Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1907, Page 5, Image 5
It is the Consensus of opinion of Nevada mining men that the Woncer Mining Camp is the Nevada Opportunity of 1907 I It will mike investors millions. Subscriptions are pouring in for shares in the most highly regarded of all recent wonder incorporations MCI miW WEH MINING COMPANY Incorporated Under the Laws of Nevada Capital Sock $1,250,000 Non-Assessable 50,000 Shares in the Treasury for Mine. Development. 1,250,000 Shares Par Value $1.00 750,000 Shares Issued to Acquire Property President T- RUNAWAY Vice Presi-At and General Manager of Nevada, Cali fornia & Ogn Railroad. Tint Vice Preside HON. JOHN SPARES Governor Nevada. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: Second Vice President U. S. WEBB Attorney General of California. Treasurer D. B. BOYD For twenty-five years successively Treasurer of Washoe County, Nevada. Secretary EDMUND R. DODGE President of the Sierra Valleys Railroad Company; Gen eral Counsel of Nevada, California & Oregon Railroad. Registrars and Transfer Agents: Nevada Trust Company, Reno, Nov.. and New York Trust Company. Property Owned by the Rich Gulch Wonder Mining Co. BfCH GLCH LODE Mining Claim. GOLDFi FLEECE LOAD Mining Claim. BUTTJlFLY LODE Mining Claim. GOOlfiOPE LODE Mining Claim. PORUPINE LODE Mining Claim. A compact group. Mineralized area, 95 acres. Main vein 3,000 feet long and from 4 to 20 feet wide. Assays give returns of $7.50 to $404. Situated in Wonder Mining District. Rich Gulch Vein Unquestionably One of the Strongest in Nevada The following disinterested report on the property owned by the Rich Gulch Wonder Mining Com pany was made by telegraph to T. B. Rickey, President of the State Bank and Trust Company of CaMon, Tonopah, Ooldfleld and Manhattan, Nevada, on March 30, 1907, by Wallace MacQregor, the bank's consult ing engineer: "Have examined Rich Gulch Group. It has one of the widest ledges In the district, trace able the length of one claim and into a second. A very promising property and worthy of extensive development. Group Is five claims and a fraction. Adjoins Colorados where rich ore found. "WALLACE MACGREGOR." Here Is a detailed report of the property by Edward Hoffman, the consulting engineer and mine manager of the Rich Gulch Wonder Mining Company: WONDER. Nevada, April 4. 1907. To the President and Directors Rich Gulch Wonder Mining Company, Gentlemen: I have examined the Rich Gulch mining property, and beg to submit the follow lng report: The property Is located In the Wonder Mining District, Churchill County, Nevada. The fol lowing mining claims are embraced In the group: Rich Gulch, Golden Fleece, Porcupine, Good Hope and Butterfly. There are about 95 acres in all. This property is one of the best located In the dis trict, being In the center of the mineral rone. The property carries two strong quarts leads. The main vein can be traced 3,000 feet through the Golden Fleece, Rich Gulcn nnd Porcupine claims. A shaft on the Golden Fleece claim, jiint commenced, Is eight feet deep and has a good show ing. The ore here carries gold and istl.-e.- values of from $8.00 to $22.00 per ton. There are other openings on the vein on the Rich Gulch and Porcupine claims from which as says have been taken that give returns cf fiom $7.50 to $404.00. , The main vein as revealed on the surftce and In shallow surface cuts varies in width from four to twenty feet for the entire dlstauce of 8,000 feet through the property. The strike of the vein Is northwest an'l southeast, similar to the strike In the vein on the Spider and Wasp and the Nevada Wonder, the other i wo important properties of the dlsrnt. There has also been opened on the Men Gulch property, striking east and wast, a quarts vein which crosses the Rich Gulch and Good Hope claims. Surface assays on this vein give average returns of $21.00 per ton. I have examined the properties which neighbor the Rich Gulch, and find that the Golden Won der, adjoining the Rich Gulch on the southeast, has opened up the same vein and Is In one on the sur face that assays $200.00 per ton. On the Colorado group, adjoining the Rich Gulch property on the northwest, there has been opened up a continuation of the Rich Gulch vein, and shipping ore has been disclosed In four places. The Billy-the-Kid group to the north, owned by the Ruby Wondeir Mining Company, has sev eral openings from which they are sacking ore that assays from $200.00 to $600.00 per ton. The proved width and length of the main ledge, on the Rich Gulch group would stamp the property as worthy of the highest development, were the assays only half as flattering as those al ready obtained. Taking the width and length of the ledge. In conjunction with the splendid assays ob tained, showing the presence of large bodies of both milling and shipping ore, I do not hesitate to say that the property owned by the Rich Gulch Wonder Mining Company compares at this time with any mining property In the Wonder District, barring the Nevada Wonder and the Spider and Wasp alone, which are in a much more forward state of development. Acting under instructions I have engaged a force of twelve miners, and have commenced the development of the property. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) EDWARD HOFFMAN. E. M. Edward Hoffman Is a mine manager of twenty years' experience In Utah and Nevada. He has prob ably managed as many dividend paying mining properties as any engineer In the west. 250,000 shares of treasury stock, of the par value of $1.00, are offered for subscription at 25 cents per share. The funds derived from the sale will be devoted to the development of the property, and a dividend paying mine will be made as quickly as possible. Allotments will be made in order of receipt of subscriptions, which must be paid in full upon delivery of stock. The right is reserved to refuse any subscription, or allot any part of a given number subscribed for, and to CLOSE SUBSCRIPTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE. Applications for listing the stock on the leading mining and industrial exchanges of the country will be made at an early date. The following bankers and brokers .are authorized to receive subscriptions: ' Abbott . Bevard, 204 Neville Block, OmaHa, Nebraska. BOSTON Z. T. MERRILL, 7 Congress St. NEW YORK CATLIN & POWELL CO, 35 Wall St. FREDERICK DAILY & CO., 84 Wall St n PHILADELPHIA J. J. RUTHERFORD & SON, ledger Building. GkWN & POWELL CO., ' Drexel Building. baltimore R.T.YARDLEY.. 205l"hC'i;-::t- ALLEN & EXuM sR, CLEVELAND tsOWDEN, CODY & CO., Citizen's Building. FRANK O. MITCHELL, Schofield Building. CINCINNATI 0. L. AR2.ENO & CO., Thorns Building. A. E. GATCHELL & CO., Johnson Building. DETROIT LEWIS P. GORTON, Majestic Building. ST. LOUIS T. H. FORRESTER & CO., Missouri Trust Building. PITTSBURG GLASS & MEYER, Keystone Building. B AND THE FOLLOWING: CHICAGO H. SHEFTELS & CO., Citizens Building. DONALD A. CAMPBELL & CO., Stock Exchange Building. MARK T. LEONARD & CO., Stock Exchange Building. WALLACE H. HOPKINS CO., 181 La Salle Street. D. M. BELL & CO., 145 La Salle Street. W. K. GRAHAM, 361 E. 66 Street. MILWAUKEE GREENE-GRIEB-SHERMAN CO., Milwaukee National Bank Bldg. HENRY ANCHESTER, Pabst Building. OTJEN & SMITH, Miller Building. WALLACE H. HOPKINS CO., Milwaukee National . Bank Bldg. OGDEN INTERSTATE BROKERAGE CO. ST. PAUL R. B. HIGBEE, Germania Life Building. KANSAS PHILIP RACINE, 702 Long Building. CITY SALT LAKE CITY SHEETS & NEEL, D. F. Walker Bank Building. LOS ANGELES H. S. WOOLNER & CO., 448 South Broadway. EDWARD MacDERMOTT, 114 South Broadway. SAN FRANCISCO W. 0. COX & CO., Monadnock Building. RENO NEVADA TRUST CO., 140 Virginia Street. SACRAMENTO WESTERN REALTY & BROKER AGE CO., 916 Seventh Street. TONOPAH J. W. SKELTON & CO. GOLDF1ELD R. L. COLBURN & CO, WONDER J. 0. ROYLE & CO. HONOLULU LL O. K. HOPKINS.