Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9
V . 1 1 A rr tor Om Hem) THE OMAHA DEB, Best & West The Omaha Sunday Bee PART II. EDITORIAL SECTION PAGES 1 TO 10. VOL. XXXVI NO. 43. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 2S, 1907. SEE SPECIAL AD OF SEASONABLE HOUSEFURNISHINGS ON LAST PAGE THIS SECTION Laces and Embroideries These are the lux uries in modern dry good, just a thty vert in ye olden time. Our lines are th .quint of the best technique and taste in t'tese peerlessly fascinat ing mat rials of dress and boudoir elaboration. They're all fresh, new, sup trb. and they in clude designs and patterns of such variegated beauty and originality th'it novhere e!'-e viil vou find out showings outclassed. And our prices art 0. K., always. Very Artistic Millinery Silks! Silks! Monday we offer some magnificent silk values. The rarest qualities, the choicest desirable colorings and the best long-wearing silks you ever paid money for. EVERY KIND OF SILK OX SALE MONDAY. Diamond and round mesh Vat. edgings and inscr- Jif Hons, vorth up to tOc a yard ." V Embroidery edging and financings of Aaxnsook or Swiss, 9 to l!i in. wle, adaptable for skirts or drtss "f Qf flouncing t and worth up to 7fic a yard. J t 29c Linen Embroidered Dress Flouncings 1 7 inches, vorth 75c, Monday fr 39o jifi inches, worth $i.50. Monday for 79c Oriental All-Overs, ItS inches vide, vorth 98c l7riJZ 29c Dotttd Oriental Dress Nets, 45 in. vide, in vhite or butter, suitable for eve' ng dresscs,w.$i.50, yd, 69c 48c Cmbroldnry Edflnis. Insertions. Galloons and Bands. In Swiss or Nainsook. Ail new patterns. 3 to 12 15c Inches wide, worth up to 30o a yard Five thousand yard of Cotton Torchon laces, a i match patterns, worth up to loo a ard, lor 5c r? r? r? r? r t? z ? r? T? 2555SWasasaSBSZSHSE55HSZSZ5i .. Extra Specials on Harney Aisle Pearl Buttons, assorted sizes, one dozen on card, each card worth 5c, Monday, three cards for 5 Black Habutai Silk, elegant heavy quality for dresses or waists, washes fine on sale Mon day 29? Embroideries 18-inch Corset Cover Em broideries, that never sell for less than 25c, 50 assorted styles, on sale 12V 6111c Mulls, plain white, some colors as well, a limited quantity, worth 25c. Monday, per yard v7 Bilk Thread, black only, worth 50c per dozen, on sale .Monday, per dozen . ...,12M 27-in. China Silks In many different shades, this quality is worth 60c for slips, linings, etc., on sale Monday. . . . 86c Silk Crepe de Chines In every shade, the new brown b, light shades of all kinds, In cluding white; this fabric is excellent for summer wear. On sale Monday let , 80-i n. Fancy Silk Hutt ings, suitable for street wear or dressy gowns, come In all colcirs. These silks have sold In Omaha this season for $1.25; the styles are the best. Monday. . . . Fancy Silk new spring colorings, some have striped ef fects, othei s large 1 woven dots. These silks are new and stylish, perfect In every way r:a.le 58c SPECIAL SALE OF BLACK SILKS Every yard we sell, we guarantee our written certificate protects you we make every claim good upon request. Cleola Mack Taffeta The best wearing Taf feta la the heavy qual- 94c 59c Poplins, In ity of Black Taffeta, comes 20 in. wide, sells usually at 85c Our sale price f P Monday, per yd DDC Evciy Yard CJuarantHd. The beat $1.18 quality of Black Cleola Taffeta Silk, evtremely lus trous and heavy. We positively know there is no' better wearing Taffeta sold On sale Monday at Every Yard Guaranteed. 27-iu. Black Cleola Taf feta Silk that always sells for $1.25, the most beautiful Silk taf feta in America, for suits, dresses o"r skirts on sale OA Monday JnfC Every Yard Guaranteed. 8Mnch Mark Cleola i Taffeta Silk, the oll bolled quality, which makes the cloth su perb; superior to any other 30-ln. silk, heavy worth $1.39, C7P Monday J I C Every Yard Guaranteed. 80-inch Black Cleola Taffeta Silk that sells for $1.65, one of the best silks we lift I.IO $2.00 Block Cleola Taf feta Silk, equally as good as our competi tors show for $2.25. We offer the very best quality we have Mon- fdo7 ..:. ... . .. 1.39 Store Gleanings If It's From Dennett's It's Good TVhm you see our new soda foun tain and parlors you'll say we've sent 'em all to sleep. When you've 'tended matinee nnd (tone home axaln you won't lie down rtsjht certain whether It wan the show or the sundae you liked best. The Ladies' Home Journal Fattern Style Hook comes out monthly, una it's free for the taking. It's always ahead of all competitors In tho rat tern publishing; business. You see It Isn't tied up with any truet or hooked up In any way. Ladies' Home Journal Patterns belong to one sep arate, Independent and gigantic con cern. Th Bnmmer Style Book will b. out about May 15. ITobably the most appealing of all departments la our gigantic ( rockery and Cut UIbhs Section. No other crockery section In town begins to compare with that maze of real art and beauty on our huge second floor. And that reminds us, we're to have a rousing sale of White China on Monday. Ceramic lovers pleaso nolo. Would you ever thlrfk we had almost five thousand dollsrs worth of Llbbey Cut Glass In that glitter ing Crystal Room? It's so. Our Art Galleries on the second floor are very originally laid out and hung so much so that other great stores, outside Omaha generally, are copying our plans. Remind the boys and girls thnt we are to give away fifty dollars in prises for a name for a boys' and girls' shoe. We've gotten a great many replies: we want a great many more. Every boy and girl should try it- Get blank at shoe counters. Monday we begin a big sale of House Cleaning and Refurnishing Goods. Everything from a carpet tack to an oil painting will be spe cially priced for your annual house refurnishing days. Mall order buyers are urged to make these bargains here advertised their own. Mall the order whenever the paper reaches you, and, provided goods are unsold, the goods at bar gain prices are yours. Get your Screen Droits Monday. Prices are 'way down and the as. aortment Is 'way up. Buy now. Dress Goods The newest and most up-to-date Dress Goods Department in Omaha. This means the newest fabrics, the right colors and at the right prices. We have the fabric or color you want, at the price you desire to pay for it. A grand showing of brown fab rics. We can show you about 225 pieces of brown dress materials, from the swellest tan shades to the dark seal brown. For instance, new Chiffon in the late shades; this 46-Inch Panama leather fabric Is exceptionally desirable for skirls or suits; soft but still firm, Oft on sale OJC Swell Brown Silk Voiles These beautiful fab rics come in golden brown, or leather col orings, either plain or fancy weaves, little striped or over-check effects. On sale. . . 1.69 French Novelties, as fancy Pastel Broad cloth, in plaid or check effects. They are ex clusive and exquisite In every way, the col orings are grand; see these new creations Prices from $2.00 to. . . Millinery with just a touch of daring ex travngnnet in each specimen Vest we make a special display of Moiulay. It's a grand oppor tunity for study ing the latest con ceived desltfns In fust - received Im ports Thirty new modes, magnifi cent concepti0ns, all from London, Vienna and Paris. Twenty-live to Seventy-live Dollars Each t& 4. Beautiful display of styles from our own workrooms designs which show up charmingly beside Ihost Imported. Best value hat on the market for FIFTEEN DOLLARS 4.50 Marquietts, tho latest Palms, are here In abundance. Prices from lit to Our Challenge Five Dollar Hat It's a rich copy of the most popular foreign tto- C P"00 signs and is made by our ovn urtists, J or 3.50 Domestic Bargains Unusually Good Bargains in Domestic Goods Extra large bleached Sheets, Monday 59 Beautiful new Denims, 36 inches wide, on sale 15 9-4 bleached Sheeting, on sale 25 1.2b light Percale, new styles, on sale 10c fancy Prints, fine styles, on sale 5 10c Men's Shirting, all colors, on sale QU Cotton Chains, fine pattern, on sale. 4 Heavy fancy Ticking, double fold, on sale. . . .15J Large Feather Pillows, on sale, per pair 08 $C50 Down Pillows, on sale, per pair $4.7Ce Good Uve Feathers, per pound . . . .' 59e? Children's Hats. Caps. Bonnets, and Toques in wild profusion. RIGHT PRICES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT PRICES 2ra5Z5r3Z5rSZ5E5Z5r5?S2Sr5r5r Sale of Great Interest on Second Floor Linen and White Goods Everything new, neat and nice; everything well displayed, ample room. It's a pleasure to show you our line. 72-inch Bleached Table Damask, good designs, worth G3c 72-inch Bleached Table Damask, all linen, worth 95c 72-inch Cream Table Damask, sells regu- 4 larly for 50c a yard H SOME SPECIA 50c 75c 35c SPECIALS IN WHITE GOODS ...30c 46-inch French lawn ideal for graduating dresses regular 45c quality 45-in. Persian lawn, a nice fine quality, suitable njj. for summer dresses and readily worth 35c a yard. . DC OX 8PECL1L TABLES, MAIN AISLE White Madias Walstinga, Checks or partly Checks, Law u. Dotted Q KwImnps, Figured Swisses etc., worth up to 85c a yd . IjC BED SPREADS Full size, hemmed top of good patterns. worth up to $1.25, Monday for SI. OO Others for $1.6.0. $1.75. $2.00 and up to $6.50 All styles, hemmed, fringed, plain or cut corners these are genuine bargains. S 'm 15.00,12.50 K il S Silk PettiCOatS Lingerie and Linen Waists I N I . , . . One thousand Waists for Mon- I Ul I Mane of ffood. n on vv t n ff n . i , r i . n -. i .. . v. i i i . . I K "llk- '.xtra w,de- have P I taljored. several style pleats. I fii I jcordion rleated Bounce I Ho embroidered collars and I I Q I with two ruffles, black and all I cuffs I tone shads.::. .'. 4.95 jl.95, $3.95, $2.95 and 11.95 $2.?5. Three-Quarter Length Black Silk Coat Elegant display of new spring modelB, made up of semi - fitting and loose coat styles, some are plain tailor made others are hand somely braided or trimmed in lace and braid Silk and Lingerie Dresses Ovr ou hondrsd, handsome Bilk Dresses and mors than two hnndrsd dainty lang-sris Dresses, hilk Ureases are from the foremost designer lot Is made up of ons of a kind, every new cloth and shads Is represented. Monday's special dls- 39150729.50. 19.50 these Lorozm DUISES which ko on their first dis play Monday ara pre-eminently beau tiful, tney arc charmingly set off with dainty trim mings of baby Irish, filet net Hnd Val. laces. Monday's special display 35.00, 25.00, 15.00 Lingerie Waists ol Floe Jap Moll Prettily trimmed In Val. lace and insertions or handsome medallions $1.95, $1.48 SPECIAL SALES OF , LADIES' SUITS SEE WINDOW SHOW Ladies' $25.00 Tailored Jtadies' I sfi Tailored J Suits jil Suits i for ran ill fr I In 53Z5H5aSZSeSrlSrlSrISrlSrlSrl5rl5rS2SrlSrl5ZSrl5?SZS2SrlSH Extra Specials on Harney Aisle 35c Silk Organdies, the newest styles, the pat terns are beautiful, an elegant bargain, Mon day v 14 Collar'Ruchings, proper neck lengths, many colorings to choose from, Monday 2t Voile Suitings in every shade, black, cream, pink, blue, etc., one of the best spring suit ings for this season, fast color, worth 25c, Monday 9 Ribbons, pure silk taffeta, in every shade, the new spring colorings, worth 15c, Monday 7 Silk Taffetas In neaTly every shade, 19 inches wide, elegant quality, Bells usually for 65c we'll sell 27 pieces Monday, per yard 29 Omaha's Biggest Crockery Big closing out sale of Gainabor Aitllh & rf HA.nJ "J" " 'HO ' Sunset ware- Jugs, r t 1 1 I Fern Dishes, val ues up to $2.93, while it Ato asts. each GERMAN CHINA DINNERWARE Pretty pink decorations. AT HALF PRICE English Rock Teapots Several colors and ehapee, worth up to 60c, on sale Monday, each ZJ A diwount of 20 per cent off all Pif'ssed Glunsw Tumblers, Howls, Jtign, Water Sets, Table Kets- 20 PER CENT OFF MONDAY V- jjf "nail, -" K0RT11 PLATTE'S GALA DAY Eicinssr Brotherhood Celebrates filter AnaWersary of Firs, My I arty. EVENT ONE OF HIVTORICM. IMPORT la th Walt of This Orsanlsattou Comes Great Trala of I imp t re Uulldlaf Coincide! ad Factors. Western Nebraska Is prepared for the silver anniversary of ths first May party of dlvlHlon 8$ ot the Brotherhood of Lo comotive Knglneers, which will be held at North Tlatte Wednesday. This will be the twenty-fifth annual May party given by this order, and so populur have they beoome that they are looked forward to by the western section of ths state with as much Interest as ths whole state looks forward to Ak-8ar-Iien or the horse show. No expense Is snared to make this af fair of the hlahast order, and especially tills year, which Is the silver anniversary. t'p and do a n ths line of the Union Pa cific the women have been preparing since the first of the year for this party, and dressinakaers have had a busy time. Some Of the women. In order not to be crowded out in the ruth of the last days, had their gowns made two months ago and laid on a shelf waiting for the big day. The town w ill be crowded worse than Omaha ,1s on lis gala days, but the good people of North Platte will meet that emergency by throwing open their homes to acoommodate lattors. The opera house will b gaily d, as will the entire city for that matter. An elaborate souvenir has been printed as memento of the occasion, giving a history of the construction of the Union Pacific In that section, a history of ths order and sketches of some f the leading men and founder of the order. Orlala of the Lodaa. This May party, ilka Its predecessors, la given by Urand Island division (8, Brother, hood of Looomotlv Engineers, which wss crgsnlast at Q:aa4 Island July U, lb7. the visit decorate when the charter waa granted, and It was the first division of the order organized on the Union Pacific. Warren Lloyd, Jo seph Cleburne, L. W. Rollins, U O. Far rlngton, John Riley, Lafayette Schaffer, John B. Wells. W. If. Whitney and Robert Waugh were the nine charter members. W. H. Whitney was first chief engineer of the division. The headquarters of the division remained at Urand Island until 1K7J, when a dissension arose as to whether the headquarters should be moved to North Platte or Omaha. Ad riot work on the part of two North Platte engineers won the day and the headquarters were moved to North Platte, The division, however, retained the name of the town In which It waa organised until December, 1S91, when It was changed to George W. Vroman divi sion 88. Two of the founders of the order are still alive, L. O. Harrington of North Platte and L. W. Rollins of Grand Island, the latter s.till In active service. First May Forty. At a meeting of the dlvlHlon March IT, ISM, W. J. Stuart moved that trie division give a dance early in May of the same year. The chair appointed W. J. Stuart, Thomas Terry, George W. Dlllard. H. J. Clark and James McUade a committee to arrange for the party. At a later meetlag, upon motion of J. J. jullivan. the name of the proposed dance was changed to May party and May 1, issa. designated as the data. The Initial party was held at what was then known as Keith's opera bouse on front street, and the tickets were XS, which Included supper at the Pacific- hotel. The music was furnished by the Twenty first United States Infantry band, then stationed at Sidney. Superintendent W. A. Deuel, the division Bujxrlntendent of the Union Pacific, Issued orders for the trans portation of the band from Sidney to North Platte and return without cost to D1-' vision 10. An engine and three cabooses were started out at Sidney with the bund, and the train stopped at all stations and picked up all employes ot the company who desired to attend the May party. The train returned to Sidney the following day. This courtesy on the part of Superinten dent Deuel was greatly appreciated by members of Division SS, as well as by those employe who had been picked up at tue various stations. The initial May party was a great suc cess, and each year since then it has af forded the people of North Platte a yearly opportunity to enjoy themselves. Good Work Don by Order. Magnificent work has been dona by the order since its founding and assistance has been lent to the engineers and to other branches of the service. On request of George W. Vroman in 1877 Division SS took the Initiatory steps to organize the gen eral committee of adjustment In accordance with the laws, and local committees met In Laramie In April, where the general com mittee was organised with a. W. Vro man as chairman and H. J. Clark as sec retary. The story of the work of the organisa tion, as told by George W. Vroman, after whom the order was named. Is Interesting. "On June 30, 1SS7, just before noon, there was an order by wire posted all over the Union Pacific system, that a reduction of from to 10 per cent in the wages of all employes would take effect July 1," says Mr. Vroman. "At that time there was no Order of Railway Conductors, Brother hood of Railway Trainmen and very few Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, and a few Firemen's union men, but SO per cent or more were nonunion firemen. By request of divisions. General Chairman Vroman culled the general committee to meet In session at Omsha as soon as could be done, the firemen Joining as fire men only. We first met I. H. Congdon. general master mechanic, and requested that the order for reduction be rescinded so far as related to engineers and fire men. Mr. Congdon tried to prevail upon u to go home and try the reduction and, If not satisfactory, two or three of us could come back and he would adjust It satisfactorily. We told him we wished to have It settled while we were there. We told him we would see 8. H. H. Clark, general superintendent. Mr. Clark then Invited us to meet him at his house the evening following, whera we discussed the question from T until 10 o'clock, Mr. Cong don being present We asked Mr. Clark If he would rescind the order at that time and ha aald he desired to consider It a little farther and Invited us to meet him the following Monday morning. (This was oa Saturday evening). The next day, Sun day, the great riot and fire occurred at Pittsburg, Pa., several million dollars worth of property being destroyed. Some time during Sunday night an order came to Mr. Clark from the directors, ordering the rescinding of order of reduction on all employes. Tho promptness of the Broth erhood of Locomotive Engineers In meeting this emergency was beneficial to ali othir employes." First Recnlar Schedule. In 1SSS engineers of the system formu lated their first regular schedule of pay and conditions under which they worked. The firemen were not represented at this meeting, but were carried along and re ceived proportionate benefits. At this con ference S. T. Smith, general superintend ent, at Mr. Vioman's request included the firemen. They found that division master mechanics at many places were establish ing a classification of pay for young men Just promoted, running from six months to a year, at the discretion of division master mechanics, before they paid stand ard pay. Just before this schedule was made the Kansas Central, now called the Leavenworth, Kansas Si Western, came Into the system. This road was paying very low wages, but was also brought up to standard. In March, I8J-9. the Kansas Central was segregated from the system and alleged to be under a separate management, under Mr. Baldwin, Jr., whose father was a di rector of the Union Pacific system. Mr. Baldwin proposed a reduction of wages of engineers and firemen before his official chair was hardly - warm, to take effect April 1. The engineers and firemen con ferred with Mr. Baldwin, asking a restora tion of their wage In accordance with the engineers' schedule, but he declined to make any conceHslons, when the men called General Chairman Vroman, who met Mr. Baldwin at Leavenworth and after a very short conference offered to restore a por tion of the reduction, which was declined by Chairman Vroman. as he had no au thority to vary from the established sched ule. Mr. Baldwin declined to restore the wages and Mr. Vroman informed him that the rase would be taken up at Omaha with Thomas L. Kimball, then acting general manager of the system. Mr. Baldwin stated that he would be there to meet the men. The general commit tee of adjustment was called and about June IS met In Omaha and con ferred with Mr. Kimball, who made an effort to convince the men that the Kansas Central was under separate management, although they had evidence that nearly all clerical work was done In Omaha at head quarters and that the men were paid In Union Pacific checks. After discussing the question with Mr. Kimball for a day or two It was proposed to have the question arbitrated. Mr. Baldwin and Mr. Vroman agreed upon Captain Rustln, who was at that time general manager of the Omaha cable street car lines. Mr. Rustln was one who stood very high In the estimation of all business men of Omaha. Mr. Baldwin tndAlr. Vroman met Mr. Rustln at the Millard hotel on the 26th day of June and presented the men's documentary evidence and made their oral argument before the arbitrator, the whole being taken down by a stenographer. On the next day, June 27, after thoroughly reviewing the evidence, the arbitrator rendered his dclslon In favor of the brotherhood, restoring the rages of the Kansas Central. This was a remark able victory of organized labor, as this whs the first case of a difference between rail road employes and railroad officials being adjusted by arbitration. Panic Ties lp Thlnss. During the years 1SSS-K9, through the ac quisition of contiguous lines, the Union Pa cific Bystem had a mileage of &,0u0 ami the men and officials were moving along harmoniously, until October, 1M3. 'when the panic caused the system to pass Into the hands of a receiver. In February, 18M, the receivers proposed, by advice of the United States court of the dlmrlct of NebraHka, new schedules of pay, making a reduction of all labor working undei schedules, and a reduotlun of all unorganized In Lor. this reduction to take effect April 1. All the United States courts of the several states and territories covering all lines of the Union Pacific system declined to enter the order of the Nebraska United States court without a hearing, except the United States court of Oregon. The representatives of all working under schedules filed answer to receivers' petition In United States courts for Colorado and Wyoming, Judges Hallet and Rlner, where the men had a hearing and won their case. Whereupon the receivers appealed to the circuit court of appeals at St. Louts, before Judge 11. C. Caldwell, who ordered the re ceivers to give a hearing early In April at Omaha, In the United Slutes court, before Judge Caldwell, with Judge Rlner sitting with him. The case was of such Importance to all organized railroad labor, that the principal grand officers of all railroads were present, and the court room was crowded to Its full capacity, and all were Intensely interested in every act of the court and evidence of witnesses. After the evidence had oil been given, the attorneys for both sides agreed to submit the case to the court without argument. The next day, at the morning session of court. Judge II. C. Cald well ordered that the receivers should con duct the business of the property under the old schedules of pay, In accordance with the de.slres of all employes. This case was notable, as organized Jabor had reached the Jurisdiction of the highest court (United States court of appeals) ever reached In the hlHtory of organized labor. This great Judicial victory was widely com mented on by the prens of the whole coun try as a precedent as to the rights of labor serving under the Jurisdiction of a United States court and receivers. Following this Incident, everything on the system moved along quite well, and as the company procured motive power of greater capacity, the men on the system, by the Influence of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Knglneers and their general committee of adjustment, procured increased compensa tion for running engines of greater capacity and handling greater tonnage per train, re sulting In greater profit and profperlty to the company. Trials of F.arlr Trainmen. The trial of the earlv trainmen were many and dangers from Indians were nu merous. Trains did not run on the sched ules as they do today. When a trahi started out from a terminal It reached Its destination when It "f there." If the englnemen and trainmen desired a mess of or game the train was left on a side track while they engaged In the aport. One of the early pioneer engineers was killed and scalped by Indians nenr what Is now Islington, and others hud narrow escapes from savages Theodore Living ston knew an engineer who was scalped by an Indian and recovered his scalp, had It tanned and carried It around with him for years. Occasionally a roving baud of Indians would tear out a section of the track, which would greatly deluy matters, as the facilities were not at hand to re pair as they are today. Such were ths hardships of the early railroaders on the Union Pacific and many of these pioneers will meet at North Platte at the May party and talk over old times. North Platte Western Metropolis. North Platte has a population of 5,000 people and Is the most thriving town In western Nebraska. It Is the division point of the Union Pacific and the branching oft place for the Union Pacific and Burlington extensions Into Wyoming. Eighty per cent of the murrled men of the Union Paclflo who reside there own homes The Union Pacific will upend $3"J,0u0 In terminal Im provements at North Platte. Between 20,004 and 25.MI0 cars are Iced at North Platte each year. It was statvd by the committee while In Omaha last week that the banks of the town were bulging with the deposits of the thrifty men who reside there. The succens of the May party la assured. The committee has done Its work well and the souvenirs will be beautiful and well worth preset ving. CHURCH DIGNITARIES BUSY lleatlncatlon of Plus IX and Prepara tlon of Sen Hllabus Inter esta Vatican. ROMIi April 27.-(Speclal.)-At the prea ent time two events of great Importance to the church are occupying the attention of the Vatlcui. These are the beatification of Pope Plus IX and the publication of a new "Syllabus." As rcgurds tue first, the be atification commenc ed In the diocese f Sln UUilia, where Plus IX was born, and at Imola, of which he waa bishop. After Ions; and patient Inquiries have been made the procexs will be brought before tho congre gation of rites, where the procedure always lasts for several yeas. The new "Syllabus," In which are enum erated all of the theological and political errors condemned by the church, has been completed by the holy office. It has been examined by the Irish monk, David Flenv. lug, to see If any technical or typographical errors can be found.