Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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cubs shut our the reds
lh;oac Vationa'. Wii Tut Gama from
Cinoinnati in Ninth
TnU, Co a pled with the Only Error
In the? (oitfM, Brings la the
I. one Ran Arnrrs at
Other fiamee.
CINCINNATI. April 23. Chicago won
today' frame from Cincinnati by scoring
a run In the ninth Inning on Hlagle's triple
nnd n error. Score:
H H OA B. B H O A E .
Flaale. rt 4 1 10 Hucslns. lb.. 4 0 4 1 0
fh. Herd. It . 0 0 0 0 0ia!a, cf 4 1 I I 0
("hullo, If ... t I 0 0 Loherl. 4 0 14 1
Ranrtlll. rf... 4 110 OCnrH. lb... 4 111 1 0
Chanre, lb. I 1 14 0 0 MHi-helt. rf..l 1 I 1 h t 0 1 1 OKrus-r, If. ... I 0 10 0
H.fnfen. ..! 1 1 1 OMowrr. lb... I 0 10
Kx-ra. 2b I t OShlel, e I 0 t 1
Kiln), e t 0 10 lE.. p 1 0 110
I1ra, I 0 1 S 0 'McLean ....1 1000
Totsls 21 tf 14 0 ToUli 2 17 16 1
Hatted for Ewlng In ninth.
Cincinnati 00000000 0 0
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Two-base hits: Chance. Iavls.x Three
bane hla: Plagle. Sacrifice, hlta: Kwlng,
Hhecfcard. Htnlnfeldt. iKiuhle piuya: I,ohrt
and Muggins; I.ohert, Muggins and Lian
.!; Kv in, ll'ifmnn nnd ChHiice. T eft on
bases: -lnclnnatl, 4; Chicago, S. liases on
halls: Off Kwlng, 2; off brown, 1. Struck
out: by brown, 1. Time: 1:30. Umpire:
l'l lay.
Km York Wlna In Seventh.
NEW YOIIK. April 29 boaton and New
"York played evt nly tolay until tile aev
cnth Inning, when the locals forged thead
and won out ly a acore of 8 to 1. Score;
B H O A K. B.H O.A.E.
Shannon, If . 4 0 10 0 Hates, rf 4 10 11
Hlrana, rt....l 0 I 1 0Trinr. lb... 4 0 110
lievlln, lb ... 1 0 0 1 0 li-aumnnt, cf 4 1 10 0
Prfmour. cf . S 1 8 0 (I lli.war.1. If... 4 0 110
Jlreanahan, c. I 0 I 1 0 Hrldnrcll, aa . I 0 111
Mrtlann. lb.. 1 013 0 OHIIche. 2b . 1 0 0 1 1
l'ahln. at... I 1 I I OHraln, Jb.... 1 t I 0
( oreorsn. lb. I 0 I 1 1 Hrown, c I 0 I 1 1
Ante, p I 0 0 1 0 Heller. P I 0 0 i 0
Total! II I 17 14 1 Tutali 30 4 14 14 4
New York 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 3
boaton 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Two-base hi!: Dahlen. Home run: beau
mont. fiarrlllce hits: Devlin (21. Btolen
haaea: Huang (2), Seymour, Ureanalian.
Ixiuble playa: Strang and McUann, How
ard and brain. First base on balla: Off
Ames, 11; off I'felTer. 7.. Klrst on errors:
boaton, 1; New York, 2. Struck out: by
Ames, 2; by PfefTer. 4. Time: 1:55. Um
pires: Klgler and Kmalle.
Philadelphia (thola (lot Brooklyn. .
PHILADELPHIA. April 29-PhlIadclphla
abut out brooklyn today through the In
ability of the vlsltora to bit Lush. The
loca.s bunched their hlta In the aecond
Hnd fifth Innings. Rucker succeeded bell
In the alxth Inning. Score:
U H O A B. B.H. O.A.E.
Thnmni, rf... I 110 OAlporman, lb 4 1111
UlMiaun, lb... I 1 I 4 Ot aary, 3b 4 0 t 1 0
Tltua, rf 4 110 OLumley. rf . 4 0 10 0
Whim If 4 16 0 0 Jordan. III... 4 17 0 0
Hr.ri.ll.-ld. lb 8 17 1 1 Mil arthy. If. I 0 0 0 0
ourtney, lb. I 10 10 Hatch, it I 0 I 1 1
lTHihii. a. 4 114 aa I 14 10
J., kill., h, e. I 1 1 Duller, c I 16 1
Ulan, p 4 0 1 1 0 1111. p 1 0 01
Kuiser. p I 0 0 1 0
Totals IS 11 27 II 1 Whlttns ,...1 0 0 0 0
Totala Si 6 24 11 I
batted for bell In the sixth.
Philadelphia 0 2 0 0 8 0 0 1 -
brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Two-base hlta: Tltua, Magee, Courtney.
Hits: Off bell. 7 In live Innings; off
Kucker, 4 In three innings. Biicrlilce hit:
Uleaann. IXiuble play: Dixilln to Uleason
to Uranafleld. Left on bases: brooklyn,
4; Philadelphia, 12. First baae on bails:
Off bell, 2; off Rucker. 2. First base on
errors: brooklyn, 1; Philadelphia, 1 Hit
by pitcher: Uleason. Struck out: by
Rucker. 1; by Lush, 2. Time: 1:46. Um
pire: Klem.
Standing of the Teama.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Chicago 14 12 I .857
New York 14 11 I ,7a
Plttuburg 10 7 S .700
Philadelphia 12 7 4 i .63
boaton ..1.1 7 .4!
Cincinnati 13 4 .307
St. lunula 15 8 12 .Sort
brooklyn 11 1 10 .091
Oamea today: brooklyn at Philadelphia,
Chicago at Cincinnati. St. Louis at Pitts
burg. Muddy Gronnda, bat flood Game.
The Inclement weather and muddy condi
tion of the grounds did not prevent a faat
game being played Sunday bet wet n the
signal corps nine of hurt Omaha and the
lakeside team at the former's grounds.
Score: R HE.
Iakesldes 0 004100 (48
Signal Corpa 020020 (-. 45 8
batterlea: Iikeailes, Henry and Max;
Signal Corpa, Siokea und Hulbe. Umpira:
Ult. Time: 1:30.
II tiff l.envra Boston Americana.
CHAMPAIGN. 111., ApHl 29. It waa an-
nnnn.1 hurt, rrtnltrl.t tlnir H.roa A ITufV
Tvlm recently accepted the position of!
manager or the boston American base ball
club, haa been persuaded to return to the
I'nlveralty of Illinois as director of physi
cal training.
Ilnlttmore CI all Knjolned.
NEW YORK, April 29. A temporary In-
I unction restraining the Baltimore base
tail club from continuing its ault against
the brooklyn National League Hae ball
club In a court of law waa granted by
Vice Chancellor Garrison In Jersey City
today. October 22 waa fixed as the date
for the final hearing before Vice Chan
cellor Garrison. The Baltimore club aued
the brooklyn club for approximately ,10,-
50 years
we have been
(food old
in the same old way,
at the same old place.
It is the came pure
whiskey with the same
fine distinct flavor it
has had each year
"Since 1857
Bottled in Bond
L Coekrnhelmer A Bros.
"Sine 1817"
DUIUcn ritUsiirgk. fa.
000 alleged to ba due from the sala of
players to the Hnwiklyn eluh when tha
italtlmore club withdrew from the National
league several years ago.
it. Paal Wlas Pitchers' Con
today's game from the lorala
kept the few hits well scattered.
teat front
Paul won
B.H O A E.
B H O A.B.
Panlayy, rf . 4 1 10 OHImx. rf . . .
I 1 1
KoMer, rf... 4
Clr. If 4
T1mlr, aa. .. 4
rlantal, lb. . 4
-a1Vn. lb. .. I
NnHvka, lb.. I
aiiarin, e.... I
Lilckaoa, p. . . I
OWilllamt. aa
OCoultar, If..
(Kru. lb
OCarry. lb....
Oflnle. cf....
OMowlay, 0...
I 1
0 10 1
1 0
0 I 1
1 0 1
1 11
Oil 1 Hnpka. lb...
0 0 1 OCrnmlay, p..
Totals 12 T 17 II 1 Totals t I 17 11 0
St. Paul 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-2
Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01
Three-base hit: Nordke. Two-base
hits: Inmlenvy, Padden, Cromley (2). Sac
rifice hit; Hline". Stolen base: Coulter.
Iiouble playa: Likson to Padden to Nor
dye: Wllllama to Carr. I.eft baaes: St.
Paul, 2; Indianapolis, 3. First baae on balls:
Indianapolis, 1. Struck out: By Cromi"y,
3; by lUckson, . Time: 1:37. Umpires:
Kane and Warren.
Distillers Beat Hrewera.
IOriSVILI.E, Ky., April 29-Ixulsvllle
defeated Milwaukee todav In the first
game of the series. Errors by the visitors
wera responsible for moat of tha locals'
runs. Scors:
B.H. O A S. B.H.O.A B.
Rlovall, rt .a 1 0 0 0 Roblnnon, aa. I 1 I I 1
Slanlay. rf . 4 0 4 0 OGrwn. rt-lb..l 1 0 1
Rraabaar, 2b . 1 0 14 1 M ( hranay, If I 1 I 0 0
SullWan. lb.. 4 1 11 0 I Half man. lb. 1 0 10 1
Cooley. If . .4 1 I 0 0 grhnrlxra. p. 1 1 0 1 1
Woodruff, lb. 4 I 1 1 Ot lark, lb 4 0 0 I 0
yuir.lan. aa.. 4 0 0 I 0 Roth, e 4 0 1 1 0
HiilWi, C....I Oil 0 Hn.thlll. cf. 4 I I 0 0
Bunton, p.... 4 10 1 OMii nrm k, 2b 4 1 I I 0
Goodwin, p. . 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 16 117 12 I Doua. ly, p-rf 4 0 0 0 0
Tolala 17 I 14 II 4
Ioulavllle 0 6 1 0 2 0 0 0 9
Milwaukee 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 14
Two-baas hit: Sullivan. hit:
McChesney. Home run: Stovall. Hits:
Off Goodwin, 3 In one and two-thirds In
nings; off lioughcrty, 1 in one and one
third innings; off Schneberg, 4 In six In
ningF. Sacrifice hit: Hughes. Stolen
bases: Hughes, Stanley. Double play:
bunton to braahear to Sullivan. Left en
bHsea: Louisville, 6; Milwaukee, 6. First
baae on bulla: Off IXiughirty, 2; off bun
ton, 2. Struck out: by bunton, 4; by
Schneberg, 2. Time: 1:38. Umpire: Sulli
van. butchers Win llatfeat.
TOLEDO, O., April 29.-Kansaa City
drove Im'IIs to all corners of tha field in
the fourth and cinched the game. Toledo
had a batting rally in the ninth Inning
and drove Crutcher from the box. Score:
B.H. O.A.E. B.H. O.A.E.
Karwln. rf...4 1 1 0 OArmb'atpr, rf 4 1 1 1 0
Mmlaay, lb.. 4 1 10 0 0J. Clarke, If. 4 I 1 0 0
Hill, cf S I I 0 1 IK-mont, lb.. 4 0 1 1 0
Hualaman, If. 4 1 1 0 OSmout, cf 4 16 0 0
KruKior, 2b.. I 1 4 6 0 P, rrma. 3b... 4 1110
Hurk, lb.... 4 111 OParboau, aa . 3 1020
MiUrlda, aa..4 I 4 6 1 W. Clarke, lb I I 7 1 0
Hulllvan. C...4 111 0 Abbott, c 4 1610
Cruliher, p.. 4 0 0 0 OEclls. p......l 1110
Caae, p 0 0 0 0 O'l'orkorncy ..1 0 0 0 0
Totals 31 14 27 II 9 Totals 34 11 27 11 0
batted for Eells In the ninth.
Kansas City 0 0 1 4 2 0 0 1 0-8
Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 34
Two-base hlta: Huclsman, McBride,
Hill, Krueger, Smoot, J. Clarke, W. Clarke;,
Abbott. Sacriilee hit: Artuhruster. Stolen
bases: Iluelnma.ii. Hill. Struck out: By
Kel.s, 6; by Crutcher. 3. bases on balls:
Off iila, 8; off Crutcher, 4. Double plays:
Krueger to McBride to Lindsay; Krueger to
Lindsay; W. Clarka to Demont; Arm
bruster to W. Clarke. Passed balls: Sulli
van. 2; Abbott, 1. Hit with ball: Lindsay,
2. lilts: Off Crutcher, 12 In eight and one
third Innings. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Kgan.
Champions Win in Eleventh.
COLUMBUS, O., April 29 On an error
of Judgment, Geyer's wlldnesa and a hit
Minneapolis got an. early lead today, but
the champions tied the score in the eighth
when Manake waa driven from the box.
The home team won In tha eleventh on
two hits and two errors.. Score:
B.H. O.A.E. B.H. O.A.E.
Rellly. If 6 110 OO'Nalli. If.... 6 13 0 0
Krlal, lb 4 0 0 I ODuadon, lb... i 0 I 1 0
Jud. rf I 1 I 0 0 Mertu, cf.... 6 0 I 0 0
Oesalar, cf... t lit OJ Krtcm'a, rf 4 0110
Klhro. lb 4 1 II 0 OCrrm'ser, lb. 4 10 10
Hulawltt, aa . 4 111 0 B KrVra'n, lb I till
Wrlgley, 2b.. 4 Oil 0 Towns, c 6 0140
Blue, o 4 111 OOyler, aa...,. 4 I I I I
Oeyer. p 4 10 1 0 Manake, . p..?. I 1110
Ford, p 10 0 10
Totals 10 10 21 II 0
Totaia 41 130 13 I
None out when winning run scored.
Columbus 0 000001800 1 S
Minneapolis ...0 040000000 04
Sacrifice hlt8: Frlel, Manske. First base
on balls: Off Grler, 4; off Manske, 8. Two
bMse hit: Oyler. Three-base hit: Hutze.
Hit by pitched ball: J. Freeman. Struck
out: by Geyer, 3; by Manske, 6; by Ford,
1. Hits: Off Manske, 7 In seven and one
third Innings; off Ford, 1 In one and two
thirds Innings. Time: 2:15. Umpires:
Kerln and Hayes,
Standing; of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Columbus 11 9 i ,81S
Ixiulsvllle 9 6 t i 667
Toledo 12 6 ,f
Kansas City 8 4 4 .m
Indianapolis 10 bib")
Milwaukee 13 6 7 417
St. Paul 12 5 7 ;4,7
Minneapolis 10 2 8 .2U0
Games today: Milwaukee at Louisville,
Kansas City at Toledo, St Paul at Indian
apolis, Minneapolis at Columbus.
boaton Bunches lilts and Wins from
New York.
UOriTON, April 29. bunched hits In the
second Inning forcing Pitcher Doyle Into re
tirement, gave boston the two runs needed
to win today's game. Score:
B.H.O.A B. B.H. O.A.E.
Sulllran. cf.. I 1 I 0 0 Huffman, cf..4 1 i 0 0
f'arent. If I 1 I 0 OKeeler. rf 4 1 0 0 0
luclaub. lb.. I 0 14 0 OKIberfeld. aa. 4 1 110
Collina, lb... 4 10 1 OCbaae, lb ... 4 1 11 0 0
(irimabaw. rf. 4 1 1 0 OLaporte, lb. .. 4 1 1 1 0
Kerns, lb.... 4 114 1 iXinroy, u. ... l 0 10 0
Wagner, as... 4 111 OWiliiama. lb. I 2 1 I 0
Crlsar, e I 1 4 I OKIelDuw, C..I 0 I 4 0
Young, p I 1 0 t 0 Doyle, p 0 0 0 0 0
Keete, p I 0 0 1 1
ToUl II 11 17 14 1
Totaia 13 7 14 II I
boston 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 I
New York 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Three base hit: Parent. Hits: off Doyle,
S In two Innings; off Keefe, In seven In
nings. Double plays: Young, Wagner and
Lngaub; Klberfield and Chase; Williams,
Klelnow and Chase. First base on balls:
Off Keefe, 3. Struck out: By Keefe, 1; by
Young, 1. Time of game, J:40. Umpires,
Connolly and Hurst.
Athletles Defeat Senators.
WASHINGTON. April 29. Philadelphia
defeated Washington today 3 to 1, through
the wild pitching of Falkenberg, all the
runa made by tiie vlaltora resulting from
baaea on balla. No regular umpire reported
and Hickman and bender served. Score:
B.H. O.A.E. B H O. A E.
Hartael. If... I 0 10 OGanley. rf . . 4 10 1
M. ( w, aa.. 4 1 1 4 OschlaJly. lb.. I 0 14 0
Beybold, rt .. I 1 1 V u Croae, lb . 4 0 11
IXTla. lb I 0 16 OAnderaoa. lb. 4 0 14 1 a
Murvtiy. lb... I 1 I OAltiaer, cf...l 10 0 0
BVbreik. c ... 4 11 OJonee, If 4
Kuisbt. lb... I Oil 1 Perrlae. as .. I I I 1
Lord cf I 1 I 0 1 Warner. ...! I 1 1
Coumba. p.... I 01 oralkenberf, pl 0 0 1 0
Hunhee, p.... 0 1
Totals 17 4 17 II I'MIl 1 0 0
Totals 20 I IT II
batted for Falkenberg In eighth.
Philadelphia 1 0 0 1 O 0 0 1 0 I
Waihinglon 0 0 0 0 0 9 10 01
Bane hlta: Oft Falkenberg. 4 In eight In
Inga. fcacrthce hits: Seybold, Combs,
Stolen buses; Altixer, llartiel. Murphy.
Double playa: Knight, Murphy and Davta.
Left on buses: Washington, i: Philadelphia,
8. Baaea on balla: On" Fulkenbeig, 4, off
Combs. 4. First base on errors: Washing
ton. 1: Philadelphia, 1. Struck out: by
Falkenberg, 7; by Coomba. 8. Wild pitch:
Falkenberg, 1. Time of game, l.w. Um
pires, Hickman and bender.
Games Pvatnoaeal.
At St. Louis Cleveland-tBt. Louis game
postponed, rain.
At Chicago Chicago-Detroit game called
off, rain.
landing; of the Teama.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet
Chicago 13 9 4 .'Ml
Philadelphia 13 9 4 .tKt
Ivtroit 13 8 i .6:6
New York 12 7 I .bJ
Cleveland 12 6 7 .417
Boston 13 i 8 .34
Washington 12 4 8 .833
St. Louia 14 4 10 .117
Games today: Dwtrolt at Chicago, Phila
delphia at V uahington. New York at bos
tun. Holmes la to Play Third.
Manager "Ducky" Holmes today an
nounced the transfer of Jack FroH. third
baseman for tha Lincoln base ball club
rince the Inauguration of the Western
league chainijloiishlp race, to the Sioux
Ally club, which Lad previously owned
tin players aervleta. Holmes la hard
preoaed to Cud a snuteaaor for Lea Wui.iin,
0tmKtUmmtitma' i-aalaaV kar J
" Waiter, be sure and bring me
Cook's Imperial; I Have known
that champaffne for years and
can depend on its uniformity
of quality it equals the best
vintages of the Old World."
Sertrd Everywhere
who Is now making good with the Chicago
White Sox, but has finally decided to cover
third bate himself. Clarence Steen. sub
stitute Inflclder for Linen, n la.t season,
has graduated from the dental department
of Creighton university In Omaha and Is
to Join the Holmes tribe this week. In
case Holmes" throwing arm develops any
weakness Steen is to go In at third.
Cold Weather Prevents Game.
Tha first game of the aeries with Puehlo,
scheduled for Monday afternoon, waa called
off by Manager Rourke because of cold
weather. With the thermometer ranging
around freezing and with a cold wind
sweeping from the north, Manager bill
decided it was altogether too cold to ask
any of his regular patrons to come out to
watch a game or to call upon his colts to
play. The Pueblo team will play at Vin
ton street park Tuesday, Wednesday and
Illot at aa Hall Game.
WHEELING. W. Va April 29 A riot
occurred today at the Wheeling-Sprlnfigeld
Central league game when Umpire Llewlcy
attacked Manager Henrlcka ot Sprinllgeld
for an epithet applied to him. Hundreds
of spectators rushed onto the field and sonn
a dozen tights were In progress. Tonight
warrants were sworn out for Charles Rich
ardaon and another spectator on a churge
of currying concealed weaponB.
Terrors on the Hamonnt.
In a one-sided game Sunday the Terror
struck terror to the hearts of the Missouri
Stars, 14 to 5, McDonald of the Terrors
producing the sensation of the game with
a three-baae hit. butteries: Gernber and
brouglim; Gralner and Pollfka. The Ter
rors would like to try their terrorizing
experiments on other teams of 14-yeor-ohU
or under, and games can be arranged with
Captain Kmll Gember, telephone Douglas
borate's Colta Lose.
MCLELLAND, la., April 2ft. (Special.)
Horge'a Colts, a newly organized base Ixill
team from Omaha, visited this city yester
day for a game with (Juick bros.' team of
this place and were returned lowers bv the
score of 9 to 0. Only once did a member
of the Omaha team reaoh third.
Maroons Oatbaf I'eaveya,
The Council bluffs Maroons won from the
Peavey Elevator team Sunday afternoon
In aslugglng match, by the score of 17 to
11. The Maroons' battery was Smith and
Knapp, and the battery for the Peaveys
was Smith and Krajac.
Western I.eagne Gamea Poatponed.
At Pes Moines Des Molnea-Slotix City
game postponed on account of. anow.
At Lincoln Lincoln-Denver game post
poned on account' oi cold weather.
American Tennis Player Sees Chance
of. Doable Contest. .
LONDON, April 29. The executive com
mittee of the Court Tennis association will
meet May 1 after the final In the cham
pionship games has been played, to decide
whether Kustace IL Miles, the holder, shall'
be allowed to defend the title. The action
of the champion In postponing his decision
until after the winner of the preliminary
matches waa known has been much criti
cised. V. H. Pennell, the champion of 1904, won
his semi-final today, defeating Briscoe 3-0.
Jay Gould Is regarded as ceitain to win
hlb semi-tlnal tomorrow and the opinion Is
widely held that the question whether Miles
shall be permitted to defend the title ought
to be settled before the American and Eng
lishman meet in the final match, so as to
avoid any suggestion of Miles being held
In reserve In the event of the American
champion proving the winner, as Is thought
is almost certain to be the case.
Gould frankly ndmits that he Is annoyed
at the way In which Miles has treated him.
He said:
"Under the circumstances I doubt very
much whether I shall meet him If I win
t lie challenge round. I would be In this
position: If Miles loses It will be said that
be was short ot practice, and If he wins
It will be said that all of us who have
played In the all-comers' competition must
have been a poor lot."
The question of the matter will be -left
by young Gould to his father, who Is en
route to England and due May 3. Gould
says he will communicate by wireless tele
graph with his father and If he advises
him to meet Miles he will do so.
in the meantime Miles has written to
young Gould saying that if any of the com
petitors object to his playing he will keep
to his original decision, adding that any
Idea of Gould scratching to him Is out of
the question, and that unless Gould noti
fies him by Tuesday that he had altered
his plans for leaving England lis (Miles)
will not defend the title.
Milts started practice at the Queens cluh
today. At first he played badly, but stead
ily Improved, though hla service never was
good. He has Increased considerably In
weight since he left off playing and It seems
unlikely that he will be able to get the
necessary quickness of foot for an early
match with Gould.
Ijite tonight It was believed there was a
strong likelihood of Gould and Miles play
ing for the championship.
Movement Is on Foot to Bring; One
About Thla Summer.
Plans are Incubating to give Omaha a
race meet this summer and several of the
leading horsemen of Omaha are busy at
work to perfect the pliuis. Tekamah has
withdrawn from the Nebraska "' z'
the Omaha horsemen are trying to
to fill the date made vacant by the with
drawal. Omaha haa aa good a mile track
as any city in the country and the only
drawback at present is that it la off the
atreet car line. The old fair grounds track
la in alim at aa good condition as when it
was In constant use and but a few dollars
would be required to put it in first class
shape ajrain. If the horsemen could hut se
cure the promise of tha street railway com
pany to extend one of Us lines to this track
all would be smooth sailing and Omaha
probably would have a horse racing meet
which wiuld attract visitors from all sec
tions of the country.
The scheme of tormina; the FJImwood club
to build a clubhouse at tins truck for the
use of horsemen, and to beautify the
grounds, haa fallen through. F. A. Nash,
the prime mover in the scheme, was taken
sick Just at the critical Mage of its for
mation and the matter was dri ppy while
Mr. Nash was in the south. Several of the
movers In that undertaking are now at
work on the scheme to form an association
to pull off some races. It is argued that If
blair and other smaller tow ne can till up all
their hotels and bring in thousands of
strangers and make m ney, there Is no
reason why Omaha could not do the same
Mlaa Sntton Wins Game.
NEW YORK. April 29. Miss May Sut
ton played ajpilnsi Raymond D. Little to
day and won for her side a pl'tce in the
final of the mixed doubles The match
in tha lawn tennis tournament on the court
of the St. Nicholas rink brought Miss Sut
ton and T. R. Ped on the opposite side
of the net from Mrs. barger-Wallach and
Raymond D. Little. The latter played with
marked effect in the first set. winning at
S-7. Miss Sutton and Pell won the re
maining seta at s-2 and 4 1 Miss Nora
Iselin and William A. Larned defeated
Miss Margaret bebr and Karl II. beiir,
jr., t-3 and -L
Britishers Beaten la Boat Knee.
NORFOLK. Va.. April The first In
ternational boat races between the crews
of . unships gathered off the Jamestown
exposition grounds In Hampton Roads was
vowel today between boat crews from the
bmUau aru.ur.jj cruiser Roxburgh and tha
American battleships Alabama and Vir
ginia. The Britishers wera left far behind,
sftrr holding the lead for the first hundred
yards, and the Alabama Jackles won from
the Virginias crew by a scant ten yards
after a bow to bow struggle over the mile
"They're OfT Wins the rontoa Stakes
t Jamaica.
NEW YORK, April 29 "They're Off."
with Mountain in the saddle, won the Dun
tn stakes, six furlongs, at Jamaica toxlay.
The colt was quoted at 10 to 1 in the let
ting and stepied the distance In 1:13V
Summary :
First race, five furlongs: Master Robert,
li7 (Garner), even, won: Ella O Nelll, 99
tllennessy), 11 to o, second; Sweet Talre,
M (Notten, 10 to I, third. Time: 1:1V Mia
G. Coincident, Alaudii, Woodcraft and Vista
also ran.
Second race, five and a half furlongs: On
tario, lo7 (Shilling), 5 to 1. won; 1 ur1o, 97
(Mllleri, 7 to 1, aecond; tlden West, 97
(Rowen), 6 to 1. third. Time: 1 :iH- Mian
Sjoner, Inoffensive, Dene Harlem, Fire
(Ml. Vesta Bella, left, 11ns and Needles,
CiKMiey K, Hampton Lady and Yankee
belle also ran.
Third race, one mile nnd a sixteenth:
Buttling, 14 (Notter), ', to 1, won; Samson,
lot (Miller), 2 to 6, second; I-ally, 9H (Pres
ton), ( to 1, third. Time: 1:47 V Mlrxa also
Fourth race, the Dunton stakes, six fur
longs: They're Off, 110 (Mountain), 10 to 1,
won; Oraculum, 110 (Radtke), 25 to 1, sec
ond; George 8. Davis, 1D7 (Horner), 12 to 1,
third. Time: 1:11V Roeemount, Malacca,
Saraclnesca, CaoiK-hon, Toy Hoy, Alttheu,
Workman, Dan buhre and Senator Clay
also ran.
Fifth race, selling, one mile and seventy
yards: Jacquln. 118 (Nlcol), even, won;
Henry Watteraon, 106 (Miller), 11 to S, sec
ond, Azora, lol (Grand), 2 to 1, third. Time:
l.'ev.v Ocean Spray, Lady Alicia and
Knockirby also ran.
Sixth race, five furlongs: Ia Juenessn,
10H (Mountain), 12 to 1, won; The Mldor, ln8
(Hadtke), 7 to 1. second; 8an Ramon, lit)
(booker), 40 to 1, third. Time: 1:02. Oceanic,
Keller, Scallop, Fly On, High Spire, Di
vorcee and Fordello also ran.
LEXINGTON, Ky., April 29. Results:
First race, four furlongs: Nimbus, 112
(Austin), ai to 1, won; Moquette, 115 (Foley).
S to 1, secind; Zugg, 115 (Roland), 30 to 1,
third. Time: Uncle Tim, Judne Dun-
don. Wagner, Jr., Mnl MaiBon, Southern
Knight, Highbinder. Ned Lyle, I. Ham,
Darling Dan also ran.
Second race, six furlongs: Topey Robin
son, lost (Austin), 8 to 1, won; Field Lark,
109 (Lee), 4 to 1, second; Clifton Forge, 112
(Cayel), 2 to 1, third. Time: 1:13. Saga
lw.nak, Rogers, Marmorean, Mattie Mack,
Omai khayum, Tichinilngo, Alta McDonald
also ran.
Third race, four furlongs: Ma Mav, 115
(Lee), to 5, won; Hollow, 118 (Austin), 4
to 1, second; Cousin Francis, 102 (Taylor),
in to 1, third. Time: 0:4rfc. broncho bill,
Walerlock Vnnset, Chcsnardine, bill bow
legs, Harriet Wright, Richmond Duke also
Fourth race, seven furlongs: Morales, 98
(Caugell), even, won; Lady Bnvoy, KB (Tay
lor), 4 to 5, second; Caroline W, 90 (butler),
HO to 1, third. Time: 1:27. High bear, ben
Mora also ran.
Fifth race, one mile: Hal brd, 101 (Tay
lor), 8 to 1, won; Knight of Ivanhoe, 98
(Swann), 10 to 1, second, Onardi, 95 (Rllac),
7 to 1, third. Time: 1:41. yuigga. Gauze,
Rasperdine, Red Ogden also ran.
Sixth race, one mile and a sixteenth:
Golden Mineral, 106 (Troxler), 8 to 1, won;
Dick Redd, 99 (Rllac),' 60 to 1, second; Lou
ise McFnrlund, 104 (Minder), 3 to 2, third.
Time: l:4MVk. Happy Jack. Monochord. Ham
llcar, Drinu,, Skyward, Merry Pomeroy, ln
culmtor, Iruhodcn also ran.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 29. Results at
First race, four and a half furlongs: Be
Thankful, ins (O. Williams), 17 to 10. won;
Irish Mike, P (Gross), 8 to 1, second; St.
Avon, KM (Sandy), 18 to 5, third. Time:
0:nfVB. Sin Wesley, Alta Air, Gaga, Sand
piper, Uncle Sam, Taraband and St. Charles
also ran.
Second race, Futurity course: Combury,
109 (C. Williams). 26 to 1, won: Talentooa,
112 (Sandy), even, seoend; Blzzlnlnl, 109 (H.
Smith), 15 to 1. third. Time: 1:12. Lure of
Gold Sibenla, Free Knight, The Bear, Sal
vadale, Arcourt, Valodata, Mohawk and
John Welthaupt finished as named. Hank
well fell.
Third race, six furlongn, selling: El M.
BrattAln, It (Snyder), 4 to 1, won; Andrew
B. Cook, 122 (C. Williams), 1 to 1, second;
Tnylor George 109 (C. Ross), 18 to 6, third.
Time: l:Vi. Distributor, Governor Orman,
Princess Wheeler, Supreme Court, Jack
Kercheval and Peggy -O'Neill finished as
Fourth race, one mile and a furlong: Cor
rtgan 110 (Sandy), 2 to 5, won; Nabonassar,
110 (borel), 13 to 2, second; W. B. Gates, 107
(A. Williams). 60 to 1, third. Time: 1:54.
Invader, byron Rose, Harbor and Briers
finished as named.
Fifth race. Futurity course: Confessor, 109
(Goodchild), 23 to 6, won; Earl Rogers, 103
(Lycurgus), 2 to 1, second; Burleigh. 1(6
(Sandy), 4 to 1. third. Time: 1:10. Nonle
Lucille, Van Ness and Lnchata finished as
Sixth race, Futurity course: Como, 109
(Gross), 2 to 1. won; Sambarber, 109 (borel),
9 to 1, socond; Cella, b4 (Fischer), 60 to 1,
third. Trme: 1:11. Canlque, Sycamore. Ixu
Ise Fitzglbbons, Golden Sentiment, Paladin!
and Sinaloa finished as named.
Following are the scores In the first
night's series of the two-men tournament
at the association alleys:
Cochran 173 2n0 214 147 232 9
Weber 12 193 lr!2 19 175 81
Totals 3r5 393 87 816 4r7 1.R5T
McCague 179 l'K) 2o5 257 153 9s4
G. O. Francisco... 238 239 178 192 204 1,061
417 429 3S3 449 357 2,035
Women Postpone Golf.
The golf match with which the women cf
the Country cluh were to open the season
Monday was declared off on account of the
cold weather and the condition of the course
in consequence of the rain. The match will
be played as sovn as the weather becomes
more agreeable for the game.
Iloilng Bill Vetoed.
ALBANY. N. Y., April 29 Governor
Hiiirliea tonleht sent to the senate his veto
of the so-called Frawley boxing bill. The
bill passed both houses lost year. but
! Governor Higglns allowed it to die in the
thirty-day period without comment.
Stanford Defeats California.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 29 Stanford
university won the Intercollegiate boat
race from the University of California to
day by seven lengths over a two mile
course at Richardson's bay near Sausaltto.
Time 15 and 5-10uth minutes.
Every one should take a tonic in the Spring ; their systems require It. The
blood ha3 become thick and sluggish with the accumulations left in the system
from the inactive, indoor life and from the heavy, rich foods of the Winter
Beason. The blood, being in this unnatural and disordered condition, is unable
to furnish the body with the increased amount of nourishment necessary for the
more energetic life of Spring and Summer, and the system suffers from debility,
weakness, nervousness, indigestion, loss of appetite, and many other unpleas
ant symptoms of a disordered blood circulation. When the system is in this
run-down and disordered condition it is not safe to take unknown concoctions,
sarsaparillas, compounds, etc., because they usually contain potash or some
other equally strong and harmful mineral ingredient, which acts unfavorably
and often dangerously on the depleted, weakened system at a time when it needs
gentle and natural stimulation to throw off the impurities and recuperate its
lost energy. S. S. S. is appropriately called Nature's tonic. It is made entirely
of roots, herbs and barks from the great storehouse of forest and field, selected
for their purifying and health-restoring qualities, and as it does not contain
the slightest trace of mineral in any form it is perfectly safe for young or
old. S. S. S. acts directly on the blood, ridding it of all impurities and poisons,
and restoring the lost properties of rich, nutritive strength so that it is able to
supply the system with the healthful, invigorating energy needed to pass this
oco.-w.iu vi iuc year, iia action is me most, pleasant, prompt and satis
factory of all tonics, and those who feel the need of such a medicine will do well
; to commence the use of S. S. S. at once. S. S. S. restores lost energy, relieves
, that tired, worn-out feeling, helps the appetite, aids digestion, and adds ton
and vigor to the system. iHE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATT..WT. ' nk
MI set rfstlslisssf Mil - '
Acquiiitit of Frrperty tovrht t" tha
Omaha Cimaiuloners,
First Cost la Estimated at Fifty
Thousand Dollars and Vote la
Anticipated on Matter
In Fall.
The Park board yesterday afternoon
adopted a resolution declaring certain prop
erty be acquired for park purposes around
Cut-Off lake and that the city council and
mayor be requested to take necessary ac
tion for the appropriation of such land.
With this resolution, which Commissioner
Cornish offered, was a detailed description
of the property, which extends around
the lake, from Thirteenth street between
Browne and Locust on the west, along
the north aide ct the lake to Avenue F
on the east. It has been estimated that
the first cost will be about $50,000, which
probably will be voted on next November.
Yesterday's action by the park com
missioners was the first real step toward
the establishment of Cut-Oft lake park,
the previous work being Informal discus
sions and looking over the ground.
Secretary Wilson of the Federation of
Improvement Clubs appeared before the
board and urged the establishment of at
least three inside rest parks to cost about
8100,000, and for which bonds should be
voted this fall. Mr. Wilson asked the
Park board to take the Initiative In this
Various citizens protested against the
proposed speedway in Elmwood park on
the grounds that such ft feature would
disturb the natural beauties of the park
and the many visitors who have picnics
there In the summer. The protests were
Leavenworth Paving.
The park board began Its Aprlt meeting
Monday morning and adjourned at noon
to meet again at 2 o'clock. The morning
session was entirely taken up with the
consideration of the Leavenworth street
paving, from Fortieth to Forty-elghtu
streets, which matter, has been hanging
fire for several years. The members, of
the county board sat with the park com
missioners, the former being particularly
anxious to have continuous paving along
Leavenworth street to Elmwood park. The
park board will have charge of the paving
to Forty-eighth street. It was the sense
of the meeting that the park board will
pave the section of Leavenworth street re
ferred to as soon as the street has been
turned back to the park system.
Park Commissioner Gonden made a mo
tion that E. D. Van Court be given the
contract for paving this street at the rate
of 85 cents per square yard, which con
tract would run about 86,800. Commissioner
Cornish was much opposed to such pro
cedure w.thout first advertising for bids
on the work. While Mr. Cornish did not
doubt that the board could make such a
contract without advertising for bids, he
held that such action would establish a
bad precedent and be not in line with the
general policy of the board. Mr. Gonden,
however, seemed Insistent that Mr. Van
Court be given the contract forthwith, as
he (Gonden) said he had investigated tha
matter and found 85 cents a yard a low
rate. The members decided to advertise
for bids before letting the contract.
Boulevard Faad Reduced.
Paving Leavenworth street this season
will reduce, the amount available for
boulevard maintenance to a low figure and
will necessitate putting off some of the
proposed improvements of the boulevard
system. The county commissioners en
deavored to show the park board that this
year would be as good a Ume as any to
carrry out their pledge to pave Leaven
worth street, as it was the intention of
the county commissioners to reduce tho
rood fund next year. Members Ure and
Kennard of the county board tried hard to
get the park commissioners to chip in $1,900
toward Improvement of Leavenworth street
beyond Forty-eighth street, to help the
county beard out of a tangle, but the park
commissioners stood pat on that proposition.
Bad Stomach Trouble Cured,
Having been sick for the last two years
with a bad stomach trouble, a friend gave
me a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. They did me so much food
that I bought a bottle of them and have
used twelve bottles in all. Today I am
well of a bad stomach trouble. Mrs. John
Lowe, Cooper, Maine.
Rallroald Man Seen Prcaldent.
WASHINGTON, April 29.-Preident
Roosevelt had an extended conference to
day with W. C. Brown, senior vice presi
dent of the New York Central railroad.
Mr. Brown was averse to saying anything
about his talk with the president, but ad
mitted that he had "talked a little" about
the railroad situation with Mr. Roosevelt.
Bryce to Make Address.
WASHINGTON, April 29 Mr, Bryce, the
British ambasador, will deliver an address
st Jamestown exposition on May 13 In com
memoration of the first permanent settle
ment of English-speaking people on the
American continent at Jamestown.
Established In Omaha 15 Years.
"ncr Consultation
tWmCt and Eiamlnatlon.
Write for Symptom Blank for Home Treatment.
Dr. Scarlcs & Scarlcs
N. E. Corner 11th ; id Douglas St., OMAHA, NEB
I I snw W .aatsVasV
Bit S a aa aswsaaana. i m
PIPE smoking is the healthiest, most economical way to
enjoy the fragrant weed, if you get the riht kind;
that which Rives a cool smoke to the end, and doe not
bite the tonjjue or easily "blow out" in a hih wind.
unsmoked, hal a fasrinitinir'odor, that makei you jump for a pipe and
alicht. Smoked!. It fulfilli all rromi'1 of delight. The home circle
enjoyi iti aroma. '
Pocket size, tin box, 10c
Very low round trip rates to San Fronoisco nnd Los
Angeles April 25 to May 18.
Only$50 round
via direct routes; $12.50 additional via Shasta Route and
Puget Sound.
Liberal stopover privileges, diverse routes' and long re
turn limit. . . .
Standard and tourist sleepers daily via Denver with, day
light ride through scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City.
Ask for free descriptive folders and make early ar-
j rangements.
J-J- --''H J. B. REYNOLDS. Citv Passernrer Atrent
a. i la. aH.J
i I Itf !l
BELOW any other
or on orv mna e una, until you hare received our complete 1
loanea illustrating; and describing every kind of high-grade am
bicvclea. old Tiatterns and latest morlele enrl ieerfi nf our rm rL
i We need a ftlttmr Aant in every town and can offer an opportunity
L to make money to suitable young men who apply at once.
ds.aO per pair. J-OlJ
To Intnoduoo w w
Wo Will Soli K J "'. Icks
You m Samalo t-siS S3, AlA.M
Pali for Only U out the air
(cash with order M-es)
Result of is years experience in tire
making. No danger from THORNS. CAC
Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can
be vulcanized like any other tire.
Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual us. Ovsr
Seventy-five Thousand pairs sold last ysar.
DESCRIPTION I Made ia all sixes. It is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined Inside
with s special quality of rubber, which never become, porous and which closes up small punctures
without allowing the sir to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satu&ed customera stating
uiai innrum uavvuuiy uoco puoiura apuueror
an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities
prepared fabric on the tread. That'
I fabric on the tread. That "Holding Back" aenaatuio commonly felt when ndins on aaDhalt
or soft roads is overcome by the patent "Basket
squeeied out between the tire end the road thus
tire is tt y per pair, but for advertising purposes
Ol only st.Bo per pair. All orders shipped same
You do not pay cent until you have examined
we will a I low a eaen aiaoonncol , percent
rtXL CASH WI1H UftDkK and enclose
plated brass hand pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal
puncture cloaers to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy ruhci). Tires to be returned
St UUK expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination.
We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as aafe aa in a bank. Ask yonr Postmaster.
Banker, Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of thia paper about ua. If you order a pair of
these tires, you will find that they will ride eatier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look
liner than say tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be ao well pleased
that when you want e bicycle you will give u your order. We want you to send as a small trial
order at once, hence thia remarkable tire oiler.
trtA ?rm nrM irr? bullt-op-wheels, saddles, pedals, parts end repairs, snd
utAO f atf eraUisVafi&aJis everything in the bicycle line are aold by us at half the utual
prices charged by dealera and repair men. Writi for our big HUNOltY catalogue.
nn tirfw sarar bul wrlte u P"tal today. ih mot think of bcting
U Lr HU I VwMII bicycle or s patr of tirea from anyone until vou know the new asd
wonderful offers we are making. It only coata
To restore a man to health, strength nd
vlta.lty and Rive him Ills rightful plai-e
among his ft-luw nun ia worthy of the
noblest efforts of a physician's life, and
v.e work earnestly. coitsclfntiouHly and
scientifically to this end. We offer you
our services, this Hid. tills help, t lil a as
surance of restoration If you ure suffer
ing from any of the diaeHsea that consti
tute our specialty and will consult us in
time. LHlays are dangerous.
W treat man only and enre promptly,
afaly and thoroughly, BEOaCHITIS,
.yaclal Diseases and their complications.
Consult Free sVSit
Call and Bo Examined Freo, or Writ
OF KICK HOIKS 8 A. M. to 8 P. 11. BUNDAys 10 to 1 OSiLT.
1308 raxnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sta., Omaha, Neb.
Permanently Established in Omaha. Nebraaka.
sM a V C ,
7PC j
trip from Omaha
' " o
Faraam Street, Omaha.
'rite for oar bis- FH1U 11IC1CLK catatonia
showing the most complete line of hifc-h-grarte
blCVCLKH. TIKES and KlINIIKICal at f klUKa
manufacturer or dealer in the world.
on hare received our complete Free) Cats
a low-rraoe
rrrearkable LOW
FUlCtCS and wonderful newotTera mnde possible by selling from factor
direct to rider with no middlemen's pronts.
VIE SHIP OM APPROVAL without a ant drposit. Pay the Frslcht and
allow 10 Days 1-ree 'I rial and mnke other liberal terms which no othef
bouse in the world will do. You wal learn everything end get much valu
able information by simply writing us a postal.
- PR00F TIRES ? N kX
"aTPt8 r-Alft
Notice the thick rubber treaet
"A" and ponetura strips "H"
and "IV also rim strip
to prevent rim cutting. Tbli
tire will ootlaet any other
BiakshOFT. lUJUtllO an
iwm in a wiiuickmuu, a ucy wcian no more nan
being given oy several layers ol thin, specially
Weave'' tread which prevents sll sir from being
overcoming all auction. The regular price of these
we are making a special factory erica to tha rider
ke are ujiimk; a special isctoty price lo tne rider
' letter is received. We ship CO D. on approval.
day lei
and found them strictly a, represented.
r pair) if you send
aend one nickel
(tnrrcoy msa.iug me price aa.oo per pair) I
this advertisement. We will also aend one nickel
a postal to leaia everything. Write it MOW.
Dept. c 256 CHICAGO, ILL.
i as""! I ' H ai..,
f... ' ...',PV -' . ; v
as 1