Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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Want - ads
jtHrrrllarmral, for the want-ad
Knlnmna will he likra II 12 m. for
hr rirnlnt rdltlnn and nntll ft p. m.
for 1 1 " morntnar anil Sunday edlflona.
fash an a at (ronipaur all orders Inr
want-aria aad ao advertteement will
lr accepted for Irea thaa lO cents for
Ihr first Insertion.
Itatea apply to either The Dally or
Innilir Hrf.
Alwnya rogiil all wnrda to a line.
Iflnihlnatlnns of Initials or number
atonnt aa one word.
CASH HTF. i-nn WT-n.
ertlnn, prr liar, IO eenta. Two or
nor, pninernlil, Insertions, prr llnr.
a rrata. Kach Inarrlloaa marir oa odd
alaye, 1 rnti prr llae. t.RO prr liar
prr month.
PFX1fj CLA1FICAT10S If yoar
dvertlaement la Inarrtrd nndrr any
oa of th elnaalncatlona given hrlow.
It will he ennrared at the following
ratrai One Insertion, 4 eeata per
llnei three to sis eonsccotlve laaer
ttona, 8 ernta prr llae each Inaertlont
S eeata per line each laarrtloa. 541
rata per line per month.
bi mini c h'p..
Eirept Agrnta, Solicitors and
Cnwa, Blrda, Dnti aad Pela.
Horara aad Vehlrlea.
j Poultry aad F.gge.
' Piano. Orgnna and Maaleal In
f atrnmeata.
I Typewriters and Icwlai Ma
' ehlnea.
Furnished Rooms.
Fnfornlahed Hiuini.
Hoaaekeeplasr Rooma,
Boardlni end Rooma. . ,
Death and Funeral Notlrea, Tarda of
Tkaaka and l.odar Xotlce. 7 centa
r line for one edition, morning or
Teniae! B reals a Una for each addi
tional edition. Sunday, IO eeata n
llae. No ad taken for leas thaa SO
Want-ad for The Bee may be left
t any of the followlnar drnal atoree
one la "yoar corner dro eclat they
re all branch offleea of The Bee and
yoar ad will be Inarrtrd Jaat aa
promptly aad on the aame ratea aa at
the main office In The Bee bnlldlntr.
Seventeenth and Farnam streets!
A 1 bach. W. C. 40th and Farnam.
Beranck, 8. A., 1402 S. 16th Bt.
Becht's Pharmacy, 720 S. 16th St.
Benson Pharmacy. Benson. Neb.
Bemls Park Pharmacv. 33d and Cuming;.
Blake's Pharmacy. 2818 Sherman Ave.
Caughlin. c. R.. 6th and Pierce St.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, BIS Military Ave.
Cronte, J. B., 31st Ave. and Farnam.
Crlsfey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake.
Cermak, Emll. 1261-6 8. 1.1th St.
K-istman Pharmacy. 4046 Hamilton.
Ehler, F. H. 2S2 Leavenworth.
Foster A Arnoldl. 813 N. 25th St.
Kreytag, John J.. 1914 N. 24th St.
Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy. 2oth and Lake.
Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and
Fuclflc. '
Oreenough. O. A., 106 B. 10th "t.
Oreenough, O. A., loth and Hickory.
Huyden, Win. C, 2920 Farnam Bt.
Hanscom Park Phar., 1601 8. 29th Ave.
Hoist, John, 84 North 16th St.
Huff. A. L.. 2M4 Leavenworth St.
King, H. 8., 2238 Farnam St.
Kountrse Place Pharmacy, ,4 J" 4th
Patrick Drug Co., 16204 N. 24f, st
lAthrop, Chus. E.. 1324 '24th St
Peyton. L. E., 24th a nL Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drue- Co.. ?4M, a a ..-
Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 19th and
SchHefer, August. 2631 N. lffth St.
Pchmklt J. :, 24th and Cuming ts.
Storm Pharfnucv iv, a -.v. n.
Walnut H'll Pharmacy, 40th and Cumin.
Jim ii Jt ";" t. ana ttrace His.
Wlrth. O. H., 40th and Hamilton Bts.
J y The following blrtha and deaths were
reported to the Board of Health rinrini ih.
twenty-four hours ending Wednesday noon:
Au liih . o. uhy, AAJH twcatur, boy
Ben Brader. 270a Smith v. k
Frank Freeman, 9ti4 North Twenty-eighth
venue, boy; William K. Faote, 1111 South
STPW1"- "trl: 8muel Goldsmith,
1H1S North Twenty-second, hoy; Anthony
Jjeermaker. Omaha Genertl hAmitai k.. .
George Leydecker, 20 Hickory, boy; Ernest
j"";1 iiunn iwenty-nrtn avenue,
boy; Nuthen IJneman, 1720 South Thir
teenth, girl; J. Harry Light. W7 South
Boulevard avenue, bov- c v u..v..m
fc0 Merldlth, boy; William O'Connor. 4513
v.imi, ibtj, risrman nnuits, 8312 South
XW,eJ?tr"uth.',1r,: Markl Volovlo, 1214 South
Thirteenth, boy,
Doatha Fred Warner. Benson, 71; Rich
ard Smith, Douglas County hospital. 28;
J. W. KlmbeHv 1009 Un... 6, . ,
Modaase. 1464 North Eleventh, '; Sylvester
Ii. Uiclrraan, Fourteenth and rr,nni
Varenue, 27.
marriage: licenses.
i ....
The following marriage licenses bar been
Name and Residence. Age
Boy Barker. Clatonla, Neb 26
Alma R. Albert. Clatonla, Neb 20
Poren O. Sorsnson, Klmballton, la 27
WartUja Nelson, Klmballton, la 21
Walter O. Lyman, Omaha 30
Vera I. Hemming, Omaha
Hubert W. Anderson, Omaha M
Alice M. Livingstone, Giltner. Neb. 24
utm Mcwair, jr.. Ames, Neb 24
Ada Kurger, Ames, Neb -a
John Saalfeld, South Omaha 48
august MCMaaters. South Omaha. 85
Julius Nlelson, Plattsmouth $3
puma jrerun, umaiia.
Beach eairrp. No, 1424. M. W. A. Nalrbnnr.
re requested to be present at the regular
rnaetlng Friday, May 8. Very Important
iwtne. W. D. WOOD, Consul.
IVTAXXi PAPER Cleaned. Douglas S23.
fTHIl CTTT OARBAOB CO., office 4th and
V, AVE. JOUglSS 13B7.
(1 108
IQN FAIHTING-a. H. Cole, 1M Douglai
. U 104
SVILBOW hasga paper, quick, clean; naoer
cleanins; a pecUitjr. TeL Webster 27ii.
U 113 Ml
vn uuu-Aiairauaa ' wonder a grass
seed perfeotly haxdy in every reapect.
grows where bluagrass falls. Perfect
velvet lawns guaranteed. Price. 3D cents
par pound. Dr. A. II. Miller. P. O. Box
u Mass io
SURVEYING Thou Douglaa 7399
(D-M408 M4x
OMAHA Safs and Iron Works make a spe
cialty of Cra aaoapes, shutters, duors and
102 a loth 8t
(1 103
1908 Thomas Flyer, 40-H.-P.. full euuipmsnt:
oost $3,760. now $
1 pope Toledo, Type 7. top and full
vuiuvui, wi 4, iov, now ii.yuu.
19 Keo. uaud 60 nillea: mul 11 nw ti mi
l Rao, top ard full equipinaiu;' cost tl'.MA.
now tC
l1 White Steamer; cost U.M0. now TOO.
- - - - - - , " ,,uw
oie-Waverly Eltn-trlo runabout, uo.
uii carnaia Bt-
I'TOMOHIIA t-cyllnder, lt-horse-power
ruivavuoui, iwo sa new, win trade 1
real estate. 1 N. P. Dodge 4k Co., 1714
taroaia ck. Uj M464
FOR 8ALH Jay 22-horsvpower Rambler
. touting car; cap top, curtalna and ajuip
niMt cost $l.oul. lwi model, only uaad I
months. Will sell fur $ J. C Hutexn,
. ta . ih bt. ci-t $
WRITE for list of bargains In second-hand
automobiles. Fredrlukson, 15"2 ( hp, Ave.
(2) M9U M13
Al'TO for sale; aeennd-hnnd Rambler, 1 fi
ll. P., In good condition; had best of care.
Price, $;j0. Mrs. C. P.. Horton, 1.12 N.
SPth St. VI) M lul MyS
10.56 ACRKS, suitable for platting, between
Omaha and Council Bluffs; for sale for
I iii) per acre.
XV seres. Hubbard Co.. Minn.; exchange
flmuhs or f'oitnr-ll Ttlnffs
I 25-room hotel, ateam-heated and furnished;
tichnr.Ke for giod farm In Iowa or Ae
traska. Iii.n.
ALVA SMITH CO., Council Bluffs.
CJl 543 MAX
lit) ACRKS, 6 miles from Schell City. Ver
non counly. Mo.; fi acres under cultiva
tion; good building; i.rlce, S0 per acre;
Incumbrance, J2.X; will exchange for fun
eral merchandise. Globe Land and lnvtU
ment Co.. liTi Farnam bt.. Omaha.
WILL KXCHANGK one year's music les
sons on any lnxtrument for Job printing
or advertising In any locality. Address
A 100. Bee. (8)-M162
FOR EXCHANGE ISO acres near Orchard,
Antelojw county. Neb.; price. $17.50 per
acre. 320 acres six miles from O'Neill,
Holt county, Neb., improved; price, 120 per
are. Will exchange either or both of
above farms for merchondlse or hardware.
We also have several income properties in
Omaha to exchange for merchandise or
hardware. Globe lnd and Investment
Co., 1822 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
EXCHANGES If you have city property,
mocks of goods, farm land or property of
any kind to exchange, write for our com
plete list. We have properties and lands
In all parts of the country to exchange.
Our list la free. Fend for it at once.
Globe Land and Investment Co., 1S22 Far
nam St.. Omaha, Neb. (3 10S
C. J. CANAN, 701 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha,
$:!0,Ouo Highly Improved residence prop
erty in the most dexirable residence part
of city, all clear, for a ANenrusKa rancn.
(3) M306 M17
A NEW blltrite cash carrier of five sta
tions, for nale, or will exchange for cam
. - . it. Ii T i .i . . U
( N. D. (3) M3W My4x
SOME good Omaha property to trade for
land or merchandise, nu b. tan bi.
(S M321 Mo
46-ACRE fruit farWi, worth $3,000, to ex
change for small' home near good town.
E. 11. Condit, Plattsmouth, Neb.
(3 M996 2x
TRADES! TRADES! If you have any
thing that you don't want and will traoe
It for something else, write us. We can
match anything. Kelly Investment Co.,
2-' Neville Block, Omaha, Neb.
(3) M4S8 M4
FOR SALE or exchange, automobile 2-
cvllnder. 16-horepower. cost 11. wv gooa
as new. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam
St. (3)-M463
PRINTERS-I have a large Job press, al
most new, don't need It In my business,
but do need two small Gordon Jobbers,
and will trade and give or take boot;
let's trade. Address S 215, care Bee.
(3) M'JOB 6
A NICE south front lot on W. Farnam St..
valued at $X, to trade for about 30x
feet lot close In, or automobile; will pay
difference If necessary 641 Paxton Block.
(3) M602 6
or general merchandise; ri;ht here In
best part of Nebraska; write full descrip
tion first letter; professional traders need
not answer. Addjss Owner. Box 243,
Madison. Neb. . ' 3) M596 6x
FOR SALE Flrst-class blacksmith and
wagon work business, with tools; $4 to $S
received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set
ting tires. Address Y 129. Bee. (4) 109
THE stock of the Bertha Consolidated Min
ing Co. Is being subscribed for very rap
idly; 100,000 shares only at 15c. Open
evenings. '
ABBOTT Jt BEVARD, 204 Neville Bldg.
(4) 700 1
Your attention, please. Are you looking
for something goodT We have the best
ride' line you ever handled; no selling or
samples; all you do Is recommend. It's a
money maker for you. Address Lock
Box 738. Omaha. Do it now.
. (4) M92S M18
FOR SALE $4,000 Jewelry stock; can re
duce to suit ouyer. t-enaer rceanv L.O.,
Pender, Neb. (4) M812 My8x
FOR SALE My stock of general mer
chandise. In good condition, located In
frood live town; will either sell or lease
luildlng; terms reasonable; wish to re
tire from business on account of falling-
health. For particulars call or write
J. R. Young. Lodge Pole, Neh.
(4) M4ti0 Mylftx
MUSIC teachers" local locations bought,
sold. Perfleld Piano Co- 1611 Farnnm,
Omaha. (4) M163
$1,000, $2,800 AND $4,000. WESTERN HO
BTREET, ROOM 8. (4) MdB9 My23x
WANTED $10,000 to Increase an estab
lished business that nets 60 per cent
profit; t viks open for examination; nice,
clean bt.slnesa; goods direct to Jobbers.
Good position goes with Investment If
desired. Can show that this Investment
will double Itaeir in six months. Ad'
dress for appointment, A-217 care Bee.
(4) Mii26 I
HAVE 100 acres fine farm land near Bur
lington, coio., 10 trans ror rrnana lots or
residence; casn vaiue iana, ii.noo,
V.V1T.A mti g. nuAtiixf
Phone Red 11M. 1614 ifamey Bt.
(4) M668 7
large iwniory, guoa water, complete out
fit, good trade, extracts and repairs for
season. Must sell. Price. $1,000. Address
O'Neill, Bottling Works, O'Neill, Neb.
(4) M592 9x '
MR. F. H. KNIGHT, general manager of
the Bertha Consolidated Gold Mining Co.,
will be at our office to present this prop
erty's proposition. Office open evenings.
ABBOTT BEVARD, 201 Neville Blng.
(4) 701 X
FOR BALK or trade, restaurant, hotel, fix
tures complete, with soda fountain; only
hotel lea cream parlor In town; a chance
for some one to step into business with
house full of boarders; $225 buys all.
Rent cheap. M. P. Larson, Trent. 8. D.
(4) M662 7x
WANTED A party to buy out a flrst-class
stock of furniture In the best town on
the Elkhorn valley; best of reasons for
selling. Wiener Furniture Co., Wlsner,
Neb. (4-Al360
FOR BALB Two-chair barber shop, with
bath room and cigar stand, with new two
story building r- only shop In town of $00.
Ben CaJllson. Hit land. 8. D.
(4) M2B1 MySx
FOR BALE 'Formula for manufacturing a
household necessity; small capital re
quired; big pro tits. Address) N M. Bee.
(4 M764 4x
FOR BALE Meat market In a town of
3. two population. Call on or address J. J.
Johnson, Wahoo, Neb. (4 742 13x
FOR BALE 100 shares Omaha Nebraska
Central railway stock, cheap. Address
P 1. care Bee. (4 M4S4 My4x
HOTEL business and furniture for sale;
best house, thrifty county seat town.
D. R.-Hughes. CUy Center, Neb.
(4) MU8 My4x
BTOCK of merchandise. Invoices $0,000 or
$7.i; sale $3.ij per month. Call Dr.
Ward. Kuiage Bldg. () 646 M4
FOR SALE Stock of Jewelry, fancy china
ware, silverware, etc., and store fixtures
Uood chance for a wideawake Jeweler.
i. K, Jensen. Trustee, Elk Point. S. D.
(4S-.242 My3x
FOR SALE A good bakery and confec
tionery business; bakery haa a good
brick oven; doing a fine business In a
live town, and poor health Is reason 'or
selling; will bear cloae personal investi
gation. Addrea George Bird. Sterling,
Colo. (4-M24s My3x
HALF INTEREST In hardware an! im
plement buslneoa for sale; good businens;
will require $4.fcX to handle same. Write
Box $s. Nelson, Neb. (4-U
BUSINESS CHANCE Invest $1 per week
for st weeka or 3 caah and clear $w;
absolute sa.fe.ty guaranteed by all banks.
aUorabeat aUg. Ce, Loa Angeles. Cal.
uJ-iiaU Jistt
rfffFTS H In J 'H I iiilft I
Whatever you have to sell-you must
Do You Wish to Make a CliangeT
If you have a farm, home, business or
property that you want to sell or ex
change, write us.
Omaha, Neb. ...
(4)-664 M7
809 New York Life Bldg.
Omaha, Neb. (4)m
DRl'O stores for sale everywhere. F. V.
Kniest, 707 N. Y. L.. Omaha. (4) 111
FOR BALE A 4-year lease of brick store
building, consisting of basement, first and
second Moors; the rooms are 44x86 feet;
this building Is located In central busi
ness part of a live town In central Iowa,
with a population of 23,000; the building
Is now occupied as a dry goods store,
would sell the stock to party who would
lease If they so desire. For particulars
address Box 41, Florence, Wis.
(4) M601 7x
TO BUY or sell any business or real es
tate, call on or write E. O. Oangestad.
0 Bee Bldg. (4)-0
WANTED To trade for stock of goods;
have a good farm. Address Y 245. Bee.
WANT a second-hand automobile; have
some land to trade. Address Y 243, Bee.
FOR SALE A paying saloon, located on
one of the best corners In Sioux Falls, S.
D. Address 134 Phillips Ave., south. Sioux
Falls. S. D. (4)-M975 M2x
TV A VTL-D Tniin man with 1200 Cash tO
manage branch office of Incorporated rem
1 . 1 ..rt Linttv
esiaie company; exui'imnn ,'j'n,nivj'
Address E 87, care Omaha Bee.
(4) M717
WE will keep open evenings to aceommo
date purchasers of Bertha Consolidated
Gold Mining Co.; 100.000 shares only at loc.
ABBOTT At BEVARD, 204 Neville Bldg.
(4) 702 1
ONLY hotel In good live Nebraska town of
1.200. New modern brick building, forty
rooms. Evervthlng flrst-class. Price
$?,7t)0. Has cleared more than this yearly
the last three years. Rent reasonable.
Peterson Bros., 5J3 Bee Bldg. (4)-897
FOR SALE Flrst-class blacksmith shop In
thriving western town; doing good busi
ness; reason, am no smith myself; will
stand inveetlgation; fine climate. Ad
dress Box 64, filioshonl, Wyo.
(4) M230 My6x
FOR 8 ALE A nice, clean stock of Imple
ments and buggies and harness. In a good
town in southeastern part of Nebraska;
last year's sales $20,000; no competition In
either line; this business will bear In
vestigation... Address Y 95, care Bee.
(4) MTSi Myzx
WfiR RALTCFirht-claas confectionery and
Ice cream parlor, complete, in tne Dest
town In the state; good reasons tor sell
ing. C. Alexander, Sioux Falls. S. D.
(4) M973 M2x
Investment Dept. western Ket. nona
Ass n. Inc.. suite 721-723 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(4 584,
A LADY In a rooming house business
wishes partner wun smau capital, ao
dress M 211, care Bee. (4) 68 lx
FOR BALE Restaurant and lunch coun
ter; best location in cuy; uargain il boiu
ai once, i-nune xveu aw.
(4) 628 2x
TO BUY or sell any business or real es
tate quick, write or see iiiiarem, uiu nee
Bldg. wmm
Advertising; Supplies.
,1,1 rriTin , haw the Inrtreat line
ItJliMf JJliirili of calendars, both DO-
MESTIC and IMPORTED, ever submitted
to the advertising trade. Before placing
your order, we invite -your Inspection of
our exhibition room, 1218 Harney St.,
where also can be found Advertising
Supplies and Novelties of every descrip
tion tbut will bring results.
(5)-M324 m5
T. E. BRADY, Probate Att'y, 609 Bee Bldg.
(5) 226 Myli
Civil Engineers.
I G. Hicks, surveying, 439 B.Trade, Omaha
(5) 106 Ml
Chiropodist. "
DR. ROT, R- Ifl605 Farnam Bt Doug. 6197.
O. C. SIMMONS, 416 So. 16th.
(6)278 MylS
to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. -
(5) 117
Carpet Cleaning,
SEND yonr carpets to N. A. Chrtstenson dc
, V I'l , V- Oft,,, at tlV.An. 11-.. IlVA
DOIt, A A A1. SVVAA b. A uviiv HCU,
(5) 113
la. Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam.
CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Works. Mak.
Ing over and relaying carpets. Also rug
weaving, ltith and Leav. TeL Doug. 663.
(5) 116
AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor,
1110 a, zttn u, uoutn crmana.
(5) M770 MS
P. J. CREEDON Ac BONS, general con
tractors. Office and factory, 4&th and
Dodge. 'Phones, liar. 2160 and Red 140.
(6) M638
BAILEY ft MACK, Sd fl. Paxton. D. 10S5.
KOTETtA CO., 1506 Jackson. Dong. 207.
(6) 119
HESS SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam.
L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farn. Tel. D. 1253.
J. H. BATH, 1628 Harney. Tel. Doug. JuiO.
(5 t;a
FURS cleaned, stored and repaired. O E.
8hukert, 313-315 S. 16th. practical furrier.
(to M449 M6
W. 8. HEATON American furnaces; tin
work. 1M. Farnam St. Tel. Doulns S-'xJ
(51-M7H8 M22
German Consnlate.
OTTO BIEM8SEN, correspondent notary
public, 4 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. D. S63
(5)-M4 Mil
THE fichlttx, European, 16th and Hamey.
(5) M370
BT. J AM Ed Rates, $1 and $1 25 per day.
41t a 13th. iip-Thi Mil
Honso Cleaning.
JOHNSON cleans carpet a washes windows,
scrubs floora. TsL Douglas t-.m.
( M M3
And you cannot advertise it in any other paper as
widely for the same cost as you can in The B$e.
Ineor porn tors.
MER. Incorporating Co., 426 N. T. L.
Jewelers aad Watchmakers.
N. P. 8TILLING-Wstch, clock. Jewelry
repairing, 2 & I Paxton BIk. Tel. D. 4;W7.
(.1) 1J4
A. OOODSON, masseur, treats stiff lolnts,
rheumatism, nervousness. B"6 Ware Blk.
Tel. Doug. 64. (5) M168 Mo
LARGEST and finest assortment of trees
and shrubs In the city. Crescent Nur
sery. Sales ground. 21st nnd Farnam.
'Phone Webster 3367. (5) M560 M7
FAIRBL RY NCRSERY CO. has shipped to
their sales ground st Benson two car
loads of shade and ornamental trees. Y
carry a large assortment of ornamental
shrubs and rose bushes; also a largo as
sortment of fruit trea and small fruit.
We have located at Benson to stay. Call
for E. J. Dolph or P. i. Flynn. Tel.
Benson S961. -5) 3V7 Mix
SHADE trees, shrubs and fruit trees. F. R.
Martin, 18th and Douglas. Tel. D. 7302
(5) M6S2
SO MAPLE trees for sale, 49th nnd Ham
ilton. (6)-M730 6x
JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. Y. I Tel. D. 1664.
Dr. Bowser, over 1500 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370.
(5) M40 M19
DRS. RINGLER, 806 Neville. Tel. Red 6467.
(&) MbW M8X
C. B. TRUSSELL, 115 South JMh St.
(5) 687
FRENCH and artistic .photographers. 210
a. 14th Bt. .' (5) 7i ot;i
Plemblng and Heating.
T. F. BALFE, plumbing, gas and electric
fixtures. 1907 Howard. Tel. Doug. 743.
(5) M703 JullO
LTNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty.
; 118 N. 16th St. Tel. Douglaa 1477.
(5) &7fl ma
JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 6380.
(6) 126
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order,
don't fall to see our elegant Imported line.
Lyngstad A Jorve, printers, 16 & Cap. ave
(6) 127
THE ACORN PRESS-Prlnters of Quality.
We make those Imitation typewritten let
ters that look like the original. Price
right. Tel. Doug. 991. 1218 Harney.
(6)-S5 May
printing at lowest prices. 110 8. 17th St.
Tel. DOUg. 8959. (t) M8S Myi3
600 BUSINESS cards, $1; 10.000 printed en
velopes, good stock, for $10; other work
at same rates. Get our estimates and see
our samples of work. Call at room 32.
U. B. Nat'l Bank Bldg., or 'phone Douglas
4503. (0) syt Myi7
School Fornltnre.
OMAHA School Supply Co., 1621 Howard.
(6-22o M14
Silver Plating.
Omaha Plating Co., 1220 Harney. Doug. 2636.
- (a) ait
Stove Storage.
CiTrtVF.S STORED Hughes, Btove Rep.
DAV -- Works. Tel. Douglas 7156
(6) M762
Ttim Tnrllnir Palmist of Omaha.
Rovelnttona of oast and future described.
Parlors 113 8. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store,
(IB) la
Fprlng Term Now Open.
ounnniiKn and TYPEWRITING.
DAI AMD INllitll.
Catalogue free. H. B. BOYLES. Prej.
Omaha. Neb. 1 M170
Agents and Sajeeladlea.
ACTIVE Catholic lady; also assistant, to
represent manufacturer, leaving sam
ples; $3 per day; easy. State nationality,
religion, ivngwaii, o jaaesiae uing., ni
cago. (1) M-07 x
EXPERIENCED lady solicitors; easy
seller; $3 to $b a day. 6-0 N. X. Lire.
(7)-M740 2x
Clerical aad OfOee.
WANTED Experienced lady clerk for dry
goods store. write, staling experience
and wages wnnieu: give rriercuuea. au
dress Lock Box Zo. Miner, a. u.
Factory and Trades.
WANTED Girls to work In-csndy factory.
The Voegele A Dinning Co., 1316 Jones St.
(() JUIU5
GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Company,
2024 Farnam Bt. - (7) 129
WANTED Machine girls.
Laundry, 211 8. 11th Bt.
City Steam
(7) 130
WANTED Machine girls and mangle girls.
Kimball Laundry, loll Jackson.
Hoaaekeeplnaj and Domeatlc.
WANTED Girl for genera housework;
email family: good wages. Tel. Douglas
6042. SK08 Dewey Ave. (7) 278
WANTED Flrst-class hotel cook; woman
preferred; wages, $32 per month. Hotel
Maplewood. Alton, la. (7 M972 M2x
GIRL for general housework; family of
two; good wages. 'Phone Harney 12M.
(7) 890 SOX
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework; $5 per week; no washing.
Tel. Harney luM. 123 B. S2d Ave.
(7)-67 1
WANTED Experienced girl as cook; good
wages. N. E. corner 33d and Farnam.
i (7) 966
WANTED Olrl for general housework. 15:58
' Park Ave. (7 435
WANTED Girl for general housework,
2io9 Farnam. -- (7) 666 2x
WANTED Two competent girls for house
work. 1024 Park Ave. (7)-6S7 1
GIRL for general housework. In family of
4; good wages. Mrs. F. D. Wead 5u2 8.
40th. Tel. Harney 107. (T) 673
WANTED Woman for general work In
hotel In town of l.OuO. Address Y-64. Bee.
(7) M61J ox
WOMAN cook for hotel; highest wages;
must liave nrat-rlaaa references. Apply
In writing to "Hotel Manager," care
Omaha Hotel Reporter. (7) M621 8
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework: four In family: no washing
or Ironing; wages, $4 per week. Inquire
6o4 8. $vth Bt. (7) a 4
WOMAN to do house cleaning and laun
dry work. 8ut & 8iU 8U 7-71
advertise il
Hoasekeepera aad Domes t Ice Coat'n'd
SWEDISH housekeeper. $240 year; house
girls S7 week. Canadian OllWe, l"th and
Dodge. (7) M753
Three stenographers, not lesri than one
year s experience, $40 to $50.
Two first-class stenographers, rv
Also numerous vacancies for beskkeepers.
salesladies and others.
Call or write for complete list of va
721-723 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(7)-M746 i
M'DOWELL Dressmaking Bchoot. 1623 Far.
(7) US Mlt
HATS trimmed or remodeled, 26o to 75c.
Phone (evenings) Hed tut.
(7) M47S Mltx
TEACHERS wanted for the west; high
salaries. Inland Teachers' Agency, Holes,
Idaho. (7)
Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen,
SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who
have ' had experience smilng views, por
traits or books; pleasant work and big
money. Call at Room 603, Bee tfidg.
A GOOD side line for a salesman In Iowa
territory; give description. L 17H, care
Bee. (9) M266 3x
WANTED Salesmen to travel In surround
ing states; knowledge of our business not
necessary, but must be hustler and sober;
position, permanent, with good income.
Address J 208, Bee office. (6) M548 4x
AGENTS wanted to drive through the
country; best selling proposition ever of
f erred; big value for your customer, big
profit for you. Write today for particu
lars snd territory. E. R. McClellan. 603
Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9) 834
WANTED General agent in each county
to manufacture our quick-selling live
stock remedies In their own homes, ap
point and supply township agents. Spare
time will do. Pays $1,000 to $2,500 a year.
Guarantee Co., Depart. 26. Wyoming,
Iowa. (9) M970 My2x
AGENTS through Nebraska to show and
sell ROYAL BUCKLES to farmers and
horse users; ready sellers; big profits. 1116
Farnam. Omaha. (9) SS6 M6
WANTED By Omaha firm, widewake
young men aa traveling salesmen; posi
tion permanent, with good prospects for
advancement; give past experience and
references. Address M 111, Bee office.
(9) M550 4x
AGENTS WANTED Greatest money mak
ing novelty out; sells at every house;
send for sample and prices. The H. B.
Reynolds Mfg. Co., Frederlcktown,, O.,
Dept. 26. . (9)-346 8x
EXPERIENCED solicitors; easy seller: $3
to a a aay. tun is. x. ure, (9) M741 2x
WANTED Men for real estate business In
Nebraska; salary; expenses advanced, and
splendid opportunity for right kind of
men. Apply 315 Neville Blk., lfith and
Harney, Omaha. (9 M750 Jel
MEN To manage and travel for Jobbing
concern in lows, Minn., wis. and Mich.:
must oome recommended: first class men
only need apply. National Retailers' Ex
change, Pioneer Press Bldg., St. Paul,
Minn. (9) M722 8x
WANTED Several good boys, flrst-class
pay. a. u. a., iu 0. I3tn.
(9) M931 M24
BOY 18 to 18 for bowling alley work; good
waejes. jippiy ai onoe. uia Alarney Bt.
($) M100
GOOD wages and chance for advancement.
umana uox Co.. m. umaha.
(9-M67S Mytl
WANTED At once. Intelligent ambitious
boy for drug business. Bee Mr. Schnei
der, Drug Dept., The Bennett Co.
(9) 699 8
WANTED Four boys over 16 years old at
factory. M. E. Bmlth A Co., 11th and
Douglas, umana, (9) M749
Clerical and Office.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper to take gen
eral charge of office and books. Must be
thoroughly competent and furnish bond,
Address 8 232. care Bee. (9) M734 4
Factory and Trade.
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
-mr , 1 . 1 n XT V T , , . ,1 .
V. XVII1VTBI, IV, 1 . A. AA, W 1 1 la 11 (A. SJ 1.M
WANTED Flrst-class barber: no students
guarantee of $15 or 60 per cent Address
John mack. Huron, a. u.
()-M976 MUx
WANTED Paperhangers and painters
only experienced help need applv. H.
Berwick, m o- Main Bt., tjo. Bluffs.
(9) M3S1
WANTED A good all-around earrlnpe
wagon and sign painter; steady Job the
year round; state wages wanted and ex
perience; also an all-around blacksmith.
j. it. neney. jeaavuie, com.
(9 M9S2 Myl
WANTED Band people for Barlow Bros.
Wagon Shows, Benkelman, Neb. Open
ac uenaiman. neo., iuay .
(9 M236 M3x
WANTED Blacksmith; must be flrst-class
Door man; M per day to the right man
wire us at our expense. George A
Levey, sneridan, wyo. (9) M243 MSx
WANTED Flrst-claas all-round butcher.
C. H. Huber, 113 E. Broadway, Co. Bluffs.
(9) M274
WANTED Men to leant barber trade;
spienaia pay aner tew weens with u
Positions or locations to start business
always on file; special Inducements this
season. Call or write, Moler Barber Col
lege. 1118 Farnam tit. (9) M246 M2x
WANTED An all-round Oerman sausage
maker; must understand running an en
gine and be sober. Industrious man; good
wages to ngnt party, n. nt, westpnaien.
Atlantic, la. () Mr.ttt 1
UPPER CUTTERS, sole cutters, la Mere
and other shoemakers. Washington Shoe
Mfg. Co., Seattle. Wash. (9) Mac 3
BARBER wanted, must be good man. Ad
dress A. J. Bimmet, Mew uim, Minn.
(9) MtfcO 7T
BOX nailers; 'good wages.
Co., East Omaha.
Omaha Box
(9) M7t 7
WANTED Experienced car loaders. Chi
cago Lumber Co., 14th and Marry Sts.
(9)-6 1
Invoice clerk, $60 to $7.
Stenographer, must be rapid. $C0 to 878,
Lots of good places for bookkeepers.
salesmen, clerical men of ability. Call or
721-723 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(! M747 I
A GOOD proposition for a live real estate
man. In each county, wno is a hustler
American Land and Immigration Co., Sid
ner. Neb. (9) MiS ex
WANTED A boy with horse to deliver
The Evening Bee In Kast Omaha, Call
at The Bee office circulation department.
1I U2
WANTED Crew managers and solicitors
to drive through country: beat propoal
tlon ever offered; will pay salary or com
mission. Addreas K 1W, Bee.
(9) M647 4x
ENETtGETIC young man, over 2 years
old. capable of earning high salary; bond
reoulred. Addreas In own handwriting
with stamp and references, H 80, cars
Bee. tw ana
WANTED School teacher aad indents to
tarval during vacation months; work
pleasant and proniabla. Aaareaa M jb,
bo omc. w mvrm u
COUNTKH MAN, for Boston I.tinrh, at
once; must have references. Wl Ksrnam
Bt, (9) M6I6 3
to 36, for firemen snd brakemen on lead
ing railroads; experience unnecessary.
Flrement earn $lii" per month, become
engineers, earn $Lo.Oi; brakemen earn
$75.00, become conductors, earn $15000.
Call or write st once for particulars. Na
tional Railway Training Assn. 6:0 X.
Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb.
() M348 M6
WANTED Musicians with trades, tuba
player, tromlMine and clarinet players,
that are plumbers, tinners, clgarnmkers,
carpenters and printers. C. D. Hodley,
776 2d St., Huron, S. D. (9) M2t3 3x
and driver.
Farnam Sts.
experlencd grocery clerk
Apply Drelfus, 2ith snd
TEAMSTERS WANTED Steady work; $11
per week or more. Bunueriana urns i.,
Nth and Hickory. (91662 1
WANTED Severs) completent city drivers;
must furnish bond and references; salary
$Ml to $70 per month. Alamito Sanitary
Dairy Co. (9)-32 2
YOUNG man to write window cards and
do stock work In store; permanent posi
tion to rlKht rarty; state experience. Ad
dress K 194. Bee. (9)-631 2x
TEACHERS wanted for the west: high
salaries, inland Teachers' Agency, Boise,
Idaho. (9) M721 !x
Horaea aad Vehlclea.
HORSES Roadsters, general purpose and
work horses, bought, sold and exchanged
on commission. Myers, 1715 Jackson. Tel,
Red 3692. (11) 161 Myt
LARGE and small horses for sale. Also
wagons. Rosenblatt, 1223 Nicholas.
RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness at
greatly reduced prices. Johnson 6k Dan
forth Co., a. w. cor. 10th and Jones sts.
TEAM matched black work mares. $1(50;
sorrel horse weighing 1.4"0 pounds, $o;
pair drivers, $75 each. 2815 15th Ave.
AGENTS through Neb. to show and sell
- ROYAL Bt t KLKn to farmers and horse
users. Ready sellers. Big profits. 1115
Farnam, Omaha. (11) M364 M10
PAIR black mares, half Shetland; drive
single or double and ride. 43d and Center.
(ID 136
WE are not selling out at cost, but we are
selling driving wagons, buggies, surries
and stanhopes cheaper than any other
firm west of Chicago. Holmes-Adklns
Co., 714 S. 10th St., Omaha.
(1D-816 Mil
FOR BALD High-power, 2-cyllnder, 1906
automobile at a bargain. Address E-172,
Bee. (11) M983 M9x
CARRIAGE and wagon painting. Harry
Frost, 714 8. 14th St. (11) M3OT M16
TWO good, toppy driving horses; also sln-
cle and double harness, runabouts, ton
buggies and surries. for one or two horses.
good aa new. ttarney otreet Hiames.
(11) M637
FOR BALE One good black driving mare;
also one light platform glass wagonette
or family opera buss; carries four per
sons Inside; all glasses drop. M. J. Franck,
Midland hotel. (1D-671 1
FOR BALI9 A handsome surrey and horse;
perfectly gentle ror lany to drive; win
sell separately If desired. F. E. Van
Brunt, 12 Fourth St., Council Bluffs, la.
(U M230 MySx
GOOD, heavy work teams and several
other horses; thorough trial with every
horse and written guarantee that Is
worth what It says. Omaha Horse Sup
ply Co., rear 414 N. 16th Bt Tel. Douglas
BUST. (11) us
8276 WILL BUT n extra fine 7-year-old
driving nay mare, souira; any iaay can
drive; also a new undercut runabout and
good harness. Room 31, Barker Blk.
01) M519 4x
PHAETON for sale. In good condition;
cheap, u. w. uuits, sa Kiret Ave.,
Council Bluffs, v (U)-41 Mix
HAY. 8 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. 16th.
(11) A1614
7-YEAR-OLD driving horse and runabout
3 family pnaetons; a runanouta and other
livery paraphernalia. Myers Douglas Bt.
table. 1114-18 Douglas. Tel. Doug. 1032.
(U)-714 7x
Formerly of 1716 Jackson, has purchased
the business or yj uietncn.
1114-1116 Douglas.
and will be pleased to meet his old friends
and customers at tne aoov aaareaa.
(11) ils sx
FOR SALE Gentle pony, 8 years old.
cheap. W. H. McCord, Z2d and Cass.
(11) M73S 6 '
TWO farm horses cheap, weight 1,100
rounds; 1 three-Inch wagon and coal box;
set work harness. 2410 Decatur St.
01-M726 4
Ponltry and Eggs.
RHODE ISLAND RED egg. Martin, 2802
Indiana Ave. Tel. Harney 1WS.
TEN THOUSAND Barred Plymouth Rock
eggs for sale; Mraaley Bros, ana juage
Nerval stock; $1 per 16 $4 per 100. Ay
Bros., Blair, Neb. (11) M769 Mllx
OUR handsome Illustrated poultry book Is
free to all wao win write ana as ror it,
telling wilere they saw this ad. A valu
able book for every poultry man; SO.OuO
printed. Address Harris Poultry Co., Clay
Center, Neb. .. (1D663 May28x
WHITE P. Rock cockerels and Pen eggn,
each, VV. a. iagg, Atlantic, ia.
OD-M120 M2x
CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Feed Is
the only original dry chick feed. Use this
only and save all young chickens. One
used always used. Stewart's Seed Store,
119 N lath St,, sol agents for the city.
OD-M942 MylS
DUSTON'B White Wyandotte, pure bred,
eggs $1.60 for 15, $6 for 100. Forest Lawn
Wyandotte Yards, Florenoe, Neb. Tele
phone Florence 1082. (11) M468 M6
Gov't squab book free. Model Co., D. 6664.
(11 M674 Mya
ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds; best
eastern stock, a good color; eggs, $1.75 per
15. Mrs. James H. Halpine. 4M02 Omter
St. Tel. Harney 8&J8. (11) M736 Myl Ox
BUY Barred Plymouth eggs of W. T. Clay,
Council Bluffs, la,, a breeder. $" cock
erel. Ul Ma M16
WHY send east for White Leghorns? Eggs
from thoroughbreds, $160 per 16. Lund
Strom, N. W. Cor. 86th and Caldwell.
(11) M458 My4x
WE have them. What? ngs for hatch
ing, from prlse-wlnnlng Whit Plymouth
Rocks. For sale cheap. Come quick If
you want any R. G. White, 3332 Parker
1 It., Omaha. (1D-M460 M4x
HOMER pigeons; 8 pair, $8. Address N-213,
Be. (11) 6i
Cow, Birds, Dog and Pot.
FOR SALE Angora kitten. 23 N. 26th.
(ID 747 80X
FOR BALE Pomperanlan puppies. 'Phon
Doug. 64S6. (1D-M40J M4x
FOR BALE Pure bred male collie pups,
eligible to register, from trained tock;
black, tan, white. Tho MeCune, Ver
mlllon, 8. D. (Il)-Mi3 7x
LOST On or near Park avenue, a gold
class pin, engraved G, '06. Finder return
to Bee office for reward. (12) M6ul 2x
LOBT Black horse with lump on left side
fore knee: reward for any Information
trat will lead to recovery. Notify John
Lewis, 2ul6 Cuming Bt. (12) 666 lx
LOST Pair spectacles with gold frames, In
leather case. Return to Be office. Re
ward. (121-669 3x
LOST Lady's gold watch with gold fob.
Reward if returned to Mrs. Pat ton. MX
N. 36th. 'Phon H 2224. (12-67$
STRAYED Bay pony, roarhed man.
Harney 8US3. (12 M73t ex
(Contlnueiri', J
I.OST A yellow Clumber Ppanlsl; gnawers
to the name of Bex. Kinder rrn to
423 Cniltol Ave or 13!M Kama ft Re
ward. 'Phone Harney 2749 ., U?l j11 ix
IOST Small Jeweled fv r Pln- "r,t
enarraved "U E. Rat. :fT "V 'ta;'' liberal
reward for return.
(12 M743
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college. 14lh and Iav
enport 81s.; shm lal attenilon paid to con
finement cases; all treatment supervise,)
by college professors. 'Phons Doug. lin;.
Calls answered day or night. (ia 11D
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nero
Food 1111a," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman .
McCunnell Drug Co., Omaha
MRS. OARDEL8, private confinement
home; babies cared for. 3724 N. 2Sth St.
Tel. Red 2il0. (13) 0X MSx
PRIVATE home during confinement, ba
bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani
tarium, 7iS First Ave., Council Bluffs, la.
Tel. 774. (U) 322
fR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women.
w years practice in confinements. Otnce,
614 N. 16th; residence, 2421 Charles, Omaha.
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call
ur write to the matron or the Salvation
Army Home for Women at 8S24 .V. 24th
St.. Omaha, Neb. (12 Mini
salary akd chattkls.
Borne people help you bv their Influence,
some by their advice, but very few with
the loan of monev.
The "Omaha Mortgage" helna vou out
with the ready cash on nhort notice In a
We advance any sum ill) to iW t
low, reasonable cost something you can
afford to pay.
A claim on your household good, pianos,
horses, etc., will answer until the debt is
paid. ,
Id ibk iMianiiiPUM),
119 Board of Trade Bldg.
(14) 141
E. Z.
In payments to suit your convenience, at
rates that honest people can afford to pay. .
Salary, chattel or any good security.
Room 20. Fienser Bik luth and Dodae Sts.
(14) 6i2Mi
CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt
loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam Bt.
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or
salary loans. 623 Paxton Block. 'Phone
Douglas 746. (14) 146
will make a special rate on collateral
loans, mortgages on personal property and
notes, without Security. Terms to suit.
Phone Douglas 2904. (14) M6S0 M8
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advances private money bn chattels or sal
ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get
money same day asked for at small cost.
Open evenings ttll 7. (14) 147 ,
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses,
eto.. In any amount; less than half
rates; perfect privacy; immediate atten
tion; any terms wanted; payment sus
pended when slok or out of work. 214
Karbach Blk, 809 B. 16th Bt, . (14) 148
FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans.
Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk.
(14) 149
and others, without security; easy pay
ments. Ofnce in s principal cities, Tot-
man, room 714, New York Lice Bldg.
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE- Reliable, aooont
modattng; all business confidential. 1301
Douglaa. - (14 16
a a and Room. 1
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe.
(IO) ioa
CKWKT European Hotel, 13th and Farnam.
FhJRNISHED rooms, with or without
board. 922 N. 19th. (16) M591 My4x
ROOM with good board, 84.60 per week;
all modem; walking distance. 2408 Cass
Bt, 'Phone Douglas 5406.
(18) M528 4x
FURNISHED ROOMS, with or without
board, home cooking; block and a half
from Omaha car. 120 South 7th St.,
Council Bluffs, la. (16) M263 M3x
THE WILKINSON; pleasant rooms, with
board; table board; Hanscom park car
passes the door. 8016 Paftflo Bt. Tel. Har
ney 11811. (15) M610 6
FIRST-CLASS rooms and board; location
good; cloae In. 618 South 19th.
(15-iM59S x
Fornlahed Room.
NICE, clean, well-furnished, well-heated
outside room; house strictly moderm !W
Harney Bt, (15) 155
NEWLY furnished rooms, modern. 640 S.
24th Bt. "Phone Douglas 76.
(15) M311 MSx
PLEASANT furnished room In private
family; house Is modern. 24rt Harney 8t.
(16-M426 M6x
FOR RENT Large front room with alcove;
modern. 1038 8. 22d Bt, Tel. Red 42A4.
(16) M226 My8x
TWO nicely furnished rooms for light
housekeeping; private family. 416 N. 2d.
(16) M094
FINE rooma, reasonable, 608 8. 24th Av.
im-jam jaw
NICE front room, with bath. iW3 Harney
Bt (151-M20O
NICELY furnished rooms. 1702 N. S4th
8t Tel. Webster 2S9. (15 MM1 M2x
A 8IX-ROOM furnished fiat for summer;
glv referno. Addreas K 177. care Be.
(16 M2G6 8x
FURNISHED outsld rooms; board; rea
sonable, Lang hotel, 13th and Jackson.
(16) 793 021
A LARGE modern room, breakfast privi
leges. 116 N. 26th. (15) U0 Myl
NICELY furnished room for on or two
gentlemen. 817 8. 2th Bt.
(15)-211 May 2x
FURNISHED room, private family. 221
California. (16) 307 Mart
LARGE, nlo sleeping rooms, In all modern
house; house cleaning all done: small
room. 1701 Capitol Ave. (16 M37I M4x
NICELY furnished rooms for rent; private
family, fine location, on block from car.
1214 N. Kiln Bt, (u ooo mu
MODERN furnished room. 2223 Farnam.
(161-C34 M27X
MODERN furnished rooms for rent. 214
No. 26th St. (16)-M7a7 8x
ONE nicely furnished psrlor; one nicely
furnished room on second floor, strictly
modern, new brick. 418 So. 24th fit,
, (15)-M7-8 4
N ICE large front room, modern, cloe In.
Vacant May L 614 8. 30th B..
FOR light housekeeping.
'Phon Douglaa 8233.
134 Douglas.
(15) 6a5 6x
TWO cheerful front rooms, furnished or
unfurnished; modern house !'''
(16) M503 MSX
ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, with or
without board. Ogden hotel. Council
Bluffsl, IoT (16-MuO Myx
NICELY" furnished front room and alcm.
847 a 84th Bt. (iS)-ml
LARGE, beautiful, mod era rooms, en autt
U desired; first-da.. '