Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1907, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
1 a.
MILLIONS IX CRAFTIsummary of the bee
FtnntjlTaoia Ceicm iien Frcriaa Lackine
Into Lta'.e Honn canlaL
v-cipacy H) del b' H. Furi Ca'el Hat?
lno Mi. Ilia furniture Cottrtc-
Farmer EpratatiT William EefuMa
to Ixplaiu Tratiactiou.
114 BraiiH t ha-adrllcra Fh4 te Be
Plated Cast ln IMe-es (oil
Ibii a r4 Fnaad 2U
Per (tit Short.
HA RRI8BT.'RG. Pa.. May l.-More testi
mony on the transaction by which S. Mar
ha'.I Williams of. Pltuhurg. an ucnuif
ful Lldder for the 12.COVO) worth of elec
trical fixtures In the state capital. wa
loaned t:o.(r' on an unindorsed note last
August, win be tnken ty the Capitol In
vest lira tin a: commission tills week. Several
Pittsburg mm have been suhpoenaed anJi
will, it l M!d. testify that William
boasted of how and where he got this
money snd to whom h also furnishvJ
other Information pertaining to this con
tract. Yesterday, when on the stand. William'
refuse 1 to deny that Congressman H. B ird'
Csssel of Lancaster had loaned him the
fKMKO about the time he ceased trying to
"get square polit'cally " with Senator Pen
rose for not forcing Joseph M. Huston,
architect of the capital, and John H. San
derson, general contractor for the fur
nishings, to give him a portion of the
electrical fixtures contract. Cassel Is pres
ident of the Pennsylvania Construction
company, which furnished the JH.OOO.O'O
worth of metallic furniture for the capltol
and it Is net known whether he will be
Williams la a former member of the
state house of representatives, and as sec
retary of the, Pennsylvania 8tate Board of
Trade and the "homeless 71" he was In
charge of the campaign for the 2-cent fare
bill which passed the present legislature
and was signed by Governor Stuart.
Former state Treasurer IstsItsi.
The commission declines In advance of
Its roe-ting to disclose the name of wit
nesses. It is known, however, that John
F. Short, editor of the Clearfield Repub
lican, a democratic newspaper, will be
called today. Short will, be asked about
the stories flat the borne of former State
Treasurer Frank O. Harris, now on his
way to Europe, was furnished by Sander
son, and that his law office la filled up with
metallic furniture.
Harris was a member of the Board of
.bllc Grounds and Buildings, which gave
' Pennsylmnla Construction company
uie metal furniture contract. He was also'
' a member of the board which drafted the
schedule upon which Sanderson was given
the furnishing contract.
Bxperts employed by the commission
bays found that chandeliers, standards and i
side brackets, furnished the state by 8an-!
derson'e Pennsylvania Bronse company, I
re under weight. Chandelier paid for at
the rate of ti.afi a pound and supposed to!
weigh 400 and SCO pounds, were found to
be from 60 to 100 pourrls short of weight. ;
This beld good with all the different sorts
ef fixtures. It wsa discovered that despite
the fact that castlron rods had been sub
stituted In the Interior of the fixtures in i
place of solid bronse. as called for by the!
specifications, the castlron did not begin
to make up the standard weight for which
he Pennsylvania Bronse company got
-fm the state more than S2.50fi.ono.
Snell for tne Gas a-.
Mrs. Walter Anthon. owner of a marble
quarry, told the committee that State
Architect Houston and Contractor Bander
son had approached her relative to supply
ing marble for the state house. They were
willing, she said, to allow her 10 per cent
profit ou the deal, but Insisted that 40 per
cent of this ha divided among their friends.
She decided It would be better to give the
marble away and declined their offer.
Jwfob Shenk testified that the same per
sons had attempted to buy marble from his
quarry. Shenk declared they wanted him
to charge the state tlS s cuMc foot for the
marble Instead of from K to Is, the price
he thought would bring him a fair profit.
It was explained to him, be declared, that
the balance was to be divided "among the
Xe Obi rersBlttea te Dtstsjre stem
Takea treaa Water ia
JCHNTOWN. Fa... May l Taken from
the dark recesses of a coal mine where thay
had been Imprisoned for over one hundred
hours, the seven men taken from the Ber-wlnd-White
mine at Foustwnll are lying
In the honpitai. physically exhausted and
oblivious to all around tnem.
The men were reached at about 10 o'clock
last night, but were not brought out until
early this, morning, the phyi. elans fearing
effects of a rrai Uon f ro.n the strain and
sudden exposure to the .outer air.
I'pon being brought out all the men
wanted t j go to their homes and were
taken to the hospital under protest. No
food was given them at first, but only a
allfiuUot In the form of brandy and
Boon after arriving at the hospital the
men were sound asleep and no communica
tion Is allowed them. Correspondents and
newspaper photographers who a warm
bout the vicinity of the hospital are
turned aside and the men are not dis
turbed except at regular Intervals when
the nurses administer hot broths and other
nourishment. Immediately after these
treatments the men again drop to sleep.
"We knew the men en the outside were
pumping out water In an endeavor to release
ua. We kept a careful watch and could
note the water r'lcg down inch by inch.
T' v was nothing we could do to help
ud we all chafed under thla We could
hear the tapping on the pipe and knew It
meant for us to keep up our courage.
said foreman Bolya. "We always signaled
back whenever we heard the tapping. All
the men had full dinner buckets when tney
cum Into the mine Friday morning, but
the food In theee was soon exhausted and
we felt the pangs of hunger keenly. I
dont think the Saen. after the third day,
ever expected to see their families again,
but the way thay kept ua thslr aj4rlu was
Tfcarsw lar 2, 1HOT,
1907 vMAY 1007
aua sk a wid m r"i t
X T I 3-4
'4 6 7 v 0 10 1 1
4. 13 14, 16 17 18
19 20 F 22 23 21 25
26 2" .S 29 30 31 $
TEX wiimx.
dourly ur colder Thum.idy. probably rain
in n r'h portion. Krulav fair and warmer.
FORECAST FOR IoWA-Partly cloudy
Thursday, possibly ihowrs In northwest
portion: colder in west. Friday fair and
le-v.;.eraturea at Omaha yesterday:
Hour Des Hour.
.... 61
j ft ni
a. ni
7 a. m
a m
a. m
a. m.
11 a. m
12 m....
1 p. m
1 p. m
1 p. m
4 p. m
6 p. m
I p. m
7 p. m
8 p. m
... t
... :
... to
... O
... 50
p. m
A congressman may be involved in
Pennsylvania "graft" scandals. Page 1
A race riot In Indiana results In ob
noxious negroes being driven from
Greensburg. Page 1
Labor trouble Is not extensive on May
day, but Atlantic coast wise steamers may
be affected. Page 1
Arrest of George B. Scrugham causes
sensation in New York. Page 1
Fifty women Injured in panic in up
stairs restaurant in Chicago. Pays 1
Details of fight at Santiago de Cuba are
lacking, but ten sailors of the Tacoma are
said to be injured by Cuban police. Pare 1
Secretary Wilson says order of France
refusing to admit American in. vats not
accompanied by certificates of micro
scopic Inspection will have little effect on
export trade. Page 1
Herman Boohe. a Madison county
farmer, kills Frank Jarmer. a saloon
keeper, at Norfolk. Page 3
Scott Miner of Tekamah Is killed by
caving ditch. Page 3
State Railway commission asks the na
tional commission to say whether rail
roads have the right to charge mure for
ihiougn rate than the sum of the locals.
Milwaukee road protests on assessment.
Don C. Lespaln is appointed labor commis
sioner to hold office until January 1. 1903.
Page 3
Nebraska City people threaten reprisals
unless the Burlington railroad provides
the elty with a better depot. Page 3
The opening of land to settlement and
engineers' annual May day celebration at
tract an Immense crowd to North Platte.
Page 1
Plattsmouth man arrested for riding on
a railroad pass and case is expected to be
made test of the validity of the law.
Pagw 3
Convent of the Good Shepherd will
cover whole block when the several new
buildings planned are completed at a cost
of I i 0.000. Par
Omaha the market town Is materially
advanced by the report just made of Sec
retary McVann of the Grain exchange,
showing enormous gains In receipts and
shipments. Page T
Woman's World Sorrows of chaperones
are related by some married women who
have essayed the role. Notes on Omaha
society. 'age 6
County will start out the new fiscal
year without having to make a draft on
the general fund before the 107 taxes
become available. Paga T
Woodlane wins the Greenfield stakes at
Results f ball games:
t Omaha vs Iljebio S.
5 Unco In vs. Ier.ver L
iIw-n Moines vs. Sioux City t.
7New York vi Boston i.
8 Pittsburg vs. St- Iuls 0.
3 Cleveland vs. St. Louis 0.
4 Boston vs. New York 1.
I Chicago vs. Detroit 1
Z Columbus vs. Minneapolis 1.
J Kansas City vs. Toledo I. t
$ Louisville vs Milwaukee 2.
7 fit. Paul vs. Indianapolis i.
Paga 4
Live stock markets. Paga
Grain markets. aga
Stocks and bonds.
"Coaateas CssTslestkr" Appeals 1m
WasblasTtsm Against Aetlea
Writers Inspectors,
BAN rRANCISCO. May 1. A landing hi
the courtry has been denied "Countess)
Convslenskr." the woman who dressed in
male atrim. arrived recently with her
husband on the Ventura. The countess and
her husband came here under the names
of George and John Pepper. After their
arr va' she said that she was a daughter
of thi duke of Buckingham and a cousin
of the cxar and that she had been exiled
from Russia because of her marrlar to the
ps-tidj Pepper, who was much beneath
her ln social station. She also told of hav
ing been suspected cf a murder of which
she was Innocent and of being exiled on
that aecoum.
The stones lei to her examination as to
her sanity Tin nysicians who examined
her pronounced her sane.
The women, who Is still on board the
Ventura, with her husoand will present
her rase (A the Department of Commerce
and Labor at Waaalngton.
White Saea Angered Over AasaaJt
Wesses) Drives Sesrrwee
frwaa Tsws,
GREENSPTTtO. Ind., May L The bitter
feeling against negroes as a result of an
assault on Mrs. Sefton. an aged white
woman, last night, caused a race not her
last night. Six negroes were badly beaten,
one of whom may die.
The mob was formed by three white men
and rapidly Increased to 50 men. All sa
loons and other places frequented by ne
groes were visited and the furniture and
fixtures destroyed. Negroes found In the
places were be ten and warned to leave
town. The authorities finally Induced the
crowd to dUperse after premising that all
n tiroes of bad character will be compelled
to leave. Many negroes have already de
parted and others will be notified by the
police to iesve. No arrests were made.
arras te Vlelt Sew Jersey.
NEW YORK. May 1. William Jenmnge
Bryaa will be the guest ot honor at a
dollar dinner given by tne PeopM s Lobby
ef Newark. N. J tonight. Mr Brvan
sent word that ha osntwt reach the baa
Ht hall nnul mijnistit. but that he wui
xMiraveay bmwjls LUa apeeira a iu-i1
Firs Brtaki Out in Chicago Euildiar Con
taining Upstairs EestaataaU
Fifty Persons Are I ale red. bat All at
These Will Proa sly Recover
Lass Is A beat
CHICAGO. May 1. More than 10ft people
were Denned In a burning building today
at 3 Wabash avenue and narrowly escaped
with their lives. Fully half of them, how
ever, were Injured, none fataily. The mure
seriously Injured were as follows:
Samuel Kennedy. Jumped from second
story window; Jaw fractured, arm and leg
Hilda Johnson, sprained ankle and badly
bruls d.
C. W. O Hair. head and face burned while
helping gins out of rear window.
W. o. Mason. hanJs burned and head cut.
Annie lMtng. leg broken.
Mary Studemeyer, cut about head and
badiy bruised
Agnes Walsh, face cut and ankle broken.
Mrs. Cecelia Malaney, face burned and
badly bruised.
R,)e Wllley. Internally.
Ka'e O Rourke, internally.
Policeman Daniel Kerr, knocked from
Ud'ier; bruised and head cut.
Mrs. I. Corm. hands and face cut.
Marv Dredeck. leg broken, internal ln
Jur.e. Emma Edwards, hands and face cut.
William C. Larsen. leg broken.
Jennie Malone, leg broken.
Mrs. Eleanor Brock, face burned.
Mrs. Marie Weber, bruised,
Louise Peterson, bruised.
Mrs. Sarah Cornish, face cut.
Mrs. Mc.Namee. bruised and face cut.
Annie Machowski, arm broken.
Mrs. Anna Levy, bruised and head cut.
Alice Benlson, overcome by smoke, hands
and face cut.
Catherine Sullivan, face and hands
Mrs. A. Crome, nose broken.
Mrs. Frances Alberta, Jumped from sec
ond story window, badly bruised.
Violet Rosky. hands and face burned,
Mary Bevoe. badiy bruised.
Mrs. Eu Sullivan, head cut,
Kate Komakowfkl, face badly bruised.
Cur Voikxnan. Jumped from second
story window, badly bruised.
H. H. Efller. Jumped from second story
window, bruised and head cut,
George Holbrook. hands and face burned
while assisting women from the building.
T. O. O'Hara. hands and face burned
while assisting women to escape.
The building was a four-story structure,
the first floor of which was occupied by
the Storey A Clark Piano company and
the second floor by the Lotus Lunch club.
All of the people who were Injured were
either patrons or employes of the lunch
The fire broke out shortly before the rush
of the lunch hour bad commenced. It
started In the basement, it la presumed,
from some defect In the electrical appa
ratus. The fire spread with great rapidity up a
freight elevator shaft in the rear of the
building and also within a few minutes
of its discovery had cut off all escape to
the street by the stairway. A passenger
elevator in the front cf the building was
made useless almost Immediately by the
faihire of the machinery to operate.
With one elevator shaft filled with flame,
the other elevator rendered useless and
the stan-way choked with fire and smoke,
the only escape left to the people waa
through a small wfhdow at tire back wl.ioh
opened onto aflre escape leading down Into
the alley. About eighty of the occupants
of the lunch room, mostry women, were
caught with only thla chance of safety.
They made a frantic rush for the window.
Those who first stepped on the fire escape
were almost Immediately pushed off and
fell to the alley twenty feet below. Be
fore they could get out of the way others
fell or Jumped upon them. The women
piled upon each other In a mux from
which they were dragged as quickly as
possible by men who ran from neighboring
stores, but without exception everyone cf
those) who came out of the window was
For a time It was thought that Mary
Studemyer, an employe of the lunch rootn.
was lost. Mrs. Mnlaney Infirmed the po
lice that she was certain the girl bad per
ished In the flames, because she saw her
rush back Into the Are to get her purse.
The girl was later, however, found on the
I The total damage la about 160,000,
California Frwlt Growers Exchange
tra Harry te Have Hearing;
ef Rallroavel Case.
WASHINGTON. May 1. For the first
time In Its history, a complaint was filed
by telegraph with the Interstate Com
merce commission todsy and the action
of the commission on ths complaint was un
usually prompt and direct.
The complaint. In usual form, came from
the California Fruit Growers exchange,
with headquarters at Loa Angeles, and
was directed against the Southern Pacific
snd Santa Fe railroads. Ths petition sets
forth that the production of eftrns fruits
ln California that are shipped outside of
the state, principally to eastern points,
amounts to about W.OOO carloads annually
and that fO per cent of this business la
done by th complainant. Recently the
defendant lines adcrpted a regulation that
t they would supply to the complainant cars
for the shipment of its products only in
proportion to the amount of fruit that
actually had been picked and waa ready
for shipment. The petition says that this
regulation will work a serious hardship
to the fruit shippers, as In many cases they
win have to wait for cars. Meantime the
fruit will deteriorate rapidly, thus causing
the growers great loss. The complainant
requeets the commission promptly to hear
the case and prescribe a Just and proper
regulation tor the distribution of cars.
The commfcalon, try telegraph, set the
case for bearing at Los Angeles on May
15. The petition was L316 words ln length
and the exchange paid about $80 for Its
rexhers at Oraaaa and xlllwmakee
Have Bees Call eel te Hie
CHICAGO, May L John Cudahy, the
well-known packer of this city, le critically
' 111 aa ths result of an accident which oc
curred in his home April 30.
Mr. Cudahy slipped and fell while de
scending a flight of stairs, fracturing his
right arm above the elbow. Complications
have arisen and Mr. Cudahy s condition
is now so serious that his brothers, A.
Cudahy ef Omaha and Patrick Cudahy of
Milwaukee, have been summoned to his
State rtxes Telesraph Tells.
house today passed tne bi.l fixing telegraph
rsa-as within tne state at ee-nts fur ten
worde and 1 cent additional for ea-h addi
tfaanai word. The vole waa 111 to Lk
(east wise Trade Way Be Affected by
Treable Brevtlna- In Jew
NEW YORK, May 1 May day found
the workjngnien In comparatively few of
the trades In this city ready to ansert any
demands for Increased wages and in conse
quence strikes were few. Chief Interest
entered In t1 possibility of a strike today
of the first and second and third officers
Of the coastwise steamers, who have made
demands for increased wag-s. L'p to today
Seven of the seventeen lines of steamers
having terminals in this city had accepted
the new schedule. Representatives of the
Department of Commerce and Labor at
Washington have been sent to this city to
try to avert the threatened trouble.
The general manager of the Consolidated
Steamship lines, owned by C. W. Morse,
made a compromise offer, but it was de
clined. At the offices of the Mallory line
It was stated today that their officers had
not gone out, but there Is a strike of
stevedores at both the Mailory and Ward
line docks.
Negotiations are still In progress between
the officers and companlea.
Luther B. Dow, general manager of the
American Association of Masters. Mates
and Pilots, said today that none of the
first, second and third officers of the
steamers belonging to the lines which re
fused to advance wa;s would return to
their duties until the advances are granted.
Most of the steamship lines affected by
the strike run steamers to southern ports
and New York and Boston. Captain Dow
said that the first, second and third offi
cers of the Clyde. Mallory-. Ward, Old
Dominion, Savannah, New York and Porto
Rico, Red D.. all of which operate steam
ers between New York and southern ports,
had left the steamers which are now In
this port. In addition, he said, the officers
of the Metropolitan line to Boston, the
Maine Steamship company, running to
Portland, Me., and the Windsor line, oper
ating between Philadelphia and Boston
Providence, had also left their vets.
Agreements were reached, he added, with
the Panama. Bull. Luc ken bach and Bruns
wick lines and the Merchants' and Miners'
Transportation company of Baltimore, and
negotiations were In progress with the
Morgan line, which belongs to the South
ern Pacific company. Captain Dow de
clared that he expected the other com
panies to coma to terms shortly.
On the lines of the Consolidated Steam
ship company he said 0 men were out.
The Journeymen painters have been on
strike for a few weeks, demanding an in
crease In wages for plain painting from
fX50 to M per day and for decorative paint
ing from U to K50 per day and are still
out. They had hoped for sympathetic
strikes on the part of the building trades
today to help enforce their demands, but
no such move was made by the allied
In Paterson, N. J.. 1.000 Journeymen car
penters went on a strike today for an In
crease In wages from H50 to W a day.
The building operations In that city were
at a standstill.
Thirteen hundred carpenters In Newark;,
N. J., struck today to enforce a demand
for an Increase In wajres from 47H cents to
SO cents rr hour. ' All of these rien were
employed by members of the matters' as
sociation. The demands of the men were
granted by independent employers and 900
carpenters remained al work.
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Mav 1 Several
hundred teamsters here went on strike to
i day against the open shop ard to enforce
j an demand for an Increase of wage of 60
rents a day. far only the drivers of the
heavy trucks have gone out. but the strike
may spread to all branches. The strike Is
particularly serious at this time because
of the fleets, which begins next week, snd
also the national conclave of Shrlners.
Manavsrer ef Policy Holders' Cessmtt
t e Held Targes la Coaaeetlow
wit h Life lasers ace Elections.
NEW TOIUC May 1 Gecrv- B. ScTOg
ham. manager of The International Policy
holders committee, who was arrested last
night ln Albany on conspiracy charges
growing out of the recent life Insurance
elections, arrived ln the city early tody
in the custody of a detective of the dis
trict attorney's office.
The arrests have caused a decided snnaa
tlon. especially In view of the fact that It
was at the Instance of Mr. Scrugham that
the district attorney began an Investigation
j of the methods of procedure In the life ln
! surance elections.
The charge against the three men Is that
they unlawfully conspired together for the
perversion and obstruction of the due
j administration of the state laws with
! relation to the election of directors of the
j New York Life Insurance company,
e George B. Scrugham Is the manager of
the International Policy Holders committee,
j which was organized t protect the lnter-
eets of the policy holders after the Insur
ance scandals and Its memberships in
j eludes a number of representatlvn men of
the country former members of the
( cabinet and governors of several states.
Nicholas Longworth. son-in-law of Presl
i dent Roosevelt, is secretary of the com
1 m it tee.
j Mr. Scrugham. who has railroad Interests
In Cincinnati, organ s. d a policy holders
! comm. tie.- in Ohio before he came here
i and tuck charge of the n im. Richard
. Olney, who was secretary of state ln Presi
: dent Cleveland's cabinet U chairman of the
1 coniiultue
j Men Oat en Boad
j Wnen George B. S ruxham, manager of
the International Policyholders committee,
and Charles F. Cariir.ston and Charles
Btlrrup, assistant mar.agers of the same
organisation, arrested late last night on
charges of forjery In connection with the
recent election of directors of the New
York Life Insurance company, were ar
raigned before police magistrate today their
cases were continued until Monday next.
Scrugham and Stirrup were released on
tl.ViO ball and Carrlngton on C!.00.
Before he was arralgnad Scrugham Issued
a statement In which he declared that acts
of an entirely legal nature have been mis
construed so as to make It appear that an
attempt was made to circumvent the laws
governing the Insurance election and to
procure the counting by fraud of ballots
not properly executed.
Dtstlaa-alsbed Java arse Official Ar
rives at Victoria, En Rente
te Jassestewn.
VICTORIA. B. C . May 1. -General Baron
Kurokl. wearing a khaki uniform and the
star of the order Pawlonla. accompanied
by a representative party of Japanese
military men. arrived here at i p m. on
board the steamer Akl Maru. on their way
to the Jamestown ax post Uon. They will
leave for Seattle ta the juarulDa. arrlvtnsT
thers at l.aV .
attampt to Kacck Oat City Eneiuter lose
water' Salary Fails.
j Elsaeeer asi Bridges F1bt to Last
Dlteb. rialsalaar City Mla-ht Be
Liable If Shaw le Finally
The Aprfl general appropriation ordinance
j was passed on reading by the city
council yesterday afternoon after a skir- '
mlsh which started In the morning and '
carried over to the afternoon, when a j
j om anenuance waa summoned- The ordl- 1
j nance carried with It the salary for City j
Bnglneer Rosewater. over which the con-
! tentlon arose. The vote was seven to fivb.
Councllmen Bridges. BmcRer. Hansen, i
Jackson and Johnson being against passage I "Some time ago we abandoned the mlcro
of the ordinance with Mr. Rosewater a ! Pic examination of meats, which, rrl
salary included, unless the engineer would ' mar!!v. unde-tak.-n to satisfy the Oer
furnish a bond to protect the city In case man market. After a while It appeared
Thomas Shaw w ,.,ir .r,.in,r i that the German government was conduct-
' 1 T the supreme court and Mr. Shaw should ;
recover salary from the city from time i
' of his recent appointment. It was believed j
! that had Councilman Jaek.on ,nH.r.,oo i
! what he was voting for the vote would have
j been eight to four Instead of seven to five.
The engineer matter waxed warm at the '
! morning meeting when the appropriation ' ana w m;ht not- - course, it would be
' ordinance was lntrodjced. and only eight I ,mp"8"ib 10 "amine a microscope
councllmen were present. Realizing there : very fluar "ch of the red meat of a
! was not enough strength at that time to ' ho aml the trichinae might be in Just the
1 pass the ordinance, the matter was deferred i pun that wa not nilned. No danger
I to the afternoon for a full attendance. to consumer can arise from the trl
1 rnnrriiman . , ,i,h xf, i chinae unless the meat should be eaten
Rosewater to furnish the bond mentioned,
j notwithstanding Mr. Rosewater has an of-
ficlal bond of I10.00 and that City Attorney
Burnam advised the council that the city
I would not be held liable even In the event
I of Mr. Shaw being declared engineer and
getting an award for salary from time of
his appointment by the council. Some of
! the councllmen had consulted nearly every
j lawyer In the city and had become be
I wilde red in a maze of legal opinions. They
I lost sight of the fact that the city attorney
la the duly recognised legal adviser for the
city council.
Elsasser Grows Warns.
At the afternoon session the ordinance
was read first and second times according
to law. Then the finance committee of
the city council Funkhouser, Bedford and
Sheldon recommended that the ordinance
be passed. On vote on the committee report
t Councllmen Bridges, Brucker, Elsasser,
! Hansen and Jackson were fernlnst the re
: port, but seven votes carried It through.
Then Mr. Elsasser spoke a few1 words,
was called out of order by President John
son, persisted in holding the floor and
maintained that Mr. Rosewater had no
right to Increase salaries of some of his
department, as Indicated on the appropri-
ation ordinance.
Mr. Elsasser s fuse burned out and he
quieted down after Mr. Johnson explained
to him the operations of a recent legis-
latlve act giving Mr. Rosewater complete
' control over appointments and salaries of
j employes of the public works department
, Mr. Zlmman then moved that the roll call
I be taken on the pas .age ot the ordinance
; as It stood. Mr. Bridges made an amend-
! ment that Mr. Roeewater'a salary be first
;' stricken from the payroll before taking the
vote. Bridges. Brucker.' Hansen, Jackson
and Johnson voted to strike the name of
I Rosewater out before voting on the ordl-
1 nance, but seven votes knocked out the
! Bridges amendment. Then came the Zlm-
j man motion that the roll be called on pas-
' sage of the ordinance. Bridges. Brucker,
Elsasser, Hansen and Johnson voted against
' that, leaving seven for passage, and then
! the evangel of payday swept ths marble
j corridors of the city hall and spread the
word that the payroll had been passed,
Some culprit had : reported that the whole
payroll would be held up a month.
Papers ln relation to appeal on behalf of
. ni 1 .i.j . tv . .1
Thomas onaw win oe ui ucn Aucu&r
In the supreme court. This appeal will be
filed from the recent decision of Judge
Kennedy, refusing to grant application for
writ of mandamus asked for by Mr.
Shaw's attomeya
: T. E, Byrnes, first vice president of the
EXPLOSION IN COAL MINE ' road, talked with President Roosevelt for
some time toda;-. Not a word was ob-
Three Mem Killed, Fear lajared and j talnable from them as to why thev coiled
Foar Entombed la Colliery Ira or what they talked about with ths presi
Weet Virginia. ' nt and thy Bfkd there would be nothing
CHARLESTON, W. Vs.. May 1 Three
men were killed, four were severely burned
sr.d four others entombed and are probably
dead as a result of a mine Oaaeter at the
Whipple mines. In the Leap Creek? district,
1 this afternoon. The three dead men whose
j bodies have been recovered are:
j HIDSrtM BERG ESS. motorman.
ERAS? TVS WILEY, a sprinkler.
IRA KELLEY, a driver.
The men missing and supposed to be dead
Robert Armstrong.
I Ralelffh Tucker.
! Charles Bergcsa.
I William ilton, negro.
The mine where the explosion occurred Is
! a shaft 450 feet deep. It belongs to the
'. Dixon interests, who also own 'he Stuart
i mine, where an explosion occurred last
January that killed eighty-six men. The
explosion occurred at $ X this afternoon
ln the ir.aiu return heading, about 1,J) ;
fet from the foot of the shaft.
i Ninety-four men are employed In trie ',
mine, but thirty ! ft Just before the sc- ;
cldent. Of the sixty-four men left insi le
j fifty-three escaped through the second
' The other eleven men are accounted for
as either ded. wounded or mtsflng The
mine officials think the casualties cannot
amount to more than eleven at the most.
i which Prof. Hlnton had responded to the
llaadred and Elakty Passengers Are, ..rtm,lc Philosophers. "
Killed Daring Past taarter ( Dt-nil: was due to cerebral hemerrhage.
ef 10O7. j He wrs bt.rn in Lon lon sixty-three years
: ago and was a graduate of Oxford and
1 WASHINGTON. May 1. The Accident .
Bulletin. Issued today by the Interstate
Commerce commission for the three montns
ending December 31 last shoas that during
the quarter the total number of casualties
to railroad passengers and rallroid em- .
i ployes was Jj.ieM. an Increase of l.'JH over
; the preceding three months.
The number of passengers and employes ;
(killed ln train accidents was 474. an in-
j crease of kC over the last quarter. The
number of passengers kUled ln train ac-
clderws ln this quarter, lsu. la the largest
on record except that for the quarter end
1 ing September 30, li
i Employes killed ln coupling and uncoup
ling cars and engines number elghty-f.jur,
as against elghty-or.e the preceding quarter.
Collialor.s and derailments number Lisa,
of which r.1 collisions and luo derailments
affected passenger trains. Ths damage to
I railroad property by Uawa
aaxxintsd ta UJMJL
America Prodaets I sseeompsslrd
by Microscopic Certificates
Will lie r.xrladed.
PARIS Mr 1 The customs n.lmlnls'rs
tlon has finally rejected the new form of
meat certificate under the I'nlted S'atce
ri:re f(Mij lsw. thus aealn rendering Amer
ican meat unacenmpan.ed by a certificate
showing thnt It has lvn mlscroploally ex
amined liable to excli'slnn. The require
ment cf a microscopic examination was
temporarily suspended some time as.) at
the request of the I nited States embassy.
WASHINGTON. May 1 "A very Instd-
nltVant quantity of American meat is ex
ported to France." said Secretary Wils n
of 'h Department of Agriculture Unlay,
commenting on the French rejection of the
'u oi meat ctrt...caie unaer in
t-'h'td Stat- s pure food law.
' ln f;lct- our exports of meat rroduota
t0 France f r a considerable time have
srncunted really to nothing.
ln lts own microscopic examination, thus
Puttlr American meat exporters to the
"r""e oi two uch examination We
concluded, therefore. U) discontinue the
microscopic work heie.
"Through the mien scope we might dls-
cover the presence of trichinae In pork
raw. Some Europeans want their pork raw.
In thla country we do not eat raw piork.
consequently the necessity for microscopic
examination does not exist.
"To make such a microscopic examination
of meats as ought to be made. If any at
all be undertaken, would cost K,900.iAO a
year. It would lent no particular prac
tical purpose and I doubt whether congress
would authorize such an expenditure.
"The hogs produced In this country are
the finest and healthiest In the world. All
hogs contain some trichinae, but the per
centage of trichinae ln our hogs Is very
Land Optslag ana May Day Celebra
tion Attract Large lasnber
of People.
NORTH FLATTE Neb., May 1. (Special
Telegram.) The land office opened this
morning at o'clock with a cheer from the
crowd of several hundred hotnenw.Kr.
! About 100 spent the entire night at the lsjid
office doors. Thla morning about were
pocked in front of the doors. After about
j fifteen parties had been admitted the sheriff
of the county took charge and numbered all
i applicants according to their position ln
' tna line and Issued tickets containing the
number and name of each applicant. Thla
i saved considerable suffering, aa the crowd
j become very compact, and it will take
t wo four days for ail the applicants to
: nie Mayor Hoctor of South Omaha waa
i ln lna 4 received a number.
j Many will be disappointed, as there are
, fmir or flve times as many applicants as
i vacant sectlona
I BesMes the homee-eekers. North Platte
n another attraction today, this being
j the twenty-fifth anniversary of the annual
. Mav party of Brotherhood of Locomotive
j Engineers. The military band from Fort
; Crook la here, giving concerts on the street.
' Several hundred visitors are here from
; otner cities, principally railroad people to
atten1 .he May ball this evening at the
, opera bouse, w hlch has been elaborately
, decorated for the occasion.
' After
Conference at White Hoaae
Mellea and Byrnes Refase
to Talk.
WASHINGTON. May 1 President Charles
S. Mc.len of the New Haven railroad ar.d
i to make pupnc idoui me visiu
Mr. Mellen was asked whether thers had
been a discussion of the railroad valuation
question, but continued to maintain his
reticence. He said he had no obieciion to
anything the president might make public
about the interview.
After their call at the White Hou
Messrs. Mellen and Byrnes visited th.
Interstate Commerce commission. Later In
the day Mr. Mellen went to New York
( and Mr. Byrnes to Boston.
Secretary Ieb said there would be no
statement given out at the White House
regarding Mr. Mellen s visit. Later in the
day Chairman Knanp of the Interstate
Commerce commission wss ln conference
with the president.
Charles H.
Hlaten Dies While Leav
a Banqaet Hall la
WASHINGTON. May J. Charles II Hln
ton. formerly a professor of mathematics
In or cf tne collejlite Institutions of Mtn-
r.-ap .h. and for the last two years second
HFI't.ini eJ ri n::7i ui wiw JneiIl umLf ,
dropped deai! late last night in the lobby
of iim Y ung Mn s Christian asoclat.on
bi".:ldir.g. aa he was leaving the banquet
hall, where the Society of Philanthropic
Inquiry had held Its annual dinner, at
several other noted European universities.
Besides his wife. Prf. Hinton leaves f jur
children, William Hinton, living In this
city; Sehastlon Hinton, a student at Prince
ton, and George and Eric Hinton, engaged
In business In the west.
Prof. Hinton was the author of several
books devoted to scientific research, chief
of which was the "Fourth Dimension."
Hoes Paaees Messer Prehlblttaa
Wholesalers frees Doing- Retail
j house today
ers. distiller
passed a bill prohibiting brew-
r and wholesale liquor dealers
from engaging In the retail liquor business.
A HO giving the right ta search for liquors
tatouei eyadai svubiiea mm aits
tatarhinent of Fo'.ee :tack tixen frra
Crniisr Ticcrca.
ii in Ea.nrniac from Etrqast find Uon
Without FroTocation.
5 hot is Right Freast and Cka'.l Fractnnd
by Flows af Macbta.
American Officials at Havana Reaard
It as a Brawl Incident to Pay
Day Statement of the
Ma yor.
HAVANA. May 1 In the absence of fur
ther details concerning the reported attack
by the police of upon t'nltel
States sailors yesterday, the authorities
here are unable to throw any Uht on th
cause of the affray The only report re
ceived this afternoon wss from Governor
Peres of rlente. who merely said all was
j quiet and that the municipal authorities, as
j a precaution against further disorders, had
' requested Commander Tappon not to allow
! his sailors ashore at night.
Governor Magoon told the Associated
Press today he considered the affair as a
mere brawl Incident to ray day. This
opinion Is shared by General Barry.
Mayor Mesa of Santiago told the Associ
ated Press tonieht that a brawl had oc
curred early Sjnday morning In a dis
orderly house which had resulted ln a con
flict between police and sailors, but that it
was without bloodshed. He said he could
hardly credit the report that the police had
wantonly attacked American sailors. The
sailors. Mayor Mesa said, usually were well
behaved and cordial relations existed be
tween them snd the citizens and police.
Police Captain Lay. who is alleged to havu
led the attack on the sailors, the mayor de
clared, was an officer o", long service snd
excellent character and it was unlikely he
would resort tu violence except In extreme
Troakie Follows a Baaejaet.
SANTIAUO. Cuba, May 1. The confi.-t
here yester i. y between sailors and po...a
followed an orderly banquet which was
given at the Cafe Leon De Oro by a party
of first class seamen of Uie cruiser Tacoma.
At 1 o clock in the morning the men sep
arated and twelve of them went to the Cute
Union. They were not intoxicated. A
police captain named Lay, who was 1:1
citizen's clothes, had been watching it 's
cafe all the evening, with seven or eigi-t
policemen to support him. At about 1
o'clock ln the morning the seamen started
for the wharf with the intention of board
ing the Tacoma. Captain Lay claims that
I the seamen started the trouble, and the
j sailors claim that Captain Lay, without
1 any provocation, caused the disturbance.
! As the enlisted men of the Tacoma had
been hindered by the police on their way
to the wharf. Ensign Brisbin decided to
' Walk sMs-Hf-iv ihMiil nf fh. vrtw flni4il.nW
h heard a revolver shot and Immediately
afterwards the police charged with revol
vers and machetes.
Enelsja la lajared.
Brisbin received an ugly cut on the arm
and was felled to the ground three tunes.
As the crowd of seamen came up the
policemen emptied their revolvers at them,
: at the same time attacking the American-
with machetes. A fierce fight ensued, with
I the result that Henry L. Lee. a fireman of
I the Tacoma. will probably die of a com
pound fracture of the skull, caused by a
machete, and a gunshot wound ln ths right
breast. Ten other members of the crew of
the Tacoma were taken to the ship's hos
pital suffering from machete wounds and
clubbing. Not one of the policemen was
badly hurt, though several of them suffered
from fist contusions.
The captain and all the policemen who
! took part In the affair have been sus
: pended by order of the civil governor o
: Santiago, upon the representations of Com
i mander Tappan of the Tacoma, and
i American Consul Holaday, who affirm that
! the lives of the American consul and men
i who go ashore are not safe while such
men are acting as agents of the law.
i Mr. Holiday Is making thorough In
j vestigatlon of the Incident,
j List ef lajared Men.
j WASHINGTON, May 1. While full re
: port of the affray at Santiago is not as
j yet at hand It la learned at the Navy de
partment that Commander Tappan has
. cabled that Urn of the personnel ot the
! Tacoma were Injured In the attack by the
' police of Santiago. These were:
Henry L. Late, fireman, second class;
fracturs of skull, gunshot wound In l-us.
condition serious.
Er.slfcn A. T. UrUbln.
Frank Leghorn, electrician, first class.
Elmer F. Anders, apprentice seaman.
Charles B. Sluvckeiton, machinist s mats,
first class.
Glen Cavender, seaman.
Harry J. Sturdevant, electrician, first
Louis Cline, ordinary seaman; cuts and
bruises, but not serious.
Lesile B. B. iJoiim, seaman; compound
fracture of left forearm; serious injury.
Claude J. Peinber. electrli lan, third class;
lnct.tetl wound of left foiearin. a severe in
Jury. Commander Tappan's dispatch statta that
t!iee men, wltn me exception of the en
sign, coir.Ksed a liberty party of tha
' Tiivbi and were attacked by the police
while returning to their snip at half past
1 o'clock yesterday morning. No cause ia
assigned for the attack, but -it is suppose i
that the men were perhaps singing, as
sailors are apt to do when tney have had
a 'iappy evening ashore and on returning
to t . .r ship. In almost all large porta,
unless the men are absolutely disorderly
or are deatrjylr.g property or Interfering
with citizens, the police let them proceeu
on their way without molestatijn beyond,
perhaps, a Iriencly warning tt refrain from
disorder, fc'o far as the naval officers hire
know, this has been the custom at Santiago
ever eince the Au.erlcan sr.lps have made
that a station pert. lrJeed. (he sailors
ers believed to have teen welcome visitors,
for tbey spent a "real deal of money la
. ths native shos snd markets and con
tributed much to the social life of the
tow n.
Vsvy Officials la Dosht.
1 The officials at the Navy department are
at a ', as to conceive may have bean
the reason for this change of attitude on
the part of the Santiago police They can
, scarcely believe that ths men were mucli
to blame ar.d they are certain they would
I not be a(jgreora. because Commander
i Tappan reo-rts tnat they vre ' all kel"
I by the police and tr.e chin.-tcr A tl.e in
juries suttali el by the men Is an Indica
tion that they were assaulted with clubs
snd iv rds or bayjr.ets. No mention Is
, made of any Injury ln.11. 'ted upon the police.
1 which la not surprising ln view of the tact
UuU Um aaiaumt -aiUt its luta esjee, (Ha