8 THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, ATTTL no. 1007. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Offlc. 1 lrl MIKOH MEMTIOI. Psvl. drug. fjtocksrt sells csrpMs. Fxl Rogers" Tony Faust br. Fine engravtnf at Lffrt's. H. Brhmldfs elegant new photo. Ilumblnx and heating. Htxbr & Son. Jwls ("utler, fun-ral director, "phone f7. Woodrln Undertaking company, Tel. f3 PETERSEN & 8CHOENINU BKLL, RUGS IMnnar card. Alexander . S33 Broadway. Exce elor Masonic lode will meet this evening In regular session. F. H. Keys arrived home yesterday from a winter's sojourn In the south. DIAMONDS AS 4N INVESTMENT. TALK TU L.KFKKRT ABOUT IT. Wedding and engagement rings ot the right price. O. Mauthe, West Broad way. High grade watohea. wedding and en gagement rings. Z West Broadway, O. llauthe. Council Bluff Court of Honor will inept In rrgu.ar session Wednesday evening lu Lnuilfch hall. Wanted A gentle buggy horse that a lady can dilve, l,mo to l.a.0 pounds. Ruth, phone 1S2. 1U Blxth street BUDWE1BKR BOTTLED BEER IS SERVED ONLY AT Fl KST-CLASS BARS AND CAFKS. I ROSEN FELD CO., Agts. CARRIAGES ALWAYS READY. CALL Wt. BOTH 'PHONES, GRAND LI VERY, J. W. AND ELMER E. M1NNICK. PRO i'RlBTOKH. The meeting of the "600" club to have Xmmui held Friday afternoon at the home of ilrs. R. V. lnnes on Bluff street has Ween Indefinitely postponed. The 4-year-old son of Rev. J. A. McKen le, pastor of the First Christian church, la quarantined at the family home, 203 Vine street, for membraneous croup. Henry H. Van Brunt and V. E. Bender returned Sunday from a trip to Mexico, On whl'h they were guests of President fttlllwell hf tlin KansHS City. Mexico & Orient railroad. I can furnish A No. 1 diamonds, the clear est water color, cut to sharp eilses, not flat and no flaws. A diamond cut to sharp edges gives more reflection than one with flat edges. O Mauthe, 228 Broudway. George Kelley and Frank Kertley. ar rested Saturday night on suspicion of hav ing Blunged and robbed Bill Thompson of a watch at Broadway and Thlrty-flfth street, are still being held for Investiga tion. A "Victor" program will be given and re frefhments served ut the kenBington to be jlven Thursday afternoon by the women Of the congregation In the parlors of the First Presbyterian church. Mrs. C. C. Cook will preside. The Woman's auxiliary of St. Paul's Episcopal church will meet In annual ses sion at tho. homo of Mrs. E. Tlnley on Willow avenue, when otMcers for the m ulng year and delegates to the dlocesean convention at Burlington, May 21, will be lee led. The regular meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance union will be held Wednesday afternoon In the club rooms at the public library. Tha membership content will close at this meeting. Plans will be made for the banquet to the win ning team. The Woman Christian association will hold a biiriir In the basement of the Hunter store during the week beginning May 20. The proceeds will bo donated to ward defraying the expense of grading the rounds of the new Jennie Edmuudaon Memorial hospital. The hearing of Charles Tullls, the Oreat Western switchman charged with the theft or a barrel or tripe rrom a Ureat Western railroad freight car Saturday . night, was continued In police court yesterday until Tuesday. Tullls now uaserta that he saw two men abandon a barrel and he was in the act or taking it to the freight sta tion whin arretted. V West End l.otaT Tea, we have 200 nice, high, level lots, very desirably located, for all classes of people doing business or employed In either Omaha or Council Bluffs. Contemplated Improvements In tha vicin ity will double the values within fifteen months. Buy now and the profit Is your. We can give you a single lot or a block of lots together If desired. Get your friends to Join you and form a new neighborhood of your own choice. A few houses also for sale on the easy payment plan. Prices are right and the terms of pay ment will be made to suit your purposes. Call and let us show you. C. C. Clifton company. eu uroauway, co. aiurcs. otn Greatest Ice saver on the market the Ajaska refrigerator. Petersen & Schoening. Es-Pollreman Sued for Divorce. B. F. Wood, until recently a member of the police force, has been made de fendant In a Alvoroe suit brought yester dsy In the district court by his wife, Mary Wood, to whom he was married May 9, 1M1. Mrs. Wood charges that her husband was entirely too familiar with other women, and names one, particularly, as being mainly responsible for her husband's j ""nted his side of the case to the council, failure to abide by his marriage vows. ' Ie tted tht sugar In, transit, like other Mrs. Wood recites In her petition that i Kooda. waa not UMe to assessment, but while her husband was generally known I th only r6ai,on th council was asked to as Frank Wood, his right name was Benja- j dopt the resolution was to assure the shlp tnln F. Wood. In lieu of alimony she p'r" ,nat they woul1 not annoyed In asks that she be given a decree of title rc'P:t- Th owners of warehouses in to the home occupied by herself and hus- ! thl" ctty- Mr' He" Bal'1- w"e trying to band. Wood, after his dismissal from the police force, brought about by his atten tion to women while on his beat, left Council Bluffs for California. He was, until the strike a number of years ago, an engineer in the employ ot the Burlington road. Need any lace curtains? Before you buy better come in and see us. Ws want to surprise you in price and quality. D. W. Keller, 10$ a Main. Petersen ft Schoening sells matting. Tou will soon begin to think of Ice again. When you do call the Council Bluffs Coal and Ice company. Telephone 72. Marrlasre Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Ia W. Hlehurds. Audubcn. Ia 22 Thelma H. Richmond, Chicago 22 William Brosca Stewart. Neola, Ia a Adella J. Huff. Neola, Ia 19 J. A. Ford. Carson, Ia !. Susie A. Brlgg-s. Carson, Ia i4 C. F. Keene, McClelland la J2 Bessie Foote, McClelland, Ia 18 Dr. Lyon'! o PERFECT Tooth Povifor Cleanses and beautifies th6 teeth and purines the breath. Used by people of refinement tor orer a quarter of a century. Convenient for tourists, PREPARED BY r City Scavenger I haul dead animals, $1 60 per bead. Garbage, aahas, manure snd all rub bish: clean vaults and cesspools. All work dune Is guaranteed. Calls promptly sttended to. Ind. Phone U: Y H-ll Red 1$T1 J. IT. 8HKRLOCK IPS? j BLUFFS IH. Tel. 4S. WATER 0RD1N ASCE GOES OVER Councilman Yenniermau Offer fnbstitnte far tha KisrtUi Ete. LATTER ARE PRONOUNCE! T BE UNFAIR national Tinman Alllaaee Offers to Erect a Drinking; Fonntnln tor Animals Free of Cost to the City. The city council at Its meeting last night evaded further discussion of the new water rate schedule for the present. by lnxtructlng the special committee, of which Councilman Wallace Is chairman, to report an ordinance embracing a schedule of rates at the meeting next Monday night. A motion to adjourn had been made by Councilman Fleming, when one of the councilmen suggested that something ought to be done about the water works matter. Councilman Wallace at once took the floor and stated that as he understood it the matter was now out of the hands of the special committee and was with the coun cil at large. This, he said, he Judged was the situation from the action taken al the meeting last " Wednesday night The other councllmon said he was mistaken and that there had been no Intent to take the matter out of the hands of the spe cial committee, and to prove their state ment they voted that the special commit tee prepare a rate ordinance and submit the eamo at the next regular meeting, which Is next Monday night. While this discussion was proceeding Councilman Younkerman presented to City Clerk Sapp, a document which he said was an ordinance embracing a rate sched ule, which he wanted submitted to The council. Mr. Younkerman declined to state from what source the ordinance emanated, but In a'nswer to a question from Mayor Macrae said It was not from the special water works committee, of which he Is a member. It was accordingly concluded that the ordinance was drafted by or at the Instance of the councilman from the First ward. Mayor Macrae fore stalled any action looking towards the Younkerman ordinance reaching the coun cil last night by Insisting that it should properly be referred to the special oom mlttee and there It went without dis cussion. Younkerman Is Bitter. The only Information vouchsafed by Mr. Younkerman was that the ordinance con tained practically the same rates as those embraced In the ordinance passed in Febru ary of last year except that the hydrant rental had been raised from $46 to $50. The ordinance to which Mr. Younkerman re ferred did not provide for a minimum rate. In presenting his ordinance to the city clerk, Mr. Younkerman took occasion to de clare that It was offered as a substitute for the "unfair, unreasonable and unlaw ful" ordinance prepared by W. Klersted, the expert engineer employed by the city to assist the special committee In preparing a schedule of rates snd which certain mem bers of this committee now wish to dis own or discredit. L. M. Beaver, secretary and treasurer of the National Humane alliance, of New York City made a proposition to Install ! a drinking fountain for the accommodation of horses free of expense to the city beyond that of keeping It In repair and supplied with water. The fountain Is to be erected at the intersection of Broadway and Fourth street. A suggestion was made that It be lighted at night, but Councilman Smith Interposed an objection on the grounds that .lot-trt.. nht. i .,., .l.. , " " ' ' ' tract millions of bugs which would drop ( into the water and make It undrlnkahle. The whole matter was referred to a special Knmmio..' ,iiK -. ., x.r i. Z , luiiiiiiiiit-ti, wun councilman Wallace enolr- i " V,. " """n -l.J Vli. JL IUUI IPKT IU Urilfimi J. M. Dodge and will be something that will bo much annreclnted Snvar Men Object to Taxes. The question of not assessing for city taxes sugar stored in this city while In transit waa discussed at length, and finally referred to the city solicitor for a wrtt- opinion. uuniy Attorney Hess, ap- i P""1" tor certain warehouse owners, pro- compete with those In Des Moines, where similar resolution had been adopted by the city council. The Danish Lutheran church was granted permission to use a portion of the street on Avenue A. near Ninth street, on which to erect a building to entertain the dele gates to the national convention of the Danish Lutheran church, to be held In this city In June. Between 1,200 and 1,600 vis itors are expected and the loi-al church committee, falling to procure a building large enough in which to feed and enter tain them, has decided to erect a temporary frame structure near the church. A vote of thanks was extended to City Auditor McAneney for his comprehensive and exhaustive annual report and the sug gestions and recommendations contained therein. The latter will be considered, at the suggestion of Mayor Macrse. at a later date. J. Jensen was granted a permit to con duct a saloon at 600 Sixteenth avenue. The city council will meet In special ses sion Friday evening to open bids for the curbing ordered on the streets to be placed this year. The annual report of the park commis sioners was received and placed on file. ' F. A. Bsieneev. Plumbing, steam and gas fitting, furnace snd sheet metal work, galvanized iron cor nice, skylight, tin roofing, gutter, spouting and repairing. Green and Norfolk furnaces. First-class mechanics In all branches. Both telephones No. 8W. 158 West Broad way, Council Bluffs, Ia. Complete line of Victor base ball foods Petersen at Schoening. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night, L-69. Matters In District Conrt. W. M. Rugg, formally of Manning. Ia.. who wss brought from Omaha Saturday to complete ao unfinished sentence In the state hospital for inebriates at Knoxvllle. decided yesterday on being brought before Judge Wheeler In district court that he was willing to serve out hi. time, and the ha- beas corpus proceedings Instituted by Rugg were accordingly dismissed. Trial of the personal Injury damage suit of Mrs. Mary L. Coffman against the city of Council Bluffs was begun In the dtntrlct court yesterday. The plaintiff seeks to re- cover $5,510 for Injuries alleged to have been received In September, 19uft. from a fall caused by a defective sidewalk on Ave nue F, near North Tenth street. Mrs. Coftman claims to harai suffered a frac tured anais and rib. County Attorney Hewe has brought suit In the name of State Treasurer W. W. Mor row against Christian Uassrlck of Walnut to recover $2,300 collateral Inheritance tax from the estate of the late John O. Oas rick, which was valued at M4.0C0. When John Gaasrtck died the property went to the brother, now made defendant In this milt, who claims to have had an Interest In It prior to his brother's death. Garden rakes. 20c; garden hoes, 25c; steel spades, 60c to $1.2S; i-lnch rubber hose, per ft., 6c; hose repairs; harwood hose reels. 85c ; grass catchers, fit 14 or 1-Inch mowers. 66e. J. Zoller Mer. Co. 'Phone (20. 100-102-106 Broadway. Do you need lumber or building ma terial? We ship direct to the consumer and you avoid two profits when dealing with us. A chance to figure your bill will prove what we have said. C Hafer Lumber Co., Council Bluffs, la. Lace curtains. Stockert Carpet Co. Screen Doors and Windows. 18-lnrh hardwood adjustable window screens, open from 20 to 33 inches, 30c; 24 inch, 35c; 30-inch. 40c; screen doors, all sizes, up from 96c. J. Zoller Mer. Co. 'Phone 320. 100-102-10 Broadway. Omaha Prople In Trouble. Mrs. H. T. Andrews, wife of a man who conducts a barber shop, pool room and rooming house at 213 North Fifteenth street. Omaha, with A. R. Brlerly, a prin ter, who roomed at the Andrews domi cile, were arrested late Sunday night In this city on complaint of the woman's husband, who had followed the couple across the river. Mrs. Andrews and her escort attended the show at the New theater and afterwards, partook of supper at a Broadway restaurant. After partak ing of their meal they were arrested by the police, Andrews having In the mean time filed an Information In the court of Justice Greene charging the couple with a serious offense. In default of ball Mrs. Andrews and fcrlerly were forced to spend the night In Jail. Yesterday morning, be fore Justice Greene, Mrs. Andrews and Brlerly were discharged. Mrs. Andrews and Brlerly were about to take the car back to Omaha after the hearing In Justice Greene's court when Andrews showed up. Andrews was not feeling over kindly to Brlerly and he was about to commence hostilities when a pa trolman put In an appearance. Mrs. An drews was permitted to proceed on her way to Omaha but Andrews and Brlerly were taken to police headquarters and charged with disturbing the peace. They gave bonds for their appearance In police court this morning. Mrs. Andrews recently began suit for divorce against her hus band in the Omaha courts. Before getting your upholstering, mat tress making, repairing and -ennlshlng-done, get the prices of the Morgan L'p holsterlng Co., SSI Broadway, next to Alexander's Art Store. Tel. for quick or ders. Bell, 888; Ind., 370 red. Buy the Jewel gas or gasoline stove. They are the safest. Petersen & Schoening. Matting and window shades at Stockerts. Fly Time Coming. Repair your screens, screen doors, etc. 'Phone your wire order to us. Price per square foot, 2c. J. Zoller Mer. Co. 'Phono 320. 100-102-106 Broadway. Instructors for Institute. The following will be the Instructors at the Pottawattamie county normal Insti tute to be held In this city June 10 to 16, as announced yesterday by County Superin tendent Jackson: Prof. W. C. Wilcox of the Stato uni versity of Iowa, who will give lectures on history and methods in teaching the branch; Superintendent W. N. Clifford of Council Bluffs, geography; Prof. W. C. Allen of Tabor college, pedagogy and didactics; Miss Grace Harr. superintendent of music In Council Bluffs, music; Miss Ida Fosenbeck, Iowa State Normal school, grammar and English; Miss Stella Louise Wood of Ml ?,"W7Mn"wV"Xn2,'n27j;,1. 7 i.. v.. w its.u., frrotl- mainsh,P- 1 The dale ot tn Institute Is the week following the closing of the schools in this city. I.awn Mower Fecials. 14-lnch high wheel lawn mower, $2.75; others at $3.25, $3.50, $6.00, $6.60, $6.00, $7.00, $7.50. $S.00, up to $12.50. Call and see our line before you buy. J. Zoller Mer. Co. 'Phone 320. 100-102-108 Broadway. Give us your order for that spring car pet. We do the rest sew, lay and fit it right to your room. D. W. Keller, 103 S. Main. Real Ratate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee April 29, by the Pottawattamie County Ab stract company of Council Bluffs: Lewis Valller and wife to George Her- tle. part of lots 218 snd 217, original plat, w. d $ 4,750 Andrew C. Graham and wife to will O. Pryor. lot 8, Graham Terrace, w. d 2.700 Painter Krtcx and wife to Charles D. Blaine, lot 2, Aud's subdlv. of sublot 48. w. d goo Fred C. Smith to Joseph P. Schoffett and wife, lots 12 snd 19, block 43, Ferry add., s. w. d 300 Interstate Realty company of Council Bluffs to Frank Larson, lot 17. block jo, cjva.un u nrmtte aua.. w a.... va I.1 . . n J r i J a 150 Fremont Benjamin and wife to Fred C. Smith, lot 19, block 42, Ferry add., w. d William J. Wheeler to Harriett 8. WtKteler, his wife, lots 17 and 18, block 13. town of Carson la., w A. A, D. Aronkls and wife to M. B. Grout, j w'ullaln 1-keV' and wTfe '.n.M Backer, lot 8. block . Howard fM a. w. d ' Nine transfers, total $ 8,734 Here to Stay. We are dally receiving new lots of shoes and are selling them at our usual low prices. Duncan Shoe Co. Linoleum and oil cloth. Co. Stockert Carpet GAMBLING ROI'IEI TO BE CLOSED Mayer of Sloes City Changes Front on Proposition. BIOUX CITY. Ia.. April 29. (Special Telegram.) After three years of licensed gambling ' Mayor Sears today Instructed Chief of Police Dlneen to close all gamb ling houses in Sioux City before July 1. Four houses, which contribute to the city $1,200 a month, will go out of business. The mayor alleges that the sentiment of the leading business men has rhaiged and that now they are opposed to licensed gambling. Ssereme Conrt Xaaaea Commission. WASHINGTON, April 29. Claud Hamil ton of Topeka, Kan., and Solon T., Gllmore ! " V'" L fV ,VV'. " VWU1 ui ills t II 1 I tHl States to taks testimony in the rase of the state of Missouri against the stats of Kan sas, Involving the question as to which state Is entitled to exercise Jurisdiction over Goose island, in the Missouri river, near Kansas City. If you have anything to trade advertise it In the For Fxchangs columns of The Bee Want Ad page. CHILD DISPLAYS VITALITY Taraa Timet Frououocad Dead, but Litsi tad is an Read to Recovery. receiv:r in charge or seymcur bank Dm Moines Collector Has Inaenlnus Method ot Indorlns; Debtors to Pay Ip Which May Make Him Trouble. tFrom a Staff Correspondent) DBS MOINES, April 29. (Special. -An 1&-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Garrison was pronounced dead three times last week and Is living today, with every Indication that It Is past the danger point of dying and will recover. The Infant had diphtheria. A physician, ons of the best of Des Moines, Inserted a silver tube In the child's throat and during the operation It ceased breathing. It was later pronounced dead and placed on the table. The parents covered It with a sheet. Later It was seen to gasp and the physician, who had not left tha house, administered a saline solution. Introducing It Into the Infant's veins, and It was resuscitated. It was again pronounced dead a week ago last Sunday, but a phys ician was called. The child had stopped breathing, but efforts were made success fully to bring It back to consciousness. It was pronounced dead again last week Tues day, but was again revived by the same treatment as was used the first two times. It Is asserted now that the child will re cover. Receiver Is In Charsje. Receiver B. F. Fry Is In charge of the defunct Seymour Farmers and Drovers' bank. The bank was turned over to him 1 today by Leland Windsor, state bank ex aminer. Fry will have complete charge of the bank and will either wind up Its affairs or reorganize It, as the stockholders wish and are able to raise the necessary cash. It Is admitted now by everyone that the stockholders will be asueesed the full amount of their stock and that even then the depositors will lose considerable money. Cashier Ware, when placed under arrest. Intimated that other prominent per sons In the community would be implicated. At the office of the state auditor nothing new concerning the bank Is known today except that the bank examiner will remain to complete tha examination and determine the amount of shortage. It Is believed now that this will amount to close to $240,000, which Is almost wholly In the form of de posits, certificates for which were Issued, but for which there was no record on the bank's books. Collector May Find Trouble. An Investigation Is being made to ascer tain whether or not It will be possible to make trouble for a Des Moines collection agency that has been sending out duns In the form of "forthwith subpoenas." The dun. In addition to being printed with all the appearance of a legal document. Is headed, "Subpoena forthwith," and reads: "By virtue of a warrant of subpoena you are hereby directed to appear before the (name of collection agency) forthwith, duly commissioned attorneys for the plaintiff, at their office at (place and hour), or maki payment of dollars due and payablt from you to plaintiff above named. And ERECT FORM 744 IS an excellent model for well developed figures. its closely Stitched front subdues abdominal prominence nd rounds the figure into graceful lines. Made of white im ported coutil. Trim--.ied across top with lace and ribbon. Hose supporters at front and s. Sizes 19 to 36. Price. $2.00 C NUF0RM 403 WILL fit any slen der or average figure. Long above the waist which it de fines very distinctly, showing a perfectly straight line down the front of the figure. Made of white and drab coutil. Trimmed with lace and ribbon. Hose supporters front nd lideti Sizes 18 to 30. Price, $1.00 TUTOR C NUFORrf 447 FOR v.ell develop ed figures, i a reverse gore model. The gore lines run backwards, a construc tion which restrains undue development be low the back. Medium high bust, long hips nd extra long back. Made of an excellent quality of white coutil. elaborately trimmed with lace nd ribbon. Hate supporters front and sides. Sizes 19 to 30. Price.$3.00 his you slmll In no wl?e omit, under penalty of the cost of nn motion In court ngalnt you, and If claim and cost are not fully paid you and your estate will suffer In consequence." Attorneys admit that If not Illegal the "dun" Is certainly original. IWrarlna on Merchandise. The State Railroad commission will meet tomorrow for a hearing on the rates on merchandise. This Is one of the series of hearings announced by the commission early in the year, when it was Riven out that the entire schedule of rates would be gone over. There are no complaints lodged with tne commission as to merchandise rates and it Is assorted by some that they are already lower than In surrounding states. Railroad freight men will all be present at the hearing, however. fvllllnarrnter 4rrnlaned. Ernest Gllllngwater. the colored man who shot snd killed James Strcuthers at Nor woodvllle Saturday was arraigned In Jus tice court today. He pleaded not guilty and the date for his preliminary hearing was set for May 2. nienrrood Contrnet ext. Plans and specific Hons f ir the construc tion of one wing of the custodial building at Glenwood were completed today by State Architect I.lehbe and bids will be adver tised for at once. The contract will be the next to be let by the State Board of Con trol. Bids will be asked soon for the con struction of a chimney at the Clarindi in stitution. It is to be lfie feet high above the ground and twenty feet below ground and seven and a half feet in diameter at (he base, with a steel ladder down the Inside. Waterloo to Have Train. Members of the railroad commission have learned that factory owners of Waterloo are coming to Des Moines to get the com mission to assist them In getting nn espe cially low rute for an advertising train of thirty-nine cars loaded with Waterloo fac tory products which they propose to take four times across the stnte and then land In Des Moines for the next state fair. It It not likely that th railroad commission will be able to give them any assistance In a scheme of that kind. The Waterloo people have been offered a rate of tl a mile for the train and they think they should have a lower rate. Jasper Mason Happy. Jasper Mason, released from the Ana- mosa penitentiary on the recommendation of the legislature, was overjoyed at his release. Reports printed by many of the state papers purporting to be clipped from the Prison PreBS, published at the Anamosa penitentiary, saying that Mason's mental condition was such that he was Incapable of appreciating his freedom, are denied by his attorney Mr. Heald of Cedar Rapids, who was In Des Moines today. New State Itnnare Ready, The plat for the new state rifle rangu. to be purchased Jointly by the state and the Kovernment, Is nearly ready. As soon as approved by the state It will be sunt to Washington for approval by the War de partment. Iovrn rm Notes, WOODBINE W. C. Wllklns and Frank Bennett have recently purchased the Star livery barn from the llrm of Uuyett Ai Son and will ixjntlnue the business. LOGAN The marriage of J. E. Harmon nnit pearl Stewart occ urred here recently. Both are young people from Plssah and lire well known there. They will Jculde on heir farm near that place. IDA OROVK-Ai a result of eating candy colored with some poisonous material. S. O. Jackson and his small son were taken vi olently 111. They had been visiting at the home of Mrs. Jackson's sister. Mrs. Peter !on, In Alta, and were brought home. VILLISCA Early Sunday morning the The V. B. Reduso Corset IS a boon for large women the ideal garment for over, developed figure requiring special restraint. It not oaly Restraint the tendency to over-ScahineM, but moulds the om-developed proportion into thoae pleating, graceful outlines, hitherto thought to be attainable only by slighter figure. The particular feature of this mode! 4 the apron over the abdomen and hips, booed ia such m"Tf a to give the weaiet sbsolule freedom ot movement. ReduSO Style 750 for tall wll-Jeottoptd figuru. Made of s durable coutil n white or drab. Hix 1 supporter front sod sides. Siie Reduio Style figure. Made of white and hoot sod tide. Suet 24 ON SALE vi m k WEIN GARTEN BROS.. MTis. 377 BiHdir V sf V 1 New trrr - rTKn nnn HIM am ss lJJ of lift life. Becoming mother ghould be a ourco of joy to all, but the gnffering and nget incident to the ordeal makes iti rinticipation one of misery. a Mother's Friend i the only remedy pain and danper of maternity; this hour which is dreaded n woman severest trial is not only mad'e painless, but all the danger is avoided by its uss. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent of gloomy; nervousness, nausea and oilier distressing conditions art) overcome, the system is made rendy for the coming event, and th. serious accidents so common to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. "It is worth its weight in gold." says many who have used it. $1.00 per bottle at drucr stores. Book containing valuable information of interest to be sent to any address free upon (SHAD Fl CIO REGULATOR OO.. largest barn In Montgomery county was struck lv lightning and burned, with all Its contents. It was situated .Ive miles north, a.si ol Yllllaea and owned by Hal Hansen. Besides liav, grain and lmple nients, eight horses were lost In the lire. LOWAN The assessor of Iogan has Just completed his labor and finds that the lind of the city Is valued ot ia3-i48 and that tho personal property amounts to J..IJ.74V inttKinn a total wealth of I90o. 796. There are twenty-two dogs, bl hoists, eighty-nine cows and one mule, and hor name was Maud. AI.B1A A posse of ion armed men, headed by Sheriff W. B. Grlffln, is on the trail of Krank Ralston, who last night assaulted his sister, then look his rifle and revolver and tied to the tlmlMT. declaring he would kill anyone who attempted to arrest him. llulMoti Is n bad man, 87 years old and It is expected blood will flow. Ralston Is at present being surrounded In the timber near the Hocking mining camp, said to be the wildest bit o( country in the state. IOWA CUTYi The State university of Iowa announced formally Its commence ment program today. The dates are June i-12. an unusually early period. The fea tures are the special oinmemoratlon of the sixtieth anniversary ot tne institution: ihe celebration of ITof. Amos N. Curler's fortieth year of service, recently ended with his resignation as dean and professor of lJitin, and the presence of Secretary William H. Toft, as the main orator of the wet k. IOWA CITY "There were giants In those days" and there were also hippopotami, and they nourished in North America. That is the conclusion deduced from the finding of a genuine hippopotamus tooth, fomlllxed, of course, in Iowa. 1 lie iossii was discov ered in the sands of the WeBt Nlshnabotna river In Pottawattamie county. It was sent to Dr. Samuel Calvin of Iowa City, state geologist and professor of gevlogy In the State university of Iowa. He and Prof. C. C Nutting, curator of the Iowa univers ity museum, have identified It poeltively as the lower right canine of an ancient hip popotamus. JOHNSON LOSES a" MINE Vn'lted States Supreme Conrt Will Not Interfere with Illinois Court Decision. WASHINGTON, April 29. The supreme court of the United Slates dismissed today, for want of Jurisdiction, the case of C. W. Johnson against Nels O. Hultburt, the Swedish Evangelic Covenant of America and others, thus leaving In force the de cision of the supreme court of Illinois, which was against Johnson. The case In volved a controversy over a rich mine near Nome, Alaska, which was located by Johnson while acting as a missionary In the Interests of the Covenant. He after ward laid claim to it as his own private property and worked It for himself, taking out about 500,000 In gold. The Illinois 22 to 36. Price, 93. 7bO for tbori wtll-JnelcpJ diab coutil. Hots supporter to 36. Price, 93. EVERYWHERE York rkm c H II Ml1 HI vujl m r hi in; - 1 ia Ixl liLsr " Tl., . tmy mo nt r rr . mm. . 1 I vrhicK relieve women of the great all women, will application to Atlantm. Ga. court decided that Hultburt. as the repre sentative of the Coven. int. was entitled to) the major portion of the amount on th ground that the claim hi,i been located for the organisation. STRIKEBREAKERS ON STRIKE Many Men In Boston Qnlt Work Beeanso Conditions Are Not Satisfactory. BOSTOK, Mass., April 29. A strlka of strike breakers was an unexpected feature today In connection with the movement of several hundred union teamsters of the city to obtain higher wages. Over thirty nonunlonlst who had been serving in places of union strikers, quit be cause of tho harassing conditions of their employment and. In some cases, because of alleged nonpayment of wages. Freight ve hicles were abandoned In various sections of the city. Serious blockades of trafflo resulted on busy thoroughfares. The Price of Peace. The torrlble itching; and smarting, Inci dent to certain skin diseases, is almost In stantly allayed by applying Chamberlains) Halve. iTlce, 28 cents. DEATH RECORD. 1 ' TFd ward T. Cowln. WATBRLOO, la., April 2f.-(Speclal Tele gram. )-Edward T. Cowln died here this, morning. He has lived In Waterloo since 1870. He was born in Cleveland. O., and enlisted In Company A, One Hundred and Seventy-seventh regiment. Ohio volunteers. He was admitted to tho bar and began to practice law in Omaha with his brother. General John C. Cowln. one of the most talented lawyers of the west. For thirty years he practiced and occupied the same office in Waterloo. He was spirited, inter ested in many business Interests and bad a successful career. Dr. Henry J. Wood. CHICAGO, April 2S.-Dr. Henry J. Wood of Utloa, N. Y., died suddenly today at Auditorium hotel annex. He was on his way to California. Dr. H. C. Palmer, also of Utlca, who waa traveling with Dr. Wood said that the latter's death was due to pulmonary heart disease. David J. Cook. DENVER, April 29. David 3. Cook, a noted pathfinder and detective, died sud denly here today of heart disease. He was) born in LoPorte county, Indiana In 1847. ERECT FORM 720 IS a corset fbt average fig ures. Has me dium bust and long hip. Mads of white and drab coutil., Hose supportera' on front and sides. Trimmed across top with lace and ribbon. Sizes 18 to 30. Price.$1.00 NUF0RM 738 TS an excellent . model for average figures. Constructed sectionally, making the garment fit at all points, accentuating the slenderness of tha waist line. Butt moderately high, hipa rj Vong. Made of ported coutil in ' only. Trim med with lace and ribbon. Hose sup porters front and sides Sizes 18 to 30. Price, $2.00 3 NUF0R1I 406 IS a splendid corset for me dium figures, pleasingly f r e from any bulky effect common to previous models of this type. Me dium high bust and deep hip, end ing in an unboned apron extension. Made cf white, and drab coutil. Hose sup porters front and sides. Trimmed with lace and ribbon. Sizes 19 to to. Price. $1.50 BfPOetX i x