TIIE OMAILV DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, APRIL HO, 1007. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET ttiaral Bataa and Waak Cablet Causa WeaknaM ia wheat. MAY AND JULY WHEAT Off OVER ONE CENT La4a Wkitl mn torn Markets Bmk Sharply Rains In Knnsns " Easier Feellngr. OMAHA, April 29, 1907, As' waa anticipated generally by trader! Rat urrtu v the wheat market suffered a h.rn t.reak and prices on May and July options declined l'la.c. General rains tfroughoot Kr,i, Nebraska and the fauthwest were I ha causa of the extreme eat next ami long wheat tame out freely 1,11 the decline. '1 lie London market broke snarply and, with an Increase In the vlalble wlu-st supply, caused much easier feeling, Iater dealings disclosed some support and Diices generally rose allKhtly higher. Whe.t opened weak on the reports of rains In Knaa and the bearlshness of foreign markets. May wheat declined from Uc ankd lo 73c asked, and July options fell from 7ti0 asked to 75Vic aaaed. Sep. tember options were firmer and the trading was only of moderate volume. Closing prices slightly firmer, but all options closed with a net loas of l'c. Cora was weaker on lower rabies and In sympathy with the wheat market. Trad Inn was .light and receipts were moderate. T(i? market was dull and the close was firmer, July corn rinsing at 46c bid, an advance of He September options closed weak. Oats opened soft, with considerable sell Ins; by oommlsstnn houses. The statistical situation Is stronger, but precipitation In the southwest caused an early decline, with an upward reaction near the close. May oats opened weak at 41 ',0 asked and rinsed steady at 414,0 asked. September options Closed Vo lower. l'rlniaiy wheat receipts wpre 1,007,010 ousnma ana shipments z&t.vt) bushels, against receipts I wt year of 496,000 busliels and shipments of 4K4.0HO bushels. Corn re. relpts were 600,000 bushels and shipments 554,000 bushels, against receipts of HHH,iJ0 bushels and shipments of 610,010 bushels lust year. Clearances were 372,000 bushels of corn, 19,(in bushels of oats, and wheat and flour equal to JSfj.ftO bushels. Liverpool closed Vamd lower on wheat and liil'-d lower on corn. The world's wheat shipments were 11,40a. 000 bushels, against I0,04,0u0 bushels last year. Corn shipments were 4.779, OK) bushles, against 3,299,u0 bushels last week and 3,361. OoJ bushels last year. The world s visible wheat supply In creased 7.000 bushels to 62.761,000 bushels, against 41,221.000 bushels last year. The visible corn supply decreased 1,293,000 bush, el to 9,370.000 bushels, as compared with 4,-'W,000 bushels last year. The visible sup ply of oats decreased 811.000 bushels to 10, 242.000 bushels, against 16.672,000 bushels at the corresponding period lust year. Local rang of tptlons: em. (1 as. Timothy, crime, 14 36. Clover, contract grade, 816.36. PROVISIONS hort rib ildoa (loose), Ha-tl. Hess pork, per bhl, lis SvEf 1475. Ird. Der luo lbs. $8.424 Short clear sides (boxed), 6.7V.0i. The receipts and shipments of flour and grain were flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu.. Oats, bu.. (Kye, bu.... Barley, bu Receipts. Bhlpments. ... 28,300 tL ... .) a.") ...lW.tYiO 312.00 ...819.100 fcS.l'O .. .t0 1.600 4H,iO 2B,0 On the Produce exchange today the hut ter market wag weak; creameries, lWrc; dairies, IKQISc. Fags, steady; at mark, cases Included, UVhUVIc; firsts, 16c; prims firsts, ltfitc. Cheese, steady; 14tfflie. NBW YORK OEHERAL MARKKT Qaotatlosi Varlons 1 NEW TORE STOCKS ANDBONDS Rite of Uaion Faoifto tha Oily Hotaworthr Taatiira of Eeuiom. NO NEWS TO EXPLAIN MOVEMENT Sharp Reaction la "Wheat Gives r Assistance to Advocates for Higher Prices for Stocks. Articles ! Open Hlgh. Low. Close. Sat'y. Wheat- - .11 I may... mai 144A July... 7iiAJ 7t,A Sept...! 78iA 78. A torn May... July... 44-A Sert... 44 A Oats- I May. ..I 414Ai Hnpt... 414,A Bept... 86'4A 45A45f,B 73 A 75HA 77VA 45N.BI 44 A I 44 A 46 Bl I 41HA 41vR! 41S,A,41-'SH 35a 35 A 73 A 744B 764A 714B 77WA 7SB 45 H 46 A 44 14 44B 44 B 41 41 41VsA 41 36 A 3643 A asked. B bid. Omaha Cash Prices. WH EAT No. 1 hard, 7237SHe: No. t hard, 6667lc; No. 4 bard, 66fc7c; No. I spring, BiMl.lC. CORN NO. 8. 434V&44c: No. 4. 417T430: no grade. 36ii40c; No. 8 yellow, 44S441c; No. t white, 44'i46c. , OATS No. 3 mixed. 39H39c; No. I White, 404,c; No. 4 white, 8!W;a40o. UYK No. J, 81V4c: No. 8, 60c. f the Day oa Commodities. NEW YORK. April 29 FLOUR Re ceipts, U.'VJi bbls.; exports. 6.2 bbls.; Market steady, but dull; Minnesota pat ents, S4.kKii4.6i; Minnesota bakers, $3.40 70; winter patents, I80jj.0, winter straights. IS 40 166; winter extras. l.t 9 3.00; winter, low grades. 12.75 J. K0. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, l.et?3.0; choice to fancy, 13.360 4. 16. CORNMEAL firm; fine whit and yel low, 11.20, coarse. 1. 08111.10; kiln dried, 2 654j J. 76. WHEAT Receipts, tt.OOO bu.; exports. 61.129 bu.; spot msrket essy; No. 2 red, MV. elevator, and Mr, t. o. b. afloltt; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 6Hc, opening nav Igatlon f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 hard winter, Im'c. opening navigation f. o. b, afloat. In fluenced by weak cables and reports of rain In Kansas, wheat broke a cent per bushel today. Liquidation was heavy, but short sellers were checked by bug stories. Statistics Included bearish figures on the visible supply snd world's shipments. final prices showed Tfcfclo net loss. May, WV'OOc, closed at 8!'c; July. JuifiOOSc, closed at 90c; Beptember, lioH ft HI c, closed at 90To; December, 93i8W4c closed at mc. CORN Receipts. 238,275 bu.; exports, 276,764 bu.; spot maaket easy; No. 3, 90c, elevator, and 67fcc. f. o. b. afloat; No. white, 6e; No. 1 yellow, 57o, r. o. o. atloat. The option market broks a cent under increased weekly stocks and liqui dation, but rallied In the afternoon, closing only He net lower. May closed at tSOc; July. 67H'BMc, closed at 6xo. OATS Recelpta. a,W bu. exports, 13,360 bu. ; spot market, steady; mixed oats, 2rt to 32 lbs, 47V; natural whits, 80 to 38 lbs., 4usitic; cuppea wnite, w to w ids., 534)640. HA i steady; snipping, itwmc; goou to choice. 11.1601.20. HOPS Quiet; state common to choice, 1S"0. 160 lie; 1905, 4 Hec; Paclflo coast, 1906, 8 if 11c; 1906, fiilSc. HIDES Dull; Central America, 24c; Bogota, 240. LKATHEB Steady; acid, 27 H 29c. PROVISIONS Beef. steady; family, 114.004(14,60; mess, S9.6010.00; beef hams. 324.00ff2t.00; packet, 31 0.tO 0 1 1.00; city extra India mess, S20.00U 1.00. Cut meata steady; pickled bellies, Sl0.6OU12.O0; pickled hams. 811-7&4rtl26. Iard, barely steady; western prime, $8.8OSa.90; refined, steady; continent, 89.25; South American, 11(1 Ou; compound, 83 2b8.624. Pork, steady; fatnlly, 318.6019.00; short clear, 317.00 &18.60; mess, 317.25 1 8.00. TALLOW Steady; city (S3 per pack age), 6c; country (packages free), EHGc; RICK Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 2 H (ft 64; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Stsady at the decline; west ern factory, common to firsts, 19i22e; west ern Imitation creamery, extra, 26c; firsts, 22(S28c. CHEESE firm; state full cream, col ored and white, small, September fancy, 16c; small, October best, 14'U'HHc; good to prime. 13914Hc; large, September fancy, 16c; good to prime, 12c4Uc; Inferior, ii4fu'Hc. EGOS Strong; western northerly sec tion, 17tyc (official price, 17o); southerly section, 16Vl7o (official price, 18ViC); sec onds, 16c. t, POULTRY Dressed, easy; western chlck sns, 1010Ho; turkeys, 10iol4c; fowls, lo14o. ami dearer Jarwnes Imperial 6a of 1 closed at 101V Kaffir were flat early In the day, owing to fears of the repatriation of the Chinese coolies In South Africa, but at the dnee prices were firmer. HK.KI.IN, April zv inres on tne iKiurn torlav opened firm, but weakened later. PARIS, April 29 -Prices on th. Bourse ftp. day were firm, but trading was inactive. Kusslan Imperlaj s closed at ana n-us- slan bonds of l-4 at 497.00. NEW TORK. April . The extremely limited operations In the stock market to day gave no hint of any growth of out side interest. The movement of Union Pacific was the only one worthy of note. The strength In thst stock really dominated the whole market and gave It whatever vague character It made. There was no news to explain the advance In Union Pa cific. It was variously attributed to the formation of a stock market pool to spec ulate In the stock and to the expectation of some coming change In the affairs of the company that would redound to the benefit of the stockholders. The sympathetic effect of the Union Pa cific movement radiated through the mar ket with diminishing effect In stocks more remotely connected witn it. tne greatest effeit belna shown In the more Intimate! connected transcontinental groups. The sharp reaction In the wheat mnrket gave some assistance to the advocates of higher prices for stocks. The amount of unload ing of wheat Induced by the news of rhnw- ers In the southwest serves to impress stock market sentiment with the large amount of speculative Influence which has been st work in the recent wheat market and so detracted from the force of re cent crop scare reports. Otherwise the dsy was unusually barren of incident and offered small help towards resolving the uncertainty which holds the securities mar ket In check. The price of cooper mdo another advance In London today snd gave some Impetus to copper securities. Reports from railroad traffic officials were of continuance of favorable conditions, but In a less sanguine tone than recentiy. The car situation la reported easier, although this Is attributed to an Increased supply of new curs rather than to any falling oft In traffic offerings. Admissions are mad", however, of some disposition on the part of manufacturers to cut down expenses or extensions of work and by the bankers to discourage larger outlays at this time. This Is accepted as showing some exten sion of the feeling which has prompted cur tailment of ruilroad plans to other fields of Industry. The keen competition In the London mar ket for the newly arrived gold was lonked upon with Interest. The sharp bidding which advanced the price of the gold H point, the small proportion secured by the Farls bidders, the continued rail In tne sterling exchange rate at Paris and the firmness of the sterling exchange market here all added to the likelihood that gold might be shipped from New York to Paris. The local money market was not affected by these developments and remained easy, with a very sluggish demand for funds for stock market purposes. There was unusally languid Interest In the immediate dividend meeting of United States Steel directors, which Is to occur tomorrow. This was largely due to the decline or anv ex pectation of a change In the dividend rate to be decleared. The statistics of earnings for the quarter and of orders on hand are awaited with much Interest in stock mar ket circles. There was a feeling of satis faction with the tranquil outlook reported In the labor field on the eve of May dav. Bonds were steady. Total sales. par value, Sl.254.0u0. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and closing quotations on stocks were: Biles. Hlfh. Low. ClnM. New York Moaey Market. NEW TORK. April 39. MONET On call, easv at JiiH per cent; ruling rate, H per cent; rinsing bid, 8 per cent; offered, at i per cent. Time loans, steady; days. per rent; 90 days, 8ti4 per cent; months, 4'sfNTa per rent. I'KIMB MERCANTILE) FAPER V4t r8TJ?HLIN(l FJXCHANOE Firmer, wl'h actual business In bankers' bills' at 34 WlS'i? 4 WW for demand and at 34 K32V!j4 8326 for 00-dav bills: posted rates, 84.&H4.87; com mercial bills. S4 S3V SILVER Bar, 66Hc; Mexican dollars, 61c BONDS Government and railroad, steady. Closing quotations on bonds today war as follows: ..104 Jarsa U, 14 series... M . .104 ia 4a cthi IH, ..14 do 4Ha rtfa tt ,.1M4 do id serlea A N. anl. 4s.. ..101 ..loi4 'Mas. a. ( 4a........ ti ..ltMei On Ira I 4a Ilv . .ISO" ado lit Inc II .. 71 'Minn. BL U 4a.. 17 ..loe af . K T. 4a ' .. do M .. M N R. R. of M. a. 4a rai. o. a. in eoupoa . U a. la. rag do eoupon C. B. old 4a. do COUPOB . V. B. nt la, do muron . Am. Tobscoo 4 do la Atchliton (to. do adj. a... Atlantic C L. a Bal. Ohio do I Via ... nr. H. T. o. 4s Central of Oa. 6a. do 1M Ino lo Id Inc do Id Inc rhes. A Ohio 4Ha 1 0181 Chicago A. IK,a... t OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattla BacslpU Rather LicM and Quality 1st Up to ftaadard. FEEDERS SHOW EFflCT OF LATE SPRING M N T. C. a. im MS ....lm'N. J. C. f. la 1I24 .. no. pacmo 4a nut .. M do la 11 ..insvt N. a W. r la 4 to o s. u rfd(. ,... n 4a. Carlot Receipts. Chicago , Kansas City .. Minneapolis. ... Omaha .i..,.., Duluth ..v...... St. Loirl I....... Wheat, .... 43 .... 73 ....413- 90 .4-. Corn. 174 - 28 84' i.: :U. 7W -slaV-r. Oats. 849 ;-' -a 14 a-VUICAQO- ' f GltAIX ARD PROVIBIOM Fealarre of the Trading and Clostaaj; Prices on Board of Trad. . CHICAtJCs April 29. Rain and snow In Konsas and other sections of the south west Induced fiee prortt taklns; In -the wheat market today and caused decline of about lo per bushel In all deliveries. At the close the July option was off Wkt lc. Corn was up He Oats were a shads higher. Provisions were a shade to lfio lower. The wet weather In Kansss not only dampened the enthusiasm of the bulla In the wheat pit, but at the same time en couras;ud local and outside lonps to sell freely. This aelllits; was further aug mented by the weather bureau's forecast of additional rain tonight In Kansas. The fact that the market at Liverpool closed Vuld lower also tended to make more pro nounced the weakness In the local market. The selling pressure was heavy through out the entire session and the market manifested no recuperailce power, the tone being weak from beginning to end. Al though commission houses were active buy era at times, the bulk of offerings were taken by shorts. Bearish sentiment was accentuated by liberal primary receipts, total arrivals today being 1.007,000 bu., com pared with 464,000 bu. the same day a year ago. The market closed weak. July opened HHo to Qa lower at 822o. old off to l3o and closed at 824o. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to ldfi.Ou) bu. The visible supply Increased 7H6.0UO bu. and ths amount on passage In It. Iala Geaeral Market. ST. LOUIS, April J9 WHEAT Lower; track. No. 3 red rash KX&Slc: No. 2 hard. T7WO-79HO, May, W&TlKc; July. 8o4o. CORN Lower: track. No. 8 cash. 49i9 80c; May, 47Ho; July, tlSfccj No. 3 white, 60 faoOHt. OATS Lower; track, No. I cash, 4242Hcj May, ilo; July, 89c; No. 2 white, 430 44c FLOUR Firm ; red winter patents 33.76 8.90; extra fancy and straight, S3.26tf3.70; clear, S2.8M33.86. ' ' SK7U Timothy steady, 33.000.75. COR NMKAL Steady, 32.40. "BAAN-Steady: sackecV east -track, 93 840 HAT-Steady; timothy, ' S15.00n8. 60; pfal rte. S'- -OOdj'18 00. IRON COTTON TIES-1.09. BAOOlNO-10'ic, H KM P TWINB-rOe. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, rl IB. Lard, lower; prime steamed, 38.40. )ry salt meats, lower; boxed extra shorts, 39 SO; clear libs, S9.62H; short clears, 39 76. Bacon, lower; boxed extra shorts, SlO.afHi; clear ribs, 310 SO; short clears, 310 8314. BL'TTKR Weait ; creamery. 844i31o. PX3G8 Firm; 14c case count. POULTRY Dull; chickens 11c; springs, turkeys, llffUc; ducks, izc; geese, The receipts ana snipments or nour ana Receipts. Shipments. 11.000 T.ono 71,000 f7,0O0 ...,279,0iW 81,000 141.000 , 77,000 C, B. A O c. r. i. a p. do onl. la rrv. a Bt. L Colo. Ind. la. aer I Colorado Mid. 4a.. rn'n. tk Bo. 4a ''una 5 n. A R. O 4a r1t!l!era' gee. 8a.. Krla p. I. 4a do sen. 4a Hock. Val. 4Wa Japan Ce Hid. "Asked. 70 Faiin. oonr. an Reading ran L. ft 1. M, U A 8 r fv st. L. a. w. e. . ll Knord A. L. . go Pacific 4a .loot, do lat 4a ctra.. .. AS Sn. Railway 8a... . M Traaa A P. la . . . II T . St. U W. .lot t'nlon Pacltlc 4a.. . M V. S Stel M tl . H Wanaan la . 74 do db. B . Mt Weatertl Md. 4a. .104 W ft I.. E. 4a. . 1814 Wla. Cantral 4a, IHa a rr e. ta..H0 ff 4a. 114 74 4a.. 7l .... MH .... ...10114 ....I15a "'5.irr,'! . ... i"- .... 7 .... 74H tl .... 17 Prlees of Roars Lower, While Receipts ad Fair Demand for f)aeep Cosaa Advance la Maotatlaas. BOUTM OMAHA, April S. 1OT. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sueep. Oniclal Monday 4,f"0 4.A4) .h) Fame day last week 4,527 4.n ll,4ol Sams aay 2 weeks ago.. b.$'i b.Ul S.T74 Same day 3 weeks ago.. 4.8J3 8 6.-4 24 .147 Same day 4 weeks ago.. 4.24a 4.nV 11.210 Same day last year 4.0i4 4.417 7,b.l The following table shows the receipts Of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for ths year to date, compared with last year: 19o7. 1J. inc. Dec. Cattla 377.744 81 977 67,7 Hogs 7!W,70 877,7 Sheep 667.64 (14W4 W.bJt CATTLhi UUOTAT10N8. Good to choice corn-tea steers SS.S"4f.90 ralr to good corn-fed steers Common to fair stsera Oood to choice fed cows Fair to good cows and heifers... Common to fair cows Fair to choice storker A feeders.. 4.bvQO.00 Fair to good Blockers A feeders.... 4.w4 60 Common to fair stockers 3 0Ou4 O0 Bulls, stags, eto 2 7in4.6o Veal calves 4.wku0 ine following tabs shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 1907. 1906.1906.1M., 1903. 1902. ,1901. 79, 116 4M4M 4.j4 76 4 OiHtiu.OO 3.Wi4 35 40 to 40 I :, i I 4J- I S M 4 an (a T tia 171 ... I J 41 f"1 Tl HI M I la N IX H Ill ... It. Tl II II . ... I IS 0 14 70 ... t s m lit af im ... I M M i: 7 im ... in SHEKP Receipts of sheep this mo-nlng were llmlled. while the demand was far In excess of the supply. Active competition forced prices In the neighborhood of loc higher than the close of last week, or back to about where they were at the best time of the season. The moderate number on sale rhsnged hands quickly st the sd vance snd the trade throughout was active and strong. Record sales were common today, wooled lambs selling up to ft m. wooled ewes S 75 snd wooled yearlings 87.75 For short stuff ewes slso reached the high mark "75. Sales of clipped lambs at 37.80 and clipped wethers at Id were also well up lo record prices of the season for this class of stuff The mnrket all around Is In excellent shape, with the supply noalse equal to the de mand. Quotations on wooled killers: Oood to choice lambs. SvPJUiS SO; fair to good lambs, S7.6IHU8 OU; good to choice yearlings, lamb weights. 87. d1 7. TP; fnlr to good yearlings, lamb weights. So.oOifT tlO; good in choice yearlings, heavy weights, 16.5"ij 7.00; f nlr to good yearlings, heavy weights. S3,kil1 8.M; good to choice old wethers. J4?Vif7 0o; good to choice ewes. Sa.AHin.TS: fair to good ewes, 36.af.'o4 clipped sheep and lambs sell about tl off from above quotations. Representative sales: No. 44i western shorn ewes 240 western ewes, shorn... i'23 western ewes, shorn... 47S western shorn ewes...., 871 western ewes, shorn.... "i Wf-strii short ewes , 231 western ewes, shorn... 3.0 western shorn ewes.... ewes.... Av. . 97 western shorn 4fi7 western ewes , 4 western lamb ewes. 77 112 . 107 74 106 119 109 , 111 ... 1O0 Boston Mocks and Bonds. BOSTON, April S.-Call loans, 8fv5 cent; time loans closing quotation Atchison adj. 4a.. do 4a Met Cantral 4a.. Atchtfnn do pfd Portnn ft Albany. Poiton A Malaa. . Bnstnn Elevated ritrhluirs pfd Mtilran Central N. T . N. H. ft Vnlon Pacific 44 (S per cent. wers: It Bingham .... MMi Cal. ft Hecla.. 7(1 S4 Centannlal .... . ... M'a Copper Ranse . t.'4 Pair Wrat Franklin ,...1ft2 Oranbr .... Milium Rorala ... per Official of 679 and 874 cars, cars Chicago reported receipts against 2k) cars last week a year ago. A break of 1d at Liverpool and a weak opening In wheat caused a lowering of corn values at the start. For a time there was considerable selling by commission bouses and local toons The market rallied materially during the last half on acUva buying by rash houses, small receipts be ing rsionslbla for much of the demand. The close was firm. July opened Htr'wo to c lower at 4W,c to 4IViHi)1c, sold off to 4840 and then advanced to 4!',c. Final quotations ware at the highest point. Local receipts wsra 174 oars, Including a car of Contract grade. Wet weather In the southwest caused some selling of oats early In the day which resulted In mocVrate weakness. Lster however, considerable firmness developed on a brisk demand from elevator Interests July opsned no to V,tc lower at 414 41VJ, advanced to 41T40 and closed at the top price. Loral receipts were 249 cars. Provisions were rather weak because of selling by local packers. The sales were based on a 6c decline In the price of live hogs and on the weakness of wheat. The volume of trading was small. At the close July pork wss off lfio st S16.I?4 Lard was down 24C st I .75. 'Ribs were a shade lower at 3S.7iif.70. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. TO cars; corn. 278 cars; oats, 3M cars; hogs. 13.0U) hsad. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.1 Open. Illgh.l Low. Close ! Sat'y. Wheat Msy Julv Sept. Iee. Oiro May July Sept. Oats . May July Sep. 1 Pork May July Lard May July Sept Ribs May Julv Sept. grain were: Flour, bbls... Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu Oats, bu 1 1 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITT,' April 29 -WHBAT-Msy. 7174c; July. 74Ac; September. .764ic; cash, No. 2 hard. 74iT7c: No. 3, 71'(i76c; No. 2 red, 79tf74c; No. 3. 2'o78o. CORN May, 44"c; July, 464o; September, 4o4c; No. 3, 47c. OATS No. 3 white, 43c; No. 8 mixed, 42i43o. RTB-Steady, fl0c. HAT Steady ; choice timothy, S14.2fgl5.00; Choice prairie., 50-ij lO 00. Hl'TTER Creamery, 2cj packing, 15o. KOOS Steady: extra fancy, 16c; current receipts, cases included, new cases. 144c; second-hand cases. 14c; rases returned, 13M-C-. southern, cases Included. 134c. ana snipments or grain Receipts. Shipments. 116.000 1Z5000 40 000 85.000 86.000 84,000 The receipts ere: Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Visible lapply of Grala. NEW YORK, April 29 The visible supply of gram Saturday, April 27, as compiled by the New York Produce axchangs, was as fellows: Wheat M, 776.000 bu.. Increase TSS.mO bu. Corn .074.0u6 bu., decrease 1.2MI.O0O bu. Oats 9,F66.000 bu., decrease Sn.ono bu. Rye L216.0O0 bu.. Increase 79.000 bu. Barley 2.519,000 bu.. decreet 151,000 bu. Liverpool Grala aai Provisions LIVERPOOL, April . WHKAT-Spot, steady; No. 2 red western winter. As 2d; No. 1 California. 6s 4d; futures, easy; May, 6s vd: July, s Sd; September, 6s 4jd. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 4s 3d; American mixed, old, 6s 4d; futures, easy; July. 4s 7Hd: Beptember, 4s 7HU. HOPS In London (Pacific coast), quiet. 2 los3 6a. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNBAPOLia. Minn., April 29.-WIIEAT -May, 81Hc; July 84444C: No. 1 hard. US &V-: No- 1 northern. toc: No. 2 north ern, 8?Xn-s3ic; No. 8 northern, sutrSlc. r i.l ok Firsi patents, n a'm.u; serona patents, 14. '44 36; first clears, 13.20.ui.iO; second oleaurs. S3.40fr2.70. BRAN In bulk, l.fc.n.73. 79H H4'a 7? I MM MV fc'i; IdBAitVril ' I 60V. I lyst H. ' 6tv 4V 41ViSi 8S 16 66 16 8THl 8 60 8 T7H! I Si 41) 35V IB 65 16 90 6 64l 8 77W 7974 79V ao4 eS I 8.V8SHTJI4 US R3Vi4 M7Tf5 isv, ftsas' 80s 4J 60V.I 60 -;i 497,1 4s 4:, 50 604 Ht(W 44J ' 44 44 41SI 4141V,f'J 36'iVat 4a74oa I UW 6 90 n 70 I 80 8 65 8 70 3 80 15 H 15 tCl 8 60 75 3 87. 8 srsi 8 67H 8 SO ! 15 65 16 8,1 I 8 6S S 70 8 874 8 5ISJ TO 3 80 15 70 16 97i 8 67H 8 8 H 8 67H 8 IS 8 86 No. I. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOt'li Steady; winter patents, 83 1041 840, winter straights. S2.9U43 ii. spring pat ents, ttvitrtM: spring strslghts, 83.ui4H.30: bakers. U Xrvi-. ' , WHEAT No. 2 spring fa?JSS:; No. 1 7Bre: No. 8 red. TVt.ii-.'Wc. COHN-No. 3. fc."C6oc: No. I yellow. 6nA 104 OATS No. 8. 44r: No. I whits, 449 46r: No. 3 white. 4iy&44o. RTF No 3 Sio. BARLEY Fair to choice malting. TJo. SKl-JVaV-No. I flax, SI 11; No. 1 northweat- Peorla Grala Market. PEORIA, April 29.-CORN Steady ; No. I yellow and No. 3. 4Vc; No. 4. 44c; no grade, 83ii40c, OATB-IjuJI and lower; No. 8 white, 43c; No. 4 white. 41c. RTE-tady; No. 2, 67Hl)c WHWKY-On the basis of 31.28 for fin ished goods. Philadelphia Prodae Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 29-EX10-Staady, fair demand. Pennsylvania and other nearby firms, free cases, 18c at mark; western firsts, free cases. 18c at mark. CHRKfiE Firm, fair demand; New Tork full creanm, fancy. 1443 14c; Choice, 14HO. Mllnsskee Grala Market. M HiWA I'K KB. April 28-WIIBAT-No. 1 northern, f64jtc; No. 2 northern. 81fi4c; July, 8JV.0. RYE No. 1 7r43'7Sc. BA RLE T No. K Too; sample, 6Vf74c CORN No. 3. oaah, 4Quk; July, 401,0. Dnlatk Grala Market. DULUTH. Minn.. April 29-WHKAT-No. 1 northern, aSo; No. 1 northern, Sa'Uc: May 4V; July. Sr: September, Wc. OATB April, 42c, Tuleaa aa Market. TOIJBDO, April 39 aETBPS Clover, cash and April. Uh, October. 11.65; Itecamber. 87.674, March. 87. tw; prime timothy, ti.a) aluka. 17.64. Alama Bxpraas Amalgamated Copper ... Am. C. ft Am. C. ft r. pfd Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil ptd American Expreas Am. H AL. pfd Amarlcan Ira Am. Llnaeed Oil Am. Llnaeed Oil pfd Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotive pfd...., Am. 8. ft H Am. B. ft R. pfd , Am. Supar Reflnlnf Am. Tobacco pfd ctfa.... Anaconda Mining Co.... Atchlaon Atchlaon pfd Atlantic Coaat Llna.... Baltlmora ft Ohio Bat. A Ohio pfd Brooklvs . Kasid Tr Canadlas PaIAc Cantral of New Jaraaf.. Chaaspaaka Ohio Chicago OL W Chit-ago ft N. W , C. ai. ft Rt. P CMoaso T. T Chicago f. ft T. pfd C. C, C. ft 8t. L Colorado F. A I Colorado A 60 Colo. A 80. lat pfd Colo, ft fo. id pfd Consolidated Gas Corn Produola Corn Product pfd Dataware ft Hudaon Del., L. ft W Denver ft R. O n. ft R a. pfd Diet mere- Securities Krle Eli let pfd Kris Id pfd Oeneral Electric Ullnola Central International Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Cantral Inwe Central pfd Kanaaa City So K. C. 80. pfd Loulevllle ft N Meilcsn Central Minn. A at. Louie u . si. r. ft a. a. m M , St. P. ft 8. 8. M. pfd. afteaourt Pacific at., K. ft T U , K. ft T. pld National Lead N R. R. of M. pfd New York Central N. T., O. ft W Norfolk ft W Norfolk ft W. pfd North American Pacific Mall pennaylvants People's Oaa P.r c ft Ft. L...,. Preaaed Steel Car rr-,d ('. pfd Pullman Palac Car..,. Reading Rt-adlug lat pfd Reeding Id ptd Republic Heel Republic Steel pfd Ruck laland Co Rock laland Co. pfd Rubber Uooda pfd St. U ft 8 P. Id pfd. 8t. L. 8. W St. L a. W. pfd Bout hers Paclno Mo. Pacific pfd Southern Railway So. Railway pfd Tenneeee C ft 1 Teiae ft Pacific T.. St. L ft W T . Bt. L. A W. pfd... Colon Pacific llnloa Pacific pfd V. 8. Kipreaa V. 8. Realty l B. Rubber V. 8 Rubber pfd V. 8. Steel I'. B. Bleel pfd V.-Caro. Chemical , Va -ro, Cham, pfd Wabash Wabeah pfd Welte-Tarso Eprcea Weetlnghouae Electrto Weatern t'nloa Wbeellag ft L. R Wlaconaln Central Wla. Central pfd , Northern Faelfic Central Leather Central Leelher pfd Sloee-Sheffield Bteel Oreal Northern pfd Int. Metropolitan lul. Met. pf Total aalee lor the day. M.500 1.6CO 100 1U0 100 100 100 811 4 10k tl4 ; lle 14,100 J10 7.10 1110 , 1,700 11.100 100 B10 , 1,700 'l.'ilio . 4.SU0 ! "i'ioo . i.:oo loo . 1,100 104) 10O 1,60 1S44 liw-, 12f.4 24 M 4 8!, ll 19S 'o" 177 H ii'i 114 IM Ut 'iii, 18 3'4 7t ( IU4 114 7C 12H 't2 isii 114 its 2 2i 6a 16 14 104 tl 'ii 1744 'ii 4 11J l.M'4 71TI 36 2i 4 101 47T4 41 700 384 I1V4 700 l.l'O - !00 10O 400 2O0 ! l.IKO 7"0 100 700 (0 100 00 7n4 14 1 1114 It 1484 ia4 M4 16 60 14 1M4 74 4 I2S 704 14 64 :m 1474 184 U t4 0 1204 "ii" 74 180 44 nv la4 10 III 300 1H 71 124 24 U K4 114 1014 1244 911 624 n i 1044 M4 M m4 1T4 1 -4i 114 1514 136S . 1 I 11 : 70 ' H 4 47 ' is:4 if -J 7;4 14 470 29-4 76 ' 70 H lf'l 31 148 14S 144 74 18 7H14 18 31 U 244 0 120 111 4a 10St 1344 Am. Pneu. Tub. Amer. Sugar do pfd Am. T. ft T Am. Woolen do pfd tMlaon Rlrr. Illu Mm. Rlectrle ... do pfd Maaa. Oaa ... l olled Trult Vnlted H. M. do pfd .... U. 8. Rteel.. do pfd .... Adventure .. Allouec Amalgamated Atlantic Aslted. 131 Maea. Mining 114 Michigan .... H...174 Mohawk 147tfcMnnt. C. ft C. .. 1H . .160 .. 10 .. 114 .. 16 .. 17 ..IM .. 11 .. 4t Aprlf 14.. April 19.. 17.. 18.. April Aurll April April April 23 April 24.. April 28.. April 2. . April 37. April at., April 29.. 19.. 20.. 21.. 22.. 39 I I 6 31 40W 3 49 I S74 3 311 8 23 3241 9 61 i 28 Si"jj 44 1 5 ZJ t 24S 9 42 6 U 6 8RH1 . 8 34 8 33 8 24 8 31.; 8 2t 8 844 29 8 Si 6 34 I 6 36 364 i 23 6 iH i 33, a 8 3S 6 2o 5 j 5 161 6 101 6 111 4 89 7 18; 8 961 4 891 7 07 3 91. 7 13 8 66) 4 80 7 14 3 1-9 4 7&1 8 971 4 82 7 10 I 4 80 7 11 8 ci 4 81 1 7 07 6 m 4 82 7 02 8 86 7 06 8 9a 4 75 T 06 8 93 4 78 7 00 4 76 3 93 4 72 8 K3 7 07 4 66 6 77 7 03, 8 02 t 94 6 92 ft ! 5 90 8 bi 6 78 & 78 6 78 5 72 5 85 8. Old Drtmlnlon . ...115 Oeceola ...126 Parrot . . .114V Qulnry ... 194 Shannon ...16 Tamarack ...pi Trinity 16 t'nlted Copper . 17 V. a. Mining.., 6St P. 8. Oil ins vtah 634 Victoria S7 Winona 384 Wolverine 101H North Butt ... 3 Putte Coalition 104 Nevada 144 Cel. ft Arlaon. II Arliona Com. . Sunday. RANGE OF TRICES. Cattle Hogs. Omaha 23.tHXu6.75 3S.25U.46 Chicago l.Hiraej 60 8.0ri.6V Kansus City 3.uomo.20 6.3ufli.&0 St. Louis 1.901113 50 k.Ki'u-u.bo M4 1 BIOUX City 8.4116.70 42oy.ai K I Hie olliclal number ot cars 01 stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hog. Btieep. H'r's. C, M. A St. P 7 8 Wabash 1 .. .. .. Missouri Pacific 3 U. P. Hystetn 66 8 16 C. N. W.. cast 1 4 1. 1 C. A N. W.. west 40 28 S C, St. P., M. & O.... 8 4.. C, B. a Q; east 8 1.. C , 11. & g., weBt 56 8 8 C. R. I. & P., east... 2 1 C, R. I. & P., west Illinois Central 2 Oreat W'esturn f.9 nest, shorn year pfs A weth'a VX I"0 m-estern ehorn wethers... 290 western lambs, shorn ;.J6 western shorn latnbs Jto western shorn lambs 271 Colorado Mexican lambs. yl western lambs 264 western lambs 132 Aft 77 no 78 81 Pr. 6 30 6 60 8 60 8 65 t 60 t 80 6 86 5 70 6 76 3 76 6 00 8 00 8 00 7 15 7 25 7 30 8 40 8 60 8 80 11 .. 66 '4 ..118 .. II ..III .. 171 ..107 ..114 .. 114 .. 141 . . lfl .. 114 .. 1 .. 1 ..1(9 .. 614 .. 17 .. 144 ..170 .. 10 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAHKKT Cattle Weak to Tea Cents 1 .0 ever Hoks Five Cents Lower. CHICAGO, April 29. CATTLR Receipts, 29.000 head: market weak to 10c lower; com mon to best steers. 4.4niri.40; heifers, 23.2fi't8 6 60; cows, 3:1.6116.26; bulls. 83.861j4.76: ciilves, 83.0Vrt6.6O; stockers anil feeders, 33.iHW6.2ii. HOOS-Hecelpts. 42,000 head; market 5c lower; choice heavy shipping. 3 604jV,.62: light butchers. 62' 11 6. 56: light mixed, 3tV52Mi.6; choice light, 3i 65ifii 674: pack ing. om.i6.50, pigs, 33.5oij6.60; bulk of sales. It; faV.ivi F,i. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 22.000 head; market steady; aheep. 31 25Ci.5; year lings, 36.2.Vy7.00; lambs, 3i. 768.76. No. 1 piste, 4c; No. t piste. 3Hc; No. I plate, 3c MISCELLANEOUS. flCCJAR-Oninulsted cane. In sacks, 39 11 J granulated beet. In ssaks, 36 21. COKFEK ItOHStd, No. 36. 2MO per lo.. No. 80, 21c per lb ; No. IS, 19c per lb.; No. 2t, 16c per lb ; No 21. 13c per lb. CHEEKIr.-Hlock Swiss, 19c; llmherger. 14c; Toting Atuericas. 17c. N l' I S -California waliiuls. No. J. soft shell, l?c; No. 1, soft shell, 16c; Hrss'ls, 16'4'u'lSc; pecans. 1n;22c: fllbrrts, 124r; pea nuts, raw, TV; roasted. $; California al monds, 17c, cM(nituts. l.'vt"! per h'O. CANNKli C,ool8 - Corn, slnndard, west ern, 4;-'uWc; Maine, 11.15. Tomatoes, fancy, S-lb. osns. 31 46; standard. 3-lh. csns. 31 2X Pineapples, grated. 2-lb.. slsn.lard, lid 2 31; alli ed. 8'..76'4j2 ,16; fancy liiiv.a,tai1. 2y lb., 32.76; lV.-lb.. 11.75. tlallon apples. 3?.6"fl S(. California apricots. 8Ji'.. I'ears. 8171 i:f(l Peaches. 817Tu2 40; I. O. peaches, llot-oJ 50. AInska snltnon, red, 11.16. fancy Chinook, flat. 12 10; fanck sorkee. flat. 3196, Siinllnes. (piarter oil, 83.26; thrce-quarten mJHtard. 32.75. Sweet potatoes. 21 lotl 35. Saner kraut. 9"r. Pumpkins. 8cm31.00. Wsi Ivans. 2-lb.. Koifil.ti. Lima beans, 2Vlb, 76i-iiill 35. Soaked ieas. 2-lh., 60c; early . June, W-o-iil 16; fancy. II 25tf1 S6. CAL M'HNIA PKIKP Flu 1TT4- ITtinet are somewhat unsettled by freer offerlngi from second hands, who seem desirous ol moving supplies of Immediate grsdes; quo tations range from 3V to 9o for California fruit and from !tc to Sc for tiregon. Ap ricots are practically out of the market and It Is reported that offerings for prrmpt shipments ar being withdrawn; choice art qtmterl at inc. i-eacnes are unensnget wilh rrtney yeuows quoteo at ijc; rancy Mnlr. 1440. Hnlsins are Arm: loose Musca tels ate unoted nt 8(ic; seeded raisins, 9Vtillo, Hit AN rer ton, i.i. HAY Choice upland, per ton. 8l0.tVi medium, r.'i: No. 1 bottom. tOO; fid grades, 35 i fj6 60. Rye straw, 17.00; No 1 Mlfnlfa. 811 00. FISH pickerel, dressed. o: pike, dressed, 12c- white fish, dresed. wlntei , caught. 134i lfvo; trout, 12iT15c; halibut, 18c sn 1 111 on, 16c; catflsh, 18c; herring, dressed, pan froten, 6c: perch, scaled nod dressed, 8c; crapples, round. Afj9o; erapplea, large, fancy, 15c; black hass. 25o: smelts, sweet snd fine, 13c; eel. ISc; blue fish, 15o; red snapper, 12c; roe shad, per pair, 4fj fflc; frog legs. 30p4oe: lotstet, green, pet lb., Roc; lobster, boiled, per lb., 40ft 45o! mackerel. Spanish, per lb., 16c; mackerel, native 1sfffl6o per lb.: fresh green turtlt meat. 26c lb. H1PE8 AND TALIOW Oreen salted. No. 1, Vc; No. 2. Sc; bull hides, 8c; green hides, No. 1, Nc; No. 2, 7c; horse, 31.60!if3.75 sheip pelts, 5V(Jf4J1.28. Tallow, No. 1, 4'4C No. 2. S'4,c. VoolWfi-220. Cl'RKD FI3H-T"mnlly whits flsh. pel rjunrter bhl.. 10ft lbs.. 34.00: Norwsy mack erel, No. 1, 336.00; No. 2, 32S.O0; herring, In bbls., 200 lbs. each. Norway, 4k, 811.01). Indon Cloalns; Storks. LONTJON, April 20. closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: Conaola. money I54 M., K. ft T do account B6 4 N. T. Central Anaconda 1' Norfolk ft W Atcbleoil 174 do pfd do pfd 114 Ontario ft W Baltlmor ft Ohio. ...lot Pennaylvanla .... Canadian Pacific ....12 Rand Mlnea ... 43V4 Reading ... Ui Southern Railway ...1SH4 do pfd ... 164 Southern Pacific . ... 10 Union Paclno .... ... 76 do pfd ... 14 U. 8. Steel ... 17 do pfd ... 4Wahaah ...161 do pfd ...114 Bpanlah 4a firm. )4i per ounce. mon r. 1 ZQ24 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 8 per cent; for three monthe'. bills, per cent... Chee. ft Ohio Chicago Ot. W... C, M. ft Bt. P.. De Bears D. ft R. O do pfd En do lat pfd do Id pfd Illinois Central .. Loulevllle A N... SILVER Bar, .. 4 ..1224 .. 71 .. 16 .. 81 .. M4 .. IH .. 174 .. I!4 .. 70 .. 17 ..1464 .. II . . 184 ..1044 .. IS .. 17 .. KK The tlispoaition of the day's receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 7ofJ Swift and Company 1,147 Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, April 29 Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of ths 8160.000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available rash balance, 8260.641,954: gold coin and bullion, 3103,16,073; gold certificates, 842,648,180. Ifw York I.It. Slock Market. NEW YORK, April 29.-FBBVE8-R. celpts, 1.SH0 head: steers, slow at 15c lower; hull Inwor- holnenn rows, steudv: steers, 14 Mv,j(t s- hiilln 13.76'74 76: cows. 32.30',il.26; 1 ! four mtrii heavv. 14 5n5P4.60. Liverpool and I ' London cables quote refrigerator beef 8'? 1 8c per pound; exports tomiy. . 1 mated receipts for tomorrow, 1 1 and 4,000 qunrters of beef. 1 I CALVES Receipts, 1,663 head; vealR. 25 .. 2 76c lower; general sMcs. 60c orr; veaia, ..11 4 50ru7.o0; few choice early, 37.26; general 2 .. 1 1 sales, 36.fVu .75; dressed calveB, steady to lower: city dressed veals, cMtllc per pound; Total receipts ....1(0 69 29 14 1 few extra, ll'V; country dressed, bvjj-ltSo. SHEEP AMI LA M Ho Keceipts, o.tio head; mnrket for sheep steady; lambs, firm at lVn'jop higher; all sold; clipped sheep, 34.WHi6.50 No wooled sheep offered; clipped lambs, 36.6fi?7 60: unshorn, 37.0i 7.50: spring lambs, nominal. HOOS Receipts. 10.426 head; market easy at 87.Kh&-7.20 for state hogs. Kansas City l.lre Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, April 29 CATTLE Re ceipts, 11,000 head, Including 1,60 southerns: market steady to llc lower: choice export and dressed beef steers. 35.6iyu6.oO; fair to good, 34.75'i560; western fed steers, 34.2tt 6.75; stockers and feeders. 3-1 5-Kjjti 00; siutb ern steers, 84.0Ofji16.5O; southern cows, 33.0vg 4.80; native cows 32 5nrt4.76; native heifers. 33.50fi6 40; bulls, 23.26'&4 25; calves, 33 O0-Jj3.60. HOOS Receipts. 11,000 head; market 6f TVo lower; top. 8i 46; bulk of sales, $6.36) 8.46; heavy. 8fi.30iji 35; packers, 36.35(S.45; lloht 16 15 45: nlas. 34.80(175.60. 74 SHEEP AND LAMBS - Receipts, 11,000 head: market P'c lower: spring iambs, noon; .,946 6.8S8 lambs, 87.00'(f8.fl0; ewes and yearlings, 35.251? 8.50; western fed sneep, vgi.(pon &o; western fed yearlings. 16.OixmJ.75; stockers and feed ers, 84.00(Jp3.10. Kraporaled Apples and Dried Frnltai NEW YORK. April 29. EVA PORATED APPLBS Market continues steady to firm: fancy, K'uVsc; choice. 7fy7Vc; prime, 64 6c; tXKir to fair, 6w4rit6c. CALIFORNIA PRIED FRl'ITS Primes, firmer in tone on bullish advices from the coast. California fruit ranges from 2V1 lJ'-.c. and Oregon prunes from 64'3'1oo. Apricots are unchanged; choice, 17Wllc; extra choice, lhW19c; fancy, lTeuiur. I'eaches are dull, but unchanged; choice, ll'aimc; extra choice, 12'ul2c; fancy 12Miij 13c; LXtro. fancy, 13-itloc. Raisins, un- " 1 .. 1. .. , 1 ... . m,.a,.utul fi&.i7,'WU- I .nndnn 900 cattle Cudahy Packing Co 916 Armour & Co 643 Armour A Co., Denver... 19 Vansant & Co 12 Carey & Benton 30 W. I. Stephen 109 Hill A Son 13 F. p. Lewis 5 Hamilton & Rothschild.. 46 J. H. Bulla 6 Sam Wertheimer 218 J. B. Root A Co 80 T. B. lnghram 8 Sullivan Bros 84 V. A. Brltton 80 Lehmer Bros 10 8. A S 38 Other buyers 297 Totals 4,316 626 l,Oi3 1,142 1.176 738 1.520 2.777 779 layers, ll.06-ul.06; seeded raisins, 7W'0'lll4. Whisky Market. PEORIA. April 29.-WH18KY-8teady. on basis of 3129 for high wines. ST. LOC IS, April 29 WHISKY Steady, on bn-His of 31.33 for high wines. CHICAGO, Artl 29. WHISK. Y-43tlady, 81 30. CINCINNATI, April 29-WiriSKY Steady, 31.29. Operation on Mitchell goccessfml. SPRING VALLEY, III.. April 29-John Mitchell, president of the United Mine Workers, was operated upon today for strangulated hernia. The operation was performed at St. Margaret's- hospital and was successful. The patient Is restlnjj easy and no danger la anticipated. REAL ESTATE TRAJSSFKRf. 1.50ft 1114 ill 1.500 71 100 6.)0 744 264 H.IOO- 1274 M.7I8) i0 l.ioo 100 1,400 li?S V4 II 764 'i't'i ? 1164 11 ln4 844 "244 4 11 100 114 100 .. 1.400. "via l"0 I" 404 luO 100 ..1M.40O 87 854 -224 (8 1474 2i-4 10 '44 141 M44 84 It (8 1464 n 2v4 Mi 1444 Basin Batter Market. DLOIN. III.. April SB. BITTTER Market Arm today at Tc. a dvclln or ac from last week. Output for the week, 6:1.2a) pounds. 104) 1064 1044 M.700 . l.toe 184 1014 374 1014 100 14 no 134 834 IM SO. 4'i 204 '"ino I.InO IO 2u0 404 1J. 244 '634" 1874 ' 26,401) ah.ree. 404 S4 'ii's 2i4 42 S 134 1184 17 '4 77 ' 10 741 127 124 70 K el 168 . 1124 83 1 I4 8tl Slli 41 16 164 II 61 t' 117 a 8 1474 It iS, I34 147 -J 84 I" TO 41 101 884 lots 274 lua 14 21 t:to 134 ; 114 174 40 136 14 14 t f4 l:i, l; o Bank Clear-lags. OMAHA. April 29 Bank clearings Tor to day were 81,710,762.82 and for the correspond ing date lust year 31, 6S8. 3673.48. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 29. COTTON Spot closed steady; middling upland.i, 11.30c; middling gulf, 11 55c. Sales, 200 bales. NEW ORLEANS, April 29 COTTON Spot closed firm; sales, 1,200 bales; low or dinary, 6 7-16e; ordinary, 7 7-16c; good or dinary, 8c; low middling, 9 16.16c; mid dling. 113-lBc; good middling, 121-16c; middling fair, 13 l-16c, nominal; fair, 18 ll-16c, nominal. Receipts, 2,093 bales; Btock, 160,947 bales. ST. LOriS. April 29 COTTON Steady ; middling, 107c. 8;iles. 176 bales; shipments, 360 bales; stock, 3$. 647 bales. LIVERPOOL, April 29 COTTON Spot, In fair demand, prices 1 point lower; Amer. lean middling fair, 7.53d; good, 6.9d; mid dling, 6.95d; low middling. 3.11d; good or dinary, 6.06d; ordinary, 6.55d. The sales of the day were 8,000 bales, of which 600 bales were for speculation and export and In cluded 7,7uO bales of American; receipts. 8.00O bales. Including 2. 800 bales ot Anitrlr can. CATTLE Receipts were not very heavy this morning, but showed considerable In crease over a year ago. The general qual ity of the offerings was hardly aa good as lust week, although there was a compar atively small amount of what could ba called strictly common stuff here. Reports of heavy receipts and lower mar kets east had a depressing Influence on tae local trade and buyers were slow In getting out in the yards. Early bids were generally 64jl0c lower than Saturday, but It develoned later that there was enough aenmna lor me lexi, ugni aim utiiiu-wt:igii 1 n(An steers, cattle IO noiu prices uiuy sieuuv uu any- ei 0174 eft I 1.1a I. I I II nln t. .... . . U .,., . . . .. ... at. l.onls Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. April 9 CATTLE Receipts. 8.000 head. Including 5S5 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, 36.06((i't5 60; dressed beef and butcher steers, 34.6o(i6.10; steers under l.ooo lbs., 34 0011.60: stockers and feeders, 83.6'Xfj. 15: cows and heifers, 32.H5fi6.75; fanners. t2(KiT2.75; bulls. 3!&VnM65; calves, 34.'"tJl0.or; Texas and 82.6ofj6.6'; cows and heifers, New York Mlataar Blocks. NEW YORK, April 29. Closing quotations on mining stocks were; Adaaaa Coo. .. 11 ,..400 ... ... 44 ... Kl ... M ...HO ...KM ... t Little -Me! ... Ontario .-. Ofhir Puloet - Savaca Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. 4au4ar-l .471 lei . 1 . . 47 . 24 . Alice Greece Bnjneertrk Con. .. Comet or k Tunnel toa. Cel. ft Va.. Horn Silver lros Silver )atvtlle ' os. .. Offered. Forelara Flaaaelal. LONDON, April 2. Mr-ny Was temporar ily dearer In the msrket today owing to the call for over 31o.0uu,tu of the Japanese loans. IHscounts were firm. Operators on the Stock exchange were mostly Idle and the business transacted was feature),-!,!. with console and other first class securities still drooplnei under freah losn rumors Prices hardened silgtitly In the afternoon on the Bank of Enjilaiid getting the bulk of the gold in the open market, but consols attain dropped on realization. Americans were favorably affected by the better New York bank a tat met. They opened above parity and Improved In the forenoon, with the Pactfte et-M-ks leading. Later New York bid up Cniori pacific and a few other si tualtlea and ths market closed steady, sfter a rsir amount or business nso oen trans acted, kl ex lean rails wera In good rud Metal Market. NEW TORK. April 29.-tMETAL8 The Iinndon tin market was 10s higher; spot. 191: futures. 191 6s. Locally the market was Irregular; spot, 342 S7H1JM2.87". Copper was 10s higher; spot, JEIOS 15s; futures, 102. Locally no change was reported; lnke, 8-4.60 tj-X.26; eleotrolytlc, $24.00 24.75; canting, (2176(23.26. Iead was unchanged at !t0Kjv 6.10 In the local market, and advanced Is 6d, to W In Iondon. Ppelter was unchanged at 26 17s 6d In London, and at 86.66u65 In the local market. Iron was lower lr the Bnglish market, with standard foundry quoted at 57s 9d; Cleveland warrants at 68s. The local market was unchanged; No, foundry, northern. r!5.26''rt.a: No. 2 northern foundry, 3-1 7525.75; No. 1 foundry southern. rJrtOt"d26.50; No. 1 foundry south ern. (-"o.OOij 26 00. ST. LOUIS. Artll 29 M-ETAJ4 Iead. dull, 8.L'H. Spelter, weak, $6.46.bO. thing of this kind. Plain, heavy and un linluhed beeves were slow and unevenly lower from start to finish, prices ranging from a shade to 10c lower than the ciuse ot last week. The proportion ot cows and heifers In cluded In the receipts was comparatively small, and with a vigorous demand from outside, buyers In addition to the usual local Inquiry, tht market was fairly active fully steady for all useful offerings. As usual, the light and helfery grades were In the best request and sold to the beat advantage, but even Uie medium and cara mon grades sold no lC.er tnaji last week. Veal calves were rather dull and quotably unchanged and the market for bulls, stags, etc., was practically steady. The tone to the feeder market was rather easier. Supplies were not overly large, but the bacaward spring weather has cut down the demand very materially of late, and while there Is considerable In quiry for good weight and quality steers, there Is very little call for the llgnt and medium grades, and these are selling 26&40C lower tban tney were two or tliree weeks ago, and very slow sale at that. Representative sales: Oils Bad Rosin. NEW YORK, April 29.-OILS Cottonseed, easy; prime crude, r. o. b. mills, 8wj3.o; prime yellow, 44:V(j45c. Petroleum, steady: refined. JNew torn, 1211; fniladeipnla and Baltimore, $8.16; Philadelphia and Btltlmcre, In bulk. $4 70. Turpentine, 6KV09c. ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good. $4. bo. April OLL Turperntlne, SAVANNAH. steady. 64tC ROSIN Firm; 4.45: E, $4 60; F, A, B. C. $4 56V(j4 60; 34.35: D, 84.4k O, $4 6Mi4n6; If. $4.t: I. $6 00; K, $515: M. $5.26; N, $630; W. C. 6T..36; W. W., 1S4,o5 o. OIL Ci rr, April 2 -OIL Credit bal sntes. 31.78. Runs. 136,445 .bls.. average 146.- W2 bbls.; shipments, 277,636 bbls., average lt.813 bbla Saaar and Molasses. NBW YORK. April 79 -SCO A R-Raw, nulet: fnlr refining, 3 26ii3.!Kc; centrifugal, 96 test. S7Vh3 "6c; molasses susrar, 8('u3 1"C. Refined, steady; No. 6. 4 40c; No. 7. 4.2f; No. 8, 4.31'c: No. 9. 425c; No. 10. 4 lc; No. 11. 4.10c; No. Ti. 4.06c; No. IX 4.00o; No. 14. 8.96c; confectioners' A, 4wic: mould A, 816c: cut loaf. 6&uo: crushed. 6 6tc; oowdered, 4.9oc; granulated. 4 Sue: rubes, 6 05c. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 87iHSc. NEW ORL1-1ANS. April 29 BI.'OAR Steadv; own kettle centrifugal, 34iii3,c; centrifugal yellow, iSftHc; seotnda, 24 MOLASSES Quiet; new syrup, $3'S4o. Coffee Market. ' NEW YORK. April 2.-COrFEB-Fu-tures opened steady at a decline of 6J10 points In resDonse to lower European ca bles and in spite of a bullish private cable from Brasll reporting that the government would ImiKjsw a duty of V) per cent on coffee of a grade under No. 7 Ihe market increased the loss during the day under Kurepuan selling and loci llqjldation. The i-l.iet was steady at a net decline of l(ri6 points. Sales for the dav were W" bags, including VI Hy at $6 4ofi6 60; July, $s S,'.fS 40: September. 86 2(V.ti .JO; Ijecember. 88.26an.35: March. K 3 i6.36. Spot Rio. quiet: No. 7 Invoice, 6V; No. 4 Santos, 6c Mild, dull; Cordova, vl2c. Wool Mxrkel. BT. IiOCIS. April 29 - WOOISteady : me dium grades, combing and clothing, T'hi"" lhil.t fine. l";t-li;, Ltavy tine, Italic; tub ashed, Yiii'.a Ne. At. Pr. No. A Pr. 11 41 I 50 1 Ml 4 10 10 , 111 4 60 17 741 I 00 12 704 4 40 11 1161 8 (A 11 1001 4 66 11 1260 I 10 11 184 4 10 76 1U4 I II 17 1161 4 76 11 , 13f0 1 10 M 1140 4 71 II UI0 1 10 II 1140 4 Hi 40 Ut 1 M 1 1211 4 14 COWS. 1J 110 I 00 1ft 1084 4 II I 171 1 10 1 1210 4 16 4 183 1 10 1 1040 4 11 I 11-86 1 16 II luo 4 It 64 I It 1 1U40 4 IS 631 I It 1 1220 4 10 1 IM IU 1 1286 4 II It 152 1 10 16 104 4 U II 1116 1 II 1141 4 16 11 1114 I M 13 1064 4 40 I 1040 4 00 1 1161 4 60 4 111 4 10 1 1410 I M HEIFERS. It 161 I 00 1 411 4 M 4 t.H5 1 16 II 121 4 10 4 627 I 36 1 17 4 4 3 6 121 1 10 11 181 4 16 II 718 4 26 17 HOI 1 00 BULLS. 1 1100 1 44 1 170 4 00 4 , 1287 1 71 1 1740 4 00 II lf.SK IN 11 61 4 0 1 1220 4 00 1 1170 4 26 I. 1216 4 0 1 IOiH) 4 IS 1 16M 4 00 1 1771 4 11 8 1861 4 00 CALVES. 10 171 4 10 1 141 I 78 1 no 1 u 1 no 1 7i 1 135 I 60 I lit 1 76 1 10 I 60 1 140 1 71 FEEDERS. It 171 1 00 161 171 4 10 181 I 10 1 I ll i K 4 681 I 40 4 481 4 16 10 411 4 00 1 a I 60 31 6 4 04 17 448 4 43 116 4 10 1 700 4 40 11 606 4 1 HOOS Receipts. 6 600 head; market 5c lower- pigs and lights, $6.0rjjvV6O; packers. 16 O((il.eo; butchers and best heavy, $6.6TyS flRV SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.800 head; market stendv: native muttons, $3.25 4ifl50; lambs, $3.76(iio.80; culls and bucks, $4-0Oir6.0O. St. Joseph I, Ire stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, April 29. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.640 head; market slow, steaJy to weak; natives, $4.40U6 25; cows and heifers, $2.2j(,7"Oo; stockers and feeders, 83.60i&l.fi0. HOGS Receipts, 4,788 head; mn'ket 60. lower; top, $6 46; bulk of sales, $63Va42'4. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.S55 head; market ateadv to strong; lambs. 3V.25 i60; yearlings. 37.004j7.oO; wethers, $6.5t(i) l.w; ewes, i6.404j6.70. liaoi City Live Stock Market. BIOL'X CITY. April 29 (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipt s, 2.8l0 head; market steady; stockers lc lower: beeves. $4.6O4ja.70; cows, hulls and mixed, $3 4031 4.75; stockers and feeders, $4.00&j4.SO; calves ana yearlings, ss.4wi4.su. HOGS Recelots, 2,30 head: market 2Vt 60 lower: selling at $ti.2tVa6.374; bulk of sales, 86.30&6.S6. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday : Cattle. South Omaha 4.2-i Sioux City 2,9iiU Kansas City 11. 001 St. Joseph Bt. LrflUIS Chicago .. Total ... 2.610 8. MA) 29.0UU 62.740 HtJOS There was a good average run of hogs this morning, with no particular change In the character of the offerings. Bearish reports from eastern markets and the weaknecs In provisions caused a rather Hoirs. Sheen 4.20 6,700 2,200 11,'8 11.010 4.71 7,fc.o 6,6" 0 1,w) 42.000 22.0U) 70.6S6 49,366 MARKET. OMAHA WIIOLKSAl.E Condition of Trad ssl notations on Ktapla and Kancy Prodae. EGGS Per dos., IW40. BUTTER Packing stock, lijlio; choice to fancy dairy, ljiAc; creamery, 2Vy'6s. LIVE POLLTRl-Hens, lie; old roosters, 6Vie; turkeys, 1-V; ducks, llu; young roost ers, 74jtH'. . geeae, 6c. FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Honda, $5.500400 per crute. STRAWBERRIES Arkansas, 24-quart cane, 4.ouu4.J!). COCOANUTS Per eack of 100, $4.00. TROPICAL FRUl'iS. LEMONS l.imonlel a, 30u s.zs, $6.60; 860 sixe, $6 75; othui brands, 60c leas. ORANUKS Mediterranean bweets, 150, 176, 200, 216 and IM sizes. $j.'6; St6. L6, .tw sues, $4V.'&; California Navels, extra fancy, 176, uo, 216, jO sizuS, $4. jo, lanuy, 1:6 i u, $3 60; 160 sue, $4.00; choice, large slz.es, par box, $2 iutj3lM. BANANAS Per medium-slxed bunch, $!.uotj2 4; Jumboea, li Mtii.lt). GRAPE Fltl'lT-Sizn 44 to 80, $5 751j.00. FIGS California, bulk, 60; tVcroAn Turkish, 14c; 4-crou Tutkish, jlc; 3-c.otvn Turkish. 8c. DA I ES Kadaway, c; sayers, $c; hal- blds we e generally 2yB6c lower than Sat urday. Salesmen were slow to sccept the situation and the trade dragged more or less all the forenoon, although there was little change In the market from start to finish and a fairly good clearance was made reasonably early. Tops brought $6.46 today, as sgalnst rt 5o Saturday, and the bulk sold at 36.82taia6.37H. as against $o.35-a6.40 Saturday. Representatlvs sales: bearish feeling in the trade and opening Lowl,1,i,c; new tuCtei1 walnut dates, 8-io. NEW VEGETABLES. BEANS Nkw wix and siring, per ham per, 0.lJ. BEETS. TURNIPS AND CA RROTS Per doc. bunches. 4ttj'uc. CABBAGE New Texas, per lb., 314c. TOMATOES Florida, 30-lb. crate, u 60. LEAF LETTUCE Hoi house, per doa. heaos, 45c. ONIONS Red or yellow Colorado, per bu., 11. uo; Texas silver skin, per crate, about 46 lbs., I-.O", eiluw Texas, per crate, about 4u lbs.. $l eo. CL't.'l'M HERS Per dox., $1.25. PARSLEY Hot house, per d.. bunches 40c. PIE PLANT-i-lb. boxes. $3.252 75. ASPARAGUS $1.7j per dui. bunches. RADlsiHES Pet do, bunci.s. ic; extra larg bunches, 7c ut-r dux. KtW POTATOES -I'er lb.. c. OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOEK Table stock, per bu., 704jOo; seed stock. l"jc'y$lJ. NAVY BEANS-Per bu.. $1.86; No. 1 $L6v) BEEF CI To. No. 1 ribs. 144c; No. $ i bs. 9V4o; No. i ribs, 9c; No. 1 loin, 17Vc; No. $ loin, 1314c; No. 8 loin. 13c; No. 1 chuck, tl-c; No. 2 chuck, 64c; No. 3 chuck, 6Vc; No 1 round ilSae; No. t round, at, No. 1 round. No. Av. Sh. rr No. Av. ah. Pr. 14 131 40 1 21 70 274 ... I 36 11 27 a 1 10 II 181 . . 1 16 61 116 10 1 10 16 241 110 I It 4 141 . . I 80 11 IA6 it) 4 Vi 6 Ill IM 1 10 70 :i ... Ji 44 I.I ... 1124 to !'... 131 41 24? ... I t4 U ID 40 1 36 at 3"0 ... llt 46 44 au 1 16 11 160 10 131-4 68 ;7 40 111 74 20 ... 1 8J4 65 347 . . 1 35 M M ... 1 It -4 64 2.4 140 1 36 61 171 ... 1 II 67 NO 44 1 174 II IM . - 1124 64 fcl ... 74 14. 1.4 60 1 M-4 73. 1.7 to 1 37- 41 44 tO 6 14 a6 160 ... 1174 71 14 ... lit 71 147 130 1 37. It 277 ... I 16 77 2,4 10 1 374 61 ri .. 116 75 Ilk 1M 1 17-e, ii 14 10 1 I 42 I i 0 1 r- 74 2n ... 1 34 71 I.t tt 17, 74 3 67 1 16 tl lit ... 117. el lei lat U 14 1-4 ... 4 37, Agnes A. Frelday to Emma Bobbins, lots a ana J, oioca o, nuiui vuin addition Elizabeth Kountze Real Bntate com pany to Louise Chester, lot 5, block , 10, Kountse's Fourth addition 1,000 Annie Rowley and husband to W. C. Caley. lot 1, block 1, Carthage 60 W. C. Caley to J. W. Thonius, same.. 1 O. C. Redlck to Reuben I Fshr. lot 10, block 2, Clark Redlck'a addi tion Charles Baldwin. Jr.. et al. to H. R Stringer, lot 20. block 11, Or chard Hill Florence Company to Fred Schlferly and wife, lot 11. block 103. Flor ence 15 Nellie L. Zug and husband to Wllllnm S. Metcalf, lot 17. Murrel & Blumle's addition , 6u0 Abner Travis and wife to Henry W. Yates, Jr., trustee, lots 1 to 4, block 1, Wllllnm Hagedorn's addition 1,000 Elisabeth Chrifitmann and husband to same, same 1 William C. Norrls to Joseph W. Dalley, lot 2. Bluff View addition.... 660 Clarence L. Rosa to John C. Pontius, lot 8, blook 3, Hanscom Place 6,123 Mary B. Ellis and husbnnd to Ellen A. Teats. tiM feet of 8ti4 feet lot 1, block 7, Reed's First addition 2,6u0 Oeorge F. Gilmore and wife to Rob ert M- and Jane W. I-oudon, lot 6. block 160. South Omaha 1 Paul und Iola Hlrsch to the Charles ton Reaity company, lots 6, 9 and 19, Auburn Hill 1,600 William J. Hlslop and wife to Inde pendent Telephone company, n60 feet of lot 10. block L. Armstrong's First addition 4,000 Laura A. Turner to James Miller, lot 4. block 44. Florence ,. L2W) Carrie Gustofsan and huaband to Mabel Lottcks, n4 of lot 2. block 2, Haxel Terrace 900 E.Ia Smith and huaband to Fred A. Bailey, lot L biuck 1, Halcyon Heights 1.100 Harvey J. Grove and wife to same, lot 14, block 4, Halcyon Heights M Orvllle Prior and wife to Cirus R Holmes, lot 20 and nV of lot 19, block 7. Halcyon Heights 2,000 C. F. Adams Co. to Charles M. Weir and wife, lot 21. block 6. Walnut Hill 200 Mary II. Hoke to Llzxle Byrnes, lot 6, Rosalind Place 80 New Hampshire Fire Insurance Com pany to Klopp A Burtlett Co., lot f. block 13. 5maha 12,000 Fanny Relchenberg to Emile M. F. Leflang, lot 15. Kountse's subdivis ion 11600 John K. Miles and wife to William Rudolff, lot 11, Elisabeth Place 1 Bertha Jankdwskl to Daisy Jankow Bkl, lot 3, block 3, Summit Place.... I Provident Real Eeitate company to George F. Dovllttle, lots 1 to 13, block 26, West Side H Edwin McWllllams to George T. Mor ton, lot 4. block 9, Pratt a subdivis ion CO Ekl ward Nolan to Hannah Mack, wSJ feet lot 11, block 7, Patrick's 2d ad dition 1,860 Richard C. I'eters and wife to Frsnk J. Fltigerald, lots 9 and 4, block 111, Omaha 1 Continental Trust company to Charles H. Carpender, lot 81. block 8, Saund ers A Hlmebaugh's addition X Byron R. Hustings et al. to Maggie I. liehmke, lots 9 and 10, block In, Sum mit addition 1,060 Churles L. ThMnua and wife to Sam uel Overgard, lot 7, block 1, Polsura. Place 20 Carrie Bosselman to Selwyn Doherty, lot I, block a, oinana view exten sion 10 R. H. Morehouse to Omaha Belt Rail way company, right-of-way block 1L Boyd s addition I Boyer-Vau Kuran I-umber and Coal company to same, rltrtit-i f-way, blotk 5, Oak Chatham addition Q. T. Tcld and wife to Fred A. Bailey, lot 7, block 8, Benson IM Robert O. F.nk, county treasurer, to '. Auguvta Cholltnan. part lots 1 and 3. Chollinan's addition to Hyde Park Same to Charles 1-idd Thomas, lot 7, bl ck 1, Folwim Piuce Snn:e to Joncpli F. Murphy, lots to, 21. 22 and 'li, block 1, South OiiuUia View 4 Same to same, lots 6. 6 and 22, bbxjc 1, Sofjth Exchange Place, South Omaha The Commercial National bank to F. M. Naylon, lot 23, block 1, Avondale Park 650 1'nltt-d Renl Estate and Trust company to wiiiiain a. Weaver, lit a, block '. Kountze Place tie Fidelity 'i'tust company to F. M. Ney lon, lot 'a, block 1, Avondale Hark . Henry Goitzen and wife to William l-euirch, e4 lot 3, blo k 4S1, Grand View , 4aj Chrlaten Anderson and wife to Eigeda Christ ni-en. lot 19, block 467, Grand View 44) Mary J S:honboe and husband to Ol (lsen. s4 Ii I 3 and all sublot 4, tax lot 3. lie' ii' 4-16-13 ,8i4) Chris AndeiMin un wife to Abelone Chiistensen. lot 17. blok 467. Grand View 7((j Rolert O Fl'.k, county treaaairer, to the Franklin lt-alty ci'mifiy, lots 17 and Ti. in rtplat block 3, Bemls park Tulal... -(uUa