T1TE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1907. u3l 1 a- 1 iW ' 1 M ' I MAN IS KILLED i'sflmon County Farmer Phooti Saloon Xteper and Vakcs Hit Escape. .TRAGEDY OCCURS AT AN EARLY" HOUR frank Jarmer ia Vend and Herman Hoe he a Fugitive Boctae Una Been In Court Ilefore. TORFOLK. Neb.. May l.-(8peclal Tele gi am.) Within one week of the day when, eighteen years ago. he killed Oeorge Ivea of Ttlden with an axe for treaspasa uig Herman Boche of Norfolk, who waa acquitted of that killing, today ahot and killed Frank Jarmer, a Norfolk aaloon keeper. The tragedy occurred In front of a re-! sort from which the two men, who had been fast friends, were departing at an early hour. They wore Juat getting Into a cab. Boche immediately disappeared and has not been found. He ia a prosperous farmer living four mllea southeast of Nor folk and haa a large family. The two men wero members of the aame fraternal order. - y Boche 'nnd Jarmer. warm friends, had pone to the house at 1 o'clock thla morn ing, and were departing togethtr, at 6 o'clock. Jarnior. insisted that Boche enter & waiting cah, and once forced him Inaide. Boche lunged out and fired three bullets Into Jarmer. Tho cabman did not inter fere, but cllmtxj Into his box and drora to town. Boche then disappeared and waa at large at noon, though Sheriff Clements and a posse were searching. ' Both were married men, Boche having Bix children. i ' ' Jarmer succumbed on the floor of the resort's parlor an hour after the shooting. Ills wife waa taken to '.he place to see him die. Up until a late hour tonight not the lightest clue hnd developed regarding the whereabouts of IlermaV Boche, tho farmer I - S( i t . 'a-. -m J- s r i - riywi J Orchard & Wilhelm ( 414-16-14 South 16th Street. eURTAINS MM I'i. M m4 French Taffeta; plain, in all colors. bordera and anpllqued, making very effective over curtains, bed aeta, etc. usual prli-e S7e now selling, per yard a 9c J00 jards White Grenadine for bedroom or sash curtains. Pretty weavea, side borders with panel eltn t in center. This wa Import ourselves. Usual J'Hce, per yard SRo now selling, per yard 18o SSO yurda China Bilk, In odd lengths, I to IS yards very beautiful; In Shlkll, Florentine and Brooche up to $1.00 a yard while they laat. yard 49o 100 pulls plain Swiss Curtains, 30 Inches wlda, 2 yards long; extra full r-tfU special, per pair Z6c Sw'.ss Curtain; very sheer. The curtains are figured, wreaths, dota, fleur de s. etc., with plain swtsa ruffles. Usual prloe 1.60 now selling, pair, (So Krneh Net Curtains; novelty deaigna. White, tvory or Arabian, Renaissance corners, cluny effect Insertion. They aold up to $4.60 a pair now selling, per i air aa-BJ torlelle Arabian Curtains with heavy cord outlining edge of pattern. A very ' t-avy, rich curtain for hail or library. Also white cable nets In Batten bur patterns. Usual price, per pair, $5.00 now selling, per pair. . . .$3.TS SPRING PLEASURES ARB YOU looking fur a bouae thla prlng? If ao, why not buy a home of your own? If you have a part of tha money to make the purchase w can furnish the balance, and then you can pay oft thia association by way of monthly payments. You will l ay less interest on our plan and get rid of the debt sooner than on any other. We have uu abundance of funda to loan and Invite you to call If Interested. lloM.urc.-s $J.(O.(K10. Itoscrye, fWS.ftOO. The Conservative Savings & Loan Association, 1014 Harney fetr. 0o. F. Gilmore, Preldnt. Paul W. Kohna, Sec. and Treaa. IF GOOD CLOTH was the only escntial to GOOD CLOTHES every man could make his own but it takes good tail oring together with good cloth to make good clothes. WE'RE STICKLERS FOR GOOD TAILORING not only must every gar ment we Bell be made of the best fabric possible at the price but we demand certain little niceties of making every garment that finds a place in our store won't have them if they're not up to the standard that is what makes everybody bo well sat isfied with the clothes they get here. OUR SPRING SUITS AT 10 an will prove a pleasant sur prise to the man who wants to spend a modest sum for clothes yet have them so well made that he won't be ashamed of them. who killed Frank Jarmer this -morning and then escaped. Bocho'a farm and the river bunks have been searched by Sheriff Clements in vain and the man hunt still continues. A warrant for Boche'a arrest. charging second degree murder and man slaughter counts, waa filed by County At torney Koenlgstein this afternoon. No cor oner's Inquest waa held over Jarmer, as there was no conflicting evidence. "Red," the hack driver, who saw the shooting, tells of Jarmer, wounded, pleading In vain for mercy from Bocho, who con tinued firing. TEST OF THE ANTI-PASS IAW Plattamonth Man Arrested and Hear In Set for May 9. FLATT8MOL7TH, Neb., May 1. (Special.) In district court in the case of the state against A. N. Sullivan, who la charged with having accepted a para from the Mla sourl Pacific Railway company, the de fendant entered a plea of not guilty to the charge. May 9 has been named for hear ing the case, after which It will be taken to the highest court. In caae of conviction. to decide the validity of the antl-pasa law. Tekamah Commercial Clnh nnnqnet. i TEKAMAH, Neb., May 1. (Special.) The third annual meeting of the. Tekamah Commercial rlub waa held laat night at Thomas' hall. There was a large attend ance. Renorta of the different officer! ahowed that the club haa been unusually active during the last year and much good Is being accomplished In the" way of needed permanent Improvements. The election of officers was unanimous in each Instance, with the following result: E. C. Houston, president; D. W. Greenlpaf, vice president; R, W, Adams, secretary: Ed Lntta, treasurer; E. W. Shafer, member of the executive committee. Immediately following the business session the club proceeded to the Merchants hotel, where the third annual banquet was held. Platea were laid for 1"0 and music was furnished by the Tekamab orchestra. B. F. Griffin, who haa been preaident of the club for the Inst three .yeara, arted aa toastmaster. After the banquet eloquent responses were made by local orators on subjects per taining to needed Improvements. 12 and CURTAIN MATERIALS at a much lower price than regular. We import direct for our wholesale and retail departments, thus being in a posi- tion to sell curtains and curtain stuffs of all kinds at about the former cost. French Muslin In rosebud, pansy and violet patterns, with side bordera. Very pretty for bedroom cur tains, over curtains or bed aeta. Dainty colorlnga. Reduced to, per yard l&a Also cornea In atrtnea tn be nit intn INTERSTATE RATES APPEAL Hational Gcmmtatioo Assad U Bay Whither They Caa le Mora Tham Bum af LooaL MILWAUKEE PROTESTS AN ASSESSMENT Don C. Despaln tamed aa Labor Com missioner, Ills Coanaalselea to Expire Wltk tie Cnrrent Tenr. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May 1. (Special.) The Bute Railway commiaslon haa written to the Interstate Commerce commission regarding the right of railroads to charge a higher rate for through traffic than the total of the rates In the several states. Though the letter waa written eeveral daye ago no an awer haa yet been received, but a decision from the higher body Is expected any time. Should the national commission hold as the state commission hopea It will, hereafter railroads in Nebraska cannot charge 3 cents a mile for interstate travel, when the local rates In the statea traversed ia less than I cents. In tha meantime the commiaslon haa.. written to the Union Pa cific passenger department asking If the Union Pacific intends to keep on selling tickets for 3 cents a mile between Ne braska points when the train mna over Into an adjoining state In going from one Nebraska point to another. Should the Union Pacific Insist on charging the $ cent rate, this matter also will be referred to the national commission and the local commis sion believes the result will be an order from the former that no through rate caA exceed the total of the local rates. From the letters being exchanged by the commission and the passenger department of the Union Pacific it Is very evident the two bodies have not started off on the same footing. Some time ago the commission sent a letter to the railroad calling its at tention to the 3 cent rate It was charging between North Platte and Sidney. The opinion of the attorney general was cited by the commission that the railroad had no right to do this. Very shortly the answer enme back that the company, when In need of legal advice, would consult John N. Bald win, the head of the legal department, and not the attorney general of the state. Sev eral such pleasantries have been exchanged, but so far no overt act haa been committed by either. The big day frix the commission will be May 7. when a schedule of rates will be adopted and put Into effeot. The railroad men have been notified of this meeting and are expected to be on hand and offer objne tions or suggestions and to look after their own Interests. On the other hand the com mission haa on file numerous complaints, more or less serious, which will be shown to the railroad men and which they will be asked to correct. Member Clarke and Secretary Perkina were both away from Lliteoln, the former with his father-in-law, who Is dangerously 111 in Omaha, and the latter has gone to St. Paul where Mrs. Perkins Is 111. Mr. Clarke returned today. Milwaukee Protests Assessment. A. S. Dudley, tax commissioner of tho Milwaukee railroad, has raised the ques tion of the right of the Slate Board of As sessment to assess railroads which come lno Nebraska over leased lines and have no local property in the state except the right to use the tracks of some other rail road. With his report filed with the board today Mr. Dudley sent a statement, as fpl lows: The law for the assessment of railroads provides that the situs of the valuation of any company shall be fixed by a refer ence to the KcatlOD of its mnln track mileage. This company neither owns, operad's nor controls any mileage In your state, but under a contract with the Union Pucirio railroad has "trackage rights" on the line of that company across the river into Omaha. As we have no mileage, the alius of our valuation has been fixed by a referenced to our "trackage rights," ap parently, and the valuation has been al lotted to the city of Omaha. Yet the Rock Island Railroad company, which has ex actly the same trackage rights into the city of Omaha on the Union Pacific com pany's tracks. Is not taxed at all In. the city of Omaha, In other words, "track ago rights" has been used In the ease of this company and has not been used in the case of any company owning mileage also as a method of distributing the valu ation. My position has been that the assessment of the Union Pacific company should cover any "trackage rights" that another com pany might have in its mileage; and this view seems to nie to be strengthened by the fact that where a comany has only "track age rights" the statute does not provide a method of locating a valuation for such company. The L'Won Pacific company in allowing the use of Its terminals at Omaha by other companies stipulates for a division of the taxes, which presumably ore greater than if the use of the terminals were re stricted to the Union Pacific company. i am hoi uursuonuiK tna validity of an assessment to this company. Vet the Rock Island company and the Bt. Paul com pany both enter the city of Omaha over the tracks of the Union Pacific company, both companies having merely- "trackage rights." and the Uoek Island company Is not taxed In Omaha and the St. Paul com pany Is. The Bt. Paul company does not wish to be technical; there may be some property of the company subject to taxation in your state, possibly rolling stock, though this is used exclusively In interstate traffic, and we have paid the taxes levied on the as sessments of the last two years, though ss I have suggested, there Is a question aa tq whether the atatute provldea a situs for any valuation. Mr. Dudley closed his letter with the re quest that his road be assessed less this year than last year. If the board still held that It had jurisdiction. Tho net earnings of this road for the last year amounted to S20,G64,699.23, and It spent In operation, maintenance and Im provements, $37,324,7W.6S. making a total gross earning of $57,079,3.8. The oompany was assessed at 310,000 last year. Despaln Labor Commissioner. Don C. Dee pain was appointed labor com missioner this afternoon and J. C. Derby of Lincoln was appointed Janitor at the executive mansion. Despain's commission reads from May 1 to December 31, 1907, and his appointment,' it is understood, was at the urgent request of Senator Norris Brown, and It was limited to eight months because In that time, it Is understood. Sen ator Brown will be able to find a place for Despaln In Washington or somewhere else. For four years Despaln has been chief clerk In the office of the labor commis sioner, but the recent legislature abolished this ofilce by cutting out the salary for a chief clerk. Senator Brown Is under ob ligations to Despaln for assistance In run ning a press bureau for him previous to the state convention, but the senator Just at this time was unable to take care of Despaln, and ao prevailed upon Governor Sheldon to do ao, and lnaamuch as the gov ernor had already handed Senator Brown a package on the Kearney Normal veto, the Deepaln appointment Is suppoaed to be a aort of consolation. Fight on Majora. And now the big fight la on for tha scalp of Colonel Tom Majors, member of the Btate Normal board, whose time expires In June. Tha name of Dr. Taylor of Auburn waa presented to tha governor today as good timber to make a member of the board, and he has the backing of numerous citlxens of Auburn and elsewhere who have a desire to retire Colonel Majors to private fife. On the other hand. It la said the colonel has a candidate In the person of Dr. Shelhorn of Peru, whose name has also been, raeutioned to tha governor. Many persona have auKgested to Governor Shel don the' advisability of appointing men- to thla board who live neither at Kearney nor Peru, where the normals are lucatad. beeauee tt has been urged more attention will be paid to working up thorough schools by outsiders than to Increasing the pries of real estate, as local members of the board are liable to do. Capital Briefs. Governor Sh'eldon waa visited today by Representatives Armstrong of Nemaha, Harrison of Otoe, and former Represen tative Robert Howe of Nemaha and by Senator Oonld of Greeley. Dr. Taylor of Auburn was a caller late thla afternoon. i The report of the Santa Fe Railroad company filed with the State Board of Asaeaaora today, ahowa that road to have collected during " the year the sum of JW,5!l,ZM.66 as Its gross earnings. Its net earnings amounted to $17,982,002.34. While this road operates a total of 1.(30.16 mllea only 1.9$ miles are located In Nebraska. Secretary of State Junkln received a message this morning that C. 8. Rolph of Smlthtleld had died last night of pneu monia, after an Illness of only a few days. Mr. Rolph waa cashier of the bank at Smlthfield and had been a lifetime friend of the secretary of state. Mr. Junkln will endeavor to attend the funeral. Insurance Deputy Pierce has notified In surance agents not to solicit any busi ness for the Head-Schurch company of Minneapolis, Insurers of threshing ma chines, because that company has no right to do business tn this state. The penalty for soliciting Insurance for a company which has no license to operate in Ne braska, Is a fine 6f from 360 to $100. Ed Lawrence, bond clerk In the office of Auditor Bearle, who waa marked some time ago by Father Time, but who took the bit In his teeth, Jerked the scythe away from the old man and cut his way back to health and happiness, returned to work this morning after an absence of several months, feeling as strong and healthy as a new spring onion. During his Illness Mr. Lawrence experimented in the use of various hair tonics, with the result that the heretofore billiard ball ap pearance of his pate, has been wonder fully changed, nine little curly fellows having broken through the crust. New Deputy Federal Marshal. United States Marshal Warner while in Lincoln today announced the appointment of C. P. Hensel of Hebron aa deputy mar shal, with headquarters at Lincoln. Mr. Hensel was formerly sheriff of Thayer County. After Alleged Grafters. It is understood the grand jury la going after thoae peraona who file complaints against the granting of a liquor license and then withdraw the same upon the payment of a certain sum of mon9y by the applicant. It Is rumored that If this mat ter Is gone Into very deeply a prominent -anti-saloon worker or two will be Involved. as well as a few attorneys. Brian Returns from Idaho. State Treasurer Brian has returned to Lincoln after his trip to Idaho, where he picked up some Idaho state bonds for Ne braska Investments without paying a cent to a middleman. The bonds will pay the state 4 per cent. Permit to Lower Rates. Permission was granted by the Nebraska (Hallway commission today to the Rock Island to establish short line rates In this state, subject to the usual rule that Inter mediate points be given the same or better rates. Thla la the third road to get such a permit, the Northwestern and the Mis souri Pacific having applied previously. Dividend on Failed Bank. Receiver Whittemore of the failed CHI sens' bank of Firth made a report today announcing that a dividend of 70 per cent to depositors la available. There Is cash on haYid of $74,074. The receiver believes an additional 5 per cent dividend will be possible when he Is able to realise on the property of W. J. -Crandall, the cashier, whose disappearance caused the closing of the bank. EXAMINERS VISIT NORMAL SCHOOL State Board Spends Two Days Inspect ing Work at Pern. PERU, Neb.. May 1. (Special.) The 8tate Board of Examiners which, under the new law governing the issuance of state certificates to graduates of Normal schools and colleges, spent yesterday and today 4n Peru in Inspecting every depart ment of the State Normal school at this place. The law fixes Peru as a standard upon wtiich the work of the private nor mals and denominational colleges is to be measured so far as they are to Issue state certificates under the new law. This board, consisting of Superintendent E. B. Sherman of Columbus, Superintendent C. A. Fulmer of Beatrice and Principal Cora O'Connell of Ashland epent two whole days Inspecting tjie actual work done at Peru. They gave 4he graduates of both the train ing and Higher courses a most rigid per sonal examination as to date of entry Into the school, time studies have been pursued, previous preparation In both grades and high school, experience, efficiency In work done here and general fitness for profes sional work as teachera This rigid In spection wss made In order to ascertain just the work being done here so that the same standard may be maintained In the other schools of the state Issuing state cer tificates to their graduates under the new law. Superintendent J. L. McBrlen aald today that under the new law no graduate of other schools doing normal work will receive a certificate unless recommended by this board as having completed a course equal In every respect to that completed by the Peru graduates. Members of the faculty and students took great Interest in this Inspection, as they are proud of the high entrance requirements and standards maintained hers. Flewe Flarht With Wolves. TABLE ROCK. Neb.. Mar 1. (Special -With some three Inches of snow on the ground yesterday morning wolf hunters thought It an Ideal day for rapturing a couple of wolves which rendeivom on the high bl'.:ff three miles south of town a short distance above the Nemaha river. The chase was aoon In progress and one of the dogs being much In advance of the rest came up to end attacked two wolves TRAINED NURSE Ssemarks About Hoortahtng rood. "A rhyslclan's wife gave me a package of Grape-Nuts one day. with the remark that she was sure I would find the food very beneficial, both for my own use and for my patients. I was particularly at tracted to the food, as at that time the weather was very hot and I appreciated the fact that Grape-Nuts requires no cook ing "The food was dellclously crisp, and most inviting to the appetite. After mak ing use of It twice a day for three or four weeka, I discovered that It was a most wonderful tnvigorator. I used to suffer greatly from exhaustion, headaches and depression of spirits. My work had been very trying at times and ladlgestion had aet In. "Now I am alwaya well and ready for any. amount of work, have an abundance of active energy, cheerfulness and mental polae. I have proved to my entire satis faction that thia change haa been brought about by Orape-Nuta food. "The fact that it Is predlgested la a very desirable feature. I have had many remarkable reaulta In feeding Orape-Nuta to my patients, and I cannot speak too highly of the food. My friends constantly comment on the change In my appearance. I have gained pounds since beginning the uae of thla food." 'There's a Reason," Read. The Road to WeUrlUe," la pace. PEABJO GOING SCHMOLLER. 1311 and 1313 Farnam (Lace Curtain and Portiere Sale" l J II ' t 1 --'" 4- o 4- v r -( T --- iiff nirr r - r Tt S ' The largest stock of Lace Curtains and Por tieres ever shown in Omaha will be placed on ' on sale beginning MONDAY, MAY 6TH. These goods were purchased from an importer who was obliged to have the cash we bought them at a saving of from 4 to i. The entire purchase goes on sale exactly as it was bought with only our one small profit added. SEE SUNDAY'S PAPERS FOR PARTICULARS SfflUfB, STEWART k EEATHM when a fierce battle ensued and tbe dog cams near losing- hla life, aa the battle raped until the hunters came within twenty feet of them. The wolves, which were larger than any ever aeon hereabouts, took their departure and aa none of the boys had a un the animals eaally escaped. Two young wolvea were captured. NEBRASKA CITY PEOPLE ANGRY Reprisals Mar Be levied on Railroad I'nless New Depot la Bnllt. NEBRASKA CITY, May 1. (Special.) For marry years the people of this city have been demanding of the Burlington a new station building at this point. Last year plans were drawn for a new depot, which did not meet the approval of the citizens and through the efforts of the Commercial club new plans were made and the promise g'en that during the coming summer the UtDot would be erected. This was very satisfactory to the people and all were patting the Burlington on the back. But' now comes a letter to John V. Btelnhart, president of the Commercial club, in which Mr. Hoidrege says: I doubt the possibility of obtaining an appropriation for the proposed passenger station in your city. Investors are so dis inclined, under present circumstancps. to fiut money Into railroad securities, that It h Important that nil of the railroads should know more definitely what. If any, not revenue can be secured under the new laws, before making lr vestments that are not sbsolutely necessary. I am sorry that it aeema to be necesHary to postpone the construction of this building. This letter Is far from meeting the ap proval of citlxens and many of the business men favor adopting the plan of York shutting off all patronage until the com pany grants the favor promised. The Com mercial club will take up the matter at its next meeting. As this is the best com mercial point on the line outside of Omaha and Lincoln, a little heroic treatment would cost the company more than two depots. Lively Time at Council Meetlaar. FREMONT, Neb., May 1. (Special.) There waa a big turnout at the city council meeting laat evening and a great display of oratory over the matter of closing I'latte avenue between Ninth and Tenth atreeta for the benefit of the Fremont Normal achool. The whole matter finally went over to an adjourned meeting to be held next week. Fifteen aaloon and five drug etore llcmaea were granted. There waa some opposition to Henry Thompson's petition, but there being no remonstrance on file It went through. The paving contract which had been awarded to Turner of Cedar Rapids. Ia., was declared forfeited and waa awarded to Hugh Murphy of Omaha at X96 per yard, XI centa for curb ing and 10 centa for moving curb. The reports of Water and Light Commissioner Mathews showed that for the past year the plant had paid running expenses and left a profit of over 5,0u0. The council decided to rebuild the light and water plant at Its present location. New Dssk at Kearney. KEARNEY, Neb., May 1. (Special.) Al though handicapped by not having been able to get regular fixtures in place, tha Commercial National bank opened for busi ness Wednesday morning, with Jemporary flxtures In place, In the banklng'room in the opera house block. Thla bank at arts out with a paid up capital stock of JluO.OoO and with tha men who are back of It will no doubt do their share of the banking bualneaa of the community. Widow Geta No Damaaea. BEATRICE, Neb., May 1. (Special Tele gram.) Alter being out all night the Jury In the S5.0CO damage suit of Mra. Jennie Burna against G. H. Johnson, lessee of the Paddock opera house, and the managers of the Paddock Hotel company for the death of her husband. Charles Burns, an actor, who was killed on the evening of August 7, 1. by falling from the rear of the Paddock atage, brought In a verdict for tha defendanta. "ne evidence ahowed that Burna Insisted that the door leading to tha alley from tke stage be opened on account of tha extreme heat, and that soon after Ms request waa granted by the stag PRICES DOWN We know Hint when you find out what womlorful iano values we are goiii to offer for the next few weeks that you will lose no time in calling on us or writ ing for catalogue. Never before were such prices quoted on pianos as we are making at the present time. Wo sell you a new upright piano for $I.'?8, $148, $158, $1(8. Slightly used pianos from $55 to $150. $2 cash and $1 per week thereafter will bring n beautiful piano to your home. Why not have one sent up today! Write for special bargain list. Pianos moved, tuned and repaired, by expert me chanics. Telephone Douglas 6'2o. & MUELLER St, 413-15-17 SO. 16th STREET hands he fell to his death through the open ing. The case was bitterly contested and will probably be appealed to the supreme court. Workman Killed In Dltcb. TEKAMAH, Neb., May 1. (Special Tele gram.) Scott Miner, oge 87 years, who has been employed on the tiling machine putting In drainage dltchea north of this place waa killed thla afternoon by being burled in one of the trenches. Miner waa laying tile In the trench, when the bank caved In and waa smothered to deuth before he could be gotten out. The deceaaed leaves a wife and three children. Newa of Nebraska. BM'E HILL At the election for the $75,0u0 bonds for a new court house on Tuesday the proposition was dereateo. BKATH1CK The Gage County Holiness association convened here today for a two days' aesa4on. The meetings will be held In La Sella Street Methodist church. West Beatrice. NKIIRASKA CITY-An attempt was made to rob Allen Bros.' store, but the burglara were frightened away. They man aged to get into ihe basement, but could not get onto the (lrst floor. ARLINGTON The Chicago 4 Northwest ern rallroud haa a large force of men busy putting a floor down in the atock yards at this place. Old ties are being used for flooring. Tills is a grod Improvement, as the yards were often muddy for weeks. LKIGH Mrs. Alice Forney, wife of W. M. Forney, died at her home in Leigh yesterday at 1 o'clock of paralysis. Thti deceased had been a long sufferer and was confined to her bed almost constantly for the laat year. She leaves a husband and four children. ARLINGON Prof. Emerson of the Btate university and two assistants are making some experiments In spraying fruit trees at the Arlington nursery. Lent year "where the treea were sprayed the fruit whs free from acab and of a better quality than the unsprayed trees. NEBRASKA CITY Roy Patterson had a cloae call from being burned to death. He waa out In hla orchard and struck a match on the aeat of hla trousers and soon all his clothes were on fire. His wife waa with him and with her assistance the fire was put out before much damage was done. ARLINGTON The farmers along the Elkhorn river are much Intereated in the scheme to atralghten the crooked river. Of course, much good land would be ruined In doing so, but this would be a good thing In the long run. sa the river could fall quicker and would not be changing lta channel so often. BEATRICE Following is the mortgage report for Uage county for the month of April: - Number of farm mortgagee filed, Tt. amount, t6,210; number of farm mort gages released, iS, amount, M,0. Num ber of city mortgages tiled, 40; amount, io.ttll, number of city mortgages leloaaed, go; amount. iM.XA. ALBION Yesterday the cornerstone of the new Catholic church was duly p.aced in position with appropriate ceremonies. There was a large attendance, imurf com ing from a distance. When completed this church will be one of the tlncm in thia part of the state and will cost In the oMgh Lorhoud of fju.wo. UEATIUCtt-John Jobman, living a few Allies that of the city, made the discovery yesterday that the green bug was at work in his wheat Held. On one stalk of wheat that he pulled up he counted twenty-threo parasites. He says that, although they are only beginning to hatch out, they have done considerable damage. FREMONT County Judge Stlnson has handed down a decision In the case of the village of Bcrlbner against the Moyune Tea company to recover a license fee of 12 per day fur taking orders and selling goods, holding the ordinance void on the ground that the tax Is prohibitive. The case waa strongly contested and may reach RROW CUtritS tatUBA BUAfTfa tut Collar cuan.iuaai t ca. .euaiei at tiarn tatais PIANO CO. Established 1859 the supreme court before It la finally de cided. BEATRICE At a special meeting of tha city council last evening the offer of H. C. Spiller & Co. of Boston, Maaa., to Bell ',.) of 8 per cent bonds, due in iS'JO, fur 3,to0, or 79 cents tn the dollar and Inter est, was accepted and the clerk was or dered to draw a warrant on the treasurer for the purchase. The matter of granting a saloon license to Uavld Olesbrecht waa brought up, but action waa deferred to the next regular meeting. NEBRASKA CITY Postal Inspector Swift, who lias been In the employ of the government longer than any one else In Nebraska, was badly Injured sometime ago In a wreck near Chicago and came home to rest. Sunday he went to Chicago to report for duty, but before he reached there h was In such condition that the government officials sent him home. It will be some time before he will be able to report for active duty. BEATRICE A copy of the Oklahoma City Poet received here contains an artl. cle to the effect that Oeorge A. Murphy of Muskogee, 1. T., a former attorney from this ojty and ex-state senator from Gaga county. Is charged with attempting to de fraud Mattie. Nellie and lick Harrison, colored, out of their lands. Summed up, the petition charges Murphy with securing practically I20.0tiu worth of lands while act ing as attorney for this colored family, and they got less than 13.0UU for It. JAP ROSE bath aoap lathers freely In all kinds of water. For use In HARD WATER lta strongest point. KIRK'By-druggiata, " grocers. k Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Hi tam UMd for ow 8IXTT-PIVK TEARS bf MiU.IONS of MOTHERS (or their C'HII.llREN WH1U9 TEETHING, with PltUFBCT BUCCEKS. It BOOTHR8 tbe CHILD. SOFTENS tbe QVHS, ALLAY til PAIS ; Lt'RKS WIND COUC, and Is the beet remedy ior DIARRHOEA. Bold fcr Drusji.t is every part of th world. Be lure and aes for "Mm, Wlualow'a Soothing Syrup,' and taae no other kind. Twenty.flve eenta a bottle. Guaranteed under toe f ood and Drure Act, June loth. Iu. Serial Number 10M. AN OLD AND WELL TRIED BEMKPT. Poffffrefy Curtt ALCOHOLIC INEBRIETY. OPIUM. MORPHINE COCAINE, AND OTHER DRUG ADDICTIONS. TWENTY-SEVEN TEARS of contlnuoua aucceaa. Printed matt aent In plain envelope upon rednieat. All correspondence strictly confidential. JHE JEELEY NST1TUTE Cor. Twenty-fifth and Casa Bta. Omaha, Neb. HAND SAPOHO FOR TOILET AND BATH Delicate enough for the softest skin, and yet efficacious in removing any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect condition. In the bath gives all thf desirable after-effects of a Turkish bath. It should be oa every wash stand. ALL QROCERS AND DRUOOISTS - M SCHOOLS AM) COLLEGES. Brownel! Hall A Home School for Young Women and Olrls. Htudents holding otirtill -atas cover ing In full the entrance requirements of ' the l"n!v-rliy of Nebraska or of Iowa, are admitted without examination to Jun ior year f advance course. Certificate In college iirt-paratury course ajrnlta to Vsasar, Wellosy. Hmlth, Mt. Kolyoke, fnlveralty of Nebraska. University of Wisconsin and University of Chicago. Exceptional advantage In Music, Art and Ic.mellc Science Well equipped gymna sium and outdoor sports, rituilents moth ered sympathetically by women of large inac'ticsl experience with girls In that highly important formative period between fourteen and twenty-oi)H years of age. bead fur Illustrated Year uwa PIE