Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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iaha Daily Dee,
Enteted at Omaha postofnce aa second-
M'ly Be (without Sunday), ona year. .14 no
Mly Bee and Hundav ona year
Vnday Bw, one year jj
Siurday Km, ona year low
Ily ! (Including Sunday), per wek..lfe
lly Dee (without Hunrlay), per wek...l0e
lenlng Hee f wit hout Bunday ). per week. c
nlng Hee (with Sunday), per week. ...10c
ndriress romtllnta of Irregularities In
livery to City Circulation Department
f iirjrtr 'Kq
lmsha-The Hee Building.
i-ouin Omaha City Hall minding.
ouneu tiiima-IO Fran uireei.
hlrajro lftui I'nltv Hulldlne ...
V'ew Tork 16oS Home Life Insurance Bldg.
I ashlngton Wil Fourteenth Street.
Immnnlr-atlons relating to newi and el-
ai matter ahnuld he aiareaeea. unnnn
Editorial Department.
'mlt by draft, express or postal order.
kiMa to The Rce Publishing Company.
2-r-ent stamp received In payment or
accounts. Personal checks, except on
a or eastern exchange, not accepted.
tabor and capital in America ap
pear to hare agreed upon universal
disarmament, even If the nations are
still unable to frame a plan along that
line that' promises general adoption.
May day, which for many year has
been marked by labor disturbances and
Industry-hampering differences be
tween employers and employed, has
come, and gone with, hardly a cloud In
J the Industrial sky." Reports from
Chicago , and New York, those storm
centers of labor troubles, show that
amicable relations exist between the
workmen and the employers In every
Important 11 tie of Industry and that
agreements as to wages, hours and
other usually disputed points have
been made by which the activity of the
fomlng season will not be marred by
Ftrlkes, lockouts or other manifesta
tions of differences between capital
and labor. Similar reports come from
all parts of the country and, with
of Nebraska. TTnuglas County, aa.
Me C. Koaewater. general manager
She Bea Publishing Company, being
sworn, sava that the actual number
11 and complete copies of The DaVy.
Ing, Evening and Sunday Bea printed
.! tha month of April, 1VU(, was aa
17 38,000
lg 88,090
1 34,840
20 38,010
"1., 33,380
it 88,00
21 38,800
24 J 38,430
2 $ 88,470
26 3U.840
27 33,830
28 34,600
28 38,810
tO 38,680
enveloped In the old disgrace and
broken by the old shame, his story came
out and started a wave of sympathy
for hlra that has reached the White
House in the form of a petition for
his pardon, signed by 2,500 bankers,
business men and representative citl
cens of Missouri, Kansas and Okla
homa. The MlHsourl legislature passed
a resolution of appeal lor his pardon
and It was presented to the president
by a United States senator. No pro
test has been made against the peti
tion. Even the sneak who betrayed
him has vanished with his miserable
$60 reward money and left no sign.
The pardon will undoubtedly be
granted, as It should be. The unani
mous appeal for It la evidence that
the American people still believe that
years of hardworking, honest, upright
living can atone for the sins of youth.
months greater depreciation than the
losses of the civil war." Tour first
guess was right. Deck is now a pet
attorney of certain Wall street combinations.
That mysterious "midnight meet
ing," which Edgar Howard refers to
.and characterizes as "a piece of smart
political work," Is declared by the Lin
coln Journal to be "an easy thing for
any political strategist," all of which
will have to be classified under the
heading "Important, if true."
A Texas law provides that "no pub
lic officer shall hold passes unless he
be an employe of a railroad." It re
mains to be seen how many state offi
cials will be able to retain their passes
under that provision.
Evidently the stork has had an idea
minor exceptions, the workmen In the that It could loaf on Us Job with lm-
Jaetorles, mines, mills, building trades
and transportation Industries are con
tent with existing agreements.
Credit for this Improved condition
must be shared about equally by the
laborers and the representatives of
capital. Labor organizations have
done much In the last few years to ad
vance the caue of arbitration, concil
iation and adjustment of differences
between themselves and their em
ployers and have been active In repu
diating the leader who thrive only on
strikes. By purifying their organlxa-
ptinlty while President Roosevelt's at
tention has been taken up with rail
road rates, Jamestown expositions, let
ters to "Bellamy" and "Maria," peace
negotiations with Nicaragua and Hon
duras, interchange of courtesies with
"Perry" Belmont and "Jim" Wads
worth and little matters of that kind
pressing for consideration at the
Whltq House since the close of Con
gress. But the stork was mistaken.
The president is its ever ready and en
thusiastic champion and clearly ex
pects It to do Its duty, regardless of
Vs unsold and returned copies.
t total 1,033,848
y average 34,884
Oeneral Manager.
jiscrlbed in my presence and sworn to
Jons by the rejection of advocates of eight-hour laws or union rules.
. e rr
ma this 30th. dav of Aim 11. 1907.
Notary Public.
Subscribers lea visa; tha city fem
ora r lly should have Tha Baa
tailed to them. Address will bo
hanared aa oftea aa reqaeatad.
violence they have secured the confi
dence and support of the public and
have destroyed much of the distrust
formerly shown them by representa
tives of capital. Employing corpora
tions, on the other hand, have recog
nized the Justness of many labor de
mands and mutual concessions have
made easier the adjustment of differ
ences by negotiation Instead of by
strikes or lockouts.
As a result of this spirit of mutual
concession harmony and good feeling
exist to greater degree between em-
ow lor a good brisk campaign of
feet repairing.
J Congressman Waldo's story that the
.Wet holes in American battleships are
lugged with soan won't wash.
It is officially announced that 6 per
cent of the British baronets are bogus.
The other 95 per cent are broke.
Senator Foruker's son, who la a
JWVer. refuses tn take onv Intorsut In
Slltics. Just balks at inheriting the
s of hl father.
iyvesant Fish says Wall street
Vterlng from Indigestion. . Serves
vrtreet right for refusing to take
osevelt's prescription.
jie cigar lactones at Havana have
jftx closed down on account of a
Arke, but Havana la not the only
(place that makes Havana cigars.
If Des Moines can work -up a Com-
rclal club membership to 1,000
aha surely can recruit Its Commer-
club membership up to 1,200 or
session of a theater In Omaha
e worth having If competition
risk as to make one playhouse
ge hands twice In twenty-four
in Lincoln the democratic
candidate for mayor Is pleading for
votes as a' nonpartisan. That sounds
very much like a municipal campaign
?la Omaha.
It la est
jnda $5,6
estimated that the country
,600,000 a year on base ball,
fit no one regrets the expenditure
ien the home team wins In the fit
tenth Inning.
, A professor of the Chicago univer-
'y Is going to a lone Island in the
look for a strange
he takes enough
Ay Is going to a loi
ylf of Mexico to loo
id. He'll find It. f
jid bottles along.
The publication of a magazine ar
ticle in which the writer contended
that it Is an erroneous Idea to asBume
that the average family should have a
larger number of healthy children
than the present birth rate shows, has
aroused the president to a reiteration
of his expressions on the subject of
race suclde and has given him oppor
tunity to emphasize his views on that
subject and renew hU pledge of de
voted support of the stork. The pres
ident cites the vital statistics to show
that in Massachusetts the average fam-
ployers and employed throughout the ny of native descent has so few chll-
oountry and both are strengthened to
meet future emergencies In the spirit
of mutual Interest. Continued peace
ful relations between these too often
conflicting Interests will furnish a guar
antee of uninterrupted wage-earning,
a steady flow of dividends and profits.
healthy commercial and industrial con
ditions and extension of the era of I
dren that the birth rate has fallen be
low the death rate. It needs no math
ematical expert to prove that this
means race suicide and the final elimi
nation of the native of Massachusetts.
The president makes it plain that this
would not do. He says:
Our people could still exist under all
kinds of Iniquities In government; under a
,r,,i at blah water mark. debased currency, under official corruption,
y, wy.j J v I I.II..U 1......
The mother of Secretary Taft does
it want him to run for the presidency
fid Senator Foraker doubtless has llt-
Ale use for a man who does not respect
his mother's wishes.
A New York woman sued a dentist
for 110,000 for kissing her and, after
a third trial, the Jury gave her 6 cents.
Even at that rate there's room for
; profit. If the employment is ateady.
Who says tha Missouri river Is not
navigable? Two steamboats are al
ready fighting for exclusive privileges
of docking under the Douglas street
bridge for summer excursion business.
The Ohio delegation at the opening
of the Jamestown exposition declared
they could find nothing to eat. That's
the first recorded instance of an
Ohloan'a failure even to locate the
pie counter.
An Iowa man who emptied a shot
' tun Into a charivari party wounded
only three persons. While his marks
manship was a little faulty, his inten
tlon to declare a closed season for tho
wedding hoodlum will be applauded.
i if tho Park board can use the park
nd to pave a street in the outskirts
vir the city ly simply calling it a boule
ard for a few weeks, what is to pre
ient It from using the park fund to
iave streets In the center of the city
ly resorting to the same fiction T .
It is really pathetlc-to Bee with' what
tender solicitude our mayor and city
council take up the question ot bill
boards and street signs, that disfigure
our thoroughfares and spread hide
ousneBs over the natural beauty of the
city. One would suppose that an In
alienable right to plaster fences and
buildings with flaring signs at so much
a square foot were part of the Declara
tion of Independence and engrafted in
our state constitution. That the au
thorltles are not bo tolerant of this
evil in other cities may be gathered
from the following survey of the war
on the billboard, taken from the cur
rent number of Collier's:
Pain to tha eye ot mankind seems at last
about to produce a lonK-delayed rebellion,
After a bitter flsht a tax ot 1 cent per
aquara foot per year has been placed upon
billboards In Los Angeles, returning- some
I5l6b0 a rear to that city, which has
twenty-five miles of billboards. New Tork
City, through Its anolstant corporation coun
sel. Is waging a war on Illegal billboards.
Flva sulta have already been entered
acalnst tha O. J. Ouda company. Tha
Chamber ot Commerce of tha city of Pitta,
burg la undertaking the reatrtctlon of bill
boards in that city, and similar action ia
being taken in Cincinnati. Boston is tn the
throea of a proteat against a beer sign on
tha Hotel Pelbam. fronting tha Boston
Common, for which the erecting concern
pays the owner , of the premises 13,000 per
year, notwithstanding which the said
owner has succeeded in having the assess
ment on his building for tax purposes re
duced tl.900 within, the year. The situation
In Boston is made rather amuatng by the
fact that Donnelley, the boas blllboarder.
haa been disciplined by the National Bill
posters' association for erecting this sign
against the dealrea of tha National associa
tion. Tha legislatures of the atatee or
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New Tork and
Maasachusetts have each billboard re
etrlcthieT and taxing acta before them now,
with the billboard men fighting any taxa
tion, regulation or supervision.
Omaha ought to get in with the van
guard In this movement instead of lag
ging behind the) rear. Every time a
billboard or street sign ordinance is
proposed here, however, the pressure
of Interested parties quickly gets In
Its work. The people may, however,
still live In hopes.
. PARDOS fob a jean vauean.
President Roosevelt has recom
mended a pardon, or at least a com
mutation of sentence, for William
January, alias Charles Anderson of
Missouri, whose trials and experiences
with the law. and Its vengeance show
him to be ad up-to-date twentieth cen
ture Jean Valjean. When about 21
years of age January robbed a post
office at Stillwater, Okl. Evidence
showed at the time that he was in a
desperate condition, without work and
almost starving. He was sentenced
to twelve years In a federal prison and
was a model prisoner for five years.
Then came a chance of escape and he
embraced It. ' Assuming the name of
Charles Anderson, January went to
Kansas City, found work, prospered,
married, built himself a home and was
becoming well-to-do when an old cell
mate discovered his identity and be
trayed him to the authorities for the
1(0 reward that had been offered at
the time of his escape.
When January was returned to the
federal vrleou at Fort Leavenworth,
or a wealthy oligarchy. All these things
would be bad for us, but the country would
still exist. But it could not continue to
exist If it paid heed to the expressed or Im
plied teachings of suob articles as this.
Clearly the stork s duty is to get
busy with Its defense. It may be able
to do this by, citing statistics from
other states and . sections, showing
overcrowded kindergartens, record
breaking attendance at Sunday school
picnics, the enlargement of the circus
seats for "half-price" tickets, the in
creasing and insistent demands for
more parks and playgrounds for the
little folks and multifold other evl
aences ana signs mat tnere is no
"tendency to the elimination rather
than the survival of the fittest" such
as the president fears. We are confi
dent of the stork's ability to make a
showing along these lines that will al
lay the presidents fears, but, of
course, it is still up to the bird to ex
plain why it has discriminated against
Massachusetts. Perhaps it should not
be blamed for doing most of its work
In the more favored fields, but unless
it can show that its Massachusetts
basket has been lost or laid up for re
pairs the stork will be compelled to
rest under a charge of shirking its
duty so far as part of Its route Is con
In China an amanuensis who be
trays his employer's secrets gets his
head chopped off. In this country he
gets his name in the papers and Is ar
rested by Mr. Harrlman.
Tfo Lemona In lah(.
Washington Herald.
Those who were expecting Mr. Roosevelt
to hand out a lot of lemons at the opening
of the Jamestown exposition were sadly
disappointed. The president never passed
out a finer lot of roses In his life.
Tribute to a Brave Soldier.
Brooklyn Eagle.
General Vara del Rey, who defended El
Caney iigatnst the American attack In 1898,
Is to have a monument erected by Span
iards, with the consent of Governor Ma
goon. He was a splendid soldier and the
tribute to his memory will be welcomed
by his former enemies as well as by his
friends. "-'
Dolna; Business In the Open.
Baltimore American
Chairman Ingalls of the board of direc
tors of . the Big Four system plainly told
railroad officials gathered at banquet In
Pittsburg that the only way In which the
railroad interests could win back popular
confidence and allay hostile sentiment was
by obeying the laws and doing business In
the open. This Is a vast change brought
about by the power of public opinion since
the days when one famous railroad cap
italist contemptuously consigned the public
to a fate not to be mentioned In polite so
and look in the glass you will see the eftct . $
You can't help puckering it make you pu ker
to think of tasting it I
By the use of so called cheap Bakhg
Powders youtake this puckering, injurious Alim
right into your system you injure digestici.
and ruin your stomach
Hoval is made from oure. refined Grape Cream oitTartar rncte
than Alum but you have the profit of quality, the prut of good health.
Eastern Lines Refuse to Follow Weat-
ra Ezansples.
Philadelphia Press.
Railroads In western states, from Michi
gan across to Nebraska, seven in all, have
accepted without resistance centa a mile
as the new passenger rate. These roads
are not going Into the courts. They are
not asserting charter or other rights, as
the case may be. They stand ready to
obey the law and let the public find out by
experience If the law la wrong.
If these states In the west can afford to
accept a 2-cent passenger act, why should
any states in the east resist? Traffic la
larger here, expensea are lower, and the
change from the old rate to tha new one
Is lesa.
Why should not eastern lines, Including
those in this state, do aa western lines
have, accept the law and obey it? Who
has more to lose, by creating the impression
that a law is made to be resisted and is
to be obeyed only upon compulsion than the
great i all road corporations?
New York's Governor Strongly t'p
holda the Policy.
Chicago Record-Herald.
The New Tork executive Is proving him
self to be one of the most enlightened and
courageous friends ot real home rule that
state has ever had. He has surprised and
gratified the thoughtful cltlxens by a aeries
of little vetoes that are remarkable In their
He has killed bills raising salaries of
stenographers and assistant secretaries of
the Brooklyn under-sheriff, increasing the
pay of cooks and laundresses In local of
fices, regulating the management of a
county Jail and so on.
"It Is absurd," he said tn one of his
brief veto messages, "that the legislature
should be called upon to deal with mat
ters of this sort." The things covered by
these petty local measures should be left
entirely to the local authorities. To the
argument that existing charters and the
existing relations between the legislature
and local administration unfortunately
make it not only possible but actually nec
esssary In many coses to bother the legis
lature with questions of small offlcea, In
creaaea of pay, repair and management of
county buildings and ao on, Governor
Hushes replies that the proper thing to
do Is to secure an amendment of the un
duly restricted municipal charters or pass
a general act extending home rule to cover
all such caeca.
The position Is manifestly sound and
wholly consistent, of course, with the de
mand for Increased power in the execu
tive where the. increase Is necessary to
efficient control and successful administra
All the John Smiths in America are ex
pected to rendesvous at Jamestown on
Pocahontas day. Incidentally paying their
own expenses
The Japanese premier. Prince Kung, tried
to compliment General Grant when he
was In Japan In English by assuring him
that he was born tn command. His words
were, however, "Sire, brave general, .you
were made to order!"
Frank Btelnhart, who recently resigned
Ripples on the Current of Life I
After having collected at least $30,000, and
perhaps (50,000, from frugal Hungarians In
New York City, Cleveland and Chicago on
the strength of glowing advertisements
claiming valuable land grants, railroad con
cessions and subsidies from the Hungarian
government, the first Hungarian Oil and
Mining company, headquarters in New
York, has been repudiated by the authori
ties at Budapest. Those who bought stock
in the company are looking for their money,
with little prospect of seelryg the color of It.
The concern is pronounced a bald swindle.
The company's prospectus quoted some of
the great profits made by the Standard OH
company as examplea of what might be ex
pected. Finally it offered to aell shares at
$2.50, the par value of which was $5. The
hard-working people on the East Side in
vested their savings, none being allowed
to purchase less than Ave shares at $12.50.
In queer ways the health fad betrays Itself
among New York's fashionable women, and
many of them have found an easier way of
dodging a few millions of microbes than by
submitting themselves to all the pains and
demands of active exercise. It has become
the vogue to discard the use of paper
In spite of Its greater weight, reports the
New York Press, only gold Is permitted to
find Its way Into the dainty portemonnales
with which the society woman arms her
self for her trips abroad. Germs are no
respecters of persons or price, and bills of
high denomination are Just as likely to
suffer from the microbe-carrying propen
sities of paper as are their humbler $1 and
$1 brethren.
The uptown branches of banks have been
experiencing a persistent run on gold re
cently from women. But this caution dees
not cease even here. Gold itself may be
tainted, and .before these prudent women
will handle the coins that come from the
banks their maids are called upon to put
them through a strict process of sterlllxa
tlon. Rigid economists are disposed to com
plain that such vigorous handling will de
crease the lntrlnaic value of the oolns
through what is known as "sweating," but
aa long as the fetiches of "health and
beauty" are believed to demand the aacri
flce there Is little likelihood of the women
abandoning the practice.
The wonders of Coney Island have been
retouched, and new wonders even have been
added. The big feature of the revised Luna
Park is to be "Night and Morning; or, A
Journey Through Heaven and Hell." It Is
said to have cost $50,000 and to be full of
surprises. "The Great Shipwreck" will
show a fishing village In winter, with an
angry sea rolling up to the shore. There
will be a little sketch leading up to the ac
tion of the spectacle. Then darkness ap
proaches and a fearful - storm cornea up
with the night. A rocket Is fired at sea, in
dicating that there is a ship in distress.
Then the entire scene Is changed in the
space of a minute and a half. A lifeboat
puts out from shore and makes for the
ship In distress. This ship Is not a scenlo
Illusion at all. It is a full-sized vessel, and
la making straight for the rocks. It hits
the rocks and begins to break up. The
rescue Is finally effected by the use of tho
buoy. Then the ship goes to pieces and
In all, there will be twenty-four leading
attractions In Luna Park, while Dreamland
and other amusement plnces will have many
neW features. Grney Island of a few years
ago seems almost a myth. The belief that
the "limit" had been reached before has
only given the managers an excuse to push
the "limit" a little further.
n American consul renernl to Cuba, has
been In the service of the Army and State The establishment of a day and night
departments for twenty-five years.- He bank some months ago seems to nave put
speaks four languages and has been nick-1 It Into the minds of other organizations
I named "the consul of all nations" because that there are a great many people In town
I of his ability to help the people of other! who are liable to need money before 10
I nationalities besides his own. m. and after S p. m. One of the oldest
I Prof. Frank N. Meyer, explorer for the ' downtown banks ha, accordingly made the
be ojn from 8 a. m. until 5 p. m. and on
e-i ...... 1 .. , 111 a tn X In iniuiliinr of the
search of ci'. 1 1 , - - - ,. -
r, . , , day and night business the bank officials
Probably no u
"This Innovation recognizes the general
nrlnclnle that a bank exlxte far the con
Members of the State Board of As
sessment figure on finishing up the
work of fixing the tax values for rail
road property in Nebraska in a com
paratively short time by cutting off
the hearings and re-hearings of the
railroad tax agents. This savors of
cruel and unusual punishment for the
aforesaid railroad tax agents, who
having nothing to show for their work
on the late legislature, must be primed
to extraordinary exertion before the
state assessment board to make them
selves solid with their employers. The
tax bureau, which used to be the most
important division of railroad man
agement In Nebraska, is in grave dan
ger of being overshadowed by lesser
lights like the general manager, the
head of the law department of the su
perintendent of motive power.
It Is now proposed to license street
fakirs to do business in Omaha at $2
per day. The street fakirs, as a rule,
operate nothing but bunco games on a 1 I'nlted States Agricultural Department,
small scale and it would be much more ! h9 JUBt completed a remarkable tour of
to our advantage from every point of j chlna' :orea and Blbe ,
' UI11MI9, 1W..; Ul.u . ww.
turned upon him with a glare. The other
passengers tittered and the young man,
blushing furiously, felt he could stand It
no longer. He sprang up and started for
the door. Greatly to her surprise the
young woman's foot shot out Into the aisle.
She caught at the man's coattail, for he
could not be spared. At length, scarlet
with confusion, they managed to get free.
With every robbery reported In New
York hotels furniture manufacturers come
to the front with a boast that whatever
else the robber may have hidden himself
it certainly wasn't under the bed, because
beds nowadays are buflt too low for even
the thinneat of villains to hide under. "We
even advertise to that effect,"- said one
manufacturer. "For many years losses of
money and Jewelry were attributed Indl
rctly, at least, to. the bed, which was built
high enough to afford protection to the
thief. Finally, In order to save the good
name of that necessary piece of furniture,
we decided tp build It so low that not
even an infant could crawl under It,
thereby compelling the enterprising burglar
to seek a hiding place elsewhere."
Determined to do all in his power to
wipe out the blackmailers masquerading
under the nom de plume of "Black Hand"
workers,. Judge Fawcett, In . the King's
county court, sentenced Colloglra Delloro
fonte to tert years In Sing Sing prison,
the extreme penalty. . In pronouncing sen
tence Judge Fawcett deplored the fact
that he was unable, to pronounce a longer
sentence. Dellorofonte waa convicted of
levying blackmail on several countrymen.
He had planned a trip to Italy with the
money he obtained. .
Gratefal Appreciation.
Chicago Chronicle.
Judging by President Roosevelt's charac
ter and all he has ever said and done since
he has been president, the unanimous re
quest of the people that he be a candidate
for a third term will not alter his purpose
to retire, partly because he has other
reasons than the third-term tradition. The
third-term movement, however, Is probably
grateful to him because it will put It In hlB
power to name his successor. If he will not
serve It would be a strange admirer who
would not favor a man whom he has se
lected to continue his policies.
. Hhy:
hi" "Whv ttlitn't ntii A n th
tl Wind let me in?"
"I couldn't OeorKe. Our neighbor
W"8 Iking to somebody and I waa at the
phot, Cleveland Plain Dealer.
tp nnlv mi n knlfs rf twA ta nlr f.t
In thtlioskat with the pie. What shall
we 4o i
"Tha, n right, fp yonder I think
you M find a fork In the road." Balti
more Uerlcan.
Conlu.rMadam how old is your lltUe
IJttl- rl Don't answer him, mamma.
It s hrr y rude and Impolite of him to
aek a r,,s lady's age before-all these
peopl.-Coago Tribune.
"John.J,,, .aia ..j notiCe that almost
everybody, wearing earrings now."
"But. m-ar," replied John, "if they had
such small ;d shell-like ears as yours they
would n t ter them up that way."
PhllndelphJidBor. " .
' -Announce, t had been made that th
.,y iv,n was going on the stage.
i.ui 7sure you are ntted for it
they asked h
"Why not tbie responded. !'I've plav
. ' . "T was in society."
phla Ledger. W
St. 18 Globe-Democrat.
?!t.blthi5'I, ,n ,he sycamore tM
And brags tha ., happy and fine asti
free; i.
He seems to ttiTkr. , 'a hotter fn
Huhl He te" DWr " ""
Better'n me! I1 . . . .
Why, ypu ol' flrd, I'm a human, set
h,.I'i?..hi?arJ ir1 foons knows
You re nothln ati kA aB one Q. tno
You ve got no hodavnn v.
When It snows, fc
nanus, Diuiti, s
See him! t J
Off to the far horizon's! J
ini n uip way ux nui v me!
biiowin ne s nappy ana
r-ay, nn k
Must be
Somewhat better off n 1
lackblrd teeters OA
an't say nothln' to i Jti
Ings and teeters wltll f ' '
Then blm! I 1
Rrl 'i
He never works and he 9, no ront
An' he has no mone
By ti .
Nor keer a cent
He's a gentl
He's always done as his
An' If he sins, he does.i
t v
'must be spent.
- v
;P, nm
i i
$ . . i
r fl
1 BiisyDft f
i.Jiakl A : ?
view to put mo mi-cubb lee up to tyu ; exI1.orer m the service of the department
a day and make it prohibitive. ! has had so many Interesting and unusual;
exper-ence. during the Inst year a. have j o( ,u cIlcnU, .nd WIU probably j
fallen to th. lot of Prof. Meyer. I arrangemeB by whch
A newly electee senator irom toe norm- bank,iates its hours with refer-
west was pounding his desk and waving . ne,ds o the patrons it serves;
I his arms In an Impassioned oppeul to thu ,, banka with their accounts of ks- !
senate. "What di you think of hlra? " . ,.rant. theatres and similar depositors.;
Condi- I whispered Senator Kean of New Jersey , remalnlng open throughout the twenty-four',
the Impassive Senator Knox or Pennsyl- n iun, whll the banks In the financial I
vanla. "Oil. he can't help It," answered digtrtot adhere to tho hours long con:dered ,
Knox. "Its a Dirinmam. "A wnat: ' ronstlfjllng the banking day."
! "A birthmark, repeated Knox. "His
An elephant shaving Itself Is one of mother was scared by a windmill,
the numbers on the program of a "sa- General Luis Terrazas, whose wealth la
rA rf ntrmlMart In Vow v-w , estimated lr the hundreds of millions.
V. t aw V V u y -- i iv w t rv
theaters on Sunday night. The own-
State Treasurer Brian has Just had
a record-breaking month In the way
of receipts of revenues into his strong
box.' Collections for the state treas
ury Indicate that prosperous
tlons are uniform throughout Ne
Probably It was bashfulness more than
tact thnt kept a young man allfnt on a
Broadway car while a girl tied one of his
lately celebrated the seventy-fifth annlver- shoentrings to one of hers. .Ill at ease,
sary of his birth at his home In Chlhua-i knowing the burning Interest the inc d;nt
ers probably Stand ready to prove that i hua, Mexico. Terrazas is said to be the was exciting in the passengers on the op-
it is a sacred elephant.
"We are now." says James M.
Beck, "living in a state of federated
anarchy that, has caused within two
largest Individual land owner In the world,
his estates In western Mexico covering 14.
000,000 acrea. He owns several hundred
thousand head of cattle, horses, sheep and
goats. Sum of the richest mines In Mexico
belong to him.
poslto seat, he tried to pull hla foot away
gently, hoping the bow waa nnt secure;
but the young woman, who waa a lnj
way from being of the pocket Venus type,
thought he was touching her foot !n an
attempt to attract her attention, sa she
Whatever Weather
oimupii K't ri iflPff ikt Tina eimiTu nut- 8vl.
ur inc. xucitiia ur uuh oiunt-s uiat.W
HATS -$2 50 to $6.00
SHIRTS-$J.OJ tjo $6 00
SUITS--$15 to $40
' ; - U.
Bl'ovmiiio, Wh
R. S. Wikgr Ijjiy
ft ft
i I-