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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1907)
THir OMAHA DAILY DEEi THURSDAY, MAY 1007. Great Special Genuine Yoga Silks, regular price 59c, at per yard 25 C 0 An exquisite Summer dress fabric. Yon Mlks are the very height of fashion in wash" ma terials. Beautiful silk lustre; included in the assortment are dainty stripes, pretty plaids, also the popular plain shades, brown, reseda, navy, pink and cream. You must see these poods to know their loveliness. Many of the patterns are confined to Thompson, Belden & Co. in Omaha, and have been sold by us at 50? per yard. Thursday we shall place on sale the entire line at l25c per yard. An excellent opportunity to secure one of fashion's newest fabrics at a low price. Main Floor. See the "M" Waist at Our Infants' Wear Department The "M" Waist pnsBf-ssos all the merit! of any knit waist, and In ad dition hsa io many doslrahle now fea tures that It msk-s InMant .lpneal to every hiother who la looking for the best. This garment Is Indorsed bv physl ral culture experts and mill"al spe cialists. Made In two different welshs. Prices are 15c and J5c each. Main Floor. Special Wai3t Sale Thursday Seventy-five dainty white lawn waists from our own regular stork, which have become a little mussed and soiled, will be sold at $1.25 for 11.96 waists. 11.00 for 13.25 waists. 11.00 for $1.50 waists. Howard Cor. Sixteenth Street liberty men to make sure that they carry ashore no Weapons. In the absence of an explanation to the contrary It Is believed at the Nnvy depart ment that either Ensign Hrlsbln got Into trouble through Interfering In behalf of his men when they were asiHiilted, or that the sailors became Involved through at tempting to succor their officer when he had fallen Into the hands of the police. Report from Magoon Withheld. Secretary Taft lnte tonlnht received a cablegram from Governor Ma goon regard ing the attaok on the American sailors at Santiago yesterday. The provision!) 1 sov ernor la unable to throw much llRht on the affair, but Informs the secretary of war that he Is making a thorough investigation and wlil later submit a report. For fear that Governor Magoon's messnge may be Interpreted and cause criticism of certain kfflclals before all the facts are known Jecretary Taft refuses to make It public. flreaorj- Una it Dig Time. OREdORY, R. I).. May 1. (Special Tel egram.) The May day banquet given In honor of Governor Crawford was a grand affair. Two hundred of Gregory county's cltlsens paid honor to his presence. The celebration waa attended by 5,000 people from all over this part of the country, the day being an ideal one and everyone njoyed the occasion to the fullest. Gov ernor Crawford delivered an address of txtra Interest. The sports consisted of kali playing and wild west, such as roping wild steers, riding wild bronchos, throw trig the lariat and various other sports. Parmer Killed la Well. P1ERRH. 8. r.. May 1. (Special Tele rram.) Arthur Cowan a farmer residing Jhe Task identifies Hie food; i .pV'P"i . 'V " -.t -X-- .if-; ?U mttuctcwwcn.. II i'Y L In t&K&.-i. L. It tooV ten years to perfect the rlelicious flavor and dainty crippness in tke real Toasted Corn Flakes. Ten years mind you 1 And not 81 flake was placed on the market until tOC were satisfied that it was perfect. The public quickly snowed its appreciation. It was suck a delightful change from, tne tasteless, insipid breakfast foods. So tne demand became enormous widespread. Our mills were soon overtaxed. We ran far bekind our orders. Never before bad a food gained eucb popularity in so snort a time. t Tbcn came tbe ever-waiting imitator. In the space of a few weeks tbe market was flooded witb miserable counterfeits. Being wbolly unable called their worthless products Just as good Corn t lakes. outright, tor unfortunately the law does not prevent. But tbere are ways by wbicb you can be absolutely certain of getting tbe genuine. Tbey may fool you once by tbe name; tbey may fool you by tbe package; but tbey Cannot tool you in tbe taste after you once eat tbe original product. And remember THE SIGNATURE OF Identifies TOASTED CORN BATTLE CREEK TOASTED CORN FLAKE CO., (gatJt jrsMi woeid bavs Uta Simmies, turn Tele-plicae fronflat 611 KeacJiM Ail TpartBi9ta. ClcaLrmg Sale Separate Skirts . We are now showing; the arreatest assortment of beautiful new skirts ever shown In Omaha. Styles of our own, and at less price than the com mon ones shown by other stores. See our skirts at $10.50. $12.60, $16 and $18.00. Lovely Coats In silk at $9.50 to $18.00. Stylish coats In white serge at $8.50 and $7.30. Covert Coats at $7.50 to $15. Travelling Coats at $16.50. Special Sale on Ruffled Swiss Curtains Inexpensive and dainty Bdroorn Curtains. Throw away your old ones When you can buy new Curtains at ,)rlres like these: Dee. 6-l-'07 near Harrold, was killed In a well List evening, lie was usHixting In dlgqjng out a well and went down to cleur out the ma terial loosened by a blast and, feeling him self being overcome by gas, asked to be drawn cut, catching the rope for that purpose.. His companions at the top had drawn him up alxiut thirty ftct when his hold gave way and he dropped, striking on his head and breaking hla neck. BALLOON TRIP IS A FAILURE Aeronant Come Donn Xenr Oalcondn, 111., After Ilelnar Driven About by Shirtlnar Currents. OOKCONPA, 111.. May. 1. Captain C. P'F. Chandler. United States signal serv ice, and J. C. McCoy of New York failed to break the long distance balloon record and to win the l.ahm cup. The balloon, which left St. Louts at 7:20 Tuesday evening, landed five miles north of Golconda at 2:30 this afternoon. To have won the I.ahm cup the balloon would have had to go more than 402 miles. Golconda is only 130 miles from St. Louis. Changeable nir cur rents demonstrated to the aeromuts that they could not win the cup and for that reason they made the landing near here. The balloon was brought to Golconda In wogons. McCoy goes with it from here to New York, while Captain Chnndler goes to Washington. Captoin Chandler made the trip for the purpose of making balloon observations for the I'nlted States army. He and Mc Coy, upon leaving St. Louis, hoped thnt the winds would carry them toward Wash ington, D. C, but the balloon took a south erly course Immediately upon leaving the to reproduce tbe flavor, tbe pirates the GENUINE stuaui Thursday 40c RuTfled Swiss Curtains at 19e r pair. 45c Ruffled Swiss Curtains at Z9c a pair. Sdc Ruffled Rwlss Curtains at 43c a pair. 75c Ruffled Pwlss Curtains at B8o a pair. 90c and $1 Ruffled Swiss Curtains it 6e a pair. $1.25 and $1.30 Ruffled Swiss Cur tains at 98c a pair. $1.60 Ruffled Swiss Curtains at $1.19 a pair. $1.75 Ruffled SwIbs Curtains at $1.89 a pair. $2.00 Ruffled Swiss Curtains at $1.4$ a pair. Extension Curtain Rods with fancy ends and brackets complete st 5c each Bargain Square in Basement Remnants of $6-lnch SllkHlfies at, per yard ................... ...,lo OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS. ground. It crossed the Mississippi river and continued southward near th? river some distance when it was driven back into Missouri. It then continued south until near the Arkansas line. At 12 o'clock, noon, today, the balloon hovered over Cape Girardeau, Mo. A west wind there took It across to Illinois. Just before crossing the river the drag rope struck a tree, impeding the progress of the balloon. Ballast was thrown ,out and the balloon rose to an altitude of two miles. The sun came out and It went still higher. It continued east Into Indiana. Here an east wind struck the balloon, driving it Into the clouds. Emerging from the clouds the aeronauts found themselves over the Ohio river near Golconda. They decided to descend.' The balloon wns in the air about nine teen hours. Provisions had been taken for a thlrty-slx-hour trip, and the aeronauts could have remained In the ejt forty-eight hours, liad they been making In one di rection they would have remained' up at least thirty-six hours. Golconda Is in Pope county, Illinois, on the Ohio ttver. It Is 162 miles by railroad from St. Louis and about 130 miles In a direct line. Mtn Move la Tate Case, CHICAGO, May 1 The petition for a writ of habeas corpus by which it wus sought to lelease Fiddle Tate, who waa ar rested here Saturday charged with com plicity in the burglarising of the safe of the Poorla school board, was withdrawn today In tho superior court, . Attorney Her bert Cowdrey appenred before Judge Smith and asked permission to withdraw the pe tition without prejudice. After the petition w hs dismissed A(torney Cov Urpy said that efforts would be made to have a second petition Issued which will be directed 8galnst the sheriff of Cook county instead of Chief of Police Bhlppy, aa was the first one. i juggled witb tbe title Others stole tbe name FLAKES Battle. Creek, Mich. MAY DAY RIOTS IN PARIS Twenty Fenosi Iajnrcd tod Cas Tlsissad Arrttta Art Maae. SHOTS FIRED FROM TOP OF OMNIBUS Satarallsed Americas Rtarta Dlatasb- nce y Shootlna Two Soldiers -Crswi Tries to Irch lllm. rARIS, May 1. The expectation that Mar day M-otild pass off without violence was not realised. The idr began calm, but toward evening In the working Renter In the vicinity of the trades unions' head quarters became the scene of serious dis turbances. In which many persons were Injured. The precautions taken by the authori ties and tl stern determination to repress disorders, however, brought tranquillity be fore midnight. Over a thousand arrests were made during the day, twenty persons badly Injured and a great number of others are suffering from contusions or from being trampled. V During thfij,fternoon Jacob Ij w, a Rus sian, who is a naturalised American, from the top of an omnibus passing the Pla-e de hi Republlque, fired Ave shots, by which two culrraeslers were wounded. The crowd attempted to lynch Law, who was dragged from tho omnibus. He was rescued by the police after he had been severely beaten. Police Charge Crowd. After a meeting at the T,abor exchange 6, 0)0 men proceeded to tho .headquarters of the labor federation, hooting the police meanwhile. Charges were made by th police and a woman fired, the bullet strik ing a member of the bicycle patrol. The squad of police drew their sabres and re volvers and a lively melee followed, lasting half an hour. The police pressed the crowd to the banks of St. Patten's canal, during which 200 arrests were made and many persons hurt. In the Place de la Republlque the police while arresting rioters were surrounded by a threatening crowd which attempted to rescue .those taken Into custody. Sabres were used freely, but finding their position perilous the police fired in the air. A fur ther detachment came on the scene at double quick time, and with drawn sabres chnrged and dispersed the crowd. Many persons were Injured and many placed under arrest. Dispatches received, at the ministry of the' Interior report cAlm everywhere In the provinces, the May day demonstration be ing' confined to meetings and processions, singing revolutionary songs. Orderly Da? In derma ay. BERLIN, May 1. Throughout Oermany May day was Celebrated with varying de grees of enthusiasm. In some towns there were many celebrants owing to local conditions, like strikes or lockouts. Else where the day was observed less generally than ever before. In Berlin the celebration was rather extensive owing to the strike of the wood workers, whloh has lasted three months and a strong strike movement among the bricklayers. pighty assemblages of socialists were announced to take place In Berlin and its suburbs and the police had to close the doors of five halls owing to overcrowding. At all the meetings resolutions In favor of an eight-hour day, urging that children under 14 years of age be not allowed to work In factories, etc.. and demanding an extension of the political and economic rights of the laboring people were adopted. Hnxlness taspended In .Warsaw. . WARSAAV, May 1. The general striks ordered for May day here resulted in a complete tleup of business and raffle,, ffo meat nor bread was obtainable, no street cars appeared on the street, no papers, were printed and stores were closed. . Warsaw today Is practically a military camp. The strong patrols of cavalry and Infantry In the streets In the morning early scattered the crowds which attempted to congregate and prevented any disturbance. ' Job a Rnrns Criticised. LONDON. May' 1. The laboritea cele brated May day In Ixmdon with demon strations and processions en the Thames embankment and elsewhere. The demon strations were orderly. A noteworthy in cident of the day was the rather strong tone of the criticisms of the policy , of John Burns since he became a minister, mainly the complaints made of hla lack of sympathy for the unemployed. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Considerable Increase la Noted ta the Marketla Of Hogs. CINCINNATI. May 1. (Special Tele gram.) Price Current says: The tendency to increase offerings of hogs has continued. Total western packing waa SZ.OOO, against ttC.OJO the preceding week and 476,000 last year. Since March 1 tbe total Is 4,175,000, against 8.MC.0U0 a year age. Prominent places compare aa follows! 1907. 1908. Chicago WS.0-10 8S3.000 Kansas City &S6.000 606.WO South Omaha 8W.010 St. Louis JK7,W n.(XO st. Joseph m.ev Indianapolis B&.0U) IW.OfO Milwaukee -...171.000 113.000 Cincinnati 101.00 M.r Ottumwa 8F.0O0 74.000 Cedar Rapids KU TS.Ofl Sioux City l7.wa IM-OK) St. Paul 146.0) 14.0u0 Cleveland llA.OuO 106,000 COREY - GILLMAN WEDDING Aetreas and Steel Traat President Will Be Married la Nw York, Mar 1 NEW TORK, May 1. Miss Mabelle Olll, who arrived here from Paris on the Kaiser Wllhelm der Orosse, said when seen concerning her reported marriage to Wil liam K. Corey, president of the United States Steel corporation: "I must refuse to discuss my personal affairs. However Important you may regard It for me to gratify the curiosity of inquiring friends and strangers. I am afraid I cannot share you,r view. But I will so far depart from thla resolution to say that Mr. Corey and I will be married in this city on May IS and both Mr. Corey's family and mine will be present That la all." WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Coatraeta Awarded for Work on Bell Foareaa Irrigation Ditch. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, May 1. (Special Tele gram.) The secretary of the Interior has awarded the contract to J. EX Hilton of Belle Fourche, 8. D-. for tbe construction of sections 7 and 8 of the south canal of the Belle Fourche irrigation., project at his bid of $4,0O0. Postmaster appointed: Nebraska Him Creek. Buffalo county, Mark J. J on en, vice C. A. Willi resigned; Ptioenix. Holt county. George Byfle, vice L O. Onburn, resigned. Iowa Clemons. Marshall county, Calvin Dlckann, vice A. Tucker, resigned. Tasks Hela far Kllllac PI&RHia 8. D., May L-W Special Tele gratni.) Juxuce Walters of Stanley county toriay completed the ' preliminary hearing In the case, of which U. A. Tusha Is charged with being the causa of the death of Clyde Whiting by placing dynamite In his stove. Th hearing has taken two days and the defendant has been bound over to the circuit court. NEBRASKA FR0MDAY TO DAY Qaalat aad Carinas Featarea of Life la a Rapidly Orswlag Stat. Now that the most optimistic admit thnt early fruit Is killed, the frost line may re treat to Medicine Hat Joy In Frospeet Oolden eloquence and silver tongues will arrive In Norfolk Mon day evening. It will be bankers' day In town. Norfolk News. Judging by the number of printers wanted In the state, newspaper publishers have full confidence In a continuation of the present days of prosperity. The Nebraska farmer with "ninety-day" seed corn to sell this spring has a chance to make money not excelled In agriculture since Joseph ran a corner on grain In Egypt. That Plattsmouth woman who demon strated her ability to secure A licence for a saloon where her husband had fulled can be called "the better half" without uaa of metaphor. Nebraska City's threat to boycott a rail road unless a new depot Is built this year Is evidence that the acta of the last legis lature are) not considered "confiscatory" In Otoe county. Trouble at Crofton Pete Malone and Roinsh caught the editor and spanked him after the paper came out last week. Darn their pictures, well have to roast them yet Crofton Journal. Girl's Advice to Girls Girls, when you are out driving with a gentleman friend and he buckles the lines together, keep your eye open, there are breakers ahead. Annie Vlo dates In Auburn Granger. Law Enforcement at Walthlll Marshal Bert Carter went a round with a drunk man yesterday morning. The drunk man got sorry, near the finish of the round and wished he hadn't started It. It doesn't pay j to fool with the business end of the law. 1 Walthlll Times. A stranger visited Holdrege and sold ! "dandelion exterminator" by the barrel. ! It waa guaranteed to kill the weeds and .' help the grass; but when the purchasers found the exterminator was nothing but coal ashes there was a "raid" on the stranger, who refunded some money, but kept enough to pay hla fare to the next town. Green bug eats the wheat blade. Frost destroys the fruit. Cholera Is killing hogs. Corn seed will not shoot In April. Grain and stock on market, Quality the best. Everyone Is smiling In the fertile west In November. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Prtlr Cloady and Colder la Nebraska Today ProbnMr Rsls In " North Portion. WASHINGTON. May 1. Forecast of the weather for Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska Partly cloudy , and colder Thursday, probably .rain In north portion; Friday fair and warmer. For Iowa Partly cloudy Thursday, possi bly showers In northwest portion, colder on west; Friday fair, colder In southeast. For Kansas Generally fair Thursday and Frlduy. j For Dakota Rain or snow and colder Thursday; Friday fair and warmer. For Missouri Fair and warmer Thursday; . Friday fair, cooler In north portion. For Colorado and Wyoming Partly cloudy Thursday and Friday. Local Record. mmifESP TiIEE,A.THER BUREAU. ! OMAHA. Vayt 1. Offlc a recorrl ,.f perature and precipitation, compared with the corresponding day of th. Iut tk... '.ear: 1907. 1806. 1906. 1904 Maximum temperature.... 67 71 84 75 Minimum temperature.... 87 53 64 t9 Mean temnerntur at a ct Precipitation no .45 T .00 temperature and precipitation departuros from the nnrninl at rtmuho .1... .. l , and comparison with the last two years: a-. mi iubi iriiifjri lure. ...........,.,.......,07 Deficiency for the day .'in Totnl evreSN nlnre Marph 1 4 Normal precipitation .'. ".IS "inch ienciencv lor me day IK Inch Total rainfall since March 1 1. SO Inches Deficiency since March 1 1.16 inches Excess for cor. period in 196 1.1H Inches Deficiency for cor. period In 1908.. .63 inch Reports from Stations at T P, H, Station and State Temp. Max. Rain- of Weather. I p. n. Temp. fall. Bismarck, snowing 14 66 .04 Cheyenne, part cloudy 38 52 T Chicago, clear 44 46 .M Davenport, cloudy 62 M .09 Denver, clear , 48 64 .' Huron, clear Si 4 .0 Kansas City, clear 64 M .09 T ,1 .. . . - I 1 . . . .ui ui riai, i;itr ,. tro 04 .vt rumaha, clear .. 66 67 .00 Rapid City, cloudy 44 80 .00 Ht I-oiils, clear 62 M .00 St, Paul,- clear 68 00 .00 Bait Dake City, part cloudy 68 82 . 01 Valentine, clear SO 62 .00 Wllllaton, part .cloudy 32 3s 01 T indicates trace of precipitation. U A. WCLiSH. Local Forecaster. Let the diet consist of foods that are nutritious. WHEAT FLAKE CELEXIY is made by a physician and chem ist und leader of the world in pure food products. Its daily use helps to regulate the bowels. to cents a package. Fo sala by all Gro iters if Bridgevork jl llWe make a specialty of crown J Aand bridgework. This is with out a doubt tbe moat beautiful and lasting method of inserting teeth, with out plates. Crowns. 22K 95.00 Bridgework. per tooth ......$5.00 TAFTS DENTAL ROOMS Ult Uuualaa fiuaat. IF i . I Mbv e'aavav w "W Tv I I ? FOKMEHtV iff W lA. B lJ fORMEKLY K Formerly 'SGOnELD ASiaTO. n.iisconnD JJ Wor n.ii 15 IO DOUGIAS ST. Great 300 Coats "','0h 0i Sale Thursday at $3.95 H3S Everyone will appreciate the wonderful coat bargains that we offer for Thursday. The sale embraces 300 garments made of all wool covert cloth black broadcloth fancy mixtures and cravenette cloth .in three-quarter lengths and short jacket styles some are fitted some are box backs and othere are pony coat effects either lined with good satin or unlined. All Are On Sale in Two Lots: Up to $10.00 Values Up to $17.50 Values $3,35 OMAJtA'S FVBB FOOD CEITII SERVICE Courtiiey'a have always been characterized for their Prompt Delivery Service, and are now bet ter equipped than ever, with the addition of new wagons that make our Delivery service wen nign y complete. uur new ouuuruau a lan St Wagon facilitates the deliveries goods to DUNDEE, COUNCIL niXFFS 801TH OMAHA and FLORENCE. This wagon makes Dundee every morning. and H Council Bluffs, Monday Thursday afternoons. South Omaha, Tuesday and Frl- Ej uay uicruuuus. Florence, Wednesday afternoon. ETIPf THC uriYTir Pir.HT B Join the Pure Food Movement. R It begins with common sense and ends at Courtney's. Open an ac- cour May 1st at this Great Pure R Food Center, that is so anxious Q and well equipped to take care ot your daily needs. (tfronrtney & Go M TaL Soaglas 647 Si Private Excnange connects all Depts. LARGE BUYERS til ICOLL'S' buyers are located in the IM principal cloth marts of the world and contract often for the entire out put of a mill that means low prices. A perfect organization of skilled cut ters and competent tailors to look after your order. That means perfect garments. Trousers $5 to $12 Salts $20 to SSO tmUAM J ERR CM 9' SONS, 09.11 So. 15tb 8L SOMETHING: NEW "Weldon Springs," a special brand of finest Kentucky whiskey, bot tled In bond: Full quart bottle f 1-2.1 By the gallon $3.80 Finest California Wines, per quart bottle, at 35c, fiOc and 75c THE QUALITY STOHE CACKLEY BROS. 121 No. 16th St. Doug. 1148 HOTEU GE1IGAG0 BEAGU HOTEL Amerlosn and European Plan Finest Hotel on tho Great Lakes On tbe t6g of tows, this ideal Hotel, spacious, elegant, modern, overlooks Lke Michigan lieacb on two sides, while shaded parks complete tbe beautiful surroundings. The city is but 10 minutes rids from the nearby station. Many families make this tbeir permanent home. Tbere is always a cool breeia in warmest weather. 450 large outside rooms, 250 private baths, 1UO0 teet olbrosd veranda. The table Is always the best. ToarlMesndtrsDtlentgtwats Cod it a delightful place to stop eo roots and rent. Address lor handsomely Illustrated Book let, giving lull parties, lars, M aaarer, Cbicag o Beach Hotel, Mt blvd. aad La. bhore, Cbicaco. rSv i.itt ulr-tjjJn.IJfVLri.JiVLrnlinJ.4--L.g r.scoriELD Sale of 195 DON'T WEAR, YOURSELF OUT Trying to wear out your COLD or GKIF or that mean depressed aching feeling. DON'T BTrrXK AITOTKXB MIHUTE. HOWELL'S AKTI-0rP AWD COLD CAPSULES, OZTB QUICK JsBLXET. They renovate the whole system and make you feel like a new person. Good for old or young. ABSOLCTELY HAHMLKSS. 26o a box, delivered anywhere. HOWELL DRUG CO. 16th and Capitol Ave. FMTlr'?TS hat PROTECT- if 3 bti for I ra ir mi tart n rtptaf IcU. tasii RtMfl lACE Wtihtnrton,0 C Cstab, 186 The Paxton Cafe Largest and Moat Elaborate - I f A 1 Now Serving a Special 50c Noon Day Luncheon Quick and Efficient Service. "QUICK SERVICE Is a very desirable feature In meal ser ving at times no one wants to watt an interminable time. Our facilities and staff of employes permit us to guarantee no long waits. We promise to please you. me CALUMET AMISEMESTS. BOYD'S Vr.r.. MCrs. ATTTRDAT MAT. AJfD ndXT BLANCHE WALSH In Clyde Fitch's Tremendous Realls tlo Play. The Straight Road Burwood SKKS TlftB AJTTEBUrOOir TOITIOKT Why Smith Left Home MATnrZX SATURDAY , Next Week TUB aDTSHTVUI Or LAST UMUU. Every Mlgut atatlaees, Taur Bat., Sua. MODERN VAUDEVILLE MATINEE Any 25c TODAY siHtuu CHILOMB1 1s. TONIGHT :U rRICES-XOc. J6c, 60c KRUG THEATER TOVIOHT 8:15 MAT, SATTTKOAT The Massive HcmjiIo Production Cn the Bridge at Micntghl BT7KSAT TXX COW rTsTCHEB. Lyric Theater f1"S;,0' hvte:ia" RUTH GREY Mats., Tues., Thura. Bat. Prices, mats.. &o; nichta. i-tbe. VINTON ST. PARK OMAHA vs, PUEBLO Apr. 29 and 30. May1and2 GAMES CALLED 3:45 P. & BROS BASE BALL