC HAY Steady: choice timothy, S14.26S16.0O; choice prairie, iK.wkaio.oo. RYK steady, 8O04c. ' 11 -BUTTER Creamery. 2B: packing. 16o EKJS Market firm; extra . fancy, 16c; current receipts, cases Included, new cases, 144c; second hand cases, llVxC; soutnern cases Included. 13AC. - Receipts, empments. Wlieat. bu 38.000 98.000 Com, bu 18.000 28,000 Oats, bu 11.000 18,000 Closreg quotations at Kansas City as fur nished by Logan at Bryan, No. I Board of Trade: NEW YORK STOCKS AND BUNDS Trtdinr Etoomei Ball atd Frioet in AS lowed U Elip Bukwgrd. UNION PACIFIC AfiAIN' UNDER PRESSURE When This lasae Turned Downward the Life teemed to Die Out of tha Market Bonds Arc Irregalar. NEW YORK, May 1. Trading In stocka became dull again today and prices were allowed to slip backwards under very mod erate selling presauie. Some of the day s news Items were adduced to explain the sag of prices, Including fresh crop damage reports, but probably the largest Influencing factor on speculatve sentiment was the fact that Union Pacific was under pressure. For several days past the movement of the whole market had been practically con fined to the sympathetic effect of the course of Union Pacific. When that Ftock turned downwards today the life seemed to die out of the market. There was soma show of strength In the stocks connected with the copper Industry, Including Amalgamated Copper, Anuconda and American Smelting. This seemed to be caused by a violent upward rebound in the price of copper warrants In the London market. The rise of these stocka was of slight Influence on the general list. The United States Steel quarterly report was without effect on the shares of that com pany, which were sluggish and unusually neglected all day. The earnings of the company for the quarter and the unful filled orders on hand at Ita close were acknowledged to show a flattering condi tion of affairs In the trade. The specu lative view of the report, however, la that present activity represents the completion of projects entered upon before the out look became clouded by tne aimcuuy or the railroads In securing capital. It Is held that the extent of the effect of the curtailment by railroads on the steel In dustry mtlst bo looked for In the future operations of the company. -The effect of the announcement of a convertible bond Issue by the Atchison was unfavorable to the securities of that company and hurt the whole market. The proposed Issue amounts to about S3S.000.oOO, to be paid for In Installments and to be offered to stock holders at par. But the new Issue, besides carrying the privilege of conversion Into the common stock. Is to bear Interest at the rat( of 6 per cent, while the previous Issues of convertible bonds paid 4 per cent snd were also subscribed for at par by atockholders. the last Issue of about S17.OCO.000 having been made In April of last year. Upon the announcement of the new bond Issue the old convertibles, which sold at 1004 In the morning, ran off to below 9.. Some minor effect towards depression waa caused by a rise In the call money rate. Tha hardening of call loans was mod erate and waa attributed to a number of causes, Including the May 1 money settle ments, the opening of a new bank and some resulting shifting of loans and the prepara tion for a number of syndicate payments. The London stuck market waa closed, but sterling exchange here waa firm. The ln tereatlnar feature In the foreign money markets, however, was a decline In the firlvate discount rate In Paris and a rise n sterling exchange at that point, marking the easing tendency of money affairs at that capital. The violent upturn In the late wheat market decided the downward course of stocks, which left closing prices at near the lowest of the day. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, SI. 474,000. United States bonds wero unchanged on call. Number of sales and closing quotations on stocks were: today were Itrgular. t.ocM shares were the strongest, upon the renewal of the steel combine. Americans rri lower, upon the uncertain tone of the New York market LONDON, May 1 Holiday, no markets. Sew York Money Market. NEW YORK. May 1. MONEY On call, firm. 2tM ler cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; closing bid, 2 per rent; offered at 3 per cent. Time loans, dull and easy; sixty dya, SH per cent, nominal; ninety days. SVft per cent; six months, 4Vci,4,i r'r cent. PRIME MERCANTILE TAPER 5S4 'IjTKHUNd EXCHANGE Firmer, with actual business In hankers' bills at S4 Jo tl ttitu) for-Jemand and at S4 W3"3.'st:to for atxty-day hills: posted rates, 34.84 and 4.87; commercial bills, 34 . 8ILVER Bar, 60 "c; Mexican dollars, GOV. BONDS r Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds today wers as follows: rg....li4 Jftpan M. rd strles. 1"4 to 4a f ........lotH So s -' lulvt da 34 Mrlnt rf....liliH & N unl 101 v Man. 0. s 4s rei....l.H M. Central 4s.... 13UU do 1M Inc 7Jv Minn. St. U 4a 1 M. , K. T. .... do It DlSl N. ft. R. of M. e. 4s ft! 6 N. T. C. I ! U V. S. rot. Is. do coupon . V. S. I. rt do coupon D. old 4s. do coupon . r I. n a. do rospon , Am. Tobacco 4s... do 4 Atrhlaon cm. 4s... do adj. 41 Atlantic C. U 4a. .. "4 .: .. iv .. 9. ..101 .. fW .. do u T "1 Ilal. A Ohio 4a lln-H N. J. C. f. a. do ls do SSa Prk. K. T. c. 4s ('ntral of Oa. to. "do 1st lao do 3d ine "do 1 Inc Chra. A Ohio 4tta... Chlcaro a A. IVka. ('., B. a y. n. 4a. .. r., R. L A P. 4a.. do cel. (a CIV. AS. U. I l : Colo. Ind. 5a, err. A. Volo. Mid. 4a Colorado A 80. 4a... Cuba 6a D. R. O. 4s IMntlllcra' Hug. 6a.. Erie p. I. 4a do gen. 4a Hocking Val. 41. Japan fes .li.S .1"! 7114 . 1 M No. PaclBc M "do la M4t N. A W. c. 4a ... 1"7 (I 8. L. rfdi. 4a.. so Pnn. eon. IHa ... t4V4j 19 Reading s-n 4a II snvt at. U. A I. M. c. to. llfl 10P Bt. U A f r. tg. 4a. 81 14 Ui -St. U 8. W. 0. 4s.. "I gnaboard A. L. 4s To 70 So PaclBc 4a H m do lat 4a ctfa S4 (DH So. Hallway is 691 Taiaa P. la lis H T., 8t. CAW. 4a. a0 . H''nln Pacific 4a ltC .101 B. steal Id M. . 87 . 4 Wabanh la .. . 4 do dab. B . H Wratarn Md. 4a. . bJ Vt'. A L. E. 4a. .1044 Wis. Central 4a. . rH Bid. "Ex-interest. Offered. Ex-In terest and bid. .1((4 . hit . 74 . ai . U Boston Storks and Bonds. BOSTON. lay 1. Call loans, Mif per cent; time loans, 4t6Mi per cent. Official Closing quotations were Articles. I Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close. Vi' beat May..., July Co'tt Msy July 74') 71 44HI 4H 46 46MiS 71H 44 73H i7578B 44A SHU'S Artlcles.l Open.l Hlgh.l Low. aos.Tes'y. Wheat Mav Juiy Sept. til c. July rVrt Oats May July Sent. Porlc . May July Lard Mav , July I I I )K1MC '(l'iaf l494i1Wini 5w 4T4j I4M, Yi, 00VI'1S,l4k '4 4!ipHI 604I 4S4I 8S: r3i f I rVpt. . I Ribs May July Sept. l46H4iV 00 S,! 15 45 15 75 1 so S M 7 43H! str 15 4CH 16 92W S 77H I 77HI S 4fi 16 TiJ SO S 65 S K) 7Hj 8 Wv S 76 6J 4RH M'i ,4SU'H Sou,! 4H VTM7l 4f-H 44 42 t . t& n 62H 15 W 15 9(1 15 80 S S7H S 74 8 7JSa 90 8 85 rs s 50 8 72Hi 8 67H S KiVal 8 77H Liverpool Grain and Provtslona. LIVERPOOL, May t WHEAT Spot, steady; No. S red western winter, (s Md; No. 1 California. 6a 4Vd. Futures, firm; May, tsfd; July, tstHd; September. 6a 6.1. CORN Spot, American mixed, new, firm, 4s7Hd; Amerloan mixed, old, steady. 6s Hd. Futures, steady; July, 4 7Hd; September, tailed. Minnostnolls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May L WHHATWuJy. 85c; No. 1 hard. 88c; No. 1 northern, 87o: No. 1 noruiern, 640 : no, s northern. W1 no. FLOUR First patents, S4Sf31.4: aeoond patents, S4.K04.K; first clears. SS.204il.6o: second clears, 62.40flt.60. BRAN lo bulk, S1s.60QU.7d. Breatd-gfrTs at LlvarnooL LIVERPOOL, May L-Foljowtng are tha stock of bread-stuffs and provision la Liverpool: Flour, sacxs; wneat, 1,051,900 centals; corn. 68H.OO0 centals: bacon. I.4o0 boxes: hams, 6,200 boxes; shoulders, t.lot boxes; butter, 4.400 cwts; cheese, 43,000 boxes: lard, S.SOO tlarces of prime western steamed and 1,130 tons of other kinds. Milwaukee Grain Market. Lfll.Wil'KES. May 1. WirELAT No. 1 ntrthrrn. 86i6o; No. northern, tHa; Julv iiS bid. HAitLSr-No. X 7ii36c; sampl- tB& The. CORN No. 8 oasn, Wtc. No. t. Cash quotations Were as follows: FI-Ol K Steady; winter patents, tllOO 8.40; wlnt-r straights. Si! spring pat ents. 3.4tt 6: spring straights. tU uun4M: bakers. S2 OWil 80. WHBAT No. spring. I?lr,c; No 8 rprlng. 74c; No. 1 red. 7SiVe. , (V'RWtN S. 6oti6,.c; No. 1 yellow. 5VttWx'ttC. 'lATSNo. t tkSc; No. white, 4!f HYR-No. I. C. B A RLE Y Fair to Choleo mgrtlng. 4J8-J ' Suwr No 1 "av, tl W: Vo 1 rnrthwst- ll Tlnioitv. 5 .. Clover. f! TaMOSA-fhort r' is mlSr 'flr,i. 1 .Mm v M h!,l. li.f.i..-? . ', IrJ per J ! !! fvta.". c!Ju.rt r'ekr I reo',,' afid tMrrwnts of rtur ar.d grain were: Receipts. Shipments Fiour. bbls 8 O 67,J Vheat. bu f3.") Si Corn, bu 1) 17J V) (iaatg, b. ...i3b.-M tii.M raorln Grain Market. PEORIA. III.. May L CORN Firm: No, S yellow. 4i-c; No. S. 4Sc; No. 4 4H; no srade. Ki"s9c OATS Higher; No. 8 whits. 48c; No. 8 white, 42o; No. 4 white, 41c. RYE (Steady; No. 8. 7VMlc. PHILADELPHIA. Msy 1. EOQ3 Firm. good denuuid; western fresh, firsts, lsc, at uiara. CHEFJSEv-Easier; New York full creams, fancy, 14ic; choice, lac Dnlntk Grain Market DULUTH. May 1. WHEAT No. 1 north ern. ScSo; No. 1 northern. bVc; May, KSso; Juiy, irfisc; oeptemoer, ,io. OATS To arrive, 4a. Tulda Seed Market. TOLFJX). May 1. SEEDS Clover, cash. 19 S; October. ; PKimMt xt.b; March, I.. 70. Timothy, 81.80. AUlka, 17.60. Oils and Resin. BAVANAH. Oa.. Mar L -OIL-Turpen tine, firm, Ouvjc; sales, 7W bbls.; re ceipts. 231 bbla.; alilBinenta. 110 bbla. R ejIN Firm: A, B and C, S4.40; D. 84 50 K. 4 6i; F, 64 68; O, S4 70; H. 64 60; I. 8 '; K, e lo M. 66.A1; N, 66.60; W Q, 6. WW 66.6W,6.i4 Adams Expraas Amalgamatad Copper Am. C. A P An. c. r. p'd Am. rotton Oil , Am. Cotton Oil pfd , Amerloan Express Am. H. U pld American Ice Am. Linseed Oil Am. Ltneeed Oil pfd.... Am. IjocomotlTe Am. Locomotive pfd.... Am. 8. A R Am. 8. A R. pfd , Am. Sugar Refining Am. Tobacco pld ctfa.. Anaconda Mining Co... Atchlaoa v. Atchiaoa pfd Atlantic Coast Line.... Da U I more A Ohio Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklya Rapid Tr Canadian Paolflo Central of N. J Chaeapeake A Ohio Chicago Ot. W Chloago A N. W C M. A St. P Chicago T. A T Ohleaae T. A T. pfd... C. ('.. 0. A Bt. L Colorado F. A I Colorado ft. .80 Co to. A 80. let pfd.... Colo. A 80. Id pfd Consolidated Ota Corn Products Corn Producta ptd Iiclawire A Hudaoa... Del., L. A W Denrer A R. O D. A R. O pfd Manners' Securities .. Erie Erie lat pfd Brie 6d pfd General Electrlo Illlnola Central International Paper , ... Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump prd lows Central Iowa Central pfd Kansas City 80 K. C. 80. Pfd Loulavllle A N Mailoaa Central Minn A 8t. L. ... M. , 9t. P. A 8. 8. M . Bt. P. A 8. 8. efleeourl PaclAo .. M. K. A T M , K. A T. pfd National Lead N. R. R. of M. pfd New Tork Central N. T . O. A W Norfolk A W Norfolk A w. pfd North Americas Pacific Mali Peunerlranta People's uaa P , C, r. A 8t. L. ....... Preeaed Steel Car Proceed 8 C. pfd , ex-dlv. Pullman Palace Car Reading Reading let P'O Reading Id pfd Republic Bteel Republic Steel pfd Rock Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd Bt. L. A 8. F Id pfd Si. Louts S. W St. U S W. pfd Southern Pmctflo So. Pacltc pfd So. Railway Bo. Railway pfd Tenneeese C. A I Texas A Paolflo T., Bt. L. A W T., Bt. L. at w. pm.. Colon Paclflo fnloo ParlSe pfd U S. Eipreaa r. S. Realty V. S. Rubber O. 8. Rubber pfd V. S. Steel C A Steel pfd Va.-Carollna Chemical Va -Caro. Cbem. pfd.. Wabash Wabaek pfd Walla-Parao Eaprees ., Weotlnghouee Blectlia Weetera Vatoa W Heeling A L. Wisconsin Central .... Wis. Central pfd Northern Pacino Central Leather Central Leather pfd... Bloaa-Sheffleld Steel ., Greet Northern pfd.... Int. Metropolitan lToaVemleo'1 ter 'the' day! ' 5.r aharea. M.. at. pfd. Bale. High. Low. I 86,' TOfi Wi Us fX) 17 IT "''sod 'ioii 'sjii '"ini 'ri" "fi" 100 -76 T6 10O 14 14 '"ifii 'isii 'lii M.sno 138H iii" 4O0 Kit 300 126 io ti'i t: J.tO 44 4 1214 U.e-O t6;4 . 64S tno II '.S' 00 1"4 inv, l'O n Ht' l.ano dH f.9 1.1W 177U. 17414 "i,iH ''' -4j" 4)0 114 I'H ao 1F.3 w U.4U0 iskt m ""vtt 'ii'i I no 3S"4 S54 l.ion 154 4 JO 40 t)0 'in6 iijii iii" 4"0 to 1 lofl T! 771, SOD 1W 1ST '. " too 8Mi " tm ini '7"ii f,,. US ia 14 US 2 3 3 , tOO U 141 ', '"iod 'si'" si" " jto '"ioi 'ii 'ifiit "ioi iio" ! " ioo 'ii" 'iiii " ino isj ' iifi 4"0 76U. 7 ton 17 H 400 it , 1,400 tlVt . 2'4 1400 100 00 ntt4 IH II1. UHI4 St 774 1,000 76 H 744 . 16.400 100 100 r7 ll ' Sl . T OO '. iiooo 400 , Lsoo '. " im TOO ltTS ?H 70"4 II 344 iiivi 844 I44 'ii" 1M4 IB4 i S4 iiivi 'it" 4 1114 'ii to 10.100 6Ti4 14 ton luo 47 J 100 B 400 ..ItTiiiO too 10 66 4.7) 1474 IS 10! 4 17 1014 St 4 SJV4 146 M 1S4 17 'ej 101V4 TOO K 600 11.400 1HII 1344 fa) SKV4 4.TIH) 117 14 U ISt ISO 17 H14 l4 II l"0 IS KM 1S4H lot 124 D1S4 ts K4 10JV1 07 17t4 16 43 114 151 19KV4 t ir4 T44 S.1 l!4 1S i 1S74 470 2xi 74 7U4 t 6T 88 17 14( V4 74 Vi . fi 78 lt mn J.". n94 119 114 4 VW 1J3 7f, MS 4 :-4 M 114 674 774 il 7-.H MS li7 sru 70 st 2 160 1114 44 hlH 284 R4 11 4a S4 214 M 4 117 it 7 14S 28 2V4 13 114 trt S 19 42 101 S74 1"1 rf p 14 S.V 130 14X4 a is 14 sa M14 4. 1J to 6 Atchlaon adj. no 4s Mix Central 4s. Atchlaon do pfd Boston A Albany Boston A Maine. Hoston Klerated Fltchburg pfd ... Mcilran Central N. y., N. H. A Union Pacific ... Am. Pneu. Tube. Amer. Sugar .... do pfd Am. T. A T Am. Woolen .... do pfd Edison Elec. Maaa. Electrio do pfd Mass. Oaa I'mted Krult United B. M do pfd V. S. Steel.. do pfd .... Adventure ,,. Alloues A ma I items ted Atlantlo Bid. US Hlngham 1S PStsl. A Heels KM lllu. 79 Centennial 94 t'opper Range Ms I I v Wtat .., 2. Oranby 1S late Royale . 140 Mm. Mining 131 Michigan SIS Mohawk H...176 Mont. C. A C 144 Old Dominion .. 4 Osceola 126 Parrot 116 Quincy 12.14 tliannon 29S Tamarack o Trinity Iu3 United Copper , It V 8. Mining.... 67 V. 8. Oil . 2srtnn 10 Victoria to Winona j7S WolTerlne .... .. 374 North Hutte ... ..101 Hutte Coalition ... 2 Nevada . . S4 Cel. A Arizona. .. D5V4 Arlaona Oora. .. .. 13 SI .. 61 .. It ..130 .. SO .. 7 .. 15 .. 5V4 S 6-.H ..! .. St ..U' .. 17 ..IK .. 21 .. tl .. 64 .. It .. 13 .. 8 .. ..144 .. 7 .. 3; .. 14 ..174 Wool Market. R08TON. May 1. WOOI.'-The wool mar ket Is dull and steady to firm. It Is be lieved that much of the Immediate future In Hoston depends on the developments In London. Of Importance in thla country la the first movement In new Arizona terri tory wools at satisfactory prices. In pulled wools the feature is the increased Interest In the low grades. Forefrn wools are firm. Leading domestic quotations range as fol lows: California (scoured basis): Northern, choice, (7WiRo; l.oithern, good, 66vgti7c; mid dle county, 6&tiOoc; southern, 62(fii3; fall free, 67ic. Oregrn (scoured basis): Eastern, No. i staple, 7J873c; eastern, No. 1 clothing, 6.v'tic; valley. No. 1, oWjtac. Territory sta ple (scoured basis): Fine, 73t?73c: fine me dium, bVpoc; medium, rjfijOik:. Territory or dinary (scoured bnsls): Fine oSftlOc; fine medium, obVutDic; medium, 6Sfifi4c. Colorado and New Mexico spring (scoured): X, 6t 70c; No. 1, 63'(tifx pulled wools (scoured basis): Extra, I'KUV&c; tine, 6iuac; A supers, 46'iib'ic. . BT. IiOUtS, May 1. WOOL-teady ; me dium grades, combing And rlotlilnar, 22iQrioc; light fine. ari21c; heavy fine. 16tjl7c; tub washed, 2iij37c. LONDON, May U WOOL A large supply of cross'hreds was offered at the wool sales today. Fine grades were firm, but low grades wero In buyers' favor. Oood combing merinos were in active demand for Germany and Americans paid la 2d for first half-bred combing greaales. The offer ings amounted to 12,16 bull's. Following are the sales In detail: New South Wales, 1.10O bales; scoured. Is lHdWls lid; greaxy, 6"Hd'(i1s 2d. Queensland, & bales; scoured, la lUVfcdB'le lid; greasy, llMt'l. Victoria, 400 bales; scoured. Is 2dTs HVid. New Zea land, W bales; scoured. Is 2df;is A4d; greasy, 64dfrns 2d. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, luo bales; scoured, 2ntr;i8 iud greasy, iMrd. l'unta Arenas, 200 bales' greasy, Sralod. Metal Market. NETW TORK, May l.-METALS-TIn was higher again today In the London market, with snot closing at 11 10e. and futures at lt"J Ida. Locally the market was firm, with apot quoted at 642. 75a 43.15. Copper had a sharp advance In the London market, with spot chasing at 106 15s, and futures at 104 16a. Locully the market waa firmer, with lake quoted at $J6.oOa'26.&0. electrolytic at 6L''S24.76, and casting at 23.(Mrn 23.60. Lead was unchanged at $ti.Urt.l0 locally, but was 2 rid higher at 20 fs In London. Spelter wna unchanged at 28 In London and at 8.S.fK.Ef6.rX In the local market. Iron was higher In the English market, with Stan dard foundry quoted at 68s 6d and Cleve land warrants at fvSs M. Locally the mar ket was unchanged. No. 1 northern foun dry Is quoted at D6.26Jc2g.25, No. 2 northern foundry at 624.7tVir26.76, No. 1 foundry south ern at 2S.00fi2ri BO, and No. I foundry south ern at $J6.002rj.OO. ST. LOl'IsJ, May 1. METALS Lead. dull. $S.!f-'Vi; spelter, firmer, li.47Vi'tJ.60. Cotton Market NEW YORK, May 1. COTTON - Spot closed steady 10 points higher; middling up lands, ll.&oe, middling gulf, 11.6oc; sales, t3 lfi bales. NEW ORLEANS, May L-COTTON-Spot cioseu nrtn; euies, s.sjo oaies; low ordinary, ordinary. 7c: good ordinary. 9 1-liir: low middling, Use; middling lHc; good niiuuiing, utac miauling riur, liac nominal; fair, Uc nominal. Receipts, 1,937 bales; st.x'k, lnl.&Sfi bales. LIVERPOOL, May 1. COTTON Spot moderate buslneae done; prices 12 points higher; American middling fair, 7.64d; good iiiiuunng. i.iwi; miuiuing, b.otxi; low mid dling, 22d; good ordinary, 6.66d; ordinary 6 iod. The sales of the day were 7.000 bales of which 600 were for speculation and for export, ana included .0U0 American. 8T. I)L'I3. May 1. COTTON Steady; mtddllner. lltfcrt amies 911) halss' racist. 427 bales; shipments. 464 bales; stock, 88,418 oaies. UUAUA LIVE ST0C& MARKET Cattla Markot Slow on Receipts sf Etur Poorer Qialit. LIBERAL RUN OF HOGS AND PRICES LOWER Trains with Sheep Arrive le and Market Inrertala and Slaw Lower Level ( Prices Pratrtrd. BOl'TH OMAHA. Mny 1. 1S07. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 1 Oftit'lal Monday 4,4'il 4,t4a 1 Otlicial 'nies.lay 7.2.4) 13.1tU 668 ! Official Wednesday 6.0U) 12.HW ,7tJ Three days this week..l.ti91 30, 19,'..'I Same days last week. ...IS.tiU 2.!K2 U..9; Same days lai year 12,733 1,.M3 ls.D.-O The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and aheop at South Omaha ior tne year to date, compared Willi last or eight pounda heavier than for the month previous. Tops reached 6! 40 t.xlny, ss agnttiKt 6t yester.lay, hut the bulk of the trade today was at J l"Sti.j6, against I ,!.. yesterday. Repreaentatlve salts )fllow Tixas. per crate, about h.nise. per d 'S. a . )ear: Cattle Hogs . Sheep Goon to choice coin-fe(f ateera. ralr to good corn-fed ateers Common to fair steers tfood to choice fed cows Fair to good cost and helfera Common to fair cowa ralr to choice stockers A feeders. Fair to good Blockers A feeders... Common to fair stockers Bulls, stags, etc Veal calves RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle Hogs. Omaha 83.2fi'fl5.75 86.W(H.40 Chicago l.stKLrti.oO ti.iw.( Kansas Cltv 1.76.nti.lM 6.uOuti.W Bt. Louis 1.9out.6o S.uvui.ft6 Bloux City 3.2ixi6.70 6.nVtf62o The following table show the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dats. I 1807. l06.19tl6.19i4.11O3.lW2. 101. April 16.. April 16.. April 17.. April 18.. April IK.. April 20.. April 21.. April 22.. April 23..! April 24.. April 25.. April 26.. April 27., April iX.. April 2S.. April 30.. May 1... Union Pacific 76 C. & N. W east.. S C. & N. W.. west... 64 C, St. P., M. & O.... 18 C, H. & Q east.... 6 C, B. Q , west .... 64 C, R. I. & P., east.... 2 C, R. I. & P., west.. .. Illinois Central 8 Chicago O. W 1 Jew York Mlnlaar Stocks. NEW YORK. May 1. Closing quotations on mining stocks wsrs: Atams Cu ' l.mie '"nisi ... Allee 448 Ontario Breeee Onhlr Bnanewlek Cos 46 Potusl Cmal.irk Tunnel .... SS Severe , Con Cel. A Va t Sierra Nevada . Hera BUver 1 Small Hopes .. Iran Silver " Standard , Ua4 villa Cos 4 .471 .. .. 6 .. to .. 44 .. so ..Ui Treassrf ftatesneat. WASHINGTON. May 1 Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 1o0.b0.O gold reserve, shows: Available caah balance, IS.l 6SS.S42: gold coin and bullion, $104,075,403; gold certificates, $41,f.030. Dank tlearlasa. OMAHA. May 1. Rank clearings for today were 8l4.102. and for the corre sponding date last year 81,8u7. 81147. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. May 1. COFFEE Market for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline or ft points. European cables were fully as good as expected which Imparted the steadiness of tone at the start, wtuie the list gradually eased off under European selling and some scattered liquidation prompted by bearish visible supply estimates, continued large receipts biiu me auseuce 01 aggressive support. mere was a little demand for the near months toward the cloee and these posi tions closed steady, while later months were easy under continued liquidation. Last prices were bulb points lower, June being the only month to ahow a gain. Sales were 1 reported of 64,50 bags, Including May at ! 6 45c; June, 6 3oc; September, S.2.r'n6 30c; iiecemuer, .zn'uo.auc: March, 64o7.46o. Spot coffee, quiet; Rio No. 7, Bantoa No. 4. 1 Sc. Mild coffee, dull; Cordova, vj Snajar and Molasses. NEW YORK. May 1. SI'OAR Raw, quiet; ralr r.-nning. jjc: cnirifuval w teat 8 7A-- r -'--- - fined, quiet; No. . 4 V; No. 7. 4.2F-: No, 8, 11; No. . 4.2Dc; No. 10. i.lBo; No. H, 4. Its.-: No. 12, 4.05c; No. 13, IOiic; No. 14, 8-ac: confectloneis' A, 4buc; mould A, 61bc; cut loaf, 6.60c; crushtd, 660c; powdered, 4.4vu; gr".ilteil lsc; culiea, 6OG0. MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans open kettle, goiid to choice, 87u-t3c. NEW ORLEANS. May 1. SUGAR Btesdy; optsn ketus centrifugal, Jc; cviitjliuga. uliuta, Jea?sC, eaooitu, MbLASJr3KS yuiet; new syrup, 30340. Stork In Slgbt. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 1907. 1S0. Inc. Dec. SH0.2.-.7 Jltt.MO 81,427 624,774 69,1I18 64,144 00.734 6.H.14lj tl.biyi 4 "l j Ai 4.ati4 75 4.1'(6.10 S.ot Sid So 12vl8 50 4.6iou.OO 4.iH'4j4 i 8 00 ti 4 00 1 76o4.6) 4.i.jl.y0 4.1 lbs., I.' 00; , li.s.. ii.s... LEAF LETTUCE-Hot hca.ta. 4.k: i I iTMl'KI:.'- Per dot.. 11 2Tv PARSLEY --H..I htiuae, per d... bunches, n. rr No. Av. 8h. rr. w. S4 . . . 74 1.11 HO I Is PIE n.ANT 6" ltv KoXeS. I.' :.iiT 70. sis 40 t 17i u i l i. t l Ait'A It Atll S-II ;.i per d..t. bin-rhea. 2U ... ; 7: 4.1 w 111 UAIUSII l-.S-Pci d.'X. hunci.e. 4.-; extra :n so t . 51 s.t ... is.. lurg.i bunch' s. 7:.c p.-t d..a "'"'J; ! i MuVKl.l ANliUl'B. H m ?. 74 M J3 eUOAR-tirnul..ted cne In sacks. 85.HJ jho t ' V 24-t "vn t grannlnti-d heel. In sticks, kvu. Sfl t 1 tl. 't:v T. t :6 COKKLE-Rumsi.'V No. S6. 2tlc per lo.J !7 . . 1 7s r 40 I. No. ;u 2b! ror ltv; No. 53. l!c per lb.; No. a7 ) I ' e ... It:. 20, l.'.o per lb; No. 21, lsc per lb. 8M ... I 7J 'ii ) ill CH KEr'E-RliK'k Swiss. llc; Umberger, i ... 8o 40 rr, 01 4 s.s i40; ,,u,,g AM.eii.-as. 17c. Sis ... tw , Ml si IIS NU'lS -valiUiin ii v,nli:uts. No. S, soft i P. J5 lu "" i :u ltl'vlM', pecans. ';,:2m; filberts. l?ivc; pen. ri "' s?. w ?i s.i t 8T nuts. raw. 7'tc; rousted. s)c; '.tlifornla ai S4I ito I nil 7t';.'.'.'.'. -.23 1 z7. 111. mils. i;,c; rornumtj. $T..(i0 per l. v4 ... s ft Hi 40 1 t:a CANNED JO( t'S-Corn, standard, west- j..; 80 t j'."s 74 u ... f t7. ern. 4.'Si';Cc: Maln. tl 15. Tomntoea. fancy, 211 ... I Zi't "1 :i' . . 2i 3 - It., cans. 14i'. slatiilanl, 3-lb cans, fl :f. ... 11.4 74 ?i 4 4 Pineapples, grated. 2-llv, i.lan.laid. 82.2"J V ' 111 S 80; sliced, 617..ii.'W; fancy Hawaiian. 2tr I U i th !i0 ".. 2.7.-: i'-ib.. 81.T6. aiion apples. :.-j s" "" i:5 M ni t So 3" Callfoinla apricots. .''. Pears. S1.75 249 'so I 2'j. l?".'."".'! b sr. i2.60. Penchea. 81 75'u2 40; I. C. trachea, Sh) ... 1 71 .. . t so V .t"i ."' Alaska salmon, red, 61.15; fancy 77 -m 40 t J." 86 H i 130 I to Chinook, nut. 12 10; fnnck H'Kv e, nat, 81. 10. SHEEP The sheep market was much the ' Pai dines, quurtcr oil. 82.26; three-quarters same as It was yesterday. Trains were ' must nrd. I2.7T. Fweet potatoes. $1H1.26. late in getting In and left It uncertain as ' Bauer kruut. Pumpkins. 8.V.1II. 00. 'a to the general condition of the trade. Up brnni, 2-llv, SiV'nII.W. Lima beans, 2-lb, until a late hour only a small proportion 7F.Si$l.V. Soaked peas, z-lb., 6c; early of the expected day's arrivals ha.l r uchcl ! June. c1i 1 I f. ; fancy. ll.2o'(i1.s6. the yards snd this, of course. Interfered! CALIFORNIA liHIED FRUITS-Prunes with buyers filling orders, and as a result ism somewhat unsettled by freer offerings the market was uncertain and slow. The , from second hands, who seem desirous of trend of prices Is certainly toward a lower I moving supplies of Immediate grades; quo level, and while sales here and there I tatlona range from S'.e to 9c for California 6 39 6 48U 32.; S4 e 6 86Vk! it-.! 6 31', 6 34W! 6 374, Vil 6 27S4 6 23 I 6 49 6 ill 6 61; 6 44, 6 42 6 4J e 6 341 291 6 26 6 28 6 34; 6 36 I 2 6 28 6 31 6 28 6 281 6 27 6 231 6 l 4 6 4 8 e 4 80 A 7a 4 82 4 MO 6 33: 4 Rl 4 bl 6 36! 6 ?h 6 23 6 16: 6 lo 6 11 e 6 111 4 75 4 781 4 761 4 72 4 6-1 4 621 7 IS' 7 t7 i 7 is! 7 14 e 7 10 7 11 7 07 7 02 7 (4J 7 Ou e 6 6 83, 6 77 6 Ml 63 6 fi 6 02 6 951 6 H3 98 6 ! IIIIDW 8 86 6 in 6 SO 6 76 6 78 6 76 6 72 e 6 6 841 6 68 6 IW7 6 64 6 M 6 80 6 861 6 99 6 93 7 0O 7 07 7 03 Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hobb. Bheep. ti es. C, M. &. Bt. P 4 6 Wabash 6 Missouri Pacific .... 8 1 40 6 67 10 8 20 8 8 2 ( 173 14 25 443 . 992 .1,721 .1,403 1 26 10 43 38 2 6 "8 86 24 2 1 17 4 ' 23 84 63 492 1.980 2.816 4. 1N0 3.374 1.216 1.3J) 2,017 t6 49S 266 Total receipts ....228 The disposition of the day s receipts was as follows, each buyer purchaaing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co.. G. H. Hammond Co. Cudahy Packing Co. Armour & Co Cudahy Co., fm country Vansant & Co Carey & Benton Lobman & Co Hill i Son F. P. Lewis Huston & Co Hamilton A Rothschild. Klngan & Co L, Wolf J. H. Bulla Sam Werthelmer Mike Haggarty Sol Degan J. R. Root & Co T. R. Inghram Sullivan Bros Lehmer Bros Bt. Clair Packing Co.. Other buyers 492 .... 28 Totals 6,488 12.604 6,765 CATTLE There was only a moderate run of cattle today and the three days supply tans sngntiy snort 01 tne total iur the first half of last week, although supplies are still considerably heavier than at this time last year. The quality has not been ao good so far this week as It was during the laat two weeks. The market opened rather slow, but for the most part prices bid and paid were about steady with yesterday. There was a good general demand and some of the tuore desirable, light and handy-weight sleers sold perhaps a shade better than yesterday. On the other hand, there waa no Improvement In the demand for the heavier grades and prlcea wers lust about steady at the present decline. the market for oows snd heifers was sub stantially unchanged. There were In the neighborhood or forty straight loads on sale and with both local and outside buyers taking noid freely the offerings were soon Picked up at full recent quotations. Veal calves continue In liberal supply and rather weak, while there has been' an active de mand and a strong market right along for bulls, stags, etc. Business In stockers and feeders was rather quiet, a fresh supplies were limited and there did not seem to be any partic ular urgent demand for the stuff from any source. Desirable fleshy steers found a reauy aale at firm figures, but the trade was dull, dragging and weak on the com mon, light and modlum-weight stuff. Representative sales: RKEtT STEERS. No. II 7 11 IS It , 11 It ..... 37 , 19 I 1 M IS 11 u 10 tl 10 15 II 10 47 SO l 15 ) SI II S4 30 1 8 4 IS 14 II I I 4 80 14 1 I 8 I 18 I I II 7 4 It SO I 71 1 7 I , Av. Pr. 721 4 II 1 4 40 4'.4 4 40 610 4 46 tl 4 60 !. 4 10 ;& 4 SO 7K1 4 10 1108 4 M KI4 4 tl 161 4 16 W7S 4 W 104 4 70 Ml 4 TO tm 4 TO SKt 4 70 lot 4 71 4 71 10l4 4 76 Ill 4 10 1110 I 10 , 1124 4 80 7SI 4 m 100 4 ao 1HI I M Ml 18 , ICtg 4 16 , 116J 4 15 l'.S7 4 t Ml 6 00 ..123& 6 00 .1 av I 00 ..1177 I 00 so 17... tl... 10... 40... II... SO... 7... 47... 11... II... 21... 40... 1... IS... .... 10.... 64..., II..., 40.,., 106.., ... ..., II.... 12..., 11..., 16... II..., tl... II... II .... 31. . . COWS. Av Pr. 1H4 6 00 1174 6 00 U.'l 6 00 11M 6 06 1171 I 06 1171 I 06 nr. I 10 iiil I 14 11.5 I 14 lltl I 10 llfcO I 10 1171 I 10 1(44 I 10 U5 It m 1 is 13 W 12ul 1211 .. tnt I 16 II.. ..ICO I 10 .. in 15 r ..1115 8 76 tl . .1011 I 16 I . .1118 4 00 ..1..8I 4 01 K- . . M 4 10 It .. 170 4 II I .. . T ,1031 4 85 4 ..1110 4 K II ...... ..114 4 J I . .l'-'Sd 4 40 I ..1S04 4 40 HEIFERS. .. 4M I 10 11 ..!-) si.) n .. sis 1 10 ll . . TfiT I 71 SO .. 7s4 I 78 18 .. Ill I T6 I ,.1l0 8 10 7 ., rj in 1 ..44V 4 16 41 .. 7 4 ) 41 .. 4 4 40 M .. U0 4 60 CALVES. ... Tl 4 64 1 ... no 6 co 4 ,.. 116 I Tl I FEEDERS. 6 II I 10 6 io .1271 I SO . .llao III . .12SI t& .1401 I 26 ..1116 I 85 ..1K I St ..mi I 10 ,.mt 1 10 . I 10 ..14) I 96 ..!. 6 40 ..1S1I I 40 ..1,121 6 60 ..MoT 6 66 ....lots 4 40 ....UM1 4 41 . ... 14 4 40 ....104s 4 46 ....1111 4 46 ....1031 4 60 ....1311 4 M ....1U4 4 16 ....1114 4 66 ,...lll 4 65 ....1076 4 t4 ....10 4 S) ....KM! I II ....li6 4 61 . 780 4 5fl . f't I 61 . I I 40 . SSI 4 80 . M 4 70 . II 4 Tt .1104 4 75 . KS 4 71 .111 4 10 . VI 6 10 . HI 6 10 174 I TS 140 I 75 , 170 6 T6 Foreign Financial. PARIS. May 1. Prlcen on the Bourse to day were firm throughout. P.uanlan im perial is rioted at 75 i and Russian bonds of lir-4 at w. The private rau.- of dUcoutit was 16-16 per cent. UlUOJN. Alay L Prices oa th Hours South Omaha Sioux City .. Kaneaa tty . BL Joseph ... f-t. Loula Ctilcua,o Totals .. 6.tsu .. 1 .. 9.0K .. 2.G06 .. 1 6.0 12.10U 8.700 15.6.0 7.6iO 27.10 6. 7U) 1.30 lull 4.024 1 0 18.0UO .,r 72,101 88,824 scratched out In the neighborhood of steady prices, offerings that did not Juat exactly suit buyers fancy sold lower. Hid' and sales In some rases were as much at loutfc off from the high time, and at a late hour a considerable proportion of the receipts had either not arrived or were still in sellers hands. Prices at this market for some time have beon as high aa anywhere In the. country, and while there Is no general break In prlcea, buyers took advantage uf the situation to trim values wherever op portunity offered. Wuotations on wooled killers: Good to choice lambs. I. Ots ,00; fair to good lambs, $7.60'U8.w.i; good to choice yearlings, lamb weights, 17. oi(i7. 76; fair to good Barlings, lamo weights, 3rj.fitV.00; good to choice yearlings, heavy weights, Ki.c, 7.00; flr to good yeai lings, heavy weignts, 3" "ii 6.50; good to choice old wetheis. H6o.W7.Oi.; good to choice ewes, 8 Hfiiiii.Vo; fair to good ewes, 86.36g6.8ii; dipped sheep and lambs sell about 61 off from above quotations. KerjresentatlvA SAlea. ' No. o. western ewes, shorn 101 western weihers, shorn 419 western ewes, shorn 2to Coloi-ado ewes 143 western ewes 1-4 western wethers 2"3 western lambs, shorn.... 2X8 western lambs, shrn.. 78 western yearlings , 290 weatern lambs 141 western lambs Av. . 110 . lit' . 1 . 3 . 91 . Ul . 71 . 70 , 63 , 87 . 68 Pr. 86 60 6 76 6 6i 6 26 6 70 6 80 7 10 7 10 7 70 8 10 8 10 CHICAGO LIVE STUCK MARKET Cattle Steady, bat Slow Hoars Five Cents Lower. CHICAGO, May 1. CATTLE-Recelpts, about 19,000 head; market steady, but slow; common to best stetTB, 84.4oiB40; heifers, I3.2TaH& 60; cows, 4j3.26; bulls, 33.6iito4.7t; calvua, 33.0u'&.6v; stockers and feeders, (3.00 (,.25. hi tx IS Receipts, about 27,000 head; market 60 lower; choice heavy shipping, 36.1i.(i).iiO; light hutche s, $o.6o4it;.b2; ' light mixed, Sti.uO'ifH 52Vfe; choice light, 8u.60.iiii.u2H; pack ing, 3.j.u.fut.60; pigs, 3.1.600.50; bulk of sales, to.tiUD.W BHELP AND LAM BS Receipts, about 18.OU0 head; market weak to loc lower; sheep, 14. J".-(i;,2n; yearlings, 85.27.00; lambs, 8ti.7f,ti.76. New Tork Live Stork Market. NEW YORK, May I. BEEVL'8 Re ceipts, 1,167 head; steers dull an.l Walbc lower; bulls and cows slow to loc lower; steers sold at 84.60iiv50; bulls, 83.5ifu4.!i0; extra, 34.5O"u4.0; cows, I2.16ij4.16. Kxtfirt today 2.SV.0 quarters of beef; estimated to morrow, 41 cattle. CALVES-Recelpts, 3.824 head; veal mar ket 26'yOoc higher; common to choice veals sold at 36.0IXU 1.25; a few extra at $i.5o; city dressed veals firm at 6a 11c per lb.; country dressed at eieOc. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,776 head; sheep steady; lambs firm; spring lambs dull and very few wanted; clipped ewes, 34.Oirji6.00 por 100 lbs.; cull, 83.00; un shorn lambs, t7.orriifj.60; clipped, .0o'g,7.25; no prime oilered; spring lambs, 83.00'b5.76. Export tomorrow Jo sheep. HOGS Receipts. 8.2til head; market feel ing firm to 6c higher; prime state and Pennsylvania hogs quoted at 37.2v4il7.26 per 100 lbs. fruit and from Sttc to 60 for Oreuon. Ap ricots are practically out or the market and It Is reported that offerlnga for prv-mpt Bhlpmcnts are being withdrawn; choice art quoted at IT". Peaches are unchanged, with fancy yellows quoted at 13c; fancy Mnlr. 14'-iO. Raisins are firm; lonire Musca tels are quoted at Ku9c; seeded raisins, 9o Idle. BRAN Per ton, 819.00. HAY Choice upland, per ton, flO.Vi; medium, K'.SO; No. 1 bottom, 8x00; off giades. .". .""(lU DO. Rye straw. I7.0P; No. 1 Hirnifa, Jll.DO. FISH Pickerel, dressed, o: pike. dvesaed, 12c; white fish, dressed, wlntot caught, 13ftl5c; trout, 12S15c; halibut, IScj snlinon, loc; cattisti, iso; herring, dressed, pan frnson. 6c; perch, scaled nnis dressed. 8c; crapples, round. fVff9o; crapples, large, fancy, 16c; black baas. 2.V: smelts, sweet and fine. 13c; eel, lsc; bine fish, 16r; red snapper, 12c; roe ahad, per pair, 401 f.ic; frog legs, JtKfMOo: lobsteis, green, per in., anc ; i.iosier, ooiieu. wr io., strtano; mackerel. Spanish, per lb., lBo; mackerel, tlve lH&3f,o per lb.; fresh green turtle. meat, 2T.C lb. HTDKS AND TAlillW nreen stilted. No. 1, ;n,c; No. 2. 8'c; bull hides, flc; green hides. No. 1. Sc; No. 2, 7c; horse, 31.60ir3.76 sheep pelts, RVifi1.2S. Tallow, No. 1, 4Vtc Nn ! 3Hc Wool. lSffSIe. n'HFD FI3H Family white fish, rei quarter bbl.. 100 lbs.. 34 00: Norway mack erel. No. 1, 335.00; No. 2, 82S.00; herring, 1c bbls., 200 lbs. each. Norway, 4k, 311. 00. Evaporates, Apples and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. May 1. EVAPOfRATED APPLES Market Is qulot, but firm; fancy aie quoted at MlS'-tc; choice, lij.Vtn; prima, et-sfiOHc: poor to fair. 5'4'ii8c. CALIFORNIA DRIED r K I 1 TeJ ITunes are unchanged on spot, with quotations ranging from 8'4c to 12t4Ve for California fruit and Oregon fruit, according to sice. etc. Some sellers from the coast are naming an opening price of 8o for tha four alzea, f. o. b. basis. Apricots are un changed, with choice quoted at 17rWlxo; extra choice, lKv4r19c; fancy, 19tr'j0o. Peaches are steady, with choice quoted at HlillVsC: extra choice, l?1il2,c; fancy, 12H4 l"c: extra fancy, l.'lif lf.o. RaJslna are un changed, with loose Muscatels quoted at RMiloc; seeded ralsh.s, 7V4fcmo; Ixmdon, layers, 3160-I1.R5. Miss Oilman gald to Have Arrived. NEW YORK, May 1. Miss Mabella Oil. man, the former actress, wno is engaged 10 be married to W. E. Corey, president of tha United Stntes Bteicl corporation, was re- norted to have arnvea nera touay on tnt steamship Kaiser Wllhelm der Orosae. Her nume was not on the vessel's passenger list, but other passengers said she was on board, accompanied by her mother. It has been reported recentlv that the marriage or Miss Oilman to Mr. Corey Is to take placa May 7. Pennsylvania Declares Dividend. pdii.adf.i.PHIA. MAy 1. The directors of the Pennsylvania Rallfflsd company to day declared the regular scsnl-annual dlr ldend of 3Vfc per cent. Knnsns City Live Slock Mnrket. KANSAS CITY, May 1 CATTLE-Recelpts, 8,800 head, Including 2U0 southerns; market steady to weak; choice export and dressed beef steers, 8i..6J(ij.20; fair to good, 84.76w6.60; western fed steers, 84.26(1,0.00; stockers and feeders, 33.60.ii6. 25; southern steers, 34.OvNu6.40; southern cows, 83 fxtu-t 50; native cows, 33.0041-4.86; native heifers, 33.75 66.36; bulls, 33. 26 -4 60; calves, 33 5.'u6,6t. HOOS Receipts, 16,500 head; market 5c lower; top, 36.46; hulk o' sales, 36.3.ti 40; heavy, 3rl.26tvitl.32H; packers, tt.3.ii6.4o; lights, IHJtxyii 4i; pigs, tr.,lyC,75. BHEEP AND I-AML8 Receipts, 9,(300 head; market steady to strong: limbs, 37.10 4ji4.6Vi; ewes and yearlings, 35.60$ 6' ; west, ern fed yearlings. fci.oowi.OO; western fed sheep, 36.2i'o6.60; stockers and feeders, 34.0J 4j.00. .1 69 8 80 II 430 4 55 J 6" t 10 II 430 4 II Itl 471 4 it 14 IV7 4 II 8 7SK1 4 to e4 4 It 14 i 4 It U 114t 4 10 II IT 4 36 80 1141 I 75 26 ! 4 40 U lCWt I tt 1 MO 4 10 HOGS There was another liberal run of hogs and a further decline In prloes. Ad vices from eastern markets were all mors or leas bearish and the local demand was not so keen ss It has been recently, while there waa little Inquiry for shipping an. count. All claases of buyers preferred the light snd bacon grades and paid a good premium for them, while tha heavy hogs were neglected and the last to sell at bot tom figurea. The average weight IS run ning considerably heavier than a year ago. Last iuvulU Uit bogs avsrtLged ISA jouuda. St. I.onls I.lvs Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. May 1. CATTLE Receipts, 1.5U0 head, Including 100 Texana; market steady; native shipping and expott ateers, 35.2(rj0.50; dressed beef and butcher ateers, 84.BiK"6.66; steers under 1,010 lbs., 34.0or64.96: stockers and feeders, 33.50((i6.2f; cows and heifers, 84.wil0.0o; Texaa and Indian eteera, 32.66416 60; cowa and heifers, ll.ii'4.4l. HOGS Receipts, 7.6uO head: market 6c lower; pigs and lights, 36 00i6.60; pack ers, 8U(Vu.56; butchers and beat heavy. 36 62'atl.66. BHEEP Receipts. 1.000 head: market steady native muttons. 13 MYa:z: lumha 34.0uii8.60; culls and bucks. 14. 7t4io.uO: stock- era, 33.604.25. Slnox City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. May l.-fSpeclal Teleirram.l CATTLE Recelpta, l.hoo hegd; market weak; atockera dull; beeves, 34. 604(6. 70; cows, bulls and mixed, 33 60414 76; stockers and feeders, 33.7Fyi,'4.6o; calves and yearlings, 33.2t'iT4.26. HOGS Receipts, 8,700 head, market 10c lower; selling at 26; bulk of sales. 8rtl7Hi! 22H BHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, X,W neau; maraer, sieaay. 1 St. Joseph Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH, Mo.. May 1. CATTLE Re ceipts, z.oitj head; market steady: natives 34.4oft.26: cowa and helfera. 32.2fxii6.0O: siocaers ana ieeaers, h mui. HOUS-Receipts, 8,001 head; market lOo lower; top, pi. 46; bulk of aalea, 36 3"ij6 40. BHEEP AND LAMBS-'Receipta, 4,024 head; market eteady; lambs, 38.Mrtu3.65; OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trad and 4 notations on Staple and Fancy Prodiot. EGGS Par dos., I6H0. BUTTER Packing Block, uVglac; cholos to fancy dairy, 1ujoc; creamery, 80&260. LIVE POULTRY Hens, lollc; old roost srs, 5Hc; turkeys. 12c; ducks, He; young roosters, Bc; geese, oc. FRUITS. yiMSAiTLCH nuriaa, 4.rx.oo per 1 rate. STRAWBERRIES Arkansas, 24-quart case, m wjt . COCOANUTS Per sack of 100, 4.00t ' TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS L'monlera, 3uo size, 36.60; 160 tie. IS io ; other brands, boc less. ORANGES Mediterranean Sweets, 150, 171 2o0, 216 and 250 sizes, 33-0; Drt, Ui, 288 sizes, 83.2a; California Nsvds, eatra fancy. 1.0. suv, 210. iw aizca, .tu; iancy, lie) s au. W m; lao size, H uu; cnoica, large sizes, per bANANAS Per medium-slsed bunch, Iz.Wii io; jumuoes, t..uuu'j.. (SHAPE FRl'lT-Slzes t4 to 80, 35 76'a6.00. FlGii California, bulk. 6Ve; s-crown Turkish, 14c; 4-crowu Tuiklsh, 110; 3-crown Turkijn, yc. DATES Kada way, 54e; say srs, 6c; hal lowis, 6c; usw stuffed walnut dates, 8-10. pox. 1 1. uo. NEW POTATOES Per lb.. o. OLD VEGETAbLES. POTATOES Table stock, per bu., TutjSOc; Sei1 Sloes. .)ciii.w. NAVY REANS-Per bu.. 3166; No. 8. 3L60. 11. IB. No. 1 ribs, 13Hc; No. 2 ribs, Hc; No. 1 ribs, 8c; No. 1 loin, 17 Vac; No. 2 loin. 134c No. 8 loin. 13c; No. 1 chuck, 6,c; No. : chuck, 6tc; No. 8 chuck, 6Vc; No. 1 round t'jc; No. 3 round. c, No 2 round, tc No. 1 plate, 4c; No. 2 plats. 3 Vic, No, I plate. 3c. NEW V EG STAPLES. BEANS New wax aud string, per ham- tier. 8t.0. bEE I S, TURNIPS AND CA RROTS Per Cut. liUt.CneS. t'4MOC. CAB11A.GE Nc Texaa, par lb., 3Ho. TtiMATUi rJ-Florida. 80-lb. crate. 33 66. ON luiso i-tea or yellow t'jioiaao, it bu., 11m, Texas silver skin, per erst, about REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS' 1.00 5,000 800) 154 8,6rtfl John W. McDonald, sheriff, to John O Carlson, lots 11 and 12, block 6, Walnut Hill t L17s Charles A. Johnson, to Sarah Silvers, lot 22. Rose Hill addition.. Margaret K. Murphy and husband to Else Smith, lot 10, block 6, Spring Lake Park. South Omaha Harvev V. Peckennautth and wife to Owen Mahoiiey, part 4-15-13 vuus Carletmi H. Woodward to John T. Rrunnum, lot 1. block 10, Al brletlit's Annex. South Omatia Peter Dundls et al. to Chicago, Bur lington yuircy naiiioau com pany. part eVi lot 0, block 18, South Omaha Patrick Sheeley and wife to Enmeat Meyer, lot 14. Olock z, Mcuavocg Aa O Keeffe a addition. South Omaha D. C. Patterson, trustee, to George P. Heinls Real Estate company, lots 8 and 4, block 3. Wise ft Parmalee's addition, and other lots N. P. Dodge. Jr., to Maria Dudgeon, lot S, block C boggs & 1 lilUs) Sec ond addition Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to O F. Easaaserr, lot IB, block 0, Plalnvlew a. F. EJsaseer and wife to Alfred TL Pardurh, same William Gruenlg to same, same Joseph Marvin Hlatt to Jans Orcutt Keeline, s lot o ana nis ieei ioi 7. block 16, West End addition Frank Hellborn and wife to George Krause and wife, lot 6, iiascau s subdivision FJlzabeth Dufrene to Alfred R- Par- dun, nl6 feet lot 16, block 6. nain Howard Sax ton. to C. George Carl- berg, lot 1, Aliens subdivision William R. I lo man and wife to Thomas Bpellman, lot 23. Diocg s, Hwdford Place Frank H. Parsons to Sidney Bwan- aon, part lot 3, t.iook z. t-ara riacej. . Bertha Hahn and husband to John O'Neill, lot 8. block it), uwigni x Lyman's addition , Fred H. Guthrie and wife to William Guthrla, lot 8, . block 184, South Omaha Joseph A. Fossek to Anton r"osBelc and wire, iols a ana v, woca iv, Kountte's Fourth addition Sylvester A- Huntoon to Arthur F. Wood, lots 17 ana is, diock 1, oowi Ing Green addition Peter Jessen, Jr. and wife to Martin Wllg, lots 6 and 6, block 1, Missouri Avenue. Park addition. South Omaha Thomas B. Elllngwood and wife to Alexander Heck, lot 6, Marlon Place Thomas Tackaberry and wife to Adrian Blanchard, fB feet lot 6 and part lot 4. block 2, Boyd's add Peter E. Her to Interurban Land com- 1 800 X.809 884 ' I 1 1,000 in 3.000 n t 600 low 167V nanv. nart seV- neV, 12-14-12 Robert 6. Fink to Warren 8. Frank, e12H feet lot 22, block 36, Albright's Choice, Booth Omaha John S. Collins to Edward C. Erfiinr et al. taxlot 6 In 10-15-13 tsrOO Arthur H. Keeline and wife to Joseph Marvin Hlatt, sH lot 6 and nl2H feet lot 7. block 1. Weat End add.. ' 1 United Real Eatate and Trust com pany to Perla O. H ungate, lot 4, block 10. K.iuntze Place 750 Casper K Yoat to Christine Q. Jrllller, lot In Pruvn's subdlv 1 Joseph Ia Kelley to Fred Brodegaard, lots 1 to IS. block 11. Saunders oV Hlmebauah's Highland Park add.... 809 Pearl A. Welshans to Ellas Holovtch lner, lot 6, block ., Omaha ' 1 Llnlnger implement company to Iuls Peteraen, lot 10, block 8, Marah's add 600 Joseiih B. Weat to Continental Tmat company, lot 7, Black a siih.llv - 20 Lvale I. Abbott and wife to TJark F. M-niinen. lot 2 and n34 feet lot 8. Franklin fl iuare 13,000 Walter T. ColgTuve and wife to Chrla tlana Johnson, lot 21, block t. Pat, ters.n's tubdtv 1,050 E. J. Peaks and wife to Stncer Otis, nl foot all feet lot 3. block I, Haw thorns) 1 Robert O. Fink to E, J. Peke, inn i C F. Taylor et al to Rraddock II Dunham, set feet lot 10, block 3, Perkins' sulidlv 6,000 Ella J. Rogers and to J, F. Carpenter, lot 10, block ?, Prerinan Place ,OUO Bouih Omaha Ind company to Mary P Bpear. lot 6, block 141. auth fnnaha 200 John budln et al to Joseph Hudln. lot 1. block 16. 1st add to South Omaha 309 Rogers I tea.! Est.ite company to Joss-f Ha lack a. a lot 6, block 11, 8. E. -Rogwrs' add : I860 Total amount of transfers fuVit