Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1907, Page 12, Image 12
12 TIIE OMAHA DAILY REE: TUESDAY. AFTtTTj 30, 1907. V; J Sill Ladles Jackets Next Tuesday Hardware It la Basea'nt Old Store EVERT MENTioKEB HERE" IS fW EXTRA 5TECIM. ONLY All Linen Ilandkcrchicls 5c Each Ladies' fine sheer all pure linen handker chiefs, nil widths of hemstitching some are slightly mussed, but they are worth up to 15c each and r'-rj a big special bar- sss T gain for Tuesday, Jf at Special Sale of Wash Laces Fresh new lots of all kinds of awsh laces French and German Valenciennes, English torchons, fancy point de Paris laces and insertions, many to match and extra fine quality fl 1 v at, per iloP - T)oT, Tl O Extraordinary Values in Children's Shoes v v j. yj rv AiOj 49c yard. $1 PEAU DE CYGNE AT 49c YD. In every desirable shade new browns, champagne, navies, resedas, room V1 q ! o n rl crortin rr shades at, yard . . '. UNTRIMMED HATS at 50c Women's Untrimmed Hats, in all colors, new, up-to-date Hats in Milan and chip; go in our Economy P" Millinery department, Main floor, at, ll each SSS SilR Petticoats at $3Mi Positively Worth up to $15 This the entire surplus stock and all the samples of silk petticoats, made of the finest selected silks, newest and daintiest colors, including evening shades, black and white, made with deep ruf fles, flounces, wide pleats, etc., and worth up to $15, at 322 422 and Women's Tailored Soils at $10 These are all new, up-to-date styles and worth as high as $25; very special at. . .$10 SrECIAL TO DRESS GOODS PATRONS Made-to-Measure Skirts At Prices Scarcely More Than Cast of Materials Each Skirt Measured and Fit ted by m.n Expert Select frsm Scores of Stylish . New Patterns Skirt like cut, made to measure, complete, for $5, made in gore pleated style 1 or strapped and buttoned. A Full Pleated Skirt- pleats fastened yoke length and 7 50 open in grace- , OUC 111 3$5 BHANDEIS t -l is the season of the year when the parks are at their best. You should take ad vantage of these balmy days and take a ; car ride to either Hanscom or lliver view and spend a few hours with Dame Nature. Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. E LAND LOCATORS GET BUST Profsnrlonal Sharks Am Doing Bit Bui Bi la fftrth Piatt. Csuitry. FALSE LOCATIONS ARE BEING MADE 1 vrsl Haadrad naiual Are of Vmm Withdraws twm Katry ir. Essbraee la Trust. Elltd. f 1 1 Information ha been received at federal ' headquarter In Omaha that profession! jf land locator, are doing a lively business In ' North Platte and vicinity In makln fake location on land that are to be thrown ODn to settlmsnt Lb the North Flatt 4 li gation district on May L Thee laaA. em-I, bmdnc several hundred thousand of acroa. . kummvii fram Antrv at the tlinJT the aetablUhment of the Irrigation dlotrl'-l and have only recently been restored for try under the Klnkald and general home ttead law. It appear from Information received by Urs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup UmB kaa matt tar m S1XTY-FIVB T1ASI br fcllJJONi u HlfTUKK t lhlr rHII.I'KIK H11J TSETH1NO. vitk PKHPIkT itJCt Sal. It IUUIHM U. CHILD. BorTIEN 1M OL'MS. aLXAlS li Pl; HASi WIND COUC, u U tt. bMt ruw7 PiAaanoaA. to. 4 b Oruuiau m r, ut of tk. wara a. M. ..1 uk fwr "Mis. Wuutv i imuim rna." tk. a Mkw kiss. TMtr-T m.i. ktouL. UauuM tk. Mut Immm Act, Jn xk. if aart.i N.BkW tank Jt WJ AMU SUX TRlkU) kkMKOI. the United Bute marshal from North Platte that many professional locators are exacting- liberal fees from prospective homesteaders and are taking them out to lands remote from the lands that are sub ject to entry and assuring them that these are the lands on which they are to fllj. The locators Invariably point out a goo i piece of land to their victim which doe. not belong to the Irrigation reserve at all, but la from half a dosen twenty miles from the reserve. TheVL-Tilted States au thorities are asked trV send some one up there to prevent tafther swindling of this character. S The UniteAr State authorities have no power Jfhe premises and about1 mil that out be done Is to caution the piisjieciive homesteaders against the slnulr.. The mattes Is up to the land office 4-d state officials and they have been ad lseu tu looa wur ue intereeis or tne prkfctivr Jhtrymeu and prevent further frai.1 la thU BT. Tkree Dally Train ta riitcaga VIA C1IICA.OO. MILWAUKtli PAUL RA1LWAT. Front Union station, Omaha, T'Co 5 p. m. and l ii p. m. dally. L nloti station. Chicago (In the buslr. notel district), at I JO p. m., I I S a. m., respectively. Comfortable exoellent dining car aervice. co4tou.i treatment of passengers. F. A. Najt JUtn sral Western Agent, UZt Farnaiul Bt, Omaha. Alleced Marderer Trial.; BFRINGF113U. Mo.. Aprtl The' trial of Garland stoore, the mull carrier, ho In ! etnbor last, at Bol. D'Arc, near heir, hot aud killed Clara West, a youn iriety wonisn, because she had svurned h at lenUous, was called for trial her tJ-er. ! Ladies' Home Journal Patterns are the Home Dressmaker's Ideal May Style Book Tree for the .-Taking... Trade on a Transfer Saves You Time and Prevents Mislaying of Packages. We have something extraordi nary to offer you In Misses' and Children's Shoes. We have Just received a shipment of genuine welt sole shoes plump kid stock that Is bettor for the money than we have ever offered you be fore. We guarantee that you cannot find their equal for the money anywhere In Omaha. Children's, sizes 5 to 8... $1.50 Children's, sizes 8 H to 11. 1. 75 Misses', sizes 11V4 to 2.. $2.00 Don't fail to take advantage of this unusual bargain. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. 1 1 foiMNFrrc ill r 1 H 11 1 , I f MEN'S FURNISHINGS M B I If 11 XI IlII mercerised silk, drop n K $1.00 for 25c Looks fakey. don't lt Just the same the Dsvi.s' Bsmedy Company of Buffalo, N.- y., gives us the ri(rht to guarantee their remedy railed WA-HOO, to cure Kidney and Bladder troubles: That's rather strong too, hut you take no chaneeg our word Is Rood! Their representative will call at your home this week to tell you all about It and he will leave a card worth 75o, free, for nothing! This card and 25c will get you a Dollar bottle of Wa-Hoo and you take It like the label reads, and If It falls come fret your mon ey. This 1 even better than $1.00 for BSC You know we make good everything we advertise and this Is no exception, look ont for the man and the card. Call us on phone and we will deliver medicine and get card. Schaefer s Cut Eru" stores Omaha Cor. 18th and Douglas Kta.; 16th and Chicago Sts. South Omaha N. W. Cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluffs 6th Ave. and Main Sts. The druggists who don't have to substitute. Oridgework We make a specialty of crown and brldgeVork. This 1b with out a doubt the most beautiful and lasting method of Inserting teeth, with out plates. Crowns, 22K ...$5.00 Brldgework, per tooth . . MXITS XOSIXKT Tuesday morning we place on sale a most beautiful assortment of Men' Fin Ion, In Hales, gauze neies, plain and mercerised silk, lace, etc. Posi tively 75c and $1 value, special prices. GIRLS' and MISSES' CAPS XsT MIH'I BAT BXOTIOaT MAI IT TXOOB SFXiEKDII) BHOWIHO OT QIXX.B' AID MISSES' CAPS Our assort ment Is really excellent and Includes the very latest S-4 Tarn O'Bhant.r, In plain or fancy colors, with or without figure or ornamnnt. Our plain broadcloth are the finest shown anywhere fancy stitch. 50c $1.50 S1.00 75c 50c Men' Hat Section Main Floor. i r V . I M a i m m v Harney Aisle-Specials for Tuesday Pure Silk Ribbon, in every conceivable shade, 3Mj inches wide, worth 15c yard, for .5 25c Cotton Voile, in elegant fancy styles, small checks, new blues, greens and browns, yard, at .-.14 Large assortment Fine Torchon Laces, every yard worth 5c, Tuesday, yard 2 362 pieces elegant Fancy Dress Ginghams, this quality al ways sells for 12Vc, pretty light styles, yard 7 $5.oo ; TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS 117 Douglas Street, 8 DON'T WEAR YOURSELF OUT Trying to wear out your COLD or GRIP or that mean depressed aching feeling. DON'T BVTTT AJTOTKEB MUtUTB. HOWELL'S AHTl-OKrP AID COLD CAPSULES, QIVE QUICK BELIEF. They renovate the whole system and make you feel like a new person. Good for old or young. ABSOLUTELY HARMLKS3. 2uo a box, delivered anywhere. HOWELL DRUG CO. 16th and Capitol Ave. SILKS Black Silks for Tuesday Heavy Black Habutai Silk, for dresses or waists, rare bargain, Tuesday, yard 29 Beautiful collection new silks prettier than the 6well Rajahs colorings the newest, qualities su perb, plaid or striped ef fects, yard 95 See pretty window display. DRESS GOODS BLACK WOOL GOODS $1.00 Black Panama, one of the best cloths made for wear, the most popular weave we show, on sale, yard 59 Black Albatross for waists and dresses, 50c value, yard 29 Most beautiful showing of elegant New Brown Goods, right fabrics or weaves, light weight, but firm, new leather shades are ex cellent, prices, . a yard, from $1 down to ...50 PRIVATE PAPERS, JEWELS mid OTHER VALUABLES Against loss by Fire or Ruralars In the only practical way by renting a Safe De- jxieii imi i nine rtirong Meel aults ot The First National Rank of Omaha. From $3 to $15 a year pays for one. The precautions taken here make It IM POSSIBLE for an unauthorized person to gain access to a box. Vault Space for the storaire of Cheats of Sliver, Wedding Gift and Trunk may moo De secured. First National Bank OMAHA, NEBRASKA. BAILEY MACII DENTISTS Third Fleer, Paxlo DUck Highest Grade Dentistry. Ofllc hours, 8:00 to SO a. m.. 12:00 to S:30 P. in. Telephone Harney 539. OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL KHIO Maaun street, Omaha, Neb. II. L. Ramacclottl, D. V. 8., Deputy State and City Veterinarian, Food Inspector, Chief Surgeon. D. C. Scott, D. V. 8.. Hos pital Surgeon. Great Sale of Fine Laces and Swiss Embroidery Dreaa Flouncing, 27 Inches wide worth 75c yard for 39 Oriental All-over 20 Inches wide, worth 8Sc yard, for 290 Dotted Oriental Dress NeU, in white or butter, 45 inches wide, very suitable for evening or grad uating dresses worth $1.50 yd.. for GO LADIES' SUITS FOR TUESDAY Fine tailored suits of latest authen tic styles, made to sell for $3?; Tuesday several dozen, ?Q50 each Ladies fine tail ored suits, perfect fitting, swagger styUa, made to sell at C5U $25, Tuesday for...-' Bcxra.ins in Men's Clothing Men's Top Coats, in Coverts, Herring bone stripes, and black, lengths 06 and 40, Prices, Ten to Thirty Dollars H.rd Fini.k.d Wonted Rain Coats in stripes and m ixtures, at $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 "27iere'i no higher art than the improvement of ood." Backer Bennett's Big Grocery Tussday' Special Bargain. Kony-BaTrs (or llTsry- body. Bennett's Canltol Flour. ack l-30 And 100 Oreen Trading Stamp Bennett' Best Coffee, 8 lbs, for 11.00 And 100 Oreen Trading; Stamps jeaa a. r. japan, roiong, uunpowaiT, English Breakfast, lb 6So And 75 Oreen Trading; Stamps ,. Ginger Snaps, fresh and crisp, lb Bo Bst W Bar Corn, 6 cans TBo And 76 Oreen Trading Stamp Bennett' Bargain Laundry Soap, ( bar for "SO Navy Bean, hand picked. 10 lb, for 88o ; Corn, can o Peas, can About 60 doien DIAMOND 8 SUCCOTASH, worth lie Can Tuesday, special price, can lOe Dosen 1-ao About SO doren GENESEE WAX BEANS, worth 12 He can, Tuesday, special price, can o pozen B6 About 60 doien Torch Lake Red Kidney Beans, worth lOo Can, Tuesday, special price, can 7o Doten O Fancy table Layer Raisins, lb 860 And thirty Green Trading Stamp Table Pear. In syrup, can 10 And Twenty Green Trading Stamp Worcester Table Salt, ack 10o And Ten Green Trading Stamp BESMTTI CAJTSIXa CANDY PEACH STONES, worth 16c lb., Tuesday, lb. 10c Decorated Bonbon Boxes, each Many Splendid Tuesday Bargains Watch for the Great Linoleum Sale soon liilMV PEWS THE RELIABLE STARS Watch for the Great Linoleum Sale Soon In Our Cloak Dept. LjMliea' OavciicUo . Oot worth to 115.00. at J 1.05 A great purchase of sample craven- ettes. worth regularly $7.60 to $15.00, on sal. 33 H Per Ont IUacount on Samples Over 200 elegant Barople suits, $35 to $100 values. Mil bt offered Tues day at a flat 33 1-3 per cent discount from regular prices. Sample Covert anil Plaid Coats, $ and $9.00 values, $4.95 A splendid Use of sample garments In the very new- t styles and colors very special barfsalns, at 4 fl5 " From 8 Till lO A. M f 1.2.1 PrrValft Wrappers, at 70 From H Till I) A. M Tleittherhl.HHit 7 rndersklrts, $2.00 values f J Infant's Knit lt,Ht-es 15c valu.i Tuesday, fnr 7 HA V InfantV Ulb. lleirnUr" "llsn )-. i -Heirular lOc rain tor Hoi Tuesday Infant's sale for Infant's lGc Knit So. 1 day, at Another Great Hale day. See 16th street window display. 5 nets, In Tuesdaj'sjV I b in i : So. ks on sale Tues- t , 10 r'r le .,f hhlrts Urtlnr. V In.m . j j , T i Be Sure and Mlend Our Famous Hourly Sales 8:30 Till 9:80 A. M. We will sell AraoBkeag Outing Flannels, regular grade, not over 10 yards to a cus tomer, at, per yard 10 Till 11 A. M. We will sell .We mercerized fine patterns, extra brlgnt goods, not over 12 yards to a cus tomer, at, per yard 7Hc 2 Till 3 P. M. We will sell CeleLiatcrl No. 600 English Long Cloth, sold everywhere at 12V4c and 15c a yard, for one hour and not over one bolt or 12 yards to a customer, yd.7H I Till 8:30 We will sell 12t,c llath Towels, extra heavy, not over four to a customer, at, each 5 3:30 Till 4 P. M. We will sell 12tc and 15c India Llnon, not over 12 yds. to a customer, at, yard 0 111 a a-. a im :nu 1-. m. We wl sell 50 pieces of 36-lnch Sllkdine, regular 12 He goods, not. over 12 yards to customer, at, per yard 3 It 4:30 Till 5 P. .11. We will vl'l Xtm. Simpson's black and white, and silver gray Prints, also American Indigo Blues, not over 12 yards to a cus tomer, at, per yard 14e Several other specials during the day. Wool Dress Goods Dept. Remember that w are making skirts free, every skirt guaranteed or money refunded, you se'i-ct your own cloth, and own style of making. If not en tirely satisfactory money refunded In every case. Special Furnishing Goods Bargains Men's Shirts, worth to 91.00, mostly samples, all sizes, stylish patterns, choice at 29 Men's I'nderwear, worth to 50c, plain or fancy colors, great snap Tues day at 25 Men's Half Hose, In black, tans or fancies, 12 c and 15c values spe cial Tuesday, at 3 pairs for . . . .25 Men's and Hoys' Suspenders regular 25c values, at 10 Ladies' Fine Lisle Hose 50c values -In al lover lace, lace boot or silk embroidered, ver.1' special bargains, Tuesday at, 36c per pair, or three pairs for $1.00. Indies' Fine Maco or Lisle Hose. Black with white foot and ribbed top ' or black emoroldeied, in white, reg ular 50c values, at 25 or fancy colors special Thursday, at, pair 12i, IS n Big 2ic and 5c Sale in Housefurn'h'g Dept. New vegetable urusnes, each 2c Extension Curtain Rods, each ....5c 6c Bottles Mucilage 2 hie 15c Bread Toasters, 6x8 2 He Mrs. Pott's Sink Strainers, worth 20c, at , 5c Large Scrubbing Brushes, only ..2 He 15c Whisk Brooms, each, only.... 5c Wooden or Wire Potato Mashers. 2 V&c Mrs. Pott's 15c Iron Handle 5c Wire or Wodden Coat Hangers. .. 2 Wc 16c Wooden Chopping Bowls .....6c 16c All Round Tin Graters, at.,.. Bo 10c Semi Round Graters 2 Ao Large Hatchet, one day only. ..... ,5a 15c Children's 3-plece Garden 8ets.6a 15c Handy Rug Bea'ers 2 Ho 20c Nickel Plated Cream Pitcher or Sugar 6a JAP-A-LAO SALE. We are headquarters or Paints. Oils. etc. H-pt. cans, suihii sto." -irices ifio, ours lna H-)t. canB, small stnv prices 25c, curs Vint cans, small slur prlrj-s 4o, ours 20i Quart cans, small ilr prices 76c, ours 6.o TRY HAYDENS' FIRST DR. BRADBURY, Dontlc ISM FARNAM 8T OMAHA Wit ftl.s " aSa . """"sn" Porcelain Fffls. .91 np Crowns 92JR0 np Bridge Work . 2.fi0 up lOatM.. ... .92.00 np 10 Yar siim Uoatlorn Fheo Doi ,las 17S6 W 4 tnake a spedolt. ot , jetal and roofless ptai . PaJnleM work 1 all operation. Work COarntcd 10 Tears. I TO CALIFORNIA AND RETURN ' SAN FRANCISCO or LOS ANGELES. Tlcketi on sale every day to May 18 and June 8 to 16. 1907, from OMAHA frTY THE? UnrVn TTtTP jr a mmm4 m a.-r ' Also rate of $62.60 in effect same dates to Cali fornia one way through Portland, j UNION PACIFIC For Booklet and full Information Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARviI 8T' 'Phone Douglas 3-'l. m Graduating Spoons cap and .cl.0 .n "w ,.;o.vh.,..MISf,i "seleH'ng your sradustln. I no rlaln a nice girt. r sture and see itiem. Look Ahnn In bowl wnn ... 1 scend a few minutes 1" for th name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1616 Douglas Street BOTELIt HOTEL VICTOHIA lliilli wmfflm at i-U-C UUi' Lr r, H 1 1 If Ta U 1 I iLt& WW IX THE CENTER CF THE SHOPma DISTRICT ai A Modern rtrst-Claaa HotsL Coniulats lj ail It appointments, VSirnishlnss and dso orations enllrsJr ns throuabout. Accoro motlou for 'i g-uetts, 16 uli with bsths. Boomik 11 (0 day up: Willi baths, 13 60 up. Hut and cold water sad telephone 1 rf room. Culsln ur celisd. tjt ABS0LUTEL1 c ( MKLfKUUr 3 The Mly hUl Is AUaksttaa Ireotlsf Breadway sad Fifth Avsss. i 1